#beta levels
mikayesha · 9 months
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Gift for @/FOUENlX on Twitter!! Happy Birthday:DDD
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demonsandarling · 11 months
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british vogue 2019
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nephilimbrute · 6 months
What do you think would happen if Pearl met beta/octo Pearl?
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aboredindividual · 1 month
People think that because of the dominant insticts and whatnot, the alphas are the strongest and will easily beat you up if they wanted but not realise the absolute POTENTIAL omegas have for fucking someone up. Like! Lets look at it biologically, Omegas are basically constructed to be the amazing childbearers and blah blah blah, BUT! what people not realise is that nature would not let the mother be completely defenceless against predators and would equip them with some attributes that would allow them to protect their children amiright?
SO, In previous posts i said that omegas have small canines but sharpest ones of all secondary genders and the same can be said about nails. They have agile body and better developed lower body muscles. Their sense of smell is the most developed and sensitive with good eyesight to boot.
With all this information in mind, I cannot NOT picture Omega who is super pissed of or thinks that their kits are in danger and absolutely demolishes an alpha that fucked around enough to find out. Like full dropkick and mafia curbstomp. And even if they try to run away the omega can still hunt them down like Nyla from ATLA.
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I think that ,,Mama bear mode'' would be more instictual and the omegas would be very protective of their young and mate, having the urge to fuck someone up who dares to even breath in direction of their child. That instinct would of course fade after some time of course but it still would be funny.
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lyomeii · 1 year
✰ you recall how you met jinwoo ✰
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⇾ spoiler alert for the side story ⇽
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it’s look yesterday that you’ve met jinwoo.
he first approached you during lunch at school, saying that he needed to talk with you after classes and that easily made you blush.
sung jinwo, the prettiest and smart boy in the school, asked you to stay after classes ended to talk? you are living the dream that almost every girl and boy wishes to become reality, yet something feels so weirdly about him. definitely isn’t about him actually, but rather how familiar his touch is.
the gentleness when he holder your hand when speaking made you feel like part of royalty, the way his eyes shaped when looking at you was almost like he was staring into an immense treasure. those felt so familiar, but what did actually catch you in fully surprise during that little conversation in the hall is the fact he kissed you in front of anyone who was passing by.
everyone stared at both of you. whispering about how lucky you are to being dating the most desirable, coolest, smart and handsome guy of the entire school. the whole situation made you want to vanish of existence and yet, you went to met him after classes just like he asked that moment.
inside the teacher’s office, he spoken words that you never believed that would hear from someone. jinwoo said words that not only made you feel special for the first time, but also made your heart beat way faster than the normal and your cheeks become redder was he slowly approached you. he kissed you that afternoon, after you accepted his feelings and promised for stay together til the end of time.
that was years ago and now you are married to him, have a small baby boy with him and share a immense house together. still, you can’t believe that you marry jinwoo, of all of the people in the world, he choose you to be with him. what a story.
“ everything alright?” he look over the couch, catching you and suho drawing with crayon all over the floor. his gray eyes aren’t leave this view anytime soon.
you nodded to your husband, too busy playing with suho as he draws and explain all of his imaginary friends that father show him a few days ago. the little sketches resemble a gigantic ant and others creature that you can’t figure out, probably suho has a gray imagination for creating those.
when done with his art, suho showed you the final product as he smiles, showcasing that he recently lost his two front teeth from a small accident a few week earlier. he continued to talk about the world he visit with father and the many creatures living there who all are shadows that obey father and you.
“ If they obey you, then dad must be someone important!” even tired, you still excited to learn everything about the little world that suho created. you are going to invest this kid into art classes one day. “ right?”
suho nodded to your words, too busy to speak as he return to draw once again, leaving to his father to answer you.
“ You’re right.” a kiss is planted on your lips, gaining him a small smile on the face. “ I am someone important there, but so you are.”
he kissed you once again before making you resting your head on his shoulder, both of you watching suho drawing in silence, at least on your case. jinwoo and suho are listening to the shadows rumbling about you unstoppable.
“they are truly someone perfect for our monarch!”
“ our monarch would be lost without them in his life!”
“ we should take them for a surprise visit and show them the statue we made on their honor!”
jinwoo hopes for a day that you will have to hear the constant voices of his shadow along him and suho, he doesn’t know when do it so, but he hopes that you will enjoy having someone to talk with during his work hours.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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sass-squat · 1 year
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Part 4 of the Linked Universe Winged Au! This time around we've got our favorite short king, Four!
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Starting off strong with more fun facts about birds, Painted Buntings are mainly known and recognized for their bright, colorful plumage to the point where they are oftentimes referred to as, "Nature's Living Box of Crayons".
Now aside from the obvious similarities in color schemes and the absolute CRIME it would be to choose any other bird for Four, my interpretation of Four and his personality also share many similarities with those of a Painted Bunting. For example, these birds most commonly lurk in low, dense covers of brushy areas and woodland edges which is incredibly similar to what he did in his adventures all throughout Minish Cap.
On top of that, Painted Buntings also have a tendency to be very independent and fiercely territorial. Because of this, I headcanon that despite his generally calm exterior and his short height, Four is by far the Link who's most ready to throw hands at a moments notice and is willing to dive bomb enemies should the need arise, even more so than Wild.
However, while Four does share certain behavioral traits of a Painted Bunting in this Winged Au, his appearance is actually a result of the combination of all his other "selves" or "colors".
Four was still very young when he began his adventure in Four Swords to the point where he actually hadn't lost his baby feathers yet before starting his journey. However, when he drew the Four Sword and split into four separate individuals, all four of those "colors" not only had different personalities like in both the manga and comic, but different wings and colors as well. Because of this, by the end of his adventure when they merged into a united whole again, his wings took on a combined mix of all the colors to resemble that of a Painted Bunting.
Anyways, that was a lot but that's all for now folks! As always kudos to all those who read through that mini lore dump and thank you all again for being so nice and supportive! Feel free to reach out with any questions or requests for who or what you would like to see next!
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galaxxies18 · 10 months
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Obsessed with these two. Like, insanely.
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And then this lady. If she asked me to bark I would.
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snuffysbox · 6 months
im not sure how active you are on tumblr or how many asks you get, but i hope you see this! i recently discovered a pc game still in beta that is EXTREMELY similar to stardew valley and breath of the wild. it's called palia. i really think you'll enjoy it and you should give it a shot! it's free and has hot people in it 👍
I've been following Palia's development for a while, but haven't tried it yet. I have been playing a fair bit of Coral Island, which comes even closer to the Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon formula (as far as I can see anyway). And while I've had mostly a good time with it, I start to just want to play Stardew Valley again after a while lol
Palia is an MMO from what I can tell, and I'll likely give it a shot but I honestly don't expect much from it, seeing as I usually give up on MMOs after a bit of grinding (unless the story and singleplayer experience is good enough to keep me going, like it was with smth like SWTOR).
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 1 month
My quote of the week that filled my girlfriend with Rage:
"Destiny is just Kingdom Hearts for Halo fans."
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garbage--account · 2 months
Everyone is laughing their ass off with iconic Unmei's one-liner but no one noticed this legendary controller's actions :
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Press X to :
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Press A to :
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Press Y to :
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Press B to :
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exaltior-a · 6 months
Every day I try not to be a hater to people in fandom who completely fall for a characters facade or false perception of themselves. Like girl the narrative device tricked you.
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*turns on megaphone and turns the volume on max*
*turns off megaphone and walks away*
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“No beta we die like men” and thank god they’re dead
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melonymint753 · 5 days
my hades 2 experience is like. man this game balance is in such a janky state, they're really putting this out huh. oh right this is EA, bigger studios would hire QA companies or playtesters for this-
wait. this used to be a paid job.
that we're paying money to do for free xD
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musubiki · 8 months
What are the guild members weird/out of ordinary/embarrassing habits. I mean there’s gotta be something that Lime wouldn’t be caught dead doing, even Mochi can’t know about it. We know Mochi already collects weird shit but when she’s bored late at night does she play with her potion ingredients like dolls in elaborate complex soap opera plot lines?
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im just imagining one of their classmates overhearing this one phrase as they walk by mochi in the halls and being like "........................huh?"
BUT !!!! hmmm.......to be honest i never really thought about this.... especially for mochi and lime, in my head theyve always been the type of friends that know everything about each other!!!! i dont think lime has anything he hides from mochi out of embarrassment or otherwise, its part of why he likes her so much is because he doesnt feel like he needs to keep up any kind of image around her!!! when it comes to habits/interests/etc, in his mind he figures "Well she already saw me at every single one of my top 10 most humiliating moments of my life, at this point theres nothing that can deter her (plus I have enough dirt on her that I dont have to feel bad about having any cringe interests)."
as for mochi.........she deadass doesnt think of that stuff. maam mochi was raised a witch, born to be an outsider, literally was not taught to give a fuck about what anybody thinks. ie, she does whatever she likes and figures "If they think I'm weird, I'm actually not, its just that I'm a witch!" even for things that are actually fucking weird even among witches. "Did you just....lick that fucking beetle?" murda says to her, and mochi goes "Huh? That's normal right?" "IT'S NOT!!"
even when it comes to lime, the same mentality applies!! even if she reflected back and thought "Huh, I did weird shit in front of him..." it would gradually become "But he hangs out with me anyway so I guess its okay?" (she asked him once if he though she was weird. he flat out gave her a "Yeah. Very." but then added he likes her better when shes being a weirdo than if she would try to be normal)
as for mochi playing around with her spell ingredients........i can 100% see her doing that. shes definitely the type to give them very unoriginal names like "Mr. [ingredient]" and uses magic to animate them. bonus points if lime walks in on her in the middle of act III, part II, and watches and/or joins her (throws in ridiculous plot twists and spin-offs and they start arguing if the young family he manufactured for Sir Moss is necessary to the storyline)
(the only thing they dont tell each other about/never talk about is love, for obvious reasons. theyre both nervous as fuck. also, neither of them have brought it up before so they both think after a while "Well they never talk about it so maybe I shouldn't ask..."
lime knows boys never ask mochi out. ever. he didnt want to bring it up if it was a sensitive subject for her (no one wants to talk about how no one finds them attractive, and he figures theres nothing he can do about it so he leaves it alone). same with mochi, she knows lime flat out rejects all the girls who come to him and is too afraid to ask why. she doesnt want to know the answer if its something like "Yeah I don't care for a relationship, period." shed rather live in delululand)
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nyashykyunnie · 10 months
How obsessed are you?
Me: Bitch please
((The top two are made by me))
Top one- Hs Jinwoo au
Second One- Jinwoo as your husband au
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