#bc auditions are friday to tuesday
vogelmeister · 2 months
actually having a massive dilemma bc of eurovision this year and its both ethical and personal. basically last year i went "ava you need a hobby" and i was like "goud is my hobby" and then i was like "something else ava" and so as my new years resolution was to get back involved in my drama society at uni. i miss performing so much. they had auditions for their first spot but i literally couldnt audition as there was no role for me and also i was in my hometown that weekend of auditions and had a concert the other night.
anyways they announced auditions for the open spot (which realistically funnily enough is where i'd pitch goud if i were to pitch goud but sometimes i feel i'll never be confident enough in myself to do that bc it is a very personal work to me at its core. also i'd need a co-director and i almost dont trust someone else with directing these characters) and i flipped through the thingy and what do you know? i can make auditions and there is a role for me. unfortunately i looked at the show dates and it happens to be a certain week in may.
with talk on the town of boycotting eurovision because of israel (which i do not support israel being there i always found it odd bc they arent europe and thats big words coming from an australian) and the ebu flipping around until the song deadline on whether or not to ban them, i have found myself less enthusiastic about this year compared to others. i was talking to someone about how israel (or the not finnish blue and white flagged place) basically is the elephant in the room hindering this, but even so, i only have a handful of entries i really put on repeat (netherlands, croatia, finland) from this year. so the whole situation is affecting my excitement for the event, and you'd think this would make it easier but its not. bc it still is my favourite event of the year and while i can participate in everything to do with the season, to do this and then not watch the finale is a waste to me. so now im at a dilemma with what to even do bc i'd love to be on stage again but it comes at a cost, and i'd love to watch eurovision but it also comes at the cost of a certain not finnish blue and white place being there.
so like, i made a list but this is somehow worse. bc like, i feel like i dont win either way.
watching it
i won't feel depressed bc eurovision is important to me and boycotting it will probs mean sacrificing a huge part of my mental health
i already have watching plans with someone
people in my life know me as the eurovision girl and will ask me about it / i hate being vocal like this (i think its bc people wont take me seriously and i struggle to articulate thoughts regardless especially in situations like that)
joost klein / i already know half the songs anyways
i will feel shit because of israel being there (i have already boycotted KAN and the entrant and their song regardless of what happens)
i'll probably still feel depressed bc its my favourite event of the year
if i dont watch it i can audition for the play and performing makes me happy just as much as eurovision/ i havent performed since pre amsterdam
can always watch later, however not the same and may get spoiled
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
I’m back!!! School has chewed me up and spit me out but we’ve officially crossed the point where there’s less than a month left and then I will go back for another semester a week or two later to do it all again bc I am a glutton for punishment 🥲Sorry for falling off the grid a while. How are things with you? Are you looking forward to warmer weather?
heyyyy! yes i’m so ready for summer i’m taking my finals in flip flops and skimpy shorts fr
this summer will involve my tummy on warm concrete, book in my hands and my feet in the pool. plus!! writing much more often!!!!
in general, i’m stressed bc essay due friday and i have a big audition on tuesday but i think i’ll be good! i’m just so happy to be done with school soon that i’ve got tunnel vision
love seeing you in my asks!!! come talk more often babe 🫶🫶💋💋
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Has this become my live journal? yep.
here's where id do a readmore if i wasnt on mobile
Tuesday I filed my wcb appeal, my caseworker based her decision on the job site analysis the company filed and said that based on that my tasks should not be repetitive enough to cause injury or stop me from working, my PT said that's insane and he's never heard of that bc even wcb knows they're inaccurate. i asked for a copy.
it says we rotate tasks *no I do the same two things sandwiches/catering or cutting cheese, both tasks are the same motion
never lift over 40lbs *a wheel of parm weights 70-110lbs, a box of chickens weighs 50lbs
rarely reach over our heads *the prepack meat i stock 2-3x a shift is stored on the top shelf, even with the step stool the lowest box is still at almost full arm extension
also that I am not 'bending over tables' *well I'm 5'3" and all my work spaces are waist height so???
like that's insane she straight up said I'm lying because some handbook from 20 years ago was like 'this is the ideal working condition' and bc in 3 years I hadn't gone to the doctor for right shoulder pain until the day I WENT TO THE ER??? retail is literally hell. Like I have arthritis in my hands and knees, this job destroyed one of my heels, I have TOS in my left shoulder, and [probably] endometriosis, my right shoulder aching from use was not a priority pain until it genuinely took me out and i still waited 3 fucking weeks. like they are withholding 3000$ bc I'm bad at going to the doctor in a province where there are actually no doctors? like i cannot even see my GP in person he's on leave and still has to take phobe appts bc no one can cover his patients but sure
the arts and crafts instructor job is moving forward slowly, I'll file my background check info tomorrow, they called my refrences friday, once my background check passes they'll set up first aid, I'm going to flesh out my lesson plan with middle schoolers in mind. And mention the possibility of running a weekly drop in crochet clinic.
Submitted my application for Music Arts friday, waiting for my highschool to get back to me about sending my transcript directly to NSCC so I dont have to figure out dropping them off in person, and I'm starting to try to figure out what instrument that I own to take lessons in bc independently taking instrument lessons is a requirement, really its piano or guitar.
guitar would be good bc there's only so much i can teach myself from scratch but I already have 6 years of piano that is muscle memory somewhere i yall know how i like being good at things
my audition prep for the application process is going well though, I just have to get that far and I'm a little confident I'll get through. Ive never felt as confident about a choice as this, I've only made it this far once before and that was writing in highschool when I applied to UMPI and even then that was a thing to do so I had a fallback for music.
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yumiko-the-ghost · 2 years
So….. it’s been a while.
It’s story time 😅
So this past week(ish?) has been pretty tiring so far so this will be short
Friday-Sunday: ALOT of practicing audition music for state honor band/college audition
Monday: did mock audition and was complimented on my tone and style
Tuesday: we have a new staff person for marching band and he is HOT (like, objectively), then old staff people start drama bc they don’t like one of our field commanders (drum major), and now everyone hates them, but we need them to get better so yeah
Today: went to school’s chorus concert as a volunteer ushering, got to watch it twice for free
Also I took the RAADS-r autism test and scored pretty high. I got 186. Scores “consistent with autism are 65+” and I score higher than a friend of mine whom is autistic.
I have always struggled with autism-like symptoms but never did I actually realize the cause
I feel dumb
I am sad
I don’t like this
(I know that it’s not bad to be on the spectrum, this is just very sudden and I’m still kinda in shock)
Also idk if I should get medically diagnosed, or anything, and only like 5 people even know ab this, and I don’t think I’ll tell my parents ab this
I feel like breaking down and crying
But i just can’t
I don’t like this
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ribcagewolf · 3 years
i am having the busiest two weeks ever and i am nervous 24/7 :-)
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
Second Chances
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Summary (request): Hello, could you write an imagine, reader and Jensen were together and were co-actors in Devour(or Dark angel, your choice) but broke up. Years later they meet on set of Supernatural and Jensen wants get back together bc he didn't want to leave reader in first place?
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 1,800ish
Warnings: language, implied smut, smitten Jensen
“This is where your trailer will be,” said the PA showing you around that morning. “If you want to change and then head over to hair and makeup I’ll get you onto set.”
“Sure thing,” you said. You headed up the steps and grabbed your costume from the closet, doing a quick change and dumping your bag. You took a deep breath as you headed out, bracing yourself for what was to come.
Somehow you’d made it through the entire day before you saw that flash of hair and broad shoulders, a bit broader and more muscular than you remembered.
“Y/N?” said Jensen, stopped dead in his tracks from where he was walking onto set.
“Hey,” you said, giving him a smile. He stared, shaking his head after a moment, searching for words. “Want to rehearse before we have to film?”
“Sure,” he said. Practicing was easy. Working with Jensen had always been easy and now that he was the lead of the show, you saw how much he cared about the guest stars and ensuring they were comfortable working there. Your mini-rehearsal slipped easily into filming, everyone calling it an early night when you finished. You were only slated to be back the next day, your character in limbo after that but you wouldn’t be opposed to a more secure job or a call back.
Even if it was with your ex-boyfriend.
After excusing yourself from set, you headed back to your trailer and changed, nearly down your front steps when Jensen came around a corner.
“Hey,” he said, almost out of breath it seemed.
“Hey. Again,” you said with a smile.
“You uh...it has been a long time, kiddo,” he said.
“Yeah, it has,” you said, stepping onto the pavement. “You did well for yourself.”
“No, I got lucky,” he said.
“You did good, Jensen. I always knew you would,” you said. He shrugged, biting his bottom lip. “Yeah?”
“How long you been back in the states?” he asked.
“Technically not back in the states,” you said. “But I was only in London for two years before I went back to LA. I bounce around to wherever work takes me.”
“Not like when we were a pair of kids fumbling our way through it all,” he teased. “I forgot how easy it always was to work with you.”
“Well I’m still around tomorrow,” you said.
“We just going to avoid that elephant in the room?” he asked.
“We dated a long time ago, Jensen,” you said. “I’m cool with it.”
“It doesn’t mean I don’t remember why we broke up in the first place. We didn’t have problems, Y/N. You were going to London for who knew how long and you didn’t want me to be stuck tied to you,” he said.
“Long distance is hard, Jens,” you said, fixing your backpack. “Even worse back then. I don’t know if we would have survived it.”
“So we killed it instead of taking the risk,” he said. You closed your eyes, rubbing your head. “I agreed. I’m not blaming you. I never blamed you. I’ve had other girlfriends since. It’s just...never been the same.”
“What’s never been the same?” you asked, dropping your hand away.
“You haven’t looked me in the eye once outside of a scene tonight,” he said.
“I’m not the eighteen year old girl that gets swept off her feet by the cute Texas boy anymore, Jens,” you said, finally looking at him.
He was so much older but somehow those eyes looked the same as those last happy days together.
“You still love me, don’t you,” you said.
“We didn’t break up because we broke or stopped loving each other, Y/N. I thought I was over it, I really was and then you walked onto set two hours ago and changed all that on me,” he said. “I’m pretty sure you’re not over it either from the look on your face.”
“We don’t know each other anymore, Jensen,” you said. “We can’t...you have a crush again is all. I haven’t seen you in over a decade.”
“You’re right,” he said, suddenly backing off. “I’m sorry. Hell you probably have a boyfriend or a fiance or-”
“I’m single,” you said.
“I’m just going to head home,” he said, mumbling to himself. “I’m sorry. It’s too late, isn’t it.”
“Hey!” you barked, Jensen pausing as he walked away. “I didn’t...you asshole. You always won every disagreement.”
“I won the disagreements I was right about. Most of the time I just liked to see you riled up. Your nose gets all cute…” he trailed off.
“Shut up. Let’s...we could get a drink and catch up? Friends?” you asked. You barely had the words out of your mouth before he was grabbing your hand.
“Fuck,” you said, laying back in bed. You turned your head, Jensen looking over at you, getting his breath back. “Who gave you permission to get better at that?”
“Don’t complain about good sex,” he said between breaths, throwing his arm over his face, moving it away, almost as if he were trying to hide.
“Are you blushing, Jensen?” you asked, a smile spreading on your lips.
“Screw you. I haven’t been nervous about sex in years,” he said, closing his eyes.
“You always cared too much about what I thought,” you said.
“Back then I thought I was too scrawny. Now I-”
“You’re perfect,” you said, tilting your head as you rolled over and tucked yourself against him. “Jensen.”
“Stay in town a little while,” he said, moving his arm over top of your head, playing with a few strands of your hair. “Hell you can crash here in the guest room if you don’t want to rush. I want to get to know you again is all.”
“You said that four hours ago and look what happened,” you said, lifting up the sheets.
“Seems like we still like each other,” he teased. You closed your eyes and burrowed your head in the crook of his neck. “Y/N.”
“Maybe I stay the weekend. I have an audition in LA on Tuesday,” you said.
“Okay. I can settle for that for now.”
“Y/N?” asked Jensen. He was dropping you off at the airport but you weren’t getting out of the car, stuck there as you stared out the window. “Y/N, you’ll miss your flight if you don’t head out.”
“Facetime me tonight?” you asked, turning your body towards him. He smiled, nodding slowly.
“Can we try this time?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said. “I think I screwed up back then.”
“Nobody’s perfect,” he said with a smirk.
“I’ll talk to you tonight, dork,” you said.
“Alright, dork. Maybe if you don’t have plans this weekend, I can come visit you,” he said.
“Jensen, you don’t have to-”
“I lost a decade already. I’m taking every second I can get,” he said. You leaned over in your seat and kissed him, Jensen smiling into it. “Fly safe.”
“I’ll talk to you soon, Jensen,” you said, opening the door when his hand caught your wrist.
“I will see you this weekend,” he said. “Right?”
“I’m not making the same mistake, twice. I’ll talk to you tonight, Jens.”
“Hi,” said Jensen, stepping into your LA apartment around midnight on Friday night. “This is cozy.”
“I loathe it with a burning passion,” you said, locking up behind him.
“I figured as much,” he said, plucking off his baseball cap and plopping it on your head, pulling the brim down. “You’re adorable.”
“Shut up,” you said with smile, fixing the hat and plopping it on your front table. “Come to bed, honey.”
“I can get used to that.”
“So,” said Jensen, slurping down some cereal the next morning. “You never told me how your audition went.”
“I heard back yesterday. I got the job. Half-season gig. I talked to a producer of a different show I did recently and there’s an opportunity for a full season next year depending on character reception,” you said.
“What kind of show?” he asked, taking another bite. “Another drama?”
“Sort of. You uh, you still want to…even if I get jobs far away...” you trailed off.
“Yeah. You’re my girl. I don’t care how far away you are. We’re in this together,” he said.
“Good. I was thinking of getting a roommate for this new show,” you said.
“Roommate?” he asked.
“Yeah. I got someone in mind,” you said.
“Do I know them?”
“Probably better than anyone,” you said.
“Well as long as they don’t mind me showing up every weekend,” he said.
“You still haven’t gotten it yet, have you?” you teased, hopping up on the counter. “I’m hoping you’d be my roommate.”
“But I’m in Vancouver,” he said. You raised an eyebrow, a smile quickly spreading on his face. “You’re so sleeping in my room.”
“I don’t think I’ll have a problem with that,” you said, scooting closer to him. “Want to take any guesses on the show?”
“I’m not that lucky,” he said.
“Not this season, no. But I’ll be around and maybe next year that other show will pan out,” you said with a smirk. “If that’s okay with you of course. I know we dove headfirst into this thing again.”
“I’m okay with that,” said Jensen. “It’s a little funny though.”
“What is?”
“I guess I don’t regret what happened as much as I thought I did. I really like this person you’ve become, even more than the old you,” he said.
“You’re still a sweet talker,” you said. He smiled, reaching up and pulling you down into his lap, your arms wrapping around his neck. “Hey, you didn’t drop me this time like the first time you did that. Good for you. That’s another improvement right there.”
“Shut up,” he teased, nuzzling your cheek. “Never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“There was also the time-“
“Sh,” he said, cutting you off with a kiss. You smiled into it, slowly peeling away when you started to slide off his lap. His hands hiked underneath you though and pulled you back, Jensen chuckling to himself. “Just where do you think you’re going? You think I’m letting you go again?”
“I hope not,” you said.
“No. Not letting you slip away this time. I promise.”
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bunnyfangs · 5 years
oh my GOD mobile tumblr changed colors too great lmfao anyway. life update: my job rules and i get paid on friday which is the end of my first three weeks (like.. friday MORNING bc direct deposit no more going to a place to pick up a check and paying to cash it). tuesday my boss is bringing homemade egg rolls for new years AND IM PUMPED???? i haven’t gotten to celebrate new years this way ever and two women in my office are asian so we’re throwing down i’m excited. we get lunch catered on mondays too so!!! hella!!!
uhhhh - wtf why did it make such a big space with one enter. ok but mom keeps giving me the “write a book you stupid idiot” talk and it’s sinking in. i submitted for an audition for a feature film today. i’m gonna record monologues finally for my agent audition probably next weekend? i got my headshots back a while ago and they’re. so pretty.
i have been pretty alarmingly overwhelmed and depressed and have almost k***** m***** a couple of times but!!!!!! i didn’t. i have therapy on wednesday after two months of shit happening so i couldn’t go. i’m just. i’m doing okay!!!!!! i’m a little bit waiting for something awful to happen but. i have really good and kind friends who love me and i don’t doubt they love me (often) and my coworkers seem to like me and my family mostly loves me (i think, i still struggle with that one). i’m doing gooooood. i didn’t mean for this to be so long ok goodnight cashoo cashoo
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stevieweevie71 · 4 years
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#Repost @bgbstudio (@get_repost) ・・・ Acting is a lifelong practice. Are you in it for the long haul? Building a career isn't about that one "big break" or booking that one project you've been dreaming about. How will you get TO that project? What will you do after? The throughline of your career has to be the work you're doing every single day. And THAT is what will get you noticed. You don't have to be flashy or figure out the "secret" to talking to casting directors. You need to create space for the evolution of your craft and your artistic expression: Monday: you're writing with a partner ✏️ Tuesday: you're in a writers group 👥 Wednesday: you're rehearsing a play with a theatre company on Zoom 💻 Thursday: you're in a robust class 🌍 Friday: you're taping a monologue ✨ Saturday: you're cooking a beautiful, creative meal 🍜 Sunday: you're performing that play... 😄 and so on... Auditioning or not, there are NO excuses. YOU ARE AN ACTOR! And, like anything else you grow, you will see results. Get your 10,000+ hours in. Commit to your passion + your lifelong practice. And the Industry will find you! Comment below with what you're committing to doing TODAY! ☀️ . . . #bgbstudio #thebgbstudio #BGBcommunity #actingstudio #acting #actingteacher #onlineclasses #creative #creator #castingdirector #selftape #fosteryourcreativity #bts #onset #create #artistsway #meisner #stanislavski #agent #manager #makeyourownhappiness #monologue #monologuechallenge #getcreative #artistsoninstagram #actor #actors #actress (at BWI Business District) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDvDONyp-bC/?igshid=fhfkxl86xpwm
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yumiko-the-ghost · 2 years
Ok so now just like a recap of the last ~5(?) days:
Thursday- band rehearsal, we learned almost all of our drill, and got rained out for a while
Friday- got soaked bc of a torrential downpour while going to a fb game to preform and then it gets cancelled (shenanigans ensued)
Saturday- very tired from the night before, slept till noonish, cleaned the rest of the day
Sunday- my momther’s birthday, a lot of family I don’t know showed up (as usual), had ALOT of cake and played mincraft with 3 people till 4am
Monday- more sleep bc I tired and then practicing music bc big (scary) audition is at the end of the month, moved into new apartment bc I was living an hour away from my school, went on a date to Outback w my gf and had to cut her steak (bc she is a child (not literally we are the same age))) and had a good time (~3 hours)
Tuesday- today(booo) first day at new apartment, no food to eat for breakfast/dinner, lights flickering and holes in the walls (nice…) went to school and managed to figure out a lot of calculator functions while not paying attention in my statistics class, then got yelled at for forgetting to do homework that wasn’t required. Now I am writing this while remembering that I don’t have a printer and require the last of my cash to pay for club dues bc they decided to send out paperwork the night before. I love it here
Also I don’t expect anyone to actually read through all of what will be posted here (unless something REALLY bad happens and I become very unpopular) but if you are here while I’m still actively posting- thanks for listening to my rambling/ranting and have a good ride. 😄
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listen-away · 6 years
america’s got talent audition experience - journal entry #5
hi, so i have a bit of time to make yet another journal entry and boy, do i have a lot of stuff to spill to you guys on this fine friday. 
I auditioned for America’s Got Talent just this Tuesday at the Cincinnati location bc it’s insanely close to me. The entire experience was super wonderful. I made friends with this girl who we added on instagram and we hope to both get through to the second round so we can be there side be side :’) I also met a few more incredible people. Everyone was so talented and energetic and the vibes were so good, there were groups of people outside the holding room singing alongside each other and there were cameras bc they take shots from what happens on the first round of auditions and i think integrate them to the 2nd round footage. 
I was nervous almost up until i had to perform. We were there for 7 hours before we were able to finally audition. THE PROCESS TOOK FOREVER. it was a lot of waiting for your number to be called just to go into a new room, and the process repeated like 3 times i wanna say. People brought big bags with food which was smart if you didn’t want to pay for the food booths that were outside of the holding room within the building. 
It was just such a fun day and a wonderful experience and I still cannot believe all of that even happened and in the end of it after i auditioned, i felt extremely confident in my performance and i think i picked the best song for my vocals to shine and my range so i’m HOPINGGGG i get a call back, and of course i will let you guys know if i do or not. <3 
my new job is going well. I actually love it. it’s easy. the group of people i work with are lunatics but they are very funny supportive and a big happy family that loves to fuck with each other from time to time :’) my apartment is still standing, i’m fully moved in and i love the vibe of my house. it’s just so cozy. i just need to figure out what to do for christmas decorating :D 
i’m going to Liam’s sisters Thanksgiving Dinner and i’m really excited!! I get to meet a bit of his family which is a lil scary but also exciting and she can’t wait to meet me, i’m guessing liam’s been talking nonstop about me with his family, and his family has been overall so welcoming and sweet! 
And for New Years, Liam is coming with me to this big gathering my moms friends have at this hotel and it’s always so much fun we all dress up and it’s lot of dancing and drinking and socializing and eating, so it’s like a wedding reception without the wedding portion lol. 
i’m just, so excited for everything. i’m even excited to be able to get a grip on my mental health. i just got meds for my anxiety and so far the side effects have been weird and made me a little nauseous, but i’m feeling better now and i’m ready to tackle all the shit i gotta get done today lol. I’m happy to finally be taking care of myself, happy to have the support and people i have in my life, and happy that i’m going out and going after my wildest dreams. 2017, you’ve been very good to me <33333 
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i-am-too-sick · 7 years
Casual hello pop in I'm the six or seven story person about my fellow band friend. With everything that has happened to him, he's feeling better now, bUT to cap it all off, he got injured really badly on the knee and is in crutches!! I'm his assistant helper, and get to carry around his instrument and bags to classes. It makes me happy for some reason? But I'm glad to know he's doing better... in some sort😅
(I’m not sure if you received the previous one I sent, maybe a few days ago or so) PaRt niNe. MY GOSH. I don’t know how this works, but after injuring his knee and being on crutches this entire week (I got to help him with his instrument for our evaluation Thursday wOO) we were texting this evening and he says he has a fever (he gave me exact details like syMPTOMS TOO YES.) and he told me he had a baseball game today and trudged through with his injury (off crutches he’s a rebel) and fever :(
I saw your message with the anon!:) you don’t have to answer these asap, so please take your time. But so many things keep happening with this precious being. I hope you don’t mind me telling all these. I think I already notified that he was on crutches, we were both walking to class, and I had previously had to catch him about three or four times, but the one time I couldn’t, he fell, his his injured knee on the cement, and couldn’t get up bc he was in so much pain. We were 30 min l8 2 class.p1
He was on crutches for the entire week, and that Friday he said he NEEDED to go to his baseball game, so all that day in class he practiced walking on his leg so he could wear it in, and he played his game Friday and Saturday. He had band that weekend, and as soon as he got home, he said he felt terrible. He had a fever that day of 100.9, and he said his entire body hurt, he was coughing constantly, and he was having weird mood swings. He fell asleep texting me four times, apologizing after.p2
The next morning he texted me saying he had a fever of 102.6, and he notified me that he took around six showers that day, and everything hurt so much worse. He was asleep most of the time, and coughing woke him up. He said he couldn’t go to school the next day. And that next day, he said his fever went over 103, and they went to the doctor. He said he fell asleep waiting for the appointment, and he wanted to go home. He couldn’t go to school Tuesday either, but the fever went down to 101.4
Finally, Tuesday he said he felt worse, and he couldn’t go to school Wednesday, so he missed his auditions (he is actually coming in tomorrow to make them up) and he was texting me during school complaining on how he felt, and said how he’s “dying on a couch”. Today(Wednesday) I got stuck at school, so his mom had to pick me up, and sure enough he was in the car. He looked really pale and he was coughing, but he is going into school tomorrow bc his fever is gone, and he has to do his audition.p4
Using your own words, your friend really is a precious being. Hurt and sick is seriously the best and I’m disappointed that I don’t utilize it enough in my own writing, but it’s like—double the pain, double the fun.
It seems like your friend is over the bug by now, so hopefully he can manage to keep from getting sick anymore for the rest of the time he has crutches. If not though, please keep me updated. 😉
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totopopopo · 6 years
I’m taking less credits this semester bc I haven’t been sleeping so I’m only taking 12 credits - a litarature seminar, a Shakespeare class, a Milton class, and an animal behavior class
But I’m also taking an unofficial Nietzsche after school Tuesdays for no credits, I’m TAing for a freshmen literature class, I’m auditing the advanced Classical Latin literature class, and I’m going to be one of the club leaders of a new Ancient Greek club on Wednesday’s possibly.... plus I’ve been discussing starting a new book club on friday afternoon... plus I’m helping run an arts and crafts club on thursdays
So my plan to take on less work for my last semester of school has uuuh failed miserably
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bitchy-ish · 3 years
Okay, time for Muggle Au headcanons,
Featuring Blaise x Ron bc i love it(also trans ron)
First of all, theater kid. Fred and George are on the football team and he needed to stay after school till they’re done, he signed up for the musical and turns out hes good at singing
He’s not the best at dancing but for someone with absolutely no experience he’s doing good
He actually gets really into it, and he practices and finds other musicals he enjoys
Its also something to do while Harry and Hermione cant hang out(studying and football practice)
When he eventually says that he doesn’t want to mess up and make a fool of himself during auditions, a group of kids get up and start making themselves look dumb and embarrassing to make him feel less worried
Being in the musical gives him so much confidence, especially after he got a lead(Brady)
He would actually care so much about the show and dancing he would spend any free time he had practicing lines or the dance
Blaise gets Butchy, and Ron and him end up becoming friends because of it, causing discourse with their friend groups
Ron figures out he’s not completely straight because of Blaise. He’s Rons first kiss
They have a sleepover on a Friday to practice together and thats when Ron comes out as trans
His binder is making it hard to breath after all the dancing and Blaise is like “Hold up bro-you good?” And ron explains and Blaise is just like “Jesus bro take it off them, im not gonna judge you.”
They officially get together on opening night, before the show Ron took a risk and kissed Blaise in the dressing room, getting one in return
The show is great, its fantastic, Ron see’s Harry and Hermione sitting with Pansy and Draco(they worked things out) in the front row and smiles at them
After the show he and Blaise talked things out and became official, announcing it later that night at dinner with their friends
Thats it for rn folks. But this was all coursing through my brain during math on Tuesday
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demitgibbs · 5 years
What’s Hot South Florida Mar. 15 – Mar. 20
Friday, March 15
Emmy award-winning comedian, author and host of “The Daily Show” Trevor Noah brings his “Loud & Clear Tour 2019” to Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla., with two shows at 7:30 and 10:30 pm. Tickets are $35, $60, and $90 at seminolehardrockhollywood.com.
The Ramrod presents special guest, the current SECC Bootblack Boypup Max.
Saturday, March 16
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Hollywood presents, direct form America’s Got Talent the Champions, the magic of Jon Dorenbos. Showtime is 8pm with tickets $60 and $80 at seminolehardrockhollywood.com.
The Boynton Beach Art District (410 West Industrial Ave.)3rd Saturday of the month Art Walk will take place from 6-10 pm. The event which is recognized as the longest running art walk packs a punch with outstanding artists, musicians, open studios, live music, food trucks and an assortment of arts and crafts vendors. For over 7 years the Boynton Beach Art District outdoor event has been the place for locals, hipsters, artists, musicians, and tourists to gather under the stars and celebrate the arts.
The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale presents BC Bazaar from 2-5pm. For this occasion, the hotel will be transforming its signature restaurant, Burlock Coast, into a vibrant marketplace for all to shop different local and regional vendors. From the popular Lilly Pulitzer brand to beautiful pottery pieces created by local artist Domingo Olavarria, guests and locals can enjoy an afternoon of shopping with the beach just steps away. Venezuelan artist, Claudia Echeverría (CLoD), will also be in attendance to do live demonstrations of her well-known whimsical abstract paintings, which will be available for purchase. 
The Manor Complex in association with Hilton Wolman presents the 20th anniversary of the official “Atlantis Salvation Sail-Away Event.” In the Ballroom they feature the sounds of DJ Kidd Madonny with set design by 3DX. In the Ivy Dance Room and patio, Noche Latina Saturdays presents Taina Norell, Lana Novva Lanudde and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Doors open 1 hour early at 10pm with admission only $10 before 11pm. Tickets can also be bought for $10 in advance at: Showclix.com/event/atlantis19.
Sunday, March 17
Rumors presents “Lucky Sunday,” where they will be celebrating St Patty’s Day with many specials including $15 Corned Beef and Cabbage.
The Ramrod presents their monthly EDC (Enforced Dress Code) on the patio from 9pm to 12am hosted by 2019 Mr. Florida Rubber, James “O Town” Kinkster.
Monday, March 18
My good friends Latrice Royale and her hubby Christopher Hamblin present their annual Mr. and Miss Pride South Florida 2019 Pageant at the beautiful Aventura Arts and Cultural Center. The night will honor Rolly Villaverde and Dee Ranged (Mr. and Miss Pride South Florida 2018) and feature hostesses Nikki Adams and Sasha Sommers and performances by Wendy Williams, Tayanna Love, Raul Vegas, Porsha Chambers, Missy Meyakie Lepaige, Elishaly D’Witshes, Jeffrey Kelly, Delores T. Van Cartier, Judas Elliot and very special guest, the one and only Tommie Ross. Categories include: Presentation (show your pride), Talent, Swimwear, Formal Wear and Q&A (top 5 only). For more information go to: PridesouthFL.com.
The Pride Center at Equality Park presents “Dining With Pride” from 11am to 8pm at Las Orquideas (5640 N. Federal Highway – Latin American Restaurant). Mention “Dining with Pride” when ordering and 25% of the proceeds will go to support the Pride Centers 2019 Florida AIDS walk Team. The donation will be matched dollar for dollar by AHF.
Tuesday, March 19
Scandals presents the open auditions at 8pm for their new contest entitled “Voice of Scandals.” Bring a 1 minute acapella vocal audition. 12 contestants will be selected for this 10 week contest with weekly eliminations. Voice of Scandals is hosted by Alex and Jesica and the audience will determine the winner, who will receive $1,000 in cash and 3 bookings in their summer music series.
The GFLGLCC (Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce) presents their March Mixer at Renaissance Fort Lauderdale Cruise Port Hotel (1617 SE 17th Street) from 5:30-7pm. Admission is complimentary for GFLGLCC members and only $10 for future members. The event includes one complimentary Reyka vodka drink and complimentary Hors D’oeuvres.  For more information and/or to RSVP email: [email protected].
Wednesday, March 20
Murray & Peter present Haters Roast: The Shady Tour, at 8pm at the Parker Playhouse. This is an outrageous evening of unapologetic comedy starring the drag queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race on VH1: Willam, Latrice Royale, Ben DeLa Crème, Thorgy Thor, Lady Bunny, Mimi Imfurst, and hosted by Darienne Lake. They’re all sisters when they walk on stage, but that’s when everything changes as the queens read each other for filth – all in good fun.
The inaugural Greater Fort Lauderdale Food & Wine Festival, which will feature culinary creations and libations from local restaurants, craft spirit brands, wineries and breweries will take place from today through Sunday, March 24, in Hollywood and Fort Lauderdale. The festival will benefit Feeding South Florida and showcase Broward County’s renowned and emerging chefs and restaurateurs and highlight the culinary renaissance that is currently sweeping through Broward County. Notable restaurant partners for the Grand Tasting on March 23, include Casa D’Angelo, Café Maxx, Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurants, Lobster Bar Sea Grille, Olivia Restaurant and Bar and The Capital Grille. For a full list of partners and participants, please visit GFLFoodWine.com.
This is HOT
Who says green beer is the only celebratory drink on St. Patrick’s Day? Barefoot, which has deep roots in being an ally to the LGBTQ community, is offering some festively green cocktail recipes for those who would like to cheers to St. Patty’s Day with an alternative to the same old beer. To boot, these recipes only call for five ingredients or less so you can spend less time prepping and more time celebrating with friends and family! 
#td_uid_1_5c892800b3e8c .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item1 { background: url(https://hotspotsmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/LuckOtheIrishAppleSipper-160x120.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; }
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 Luck O’ the Irish Apple Sipper
3 ounces Barefoot Moscato Spumante Bubbly
1 ounce Irish Whiskey
1 ounce Apple Juice
Apple Slice Garnish
Combine Irish Whiskey and apple juice in cocktail shaker with ice. Shake to blend and chill. Strain into champagne flute. Top with Moscato Spumante. Garnish with apple slice.
#td_uid_2_5c892800b499b .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item1 { background: url(https://hotspotsmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Pinch-Me-Prosecco-Image-2-160x120.png) 0 0 no-repeat; }
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Shamrock Pinch
2 ounces Barefoot Moscato
½ ounce Irish Whiskey
1-½ ounce Orange Juice
1-½ ounce Ginger Beer
1/8 Fresh Lime
Place ice in a tall glass.
Add wine, whiskey, and orange juice
Top with ginger beer
Squeeze fresh lime into drink and drop the shell into the glass
#td_uid_3_5c892800b54a3 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item1 { background: url(https://hotspotsmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/BFC_Shamrock-Pinch_DrinkShot_-160x120.png) 0 0 no-repeat; }
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Pinch Me Prosecco
3 ounces Barefoot Bubbly Prosecco – chilled
¾ ounce lime juice
¾ ounce simple syrup
Lime wheel
Combine lime juice and simple syrup in a cocktail shaker with ice
Shake to chill
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and top with Barefoot Bubbly Prosecco
Garnish with lime wheel
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/03/13/whats-hot-south-florida-mar-15-mar-20/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/183427355995
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crypteddy · 7 years
Hey it's going to be okay, you're going to work this out and nail those auditions okay? Calm yourself however you can and get some rest. You got this! 🌙
Ah yes but see musical theatre auditions are fucking CRAZY I need 2 classical pieces (one in Italian), 2 musical theatre pieces, 2 monologues, and we do a dance audition. I can’t dance because I have bad hips and a bad leg, so I have to NAIL the rest of my audition. I can’t learn Italian by myself, and I’ve never done a monologue before in my LIFE all of my experience comes from doing plays but I never have like A monologue in them So i honestly don’t think I can do it aloneAnd she wants me to drive 45 minutes after school out to her house to sing for an hour and then drive 45 minutes to an hour back to MY house discounting traffic bc by then it’ll be rush hour and that doesn’t leave time for homework which I need to have time to do homework bc Tuesday Thursday and Friday I have rehearsal, saturday and Sunday I have work, Wednesday I have ballet and youth group, and Thursday I have stretch and strengthening So basicallyI’m fucked And super fucking stressed And exhaustedBut now I might be too stressed to go to sleep Ugh
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a-secrets-keeper · 7 years
((I'm sorry replies are so fookin slow, friends, I'm just swamped. This'll hopefully explain my situation a bit and clue you into my comings and goings for now. I get up on Mondays, Wednesday and Thursdays at 10:00 for my noon classes that last up to 2 1/2 a piece. I've worked every weekday this week, so I leave straight from class to go to work, which I don't get home from until about 10, 10:30 at night. For those wondering, Tuesdays are the days I do my work for my online course, and Friday is an amnesty day of sorts that I spend doing any work I missed during class, which tends to be a lot, bc college. On weekends, I clean and when it's all said and done, I practice playing, singing, search for a new job and internships, and do domestic chores, including laundry, cleaning the kitchen (I live with four other people that are at home much more often than I am that do not clean up after themselves very well), and finding auditions for theaters nearby. I'm also studying to get certified as a pharmacy technician, which is not my major (my major is Television Production). I have delayed sleep phase disorder, which sets my circadian rhythm off, so I don't get sleepy until between 2:00 and 5:00 am, and sometimes it is even later than that. My chronic fatigue is flaring up big-time, along with my depression, so I'm constantly exhausted. Plus, my caffeine addiction that I struggled to break in high school is back with a vengeance because I literally cannot stay awake without some kind of stimulant. I am not completely reliant on external consumption to stay awake for any length of time during the day. I also suffer from chronic pain (one of my legs is slightly longer than the other, which puts strain on the longer one to compensate during a stride + my joints are losing cartilage and the internal "friction" cause a constant dull ache), and I spend anywhere from 5-8 hours standing with one fifteen minute sit down somewhere in the middle on my feet and moving (bc I work retail and if you aren't up and moving, you're not working :) ). I'm not medicated for any of my conditions, so I "self-medicate". Like...I found out they have caffeinated chocolate bars. They have those. Why do I know? Because I went looking for them. I bought several. Between those, Monsters, sodas, teas, and diet supplements, I manage to keep myself up during the day when my body wants to be asleep. And because my sleep debt is so fucking big, when I get a day off, I usually just sleep it away. Fun Fact Break: my longest stint of being awake was 97 hours, so about 4 days, and the longer time I've spent asleep without waking is a whopping 34 hours, and I was fighting off a devastating infection at the time. Anyway, so I've been awake for about 18 hours of every day for the last week, with my tracked average sleep being 5 hours and 51 minutes a night for that period, and while I cannot sleep and am active on Tumblr, my muse tends to be on the fritz when I am not well-rested. I was kind of okay yesterday, but stress, be it from America's political and societal situation (I am a mixed race, genderqueer female who is not straight, so, y'know) or the fact that I am up to my neck in work finally shut down that part of me, so I'm currently trying to rest my mind. But, I have to get up at 8 to make my doctor's appointment to get my extended birth control so I don't get pregnant during Trump's administration...and then I have to go to work, 1-8, possibly to 9:30, come home, make sure everything is in order at home, and then pack my bag to spend my day off with my boyfriend. Did I mention I'm trying to maintain a relationship on top of all of this? Lmao So that's a little peak into M's life as of this week, and hopefully things will calm down some by next week. But hey, bright side, my paycheck should be in within the next few hours, which means I can eat!! If you read all this, you're a fucking trooper, and you should tell me. Heck, if you come to my inbox and you read it all, I'll type up a starter just for you once I get rested again!! Thank you for your patience and understanding, and here's to future interactions with anyone and everyone I happen to meet!! Cheers, ~ Mun M))
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