#because they're cousins but they were raised like they were sisters
starryarles · 1 month
my aunt passed away today
#2 years ago she found out she had cervical cancer and it was pretty bad#spread to the surrounding tissue#she was so scared#she stopped talking to people slowly#and eventually stopped hanging out with her friends#only had her man to help out and bless him he was so good to her#he did everything for her and took time off of work for her#i always had strange feelings about him because when they met he was with his ex wife and ended up leaving her for my aunt#but then he was so good to my aunt and generally seemed like a really nice man#he was her only thing holding her sanity down#she lives in serbia#we live down here#she would viist us every summer#she couldn't last year#so we visited her in august#when we went over she said she had not left her apartment in 2 months besides going to the hospital#at that point her kidneys had started shutting down and he had to have a catethers in#we went to a restaurant with her#i remember not talking much to her and she didn't engage with me#she was just glad to be talking to my mom#because they're cousins but they were raised like they were sisters#and she cried so much while we were there#she said she was happy to see us#but that it felt like we were only there to see her one last time#we told her so many times how we were planning on seeing her the next summer back down in my granpas garden with us#how we're just stopping by because we missed her and not as a goodbye#she talked about how she was so scared of dying but suicide seemed like her only way out#the cancer was inoperable#chemo and radiation did nothing beside fry her body#she was miserable
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emeraldspiral · 1 month
So another interesting thing about Jane Eyre is it's take on relationship inequality.
Like, Jane is 18 at the beginning of the story and Rochester is said to be something like 35-38. And it's not casually brushed aside like that was normal back in the day. It wasn't. Concerns about the age gap are raised within the text. But the story emphasizes that Jane feels comfortable accepting Rochester's proposal, despite the age difference, the class difference, and him being her boss, because Jane feels that Rochester regards her as an equal. When they converse, Jane doesn't feel any tension, like she has to impress him or try to read his mind and say whatever he wants to hear. She feels that he respects her and values her thoughts and isn't compelled to use his power against her if she says something to displease him. Around the midpoint of the story, Jane believes that Rochester is going to marry another woman, and resolves to leave because she's heartbroken, believing that because she is poor and plain Rochester can't possibly be as hurt by their parting as she is, and he'll forget her and move on long before she does. But it turns out to be the opposite. After finding out about Bertha, Rochester begs Jane to stay and insists he'll be miserable forever without her, while Jane, still thinking she's too poor and plain to ever attract someone like him again, resists all temptation and leaves him. And she does this specifically because she feels that if she were to compromise her morals and self-respect to be Mr. Rochester's mistress, then he would lose respect for her and the relationship would fall apart. It was only by maintaining her integrity that the relationship could stay in-tact when the reconciled at the end.
St. John Rivers on the other hand, I don't think is given a definite age, but I think he's intended to be a much younger man, probably in his early 20s. He is poor and without relations aside from his sisters or any other connections, just as Jane. Jane finds out they're actually cousins at the same time she learns she's come into a vast fortune that was willed to her rather than the Rivers, but decides to share her fortune equally with them. So she arguably had more social capital, even though she made an effort to put St. John on equal footing with her, because the money was hers by right and she could've presumably cut him off at any time, just as easily as Rochester could've terminated Jane from her job.
And yet, Jane's relationship with St. John is vastly more unequal than her relationship with Rochester. Even though Jane practically worshiped Rochester but only cares for St. John as a brother and is acutely aware of his faults, she still finds herself desperately craving his approval in a way she never did with Rochester. And St. John is willing to exploit that intentionally. He asks her to do things she doesn't want to and make sacrifices for him just because he knows she'll do anything to please him, and that's why he thinks she's the perfect wife for him. Where Rochester tries to explain himself and persuade Jane not to leave him by addressing her concerns, St. John basically tries to command Jane to marry him and refuses to accept her "no" as final. He withholds affection from Jane as a tactic to get her to compromise in order to reconcile with him when he's the one who should be apologizing to her and considering her needs and not just his own. Jane knows that she can't ever be happy with him because he doesn't respect her and his lack of respect only makes her want to seek his approval, which he is all too happy to exploit for his own benefit.
But Jane ultimately stays firm and rejects St. John's proposal of a loveless marriage, just as she rejected Rochester's proposal of an unlawful marriage, because both situations were doomed to fail if she didn't put her own self-respect first.
So this novel from 1847 was really saying that power dynamics aren't pure black and white. Age and class and wealth and status can be a factor in making a relationship unequal, but you can also be equal on pretty much all social axis and still have inequality in a relationship. What's really important is that there's mutual respect.
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boowritess · 2 months
second addition to this post lol
retired!simon riley - sorry chef!simon riley x reader
imagine this motherfucker learns how to cook your cultures traditional foods better than you.
like maybe he had hit up an aunty, your ma, your dad, uncle, sister, brother, cousin, nan, granddad - whoever - to ask about one of your cultures traditional food that's special to you.
so they come teach him, or send him detailed steps, or probably video call him (but let's be fr they probably went over to teach him)
and that is the only time he doesn't ever raise his voice or back talks the person he's sharing a kitchen with - because why would he??? they're teaching him.
idk i just - AHHH i find it so cute imagining this towering fucking goliath of a man standing next to your nan or maybe even your dad - whoever - and he's just listening and watching so intensely.
the kitchen is filled with spices, there's music playing that he doesn’t quite understand the lyrics but it's nice and catchy.
but you come home, and you think that perhaps a family member come in and cooked it because there's no way - yet there he is. making it himself in the kitchen. hands working far better than yours at a task that you were practically raised doing.
and when you sit to eat, maybe you should feel jealous - but fuck
it tastes exactly like your family member that makes it... maybe even better.
as you eat, you look at him, eyes shining with a sort of warmth that's not just loving - it's far more intimate - more homey and one that's so personal. and he can tell because when he's looking in your eyes and there's thousands more staring back at him.
"you're making more of this..." the demand is firm, but with the way you speak, it's clear it's just covering up how much it means to you that he did this.
"whatever you want, lovie..." he softly chuckles, more than happy to adhere to your demands, pressing a kiss to your forehead before eating it himself.
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a/n: something for my fellow ethnic babies xx
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miss-rum-hee · 29 days
Every time I see a pro-Israel post in the wild, I take somewhere between $200 - $1k out of my trust and donate it directly to a Palestinian family or place a large order to a pro-Palestine business. Just letting people who condone genocide know :)
"""Condone genocide""" and it's just me hoping for the hostages to be brought back home & bitching about how this site's """Activitism""" is LITERALLY just going after random Jews online & harassing them & doing borderline, oftentimes straight-up Nazi shit like cheering terrorist organizations who outright say that they want to kill all Jews in the world.
And the worst part is that this isn't the only example of antisemitism & general clown shit that I can find present in the movement, either. Cheering on a girl's sister being murdered at the Nova festival & hoping she suffered more as she died.
Saying that the only place Jews are indigenous to is Hell.
Holocaust inversion & denial.
Getting salty at a Jewish celebrity (PINK) for celebrating Hanukkah
Calling Tara Strong's cousins """settlers""" & calling her a colonial apologist while October 7th was STILL GOING?
Getting mad at Mike Pollock for making a tribute to the hostages
Just flat-out reinventing Nazi race theory
Going into a whole tirade about how anti-zionism isn't antisemitism & then at the end of it proceeding to call the Jewish person they're talking to a k*ke
Peddling conspiracy theories
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Wearing the symbols of terrorists (Hezbollah, Hamas) & raising their flags
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Doing the Nazi salute & praising the leader of Iran (who has oppressed the people of Iran for the last 4 decades)
Calling to "Globalize the Intifada" (which were bus bombings, stabbings & shootings that killed 1000s of Israelis)
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Literal callbacks to Hitler's final solution + praising Al-Qassam (Hamas military wing which carried out the Oct 7 massacre at Nova)
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Tearing out tributes to the hostages & calling it propaganda
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I don't even know how to describe this last one
You got some nerve insinuating that I'm a genocide supporter when THAT'S the sort of bottom feeders you've got hanging out in your movement.
Anyways, grow the fuck up & stop harassing randos online because they said that hurting Jews is bad.
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@idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, now I'm more of a Dani is his cousin/sister but yes! I Just imagine him referring to her that way to fuck with people and everyone is like “aren't you 14!?” and it gets to the teachers and they're all around a table taking it seriously, cause a 14 yr old kid should not have a kid and Aizawa gets fed up and confronts Danny about it after days of the staff having no idea how to approach the subject. He starts the whole spiel about safe sex and the age of consent and Danny is dumbfounded until he mentions that he and Mic are always there to help him with raising his daughter if he ever needed it, “if you don't feel comfortable enough with the two of us UA is also here to help you with any of your needs” cue Danny bursting out laughing and trying his best to do damage control. “Sir no you've got it wrong!”
He explains the whole fucking clone story and he just freaks him out more because wtf kind of man clones a 14 yr old boy!? Let alone leaves the clone in a child's care!? Aizawa is incredibly embarrassed about the whole thing but he's extremely relieved that what they were all thinking wasn't actually the case, it did take like 10 years off his and most of UA's staffs lives though.
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 9 Group 42
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Wright Anything Agency (& Company): Phoenix & Trucy Wright, Apollo Justice, Maya Fey, Miles Edgeworth, Pearl Fey, Ema Skye, Kay Faraday & Sebastian Debeste
221B Fam: Ryunosuke Naruhodo, Susato Mikotoba, Herlock Sholmes, Iris Wilson, Wagahai (& Gina Lestrade, Yujin Mikotoba, Kazuma Asogi, Barok van Zieks)
Wright Anything Agency (& Company):
THEY MEAN THE WORLDDDDD TO MEEEEEE for some reason a lot of people in the fandom don't play Ace Attorney 5 which is fair since it's kind of messy BUT. BUT. IT INTRODUCES ATHENA AND DOES SOOOO MUCH FOR THE WRIGHT ANYTHING AGENCY. In AA4 we learn that Trucy Wright made the Wright Talent Agency into the Wright Anything Agency in order to bring Apollo in as a lawyer when before it was just her (a magician) and her adopted father Phoenix (a poker player). and AA5 is all about Athena joining and Apollo learning how to trust her, at least it is to ME. they're so gooddddd aaaaaaa like you've got Phoenix and Trucy who are weirdos who love to scheme and you've got Apollo their longsuffering guy who deals with it all, and Phoenix is the mentor... and then Athena comes in and she has a lot of light and determination and trauma (just like the rest of them lol) and she's SO determined and I like her a lot!! And Trucy is my favorite and Phoenix cares about her SO much but he also has his other found family in the Feys!!!!!! Mia dies in the first game but her ghost stays with Phoenix and her sister/cousin Maya and Pearl are SO IMPORTANT TO HIM he loves them so much that's his sisters to me ;-; he would do anything for them and Trucy and he's growing as a mentor to Apollo and Athena too as the game progress... They don't write them all perfectly but they sure do a lot of things I like :) also feel free to split this up into their Wright Anything Agency or Phoenix + the Feys or Phoenix + Trucy if you need to I won't mind I just love AA's found family a lot
Picture this. You are a attorney in your mid 20s and somehow find yourself surrounded by weird little girls with every case you take on. You officially adopt one but really, all of them are either sisters or daughters to you. Especially your loud, burger-loving lesbian sister. Your childhood friend turned rival turned lover, who has a whip-wielding adoptive sister of his own, goes on a series of investigations while messing around with a furry for a couple of weeks and returns with two 17 year old children, a thieving lesbian and a child with a narcissistic murderer for a father who should've kept him back in school a few grades. Your lover has each of them under an arm, and they are appended to your stable of weird little girls but are very much hidden in the back. Then you find out that your daughter, the official one, has a 22yo trans half-brother with a musical diva mother and was half raised as a prince in Khura'in, so you divorce his boss (who is not your official lover, you just had a weird thing for a while when you were in your alcoholic phase, maybe while your actual lover was still messing around with the furry) very publicly while sending him to prison for murdering your daughter's father. Oh, but you have been disbarred, so you make your daughter's son send his own boss to prison, by planting false evidence on him. Of course the young man punches you in the face. Needless to say he works for you for a couple of years and never finds out that he's related to your daughter because that would require a straightforward conversation, now wouldn't it?
only one of them has never been arrested. only two of them arent lawyers. theyre all gay
Theyre very weird and misteruous and kinda fucked up a bit and they were through a lot but phoenix did his best and trucy well she's still just a kid but oh she's trying so fucking hard and always trying to wear a smile and it's breaking my heart the two of them. Also theyre weird i already said that but let me say it again they are WEIRD. and we love them<3 (the ace attorney fandom)
221B Fam:
I dont have much to say i am just constantly rotating them in my mind BUT i have to say the the last image i attached contains like MAJOR spoilers lol i just wanted the canon images in there
Ace Attorney has some wonderful found families, but this one's particularly special because of their circumstances. An exchange student and his unhinged weirdgirl assistant from Japan feeling so out of place in turn-of-the-century Great Britain, yet finding a completely batshit insane family during their time there...it's just so <3 <3 <3 Also Ryunosuke calls them "the greatest family in the world" and it makes my heart happy. Also they commit lots of crimes
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hallowsden · 1 year
DC x DP idea thing #1
Uncle Scarecrow Au
Essentially, in this AU thing, Maddie, and Jonathan Crane are cousins (their moms were sisters) that often see eachother when Maddie's family visits Georgia before contact was cut due to Grandma Marion and Great-Grandma Keeny
Jonathan and Maddie managed to reconnect for a year or two through letters when Maddie started college and Jonny boy is in the middle of getting his doctorate but lost contact after Maddie got busier with studies and Jonathan went to Gotham. They're on good terms with each other and once in a while in recent years, they'd give each other updates (and gifts. Danny and Jazz grew up hearing a bit from/about Jonathan when they were younger but stopped hearing about him around the time when he became the Scarecrow. So, let's just say when Danny's... 6? Ngl, DC timeline is messy and confusing at times)
Maddie and Jack only recently learned that Danny's a halfa, the ghost king at that, and accepts it. They start helping him wrangle up some of the rogue ghosts and throw them back to the GZ when not even a week later, the GIW started swarming Amity Park immediately.
This causes the Fenton Family to escape (though not unscathed) and end up going to Gotham, not just cause Jazz is studying there, or the fact that there's enough ambient ectoplasm energy there to cover up Danny's signature, but because Jack's apparently from there, has connections too, while Maddie knows that Jonathan could help. She's his favorite cousin after all and adores Danny and Jazz from the bits and pieces she sent him about them.
"Madeline," The man in the burlap mask nodded to her.
"Jonathan," she nodded back.
Danny can't help but feel tense and wary as he stares down at the tall figure in front of him. This was Uncle Jonathan? Don't tell him he's as big of a fruitloop as Vlad.
Maddie stares at him before raising an eyebrow, "I see you still aren't taking care of yourself as you should, huh, Jonny?"
He scoffs, southern accent becoming a bit more prominent as he spoke, "like you're anyone to talk about habits, Maddie. Intellect may run in our blood but having normal, sane habits aren't. Don't you remember Great-Grandma Mary?"
The two burst out into some chuckles.
"Glad you're still alive and well, then, cousin," Maddie says, taking the hood of her jumpsuit off along with her goggles.
"Likewise," Jonathan replies, taking his ratty hat and burlap mask off revealing a sharp, gaunt face with a long, hook nose, pale blue eyes, and rusty auburn-colored, bordering brown, hair, "Now, what's this about a government branch coming for little Danny, and how... Sensitive are you to gore and other graphic imagery of sorts?"
"I mean, I already died and have to fight ghosts-..." Danny piped up immediately, only to shut his mouth up just as quickly.
"... Remind me to set up a proper therapy session for you later, child."
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codenamesazanka · 1 month
i always loved the Geten Himura reveal and blurb of backstory because it really rounded out the world of bnha. imo. It was a relatively tiny detail, but it showed that problems were deeper and more complex than just Bad Man, because many things were interconnected, and how tragedies can occur due to those chains of intersections.
Like, the fact that the Himura were traditional wealthy landowners was significant, because it meant they were the exact sort of old-money conservative douchebags that would hate change, that would marry cousins to keep their bloodline pure, that would raise children with the expectations to sell them off in arranged marriages. And because they were an old landowning clan, they would've had influence over local village politics - so is it any surprise that villages would be awful towards heteromorphs, when the village leaders or elites were people who rather marry their cousins than 'taint' their bloodline with outsiders and possibly have a kid with a heteromorphic quirk?
It meant Rei was always prepared to not marry for love, but be married to someone rich, and stay in that marriage no matter what, for the sake of her family. I don't know how low the Himura fell, but given that they're a big landowning family, they probably weren't 'starving in the streets' poor and in need of cash for survival, but rather didn't have the money to support their previously comfortable lifestyle. Rei kept in contact with her mom, but the mom could offer no support when Enji turned abusive - whether it was because the mom was also trained to be a traditional housewife and thought this was all normal, or because the mom needed the daughter to keep up a lifestyle, it's all fucked up. And plus, the marriage broker in Chapter 301 also mentioned "Himura women" like there's bunch, and there probably were - Rei's sisters or cousins also getting married off for money, also stuck in this clan-obligation-duty-dysfunction-web.
Enji was the asshole Rei ended up marrying, and everything that happened is his fault, but there very much could've been five other wealthy assholes that her parents had lined up for her to meet. In fact, Enji could've been a particularly useful idiot for the Himura - at the time, Enji was only 21, 22 years old, only having reached the age of majority the year or two before; his father was dead, so he's the head of his household, so they don't have to worry about pesky in-laws; he was probably nouveau riche from his Hero career, so he had no idea of old clan politics; he wanted a quirk marriage, which fit perfectly with their blood purity ideology; and he wanted a kid immediately, sealing the deal. Enji's selfishness matched beautifully with Himura's own messed up issues.
And so the problem isn't just Enji, and it didn't affect just Rei, it's a whole thing. And I so always thought this reveal added so much to the landscape of HeroAcaWorld, where quirks didn't only brought new problems, but exacerbated old prejudices and inequalities, entrenching them even further into the fabric of society. And it would've been fascinating to see how Heroes would have to deal with that.
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ofwinterandspring · 3 months
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When Segal Moriel heard of his sister's demise at the hands of Levanmount, he knew he would do anything to protect and avenge the Moriel family name. And he did. He made waste of the Levan royal bloodline and forced its people under Aesian rule. That was ten years ago. Still, the Levan's want their sovereign, but how safe can it be to crown the Heir when he's spent those same ten years fighting insurrections.
charismatic ✘ shrewd ✘ proud ✘ trustful ✘ resentful
Although Rochlin Moriel's father preferred he'd locked himself in his lab than make a mockery of their family name. His father's disdain has not stopped the Heir from granting him all their support. With the looming war and stories of a deadly prophecy soon to unfold, he's ding all he can short of taking the throne, to help the Heir see another day.
loyal ✘ resourceful ✘ diplomatic ✘ persuasive ✘ grounded
Yardane Zered, better known as Dane, had barely been twenty-seven when he made an oath that if anything should happen to Aerben, his best friend and captain, he would take on the responsibility as legal guardian of Aerben's child. Dane never got to ask why Aerben thought him capable of raising a child. Or why Aerben had chosen to go on a trip that he'd never return from. All Dane knew was that he had a promise to keep and a child to raise and protect.
cynical ✘ stubborn ✘ diligent ✘ wise ✘ gentle
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Santana Dur, a charming and witty barmaid most days. No one would guess that she was the same assassin many believed to be the demon from the woods. And she would have kept her anonymity had she not attempted to rob a curious and heavily disguised Heir out of sheer boredom. So maybe she gains a secret she can leverage at any moment's notice, but what good would it be when the Heir offers her gold and silver in exchange for her services.
unpredictable ✘ secretive ✘ fearless ✘ arrogant ✘ blunt
The inside joke between the Riders is that Aymel and Lyron Dur must have shared a womb and have been lied to by their mothers. Because no matter what, it seems that the two can never be separated from each other for very long. Where they find one, the other is not far behind. Unfortunately, meeting the two can only mean one thing and that's imminent death. As guards to the Heir, they take their job seriously. Now, if anyone cares to even whisper of the things these two get up to at night rest assure that they will cease to exist.
intelligent ✘ daring ✘ flirtatious ✘ mischievous ✘ dramatic personable ✘ reliable ✘ genial ✘ charitable ✘ thorough
No one seems to know much about Zephan Caeth, the bard who loitered Aesian roads and caught the sights of their Heir, earning themselves the official title of Storykeeper of the Lands. All anyone knows is that whenever they play their oud, a truth is unveiled and little can be done to anticipate the lies it will break. They're a menace to all who wish to be ignorant and it's no surprise why the Aesian's are taken to them.
insightful ✘ artistic ✘ guarded ✘ diplomatic ✘ skeptical
In what seemed to be a matter of seconds, Vyath Lya and their ward were stripped from their title and escorted to the borders of their city with no chance of return. Having pledged an oath should have saved them both. But, their friend refused to be silenced. So they followed their friend into the brume knowing that they would never find their way back. And what did it matter? All Vyath cared about was figuring out how they'd be allowed back in.
strong-willed ✘ loyal ✘ confident ✘ stubborn ✘ rational
As one of the few Master Blacksmiths of Nerillis, Ivar Gailion knew he would never see the world outside the great caves. With responsibilities like keeping the Eternal fires from burning out, an honor bestowed on few, he should have lived his Immortal life passing on his gift to his apprentice. And somehow by doing just that, he finds himself leaving the caves behind, headed on a nameless journey with his closest friends— the ungifted apprentice who came to them several years ago.
compassionate ✘ dependable ✘ patient ✘ hearty ✘ tactful
Fievel Ro, wasn't in a place to question Ro's plan. If Ro thought that they best served as the Regent's hired protection, than they'd do just that. And, what was there to question when they were paid handsomely for it? Everything they ever wanted was at the tips of their fingers. So why was it that despite Ro's strict orders to stay away from the Heir, they couldn't stay away?
clever ✘ seductive ✘ self-indulgent ✘ reserved ✘ unreliable
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The children would respect mama stark 😤
Y/n : ...children
Triplets : * stop and make a line from tallest to shortest by minutes *
Also i feel like aemond would have a big crush on her , he would be talking to one of her children like :
Ok ...the first one who gives me mommy's panties gets a ride with vaghar
[Blurb IV for the Stark!Reader Universe]
Aemond Targaryen & the Stark-Targaryen spawn + a hint of Aemond Targaryen x Stark!Reader [Daemon in the background be fucking quiet]
Word Count: >700
Warnings: Shitpost ahead (real), my a/n is longer than the fic (half real), I locked Daemon in the basement to write this AHHAHAHA (very real), crack fic, soft!aemond, aemond simping, and me simping for him, this is honestly pretty long for a blurb but whatever, fluff, typos, etc.
Blurb III Blurb V
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Also i don't know if you noticed bestie, but i set the start of daemon and stark!reader's relationship wayyyyyyyyyy before aemond was alive, cause Aemma was still queen when they got married. BUT FUCK CONTINUITY. IS AEMOND PROBABLY YOUNGER THAN HER KIDS??????????? ASHFA:FOAEW HAHAHHAHHAAHHAAHAHH MAYBE WTF but let's pretend it's totally canon that aemond is a grown ass adult when stark!reader gave birth because it took THAT long for their enemies to lovers to turn into fucking lovers LOLOLOLOL And i literally just answered an ask about how many kids they have and i was like 'idk i didn't even gender or name them' FUCK OFF NOW THATS ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE i still didn't name them though because a;lsfhkalsfhahsfas The incest is real, i got so confused about how they were related to aemond Tagging: @deniixlovezelda @pinksirensong @nyctophilic0vitnir
"Company fall in," Aemond commands. He peers down at the blonde children, hands behind his back, jaw tense. His violet eye narrows, "where is your brother?"
The eldest by technicality answers, "which one?"
Aemond hums at the sass, "obviously the one that is not here."
The siblings look amongst themselves and decide it was one of the twins missing. The youngest of the triplets shrugs, "we don't know where he went."
"Clearly, you don't even care where he went. You will get in trouble with your mother if she hears of this."
"No," the second triplet answers, "you will, cousin."
Aemond's nose flares as he narrows his eyes yet again.
"Aemond," the only girl in the row raises her hand.
"Yes, my love?"
"My braid is falling out," she raises her blonde hair. The flowers Aemond had placed in it moments ago fall. Sequentially, her lip quivers and tears prick in her eyes.
"Oh no," "Don't cry," "It's okay," and things along this line are spoken by the little girl's infinite supply of brothers.
Aemond can only watch as the boys come upon her, picking up her flowers and trying to fix her hair.
"NO I WANT AEMOND TO FIX MY HAIR!" she whines, full on breaking into a sob.
The boys turn to their him in panic. Aemond swiftly picks the girl up in his arms.
"Right," he mutters to the boys as he rocks the child too soothe her. She latches onto him as Aemond continues, "have you lot retrieved what I asked you to?"
"No! They're truly lost!"
"They weren't in the drawers."
"Or the laundry."
"They're," poof sound, "gone for good!"
He hums, readjusting the girl in his arms to look at her, "well it seems no one will ride Vhagar today-"
"-and your sister and I," he turns to the boys once, "will busy ourselves with braiding."
She grins as she grips Aemond's cheeks in her tiny hand.
Aemond gives her a lopsided smile.
"Aemond," I call. My son, who had come to me in hopes we find his siblings, releases my hand runs off to the rest of his brothers. "I see it is you who have been entertaining my children."
A stampede of children run up to my skirt. The girl in Aemond's arms wrangle away from him. Once she is released, she runs up to me, flashing her teary eyes and pout.
"Oh my dear, what has-"
"Her flowers fell."
"HE ruined her braid."
"I did NOT!"
"You did!!"
"Boys, that's enough," I quip.
"Aemond and I will braid hairs!" my little girl mutters amidst the chaos of her brothers.
"Ah," I lean down to her and caress her face. I straighten up when Aemond circles around the kids to come up beside me. I give him a look before turning down to the small blondes, "children, have you been heckling Prince Aemond for a ride on Vhagar again?"
"Your father will not be happy to hear about this."
"We were only helping him look for your knickers, mummy."
Aemond's blood stills.
"There is a knickers thief!"
"Aemond is trying to catch him."
I turn to Aemond who offers a stoic look. He clears his throat and eyes me intently when he says, "the matter has greatly distressed the servants and I have been alerted by it."
"We can't find your knickers anywhere!"
"Because I don't have knickers," I retort to my son, "I do not wear them."
Aemond gulps roughly.
The boys look up at me and one asks, "why?"
"Well, that is a question for your father," I dismiss, cocking my head to the side, "come along. It is time to feed the wolves."
The children cheer, falling into conversation about their direwolves. I turn to Aemond, who was rubbing his temples, stressed by the noise I suppose. I watch as my daughter comes up to him and grabs his hand.
"Aemond, if you still wish to indulge my daughter, you may take her up the chambers while the rest of us head to the wolf den."
"But I want to see the wolfies too, mummy!"
Aemond chuckles airily, shaking his head, "then off to the wolfies."
"But you clearly seem distressed-"
"I assure you, my princess," Aemond reaches his hand out to me. I place my hand in his. He presses a kiss at the back of my hand, "no distress is possible in your presence."
I snort, rolling my eyes. I pull away, "you are such a boy when you tease me."
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disorganizedkitten · 6 months
Yes hi hello, I'd love to hear ur thoughts on the al ghul children
Hi yes hello I'd love to talk about them
I am so weak to assassin children you have no idea so anyway
The Al Ghul Children. Are so freaking TRAGIC and I can never get over them
So you have the baby generation which is Mara and Damian and Athantasia; then the original generation, which is Dusan, Nyssa, and Talia.
Attie straight up doesn't exist in most media but in the game(?) where she does she's Damian baby sister who was kept a secret until he couldn't go back to being with the bats. I think about her all the time. What did she know about Damian growing up? Did she ever want to meet him? How many times did she sit in the middle of the night and wish for her brother to do something unforgivable so he could come back? Or was she glad he was gone? The league canonically pits their kids against each other, did she grow up resenting him? Or, even if she liked the idea of him, did she resent him anyway for being the child who went to Bruce? Did she take up Damian's place in the duels with Mara?
Athantasia isn't used nearly enough for her potential she is blorbo-shaped.
And then Damian! Itty bitty baby boy with a sword and issues. I think so much about how he's naturally soft but he can't be because of circumstance. How many quiet moments were lost to blood, how long did it take for him to learn what a genuine human connection felt like? What if he never did? I've been around humans I love since I was born, and I still sometimes feel absolutely disconnected from them. How much superiority is covering for insecurity? We've seen him make friends, Maps, Colin, Jon, as the three I actually care about, and he likes them. Did he make friends in the league? What happened to them? Or did he just, for lack of a better word, imprint, on other assassins?
In a complete other fandom I'm propagating biting as a love language and Damian has that vibe too.
and MARA
Holy fudge Mara also sends me; being constantly raised not only as a weapon, but being told you're the second best weapon and that maybe you can gain more prestige if you beat your cousin in a deadly duel, except even if you do win you know you will never get the recognition you're trying for because his mother is favored and your father isn't
Were she and Damian ever close, or as close as they could get? Did they plan how to lead the league when they weren't trying to take each others' eyes out, did she ever meet Attie, did she take her anger on Damian out on Attie, is the red streak something she does to hide a lazarus streak or is it natural from her dad? Can she see out of her other eye? Where did she see herself in the league before Damian deserted? Is she close to her teammates in the fist or are they just the prettiest canon fodder Ra's could send?
Is there a part of her that is as relieved to be hunting Damian down as it is angry, because at least fighting him is familiar?
The older three also make me Feel Things but not as much as the kiddos.
Nyssa apparently survived the holocaust? And then Ra's murdered her kids and then repeatedly killed her and dropped her into the pits for... something? I don't remember if I ever learned why that happened, but it did and it's so horrid? Drove her to insanity, surprise surprise. I recommend Misericordia and it's sequel on ao3 if you want to cry over Steph, Damian, Talia, and Nyssa. And then the Nyssa Al Ghul & Tim Drake Tag, if you're feeling adventurous. I don't even know the NAMES of Nyssa's kids and that makes me incredibly sad.
Would they have gotten along with the other three? Would they have taken them and ran? Or would they train them, keeping their bloodline strong, and just quietly know that these are their cousins and they're so proud?
And Talia gets rewritten every other writer but there are so many options when characterizing her and they're so much fun. But also everyone else deals with her so jumping to the next one. I think Talia is also the youngest? Don't quote me on that
Anyway last al ghul I think too much about is Dusan. I can't remember if he's the oldest or the middle child but despite being Ra's' male heir he straight up got sent away because he has albinism? And then he fought his way back into his father's ranks under an alias? He went so far for approval and he's still overlooked, and his kid is considered second rate, even though he's personally considered to be terrifying?
How long did it take him to come back? Why didn't he stay away? Does he ever regret it, now that he's back in the league?
i just. There are lots. and lots. of thoughts about them. And I'm sure there are more al ghuls hiding somewhere for me to lose my everloving mind over but I haven't met them yet
the inherent hate of someone who has everything you think you want battling with the inherent love for someone who has gone through the same horrors you have
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
I think you might have touched on it in a fic of yours, but if not I have a Vulcan culture question I think could be interesting. Do you think Vulcans (most likely children) would have prejudice or superstitions about a person who was convinced during Pon Farr vs normal hormonal levels?
Very old comic I made about this topic Tags:
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I basically headcanon that being a 'pon farr baby' is mostly something very old very spiritual people genuinely believe in and children like to use as a jeering taunt regardless of whether or not the kid they're teasing actually was a pon farr baby. If you're too reactive you're gonna get called a pon farr baby! Not if any adults can hear though....you'll get in trouble! There's probably also a 'cooties' element where if you're said to be born during the pon farr or are being emotional then the other kids are gonna run away from you and try not to be touched by you because someone's older sister's friend's cousin said that being touched by someone fevered gives YOU the fever! It's true! It happened to your friend's dad's neighbor and he DIED. I also think it's like, a tantalizing subject that starts to become whispered about at a certain age but then becomes a mark of maturity not to care about. Like, in "5th grade" (its equivalent) a Vulcan child might turn to their peers and say, like "Do you know why Sulonk and his sister were born seven years apart? I do." but once you're in high school it's viewed as immature to talk about it! It's mature to imply you know about it but refuse to speak on it - like an adult. I do think that someone having three or more children that are all conceived seven years apart is viewed as more of an old timey thing. Like, Vulcans probably have access to a lot of contraceptive care because of their biology so seeing a non-elder someone who has had five children all conceived during the pon farr is fairly rare unless there are other factors at play. Might get you a raised brow but there's no real judgement cast on the children themselves.
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I hope this doesn't annoy you but I saw your post about Finarfin interacting with his babies like they're small adults and became obsessed with it (change my life so much bro). I hope you don't mind but I want to ask for more fluff/headcanons about the House of Finarfin, especially with the fact that you went with the Orodreth-son-of-Angrod (I love that shit) so now I am desperate for more.
ajsldkjh thanks???? also don't worry. i don't get anywhere near enough asks for them to be annoying lol
Olwe lovingly handcrafted a beautiful cradle for his great-grandchild but it basically never gets used because Orodreth is constantly either being held by someone or in a sling on someone's chest
Finrod has a particular tendency to steal him for hours at a time. it's his first nibling and he's a little excited. Angrod and Edalote have trouble getting him back sometimes
"i need him back, it's time for him to have a bath" "i can do it" "give me my son back ingoldo" "would you deprive him of quality time with his favorite uncle?????? 🥺" "favorite? he can't even walk yet-"
i would say that Earwen forced her sons to take their little sister with them everywhere when they were younger but in reality they willingly toted her around all the time. sometimes to activities (e.g. hunting) that their parents would prefer she didn't participate in just yet *cough cough* AEGNOR *cough*
Finrod is in fact Galadriel's favorite brother most of the time but if anyone tells him this she will Stab them
Finrod might be more nerd than jock but if anyone makes fun of him over this they will face his siblings' wrath because they're the only ones allowed to do that, of course. go after Turgon all you want tho (lying. you will still get beat up)
tbh the Arafinwean household just wasn't that loud growing up, but there's a still a distinct difference between quiet time silence and mischief silence (TM). finarfin can detect it in approximately 0.3 seconds. still not fast enough sometimes
that first part doesn't hold up in beleriand. Finduilas has LUNGS and she considers it her Eru-given obligation to use them. Fingon thinks it's cute. he isn't the one raising her
one of the reasons Angrod and Aegnor like hanging out with Fingon when they're younger is bc he's older than Finrod and can therefore override his "safety concerns," whatever that means lol. it's the cousin equivalent of knowing mom will say no and going to ask dad instead
Galadriel is the cool aunt who enjoys spoiling Orodreth and later Finduilas whenever possible. like okay yeah maybe her parents don't want her going down to ivrin by herself yet or whatever but how much could it hurt really???
after she has Celebrian she realizes she might have a few apologies to make. still not very many. they asked her to babysit they trusted her to make decisions at their own risk.
prank wars with the nolofinweans
just. consider eldarin prank wars. they could last for centuries
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Hunger Games & Descendants crossover
Aka me showing Descendants characters into vaguely hunger games setting because it sparks joy. Keeping one (1) Hunger Games character: Ceasar Flickerman, for the reason that Descendants Verse moderator (Snow White) would faint within a minute of having to share a stage with exhibitionistic pirates.
Also. Haymitch. I feel like he and Harriet & James Hook should meet.
(I hope you don't expect any plot)
The Hooks are the Fourth District. The sea side one. Uma, too, and the Smees.
James Hook is a Victor long past, and he lost a hand in his games. He had it replaced by a hook, because he's committing to the bit. Drama queen. He's a Capitol favourite and still very much haunted by the children he fought in his arena. (He's so perfect for this au, I can't)
Harriet is also a Victor, from two years prior.
She volunteered and didn't have a good time ever since. (Didn't have a good time ever ✨)
She didn't lose a hand. This does not stop the Capitol from styling her with a hook.
Both of them are rather heavy alcoholics by this point.
Harriet was a difficult Victor. Stubborn and way too happy to speak her mind. It took Capitol pointing at her siblings and going „If you don't shut up, they'll be next“ to get her to cooperate.
She shut up. She was not happy about it but she's not letting her siblings die in the arena – or otherwise.
Either way, after her, the Capitol needed a Good Victor (tm). They found their Victor in Claudine Frollo, a brainwashed career from District One.
She was ready to lie on her knife for her (District) people rebelling against the Capitol, but her Games were pretty heavily rigged. She was not allowed near sharp things by the gamemakers.
Her trauma from the arena is unsurprisingly not helping. Claudine gets unresponsive for huge amounts of time, and she's still not allowed near sharp things.
„You were raised in a fucking cult!“ „...oh.“ This conversation between Harriet and Claudine definitely happens. Harriet is this close to snapping at Claudine at live TV.
Either way, deal somewhat holds, right? Younger Hook siblings are not reaped.
... wouldn't be the Hooks if there wasn't more chaos, okay?
Next year, Uma is reaped, and there is no way Harry is letting her go alone. He volunteers before the boys are even reaped, threatening murder to career girls who didn't take Uma's place and career boys who would take his in the same breath.
This flies, because Capitol lives for drama.
Also, surprisingly, Uma's reaping wasn't rigged. And even if it was, she was not a part of any deal.
Ursula was an actress, a singer, dragged to Capitol from District four and tossed back when they got bored; when she got too old or otherwise unsuitable. She blames Uma for this. Her most famous role was that of a Sea Witch because Why Not.
Uma wasn't a career, but Harry was. He didn't graduate yet, and his older sister insisted he doesn't volunteer.
Anyway. Since this is AU, I feel like it should be possible for the Games to have multiple Victors if the people like them enough.
It's not something common, but it can happen. It has happened before.
Mulan and Shang pulled it off. Mulan while posing as her brother or male cousin all the while. It was one of the earlier games, but people loved it. (Consequently, their son got reaped the year before Harriet. Pure coincidence, you see. He survived, though.)
The other people winning together were Raya and Namaari, because I said so. They had no children for reasons called "they're lesbians, your honour."
And Uma and Harry are gonna win together too because this is MY self-indulgent AU with zero actual plot.
They're having way too much fun on the stage. Survival instinct (the bit that Uma has) gets overshadowed by the need to a) shock as much people as possible and b) drama✨
They end up making out at the tribute interview. Ceasar is having the time of his life. He hasn't had this interesting tributes since Harriet Hook and Ivy de Vil.
(they obviously make out at the Victors interview too)
De Vils now, yeah?
Third district. Technology, for Carlos. They're inovators, the driving force.
Cruella, much like Hook, is a victor of long past. She went mad in her Games. Her victor talent is fashion, obviously, and Capitol has no problems with the more unethical aspects of her designs.
Her reaping-age relatives have the unfortunate tendency to, well, get reaped. She lost a brother, two nephews and a niece this way.
You see, de Vils are rebels. They need to stand out, they need to be heard. (Much like Hooks, but in better clothes, thank you for asking.)
Ivy was the last one reaped. Now, she knew her odds – one in twenty four and worse yet. The Capitol is not letting a de Vil win again.
Consequently, she might have started riot on her tribute interview. I mean, what are they gonna do? Kill her?
Yeah, I thought so.
I'm getting lost, aren't I.
Tremaines. Officers family from District Eight that thinks themselves way too important (they really aren't). All accusations of Anthony's reaping being rigged will be denied.
Anthony is in the same games as Uma and Harry because Drama.
His stylist is Audrey Rose who got caught high in public one too many times. But hey. They're vibing. Also, this conversation:
Anthony, talking about Harriet: "... she's just so pretty-“
Audrey, an aro ace, just trying to do her job: „...I suppose? She could use to wear something different than the red, and a bit less eyeliner...“
(Ginny, barging in: „YES SHE IS.“)
(I'm projecting on Audrey and you cannot stop me.) (She isn't being mean, she's just struggling to see it.) (Struggling in general. Girl is dissociating more than not, but actually trying her best as a tribute stylist.) (She and Claudine should meet. Attend some therapy together.)
Ginny is Capitol, too. She's a medical student, a medic apprentice, whatever you want to call it. Aesthetics and cosmetics surgery specifically. She's shadowing some doctors at tribute-victor-centre.
Which, let's be honest, mainly means that she, Anthony and Harriet can meet ✨
Like Anthony, she thinks that Harriet is gorgeous. She thinks the same about Anthony.
She flatlines Anthony's medical tracker while he's sleeping but still very much alive in the arena. This goes unnoticed because Harry and Uma are kicking up too much drama. And Ginny and Anthony are pretty good at disguises.
Faciliers. They live in Capitol. With documents that are certainly both legal and theirs.
But hey. No one is gping to kick them out. They smuggle in expensive drugs and absinth and other interesting stuff.
They also know way too much blackmail.
Celia and Freddie have accidentally befriended the gamemakers while making deliveries and now the gamemakers let them play a bit and design new fun mutts!
(Stuff of nightmares, I tell you)
Mal is a way too Capitol-propaganda enthusiastic Victor from one of the poor Districts.
Jay is from District Two, a secret rebel. Jade died in the Games.
Oh! CJ sneaked into the Capitol with her older siblings despite being specifically forbidden to do so, and is now setting something on fire. Ceasar practically gave her a permission by calling her "a little firecracker" in the interview with Harry.
The Smees were supposed to watch her, but the Smees couldn't be paid enough for that.
I'm almost certain I forgot someone. Please, ask if I did or if you find something interesting and want me to elaborate?
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juneaulime · 3 months
Always an Angel, never the God.
Pairing: Leone Abbacchio & Reader (platonic), Bruno Bucciarati x Leone Abbacchio, Bruno Bucciarati x Reader (one-sided from reader)
Tags: Angst no comfort, Unspoken Feelings.
Note: If I must suffer so must you. In an AU where they didn't die cause I said so!!! Also reader and Giorno are cousins, from his mommy side.
How did it get to this point? Ah. Now you remember. It was just you two, drunk, but comfortable. Because it was him, and when you're with Abbacchio, you felt, nice, still do. Then why can't you be happy for him like you used to?
The first time you met Abbacchio he was rough. He was, brutal. The words he said hurt. True but, painful. With the passage of the mission, you found yourself closer to him. Maybe it was because you were more outgoing and willing to look over his rough behavior, but, after weeks of trying, you and him, began this wine friend thing. It happened by chance. You found him sitting alone in the turtle, three empty wine bottles on the table, he was searching for more. You walk over and present him with the wine you brought for yourself, he looks at you, and smirk. In a blink of an eye both of you, drunk and babbling nonsense, but, did it feel good? Yes, it did. After that day on, the two of you were inseparable. Narancia complained how hanging out with Abbacchio turned you less fun to be around with. Hanging out with Abbacchio brought you closer to Bruno too. You two already started with a good relationship. You joined Passione as a way to watch over Giorno, your only cousin. You basically raised him, but, details.
You slowly realized you had feelings for him. Meanwhile he only saw you as a friend, a little sister. You were okay with that. You knew you never had a chance to begin with. He was 21 and you were freshly 18. Of course he only sees you as a friend.
But, you loved him, and craved for his attention, so you just accepted the way your relationship was. Then, it happened.
Your best friend, or at least how you saw him, confided in you about his love for Bruno. It destroyed you. You saw how Bruno looked at him, you knew the answer before anyone, you knew what to do before anyone. You smiled, you cheered him on, hype him, genuine yes, but, it hurts. If only fate was kinder, it could've been you. But, alas, here you are, being their angel.
You managed to make the team leave them alone somehow. They were alone. They had their time together and now, they're together. You're happy. Very happy. But, something hurts. Something weighs on your shoulders.
Finally they left and the others to celebrate. You make an excuse, you step outside, into the alley... You break slowly. Sobs of happiness but also pain. You feel a hand, you don't have to look to know who it is. Giorno gently pats your back as you cry your heart out.
By the time you and him come back, your eyes are puffy, both of you agree on the excuse of allergy.
You look at them, so happy, so perfect. You loved them. A lot. But, you could not be the one you loved, because you could hurt the other.
So, you swallow your love and feelings.
You never loved Bucciarati. That's what you'll repeat to yourself, forever.
You're happy for them.
I'm done, a mess cause I'm a mess. Have fun. Or not. I'll post again one day. Byee
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 5 months
more Grojband au drawings and headcanons bc apparently I only like making fanart for fandoms that are non-existent or on the brink of extinction.
(au ramblings after the keep reading)
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Lanes and Larry (nickname Lars or Lars Bar) got really close during middle school. They found comfort with each other bc they were in similar situations regarding their crushes. They'd sneak off after band practice to rant to each other about their band leaders and just wallow in self-pity. And that didn't really change as they got older. If anything, they got even closer, acting more like siblings than friends—they even got similar/mirroring piercings to match and wear coordinated outfits—, constantly ranting to or annoying each other at any opportunity. However, their audience doesn't really believe that it's just that (having given both of them the titles of casanovas for dating each other and their band leaders). And neither does Corey. Which, as you can probably guess, often leads being a point of contention between them.
Kim and Konnie: I've made them really close cousins. Why?. Because I can! jk jk but tbch I just wanted to add some variety in the lineup's dynamics. I'm also playing with the idea of one of them being half-white and the other being half-Filipino and having them be raised in different households to see how that would affect the different ways in which they'd interact. They are still close like sisters and each other's best friends, they were born on the same day and wear matching hair ties like friendship bracelets, but I want them to have things about them that make them different from being exact copies of their counterparts. However, this is definitely subject to change as I explore the concept more.
Corey and Carrie: acquaintances. Over the years their rivalry has seriously mellowed out and are more or less pleasant with each other. They will tease each other from time to time but that's kind of just what you do when you've known someone as long as they have.
Mina and Trina: Not quite sure where to put this one lol. Their relationship imploded senior year when Mina confessed to her and Trina responded in the worst way possible. Now Mina is doing school abroad and Trina had to repeat her last year. No one really knows what happened but rumor has it that Mina had said something so bad to Trina that it made her completely break. She doesn't hang out with anyone and she rarely, if ever, talks. She spends all her time alone in her room or at her job that nobody is even really sure she has.
Kon and Konnie: they are just happy and cute together. They started hanging out together more during sophomore year when Konnie's gym closed down and she had to go to a new one. They were definitely more awkward at first, they didn't really dislike each other but their friends did so they kind of just...didn't interact, but once they actually started talking they found they got along really well! They would often spot for the other and offer encouragement when working out. Inevitably they caught feelings and tried dating in secret. But that didn't last long (bc ofc it didn't lol) and they got caught. Both bands were more irritated than mad but eventually got over it.
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Kin and Kim: a bickering old married couple. they are constantly 'breaking up' and then getting back together the next day. They are snarky and live for drama and gossip. They both think that the other is more in love with them and can control them bc of it. In reality, they are both equally whipped for each other but refuse to admit it. They constantly 'fight' to show that they aren't in love then somehow always fail miserably every time. They haven't made their relationship public and hopefully never will. They like having their fans think they're single and that if they found out it would ruin their images as the mysterious prince and princess of their respective groups. The bands' reactions to them range from exasperated eye rolls to mocking laughter.
Larry (yes, I'm sticking to calling him Larry) and Carrie: ??? Larry adores Carrie and she knows this. He makes it very clear and is willing to do almost anything for her. But how Carrie feels for Larry is unclear, at least that's what he says to Laney. She will treat him like a best friend and they'll hang out alone without problem, but she will have this weird distance about her that she doesn't close. That is until the cameras come on. During interviews and shoots, she will pull him close to her and say things that can be easily interpreted and romantic, but when asked to specify she will laugh and deflect the question. Then, once the cameras are off, she goes right back to being distant. He is unsure whether or not she actually likes him romantically or is just refusing to clarify for the sake of the band, but he'll lean into her touch whenever or wherever it's given. He seems to have come to terms with this being their dynamic and just...goes with it. There is one thing he knows for certain, he loves her and regardless of whether or not she cares for him romantically, he will stay by her side no matter what. Oddly enough, whenever the topic of Larry and Laney's relationship is brought up, Carrie refuses to talk about it. To be honest, she'll act like she has no idea what they're talking about and bluntly steer the conversation towards literally anything else.
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Laney and Corey: Contradictory. Laney has essentially given up on forming a romantic bond with Corey. However, her actual feelings don't seem to have gotten the memo. She still cares for him so much it hurts. So much so that she's come to terms with the fact that she will never be able to be with anyone romantically because of it. Laney used to love the high of being in love, floaty and light, and now she feels more like a suffering addict, lost and panicked. She drowns in every touch and caress given to her but at the same time feels burned and scorned every time she realizes how simple and platonic they are. She can't blame him for not liking her back, but she's come to resent him for it. Just a little bit. She sometimes even wishes she had never met Corey. Constantly thinking about the life she could have had had she not been pulled into the living whirlpool that was Corey. She loves him, and he doesn't know it. But he holds her closer than anyone else. He is possessive of her and her attention. Whenever it's directed towards someone else, Larry especially, he pulls her back into him and refuses to let her go. This makes it even more unlikely for her to move on, in fact, it makes her angry. They argue about it often.
I have the beginnings of several scenes that explore these relationships and stuff but I'm not too sure I wanna share them just yet ^^; (my creative writing skill is a bit more than a little lacking lol)
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