#because a) it's in half the sets b) it looks so so so cool c) it looks great next to the companions i ship her with
queensparklekitten · 25 days
time princess players how do y'all picture the MCs of every story
like since every set and piece of official art has a different hair colour, length, and style with every picture of them, and sometimes there's descriptions that don't match the images, which one do you go with
and do you make half of them look like your avatar or have your own designs
#dutp#time princess#when playing/viewing it through the ''story traveler'' lens#i often justify the hair colour changes in-universe by headcanoning that it's story kingdom magic that allows you to change your hair colou#by default i make half the mcs look like (taller versions of) me/my avatar (who's designed after me but with purple eyes) to some extent#but there are exceptions#like if the mc isn't white i'm obviously not gonna base her design off myself#except Maybe giving her my/my avatar's hair length#and if a spinoff shows the mc i'll often use that design#i always pictured zoya blonde until the salvia spinoff story came out and showed her with the light brown hair from that one set#it also described zoya as having black eyes which i went with#i didn't have a locked in eye colour headcanon for her before but i didn't really picture her with eyes that dark#probably because none of the album art gave her black eyes#though eye colours tend to be inconsistent in this game#nastia's described with gray eyes but that one album art gives her blue eyes#and on the flipside charlotte's described with blue eyes in one side story but her model doesn't have blue eyes#nor does at least one album art of her#i give virtually every mc long hair just because most of the hairstyles in those sets require it#i always picture cordelia with dark hair and ocean green-blue eyes#like a vivid teal colour. just fits someone whose name means ''daughter of the sea''#and sometimes i have her stop shaving her legs when she becomes a pirate because a) she lives on a boat#and b) representation of her leaving behind that gilded-cage life of fancy etiquette and ''you must become a perfect wife and mother''#in which she did everything society demanded of her at the expense of her own happiness#like yeah after escaping that i Will make cordelia stop shaving her legs. for the symbolism. and the fact that she lives on a pirate boat.#i always give aurora that pastel-almost-white shiny gradient dyed hair#because a) it's in half the sets b) it looks so so so cool c) it looks great next to the companions i ship her with#matches with novi and gives her a light-dark duality with selene's dark purple hair#idk her natural hair colour but i also give her the creepily pale eyes from Silent Night Rebirth#to match the pastel clothes she's so often in. this is not her natural eye colour either. hey that's p clearly a common thing in this city#i strongly doubt that selene's eyes are naturally that bright blueish purple
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hubristicassholefight · 7 months
Swordswoman showdown FINALS
Hornet (Hollow Knight) vs Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
Technically its not a sword but she wields a needle in a setting where swords do not exist and she wields it in an exceedingly swordlike fashion so. She counts; Girlboss demigoddess spider lady. She's been protecting an entire kingdom for longer than many of the other characters have been alive. She systematically kills her siblings for being too weak. She's simply the best.
#im pretty sure hornet can beat like. anyone in a fight.#have you ever fought hornet#its so fucking hard getting past her every time i play hk i go literally insane.
#i remember getting stuck on the first hornet fight on mt first play through and bring likr#''omg the boss fights in this are so hard!!!''#like what. you're not even half way through what are you talking about#you can't even DASH honey. you don't know what's diffcult or not in this game.
but I feel like the "she systematically kills her siblings" part needs a little clarification. See, one of her siblings was used as a living prison for an angry god and that uh. Didn't work out for the sibling in question or anyone else.
This account is itself heavily abbreviated but it's likely that any other sibling Hornet encounters will be trying to take over as the god's new prison. She appears to challenge any sibling she sees to battle, in order to test their resolve against herself and her needle - would they actually have a chance against that god?
We never actually see her kill any siblings, but she does quite pointedly tell one of them that (to paraphrase) "My needle is lethal and I would feel no sadness in a weakling's demise."
Feels like a relevant quote. In any case, if they can't beat Hornet, it seems like her needle would be a far more merciful end than what the god would grant.
Anyway, a bit of additional material for @swordswomanshowdown :
As is the case for any cool swordswoman, it's not just her sword that's lethal, it's her with it. And Hornet's needle was custom made for her - the creators have said that, while other needles exist, hers was made specifically for her to wield, and its construction allows her to use her spider silk better in combat.
And another thing that I think makes her a good swordswoman: she's actually pretty thoughtful about how she uses it. There's a least one instance where she tries to warn someone off before fighting them! At the same time, when she does fight, she seems to enjoy it - during her boss battles, you can hear her laugh sometimes, as if exhiliarated. She's really got it all, as a swordswoman!!!
#HORNET SWEEP CMON PLEEEEEEASE#shes gay. shes the only sibling with a gender. shes a spider named HORNET. look like croissant. whats not to like
Warrior Princess
She wields a sword and chakram. Just had to submit a biconic swordswoman.
i love her. she made me gay as a kid. Anyway, her weapon of choice is her sword, she is obviously very good with it
#unfortunately i have to choose and i have to choose xena#a) utena had no warcry. b) xena fought gods. c) xena has kickass goofy comic book combat which is my favorite
xena didn’t just fight gods. she fucked up a girl’s life so bad that she (calisto) devoted her entire being to destroying everything that xena loved that ended up with calisto becoming a god in order to destroy xena, which didnt work because xena entombed her in lava. and then when xena and gabrielle encountered calisto in the (christian) afterlife (different from the greek one which they also fought her in), calisto dragged gabrielle to hell so xena became an archangel in order to save gabrielle and then sacrificed herself in order to undo all the harm that she did in calisto’s life and then when not!jesus (played by timothy omundson) revives xena and gabrielle, calisto impregnates xena with the reincarnation of calisto’s soul in order to end the cycle of hate. xena doesnt just fight gods. she creates and destroys them
#this isnt even mentioning her fighting julius ceasar several times#telling brutus that caesar is not his friend#xena and gabrielle’s souls reincarnating across centuries in order to kick ass and fall in love all over again#or the time xena became a god but tbh that ep is kinda ‘uhhhhh…..’ even if they did hire a consultant for it
#I think everyone here knows to vote for Xena. I think a couple people here might have some propaganda for Xena saved already#everyone remember that Xena/Gabrielle is CANON and that's a pretty big deal also#(does anyone have that Xena Loves Trans People interview around because that would also make good propaganda)
I love Xena ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️
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roo-bastmoon · 8 months
So privacy has been violated OR...
... a smear campaign has begun.
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Let's just get this new dating scandal out of the way so we can get back to buying and streaming...
Listen, I don't share unofficial content, but by now everyone in this tag knows there's a video going around that's supposed to be of JK in his apartment with Bam, walking around back-hugging and perhaps kissing a girl. Folks say there's the same couch, same wall panel, and a mood lamp.
I'm side-eyeing this because it's super grainy footage, the windows are different, the wall panel seems to be in different places in the two videos, the guy is shorter than the girl, and he's wearing a mask indoors. Plus, the account that dropped the videos supposedly posted then promptly closed up shop, which seems like they had the intention for deliberate sabotage instead of clout chasing as a sasaeng.
But people say the apartment set up seems really similar and the man has a similar hairstyle to what JK had in the beginning of 2023. So I guess it's Schrodinger's cat at this point.
(Isn't it curious that apartment-related scandals seem to happen on the day new content drops? Hmm... I digress.)
Look... If Jungkook (or Jimin) ends up dating someone else, I'm still going to support them as individuals. I'll be sad of course, because Jikook had AMAZING chemistry and I was really rooting for them to be together forever and all... but, I want them to be happy and fulfilled more than I want them to fit into any fantasy or ideas of my own.
That being said: at this very moment, half of Jimin's insta feed is about Jungkook. Most of Jungkook's lives for 2023 have JK mentioning Jimin, or even being totally focused on Jimin. There's years of super duper sus history between them. Right up to and including yesterday, where Jimin very heavily implied they are sharing Chuseok together.
It feels really weird to me that Jimin would want to tie JK's hair back neatly, call JK baby, beg JK to stay longer at his rehearsal, and joke that he can handle seeing JK naked -- but JK can't come over to shower and visit b/c Jimin says he just isn't that easy... if JK were in a relationship with someone else.
It also feels really weird to me that JK would light up like a super nova any time Jimin commented on his lives, would beg Jimin to hang out, would sing all of Jimin's songs and memorize Jimin's interview content, would travel with Jimin for his debut, then roll around naked in bed grinning and blushing while flirting with Jimin on live... if JK were in a relationship with someone else.
That would make Jungkook kind of a shitty boyfriend and Jimin kind of a shitty friend.
I know Jungkook is cultivating this cool guy/ladies man image right now and that is kinda baffling. I know friends can play-flirt, too... but to do all that on lives, after all their history together, knowing what half of Korea and ARMY thinks? Hm.
That's not "fanservice;" that's really toeing the line of queerbaiting. And it's really hard for me to imagine Jimin or Jungkook doing something like that. Jimin said he hates fake bromance stuff. (I guess anything is possible. It's a new chapter, after all. Maybe it's par for the course in idol-world.)
Hey, maybe Jikook had an amicable break up but are still really close and are fine teasing each other? Maybe they always liked to flirt but never were together? Maybe I've been reading it all wrong this whole time? Or maybe this is a bullshit video?
Whatever the reality is, I'm prepared to acknowledge it. At any time.
I'm not in a cult. I don't have to convince myself of anything. Jikook's behavior had made me think Jikook were in a relationship. If JK is dating someone else now? Okay then. I will just stop posting Jikook content and continue to help OT7 and celebrate my bias with all my heart.
No need for elaborate conspiracy theories or coping histrionics. If JK is in his Loving Women Era, good for him. Go with god, my brother. (Personally, I'd never recover from losing my chance to be with Thee Park Jimin, but that's me!)
But something about this just doesn't quite feel right. I wonder if he'll address it at all, like he did when folks filmed him in his gym or sent food to his home? Because if this is somehow real, it's a HORRIBLE invasion of privacy; home is supposed to be a safe place, and stalkers are scary.
And if it's not real, then someone is going to an AWFUL lot of trouble to overshadow Jungkook's release and upcoming album and that is unhinged. The kind of trouble that reminds me of apartment break-ins and tampered mail.
In any case, like I said: I'm ready to accept whatever the reality is, once the reality becomes clear.
I really love Jungkook. I really love Jimin. I really love BTS. They were there for me at the darkest, lowest point in my life. So whether I was right or wrong about Jikook, it doesn't really matter. In the end, I support them as far as I can.
But also, I sorta think this video may just be bullshit. So let's let them have their privacy, and focus instead on voting for Jimin and buying and streaming for JK instead, hmm? Eventually the truth will come to light.
No matter what happens, let's behave in a way that would make Jimin and Jungkook proud.
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Love, Roo
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hyperfixat · 8 months
hai day two is here! support and engagement would really motivate me to help post and work on the rest of this stuff!
You don’t want to disappoint Lord Diavolo, you’ll make him look bad, make Lucifer look bad, make humans look bad, make the exchange students look bad, make everyone look bad. And you absolutely do not want that to happen, your sanity relies on keeping them pleased with you.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that RAD coursework is so illogical and unfamiliar. You manage to get consistent B’s in class work, but you have to work hard on essays to avoid D’s. And you aren’t lazy, you can work hard, but the brothers make it so hard sometimes.
You constantly have to dismiss whoever comes knocking on your bedroom door, and keep your DDD on DND. There’s a huge essay due in a few days for Potions and Seductive Speechcraft, on the usage of theoretical love potions. It’s frustrating, and because the grade is going to count for both classes, you can’t afford to have anything less than a C. And of course because you’re no longer on the easier courses from your first year, it’s so much harder and less grace will be given for mistakes. It also means you have to write the full five-thousand words, rather than a two and a half thousand word essay.
There’s a knocking on your door, but you’ve made sure to let all the brothers know you’re working, so you ignore it in favor of flipping through the textbook Satan lent you, saying it had some valuable information for this combined course.
Eventually whoever was at your door gives up, but you don’t notice, in fact by the time you regain awareness of your surroundings, your hand is covered in little paper cuts, and you’ve flipped through two whole books, skimming for anything that you could add to the ungodly long assignment. Your body pops and creaks when you stand and pad over to the door, unlocking the magic deadbolt you installed for nights like these and swinging the door open to a dark hallway.
It must be rather late if the brothers have (mostly) all gone to bed. Before you step outside, you look down at the eve of your door, and smile while your heart melts, because someone left you a plate with a wrapped sandwich and a tupperware with some (presumably,) human-safe poison apple slices. With a warm feeling bubbling in your chest, you pack it away in your private mini fridge.
Now that the halls are dark, you have to rely on a spell Solomon taught you long ago, just a small ball of light for when it’s dark. You bite back a yawn as you shuffle into the kitchen, the reminder that you still haven’t changed out of your school clothes is stark as your medals jingle when you flick the light on. You manage to keep quiet and discreet as you pour yourself some imported human world spring water, but when you turn around you jump out of your skin at the tall figure in the doorway.
“AH! Lucifer!” you place a hand over your chest where your heart is beating out of its cavity. “I didn’t see you there.” A heavy sigh leaves you as you set the water canister down onto the counter.
Lucifer hums, moving into the kitchen and lifting the already dewing water container and putting it back on its shelf in the fridge.
“Oh, I was going to put that back-!” a sinking feeling sets into your stomach. Speaking of your stomach, a clenching growl of hunger runs through your abdomen.
“My brothers are concerned with how much time you’re spending in your room. Alone.” Crimson eyes bore into your own. “It goes without saying I dislike it as well. You haven’t had the time to visit me, I have grown used to your frequent visits.”
Before you reply, you take a sip of the cool water. “Sorry, I’ve just been working on the essay for the theoretical love potions. I can’t afford to get a poor grade on it this time around.”
Lucifer’s eyes narrow, “is that so? Perhaps I can be of some assistance.”
His gaze makes you shift uncomfortably, and you take another sip of water to clear the sudden dryness in your mouth.
“Yes! But I’m working on it, don’t worry, at this rate, I’ll be finished in time to entertain your brothers, my schedule will be back on track eventually.”
“I’m not worried about you entertaining my brothers, they’re grown demons. I’m worried about you. You’re human. You can’t keep going like this.”
“I’m doing fine, Lucifer, really. Besides I can take time to relax once this semester is over.” You let out a weak laugh, leaning back on the counter.
“You’re…” Lucifers lips turn down in a frown, “what’s the human world expression? Running on empty?”
“Thank you for the concern, but I’m really fine, Lucifer.” You walk over to him and reach a hand to cup his cheek and pull his head to a level where you can press a sweet kiss on his cheek. Before he has time to argue with you again, you make your way back down the hall to your room.
When you’re back in your room, you debate between the inviting allure of your bed or the stack of papers and books that you really should finish if you want to have time to hang out with the brothers. With a whole body sigh, you sit back down at your desk.
The next morning at breakfast, you’re dead tired.
With zombie-like steps you shuffle into the dining area, where most of the brothers already are. You have deep eye bags and your complicated uniform is poorly put on. You sit down next to Asmo and Beel, on both sides of you respectively, and blink at the assortment of foods available.
“Darling,” Asmo chides lightly, “your uniform is all out of shape.” He sets his fork down and pulls your torso to face him more than it does the table so he can adjust the straps and buttons and ties.
“Sorry, just a bit tired this morning.” You muffle a yawn and Asmo’s brow creases.
“Your eye bags…” he pauses his fiddling with your uniform, lifting a hand to run his fingertips under your eyes. “I have some concealer in your shade if you’d like some, okay? I can put it on for you if you’d like.”
“That’s very kind, but I’m good,” you say, turning your head away. With a hum Asmo returns to fixing up your uniform.
“Let me know if you change your mind, alright?”
“I will,” you say with a smile. “Beel, could you save me some of the Devil Zebra Bacon and some of the sweet toast?”
Beelzebub nods, and sets himself to work, loading your plate with the bacon and bread, along with some Shadow Goose scrambled eggs.
“Thank you,” you say gratefully.
“You seem awfully tired, MC,” Mammon points out.
“Ohh, were you up for the release of today’s Another Ridiculously Long Anime Title that Reveals the Whole Plot? Awh, we could have waited together!” Levi says as he walks into the room.
“No, no, just working on some schoolwork.” You let out a bitter laugh. “Would someone mind brewing me some Hell Coffee? I need something to keep me awake today.”
“Are you really fit to attend RAD after pulling two all-nighters in a row?” Lucifer asks skeptically.
You gape, how did he know? You were careful to be courteous of all the HoL residents.
“Nothing about you eludes me, little star.”
“Wh…whatever, I’m fine.” You say with an embarrassed flush, trying to pretend that everyone wasn’t staring at you. “Mammon, you wouldn’t mind brewing me a cup, would you?”
Asking him to make you a cup of Hell Coffee never failed to make him flush. It made his fondness to you undeniable, the bitter taste a clear sign he loves you. (Hell Coffee’s strength gets more intense based on the feeling of the brewer to the drinker.)
You are fine and doing perfectly well and okay.
You are fine and doing perfectly well and okay.
You are fine and doing perfectly well and okay, until you aren’t.
By the time lunch rolls around you feel dead on your feet, tiredness having long settled deep in your bones. Beel offered to help you with your tray, and it’s lucky he did, because right before you scan your student ID to pay, your legs give out and you collapse into a weak mess on the cafeteria floor.
Your vision comically fades to black, blinking a few times before you slump forward, face first into the linoleum.
You come to the feeling of a cool and damp washcloth on your forehead. A hum rumbles through your chest and you peek through your lashes at who is tending to you.
Blood red eyes flicker to your own; Lucifer. Your groan turns into a grumble and you open your eyes properly.
“Good evening, sleeping beauty.”
You can’t be bothered to tell if the light warmth in your face is from embarrassment or at being called a beauty by Lucifer.
“Mhm, what happened?” You prop yourself up with an arm and look around. You’re not in your room, rather Lucifer’s private chambers. The last thing you remember was being at lunch… any time since then comes up blank. Did he… carry you here? To his room?
Why were you here rather than your own room? To calm your fluttering heart you logic out that you likely would have been swarmed by the brothers if he left you in your own room. That and he wouldn’t face his brother’s teasing remarks for taking care of you with tender touches and soft words.
“I should have been more vigilant in scolding you.”
Huh?! Your heart stops; stomach drops, and the arm propping you up falters. No, you don’t like being scolded by Lucifer, you don’t like being scolded at all.
His gaze softens, “what I mean is, I could have prevented your collapse if I insisted you stop overworking yourself. It’s on me for thinking you wouldn’t be such a stubborn thing.”
“Sorry.” Your gaze flickers downward in shame. Lucifer tsks, and the hand holding the cloth grabs your chin and lifts your face back up.
“Now, don’t go apologizing, you need to focus on relaxing. We can work out a better schedule for you at a later time. You won’t be disturbed by my brothers for as long as you’re in my room, and your school work has been dealt with.”
Gratitude surges in your heart and you offer a soft smile to Lucifer, laying back into his bed. “Thank you… will you lay with me? Just for a bit?”
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justkeeptrekkin · 10 months
Resurrection and The Second Coming
There is a recurring motif in season 2, and that is the image of resurrection and being raised from the dead. I think this all points to what will happen in season 3 and tie into the Second Coming plot that was mentioned by Metatron. I’m not sure what exactly it’s indicating, obviously, but here are the clues:
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1) 25 Lazuri miracle
I enjoyed the reference to Lazarus, and I found it quite striking! It IS interesting, isn’t it Crowley, that Heaven measure miracles by how many times it could have brought someone back from the dead?
And isn’t it interesting that Aziraphale and Crowley, combined, could bring back 25 human lives with a single, half-arsed miracle?
I’m getting the impression that bringing people back to life and the power to resurrect is going to be a bigggggg deal in the future plot.
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2) The opening credits
The opening credits have been said to hold a few clues for season 3. One of the things I've noticed is that there’s plenty of apocalypse and hell imagery, none of which we see in season 2. For example, above, we see A and C moving underground, like they’re navigating some route to the underworld. Then we see them leading a growing crowd of people through a very traditional portrayal of hell, with fire and giant spiders etc., through the blitz, through a SPACE (?) and a very modern perspective of the apocalypse, with scrapheaps and riots. 
There’s a LOT to unpack in that, but what I want to focus on here is the concept of the afterlife. We’re presented with an almost Dante-esque, Ancient Greek view of Hell: A and C are walking through dim tunnels to a fiery, wretched view of the underworld. Where is this??? In the show, I mean??? We’ve never seen this version of hell. as far as we know, it has always been the bureaucratic landscape that we’ve seen in S1 and S2. We can assume it’s always looked like this because Heaven has always had the office-style setting since even Job’s time. 
So what are we seeing here? A and C leading people to Hell? Then... walking out of it!? It is very reminiscent of the ancient myths of Greek heroes attempting to bring the souls of their loved ones back to Earth. 
And, notably, we do not see either of them walk through heaven in the opening credits. 
Who are they leading through this opening credits scene and why?
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3) Give me Coffee or Give me Death
I don’t actually have a lot to say about this other than there was a lot of emphasis on the name of the shop. Possibly just because it’s a fuckin’ cool name for a cafe... but even Metatron makes a pointed remark about it. 
Call me a tin-hat bitch, but I actually have a feeling that Nina, who is sooooo hyperaware of all the bizarre events going on around her-- to the point that she’s lucid at Aziraphale’s party-- is an angel. I think she was removed from the Book of Life, so no one knows she ever existed as an angel. She seems to have some connection with the supernatural, with Sight, and perhaps, given the name of her shop, the afterlife. 
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4) The Resurrectionist and Mr Dalrymple
The whole minisode of The Resurrectionist was bizarre-- I really enjoyed it, but it does make 100% sense that it’s referred to as a minisode. Because it feels oddly separate from the plot (until of course we find out the connection with Beelzebub and Gabriel). Even then, though, it’s a little jarring. 
WHY this particular flashback in history? 
And WHY do B and G meet there in the first place? Out of all the places for them to meet in the universe? 
This is another rather heavyhanded hint towards the concept of resurrection and being raised from the dead. Mr Dalrymple, ethics aside, is using the dead to bring life to others. He’s giving the dead a new lease on life. 
And, listen, I’m a fan of the classics, so the connections to Shelley’s Frankenstein is VERY blatant-- bringing in the question of morality and playing god and the creation of life and modern prometheus and responsibility and resurrection etc. AND Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. (The latter especially in the sense that Stevenson was a doctor from Edinburgh.) 
I just think the minisode is another example of a thread left untied in season 2. 
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5) Gabriel’s prophecy
“I remember when the morning stars sang together and all the angels of god shouted for joy.” (A reference to Job, see below)
“There will come a tempest and darkness and great storms. And the dead will leave their graves and walk the earth once more. And there will be great lamentations. Everyday is getting closer.” 
I mean, what else is there to say here? This is explicitly a prophecy about what will happen later in the story-- the dead returning and walking the earth. This HAS to be a reference to the Second Coming, which I talk about more in point 9. 
What if this is hinting at a giant rehaul of heaven and hell? The living and the dead facing true judgement?
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6) Zombies in the blitz
Have any of you noticed that we’ve seen plenty of Heaven and Hell, but the only time we’ve ever seen any signs of human beings in said afterlife is with the Nazis? It only occurred to me while piecing this post together, but we’ve never seen anyone in heaven aside from angels. No saints, no good people who went to the good place. In hell we’ve seen lots of shuffling people, but honestly I’ve always thought they were demons. Now, we’re seeing the check-in process in Hell, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but... it’s just occurred to me that it’s the only time we’ve explicitly seen any human afterlife in hell rather than just demons.
What does it mean? Not sure. Perhaps it’s hinting at what will occur in season 3. Perhaps it’s suggesting that there is a major fault in how heaven and hell actually organise human afterlife. Maybe the system is broken beyond the institutional abuse we’ve seen among the angels and demons...
Zombies are undead. Life resurrected. Lazarus kinda. Right? Obvious connection. But what *is* interesting is that these Nazis specifically were resurrected as a part of the plot to survey A and C. Out of all the people to bring to life... they are a pretty depressing and unsettling choice. Even if they’re like, comedically terrible/evil. Eek. 
Lazarus, after all, was supposed to be a good guy. (I think. Jesus brought him back to life after all.)
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7) Job’s children
The various versions of this story I’ve looked at have been fantastically vague about what Job heard and what happened to him at the end-- which is, I gather, the whole point. The message appears to be about having faith in God. It’s a test of faith and love for the Almighty. 
But like, even the idea of the children being returned to life is vague. In some versions it looks like he gets his original kids back plus more, in others, it’s not specified. In this version, we see Crowley’s kindness in saving them in the form of metamorphosis (at least temporarily). Job’s children aren’t brought back to life as such, then, but they are returned to Job. In a way, the whole of this series is bringing stories back to life by retelling them on the screen. (Stop it, I know it’s a stretch...)
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8) Magic tricks
Ok, so the most famous magic tricks in the book are the idea of DEATH EVADING ESCAPADES! Such as sawing a body in half. Or, in Aziraphale’s case, the bullet catch. 
I dunno where I'm going with this, but it feels relevant. Especially given that there’s the whole scare of ‘oh no we can’t use miracles! I could be discorporated! Then there’s all the paperwork... for RESURRECTION...’
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9) The Second Coming
So, I am not all too familiar with the Second Coming. It appears across various religions and interpretations of the scripture. 
My understanding of it is LIMITED even after research, so I would appreciate others chipping in if they can clarify for me and for others. 
- It involves Jesus returning to Earth (often during a time of war and destruction among humans, though not in every religion).
- Jesus’ second coming to Earth will trigger Judgement Day. The living and the dead will be judged on whether they go to heaven or to hell. 
- Some Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the second coming of Jesus occurs after Armageddon and brings the ‘conclusion of the system of things’. A giant rehaul, I think.  
- For Catholics, the second coming will cause ‘the fullness of the reign of God and the consummation of the universe and mankind.’ What this essentially means is that mankind and the universe get to share in Jesus’ resurrection, so the dead will walk again. Just as God manifested himself through Jesus once, now, God will appear through the whole of mankind and the universe. Personally, I've always appreciated this interpretation of God-- that the Holy Spirit is everywhere and in everything, rather than a person in the sky.
- Catholics also believe that “at the moment of Jesus' arrival, three events will happen all at once in an instant, in the blink of an eye: the living will die, the universe will be transfigured, and the dead will be resurrected, judged, and recompensed. After this single instant or moment, the church does not know what will happen for the rest of eternity - only that the damned will continue to be in hell and the saved will continue to experience the beatific vision.” (thank you Wikipedia)
- Most religions see it is as the final true judgement of God over mankind. 
I don’t know what it all means, but I think it all boils down to the Second Coming, the final judgement, and perhaps a big reshuffle of heaven and hell. 
In my opinion, Heaven and Hell as we know it in the show will be completely deconstructed and reconstructed. I think perhaps Metatron has been the ‘man behind the curtain’, an imposter meddling with mankind, their prophecies, and even the Book of Life. 
Perhaps, all of these little hints are an example of Metatron’s ‘Second Coming’ plan bleeding through whatever reality we’re in. 
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yeehawpim · 6 months
HI UM i really admire you and your art and i was wondering --
so i really love the way you format your comics, its really straight-forward and lets the reader process every word with ease (which i think adds to the impact of the writing), and that one rue comic with the split colors for the parentheses... how do you do it without making it look so messy?? to bring up another example, the hide-and-seek comic- i love how subtle and genius the call back to hiding behind the door was, it blew my mind... i take a lot of inspiration from the way you format and lay out your comics but for some reason i cant wrap my head around how you do so much with so little (in reality this might just be the result of me wanting to add so many little details for others to find , while being conflicted on keeping it simple, and,,, AGH...) for context : im trying to make a comic about isolation, but i keep filling up the page because i want to add things - when really i know i should be keeping it simple... but other than removing unnecessary details, i want to know what else you do to make your comics so clean and simple yet it rips out the emotions from your heart and has you stare at it as it beats. like... i want that type of impact!! i want to affect others on such an intense level!! i want to induce emotions!!! but how?
(sorry this was long, HAHAHA i just want to drive my point home- again with the 'wanting to add a lot of stuff to prove a point' thing but i digress)
ok first of all that is a huge compliment and it means v much to me, thank you 😭🙏❤️❤️
tbh for me the answer of keeping things uncluttered is paying attention to spacing and eye direction. Spacing depends on timing, if you want an action to happen slowly for instance you can make the space between panels longer, or take more panels for someone to complete an action. There's tricks for directing your eye, if you ever read anyth about focal points (eg biggest contrast, triangular shapes pointing towards what's important), but really with comics I keep in mind you're reading left to right and top to bottom.
The ruehob comic is actually simpler than you think 😅 I already knew which text had to be on the left and right with august's text post. And after that the "lanes" were so narrow there weren't a lot of complicated things I could do, just make sure you still read left to right and saunter vaguely downwards.
when you talk about putting little details, that doesn't necessarily have to distract people. Like I honestly applaud you having the drive to do detailing. You just have to make sure your compositions allow for it. Like if you think about ghibli backgrounds, they're elaborate and beautiful af.
For smth about isolation, my first thought was that you can draw a person in a setting alone among a bunch of objects, for instance. If you keep the person small but surround them with a bunch of detailed objects, it could feel very lonely. Just make sure the person still stands out b/c they're what's important, so for example the background stuff is a less saturated colour, or the person is the least detailed thing on the page. I think that's the main thing, you just have to make sure the things important to what you're saying stand out. Clarity is rlly half the battle when I'm laying things out haha
In school our teacher called this "killing your babies" because it sucks when you work hard on a cool drawing and it just doesn't work out😂This also still happens to me, it's actually partly why I keep things simple so I can work fast and throw out less
Here is a timestamp from supereyepatchwolf's video about Chainsaw Man, which has some of the coolest fuckin layouts
He's got other stuff that talks about manga and how eye direction can work and what cool stuff has been done. Off the top of my head his vid about one piece and his vid about gantz have helped me understand how to cause Emotions. Also I think he has one about Junji Ito that specifically talks about how details can make you scared, if you're into that 😂
hope this helps!
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og-danny-dorito · 2 years
Hi there!! I'm gonna teach you how to make a bottlecap pin since I've gotten a lot of questions about where I got mine from baby punks and others who just find them cool! I've found that a lot of people buy their pins online from companies that overprice and over-process their designs, and often times steal them from smaller businesses. Punk has been gentrified over the years, so this tutorial acts as a way to reconnect to the roots of DIY fashion made by people with limited resources and time. This is a great way to show your interests, pride in your community, and pretty much anything else you want even if you don't have a penchant for traditional art. Don't worry about it looking good, just try to have fun! At the end of the day, the shittier the job, the more punk it is.
[ Step Count : 6 ]
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Here's what you're gonna need! (optional materials have a star next to them instead of a regular point):
-> hot glue gun (in replacement of pliers)
-> safety pin
-> bottlecap (unbent, preferably a twist off)
-> can tab
✮ pencil/pen
✮ sandpaper
✮ paint & paintbrush/posca pens
✮ regular Elmer's glue
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Gather your all of your materials and place them on your workspace. I'm going to paint mine, so I got the sandpaper, paintbrush, and paints as extra materials.
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If you're not going to paint yours, go ahead and skip to step 3. Otherwise, get your sandpaper and your bottlecap, then sand down the surface (A). Paint your base, draw a design with the pencil/pen, and fill it in with your paints/posca pens (B)! After I'm done painting I'll usually seal it in regular Elmer's glue to make sure it doesn't get messed up anytime soon (C). I chose a little green skull since the person I'm gifting this too likes and spooky stuff and green is their favorite color :]
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[ Also sorry for the change of scenery, I had to finish at the library cause I was studying. Visiting, donating, and helping your local library is Punk As Fuck. ]
What you're going to do now is set your bottlecap aside, and take out your can tab. I have joint problems and I can't use pliers, so I bend it over the edge of a table by holding it half over the edge and pushing down to bend the metal. But try not to bend it too much so your safety pin stays in place!
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Okay, here comes the tricky part. Like I said, I have joint issues, so I can't use pliers because they hurt my hands. Instead I'm going to set aside my now bent can tab and bring back my bottle cap, then flip it over. Place 2 hefty drops of hot glue on the bottom and top of the pin, then get your safety pin and open it so you can place it on the back horizontally.
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Now, place your bent can tab on the back of the pin and over the open safety pin, pressing it into the hot glue drops and letting it dry for a little bit (A). If you like, you can also put two more drops of hot glue on the tops of the bent can tab for extra security (B). I also put some hot glue in the middle of the tab's opening for extra security on the safety pin. Please pardon the absolute dogshit photo quality it wasn't cooperating for some reason LMAO
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Wait for it to dry, then you're all done!! Your very own bottlecap pin. You can attach this to bags, jackets, shirts, pants, and pretty much any material that a safety pin can glide through.
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Here's the finished product, as presented by my friend D at the library (everybody say thank you D for modeling)!!
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[ -> Next (coming soon:]) ]
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dirtbra1n · 2 months
say you’re something like fifteen years old. you sought out a life in the dorms because you couldn’t bear to stay home for reasons you can’t really get into. locked up tight, it doesn’t matter much. say there was this cool older guy, and you were going to be living with him for the coming year, and it was his responsibility to look out for you.
say you feel kind of bad about this.
he doesn’t know what a weird little kid you were, and the hope is that he’ll never have to figure out what you're like sick and nauseous. maybe you could be a cute underclassman to him. probably it'd be fine.
say, then, that he actually takes care of you. properly, like an older brother.
you’ve already got one, yeah. this is just way easier. no external factors screwing this up for you. no mom to basically feed you words to spit back up.
you’re not gonna tell her you said that.
the two of you share a room. you don't hate it. you play games, and he calls you Hanzawa with no pretense of closeness even when you kind of itch for it. you don't have to carry burdens for him because there are no burdens to carry. he has the shoulders to hold them himself.
one thing they don’t tell you about walking into a relationship with someone that guarantees closeness is that there isn't actually a clear and distinct line that says what kinds of feelings you will or will not experience.
maybe you aren't so good at selling the cute underclassman thing.
he's still pretty casual about touching you, and you don't mind it. you like spending time with him, because he makes it easy. maybe you wake up in the middle of the night feeling something, no emotional context for anything, and you look over at him, and you don't stop looking at him—he's like a meter and a half away from you, where else are you gonna look. he's asleep and looks so solid, and you don't actually know what you're staring at him for.
you have brothers, and you know what having a brother feels like, and as much as that is a can of worms for you, you also know that this isn't that.
so what is it, then? you turn your entire body away from him because you probably wouldn't stop staring at him if you didn't.
so he's still casual about touching you, and you don't get weird about it, you don't think. you still play games, you still have fun. it's still all those other things. no burdens to carry, he can carry them himself.
just, you know. you’re still caught on the shoulders thing and you haven’t puzzled out why.
so all of that. a lot of moving pieces, right? say he’s also your club’s vice president.
there’s a different feeling to it. kinetic energy, buzzing, melting down on the way home from the gym. liquid, pulsing energy, sloshing around between your ears; like your brain melts a little more with each passing day, paradox matter that only stays in-tact when you’re flushed red-hot.
funny, white-noise quiet when the two of you are getting ready for bed. neither created nor destroyed; just different.
you end up, somehow, so intimately tied up into his inner circle that you get kind of lost, a little co-dependent.
you're good at ping pong and he's better.
moving piece: a presence with gravity. moving pieces: say, hypothetically, that an inner circle is a little like being in orbit.
alternatively, admit your head’s in the clouds. take a drink, your mouth’s gone dry.
be outside, look in.
you play your role, he plays his. something you aren’t catching onto, right on the tip of your tongue. between sets, on the walk home—cooling and melting down. you dance around each other in the dorm as he goes from big to bigger.
it’s a funny taste. you can’t place it. you sort of think you never will.
be outside, look in. for real this time.
that pull doesn't go away. it's never gonna go away. you look away one second and have a part of yourself, god knows which, taken and placed on his tongue, swallowed to take with him. a keepsake.
somewhere between points b and c, though, sometime before he’s gone for good, two first years walk into club.
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cetaceans-pls · 2 months
Hit Me With Your Best Short
happy birthday to @setsailslash, who got me into this (bat) hole and every day helps me dig it deeper. hope u got SO much good food to eat babe c:
jaybru, age regression, established relationship
Jason's pretty used to all types of things, but this one's a doozy. Villain-of-the-week this week's a frazzled-looking woman who keeps flipping between, uhm, Welsh, and shouting about de-throning Circe while she shoots lightning out her hands. Luckily, Gotham's Hot Swamp Summer is in full swing this mid-spring, and between the rocketing temperatures and humidity so full-bodied you're almost under water, the streets are real quiet as she shouts and zaps and, on 3 occasions, summons tigers.
Phew. Jason sends off a quick message to animal control (the genetic diversity introduced by emotionally-unstable magicians bringing endangered species into existence has, somehow, been a boon) and lets off a few potshots. He's trying to corner her into the deadzone between 14th and Bassett, that funny little intersection where magic and mobile data goes to die. Z says it's some strange trick with leylines, coherent magic waves interacting destructively to dampen power, and they'd only found the spot because there's a Mozambican seafood restaurant there that is maybe a little godly, and in her pursuit of a personal record in grilled prawn consumption Z had gotten her nice blouse all prawn'd up and could not prawn down them with just a spell.
Anyways. It's not the time to think about prawns, even if Jason always wants to think about prawns. He's herding sorcerer-lady closer and closer to Cantinho do Aziz, and he knows that once she's on the sidewalk then her power's going to sputter and die out, and he just needs to keep his distance, keep his cool, keep his-
Ah, shit. She's gotten another tiger in (good!), and she's called it right behind him (bad!). He doesn't have much in the way of Options for Escape, with Stripey roaring at him and lady yelling at him, but she's half a step away from losing power and Jason's a quick runner.
"Ah, shit," he says, dropping his gun then dropping his head before bum-rushing the Boss Babe. This is a good plan! Body-tackle her into the no-go zone then knock her out, preferably before he gets zapped and before he gets mauled!
Well. One outta two ain't bad.
When Jason comes to, he's on the cot in the medical bay, and his head is spinning and the floor looks awfully far far away. "Fuck me," he says, and then "Fuck me?" he says again, because that isn't his voice.
"Language, Master Jason," Alfred says, manifesting from the other side of the divider, holding a tray of tea and fried rice in his hands.
"Am I dying?" Jason asks very intently in his terribly high-pitched voice. He Loves fried rice but one of Alfred's very very few weaknesses is an inability to love and be loved by woks, so the only time they get stir-fry is when someone's not doing so hot.
"No," Alfred says, getting him set up. "And as such, this is not my best work. I just presumed you could do with some comfort, given..."
Jason sighs, and flexes his (tiny tiny) hand. "Yeah, given. How old am I, and do we knows how long I'm gonna stay like this? And did we catch the woman that did this?"
Alfred hands over a spoon after he's helped Jason sit up. "Twelve years old, I would say." Not fifteen, he doesn't say, so at least that's one less thing to worry about. "And we have apprehended the sorceress; she's still unconscious, so no help there. And unfortunately, given your condition and the ongoing situation in the 4th circle of hell, it'll be a while yet before we get a magician to come and check on you."
Jason groans. "There goes date night then, unless I'm gonna recover in 2 days." He tucks into his fried rice, and it's hot and a little greasy and kinda spicy and it's not Alfred's best work but it's nevertheless mighty mighty fine. "B handling this okay?"
Alfred inclines his head. "Once we got you home and checked that you were not injured beyond a, ah, temporal displacement, he left to finish clean-up of a little drug bust along Millionaire's Mile. He's handling this better than I've expected, in all honesty."
Jason chugs down his sweet milk tea, licks his lips. "When'd he go and get himself good at responding to stress?" he says, a little glad and a little irritated that Bruce isn't actually right by his side, hunched over looking like his guts are trying to eat him from the inside out.
"When indeed," Alfred says with great sufferance, face calm and eyes definitely not rolling. "He's been wearing a hole into the ground by the computer to avoid hovering. Do go and ease his mind when you can, Master Jason."
Jason rolls his ankles, his shoulders, his neck. Everything well, everything unbroken. He rubs at his chest, through the linen pyjamas that MUST be Damian's because what other child wears linen pyjamas, and notes the marked absence of an autopsy scar.
At least he isn't 15, though it sure is April. It's a miracle that Bruce hasn't run off to space, or come in here to shout at him. "No time like the present, huh."
Even if right now the definitions of both 'time' and 'present' are a little, uh. Uhm.
As expected, Bruce is by the computer, on a call with Superman and Wonder Woman, likely discussing the last apocalypse they averted in preparation for the next one coming in. Superman sees him first, obvious in his smile widening, sees him clear and dear even through the privacy blur Bruce has on, though the darkness of the cave and the limited quality of even the Bat WebCamera.
(Of course Superman isn't limited to regular human senses, of course of course, but Jason has this, hah, sense that Clark has some typa supernatural eye just on him, just for him, because he's the one that Died and Clark's very human in that he grieves and that he's not maybe too good at grieving, and Clark's very not because some nights when Jason's riding awful close to an edge he'll Feel that he's being watched, like a loving Sauron's got his eye on him in a way that goes beyond X-rays and electromagnetism.
It's almost off-putting, but Jason thinks if he can peer through the fifth-dimension unto a child that died then un-died but keeps doing things that could get themselves killed, he'd be all ogling all the time, so it's hard to keep a grudge.)
Superman's face is gently dissolving around the force of Clark's dimples, and Jason grins with his gappy teeth and says "Hi Uncle Clark!"
"Jason," Diana is smiling now too. "My, how you've grown."
It's silly, and she's laughing at her joke and she's laughing at herself, and Jason can't help but laugh too. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up." He pauses, clears his throat, because his voice had cracked a little bit and 2/3rds of the Trinity are looking at him so warmly they could melt diamonds, but it's the last third that he's worried about. "I just got up, and I gotta talk to B. Is it okay if I steal him for the night?"
"Of course," Diana says magnanimously. "We will, after all, be seeing you for breakfast."
"Will we now," Bruce says flatly.
"No force on Earth's gonna keep me away from taking young Robin for a joyride 'cross the Eastern Seaboard, B," Clark says, grinning hugely. "If you're interested, that is."
Oh, man. What a flashback to times before. Jason knows he's a cute kid at the moment, mussed hair and big eyed and bare-toed, but he still feels like him, and it's been a while since he as himself had any type of one-on-one time with his (former?) idols. He feels a little wrong-footed, a little like saying 'I'm actually still an adult' and 'where were you when I was young and fresh out the grave', and the spitefulness comes sudden and comes ugly.
Something must show on his face, this soft round one whose muscles he's forgotten, because Clark's dimples smoothen out and it's Superman again, and the eye of Sauron that's on him turns a little cool even if it doesn't turn away. "Plenty of time to discuss this in the morning, so we won't keep you. Speak soon."
Diana frowns a little, before she nods. "Yes, we shall speak soon," she says like it's a blood oath, and then they're both gone, and now it's just Bruce in his BatChair and it's Jason in this body that just barely comes to Bruce's shoulder while he's sat down.
Bruce still hasn't looked at him.
"At least I'm not 15," Jason says at long last.
"That does not make it better," Bruce says, tight-jawed and facing his darkened screen.
"Can't make it worse." Sick of being ignored, sicker still of being yea tall when he used to have the barest height advantage, Jason clambers up on the chair, straddles Bruce's lap and grabs him by the chin as tightly as this child's hand can get. "You look at me when I'm talking to you," he says, voice still too too high to be menacing.
Bruce looks at him, then pointedly looks away. "Did Alfred tell you? I went back out, finished up my work, even after you got brought in like this."
Jason frowns. "Yeah, he did. We both thought that was mighty adult of you, doing the right thing."
"Was it? The right thing?"
Ahhh, there we go. The slightest sliver of eye contact, because say what you will about his obstinacy but once you've earned it, Bruce is so so good at following instruction. Jason snorts, and slides his hand down so it rests gentle gentle on Bruce's neck. "Yeah. I was fine, even if I'm like this, and needs must. Man's got a mission after all, right."
Bruce closes his eyes, and doesn't open them again like they're too too heavy. "You don't think there's something deeply wrong with a person who can look on the unconscious body of their, their, lover son-not-son and make themselves get up and leave? That I made myself decide that the mission is more important? That there's any singular thing would be more important than you?"
Jason usually gets real fed up real quick with Bruce's angst, on account of only one them having been the one beaten to death then exploded then resurrected into a thing of trauma and rage, but... Well. It's April. And dying Sucked Bigly but the whole time through he got to hold on to the truly unshakeable confidence that none of it had been his fault, a 15-year-old dumbass who had wanted so dearly to love so's he would feel all right to be loved in return.
Bruce doesn't get that unbearable clarity of being; the joker did the killing, but Bruce and Jason both know that Bruce has some portion of Jason's blood on his hands. And Jason can say don't mind it and just love me right right now and he gets to mean it because, y'know, it's his own damn blood, but Bruce doesn't have that right. Doesn't get to wash it off, doesn't want to wash it off, and it's his strong point (nobody this damn good at keeping tally of their sins) it's the thing that will kill him (nobody got this much hard hard earned guilt 'round their neck).
Jason presses his thumbnail against Bruce's jugular, and the reach of his fingers looks nonsensical next to the bulk of Bruce's neck, but still the man's breath stutters in response to this thing they've carefully carefully built between them. "First off, babe, I've never once said there wasn't something wrong with you. There's so much that's deeply, intractably wrong with you. You are not regular, you are not normal. None of us expect you to behave the way a regular well-adjusted person should be."
Bruce just grunts, lashes still lowered, demure and gray around the edges, stuffed up with regret and an inability to ease up.
"Secondly, I wasn't bleeding out with a bomb ticking down when you left. I was fine and healthy and whole, in warm jammies in a comfortable bed, and you rightly figured that you could leave me in Alfie's hands while you went and got shit done. When you gotta run for me, you do. Sometimes you don't make it," Jason says, tugging Bruce's hand and resting it on his chest, where a massive scar doesn't rest, "but you're always at least trying. Got plenty for you to beat yourself up over, don't need to be making shit up to add extra."
Bruce finally does look at him, full-on heavy-browed eye-contact. "Glad that you think I'm finally acting like a somewhat reasonable adult." His grip tightens over Jason's shirt. "I don't feel terribly reasonable at the moment. I look at you like this and there's a countdown in my head."
Jason grins, and it's not cute because this isn't a cute conversation. "Well, at worst you got 3 years to figure out how to get better, Bruce." He leans in closer, nuzzles their cheeks together. "I take it you're not a fan of me in this form."
Bruce carefully, tenderly nuzzles back. It's probably not unlike those Cute Animal videos, a panther kowtowing to a bossy tabby cat. "I like the one that came back the best," Bruce says in a quiet murmur. "The you that got to grow up and stayed good and kind despite all of the universe's efforts to the contrary." He chuffs a laugh. "Can't say it didn't feel good to be pursued by the Jason of the present, either. Unfortunately for you, seems like I like my men built solid enough to kill me."
Jason play-snarls, pretends to try and choke Bruce out. "You're such an asshole. Go back to being tormented 'bout how you've failed me, go on. At least you're cute and you're quiet when you're brooding."
Bruce nods along sagely. "Plenty of time yet in the rest of this month for me to put a good brood in. And one more thing, Jason. One more, ah, show of feelings felt."
Jason blinks, a little lost. "The hell are you on about?"
"If this doesn't work, we will not talk about it," Bruce says sternly, before ducking down to kiss Jason very lightly, very sweetly on the lips.
Oh, man, thinks Jason. This exact scenario has played in almost this exact same body, hey. Wait, what did Bruce mean, about feelings-
The combined mass and sudden force of Jason's rapid return to form is enough to destroy the axle of even the BatChair, and they go tumbling down. Damian's pyjamas are tattered beyond repair, torn even further when Jason reaches 'round to cushion Bruce's head before they hit rock(!) bottom(!), and he's Hulked out of his clothes with Bruce in an awkward embrace while a broken chair stabs him in the ass, and all he can see is Bruce's stupid smug face, all he can feel is a rough calloused hand on his autopsy scar, and all he can think of is true love's kiss ass bastard-
God. You can't say they're normal, but you sure can say that when push comes to shove, they sure as shit don't miss.
A/N: ah shit it was supposed to be a little spicy-horny but then it got real depressing but nevertheless kuro hope u enjoyed this!! i think a lot about how conceptually dying isnt worse than being the cause of death!!
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rivisions · 2 years
𝘸𝘦𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴. ♡
small drabble song fic! inspired by wet dream (b/c harry styles covered it and i love it). i was going to do this with any JD chara, but, the bsf insisted it be sweeney so ;) song link! https://youtu.be/vMAPW7ZoOLw
paring . sweeney todd x reader
word count .
genre . mature. nsfw.
warnings . teasing, humilation-ish, wet dreams (obiv), pet names, masturbation and being caught masturbating, whimpering, slight choking kink.
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you were asleep, fell asleep in your room, the faint gust of wind from your half-opened window blew in to keep you cool.
you fell asleep with the thought of him on your mind.
let's begin.
you were tossing, turning, legs caressing ever corner of your bed. it wasn't a nightmare, and it wasn't because you were hot.
you were having a wet dream-- about him.
you were half awake at one point, as your hand guided itself to your growing heat due to your own imagination.
touching yourself, touching yourself.
your eyes closed tightly shut, whimpering to yourself. index finger circling your clothed clit.
you were woken up abruptly, the sound of sweeney opening you're door, apologizing for waking you.
"sorry love, i-", he noticed how red you were, your panting, the way your hand was under your undergarments. he knew. shit.
"want to come home with me?"
"of course, just- just give me a minute", you took your hand out your pants, you were practically screwed, but went with it anyway. you got your things and followed him out the door as he shut it behind you.
here we go. here we go.
you reached his own abode, he walked you in, set his things down, as you sat down on his sofa.
you thought you were fine, that he maybe didn't know, until he walked up behind you. his hand molded over your neck as you lifted your neck back, gasping.
"what makes you think you're good enough to think about me when you're touching yourself?", he spoke huskily into your ear.
your eyes looked around the room, shut tight, thinking maybe he'd go away, but you really didn't want him to.
his hand stayed on your neck as he guided himself around the sofa to sit next to you, practically towering over you.
"darling, i've never seen anything so obscene", he spoke lowly.
you were red, blushing hard, at a loss of words and will to speak.
you let the way his hand guide itself down to your clit be the answer. you were unbelievably wet for him still.
"you were dreaming about me? my love-bird, we can't have you having to do these things yourself".
you nodded and leaned back, and let your whimpers and whines be your voice for the rest of the night.
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okay due to popular demand: here's my full bmc zombie apocalypse au post. a zombie apocalypse au is kinda mandatory for bmc. except mine is special because it's based on a dream i had/j
the story begins with jeremy, our main character, of course. he was with mr. heere when the apocalypse broke out and the two went looking for a safe place. eventually they arrive at an abandoned amusement park turned into a base camp by survivors. mr. heere wants to stay there until they can further figure things out but jeremy wants to look for michael. so he sneaks out alone, hoping that his dad will be safe and that he'll be able to find michael.
cut scene to rich- he's in a dark long tunnel, maybe it's a subway tunnel or maybe it's the sewers. he doesn't have a light source apart from the flickering ceiling lights and every echo of his own steps triggers his paranoia. then the zombies appear behind him and he's running toward a door on the far end of the hallway. but the door's jammed- he manages to slam it open with his shoulder and discovers to his horror that a man had been trying to keep the door closed from the other side. the man tries to get up and run but he's not fast enough and there's nothing rich can do but keep running. he doesn't look back at the horrible sounds echoing from the walls but guilt follows him into the sunlight.
next is christine. she's wandering the empty halls of middleborough high. the hallways are brightly lit with the sunlight streaming through open windows but everything's eerily quiet- not a single bird song to be heard- until she hears ragged breathing and growls coming from god knows where. she runs into the nearest classroom and locks the door in panic, and only when she spins around, hands shaking and hyperventilating, does she realize brooke and jake are already there.
brooke is her usual sunny self- or at least trying to be. she greets christine and pointedly ignores the zombies clawing at the doors from outside, instead explaining how she set up a shelter here and collected supplies and plans to eventually recruit more survivors. jake, on the other hand, isn't doing so good. he's sitting at a desk with his head in his arms and only glances up for a second to acknowledge christine. there's a younger girl huddled up on the floor next to his legs- chloe's little sister, christine realizes.
chloe and jake used to be a team. used to, before 'the incident', as she refers to. they were looking for chloe's little sister when they encountered a few zombies- no big deal, they're both fighters and jake had a gun. but the moment the zombies fell to the ground, the split second he met their glassy eyes, he collapsed to his knees as well. "Fuck. Fuck, no, fuck- no, no, no, it can't be- dad?"
jake was inconsolable, a screaming sobbing mess, half out of his mind. chloe had no idea what to do. she's never been good with emotions and an extreme situation like this was certainly not an exception. in her panic she shouted out "Jake. Jake! Stop it! It doesn't matter, okay? He was already dead, you couldn't-"
and that's how jake completely lost it. he stormed off and chloe couldn't stop him. eventually he cooled down and that's when he found chloe's little sister but he couldn't get back to her.
chloe, meanwhile, is confused and lost and in despair when she stumbles into jenna by complete chance. she isn't sure how to feel about that- jenna makes it extremely clear she does not like nor trust chloe but what choice do they have? it's a post-apocalyptic world. high school drama means nothing.
and michael. michael was completely prepared for this zombie apocalypse shit. he has a map, plentiful supplies, a safehouse in the basement where all his family are, a plan b and c and d. jeremy knows about this, too, so logically michael's best move would be to wait for jeremy to find him. but how could he? how could he just leave his best friend out there alone, not even knowing if he's alive? of course michael has to go looking for him. even with the possibility their paths won't cross and they'll never find each other.
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aristocraticelegance · 3 months
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Reading for February 2024. This was a Tanith Lee heavy month, because as I try to make my way through my backlog of books purchased at secondhand book stores I have been forced to confront the fact that I own far more Tanith Lee than I've actually read. This is because I don't come across her books that often, so when I do I buy them all and hoard them.
The Secret Books of Paradys I & II, Tanith Lee, 1988. I started reading this several years ago, because the first half is 2 novellas, so I would read one and then go do other things, and then come back. The second part is a novel, but it is organized in such a way that it reads similarly to a collection of novellas, but more clearly interconnected. The thing about Tanith Lee's writing is that she presents you with any number of fantastic, horrible, or fantastically horrble things and doesn't blink once. In one story a character is buried alive and then comes back a different gender. Another one starts off with sexual assault AND THEN SOMEHOW GETS WORSE. There were regularly parts throughout this collection where I had no idea where it was going next, but it was great. If a collection of horror-fantasy stories set between ancient Roman and 1920's pseudo-Paris sound like a good time to you, it's worth reading.
Cordelia's Honor, Lois McMaster Bujold, 1986-1996. Technically this is two books, Shards of Honor and Barrayar, but I had already read the first one and while I thought it was fine, I wasn't really interested in reading more. However, I've heard enough good things about the rest of the series that I decided to read the second half, and I'm glad I did. Technically sci-fi, but set on a planet that's late 18-early 1900s coded, it's an interesting look at pregnancy and motherhood through that specific lens. There's not a lot of pregnancy in sci-fi; you'd kind of think there'd be more by now. Still not my favorite of McMaster Bujold's (the Chalion books are great), but I feel motivated to read more of this series now.
3. The White Serpent, Tanith Lee, 1988. I have no idea how she published all of this in one year. I assume it was not all written in one go. Anyways, in a bold move I chose to read the third book of a trilogy without having read the previous two books. This is because I found this one at Half Price books, saw it was by Tanith Lee, and thought the cover looked cool. This wasn't a huge issue, because this seems to be a series of stories set in different generations in the same world, so events from the previous books are mentioned as historical details. I really liked this one; Lee is great at telling big, sweeping stories in a relatively small space. I also like her approach to rendering deeply sexist societies, simultaneously blunt in the way the characters are confronted with the reality of their situation and nuanced in how they manage to navigate it. Also? She can describe a sunset like no one's business. This is what's wrong with fantasy today: no one describes the sunsets or the trees. I want to know about the trees!! (Also weather plays a weirdly important part in this book. Like a major plot point hinges on some really bad weather). I realize I've said nothing about the plot, and that's because it A. doesn't matter and B. is impossible to summarize. At the core of it is a guy who is a gladiator in a kind of fantasy Rome-type city, but a lot happens before and after that. There are also some white people (literally white) who might be aliens. I'll probably go back and read the first two books, since this one was pretty weird. Modern readers might take issue with the way race is handled (see above RE: bluntness and nuance) but I can't really say much on that front.
4. Black God's Kiss, C. L. Moore, 1930s. A collection of the Jirel of Joiry stort stories from the 30s, which I only learned existed about a month ago. There was a lady protagonist in sword and sorcery! Written by a woman! Amazing. I did generally like these; the titular story was great (except for the very end, which I did not like, but the sequel story kind of made it better). I've seen these stories described as female Conan meets Alice in Wonderland, but the wonderland bits reminded me more of Arthur Machen's work. Some great descriptions overall, even if some parts felt dated in an annoying way. Also, this particular cover is ridiculous, but she is described as running around in a chain mail shirt with her thighs out, for some reason. Presumably because sword & sorcery abhors a pair of pants.
Link to January's books
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Watched The Last Voyage of the Demeter last night and I... Just can't understand how even Stephen King and Del Torro are fans? I'm happy so many people enjoyed it but I found it baffling in its disregard for the plot, the characters and any and all lore, and just good cinema? It's such a pity because I was so hyped. And even more of a pity because the movie is SO beautiful in regards to set, filmography and score. Gah!
Spoilers below
The rules set up in the book? Toss them: not a single rule aside from Dracula only coming out at night (which is not even a fixed rule in the book) is followed. Dracula isn't bothered by crucifixes and does not use his morphing power to become other creatures. Which means the iconic final scenes of the captain being bound to the ship an dog-ula jumping off the ship did not happen.
creature design: by the time dracula leaves his castle he's looking like a nice old man with an eccentric mustache and can speak perfect English. He planned his departure for decades at least. This Dracula looks like a half-decayed corpse monster, which I could have understood as a creative decision (i.e. dracula not bothering to look nice since he'll kill them all anyways) but dracula is also weakened and seems to be barely able to understand English. I'm supposed to think this creature managed to plot to have his coffin brought to the ship and multiple residences having been set up in the UK for him when he's this weak and monsterly? And the design after looking at it for a while doesn't look monsterly, just very ugly and dumb. And the burning scenes for the sired crew looked bad. very bad. The gruesomeness was cool though.
Book-dracula is dumb, he's dumber: so book dracula is dumb because he ate his way through the crew before arriving safely, right? and his hubris gets him killed in the end as well. But this thing? Even more dumb. Book dracula planned his trip for decades at least. He's got tons of wooden crates with dirt because he knows he might need to be able to hide in them when another coffin is found out. But it also has the added benefit of making it harder to find him, because there's many identical boxes, and if the crew were to start searching, the odds of finding him before he managed to escape were lower. This dumbo has x amount of random crates, and then one MEGACRATE with his crest which is so obvious it's stupid. Also: what's his game? Hiding or not hiding? He hides his first body but not the blood on the ship? But then some other killings he's not even ashamed of being seen? Why?
bad movie making: why add additional people? Is there a point to Clemens' backstory? He didn't use his doctor skills a lot and his backstory has no pay off in the end. Anna is just an infodump. The boy is a great actor and lovely, but he was just inserted to draw on our heartstrings. On top of that the movie doesn't set up its reveals properly. Sure, dracula sired/half transformed some of the crew and Anna, but with the first man he is first just a transforming mess, then becomes possessed at night when dracula practices control over him, and at dawn he's suddenly sensible somewhat? He's immediately dying to sunlight. Then Toby. No transformation, just straight up dead? And then turns monsterly during the day??? That's another way of it happening, no logical repeat. Then Anna is suddenly revealed to have been slowly dying? But it wasn't set up by any kind of sun-sensitivity or her temporarily losing control over her actions? A shame.
Dumb actions; they hammer the ship shut so dracula "only has one way out". But dude? he's literally gotten into every room of the ship without explanation or broke his way through. Why wouldn't he be able to now? Are the characters amnesiacs?
This was so frustrating because I LOVE the books, and I love almost all dracula movies, and there's a lot of bad ones and B-movies and even C-movies. Bad special effects, gore and unfaithful adaptations don't phase me. But I need the characters to be consistent and not dumb, for there to be some rules about vampires, for the movie to be consistent and for the plot to make sense, for characterization to be a chekhov's gun instead of random trivia.
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Here's a neat idea for the bad end apocalypse. You know that purple band around Raph's arm? I know you said thg he wears it to remember Dee, but whay ifit a tally was Dee's mask? We know that canonically Leon was able to at least keep the masks of his brothers with only Mikey as an exception because he stopped wearing it, that was straight yp in the movie cuz they were tied to his sword, which he had only one of for some reason. What if when he got a little better about Dee's family being there he decided to cut Dee's mask in half so Pops can have a piece of Dee too, Since I'm assuming that Pops would still adopt Leon or at least become close to him cuz he was Dee's twin even with the apocalypse.
Oh that could be really sweet. Like Leon has Dee's mask (which is probably the same one Dee came to Rise with.) and probably notices once he's not as burried by his own grief, that Raphie, as much as he's putting on a brave face, is very much floundering.
It would probably be Leon that seeks Raphie out, if i'm being honest. B/c one, Raphie's trying his best to keep busy so the grief doesn't set in, and two, Leon is avoiding Leo and the best place to do that is to use Raphie as a shield. (b/c Raphie makes sure Leo won't pester him if he's around. Also, the fact that Baby Dee and Future Leon both want nothing to do with Leo at first glance, is low key hilarious.)
and eventually the two bond and Leon neatly cuts the mask in half so Raphie would have something of Dee's as well.
Thank you!
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That could very much be a thing. I had been thinking they found most of it through scavenging (especially mikey and his belt collection lol.) but the idea that they all came dressed up b/c they needed to look nice/cool to meet their nephew, is both hilarious and sad considering they never actually got to see him.
Thank yoU!
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quibbs126 · 3 months
(Slams list on metaphorical table) Okay, here’s what I’ve got so far! Popcorn/Banana: While it would be cool to have Banana Chip be an entertainer like Banana, I feel like it would be cooler if they were some sort of behind-the-scenes kind of person, like a set designer or scriptwriter.
Pomegranate/Affogato: These two definitely groomed their child to be a prophet/“golden child” for the Cookies of Darkness. Pomegranate Sundae themself is probably rather somber and depressed, wanting something more for themselves.
Latte/Almond: Maybe a detective who uses milk magic to discover clues and solve crimes. I feel like she’d be more chill than Almond.
Kumiho/Werewolf: Either Salted Marshmallow or Kitsune. Salted Marshmallow combines the saltiness of Werewolf and the marshmallow flavor of Kumiho, while Kitsune is a fox demon/werewolf thing that could fit with their themes. Also the monster form is gonna ROCK!
Coffee Candy/Cherry Ball: All I’m thinking here is parkour because a) its a sport b) jumping around would probably come in handy if they were an agent at the time agency Coffee Candy works at, and c) parkour’s just cool
Shining Glitter/Herb: Maybe Glitter Rose? Those look really pretty and colorful. As for personality, I see her as energetic and cheerful, and maybe she could be a backup singer?
Electric Eel/Box Jellyfish: For names, I’m thinking either Golden Jellyfish or Egg Yolk Jellyfish. I was going to recommend the Man o’ war, but it’d be weird to mention people in the cookie world…
White Lily/Pomegranate: How about Amaranthus? It’s pretty cool-looking, and the colors would fit. Don’t have many ideas for personality yet, but I feel like that poor kids going to be pretty conflicted…
Cream Unicorn/Stardust: How about Unicorn Ice Cream? The pictures I’ve seen look pretty cute, and it would fit the color scheme. They could be a space traveler like Stardust! Or maybe some sort of cosmic hero?
Shadow Milk/Lychee: How about Damson Plum? They’re dark blue like Shadow Milk and a round fruit like Lychee. Or maybe Blue Mango, Filius Blue Pepper, or Honeyberry!
Hero/Sandwich: I’ve actually got a good one for this: Submarine Sandwich. This is because another word for a submarine sandwich is a hero sandwich…yes, this name is a pun, no I’m not ashamed.
Longan/Timekeepr: Maybe Longan Cake or Longan Bread? That would combine the bread of Croissant/Timekeeper and the flavor of Longan. Also, this kid would probably be super powerful; maybe a time/dimensional traveler?
Dark Cacao: Maybe Dark Butter to relate to cocoa butter? Ooh, or maybe Dark Ganache to relate to chocolate ganache!
Parents for Kumiho and Vagabond: I saw your about the parents, so how about Ginger Fox for the mom and Toasted Marshmallow for the dad? Ginger Fox is a simple name that involves both ginger and foxes, and Toasted Marshmallow is apparently a semi-popular dessert in Korea.
I think I like the idea of a set designer, that sounds more exciting
I’m not entirely sure about the Pomegranate Sundae one, all I can think about is that they just have golden eyes. Maybe I need to stew on them more
Yeah I think I’m going with the doctor idea for Almond Milk, sorry
First off, Werewolf is made of pepper, not salt. Just wanted to clarify. But I’m not sure I like those names either, sorry about that
I’m also going with the baseball idea for Cherry Candy
Yet again, going with the jeweler idea, but I’ll keep the name Glitter Rose, it could work too
I think I’ll go with Sea Nettle, again
I do like Amaranth for the name, that sounds like it fits better than Poppy. I’m not sure about the personality either
I probably should incorporate the Unicorn part into the Cream Unicorn kid names, shouldn’t I? Unicorn Ice Cream doesn’t sound bad either, and I like the space traveler thing, or perhaps they’re associated with the World of Dreams since that seems like a good blend of their aesthetics
Damson Plum or Blue Mango aren’t half bad, I’ll keep them in mind along with Lychee Boba
Submarine Sandwich ain’t half bad either, but again, I think I’m going with White Tomato
Longan Cake would be fine I’d say, and maybe they can open dimensional portals?
Again I say, she doesn’t need to be cacao/chocolate based. I think at this point I should just say “I don’t want her to be chocolate based”
I think I’ll make Ginger Fox Ginger Kumiho, since that’s still what she is (or perhaps she’s turned regular Cookie, since I think that’s a thing kumihos do when they find true love). Toasted Marshmallow might work, or just marshmallow ice cream, it’s just that I want this one to have blue hair. Which I suppose I can do regardless
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diesoonandsuffer · 9 months
my thoughts on star trek: uhh. indoctrination? insubordination? what the fuck was it called...INSURRECTION
yeah that one.
MID.......this had the same problem generations had where it sort of felt like a very drawn out episode of the next generation, only this one didn't have the benefit of showing the tng set with a movie lens, which is half of what i find interesting about generations. it also doesn't help the "long tng episode" allegations when the plot of this movie is basically the plot of two s7 episodes, "brothers" and "journeys end," since the whole thing fringes on helping a colony stay where they are and avoiding disobeying the prime directive, but also there are some themes about time at play.
this movie also introduced a lot of things at the beginning that were ignored or dropped completely later, which is easier to get away with in the cold open of a show but not so much a movie when every second of screen time matters. like the new species joining the federation at the beginning was there mostly for laughs and to introduce the enterprise crew, silly me thought they might come into the plot again towards the end in a convenient sort of way but they never did.
same with troi and riker! and it annoyed me so much bc i clocked they were gonna get back together as soon as they were assigned to work on a mission, and again silly me thinking that throughout the movie they would slowly fall back in love with each other and it would tie into the events of the movie, but NOPE it all happens quickly and at the beginning and then is dropped. it only comes back when riker is like damn did i only like her again bc i felt young and worf is like no you've literally always loved her. which! could have been a really interesting concept if explored in detail, like instead of riker and troi being separated they are both down on the planet slowly falling back in love while their bodies get a bit younger, and they have to wonder if they really do love each other now or if it's just the planet, and then at the end decide to take the chance with each other anyways! wow that would have been a really cool b-plot but why would they do that when they could *checks notes* get riker to shave his beard i guess. WHATEVER!
i did get annoyed at the beginning when i saw that data was going evil sicko mode again because like we've DONE that, but luckily it ended up being something else and he's mostly irrelevant for the rest of the movie besides his small C plot. i wish they never introduced that damn emotion chip because it makes all of his stories kind of stupid. like they say in this one he doesn't have it and then his plot is about wanting to know what it's like to be a child, and he learns to play and have fun. which would have been compelling if he didn't have access to an emotion chip, which he does, so what's the point anymore? i know nemesis is going to be more data centric (and like i know okay. i know about it i'm not excited for it) and i can't wait for me to hate the execution
what else happened in the movie......i did like the subtle way they introduced what was happening to the planet, maybe it was obvious to others but personally i didn't catch it. like worf sleeping in just felt like a ha ha moment and riker having a mid-life crisis just sounds normal, but when you look back on those and other moments once you realize everyone has been getting a bit younger the whole movie, it makes sense. so i liked that, i also liked the concept of the planet in general, that they have the capability for great technology and choose not to use it and live a simpler life. i guess when you're effectively immortal it makes it an easier choice to make, but still.
the villains i didn't much care for, first of all their weird stretched skin that sometimes ruptured was just gross to look at, but also i just didn't find them very compelling. the federation admiral that was working with them was sort of interesting, i do appreciate when the grey areas of starfleet are highlighted, but it still wasn't super compelling.
overall, this movie definitely had some pacing issues and as mentioned just felt like a long tng episode that i basically had already seen before. some fun moments and interesting concepts but it so easily could have been made better with some tweaks. oh well!
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