#bc I want to
arminsumi · 7 months
it is CANON gojo is STRAIGHT
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Sorry you cannot tell me that the capital “Dazzling” in the last verse is not a Deadpool 3 reference
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ghosttb0y · 2 years
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my meow meow
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didderd · 8 months
(deleted th poll bc i felt weird abt. kinda being told to do it by an anon lmao. but i got 25 votes on ye, which's good enough for me. so i'll at least attempt to do th thing)
(feel free to suggest prompts in th replys or tags for th fell sans drawings :3)
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anyo1 · 1 year
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Wednesday in Slytherin!
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cats-and-cacti · 5 months
Current things tag game????! Thanks for taggin gme @forlorngarden <3
3 ships: wouldnt u like to know weatherboy
last song: sing - hozier and strange overtones - david byrne have been taking turns being stuck in my head
last movie: the prince and me it sucked lmao
currently reading: I tried starting the secret history the other day and accidentally fell asleep for 3 hours 😇
currently watching: I just finished obituary on hulu?? it was ok. tell me what to watch next!
currently consuming: got a TON of fucking vegetables at the store yesterday im trying to cook more from home 🥰
currently craving: TRAVEL get me out of this country lmao
Ilyyyyyyyy and I tag @stormstruck-angel @witchstone @onpyre @catbreathh and @brothfan1997
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pennyserenade · 10 months
someone sent me a message and tumblr is simply never going to let me see it i fear. cruel
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
This is strictly for research purposes only… (lol is it really though?) does anyone know if someone has written how different Pedro Pascal characters eat pussy because……….
If that hasn’t been written….
Then maybe I’ll just….
Write it myself 👀
Do you see where this is going? 😵‍💫
Joel, Javi P, Din, Jack Daniels, Frankie….
C’mon now who wouldn’t want to read that?
I’m claiming this now fyi
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ever wish you could crawl into a game and just. stay in there.
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royalseablings · 1 year
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ike9306 · 1 year
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A tree.
Just a fucking tree. I felt like it.
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writersus · 2 years
About Kaitlyn's character pitfalls, I honestly interpreted her decisive nature as a little bit of a negative trait, but only in like certain situations? Like the campfire scene and how she dared Emma to kiss either Jacob or Nick; I think it was said later on that she wanted to help Jacob get back together with Emma, but it doesn't seem to me like she considered the potential cons?? Like her mind went "Yes this will work 100 percent and nothing bad will happen." Aside from that, as an aspiring writer who's struggling to come up with negative traits for my own potential characters, I do wish they'd shown more of her negatives, like with Jacob's clingyness leading to him stranding them, and how even a character's positive trait can backfire and turn into a negative, like they did with Ryan's steadfast defending of people he cares about - i.e. Chris - turning into a denial about the situation they're in.
I think this is a perfect example of the duality of certain characteristics being positive and negative. Realistically, there is no pro and con, it is all circumstantial. This duality of decisiveness is something I personally thought about too, but you put it into words so well, thank you SO much.
Regardless, as mentioned, the narrative itself doesn't explore any of these 'pros' as 'cons' later down the road for Kaitlyn or even introduce other more negative traits like being prone to panic or something as simple as being bad with directions or something. We're left with the coolest and most badass final girl ever which is excellent but even having an ending with a police investigation or something could have shown us how Kaitlyn handles stress and trauma after the fact and added a little oomph to her character.
Another character I think that suffered from being left behind in the narrative is Abi. She's the one-note shy artist, slight romantic which again, is ok. It suffices because that's all she needed to be to serve the story they made, especially with such a big cast, but when trying to flesh out a whole character individually and equally, it's a bit difficult. Now Abi is easier bc culturally, shyness can be interpreted negatively, especially in America and she is sort of shown to be prone to panic through her actions rather then verbally expressing her insecurities, but the point is:
How can you hope to flesh out so many characters to be equally complex with a finite amount of time in a game? Some characters are bound to fall through the cracks, and that's fine. Leaves room for people like me. Ready to overanalyze. Maybe project a little.
Anyway. You know what? More freedom for me. This is MY Kaitlyn Ka and I choose to make her a complex individual in such a way that fits with the narrative of my fic.
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kadythethief · 1 year
cw: angst, dysphoria??? (trans??)
ok so like
an mc who's always kinda been like...(trans)masc...y? or just gnc??
and then they get chosen for the exchange program
and now they have to see lucifer, prancing around, honestly, gender-perfection in person probably?? every day???
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i am once again asking you guys for your favorite scps
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ncteez · 2 years
@peach-gummy got sappy with me and now im crying so 
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I am making muffins, soup, and mulled cider
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