#because i am procrastinating writing my nano wip
whumpwillow · 6 months
Hero with Bad Publicity: people they've sworn to protect hate their guts. could arise for any number of reasons but whatever the reason, public sentiment is against these heroes, and there's usually nothing they can do about it.
Resulting from the hero's actions:
Missed payments
He's a jerk.
He deserves it.
He's an unapologetic bigot.
He was a bad guy in the past.
He pulls a Zero-Approval Gambit.
His powers are harmful/"bad" by nature.
He's the type who benefits from it.
He usually screws up and does more harm than good.
People might just want to pick on the hero because:
People do not agree with the hero
The hero is different.
The hero has powers.
People like pissing off someone above their Super Weight category.
Ungrateful people Complain About Rescues They Don't Like.
He has been framed, possibly by the villain.
Freedom of Speech, which is a common justification used.
Anonymous rumors, perhaps planted by a Villain with Good Publicity.
The Hero is the centerpiece to some disastrous prophecy.
The hero's constant proximity to awful events makes him appear suspicious.
The news media just needs to sell some copies.
The news media/corporations/government really hates his guts for doing something anti-establishment.
The latest fashionable ideas rule out the idea of him being anything other than a villain.
He looks or seems indistinguishable from the real villains.
Zero-Approval Gambit: the plan costs you your reputation. will knowingly risk — or deliberately seek — a 0% Approval Rating and paint themself in a bad light in order to achieve some greater good.
Sometimes to make a Heroic Sacrifice, a hero doesn't need to die. Sometimes they must sacrifice something else...their good name, reputation, and integrity.
might involve falsely confessing to a crime they didn't commit or being an enormous jerkass contrary to their true nature
they will be hated, hunted and/or disgraced for all time
another trope post from tvtropes dot com (articles linked) because i am procrastinating on my nano wip
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Welcome ! Welcome ! I created this sideblog because I wanted to be able to find my writing content more easily and also because I thought it might motivate me to write more. We’ll see how it goes ✨
A few things about me:
■ Hi, I’m Cécile ! I’m 27 years old and I write mostly fantasy, science-fiction and, sometimes, urban-fantasy. I write in french but when I’m feeling ✨ bored ✨ (read: when I procrastinate), I can be convinced to try and translate excerpts from my novels.
■ I have too many WIPs to count, and they rotate like rotisserie chicken, which means it takes me years to finish one project. It’s a curse.
■ When I don’t want to write but still want to think about my stories, I can be found on pinterest and canva, making wayyy too many moodboards, aesthetics and fake covers.
■ I love ask games and OC questions and worldbuilding wednesday, so don’t hesitate to hit me up !
I can’t think of anything more to say about me, so I’ll stop here ! See you under the cut if you want to know more about my WIP !
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(also... if you've seen this blog before, no you didn't ♥ I don't know what I did but the thing just disappeared so here I am again. technology and me, a love story for the ages)
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Titre : La Fledgling
Genre : urban fantasy ; romance ; action
Status : first draft
Target wordcount : ~80k
Synopsis :
I don't have an official summary just yet, so for now, take this bunch of tags I typed once and have been laughing at ever since :
#me with “the fledgling” like babe i love you but i have no idea whats's going on anymore #it's all about the ✨vibes✨ #it's about a human and her vampire gf and about a threat to the matriarchal vampiric society #there's a really sexy powerful vampire coven and time travel and forbidden magic #and a witch slowly getting consumed by her own powers while she tries to keep the vampire alive #there's a lesbian werewolf who's allergic to dogs and resent the fact that she is now one #there's a mermaid with voice issues and a long lost mate #and a fae with hanahaki disease trying to avoid both her crushes #but other than that? No idea what the fuck is going on #who cares
(Bonus : #yes it was my nano project last november what's your point? #I wrote 50k and i still don't know what the fuck is going on in this story)
Settings : a big city filled with supernatural creatures ; a gloomy manor ; a cozy apartment crumbling under the secrets of its habitants ; a café/bar théâtre de tous les drames
Johanne “Jo” Hautain || [27] || lesbian || human || perpetually exhausted ; Done™ ; doesn't have a moral code
Louise Venti || [27] || bisexual || vampire fledgling || losing herself to bloodlust ; passive ; doesn't know anything
Anaëlle Charles || [27] || lesbian || witch || breaks magical laws for breakfast ; hunted by the Virulentes ; would also like a nap
There are more characters but these three are the backbone of the story and my aaaaangels 🥰
Tag: #wip: la fledgling
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whimsy-of-the-stars · 1 month
writing update idk
hi ppl!! a while ago, as in, the end of March-ish, I “finished” the first part of my apocalypse wip, clocking in at just over 25k words!! IMO I think it needs a partial rewrite and a heavy, heavy dose of fact-checking (I need to figure out how people can survive in the wilderness xd),,, but it’s decently resolved enough for me to take a break!!
Now, I’m working on my unofficial Camp Nano project (tracking words thru an extremely clunky google sheets thing!!) and I’m over 6k words thru it! I realize now that I’ll probably not hit my goal of 20k at this pace, but it’s still progress! I’m still writing! And I’m on track to pace this draft better than the earlier one!
It’s the romance about the two guitarists who enter a demo album competition together, if y’all remember that from my writeblr re-intro?? It’s weird, cuz I realized that in the original draft, it was summer vacation… which equals no school friends for my characters to interact with! So, I set this one during the school year and created two friend groups for my characters to have — one sucks, and the other is awesome.
The only thing is, I keep procrastinating writing until later in the day, especially because all I wanna do after I get home from school is, well, nothing! Then I write at like 9:00 pm, which isn’t the best time to start, haha.
Also, I had a moment of clarity in my town’s new Barnes and Noble recently. I was looking at the young adult and middle grade books, and was just struck by a wave of how much all these stories and worlds and characters mean to me. I wanna write books that people can take refuge in and be nostalgic for and help them enjoy reading!!! I wanna be younger me and current me both’s favorite author <3
also! I am constantly filled with ideas for little tabletop games and tables and things! so that’s cool too! ALSO this Saturday I’m going to a huge book sale, let’s hope I get some great finds!!!
bye :)
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stygius-cr-sideblog · 11 months
for the fanfic writer asks - 5, 29, 38, 75
hi katie!! thank you for the ask!! ❤️
(writer asks meme here)
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
I have!! Usually at very early outlining stages of longer fics, in an attempt to get a vibe down—and maybe create some kind of Pavlovian association in my brain to shift more easily into writing that project when listening to that specific music.
The most recent playlist I made like this was for my (first!) NaNo last year, which I finished the rough 50k-ish draft of but still need to clean up. It's all instrumental music, vaguely mysterious tracks for a CR fic (the first I wrote!) in which Essek, fearing discovery due to rumors in the Dynasty, goes to Rumblecusp after the peace talks and winds up losing all his memories and becoming a villager, then meeting the Nein anew when they arrive.
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29. give us a spoiler for one of your stories.
I will give you a spoiler for my current active WIP I've been working on lately! Beacons get stolen in it (two of them!), and also there is very messy Essek/Adeen, because I'm fully obsessed with Adeen to a truly unhinged degree. "Still together and feeling some measure of feelings, but all twisted up into toxic exes energy" is one of my favorite romance dynamics ever.
38. how many stories do you work on at one time?
[bitter laugh] I mean. "work on" is such a strong term. I have many WIPs but the truth is progress happens mostly in bursts of (possibly) ADHD-fueled fixation on one particular idea, and it cycles until fics are either complete or I feel that I've outgrown my interest. That said, I do have some outliers that I add a few hundred words to now and then on the side.
75. do you know how your story ends before you start writing?
Yes! Always. I need to have an end point in mind, whether it's a particular line or mood or character choice or even just a singular word; otherwise I can't write at all. I can't do the meandering discovery thing, I need a goal fixed in the distance. Sometimes the ending shifts once I'm halfway through, but it's usually given me enough direction by then that I don't feel lost while putting words down.
The ending, as a general rule, is usually the polar opposite of the beginning in some way, a kind of mirror. If I'm imagining a positive story development, I'll imagine how problems might be visually solved, words and scene settings that contrast the tone of the first one; if it's a more somber arc or more based in disillusionment and not breaking free of whatever has been ruining the characters lives externally or internally, then I look for ways to convey we're back where we started or worse off.
Somewhat relatedly, I was terrified of the movie Jumanji as a child. Yes, it's very campy, and I can appreciate that as an adult, but I watched it when I was maybe nine, and the last beat of the board game being abandoned—the knowledge that anyone else might find it, and all of those scary things would happen all over again, maybe endlessly in a cycle—really freaked me out. I guess when I think of the ending in advance, I'm trying to find the Jumanji final image: what am I feeling as I walk away from this story? And then I write toward that.
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amtrak12 · 6 months
It's Nano procrastination time! :) Haven't written a word yet despite staring at my computer for 2 hours. So let's keep that trend going with a fake Q&A! :)
Question 1: What scene in your WIP are you most excited for readers to see?
Sticking to chronological order of events, the time travel reveal scene is the one I'm most excited for. It's still in the first draft stage and there's a few chapters that need to be posted before we get to it, but the time travel reveal is really good. Definitely the next super significant/exciting scene in my fic.
Question 2: What scene are you most excited to write for your WIP?
SO MANY! But this morning, I'm being taunted by the scene where Lucifer learns why Rory time travelled (or what she was trying to do when she accidentally time travelled instead) because it is !!!! There's a lot in that scene, and I'm certain if I was the reader, it would make me want to claw at my skin and then lay down in the rain for the next twenty years, so yeah I am super excited to write it. I'm also excited by it because I don't think the readers will guess the reason Rory time travelled.
Question 3: Why are you procrastinating writing right now?
I think my brain is just tired :( Writing is hard you guys! #whines T_T
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itsanidiom · 7 months
NANOWRIMO DAY 1 - 2367 / 50000
I wanna blog my NaNoWriMo progress this year. I dunno why just cause...maybe I'll regret this decision...but I'm pretty confident I'll be fine. I'll be fine right...heh
ANYWAY I'm working on 3 things because of course I am.
FIRST, I need to finish "Rebels. Outlaws. Pirates." I tried to finish it before November...but alas...here we are...in November...
NEXT, I'm going to go back to last year's NaNo which is a new story for a new pen. Last year I had the same problem where I finished something and started something new, so now I'm stuck with a half finished manuscript from last year...AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN (^^;)
FINALLY, I'll work on 'The Streets of Luxor City' which I actually have FULLY OUTLINED because my original plan was to finish the two things above before NaNoWriMo...yeah...that worked out...
I don't procrastinate...noooo...I just start new projects and end up with a billion WIPs...
ANYWAY (2)...time to sleep...then back to WRITING!
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
hello! do you wanna talk about your nano project? cause it sounds absolutely amazing and I am totally intrigued, so I am always available if your wonderful mind wants to rant about it lol
Yes!!! sure!! i am in the process of procrastinating that very WIP and this is an enabler, thank u
so i Will be spoiling things but like. in a very vague way that doesn't really spoil anything because u have no context. anyway
I got the idea in July, because i thought "hm gay dark academia romance with a serial killer in the background". then, being the aromantic bastard i am, the serial killer became the main plotline and the romance became the side plot (still gay. duh). THEN because i'm physically unable to write something without fantasy, i added a Creature, and they're what i'll be rambling about! (wow what a concise intro)
the Creature is a monster made of the collective souls of a bunch of people who died in the 10s, 20s, and 30s in the town. They didn't die because of war shit (well kinda); they died because even tho the mayor was a fukkin billionaire in 30s-equivalents, he did nothing to help. not one thing. 80% of the town starved to death in those decades. The people's anger, resentment, and wishes for revenge manifested in a 15-foot shadow creature that eats people's heads off and drips blood wherever it walks, because why would i ever design a Creature that isnt exceedingly fucked up? not all the lost, stuck souls actually wanna be there, but they are, because death sucks sometimes <3
The Creature (as i shall call it) teams up with the descendant of the mayor, the serial killer, who's just an exceedingly arrogant white teenaged boy who wants attention (its actually more complicated than that but thats another thing). they kill like 6 people and eventually the Creature eats the serial killer. I will not say what happens to the Creature (for now), that's for me to know and everyone else to find out
btw: the Creature's coping mechanism of "murder the rich people who are STILL screwing over everyone else (mayor's descendant)" is very valid. HOWEVER it's method of "kill a bunch of teenagers to get through that path" is exceedingly fucked up and i frown upon that.
that's all my tired brain can think up right now, but feel free to ask more questions!! i thrive off attention!!
thank u and have a good day
(taglist bc this seems relevant: @stormharbors, @the-gay-lady-of-ravenclaw-tower)
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dessarious · 4 years
November Update... Why am I like this?
So it’s day 7 of NaNo. It’s the weekend, so I’m not working. You’d think I’d get a decent amount of writing done wouldn’t you? Oh no, that’s not how procrastination works. So for anyone doing NaNo and not where you want to be word count wise and feeling guilty, I’ll give you a run down of what I spent my day doing. (Hint: nothing I needed to be doing)
So last night I found out that WoW (World of Warcraft to the uninitiated) is having a free weekend to get old players without active subscriptions back in the game before the new expansion hits. Now, I haven’t played for over a year at this point so you’d think I’d just go ‘ehh’ and move on. But no, that’s not how this works. So now I’m debating whether I should renew my sub and get the expansion. The answer is no, I absolutely flipping shouldn’t because it will kill my productivity, but I’m thinking about it anyway. 
Now, that train wreck aside, did I have a productive day? No, of course not. I found a bunch of writing prompts that sparked so many ideas. None of which are in anyway related to any of my current WIPs. FML
So yeah, to anyone feeling like they should be further along than they are, I feel you. And trust me, however much you have gotten done is an accomplishment. As someone who’s participated in NaNo for many years I can say that sometimes you have good months (One year I hit 50k words in a week, hasn’t happened since) and bad months. I think last year, not counting Broken Harmony, I may have managed 5k words total. But it was all words. It all helps you become a better writer. So whether you ‘win’ this month or just get a small part of something out of your head, it’s worth it. So don’t let all the people bragging about insane word counts get to you. 
You do you and be proud of what you can accomplish.
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kosmosian-quills · 5 years
Writerblr Positivity
So as part of Writerblr Positivity Week (hosted by @pens-swords-stuff), I decided to compile a list of my favourite writerblrs their work and what I like about them! So have a list of me screaming about why I love and appreciate people so much!
@cirianne - well, just in general, I LOVE YOU AND ALL YOUR WORK SO MUCH!! I don’t know how I can articulate this any more than I have done. I mean, your Street Magic universe is definitely my favourite (MARISSA, LILLY. AND. ALICIA. ARE. AMAZING!), and then there’s the (admittedly highly self indulgent) crossover we did with your Alicia and my Anjelika (as well as all our other RP’s). You’re just in general a good bean and ily so much. I am also loving Blackborn right now, so I highly recommend everyone checks it out! ANOTHER THING - THANK YOU FOR HOSTING @yourocsbackstory EVENTS! They were such an amazing help in my preparation for NaNo, thank you so much!
@etjwrites - I APPRECIATE ALL YOUR COMMENTS! You’ve left me a comment on most if not all of my writing that I have posted, and they make me so happy! I am also really enjoying Thorunn, the worldbuilding and details you’ve put into it are just amazing! I really can’t wait so see more from it!
@dove-actually - I don’t know how to say this, but before I came across Knight Errant, I wasn’t really into stories about knights and stuff, but I just LOVE Lady Sarra so so SOOOOO much! She’s an amazing character and I love all your pieces with her! She’s so fascinating to read about. (also I keep thinking about your lovely comments from my Blameless piece, they give me life ily so much)
@ardawyn - as you’re very aware, I recently went on something of a crusade through all your work, and I cannot express enough how much I am in love with your work! The Dawnbringer is just so amazing, and the characters you’ve created are so deep and amazing and I look forward to reading more from you!! (this one is my favourite for sure but you already knew that).
@pens-swords-stuff - first of all, THANK YOU FOR HOSTING THIS POSITIVITY EVENT! It feels nice to spread the love for all these amazing talented people. SO THANK YOU! Secondly, Project Vestige is just so intriguing! The entire concept is such an interesting setup, and it makes me very hopeful that your NaNo project is a success, because I truly want more out of it!
@quilloftheclouds - so once again someone that hosts such nice things for everyone to partake in - Storyteller Saturday! - it’s a lot of fun to find out things about not just yours, but other people’s writing! Thank you for this! But easily my favourite thing is the world of One Siren’s Soul - you’ve got such a wonderful world there, and the treasure hunting aspect is amazing! Also those chapter titles you said were your favourites from that STS a few weeks ago?? So punchy and SO GOOD!
@halrose - so I only found your work recently, but from what little I have seen from Terraclaw, I am so fascinated and I eagerly anticipate more! I hope you find your way out of your writers block soon, it sucks being in that situation!
@writerlina - so your as-of-yet-unnamed-WIP that is set in the UK with magic powers, I am in love with all of it. Just all of it. The Agency is formidable. A young woman referred to as a Phoenix with such unmatched superpowers????? YES????? (also your tag of ass-kicking-lesbians gets me excited to see this ok)
@ratracechronicler - MOONSHINE. IS. AMAZING. End of story. Honestly I don’t know what it is about the Rival’s pieces from the backstory event but yours??? Is so good??? The sass and confidence is just AWESOME! I haven’t read nearly as much as I would like from Williams’ story but I am excited for more!!
@bookenders - you have such a collection of amazing WIP’s (Heart to Heart????) but my FAVOURITE has to be Fish Food! It’s so unique and I can’t complain when mermaids are involved, but I think the humour balances well with the much darker material you have for it. It works so well and you do it so, so MASTERFULLY!!
@mvcreates - what can I say beyond you’re such a talented writer and artist! You’ve got such an amazing cast of characters with variety and such charm, I love them! I am really looking forward to more from The Blue Jay (prohibition murder mystery hell yes???). The representation is so good and I don’t know what else to say beyond how much I love all of them!
I’m so sorry for such a long post, but I really just wanted to spread my love for all you amazing talented people out there. Thank you all for sharing your stories with the world! I do have lots of your posts sitting in my drafts that I intend to reblog but then I procrastinate, so I’m sorry for never actually getting around to it. But please! I love you all!
Feel free to reblog this with other recommendations! I’d love to find and read other people’s work!
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yoonia · 5 years
As you may have noticed, I have been inactive for the most part during this past few weeks as I have decided to take a little break from being on this blog and from writing when things didn’t seem to be exciting for me to do anymore :/
But I do miss writing and I have decided that I will be back on my gear this month of July. I am hoping that I can get more organized and motivated as Camp NaNo is finally here, and I am aiming to reach a fair amount of word count goal to be able to finish as many wip as I can. 
As a starting point, I will be focusing on the following WIPs:
Carousel - Min Yoongi x reader, Arranged Marriage!AU, Angst, Smut (BTS Series in progress)
About Time - Jungkook x reader x Jimin, Time Leap!AU, Soulmate!AU, Angst (BTS Series in progress)
In Motion - Jungkook x reader, Masturbation Club!AU, Smut (BTS series in progress, mostly re-writing because I have a few unpublished scenes written but hating them with all my life)
And while I am at it, I will also be working on these as well:
Blood Moon Rising - Vampire!Jimin x Werewolf!Reader, Supernatural!AU (BTS Series in progress)
Bad For You (Epilogue & Spin-off) - Jungkook x reader, Stripper!AU 
Honey Skies (An original fiction work, releasing exclusively on Patreon first: September 2019)
As always, just like how I have been doing it since NaNoWriMo last November, I will be sharing my writing progress through an online chart where you can keep up with my activity for the whole month and witness my struggle, procrastination, screaming in despair, writing process until the end of July. A few snippets of my fics will be added occasionally there as well. You can access the writing chart on the link below:
Yoonia Writing Progress - Camp NaNoWriMo July 2019
(link will also be available on my blog description)
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nadunacreates · 4 years
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TOTAL WORDS: 62′668 MOST WRITTEN IN ONE DAY: 7’414 (day ten, right after a write-in) LEAST WRITTEN IN ONE DAY: 21 (day twenty-nine, right before a write-in) AVERAGE WRITTEN IN ONE DAY: 2’088 (according to the nano website at least…)
heroes bleed red • writing mood (for general scenes, action and emotions)
heroes bleed red • bones break (supposed to be the angsty playlist for when bones and hearts break; betrayal and hurt, when trust gets broken and you’re left bleeding)
heroes bleed red • hearts heal (the one i initially started out with, but then added more and more songs that only fit for the comfort mood and not really the rest of things, so)
important to note here: i don’t really listen to music? like, i don’t hear the words and decide that yes they fit for a particular playlist, most often i have no clue what is being sung about. it’s more about the tone of voice and the atmosphere of the song? idk, i’m weird like that
more below, including stats and future plans
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current total word count: 62’956 characters: 350’516 pages: 220 (all these are according to scrivener) current word count goal: 180’000 current self-imposed deadline: end of april, 2020
the regional write-ins in zurich, switzerland, really have been my saving grace this november. without them, i wouldn’t be nearly where i am at right now. i would have given up on this long ago, especially after i really struggled in the last week.
in the hopes of not giving up on this story the way i did with last year’s nano project i’m going to try meet up with some of the same people throughout the year and get these damn words out, keep the motivation up. i’m gonna try be more active on here as well, help us writeblrs motivate each other and maybe join a discord or two. because even though this first draft is far from ready to be read by anyone i do hope to be able to pick up on some better writing techniques along the way, sharpen my outlining (and sticking to those outlines) skills, and get comfortable in my writing again. it often felt stilted and awkward during this month, but once or twice i got into the kind of head-space that really lets the words flow and lets me actually like what i wrote, which is… something that doesn’t happen often, let me tell you.
but. despite it all and my own constant procrastination, i do not want to give up on this story. i finally want to get to the point where i can put THE END under a piece of writing and feel like i accomplished something, even if it’s just a self-indulgent story written for myself.
(and if any one of you feels like i don’t post enough content or that i’ve been absent for a while now - do feel free to come kick my butt. i’ll appreciate it. and if you’ve got any questions, feel free to ask! i’ll be happy to answer them, even if it might take a few days to get around to it, because i’m just horrible at time management and i always feel like i’m gonna say (or write) the exact wrong thing when i’m communicating with actual people on here and not just screaming into the void as i do with these kinds of roundup posts.)
some final words: THANK GOD IT’S OVER, but it was also really great? i really like nano as a way to challenge myself, and even though i haven’t interacted with as many of you guys as i wanted to, during this month, i really feel like this whole community is something i’ve really grown to like and want to take a more active part in (as soon as i manage to get off my ass and do these things, of course.)
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Sweety Camp Nano Recap
April was by far not an easy month, and I procrastinated actually announcing I was participating in Camp Nano, but I guess you know I did now. 
I finished with 39111 words out of a 30k goal, so it’s a win -although my pride is kinda hurt i did not reach 40k- and as always the April camp is not the easiest. Idk why but April is always worse than the real Nano or the July Camp. 
I worked on my thesis (YAY) and on three fics: 
Une Valse à Quatre Temps, a The Great Escape DannyxWillie one shot published on Ao3
‘2Killers1Cop’, my bigbig WIP (The Great Escape x Brighton Rock x The Professionals crossover) 
Sit In Judgement Of What Makes Us Human, my in-progress and currently published once every two week on Ao3 Final Fantasy XII fanfic
I definitely did the most words on Sit In Judgement, now that my chapters are around 5k long each, and although I am pretty happy with my overall progress, I wish I had worked more on my thesis, and wished I had been more motivated. It’s not that I am not happy with what I wrote, but more that I’d like to motivate myself more to keep the writing routine. But my own stupid mental health did get in the way too, and there is not much I can do about it at this point.
Now what? 
I will continue to write in May, of course, for me the aim of Nano is to get used to writing each day and stick to it, but I will definitely focus on my thesis (and here a there a Sit In Judgement chapter because that is the only project that I am currently inspired for.) I will also try to be more productive with my art in May. The thing is, I got into a big art block and could not even do all my daily drawing practice and it did not help me being motivated for writing. 
Let’s hope Mermay motivates me more! (Especially because I have a surprise for Mermay... cannot wait to show you!)
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aaeoluss · 4 years
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Nano Closing Thoughts: 2019 vs 2018
+ November 29 WC: 2,179 // November 30 WC: 5,562
WIP blog: @thesecondmoonwip // Previous nano updates: week one two three four
If you’re interested at all about the details of these graphs, I keep all my nano stats in this spreadsheet
Total WC: 2019: 50,198 (2018: 50,051) 
Average daily WC: 2019: 1,673 (2018: 2,176 [avg not counting the obvious outlier of day 23: 1,880]) 
Average daily WC not counting days with WC of 0: 2019: 2,092 (2018: 2,275 [not counting day 23: 1,969])  
Most words written in a day: 6,027 Nov 27 (2018: 8,700 Nov 23)
Least words written in a day not counting 0: 347 Nov 22 (1,000 Nov 16)
General Thoughts 
Nano is really interesting because I think it’s a really fast way to learn things about yourself. When you set a goal, do you mean it? Are you good at making plans and schedules that work for you? And when you make a plan, do you stick to it? Do you procrastinate, are you always writing furiously right before bed or trying to write 15k on the last day? I’ve noticed that when I answer these questions, they don’t apply only to nano, but to writing and actually lots of things in my life. 
You can tell by taking a quick peek at my graphs up above, but my nano this year was a little more chaotic than last year’s. Last year, I sat down and wrote the same amount every day, but this year I tried to be fancy and set different daily goals based on my work and school schedule. It... sort of worked. It worked really well the first week, but what ended up was I never got in the habit of doing it, and I ended up getting behind. At the start of the month, I was like, “oh, I know I couldn’t write 1,667 words every day, I’m too busy on Thursday, and I have so much more time on Wednesday” and etc, but by the end of the month? Writing  1,667 words seems really easy and I was cursing myself for not just sitting down and doing it every day. 
I’m a better writer than I was last year. I’m better at writing itself, and I have more stamina, I can sit down and write faster and I can write for longer without getting tired. However, I’ve realized that nano isn’t really about that. Last year I went in after finishing my first book, and I was used to writing 400 words a night. I still walked out victorious, and it was because nano can be easy if you just sit down and write 1,667 words every night. That’s really not that many words when it comes down to it, and that’s the fun of it. Anyone can win nano (some people have really really busy lives and literally do not have the time to do it, but I’m not talking about that). It’s just about dedication.
Last year my takeaway was that you can write a lot more than you think you can if you set your mind to it. My takeaway this year is that the most important thing really is sitting down and writing every. single. day. That’s something I used to know, I used to hold it dear to my heart, but The Second Moon is my fifth book, and I think sometimes I get too caught up in trying to be cool and write a lot in one day and stuff like that and I forget about the basics. 
What next?
Although I hit 50k, and I’m counting that as a win in terms of nano, the book actually is not finished. There are only 40 scenes in TSM, and some of them used to be two scenes but now they’re one long scene, or they’re important so they’re longer etc, but as a general rule, my scene comfort zone used to be about 1k, so that’s what I planned for. Most of the scenes in TSM are longer, though, so I hit 50k without actually finishing all the scenes. I’m not far off, I’ve only got one scene left, but I’m a little bummed, I didn’t really want this issue to run into December. I think if I can get it on my shelf before winter break starts (Dec 14) I’ll be alright with that, though. 
Once I format it and design a cover, I’m going to use Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing to get my book printed. If you haven’t heard of it before, I’d highly recommend it, it’s super cool. I used it to print out all my books, and they all sit proudly on my shelf.
I know it’s bad practice to write a first draft and call it done, but I see nano as more of an exercise than anything. It would take an immense amount of time and effort to turn this draft into something I’m really proud of, and I’m honestly just not passionate about the project to do that. 
I’ll be jumping back to my main project, Pseudonyms! I haven’t worked on it for a hot second and I am so excited to get back to it. I finished the first draft around six months ago (?), and it’s time for a complete rewrite! I have a lot of ideas, and I’ve grown as a writer a lot since then, and I’m really excited. 
As for doing nano in the future, I’m unsure. Now that I’m done, it’s easy to look back and say, “hey, that was easy, and we got to get a book out of the WIP queue.” (because I have a lot of books I want to write, and when I can take a month and get one out of my head, that’s always great). However, I vividly remember a lot of times over the month where I told myself I would never do nano again. It’s difficult to say. 
However, if I do end up doing nano again, I think I’ll set a higher goal for myself than 50k. Nano really lacked spice for me this year, I went into it feeling very complacent that I would hit 50k and I was rarely too stressed about it. Idk. I just feel like it’s not nano if you’re panicked for the whole month, + I don’t feel nearly as accomplished as I would if I had set a higher goal. 
And that’s all I have to say on that! I hope everyone who participated in nano had a good month! 
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adayforducks · 5 years
things i should be doing:
- starting finishing my outline for NaNo
- getting ready to start volunteering tomorrow
- making a character for my first D&D session on Wednesday
- planning for the two D&D sessions I’m going to be DMing this week
- running errands, cleaning the house, tidying up the yard, and getting groceries
things i am doing:
- writing yet another crossover fic between my WIP and @0asissss’ even though I never finish them and I can’t share them because they contain so many spoilers for both of our WIPs so basically I’m being creative as a form of procrastinating from other more difficult and much more urgent forms of creativity that actually have deadlines because I am a fool
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sleepless-stories · 5 years
NaNoWriMo Show and Tell
My answers from the questions @thewriteblrarchives asked for their show and tell about NaNo Projects
How long have you been writing?
Since I was actually able to, though not all of it is good.
When you start a project, how do you start? With character, setting, plot, aesthetic, something else?
Usually I have a vague plot in my mind for when I start a story. But the actual start will usually include setting or dialogue most of the time
What’s your favourite part of the writing process?
I’m not kidding when I say this, but the Frustration can be my favorite part. That and finally getting to parts of the story where people interact.
What genres do you write?
Sci fi, fantasy, fiction, realistic fiction, mystery 
Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever written?
On a school bus at 6am
Have you participated in NaNo or camp NaNo before?
Nope this is my first time 
What made you decide to join up?
Why the hell not? I heard about it and thought, I procrastinate, I’ve never finished a story, LET’S DO IT 
What are you most excited about/looking forward to?
Actually finishing.
Anything you’re a bit nervous about?
Kinda the word count because it’s november 5th and I haven’t started. 
Have you done a lot of preparation? Or none whatsoever?
Some preparation, I have an idea of what I want each chapter to be about.
Do you have a workspace, schedule, or daily goal?
I am just working wherever, schedule is whenever, and goal is 2,500 words
What’s your NaNo wip titled (if it has one)?
Currently it’s called The Desired Princess. But that could change between now and the end.
Tell us a bit about your NaNo wip! For example the plot, genre, themes…
Basically it’s about stupid cliches in fantasy and I am aiming to destroy many. Starting with the fact that she turned down a marriage proposal from a dude she just met.
What is your protagonist like?
She is sassy, bold, gay, and brave. 
Have you been planning it for a while? Conversely, do you know anything about it yet?
I have only been planning since mid october but I know nothing about what will be in it other than some dialog and topics
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ren-c-leyn · 5 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @wips-at-2am. Thank you!
Pen or pencil?
Pencil. I make so many mistakes while I’m writing, it’s not even funny. That, and I tend to think out of order so I sometimes have to go back and change where everything is.
Have you ever drawn your OCs?
I have, actually. Mostly in middle shcool when I was heavy into art. I recently started again, but only for my visual novel characters because I needed to get the concept art done.
Does your writing ever make you cry?
Once in a blue moon it does. When I kill a character, I kill a character to break hearts.
If your Muse was a person, what would they look like?
I have no clue. My muse is so fickle that I had to keep four active WIPs just so I’d always have something I could work on when I hit a block with one of them, and none of them are really that much alike. Trying to build an appearance off of that is next to impossible, but I’m pretty sure my muse is a creature of the night, seeing as I get my best work done at midnight to three AM.
Which of your pieces would you choose to be remembered for?
I don’t know. I’d like to think I’d be remembered for each of them by someone who they impacted.
How much have you written or worked on your WIP today?
 Nope, but the day is still young.
Have you ever based a piece (or a portion of a piece) on a dream?
Not yet. I have a concept for a story based on one, but haven’t gotten to it.
Do you prefer silence, a little noise (music, ambient noise, fan etc) or a lot of noise when you’re writing?
Music, music, music. No music = no writing. I cannot write without it. It just doesn’t work.
Do you have any routines before you sit down to write?
Make tea, sit down, tell myself to stop procrastinating and write already, and then open word document and ask myself ‘what were you thinking, crazy woman?’
Have you ever participated in NaNo or Camp?
Once, and I’d rather forget it ever happened. Most stressful, creativity killing two weeks of my life. I say two weeks because I finally just had to drop out.
Tagging, but as usual there is no pressure: @sorenfarwalker, @mischiefiswritten, @snowdropwrites, @pens-swords-stuff, @inexorableblob, and anyone else who wants to join in the fun.
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