#bc it can never be ‘in character’ bc they. aren’t characters.
powyzzscythe · 2 days
i need to talk about csm 167 bc im seriously going through my harlan ellison arc seeing all these takes made by people who dont understand the nuance of chainsaw man as a story
cw // discussions of SA & sexual scenarios. also chainsaw man arc 2 spoilers
i understand that the most recent chapter of chainsaw man has taken a lot of people aback or out of the manga altogether. it was purposely shocking and gross, yes, but also … isnt that what chainsaw man has always been, literally since the very beginning of the story ??? like are we genuinely reading the same manga rn ??? this is tatsuki fujimoto we’re talking about. tatsuki “chops denji into bits literally within the first volume, crazy over the top gore panels, that one scene with himeno and denji at the bar” fujimoto. seeing the main character getting ripped in two with his entrails dangling many MANY times is fine i guess, but ONE ( 1 ) panel that depicts semen is “going too far” ??? fujimoto has never shied away from sexual themes and / or depicting sexual abuse and its consequences before so i dont understand why there’s such a shock and outrage over this chapter’s depiction of these same themes. also, arc 2 was already delving into darker and more serious topics, one of those being denji’s hypersexuality so … something like this was bound to happen eventually.
but now i’ll talk about the real meat and potatoes of it all, or something some csm fans seem to lack understanding of called nuance.
what happened between denji and asa was nonconsensual, but what many people aren’t acknowledging is that it was nonconsensual between both parties. yoru had total control of asa in that moment, which asa also did not consent to, and what she did was take advantage of denji’s hypersexuality to use against him. what yoru did was disgusting and wrong, but that’s the point. did everyone just suddenly forget that yoru is not asa’s friend, nor is she a good person at all ? she explicitly lays out her plans to actively use asa in order to get closer to denji, or more accurately chainsaw man, so that she can fight him and turn him into a weapon for her own personal gain. i don’t know how she could make it any clearer that she’s willing to go to extreme lengths to get to chainsaw man.
additionally, no one in csm is rly a “good person” in the first place. they’re all extremely flawed characters who do bad things and that’s realistic because people are extremely flawed and do bad things.
now, does any of this excuse yoru’s actions? absolutely not. but to act like using denji like that is above her is just ignorant, plain and simple.
ultimately, this chapter is setting up more conflict between asa and yoru’s / asa and denji’s dynamics, as well as more potential introspection for denji as a character.
if people start dropping csm for their own reasons over this chapter, fine. that’s a personal choice. but to act like something like this is totally out of left field for story as unfiltered chainsaw man is is, once again, ignorant. rant over goodbye
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dashiellqvverty · 1 year
calling myself a former rpf fan is so misleading bc “fiction” had nothing to do with it. even when i did read fic i was never even all that into it and i didn’t really get much out of it it was ALL about reading those primers and manifestos and analyzing lyrics and watching videos/interviews/etc
#and i can say yeah i don’t read rpf anymore. which is true.#but that doesn’t mean i don’t still wholeheartedly believe that a lot of this stuff Happened <3#for the record i was really into phan and ryden and then larry#and to a lesser extent petekey i liked reading all the lore but i didn’t Post as often abt them or engage w as much content i guess#i was never as deep into mcr at the time idk why it did take me longer to get into them overall#anyway while i am largely not comfortable reading rpf anymore it’s also partly to do with like#i think as a category of fic it’s very limited and i just never enjoyed it#bc it can never be ‘in character’ bc they. aren’t characters.#and we don’t know them so there is no right or wrong way to write anyone so it’s all about who we imagine them to be#and it becomes very much like projecting fan images into their personal lives#fanfic engages with the original text but what happens when there is no text to engage with. well it’s boring.#you can’t explore characters when the characters are real people with real lives#all this to say i have a fondness for throam BECAUSE it is so far removed and such an original universe#(and open about making all the side characters not based on who the band members they used were really like)#that i just enjoy it as a story. and i think it draws on real life details in interesting ways while ultimately creating original characters#it’s not like a literary masterpiece but i do enjoy it and think about revisiting it often. it’s been years i wonder if i’d#like it this much now.#anyway it is 4:30 in the morning and for some reason i can’t stop rambling about this#r.txt
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5hrignold · 2 months
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this is all i got
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hoolay-boobs · 9 months
“What do you mean there’s still so much biphobia in fan spaces? Bisexuals are like some of the most popular characters!”
Yeah, and they either get treated like this:
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Or like this:
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“Biphobia isn’t real” neither are your braincells
#bisexuals deserve better#biphobia tw#biphobia#bisexual#bisexuality#listen not to post this rancid post on bi visibility month but part of bi visibility month is venting about biphobia and that’s okay#long tags#bisexual characters are constantly branded as either gay/lesbian or straight because bisexuality is constantly branded as never good enough#yes harlivy are sometimes fetishized by men who want to get off on seeing girls smooch. yes sometimes these men are the writers of dc#no they do not make up 100% of harlivy content. no gross men drooling over harlivy doesn’t immediately make harlivy straight#harlivy have had queer female writers before. a huge portion of their fanbase are queer girls#just because they are occasionally festished doesn’t mean that they aren’t good bi rep#I see where this person is coming from but no. bc REAL BI WOMEN get festishized by men and that won’t make their sexuality any less valid#would you tell these real girls that they’re actually straight since ‘sapphicness isn’t sapphicness once it’s taken advantage of by men’?#glimmer lesbian content makes me sad bc it’s not even like interpreting harlivy or korrasami as lesbians assuming all wlw is solely lesbian#but also erasing her entire romance with bow. degrading it down to comphet and ignoring bow#like I can at least understand mistakening poison ivy for a lesbian but glimmer?? glimmer??!#biphobic#biphobic tw#bisexual hardships#korrasami#harlivy#glimbow#bi#fucking essay in the tags
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So ummm a!au inspired madoka magica au??
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exopelagic · 3 months
sudden realisation that the thing holding my art back is that I never had an anime phase
#going to find a time machine and get my younger self into death note or smth#I have been driving myself insane for the past few years bc I wanna draw characters but all I know how to do is portraits#I’m trying to figure out how I could recreate smth similar now and tragically I think it does just come down to draw more :/#however! I am also going to try using brushes which will be bad for sketchiness and better for lineart bc I might need to force myself here#I just gotta simplify things down to basic shapes how hard can it be#[has been thinking this exact thing for years and it’s not worked]#I am getting better every time I do stuff I’m just not satisfied bc art is frustrating when you know what you want but can’t get there#god it’s 2am I should not be awake rn but I could draw again tonight so I was taking advantage#endlessly frustrated by hair. why is it so awkward. I need to understand hair better how do I do this#i have a feeling it’s bc I’ve not figured out how to apply the shit I figured out abt volume yet#I’m also getting impatient bc I’ve been trying to do a study thing for some art styles but I decided I wanted to draw ocs instead of that#when I hadn’t gotten to the actually important bit which was. making smth new. but I can still do that#and I ended up doing a different style anyway (someone pls stop me rounding everything make me use high opacity square brush for my health)#the Other problem is I never wanna switch brushes. like I want to use one brush for whole drawing bc the extra clicks annoy me#I wonder if there’s a shortcut to swap brushes#anyway I’m gonna stop complaining bc drawing is fun but god I wish I’d drawn some more pokey mans when I was a teenager yknow#ideally younger. would rlly like to not have to actually think to figure this out rn#I’m probably overthinking stuff anyway honestly and I KNOW I’ll get it if I practice enough but goddamn it is hard to practice#especially when my me insists on making the bad things look better by making it more realistic#instead of figuring out why the shapes aren’t working#OKAY IM DONE WITH THIS NOW. GONNA TRY NEW ART THINGS LATER STOP TALKING <3#luke.txt
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sunnibits · 2 years
every day on this website I see bad izzy hands takes,, starting to think y’all had the right idea just following me and other sexy people instead of ever checking the actual character tag. I need to make a bunker for only me and my like three mutuals who have good izzy opinions™️ and just never have to witness any izzy posts by other people ever again unless it’s some cool fanart dropped through a slot in the bulletproof door.
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quillkiller · 8 months
not me pulling out laura mulveys essay about visual pleasure and narrative cinema in the gc and going on about how women are always passive and men are always active in the narrative structure. we’re talking about lily evans btw! imagine having more of a buzzkill friend than me
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polymatthews · 2 years
I think if Cory Matthews were to watch a show or something about two friends with a relationship similar to or exactly like his and Shawn’s
I think he’d eventually realize that those characters are clearly in love.
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tvrningout-a · 11 months
i’ll have y’all know that i’ve been researching raven creatures and i’m about to go stupid go crazy and add this lady to the blog when i get back
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ahalliance · 2 years
ooo just stumbled onto a new analysis pet peeve i think . dismissing a character’s actions as “OOC” without even trying to make sense of them
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starbuck · 2 years
what post r ppl leaving those tags on?!?
it’s an ofm.d post where i go over Izzy’s death foreshadowing… idek why people are reblogging it now bc i made it back when there were only eight episodes out, so it’s totally out of date, but there it is…
And like. tbf, rereading it, i guess my position isn’t ENTIRELY clear, but my thing is that i LOVE death foreshadowing and when characters i like have symbolically meaningful deaths, NOT that i hate him and was wishing death upon him, as these people are.
So it’s like. I see where they’re getting that from, and they’re absolutely entitled to their own opinions, but that is just very much NOT where i was coming from and really annoying to see in my notes with no way to block it out without just deleting the post (which i don’t wanna do bc i’m still proud of it, even if it’s out of date now).
And I know it’s not news that that fandom is a trash fire, but it was soooooooo much smaller and chiller when i made that post… it really just felt like me and my Boat Mutuals back then… And as soon as the fandom started getting big and toxic, i disengaged altogether and just enjoyed it with my friends for a bit until it lost its shine and we all moved on. I’m sure i’ll enjoy s2 with my friends again when it comes out, but the larger fandom doesn’t exist to me and i’ll probably do some mass-blocking ahead of s2 coming out, just to be safe bc, just from this tiny interaction, i’m tired of it.
@marcusbrutus - tagging you since you also asked what fandom it was about.
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[reads a lupin fic] [goldilocks voice] characters in this one are too healthy and well adjusted :/ [reads another lupin fic] characters in this one are too fucked up and genuinely evil >:/ [reads another lupin fic] contrived plot line :/ [reads another lupin fic] everyone but Jigen/Lupin/Fujiko is out of character :/ [reads another lupin fic] everyone is out of character :/ [reads another lupin fic] resolved plot lines too quickly :/ [reads another lupin fic] too self indulgent :/ [reads another lupin fic] no one acts like they even like each other :/ [reads another lupin fic] way too soft and cuddly :/ [reads another lupin fic] way too dark and gritty :/ [reads another lupin fic] way too horny :/ [reads another lupin fic] this one’s anti-horny :/ [reads another lupin fic] so many headcanons that feel tacked on :/ [reads another lupin fic] this one is too hot :/ [reads another lupin fic] this one is too cold :/ [reads another lupin f
#samurai sharkie speaks#i feel so ripped off 😭 they weren’t BAD but they weren’t. the characters you know? it was like filtered versions of them#i haven’t even read as many as this makes it seem like bc some I saw straight from the summary or the first paragraph were 👎#I’ve found less than I can count on one hand of fics that hit that sweet spot#where the characters and the story and everything all feels like itself as opposed to someone’s filtered lense of it#i went through a few tonight and I just had to stop looking bc I was getting too frustrated#the fact that even in some of the decent ones Goemon is done dirty by being portrayed as naive and soft and sweet#any fic involving Goemon is a risk bc I could just end up stuck w borderline part 5 Goemon for three paragraphs#i hate browsing fanfic or reading non-peer reviewed fanfic bc it always ends in me getting disappointed like this#i hate reading something promising and then seeing that they just cannot write more than one aspect of each characters personality#yeah we get it Jigen is cool and brooding Goemon is stoic Lupin is funny and ridiculous and Fujiko is perceptive and sexy.#poor Fujiko always gets pushed to this like. passive advice giver or event manipulator instead of being her own person too#sometimes ppl ‘girlboss’ her so hard she becomes one dimensional and boring#jigen seems to be everyone’s favorite but he gets put in the ‘I can fix him’ position way too much#for someone that has literally never been that and if anything it’s been the other way around#zenigata is mia if he’s not a focal point#lupin never gets any dedication to anything past his superficial personality#or he’s being overly condemned while all the other characters get treated like they ‘aren’t as bad’??#goemon is almost ALWAYS too nice and open and tactile#ppl act like he’s ‘the emotional one’ as if this man hasn’t worn the same expression since 1967 or whatever
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prettyboylikeyou · 2 years
i just feel like ur infinitely weirder if u get your panties in a bunch over FICTIONAL ships than you are if you ship a weird or unpopular or “problematic” ship….
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people stop being weird ab toshiro dunmeshi challenge (impossible).
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j-esbian · 3 months
i keep finding Lore Discrepancies and i’m like. boy i hope they explain this one, but judging from the number of mistakes the game has already made, idk if they’re ever going to address it!
#the gith artifact teleports but uhh dw about it. it just likes you :) the quest log records things that never happened:)#not to keep being cinemasins but literally all i can focus on are the holes#how is volo still alive. why is jahiera a harper again#he was in the original games ~120 years ago and he’s human right#i mean. so was elminster who i think is also human but. wizard privilege. i can accept that he’s immortal#volo. researching one of his little stories. stumbles onto the secret of immortality#his page on the bg3 wiki doesn’t even address it lmao#tbh that doesn’t bother me as much. you can handwave that one. but#i JUST met jahiera and she just gave a flippant ‘oh the stories they told aren’t all true’#which is probably the closest i’m gonna get to an answer lol. but time will tell#it’s just very weird if their canon is Heroic Bhaalspawn Route bc imo. following that track for her personal quest means she leaves#if you’re a dick she’ll leave your party and rejoin the harpers but otherwise#they’re meant to be unreasonable bc the harpers that catch up with you don’t care about what you’ve done. just that you’re bhaalspawn#so if you’re playing a good guy. she will side with you??#and leave the harpers???#got me thinking that maybe i never finished that quest and there’s a secret ending where everyone is cool actually :)#tbh that kind of. sucks lol. just putting characters in for the cameo rather than. where it makes sense#i’ve heard they explain how minsc is still alive and i can’t WAIT to see that one#mine#baldur's gate
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