#because she has the ability to create love potions
debiteful · 3 months
Utterly gleeful about the FR thread that helps you scale your dragon's images
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I knew her admirer (by her nose) was tiny, but gosh darn I'm giddy at seeing it visualized
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
i saw an interview this morning where valentinos voice actor is asked about his characters relationship to the other vees and he briefly explains that vox and val in this weird gay relationship where they make out and do stuff but then straight up says "uhhhh i dont know what valentinos relationship is with velvet lol!"
the bar is in hell for women characters (pun intended) because a velvet USED to have a relationship with vox and val during the instagram days. i like that she was more like a daughter to him and that they bonded over violence! shit like that was what actually made valentino feel like a complex character who can be good and bad. because i literally cannot think of a single relationship hes on good terms with. voxvals whole appeal is that theyre toxic gay bitches! so having just ONE good relationship in his life, even if its just with his weird 30 year old coworker daughter, could actually make him feel like a person with layers like valentino fans desperately insist he is in the show.
since rn velvet just kind of. exists! she barely speaks to the other vees, doesn't seem to enjoy spending time with them unless she can film them dancing and making out, shes mostly frowning in the finale whenever vox opens his mouth, and never directly even speaks to val. why would val not speak to someone he lives (i think) and considers his equal?
like she very much has the ability to become a compelling fun character/villian when shes separated from the other vees. which sucks! because it just makes me wonder "would valentino or vox tangibly lose anything if velvet didnt work with them? and would anything change about their dynamic if she wasnt there?" and i know the answer is "probably not!"
the fact that no ones mentioned her despite s2 having a "heavier focus on the vees" is so fucking telling. she really doesnt feel like the backbone of the vees! she feels like the third wheel vox and val hired and she just stays with them for power despite her not speaking/having a relationship with them at all. its not even like the idea of "30 year old woman stops caring so much about her gay dads she created and slowly begins to resent them, working with them anyway for power" is a terrible idea, but i absolutely know thats not what viv intended. vel is absolutely an afterthought in the writing when shes with the other vees and its apart of what makes me dislike them now more then ever. if s1 couldnt even have velvet speak to the other vees about ANYTHING other then important business stuff (like, idk, fashion, technology, love potions, the few fucking things these characters have in common) then i doubt s2 is gonna be much better.
anyway velvet should leave the vees and get some granny gyatt from carmilla thank u 4 reading <3
Calling it now, season 2's going to contain as little Velvette as Viv can get away with. Because you said it best yourself -- she's not so much a character as a third wheel Vox and Val hired. If they're not around then she's sometimes allowed to shine, but if they are, forget it. It's all about them.
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stephycrystalaus · 7 months
I had an idea for Smiling Critters, and I did an idea for Smiling Critters! Don't worry, I'll do my AUs on here and on @funsweetcrystalhtf!
Some of their pendants are the same but changed!
Bobby Bearhug <> Bubba Bubbaphant
Hoppy Hopscotch <> Pickypiggy
Craftycorn <> Kickenchicken
Catnap <> Dogday
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- Swaps with Dogday
- Likes Dogday
- Has a scar on his eye and wears a patch over it
- Cheerful
- Still has a moon pendant but it has a star
- Best friend is Dogday
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- Swaps with Catnap
- Puts people to sleep
- Eerie
- Insane...
- Crack on his sun pendant before he had the ability of 'peony gas' that puts people to sleep
- Has peony gas that makes people show insanity, addiction, mania before they pass out
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- Swaps with Kickenchicken
- Known as the 'cool gal' of the crew
- Has bandaids after skateboard injuries
- Decided to add pink into her bangs just to look cool
- Has a crack on her pendant and uses a bandaid
- Is actually a fan of rock n' roll
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- Swaps with Craftycorn
- Loves rainbows
- Creative
- Autistic 🌈
- Has an art collection of art stuff
- Sketches a lot
Swap!Hoppy Hopscotch
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- Swaps with Pickypiggy
- Eats different types of things
- Favorite food is corn dogs
- Eats healthy fruit like 'apples'
- Dislikes eating apples with worms in
- Has a fear of worms
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- Swaps with Hoppy Hopscotch
- Likes to play soccer
- Energetic
- A sport enthusiast
- Always bouncy
- Can get overwhelmed
Swap!Bobby Bearhug
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- Swaps with Bubba Bubbaphant
- Autistic
- Is a genius
- Likes to create things
- Creates love potions for Bubba Bubbaphant (which is why she wears a heart pendant because love potions...)
- Likes math
Swap!Bubba Bubbaphant
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- Swaps with Bobby Bearhug
- Kind, caring, sensitive
- He can get overwhelmed at times
- Likes a lot of hugs
- Comforts people
- Likes a lot of handshakes
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rascalentertainments · 2 months
Wish Granted AU: Magnifico, Amaya and Sabor 🌟
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I've been itching to get to these guys for a while! They're probably going to be the most fun to write! Of course, this version is based off the evil Disney villain couple we deserved. (ROBBED) The vibe I want to give here is Team Rocket meets Gomez and Mortica Addams: Elegant, evil yet SO entertaining to watch!
For Magnifico, I actually got inspiration from the Wish movie itself. One aspect that was underused was his tendency to put on a performance during the Wish granting ceremonies, and when he "turned evil" in the third act. Especially when he's a DISNEY villain performing a DISNEY like ceremony! I adore villains that put on a show when they're fighting the hero. Broadcasting the battle, the evil monologue, maniacal laughing while thinking they've won. LOVE that, but they didn't go all the way with him being a hammy villain. So whenever its time for a ceremony, its a big deal. With his wife and loyal lynx, they put on a show worth watching. Plus the way they work together basically splits up watching the kingdom and keeping their cover.
Maginifico is the frontman and keeps the people's wishes in his tower. He promises them a free and happy life in Rosas in exchange for their wishes and dreams. However, the price is that they no longer have a driving force in their life. They're complacent living there and serving the king, but they don't experience pure joy anymore. They're just merely existing and going through life always feeling something's missing in their lives. His apprentice Flazino is supposed to be learning from the king and assisting him by getting the ingredients needed for potions and spells. Magnifico actually has no intention of passing on his vast knowledge to a peasant or even considers giving him the ability to do magic, but he's at least a good errand boy. (Though Mag doesn't know he's a double agent)
Magnifico uses the wishes to gain power for himself, as its his greatest desire, but that desire is never truly satisfied. He takes more and more and its never enough, no matter how many wishes he eats. He once heard from a philosopher named Tomas that the stars themselves are the most powerful things on Earth, and this sparks the idea to pull a star from the sky itself to achieve that undying thirst. Magnifico fails many times, but once he senses that someone else has managed to do the impossible, he knows he must have that star. (Magnifico's voiced by Antonio Banderas in this, because HE WOULD'VE BEEN AWESOME, MAN)
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Amaya here works her magic behind the scenes. Like her concept counterpart, she creates the potions and spells for Magnifico. However, she actually taught him about magic back when they first met. Mags became so enamored by it that he wanted to start performing it himself, and the two of them actually grew stronger in their abilities by using magic together. They even created a way to take wishes directly from people's hearts, as the couple discovered they could use the joy from people's wishes to fuel their own desires.
While her husband takes care of keeping the citizens attention on him mostly, Amaya personally goes down to the people of Rosas keep an eye on the people. Ever since the amount of traitors escaped from them. She puts on a warm smile for them, but like a wolf in sheep's clothing, she's looking for any hint of disloyalty in them. If she does, their wish is gone, permanently.
One of her strengths is that if she can't manipulate people with magic, she can do it psychologically. Speaking in half truths and turning the tables on her enemy, Amaya could change the mind if just about anyone if she dug deep enough. So when she does meet Star in a brief one on one fight, she knows exactly where to hit the Starboy where it hurts: his heart. (Amaya is voiced by Salma Hayek in this because yes I must have that same chemistry as The Last Wish, they're so good together)
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Lasty, Sabor the Lynx! While he's a ridiculously pampered wild cat raised by Amaya, she still taught him to be cunning and eliminate any enemy at all costs. Sabor casually checks far into the woods surrounding the castle. Sometimes for fresh air and catch a few mice (Scar atyle), but he also works as sort of a watchdog for Amaya. Sabor watches for any suspicions people coming or going and unbeknownst to the citizens and sniff out anyone that doesn't belong. He's mostly the opposite of Valentino in every aspect, aside from their loyalty to their owners. (Expect for Magnifico, he's not so crazy about him) (As for voice, if I didn't use regular Lynx sound effects, I'd go with Dee Bradley Baker, or Alan Tudyk. That makes way more sense than voicing a three week old goat)
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The last ones to feature are the 7 Teens, which will take some time, then I'll get to the first chapter to see how it goes. Please tell me to your thoughts, I'd love to hear them! (Plus I....just want to talk to you guys, it feels more fun when you're around. Its sappy I know 😅)
@signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @annymation @spectator-zee @kstarsarts @chillwildwave @flicklikesstuff @uva124 @tumblingdownthefoxden
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your-ne1ghbor · 6 days
Magnifico's "Wish Stealing form" design/some Character Dump (Disney Wish)
Oh boy ya'll in a BIG BIG Story beat plus some more information on Amaya and Magnifico in my rewrite:
The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns
Oh yeah...this is another long post and Ik @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @signed-sapphire @annymation @uva124 @rascalentertainments is gonna love this idea
For starters...
I Had this nightmare of Magnifico because of this form and now you all will see it too :3
There were also other posts that inspired this design too, so I'll link them here:
Anyways, this post is mainly an MAJIOR STORY IDEA DUMP for my sweet sweet emo Maggy- erm Magnifico (he is glaring at me guys send help please)
I had this terrifying idea for TKoRaT Maggy, even before I had this nightmare of him, where he legit becomes somewhat something like this, but with more vine core when he is taking the wishes/"monster in my closet" wrong vibes.
More like this for the idea I'm going for:
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This is one of the ideas I had for Maggy when he is taking the wishes. This is might not be final in my final version of Maggy, hell, I might change that particular design to be Amaya's form when she takes the wishes too, since hers is more smoke which is more or not on par with her character in my rewrite/redesign. It might end up being more of Maggy's thing with Amaya helping him get into this state of transformation to take the wishes since I'd imagine it more of a whole process, but it could also just be something they both do together.
Some more design details I added was his scars from when his kingdom was attacked and almost everyone died because he showed mercy to the attackers. He doesn't really have them in his main design, probably because he covers them up with Amaya's potions or the wishes could have some form healing abilities? Idk I'm still firguring out the magic system of my story or that I just keep forgetting to put those scars in his design so awesome???💀
In my post here, I said that they don't hold ceremonies that has them granting/taking the wishes like they did in the movie. This is mainly because I wanted to do a little something original and gives me the oppertunity to take in the horror aspects of the story (because I love scaring children(not in a bad way, but to show them that there are these kinds of people in the world yk?)). This is why I am intentionally making Maggy and Amaya horrifying in their own way because well...good people can become the bad guys if pushed in the right direction. Especially in what they do to other people. Mainly inspired from Hunchback and Prince of Egypt, with subtle, but TERRIFYING pieces.
BUT, They do have a ceremony, but it is not related to the wishes, it is just there to give them some sympathetic traits to Maggy and Amaya (after all they've been through, I just feel bad, they literally wanted to good things and the world just beat them with a 90 foot pole).
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This one I tried making Maggy more jagged. Although it seems like he is a different character here, thats mainly my fault since I really tried to figure out what he would say to Star Boy in this "idea" scene but my brain blanked out and couldn't think of anything so wahoo
Star Boy in this scene doesn't even know he has a desire, he just didn't think stars can form desires (ofc Maggy and Amaya is going to manipulate the hell out of him and Asha :3)
This is also the main reason I split Star Boy's powers between what Amaya and Maggy does.
Maggy has only 1 shape-shifting form, and it is only done to steal the wishes. He can't shape shift into anything else, but it is why when he steals star's powers, he becomes more of a terrifying shapeshifter.
Amaya creates dangerous potions, and more or not lurks in the darkness in some way like a cat to bring them to their doom. Although it would make more sense if Maggy has the creation part of Star's powers, I gave it to Amaya since it works for her too, and keeps the power system balanced in some way. If I do give Amaya the ability to also shapeshift into a monster from my dreams, I could also say the same thing can work in reverse too, I just personally think the creation part of her character conflicts with Asha's ability to create/draw magic.
Power wise for this design...
This form also gives Maggy the ability to see people's desires that HE could take. He can't really take them until they are 17-18 years old and older (ruh oh, 2 of our main protagonists fall under that age gap). Plus, he cant take them from children since they are young and dont understand these kinds of things.
This form also falls under the MAIN conflict of why the hell is everyone miserable when they turn around 17/18 years old? Oh yeahhh this is going to fall under how he steals the wishes, but I'm not going to say anything here yet because I really want it to be a surprise.
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Nothing that he does is not without reason. He blames the stars for not granting his wish (there is a reason why they didn't), and for not stepping in when a star, or Aster (NOT STAR BOY) went "rouge" (not Aster's fault btw, they didn't have a choice). So, this presented him with this ideology (that I personally believe Amaya first started thinking this way, out of pain and wanting to blame someone for what happened a century ago) that in order for people to not wish on stars, is for them to never wish/dream again. The story in my version is the aftermath of this. Still figuring out THE MAJIOR STORY BEATS, but this falls under Star Boy as well.
Star Boy represents the thing Magnifico hates the most. Plus, Maggy has more of a personal beef with the stars so of course he is going to make sure Star Boy dies, becauseeee he didn't do it last time, so second times the charm, am I right? (OR MAYBE THE THIRD WHO KNOWS, LETTING THE STORY WORK ITSELF OUT ;3)
ORIGINALLY, this was going to be Amaya's thing, but as I said, this might end up being mainly Maggy's thing, or it is something they both do, since they share the same goal, but here is the designs I was going to show for that:
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Anywaysssss, ya'll can ask me questions regarding to this design if ya'll want to! I'll gladly answer them! I also will accept suggestions for the design/abilities for this "wish stealing..." thing. I might come up with a better name for this form later. Soo have a happy weekend as your neighbor watches some marvel movies as I work on my projects for my classes.
Edit: Okay my imagination took my to the most tragic part of his character then randomly imagined star boy getting stabbed by this guy and said "now you feel the pain I felt when everyone died" and star boy, in the worst condition says "almost everyone" then gets a another stab from him💀
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avidrawsthings · 2 months
Meet Talbot and Reina's children, 2024 edition:
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While most of their core details remain the same, I gave them an overdue update to reflect the current changes to the au. As a whole:
The kids were born in the Three Broomsticks during the Battle of Hogwarts (long story lol)
Because of their vast Magic, they were approved to start Hogwarts one year early, so they're a year younger than most of their classmates during the events of Magic Awakened.
Like Reina, they're dual enrolled at Vytaria, so they only take core classes at Hogwarts.
They inherited their mother's ability to detect people's true emotions and intentions, so they're well aware of who to avoid.
Their individual info will be below.
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Corvo Winger
The music kid
Oldest of the four. Due to the Chimerism that runs in his mother's side of the family, he fused with what would've been their 5th sibling.
He's known to give of a very cool kid vibe, is usually calm and collected and easy to get along with.
Corvo is Narcoleptic and prone to sleeping a lot. He can still retain info while asleep, which proves to be a big help during classes.
From an early age he has always loved music, and manifests Symphony Magic when he's older. His spells are said to have a musical beat to them.
His signature green discs are created from Magic, allowing him to create beats that enhance the spells of his own as well as allies, and can disorient opponents.
Explored different musical instruments, and his favorites are the violin and piano.
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Ava Winger
The athletic kid
Second oldest of the four
Loves food and is almost always snacking on something in between meals. Would manifest Food Magic as one of her types.
Was always the most energetic of her siblings, and was already fast as soon as she could crawl.
During early childhood, she played all kinds of sports. Her top favorite is skating, and she was taught by her mom how to transfigure her shoes into skates. Ava is usually seen skating around the castle.
Bonded with Robyn almost immediately. The two would then try out for Quidditch in their second year, and Ava herself becomes a Chaser.
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Raven Winger
The baking kid
Second youngest of the four.
Raven was born on the Autism Spectrum and her biggest focus at an early age was baking. She often helped her mom out in the kitchen as soon as she was old enough to, and would manifest Food Magic.
At Hogwarts, she often spends most of her downtime in the kitchens baking.
Thanks to her quiet and reserved nature, she found herself becoming good friends with Daniel. She'd often give him sweets during times he'd stay up late brewing potions.
She often sells her sweets to any classmate or staff member interested, much like Reina once did during her school days. Named her mini business The Witching Flour.
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Altair Winger
The art kid
The youngest of the four
The most sensitive of his siblings, and was always prone to crying whether he was sad or happy.
Always loved drawing for as long as he could remember, and his favorites were markers. As he gets older, he loves to work with all kinds of inks, manifesting Ink Magic.
He's often seen with his sketchbook and ink case. At school, he becomes fast friends with Lottie thanks to their shared love of art.
Combines Ink and Paper Magic to create colorful paper sculptures. He'll sometimes leave smaller creations around the castle and grounds for folks to find.
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charmixpower · 9 months
got any future plans for adding to the child Valtor au, because the more i think about the more i wonder about how his age changes the way he interacts with the characters and vice versa
I cannot tell you how much I've been thinking about child Valtor ever since I made that post
You what a bunch of hcs??? You get a bunch of hcs!!!
Like Winx says that Valtor was made by the ancestral witches, he wasn't born, and he actively trashes against the control the ancestral witches have on him and they straight up help Bloom kill him for the kicks?? And it's like, just there? I love it but it's so easy to kill off Valtor bc he has control over his actions and he's an adult and you don't get to sit with these uncomfortable implications due to that. The tragedy has already happened, it's passed, you don't have to look at it. You know??? Not anymore, we all hurt forever
Can you imagine being Daphne??? Seeing Valtor hiding behind Belladonna's leg, this child. Can't be older than 11. Fighting your fellow Nymph's, and you can't even think about that, pay attention to that, because you need to fight Belladonna and protect your planet. This wasn't a priority, that child those evil women created wasn't a priority. How would you ever recover??
The company of light is made up of educators, people who dedicated their life to children. A stutter, a small child's eyes winding in panic. None of them could follow though. It was safer to kill him, he was made, he doesn't have a soul, it was the right option. They send him to the Omega dimension instead
He wakes up from the ice to see Belladonna's cold eyes staring back at him. She doesn't look the exact same but he knows that smile and he knows those eyes. He'd recognize his mother anywhere. He does what he's told for new Belladonna too, not that he knows why. Icy has plans, plans he's supposed to help out with
He clings to Bloom. Her magic feels like his, she's the only person who could begin to understand how he feels. She was chosen too, right? She gets it doesn't she? How could she not. He just wants someone, anyone to understand him, to help him. He couldn't tell you what he wants help with. The Ancestral Witches say he's loyal to them, and he's never been able to disagree with them before
He doesn't like the winx, he's never shared in his life and is loathed to start now. He plays tricks and schemes and never kills them. He mains, he disables, he distracts. This is fun. He's never had a true enemy, rival. The company of light wanted to defeat his mother's, these are his fights. It's fun, he wants to keep them
(You ever think about the amount of times Valtor could of straight up killed the winx or put his mark on them and he just kinda doesn't and then gives their romantic rivals a love potion??? Bc I do. That was weird and the entire reason this au exists. Like Valtor basically made the perfect opportunities for the winx to get their Enchantix by never directly trying to kill them. It's almost funny)
Valtor is completely incapable of free will but he does experience desires and he has the ability to think for himself. One of the winx asks him why he's doing all of this and he literally can't answer, he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to be here, but he does? That's why he's doing it, right? And the girlies get a front row seat to a child gaslighting themselves to cope with their inability to control their own actions
He wants to be powerful! The most powerful person in the dimension! Then he could do whatever he wants! Then he would be free! At least that's what he tells himself (he knows it's not true, but children are allowed to have their fantasies)
They could extinguish kill. He barely came up to Bloom's chest, and they could just extinguish him. If Bloom pulled at the fire element in his body and Aisha the water they could pull him apart. Making a soul sounded impossible and has never been done before but that's the only way to release the Ancestral Witches control on Valtor, so they'll do it
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Headcanons on One Bad Day… please! <3
Hi anon!!!! 💖 These seem very popular! I'm so glad you all are so invested in this world, and story I've created! Thank you so much! 🥰 I love doing these and am always up for more!
The Rumors About Batmom and Bruce's Relationship:
It was no secret how the people of Gotham viewed Batmom, especially Bruce's wealthy contemporaries. No one could accept that they were just two young people who had fallen in love. All sorts of rumors surrounded their relationship, the most popular being:
Batmom was using a love potion or loved based power to enchant Bruce into loving her so she could have access to his money
Batmom was a prostitute that Bruce hired to avoid the tabloids finding out about a secret relationship with someone else
Batmom was a prostitute who Bruce knocked up so he agreed to pretend to be in a relationship with her
Batmom was a prostitute who had found out some scandalous dirt on Bruce and she was blackmailing him to keep quiet
Batmom was a prostitute who convinced Bruce he loved her so they would get married and she could kill him and inherit all of his wealth
Batmom was a charity case Bruce was pretending to date in order to improve his public appearance and boost stocks in Wayne Enterprises
It should be noted that at no point in Batmom's life was she a prostitute. Just a woman from the poorest neighborhood in Gotham who was orphaned at a young age and forced to care for herself.
Batmom Adjusting to Life with Bruce:
Besides just the scrutiny of the public, going from living in the slums of Gotham to Wayne Manor was a huge adjustment for Batmom.
For the first year, she got lost in the maze of doors ad hallways at least once a week. Bruce finally tried drawing her a map, but his lack of artistic ability just made it more confusing.
Having never lived outside the city before, the quiet stillness of the land outside the Manor was unnerving to her. She never imagined she would miss the noise of sirens, gunshots, and yelling all through the night but it had become almost like a calming white noise to her over the years. She had a lot of trouble sleeping at first because of the silence.
Batmom is used to having to beg, barter, or steal almost everything in her life. So when Bruce just throws money, jewels, clothes, and gifts at her all the time, she doesn't know how to handle it (she also doesn't really want most of it). They eventually come to an understanding that necessity items can be purchased without a second thought (this includes crimefighting-related items), but anything purchased specifically as a luxury or gift item for her has to have a specific meaning or relevance behind it. This would eventually include things like a first edition of The Princess Bride signed by the author for her birthday (it is the one she reads to Jason), a simple silver necklace Bruce tracked down that had belonged to her mother, and a custom-made dress which was identical to the one she was wearing when they first met as a present for their 10 year anniversary (this was also just over a month before Jason was killed).
Batmom didn't only have to adjust to living with Bruce. She also had to adjust to living with Batman. The first night he came home covered in bloody wounds, she nearly moved out. She had seen him hurt a hundred times before (she had even caused a few of his scars), but it was somehow different that time. Maybe it was because she loved him so much deeper at that point or maybe it was because their home was supposed to be a safe haven for them and now it was drenched in blood. But whatever the reason, she pulled it together and stayed. She didn't go on patrol very often, but almost every night she monitored Bruce on the Batcomputer, ready to assist in any way should he need it. She also used less-than-reputable connections she had made from her time as Night Watch to gather information that Batman couldn't.
HC’s Part 1, HC’s Part 2, HC’s Part 3, HC’s Part 4
One Bad Day.... Series Masterlist
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push-tet · 5 months
that post about Pucks
When i was researching the image of Puck in folklore. i noticed that the historians of the image of the Puck blurred and everyone is free to interpret Puck image. i really liked it and i have a desire to somehow realize it in my and Verona and at the same time to work out the lore of the fairies why not?
Clumsy (play), Oberon's Servant (play), real name Robbin Goodfellow (folklore), mischievous (play) prefers to live in the forest (folklore), prankster (folklore), suspicions of misanthropy (folklore), the fairy (play), cooperation with Obeoron (play), cunning (folklore\play)
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next should be the suktchs so you can see what they look like but I'm too lazy to draw, so I'll just make some moodbords
Puck Or Púca (don't call them that for your safety) Midasammerers Genderfluid i think? Knowledge Taurus 4\6\5\10\0 Hobbies: Science - Nature - Music. Obsession with substitutes (especially toads and frogs)
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50% play, 50% folklore
Unlike the weirdos below. Puck is their real name, not a nickname
Remnant of the Midsummer Era. Puck is supposed to carry the knowledge and history of the ancient fairy people, but she's forgotten all about it
Puck used to have a passion for collecting and buying wet specimens. But because of her nomadic lifestyle, preserving them was impossible
In her spare time from scamming mortals for money and intimidating travellers in the forest. She likes to listen to classical or metal. Metal? Puck finds it fascinating that mortals were able to turn chaotic into harmony
The real body was destroyed for some unknown reason. So he exists as an intangible entity. Until he finds a new body huh. Priority is people over +185 and on the brink of death
Puck likes to wear makeup. But she doesn't know about waterproof makeup, so her makeup comes off right after her first swim at the bottom of the swamp
For friends and family, Shen; for students, Prof. Liang; for coworkers and subordinates, Puck III Gossamer He\Him Knowledge Gemini 5\6\7\3\4 Hobbies: Science - Nature Botanist
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10% Play, 10% Falklore, 60% Chinese Legend
Smoking is not bad for fairies. So Shen can smoke two packs of cigarettes in a day. Surprisingly, he doesn't even stink…
Was a fashion icon in his department «Beauty doesn't interfere with intelligence. So your job as a scientist shouldn't stop you from dressing well»
He has a wife and a daughter. But because of the heavy workload, he constantly forgets about them.
A close BUSINESS relationship with Oberon
When Shen was on probation at Gossamer Corp. He and his students created the Money Tree that nearly brought the country's economy to a crashing halt
Missing in obscurity in 1966
Puck (Robin) Summerdream He/them Knowledge Pisces - 7\2\2\6\2\8 Hobbies: Science
Fascinated by astronomy, astrology
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40% Play, 10% Folklore.
Although Robbin has already discovered his wizarding abilities, he is still firmly convinced that he is a fairy, it's just that their transformation has been delayed (spoiler: he's not a fairy)
Robin is talented at potions. HA! Now try saying Chemistry is a useless subject
Robbin doesn't even correct people when they are called Peck. Which is why half of Verona has forgotten their real name is Robbin
He can't say - No. Because he's afraid of offending someone. Because of this, he may have a lot of work to do
He wants peace in Verona and often thinks of putting a love potion in the drinks of the Monty and the Capps to stop this idiotic feud. But he fears the consequences of the potion's effects
In fact, he is not such a good astrologer and often says predictions at random. But by an incredible coincidence, their predictions come true
i tried to combine the traits of ONE person and at the same time, make them different. idk i did it or not anyway, choose your fighter
edit 19.01.24:
if these mfs meets
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sotwk · 9 days
Hey! I love your blog and it made me appreciate thranduil's charecter even more. I love your headcanons about him and his family! Please keep this page alive, because i adore it just like my friend does! And by the way can you tell me more about Arvellas? I think he deserves more recognition.
Hello to you and your friend, Anon! <3 I know this is delayed response (again), but you sent me this sweet message at a time I was feeling down on my writing, and for that I am very grateful to you. :)
I am so happy to hear that my blog has helped you to grow in love and appreciation of Thranduil! He's not a hard character to promote since his awesomeness sells itself, but I like reminding people and growing his legend. ;) I am even more thrilled to hear that you're on board with my AU about his brood of amazing Thranduilions!
Again, thank you for your kind words that will surely inspire me to continue my mile-long list of project ideas (fics and headcanons and art) for Thranduil, Maereth, and their boys!
Now, as requested, here are a handful Arvellas headcanons to (hopefully) satisfy your interest. :)
Arvellas Thranduilion
Arvellas's name means "King's Leaf" in Sindarin. He was named after a common but valued plant native to Eryn Galen, long used as an herb in Silvan cuisine but also as an ingredient in many healing potions.
Queen Maereth chose this name for her son foreseeing his future as a wise healer who would devote his life in humble service to his people.
Although Maereth had a blissful pregnancy with Arvellas, she suffered through a terrible post-partum period after he was born. Maereth's experience was very similar to Míriel Serindë's depletion of body and spirit after she birthed Fëanor, and it was suspected that the reasons were the same--both their sons had extraordinarily strong fëa.
 However, Fëanor's intelligence was the only quality Arvellas inherited from his ancestor; they could not be more unalike in personality. Arvellas is kind and humble, quiet and unassuming. He seeks neither attention nor credit for his achievements. He strives to create things that would be useful to his people, rather than to serve his personal glory or satisfaction.
In his youth, Arvellas led a very monk-like existence. He spent all of his time in the library, studying as much as he could and helping to expand the realm's collection of manuscripts. He transcribed volumes borrowed from other realms and wrote his own books, most notably accounts of his family's history.
He was single-handedly responsible for the production of over a thousand illuminated manuscripts in Eryn Galen's archives.
Although Arvellas would have been content to live his life away from the spotlight, he answered the call of duty when he accepted the appointment from his father to become the Prince-Regent of Cemamath. This was a province that required a great deal of diplomacy and political skill to manage, which Arvellas happened to possess more than anyone else in this family.
Arvellas had always been interested in the healing arts, but he only fully pivoted into the role of healer when the darkness and decay of Dol Guldur began to spread and infect the forest and the realm's people. His skills and his work alongside other older and more experienced healers from Eryn Galen were vital in saving lives during the initial rise of Dol Guldur and the emergence of the spiders and other poisonous creatures and toxic growths.
The only skill that Arvellas could be said to lack proficiency in (especially compared to his brothers) is fighting/combat ability. It is not due to lack of talent, but a lack of interest. However, Arvellas is more than capable of holding his own on a battlefield--his brother Turhir insisted and made sure he was trained enough for that!
Arvellas and Mirion were given the honor and very rare privilege of visiting Khazad-dum during the reign of King Durin V, where they apprenticed for several years under the best Khazâd craftsmen. In particular, Arvellas studied engineering and architecture, which would later on enable him to lead the construction of the underground cavern dwellings of his family and people late in the Third Age.
Although I prefer to keep the four youngest Thranduilions unmatched and unmarried in the official SotWK AU story (for flexibility in writing stories), besides Mirion, I see Arvellas as the one most likely to settle down with a wife and having children. He most definitely is "family man" material!
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SotWK Fancast: Rupert Friend as Arvellas Thranduilion
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For more SotWK AU headcanons: SotWK Headcanon Tag
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emoxxzombie · 5 months
Winx Club Headcanons: Icy
-She's a lesbian and has a thing for Bloom (well duh)
-She is the eldest and tallest trix and stands at about 5'9-5'11
-She absolutely loves strawberry and French vanilla ice-cream, helps her fuel up/energize
-Icy is very protective over Darcy and Stormy, and is like the mama duckling in their coven
-She's very interested in nail art and loves trying out different patterns/nail looks. She's very good at it
-She's not really into music but you'll sometimes find her vibing to electronic music, like chillstep or trance, because it has a mesmerizing and ethereal quality to it
-Icy has a weakness for high-heeled boots, especially ones with icy or metallic accents
-Icy's a very talented ice skater, she has been teaching Stormy how to ice skate which has been a very long process..
-Icy's very power hungry and ambitious. Her drive and ambition push her to constantly seek ways to gain more power and achieve her goals
-She has a sharp tongue and isn't afraid to speak her mind, often using her words as weapons
-Icy has a complex relationship with her emotions, sometimes struggling to express them openly
-Gets sunburnt pretty easily
-Loves collecting jewelry, especially rings
-Icy has a deep knowledge of ancient runes and symbols. She uses these runes in her spellcasting and often incorporates them into her rituals and incantations
-She's a highly skilled potion maker. She enjoys experimenting with different combinations of ingredients and creating powerful potions to enhance her witchcraft abilities
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cartoonicle · 2 months
The Ugly Witch Begins
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‘Mariana’s Start’
At some point in every child’s life they learn that everything isn’t perfect and people can be cruel as the smartest person in her family she learns this lesson early on but somethings she can never understand is why there is so much hatred for close members of her family some of these people are family members themselves: Why would Blaine and Leland ever consider killing Frederick, how could Helena and Jesse think that Grandma Leelathae was ugly and why did Leland take his anger out on Jack’s family and his own because he didn’t get what he wanted?
Ever since Blaine, Helena and Jesse came back she has done everything in her power to make them feel unwelcome and unwanted the same way they did to Leelathae and Frederick, she is so angry and this anger keeps building up because she thinks her family is too nice and forgiving to do anything, of course she doesn’t want them to change she loves the fact they are nice and love everyone so she thinks she’s the one who has to be harsh to protect her family. She feels like she has to be in the room with her beloved family members alone with Blaine or Helena and Jesse she would just quietly glare at them giving them a warning not to say anything or do anything hurtful to her brother, father or mother every time she believes they are going to do something hurtful she ask her family to come with her when they leave the room Mariana stares back at them with the scariest evil look even Scarier than Leland’s.
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‘Beauty is Curse’
Mariana: Human Beauty is such a curse I want to be a extraordinary like you! Beauty is such a curse, it broke my Grandma and nearly killed my mother.
She doesn’t hate the fact that she looks like Jamie or Jack she hates that she looks like Helena and all the other Bigoted pastel family members. Even though her mother loves the fact that she turned out ‘Beautiful’ she hates it! She has a beautiful voice but hates singing clear and pretty songs, flowers grow around her but they annoy her when they almost trip her or constrict her in bed, and as for glows and sparkles she does everything in her power to ignore it. Above all she refuses to make friends because she assumes they’ll only love her for her looks and not her personality; she feels like only her brother sees past that stupid glow and sparkle of hers.
She would give anything to look like a civilian of the beautiful and extraordinary Braided Island.
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‘The Glow Fades’
Everyone in the Pastel family has their new found abilities: everything Gwen creates glows and brings happiness, Jamie can taste emotions through homemade foods but Mariana is happy to discover her ability, since glowing is a reflection of inner happiness her dark aura is the reflection of her inner evil and resentment towards others. She can turn her glowing warm infectious aura into dark horrifying one, instead of making people feel happy like her mom and uncle does she makes them scared and regret their past actions.
I guess you can say when they look at her their lives flash before their eyes replaying every horrible decision they have ever made.
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‘Where did all your toughness go, Plaidypussy?’
The man in the drawing is Commander Tattersall the pyscho that led the attack on her family before she was born; the man who traumatized her aunts, knocked out his uncle, nearly killed her mom’s friends and almost attacked her grandmother. It’s not just Tattersall, she gets her hands on all of the previous Plaidypuses. Most of them admit that they didn’t want to hurt anyone and they were scared of the King so she let’s them go on the condition that she puts a magic spell on them they forget who tortured them but still remember the torture, but the people she knows are lying to her get extra punishment. It’s Tattersall she hates most for practically enjoying the fact that he hurt her family (Well at least the part of the family she loves).
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Each bottle and potion houses the materialized harnessed abilities of her family members, songs, different flowers and plants, sparkles and glows, and the braided kingdom’s unique charm. Her inherited abilities might be a nuisance to her have proven to be great to her: She uses her songs to summon society’s least loved creatures, snakes, crows, and wolves; growing flowers and plants for ingredients for potions or poison; and glowing sparkles that can trick people.
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‘Mariana’s Blessing’
Most people will call it a curse while she calls it a blessing.
Her magic spell is to make everyone’s outer looks reflect their hearts
If the person is kind and true they will be beautiful, if they are not bad they will remain the same, if they are not evil but still have bad intentions they will be mildly mutated but if they are truly evil and selfish they will become hideous monsters.
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‘I’m finally free!’
She may not look like a civilian from the Braided Island but she is truly happy not to be tied down by sparkles, glowing, beauty, singing and flowers. Her own blessing has turned her into a real ugly looking witch because of the hatred reflected in her heart, but she doesn’t care; she is free, everyone was free, no more Beauty! Just love
Sketch bases Links
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thereaderarchive · 10 months
A few thoughts on Snape, Slughorn (and a bit of James and Fleamont Potter).
Imagine young Severus Snape who loves magic, because we know that, Snape loves magic so much he creates new spells as a teenager, a Snape whose biggest desire is to leave his home to go to Hogwarts and learn and find his place in the world. A Snape that loves every class but has a little special place in his heart for potions because you don't need a wand!
Potion ingredients are expensive and rare, sure, and Snape's family is quite poor. Still, his mother makes him drink simple potions when he's feeling ill so maybe she has a little emergency stash (I imagine as a first aid kit) and he consoles himself with the thought that during the holidays he will be able to practice potions at home (with Lily, too!)
Imagine Snape hearing about the Slug Club. A club for the best potions students with promising future careers, the perfect place to make connections for the future! And Snape WILL be the best potions student! He'll work harder than anyone, because if he gets to the club, if Slughorn notices him, then he would have some money, help his mum and be free of Spinner's End forever… only, Slughorn doesn't notice.
Slughorn, Severus discovers, can be a wizard with quite a lot of knowledge, but he only has eyes for promising students with a bright future… that are already well-connected. Or those that are charming enough to overcome that barrier with their personality and abilities. Like Lily, she doesn't have any previous connection to the wizarding world, but she's the brightest, and everybody loves her (he loves her, too, but they haven't talked about that). It doesn't matter that Severus is the best in class, Slughorn simply… passes beside him. He doesn't notice, or if he notices, it doesn't matter. Slughorn doesn't see a bright future for him… but he does for people like James Potter.
JAMES POTTER! Who doesn't know the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane (they are the same plant!) and can barely be awake during potions class but -and this is the worst part- has a father that's one of the most renowned potioneers from their time. And that is something Snape abhors because he admires Fleamont Potter SO MUCH. What aspiring potioneer doesn't? Although known mostly by Sleekeazy, his contributions to the field of potion-making are immense, especially with regard to the renewal in the handling of certain ingredients.
James Potter may be the best student in McGonagall's class, but he does not deserve an invitation to the Slug Club. Snape would say it, but evidently, Slughorn doesn't care to listen to anything that he has to say. He eventually gets an invitation and joins Lily (James Potter doesn't get a renewal in his, that's divine justice or something). Even older -and annoyingly posher- students notice his abilities and begin to invite him to their reunions.
He hates that James Potter torments him because every year he can see THE Fleamont Potter in the flesh waving his son goodbye and every year his hands are sweaty because he only wants to ask him for an autograph and maybe have a little chat, but Snape would NEVER let James Potter know he admires his father. He and Black would never let it go. -He is also a tad jealous because Fleamont Potter seems like a super nice dad, he seems proud of his son and, well… let's not talk about Severus' dad, suffice it to say that he didn't take Severus to King's Cross, not even once.-
Snape is not particularly happy about obtaining the Potion Master position at Hogwarts. Those are dark days of regret, but he finds a bit of enjoyment in changing all the curriculum Slughorn left. He makes students follow his own instructions and not outdated books and even changes the location of the ingredients just out of spite. He has a lot of that.
When Snape finally gets the DADA post, he only enjoys it for a week before Albus informs him that Slughorn will be back. Slughorn, who changes everything back and is using outdated books AGAIN. Slughorn, who is "oh so much better than Snape" (according to the students) and "haven't you heard? he has a club for promising students, that's a great advance in our future career" (according to more naive students).
There is no doubt in my mind that Snape despised Slughorn. He probably complained to McGonagall about him as much as McGonagall complained about Umbridge the year before.
As always, excuse any mistakes, English is not my language and I don't check these silly posts.
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panzershrike-pretz · 6 months
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Source: x x x | x x x | x x x -> song: Dream
I was a little girl alone in my little world Who dreamed of a little home for me I played pretend between the trees And fed my house guests bark and leaves And laughed in my pretty bed of green I had a dream That I could fly from the highest swing I had a dream Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park I asked God who I'm supposed to be The stars smiled down on me God answered in silent reverie I said a prayer and fell asleep I had a dream That I could fly from the highest tree I had a dream Now I'm old and feeling gray I don't know what's left to say about this life I'm willing to leave I lived it full and I lived it well There's many tales I've lived to tell I'm ready now, I'm ready now I'm ready now to fly from the highest swing I had a dream
- About;
- Hydra Scarlet-Ibis Serpens - she/her
Hydra's name came, first and foremost, from the Constellation of the same name, which is one of, if not the biggest of the modern constellations. At first her name was an accident, but I learned that it actually fits her. The biggest star in the constellation, Alpha Hydrae, is a giant orange and it plays it's part in Hydra's actual colloration.
The Scarlet-Ibis bit is because of the bird, who can be seen in the aesthetic board. Her name was actually "Hydra Guará" for a bit, which is the Brazilian name for the bird, but I decided to change it to thess english version and use Guará as a nickname.
Finally, Serpens, which is the surname of the family she comes from, derived from the constellation of the same name.
- Potion maker and nurse
Hydra's role aboard of Blithe is, more or less, the eole of mother and guardian to all it's crew - but besides that, she is also in charge of potion making, cook helperand nurse, working alongside Pangey.
Hydra grew up in a very rich family and learned, since she was young, how to take care of people; it actually spilled into her pirate life after she left her husband to join the crew. Hydra had a rough past and made it her mission so her friends would not go through half of what she did.
- Goddess of Family, of Childhood, of Justice and of Fire
She is one of the most important Gods in the Pantheon of Fantasia, being the first one with who every child has contact as soon as they're born. Hydra is considered a protector os children and of relationships.
Her powers include fire manipulation and fire breathing, which are actually considered good during fights and attacks; she's able to make her whole body catch on fire at will, tho it drains too much energy and requires total cincentration.
Besides that, being and Ymbryne such as Athena, she's able to create time-loops for protection; the lack of training in this area makes them very susceptible to colapsing, so she usually refrains from creating them, unless exztremelly necessary.
Finally, the ability to turn into a Scarlet-Ibis and understand birds. This is useful in its own right - although Hydra's bird form is a bright red, it still can be somewhat good in soying missions or swift getaways.
- Personality
Hydra tries to be the most responsible persin on the ship; she's usually the smarter one, to whom everyone goes to if they have any questions.
Her usually calm and kind demeanor make her the official Terapist(tm) of the crew; it's not her job but she never refuses to help.
Even tho she's always there to help, insecurities and trauma that have build up all her life still inhabit her mind and she usually is caught in some serious self-doubt and the paranoia that she's not good enough pr worthy of anything she has.
- Funfact: Hydra is probably the one that went through the most appearance changes, but her backstory mostly stayed the same since her creation, apart from some extremely tiny details.
- Relationship: -----
Her hair is made of feathers. I love it. A lot :]
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skybrightpixie · 6 months
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in my attempt to celebrate the winter season i've been almost OBSESSIVELY writing stuff for my new pony oc, Peppermint. she's an incredibly intelligent and curious crystal pony—if not a little... cold—who's known as an inventor. she earned her cutie mark by creating a potion that enhanced the love and light within a pony, but she's never been able to recreate this potion since then because the pony she had feelings for at the time moved away to realize their own future.
she would spend many years afterwards studying. however, in her pursuit to recreate this potion, she's studied the innate magical abilities of crystal ponies and has gone off the deep end. in her solitude, she's harnessed the power of love and light to the fullest extent that she can manage to one day take revenge upon (and maybe impress?) the love of her life who moved away when she was a filly and left her alone.
she is. maybe a little obsessive about it. maybe she's a little toxic. but shush.
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jadespeedster17 · 1 year
Summary: Live long enough to see yourself become the villain, Grian never put much stock into these words. We all have the power to chose good or evil. To hurt or help people. Now... he wasn’t so sure. Staring down at the mentor from opposing sides. His brow in a white knuckled grip, and the smile that was painfully familiar but directed malicious intent at him.
Warnings: Mild Violence, Hero turned Villain, Manipulation, Villain Scar, Hero Grian
Notes: this was something I talked abut a few days back on blu’s blog again. We were going crazy with the Father Spore AU and i suggested that might be a Villain Scar. So yeah.  Grian’s power is he can sense the emotions of others as a passive powers, but his main power is he harness emotions as powers to create potion like effects on his arrows.  Scar’s power as Hotguy is Eagles Eye, he could see the world in slow motion, a passive ability of this is he can have out of body experiences and walk to places in his minds eyes. His powers are the same as a villain, but now he’s also got abilities from a weird alien spore cloud. (No this isn’t Venom :/)
The flash of lights, cameras, and reporters yells did nothing for Cuteguy as he walked with Redbot away from the crowd. He felt numb inside, despite the face he was beat up pretty bad from the fight. Silently they reassured the citizens that though this situation was unfortunate, they had it handled. These lies sat bitter on his tongue. 
The drive back was even worse with his group, all of them having varying ranges of emotions Cuteguy picked up on. They all had taken off their masks and were most reeling from it all. The one spot near Grian felt empty now, a sense of bitterness also came with it. Ren’s emotions were of anger, sitting across from Grian glaring out the window. Ren, Wulf, always felt he was leader of this pack, to possibly know one of his own had been turned and he could do nothing to stop it... there was undertone emotions of disappointment and self loathing. 
Mumbo, Redbot, was solemn, yet a steel to them. No doubt he was already planning encase their once friend tried anything. He was sad, upset at himself deep down, but also seemed to be on guard.  Then there was Pearl, Nebula, who he only got sadness from. Grian could faintly make out tears on his siters face, but there was also anger that burned deep. He reached over and took her hand as she didn’t look at him, but squeezed it back. 
Grian went back to staring out the window, they were all exhausted after all of that. The arrow wound in his shoulder would need looked at. He could still see it, the sharp green eyes as he fired the arrow to hit his shoulder to keep him from firing shots back. “I was the one who taught you that trick Gri.” a condescending, but knowing smile. “I’ll see you soon.”
He never liked how white and sterile the HA was, sitting here now in the directors office, Xisumi was pacing slightly. He could sense frustration and worry from the man. “This is... unprecedented.” he finally spoke, voice weary and tired. “Hotguy, Scar Goodtimes, has been infected by the fungal spores then?” he asked again to the group.
Soft agreement words, they all saw it, Grian got a front row seat to it. His mentor being careful to approach, the green cloud engulfing him as he started to cough... then... watching as the mushrooms grew on his back. The dread realizing now that could have been him.  “The higher ups are not gonna like this.” Xisumi groaned a bit, looking at his desk in despair. 
The agency they worked for wasn’t part of a good system, and while their director tried to make it barrable for them, it was clear that the higher ups were looking for any reason to bare down on this group. They had the highest success rate in villains stopped, and the least amount of crime. But this was also because they loved what they did, and felt they were doing good, at least here. More than just for greed and advertisement. 
The group looked at each other, some other faces were here too, False spoke up “This might be the thing they need to bare their teeth.” Xisumi scowled at his desk at that, “And turn this place into a money maker... no... I won’t allow that. But they will no doubt tight security and leisure activities will be replaced with more training.” he grimaced. 
They all grimaced with him, but it would be understandable why. Scar knew much about them, their fighting styles, and their powers. They were close here, they were a family, Ren their defector leader, Bdubs his second and right hand, Grian’s mentor was the sniper and training him to also be one, Mumbo was tech savvy and helping Pearl also become the same. False who watched from the skies for them and kept everything running, and who scared the shit out of everyone. Welsh was their trainer, and a hard task master of a mentor to them all.  Everyone... the others, now all knew that Scar was now a Villain. 
Grian gripped the edges of his skirt, and narrowed his eyes slightly. He tuned out Xisumi talking about how security now will put them all on protection. He doubted Scar would jump now to attack, no doubt getting used to his new self. Ash sat on Grian’s tongue even though he didn’t say that. 
The meeting was dismissed with all of them told to be on guard. Grian felt like he had a weight on his shoulders still as he walked to change and head home for the day. No one said anything, Pearl opted to stay later to help Mumbo with security. 
Grian didn’t want to stick around, putting on a sweater, comfort really. And... it had a scent to it that was familiar to him. And got his bag for the walk home, the sun was dipping low in the sky, casting somber orange shades over the city. The walk home and going to bed was uneventful, Grian didn’t remember most of it, he did remember crying though.
. . .
A few days later
. . .
Sirens going off was annoying as the building echoed them, Grian rushing out to the landing pad to open his wings to the wind. There was an attack on a large government building, a lab just near the outskirts. Souls... the villain’s sculk like stuff was easy to see from the air that False saw. Blocking entry and exit and to no doubt corrupt the people inside or make them into sculk husks.  With the rebreather on his mouth, so not to get the sculk in his mouth or lungs, Grian was their way to get in. 
Snipers like him were to infiltrate and be the eyes for the rest of the group. He and Scar had done many dangerous stuff like this. First to go in, and the most vulnerable. Being a duo made it easier to watch their backs.
Grian couldn’t fathom what doing it alone was like for Scar before, but he was about to find out. 
He managed to find a small opening that was being closed off, the sculk luckily grew slow in light, and he managed to slip through before it closed behind him. He turned on his visor to see in the dimly lit room, sculk covered many areas, shriekers and sensors, Souls used them as security, and Grian knew he’d have to be as silent as a mouse to get deep inside and not be caught. 
Moving slowly over the sticky stuff on the ground, Grian remembered his training, quiet, silent, your ears were your greatest strength. He focused on the area, he frowned as he noticed the air in the area was very dense. Dust? No, these buildings were very well cleaned. Even though reports False was sending showed that the ventilation had been turned off.
Grian could hear voices ahead as he pressed to the wall, and listened closely to everything. “Our powers are almost the same, but yours has a instance effect compared to mine” that sounded like Souls. “It’s fascinating, gonna requite more experimentation. But you say you can hear their thoughts now?”
He crouched low and peered over the banister, he saw Souls, the sculk along the left side of his face. His vison zoomed in on him, looking at the blue eyes, ‘Cub Fan: Former HA Scientist corrupted by the Sculk Catalyst.’ came up on his screen.  Cub had been before Grian joined, Scar spoke often of his old friend and about how sad he was that Cub because what he did. 
He frowned a bit, but who was Cub talking to? “Yup!” his insides turned cold and he turned to where the other person was. “I can feel them in my head, and vice versa, they do as I saw, those that agreed have more freedom of will then that but seem happier now.” 
Scar smiled at Cub as he walked away from a person that had mushrooms growing out of their skin. He looked different, having on a had that had mushrooms on it, which also had the things growing out of his back and shoulders. Green mist came off his skin, which was much paler now and his eyes near glowed green. He was dressed in a purple vest, and black pants. The white shirt was loos and was buttons were undone to expose his chest. 
He seemed giddy as Grian looked around to see people around. Some had the green and blue veins of sculk on their faces and glowing blue eyes. While others looked akin to Scar, they moved on their own compared to the shambling that the Sculk Infected did. Most smoother in their emotions, like they weren’t puppets on strings, and seemed to be gathering up things. 
“They keep calling me ‘Father’ which is funny.” Scar’s voice said with a sheepish laugh as Cub also laughed. They were walking together  as Grian followed above them. No doubt the others were watching through his visor and listening in. “Suppose it comes with the new role.” Cub commented casually, “But I will say I’m glad you’re here with me friend.” nudging Scar lightly, who scoffed out a laugh and shoved him back. “I’ve missed talking to you. Banter fighting can only do so much.”
So Scar had teamed up with Cub then? And from what Grian can gather their powers are quiet similar. He could tell False was sending this info to the others, he gripped his bow tightly and crouched lower.  He noted they had stopped walking, and Scar smirked slightly, “I wonder how long the pretty bird is gonna keep sneaking about?” he said louder, Grian pressed his back to the pillar his heart pounding. 
“Grian, I know you’re here, you forget I can walk without going their psychically.” a chiding tone, like one would scold a child or tease them.  At that moment the sculk next to Grian reached out, and he moved fast, not bothering with stealth anymore, Cub knew where he was. He jumped from the balcony and onto the lights above, gripping the wires as they moved. 
Grian looked down at the two villain who were smiling up at him, Scar looked excited and Cub’s neutral smile. “Nice of you to come out of hiding, but I prefer to talk face to face.” Cub commented as Scar nodded in agreement with a smile that showed sharp teeth. 
“Like I’d risk being on ground level with either of you.” the rebreather distorted his voice a bit, which upon noticing Scar’s smile turned to a pout.
“Really Gri? The air if very breathable here.” he waved his hand, creating another cloud of spores. 
“DANGER: Highly Contagious’ his headset said as Grian scoffed, “You know your tech can tell you’re lying about that as Scar just gave a smile that said he tried. 
Scar smiled up at him, “Come on cutie, just want to talk is all, surely you must be curious.” and he was, Grian was curious as to why Scar was acting like this, what the spore cloud did to him. “tell you what, I’ll promise not to try anything, and we’ll have 10 minuets to talk it out on ground level. Then I’ll give you time to get higher again. Scouts honor!” he said with a hand to his heart and the other up in the air. Cub snickered next to him at the gesture. 
Narrowing his eyes Grian knew this was a bad idea, but he also knew right now it was either engage in a fight or talk. The others were still getting ready for this place, so not to be infected by whatever Scar and Cub were doing. he had to stall for time, “Fine.” he said slowly as the smile grew on Scar’s face.
It was slightly unnatural, uncanny at that, like someone just plastered a smile on the glass face. Grian jumped down, his wings catching the wind and di blow away from spores due to the wind they made. Scar just laughed at that with a grin to the other.
“There’s my Cuteguy!” Scar said cheerfully, looking like he wanted to hug Grian, but opted not to, Grian’s chest ached at how familiar it was. And action he found he already missed, strong arms around him after missions and a kiss to his cheek. “It’s only been a few days, but I already miss you.” Scar admits to him, tone softer and sadder. Grian could feel the emotions stronger now from Scar. 
Longing. Sadness. Nostalgia.
Grian didn’t falter though, “So... spores? Mushrooms?” he asked a little awkward unsure how to start this conversation.  A look that made his heart clench, but Scar quickly smiled again, “Yup, amazing aren’t they? I can feel through them, I can feel everything now. The edges of my awareness take up more space, but... the city is rather empty.” he admits, the word sends a cold chill through Grian.
He opened his mouth to talk only to yelp as his visor was yanked off my sculk and pulled over to Cub, “HEY!” he yelled as the villain crushed it in his hands. 
Cub tutted, “Can’t have eavesdropper Cuteguy.” he said casually tossing the remains on the ground.
Grian glared, as Scar continued, “I want to talk to you without them talking in your hear Grian... To offer you a place with me.” he breathed out as Grian looked back at Scar with a gapped expression.
“w-What!?” he balked out, as Scar looked at him unflinching, not saying anything, Grian knew what he meant. 
“I miss you my songbird.” Scar said again, voice gentle and calm, “I want you back in my arms, to share this with you. Don’t you miss me?”
Grian shifted at the words, he did, he did miss Scar, it’s only been a near week but he missed him so much. The knowing that he’d be fighting his mentor again, and painful night wishing this was all a bad dream.
Scar looked at him earnestly, “Gri, you can sense my emotions, I’m not lying. I’m still me, the Mycelium changed nothing. Not how I feel about you or the others... it’s so lonely Grian, it wants to bring others into it’s embrace. To show you happiness.”
The words... sounded fuzzy on his ears. Grian knew what loneliness felt like, it was cold and empty... he didn’t like how empty it felt. Waking up alone without Scar holding him through the night. Would it feel like warmth? Would it taste sweet like happy emotions? Why did he feel unsteady on his feet.
‘Closer... closer...’
He wanted closer, he just wanted to feel Scar’s arms around him once more. Wanted to taste that emotion again of being loved and secure. 
“I can show you my pretty bird, I can get rid of that loneliness... don’t you want that.” 
He did, he wanted it so bad. A hand brushed along his mask, down to his chin. He saw Scar’s green eyes, they glowed softly, he... saw something else. It was foggy, hazy, like looking through mist. Triumph? For a moment he saw Cub smirking in the background, the sculk spreading along the ground to trap Grian form behind. 
Grian felt awareness crawl back to him as Scar moved his hand to the back, to his rebreather- “NO!” he yelled, out as emotions burst forward to shove away the fog, fear, fear, fear, and he shoved the villain back.  Scar grunted at that skidding back a bit as Grian gripped his bow again, he near dropped it. His heart was racing, and the fog was listening from his mind. That... jerk he was using his powers of persuasion on him! 
Scar looked up at him and growled, “I wanted to make this easier on your Cuteguy.” he said in a cold tone. “I’d have accepted you easily, less pain that way. But... guess it's the hard way.”
A snap of the fingers, so much for their deal as Cub nodded also. The group of people around them suddenly turned hostile. His wings opened and he lfew, barely dodging the sculk that tried to grab him. He also felt an arrow whiz past him as Scar near shot him out of the sky. 
This room was too open, he had to get out of here, and hope backup came soon. Grian pushed his wings, and dived to move through a hallway. He could hear the hissing and screeching of the spore infested and sculk infest people coming for him.
‘I’m sorry Gri.’ A voice cooed in his head, sounding like Scar’s, ‘I hate to do this, but... you won’t fly away from you that easy pretty bird.’
Fear rushed through Grian at that, he hoped that back up go here before he was captured. 
EEEEEEE! Stopping point for now, the Cult One is gonna be another 9K oneshot, so I wanted this one to be short and simple.  What did you guys thing? Scar Evil and Creepy enough?
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