#before edenbrook
jerzwriter · 9 months
Casey & Jessica Masterlist
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Updated 04.13.2024
Most of Casey & Jessica's fics are/will be prequels to OH, as their relationship took place during med school. But since they remained friends, some future fics may take place in canon time and beyond.
I have had Casey & Jessica's story written (in rough form) for some time, and since I've decided to share more of it, I wanted to provide a profile and background information. I hope you find it helpful. Meet My MC: Casey MacTavish - This is her general profile, which is in the Tobias/Casey universe. Information on "Med School" Casey can be found here to shed light on this time in her life. Meet My OC: Jessica Phillips Jessica x Casey At-a-Glance
Jessica x Casey Fics:
☁️ Fluff  ❤️‍🩹Ansty Fluff 🎨 Contains Art 💘 Valentine's Day
Their relationship timeline:
Six Times... (Series) Part 1: Think About It | ☁️ Med School | It's Newly Admitted Student's Day, and Jessica and her friend, Diego, are working the LGBTQPM+ table with seemingly different goals. When Diego notices Jess's interest in a new student, she balks until she walks over.
Trepidation | ❤️‍🩹 Med School | Casey and Jessica have both been in love before, and both have had their hearts broken. That's why they promised each other to take it slow... especially since they're in med school and their futures are uncertain. But things don't always go as planned, and sometimes... that's a sweet surprise. They are moving along happily until Jessica makes a discovery and is forced to face her own thoughts and prejudices. Will their relationship prevail?
A Quick Study | ☁️Med School | Casey's a little hangry during their late-night study session, but Jess isn't letting her off the hook.
No Secret | ❤️‍🩹 Med School/2017 | Casey’s parents are visiting for dinner, and she wants to let them know Jessica is not just her friend.
A Bit Dark | ☁️ Med School/2017 | Jess has noticed a bit of a change in Casey and offers her support when she learns the reason why.
Any Other Day ☁️🎨💘 Med School/2017 | Jessica's not a fan of Valentine's Day, and she's made that pretty clear, but now that the day's up on them, Casey realizes there's more to it than meets the eye. Art by @callmebeem
High Score | ❤️‍🩹Med School/2017 | Casey and her girlfriend Jessica are both busy med school students with conflicting schedules, and they're both eagerly looking forward to sharing lunch at "their" diner. One idiot nearly derails their plans, but the women won't let him win.
I've Got You ☁️🎨| Casey & Jess are taking a little break until there is a turn of events - then it's Jess to the rescue. Art by @rosefuckinggenius
Positive Reaction ☁️02.24 | When the couple step out to celebrate Jessica's achievement, Casey gives her a gift that money could never buy.
Post-relationship timeline:
Text from an ex: Did we make a mistake? ❤️‍🩹
Jessica x Casey Fanart 🎨
Perma: @animesuck3r @alj4890 @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @fayeswiftie @gryffindordaughterofathena @genevievemd @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @sophxwithers @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks
OH Only: @alwaysmychoices @annfg8 @binny1985 @coffeeheartaddict2 @peonierose @youlookappropriate
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the-pale-goddess · 2 months
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Can we pretend that this is the same pair of sunglasses
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
hnnggg jensen and bryce med school au
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thosehallowedhalls · 2 months
The Taco Constant
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick
Rating: Teen
Category: Angsty Fluff
Word count: 669
Summary: Ethan is struggling after almost losing Casey. And Tobias, well, he didn't save her life just to have Ethan keel over instead.
A/N: Day seven of my 30 days of drabbles. Prompts from @jerzwriter (Ethan, Tobias, Tacos) and @ladylamrian (“Well, would you look at that? You’re not entirely stupid after all.)
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Ethan rests his elbows on the desk, his head in his hands. He wishes he had something pressing to do, something to drive his attention and keep his focus on the things he can control. But right now, with Edenbrook all but silent around him, only the muted sounds of the on-call staff moving quietly through the halls, there’s nothing left for him to do but think. And thinking is a dangerous game. If he lets himself think, he’ll come back to one terrifying actuality.
He almost lost her.
His mind, usually so good at facing the bare truths, at grasping even the most complicated of concepts with ease, can’t wrap his mind around this one simple fact. Casey was almost lost.
A movement catches his eye, and he looks up in time to see Tobias walk up to the Diagnostics office. He gives the door a perfunctory knock before striding in, making Ethan jump to his feet.
“Has something happened? Is Casey…?”
“Valentine is fine. As is Aveiro, from the looks of it,” he says pointedly.
A rare blush creeps onto Ethan’s cheeks. Embarrassment and shame battle it out within him. He’s barely given Rafael a thought in the past few hours. “Right, of course. I only meant…”
“I know what you meant. Your girl is fine.”
“She’s not…” He clears his throat. “She’s not my girl.”
Tobias snorts. “How long have we known each other, Ethan? Your poker face doesn’t work on me.” He tilts his head. “Actually, I think your poker face is broken. Better work on that before HR catches on to the fact that Valentine is more than a resident to you.”
“What are you doing here, Carrick?”
“Careful, Ramsey, or I’ll start to think you’re not happy to see me.”
“Well, would you look at that? You’re not entirely stupid after all.”
“That’s the best insult you can come up with? You really are losing your edge.” He peers at his old friend quizzically. “Although I suppose it’s to be expected when you look like something that’s been recently scraped off the pavement. When’s the last time you slept?”
When was the last time he slept? “Yesterday.” Probably.
“And when’s the last time you ate?”
“… Yesterday.”
“Yeah, that won’t work. I didn’t swoop in to singlehandedly save Valentine’s life for you to keel over before you could have your sappy reunion.”
“Is that how you remember it?”
Tobias waves off the sardonic tone. “I mean, your team assisted, certainly. But in the interests of keeping you alive long enough to reunite you with your resident, I brought you something.”
“What do you…” His eyes fall on the takeaway container that somehow escaped his attention until now. “Are those…?”
“Tacos? Of course. The one constant of midterms, finals, and other stressful times of yore.”
Ethan’s throat closes up. Memories of all-nighters, laughter, and friendship wash over him in a bittersweet wave. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“Sure I did. If you die now, I’ll never get the chance to one-up you again. People are so terribly quick to idolize the deceased, after all.”
His lips twitch. “One-up me? You always did have an optimistic streak.”
“Only one way to find out, isn’t there?”
“Wait,” Ethan says when Tobias turns to leave. “You should… you should have one.”
A smile breaks out on Tobias’ face. “Ethan Ramsey, as I live and breathe. Are you asking me to share a meal with you?”
Ethan rolls his eyes. “No, I’m offering you sustenance before you drop dead on the floor. You look as tired as you seem to think I am.”
“Same difference.” Tobias pulls out the chair across from Ethan’s. “But hell, I’ve never been one to say no to tacos.”
Ethan reaches for one before pausing, his hand freezing in mid-air. He looks up, directly into Tobias’ eyes. “Thank you. For the tacos and for…”
He can’t finish the sentence. He doesn’t need to. Tobias just smiles. “Any time, buddy.”
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cariantha · 2 months
A Chance Encounter (1/3)
Book: Open Heart (Pre-Series) Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: Teen Category: Fluff Word count: 2.5K Series Summary: Ten years before meeting at Edenbrook, Ethan and Sawyer have a chance encounter during spring break.
Chapter Summary: Ethan comes to Sawyer’s aid after a minor accident.
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Part One: The Meet-Cute
July 2022 - Boston, Massachusetts
As Ethan rounded the corner, he saw the woman waiting in the lobby slump out of her chair and hit the floor. Jumping into action, he rushed over and knelt at her side. Placing two fingers on the side of her neck, he checked for a pulse. 
Out of habit, he called out the woman’s vitals. “Pulse is weak. She’s unresponsive.” Quickly scanning the gathering crowd, he spotted blue scrubs - the tell-tale sign of an intern - pushing through the bystanders. When his eyes landed on her concerned features, his heart slammed against his chest. “No fucking way.”
Shaking off the startling surprise and focusing on the blue-faced woman lying in front of him, he pointed a finger at the familiar face and crooked his finger. “You. Rookie. Get in here.”  
If he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, the electric current that coursed through him when he clasped the nervous doctor’s trembling hand, was all the convincing he needed. 
Once their patient had been whisked away and the crowd began to disperse, Ethan approached the wide-eyed intern, searching for a hint of recognition. He was disappointed when he found none.
“Doctor… that was… absolutely amazing!” she exclaimed.
His ego bruised, he reflexively hardened his demeanor.
She was taken aback when he delivered a harsh critique of her performance. “Amateur?”
The attending wore a look of warning on his face as the intern gave him a once over, sizing him up. 
“Maybe you can give me private lessons,” she finally suggested, cool as a cucumber.
Remembering where he’d heard that line before, he couldn’t contain his laugh. “Ha! I just might, Doctor…” Stepping into her personal space, he reached for her ID card and read the name. 
Sawyer Brooks
Ten years had passed without him ever knowing her name. They had agreed it was for the best to remain anonymous, to be realistic about their circumstances, to avoid attachment and unnecessary complications. 
“Well, so much for that,” Ethan sighed as he made his way to the atrium. 
March 2012 - East Hampton, New York
After a cramped five hour drive from John Hopkins University to East Hampton, New York, Ethan sat in a folding beach chair under a large rainbow umbrella. His toes dug into the cool, white sand as a refreshing Atlantic breeze blew through his overgrown chestnut waves. 
His roommate and two medical school friends threw a football around at the water’s edge, but Ethan was content to sit and read, glancing up only occasionally when one of them dove into the shallows to make a dramatic catch.
Not far down the beach, he spotted two young women struggling against the wind to spread out a beach blanket. Small children skipped excitedly to the wet sand, scooping it up and filling their plastic buckets. 
A short while later, large sets rolled into shore, the loud crashes pulling Ethan’s attention from his book. Giddy laughter called him back to the nearby beachgoers. The brunette woman, who stood knee-deep in the water, kept a watchful eye on the little boy and girl who chased each other with seaweed. At their blanket, the blonde stood and picked up a surfboard. In a cheeky hot pink bikini, her toned physique was on full display as she carried the board over her head down to the water. Her companions waved as she tossed the board over the surf and slid onto it, paddling out to deeper water. 
The kids cheered when Sawyer caught her first wave. The young men playing catch nearby joined in, offering their encouragement each time she caught a wave. “Go, go, go!” They also offered a few fist-to-the-mouth “Dohs!” when she wiped out. After a particular gnarly spill, one of the men ogled as Sawyer stood up in the waist deep water and adjusted her crooked bikini top.
With his eye most definitely not on the ball, Tobias caught the incoming throw with his face. “Oof!”
Too exhausted to paddle out again, Sawyer called it quits. 
As if it were happening in slow motion, Ethan watched intently from behind his Wayfarers as she emerged from the water. The rivulets running down her sun-kissed skin glistened in the afternoon sun. He found it sexy as hell the way she carried her board under one arm and pushed water from her hair with the other. 
Having drifted a ways down the beach, Sawyer started walking back to her claim of sand. “Whoa!” she shouted, jumping back suddenly.
Running backwards into her path, Tobias nearly tackled her as he lept outstretched for the inbound football. “Sorry about that. Are you okay?” 
“I’m good,” she sidestepped the stranger with slight annoyance.
He launched the ball back to his friends and signaled that he was done playing, quickly catching up to her. “Those were some impressive moves out there, Gidge."
"Pardon?" she asked with a furrowed brow.
"You know… Gidge… as in Gidget. The old-timey surf movie?"
"Yeah, I got the reference. I'm just surprised you know it."
He shrugged, "I was forced to watch it a thousand times growing up. My mom and sisters watched it all the time.”
As they walked back, Tobias asked if she was from the island. Sawyer shared that she was in New York for spring break with her best friend, Christian. Christian was the nanny for an affluent family from Los Angeles vacationing in the Hamptons for the week. The family, desperate to have their nanny join them on the trip, encouraged Christian to invite a friend to make the trip more worthwhile.
Sawyer asked the same question in return. Tobias explained that his current stepfather, his mother’s third husband, owned the house where he and his friends were enjoying their own break from medical school at John Hopkins. 
Approaching his group, she saw a couple guys munching on chips and reaching for beers in a cooler. Behind them sat a dark-haired hunk with broad shoulders, strong pecs, and washboard abs. He had a striking profile, though his eyes were hidden behind dark sunglasses. 
Sawyer curiously stared back when Ethan turned in her direction. His head robotically tracked her movements as she walked past.
She was the first to break their staring contest, looking away when Tobias asked, “Do you wanna hang for a bit? Have a drink?”
“I should get back to my friend,” she answered, tilting her head toward Christian and the kids, “but maybe we'll see you around later.”
As she left a trail of footprints in the sand, Tobias called out to her. "See ya, Gidge! Maybe you can give us private lessons tomorrow!”
Spinning around and walking backwards, Sawyer shouted back to him with a teasing smile. "You can’t afford me!” Her eyes were drawn to Ethan again as she turned to face forward. There was an intensity in his gaze, even from behind his sunglasses, that made her pause before finally turning away.
“I’m disappointed she didn’t want to hang,” Tobias told his friends, taking a beer from one of them, “but wooo-weee, I am not upset to watch her walk away.” 
The next day, while his friends were nursing their hangovers, Ethan took advantage of the remaining morning hours to get some exercise. Returning from his jog down the beach, he spotted the brunette and children from the day before, building castles in the sand. His eyes searched for the blonde, finding her out on the water. But as quickly as he found her, she disappeared, a rogue wave taking her by surprise. Ethan slowed to a stop when her board torpedoed to the surface without her. He stood in anxious wait for what seemed like several minutes. On this private stretch of beach, there were no lifeguards. There was no one else to come to her aid, and just as he was about to jump into action, her head finally popped out of the water.
Sawyer struggled to find her footing as another wave crashed into her back. Her shoulders slumping from exhaustion, she coughed violently to clear her lungs of the swallowed salt water.
Urging the kids to stay put, Christian ran to the water, offering her friend a steady hand. That’s when Ethan noticed the streaks of red running down Sawyer’s leg as she slowly dragged her board to shore. 
“Oh my god, you’re bleeding!” Christian exclaimed, making her sit down on the board. “What happened?” 
“My leash got hooked on a ro–” She stopped as a towering figure suddenly shaded her from the morning sun. Sawyer’s gaze traveled up his sweaty, shirtless body. When she reached his eyes, they mirrored the sparkling blue ocean behind him. 
“Are you okay?” Ethan asked.
“I–I’m not sure,” she said looking down at her bloodied thigh. As Ethan crouched down to examine her wounds, she was momentarily transfixed by his handsome face, only snapping out of it when he lifted his eyes to hers. “You… you were with the Hopkins guys the other day,” she coughed again.
“I was.”
“Are you a med student, too?” 
“I am,” he answered, returning to his full height. “Did you swallow much water?”
Sawyer shook her head. “I don’t think so.”
“We’re staying there,” he pointed to the nearby estate, “If you’d like, I can help you clean and bandage those cuts and scrapes.” 
“Could you, please?” Christian interjected. “I would help her back to the house, but I’ve got my hands full with the kids.”
Ethan nodded and waited for Sawyer’s consent. 
“Okay,” she said, getting to her feet. 
Ethan grabbed for the t-shirt he had halfway tucked into his back pocket. “I promise it’s mostly clean,” he assured, gently wiping some of the sand and blood away for a closer look. “You’ve got a pretty nasty cut here, but I don’t think it will need stitches. You can use this to keep pressure on it while we walk back.” 
A jolt of electricity coursed through her when her hand covered his to take hold of the shirt. Sawyer suspected Ethan felt it too, their eyes flitting to each other as he slid his hand out from under hers.
When she made a move to lift her board, Ethan put his hand out to hold her back. “I’ve got it,” he insisted.
“Th–thank you,” Sawyer stammered, butterflies taking flight in her stomach.
They walked in silence for a couple minutes before Ethan burst the bubble of nervous energy that surrounded them. “You know, if you had agreed to those private lessons, I'd be asking for a refund right about now," he teased.
“Jerk,” she giggled, giving him a playful shove. Ethan returned a small smile, barely flinching when her hand connected with his rock hard tricep. “I never claimed to be a professional. Amateur at best.”
“Where’d you learn to surf?” 
“Growing up I spent summers at my grandparents' beach house in San Diego. My brother and I found some old boards in the garage one year and we just taught ourselves,” she explained.
“Are you from California then?”
“Technically, Arizona. But I’m currently living in Cali for school. Caltech.”
“Caltech? Really?” he sounded surprised.
Slightly offended by his reaction, “Gee, thanks. Is that really so hard to believe?” 
“No! Sorry, I meant no offense,” Ethan quickly apologized. “I meant it more like… damn. Caltech is known as the MIT of the west coast. What are you majoring in?” he probed, his interest peaked.
“Bio with a minor in neurobiology. I’ve been torn between going pre-med or biotech, and I really need to make a decision soon. I’m scheduled to meet with my advisor when I get back, to enroll for next semester.”
If he had not already been smitten by her beauty, her proven intelligence and passion for science would have certainly captivated him.
Before another awkward silence settled in, Sawyer began her own line of questioning. “What about you? Did you complete your undergrad at Hopkins too?” 
Ethan shook his head. “No, I went to Brown. Pre-med.”
“Ivy League. Huh.” There was definitely a hint of prejudice in her tone. 
“Who’s the judgmental one now?” he asked, whipping his head toward her. “I’ll have you know I was on scholarship and it was conveniently close to home,” Ethan defended.
“I was just messing with ya,” she winked. “That’s pretty cool actually. I’m on scholarship too. So, you’re an east-coaster then?” 
The disappointing reality settled over them as Ethan escorted her through the garden gate that led into the private property. He showed her to the outdoor shower and propped her surfboard up against the side of the house. 
“I’m going to grab a towel and a first aid kit. I’ll be right back,” he said, heading inside the beachside mansion. 
Ethan paused just inside the house upon returning with the items. He peered through the large mirrored windows that provide privacy from the outside world. He watched as Sawyer tilted her head back to rinse the sand from her hair, as if she were putting on a private show just for him. The sun backlit her curves as she arched her back, creating a picture worthy of a magazine cover.
Sawyer was wringing out her hair when Ethan reappeared and offered her the towel. Guiding her to a nearby lounge chair, he gestured for her to sit. He knelt beside her and checked her wounds again, making sure all the sand had been washed away. Confident nothing required stitches, Ethan opened the first aid kit. 
The mere thought of his touch made Sawyer’s skin prickle with goosebumps.
"This is going to sting," he warned before delicately dragging an antiseptic wipe over the affected areas. When Sawyer hissed in pain, Ethan gently blew on her skin, his eyes shifting up to hers to see if it eased the discomfort. 
She wasn’t sure if it was his cool breath that caressed her skin or his mesmerizing azure eyes that distracted her from the pain. Whatever it was, the smile that spread across Sawyer’s face suggested that it had the desired effect.
“How long are you guys in town for?” she asked as Ethan applied ointment over her scrapes and bandaged the deeper cut. Sawyer tried hard not to laugh at the serious expression on his face as he concentrated on applying the bandage perfectly.
“Um… we’re heading back to Baltimore… uh… the day after tomorrow,” Ethan finally managed, smoothing down the edges of the large band aid. “You?”
“The day after that,” she shared.
Lacking an excuse to keep her there any longer, Ethan stood, offering his hand to help her up. “You’re all set.”
“Thank you. If your bedside manner is any indication, you’re gonna be one helluva doctor.” 
Ethan’s cheeks blushed a light shade of pink, accepting the compliment with a shy grin. And as if they both realized it at the time, they let go of their still-joined hands. 
Reluctantly, Sawyer tucked her surfboard under her arm to take her leave. “Well, thanks again,” she smiled and turned toward the house next door. 
Ethan watched her take a few steps, feeling optimistic when she suddenly stopped and twisted sideways with her board.
“Hey-” she began to say, only to be interrupted by the sound of bellowing laughter. 
Ethan followed her gaze behind him. 
“There’s our always brooding, blue-eyed beauty!” Tobias called out, tackling his roommate with a provoking smooch on the cheek. “What are you making us for breakfast, bro?” 
Annoyed, Ethan shoved him away. “Get off me, man.” 
When he looked back, Sawyer was gone.  
Part 2: The Hook-Up
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose  @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn
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liaromancewriter · 5 months
Premise: Ethan and Cassie’s skating date plans go awry, but all hope is not lost.
Fandom: Open Heart/Choices Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,965 Day/Prompt: @12daysofchristmas Day 9 - “I like it out here. It’s peaceful.”
A/N: For @choicesholidays "Best Christmas Ever" prompt, @choicesprompts Holiday rewrite event: inspired by Virgin River's S5 Christmas special where Mel and Jack celebrate their first Christmas and make their own holiday traditions, including the ice skating scene. Also submitting to @choicesdecember2023 prompt "Christmas" and @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday event.
I'm using @choicesflashfics week 64, prompt 1 (in bold), and fluffy dialogue prompt 1 from Second Day of Gift-Giving by @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills.
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Growing up in New England meant ice skating. One of Ethan Ramsey’s earliest memories was holding his father’s hand as they stepped onto an outdoor ice rink. Light snow fell around them like stardust, and he tilted his head back to catch a snowflake on his tongue.
His father taught him how to skate that night, gripping Ethan’s hand lightly and encouraging him to lean forward and alternately stroke and glide on the ice, letting the blades do the work.
He remembered his father’s deep laughter and his mother’s cheers from the sidelines as he let go of the hand keeping him tethered. Feeling the wind on his face and watching colors blur from the festive lights strung up around the rink, everything in little Ethan’s world was perfect at that moment.
Many years later, Ethan still loved to skate but didn’t have as much time for it. As head of diagnostics at Boston’s Edenbrook Hospital, his duties kept him much too busy. But something about the holidays made him nostalgic for simpler times.
“Earth to Ethan. Anyone there?” Cassie Valentine snapped her fingers in front of his face.
Ethan shook his head to clear the memories clouding his thoughts. “Sorry, I was miles away. What were we talking about?”
“Okay, that was some trip,” Cassie commented, giving him a strange look above the rim of her wine glass. “Holiday traditions from our childhood. You were telling me about skating with your parents, remember?”
“Oh, right,” Ethan said, feeling his face flush.
For a moment, he’d forgotten where he was. He glanced around his apartment and the holiday decorations they’d put up a few days ago, scratching the back of his head as he tried to collect his composure.
A Christmas tree stood in the corner against the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the bay — the first one they bought and decorated together — tinsel and fairy lights winking against the dark. Presents had found their way underneath the tree at regular intervals in the last couple of weeks.
This was their first holiday together, technically second as a couple, but he’d been in Providence last year, and she’d been working. Somehow, without realizing it, he found himself in a relationship that was more serious than anything he’d ever had before.
What else would you call meeting each other’s families and planning together what presents to buy for their respective relatives?
“Do you still skate, or is that in the past?” Cassie mused, her legs curled up beneath her on the couch.
“Not as much as I’d like,” Ethan confessed, picking up the near-empty wine bottle to top up their glasses. “A few years ago, a bunch of us started getting together in the community center rink for ice hockey. Nothing formal, just pick up games to blow off steam.”
“Why am I only finding out about this now?” she said, somewhat disgruntled. “We’ve known each other for almost three years!”
Ethan rolled his eyes at her dramatic response. “Because I have other, more pleasurable things to say and do when you’re around. Besides, I had Naveen’s condition to occupy my mind that first year, and then my mother’s return and addiction last year. This is the first normal holiday season for both of us.”
“You have a point,” Cassie conceded with a regal nod before twisting in her seat to regard him thoughtfully. “I bet you’re a goalie. You’ve got the build for it.”
“You’d lose that bet.” Ethan raised an eyebrow in amusement. “I play center.”
She harrumphed and then tapped her index finger against her lips. “Remember how we talked about making our own holiday traditions when we decorated the tree last week? Let’s add skating to the list. The Boston Common Frog Pond rink is open for the season, and it always looks fun when I go running past it.”
“I’ve been, and it is fun,” Ethan said. “How about Friday? You’re working a double before that, so should be post-call, right?”
“It’s a date,” Cassie smiled, intertwining her fingers with his and nestling against him. “This is going to be the best Christmas season ever!”
When Friday came, Ethan was run off his feet. Herb, one of his oldest patients, had been admitted with an unknown infection. He spent the entire day running tests, frustrated when the results didn’t reveal anything useful.
Deciding to return to the beginning, he sat behind his desk, switched on the monitor and pulled up Herb’s medical history. He wasn’t leaving here until he figured this out.
“You’re still working?”
Ethan looked up at the intrusion, eyes unfocused, the screen’s glare reflecting off his reading glasses. Cassie stood inside the sliding glass doors, wearing a pink long-sleeved sweater beneath a puffy white vest and black jeans. A knitted cap with white and pink stripes sat atop her long blonde hair.
He wondered whether she coordinated her outfits or if it was an innate style. Maybe even both.
He noted the small duffel bag in her hand and cursed internally. He’d utterly forgotten their skating date, and judging by Cassie’s amused expression, she knew it, too.
“You’re important to me. And I want you to know that,” Ethan said, coming around from behind the desk to stand before her. He took her hand in his.
“I do know that, but thank you for telling me,” Cassie chuckled, lightly swinging their clasped hands before letting go. “What’s going on?”
Ethan quickly explained the situation, running frustrated fingers through his hair, his inability to solve the case coming through in the irritated tone of his voice. Before he knew it, he started brainstorming Herb’s condition with her, pulling up test results and walking her through his thought process.
Herb wasn’t the diagnostic team’s patient, but it helped to have someone he trusted from the team working with him.
“Could be GI. Have you considered….”
“…barium follow through?” he said, reading her thoughts as perfectly as she could his. He frowned as he tried to connect the dots to the other symptoms.
“I thought I saw something in his chart,” she said, nudging him out of the chair to take control of his keyboard, her eyes scanning the electronic medical records. “Aha, there it is. Small bowel obstruction, managed through a steroid protocol, so no biopsy was done to rule out Crohn’s or colitis.”
“Good catch,” Ethan said, reading over her shoulder. “I’ll put in orders for a barium test tomorrow. Nothing more we can do today.”
Her light floral scent drifted into his nostrils, and he sighed in disappointment. Date nights were already hard to organize with their erratic schedules. He couldn’t help but feel he’d wasted this one.
He turned the office chair around, placed his hands on either side of her and leaned in. “I’m sorry, Cassie. I not only messed up our plans tonight, but I pulled you into this after you’d already worked a double shift. I heard about the clusterfuck that was last night.”
“That would be an apt word to describe it,” she murmured. “Not sure how I got home this morning, but at least it was quiet in the apartment with everyone else on shift.”
“Still, tonight was supposed to be the start of another holiday tradition for us,” he insisted.
For the first time in forever, he resented work coming in the way of his personal life.
Cassie framed his face between her hands. “I’m here with you. I’m right where I belong. Doing what I’m good at with the man I love and one who taught me that patients come first.”
Ethan closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a slow, sweet kiss, thanking her for understanding with the promise of more to come. Cassie locked her hands behind his neck, and he tugged her out of the chair, reversing their positions without breaking the kiss.
They slowly drifted apart, foreheads touching. Cassie smiled softly, her fingers trailing down the side of his face. “Raincheck on our date?
Ethan checked his wristwatch and noted it was almost half past eight. Where had the last few hours gone?
“We could try to get to the Commons before the rink closes at nine,” he offered, mentally calculating the distance, traffic and parking situation.
“It’s okay,” Cassie said, getting off his lap and stretching her arms upward. “Another night. Besides, we’re doctors. Disrupted plans are par the course.”
“There are other rinks in Boston,” Ethan said, standing beside her. “Let me google what’s open. Tonight doesn’t have to be a total loss.”
“Actually,” Cassie said, taking her phone out and unlocking it. “Rafael’s old neighborhood has a small rink that’s open all night. He invited the Roomies there last year. It’s no Frog Pond, but it was nice. Let me text him.”
While she did that, Ethan tidied up his desk, closed out files and powered down his computer.
“Yes!” Cassie pumped one fist in the air. “It’s still around, and Raf is sending directions.”
An hour or so later, after stopping by his place to change and pick up skates, Ethan parked in the lot on the other side of the community park from where the rink was located. They walked hand in hand down the walkway, the soft glow of street lamps a welcome relief against the shadows around them.
The rink was small, as advertised, and empty, given the lateness of the hour. And yet Ethan liked it all the more for its relative privacy versus other public rinks.
“I like it out here. It’s peaceful,” Ethan commented as they sat on a bench and strapped on their skates.
“It’s popular with local families, so it can get busy early in the day,” Cassie explained, her voice muffled as she bent down to tighten her laces.
Ethan flicked the light switch, the red and green lights bright against the darkness. He stepped onto the rink, gliding effortlessly on the ice, feeling the familiar rush of wind rushing against his face.
“Whoops,” Cassie giggled behind him.
“Are you okay?” he asked, looking back to see her arms flailing before she caught her balance.
“I’m good,” she said, carefully holding herself still.
He laughed as recognition hit. For all Cassie’s bravado, she was not as comfortable on skates as she pretended to be.
“You think it’s funny?” She lifted her chin mulishly, spreading her legs wide and turning her skated feet inward.
“Yeah, I do,” Ethan smirked, skating in a loop around her.
He took her hand as she continued to struggle and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “Because I finally found something that Cassie Valentine isn’t good at.”
He grinned as Cassie pretended to be offended. She started to push against his arms, but her skates slipped, and she clung to him like a barnacle. Within seconds, they were both laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
“You figured me out,” she confessed, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes as she swallowed back her laughter.
She placed her gloved hands on his upper arms, her green eyes sparkling as they gazed into his. “I suck at skating. No matter how much I try, I will never be more than passable.”
Ethan brushed his hands down her arms and folded her hands in his. “Then it’s a good thing you have me to hold on to.”
He lowered his face as Cassie stretched on her toes, and their lips met in a kiss that chased the cold away. They looked up as snowflakes started to fall from the sky, sprinkling over them like stardust.
And under a starry, magical night with snow falling around them, Ethan looped Cassie’s arm through his and skated them expertly around the rink, making another holiday tradition just for them.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @debbiechanclub
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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alwaysmychoices · 3 months
Every Night
Synopsis: Now that Charlie and Ethan are back together, they spend the first night of their new lives together -- and Ethan has a question to ask.
Chapter 44 of the “with and without” series
Previous Series: “a weekend with dr. ramsey”
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x MC (Charlotte “Charlie” Greene)
Words: 2.9k
Rating: General Audience
Also available on AO3 & Wattpad (link in Masterlist)
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There was something so peaceful about Ethan’s apartment tonight. Had this apartment always been peaceful? No, it couldn’t have been. Only last night, it was a mausoleum dedicated to the loss of true love.
But tonight, it was impossible to imagine these halls echoing anything but affection and contentment. The air tasted sweeter, the space felt warmer, the laughs were louder. One night of Charlie’s presence exorcised the ghosts that haunted Ethan in the middle of the night.
The change was subtle, but Ethan felt it with every step he took.
She’s here, he thought as he towel-dried his hair. She’s here, he thought as he stepped into his pajamas. She’s here, he thought as he savored the smell of her shampoo lingering in the damp air. She’s here, he thought as he padded to the living room.
Boston stared back at him through the windows – all the tallest buildings winking their congratulations.
The dim-lit space left evidence of Charlie’s presence in every corner – her shoes by the door, the crumbled pillow by her favorite chair, and the assortment of hair ties that followed her every step. Ethan was greedy for more of it, his usual tidiness be damned.
Ethan poured himself a glass of water and tapped the keypad of his laptop, waking it so he could check the time. With Charlie, time seemed to stop, but just as he suspected, it had continued for the rest of the world. It was late, so late that they should have been in bed hours ago if Charlie wanted to be well-rested for work tomorrow. But Ethan didn’t regret a moment of their night, nor was he eager to go to sleep now.
Stifling a yawn, Ethan curiously opened his notifications, and he was startled by the staggering amount.
At the top of the screen were the expected messages. HR paperwork for his new position with the hospital. Confirmation emails for cancelled movers. Pleas from a devastated recruiter trying to convince him to leave Boston anyway.
Then, there were the text messages reacting to the news. The Edenbrook rumor mill worked quickly, and by the time Ethan picked up Charlie from work, there were already whispers about their illicit affair.
Harper’s message came first. She was happy to hear that Charlie and Ethan were together, but she chastised Ethan for keeping the secret in the first place, though she insisted she’d sensed it long ago. She demanded dinner with the two of them as an apology, and Ethan typed back his assent, apologizing for lying to his friend and promising to make dinner reservations as soon as possible.
When Ethan sent his reply, he was surprised to realize that he was looking forward to dinner with Charlie and Harper. It wasn’t the first time that the trio spent time together, but it would be the first dinner where Charlie and Ethan didn’t have to perform, stifling themselves to avoid drawing attention to their relationship. Ethan liked the idea of integrating Charlie fully into his life – acknowledging the long-held truth that she was the most important part of it.
Above Harper’s gracious congratulations, Tobias Carrick sent a string of texts. It was clear that he hadn’t paced himself or censored a single thought, resulting in a string of consciousness as Tobias unraveled the revelations.
TOBIAS: I KNEW IT! I can’t believe you got caught MAKING OUT with a RESIDENT before you told me!
TOBIAS: Though Charlie is wonderful.
TOBIAS: So why does she like you then? She knows you enough to know better. How did you convince her to date you?
TOBIAS: Someone just told me you’ve been dating for a year. That better be a lie.
TOBIAS: No, it’s not. You’ve been evasive all year. That’s why, isn’t it?
TOBIAS: Then again, you’re always evasive and awkward.
TOBIAS: My office is next to yours, and I swear I heard noises today.
TOBIAS: Just heard the news that you’re leaving. Don’t fret. I’ll be the leader the Diagnostics Team has always needed.
The last message came a few hours later, when Tobias had clearly processed the news and felt it necessary to give a more cohesive and gracious response.
TOBIAS: Seriously though, congratulations. I’m proud of you.
TOBIAS: But don’t screw it up.
Ethan didn’t really consider Tobias a friend – not after their antagonistic history and current conflicts. But this string of texts tugged on some part of Ethan’s heart that had once considered Tobias his best friend. Perhaps it was worth trying again, even if this was just evidence that Tobias was as insufferable as ever.
ETHAN: Thank you.
There wasn’t much else to say, so Ethan didn’t bother trying. And frankly, for him, it was quite a lot.
After Tobias’s messages, there were a few more. Some of Charlie’s friends reached out to say they were happy for them. Sienna tentatively endorsed the relationship, though she reserved the right to murder Ethan if he messed up again. Jackie’s threats against Ethan were far less veiled, and Bryce sent at least a dozen excited emojis.  Naveen wrote with glee, boasting that their reunion had all gone to plan. When Ethan questioned Naveen’s direct defiance, Naveen ignored the question and offered the happy couple a weekend at his lake house to celebrate. Gracious for the offer (and Naveen’s interference), Ethan didn’t push it.
Nor did he need to push it.
Because there she was – his darling, wonderful Charlotte.
With Jenner close on her heels, Charlie wandered into the kitchen. The familiar scent of coconut and vanilla followed her, enveloping Ethan’s senses long before she looped her arms around his waist and nuzzled into him.
“There you are,” Charlie murmured, resting her cheek on his bare back. His skin was warm and scented with the mixture of their respective body washes – each still sitting in Ethan’s shower as if no time had passed.
In some ways, that made Charlie sad. She didn’t like to picture Ethan ending each night, staring at her half-empty bodywash and refusing to throw it away, even when he’d lost hope of her ever coming home. But the grief for their lost time was only a momentary interruption. In its wake, gratitude emerged. Because she had come home, and the bodywash was still waiting for her.
 Ethan smiled softly, abandoning his laptop and twisting his body so that they were face-to-face.  He leaned down to kiss the crown of her head, and Charlie shifted, leaning further into his embrace.
“What are you up to?” Charlie asked, her voice still in a daze.
The day had been so perfect – their reunion, their afternoon, their time at home. They’d spent most of the evening tangled in Ethan’s sheets, but not a moment of it had been quiet. They’d consumed each other in every way possible, from touch to speech. No time had passed, yet there was so much to catch up on.
“Missing you,” Ethan confessed.
Charlie laughed, “It’s been ten minutes since I kicked you out of the shower so I could actually wash my hair without you distracting me.”
“Way too long.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Charlie rolled her eyes, but it was the blush creeping up her cheeks that made Ethan smile. He kissed the flush as it spread up her skin, and he smiled against her cheek as she laughed.
Had anyone else ever been so happy?
“But really,” Charlie playfully swatted Ethan’s shoulder, “What are you doing? If it’s work, I’ll be obligated to make fun of you.”
Ethan shook his head, shifting so they could both face the laptop, “You’ll enjoy this.”
With a few clicks, Ethan brought up Tobias’s text thread. Somehow, the messages were even funnier from Charlie’s perspective. He lit up as he watched her read the messages, laughing at things he hadn’t even noticed before. Then, he showed her the other congratulatory messages. He thought she would like to see the well-wishes, but really, it was a silent effort to show he embraced the promises he’d made to her. He wanted her to know that he wasn’t hiding her anymore.
And Charlie appreciated every bit of it.
She reveled in the idea of dinners with friends. She wanted to be Ethan’s “plus one” to every event, even she’d have to throw her own party to get the opportunity. She liked how easily they talked about it, how Ethan actively participated in their planning without any pressure.
It was night and day from the man she’d once stormed out on.
Her chest ached with pride.
When Ethan reached Naveen’s message, he almost seemed nervous. As if suggesting a weekend away might break their fragile perfection.
“What do you think?” Ethan asked, when Charlie had sufficient time to read the exchange, “A weekend at the lake?”
Ethan had a whole pitch planned out. He was ready to remind Charlie that spring had just reached the city, the sunshine melting the ice and promising new beginnings. They could get out of the city and reconnect in the place where they’d first fallen in love. It felt like the right place to start their new chapter.
But a pitch wasn’t necessary.
“Yeah,” Charlie smiled softly, “A weekend with Dr. Ramsey. Sounds perfect.”
“A weekend with Dr. Greene,” Ethan echoed, mirroring her soft smile as he rubbed a gentle pattern on her back.
Charlie leaned into Ethan’s side, exhaustion peaking through their blinding happiness. Both of them were tempted to evade sleep altogether and stay awake all night, trading their wasted hours of rest with the promise of tender whispers and sacred promises. But relaxation had already seeped into their bones and lowered their defenses. They were both fighting to stay awake.
It was Ethan who declared the first move.
Pressing a tender kiss to Charlie’s forehead, Ethan suggested, “We should go to bed.”
“No, no,” Charlie shook her head, “It’s too early.”
“You have to be at work in a few hours,” Ethan reminded her, though he lacked conviction. He was just as willing to stay up all night as she was, if not more so since he didn’t have a morning shift.
“I’m a resident. I can handle a sleepless night.”
“Come on,” Ethan nudged her gently, “You’re being stubborn.”
“So are you.”
Ethan shrugged, Fair point.
Charlie eyed him warily – ready for battle. Ready for their opposing wills to dominate their minds until they were forced to pick a winner. Ready to draw blood before admitting defeat.
But then a moment passed, and it was all silly.
Charlie was tired, and Ethan would still be here in the morning. He would be there the night after, and the day after, and every day they were willing to share.
So, Charlie said, “Fine. Let’s go to bed.”
Ethan appreciated the magnanimous resolution, and he peppered her cheeks with quiet praise. Though, admittedly, he was inclined to think that everything Charlotte did was perfect. After kissing Jenner goodnight, the pair went to Ethan’s bedroom, ignoring the alarm clock on Ethan’s bedside table that would surely ruin their morning.
It wasn’t Charlie’s first time in Ethan’s bed tonight, but when she climbed into her usual place on the right side of the bed, it felt monumental.
The rose-colored glasses of their reunion lifted, and the gravity of the situation forced them back to earth. Instead of feeling silly for their reverence, they felt absurd for not having more.
War is over. The end of days never came. Insurmountable grief faded away. All the terrible things didn’t matter anymore. The past was in black and white, and the future was painted in vivid color and neon welcome signs.
Charlie is home. Charlie is in our bed. Everything is right, Ethan thought.
Charlie and Ethan tried to act casual as they settled into the sheets, but they couldn’t help but stare at the other. Their eyes were wide with meaning, communicating what neither had the bravery to say. When Charlie’s eyes began to water, Ethan quietly stroked her cheek.
After what felt like a lifetime, Ethan whispered, “I really did miss you.”
As if something like that needed to be said. As if it didn’t carry through every conversation. As if it wasn’t part of his DNA. As if she didn’t feel it with every adoring kiss and smile.
“I missed you, too,” Charlie met his honesty with her own, though her voice lacked his strength. At the slightest hint of a crack, Ethan tucked Charlie into his embrace, and Charlie took the opportunity to breath him in.
Sandalwood. Cedar. Vanilla. A hint of mint.
The smell of home, she thought.
Nestled safely in Ethan’s arms, Charlie’s eyelids grew heavy. Weeks of sleepless nights caught up with her in an instant, rendering her half-asleep in mere moments. As Ethan peered down at her, his chest squeezed with affection.
And suddenly, he knew.
He knew with absolute certainty that Charlotte Greene was his future.
He was overcome with an urge to propose right then and there. It didn’t matter that he didn’t have a ring or a plan or even ambience. Ethan just wanted to marry her. Hell, given the option, he would have run to City Hall right then and there to seal the deal.
Ethan opened his mouth to speak, but something stopped him.
We need time, he realized. The wounds were too fresh and the peace too fragile. He didn’t want to rush into anything that would endanger their precious newfound happiness, nor did he need to rush.
So, despite his overwhelming urge to the contrary, Ethan decided to wait – and it was just waiting. Not refusing or dismissing the idea. He knew they would make it, and he was sure that she would say yes when it was time.
But stopping himself from proposing didn’t eradicate all Ethan’s impulses.
No, he wasn’t out of grand gestures or over-eager requests.
“Move in with me,” Ethan blurted out.
Charlie stirred, wiping at her eyes as she sleepily asked, “What?”
“Move in with me,” Ethan repeated, less confident this time.
“You’re serious?” Charlie’s eyes widened.
“I am,” Ethan nodded, though he didn’t seem very sure. Despite his obvious commitment to the idea she move in, he didn’t have his argument ready – a rarity in itself. Ethan had never made any big life decision without a reasoned argument.
“You’re always here anyway,” Ethan softened, eagerness belying every justification, “and I want you here. All the time. I want to come home to you and share our closet, and I want to add your books to our bookshelves. We’re living in the ‘in between’ – with you sometimes living here and sometimes not. I’m tired of that. I want to be with you fully. In every way I can. This isn’t home without you.”
Charlie hesitated.
She was startled to realize that she already knew the answer. Before he even started talking, she wanted to say yes. And there was no good reason to say no.
It seemed rushed, but was it really? They’d been together for over a year, and she’d spent more nights here than anywhere else. Did time apart fundamentally change that? Did they feel so fragile that sudden changes would shatter them? Or had it been the status quo that drove them apart in the first place?
And did any of it fucking matter?
Would waiting really make things better? Would a slow approach save them from future disaster? Hiding hadn’t done them any favors, nor had abundant caution kept them from starting their relationship in the first place.
Charlie wanted to come home to Ethan. She wanted to put a name to all the things they’d silently endorsed for months, including her continued presence in this apartment. She wanted to cover the space with evidence of their relationship until it was little more than a shrine.
So, perhaps she didn’t give the offer the careful consideration it deserved. Or maybe she gave it too much consideration when the answer would always be the same.
“Yes,” Charlie blurted out.
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” Charlie nodded, realization creeping across her features, “My answer is yes. I want to move in with you.”
Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, happily covering her face with kisses. Between excited kisses, he assured her that she could always keep her old apartment, and he would understand if she changed her mind.
Charlie stopped him, “You don’t need to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Try to form a back-up plan,” Charlie settled her gaze on his, “I’m confident we’ll work out.”
“You are?” Ethan repeated breathlessly. It was one thing for Ethan to be blind in love, but it was quite another to realize she was just as high off this feeling.
“Yeah,” Charlie rested her hand on his chest, feeling the jackhammer of his heart, “Aren’t you?”
And amazingly, he was.
Nodding his head, Ethan whispered, “Yeah, I am.”
“Good,” Charlie leaned her head against his chest, “I love you, Ethan.”
“I love you, too, Charlotte.”
That was how they fell asleep – holding onto each other with persistent desperation and adoring reverence. Like they were so lucky to even get the opportunity to fall asleep together. Like it was a gift from the universe that they were here with each other. But it was better than fate – it was deliberate choice. It was an active effort to stay.
And it was the beginning of everything.
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storyofmychoices · 4 months
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International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Celebrating three of the loveliest ladies: Olivia Hadley, Merida Rhys (@lilyoffandoms), and Casey MacTavish (@jerzwriter)
The interviewer sat down with Olivia, Merida, and Casey in the comfort of the diagnostic office, which the boys had since been required to vacate, despite one Ethan Ramsey grumpily insisting that it was his office and he would do no such thing. But today was not about him or any of the men. Today was about the girls! (As all days truly should be.)
Interviewer: Thank you all for joining me today. It's my pleasure to sit down with not one but three young, successful, and distinguished women of science in medicine. Olivia, you're a pediatrician, and Casey and Merida, you both work as diagnosticians. How did you find your passion for medicine?
Olivia: Well, for me, it started when I was a little girl. I loved diagnosing and caring for my bears and dolls. I took my toy stethoscope everywhere, set on saving the world. Now, it's about wanting to make a positive impact in children's lives. The joy of helping them grow up healthy and happy is truly a gift.
Casey: I've wanted to be a doctor as long as I can remember and was drawn to the diagnostic side of medicine early on. The challenge of solving complex medical cases and uncovering the root cause has been a driving force for me.
Merida: Likewise, the puzzle-solving aspect fascinated me. Being a diagnostician allows us to dive deeper into medical mysteries—be a detective of sorts—it's a constant learning experience.
Interviewer: In the fast-paced world of medicine, how do you manage work-life balance, and do you have any advice for others aspiring to do the same?
Olivia: Two words. Self-care! It's definitely about prioritizing self-care and making time for things that are important to me. I've particularly found yoga helpful and have a therapy yoga group once a week with the children at the hospital. I've been trying to convince these two—*tilts her head toward her two friends*—to join me in some cat and warrior poses, but let's just say, my enthusiasm hasn't quite rubbed off on them.
Merida: You know we love you, Liv, but—
Casey: —yoga gives me more stress.
Olivia: *laughs softly* I'll convert them one day. But seriously, it's important to make time to care for yourself. My advice is to remember that you can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first.
Casey: The work-life balance is a perpetual juggling act, especially in diagnostics, where cases can be unexpectedly demanding and schedules become unpredictable. Time management and setting realistic expectations are key. It's also important to have a support system, both at work and home and don't be afraid to take a break for a few minutes when you need it. Even a short break can make a difference.  
Merida: In the diagnostic world, there's this constant pursuit of answers to solve the puzzle. To maintain balance, I've learned to compartmentalize. When I'm at work, I'm fully engaged, and when I'm off-duty, I prioritize personal time. My advice is to find what works for you and not feel guilty about taking breaks. Balance is subjective, and it's about finding harmony that aligns with your values and what you need.
Casey: It doesn't hurt to have great friends to fall back on either.
Merida: I can't argue with that!
Olivia: Group hug! *wraps her arms around her friends pulling them in*
The three laugh and tease each other before settling back into the interview!
Interviewer: Edenbrook Hospital is known for its collaborative and supportive environment. How does that dynamic play out in your day-to-day work?
Olivia: Pediatrics often involves collaboration with various specialists to provide comprehensive care. Having a hospital with a culture that encourages teamwork is crucial for our young patients. Sometimes, even the little ones end up with rare and difficult-to-diagnosis illnesses. When that's the case, I'm glad that I have Merida and Casey to reach out to for help. 
Merida: Absolutely. In diagnostics, collaboration is key as well. We consult with each other and different departments to ensure we're considering all angles when tackling a case. We need to make sure we keep an open relationship with all departments so we know they'll be there when we need them. 
Casey: Working in diagnostics, it's really a team effort. Nothing is done solo. We're in it together. It's like having a second, third, or even fourth set of eyes and brains. We share our thoughts and insights, debate until we reach an agreement, and ultimately work together to provide the best care for our patients.
Merida: *laughs* Debate! That's a good word for what occurs between Ramsey and Carrick. But, you're right, at the end of the day, all we do is for the best of our patients. 
Interviewer: Women in science are often underrepresented. How do you navigate this space and inspire the next generation of female medical professionals?
Olivia: Representation matters. By excelling in our respective fields, we hope to show aspiring female doctors that they belong and can thrive in the world of medicine. For me, I want all the little girls I work with to know they are capable of greatness even now when they're so young. 
Merida: It's about breaking stereotypes. We're not just doctors; we're diagnosticians and pediatricians—capable professionals contributing significantly to the medical field. We always look for ways to better ourselves and our field. We work together and support one another.
Casey: Exactly! Collaboration and support are absolutely essential, not just between ourselves and our teams but with younger medical students. Mentorship is crucial. Encouraging young women to pursue careers in science and medicine, providing guidance, and showing them that they can succeed are vital for creating lasting change.
Merida: We were honored to be invited to a local high school last week to speak with some science classes to try to encourage women in the sciences. 
Casey: We've also spoken as guest lecturers at Boston College. It was inspiring to see so many students at the start of their medical journeys.
Olivia: Speaking of starts, I don't think you can ever be too young to be inspired for a future in medicine. I was lucky enough to attend a career day at a local elementary school. It was really cute to see so many potential future doctors running around in their play lab coats! Seriously, I don't know how you two deal with adult patients all day when you could be spending time with little cuties!
Merida: It takes a special person to connect with kids the way you do, Liv. I've seen it firsthand. I think Casey and I are better suited for the medical mysteries of the adult world. Kids need someone with your warmth and patience. You've found your calling, and we've found ours. It's a good balance. The world needs both!
Olivia: Love you! Both of you! I think supporting each other is the best way we can help each other and foster a positive environment for future female doctors and scientists.
Casey: Too often women in the workplace are pitted against one another. Medicine is no exception.
Merida: Overcoming that and moving forward with a mindset of supporting and encouraging each other makes the workplace a better place for all and better for our patients.
Interviewer: Your support of each other is beautiful to witness. You three are not only inspirational doctors but also exemplars of enduring friendship, a bond I'm certain benefits all who walk in the doors of Edenbrook.
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 2 months
When life has other plans (16/16)
All's well that ends well
Book: Open Heart (AU)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Casey Valentine
Word count: 3398
Warnings: language, sexual content
Category: Smutty fluff
Rating: Mature
Summary: It is Casey’s final year of residency. Boards, offers and a few surprises are in stall.
Disclaimer: characters belong to Pixelberry.
Authors note: we made it, last chapter and the happy ending I promised. For those who have endured another angsty AU thank you. I hope you enjoy the ending.
Casey could not believe it. Final year of residency was here. Between her regular duties as a resident and junior fellow, as well as studying for boards there was not much time for anything else, which was the main reason why she declined her nomination to be in the running for chief resident. Jackie was kicking goals with the position though and Aurora was back at Edenbrook also. Casey knew that the medical world would be her oyster after her residency but she was torn. She enjoyed the team and felt she still had much to learn and contribute but at the same time, what was going to be best for her.
After Ethan confessing about the nightmares he had been having, their relationship again grew stronger and closer. In a way Ethan was excited about Casey coming to the end of residency and the next chapter in her career but the ghosts of future chats past was starting to rear its ugly head. He did not want to hold her back in any way but he also knew that if he was out of his reporting lines then they could be more open about their relationship and that any allegation of Casey being where she is only because of him would be less.
On a rare day off for both of them Ethan decided to start a dialogue about their future.
“I am a little scared, the last time I had a “our future chat” was in medical school. To say it did not end well is putting it mildly. I do not want a repeat of that. I know Boards are still several months away but any post residency offers from elsewhere will start coming in before boards…”
“Yeah, I was chatting to Tobias about the other day and how I will not get my Edenbrook one until we get our results, let’s just say if Tobias was still at Kenmore he would have put an offer to me to spite you pretty much.”
Ethan could not help but chuckle.
“In all seriousness Casey, I do not want to hold you back professionally. I know it is not the be all and end all but I also do understand if you wish to move out of my shadow…”
“This much I do know Ethan, I am staying on the East coast, my family are on this side, you are but obviously we will discuss more as time gets closer. What happened with the last chat that had you so scared?” Asked Casey.
“It was med school, I was well into my third year. I had been in a relationship with a fellow student, Estelle. Back in those days I had a big wall so the fact I was in a relationship and had been for nearly 8 months at that point was a big deal. It was coming up to Estelle needing to pick residency and what we wanted to do relationship wise. She asked me if I loved her and I could not say it back. She was distraught and accused me of not being able to see a future. She stormed out and I went to see her the next day to apologize, granted the same apology I had said several times over and I was greeted by a near naked Tobias…”
“Ouch” said Casey, wincing.
“Tobias numerous times had a discussion about my walls and issues and how I needed to address them and well, I did not know how or did not have the drive to do so. I had also assumed that Louise had left me because she did not love me so there was that also.”
Casey squeezed his hand.
“Well I was rather angry as you would imagine. At both of them. That is the point where things between myself and Tobias turned toxic. Estelle after a few weeks kept trying to woo me back but I could not trust her again.”
“Wow, ok, I know you told me that you both liked the same woman in medical school but I had no idea what had happened…” said Casey. “I understand the fear better. As I said earlier, unless they are going to pay my college debt and moving costs and it is a great offer career wise, I am staying on the east coast. And I will not be making this decision unilaterally either.”
Ethan smiles and gives her a hug. This discussion buoyed Ethan even more. Up until Casey, he never saw himself getting married or even a de facto relationship, however, the longer he was with Casey the more he saw the prospect of marriage. It was not something that he broached with her yet but it was something he knew he wanted.
As boards get closer, the busier Casey is with work and study. Ethan is worried about Casey, burning the candle at both ends. Casey understands where Ethan is coming from but she states that she can cope. Her work on the team did not go down nor in her regular duties. He marveled at how well she was going. As much as Casey worked hard she, along with all of her friends, were looking forward to the wedding of Ines. She was getting married in Hawaii. Casey was looking forward to the break. The flight to Hawaii was uneventful if not long. But they made it safely and when they were all checked in Casey went to bed. She awoke the next morning. The sea air bribing back memories of Miami in her intern year. There was a familiar stirring at her core but she refrained, knowing full well that there was plenty of time after the wedding to partake in what she wanted. She got dressed and met Ethan for some breakfast. He introduced her to Kona and Casey loved it. She then went stand up paddle boarding with Aurora and had a blast. Then it was time to get ready for the wedding. Casey picked a strapless floral number that suited the beach location perfectly. She put her hair up in a bun and had a few strands shaping her face. The ceremony itself was beautiful. Casey stayed with her friends for the ceremony and Ethan stuck towards the back. Ethan normally spent weddings wondering why people would take the plunge, but this time he listened to the words of not only Zaid, but the commitments that Ines and Angie made to each other and he then saw himself at an altar, making the same commitments to Casey and a feeling of peace the he never thought he would know lay upon him. He enjoyed some of the activity of the reception but he moved out to a balcony. Casey saw him move and after collecting a slice of cake for him as well as herself, joined him.
“How are you going?” She asks.
“Good, it was a lovely ceremony and I have been enjoying myself.”
“I am glad” says Casey. They enjoy their cake and then they go for a walk on the beach.
“Have you thought about what you want from our relationship long term?” Asks Ethan.
Casey is shocked by the question.
“What do I want as in…”
“Do you see marriage or similar” said Ethan.
“I thought you did not believe in marriage?”
“Well as we have gotten closer I have come to quite a few realizations about what I want in life.” Said Ethan “And events and therapy have helped me realize that what happened in my past does not need to dictate my future, which in away I had been doing.”
“I must admit, if you told me at the beginning of second year that we were in a relationship, I would have thought that person crazy, don’t get me wrong, I am more than happy to be in a relationship, especially given what we have gone through but my mind has so much being on boards and post residency that it has not being at the forefront of my mind but in saying that, I do see a future with you.”
Ethan internally breathed a sigh of relief before saying.
“You do indeed look ravishing in that dress” says Ethan before he plants a searing kiss on her lips. Casey returns the kiss. While Ethan starts kissing the column of her neck, Casey asks, nearly breathless
“Shall we go to my room?”
“Yes please” says Ethan huskily.
They make their way back to the hotel, unable to keep their hands and lips of each other. Once in the lift he lifts he up and she puts her legs around his waist. His hand trails up her thigh and Casey gasps as his hand reaches her drenched centre. He plays with her clit. Casey quietly moans. The elevator reaches their floor and they resume kissing. They arrive at Casey’s room. They enter and Ethan pushes her up against the door. He finds her zip and unzips her dress and the top falls around her waist. Ethan ravishes attention on her chest. He stops and lets her down so that he dress can fall down. He kneels down, laying waste to her underwear and places her leg over his shoulder and kisses up the inside of her thigh to her centre. The session is short and intense and Casey succumbs screaming. “I love you so much” she says breathlessly.
He kisses her before they make their way to the bed. They go several long and rather intense rounds. Ethan falls into an exhausted sleep. Casey lays awake, physically sated and with a feeling of peace. As she lay there, her mind went back to that first time in Miami and how they agreed to the initial arrangement and reflected on how far they had come not only as individuals but as a couple and then she smiled before drifting off into a blissful sleep.
Ethan awoke first, he looked at the gorgeously naked woman who was laying over him and wondered what had he done to be in love with and to receive the same love in return. In that moment he knew he was ready and that he would propose after Casey got her results.
Everyone enjoyed the brief break but when everyone returned, they hit the ground running. Ethan and Tobias tried to lessen Casey’s workload generally so she was not overstretched leading into boards. A few weeks after Hawaii Ethan and Tobias met for lunch socially. It was then that Ethan told Tobias that he was going to propose to Casey. To Ethan’s surprise, he was not surprised at this development. He was very excited for his friend though. Tobias said if he wanted any help shopping or planning the proposal to let him know.
A fortnight before boards Casey was unwell, with a respiratory tract infection for which treatment with antibiotics was needed. Due to being ordered to not even come into work until the course had finished, Casey made a quick recovery. This did not affect her preparations for boards.
The day of the board exams came. Casey and the gang arrived early and waited to be let in. The first part was the multiple choice component with the practical component after lunch. The gang were nervous obviously but on a base level fairly confident. Casey was told by not only Ethan but also by Tobias and by Baz not to overthink the questions. The exam started and there were a mix of tricky and easy questions. Casey felt she was going good until there was a question about the maitotoxin. She had to do a double take and then internally started to panic. She took a few deep breaths and answered the question before carrying on. The morning part came to an end and a visibly shaken Casey retrieved her belongings and made a phone call. Ethan was at Edenbrook, doing paperwork when his phone rang. He looked at phone and Casey’s face was on the screen. He answered the call.
“How are boards going sweetheart?” He asked.
“There was a question about the maitotoxin. It shook me.” Said Casey. “I thought I was over the worst of everything with that bit…”
Casey, breath, please” interjected Ethan. Casey does as she is told. “I can only imagine how traumatic that was to see that question but remember, recovery is not a straight line, but the fact you did not completely have a panic attack is a good sign.”
“Thanks Ethan, I did manage to get through the rest.”
“Glad to hear it, I will see you tonight.”
“See you tonight and I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Casey hangs up and has lunch with the rest of the gang. They discussed how they think they went and the maitotoxin question and Jackie asked a question.
“Has anyone seen Landry?”
“To be honest, I have not looked for him.”
“I did not see Judas” stated Elijah.
“He either ended up elsewhere and this was not his testing location or wherever he ended up did not work out.” Said Aurora.
All agreed though, they were quietly happy that they did not see him.
The afternoon session went without a hitch and then it was time to head home and get ready for the post boards party. Casey was looking forward to this on multiple fronts. She was looking forward to celebrating with her colleagues but also with Ethan. Between work and study, they had not much alone time together and Casey was looking forward to rectifying that. After a nap and a shower she got dressed in a rather salacious red lingerie set, she knew it would be ruined but she did not care. She wore it under a black wrap dress, paired with some heels and she was more than eager to go. The party at Donahue’s was in full swing and it did not take him long to find her. She looked alluring in the black wrap dress and all thoughts of impropriety came rushing forth. She eventually joined him at the bar.
He put his arm around her and whispered how ravishing she looked. Casey suggested that they head back to his house.
Traffic was mercifully good going from the hospital to Ethan’s apartment. As soon as they entered the lift, his lips were on hers. Ethan was a man starved and the journey from the lift to his apartment seemed to take ages. He just about had her up against the wall of his entryway when she told him to stop and guided him to the couch. She stands a little away and slowly takes her dress off. Showing off her new lingerie set inch by painful inch. As soon as her dress came tumbling down he got up and pushed her up against the window. Her breath catches as her back lands on the cool glass. He holds her hands above her head with one hand. He kisses her hard while the other hand plays with the nipple through her bra. He instructs her to keep her arms above her head for which she complies. He kisses down her neck and collarbone. He yanks and rips at her bra before circling her nipples with his tongue before gently sucking them. A slight moan escapes Casey’s lips and he whispers in her ears huskily.
“I am just getting started.”
One hand trails down to go between her legs. Her hips buck at the touch. A groan releases from the back of Ethan’s throat. He moves away slightly to remove his clothes. She quivers when she sees his rock hard cock. He kisses her again hungrily and picks her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. He slowly enters her, allowing time to adjust before moving out and thrusting back in hard.
“Fuck” Casey mutters.
They set an arduous rhythm from the get go and it does not take long for Casey to get close. Ethan holds her on the precipice before he succumbs, triggering Casey’s. He helps her ride it out and then when he feels able, he carries her bridal style to his room. He kisses her gently after laying her down on the bed. The second time is gentler but no less intense. The whole night was filled with sessions equal in intensity. They eventually fell into a deep and blissful sleep.
The last month of residency went in a blur. Naveen stood down as Chief of Medicine. The position was given to Ethan and he was encouraged to seriously think about it. Ethan toyed with giving Casey the team but he knew that would give the misogynists plenty of fodder and he did not want the accomplishment tarnished. Tobias suggested having Casey run it with someone else. Tobias was very impressed with how Casey worked and felt that it would only be a matter of time before she was leading any team in her own right. Ethan then asked Tobias how he felt about running the team, either as a sole leader or co-leadership with Casey for which Tobias replied
“I would very much like to run the team with Casey.”
Now Casey had received several offers. John Hopkins, Mayo, Kenmore, New York Presbyterian, Grossman and Perleman among others. They were all good offers but when Ethan got his offer and started thinking about it and what he wanted to do in the role, the decision was then made that she would stay at Edenbrook.
The last two weeks of residency came and Casey was exhausted. She had been working hard sure but this was another level. On the day that the board results were due, Casey was feeling nauseous. She was nervous about the results but this felt different. She then realized that she was late.
“Fuck” she muttered as the realization that again she was pregnant set in. She ordered herself a blood test. Her board results came in and she had passed with flying colours. She was relieved and excited, especially when she read her Edenbrook offer. Co-running the team with Dr Carrick. She then fought off a wave of nausea.
Her results of the blood test came in by the end of her shift.
She read them while catching the T to Ethan’s apartment.
She was not surprised but also shocked. She arrived at Ethan’s. She saw the romantic setting and was surprised. Especially when she spotted Ethan looking a little nervous.
He offered her a wine, which she declined and she got Ethan to sit down. The ring was sitting in his pocket and with how Casey was looking he all of a sudden became more nervous. He tried to remain calm, but trying to remember what could have upset her was a ball that had already started to move.
Casey could see how nervous he was.
“It is nothing bad Ethan, at least I hope not.”
All overcome with nerves she hands Ethan the result of her blood test. Ethan read, then reread the results again and then he looked over at Casey and he smiled.
“I never thought I would be here, ever, even after the events of the end of your first year. I never considered you an obligation then and I sure do not now. All I do know is that I want it all with you. A marriage, children. Everything. For the longest time I thought I did not deserve any of it and thus ruled it out. But I confronted the issues, with some prompting I admit but I confronted them and even though there will always be a part of me that will wonder if I do deserve it, I do know that the past can be learnt from and that it is not a tool used to dictate my future. I love you so much Casey and I look forward to embarking on life with you, no matter what it has planned.”
He takes a breath and produces a box. He opens it and gets down on one knee.
“Casey, will you make me even happier and marry me.”
Casey was shocked, then looked at the ring. It was gorgeous and then she looked at Ethan.
“Yes, my gosh, Yes.”
He placed the ring on her left hand and they kissed a kiss full of promise of what was to come.
Authors note: A fun fact, the ending with the pregnancy was only thought of when I started this chapter. I was always going to have a proposal but it feels full circle now. For those who endured the angst and frustration thank you so much. I hope you all enjoyed the ending
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @cariantha @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @genevievemd @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @zealouscanonindeer @alj4890 @schnitzelbutterfingers @trappedinfanfiction @binny1985 @lucy-268
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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potionsprefect · 9 months
Taking Time
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Victoria reflects on several first days
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
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In the tiny bed sit in Boston, Victoria Clarke laid against her pillows, reflecting on her first shift at Edenbrook Hospital.
She was exhausted having been on her feet all day, her body aches and she was half falling asleep as soon as she crawled into bed. But here she was, the start of what she hoped would be a successful career.
Perhaps the most exciting part of all was getting to work along Ethan Ramsey, one of the greatest doctors of his generation. Victoria knew the man expected great things out of people. But she didn’t realise how rude he could be.
Victoria hadn’t even started her shift before she was in the deep end of action. However, she knew she couldn’t leave the experienced doctor hanging. So she did as much as she could.
And she got no thanks for it.
Victoria may not be that experienced but she certainly wasn’t stupid. She knew the basics and it would take time.
So to be berated before she had even fully begun her shift was unnecessary.
Victoria knew the expectations of a doctor, the sacrifices and hard work, it took a lot to become the best and it was work Victoria was willing to put in.
She knew she would be praised and criticised along the way. And she would took it on the chin. All of the comments would make her a better doctor. Getting feedback from Ethan Ramsey was something she should listen to and reflect on. He wants the best for his staff. He wants them to succeed.
Victoria turned away from the window, a small smile on her face.
Tomorrow would be a new day. A day where she could show her new colleagues just what she was made of.
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Victoria dumped her bag on the floor with a loud sigh, she kicked her shoes off and collapsed onto her bed.
Her first day on the diagnostics team was over. And it was intense to say the least.
Working alongside some of the country’s greatest doctors was an honour but Victoria couldn’t help but feel a little out of place. They had years of experience compared to her. Victoria wondered if her opinion really mattered.
So when she was asked to attend a meal with the Governor of Massachusetts, Victoria knew she has clearly made a good impression. And her job was to keep the Governor happy. The youngest person at the table had the most important job of the night.
And according to everyone, she had passed with flying colours.
Victoria pulled out her phone and googled the Governor. She was a highly professional woman, someone who always dressed sharp and didn’t take fools lightly. Victoria guessed that she was a hard woman to impress. Yet funnily enough, she was able to do just that with her own son.
And the reward was an eight course meal at one of the fanciest restaurants in Boston. But somehow, that wasn’t the highlight of the evening. The minimal contact she had with Ethan was enough to make her heart flutter.
Strict boundaries were set between them. Whatever happened in the past had to stay there. They couldn’t go back to what they had before. And for Victoria, it hurt.
But that was the past and she was determined to put it behind her and focus on the future. She had earned one of the most hotly anticipated spots on a team admired by doctors all across America.
She was ready to prove her place.
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Victoria laid in bed as she heard the shower running in the en-suite, smiling to herself as she made out the faint line of Ethan in the reflection of the mirror. But she had even more reason to smile today. Her first full day as leader of the diagnostics team. It was pretty surreal.
She would never have guessed that she would be running this team. But with Ethan having taken over as Chief of Medicine, he decided that the leadership should be passed over to Victoria.
She considered it an honour to be leading the team. And she was going to do her best to make sure it excelled like it had under the last leader.
The door to the en-suite opened and Ethan stepped out, towel round his waist and hair dishevelled. “Are you okay?” He smiled.
“Never better.” Victoria smiled back. “I was just thinking about today.”
“Oh yeah.” Ethan said. “What were you thinking about?” He pulled out the hairdryer.
“Just how surreal it is leading this team. All I’ve ever wanted is to do the best for our patients. Now I have a chance to do even greater things. There’s a lot riding on it.”
Ethan turned off the hairdryer. “I understand how you feel. I felt the same when I took over. You suddenly don’t feel ready. But then I remember why I took the offer in the first place. Those before me trusted me. And if they had faith in me then I had faith in myself.” Ethan climbed into bed.
“That’s a good way of looking at it. I just don’t want to let anyone down.” Victoria replied.
Ethan wrapped his arms around Victoria. “You could never let anyone down. You are an exceptionally talented doctor. You’re ready for this moment.” He pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“I just feel like I don’t have a lot of experience.” Victoria sighed.
“You’ve had more than you realise. The cases you diagnosed were like no other and as strange as it may sound, the events with the Senator helped us discover a cure that we didn’t have before. You’ve contributed so much that your are worthy of this position. I would never have offered it to you if I didn’t think that you were ready.” Ethan smiled.
Victoria smiled up at him. “It means a lot to hear you say that. I just hope I do you proud.”
“You will Victoria.” Ethan pressed a kiss to her lips.
To have Ethan’s support meant the world to Victoria. If he had faith in her then she should have faith in herself too.
She was ready for this new challenge. And she would make everyone proud.
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And she became one of the most respected diagnosticians in the country 😉
Tagging in reblog
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zealouscanonindeer · 8 months
Synopsis: The aftermath of the attack comes with a waterfall of feelings.But is it enough to stop pretending?
Ethan's POV
Category: Angsty fluff. I can never resist a happy ending
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Sunlight peeked through the blinds at the blissful couple nestled in sleeps abode. I was the first to stir, stretching as consciousness returned, slowly opening one eye, then another before opening both to stare at the back of the woman who occupied every inch of my soul.
Her body moved rhythmically, even breaths for which I was grateful, ever since the attack seeing her felt like mercy on my heart. I would have died inside had she not made it. I loved her, with every fiber of my being, I did. And I would show her just how much I did, every single moment that we spent together.
I smiled, closing my eyes and sleep lulled me back into its abode.
"Ethan? Hey. " A gentle nudge against my shoulder followed by a kiss on my forehead roused me. I pulled her hand in mine.
"Wake up, sleepyhead. It's almost noon. "
" Perfect time to come back to bed. " I turned to my side, pulling her hand with me, her body following.
"Who are you and what have you done to my Ethan? "
"It's you Rookie, what are you doing to me? "
She giggled, sitting by my side, bending over me. Suddenly water slapped against my face, making me jerk back, my eyes flying open.
"Oh, sorry. "
Aspen moved her wet hair back over her right shoulder. I looked up to see her smile sheepishly at me, leaning down to peck my lips lightly. I held her against me, her bathrobe soft against my skin, not allowing the kiss to end. Her lips moved in a perfectly synchronized manner, tasting of honey. Needing air, we broke away.
I laid back, staring at her as she brushed my hair back, her fingers running through them, instantly relaxing me.
"Why are you looking at me like that? "
"Like what? "
"With that wierd look in your eyes. " I couldn't in that moment fathom how I had ended up finding her, how I would treasure her forever.
"I was just thinking"
"About? "
I wasn't gonna tell her just yet but she meant everything to me, how I would never hurt her again. I flipped us over so that she was under me. I hovered over her, kissing her once more.
She smirked at me.
"As much as I would like to, you have a shift. At a hospital you work at, as a doctor. " She teased.
Reluctantly, I picked up my belongings and car keys, giving Penny a lingering kiss, hugging her tightly.
"Someone's all lovey dovey today. " She pecked my clothed shoulder. Ignoring her astute observation, I quickly steered the conversation in a different direction
"When are you coming in again? "
"At around 7. I have a night shift today."
Noticing my slightly deflated look, she chuckled. I bade her goodbye, walking out to another day at Edenbrook.
The day continued like always, annoying interns, diagnostic cases and a couple of hours at the clinic. It was time for my shift to end, packing up my stuff I headed out, popping into the resident quaters to greet Aspen where I was informed she wasn't in yet.
I called her but she didn't answer, which was usual, and utterly annoying. I walked out to get into my car, winding through Boston traffic when the car bluetooth pinged with Penny's name.
"Hey. Where..." Her hoarse gasp shut me up.
"Ethan. Where are you? " Her laboured breath hitched as she gasped into the receiver.
My heart clenched with fear, breaking into a cold sweat I calmed my rising anxiety.
"Darling? What's wrong? "
"I need you to come quick. "
"Hold on, I'm almost there. Just hold on. " I prayed and begged her.
"Rookie "
"ROOKIE" Jenner barked frantically, running towards me.
"Here." A whisper called out to me from the kitchen floor.
I knelt down by Aspen's weak form, helping her into a sitting position, supporting her weight. She had a pretty bad bruise on the side of her shoulder, already turning black and blue. Jenner stood by my side, worried at the scene before him. She looked up at me and smiled weakly, trying to put on a brave face so I wouldn't worry.
" Don't worry, I just felt dizzy and blacked out. I hit the counter on my fall." She moved her arm, wincing.
"It's probably due to the anemia. You'd warned me it was a common after effect of the toxins I was exposed to. "
" You're right. I'll drive you to the hospital and get you set up. " She nodded as I picked her up.
I pulled the car into the parking space, getting my seatbelt off and ready to open the door when she stopped me.
"Wait! "
"What? " I scanned her, noticing the alarmed look in her eyes.
"You can't take me inside and somebody might see me get off from your car. Drop me at the back entrance and then go home. Your shift's done, it will be suspicious if you return five minutes after I'm here. "
"Have you lost it! I'm going nowhere. "
"But, Ethan everyone will know.. about Us. " My insides fluttered at her words.. Or one word in particular. Us. I didn't care anymore.
"Then let them. " I looked at her earnestly. The way her eyes lit up at my decision had me wishing I had done it long ago.
"Let's go in, together. " I offered.
"Okay." She pushed the seatbelt off as I opened the door for her and helped her out. I steadied her, walking her in through the hospital doors.
"Dr Ramsey! Um.. You're gonna..? " Marlene startled seeing me walk into Penny's room.
"Yes Marlene, I'm gonna sit by my sick girlfriend for the entire night. "
"Of course. " Marlene smiled a genuinely happy smile, leaving as she completed her last call, ready to hand over the floor to the next nurse on duty and head home.
The hospital was in quite a stir now. Hushed whispers and shocked indiscreet looks, everyone trying their best to hide their surprise and failing. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, we weren't exactly parading being together, we just weren't hiding it anymore. I was tired of it.
Knowing how precious time was, knowing how much of it was already gone, not knowing how much was left, a chill ran down my spine just thinking about having regrets. This... Us it wasn't something to be kept like dirty secret. I wanted people to know I loved this woman and she deserved nothing less than that.
I sat lost in my thoughts when a small voice called out to me.
"Rookie, hey, what's wrong? "
"Nothing.Could you just get the bed into a sitting position. " I turned the lever, pushing her slightly up.
"Thank you. For tonight. "
"What do you mean? "
Her eyes turned warm and glazed, she had beautiful eyes, the chocolate orbs stared at me with so much understanding, I couldn't help but fall in love all over again. Man, I had it bad.
"For showing how much this means to you. Us"
I simply kissed her forehead, words leaving me. I was done living safe. This was definitely a risk but when it came to her...She was worth every risk in the world.
@liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @jerzwriter @cariantha @peonierose @rookiemartin @kyra75 @queencarb @genevievemd @tessa-liam @coffeeheartaddict2 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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jerzwriter · 9 months
Meet my OC: Jessica Phillips
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I'd like to introduce you to Jessica Phillips. I've introduced her in a couple fanfics and edits in the past, but I am putting the finishing touches on some WIPs and wanted to flesh her character out a bit.
Book: Open Heart. (Prequel - when Casey is in Med School)
LI: Casey MacTavish (OH F!MC)
Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch
Age: 23 (meets Casey)/24 (starts dating)/33 (2023)
Hometown: Lakewood, Colorado
Family: James and Rebecca Phillips. Her father is a pastor and a bank manager, and her mother is a part-time librarian. She is the youngest of three. Her sister, Bethany, is six years older, and her brother, Troy, is two years older.
College: Temple University, Philadelphia, PA BS - Biology
Med School: UPenn - Perelman School of Medicine
Occupation: Pediatric Cardiologist
General Information: Jessica grew up in a happy but conservative family. She knew she was a lesbian from the time she was in middle school, but never let anyone know because she felt she would be disowned. When the time came to go to college, she only applied to schools in liberal areas where she knew she'd be able to live openly.
She had one serious relationship before Casey. Her name was Ammarah Ryan, and she was a fellow student at Temple University. Ammarah and Jessica applied to many grad schools, but the plan was to remain in Philadelphia if they could. They were both accepted to UPenn, and Jess assumed they were both going there. But Ammarah had been accepted to Oxford, and he told Jess of her plans to attend there just a month before graduation.
She returned to her home state of Colorado for her residency but was not happy. She became an attending in Seattle and eventually in New York City.
Jessica only came out to her family when she was an attending, and they were not accepting. When Jessica married her wife, Audrey Livingston, a pediatric oncologist, her parents would not attend, but her siblings were supportive. Casey had remained friends with Jessica, and she attended her wedding along with her parents, who always treated Jessica like she was their own.
Jessica and Audrey did not have children of their own, choosing to focus on their careers and each other, but they had several furbabies.
For more information about Casey & Jessica's relationship during med school, see here.
Casey x Jessica Masterlist
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the-pale-goddess · 5 months
Vices & Virtues - Ethan Ramsey x MC
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Dr. Ramsey's weaknesses don’t disturb his everyday life often, but when they do, a certain intern happens to always be involved.
Book: Open Heart, Intern Year (between Chapters 5 & 6)
Warnings: language, my rusty writing, a truckload of pining
Rating/Category: Teen+ / fluffy angst
Author’s note: [insert the ‘surprise, bitch’ & 'it's been 84 years' reaction GIFs]
I’m eternally grateful for the very few angels still waiting for new E&T content—this one’s for you 🫶🏻 Hope you’ll find a moment to read my word vomit and enjoy the mess (aka my writing). I appreciate every comment and like more than words can convey!
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Edenbrook is indigestible on Mondays. Though Ethan Ramsey doesn’t believe in whatever ‘curse’ humankind attributed to an absolutely random day, he cannot deny the madness that usually ensues upon the beginning of each week. An inexplicable air of post-weekend malaise does tend to envelop the globe, and Boston is no lucky exception.
“Mondays suck!”
Striding across the hustly-bustly pediatric ward, Doctor Ramsey overhears an agitated boy explicitly expressing his annoyance.
Ethan’s Monday has been a doozy of a day as well, but he’d rather keep his troubles six feet under, preferably in concrete. Nevertheless, a drop of sympathy implores him to stop near the patient’s room and watch the scene unfold at a safe distance.
The child blows a raspberry at the nurse preparing him for a corridor-long wheelchair ride, clearly upset about the surgery he’s being taken to.
A heavy sigh followed by the unmistakable giggle of a certain copper-haired radiologist interrupts Ethan’s first break during today’s demanding shift.
“It’s not Monday, kid. It’s just your life.” Doctor Herbert whispers into Ethan’s ear, a large cup of raspberry tea in her hand. “But at least it’s going to be all rainbows and candy again in three weeks.”
Meanwhile, the situation has escalated quickly: a river of tears streams down the young Monday-hater's cheeks now, his concerned mother shooting pleading looks between her shuddering offspring and the strict nurse trying to efficiently finish the task so she could move on with her hectic schedule.
A pang of dejection pierces Ethan all of a sudden when a long-forgotten fragment of the past he buried flashes through his mind. Before its splinters reopen old wounds, he swiftly pushes the unwanted memory back to the unexplored depths of his psyche.
“I don’t think he’s heard you.”
“Gee, Doctor Ramsey, share some of that cheerful attitude with the rest of us!” Liz nudges his side, almost spilling her hot beverage on his foot. She mouths an apology, but his unimpressed gaze falls elsewhere.
“You wouldn’t even know what to do with it.”
“Thank God your interns still haven’t caught that grumpiness you’re suffering from.”
“No need to worry, it’s not contagious.” He gives a dismissive wave of his hand, partially to announce his departure, then continues the journey to his primary destination: the harmonious sanctuary of his private office.
As soon as the elevator door closes behind Ethan, the confined space becomes his temporary resort. He takes a deep breath, rubbing his sunken, aweary eyes to relieve the tension—an aching remnant of the sleepless night. The exhaustion begins to mess with his senses, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary; permanent fatigue has been his steadfast companion for more than a decade of his career as a doctor.
There’s a crack in that orderly, borderline clinical life of his, as big as a closed fist, and he’s slowly beginning to realize its detrimental consequences.
But none of that matters now.
What matters is that his desperate efforts to bend Naveen’s stubbornness weren’t in vain; there’s still hope—a notion Ethan isn’t exactly on board with, but he puts his trust in science, and beyond any doubt science will point him in the right direction. As long as there’s time, he’ll do whatever it takes to save his mentor, his friend. He’s confident he can do it, he’s capable of diagnosing and curing whichever mysterious illness keeps Naveen captive.
He’s the only one who can do it.
A double shot of deep roasted espresso shall help this cause. Or, at the very least, make his Monday slightly more endurable.
Loud metallic thud followed by a streak of bright fluorescent lighting annunciates the arrival. Empty, windowless corridor welcomes his nostrils with the odious mixture of staleness and antiseptic, typical of the office wing on the sixth floor. He operates on autopilot, mindlessly trudging ahead, marginally consoled by the aura of eerie quietude. Blissfully oblivious to what the so-called Manic Monday has prepared for him next.
All his rational thought and peerless logic evaporate into thin air the second his drowsy gaze zooms in on the old waiting room under renovation currently withheld by the recent budget cuts. Within its hoary walls, a familiar sylphlike figure catches his eye, unwittingly staking her claim to his undivided attention.
Ethan’s dire need of coffee has vanished as well; he’s wide awake now.
Smiling to herself, a sense of pride evident in the alluring dimples carved into her cheeks, Doctor Addams arranges a stack of papers atop a massive couch protected by thin plastic sheet.
Ethan acknowledges that he must ignore the tempest raging inside his chest, but he’s unable to focus on anything else other than the energy she exudes, luring him in like a siren’s song.
This isn’t the first time the infamous Doctor Terminator is utterly powerless in the face of her—the most intriguing mystery he’s tempted to unravel for some godforsaken, unfathomable reason.
Everything he knows about Tiffany Addams has been collateral damage from their close proximity and the isolating nature of their work. Against better judgment, Ethan has stored every single crumb of information thrown at him, like it’s a treasure guarded in the vault of his mind, acquiring new pieces and adding them to this clandestine collection.
With certainty, there’s a new element behind that glass wall, ready to be studied in secret.
As though pulled by a magnet, his feet carry him towards the room while Ethan shuffles through a myriad of excuses plausible enough to start a conversation. A good excuse, however, requires an elaborate background story, supported by a carefully planned follow-up—both of which clearly out of his reach at the moment.
Fully aware of the possible disaster awaiting inside, Ethan steps into the room quietly, leaning against the doorframe with arms crossed over his chest. A sophisticated scent of sultry vanilla wrapped with notes of luminous lavender pervades the space, handily smothering the musty odor of the old hospital furniture stored here for at least a year.
Heedless of his presence, Tiffany remains locked in her own bubble. She’s seated on the couch, browsing through a large leather bag with a lot of noise.
Long onyx locks neatly tamed in a sleek bun reveal the exquisitely sculpted contour of her features, its sharp edges so far removed from the overpowering warmth hiding in her sparkling emeralds and tenacious kindness dripping from the corners of her full mouth.
That stark contrast surely must be a part of her allure, he reckons. Not that there’s any evidence at his disposal—he’s her boss, for fuck’s sake. But the set of cardinal rules applying to the situation doesn’t stop him from looking, nor does it dilute the poison seeping from that singular contaminated thought…
Loud, treacherous voice snarls inside his mind like a beast at the gates of his sanity.
This isn’t staring, this is a comprehensive risk assessment.
Regardless of the pretext, watching her feels almost perverse, but he’s too transfixed to listen to his voice of reason hopelessly trying to redirect him to the path of impeccable propriety.
He can’t look away. Can’t move either. She'll notice him…Eventually.
Is that all he’s become? A disappointment, a fraud. One of the best diagnosticians of the generation, the esteemed Dr. Ethan Ramsey is consistently failing to do his job. His own mind appalls him—once the most treasured asset, his pride and joy, now compromised, useless, struggling to cut through the veil of his inappropriate longing.
Perhaps instead of triggering a spiral of destruction, he should address a more pressing matter: why is there a splotch of purple paint on her cheek?
Better late than never, his focus switches from Tiffany to the negligible surroundings. On her left, spread across the polythene-covered couch, lie a couple of ridiculously abstract drawings, colorful and confusing, each of them made with the skill and precision equal to a six-year-old if he has to guess.
Suddenly, it all clicks.
Along with his tongue.
The short clack doesn’t make her flinch, though she straightens immediately, a glimmer of surprise shining in her riveting eyes when she looks up at the intruder and deems him worthy of a smile. Her lush, rosy lips curl up generously, greeting him with a beam so dazzling his body heats up like bare skin kissed by the blazing midday sun in the middle of summer.
The older doctor doesn’t return the cordial gesture—he has a reputation to uphold and his bruised dignity to save. He quickly takes refuge in the shadow of his perfect decorum, dexterously covering the unjustifiable act of treason committed by his very own carnality.
Tiffany, however, is undeterred in her mission to melt his callous indifference with the disarming sincerity of her vivacious spirit.
“Before you drop your sarcastic grenades on me: no, I have not found my true calling elsewhere. I have not been slacking up either. These aren’t even mine, so insulting someone else’s artistic skills would be totally inappropriate.” Her hand waves over the drawings.
“I wouldn’t dare to insult a respected artist and credit you with their art.” He retorts flatly, then spills the aforementioned sarcasm like the Lord intended. “Early Pollock must cost a fortune or two. How come such rare artworks ended up in your possession?”
His comment inspires a peal of infectious laughter; the powerful melody of Tiffany’s unadulterated amusement conquers the room, all but obliterating the chronic sternness of Ethan’s face.
He cannot help but bask in the glory of this unexpected outcome: he’s the reason behind the glorious, velvety sound; she’s laughing because of him.
“You made a pretty solid assumption, Doctor Ramsey, but I have to disappoint you: early Pollock had an affair with surrealism and his style was way more compositional than this.” She points at the glittery mess splashed in the center of one of the pieces, not so subtly suppressing another wave of laughter.
Miss Addams and her irreplaceable wit painfully remind him of the golden rule he often pretends doesn’t concern his giant ego: do not speak on the topics your knowledge of is insufficient.
Lustrous vivid-green eyes fixed on him and the urgency he’s facing at the moment leave him no choice but to quickly shake off the embarrassment and adapt his reaction accordingly.
Reluctantly, Ethan clings to brutal honesty. “I’m not an art connoisseur, so I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.”
“Oh, trust me, you would.”
A smudge of amethyst retrieves the diagnostician’s attention for one split second, demanding a seamless change of topic.
“I presume you spent your lunch break on the pediatric ward again, trying to start a new art movement.”
Doctor Addams gasps theatrically and presses her slender fingers to her mouth, lowering her head slightly. “What gave me away?”
Ethan considers revealing the truth through another shot of bluntly delivered sarcasm (something he would have done in any other case), but his body betrays him, subconsciously drawing near Tiffany.
“Apart from the excited chatter on the second floor? Nothing.” He replies, straining to keep his impeccable composure just as she bites into her lower lip tantalizingly in what appears to be keen anticipation.
A few risky steps later she’s at his arm’s length, and he decides to measure that dangerously short distance; akin to an audience member of some ludicrous soap opera, the diagnostician observes his hand move towards the intern’s face in slow motion, as if that bloody limb wasn’t his and the falsely innocent intention swarming inside his incisive, virtuous mind filled him with repulsion.
Except he wants this. He needs to feel her.
Even though the mere ghost of an idea may bring his demise, he cannot break free, imprisoned by the torturous vision of her vanilla-scented skin gliding smoothly against his.
Much to his bewilderment, her breath quickens just as much as his; the evergreen forest in her eyes bursts into flames when their gazes meet, burning his hesitation down.
She wants this too.
Nothing could convince him to refrain from acting on this forbidden desire now, not a single reasonable thought seems to be charged with a cogent argument.
So he lets his thumb brush down her right cheek, down the lick of wet paint smeared across her warm skin, taking most of the dark purple off the silken canvas along the way.
The sky didn’t tear in half, there was no divine retribution exacted upon a sinner like him, no sign of punishment fit for his appalling misdeed.
“Nothing. At. All.”
Nothing but the silky smoothness of her face, rapid rise and fall of her shapely chest, and fiery heat searing through his veins…
Inevitably, the unbearable tension crackling between them dissipates in a flash when Tiffany snorts at the sight of his acrylic-stained thumb, a soundless ‘fuck’ escapes her mouth as she sprints to find a prompt solution for the paintmergency, stripping him of time to ponder on what the living hell just happened.
He takes advantage of the moment, immediately scolding himself, forcing his thoughts to flee from the crime scene concocted by his newly depraved brain.
“Must be your enviable instinct of an outstanding diagnostician then.” Cheeky as ever, she casts a playful eye over Ethan while rummaging through the drawers, summoning him to focus on her.
Within a long minute, she scuttles back to him, stretched arm offering one of the two pieces of paper towel sprayed with hand sanitizer. They use it to rub the paint off their skin. As soon as they’re done, Ethan quips back. Sort of.
“The balance between mockery and flattery is a bit too delicate to be used in a professional environment, don’t you agree, Addams?”
Unintimidated by the tricky question, Tiffany lifts her shoulder in a half shrug. “It all depends on the intelligence of the person you’re speaking with. You’re ultrawealthy in that department, so I assumed you wouldn’t mind some harmless friendly banter.”
“We’re not friends.” The speed with which he retaliates might have just sealed his fate. Deep down, he doesn’t quite believe those words himself, but there are rules to be followed unconditionally, rules that cannot be broken under any circumstances.
Dark, noble brows accentuating the breadth of her radiance crease together in sheer bewilderment. He can almost hear the scoff she’s choking back when she sees right through the cone-shaped hole in the thick wall separating them.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
“We’re getting there.” She nods vigorously, openly mocking his well-meaning mendacity with lips pursed into a thin line and narrowed eyes surveying him diligently.
„An attending befriending his intern? I can’t see that happening.”
A winning grin lights Tiffany’s features up. „It’s already happening, whether you like it or not.”
The more she pushes forward, infuriatingly so, the more he resists, fortifying his helpless defense.
„Would you be kind enough to explain why on Earth would I let it happen?”
“It’s beyond your control.” She shakes her head. „There’s nothing you can do now.”
He frowns at her, takes her fierce expression in, feigning utter disinterest in the mesmerizing spatter of freckles adorning her glowy skin.
Is the intensity of his glare too revealing? Can there be a flash of ardent curiosity swimming in his eyes and acting up against him?
„You’re awfully confident about all the wrong things, Rookie.”
She mimics the military salute, right hand raised sharply, touching her forehead, fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm facing down. „The colossal pain in your ass reporting for duty, sir.”
This display of her goofiness, derived from the smidgeon of irreverence he’s found himself covertly fond of, successfully penetrates his ruptured facade.
At last, Doctor Terminator’s perpetually grim face blooms with an ear-to-ear smile, so wide and genuine that Tiffany blinks once, twice, most probably questioning whether the exceptionally unusual scene in front of her is real.
The way she gapes at his mouth almost drills a hole in him—she’s that awestruck, like a pious believer who stumbled upon irrefutable evidence confirming the foundation of her faith.
“You should smile more. You…” Her plush lips part when she trails off, then sucks in a breath, as if to stop the profanation of their professional relationship jumping on the tip of her tongue from slipping out recklessly.
She wants this too.
“It suits you.”
Ethan’s cheeks erupt with disgraceful heat, resembling an awkward teenager attracting his crush’s attention for the very first time—the feeling almost as mortifying and inexcusable as the unprecedented lack of any snarky response.
As if the worst was yet to come, Tiffany keeps on staring at him with such exhilarating wonder and sureness he doesn’t quite know how to proceed with such abundance of emotion meddling with his stoic approach.
She wants this too.
For a fleeting moment, the abyss of his solitude shrinks significantly, purple paint filling the crack on the illusory contentment with the life he’s chosen, just as her piercing gaze invites him further into the impossible fantasy.
Then, a jolt of sobering guilt runs along his spine in a rude awakening, at the same time when Tiffany realizes the gravity of her daring statement and its perilous implications.
“I, erm…”
“Uhm, my…”
Ethan smashes the uncharacteristic uneasiness descending on them, a benign half-smile and barely perceptible nod encourage her to continue. “Go on.”
Her gaze flickers towards the hall, a tinge of crimson reddening freckled porcelain. “My break is almost over. I should head back to the ER.”
Hell must have frozen over: his fearless protégée, strong-willed and sharp-tongued at all times, befuddles him with this uncommonly demure armor plate she has put on. The most challenging obstacles and cases fail to break her down, stress and pressure never threaten her admirable strength, and yet there she is—bleeding from her own sword.
This supremely fascinating token of hidden vulnerability sheds new light on the beguiling collection of contradictions making her whole.
He examines the younger doctor pacing around the room as she gathers her belongings up, stuffing her capacious bag with them. Half-way, she spins to address him directly and points at her cheek.
“Am I…Still…?”
“No, you’re alright. The paint is gone.”
As she goes forward, assembling her patients’ drawings into a neat pile, and—rather intentionally—ignoring Ethan, he readjusts his tie and dives headfirst into the pool of her discomfort.
“You don’t have to dedicate such a vast portion of your free time to helping others.”
She freezes, visibly offended, but still intent on avoiding his gaze. “I know. I want to.”
“What I meant...Is that you need to add yourself to the equation, Tiffany.”
“I’m doing just fine, thank you.” She scoffs, the barely noticeable defensive undertone reverberating in her firm answer not entirely convincing for the diagnostics virtuoso.
His evaluation is disrupted by the abominably loud beeping of Tiffany’s pager. Their eyes finally clash for a brief shootout with no winner before she shuts the damn thing up.
“Well then. See you later, Doctor Ramsey.” She blurts out hastily without giving him a second glance and turns round to rush out of the room, but stops in her tracks near the door.
Something sparks inside that brilliant mind of hers, reigniting her boldness. Dense curtain of long lashes flutters at him over her shoulder, inky-black and luxurious akin to the finest lace, the signature magnetic smile dancing on her lips again—this time infused with genuine concern. She inspects his countenance for a still moment, inch by inch, crease by crease, until her head falls to the side like she has just uncovered his biggest secret.
“Consider locking the door in your office and getting some rest.”
“Giving me advice isn’t included in your job description.” He sneers, the unnecessarily harsh huff of his disapproval concealing the alien sentiment spilling inside his chest.
Somehow it’s still not enough to antagonize her.
Her eyes bore into his audaciously; the gentleness gleaming from elusive emerald green, reminiscent of safety, offers shelter he despairingly seeks, but cannot take. “But it’s nice to have someone watching out for you, isn’t it?”
Somehow they might have more in common than one would think.
Careful not to expose the motley collection of feelings stirring his blood, Ethan draws in a long breath and slips his hands into the pockets of pristine white coat, perfecting his posture, with tense body standing even taller, as though to appear completely unaffected by her undeniable appeal, more unrelenting.
He’s been looked at countless times, yes, but this must be the first instance where he feels truly seen.
It is indeed nice.
The attending doesn’t say a word, for he would have to agree with the intern. She smirks triumphantly, accepting the tacit disbelief etched on his face as conclusive proof of her diagnosis.
Instead of claiming victory through verbal manifestation of her sass, Doctor Addams attacks him using a different weapon: a provocative wink. “Just think about it.”
With a graceful twirl indicating goodbye, his Rookie struts out, leaving a dizzying mist of her divine scent behind.
Wasting no time, Ethan scoots to the exact place where she stood prior to this moment, soaking up the delicious cloud of fragrance, unable to resist sniffing the air like some sort of disgustingly pathetic creep.
Thankfully, there are no witnesses to this particularly revolting descent into madness.
No witnesses to the beginning of his fall.
Mind over heart has never sounded more delusional than now, that his hard-won empire of spotless reason stands on the verge of crumbling. But he’s not giving up—he can’t give up. There’s too much at stake.
Beyond dispute, Ethan Ramsey is not an easy man to defeat. The King of Quiet Desperation wears his broken crown with arrogance, each burnished gem representing his sins, though the ultimate one hasn’t brought him down yet.
Having put the mask of nonchalance back on, Doctor Ramsey turns off the lights and stomps into the empty corridor—his hand still carrying the heavenly softness of Tiffany’s skin like a fingerprint, like a sin, shaky fingers curling at the very thought of the contact—then begins a seemingly casual stroll to his office.
He doesn’t have many vices—she is all of them.
A/N2: Hope you enjoyed this bad boy ❤️ Sorry (not sorry) if it's too long and repetitive...I literally can't shut up when it comes to these two fsksjdkfjs Plus it felt really good to find my writing mojo after such a long time!
PS. If there are any typos and/or mistakes...No, there aren't lol I'm fighting COVID at the moment, so my brain's a little foggy. I had this fic sitting in my drafts and decided to just go with the flow while I'm feverish and can't see any faults sjfskfkjf I'll get back to everyone waiting for a reply when I'm more coherent. Stay safe, lovelies!
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 months
meet my oc: dr. maren donovan
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pronouns: she/her
birthday: february 27
personality: she's literally just happy to be here. like shes professional and serious but also incredibly kind and just always sees the best in people, even if she has to fight for it (though it has come back to get her before *cough cough ethan cough*). she's sharp and quick witted, but shes the best hype man youll ever find. she loves everything fashion and makeup and it's rare that you'll see her without a fun look
she graduated from med school at cambridge then came to boston to work at edenbrook. shes always been studious and loves having a schedule. it felt like a good fit to her because of edebrooks good reputation
backstory: maren was born in colorado but went to school in the UK. her parents lived in the states, but they sent her off to live w her paternal grandparents who lived in a small city near cambridge. every other summer she'd come back home to spend with her parents. her dad worked a lot so she didn't get to see him very often, but her mom was a teacher so they got to spend most of their time together
shes always had an interest in fine arts, and has a love for painting and playing viola in her free time. she studied a lot of music in her younger years and her grandparents were insistent that it be a part of her life. she had piano and violin lessons, but viola was always her favorite. she still has her violin and piano but doesn't favor them quite as much
Theodore Donovan (dad)
Anna Taylor (mom)
Henry Donovan (grandpa)
Beatrice Donovan (grandma)
as always feel free to ask any questions ab her!! super excited to explore her story and share more ab her :)
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thosehallowedhalls · 1 month
An Awkward Interval
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Rating: Teen
Word count: ~550
Summary: Before leaving Miami, Casey knows she has to talk to Ethan.
A/N: For @jerzwriter, who gave me the prompt Ethan, Casey, Elevator. Drabble 17 of my 30 days of drabbles.
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The silence echoes around them.
All right, technically, it isn’t silent. There are other people in the elevator, half of whom are talking with no regards to the fact that others can hear them discuss their plans for the day, what they did the day before and, in one particularly loud case, who they did the day before.  But as far as Ethan and Casey goes? The Pathology Department at Edenbrook is livelier.
She supposes she should have seen this coming. Ethan’s reaction to their kiss did foretell in giant neon letters that awkwardness was incoming. But she hasn’t felt this awkward since middle school.
That is not an age she wants to relive, thank you very much.
The elevator makes one stop, then another. People begin to filter out until they’re the only two occupants left. Ethan has been steadily stepping away from her, step by sneaky step until they’re on two opposing ends.
Right. She can’t handle another two and a half years of this.
“Aren’t we going to talk about it?”
Ethan continues to stare straight ahead. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Seriously? You know exactly what I mean.”
“Eth- Doctor Ramsey. You can’t pretend you don’t know what I mean. Come on, you can’t even look at me.”
“That’s not true.”
“Isn't it? Then why are you staring at the control panel like it’s one of your patients?”
He shifts on his feet, and if she weren’t so frustrated, she’d find the gesture adorable.
Okay, maybe she still does. Just a little bit. But not enough to distract her from her mission.  
“We kissed.”
His throat bobs. “And we agreed it was a mistake, so I don’t see the point in talking about it.”
“Because if you keep being weird about it, everyone will know something happened. That’s kind of the opposite of why you walked away, isn’t it?” She puts a hand on his arm and… does she imagine the slight shudder that rocks him? “Ethan.”
He exhales. “You are… correct.”
“Oh, wow. I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say those words out loud. I didn’t know you were capable of thinking those words.”
“Casey.” With a strangled laugh, Ethan turns to look at her. “Don’t push it.”
“Can’t blame a girl for having a little fun.”
He ignores her. “You are correct, of course. My behavior towards you needs to remain the same as… before.”
“Perhaps not quite the same. I wouldn’t mind if you forgot to chew me out now and then.”
“I thought you wanted me to act normal.”
“How about normal-lite?”
He laughs. She tries not to melt at the sound. “Let’s go with normal and see what happens.”
She smiles at him. He smiles back.
After a moment, it occurs to her that they’re just… staring at each other, their smiles having fallen without her notice. Her eyes drop to his mouth, and she can tell from his soft inhalation that he noticed.
“Casey…” Their faces are inches apart, and she vaguely wonders which one of them leaned in first. “I…”
The elevator doors open again, and four people walk in. Ethan jumps back, his back firmly against the wall, his gaze falling anywhere but on Casey.
She runs a frustrated hand through her hair.
So much for normal.
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cariantha · 6 months
Talk is Cheap (1/2)
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Warning: Mentions of pregnancy Category: AU; Angst (with a happy ending) Word count: 1.5K Prompt: What would have been the outcome if Sawyer had discovered that she was pregnant whilst Ethan was in the Amazon? A/N: The theme song for this fic is “Go Get Her” by Restless Road. Part 1 of this AU follows my HC for E&S up until the unexpected event at the end. Part 2 will be posted in a couple days.
After Ethan rescinded his resignation from Edenbrook, he and Sawyer agreed to keep some distance until she was no longer an intern and he was no longer her boss. But that was easier said than done. Having crossed the line, they found it impossible to go back to their respective sides. They were able to keep up appearances at work, but after hours they spent their time together in Ethan’s apartment, hiding from the world.
Ethan was quick to share the exciting news with Sawyer as soon as he received the offer. He told her that he had been invited to join a team organized by the World Health Organization. The carefully selected team would be traveling to an indigenous village in the Amazon. They hoped to prevent the further spread of an unknown virus and provide much-needed medical care.
Sawyer had mixed feelings. She knew this was something he had always wanted to do, and she outwardly supported and encouraged his upcoming adventure. But inwardly, now that they were finally together, she selfishly wanted him to stay.
When Naveen announced Ethan as his replacement and appointed Sawyer to the diagnostics team, Ethan promised her that they would “figure it out.” Sawyer had no reason to believe otherwise. To date, they had successfully kept their secret under wraps. It wasn’t ideal, but if it meant they could continue to be together, why fix what wasn’t broken?
All too soon, the time came for them to say goodbye. Standing in his doorway, Ethan framed Sawyer’s face between his hands. He studied her face, committing her features to memory, before planting a final kiss on her lips. “I’ll see you in a couple months.” 
“Will you check in once you’re there and settled?” Sawyer asked hopefully.
Ethan gave a nod, then watched as Sawyer flashed a sad but affectionate smile before walking away.
After a week with no contact, Sawyer tried to call him. No answer. She followed up a few days later with a text message. No reply. Two weeks had passed without a single acknowledgment from Ethan. 
She gave him the benefit of doubt. He was in the jungle after all, and maybe communication with the outside world was a challenge. But as more days passed, she started to wonder if something had happened. Something that would make him shut everyone out, again. Like the time he thought he failed his mentor and quit his job.
With just a couple hours left of her shift one afternoon, Sawyer stepped onto the elevator to find Naveen dabbing his forehead with a handkerchief. “Hey there, are you feeling okay?” she asked. Given his recent medical ordeal, she was immediately concerned.
“I’m fine, dear. Not to worry. I just came from outside.”
Acknowledging the unseasonably warm weather, Sawyer commiserated, “Being from Arizona, I can take the heat. But the humidity? Ugh. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.” 
“It can be downright uncomfortable. Though Ethan would probably welcome it given the climate where he's currently stationed. Poor fellow. His shirt has been completely soaked both times I’ve spoken to him.” 
Sawyer felt a sudden stabbing pain in the center of her chest. Her heart slowly bleeding out, she tried to maintain her composure. “You… you’ve spoken with him?” 
Naveen, who was once the nation’s leading diagnostician, knew immediately from the change in her tone and body language that something was amiss.
The elevator dinged as the doors opened to the fifth floor. Emotions betraying her, Sawyer swept a finger along her lower lashes to catch the tears that threatened to spill. It didn’t go unnoticed. 
Naveen quickly pressed the button to close the elevator doors. “I have some tissues in my office,” he offered, reaching out to give her hand a quick squeeze. When the doors opened again, this time to the seventh floor, the chief led his personal lifesaver to his office. Once they were seated, he pushed a box of tissues toward her and asked, “When was the last time you spoke with him?”
“The night before he left town.” She told him that she had tried to call and text, but Ethan hadn’t responded. “I-I don’t understand. Things were good… we were good.”
Naveen offered consolation, sharing his disappointment in the man who had become like a son to him. “I’m sorry, Sawyer. He’s an idiot. Plain and simple. I can offer no other excuse for his behavior.”
Despite her heartbreak, she couldn’t help but chuckle quietly at his candor, grateful for the validation.
“I have heard the way he speaks about you. Seen the way he acts around you. He lights up! Do you know how rare that is? You are special to him, Sawyer,” he reassured. Then with a sigh, "One thing I've learned about Ethan is that he feels deeply, and when those feelings become overwhelming, he shuts down. If I had to hazard a guess, that's the reason he has ghosted you."
She nodded, processing the information. “I love that you know what ‘ghosting’ is,” she said with an appreciative smile. Not wanting to take up any more of his time, Sawyer stood to leave. “Thank you, Naveen. I should get back to my patients.” 
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A couple minutes later, as if summoned by the universe, Ethan’s name and picture appeared on Naveen’s vibrating phone. “Were your ears ringing just now?” Naveen answered.
His protégé furrowed his brow. "Why would they be?"
“I just had a chat with the newest member of the diagnostics team. You remember Sawyer, of course?”
Ethan huffed and shook his head in frustration. 
With parent-like disappointment in his tone, Naveen asked, “What are you doing, son?”
Like an annoyed teenager, Ethan looked away from the camera. Whatever was or was not happening between him and Sawyer was none of Naveen’s business. Part of him blamed Naveen for putting them into this situation in the first place. As he gazed into the distance, carefully considering his response, Ethan missed when Naveen’s attention was momentarily diverted by a gentle rap on the door. 
Sawyer poked her head in and pointed to the desk. “Sorry, I forgot my pager,” she mouthed.
Naveen gestured for her to come in.
“How is she?”
Sawyer froze when she heard the familiar voice, her terrified eyes flicking up to Naveen’s. 
Looking back down at his phone screen, Naveen countered, “Why don’t you ask her yourself?” 
“What?” The view in Ethan’s hand blurred before finally coming into focus on Sawyer’s equally panicked expression.
The lovers-turned-strangers stared at each other for an awkward moment until Ethan finally broke the silence. “Hi.”
“Hi,” she reciprocated, voice steady despite the thundering in her chest.
Naveen handed his phone to Sawyer. “Why don’t you kids catch up? I need to check in with my assistant before she leaves for the day.”
Reluctantly taking the phone, she watched Naveen retreat. Only after the door clicked shut did she turn her attention back to the now guilt-ridden face on the screen.
"How have you been?" he asked with trepidation.
Sawyer shook her head defiantly. She didn’t care about pleasantries. She wanted answers. Fighting back the tears that she had just gotten under control, she cut to the chase.
“I thought you and I… I thought we meant something to each other… I thought we were together,” she fumbled for the right words.
“We were.”
“We were? Past tense?” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Did I do something wrong? Something to upset you?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Sawyer.”
“Is there someone else?”
“No,” he said firmly with a shake of his head. “No.”
“Then why, Ethan?” she pleaded for understanding.
“For the same reasons I stopped things in Miami. I can’t be–if I am–your career is–and you mean too–”
The connection became unstable, with Sawyer only able to catch every few words that he spoke. “You keep cutting out… Ethan, you’re breaking up–” The screen suddenly turned black and the call ended. “You’re breaking up..." she repeated, the double-meaning not lost on her, “with me.” 
Falling into a chair, Sawyer covered her mouth, muting the quiet sob that she could no longer contain. “God, I’m so stupid.” After a couple minutes, she sniffed back her tears and composed herself. Cracking the door open, she found Naveen with his hip perched on his assistant’s desk. 
He couldn’t help but notice her reddened, blotchy cheeks. His questioning eyes met her bloodshot, swollen ones. Sawyer answered with a shake of her head, handed him his phone, then turned and briskly walked away.
A month later, Sawyer sat on a paper-lined exam table chewing on her thumbnail, waiting for the doctor to enter.
Knock, knock. A slightly older woman dressed in pink scrubs entered the room. “Hi Sawyer, I don’t think we’ve officially met. I’m Dr. Moore.”
“Hi,” Sawyer greeted. Not usually one to shy away from small talk, her anxiety made the task seem impossible.
Dr. Moore sat down on a low stool, wheeling closer to Sawyer with a tablet in hand. “I have your test results. Your pregnancy test is positive.” As the doctor spoke of conception and due dates, and suggested a quick ultrasound to confirm, a single tear fell from the corner of Sawyer’s eye.
Part Two
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