#becoming part of writing community
vasilinaorlova · 4 months
This video, recorded on the occasion of me getting my first client in the life coaching, is going into the realm of tips on how to write. To summarize, clarify, and expand on what was said,
1) consider writing and editing to be two separate tasks; you have to allow yourself to write and suspend your inner critic; you cannot edit while writing - I mean, you can, but better to avoid editing while writing. You can edit later.
2) to get a motivation to write, you have to become a part of writing community. The writing community does not have to be face to face or in person and can be half imaginary or even consist of you twenty years later, but the writing community has to exist.
3) to write, you have to read. There is no way around reading. Reading does not have to be a daunting part; you can read what you like.
4) writing is the only thing that opens doors, apart from resources that we might not possess, such as money and connections. Therefore, it is helpful to get into a habit of writing. The book I mentioned was Peter Elbow's Writing Without Teachers: https://www.amazon.com/Writing-without-Teachers-Peter-Elbow/dp/0195120167/ - Elbow's book helped me, and it can help you.
I can help you in getting into a habit of writing and unleashing your creativity as a life coach and even as a developmental editor. Book a session with me at https://tl.page/vasilina-or
When I was talking about my own background as a writer, I did not mention that in addition to journal publications, I also have books out: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Vasilina-Orlova/author/B001I0OUKC
I hope you are having a great day! Like and comment. See you soon.
#writing #lifecoaching #lifecoach #creativity #unleashingcreativity
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sentientcave · 4 months
WIP Wednesday - Impound
A little peek at that tow truck driver idea I was tossing around last week, for any interested parties
He shuffled through the papers deliberately. The sound of the cop’s rubber-soled boots squeaking impatiently on the dated linoleum floor was music to Simon’s ears. “Oh, of course. The squad car. Parked in a fire lane.” He tutted, shaking his head. “You’re lucky I got there before bylaw did. ‘S a big fine if they ticket you.”
They both knew that bylaw didn’t have the stones to ticket a cruiser. The fire department might, but they didn’t go around looking for trouble either. That was really more Simon’s area of expertise.
“You could have been impeding an investigation,” Price said, steely eyes narrowing.
Simon snorted. “At Ronnie’s? I fockin’ doubt it, unless you were investigatin’ how fresh the pastries were. Everyone knows that’s Laswell’s girl. Nobody’s stupid enough to cause trouble for ‘er.”
Price’s jaw was so tight that Simon was surprised his teeth didn’t start cracking under the pressure. He could almost hear the grind of enamel. “Fine. Just get the bloody gate open so I can leave.”
“Sure, no problem officer. Just a matter of the impound fees— Y’want me to bill the precinct directly, or are you gonna pay ‘em yourself?” He set the paperwork down on the desk top and fished the debit machine out of the top drawer suggestively. “Just need some I.D., if you don’t mind. Gotta keep things tidy on my end.”
Price snatched up the invoice. “One hundred and fifty dollars? Are you mad?”
“That’s the rate. Take it up with council if you’ve got a problem with it. You still gotta pay.”
Price was pretty near growling as he yanked out his wallet. Simon made a bit of a performance out of logging in the information on his I.D. on the slow computer, of punching in the total on the debit machine, and of checking everything to make sure it was in order. Price initialled the invoice where he was directed, pressing so hard it left a permanent indentation in the cheap veneer of the desk.
“Olright. You’re all set then,” Simon said at last, when he could drag his feet on the matter no more. He got out of his chair with a sigh, pleased to find that he stood a good three or four inches taller than Price, and walked out the side door without any further ceremony. Price was still standing in front of the desk, red-faced and angry. “Come on then.” Simon stopped just past the doorway, looking over his shoulder impatiently. “Haven’t got all day you know. Some of us have important work to do.”
He half expected Price’s head to explode.
Price stalked across the lot to his cruiser and threw himself into the driver’s seat while Simon went to open up the gate. The rev of the engine was the only warning Simon had to get out of the way before Price drove through it, cutting it a little too close for comfort. Simon raised his hand and wiggled his fingers in farewell, enjoying the glimpse of that furious blue glare in the mirrors before Price turned onto the road and sped off.
“Wha’ the hell was all that about?” Johnny asked, leaning out of the building, braced on the door handle, Roach a step behind him. “Ye pissin’ off the new police chief?”
“Yep.” Simon corralled the boys back into the office. “Fuckin’ hate cops.”
“Sure, but aren’t ye worried—”
“Not really. ‘F ‘e gets to be a problem I’ll talk to Laswell, get ‘er to put ‘er fuckin’ dog back on ‘is leash. Owes me a favour.” He snagged the singular tea out of the tray of paper cups and lifted it in thanks. “See you lads later. Goin’ home. When Kristen comes in to pick up ‘er shitbox waive the fees an’ tell ‘er not to park there again. Pretend you’re riskin’ your ass doin’ it, she’ll prob’ly give one of you muppets ‘er your number.”
Johnny and Roach looked at each other, and immediately launched into a game of rock-paper-scissors to decide who would get to be the knight in dirty blue coveralls. Simon let the garage door bang shut behind him, and trudged across the dimly lit space to the back door. The acrid smell of weed smoke hung in the air, thin tendrils of it still drifting across the bars of sun coming through the back windows. Fucking muppets, smoking up while chief of police was steaming mad on the other side of the door. And they thought that Simon was the one who needed to be careful.
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meat-pvppet · 7 months
May all those youtubers who made series where they just dissed beginner artists' ocs and labeled them as marysues a very i will find you
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Ok yes America hating the cold is funny (eh) BUT. have you considered that I like the imagery of an America sitting alone in the forest in the bleak mid-winter landscape of an east coast woods, all alone in both body and mind, agonizing over her seeming doom to be stuck in the throes of loneliness for all eternity?
#aph nyo america#aph america#i want engagement <3#secret confession i actually hate that canonically america doesnt do well in the cold#it gives too much ammo to the west coasters (villains) who can’t let my poor baby alfred be the east coast girl he truly is#also in a broader sense i feel like it creates a weird divide in both the portrayal of america and the connection he has with his country#as its representation#america is one of the most climate diverse countries in the entire world and i feel like making the REPRESENTATION OF AMERICA not be able t#handle a large majority of his country’s climate is an Odd choice and creates an unfortunate barrier between american culture#and the way it’s portrayed in hetalia#imo one of the most amazing parts of the geography of the us is its ability to be a metaphor for the american people#so insanely diverse and fundamentally different and completely irreconcilable—but it works anyways.#the land works together anyways //we// work together anyways we become one anyways despite what any and all logic dictates#what any and all logic DEMANDS#so for america to not be able to represent that cohesion + community—and in fact represent an intense and almost INNATE complete inability#to even try being accepting of and embracing our differences—is just.. not something I like + insinuates a very odd view of American cultur#my eyes are shutting as i type this im so tired#sorry if this is horribly written rip#i see this a lot in the hetalia fandom (IK I JUST DID IT IN THIS POST LMAO BUT I SWEAR I DO IT AS A JOKE; I REALLY DO APPRECIATE THE WEST#COAST AND AM FULLY AWARE OF ITS ROLE IN THE US CULTURE AND FUNCTION) where people write alfred as being almost hostilely exclusionary???#towards certain areas of america—city al who doesn’t like the country; country al who doesn’t like the newfangled cities; northerner al#who hates the southerners (because theyre poor + dont fit the author’s view of respectable people BUT THATS FOR A DIFFERENT POST);southerne#al who hates the northerners—and it’s all very gross to me. america is not—at its core—a country/culture founded on separation!! our ideals#are based on being—at our most basic—separate multi-faceted individuals who COME TOGETHER!! as one because of common ideals and love#E PLURIBUS UNUM!!!!!!#ok im done gn
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Ngl it's weird finishing the Knuckles tv show and going to tumblr about it only for people (even who I consider bigger name fans) who also watched the entire show to claim that it "confirmed Knuckles Wachowski"
I'm sorry
Did you somehow miss the part in the last episode where Knuckles had a whole montage of hanging with the Whipple family and Wade and saying "home" or something?
#sonic the hedgehog#knuckles series#knuckles the echidna#knuckles 2024#knuckles whipple#sonic movie#knuckles 2024 spoilers#knuckles series spoilers#fandom wank#Sorry do you just think that this entire show was a sidequest so Knuckles could go back to the Wachowski house and be their kid now like#nothing ever happened?#In the show where episode 1 clearly showed that Knuckles couldn't mesh with the household and that Sonic considered him a roommate?#This place was not home for him. The show was about him finding home. How is the Wachowski household Knuckles' home after he had an epiphany#that his home was with the whipple family??#Ah wait sorry how could I forget. Sonic fans are just used to absorbing canon with a toothpick and picking the parts they like and then#claiming their headcanons for filling in the gaps are canon#Only the things they personally like are what happened of course#Sorry for being salty I'm just annoyed. Like you can have whatever headcanons or fanon you want. Heck I loved all those 'maddie is knuckles'#mom' comics and whatnot. I'm not even saying we have to interpret the media the same way. But Knuckles having a montage and calling being#with the whipple family 'home' happened. That happened.#A friend and I are running a bet that most people won't acknowledge that it happened unless Sonic movie 3 shoves it in our faces#The universe tests me every day by having put me into Sonic fandom. It is a constant test of one's soul not only to exist in proximity of a#community who you often disagree on big points with‚ but to watch a bunch of loud people claim things are canon but only accept textual#evidence when it serves them. Or to explain a little better#to watch a fandom try to build an 'accepted idea' of what canon is like that becomes so divorced from actual canon that you get people#saying that it's canon and ignoring anything that doesn't fit it because 'writing bad anyways'#Like guys please I am grasping your shoulders. If you don't like canon just say 'fuck you I'm going to make content of this because I think#it's better'. You don't have to assert that everything you believe is canon and ignore when it's not#i just be ramblin
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citrine-elephant · 7 months
stressed the fuck out nonverbal dilf leon: what is your opinion?
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greaseonmymouth · 6 months
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pledging for GYWO 2024 is open! I’ve pledged again - I’ve done GYWO since 2012 and this year is the second year I’ve completed a pledge (first time was in 2018) though I’ve come close a few times and also some years fallen very short of the mark.
There are several pledge types and throughout the year (and the month) there are various voluntary activities one can participate in to stay motivated. Only mandatory thing is the formal check-in every month.
I’ve seen whispers on here wrt people wanting to check out or go back to dreamwidth; if you are writing minded then this community could be a great way to use dreamwidth more actively and connect with people.
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hauntedfalcon · 6 months
speaking as an able bodied person who thinks frequently about accessibility and wheelchair strategy on behalf of a wheelchair using acquaintance for whom I provide transportation, I do think that able bodied people should not opt to represent mobility aids in works of media unless they’re prepared to commit to portraying accommodations with some degree of verisimilitude. without that commitment they’re undoing whatever good they might do through representation
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ujunxverse · 5 months
password protected all my blogs except @/oiwxa. i am done with enhypen and i'm solely focusing on writing for txt.
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remylong · 13 days
ventposting with a character url is so funny like she would not be saying all that
#i guess it's also because of this particular fandom#bc i associate it so strongly with my friends/writing/blog & most of the cool fun things that have happened to me/that i have accomplished#which are i guess like. the good parts of me?#that like writing for it/thinking about it/having a fandom url for it when im treating the people around me so horribly#makes me feel like. idk. a little bit sad and a lot bit sick#like i'm ruining the last good part of myself#which is insane because it's a not-that-great podcast from 2020 it's literally not that deep but 2 me it's always been more abt the ppl#like. i dont know. i hope i haven't ruined this place yet. i hope i haven't hurt the people here as much as i've hurt others. i hope#(and this is going to sound stupid because the people in question will probably read this entry but it's true)#that the people here still have reason to like me.#even though i don't really deserve it#i guess i just want there to be some place in the world where i can pretend not to be selfish and cruel and sinful and pathetic#a chronic liar a worse procrastinator a corny writer a terrible friend a worse student/employee/whatever#which is of course undermined by the fact i am writing this on this blog! online! publically! instead of in a diary no one will ever see#but i feel like my blogs have always sort of been an extension of myself? more now that i have my irls/name/face on here and the whole#I Prommy I Won't Ditch This Friend Group This Time(community note: she is going to ditch the friend group as soon as it becomes inconvenien#sometimes it feels more real than my actual body that exists in the world#so i guess if i put it down here it makes it. like. real right? like it makes it carry a little bit of weight that spiralling doesn't#whatever. this is going to make me unemployable for the rest of forever LOL#also the autocompleted tags r going to jumpscare me forever#sorry i couldn't tell any of you this to your faces btw and had to like. myspace 2008 vaguepost it#what can i say i just love to yap
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I really need to let go of Hazbin and Helluva. I know I’m so stuck on them b/c in some cases they were soooo close to being really fantastic, and because the concepts seem so fun and like something I would genuinely love.
It’s much harder for me to stop thinking about art and media that I personally believe is almost really good, but just falls completely flat in its execution. If I find art just bad, then I usually forget it quickly.
I think my feelings on the Hellaverse are pretty much like Hbomberguy’s views on RWBY—they’re really just disappointing. There are moments where the stars seem to align and the writers aren’t afraid to take risks and let the shows breathe and then suddenly the character development is being retconned and the lore is all over the place and it’s over.
I really need to get a new hyper-fixation…
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camptw1nk · 5 months
I have been. Struggling w tumblr lately and i am trying to work out Why bc this hobby means 2 much for me to let it fizzle out
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thefiresofpompeii · 1 year
scp 001 when day breaks is a transgressive and romantic story of love and metamorphosis to me but you wouldn’t get it
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like is this not the peak of romance to you??
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is this not beautiful?? are you still afraid?
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shsl-heck · 2 years
tumblr has this really weird thing where expressing frustrations with a class of people who are privileged in some way is considered just as bad (worse even) than a person from that privileged group actively punching down and/or hurting you and your community
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shadowedvales-a · 1 year
breath expels in softly graced exhale, contentment solid within wingchair she's allowed herself to drift off against, lashes fluttering by warming heat of fire's blaze. comfortable and remarkably safe. it'd been a lengthy day, challenges and questions alike, various nosebleeds concocting successfully run tests. ( you don't mind, truly. the master of the establishment isn't frightening like papa— tad strict, but easier tenfold. how you hope you'll never need return to ceramic lined horror you've originated. ) limbs yawned before lips could part, as pogo plated a mug of hot chocolate upon the side table. wintery weather deemed destination on favourite position in the great main room. eyes merely closed sooner than realisation dawned. alas, churning open, blinking reality once more as softness coats curled up frame, mother's feathery touch tenderly assuring safety. " oh— " you're told to call her mother, to call them brother's and sister's. it doesn't seem right to you, not yet at least.
rubs eyelids a little harsh, opening and closing multiple times for the haze to disperse. marshmallow inside liquid completely dissolved; she was looking forward to that drink, too. smiles gently at caretaker, graciousness practically bleeding from pores. " thank you miss hargreeves. it is very cold today. " stretches tingling spine, tugging quilt underneath chin. household stills a quietude elle liked best, where flickering flames ignite, footsteps of pacing mysterious man on the floor above echoing. strain closer, and one can hear the pages turning of pogo's current book. " i didn't mean to fall asleep. i just felt really tired. ( ... ) will you like to sit with me? " neck twists, beckoning wordlessly towards wingchair only a few feet leftwards, gaze glimmering encouragement " this blanket is big enough for us both. "
@flovraelies : for the sender's muse to place a blanket on top of the receiver's muse after they've fallen asleep somewhere, from grace hargreeves.
#IV. THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY.#IC. FLOVRAELIES.#okay okay ik i dont have my tua verse up yet NOR have i even told u about it but#longgg story short. when luther is alone after everyone has left.#reggie sends him on a mission. the mission is eleven.#saying hawkins lab exists in tua timeline.#reggie knows what's going on there.#he and brenner have been in communication for a longggg time.#(thinking brenner might be from reggie's planet).#so they make a deal and reggie gives brenner some stuff he needs (no idea what yet rip) in exchange for elle.#andddd elle becomes part of the academy.#but it's when everyone but luther has already left so.#it's kinda only her and him in training.#BUT YEAH#i have a lot more ideas for it but gotta actually write em down.#and then luther is sent to the moon so it's just elle.#she stays as 'eleven' and trusts reggie bc although it's the same kinda vibe as the lab. she's also goes by 'elle' at times#it's still different in a good way.#and i think reggie would treat her well at first when she first arrives. to gain trust and all#like she's still being tested on but she also has way more freedom.#and is actually educated and treated like a human being#and she would just ADORE grace okay.#OR same story but with the sparrow academy.#this starter doesn't specifically state which one.#cause im conflicted if i want her to be an umbrella or a sparrow :/#so it'd either be luther getting her. or marcus#and she's raised w the sparrows. but trains on her own / doesnt really go on missions just yet. works her way up to it all#a little isolated bc of her age gap but#YEAH#if u have any questions ask me!! 97% sure im going with the sparrows but. i will let u know
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