#bc i think he’s the only person who isnt like my closest friends who has ever rly tried to understand how my brain works
bluejaybytes · 3 months
@snowshinobi Hiiiii :3 I'm responding to your tags on a new post and not the original since the original was already somewhat lengthy, and I plan on being LONG and RAMBLY, but I have sooo many thoughts on what you said and I'm going to say them. Also my browser crashed TWICE (TWO TIMES. 2) when trying to write this post so I'm really fighting for my life out here to get my silly little OC posts done. Also it's under the cut because it's looooong as hell LMAO
Firstly, you're so nice to me forever <3 Secondly, I think you've basically hit the nail on the head. The majority of the issues Maggie has coming back from death and her 9 years gone are really tied almost exclusively to her close family, because she... never really had anyone else. While in-universe it's only 9 years, realistically the jump in technology and culture is around ~20-30 years (Maggie died in the 90s/early 2000s essentially, and wakes up in a just barely futuristic city), but... the most jarring thing to her in terms of what she missed out on is just. Flipphones are no longer popular. Other than her family, she's only close with one other person... who just so happens to be a ghost, and therefore both 1. Wouldn't change much over the timespan due to how long she's been a ghost and 2. Unlike her family, was aware that something happened, since she could see the ghost-of-a-ghost Maggie left behind (The ghosts name is Opal, she positions herself as a sort of "guardian angel" figure, though she's not actually, and serves as just another parental figure for Maggie while also getting after the ghosts that constantly harass her to pass on messages to the living). Maggie has no real relationships outside of her family, and while her relationships with her family are massively impacted by her unknowing death, other than that... the timeskip itself doesn't weigh on her because she had no one regardless. Her struggle to adjust to everything thats happened would've happened regardless of the timeskip for her, because she was such an isolated shut-in that it's the same whether it happened the next day, or nearly a full decade later
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So another very interesting thing is that you've actually completely seen where I was going with everything, in spite of everything I said being very surface level and not actually delving into the plot at all. I completely skimmed over Jenna (She's very important to the plot, but she's by in large a regular person as opposed to Maggie's... everything), but for some additional context, Jenna has a horrendously shitty homelife, so her moving in with Maggie is both a gradual process (It goes from spending time there, to spending nights, to eventually just never going back home and moving in fully), and also serves as an escape for her. Part of that is also, so vitally, the food aspect. For some additional additional context, souls essentially serve as a persons lifeforce, practically every bodily function is improved by a soul that's stronger, though the "strength" of a soul is essentially entirely random, and not dependent on the individuals actions of any kind. Maggie had a generally weird soul before (Seeing ghosts inherently means she has to have something going on with her soul), but when she wakes up after her death, her soul is now even weirder, and part of that is that it essentially lets her get away with bad habits she absolutely should be seeing more consequences for. She barely eats, and when she does, it's basically exclusively crackers and whatever other safe foods she has around the house, because actually making food is a level of care and effort she just... doesn't give to herself in the slightest. Part of Jenna staying with her is that Jenna, without really discussing it, entirely takes up the mantle of caretaker of the apartment, with the biggest task being food prep, Jenna sees Maggie's unwillingness to take care of herself and silently steps up and starts making her actual meals so she's eating properly.
The problem is is that this also kinda... just straight up sucks? Jenna doesn't think much of it, it's something that needed to be done so she's doing it, she wants Maggie to be well fed even if she won't do it herself, and she's already been responsible for making all of her own meals for years prior anyways, so it's just another thing she does. Except that's shitty! Maggie's seen firsthand how terrible her homelife is, and it really weighs on her how even in her escape from that, Jenna's still being put in a position where she feels like she must care for her or else she just won't eat properly. So food is such a massively important thing to both of them, it's this symbol of love for both of them, it's love on the part of Jenna, for stepping in and taking care of Maggie when she can't do it herself, and it's love on the part of Maggie, for realizing how her own bad habits impact the people she cares about and wanting to lift that weight by taking care of herself better. It's also very vital for Maggie because she just... doesn't... have hobbies. Learning how to cook becomes really her only hobby and she puts all of her love and care into it, because for the first time in a long while she's actually passionate about something! ...Unfortunately she also is very very bad at it. She's inventing new dishes like "Burnt Salad" and "Please Help I Fucked Up Kraft Mac N Cheese" and still having to have Jenna come in and help her. But it's the thought that counts, and it'll only be a matter of time before she can make something vaguely edible.
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And finally, the stuff about names! I didn't post it here, but while idly talking about her in a Discord server I'm in, I definitely think that had I made Maggie like even a few months later than I would've done she would've been nonbinary. As it stands right now though, I'm saying she's probably some form of genderweird but too busy trying not to die to think about it <3 Growing up knowing that ghosts are real and routinely being shut down by authority figures in her life about it has made her very aware of how bullshit a lot of things are and how the people who claim to be knowledgeable tend to not know what they're talking about (Beyond just the "people don't think ghosts are real", she's also got ghosts willing to tell her when people are lying because they've got nothing better to do than just gossip) , so if she spent even just a moment thinking about gender as a social construct she'd instantly recognize that and probably take up some form of genderweird label, but as it stands she's just too stressed with Being The Protagonist to think about that
Now, the thing with Margaret. I'm not even going to lie to you, I think you made a better connection to how a name connects with community in terms of the narrative themes than I did. The thing with Margaret denying the name "Maggie" existed for two reasons, the in-universe explanation is that, with the little scrap of soul Margaret has leftover from Maggie, it's essentially working overtime just to keep her vitals working, it can't dedicate time and energy to making her an individual with preferences and a personality, so part of that is that she doesn't respond to "Maggie" because ultimately, that is not her name. Her name is Margaret and she's not going to respond to "Maggie" because "Maggie" isn't her name. Of course, out of universe the reasoning is that I wanted an easy way to distinguish between Maggie as she is the protagonist, and the version of her that lived in the years she was gone, so different names makes the most sense.
I think your connection to how name relates to community genuinely works on a level I hadn't fully pieced together myself yet and I really love that because I think that absolutely works with everything. One of the main conflicts of the plot is how Maggie is entirely disconnected from her family thanks to the years she was gone, with Margaret having no priorities beyond "survive", she basically never spoke with her parents or brother for years. While her family tried to reach out to her repeatedly (Especially given that, while they're unaware the truth of what happened the night Maggie was murdered, they do know something happened, and they believe that whatever it was severely traumatized her, and that's where the sudden and drastic shift in personality came from), there's a point where they just... gave up. She wasn't trying to talk with them or contact them in the slightest, so around a year or two after Margaret moved out, her parents gave up on her. Her brother would still be there a bit, but he also didn't really... try... anymore.
When Maggie wakes up, she tries to call her parents... and they don't pick up. They'd grown resentful over the years, and now that Maggie wants to talk to them, they don't forgive her for the years of not speaking to them, and aren't interested in whatever she has to say after nearly a decade of trying to reconnect with her and being met with nothing. It's her insistence that she wants to be called Maggie that actually gets her brother to realize she's telling the truth and that something happened. She shows up at his door, already something that Margaret wouldn't have done, and that combined with her being visibly upset when he calls her Margaret and tells him that's not her and that she's Maggie, it signals to him that whatever's going on is real (...though he would've figured this out eventually, given that she also literally 17 again and not in her mid-20s, and has a giant glowing stab wound in her chest). I think it works absolutely perfectly as being a symbol of community, her disconnect from her community is what led to her being called Margaret, and her desperation to be returned to that community is when she's Maggie again. So uh. Congrats on getting the themes of my OCs better than I did <3
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And uhhhh closing thoughts! I honestly did still skim over the majority of the plot (Literally never even mentioned Eli or what's going on with her stab wound </3), but I think you reeeeally hit the nail on the head with everything I'm kinda getting at with these OCs, which is... frankly wild given how little main plot I actually got at. Basically everything I mentioned in my original post was the setup, not the main plot. But waaaaugh thank you for being so niceys to me and also giving me another excuse to ramble endlessly <3
#my OCs#uhhh MAGGIE FUN FACTS:#Animals can tell when a soul is weird so she has a colony of stray cats that hang around her apartment door#she doesnt even LIKE animals that much (She barely takes care of HERSELF shes not taking care of any animals.)#but they all like her weirdass soul and keep hanging around because of it#When the plot ends she gives one of the stray cats to her parents as a 'sorry i died' gift#The cats name is Marge- named by Jenna and also specifically its 'Marge' said in a Simpsons impression. any Simpson#It's Jennas FAVORITE cat out of the strays bc she says she looks like Maggie. also Marge is a male cat#Neither Jenna nor Maggie know how to tell the difference between a male and female cat reliably so they assume Marge is female- hes not#Also Eli's the closest to the 'main antagonist' the story gets. hes an old coworker of Margarets and basically her only friend#and Maggie's too scared with her whole 'is actively dying' thing and doesnt know how to tell him 'hey im not your friend- she died'#ELI thinks that Margaret is essentially have some sort of extreme mental breakdown and is trying to get her help bc he cares about her-#-unaware that Maggie is essentially a different person and doesnt know him#anyways uhhhh Maggie attempts to beat him to death with her laptop once. sorry Eli. luckily shes 17 and scrawny as fuck-#-so he's able to throw her off of him but its still. BAD#Maggie's got INSANE insomnia for a large variety of reasons- and falls asleep on the floor one night while on her laptop#Eli- having gotten off work late and going to check on Margaret- who hasnt shown up to work in weeks and isnt answering her phone#-spots Maggie passed out on the floor and assumes shes having some sort of medical emergency#Margaret had left her spare keys at work which he'd grabbed- so he lets himself in to get her to a hospital#Only for Maggie to wake up. With a strange man in her apartment in the middle of the night. Wuh Oh !#THIS time however- when she's home alone (shes not alone Jenna's asleep in the other room) and she spots a stranger in her house-#-she ends up with a fight reaction and NOT freeze <3#also her full name is Margaret Elisabeth Newell and her brothers name is Hawke#one of the very few times i will give my OC a full name- and entirely bc my friend suggested her last name LMAO#also she believes in bigfoot. GHOSTS are real and theyre WAY less believable than 'big ape' so she fully believes it#Opal keeps trying to tell her no that ones ACTUALLY not real and shes like uh huh. sure. ill believe it when i see it
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i owe so much to one of my maths teachers who was like ykw u should get ur maths exams printed on colour paper i bet it’ll help u and help me it did !!!!!
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We have work days usually on Friday to work on whatever upcoming assignments we have due. I have a lot of costume work (mostly detailing) left for me and theoretically I want everything done by like 3 and I get out of class at 2. Tomorrow is Friday. Which might be a work day for my only class. All of my upcoming assignments r done. I could show up (which would get me out of bed dressed and moving) and then if it’s a work day leave for my costume. This is a very good idea actually I will be doing this
#shoutout to tumblr text posts for cohesiving my thoughts once again#i am. so tired. I’ve been up since 9 took a nap from 5-7 and never really woke up :/#even tho I had so much caffeine!!! no fair!!!!#thank god for my old scene partner friend who had an arts and crafts project and did it at my place or else I probably would’ve never#worker on the costume nearly as much as I did. i got the crafts apartment#me and my hot glue gun against the world. fun fact! that hot glue gun graduated with me from high school bc I took it from the prop room#i did run props. i was the sole person who knew what was in there therefore I got to pick an object to graduate with#i picked my favorite pink hot glue gun and letter opener <3#also. i swear I have spent like the entire last 2 weeks with my old scene partner and our friend#it’s also weird calling him my old scene partner bc like. he and I r very good friends now but also people earn a title in my life#and it rarely changes. and I’d say my only college friend. but he brought one of his friends around enough that we are also friends now so#it’s inaccurate. i wouldn’t say best friend bc that’s a cursed title for me. there’s nothing else that fits. but old scene partner takes#so many characters and I only get 100 per tag lol that’s the real reason it feels inaccurate. very interesting though bc like#bestie cares about me?? and not passively?? he actively cares about me?? i also learned that I am apparently his closest friend I thought#our friend in common was out closest friend. also I showed a human emotion once. and it was a very interesting dynamic change#i come off as way cold and I think he may have genuinely thought I didn’t care much which isnt true at all I doubt I would’ve came back this#year if he wasn’t here. but ever since bestie has like. agreed to anything I ask him to do?? he went to spirit Halloween with me#he hates Halloween. all holidays actually. he keeps staying up late with me even though he doesn’t like doing that??#genuinely so confused bc I’ve never had a friend in person care about me this much it keeps catching me off guard#also he goes out of his way to make sure I’m comfortable which is another thing i have never experienced in my life#he is probably one of the best friends I have ever had. idk what to do about it#especially considering after this April I won’t ever see him again. and I’ll almost assuredly lose contact with him. it’s weird to think abt#soup talks
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dekusleftsock · 6 months
Don’t y’all love it when a popular tiktok creator is analyzing a character and interpreting it so, so wrong, and him and his dumb ass take is spreading.
Like it was one thing for you to be wrong
If one more person says that Izuku is “underdeveloped” and that he’s “uninterested in all of his other relationships” and that he “has a power imbalance in his relationships with other characters bc they care more about him than he does them” STOP. PLEASE STOP.
A fundamental part of Izuku’s character: He is an UNRELIABLE NARRATOR. Most of his character is, therefore, told through SUBTEXT.
Izuku doesn’t say that he feels ashamed about his feelings for Katsuki.
But he does say that he thinks they’re gross.
Izuku doesn’t say that he thinks that Toga and her feelings aren’t human
But he does say that she is the “perfect counter to this quirk”.
Izuku is an unreliable narrator in a third person omniscient story (though sometimes mha acts more like a third person objective story? Anyway). That means that the way we do not understand the story is not through a retelling of what is happening to you, the viewer, unreliably—instead it is not telling you the full extent of his character and his thoughts.
To say “izuocha’s relationship is underdeveloped because it’s one sided” is NOT the same as saying “bkdk’s relationship is underdeveloped because it’s one sided”.
Izuku has always been obsessed with Katsuki. At some point the rhetoric being passed around was that it was Katsuki who was underdeveloped and uninterested in the dynamic. Now that rhetoric has been reversed since we’ve seen so much of Katsuki’s POV.
Ochako has always been obsessed with Izuku, NEVER THE OTHER WAY AROUND. In fact, Ochako’s arc even surrounded letting go of those feelings… as literally said in the text. Because that is a textual statement that she makes.
Izuku does not understand how or what Ochako loves in anybody, especially him. She loves a unique sense of personhood, which Izuku has always carried, and of which she saw in the entrance exam.
Izuku does not know how to view things he deems as “girly”, and Ochako very personally CANT be in a relationship with someone that she has realized is very repressed. Her friendships turn from friends to fascination very quickly, into her heroic form. (Think her few moments with Katsuki in that extra, or how disinterested she became of Izuku as she saw him run away from help, and not know how to respond to an apology. Or, hell, how much more interested she became when Himiko was honest with her feelings in their second real confrontation. She even says that she “admires how she can love so freely, and say it with her whole chest”)
LIKE ALL OF THESE THINGS. THIS IS WHY IZUOCHA ISNT DEVELOPED. That’s a purposeful choice in genius writing, at least in my opinion.
Bkdk is a result of Izuku being uninterested in acknowledging said feelings, and this is shown to be different because of the amount of times he has had that imply a deeper emotion or thought that we are not told. Think black whip, controlling your heart solely surrounding katsuki, “my feelings are gross”, the ear piercing scream when katsuki was kidnapped and the “this was a total loss” line, relaxing into katsuki’s arms after the apology, only coming home because of Katsuki, comparing romantic feelings toga had for him and admiration to ALLMIGHT and not katsuki who was “actually in his life”, I COULD GO ON FOR HOURS.
This is absolutely NOT underdeveloped, this is called SHOW NOT TELL. Horikoshi is so purposeful in what he shows vs what he tells. He tells you that ochako and toga are the same, he tells you that katsuki is worried about Izuku, he tells you that katsuki is there to step in when deku can’t handle it on his own, he tells you that ochako has a crush on Izuku, and he tells you that Katsuki is Izuku’s “closest person”.
But he also SHOWS YOU SO MUCH MORE. Unreliable narration is such a key part of Izuku and his character. Izuku doesn’t understand Izuku as much as the audience doesn’t understand him. It’s why I genuinely think most interpretations of his character are wrong, because you really can’t take him at his word. It’s the same reason no one understood katsuki for the longest time, he was in the same circumstances of a character who is only showed to you, not told.
I know i named so many god damn references so if anyone is curious as to what specifically I’m talking about with what, I’ll gladly show what scene I’m referring to. Apparently I can’t remember a damn thing but this manga anyway.
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
Holy shit i just realized i never shared my crack ship idea bc i ended up getting depressed that day ANYWAY; CRACKSHIP IDEA: HARRY/WALT (green phone)
REASONING: Walt specifically has a history with Harry (whether this means Harry was the phoney in the stripclub eludes me and isnt the point) since when you ask him about his coworkers he mentions they go way back, even calls him by his first name and calls him reliable meaning they most likely ARE friends. To this add the fact that it was Harry's proposal to send him to the factory (unlike Jake and Roger who both dread the thought) and the fact that Walt comes back from it Miserable. He clearly wasn't trained either (Jack has to tell him his new name) so someone needs to teach him the ropes around here.
On top of this, and now we're stepping into a bit of more personal interpretations perhaps, but as far as i'm aware from all the lines i re-read I dont think there's any evidence that Harry saw any fresh out of the factory phone guys (closest was Joe but that was previous to his memory being gone, and Harry was REALLY sad about it too). He did work on the factory for a while but it seemed he was more on the management side (also he was only 3 months there). I also really think Walt's procedure got botched, most likely because the breach in time between the creations of any phones, i mean, shouldnt he be a gen 3? Why the hell does he suffer from amnesia? He was also as previously stated not even trained. It's like they haphazardly put him back together (does a machine do the entire process, not just the head replacement? has the machine gotten any mantainence in all these years? etc)
So, to paint a full picture: You have an utterly miserable fresh off the factory phone guy with amnesia, the last one to be ever made (hopefully, probably) and you got his friend and the person who proposed this fate for him (not the culprit, that's Jack [YOU CHOSE THIS] F. Kennedy), one of the oldest phones ever made. And as i'm done writing this i realize the ship factor is honestly pretty secondary i think there's a lot to explore here even in a platonic way too. Something about being faced with the consequences of your actions and being forced to question what you thought was right and wrong while also not getting time to stop because not only does the company need him but also this guy who no one else is gonna help needs him.
Are you listening to me. I'm grabbing you and shaking you by the shoulders do you understand what i'm saying?
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estelle-skully · 30 days
Ramshackle tickle headcanons
Ohh god
oh goodness
its time
gadies and lentlemen, I now present to you, my ramshackle t-word headcanons (but just for the main three bc idk enough about any other characters yet)
First off: Vinnie!
she’s like 90% ler, doesn’t despise being tickled but she sure as hell will get revenge no matter what; she adores wrecking people because she thinks seeing people being tickled to pieces and laughing their asses off is some of the funniest shit ever
Girly pop is the kinda person to hear someone snort while laughing and point it out- same for people who blush a lot
she loves pissing people off and getting em hella flustered, again because she finds it funny
on occasion she gets really intense ler moods and will target whoever is closest to her
sometimes when she sees Stone being extra angsty she will wreck him
Skipp often goes to her when he is in a lee mood and she always teases him about it (“You know, for someone who lives on the streets, it’s pretty funny that you actually enjoy something as childish as tickling! How adorable!”)
Vinnie isnt really the kind of individual to deny being ticklish, but if someone asks then she’ll instantly reply “are you?” Without giving a clear answer; you pretty much have to figure it out yourself
she gets pretty violent when shes being tickled- theres a very high chance that you’ll get kicked or maybe even bitten 😭 she doesn’t actually intend on hurting anyone, its all instinct
speaking of violence, she also swears a lot and will throw every threat in the book your way
all in good fun tho <3
teehee next is Skipp
This little shit is a lee leaning switch- 60% lee, 40% ler
Even though he loves when he’s the lee, he also really enjoys pretending to be a tickle monster or some shit because it embarrasses his friends
mostly he goes after Stone because the tickle monster thing mostly works on him (also partially because one can’t really tickle Vinny for more than like ten seconds before she pulls a fucking uno reverse card 😭)
Skipp is the only person who can tell when Stone is in a lee mood (more on that later 🤭)
He isn’t embarrassed in the slightest about being ticklish but he is usually shy when he’s in a lee mood, hates straight up asking to be tickled so he usually drops little hints, which his friends quickly catch on to
he isn’t very mean as a ler, usually he’s more playful than relentless and occasionally will make little comments but doesn’t tease often
but as a lee
cutest little fuck EVER
he doesn’t try very hard to stop the tickles so he’ll either just kick his legs or do a lil happy stim of some kind
his laughter is all giggles and it’s just the sweetest ever
sometimes when he gets extra flustered he’ll cover his face with his hands
and he loves tickle hugs or cuddly tickles; prefers that over being obliterated, which is why sometimes Vinnie goes easier on him
Oki lastly, Stone!!! (My pookie!)
for him I dont actually know, he’s giving big switch vibes so i think i wanna say hes like 50-50
like I mentioned earlier, Stone is sometimes tormented by lee moods, which he is immensely embarrassed by. Skipp almost has a super power to sense lee moods in people though, so even though Stone is good at hiding it, the lee mood inevitably is relieved by Skipp, and sometimes Vinnie, which he’d constantly deny but he really appreciates it
lil bro secretly doesn’t mind being tickled because he’s pretty touch starved, and in general he doesn’t really get to laugh/smile often because he usually isnt in the mood.
again, he would rather drink gallons of rat poison than admit that, though
he tried his best to hide his ticklishness from his friends the first few months they knew each other, keeping the secret like his life depended on it
of course, they found out eventually, though
(do yall want me to write a fic with the “trio finding out stone is ticklish” scenario because id love to)
most of the time his laughter is very loud, and like Vinnie, he swears at his ler, too
but a certain thing one might notice while tickling him is that he doesn’t really do much to fight back at all
that’s probably the biggest giveaway that he actually enjoys the tickles
buuuut also, if one were to get him in one of his less ticklish spots (like his belly and sides or something) he giggles and its SOOOOO CUTE
if you want to get him flustered, then comment on his giggling- he cant stand it
He also goes crazy over compliments and cute nicknames (call him pretty boy and he will die)
and also his face will go bright red (which im pretty sure is canon when he’s embarrassed, by the way- remember that scene in the thesis film, where the three fell through the clothesline and Stone was in the maid dress and Vinnie smirked at him? His face went BRIGHT red and he looked so pissed 😭)
when he’s in a ler mood, though…
bro is fucking terrifying
somehow he’s able to guess someone’s worst spots almost instantly and uses that against them
On occasion he will start something with Vinnie just to get tickled by her but its actually shocking how he can successfully get her pinned down, so their tickle fights are actually pretty equal
Any time Skipp shyly approaches him and does whatever it is he does to hint at his lee moods, Stone can’t help but be a bit envious that the guy can even give hints- he’s to embarrassed to give any indication whatsoever
but yeah sometimes he’ll tease Skipp a bit, but he wouldn’t dare tease Vinnie because she knows EXACTLY what makes him flustered and is not afraid to use it against him
he can say the dreaded t-word most of the time, but not when he’s in a lee mood. Cant stand hearing it either
andddd thats all i got!!! Man i love these three pests (compliment) so much they have my whole heart
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vvingcolleen · 10 months
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A rant about the blatant transphobia/non-binary phobia going on in the "The Summer I turned Pretty" Fandom right now.
FOR GOD'S SAKE. I AM DONE DONE with this fandom hating on Elsie. The things people say online are legit hate speech or bordering on hate speech. There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between simply disliking a character for their characterization and what the fandom does online ((1) targetting the characters apperance, (2) referring to Skye as "it"?!??!?!, and they refer to Elsie the same way too especially in press junket vids).
Firstly, I hate all the comments that are like "Did you see Chris' face, he probably hates them." Or like "The cast probably has a gc without them." Like I could be petty and be like "Well ELSIE PROBS HAS A GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINEES GC WITHOUT ANY OF THEM IN IT" but also its pathetic to assume things about people you dont personally know. And if you really wanna based things through a screen then as we can see on social media they hangout and get along with Elsie JUST FINE OKAY.
Also, Minnie and Elsie are friends, so trying to constantly default to "I just hate that they replaced Shayla" and trying to seem like hating Elsie is some form of justice isnt the white knight-ing they think it is (also the two characters arent even equivalent to each other so its a nullified argument).
Thirdly, I feel like the hate is too far (people try to justify it bc they dislike Skye as a character but all the tiktoks I see are about their appearance, which I feel is so unecessary). Considering that the character is a socially, anxious teenager, who seemingly has no friends but their mom then YEAH plot wise of course they're only going to know their mom's side first and defend their only trusted person in life first. When the Fisher bros do legit anything, everyone is proud of their "character growth" but the same people won't even give Skye a chance to maybe undergo the same growth.
Also IDK in my opinion its easier to morally defend this socially anxious teenage defending her closest friend/mom with a snarky comment rather than a girl who DATES BETWEEN TWO BROTHERS. So, lets maybe not be to harsh on them.
All I'm saying is PLEASE lets be kinder. It legit costs nothing to be a little nicer or at least restrain what you say about people online.
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suffarustuffaru · 8 months
Not meaning to throw any shade at Rem, but I hate how her character ended up being restricted to only loving Subaru. It became her personality and her reason to exist
Meanwhile my man Otto has layers and fun dynamics with everyone WHILE also being codependent and hopelessly in love to Subaru (in my point of view)
I hope that now Tappei will be able to balance Rem's character and give her another personality trait besides her love for Subaru
ok so if anyone else is seeing this, this is referring to a poll i made a few days ago pitting rem and otto against each other bc theyre both the resident codependent subaru devotees and they do parallel/contrast each other a bit 👍
but yeah anon… not to affect the poll results or anything wkdndnd but i agree a lot with you!! i have mixed feelings on rem bc i do love her a lot—im halfway through her and ram’s prequel novel and im enjoying it a lot, and also i liked her the moment i watched season 1 of the anime for the first time. shes an intriguing character with a well written backstory and her own set of flaws and traits. but i think the big thing is her and ottos relationships with subaru, while subaru is first place in both of their hearts and subaru comes first before anyone else at this point, rem and ottos flavors of Dependency are different?
like with rem, i think its the point that her whole being ends up revolving around subaru. not that otto isnt like that either, of course, but otto has Way More of a life outside of subaru. otto has a whole group of people from the emilia camp to marone and his family that he cares about other than subaru, and on top of that, ottos job in the emilia camp is to communicate with others both within and outside of his camp. then theres his dp, which is also dependent and ABOUT communication. when it comes to rem and otto, theres absolutely no competing on this, otto is the one with more of. a Life. not that rem doesnt have other people she cares about and other people she talks with and other people she likes (and also rem was unfortunately Gluttonyed), but the top two closest people in her life were always ram then subaru. otto got lucky with his loving family, bc rems Entire Life has molded her into being dependent on others. shes told by her family that the only reason shes alive is bc ram saved her. ram is the only person who loves her. she envies ram and then she feels so guilty after her village is destroyed and rams horn is gone (especially when rem is initially. kind of Glad that rams horn is gone). so rem places her worth on serving the people she loves—ram and subaru. rem has spent her WHOLE LIFE like this. remsuba as a relationship has its ups and downs but arc 3 rem is, while sweet and well meaning, shes not the healthiest. remsuba isnt the healthiest. and then arc 7-8 comes in and yeah while rems pov of subaru and the whole situation is Understandable from what little she knows, yeah its not the healthiest either (and also i dont forgive her for being mean about natsumi wkfndnd).
not that ottosuba is the Healthiest given they seem like theyre going to become. a bit Toxic in arc 8 if they keep being stubborn, but the big difference is in how otto and rem devote themselves. bc rems problem (in arc 3) is that she enables subaru a little too much. i mean sloth if exists for a reason, she ran away with subaru and RAM AND EVERYONE ELSE DIED. ottos problem is that hes 1. obsessed with opposing subaru and 2. not straightforward with his feelings the way arc 3 rem is. bc at least pre gluttony rem is gonna straightforwardly be like “id do anything for you” and “i love you” etc etc. like yeah ottos like “youre my friend!!” but hes also gonna complain nonstop about subaru to his face and say shit like “ill leave at the first sight of danger!!” RIGHT AFTER RISKING HIS LIFE FOR SUBARU. and also even then arc 8 rems siding with subaru on louis so shes enabling him in that respect too (even though arc 8 rem is different from arc 3 rem of course). ergo, rem is the one who wants to support subaru Unconditionally. even if its not what youd consider the right decision. otto tries to help subaru get what he wants, but if otto doesnt agree he starts getting aggressive. rem makes herself pliable and into a bit of a doormat for subaru, otto starts getting out the pitchforks and tries to control things bc he thinks his way his best for subaru in the end. that, and while subaru does go first in ottos heart, hes STILL loyal to the entire emilia camp as a whole (minus roswaal). thats why he wanted to leave vollachia, he wanted to save the ENTIRE emilia camp.
but like you said anon—while the point is that rem ends up centering her whole life around subaru, i feel that tappei handles otto (who has SIMILAR PLOT BEATS) with far more nuance. like while otto will literally do anything else besides actually say “i love you” or “id do anything for you”, his arc is more straightforward and consistent than rems. again, rem got gluttonyed and a bunch of different stuff have happened with her so of course her arc has been more Dramatic in its changes, but with otto he grows and changes but at the same time he doesnt change At All. his arc 8 self is doing stuff hes been capable of this whole time, vollachia and subaru just bring out his more hidden traits. the narrative is just way more consistent with emphasizing that while otto thinks hes in the right, hes also Wrong in a lot of ways. his mindset rn is Not Healthy and i feel that the narrative shows that more with him than it does rem a lot. like the writing literally goes out of its way to shit on otto a bit for being a little messed up in the head, while you have to read more into rems plot and then some audiences just completely miss the point of her character. that and—yeah, rems reasons are all very understandable, but i feel that tappei romanticizes her a bit too much. all you have to do is look at sloth if bc sloth if seems a Bit too fluffy to me despite the absolute Dark Backdrop. like yeah. subaru rbds back to arc 3 at the end. but i feel like sloth if just sweeps a lot of the dark underbelly under the rug. ottosuba as a dynamic to me just feels more Equal than remsuba does, which is probably a bit strange HAH bc ottosuba as a dynamic is based on Conflict (especially when you remember ottosuba across the ifs too) and their power dynamics in arc 8 are likely going to get crazy at some point.
plus its like—the way the whole louis situation has been handled made me think that tappei wouldnt even bother examining the Problems with louis and subaru + rems relationships with louis, but luckily arc 8 has been getting into that more. so like i dont completely trust tappei with female characters (he has a habit of. fumbling the bag a bit with them sometimes, imo. he gets out such great complex main female characters then he starts messing up with their writing like halfway through). but like you anon, i hope that rem gets far more character development. the poor girl has spent her whole life basing her worth on others….
and well. again, i think the difference in how the writing treats otto vs rem is probably also bc ottos a boy and rems a girl. so of course otto consistently gets a bit more nuance, and of course certain parts of the audience just see rem and think “waifu who would do anything for you” rather than “this is a traumatized girl who means well but has poor boundaries and Codependency Issues”, and some people see otto and think “he doesnt love subaru that much lol” and sweep his own codependency and Issues under the rug. and then you look at the narrative and, like you said anon, otto is allowed to have fun dynamics with everyone while still being Fixated on subaru. rem hasnt had much of a chance in that category yet.
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
violer ive always wondered & ur the best person to ask. is there transphobic jokes in adam sandler jack and jill
hello io!!!! you've activated my "she talks about adam sandler for way too long" cutscene so i hope ur ready for that! this is going to lead me to rewatch Jack and Jill (2011) starring Adam Sandler, just so i can give u the full answer bc my Adam scholarship needs to be THOROUGH do u understand???? i hope u can live with the knowledge that uve made me do thjs. also i forgive u. this is a pride month post now btw.
Adam Analysis beneath the cut. tl;dr umm probably not as much as u would imagine like it could be So much worse but its. kinda okay at points too? Theres Nuance.
so even if u havent seen all of Adams many films like i have, maybe ur the average person whos probably only seen 10 or 20 of them who knows. u could probably imagine the kinds of jokes he tells. just general mean spirited ribbing towards anyone who isnt adam or like adam right? standard fare for mainstream movie comedy. so when it comes to Jokes Adam Tells About Women, we basically get two categories: jokes for women adam wants to have sex with, and jokes for women who Adam thinks are undesirable and does not want to have sex with.
when it comes to jokes about trans women, or the closest depiction of trans women an adam sandler film is going to get, they more closely align with the ugly woman jokes, except they arent really seen as women, so the joke is just kind of "ur a man!" when its literally a male friend of adam's in a dress pretending to be a trans woman, u know? not fun (btw friend of adam is the new horrible slang for id'ing other gay people tell everyone u know). there are only a feeew instances from what i remember of a stock crossdresser/trans woman joke character even being in a Sandler film, and usually u can like feel the disgust everyone has for these characters for like the 10 secodns theyre on screen to be joked at.
in Jack and Jill however, theres like.. kinda none of that. like shes jacks twin sister at the end of the day and everyone gets along with her because shes family even if shes loud and annoys people. spoilers for... jack and jill... but the whole plot is jack learning to love his sister again and not be annoyed by her very presence, learning the importance of family along the way. the jokes are mostly "god i hate my loud and annoying twin sister" more than anything. from what I remember anyway (this is before my rewatch btw this is just preliminary info jeez), the jokes are more aligned with undesirable women jokes toward jill than flat out transphobia (say, "ur even manlier than ur brother wow!" vs "u are a man") anyway i will now be watching Jack and Jill (2011) starring Adam Sandler so ill be right back.
okay hi. so they definitely characterize jill as being i guess the larger presence of the two, like they show a home movie montage of the two growing up and thats continually the joke in those clips that shes just "more than" jack. hairier, fartier, stronger, but also more emotional and familial, as in wanting to be close with her twin brother than he would like to be with her. in these ways shes made to be both more masculine and more feminine than jack. although shes made to be more masculine, as the film defines it, it then has many moments where its like "yeah despite her just being adam sandler in a dress, shes 'actually a woman'" like, if anything these moments are transphobic in that they ask "is Jill a guy?" and usually the answer is "no of course not shes a real woman not some man in a dress!" not said with such explicit terms but it's then implied by asking the question that it would be worse if the answer was yes. the first of these woman affirming instances is the honestly the best, so i will describe it for u thus, because youre here for analysis that is also just plot summary Goddamn It.
so theyre all in a movie theater when jill gets a call and starts talking really loudly, annoying everyone as the film has her do. jack calls her a psycho and she starts crying and runs out of the theater. one theatergoer remarks "way to make a chick cry, dude." and another inquires, "that was a chick?" and as jack runs to get jill he pours his popcorn on the guy and shuts him down like "yeah that was a chick!" like in one light its just the film reminding us and affirming and that she is in fact a real, normal cisgendered woman through adam owning this guy epically, but if ur absolutely insane you could see this as the biggest Adam Sandler Trans Ally W if there were to ever be one. just. compared to everywhere else that couldve gone, its. good? to see adam actually defending the "man in a dress" comedic character for once. even if it had to be him in the dress while being 100% cis, actually, for him to cool it with the transphobic remarks.
another moment is when jill is lifted by her soccer team to celebrate her helping win a match... yeah dont worry the context wont help... so as shes being lifted someone looks under her dress and is like "yeah shes not a guy" and gives another guy money like they made a bet? probably the weirdest example. but then she also makes sure to mention later that she does have periods so we all know the character of Jill Sadelstein played by Adam Sandler from Jack and Jill (2011) starring Adam Sandler twice, is in fact a real woman. idk like its playing into the comedy of this just being adam sandler saying that and like "haha hes not a woman" but idk if i would call that transphobic, one could perhaps say hes doing drag for this movie and like drag performers play with that all the time right?
idk it feels like the movie hairspray where the role of the mom is played by a man in a dress where that's just kinda the joke about it the whole time but it's still drag and kinda taken seriously?is that transphobic? eh probably a little. if anythjng it just feels like a drag performance in kinda poor taste where ur waiting for him to say the things he's said before about man in dress characters and then. he just doesn't?. uhhh llike later on theres a part where jack dresses as jill to try and fool al pacino who is in love with jill btw. al pacino is in love with jill but she doesnt like him back so she wont go meet him. anyway jack is getting changed in the bathroom and theres an attendant there who sees him come out full jillmoding. he proceeds to grope jacks fake melon boobs to adjust them and gives an approving italian hand smooch 🤌 mwah u know. its a little okay. i like it.
um there is also a moment where the joke is that pretransition caitlyn jenner is there, but its 2011 so she hadn't come out yet. its jarring and feels very transphobic bc they deadname her, but it was before she came out so that was... just her name at the time. so its okay, but feels wrong. a very strange coincidence for some of the only transphobia coming from this movie when it could have it fucking everywhere to be completely unintended and the result of someone just transitioning after the movie was done being made.... didnt know where to put this observation but it had to be known.
All Of This being said tho, u kinda need to have adam-vision like me to have a tolerance for his... we'll call them antics. only after many other sandler films did i get to this one and be like "oh wow that wasn't that bad given what i was expecting!" its still not a good movie, but compared to every single other one hes made or been in, its like. definitely in the middle of the pack. if we can take adam sandler acting in drag being the kinda silent joke for an hour and a half its. an okay watch. best watched with friends so u can talk about it/over it if u want. i would perhaps even call it camp at times if i had worse judgement. it definitely could have been worse! then again maybe i truly am numb to adam and i just didnt see anything wrong with it who knows! i am possibly completely full of shit. hope this helps 👍
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gaygayaurel · 8 months
As game Lambert #1 fan 5ever the Nerflix Lambert sucks but not bcs of what people think? (I didnt read book of elves I love and respect myself sometimes )
As in game Lambert is kinda fun in that he got actually defined compared to Novels and Hexer where he did not exist ad character proper. He is deeply mean and sarcasric person, being willing to chew out his closest friends and enemies alike. He isnt as morally concerned abt stuff as geralt and when someone asks him to kill a monster he'd do it. Fuck he'd even go as far as use Axii to make two bandits die in horrific way. This is after all his lot in his shitty miserable life. He hates witchery and witchers and the very concept of this much suffering ("But you kept the table" he says furious to Vesemir as they stand above screaming Uma). His attitude is just such a complete 360° from Geralt' silent acceptance of what was done to them. It truly becomes the only voice of like hey fuck what happened to us, fuck it all to hell. Hes an utter fucking dickhead and hell provoke people for no reason (talkinf abt geralt and triss in front of phillipa for no reason) (i deadass dont think he would fuck up yens stuff on purpose tho #;#&#&)
His main core personal element is revenge. In his short appearence in w1 he proclaims desire to slaughter salamandra for killing Leo. In W3 he goes on massive revenge rampage spanning CONTINENTS for a guy we dont know (and thats pretty cool to me, implying he has adventures outside geralt, both him and eskel). He says his first action after he left Kaer Morhen was to find and kill his dad ( and him being sad he couldnt save his mother his life is all just empty revenges that will never fill the holes of people hell miss).
But also main Core element of Lambert is also love as cheesy as it sounds. He cared deeply for Leo and Aiden and even his own mom. After Triss. Got conked out by a mage guy in witcher 1 he cared for her and watched over her (they were hardcore inplying shipping which is funnt but whatever). He literally puts his life on line dor Ciri and Geralt. The thing is he is dickhead but he will do Everythinf for those few peoples he has left in his life.
The Point is games being games and larger allowed Lambert to have depth and nuance. He is imo one of the most interesting and coolest game characters. Netflix Lambert however did not have the time for variety of reasons to get that.
One is Lambert is very minor person in books. Second is that the show didnt...realy care abt witchers past vesemir maybe. So he wasnt a focus. In the end what we get is disappoitninf character not helped by the fact most witchers in netflix are cannon fodders for baba yaga.
ONE issue that I have is people saying Lambert was a dick to Ciri and thats OOC. While I cant speak from the POV of books (altho my friend who did read them say he is sexist), from POV of game thats untrue. In fact I believe game Lambert would VERY much be a fucking dick to Ciri fron a start. It doesnt even need to have sexist colouring to it. This dude HATES witchering. He hates the mutagenesis and the pain of it all, the destiny in it. I firmly believe he wouldnt be OK with a bew trainee and guess what? While he didnt live through instructors not giving fucks abt new witchers because like 1/20 live to become witchers he LIVED through it. On his skin. I firmly believe Lambert being DICKHEAD to ciri at first is nit only a whiff of the complex game!Lambert but a decent start of its own standalone character.
In witcher 1 also wheb tou tell him Leo died he laments he "was not ready". Leo. Just like ciri never got his mutagens (take this with grain of salt because leos whole character is weird tm). So him being an miserable instructor who will push you until you cry is in character ingame. This guys has ten layers of issue.
What Netflix misses is the fact we dont SEE lambert getting to his relationship Ciri where we see rhem albeit briefly in game (willing to fight to death for her). We just have this awkward jump from utter hostility to them beinf kinda pals after baba yaga fight. In the end netflix lambert is just. Boring.
Also hes not a balding fuck and i cant forgive that
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hyenagurl · 8 months
I haven’t really super analyzed/seen the twin peaks/fire walk with me stuff but I am super curious, what’s Laura Palmer’s whole thing? She seems interesting if not tragic & I love to hear people talk about characters they’re passionate about so I thought I’d pop by and ask!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING ill try to keep this thing as coherent as i can. basically when twin peaks starts out laura palmer is basically just the Dead Girl and it appears at first that there isnt going to be much depth to her. that shes a mystery to be solved. her corpse is discovered washed up on the beach wrapped in plastic, and it sets the stage for the whole first season of the show: Who Killed Laura Palmer? and its like okay its gonna just be a murder mystery, albeit a fun offbeat david lynch sort of mystery. the fact that the first few episodes have an almost parody sort of feel that was poking fun at soap operas at the time didnt help either.
but the show creeps along and its a lot more than that. every person in the small town of twin peaks is unraveling bc of her death, her closest friends and family most of all but even people who barely knew her and we spend plenty of time exploring how every person is reacting to it. it becomes clear even before the audience knows her and the circumstances of her death that it has left a huge hole in the town, and her absence is constantly felt in every episode. shes gone but shes very much there. before long shes as much the protagonist as Dale Cooper, the FBI agent who is working on her case. i dont wanna explain too much about the details of the process of him uncovering her life and her murder, both to avoid spoilers and bc its convoluted david lynch mind fuckery, but the deeper he gets into the case, he starts seeing visions of laura palmer, begging him to help her, aiding him where she can.
when her killer is revealed at the end of season 2, its a gut punch not bc its so much as a surprise but because there was plenty of foreshadowing as to who it is, and youre hoping that its not true because its just so awful but you cant look away. Dale Cooper travels to the Black Lodge, a sort of hell where souls in anguish go (its david lynch fuckery, my best approximation of it), and he sees there Laura Palmer’s “doppelgänger”: that is, the part of her that is still tormented by her horrible death, and has been stuck there the whole time the show has been creeping at its slow pace, and dale cooper has been stuck unraveling the mystery. and when he finds her there, she shrieks. she is shrieking not just with pain and horror but with pure, unadulterated rage at what as happened to her. she cant get out and there is no escape for her here and she didnt deserve it.
this is the scene. it wont spoil anything if you watch it, but i consider this scene to be what really made me so fascinated with laura palmer and i consider it to be almost the heart of the show. dale cooper finds her here, and this is where he becomes “trapped” in the Black Lodge; any person who shows fear in this hellish realm will have their souls destroyed and can never leave (again, lynch stuff). so this is where he remains until season 3, 25 years later.
but even that is only scratching the surface. after season two, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me is released, as the prequel to the show. its here where we see Laura Palmer’s final week on earth and we see what she was really like. Again, I dont want to spoil it, but its here we really see that she knew her murderer and that she was being sexually abused by someone in her family, she was addicted to hard drugs and was promiscuous and leading a that double life completely unknown to her friends and family. as beloved as she was by people in her small town they had no idea the person she had really become and no idea of the agony she was suffering. not until it was too late.
now reading that its easy to think that this movie could have turned into an offensive, voyeuristic mess. but between lynch’s directing and sheryl lee’s phenomenal acting, the whole movie just aches with compassion for Laura Palmer. we’re with her every step of the way until the very last minute, and it manages this without showing any of the actual abuse or dehumanizing her (which since this came out in 1992 is very shocking to me).
and do you know what? when this movie came out, people MOCKED it at cannes’ film festival. they hated this movie, they thought it was campy, overwrought and goofy. and maybe some parts of it are, but it’s very clear that lynch intended this to be a very serious and compassionate look at a rape victim’s trauma.
theres a lot more, i mean you can write novels on the tv show alone, but when people talk about twin peaks they tend to talk more about lynch’s eerie imagery and less about laura palmer’s character, which is strange bc its such a potent emotional core of the show.
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zai-doodles · 2 years
OK OK this is my last question for real this time, I say with complete confidence
I just… MAN you really sold me on platonic Nalu!!! Would you please give a poor, desperate soul (me) some of your platonic Nalu headcanons? Or even just one is fine, I know writing all of these up must be tiring lol
bestie im literally having a blast stop apologizing im kissing u so platonically ily
i actually have a bunch of stuff written for them so imma just throw it here
Natsu is so fucking acearo its not even funny They're besties, natsu would protect lucy with his life and lucy would do the same but its platonic i swear guys- Lucy is the first NEW person natsu gets close to after lisanna, bc this boy is so tired of having ppl taken from him without his fucking say so Like idk natsu works so hard to be strong enough to protect his family and then his dad and childhood best friend disappear without a trace when he's not even around to help?? Boy thinks he's cursed I fully believe that Natsu would rarely leave gray and erza's side as kids bc he was worried he close his eyes and they'd just be gone It gets SO much worse after lisanna dies
Idk the actual age when this happens in canon but im saying he was probably like 11 and had known lis since he was like 4 Erza and gray r also really shaken by her death but the thing that really fucks with them is how it changes natsu bc if u thought these 3 were codependent before oh boy All this to say that lucy was like, an exception, and its probably why erza and gray were so quick to be like yes shes great bc they were more just excited and kinda relieved natsu made a fucking friend without them or the guild involved I think his job was taking longer than he wanted, and he was growing really frustrated and impatient with the fact he hadn't found anything abt igneel and happy was trying to cheer him up but in my mind when natsu's bummed he's bummed he meets lucy and she's just so nice But its also that shes also kinda fucking weird and natsu just latches onto that bc to him weird is normal and comfortable and it makes him bounce back and idk it goes kinda similar to how it goes in canon without natsu and happy being weirdly antagonistic and Lucy isnt as put off by how bat shit crazy natsu is bc she just finds it fun and like a breath of fresh air Like lucy grew up in such a suffocating proper environment, so when she meets natsu and his fucking crazyness shes like omg finally my life is so boring Lucy is genuinely looking for excitement and adventure so of course she goes with natsu to join fairy tail And I think it takes natsu aback how ready she is to go with him but i think in his mind because she wasn’t deterred by his “quriks” like most ppl he was immediately like new family fuck yea Bc idk that's just how his mind works bc subconsciously i think natsu knows he is difficult or weird so he's learned to latch onto the people who don't mind that abt him and that's just so happened to,, only be ppl who had to put up with him in fairy tail Not to mention a part of him probably believes it's his fault that igneel left in that kid way where u just feel like everything is ur fault oop Also also i think that lucy literally has no frame of reference for like, a normal healthy friendship, so she kinda just takes natsu's lead and oh boy is that a mistake Like after lucy joins the guild natsu is just CONSTANTLY hanging around her the way he did with erza and gray when they were kids and lucy, again having little to no sense of how friends work, just kinda lets him and gets use to it, she actually really enjoys having that sort of attention bc idk she's never really experienced having someone WANT to be around her just cuz, like the closest thing she had to friends were her servants who were literally obligated to be around her all the time and any “friends” her age she had were forced to hang out with her bc of her family I think Gray and Erza start to worry a bit that if Natsu is too overbearing he’ll end up pushing lucy away bc they're all under the assumption that lucy is a normal person with normal boundaries and a normal childhood So they pull natsu aside like hey bestie maybe don't growl at people when they look at her she might think ur mean and stop wanting to hang out with u Bc they KNOW how natsu is and they dont mind but they're also 2 traumatized orphans who don't have a normal frame of reference for how other ppl work, but unlike natsu they usually air on the side of caution It kinda eats at natsu a bit and he tries to give lucy her space especially if she gets even a little annoyed with him Lucy starts to notice but doesn't say anything bc she just figures he's probably bored with her bc she genuinely believes she's just painfully uninteresting in every way And then she gets kidnapped And natsu loses his fucking mind :D Bc for fuck sake this boy can NOT have a friend without them being taken from him High key it goes like, the same as canon bc i like how that went But the AFTERMATH Oh fucking boy Natsu literally doesn't leave her side This is where, i think, Natsu starts breaking into lucy's apartment lol Its treated as comedic but there's an underlying tension where natsu is just extremely hesitant to leave ever or even let lucy leave And that's when lucy starts to be like aight this cant continue Not in a mean way in just a, idk how to function if i can't be alone ever and it lowkey brings memories of her childhood which is also bad bc natsu isn't her keeper nor should he be And that's not what natsu is TRYING to do he's literally just so scared that if he blinks wrong shell disappear they figure it out tho bc they r friends and UGH i just wanT them to talk and cuddle platonically bc UGH I LOVE THEMMM
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thunderpetal · 2 years
Dropping all my hunter headcanons because why not
-He definitely experiments a lot with his style. He especially loves human clothing, Luz takes him shopping frequently, he likes wearing skirts too, just really likes the different feel and freedom of them
-He also gets introduced to human tunes and keeps cranking up the volume, he has to be reminded to turn down the volume when listening with earbuds lest he give himself tinnitus aged 17 god bless
-as for who he listens to: everyone. Well i think he actually gets into hard rock/metal, Luz keeps making ‘male maniupulator music’ jokes that he does not understand At All. But then on another day he’ll be singing his heart out to some Twice like this boy contains multitudes
-is camila’s adopted son. Well in legal terms i think he actually gets taken in by both eda and darius. Like he goes to darius at weekends but instead of his parents being divorced its more like they’re the previous generation of theatre gays who still have high school beef but they also saved the world together so its a funny dynamic. Anyway thats just my hc as a dadrius liker but also hunter clawthrone truther. BUT THIS IS AB CAMILA back to camila.
-As i said camila does not Officially take him in, but he does visit her crazy often because he just likes being around her. Being in the human realm post kings tide was a tumultous time for him but the noceda home was where the process of his healing got to finally properly begin so he loves it. And camila was a huge part of that ofc. She thinks he is a lovely young man. Obviously she is also worried about him but she doesn’t have many probing conversations with hunter, like she knows his Deal and past abuse but they spend most their time together baking cookies and shit. He is definitely comfortable breaking down around her though
-Speaking of, cooking/baking is his main hobby he develops post kings tide, it started in the human realm ofc he is camila’s sous chef. But back in the BI he continued and he just. loves it. He reads cookbooks cover to cover like they’re novels and won’t even mark down any recipes he likes because he’s just too engrossed. And then with actual making, he prefers baking bc its very follow-instructions-and-get-correct-result and he has been doing that his whole life, cooking is Scarier bc its more flow and experimentation and artistic but he’s getting to grips with it. He proudly boasts about he’s the only person who can make both human and BI cuisine (Luz not applicable, she can only make instant ramen)
-The emerald entrails are his closest friends and he just loves LOVES hanging out with them all as a team, he loves their group hangouts and how chaotic they get, and ofc they all still play together! He’s also gotten pretty good at flyer derby and he is Not smug about it (he is so smug. But also he deserves it)
-You know how other witches have their palisman tucked away 90% of the time? Yeah not this white boy. Flapjack is just Constantly vibing on his shoulder, save for when he’s out and about in the human realm, bc he could get away with it but it just looks a Bit too unusual to have a bird perfectly content on his shoulder. But mostly Hunter relishes not having to hide Flapjack anymore. It’s huge for him. Sometimes he still feels scared, like Belos is going to come back and rip Flapjack away, but in those moments Flapjack will peck at his ear and remind him that they’re both safe
-(post hair noodle, hunter’s ear is the main Flapjack target)
-him and Amity got over their animosity pretty quickly but that does not deal with the other, greater obstacle: their mutual awkwardness. GOD BLESS THESE TWO IDIOTS THEY WERE TRYINF but they used to be so BAD at conversations. Literally just like ‘hey’ ‘hello’ ‘…’ ‘…’ ‘…nice weather isnt it’ AND SO ON. Luz was greatly entertained and she did nothing to help them. But they figured things out themselves. And once they get past their awkwardness… oh boy, say hello to trauma bonding! Obviously its not the only thing they talk about it but Hunter is comforted by knowing there is someone who really Gets it and vice versa. Sometimes he feels a bit bad going to Amity to vent because he’s like ‘what if she’s having a good day? What if she’s not thinking about the bad things that happened to her and then here I come dredging up everything-‘ but amity tells him it’s Ok. They get through most of their bad days together. And on their good days they almost murder each other over mariokart
-he is okay in the end and lives a good life full of healing and happiness AMEN
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meyhew · 11 months
you don't have to share this if you don't wanna, but it really is a breath of fresh air on here to hear people actually point out what is obvious regarding the whole harry/zayn/1D thing. it is so clear that work on making harry the next timberlake was going on fullswing and zayn made a very smart decision for his career. he must have pissed so many off with that lmao and i am glad!! but also one thing that always confuses me is why louis INSISTS on them having been perfect best friends. the only person in the band he has publicly shown his anger towards is zayn. i have believed in larry for ten years now (although my understanding of it doesn't match most others’), but all throughout mitam promo I was very *side eye* towards louis and harry suddenly being friends laughing around interacting again. i still look at that time with so much skepticism. i would love to hear your thoughts (anything around what i rambled, and only if you like)
cannot believe we r still having these conversations in the year 2023 but i think we will always be having these conversations bc we will never know the complete truth. anyway i do think zayn & louis were genuinely really really good friends. they both have a similar working class background and both seem to take immense pride in it, so naturally that would lend to a strong foundation in a friendship. and idk to Me it isnt that confusing that louis would be angry with zayn. like i dont Approve of the things he's done/said to/about zayn but it i can understand how that would happen. people tend to be more hurt by those that are closest to them and those they value most. whether zayn left for his mental health or because of industry politics or both, it's understandable that louis might be more angry with zayn than if it were liam or niall—because he was always closer with zayn.
but anyway!! mitam erea is sooo fascinating to me esp as a larrie bc genuinely why were harry & louis all of a sudden besties in a way we hadn't seen in years? there was that theory abt them being promised a coming out and that was plausible at the time and even a Little bit in hindsight but maybe not. or it could be bc they were trying to divert attention fom zayn's departure and they had to do something to keep the fans happy & afloat, a very large chunk of whom at the time consisted of larries. who knows man. we will never find out what actually happened and none of it will really make a lot of sense. soooo much drama and over a boyband!
tldr i think louis' anger was borne of love bc zayn was his closest friend in the band and he didnt rlly know how to handle the departure
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
What's your favourite FNIN book and why?
its 'trzecia kuzynka'!
it just really stands out of the series, starting with the setting: - instead of Warsaw, a big city, the whole book takes place in the polish mountains(which ones??? who knows. i dont). usually the action of fnin books takes place in a big city(there are exceptions to this rule ofc) but this time the closest urban area is a small town.
the feeling of uneasiness also shows itsel in the book's cast. in most books we have a bunch of reoccuring characters: felix and net's parents, teachers, classmates - but here the only other familiar person is manfred(and even still hes not as prevelant bc theres no internet and stuff). just like the trio, the reader doesnt know anybody. theyre alone. everyone and everything here is strange and the lack of familiar faces only makes it more apparent. theres also the fact that when usually the trio are the best informed and oriented people in a given situation, here theyre.... lost. everyone(alright maybe not everyone, but you get the point) has secrets and hidden motives.
another thing is how the trio separates - although thats not uncommon in fnin, the way they do it is dffrent from usual - instead of net and felix having another one of their dramatic breakups, its nika who distances herself from her friends. thats also another thing i love about 'trzecia kuzynka' - the way it focuses on nika and her relationship with f&n. the change of setting allows for the common 'what if people find out nika is an orphan' thing to fade into the background for once, wnich means theres room to explore other aspects of nikas life and personality. her lack of friends aside from felix&net, her emphaty and selflesnes, her persistance to do the right thing - all those qualities are allowed to shine here and its great!
this book subverts expectations of a long time fnin reader and it feels so fresh and unique beacuse of that. the way the tension gradually builds up as more and more weird things happen makes it so fun to read! and, in a truly shocking twist, morten isnt behind everything this time!!(i know, impossible). even the fact the trio is separated during the finale instead of sticking toghether as per usual - 'trzecia kuzynka' flips the typical fnin formula on its head and i love it.
the new side characters are pretty cool too! when i first read this book, i thought laura's very cool - and honestly i still think that - she has a motive here, shes doing her own thing, and also shes hilarious. the others are pretty entertaining too! oh, and how could i forget - the 'false trio'. oh my frickin god the reveal of them being secret fucking agents was glorious-
and one other thing i have to mention - the horrors. there are times while reading this book when i have to stop and ask myself 'wait.why is this actually scary.' in other books there are moments or longer scary scenes, sure, but the one is dripping with tension and anticipation from start to finish, and the finale is the perfect culmination of that. there are so many scenes that just stuck with me - the graveyard, laura's mam-moth(get it) story, the whole castle sequence(i was a bit uncomfortable tho..), the reveal of the giANT FUCKING *THING* UNDER THE HOUSE-, and of course the entirety of nika's side of the finale!
i have no idea what other people think about this book, but i absolutely love it!(crap now i want to reread it for the gazillionth time)
thank you for the ask!
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symphonxx · 8 months
After brief thinking, I’ve made up my mind.
Urabe is Saiko, who’s Kuboyasu’s boss at one of Kuboyasu’s other jobs since he isnt a fulltime teacher yet. ( im still doing a bit of research on the jobs nd how it works in Japan but this is what I have come up with? Or think of it as a part time job so he can atleast earn some money to continue keeping himself afloat )
Urabe is Adachi’s manager in Cherry Magic, where hes the type of manager to push most of his unfinished work to one of his juniors, requesting for them to finish it in place of him.
Kuboyasu nd Saiko has the same dynamic as the anime nd in place of Cherry Magic, except Kuboyasu doesnt feel like leaving the job ( despite threatening to ) because of how close he and Saiko has gotten over the years. Of course he minds the amount of work Saiko pushes to him but he helps out anyways.
Fujisaki, is Aiura Mikoto and Teruhashi. Teruhashi works alongside Kuboyasu as another teacher and most of the students adore her. While Aiura works in a company near Saiki, so they usually travel to work together nd leave work together as well.
Fujisaki is a pretty girl who shares no interest in relationships and is one of only AroAce representation we get in Cherry Magic. Teruhashi and Aiura are the same way, they’re both uninterested in relationships until they found the right one ( Saiki ) but even after finding out that the one they like is in a relationship with another, they will feel contentment at the fact that said person is happy with the one they have chosen.
I needed to have Fujisaki be two different person bcs her character sincerely affected both Kurosawa and Adachi in the show. Mainly Adachi.
Aiura likes Saiki but she knows abt his crush on Kuboyasu, so she continues to push Saiki into confessing his love for the other and talk him through certain situations!
Teruhashi on the other hand, despite her crush on Saiki, she feels a sense of fondness for her longterm co-worker, Kuboyasu. Her jealousy would overtake her at times but she has slowly learnt to overcome that, watching the two of them blossom into a relationship as she supports them both from afar. Occasionally, she would be the one to drag Kuboyasu out from the terrifying realisation that THE Saiki Kusuo likes him.
Overall, im just playing around with their dynamics and im hoping to gain some traction for this two incredibly underrated friendship ( queerplatonic suckers )
Tsuge is Kaido, who’s still one of Kuboyasu’s closest friends. Kaido strives to be the best novelist and to maybe be as cool as Kuboyasu. Though he seemed like he has grown out of his chuunibyou phase, he still acts the exact same way whenever he and Kuboyasu are alone. His writing however, has improved a ton and has published a couple of fantasy romance book regarding the Dark Reunion. Even with his lack of understanding in romance, his books were great hits.
Minato is Chiyo Yumehara. Of course, the two of them ( Tsuge nd Minato ) were supposed to be a bl pairing but i do feel like Chiyo fits the role of Minato abit more.
The two of them dont really have that much to them but their dynamic in which they understand each other on a certain level means alot to them.
I dont know whether have it remain like this, or merge both Rokkaku’s character and Tsuge’s character together. Kaido fits both of them perfectly, sincr he supports them both in every way, the same way both Rokkaku and Tsuge does for Adachi, Kurosawa!
Rokkaku was just Kurosawa’s assistant, but slowly, both Kurosawa and Adachi has grown much more fond of the little red head (?), finding his slight clinging much more amusing than annoying, more often than not. However, even with his eccentric behaviour, he shows that he can be capable in the things he does and looks up to both Adachi and Kurosawa as their junior.
Tsuge on the other hand, is Adachi’s long term friend, who is a novelist and well, the same thing as what I listed above, except the chuunibyou part. He owns a stray kitten named Udon and is incredibly fond of the delivery boy that comes by to deliver his parcel. Hes a romance novelist, despite being a virgin. Bcs of that, he ALSO gains magical telepathy powers! Hes really calm and collected, giving great insight into things whenever Adachi comes across sumn he cant solve. All in all, hes a great friend.
I’ll get back to the powers in a bit but lemme kno which one suits Kaido more.
Kurosawa and Adachi are Saiki and Kuboyasu.
So yes, this is a Kubosai post. A
As you all should know, Saiki is a psychic which supernatural powers. Kuboyasu, is not. ( but if u count his great reflexes and super attentive ass nature then yea, clairvoyance 💀 )
This all changes when Kuboyasu turns 30 and gains telepathic powers where he can read the thoughts of anyone by touching them, unlike Saiki. This happens because of a myth in Japan, where if you turn 30 as a virgin, you will gain magic powers. Aren regrets not believing his co-workers because he sure as hell do now, seeing as he has to deal with it.
Here are some facts for this AU
Both Kaido and Aren gained telepathic powers and can communicate via hand touching, which leads to a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding between the two couples.
Saiki still has some of the powers but hes adapted into not using it as often like he used to, and wears his germanium ring everytime he has to head out to work or whenever he js needs to hang out with his friends ( their thoughts can get too loud )
Teruhashi and Aiura confides with each other and formed a small support group together. They also talk shit abt their co-workers and the occasional gossip.
Now for the magic thingy:
Kaido and Aren do not lose their telepathic powers in the end. Neither of them are fond of the thoughts on having intimate sex js to get rid of the powers.
Aren doesnt mind the powers that much, and hes gotten used to it. Of course it gets overwhelming sometimes when hes stuck in trapped spaces or when he accidentally brush hands with far too many that isnt Saiki and he has nothing to ground himself in that situation but as long as his boyfriend is around, he knows that he’s fine. He knows that he doesnt have to go through it alone and his boyfriend is around to help out whenever it gets too much.
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