#beliv does it work
breakbeatbun · 2 years
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just-an-enby-lemon · 5 months
HC that Chester and Norris also don't kow who Augustus is. Both or one of them might think is Jonah, but they don't really know. They never actually heard Jonah, Is a new voice and even if Jon knew everything once is hard to think inside a computer even less to remember all that information. They are just trapped in barely existence in a Windows NT with someone who might or not be their biggest enemy and if someone were to check the secret notes encrypted in the accient notes app they would find a weird conspiracy board over "who is here with us".
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maybe instead of elementary school noel working at taco bell, he just has to help his mom make the class snack and it's like really embarrassing for him dkfjghldfjgh
love that for him. Our school never really had students make snacks to bring, so I’m just imagining him making stuff for choir practice.
When he goes “What’s that?” it’s a picture of him with his mom making homemade cupcakes with matching aprons
Or something I just thought of rn. the ultimate small child equivalent of a dead end job… he has a lemonade stand. He’s still “saving up to move to France” it’s just going to take him a while
Oh adding on to his shame, his mom is helping him by buying cups of lemonade from him
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the dream would be a 15hour week workday at a low stress job not that far from home but not too close it feels intimate to your home, a small mangable appartment that wont fall apartwith furnishings i like,bills that arnt stress inducing in a way that make me think about money all the time, and just chill and do my hobbies when im not doing all the other things people have to do in their adult to not be that sad life like cook and clean and talk to people
#would be cool to publish and stuff#but again dont want to turn my hobbies into somthing more stress inducing then perfecting my craft already does#cant belive the dream is the bere minimum#25 hours a week max#but still its really just the bere minimum#oh to live the bere minimum#life always finds a way to make things difficult#and it would be cool to be able to get rid of some of the more consistent stuff like money stress and work stress#so when there are more difficult things to worry about its not pilled up on the stuff thats day to day#i know some people like having alot to do but that is not me#but yeah feel free to make this your dream too i think its ok to just want to exist stress free enough to properly enjoy the mundane#cuz the mundane is pretty neat#and everyone acts like its this terrible thing but it happens everyday#the sun sets the sun rises but i still get excited when i get a good view#want to enjoy that without worrying about everything i have to work for to become successful#i think we are alowed to not want to work for things we dont care about that much just for the bere minimum of existence#would be totally diffrent if it got u up there but#it doesnt?#but im totally chill if giving like 25%-50% gave me just enough#not saying that would be how much i care just now much energy i give#and honestly alot of work can come out of that much energy#giving your 100% is stupid and uderrated and your 100% will become worse and worse#ofc still fine to do it but all the time is crazy people still gotta use some of that energy to live life outside of the hustle#offical hustle hate post
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dinglerofl · 10 months
I don't understand mindfulness/meditation techniques.
Don't get me wrong, I know they're very helpful for a lot of people, and all power to you for doing what works for you.
But for me they're absolute nightmares. The last thing I need when I need to calm down or relax is someone telling me what to do and keeping me in place. Probably trauma related, idk. Honestly it's one of the easiest ways to induce a panic attack/meltdown/flashback/all of the above for me. My instinct goes into overdrive trying to fight it and I'm so tired of people recommending it to me.
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magical-girl-04 · 1 year
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
Bestie gender itself is a performance, don't know why you're asking specifically about gay men tho when it's quiiiite clear I'm a lesbo lol. But there are clearly people who preform masculinely and feminally and of course those who don't preform either or switch it up. And of course it's not all based on gender presentation but also sexual preference, I would not like to have sex with anyone with a dick regardless of gender for example. So like yeah everything is performative and built on culture and society because that's just how humans work. There are many factors that influence the people we're attracted to and labels are just there to be labels. A gay man can say he likes men but that doesn't mean he likes all men yknow, labels just make shit easier to get across.
Anyway this was a random ass ask but kinda fun to think about for someone who is currently doing a queer theology course lol.
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demetriustheangel · 10 days
I love how Cass works in extremes when he doesn't have the Winchesters:
or he goes peacefully fishing
or he becomes a nazi
who knows
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rat-rosemary · 7 months
One thing that I don't think that I appreciate enough is that no matter how much my mother has been bugging me to try to make money in some way (mostly in ways I shouldn't) since I turned 16 if I turned to her and even implied I want to move out around now she would look at me like I'm fucking insane
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ignisiu · 2 years
if ur argument is that sex work is always rape because people do sex work for a living then is all agricultural labor slavery because people do agricultural slavery for a living?
Firstly, Sorry to everyone who follows my blog who arn't really concerned by this. It is in respons to a reply I made on a post a while ago. But it is a serious subject and a serious question. I will put my answer under the line. Answer in short: That is not what I said. 
Well, luckily my argument is not that sex work is rape because people do it for a living. It is because you can not buy consent. Consent by definition is freely given and can be taken back without repercussions. In sex work the person has been paid so it is not freely given, neither can they take it back without repercussions. Since sex work necessarily includes paying for "consent" there can never be actual consent and since there can never be consent it is always rape. If this was not clearly expressed in my reply on the post (I don't feel like going back to look it up) then I hope that this clears it up.
On a sidenote not actually relevant to my reasoning but relevant in the more general sense: Sex as an act is not the same thing as working in a field. Why? Because, in my opinion, no matter if you believe that sex is necessarily emotional or not it is an act that is very intimate and one that very heavily coincides with my rights to own personhood. While this is also a good argument for allowing people to do what they want with their bodies. In my opinion it serves as an argument for why sex is put on a different level than other work and actions. Also this is not trying to say that casual sex is bad, just that it is still intimate even if it is casual and that consent is very important there.
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averwonders · 2 years
absolutely love the idea that whatever you do in your life even if it's the most basic things, worst mistakes or something that felt like a waste of time is NEVER wasted, that there's always something to take away from them and to learn. everything that we do comes back to us, teaches us something and adds up to make us who we are even if it doesn't feel like that at the moment. so do the things you love even if people say it's a waste of time because it isn't! go watch that cheesy movie, pick up that "useless" hobby, engage in your guilty pleasures, read that filthy comic or fanfiction, listen to whatever you want, watch that old baby's cartoon or asmr videos, play silly games etc etc. you don't have to be "productive" all the time, you being happy and enjoying your life is productive enough and maybe along that way you'll end up learning the most useful things at the most unassuming places.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
All I could picture was Brie having never smoked before meeting Stoner Darling. So you just get
Viewer: Wait you smoke!?
Brie: *High off his ass* I do now!
Plus Brie only ever getting stoned after he met up with Darling again, so it just becomes their thing. He gives them cum laced food, they give him weed.
Brie's probably tried it once or twice at parties, but never thought about it outside of those occasions. After accidentally serving someone a pizza topped with his "secret sauce" poor boy is in need of a little medicinal relaxation.
"So you're a virgin, huh-"
Brie chokes on his spit.
"First time smoking? Least with another person. You used that blunt I gave you the other night, didn’t you? Lucky for you, you're in the hands of a professional. If you green out at any point I got some milk in the fridge. Does better for you than water."
A blessing. What Brie had written the worst night of his life turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. Who could've guessed a wrong address would lead to him to doorstep of someone like you. He's never felt this was about a crush before and he hasn't even known you long- Brie almost couldn't belive the promise of bringing more free food was all it took for an invitation into your humble abode.
On today's menu was a basket of wings and fries coupled with some ranch to dip them in. You had already cleared three of small cups in between rolling a blunt for the two of you to share. At some point, you skipped the chicken entirely in favor of scrapping your fingers around the rim of the plastic. Brie's heart nearly stopped in his chest when you asked him to bring a full container of the stuff the next time he stopped by.
Doing that kind of work for his fans had always been a hassle, but he'd do anything to see you again.
Wipping your mouth with a napkin and taking a few swigs of the water bottle on the table, you seal the roll before offering it to Brie along with a lighter. His shorts shrunk a little watching your skilled tongue flow across the paper.
"You want the first hit?"
Brie's eyes remain glued to your lips. With all he's done by now an indirect kiss shouldn't mean that much to him... Still...
"Uh... I don't mind waiting. It's your weed afterall."
"Aren't you sweet. Suit yourself."
Easing back against the couch, you place the thinner of the blunt to your lips - lighting the end as you inhale. You take a few puffs before passing it off to him. Brie breathes deep as he holds it to his mouth, though there's a different type of high he's chasing as he closes his eyes.
Looks like his fans are in for another surprise stream soon as he gets home-
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azure-cherie · 4 months
20 things I've learned as i turn 20
My birthday is in a few days though i like to keep it private I'd like to share some of my thoughts 😁 the things I've learned are mostly based off my experiences
Individuality: one can be a loner in life but that doesn't guarantee a thing about individuality, to learn it one has to be in uncomfortable places and do uncomfortable things only to realise oh that is my thing and i must pursue , though we keep acquiring things from here and there all our lives but it's our zest that makes it ours .
Don't be afraid to move alone, stay alone or do things alone , I'm still working on it and the most important part is people are so busy they don't even care what you are doing, only a pathetic person jokes about you being lonely and doing things on your own
You are watching self help but are you applying it ?? With so much information available one can often get lost in comparison and be confused about thing , to try things is a better way to decide whether we should listen to someone , most of the times people don't even know what they're saying always ask yourself before following someone's advice .
Only give someone something when you are genuinely having an excess in your life , give from what you have extra , or else you'll end up feeling empty and sad because you gave them from your part, for example : there's a friends birthday and you don't have excess to give them a gift just skip the party or give them something hand made like cards , gifts or bake cookies , if they really love you they will appreciate you and only such people are worth having around , same with your time , only make time for others when you have done everything for yourself.
Don't fall into the trap , boundaries are tangible, don't be like " oh I had such a good day my best friend is crying but my boundary is to not care i live my good life" shut up this girl right here was there for you when you needed someone we often lose our way then the people around us need to bring us to the right path , you need people around you remember. Please do this only if the other person does the same for you .
It's okay to not like anyone around you : Darwin said survival of the fittest and we mostly stay in competition with people , so it's okay to not like everyone don't ghost them because you find one thing annoying, they have good things you can look out for , focus on the good .
Give yourself and others the space : don't seem needy or desperate because you had a fight with someone or just a problem with yourself, perspectives come with time , you and they need it if it's meant to be things will be alright
It's okay to lose things , we get tired of things and people and situations and it's fine if it's worth you can fight for it but if you are staying only because of attachment it doesn't take long till it wears off , get ready for the new chapter of your life
It's okay to win , personally I realised I have been afraid of winning and that's why I don't. when you are young you can be programmed to feel like a loser but know that life keeps changing you can win if you believe it .
You don't need to fix everything about you : ahh please please don't give up on good things just because you thing you are yet to heal , no you're good go for it if you feel like it , moreover something's are just not worth it to fix or heal , simple changes can accomodate.
People who love you will accommodate for you and it goes both ways , you have to belive in the power of you and everyone around you and sometimes bend when you need to
What is not worth bending is your values , when you know something is right do what is right regardless , be the right person to yourself by doing what is right to you .
Don't worry about being a good or bad person , it doesn't matter in the long run , a narcissist thinks they're the best and an anxious person thinks they're the worst but we know what's the truth , sometimes in life you have to do bad things but that doesn't make you a bad person , you need to survive in this world things aren't cheap we suffer from capitalism and mind games , do what you need to get a good life for you and your closed ones , we'll talk about the bad deeds in hell and even god will see what you have done and why you have done it , intentions matter .
Keep a balance of experiences and consequences, don't lose out of an experience because you worried about the consequences too much and don't do something that you will regret because you didn't think about the consequences of your actions.
Never tell one person everything, don't vent to everyone , the more you vent the more possibility you have of your personal information getting leaked as a gossip, if you tell different people about different issues you can know when they betray you and dismiss the rumour and cut them off and know that some people are just better at advice in different sectors like you wouldn't ask a logical person who's invested in financial topics about your emotional turmoil it will only disappoint.
Keep your spiritual practices private , don't do something because everyone is , people like to mock , put bad energy or evil eye on perfectly fine things , it's only protection to keep your practices private or anonymous on the internet . Do some spiritual practice because you feel connected to it not because everyone is , don't follow the crowd look within yourself. This applies to deity work , magic or manifestation.
Learn about money and finances and investment, Acquire skills it's only right when you know enough about these things as they create the foundation of your life here, learn about it young so you don't suffer when older . learn everything that you can don't be afraid to be a first timer one day you'll be a pro at it and you'll thank yourself that you were a first timer , try everything you can .
Don't worry about defining yourself, you're constantly changing and that's the beauty of you , you can know who you are and you have to relearn who you are in every era of life .
Be happy for what your parents have done and forgive for what they didn't, this can be hard but don't let them be another obstacle for you to not reach your highest self it's best to forgive and move on , it's also their First time as a person learning about living.
Love yourself unconditionally, last but not the least the most important, forgive yourself, accept the ways you have changed , do things for yourself, practice all 5 love languages on yourself, give yourself the love .
I have learnt so much more and hope you do too , love you so much 🤍
Thanks for reading<33
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Mars Aspects, how you like to WIN
if you win,i dont win so i gotta turn my loss into yours, becsuse we can't all be winners. i didnt change my mind, just chose a better outcome, whats your choice?
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Mars aspecting sun - winning at all costs, they appear like a winner, but the means and ways they go about it are so in your face, you become impressed but simultaneoulsy concerned. but thats what gets them off. they turn the expression show dont tell, into show and tell everybody. which gives them more enemies, but also makes em more fierce. also flambouyant just to throw their enemies off lol. mars aspecting moon - they like to win behind closed doors. they want you to belive in them, simply becsuse they believe in you. its what gets them emotionally secure i guess. the security of winning. but its just confusing becsuse for example we watching tv on da couch, and your trynna pull a funny. sit down we still love you we just tired. but if you put them in there place expect a tantrum. mars aspecting mercury - basically death note. intellectual competitors/debators always playing the chess game of anything; "whats the best move here" also super entertainign speakers, can talk super fast and aggressively. also very into learning, they want to dominate the intellectual sphere. they wanna argue with everyone but no one wanna bite back lol. also > can't catch deez hands
mars aspecting venus - agrresively charming. there charisma just exudes from there aura naturally, people just laugh at these guys so easily, because they just are likeable with it. also people love it when they are angry, they just fall for em harder. but they dont like to get angry becsuse theyd rather just be charming mars aspecting jupiter - so much movement, they move like the "wacky waving inflatable arm tube man" - family guy. but seriously the way they move peopple just cant believe they move like dat, they move so strangely but hypnotically. also so much energy these guys can do a million sets in da gym and eat the whole fridge. they just got way too much energy and it shows... they also just get really lucky w competition, victory just lands in their lap lol. mars aspecting saturn - these guys are always striving to be da best at whatevrr there mind is set on. if they gotta goal, then whatsver is obstructing there path better move or they gonna trample all over it/ya. kinda intimidating. but this usually sets them back, but in the end only makes them stronger/ more fierce. because to them the fear people have of them is also getting in there way lmao. unless it works to there favour... basically control freaks and they only care about their agenda, but will pretend to have your interests in mind, just to get there ends. mars aspecting uranus - these guys are the true psychopathic freaks, everyone i know with this aspect is sadistic and also enjoys getting hit. people stay away from them, because they know they just wanna hit them lol. even when they acting nice, after like a week they show their crazy psychotic side, and everyones like yeahhhhh idk about you. but they dont mean harm they just view violence as intriguing i guess.... they like to win by fighting everyone and anyone lmao, but its play fighting, unless you try them... they really are the psychopaths; extremely calculated and precise with there attacks. they think they doing you a favour by attacking you lol. mars aspecting neptune - idk why but they always getting sexualized, probs because they are an easy target, and there submissiveness gets people going like "i can hurt them and they will literally just apoliogize :D" i feel bad for these lot, but there forgiveness really does shine through, i guess they dominate through submission... go figure. they like to win you over with their pure hearts <3 mars aspecting pluto - they literally do nothing and everyone is intimidated lmao. you can just tell these guys will not just kill you but torture you and enjoy it lol. thats why they always acting like they are not a threat, because they are begging for someone to challenge them, but they are so bad at acting innocent, everyone can tell they are a wolf in sheeps clothing. its all or nothing with them. but they choose their prey very carefully... they like to win at all costs no matta the price.
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If we're going for requests then I'd love a retake on WHB Satan's "demon energy" scene where he assumes that MC will be submissive but is swiftly corrected when he ends up on his back getting milked and overstimmed because the more energy the human gets the longer they stay alive, right? You might as well take as much as you can when you've got the chance
Yesss!! I actually adore this idea since the devils stop after one session, wouldn’t it so much smarter to milk them for all then can give? It would let you live longer than a few hours!
Also I cant belive I never thought about pre leaking from horns until I played this game!!)
(Imagine the kings not lasting as long as their subordinates<3)
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Satan (overstim, milling, horn play (little bit), hair pulling, demon ‘energy’)
To have Satan, a king of Hell feeling you up and kissing you in your best friends room was…odd enough, you didn’t even notice you were on Minhyeok’s bed until Satan’s hands were on either side of your head.
You could feel him grinding against you, his arousal obvious as he growls, grinning down at you. “You look so good beneath me, don’t worry, I’ll take great care of you.” He hissed out. You raised an eyebrow.
Him taking care of you? Oh no no no, he must be mistaken.
You’d have to fix him.
You reach up as if to stroke his face, but reach past him, and grab a handful of his hair and yank down. Satan stiffens and resists only for you to yank harder, forcing his face right against yours. He moans in response, only egging you on.
“No, I’ll be taking care of you, ‘your Majesty’.” You felt his manhood give a clear throb against you. His clothes blocking the appendage from entering you as it’s owner grinds against you. You grab as much of his long hair as you could, twisting it in your hand before yanking with as much force as you humanly could to the side, making Satan lose balance and flop beside you.
You released his hair only to mount him.
“Oh, you’re far more brave than Solo-“ You try to grab his hair again to make him stop, but accidentally grab one of his horns. You on instinct stroke the smooth horn, it’s slick, your hand glides up it with ease. “O-oh! Fuck, like that!”
He bucks up involuntarily and you continue your stroking out of curiosity. He squirms under you, mewling and the second you bring your free hand to his other horn, his eyes close as he bites his lip. You hesitate upon feeling a liquid seeping from his horns.
“Oh shit, are you bleeding?” You ask as you let go of one of his horns to see the liquid was…white/clearish and didn’t gave a scent like blood would.
Satan tried to laugh but it turned to a moan when you leaned over and liked him his horn. It tasted…salty and it made your mouth water. “Oh, it’s what happens when demons enjoy things.” He half heartedly explained. “Ok, t-that’s enough teasing, I’m ready to take control again.” He moans out.
You laugh in response. “Satan, you’re not a king here, this isn’t even your room, I’m in charge here.” You yank his pants and undergarments down enough to free his cock. It stood up excitedly throbbing as pre leaked from the red tip. “So do I need to ingest your cum?”
Satan rolled his hips on instinct and his dick slaps against his stomach. “N-no I mean, it works best if it winds up inside you, or on you.” He shrugged. “Pretty much just let it touch you a-and it helps.” You see him pause for a second before he shouts. “Oh? You wanna dom me? Me!?” He barks out a laugh and gently shoved you.
“Satan, you are mine, I’m going to claim you today.” You purr out. He rolls his eyes but does not make an attempt to slip out from under you. You finally grab his cock, stroking it in tune with his horn, making him twitch his hips forward with every stroke.
Satan moaned in a feeble voice before he’s spilling cum into his out stomach. “J-just like that! F-fuck it feels amazing!” You could practically see hearts in his eyes as he bucks into your hand, he collapses against the bed and lets you stroke him past his orgasm. “I-ooh, hold on, it’s, it needs a few seconds between sessions.”
You didn’t stop or slow down, your strokes didn’t give him a break, instead causing some whimpers to escape him as he tries to wiggle free. “Calm down, I’m just getting the ‘energy’ I need, I mean I’ll be here for a while, right?”
Satan hesitantly stopped squirming, instead just twitching and trembling whenever your strokes get a particularly sensitive point. “T-take all you can, demons have great stamina!” He tried to boast even as you stimulate his cock and horn.
He tries to move you off of him only for your grip on his horn to tighten to a near hypnotizing tightness. You feel the clear liquid oozing from his horns. “Oh you like this?” You yank on his horn to force him to eye level with you. Satan follows your ‘guidance’ without resistance (though judging how sensitive his horns are, this might be as much resistance he can give.)
Satan hissed, making a half attempt to pull away when your nails graze his horns. “You-I-I’m supposed to be helping you!” You nod in acknowledgment.
“You aren’t really good at it. But I am feeling better! Maybe a few more times and I’ll be good!” Your hand sped up on his cock as your other hand clawed his sensitive horn. Satan cried out, bucking up on accident and spurring his next orgasm.
He gave a low growl as his swollen cock flexes a few times and he’s cumming on his own stomach again. This time you release his dick as soon as he’s done, but you move your now free hand to his free horn. “H-hey! Not so rough-“ He yelped upon feeling you claw at both his horns.
He’s whining and trying to get loose enough to give you a kiss, but you hold him down. “They are dense, so I cant cause much damage to them,” You pause getting an admittedly dumb idea. “Actually…if I grind on them, can you still get off to that?”
Satan’s face is deep scarlet but he’s grinning ear to ear. “F-fuck yes,” He pants out. “That sound a-amazing but for now, I need a breather Solomon-“ You rake your nails down both his horns, earning a shocked yelp. To your surprise, he cums yet again, though this time you admittedly start to feel better.
“I can feel the energy. I want more, Satan.” He lets out an exhausted whine, trying to push you away half heartedly. “Or maybe…I should go to your underlings for more.” You pretext to think it over and look him over. “Yeah, you look like you have no energy left, maybe I should get S-“
Right as you let go of him, he pulls you back, growling. “Please, I have plenty more energy to give.” He purrs out, licking the side of your face “and I’ll actually call you by your name.”
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barrenclan · 7 months
sorry if this is spoilers bc we might learn more later. I'm super confused with Rainhaze's thought process. When he was saying its pointless. like. I get not wanting to go back bc he killed his mom. but what did that have to do with Asphodelpaw? Couldnt he just walk away? Did he see her and decide he wanted to be part of Defiance? And this was the tipping point to prove it? I'm super confused. Was it because if she left she'd tell someone? I assume we'll get a better explanation later?
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Absolutely! I've actually been waiting for a chance to really dig into this. Like Rainhaze himself, his issue is written with a lot of confusion and uncertainty, and it's not very straight-forwardly, so I understand why his motivations are easy to miss. So here it is!
Firstly; Rainhaze as he existed in BarrenClan and Rainhaze as he is now are two very, very different beasts. Obviously he's still the same person, but he's gone through a mountain of trauma, violence, and was forced to confront the fact that if pressed, he would kill a family member - even his own mother. Sure, in the moment he was threatened into doing it, but it opens the possibility that he'd even do that. Maybe he would've done anything to protect his family then, but it's been a long time.
Then, over many months, he's subjected to propaganda, murder, and terrible treatment. His mental state from where he was when he killed Dustfeather is massively changed. He's depressed, listless, and much more willing to kill. Not only that, but Defiance propaganda has worked on him.
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(Issue 24)
With so much constant killing in his life, and being constantly vulnerable, he begins to see death as a good thing. Something that ends suffering, something that doesn't really matter in the end.
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(Issue 28)
So now we're at Issue 31. Rainhaze is in a "doldrum", like Ranger says (a period of inactivity or lethargy). He's so torn between his new life and new beliefs, and his old regrets and old connections to BarrenClan, that he's basically attempting to end his own life through inactivity. Ranger doesn't want this. Here's his plan:
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Ranger knows that BarrenClan lives opposite the forest, across the prairie. He specifically orders Rainhaze to "kill something", planting that idea in his mind. He's hoping that Rainhaze will find one of his Clan members, and make the decision to kill one of them. This would push Rainhaze over into whatever full breakdown Ranger wants, and solidify his ties to Defiance. And that is what happens. So why did Rainhaze make that decision?
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We already have the basis of an incredibly traumatized Rainhaze. He views himself as he is now, and who he used to be, as different people. And he belives that's completely beyond redemption.
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Yes, all those months ago he promised he was suffering in Defiance for his family and Clan, but it's really hard to hold onto those noble morals when you're being put through hell every day. Rainhaze hasn't even seen his family in months. They don't seem real to him anymore.
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Then he is finally confronted by Asphodelpaw, the symbol of everything he's put himself through torture to protect, and all he wants to do is go back to Defiance. And here we go, getting to these lines;
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Rainhaze is a coward.
He's separated from Deepdark and Ranger, by at least several days. He could absolutely come home with Asphodelpaw and warn all of BarrenClan - they could evacuate in time, be far away by the time Defiance arrives on their territory. But then he'd have to face his family, face his sister whose mother he violently murdered. Have to stand there and have them look at him and know him and see the scars on his body.
When he says, "this is vile, pointless, irredeemable, monstrous", he understands that killing Asphodelpaw is a disgustingly cruel action. He knows that. He understands that he's choosing Defiance over her, and over them. But that's the choice he feels he needs to make to protect himself. He's not thinking about his family any more.
So he does something so completely vicious and irredeemable that he is forced to choose Defiance. Because there's no way that any BarrenClan cat would forgive him for this. There's no way he would forgive himself for this.
And thus, Rainhaze figures himself out, and burns every other bridge entirely. He makes his choice.
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im-notbean · 8 months
Dating Killua Headcannons
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(I'm in love with this gif. Shut tf up. Bask in it's glory.)
・Cat boy. Cat boy. Cat. Boy.
・No, being serious. Killua is a cat.
・He does that thing where he'll rub his neck or head into you when y'all are cuddling <3
・He also nocks random things over just cause...why the fuck not?
・I like to think Killua is pretty flirty
・But hates when he's being flirted to
・"Your cute Killua." "B-Baka! I'm not cute."
・*Ahem* Anyway.
・Killua is touch starved. Change my mind.
・I'm a personal beliver that Killua has a love hate relationship with praise
・Like, he likes giving praise
・But hates getting praise for some odd reason
・"Hey Y/N." "What babe?" "You have a nice face." "Aw, thanks. You have nice hair" "Baka. I don't"
(I don't remember how praise works ok- its like 5 in the morning okay, I'm watching an old punz vod. it's so old that the camera has the punz border lol.)
・I feel like Killua will just flop into your lap and cling onto you
・He also likes head pats
・Again, he's a cat
・I feel like he's not big on PDA in public but at home...
・He's all over you like your the center on the universe
・Definitely has shocked you before on "accident"
・I feel like he's the type of person to have no storage because he has so mahy pics of you
・I'd think that their all of you sleeping
・Again he's like a cat, sleep during the day and a ball of energy at night
・You both like knocking sense into Gon (you do don't lie)
Alright I'm done- also I sprained my finger today- hurts like a bitch right now but I'll survive.
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