#beidou posting
pigeonpeach · 4 months
Everyone adores you, At least I do
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Fem reader x beidou in celebration of national Beidou day! (Her birthday)
Bit angsty? Reader is pinning, alcoholism, the concept ‘drunk words are sober thoughts’ applies here, beigguang mention
You pine for her. The Captain of the crux fleet. although her name is reference to a constellation meaning death, she is the most brightest person you’ve met. With a shine that puts the moon to shame. You were nothing when you met her, desperate for a job, not caring of what it was. Your sister was sick and your family was going nearly bankrupt to keep her alive, she is so young… she cannot die now.
Yet.. Beidou was the kindest Boss you ever knew. The employee benefits were truly amazing. You made enough money to get the life saving medicine and even treatment for your sister with enough saving. Your boss even lets your sister come aboard to play with some of the other kids. You remember in particular that she hugged Beidou’s leg thanking her for how nice she has been to her ‘big sister’ and unintentionally embarrassing you by revealing just how much you truly admired her. Luckily Beidou wasn’t creeped out and was very flattered actually.
You admired Beidou.. she’s a admirable woman is she not? You fought Beisht with her leading the fight, you fought Heishan for days, ending with her receiving a vision. The crux and you have been lead to victory with her in the lead, never afraid to take the mantle. You never would have done any of this without her. You even joined her in the inazuma fight against the shogun.
So of course its just admiration! You’re thankful that’s all! After all you are just her crew member.. she would never view you in a romantic light. But oh… you can dream. You can’t help but look upon with soft loving eyes. Your family knows of your crush, they approve of it so. But Beidou is again, a admirable lady. You’ve seen a numerous amount of other women slyly flirting with her. Her relationship with the Tianquan is… unconfirmed. But often Ningguang has her run errands, they spend every lantern rite together too… and the mysterious blue haired lady who seems to eye her muscles every time she passed in the docks, sometimes for information and intel. And there’s Shenhe who probably isn’t actually romantically interested now that you think of it. Shenhe is hard to read, she probably is like you, admiring her from afar. But the point is you know you won’t be her first choice even if you had a chance. You can’t really be jealous of the Tianquan when you kind of wish she’d look at you like that too sometimes. You know heartbreak is inevitable. So you’ve steeled your heart. You will move on in silence, maybe another sailor lady? You aren’t really sure if it is actually genuine love and not displaced admiration anyways!
Tonight was her birthday, naturally, everyone got hammered in celebration. You however never liked alcoholic drinks so you stayed sober to help keep people from going overboard.
“Heh… there’s sooooo many lights… they released alot of lanterns this year huh?” She hiccuped and giggled as the crew struggled to keep her upright. Mora grubber suddenly snapped her fingers to you.
“Hey, help her to her bed please?” She asked. You nodded as you instinctively wrapped Beidou’s muscular arm around your shoulder for support.
“Oh its you! Heh, how you’ve been hot stuff!~” she teased. Her arm resting as she shifted her weight onto you, you nearly toppled in that moment, but now more than ever you did not want to falter.
“Captain lets get you to bed.” You said. Trying to keep yourself from visibly jumping with glee that your crush found you hot.
“Hmmphf… its only… woah.. there’s two moons out tonight… oh i must be very drunk…” she snickered. “Alright alright, I’ll go now.” She said, starting to walk, even drunk she was still strong, you struggled to keep up as you opened the door to her quarters. She quickly made it to her bed, sitting down and flopping backwards.
“Captain. I’ll get your pajamas out for you to change into, then I’ll give you some privacy- Captain?” You noticed she had her head laid upon the sheets for only a second, yet she was beginning to snore. You smiled as you approached her, you would have to help her adjust to a more comfortable position. You approached from the opposite side of the bed, arms under her shoulders as you pulled with your might to help her get fully onto the bed. Then you had to untuck the sheets out and onto her, while still keeping them tight so she wouldn’t roll off bed from the movement from the waves. It took way longer than if you just had help.
“Giv’ me a goo night kiss…” she mumbled. She probably was dreaming, she likely didn’t mean it for you but you nervously approached her anyways. Deciding to give her a little peck on the forehead.
In the way a shark leaps from the sea with its prey in its jaws, her arm’s suddenly sprang out and wrapped themselves around you, pulling you into bed with her. You barely had time to blink before you found yourself her personal cuddle pillow.
“Ca-captain!” You squeaked nervously, her head pressed to your chest as she slumped sleepily.
“Gotcha…” she mumbled. You blushed. “So pretty… pretty.. mine..”
“Ca-captain! Th-this isn’t-“ you realized she was sleep talking. Not responding to your question or concerns. But her hold was tight, you couldn’t escape. You eventually relaxed realizing you couldn’t reason or wake her up now. Besides… she is rather warm and… her arms wrapped around you… its like a dream… maybe you can enjoy it for a little bit longer…
She’ll probably be apologetic in the morning, apologizing for her inappropriate behavior and you try to reassure her that you didn’t mind without giving away your feelings. Then you’ll go back to pinning from afar. But for now… you’re hers… even if its only for the night
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kujousaramybeloved · 9 months
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genshin x text posts part one million
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sersfandomthings · 13 days
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(referenced from that one shot in the 3.3 interlude quest)
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eatmyson · 2 months
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ariespsyche · 10 months
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lillithhearts · 4 months
Ok sorry for the freak out- I’m just incredibly gay
I'm deflating after picking two women from every nation😩
Warnings: Talk of injury, not Proofread, Candace and Dehya might be ooc
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❄️ Scolds you at first and acts more like a superior then your girlfriend at first
❄️ after offering to clean it she softens up, asking how this happened and asking if this was caused by a fight and if there's something she needs to "handle"
❄️ Secretly worried, with the right words you might be able to get her to tell you that aswell.
❄️ tells you to be careful next time because she won't help if it happens again (she'll help if it happens again)
❄️ sends you off with a kiss and goes on about her day, she continues to quietly worry
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🍷 more reactive and worried then you'd thought especially if it's a bigger injury
🍷 dead silent aside from the occasional hiss from you
🍷 Like Eula, she asks afterwards if there's someone messing with you and she'll handle it if there is
🍷 tells you on the side afterwards to watch out more often so this doesn't happen again because she doesn't want her lovely girlfriend hurt.
🍷 depending on the day she might hold you for a bit and even MAYBE tell you some sweet nothings
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🥂 jumps up and is quite dramatic, she's a captain she can tell if you're in serious danger with your injury
🥂 quickly cleans the wound and treats it then proceeds to baby you
🥂 "youre never going out without me or Kazuha ever never"
🥂 she'll pout out at you, you're capable how dare you get hurt and worry her she already has her other crew idiots to watch over
🥂 smoothers your face in kisses and compliments you
🥂 tries to subtly get info if it's a natural injury or if it was caused by someone else
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🎲 acts nonchalant about it but if you're able to read people well you'll see she's scared shitless
🎲 she's lost so many people she can't bear to lose her sweetheart
🎲 questions you on what happened and gets you maybe something to eat and some water, a full check on you
🎲 puts her coat on you and coos at you after the injury is taken care of
🎲 you're not allowed to move or do anything extreme for a week
🎲 "but it's just a scrape" "Too bad, lay down"
🎲 you'll see her gently smile at you while you eat or read something while you recover
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⚡ she doesn't quite understand the idea of blood, or injury; she's a god most of her injuries don't last long unless it ends her shortly after
⚡ "what do you mean it can get infected and kill you?"
⚡ goes to a vendor to get you some food after trying to make it herself and failing miserably
⚡ you insist to treat it yourself because she was too rough when she tried to which she just frog blinked at you before shrugging and sitting back
⚡ doesn't quite know what happened but she's asking if you're alright even like, a day later
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🌸 gets all done up worried, throwing her hands in the air and petting your head while doting on you
🌸 if she notices it's serious or you're not in the mood she'll quickly back up and ask you to sit down, asking the other maidens to fetch some things for you
🌸 has you in her arms till the maidens get back and then she gets to treating it, asking how this happened with a giggle in her voice
🌸 JUST maybe if you're alone she'll go into her fox form and lay on your lap to comfort you
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🔥momma mode immediately
🔥"how'd this happen, when, by what, by who? How much does it hurt? Are you numb"
🔥 you get whiplash from the amount of questions she asks you, kinda confused she takes it that you're like, about to actually die
🔥 you have to calm her down and starts gradually answering the questions while she orders the eremites to get you the things you need
🔥 has you in her arms also, telling you how worried she was and she's glad you're okay
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🌕 immediately jumps to your aid asking whats the matter
🌕she scolds you for not being careful, but you jokingly huff, clearly hearing the worry laced in her voice as she stands infront of you
🌕 gives the bandage a little kiss and you both laugh
🌕 her two colored eyes continue to scan you and your mood for the rest of the day or even next few days, monitoring your condition closely
🌕 pouts at you while holding you, denying that she was worried in the first place, reassuring you, you can handle yourself
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🗡️ quietly tells you off for getting hurt but calming down and apologizing after, a soft smile on her lips as you tell her it's okay and you understand
🗡️ unless it's a severe injury she's not worried, you're strong you can handle a simple scrape. She will still disinfect it and wrap it you sit down
🗡️ escorts you around for a bit, especially if it's a leg related injury or an injury that impairs your walking
🗡️ holds your hand almost the entire time minus when she's using both hands to treat it for you
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🌹 On the verge of losing her mind
🌹 also lost alot of people close to her and is very worried
🌹has her body guards help you while she questions you, she is asking you the most random and not needed questions
🌹you kinda just sit there wondering why this is so important
🌹 makes you macaroons to make you feel better and tells you about her day to distract you from the pain if there is any
🌹 leans against you and just, enjoys your presence for a while. Her days are stressful and she loves doing what she does but you're her safe quiet space
🌹 plenty of kisses to your face and hands
AHHH idk how I feel about this :((
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reblogs-by-a-frog · 5 months
ship hairstyle swap challenge
genshin editionnnn
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gravityflops · 5 months
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rennebright · 5 months
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cmy by Pナツ [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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pineappleciders · 2 months
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my friend bribed me with $1 and 2¢ to draw beidou
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salvaiian · 4 months
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Is this where I post images?
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pigeonpeach · 4 months
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now if only theyd give her more than two emotes and a part two to her hangout
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kujousaramybeloved · 7 months
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in honor of mondstadt and liyue meeting up to maximize their joint slay
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fischlcatgirl · 7 months
I do really love fics where it's clear that other than being skilled at combat and incredibly smart and obviously sosososo fucking good with money ningguang could also be like. Liyues next top model if she weren't the tianquan. Yelan wants her. Ganyu wants her. Keqing wants her. Yanfei wants her. All of her secretaries want her. Ningguang can't go two feet without finding a lesbian doing heart eyes. And she knows but she is also soso head over heels for known pirate king captain beidou of the crux who is admittedly very cool but also distinctly a criminal. Like women with these high-power government jobs are practically throwing themselves at her feet and she's like no. I do want the woman who killed the fucking sea monster. Only I can know how to file taxes. She has to have at least 1 million mora in government debt. And most importantly. I need someone who can save the pieces of my house that fell in the ocean.
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mstrchu · 2 years
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mornings in liyue
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harbingersglory · 1 month
miko is SO REAL for that, two switches fighting over who gets to dom is the best dynamic. if you have time/want to i'd be curious to hear any sub headcanons you have for lisa, ei, ningguang and/or kafka!
this is so incredibly self indulgent because i see ningguang, ei and kafka in the same sentence and explode. everyone pretend i didnt accidentally pick a fav here um
ningguang i already see as a pillow princess more than anything she fits this so well. absolutely adores going slow + worship. treat this woman like royalty and lord you will not regret it. she goes all out to make the night as perfect as possible. will not let you have a hand in any of it sorry!! this is her turf. perfect atmosphere suited to your tastes (tons of candles, if you like that, or just going by moonlight is also her style). incense, taking a few minutes beforehand just to really get settled in the mood (usually by cuddling, but shes not against just taking a moment for some tea or even a game of chess).
you'll also probably need all that extra time to sort through whatever shes bought this time. when i said she goes the whole nine yards i mean it. she has money and she will use it. very expensive lingerie for herself (and you, if thats your thing.) and literally anything you could ever want. it heavily depends on what you both want out of the night but she spares no mora making it the best she can.
the non-sexual intimacy before hand (and especially after) is important to her she takes it very seriously (for the both of you). you'll probably get dragged into taking a long bath afterwards before actually going to bed. hope you arent too tired! because its gonna be a while before you actually sleep.
because this woman has stamina. technically. she's just really pent up and theres no better way to get that stress out then soft sex with her partner. shes not picky about positions really but she has a soft spot for laying on her stomach with a pillow to prop up her hips (really accentuates the pillow princess part, huh /j). if you start massaging her she's gonna wake up the entirety of liyue. she's normally quiet but lord knows she needs it and she cant keep quiet for the life of her.
genuinely just very soft and gentle. she just needs some good pampering after a long day to unwind (preferably with a glass of wine, but thats for later).
ei..is very awkward about it. she probably gets embarrassed if you bring it up but shes not. opposed per se. she's just used to domming that she has no idea what to do. genuinely a mess the first time around but she gets the hang of it quick (shes a quick learner :])
also you just really get to see a side of her you usually never do! she's usually big on topping and shes pretty calm and composed about it (usually). not cold, just..she doesn't outwardly express things often. except when shes subbing. its like a switch flipped
just dont tease her about how visibly flustered and awkward she is about it. because she is. horribly so. shes still pretty quiet but thats just ei, to be fair. its like a cute, nervous puppy. call her a good girl though and she might short circuit so badly the shogun comes out
though i also see ei as someone who prefers giving even when subbing. a dangerous combo considering her body is a puppet and, yknow, cant get tired. you will have to pry this woman off you shes lowkey insatiable when it comes to pleasing you. 100% less of a brat, though. you give her an order shes following through with it before you can blink. efficient!
kafka is similar to miko, imo. maybe yelan too?? she gives off big brat vibes when she subs. she wont use suggestion in bed unless your 100% cool with it and even then its usually when she doms but when she subs? shes a menace. bit of a masochist, to be honest. she'll push your buttons until you crack and decide to punish her but woops, thats just what she wants so she wins anyway!
she cant feel fear but she certainly enjoys a good thrill. specifically sensory deprivation. cover her eyes with a blindfold and keep her guessing. its probably her favorite part, the closest she can get to fear. especially if you add a bit of pain into it.
choking, spanking, bit of blood..this woman is smiling through it all like she's the happiest woman in the world. especially if it makes you frustrated. shes like it desperate and rough.
if thats not your speed, though, she can get that thrill in other ways. semi public sex is her jam so sandwich her against a wall in some random supply closet and make her scream. shes not quiet even in the comfort of whatever room shes booked this time and you'll have to physically shut her up if you dont want to get caught. shes still a brat at heart, though. put your fingers in her mouth and she'll bite. your gonna need the patience of a saint to dom kafka.
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