#because the people who tormented you for so long and watched as you didn't react or just got a little mad figured that was it
hopeforkitten · 3 months
the plot where Raphael hides / saves us from the ascended Astarion is already classic, but what about the plot where we find ourselves between the devil Raphael and the god Gale?
The ending of the game is with Gale's novel, where he ascends and we signed a contract with Raphael. A dialogue with the two of them, but Raphael snaps his fingers and takes his debtor to the house of hope, as befits the devil.
So Gale, I have your sweetheart, and I will gladly exchange her for the crown she promised me.
Raphael, of course, could torment us in a sophisticated way, but it is also possible to leave us in the painful expectation of our beloved, who will not come.
(I love Gale, but I really doubt that he would give up the desired divinity and first of all I'm Raphael's girl so I need this development heh)
We settled in the archive, dutifully waiting for our savior, and being completely sure that he would come. Raphael rarely comes to us, and we ignore him with our nose in the air, because in our head we are already free from this captivity.
Raphael smiles rapaciously, watching the changes in our behavior. A bored lady first hides behind books, then throws them aside and looks more tense, her hair and clothes are in more and more disarray. She starts wandering around the archive and does not notice the rest of its inhabitants, she mumbles non-stop, "He will come back. He'll be back. He will definitely come back for me."
The mouse's strength in the cage is running out and she gets discouraged. He's just sitting on the floor hugging his legs.
Raphael gives orders to the archivist and approaches the little prisoner. There is triumph on his face.
"You know, you're the first guest I've had who gives me so much pleasure just by being there, little mouse." The girl continues to stare into the void, not reacting to him. Raphael's emotions deteriorate, he frowns.
"But you're not being funny anymore, honey. I don't think your lover is getting discouraged right now. He has admirers and confidants. He follows the destinies of people and supports their wildest desires. To some extent, it's like me." Raphael praises himself and looks dreamily around.
"I can help fulfill any ambitions. The only question is, do you still have them?" He looks down at the girl, who finally raises her haggard gaze to him.
"I don't think so. All of them remained in your dizzying journey to my crown. You gave up everything for him, didn't you? He promised to share divinity with you. You paved his way to Celestia, but he chose to go up there alone."
"Is that fair, little mouse?" He tries to find the answer, peering into her pale eyes, but does not find it.
"Well, no, you're not funny at all." Raphael gently claps his hands, awakening her attention and obedience.
"Follow me"
The way to the boudoir is not long, the debtor quietly drags her feet behind him. And she remains standing by the pool while Raphael walks to the back of the room.
Haarlep perks up on the red sheets noticing the guest. But he is somewhat upset to distinguish a battered debtor in her.
"Take care of our guest." Raphael gives a brief command.
"Um, it's not for me to lecture you, I thought you liked more... sensible specimens."
"I assure you, her brilliant mind will quickly return to normal. Make her look decent, talk to her, refresh the dying embers of her soul. I'm sure you'll like her."
"Well, if you think so."
Raphael leaves, and Haarlep remains to bring the mouse back to normal. The incubus washes her body and hair, asks questions and, without receiving answers, criticizes her apathetic state.
Later, the little mouse, clean and smelling good, sits on the bed while Haarlep smears her roughened elbows with cream, simultaneously lamenting to Raphael.
"Of course I'm thrilled with what a wreck you've turned God's beloved into, but it's up to me to put her in order."
We are definitely fine, we accept all their words, but we are silent out of resentment until Raphael uses his diabolical conviction.
"Tell me, little mouse, who's to blame for you being here?"
It's my fault, because I made a deal with the devil."
"Wow, she's really talking," Haarlep comments,
"Wrong answer, mouse, you can get out of here, but someone just doesn't want to get you out of here."
Raphael will use us to set up our resentment against Gale, whitewashing himself and forcing us to work for the good of his future kingdom.
• How do you like the moment that Gale lovingly taught us the magic of a wizard, so when we now return this knowledge, his image also returns: his face, his soft voice, his hands guiding ours. This depresses the soul of the captive and awakens unnecessary emotions, therefore, on the part of Raphael's strategy, it is worth changing the nature of our magic and making us his warlock, thus getting under the skin of the most intimate memories and replacing Gale with himself.
Well... I guess his final goal is to take the crown with our hands. It's quite beautiful. yes
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immajustvibehere · 1 year
Spark (2/8)
Arthur Morgan x fem!Reader - Enemies to Lovers
Series summary: An impulsive and reckless girl who stands for everything Arthur tries to overcome joins the gang. Even worse, she is related to Micah Bell. What starts off as a relationship of mistrust and hate slowly transforms into a beautiful, deeper connection, as both parties realise that there is more to the other person than what meets the eye at first.
Chapter 2 summary: Back in camp, you prove to be as horrible a gang member as Arthur feared. It's anything but pleasant when Dutch assignes the two of you to rob Chez Porter.
Link to my Masterlist
previous chapter
1900 words, less than 10 minutes reading time
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Something about you interested Arthur tremedously. He would try to explain it by telling himself he was watching out for the other gang members, because you were very clearly tormenting many of them. You were rude to the girls, who at first had tried to welcome you into their circle, but you refused with a snicker. You openly complained about Sadie mourning her husband so loudly. Pearson would get your complaints about his food every evening and you didn't hold back to insult anyone who approached you kindly. You obviously hadn’t planned on fitting it. This was even clearer when you set up your tent away from the rest, a few feet behind his own, between two trees in the thicket that was surrounding Horseshoe Overlook.
Arthur observed all of this, even though you barely were at camp. He had to hand it to you, you were a hard worker. While you complained about Pearson, you brought him rabbits or turkeys almost everyday and threatened him to make something good out of them. You always returned with as much firewood as your horse managed to carry and occasionally, when you thought nobody was watching, you handed some berries to Jack. Most importantly, and probably the reason why Dutch was so ready to welcome you, you put money in the shared box every day.
Micah’s good report about your character and your young and eager spirit had impressed Dutch. You found it sickening when Dutch praised you, but always smiled and agreed with whatever he said, something that Micah had implored you to do. It didn’t take long until you were held in high esteem by the leader. Arthur accepted this development as much as he accpeted Micah sucking up to Dutch since he first joined.
Nevertheless, you and Arthur clashed on multiple occasions.
Soon after your bank stage mission, Arthur checked the ledger. He had just put a couple of bucks into the gang’s funds, something he had managed to loot from O’Driscolls that had tried to rob him earlier this morning. The sun had just set, people were returning from their scoutings and jobs and with them came the buzzing of a group of people being ready for a couple of beers and calling it a day. Arthur, too, looked forward to a warm stew and a good night’s rest, when his eyes skimmed the numbers in the ledger. Something didn't add up.
"Y/N", he approached you determined.
"Ugh", you answered. It was late. You were tired from robbing a handful of people today and had retreated to your tent.
"I checked the ledger", Arthur went on, kepping his distance as you crawled out from your tent and stood up, making you feel a little taller when you stood opposite of him. Already by his posture you could see that he was about to complain. You despised this judgemental stance.
"Good for you", you replied, crossing your arms.  
"Could it be that you missed a couple of bucks after the bankstage robbery?", he asked. He already knew the answer, but he wanted to see how you reacted.
"What business is it of yours?"
"I have already been reduced to the camp's debt collector by Herr Strauss, I don't mind beating up one more person that owes money", Arthur hissed in a low voice.
"Listen", you started, puffing out your chest, "apparently you can do the maths, so do me a favor and count up what I contributed the four days I've been here and compare it to the money a Swanson or this Uncle guy contributed the last years and you'll find that I have surpassed them by a lot. So I don't know why you keep bothering me."
Then you just crawled back into your tent, closing the flaps and waited for Arthur to go away.
Those and similar conversations started to become an almost daily occurence. You started to like disobeying small rules, only to see Arthur get all riled up. The double standard amused you. He could kick a Uncle out of his sleep, you weren’t allowed to insult his lazy ass. Nobody checked if Arthur shared half the money he made, or any other person for that matter. You knew Micah wasn’t sharing half of his.
Before either of you realized, more than a week had passed since you joined the gang.
Arthur had just finished his morning coffee and was strutting towards his tent. The plan was to shave and then head to Valentine, beating some time, maybe run some errands. But he didn't even get to his tent, because he heard his name yelled by Dutch. You stood next to Dutch, his big hand resting on your shoulder in a friendly and proud manner.
"Come over here for a second!", Dutch waved to Arthur.
Immediately, Arthur's mood worsened. Just yesterday evening he had to listen to one your ramblings about why there shouldn't be so many people in the gang that can't contribute with money. You had Micah's full support, the rest of the listeners were rather hesitant to agree with you. Arthur had left his spot on the log as soon as he had seen you come over, but yours and Micah's conversation was loud enough to haunt him while he tried to sleep. Somewhat apprehensively, Arthur joined Dutch and you.
Dutch was in high spirits, proclaiming: "Micah told me you two work well together.
You sighed a: "Did he?" While Arthur simultaneously grumbled a "Of course he did..."
"Called you a dream team", Dutch raised his eyebrows, looking at Arthur for confirmation. But before Arthur could open his mouth, Dutch went on: "Javier told me about a lead yesterday. However, I sent him on a different business today and I thought, maybe the two of you could work together to rob a little homestead."
Dutch looked so convinced of this, you supressed rolling your eyes.
"Alright", you crossed your arms in front of your chest. You weren't exactly the type of person to refuse a good lead, especially when it gets suggested by the leader you were told to appease and please.
"What exactly are we talking about?", Arthur asked. His hands settled on his gunbelt, and he looked at Dutch, trying to forget that you were there.
"Javier told me about a family of crazies living in the woods. At Chez Porter, apparently. The talk is that they sit on some cash", Dutch finally took his hand from your shoulder to stroke his mustache.
"Fine. We'll do it. Come on, Morgan", you commanded, heading towards your horse before either Dutch nor Arthur could say anything. Arthur sighed while Dutch chuckled: "Oh my, Arthur. Good luck. I'm sure you can handle her."
I'm not so sure about that, Arthur thought to himself as he followed you to the horses. He watched as you confidently swayed your hips and swung yourself onto your horse. You waited patiently with a cheeky smile on your lips until Arthur had mounted his horse with a grunt.
“Know where we’re headed, Morgan?”, you asked.
“Guess I’ll take the lead then”, you stated, riding on ahead. Arthur let it go, it didn’t feel like this was something worth arguing about. There was no talk between the two of you the whole ride. Sometimes, you could feel his gaze drilling holes into your body from behind, but you ignored it, deciding you wouldn’t give him the attention he’d need to start another argument. You were close to Chez Porter when Arthur finally opened his mouth: “Let’s leave the horses here.”
“We could at least ride them up the hi-“
“We’ll leave them here”, Arthur interrupted, dismounted and gave his horse a few gentle pats on the neck before he took a rifle, “We’ll sneak up and check how many armed people we’re dealing with.”
“Come on, Morgan. The two of us could take out a whole army if we wanted to. You don’t need to be afraid when I’m at your side”, you mocked.
“This is the only reason I am afraid”, Arthur grumbled before the two of you started climbing up the hill. You had a nice view on the property. Arthur took out his binoculars, trying to count how many people were on the ground.
“Okay. We got a big barn in the back…and a large house. Must be a lot of people living here. I ain’t so sure about this. Maybe if we draw ‘em out or somethin’…”, Arthur said. When he removed the binoculars from his eyes to decide on a plan with you, he only found an empty patch of grass next to him. Suddenly, he heard the shots. Only a second later he had eyes on you again, strutting onto the property as if it was yours. Curses were falling from his lips as he sprinted down to catch up with you. Three man were already dead on the ground while you stood far from any cover, aiming for a woman at the upper window of the barn. Arthur shot two men who were running towards you. For a moment, it was silent with only an echo of Arthur’s last gunshot ringing in your ears.
Arthur started to call out your name, but you had seen and killed the last man before he could pull the trigger once.
“Easy!”, you exclaimed and holstered your guns, “Money’s probably in the barn. They really tried protecting it.” You turned around to Arthur, only to see him approaching you angrily.
"What the hell was that?"
"What was what? I cleared us the way!"
"You would have been shot if I didn't cover for you. Why didn't you stick to the plan?"
"Because the plan was stupid and just because you are a pretty boy who doesn't want to get his clothes dirty, doesn't mean I'm changing my methods."
"What?", Arthur growled. There was this nick name again. He hated it. Why did it keep following him?
"Oh, you heard me", you replied.
"You think I want Micah to make my life hell, because you bite the dust on a job with me?"
"Micah doesn't care shit about me! It's an unlucky coincidence that we share the same father."
"Okay. Doesn't mean that you can run towards the enemy like-"
"Oh, shut up. Just because you're too yellow."
"Well…maybe I want to live!", Arthur yelled with a grand gesture of his arms.
"Oh bullshit. I can shoot like this because I got nothing to live for, and neither do you. So stop whining."
"You don't know nothin' about me, so-"
"I know you ain't such an idolized fool as your old friend Dutch, so you're definitely not living to prove the government a point, nor do you have a family. And if you did, you sure as hell left them behind years ago or you wouldn't be here!"
"The gang's my family", Arthur said after a short pause.
"Ugh. Sure. Most of them would betray eachother for a handful of gold. Nice family you got"
Arthur didn't answer. He just strut towards the barn that had been so eagerly defended. It didn't take him long to figure out the best hiding place. He moved the crate, though it was hard on his own, to reveal a hatch under which a box had been hidden.  
"Take your cut and get out of here", Arthur harshly slapped a couple of bills into your hands.
taglist: @xclovers @photo1030 @little-honeypie
Next Chapter here!
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allthingsencanto · 2 years
Hey there! How are you? I just wanna say that I adore your posts to bits, they are very enrapturing, spellbinding and inspiring! But I have a few questions.... Ever since I watched Encanto, I can't express how much I've fallen in love with this movie. So, I've had a few theories on Encanto and I've been dying to discuss this with someone ever since Encanto's release. As a first (I know it's a bit dumb), how was the movie in your opinion? Do you think it would be great to have Encanto 2? My favourite character in Encanto is Camilo Madrigal and one thing that kinda disturbed me about this movie is how inadequate screentime Camilo had in this movie, I mean... he really deserved WAY more appearances. What do you think about this?/ How do you react to this? I've recently heard some rumours that there an Encanto TV Show like the Bridgerton TV Show on Netflix. Basically, what I've understood is that since Encanto was based on Mirabel (Abuela Alma's story as well, a little bit), the TV Show will be concentrated on the rest of the members of the Madrigals family, meaning one season based entirely on one character. I hope this is true because I really want a whole season based on Camilo's story. What do think about this? Do you think it's true? Do you think this will really happen?
Sorry for the long message/ask but I really needed some sort of.... confirmation? about those Encanto theories that have been tormenting my head. I've asked so many people and i didn't get a response yet....(I know I'm very annoying, sorry again for bothering you) Thanks in advance for replying my ask! Have a nice day! Love you!
Thank you so much for the kind words! 🥰💕
So….for starters yes, I LOVE the movie heheh. I think it was really REALLY good, and I would LOVE a series, or a second movie because yes, there are a LOT of things the movie didn’t have time to explore, as well as characters, mainly Pepa’s side of the family, and I would also like to see more of Mariano! However, on the subject of this, I personally think a SERIES would be way better than another movie, because a series would give us plenty of time to explore the stuff we couldn’t, more depth to the characters, their dynamics, and events we didn’t get to see, like Bruno leaving, Pepa’s wedding etc. Another movie would be fine as well, however if that were the case I feel like the same thing would happen like it did in the first film, where they had to squeeze a lot in but didn’t have the time, so a series is the perfect next step in my eyes, or animated shorts.
As for Camilo, yes I love him too, we ALL love our dramatic shapeshifting theater boy. It’s not really a surprise that he was pushed to the back though, there are basically 12 main characters, so one of them was BOUND to get less screen time and barely any depth. It is disappointing, but it only makes me more excited for the future when his character can be properly explored. I love how he’s also a teen trying to find his place, it has been confirmed by directors that he doesn’t necessarily know who he is yet or what he wants to be, hence he constantly tries on different personas because like Mirabel, he’s only 15 and is trying to figure himself out. I LOVE that concept so much, it feels real because yeah, at that age we don’t really know who we are yet, so I can only imagine the amazing character development he hopefully gets in the future! 🧡
As for the series, yeah the rumors can get a little confusing, but the truth is NOTHING is confirmed yet. We haven’t gotten news or anything of a potential series, but we DO know three important things. One, on February 9th of this year, the CEO of Disney Bob Chapek had referred to Encanto as their “newest animated franchise”, during a call. Second, director Jared Bush has stated that he would LOVE to make a series regarding the Madrigals and their stories, but again, a show hasn’t officially been confirmed. And finally third, recently Adassa (voice actress for Dolores) had stated on a livestream that Encanto is quote “preparing for its next amazing phase”. What’s most IMPORTANT though, is that she also stated that there will be something at the end of the year for the Encanto fans! She wasn’t specific, that’s all she said, but I’m HYPE. Now a lot of people think that it’s the series, but I kinda doubt that. It’s sort of still too early, and I doubt they had the time to make more, especially since the movie only came out not that long ago. Me personally, I think it’s either going to be an animated short, OR maybe, Lin Manuel Miranda finally decided to release the demos, something I really hope he does soon! Whatever it is, we don’t know yet, but we all have something to look forward to, even if a show isn’t confirmed yet.
So yes, even though we’re not sure what the future holds, I think it’s safe to say there’s DEFINITELY hope for more Encanto content, and to that I say I’m hype! Thank you for the ask! 💕
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milfnearyou · 3 years
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                 𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐣𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧: 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞.
      “𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐦.”
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To say that you were hurting would be an understatement.
Everything and anything served as an infernal memory. Whether it be an object or something as simple as the weather, the effect it had could potentially be triggering for you. This new way of life felt more like a slow, painful process in which you were dying.
Overwhelming, things were now always overwhelming. Your anxiety shooting through the roof, the small person inside of you crumbling away into nothing as you screamed at the top of your lungs only to never be heard.
Your life felt orchestrated, the strings and rhythms conducted by no one else but Lucifer himself. With your pain, he created a symphony for a play, one that was to be forever engrained within your mind, body and soul.
It felt surreal, a simulation with you as its subject and yet, it was in every way authentic. None of it was a figment of your imagination, it wasn't just a bad dream but it was your reality. The scars that littered your body like a tormented and abused piece of canvas served as proof that it had all happened.
Your body ached, countless spikes of excruciating pains rushing through your many vessels and arteries, the nerves on your body were almost always on edge. It was difficult to hold onto reality, the point of returning being so far away that the thought of just letting go, would be a much quicker and simple solution. After all, you were halfway to insanity and the thought of being sane no longer remained a possibility.
It didn’t stop there. Your biggest enemy was your mind. The cursed piece of soft tissue that sat right in the middle of your enclosed skull was the one thing quickest to abandon you, betraying you within a blink of an eye and letting your body act on its own. It was impossible to control your thoughts when you almost always gravitating towards self-destruction.
Day and night, your mind screamed at you, unleashing a cacophony of howling, piercing screams that made your head ring. Blaring on and on, it had no limit. Going as far as venturing into your dreams late at night, filling your only moment of peace with countless nightmares. It was driving you mad. Always pushing you to constantly fight with yourself. You tried your best to ignore the urges but it seemed impossible.
Loudly, you'd scream into the emptiness of your surroundings telling yourself to shut up, to make it stop. Occasionally going as far as becoming physical, slapping the palms of your hands against your temple in attempts to strike yourself awake or hitting your head against a flat surface in attempts to knock the thoughts out. 
But there was no chance to wake up. You were long gone. Stuck in a deep slumber that caused your physical state to act like a zombie. Almost as if your frontal lobe had shut down. Everything occurring in a rather monotone way. Laced with a sudden breakdown that hit you every other day, exploding with fear and anger. The effects of your past trauma reminding you that you still had feelings within, that you had emotions but that they were no longer positive. The negativity overflowed within you and was always ready to burst.
You saw people, individuals who claimed they could help. Medically known as psychiatrists but in your opinion, middle-aged women who seemed lonelier than you were. Portraits of Persian cats hung all over their workrooms, the scowls plastered on the faces of the felines were ones also visible on the psychiatrists themselves.
They always said it was the voices, emerging from your previously traumatic experience. Well no shit, of course, you knew that. It was a no brainer that there were voices in your head, you had diagnosed yourself of having un-welcomed people inside your mind a long time ago. 
However, unbeknownst to the therapists themselves you also knew that they'd been planted into your mind from god knows how long ago. They simply waited for something to set them free, triggering the alarm and giving them proper cause to make you lose your mind.
All they needed was freedom and they were granted access to that with the help of a certain someone. A man who shared the same looks, name and identity as someone you grew close with, someone you developed feelings for. A man you fell in love with that had a terrible secret. It was hard to determine what exactly his secret was until you came face to face with it yourself. And when you did, you wanted out. Pandora's box had been opened and yet, it wasn't even your fault that it had.
You simply had to face the consequences of falling in love with someone who had a duplicate. Was it a clone? Or was it a twin? It was hard to say because he seemed to be from another world, a different planet even but in reality, he was conceived by the hands of a twisted mind. Fabricated inside a laboratory, only to be sent out many years later to wreak havoc upon your life.
And one dreaded night, he arrived. Snatching you away and hiding you for what added up to be weeks of torture. A show in which you were the leading role, the subject to many horrendous acts that one could never imagine. Acts that he always said were done because he “loved” you.
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“You know I love you?” He’d say, all while his nimble fingers danced along the grains of your skin. Brushing up and down your arm as the fear raced through your veins. Your blood running cold, the hairs on your neck standing upwards. Your body was all too familiar with reacting with terror.
A few painfully quiet moments would pass, the sound of water dripping from the faucet, filtering into your conversation until he’d clear his throat. Leaning in forwards and resting his lips just above your left ear, his hot breath burning against your skin as you feel yourself holding in your breath.
“Silence isn’t an option, you either speak or be spoken for,” He warns and you nod rapidly in response. You knew the protocol and you knew exactly what it meant when he said that.
“Do you love me like I love you?” He asks. Circling from your back as he stands in front of you, using his calloused hand to hold your face upwards. Cupping your chin, his touch is moderately tender but you know that with one wrong move, everything could change.
“Define love,” You respond, not wanting to give him the direct answer he wanted. It would feed his ego all too much if you were to be so direct and yet, secretly he enjoyed you defying him. He loved how you didn't give in so quickly, it allowed him the chance to get physical and boy, did he love to get physical.
“Define love? I— obviously, don’t understand the concept of love as much as I'd like to admit. But when I look at you, the sickening feeling that emerges within me makes me think that yes, this is love. It’s everything that suppresses inside my chest, threatening to explode at any given moment. The oxygen that carries through my blood, that fuels the life inside me is filled with the thought of you. Love is, being alive and there’s nothing else except for you that makes me feel more alive.”
You fall silent at his response. Simply because none of it made sense, a cluster of babbled words falling out of his mouth as you stare at him watching as his expression slowly falls apart. The look of love is no longer there, replaced with infatuation, obsession and anger. He acted as if he’d known you for an eternity, professing his delusional love as if it mattered. As if you’d have a change of heart and drop everything within a blink of an eye just for him.
“...You must also understand that I love you because I can’t let him be the only person who loves you too,” He adds, “So do you love me like I love you? It’s only fair you do.”
“Love is a blessing in life. Something that isn’t forced upon, a concept in which— it may hold the key to your life in its hands but cannot be obtained without the honest feelings of another. It takes two to tango, not one, but two." 
Momentarily pausing, you swallow the lump inside your throat, pushing it downwards. Allowing the newly found courage inside your body to come forward, "...And I'm afraid I can’t dance with you.” 
Your rejection is something that hits him hard. Time seems to stop as the fleshy look on his face drops, the expression in his eyes have been replaced with a newfound fury. But it quickly wipes away as you watch him throw his head back letting out a cackle, his voice echoing inside the dingy, dark basement. 
Like a slideshow, his emotions were quick to change moving from pure anger to joy as he laughs at your response. You can't help but sit there and think that he's absolutely mad. A man who shares the same body, face and voice as your lover but seems to be much more cunning and sinister. He's evil and he proves himself to be just that with his following actions and honestly, you aren't even surprised at this point. 
His large hand that once caressed your face had now found its way to the knotted locks of hair, gripping it tightly as he shoves you to the ground. Pushing you down from the chair you once sat on and glueing you to the floor. The coldness of the surface is somewhat, soothing against your painfully hot skin as he presses your face against the ground. The weight of his body adding more pressure as he straddles you from behind, moving strings of your hair aside just so he can see your face. Amused, he smirks to himself when he sees you withering in pain, strings of saliva dripping past your chapped lips and leaking onto the floor.
"Oh dear, what a waste," He pouts, bringing forward a free hand to wipe your drool away. The tip of his finger now covered in your bodily fluids as he brings it to his lips, licking his finger in excitement. His eyes practically rolling to the back of his head as he moans in delight, "Deliciously, sweet." 
Disgusted by his actions you can't help but shut your eyes. Shielding yourself one way or another from looking at his grotesquely beautiful visage. Naturally, the tears also begin to seep past your eyes, drifting down your cheeks. You can feel him lean in, hovering over you. A whimper squeaks past your lips when you feel his tongue dragging itself across your cheek, it feels like he's about to eat you alive. Like a lion licking its prey.  
Removing his tongue from your cheek, he brings it towards your ear. Licking your helix before sucking gently on your earlobe, “I hope, you consider this next special thing. Perhaps, as a warning of some sort?” 
Pushing himself off of you, you can hear him rummage around in the drawer he’s got next to the chair you once sat on. The sound of metallic objects rattling around and clinking against each other until it comes to a halt. The silence isn't soothing, it's terrifying. 
Your heart begins to thump profusely, rapidly beating. You find it hard to breathe, to possibly calm down as your mind races with all the possible objects he could’ve chosen to use on you. A knife? Perhaps a nail gun.
The possibilities were essentially endless due to his massive collection of murderous weapons. But you receive your answer when you feel the long, multiple strips of leather entwined in cotton and tiny pieces of cattle bone brushing against your skin.
“Cat o’ nine tails,” He answers, introducing the weapon to you. Teasingly he brings the weapon up and down your bareback. Shuddering in fear as you feel the item grind against your back, the softness you feel now will be nothing in comparison to what you'll actually feel. 
"Baby, remember that I have to do this because I love you."
The first blow that hits you makes your ears ring. The sensation feels hot, tingling at your skin. It's a mixture of pain along with pins and needles, only getting worse with each blow that he gives you. The stinging had a pain so strong and immense that it was hard for you to even lay there still, writhing around on the ground like a worm on hot pavement. You began to feel overwhelmed with pain, your nerves essentially on fire as you struggled to keep yourself awake. 
Thwack, thwack, thwack!
You could feel the skin on your back begin to rip open, the crimson blood seeping from your wounds as he kept going. There was no mercy as you screamed, your vocal cords straining so hard your voice went hoarse. Slowly, you began to shut down. First, your hands falling limp at your sides, your body cased in sweat as you felt drained to a pulp. Then your screams came to a halt, the breathing in your voice drastically slowing down. Finally, your eyes began to droop, fluttering shut as you saw nothing but black. 
Was this the end for you? 
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Jolting upwards, you topple off your bed and collide with the ground. Gritting your teeth in pain when you feel your back begin to burn, your semi-healed scars becoming agitated from the impact. Slowly rising upwards you panic at your dark surroundings but calm down once you realize that you're at home. Your sweet Maison, inside your calming bedroom with your lover sound asleep on his half of the mattress.
He's at peace with his soft and supple cheek squished against the fluffy pillow. Strands of his brown hair sticking about, his eyes shut tightly. You can't help but mumble to yourself about how adorable he is before leaving your room. Quietly heading towards the kitchen and flickering on the lights, flinching when everything seemed to be much too bright.
Your eyes gravitate towards the clock on the wall, it was four in the morning. You decided that there was no way you were going back to sleep at this hour. Shuffling towards your coffee machine, you brew yourself an iced coffee mixing in a shot of almond milk with your drink. Adding in a few ice cubes, you stir your drink slowly trying your best to ignore the pain in your back.
"You alright?"
Turning around you see Jongin, standing there shirtless in his teddy bear PJ pants. He rubs his eyes a few times before putting on his circular framed glasses, giving you a sleepy smile when he finally sees you properly through the lens. He looked beautiful in his groggy state and so did you to him with your hair flowing freely. Dressed cosily in his white tee with your supreme briefs underneath it.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Did I wake you up?" You ask, taking a sip from your drink.
"No, you're good. Can you make me one too baby?"
Nodding in response you turn towards your coffee machine, your back facing towards him to brew him a drink. "Latte?" You ask.
"Mhm, you know me so well," Slowly he wraps his arms around you, failing to notice how you slightly flinch at his touch. His hands travel towards your stomach as he hugs you tightly, placing his nose in the crook of your neck as he inhales your scent, "I love you so much."
The scene feels all too familiar and it makes you nervous. Gently you push him off of you, unaware that your gesture has hurt his feelings. Departing from your back he comes to your side, leaning against the marble counter.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He questions.
"I'm fine, just...don't, do that," You reply, the tone of your voice is soft, almost delicate as if you spoke any louder something would break.
"Do what?" He asks while bringing his hand towards your shoulder, frowning when he sees you dip your shoulder away from his touch, "You don't want me to touch you?"
Sighing you turn to face him, observing his hurt expression. His eyes are slightly glassy as he looks at you for an answer.
"Nini, it's not that I don't want you to touch me. It's because I'm still injured from the incident, so everything's just a bit fragile," You explain, partially lying through your teeth. It was true you were very hurt but you also didn't want him touching you because everything he did reminded you of the other him.
He nods quietly, smiling softly at you as he slowly gestures you to have a seat at the coffee table, "I'll cover the drink, you go rest."
Sitting down at the coffee table you quietly enjoy your beverage. Jongin soon joining you, seated at the front. The kitchen is quiet, dimly lit by the singular overhanging light you've got on. Jongin's caramel complexion shining underneath the lightbulbs rays. His eyes are affectionate, his gaze never leaving you as he chews on his bottom lip.
"I'm sorry," He starts, "I know it's been hard and I'm really sorry that you have to be hurting. I just wish that the incident could've brought us closer somehow but it's just, pushing us apart."
Drumming your fingers against the table you avoid his gaze. You don't know what to say, you can't blame him for what happened. But you also can't help but think that had you not known Jongin then you would've never met the other him. His twin or, whatever he was.
"I should've told you about him. Then maybe I could've prevented this somehow," His voice falters as you look up to see him. He's wiping his tears away, the whites of his eyes are slightly red.
"Tell me," He interrupts, "Do you see him when you look at me?"
Looking at Jongin, you can definitely see the other him. Except for the fact that the other him or Kai as he liked to call himself had dark green hair. Besides the difference in hair colours, they were pretty much identical. Opting to remain silent, he receives his answer.
"I wish it had never happened but, now that everything's passed I want to be by your side to help you heal. I want to help you through this," He explains. Nonchalantly sliding his hand forwards, he offers you to take his hand and you do, though not right away. Intertwining your fingers with his, you feel his thumb rub the skin of your palm gently.
"You know I love you?" He says and you can't help but shudder when those words come fluttering out of his mouth. Looking up at him you momentarily see Kai rather than Jongin and your heart stops. Afraid that you'll be punished for not speaking back. You say it back, in an almost trained responsive way. Even if the man that's in front of you isn't Kai but Jongin. You say it back because you're still afraid, you're still scared and those affectionate words do nothing but terrify you.
"I love you too."
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Dean’s Cam Girl
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, praise kink, slight dom/sub tones? (but not really), fingering, 18+ only please! 
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: I'm so sorry this is getting posted late! I'm not a huge fan of how it ended but I will definitely come back soon and edit it to add more details. I'm so used to having the whole night play out that writing one part of it seems weird. Either way, it’s not been looked over so all mistakes are my own! I tagged those who commented on my blurb that I posted a couple days ago so shoot me a message if you want to be added to my Dean Tag List and I’ll add you too! 
P.S.- It seems like some of the tags didn't work on my laptop so I’ll try on mobile once it’s posted and see what happens. 
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"Spread your legs, pretty girl. Let them see you." Dean's voice is husky as he nibbles at the shell of your ear, fingers splayed over your stomach as his ankles hook around yours to keep your legs spread.
"You want me to touch you, sweetheart?" Dean grins wickedly, fingers slowly sliding up your body to pluck gently at your pebbled nipples and cup your soft tits in his hands. 
You nod your head yes and it lulls back to rest against Dean's shoulder while your eyes stay trained on the little red, blinking light of the laptop camera. You don't really know when it started or why, but the two of you fell down this rabbit hole after one drunk night where you decided to make a dirty video and post it online. You weren't dumb- you made sure to hide any identifying features of both your bodies and your surroundings. But when the checks started arriving in the mail that stemmed from views on your video, a lightbulb appeared above your head on a new way to make money that was actually your own and not stolen or hustled. Dean was obviously on board because it meant he got to do more things to you- things he had fantasized about and saw in other videos that he wanted to try. So here you were: roughly 3 months into this new journey and swimming in real money with a fanbase that craved the material you put out. It gave you a reason to stay fit, too, but that was more for you than anyone else. 
You were still in your favorite bodysuit, but he had slid his index fingers under your shorts and tugged them down your legs so the wet patch of fabric that covered your soaked pussy was on display. He was grinning from ear to ear as he saw what this looked like on the computer screen: only his legs and arms were visible but you were the main treat. Hair was slightly wet from the sweat that coated your skin, you were flushed light pink in need and desperation, tits barely held in by the black material covering them, and absolutely soaked, went cunt starting to become visible behind the sodden fabric it hit behind.
 "You wanna cum tonight, princess?" De growled, hands moving from your chest and down your stomach to stroke along your bare thighs. 
"Yes, please." You whimpered, slick hole clenching around nothing and desperate to be filled. 
"How bad?" He taunted, grinning with his tongue behind his teeth as he drug his fingers up your wet slit in a teasing motion. 
"So bad, De. Need it, need you." You gasped as his middle finger started rubbing slow circles into your clit. 
"Need it where, princess?" He replies, adding another finger into his teasing circles. 
"Inside me." You exhale as he does just that, sliding his middle finger behind the fabric and three knuckles deep inside your tight heat. 
"Like that?" He asks, grinning into the kiss he presses against your temple. 
All you can do is nod your head but he doesn't like that response; he pulls his finger out and slaps your pussy a little less than gentle. You gasp and groan in surprise, unaware that that was something you liked. His ears perked up at the noise and he looked at you curiously. 
"Oh, does someone like getting their pretty pussy slapped?" De asks, testing the waters and doing it again to see what would happen. 
Your head lulls back once more as he does it again and again, fingers tapping against your clit after every slap as he builds up your orgasm. You can feel the coil in your lower stomach tightening as you get closer to your release and your muscles begin to clench in anticipation when he suddenly stops and pulls away. 
"De…" you whine, legs shaking as you slowly come back down and you look up at him with hooded eyes. 
"Yes, princess?" He smiles innocently, fingers going back to rubbing along your inner thighs as you catch your breath. 
"Why'd you stop?" You ask, needy for your release. 
"Drawing it out, sweetheart. Makes the ending so much better." He tells you, his fingers teasing their way back up your stomach to the sleeves of your body suit.
 He hooks his fingers under the material and tugs it down your arms, freeing your breasts to the cool air and in sight of the camera. You used to be shy about this but now the idea of people watching you has you more wet than ever, if that was even possible. He goes back to plucking at your nipples, rolling them between his thumb and index fingers as he watches your body react on the screen. He's impossibly hard behind you and he ruts his hips in small back and forth motions so his hard cock rubs between your ass cheeks. 
"Please, De." You whine, eyes fluttering shut at the pleasurable feeling coursing through your veins and straight to your clit at his ministrations. 
"You wanna cum, princess?" He asks as if he's asking about the weather but you're almost crazy with desperation and you start babbling.
“Yes, please, De. Fuck, wanna cum. Wanna cum on your fingers, on your cock, anywhere you'll let me. Fuck me, I know you wanna. Wanna shove your hard cock deep inside me, feel how wet and warm I am." Dean growls deep in his chest at your words but obliges, tugging your body suit out of the way and shoving his middle and ring finger deep inside you and he starts rubbing against your g-spot as he begins fingering you roughly. 
He knows that the viewers will like your begging but he knows it's just for him and that's what drives him crazy- having you shaking and whimpering and begging him to do these dirty things to you. He memorizes every noise you make, how your face scrunches when he gets deep, how your jaw goes slack when he finds your G-spot and is merciless as he goes to town on both it and your clit at the same time. You're clenching his forearms that are wrapped around you as you begin to chase your orgasm once again, and he's determined to make it the best one of the night. 
He's got his ankles hooked around yours to keep your legs spread wide open as he starts using his thumb to torment your clit with quick circles. However, his free hand moves to your chest and begins palming at your breast- tweaking your nipples and pinching just hard enough to get you to gasp out. He promised himself that he was going to draw this out-make you really desperate for it- but seeing you come undone like this was driving him crazy. Your eyelids are fluttering as you fight to keep them open; you're trying to keep your eyes on his face for the entire time so he can watch you cum around his fingers. He said that was his favorite part, after all.
 "Give 'em a show, sweetheart." Dean coos in your ear, his voice husky and thick like honey.
 You nod, spreading your thighs more so he can get just a little deeper while your back arches and you start moaning and cursing with more abandon. You're teetering right on the edge of your release and Dean knows that the thing you needed was his arm across your chest and palming your breasts while you came. And you did, you came harder than you ever have and were loud enough that you were sure the neighbors in the connected hotel room could hear you. Your fingers dug into Dean's skin and left long, red welts down his forearms as you moaned out until there was no more breath left in your lungs.
 "That's it, princess. You're doing so good. So fuckin' beautiful, honey." De praises you as your bones turn to jelly and you collapse back into his embrace. 
You're grinning up at him, smile blissed out and eyes closed as you work to catch your breath. You barely notice him hit the stop button on the computer and settle back into the pillows with you. 
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zikadraws · 4 years
Well I come up lately with theses questions but anyway, I just realised it and need to know about Sora:
What is her monstruous form exactly? When did she got it and why?
At the Last Resort, do some people know about this form? If not at all, does Sora would like to confess her secret to someone in particular?
Why the plague doctor mask is important to her? What happens if someone steals it from her or just touches it?
Voilà! Sorry in advance if you may already answered some of these questions and/or showed it by drawings: I tried to search informations as I can but maybe I didn't search well ^^"
Hope it's okay in all cases! 💖
Ah, that ! Well I mean I was expecting someone to question it but I wasn't exactly expecting an actual ask...^^'' But I mean ah well since we're here--- -v-'
So hummm...
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I headcanon that ghosts who died with a profound feeling of injustice and frustration (who so hold a grudge against people because of that) are able, when triggered by rage, to transform monstrously, and during a short amount of time (as long as their fury lasts) they are able to increase their power and lethality to a critical level. Although they can easily lose control over it, plus it has a high tendency to harm them in one way or another, so they have to constantly watch themselves. Sora died due to circumstances that drive her to hold a cold and blurry desire of revenge against humanity. She still has to get her things together about who exactly she wants to punish (that's also the reason why she enjoys haunting and tormenting people). Gladly for her (and pretty much everyone), she is very hard to anger.
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Sora did not really tell anyone about it. Amadeus Wolfgeist and her got high suspicions about each other, but are reluctant to launch the subject. (They'd both understand though.) Despite him, Sora would be willing to say her secret to Nicòla (@anamakara ), who is about one of her best friends. She is otherwise confusedly weary about how the others would react if they learned. So yeah, y'know, secrets.
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Oh, and the plague mask actually really does not hold any dark secret of any sort. It literally just is something she found in her travels, loved it and kept ever since. She likes to put it on and impersonate a bird of the creepy sort. She massively uses it when she goes off to randomly haunt around. It scares the crap out of people. Nothing happens if you steal it, other that she'll most likely sue you.😂
(Oh, and that's more of a bonus, but I don't know if you noticed the blade she was holding in the special. It actually is a spy blade, hidden in her umbrella. She slides it out when shit goes down and she finds it freaking brilliant.^-^''')
There, here you go. Hope you weren't expecting some sort of curse plot :)
Anyway, thanks for asking
You're welcome~🥰
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hanaridulsetcheese · 4 years
Loving the Enemy~ Bang Chan
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It was a tough battle indeed. You were barely holding on but you had to pull through somehow. Your troops were down, your lab was under attack, there was no safe place to hide.
"We have to get out of here. The roof's about to collapse. " his voice was rough, fear and worry evident.
You had never once thought that in your lifetime you would be working side by side with Bang Chan himself.
It was the dawn or yet a brand new day, you were just finishing up the last bits of your new project, what was it? Nothing much, just a new device that would destroy the human race, that's it.
You called it Typhoon. Inspired by the Greek myth of the best that reigned terror and havoc in ancient times. Designed to destroy anything in its path,  this was your life's work all complete and you were itching to test it out.
Let's do a quick introduction before we start anything else.
You were known as the Red Warrior, Mistress of Invisibility. You possessed the power to make yourself and others invisible. A useful power indeed, it completely wiped you off the face of the Earth, you were untraceable.
The name Red Warrior came from your style of fighting, you would sneak up on your victim and attack, the only thing they would see was blood, spilt on the floor.
You liked your name and reputation, people shivered at the mere mention of your name. It gave you power, you liked power.
Everything was perfect, people feared you, they work to your bidding, things stayed that way until he arrived.
You hated the thought of him, he made you so angry, you might have taken out a few cities because of him but it was his fault.
Bang Chan was the bane of your existence. Coming into your life one day, out of nowhere and ruining everything you worked for. He was the only one that wasn't afraid of you, he did not fear you, and you hated that.
Bang Chan was your typical heartthrob, every girl loves him, every guy wants to be him and every parent wants him as their child. Everyone thought he was perfect, or but he was far from it.
Bang Chan went undercover as the world's superhero. He was simply called The Saviour, why? Because every time to went out to do your daily terrorising of people, he was there and he stopped you.
He even went as far as to stop one of your big projects from commencing, he possessed a great control of his mind, he was able to do things that ordinary people couldn't do, you envied that. For years, you tried to train your mind to work a specific way, to tried to change it to see through the realm of reality but it never worked, you had an extraordinary mind, yes, but it was not like Chan's.
He was the only one who could see through your invisibility because he could see through the other realm. This pissed you off. Chan could sense when you would attack and how just through that mind of his.
It became known afterwards, that the only person that could defeat you was The Saviour, who only you knew was Chan.
The two of you had been at war for years, trying to stop one another. You had given up trying to terrorise people and tried finding ways to weaken Chan and his mind. You were practically in hiding trying to create the master plan that would finally take down Bang Chan once and for all.
You had become obsessed with him, occasionally you would stalk him to see what he was up to, of course, he would sense you but wouldn't do anything. You found it strange but continued that for a while.
That's when you finally created it, Typhoon. It took your three years you finally build the monster, but you did it. You stood in your lab, admiring your hard work.
The monster stood a whopping thirty feet tall, you were lucky that you had space to build him, his gleaming red eye looked down on you, you saw your reflection on his armour, you were pale and skinny, obsessing over building him for the past three years had taken a toll on you but you didn't care. A few years of sacrifice will result in your long reign of terror.
"Mistress, we have a report on Chan. " a young man came entering the room, he was Kim Namjoon, (Y/N)'s right-hand man. The pair had met when (Y/N) had found him sitting in a dark alleyway two years back after gathering materials for Typhoon. He was furious, throwing balls of fire from his hand onto the nearby trashcan. Immediately, the Mistress of Invisibility took an interest in the young lad.
She brought him back to the lab, explaining to him who she was and why she brought him with her. He was curious and scared, she liked that.
She trained Namjoon and allowed him to work on Typhoon with her, soon becoming her right-hand man. While working on Typhoon, they recruited others to join them, forming a small army.
"What has the loser been up to know? " (Y/N) asked, still admiring her monster as if it were her child that just won a prize for being the most terrifying.
"Jungkook said that he saw Bang Chan sitting in a graveyard staring at a tomb for the past two hours," he reported.
Moving her attention to Namjoon, she looked at him with a confused face, trying to figure out why Bang Chan was there.
"Two hours? " she pondered, an evil thought forming in her evil mind. "Let me go give him some company. "
Heading to the graveyard, she saw Jungkook's figure crouched down behind a tombstone a few yards behind Bang Chan, making her way to him, he immediately bowed to her in respect.
"Mistress, he's been here for a long time. I don't know what he is doing. If I move more forward, he would catch me. " (Y/N) nodded, telling Jungkook to head back to the lab.
She watched Chan for a while, seeing his figure shake from the cold, was it the cold? Or was he...crying?
She took the risk of moving closer to him, close enough to hear if he was saying something. She wondered how he had not sensed her yet, or even Jungkook before.
Something must be wrong with him.
"Why did have to leave when I needed you the most? " (Y/N) was shocked to hear her enemy cry.
His sobs filled the dense graveyard, (Y/N) stayed as quiet as possible, hoping not to get caught.
"I don't want to do this anymore. I can't live like this. " he continued, "She's exactly like you. "
His words sparked something inside you, you wanted to know more.
"I can't live loving my enemy," he spoke, those words caught you off guard. The hand you were using keep yourself in a steady crouch position slipped a little, causing the gravel beneath you to make a noise.
"Shit. " you muttered, turning your self invisible running away before Chan could sense you.
Racing back to your lab, you couldn't get the words Chan spoke out of your head. This completely took you by surprise.
Your men were worried when the saw you racing back to the lab in such a panic, you didn't bother to explain anything and ran straight to your room and locked yourself up.
"Mistress? Is everything okay? " Namjoon said from the other side of the door.
Trying to control yourself, you gathered your words and spoke, "I'm fine. Just leave me be. Make sure everything is prepared for tomorrow. "
You couldn't let one small thing like that throw you off guard, you couldn't let it blind you from your goal.
The next day when you awoke, the words of Chan were still fresh in your mind but you managed to push it back and focus. Today was the day you were planning to attack, earn back your reputation back once and for all.
Typhoon was ready, you all were.
Namjoon stationed himself in the monster, ready to control and attack at your command. You already had your troops out there wreaking havoc just to start everything up.
Soon, you march out into the city, the sound of people screaming and running away in fear of the monster made you smile.
"Are you scared of me now?! " you called out to the people of the city. They all looked around for you, fearing that you may strike them.
"Bow down to me! Your saviour is no match for me. "
Namjoom, with the help of Yoongi, another member of your troop, had managed to hack every piece of technology allowing you to broadcast your message even wider.
"You can't hide from me. Just join my troop and you shall be safe. Fail to join and well, it's the ned for you. "
Typhoon trampled building, crushing it to the ground. You sat on top of the monster and laughed each time someone ran away in fear.
Your fun was cut short when the person that had been stuck in your mind appeared.
"Looky here, The Saviour, about time you showed up. Ready to lose? " you tormented.
"DON'T DO THIS! " he yelled out. His mask covered his face but his eyes still shone brightly, you could see that he was trying to formulate a plan.
"What you're gonna do? Open a portal and take my monster to another dimension? " you tormented.
"You think I can't? " he opened up a portal to another realm, trying to force your monster into it with his mind.
"Namjoon, show him what this baby can do. " you hopped off the monster, sliding down it arm before dramatically landing on the ground perfectly, you might've practised that a few times.
Typhoon conjured up a thunderstorm, aiming it a Chan. He barely had time to react. Lighting bolts fired its way to Chan, hitting him in his chest and sending him flying backwards, hitting the rubble that was formerly an office building.
Laughing at his misfortune, you made your way towards him, kicking his weekend from before crouching down.
"Give it up Channie. You're no matched for Typhoon," you smirked.
Grabbing your hand before you could get up, Chan pulled you towards him and took you through a wormhole.
Even though your distorted figure travelling through the wormhole, you could still feel Chan holding you.
Where was he taking you?
Soon, you felt yourself land on a soft surface. You opened your eyes to see Chan staring at you. You pushed yourself off him.
"What did you do? " you pulled out your dagger, not bothered about your surrounding but more about the man in front of you.
"(Y/N), " he said softly, trying to approach you. On instinct, you slash your dagger, cutting him on his face. A long scar formed, the blood seeping through and drilling down his face.
You continued your attack, he was forced to defend himself, pulling out his own dagger, similar to yours. You were caught off guard when he pulled it out, this allowed him enough time to disarm you, using his mind to bring your dagger to him.
You got angry, running towards him, you were going to fight with your bare hands. You weren't going to go down without a fight.
Throwing both daggers to the side, Chan blocked all your attacks.
"(Y/N) let me explain! "
"You stole that dagger! Where did you get it from?! " you kicked him hard as he held onto your hands.
"It's not what you think! " 
He got tired of trying to contain your attacks, he took control of your body using your mind. You couldn't move a limb.
"What are you doing? " you fought hard in your mind for control of your body. Chan was overpowering you but you managed to break free.
You tackled him to the ground, pinning both his hands above his head as you straddled him.
"How did you get that dagger?! " you growled, your nails digging into his skin.
"Its mine- "
"Lies. You stole it! "
Chan got tired, he used all of his strength to escape your grasp, getting hold of you and pinning you to the ground. His eyes changed colour, what was once brown was now a murky grey.
You made the mistake of looking into his eyes. Immediately something flashed in your mind.
You were walking across a battlefield. The remains of the battle still sprawled across, in the process of being cleaned. Your planet had been in a battle with people from Earth.
Yes, you were from another planet.
In order to save you, your master had sent you and the boy you trained with to Earth before your planet could be destroyed.
Before sending you, he left the boy if you with daggers to protect yourself and remember each other.
"I don't want to be separated. " the boy said to you, holding your hand.
"We'll find each other again. " you told him. You kissed his cheeks and boarded the ship that would take you on Earth.  "Don't forget to find me, Chan. "
You were brought back to reality. With heavy breathing, you looked at Chan.
"You- You found me. "
"I did. " he smiled at you, letting you go.
You couldn't believe it, all your life on Earth, you waited for Chan to come, but he never did. The bitter thought of him forgetting you turned you into what you were now.
"You didn't forget about me. " a tear slipped out of your eye.
"I could never forget about you," he said. "I felt your presence and immediately came to get you, but I had to make sure it was you first. It took me a while because my powers were kind if faulty. " he rubbed the back of his neck.
Soon realisation struck me, "Chan! We have to stop Typhoon! "
That brings us to the present. After Chan opened up the portal back to reality, you were shocked. Half the city was already torn apart.
"Namjoon! Stop the attack! " you tried calling out to him but he didn't listen. "Namjoon! "
"M-mistress? " you heard a voice call out to you.
"Jungkook? " you rushed over to the boy, his lower half was trapped underneath a wall of a fallen building.
"He's gone crazy. Tool out half the troops as well. " he coughed blood.
"What do you mean? " there was a crash above you, a bolder was hurtling your way, Chan managed to send it through a portal before it hit you.
"Well well well, the Red Warrior. " Namjoon called out. You turned your attention to him.
"Namjoon stop this now," you said firmly but he just laughed.
"Why stop now, isn't this what you wanted? "
"Namjoon I order you to stop! "
He ignored your command.
"I knew you'd go soft, after what you heard in the graveyard. " he shook his head. "I couldn't let your emotions get in the way of our work. We started it, now we have to end it. "
"Why are you doing this?! "
"You really don't know? " he scoffed, "Why do think I so angry the day you found me? Have you ever stopped to ask me? "
I stopped to think, I didn't know.
"Why were you angry? " I asked him.
"You killed my parent that day. I came home from school and they were dead! We came to Earth just like you, to live a peaceful life! Why'd you have to do that?! " he blasted Typhoon's lasers at us. We barely managed to dodge the lasers.
It ended up hitting another building.
"We have to shut down Typhoon! " I said to Chan while dodging another round of lasers.
"Youll never get in! " Jungkook yelled, still trying to get out from under the wall. Chan levitated the wall, allowing him to slip out. His leg seemed to be broken.
"He's got the entrance wired. There's no getting in it out. "
"I could open a portal. " Chan said.
"You can't, this was designed to take you out. I made sure that it couldn't be bent out of reality. "
"What do we do then? "
I racked my brain to find other ways of shutting down Typhoon. The only known power switch was in, "The lab! We have to get to the lab! "
Chan opened a portal to the lab, we all walked inside the portal but Namjoon noticed.
"No! " Jungkook screamed as Typhoon's hand grabbed him just before the portal could close. It was too late for me to reach out to him.
"Jungkook no! " I yelled as the portal closed.
"(Y/N) we have to move on! " there was a loud crash on the lab's roof. Namjoon was here, we had to fast.
Namjoon constantly attacked the ceiling, making it hard to move around. I had to get to the power source but the falling roof made it difficult.
A giant piece of the roof fell on my arm as I was crawling underneath a piece of rubble to get to the power source.
I yelled in pain, "(Y/N) are you okay?! " Chan said, trying to clear a path to get to me. I clutched my arm and sucked back the tears. I had to stop this. The power source was in sight, "If I could just get to it. "
I pushed past the pain and managed to enter the code. The attack stopped, I was relieved, "(Y/N) you did it! "
The rumbling started again, the roof was unstable.
"We have to get out of here, the roof's gonna collapse. " Chan said, helping me get up.
"Not so fast! " we turned around and saw Namjoon being held at gunpoint by a man with a mask on.
"Help me, please! It's all his doing! He was controlling me on the inside! " Namjoon pleaded.
"Shut your mouth! " the man jabbed his gun into Namjoon's ribs.
"Who are you? " Chan stepped forward, shielding me.
"Oh you don't know? " he pulled off his mask. Chan and I gasped.
"Master? " I was stunned.
"I thought you were dead. " Chan said, "Your grave-"
"All fake," he said. "I did that so I could come down to Earth and finish what these humans started. " he shoved Namjoon forward a bit, "This little puppet here helped me, angry at someone for killing his parents, it was easy to poison his mind. "
"You killed them? " I scrowled.
"Duh," he said. "Now it's your turn. " he aimed the gun at Namjoon. He was about to pull the trigger when Chan leapt through a portal and knocked the gun out of his hand.
The impact of Chan landing caused the roof to start crumbling.
"It's going to come down- "
It was too late, the roof came down crushing everything in its path. Unfortunately, we were the ones in its path.
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kpopthispussyyy · 7 years
BTS reaction to their black girlfriend facing racism/ignorance
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Namjoon would be absolutely livid. He’d be confused at first when you both got pulled over by a cop. He knew you weren't speeding, so what the hell? 
“Here we go again.” You'd whisper to yourself, not aware that Namjoon was watching you.
He’d watch silently as the cop asked for your license and registration. He’d notice smug look on the cops face as he told you that there was a robbery near by and you resembled the suspect.
“Wait wait wait wait. Describe the suspect.” Namjoon would interrupt. 
The cop wouldn't take him seriously and would ignore his question, causing Namjoon to snap and get out of the car, yelling for the cop to describe the suspect, and about how you both had the right to know what this was about. Terror would freeze your blood as the cop began to order Namjoon to get back in the car and jesus christ all mighty, why isn't Namjoon listening to you as you scream for him to get his ass back in the car? Your heart would be pounding as you saw the cop begin to reach for his fire arm, but luckily, Namjoon would finally listen and sit in the car next to you.
The cop would leave you both with a firm warning to Namjoon and an insincere apology to you. When he was gone, you’d fall apart, hitting Namjoon and yelling incoherently, tears streaming down your face. Namjoon would be surprised and would gently defend himself from your blows. He’d yell over your screams.
“Why are you so mad?! It wasn't our fault.” He’d ask, exasperatedly.
You’d take a deep breath and look at him with tear filled eyes.
“Namjoon. You have to understand. I’m black. I can't afford to yell at the police. They shoot first and ask questions later. The fact that you're in the car with a black person automatically means you can get shot too so please. Don't ever, do that again.” You plead, holding his hands in yours. 
He quickly nods and pulls you to his chest, comforting you. He makes you switch places with him and drives home. Afterwards, your relationship is ten times stronger and ten times more understanding.
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Hoseok is the definition of low-key savage. He’s the sun as everyone knows, and is literally happiness personified, but when it came to protecting you, he could kill. Dating a black girl had really opened his eyes to some injustices black people faced, and he’d be damned if he let anyone disrespect you, whether it was or wasn't due to the color of your skin.
When he finds out that your boss told you to ‘do something about your hair’ which you preferred to keep natural, he laughs and shakes his head. It’s at that moment that you know you made a huge mistake telling him, cause that laugh meant one thing and one thing only.
Time to fuck shit up. 
While you were at work, Hoseok would show up with a book in his hand. He’d make his way to your bosses office calmly. You'd watch in shock from the door as he pulled out articles about African American hairstyles being discriminated against in the workplace settings, spreading them in front of your shocked boss. He’d explain how almost all of the employers in the articles were ruled as ‘right’ in the claim that they could choose hairstyles for their employees. Then he pointed at the ones who lost their claims, along with their businesses.
“Now that we've read these and got educated, let me make one thing clear. If my girlfriend, Y/n, comes home to tell me you said anything to her regarding this conversation, or tormented her in anyway, I will do everything in my power to make sure you loose your business, then your money, then your house. Don't be an asshole. Here’s my card. Have a lovely day.” He’d finish with a sweet smile, then walk out, kissing you goodbye.
Your boss wouldn't dare to say a word to you, seeing as your boyfriend was famous, and according to google, worth a shitload of money. Your hair was happy, you were happy, Hoseok was happy, and all things were good.
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You'd feel you heart stop at the word that hit you like a brick, lingering in the air. Jin would freeze and look around towards the crowd of paparazzi and fans that surrounded you both, looking for the culprit who was either hiding like a coward, or long gone.
Jin would grit his teeth in silent rage and wrap his arm around you. He’d maneuver his way through the crowd with a stricken girlfriend in his arms, entering the hotel finally. You'd both silently make your way to the elevator and enter. Jin would walk to the back of the elevator and lean on the wall, shaking with anger, while you replayed the moment over and over again in your head.
“I-I don't get it. We’re not even in the U.S anymore!” He’d yell, voice startling you.
You'd let out a laugh and shake your head. “Racists are everywhere baby. There’s no escaping it. Doesn't matter that were in another country.” You’d reply, giving him a soft, sad smile.
Seokjin would frown and immediately pull you into his arms, kissing your forehead.
“It’s not fair to you. This was supposed to be our amazing, unforgettable honeymoon. Are you okay baby?” He’d ask, one hand coming up to cup your cheek so he could peer into your eyes.
“I’m fine. It’s not gonna affect out honeymoon. We’re here to have fun. Some ignorant git isn't gonna ruin that. Okay?” You ask, attempting to convince him that you really were okay.
Jin would sigh and finally relent, calming down. You’d both forget about the rough start to your honeymoon and have the best fun you'd ever had, making new memories free of criticism and media influence, as husband and wife. 
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(GOD this boy is foiiiiiiiine. Lemme use this chance to confess that he has now wriggled his way up the ranks and has gone from Bias Wrecker to Another Bias. BITCH LOOK AT HIS FACE JHBJVUGJGH)
You’d both be on line for some shit idk, maybe to get coffee or buy groceries, when some random roach bitch came out of no where and suddenly dug her fingers into your afro. You’d be too shocked to react. You’d barely be able to hear her asking the usual roach questions like ‘omg, how'd you get your hair to do this?’ and ‘it’s like, sooooo puffy. Can you like, straighten it?’. Yoongi would make a face at what he saw, confused as to whether said roach didn’t see him next to you, or was ignoring him.
Ignoring the fact that roach was a girl and that he had to be a gentle man, he’d grab her arm hard and yank it away from your hair, still giving her that look that said ‘who in the fuck raised your disrespectful ass?’. 
“Um, don't touch her.” He’d say, throwing the roaches arm back. 
You'd stay silent, mentally laughing, knowing your boyfriend was about to snatch this bitches edges. 
The roach would wrinkle her nose in irritation and look to you for support, only to see you raising an eyebrow at her in disbelief.
“I’m sure you wouldn't want some random stranger digging their fingers into your hair, especially when getting your hair that way took hours of treatment and dedication. Fuck is wrong with you?” He’d ask, holding your hand in his as he cringed in disgust at the now stuttering, red faced roach.
“W-well excuse me, but she didn't say she minded.” Roachaline would spit at him, placing her hand on her hip smugly as if she had won.
“Well she didn't get the chance. Go away before I call security and report you for assault. And stop being a martyr for idiocy!” He would yell after her as she walked away appalled. You’d laugh and link arms with your savage of a boyfriend, cooing sweet nothings at him to calm him down. 
You’d both leave whatever store you were at laughing, happy as can be, talking shit about the atrocity you had just encountered.
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You’d be in the dressing room with the boys, watching as they got their making done, in a heated conversation with Namjoon about types of weaves to get since he was dating a black girl too. You were in a bad mood already from some shit that had happened previously, but this poor child was about to get his girl some synthetic bundles for her birthday and that’s a no, so you decided to hook him up with some websites.
Jungkook watched through the mirror with a smile on his face as you gave Namjoon advice, laughing as his friend took down notes. Suddenly, one of the boys friends, some stranger, decided to add in his own unseasoned two cents.
“Weren't you just complaining about G-Dragon having dreads? How do you do that, then use straight/ silky hair that isn't yours?” He asks snottily, rolling his eyes at you.
The room went silent. Jungkook broke the silence with a short laugh, turning to glance at the boy. 
“Seriously?” He asks, letting out another laugh, this time slightly sinister.
He then proceeded to educate the idiot boy, cursing at him, informing him about how you might not be able to get some jobs without straight/silky hair. He informs him about how you occasionally get made fun of about how your hair defies gravity. He also informs him about how G-Dragon wearing dreads is wrong because it cultural appropriation. He tears him a new one, barking at the now beet red boy about how it’s also none of his goddamn business what you do with your hair. 
At the end of his rant, he's panting, makeup sliding down in trails of sweat, causing his make up artist to glare at him. The boy scurries out in shame, and it only takes a second for the entire room to burst out laughing, while you sit watching your boyfriend, filled with pride.
“Damn Kookie. Where'd you learn all that?” Jimin asks, impressed.
Jungkook smiles and lets out a small laugh and turns to you, a teasing glint in his eye. 
“Perks of dating Y/n.”
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“Excuse me?” Jimin would ask, raising an eyebrow at the host.
You’d sink into the couch in mortification, realizing that you were just sexualized on live tv, and it'd hurt even more when you realized it was because you were black. This wouldn’t be your first interview with Jimin, but this was the first time anyone was so blatantly rude. You’d feel a twinge of tears at the back of your throat and avoid eye contact with the camera after that.
“The question was, since dating Y/n, have you enjoyed sex more, considering how endowed she is?” The host would ask again shamelessly, wiggling his eyebrows at both Jimin and the producers back stage. 
Jimin would stay silent for a second, still reeling in shock. You'd think having a 13 and up audience would have been a red flag, but you guessed that being black and dating a pop star was just too juicy for the producers not to milk. The silence would make the host realize it was the wrong thing to ask, and he’d panic, turning to the producers again, but it was too late.
“First of all, that is absolutely none of your business. Secondly, the only reason you're asking me this question is because she’s black, and you should know better. You should all know better. I planned on cursing you out, but seeing as my girlfriend is in shock, were going to leave instead. Have a horrible day.” Jimin would spit out, grabbing your hand and pulling you off the set.
He’d drag you through apologizing crowds of people and out of the studio, back to your car. You’d enter and sit silently, Jimin grabbing your hand again as he enters.
“Baby, I'm so sorry. They're a bunch of idiots and their careers are over, I swear to god-” He’d rush out, making you interrupt him.
“It’s fine. Thank you for defending me.” You’d say with a weak smile, hugging him. 
He’d hug you back tightly, still in shock from what just happened as you tried your hardest not to burst into tears in his chest. The week that goes by afterwards would be hard. Paparazzi would be on a mission to get yours and Jimin’s statements, and that question would be played on every media outlet daily. Some fans were on yours and Jimin’s side, but of course, some also were not, thinking it was a fine question for the host to ask, and that he would have asked anyone.
Soon, other scandals come and go with other pop stars, and yours and Jimin’s debacle is soon forgotten, but you two don't forget. It strengthens your relationship. You and Jimin begin to love and understand each other on a different level.
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You’d be hanging out with Taehyung at a bar with the rest of the group when suddenly, a group of fans would come up to you guys for autographs. Being used to this, you'd happily watch as the boys kindly tok their time and interacted with their fans, signing autographs and taking pictures.
“Oppa~ Why are you dating a black girl?” 
You froze at the question. Taehyung simply rose an eyebrow at the girl in front of him.
“What kinda question is that?” He asks, obviously trying not to be rude.
The girl rolls her eyes, gaining confidence.
“Well, why are you dating a black girl? A lot of fans are angry.” She stated, glancing at you bitterly for a second, then turning back to Taehyung.
Just as you were about to get up and drag the bitch, Taehyung let out an irritated groan. He crosses his arms and raises and eyebrow at the girl.
“I’m honestly trying to have a good day here, with my beautiful girlfriend and our best friends, so kindly go away before I make you cry.” He says, pinching the bride of his nose in frustration. 
The girl turns red, and scurries away, flustered from how an idol just spoke to her. The group turns to Taehyung and you, asking if you were both okay, but you both simply just blow it off, laughing and cuddling up. 
Before you two had started dating, you had both already spoken about what hardships you would face from the fans and from... well, the world. So anytime something like this came up, though it would take some insisting and begging, you'd always make sure he kindly told fans and people that mentioned your skin color negatively to ‘go away.’ 
This took me three days to write, so I hope all of you enjoy it, especially my fellow black girls out there.
If this offended you, please leave me a butthurt ask or comment. I’m in a wonderful mood today 😊💖
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