#battle yorkie
sca-nerd · 1 year
Ruby Joust
My Squire Brother, Marcus de Rath, was Knighted! Which was the whole reason I went. Ruby Joust is not usually on my calendar because it’s always ridiculously hot and miserable, and usually longer than a day trip drive that I’m comfortable with. I was not about to miss this event. So, under the guise of celebrating Sir William’s 5th anniversary of Knighthood, I grabbed the niece (who is also in the Household), the little old pupper ladies, booked a hotel room, drove 6 hours and proceeded to help hide EVERYTHING going on from Marcus until he could be put on Vigil on Saturday afternoon.
Traditionally, Ruby Joust tends to have god-awful weather; it’s usually swelteringly hot. 5 years ago, at Sir William’s Knighting, it was so oppressively hot my niece got heat stroke, and my phone died in the middle of recording the ceremony because it over heated. So when we were told, “You don’t want to miss Ruby this year” (which is code for get your ass to this event/Court, something is happening in our Household) I knew I was gonna book a hotel room. I wasn’t going to mess around this year.
My biggest concern was the dogs. Because of extenuating circumstances, I wasn’t able to leave them behind and so at 15½ and 14, they went to their first SCA event. I knew Tipitiwitchit would thrive, because she is social, curious and everyone is friend-shaped. Daisy is the one I was concerned about. Daisy is skittish and shy around people, even if she knows them, and will sometimes try to intimidate other dogs (she was attacked once and had 12 stitches), and so she sometimes barks and charges other dogs when she first meets them. When we meet new dogs, we always take precautions with her for that reason. She’s never hurt anyone, but we aren’t willing to risk that ONE TIME she does.
At home, Daisy is so noisy and bossy and has such a BIG personality; we joke that she is secretly a Mafia Boss. Around people or in new places she gets shy, reserved, hesitant, sometimes quiet, and will usually just hide in my lap or want to be carried everywhere. Going into this, I knew she would need extra care. I had prepared her own space so she could be comfortable, I warned folks I would be going to the hotel if things got too hot or too much for the dogs, and everyone who knows Daisy knew that she would be a little bit overwhelmed.
I don’t know what dog I brought to Ruby Joust, because it was not Daisy.
This. Bitch. We had literally JUST arrived on site and she walked straight up to people she didn’t know. She let complete strangers pet her without shying away or me having to stand with her. She FOLLOWED people like she was going with them. “Bye mom, gonna hang out with my new friends,” kind of followed. She let people HOLD HER. And she didn’t try to get away, wiggle to be let down, or try to stretch to me to take her from them. I have never seen a guy hold her, and she let TWO of them do it while being perfectly content. She didn’t bark once. Not once. She is a yorkie/jack russell mix. She ALWAYS barks. I don’t think I heard her bark once from Friday morning to Monday morning.
She THRIVED. And in the process made me into a LIAR. “She’s skittish she won’t let you pet her,” LIE. “She won’t come to you if you call her,” LIE. “She doesn’t let other people hold her,” LIE. “She might bark at your dog,” LIE. If I had known she was a born Scadian, I would have brought her to events sooner!
She and Tipi also got to be part of the procession into Court when Marcus was summoned, which was a lot of fun. Now I wish that I had made them SOME sort of Household garb or a bandana at the very least. Next time, I guess, because they had a lot of fun and so I will definitely take them to another event soon (when the weather is more comfortable for them).
Speaking of the weather, we had GORGEOUS weather. There was a cold front pushing through, so it was in the low 70’s with no humidity, some cloud cover, and a nice breeze the whole time. We broke down early on Sunday morning so none of the canvas got wet in the anticipated rain, and then I left after the Knighting. If I stood still for longer than a minute, both dogs were asleep on the grass – so I knew they were done. We were probably about 20 minutes on the road when the rain hit, so it was a good call to break down when we did.
The Knighting was beautiful. Marcus and his Lady looked incredible. The speech for the chain, the spurs, and the belt (the sword presenter left ahead of the anticipated rain), were beautiful. He received a belt that had belonged to our Knight’s Knight – Sir Kane. It was an emotional time; the culmination of years of hard work and growth, and I am so honored to have been able to witness it and to be a part of it. I am so proud of him and deeply grateful to be able to call him my Brother.
Vivat, Sir Marcus de Rath.
OH. Nearly forgot one of my favorite parts: THEY PUT A BATTLE YORKIE ON HIS SCROLL. I have to get a picture of it, because I died a little when I saw it.
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The Brutality (and some censoring) Of The Rumbar Deaths.
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Similar to my piece on Yorki and his lil sickness, this is again just something that haunts me constantly and is honestly something I don’t see anyone else talking about. Maybe this is because I have Rumbar Pirates autism. The deaths of the Rumbar Pirates are often thought to just be the snippet we see during their final moments, however Oda paints a much darker picture, with such dark hues the anime had to censor some of this. More than just Binks Sake happened to these men. To begin, I am going to introduce you all to a certain Rumbar Pirate. Pirates.
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This is Madaisuki! He has a twin brother named Madawadasuki Mizuta!
These Mizuta boys are named this because they are the japanese pun of “I love DOTS!” and “Dots ain’t half bad!” We know they were young, and that they wanted to be just like Brook. (I will go over these statements a bit later.) They wore matching clothing, mirroring one another as some twins do, having a tight bond. We already know their candles were snuffed out too short, but do you know how this happened to each? Madawadasuki is shown in the Bink’s Sake flashback, blood pooling on his temple and matting some of his hair. He looks tired, but with a smile, plays on with the other remaining crew. That is the key word here, remaining. There were hundreds of men on this ship yet THIS is what we see surrounding Brook on the deck? Where are the rest. THAT is where Madaisuki comes in. 
Madaisuki does not die on screen, but his body, just the body, is gruesome enough that the anime had to censor it. When we find the young man, he is in one of the off rooms, looks to be the dining area, thrown onto the floor with his arms outstretched, with his hair still attached to the skull.
This is not the reason behind the censoring, no, the reason is the cause of death.
Plunged into his skull and back, pinning his body to the floor with his jaw still open, are his own weapons. His own swords pin his body to the floor, so even if he somehow survived the attack, he could not get up, however with your own blade through your brain case and into the blood spattered floor below you, that is not much of an option.
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This leaves a few things open for the reader to take in. Why is he tucked away in an off room like this? Well, it means the battle either continued into these rooms, not just on deck, which is more than likely shown by the shattered mirrors and doors in the bedrooms and hallways we see, or poor Madaisuki was cornered, overpowered, and butchered.
In any case, this means his brother either also saw this and continued to smile and sing for Laboon, or held a hope that somehow, his twin was just somewhere else, tucked away to die in peace. How many other men died this way, for we see bedroom doors torn off hinges and blood spattering the walls.
Time does do that, a butchering does.
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This is just one body, one upon hundreds, we know this because of a line Franky states so casually I am unsure if the anime added it; “We could not carry them all, we buried them here. The weight was too much for the Sunny to take.”
The weight was too much for the Sunny to take.
How many men died, because those multiple upon multiple coffins were not filled with bodies, but skulls. Only skulls.
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If the ship cannot carry it, how do we expect BROOK?? He must hold grief for he was acting Captian, these things on his head alone, and knowing he failed his partner, my god, that must ache. To know you created widows, fatherless children, families who will never know if their little boys or men or partners or fathers would come home. No closure, only Brook, and the poison that caused the remaining light-hearted musicians to bleed out in their little heap.
When Brook picks up the skull of Madaisuki, a memory comes to mind. Perhaps not a recent one, for he knew them for many years, but one that stood out to him. One Oda chose for us to see as a representation of Brook’s thoughts;
“You’re awesome, Brook! Can you teach me to swordfight like you?”
We see the body, with his own weapons used against him, holding his corpse in place with a hole blasted through his brain. His polka dots he adored are spattered as well, torn where his ribcage was cut open. Brook failed him. He failed them all, in his eyes, not the viewer or actuality. And this breaks my heart.
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Update 1.0
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Absolutely I think he does have his.. odd crew moments/interactions.
Sanji at the right angle, asking for something and the response is a slip up of “yes, my Captain!” In such a tone that Sanji could mistake himself as more than a crewmate in Brook’s eyes.
Somedays they finds the skeleton speaking to himself, small quolms or questions, asking to an invisible force in silence.
“John, how did you make your coffee again?”
“Madaisuki, how do you do this..?”
Some nights, he’s found over the beds, absent in all human aspects but dead, mute and upsettingly still.
When Usopp asks, after minutes of motionless, creeping anxiety, why does he just stand, why does he watch?
“I want to make sure you’re breathing! It means you’re real.”
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beefrobeefcal · 5 months
Beefro Proudly Presents:
a Chubby!Dave York one shot
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Dave York & Kitten: Make Me, Yorkie
Pairing: Dave York x Fem!Reader (Kitten) Summary: Dave get more than he bargains for with a playful Kitten. Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI) Word Count: 2,821 Content Warning: Smutty smutty smut smut, swearing, snack cake eating, belly stuffing, naughty Kitten business, fingering, spanking, brat taming, domestic dom/sub dynamic, p in the v, chubby teasing, light degradation, implied consent, established relationship
Author's Notes: I promised a Dave-&-Kitten-Cookie fic way back in 2023 (okay, it was only a few weeks ago), and while there aren't Christmas cookies, Dave does has his fill. This started out as a Frankie & Mouse one shot, but I felt Dave energy trying to come out. Thank you to @softpascalito & @umnitsa for beta'ing the first draft. Thank you to @neverwheremoonchild for beta'ing the final draft. This is dedicated to our resident Dave York apologist, @theywhowriteandknowthings - beef 💜 knowy
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
“Oh Dave… do you know where all the cookies went for the neighbourhood bake sale?”, you cooed, reaching forward from your seat at the kitchen table and poking his belly. “Oof baby… look at how big you’re getting.”
Dave was in a bad mood. He’d had a terrible day at work, and he’d come home to an empty house with unlabeled – and unsupervised – cookies in the pantry.
You’d spent most of the day baking and prepping for the neighborhood bake sale, waiting patiently for him to get home, only to receive a text halfway through the afternoon, stating that he was having “the shittiest day”. You knew he didn’t send texts like these lightly, and you braced yourself, purposely putting aside a dozen or so cookies in the pantry for him as a treat. But by the time you’d returned from dropping off your baked contributions at the neighbour’s house, you walked in to see Dave with his dress shirt pulled unreasonably tight across his now full belly with his belt undone.
While Dave was trying to behave and resist treating himself regularly in the pantry, you knew he wasn’t winning that battle, given that his middle had filled out enough that it was more than the softer middle you’d grown accustom to that would become a little more when he ate; Dave now had a belly that was apparent whether he’d eaten or not and you’d only just recently sized up his wardrobe over Christmas because of it.
With a sly glint in your eye, you made the decision to have some fun tonight.
You gave him several chances to admit he ate the cookies, but he didn’t budge. So, because you were playing dumb to his refusal to come clean, you dutifully served him a full, hearty dinner. The whole time he shoveled food into his face, you teased him, getting in the odd tummy poke here and bratty remark there.
“Oh Dave… do you know where all the cookies went for the neighbourhood bake sale?”, you cooed, reaching forward from your seat at the kitchen table and poking his belly. “Oof baby… look at how big you’re getting.”
Dave let out a huff in response, trying to ignore you as he sat next to you, scrolling through his phone. Standing up, you leaned over his shoulder from behind him and kissed his neck.
“You’re gonna need some new clothes again soon. Been eating too well lately and it shows”, you grinned against his skin, smoothing your hands over his middle, curling a finger into one of the puckered openings between his shirt buttons. “Look at your poor shirt!”
“Knock it off, Kitten.”, he grunted, shrugging you off him before bringing his closed fist to his mouth to stifle a burp.
His refusal to play with you left you feeling a little hurt, but it mainly left you feeling pent up and needy for his attention. And the thought of him being too full to deal with you acting up made you squeeze your thighs together as you watched him hold his aching belly as he walked out to the den.
Dave sat back heavily on the couch, almost painfully full. And now, on top of his frustration over work, he was uncomfortable and bloated after eating his whole dinner to not look like the guilty party, trying to stifle belly-shifting hiccups. He thought he’d get some peace once he was on the couch, but he then let out an irritated sigh when he heard you making your way to the den.
“Dave?”, you called out in a singsong voice.
“Jesus Christ…”, he muttered under his breath, rubbing his face.
“Dave baby?”
“Not now!”, he snapped, not looking away from the tv.
You walked around in front of him, blocking his view of the tv, and you smiled mischievously at him. He gave you a glare with a tight mouth and shook his head.
“So you’re meaning to be a pain in the ass, aren’t you?”
“You’re being cranky… didn’t even give me a kiss when you got home.”
“I’m not doing this with you, Kitten. I’m-“
“Ma’am.”, you corrected him, challenging him for control.
“No…”, he warned, his eyes boring into you and his mouth pulled tight into a scowl.
“Excuse me?”
Your harsh snap back at him caught him off guard.
“You’re really asking for it. Do not make me get up off this couch.”
“David… you’re not getting off that couch any time soon.”, you purred, moving slowly towards him. Your head nodded towards his bloated middle. “What you got in there?”
He rolled his eyes, not taking the bait. “You fucking know what it is! You made it and served it to me!”
He shifted in his seat and winced, hand going to his belly.
“Awe, Dave got greedy and now he’s got a tummy ache.”, you cooed in a mock-pout. You stood above him and smirked. “Look at you. How much weight do you think you’ve put on in the last month? You really treated yourself over Christmas… Just bought you that shirt and it’s already getting too small, honey.”
His brown eyes looked like molten copper from the rage you incited; you were really hitting his buttons and it only made you bolder.
“Do not do this, Kitten. I am not playing. I had a shitty day, and-“
“Did you enjoy all those cookies? It looks like you did…”, you interrupted in a soft, smug voice, nodding your head to his middle.
“Last warning.”, he growled.
 “You’re too fat and full to do anything about it.”
“Knock. It. Off.”, he snarled through his clenched teeth. “Behave! I fucking mean it!”
A grin spread across your face, and you licked your lips.
“Make me, Yorkie.”
“Oh, you fucking brat! You’re gonna get it.”
His harsh tone mixed with huffing and grunting to stand up made your knees feel weak, and you backed away. When Dave stood, his heavy middle made him lose his balance and he fell back onto the couch with a grunt. The force caused a few of his buttons to pop open on his shirt and you covered your mouth to hold back your giggles.
“Getting pretty big, Yorkie.”
He raised a warning eyebrow and pointed at you. “Hey!”
You couldn’t help it. The flames in his eyes were addicting and you needed more. “Like I said before, you’re eating too well … you filled out and now you’re just getting fat…”
His breath hitching and his pupils dilating didn’t go unnoticed by you, and it emboldened you further. You stood your ground and didn’t move towards him yet, knowing that he’d take any chance to grab you and set you right back in place if you got too close.  
“Think your coworkers notice all the weight you’ve put on? Think they talk about how heavy you’re getting? Think they notice how you’re growing, making your clothes pull tight?”
His breathing had picked up as his hand moved across his underbelly and palmed his crotch, trying to adjust his too-tight pants over his erection.
“Fuck…”, he panted through gritted teeth. “I outta fuck that mouth to get rid of that attitude.”
“Like to see you try… too full and fat now to even get off the couch.”
That seemed to be the ignition for him. He let out a grunt and hoisted his large frame up from the couch. You felt your cunt clench at watching him and you began to breath shallowly through your mouth.
His eyes were dark and ripped right through you, and you swallowed thickly, managing to whimper out, “Dave? … baby?”
It only took him a few quick steps and he was towering over you.
“Not so tough now, are you?”
You opened your mouth, but no sound came out. You could feel your core drooling and Dave watched your eyes glaze over as they stared up at him.
“What was it you said? I’m ’too fat and full to get off the couch’? Didn’t get that right?”
You didn’t know Dave could move that fast. Before you could answer, he grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him. He fell back to his spot on the couch, pulling you down with him. You had no idea how you ended up across his lap as he sat back on the couch, his large hand shoving your dress up over your ass.
“Fucking brat. All I want is a quiet night on the couch after a shitty fucking day and you’re just doing the most to piss me off.”, he growled.
You squirmed on his lap, his belly pressing heavily against your side. He shoved his hand between your legs, and you whined.
“I fucking knew it! You’re soaked. This pussy’s just begging to take a beating, isn’t it?”, he snarled, pressing harsh circles against your clothed clit. “You get off on making me mad, Kitten?”
“Fuck! Dave! Please!”
“Please what? You got my attention now, Kitten. You can’t handle it? What else d’you want from me?”
You yelped when you felt a sharp sting on your backside. You turned and looked at him, shock written all over your face.
“David! Did you just fucking spank me?”
“I asked you a question.”, he said sternly.
“I thought you were just gonna finger me and-“
Despite the scowl planted on his face, the look in his eyes was begging for this. You gave him a small nod in agreement. Another sharp sting from his palm landing on your ass.
“I said I asked you a question.”
When you yelped out at the last smack, he smoothed his palm over your reddened skin, his tone shifting low and menacing.
“Come on, baby… you got my attention… now be a good girl and answer my question. What else do you want from me, kitten?”
And there it was. He was finally in the ring, towering over you and ready to spar. It lit your insides on fire and your core throbbed. You let out a staggered breath and croaked out, “Just… just want… you… your attention… don’t wanna be ignored.”
“My baby’s feeling ignored, huh? Probably because she’s being a little shit and not behaving…”
“I tried!”, you whimpered. “I made cookies and had some saved just for you! I… I just wanted-“
His hand guiding your leg off his lap, opening your clothed core to him. He cupped your mound in his hand, massaging it gently. It stopped you from finishing your sentence and you whimpered instead.
“Go on, Kitten…”
“I just wanted to make you- ugh!”
“I thought I was being pretty clear that tonight was not a good night for your bratty bullshit. Yeah, you made a good dinner, but your attitude is way out of line. Trying to make me feel bad about how much I enjoy your cooking and baking. S’not nice, baby...”
“I-I’m sorry!”, you whined in response.
He spanked you a few more times, the final one coming down a little harder. Each one forced a yelp from you between panting breaths and you rutting your hips on nothing. His cock was hardening under you, pushing against your hip.
You suddenly felt your panties pull harshly against your hipbones then snap off, and Dave tossed them to the side. His middle and index finger dove into your folds.
“So fucking wet… Jesus, Kitten… you’re a needy fucking brat…”
You wriggled your hips, begging for more friction against his fingers.
“Such a bad girl… getting me fat and thinking I’m slow… feeding me till I’m too fucking stuffed to get off the couch? Then you give me attitude about how big you made me?”
His tone was slipping into his usual ‘dominant’ voice, and it was almost too much mixed with his adept fingers and the soreness of your backside.
“I know you just love it… thinking you’re in control when you heap plate after plate in front of me… thinking you can feed me until I’m pliant and yours to fuck around with… no such luck, baby.”
He pushed two fingers into your weeping hole and began to pound into you relentlessly. Your back arched as you cried out.
“Yeah, baby… this is what you needed, isn’t it.”, Dave snarled through his clenched jaw, continuing his relentless pace. You could feel that the bulge from before was now almost painfully digging into your hip bone – the fact he was enjoying this so much made you love it even more. You let out panting moans as your walls began to clench on his digits.
“Oh god-fuck!… I’m-oh fuck!”
He ripped his hand away from you and another spank landed on your backside, stinging further from his wet-with-your-slick hand. You cried out and buried your tear-streaked face into the arm rest.
“You gonna behave?”, he barked as he pulled your hair back, forcing you to look at him.
“Yes! Yes, I’ll behave!”, you cried out. “Please Dave!”
“You done being a brat?”
“Yes! Fuck, yes, I am!”
“Stand up.”
You shakily pushed yourself up off his lap, and his hands came to steady you. You looked at him, your cheeks flushed and damp, lips pouted, and you sucked in a small sob.
“There’s my kitten.”, he smiled menacingly, looking you over and the mess he’d made of you. “So fucking desperate. What am I gonna do with you?”
“Fuck me and let me come!”, you huffed back. God, you wanted him to keep this up. 
“Mind your manners!”
His voice was dark and his eyes even darker as he drank you in. Fuck, you needed him in the worst way. His hand came up and gently touched your chin before his hand went around your neck, pushing your back against the wall. His other hand went to his belt, unsuccessfully trying to undo it to get his pants off. His intensity in his eyes started to melt, giving way to desperation.
“Dammit!”, he grunted, removing his other hand from your throat and you moved forward to help.
“No baby… please… fuck, just stay there… j-just act like you’re pinned…”, Dave pleaded, eyes wide and screaming with arousal as he tried sucking in his belly.
You did as you were told, keeping yourself against the wall, watching as he fumbled with his pants, finally getting them down around his thick thighs, his boxer-briefs barely containing his rock hard, leaking cock. His hand went right back to your throat, and he mashed his face into yours in a fevered kiss. He kept your mouth locked onto his as he pulled you away from the wall, only breaking to turn you around and push you over one of the large standing speakers that framed the TV. Without warning, Dave spat into his hand and freed his cock, pumped it a few times, then ran the head through your folds. He finally pushed into you, making you keen and grip the speaker.  
“Fuuuuuck…”, he breathed as he seated himself deep within you. “God dammit…”, he hissed as he began pounding into you. “I needed this, baby.”
“Oh god- Dave! So big… fuck!”
“Good girl… come on, Kitten… come for me…”, he grunted. “Touch your clit, baby… play with it… not-not gonna last long…”
“Da-David…”, you whined, as your fingers rubbed circles on your nub, thrusting you just enough to fall over the edge. You panted erratically as your long-time-coming release ripped through you, making your walls clench and spasm around him.
He let out a groan. “Good girl… good fucking girl…” and kept pounding into you. He was beginning to falter in his pace, and his breaths were coming out in short, hurried pants. He pulled back from you, jerking his cock, and came on your reddened ass cheeks.
You were slumped over the speaker, breathing hard, when you heard Dave fall back onto the couch, making it groan and creak under his sudden weight.
“Hey… baby?”, he panted. “You good, Kitten?”
You pushed yourself upright, feeling your dress sticking to his release on your backside.
“You dick.”
He looked up at you with a raised eyebrow in warning. “Excuse me?”
“You spanked me and came on my ass!”
“Yeah? And where did it get me? Panting and fat on a couch… you still got an attitude.”, he huffed out in a laugh.
“Guess you’ll have to try harder next time.”
You tried keeping an angry front, but failed as you sat down on his lap, smearing his spend on his bare thighs. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him as you fell into a fit of giggles.
“Fuck, if I try any harder, I’ll pop a seam or come in my pants.”
You grinned and then giggled again, “Please, Dave - try harder!”
He laughed and pressed a kiss you your forehead. “You’re such a shit. Behave!”
“Make me, Yorkie.”
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
TAGLIST: @theywhowriteandknowthings @harryleatherfit @toxicanonymity @harriedandharassed @neverwheremoonchild @rebel-held @beee-haw @nevergoingbacknowshine @idolatrybarbie @v4vayha @lalocitos @xdaddysprincessxx @deathsholywaterr @heareball @lyssramscal @wintrwinchestr @blackfemalenerd  @southernbe @starkeydaviss @noxturnalpascal@not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @vabeachazn @clawdee @iamasaddie @tightjeansjavi
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
I got a space under my bed for my five pound Yorkie, where she enjoys dragging her toys underneath there. She always sounds like she's doing battle under there. I now call it the Upside Down, and I always call out supportively,
"You go, Sandysaurus Rex (her name is Sandy), you defeat those demogorgons!"
Anyway, judging by her very serious growls, it sounds like she's going to be the one to save Hawkins.
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radioisntdead · 27 days
In honor of Barnaby, your favorite handful of characters reaction to dogs? Like a dog, not a doggo sinner
-oldie 🧶🧵
Ps: please give him a boop, he looks very boop-able
Good evening dearest Oldie 🧶🧵!
I'll give Barnaby a boop just for you! [He is VERY BOOPABLE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, he's adjusting really well so far, he LOVES belly rubs and he likes to bop my face with his paw, I think he's trying to boop me back?
I mentioned Barnaby so many times here, I regret NOTHING
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So I'm assuming the reader brought in the lovely bundle of doggy-ness
Starting with Rosie because she's my pfp,
I feel like she'd like dogs! I think she'd prefer smaller ones like Pomeranians, teacup yorkies or those balls of fluff dogs you see on TikTok that I don't know the name of,
I think she'd be slightly iffy on dogs around Barnaby's size [for reference Dearest Barnaby is a Australian shepherd & Labrador retriever mix, he's a gentle giant!] But only because they'd be a little harder to have inside, so she'd probably have like a big dog house outside for them, I imagine she'd put little collars with those bowties on them [I'm getting a collar with a bowtie for Barnaby]
Dogs LOVE Rosie, same with cats and other animals, she attracts them like a cannibalistic Disney princess,
Speaking of hell's Disney princesses, Charlie!
Now she's a cat person but she loves ALL animals, you bring any size or any type of dog into the hotel and she's giving them all the treats and affection they want, I also see her getting the lovely canine toys like you'll tell her to quit spoiling them and she'll come in ten minutes later sneaking them a squeaky toy,
I adore Alastor and I respect that he doesn't like dogs because they played a part in his demise, but I would choose my dog over him, I did a whole thing with him and dogs when I was in my sad night hours and projecting, I definitely think if he HAD to be around a dog like if his romantic partner owned one he'd like a small, less "harmful" breed [Someone send a spiteful Chihuahua at him, my late dog buttercup was a Chihuahua mix and that boy tried to kill my best friend so many different times, I miss him, he would've bullied Barnaby though]
I imagine he would NOT do well near dogs like Barnaby no matter how sweet they are, deal breaker for him, and maybe a life ender for you?
Angel dust prefers pigs [dangling fat nuggets like a keychain]
But he doesn't mind dogs! I imagine as part of a crime family they probably had dogs, specifically attack dogs but that's not here nor there,
He'd definitely dress the lil' canine up, if they get along with Fat nuggets then matching outfits, if you're his boyfriend then matching outfits for the whole family, like y'all are getting pictures taken and it's hung up in his room.
If y'all are buddies then pet play dates while the two of you shit-talk Valentino, fat nuggets and your dog are best friends and have matching fits.
Niffty, oh dear if you have a big dog like Barnaby then she's riding them like a horse into battle, her sewing needle or duster into the air and she's yelling charge, if smaller she probably tries to dust them, keep them away from her, feral little thing she is [we love her]
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Thank you for tuning on in folks!
Barnaby refuses to sleep in his own bed, he's taken over mine it's okay for tonight I think, HE TAKES UP THE MAJORITY OF THE BED THOUGH I LOVE HIM BUT help me also he snores and it's adorable its like a mini lawnmower I might fall asleep listening to him
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captainsvscaptains · 8 months
Battle of the Captains Prelims
One Piece Part 1
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So this is the prelims' prelims. The four with the most votes will face the four victors of the other part of the poll
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plummyplums · 1 year
Yall I had a dream, definitely inspired by some fanfics I read, and now I've gotta share some thoughts
Anyway, back before the plague took him, Yorki would sing for Brook whenever he was in a sappy mood/drunk, and he'd be embarrassed when crewmates heard those ones cuz they were Special Husband Songs. The pair would get teased for always being kinda mushy, though mostly on Brook's part, lol.
The only time he didn't care who heard him was during the recovery period after Brook got his scar, which my dream decided was during some serious battle. Yorki hummed when he was doing alright, or let his own heartbeat be enough of a serenade when the headaches got too bad (a skull fracture will do that to ya). When he was better, he sang something new he'd been writing at his love's bedside whenever he could spare a moment. I don't remember it clearly, but I remember it was really pretty, with his gruff voice all full of hope and warm, cozy notes. The crew all heard, of course, but never teased their captain about this one. It was too important. Brook would later do similar things when Yorki got sick, being the more sentimental of the two.
I know in One Piece Yorki seems more rough-and-tumble than mushy, actively teasing Brook for a poetic sort of thought, but in my mind, it was all very soft. Maybe I just hope too much for happiness for these sillies, lol.
Oh also, my brain has decided the Rumbar pirates' ship was called the Aria, so I think I'm adding that to my hcs now.
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pushovermediacritic · 5 months
One Piece's New vs Old Flashback Style
This is not an argument about which style is better, just a discussion and analysis on how Oda's writing has changed.
Almost all One Piece flashbacks focus on a Mentor/Mentee relationship. The Mentor dies or something else bad happens to them and the Mentee lives to modern-day, inheriting the Mentor's Will. The main difference between the Old Style and New Style is which one is the Point-Of-View character. In the Old Style, the Mentee is the POV character. In the New Style, the Mentor is the POV character.
You can see a gradual transition away from the Old Style to the New Style.
Luffy: Old Style. Luffy is the Mentee POV, Shanks is the Mentor.
Zoro: Old Style. Zoro is the Mentee POV, Kuina is the Mentor.
Usopp: Old Style. Usopp is the Mentee POV, Banchina is the Mentor (even as short as this one is, it still fits the pattern).
Sanji: Old Style. Sanji is the Mentee POV, Zeff is the Mentor.
Nami: Old Style. Nami is the Mentee POV, Bellemere is the Mentor.
Chopper: Old Style. Chopper is the Mentee POV, Hiriluk is the Mentor.
Vivi: Old Style. Vivi is the Mentee POV, Koza is the Mentor (he teaches her to be bold and have friends, and the bad thing that happens to him is the reveal that he's the leader of the rebels in modern-day).
Skypiea. Old Style. Kalgara is the Mentee POV, Noland is the Mentor (the flashback is a story told to Wyper and begins and ends on Kalgara, he's the main character and Noland teaches him about modern medicine).
Franky: Old Style. Franky is the Mentee POV, Tom is the Mentor.
Robin: Old Style. Robin is the Mentee POV, Saul/Clover are the Mentors.
Brook: Old Style (though I think this is where the New Style starts, since Yorky isn't much of a mentor but Brook serves as a mentor of sorts to Laboon, and it does end with Brook's death).
Ace/Sabo/Luffy: Arguable. If it's Old Style, the mentee POV is Luffy. If it's New Style, though, the mentor POV is Ace. I'm honestly not sure which is more accurate.
Fishman Island: The first half is Old Style. Jimbei is the Mentee POV and Fisher Tiger is the Mentor. The second half is New Style. Otohime is the Mentor POV and Shirahoshi is the Mentee.
Rebecca/Kyros. Rebecca is the Mentee, Kyros is the Mentor. We see this flashback twice, once in the Old Style where Rebecca is the POV and then again in the New Style where Kyros is the POV.
Law/Doflamingo. Law is the Mentee, Corazon is the Mentor. Law's segment is Old Style from his POV, but Doflamingo's segment twists the story into also being New Style from Corazon's POV.
Sanji and Germa: Old Style. Sanji is the Mentee POV, Sora is the Mentor.
Pedro: New Style. Pedro is the Mentor POV, Carrot is the Mentee.
Big Mom: Old Style. Linlin is the Mentee POV, Mother Carmel is the Mentor.
Oden: New Style. Oden is the Mentor POV, Kin'emon is the Mentee.
Yamato: Old Style. Yamato is the Mentee POV, Ushimaru is the Mentor.
Kuma: New Style. Kuma is the Mentor POV, Bonney is the Mentee.
The rare flashbacks that don't fit in either style tend to be really short (Senor Pink, Katakuri, and Kaido), or the Zou Battle, which is more of a recap.
It's also interesting to think about how certain flashbacks would be portrayed differently if they were told in the other style.
Old style flashbacks in the New Style would be like: we see Shanks' life story before he met Luffy, Zeff's life before meeting Sanji, Bellemere's life before adopting Nami, Hiriluk's life before meeting Chopper, Tom's life before adopting Franky, or Fisher Tiger's life before forming the Sun Pirates.
New style flashbacks in the Old Style would be like: we see from Kin'emon's POV and only hear about Oden's pirate adventures, or we see from Bonney's POV and only hear about Kuma's past and Ginny.
I think a lot of this style transition has to do with Oda growing older and identifying more with mentor characters than mentee characters, but also the New Style allows him to cover a much longer period of time, adding in more lore and story. As the story grows bigger and reaches its climax, it necessitates more exposition, and it's easier to do that by telling the life story of an older person meeting a young one rather than the story of a young person meeting an older one.
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robinchan-hananomi · 7 months
I hope one day we get to learn more about Brook. What was the ‘certain country’ Brook was from? What happened for him to leave the Battle Convoy he led for the country to joining Yorki’s pirate crew? What was his family like? Did he have any brothers or sisters? When did he start playing music and how did that fit into his decision to join his countrymen in the Battle Convoy?
I’m just really curious about what the World of One Piece was in Brook’s youth. And I kinda want him to meet Kureha because they are the only one’s that can talk about that time.
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weatherwltch · 2 months
I was thinking about this before getting to Whole Cake and seeing more of Big Mom's powers, but with her fight against Brook, it made me want to give him this power all the more, to further juxtapose their Devil Fruits.
Brook can call out his soul for spying and attack purposes, but what if, like Big Mom, he could call out other people's souls... or even, resurrect souls from the afterlife?
Using the power of his soul, he can call forth souls from the afterlife, as long as he has a strong idea of who he's contacting, such as when conducting a seance with items belonging or relating to the deceased. The dead person's soul can then take over his body for a limited time.
Brook isn't opposed to using this to help his loved one's with grief. When he was stuck on Thriller Bark all those years, a lot of his hallucinations of his former crewmates were him unknowingly summoning them.
It's easier when his body as used as a conduit to strengthen the tie (and thus, he only uses the power for very specific instances, given the personal nature of the act), but over time, he learns to be able to summon souls on their own. So the Straw Hats will occasionally find Brook speaking to Yorki or any of the other Rumbar Pirates.
Did it take him A LOT of time to grow comfortable with summoning ghosts? Yes. There were many times it took him a few minutes of screaming to calm down enough to speak with the summoned individual, and even longer to get even mildly comfortable with letting a person's soul use his body.
Brook isn't entirely fond of resurrecting souls for battle purposes, after so long of watching Moria's powers at work, but there are times, when given the consent of the person, he'll have a backing army.
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tleeaves · 8 months
So, as my hairdresser called it, I had a "transformation" done yesterday where my hair which I'd let grow out from the bob and fringe I had over a year has now been turned into a lengthy pixie cut. I'm still figuring out how I want to style it, but it's quite fun because my hair no longer follows rules it used to. In fact, my style also kind of changes with it. I am obsessed with touching my hair as well. I used to twirl my fingers in my hair but now it's a battle between "stop mussing my hair I need it neat" and "OMG IT IS SO FLUFFY AND SHORT AND IT'S LIKE A YORKIE PUPPY'S COAT AT THE BACK AND EVERYTHING IS SO SPRINGY". I am enjoying feeling vaguely like Delilah Bard when she cut her hair to look like that guy she was impersonating for the Essen Tasch, but also like an actual pixie come to life, but also like a woman in a 90s-early 2000s movie, but also like Cassandra (Andi) in Glass Onion a bit (more on the fluffier side though because my hair is thick and shaped to pronounce the volume). I've since abandoned the fringe I've been getting for almost the last decade now because I feel like I've grown out of it. I am still uncertain how I feel about this look but the most important part is that I'm having fun figuring it out. This is the kind of energy I want to bring throughout my 20s and even beyond.
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misschf-aisa · 1 year
Posting a little Embry one shot because @l82theparty said so, and it was her birthday so I am obliged to make it happen ❤️🥳
“I swear, it’s my dog’s fault,” Emily rushed into the piano studio a full 15 minutes late for her session. “I promise, Aubs. I know how much you hate it when people are late.”
Aubrey felt her irritation melt away when she looked up from the piano to see a disheveled and penitent Emily standing in her doorway, clearly unsure what to do next. She started to laugh. “Fix your shirt, Em, then come sit on the sofa and tell me what happened.” She stood and fetched some waters from the fridge.
“My shirt?” Emily looked down, surprised to see the buttons were off by one. “Oh,” she blushed and began to unbutton and rebut on them one at a time. “I guess Squirt got me more fuddled than I realized,” she looked up at Aubrey sheepishly as she finished with the buttons. “Get a dog,” they told me. “It’s good for your blood pressure and it’s safer if you’re a woman living alone.” She shook her head and joined Aubrey on the sofa.
“I honestly cannot imagine what that sweet puppy could have done to make you so discombobulated,” Aubrey arched an eyebrow at Emily and took a sip of water. “She’s literally the size of a teacup.”
“You have no idea,” Emily shook her head and took a deep breath, trying to slow herself down. “You know how today is your birthday?” Emily started, then put her hand on Aubrey’s arm, her face looking stricken. “Oh my stars Aubs. I haven’t even said happy birthday!” She took another deep breath and smiled softly into Aubrey’s eyes. “Happy birthday. I’m so glad you were born.”
Aubrey’s ears turned slightly pink and she put her hand over Emily’s. “Thank you. I appreciate that,” she replied earnestly. “Now tell me why that has anything to do with Squirt.”
“Oh, right,” Emily looked at the hand on hers, distracted a little. “Right. Well that little teacup found the cupcakes I baked for you and was halfway through with them when I caught her this morning. She was covered in yellow and blue frosting from her nose to her ears, and the kitchen was a complete mess. She hadn’t gotten to the chocolate ones, thank goodness. But still, do you know how difficult it is to get yellow frosting out of a Yorkie’s fur? The blue kind of faded in, but the yellow was ridiculous.” She shook her head, “We don’t have to talk about what it did to the kitchen rug. That’s a battle for another time.”
“Oh dear,” Aubrey tried not to laugh. “Thank you for the cupcakes, though?”
Emily shook her head again. “I’m sorry. Your surprise was ruined and then I was late. This is so not how I wanted to celebrate your 30th birthday.” Emily looked into Aubrey’s eyes again. “You deserve an awesome day. I really wanted it to be special.”
Aubrey tilted her head, caught in Emily’s sweet eyes once more. “You’re here and you remembered. That’s special enough.” She blinked and looked down, worried Emily would notice she’d been staring too long.
Emily felt her heart flutter when Aubrey seemed almost shy all of a sudden. She would never get used to the way this confident and powerful woman could become soft and unsure every now and then, and that she’d let Emily see that side of her. “Let me make it up to you.” Emily turned her hand over in Aubrey’s so their fingers slotted together. “Go to dinner with me tonight?” She felt time stand still. She’d said the words before she had time to really think about what could happen if Aubrey wasn’t interested.
Aubrey looked back up at Emily, wondering if she heard the request the way it was meant or the way she wanted to hear it. “Dinner?” She asked.
“Mhm,” Emily began to smile. “Dinner. And maybe dancing afterward? Or a movie if you’d rather sit in the dark and feed each other popcorn?” As her smile grew her eyes began to twinkle.
Aubrey couldn’t help returning the smile. “Emily Junk, are you asking me out on a date?”
“Yeah, I think I am,” Emily nodded and bit her lip.
“You’re not sure?” Aubrey teased. “I’d prefer to wait until you mean it,” she began to pull her fingers from Emily’s.
“Wait,” Emily said urgently, holding Aubrey’s hand between both of hers now to keep it from going away. “Yes. I mean, I’m sure. Please go out with me?”
Aubrey’s laughter was musical. “I’d love to,” she slipped her fingers between Emily’s again, her heart in her throat. “But no dancing. And no movie theater popcorn. I want to watch a documentary and eat air popper popcorn and drink a glass of wine and chatter endlessly about historical details until we run out of words.”
“Then that’s what we have to do,” Emily nodded, still smiling. “You know why?”
“Why?” Aubrey tilted her head, waiting.
“Because it’s your birthday and you said so,” Emily nodded matter of factly.
“Oh really?” Aubrey arched her eyebrow playfully. “So whatever I say goes?”
“That’s the rule,” Emily nodded.
Aubrey’s eyes were full of mischief now as she brought her free hand up to caress Emily’s cheek. “All right, then. I say thank you for the cupcakes, and thank you for the laughter, and thank you for the sweet first kiss.”
Emily’s eyebrows knitted. “First kiss?” She asked.
“Mhm,” Aubrey leaned closer and pressed her lips tenderly to Emily’s, then closed her eyes with a soft sigh when she felt Emily begin to kiss her back.
“For the record,” Emily whispered when their lips parted, “I would have kissed you even if it wasn’t your birthday.” She smiled and found Aubrey’s lips for one more kiss. “But happy birthday, Aubrey.”
“It certainly is,” Aubrey smiled back at Emily, suddenly looking forward to what this next year might bring.
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real-time-twilight · 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 12, 2006 (Monday)
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous 🌖
🌄 Sunrise: 5:15 AM
🌅 Sunset : 9:18 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 16 ("Epoch"), Ch. 17 ("Alliance")
4:25 PM (Approx.) - Bella stresses over having nothing to wear for graduation; Alice arrives with a new outfit for Bella just for the occasion
4:27 PM (Approx.) - Bella finally makes the connection between her intruder and the newborn army in Seattle
4:30 PM (Approx.) - Charlie calls for Bella to hurry up; Alice leaves so that the fast-approaching Edward won't discover Bella's revelation in her, Alice's, thoughts and go nuts
4:35 PM (Approx.) - Edward arrives at the Swan House; Edward rides with Charlie and Bella to graduation, in the backseat of the cruiser (to Charlie's amusement)
4:50 PM (Approx.) - Bella and Edward get in line for the graduation ceremony
5:00 PM (Approx.) - the graduation ceremony for Forks High School, Class of 2006 begins with a speech by Erik Yorkie, valedictorian
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6:45 PM (Approx.) - The ceremony ends; Edward rejoins Bella as she looks for Alice; Edward tells her that Alice had been thinking of nothing but translating The Battle Hymn of the Republic into Arabic and Korean sign language and accuses Bella of being in on whatever Alice is trying to keep from him; Bella explains her epiphany to Edward
6:50 PM (Approx.) - Charlie insists on taking Bella out to celebrate
7:00 PM (Approx.) - Charlie and Bella to go dinner at the Lodge
8:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella waits by the car while Charlie socializes; Edward sneaks out of the shadows to talk to Bella and promises to follow the cruiser to his house
8:05 PM (Approx.) - Charlie and Bella head for the Cullens' house; Charlie expresses regret that he didn't teach Bella how to correctly throw a punch
8:15 PM (Approx.) - Charlie drops Bella off; she is greeted by Edward on the porch; Alice consults Edward on the music selection for the party
8:20 PM (Approx.) - Edward discusses Bella's conclusion regarding the connection between the newborns and her intruder with Carlisle and Jasper
8:50 PM (Approx.) - Mike, Jessica et al arrive for the party
9:00-11:30 PM (Approx.) - Party
11:30 PM (Approx.) - Edward abruptly leaves Bella's side to talk to Alice; Bella follows, realizing that Alice had just had an alarming vision; Jacob arrives with Quil and Embry; Jake apologies for kissing Bella and gives her a hand carved wolf charm on a bracelet as a graduation gift
11:35 PM (Approx.) - Alice rejoins Bella; Jake insists on being filled in; Alice agrees and declares that the newborn army is preparing to make their move; Jacob proposes an alliance between the Cullens and the Pack--they arrange to meet at 3 AM to iron out the details; Bella objects to this plan.
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lacuna-lunax · 11 months
Bleurghhhhhhh screaming dying everything tbh.
Today (1500):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel
Monster Energy Ultra Rosa
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Smoky BBQ Tasty Bites
Strawberry Yoghurt
KitKat Chunky Milk Chocolate Bar
Battle Bites High Protein Bar Jaffa Bake Flavour
Aero Melts Caramel Milk Chocolate
Tuesday (1500):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Very Cherry Bakewell Yoghurt
Mars Caramel Nougat & Milk Chocolate Snack Bar
Maxi Nutrition Premium Cookies & Cream Flavour Protein Bar
Milkybar White Chocolate Giant Buttons
Wednesday (1500):
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Salted Peanut
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Smoky BBQ Tasty Bites
Wow White Chocolate Yoghurt
Yorkie Raisin & Biscuit Milk Chocolate Bar
Barebells Protein Bar White Chocolate Almond
Reese's Mini Peanut Butter Cups
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animal25 · 1 year
Welsh terrier: Height, Weight, Care, Health Special Info
Welsh terrier, a strain of terrier native to Wales, where has been used as a huntsman of foxes, otters, and badgers. The Welsh terrier is a small, Airedale- suchlike canine with a characteristically game and energetic nature
It has a hard, wiry fleece, generally black- and- tan stands about 15 elevations ( 38 cm) high, and weighs about 20 pounds( 9 kg). Wide-set eyes and a flat cranium give the strain a distinctive, “ intelligent ” expression.
HEIGHT: 15 inches
WEIGHT: 20 to 22 pounds
COAT: Dense, hard, and wiry outer coat with a soft undercoat
COAT COLOR: Tan and black
LIFE SPAN: 12 to 15 years
Breed Charactariseity
The Welsh Terrier is as alert and spirited as any self-respecting terrier, but a bit calmer than most’¿’game, not quarrelsome,’ as breed fanciers say. The Welshman was bred to do battle with badgers, otters, and other dangerous opponents
Sturdy, compact, and rugged, with a tight-fitting black-and-tan coat and a rectangular head featuring folded ears and a jaunty beard, Welsh are constructed along the classic lines of Britain’s long-legged terriers
They stand about 15 inches at the shoulder, a little larger than the Lakeland Terrier but much smaller than the mighty Airedale
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History of the Welsh Terrier
While its exact origin time is unknown, the Welsh Terrier is regarded as one of the oldest terrier types. Native to Wales, there are references to black and red terriers as far back as the 15th century.
In the 18th century, this type of canine came more popular in the rugged, mountainous regions of Wales among growers and nimrods of foxes, otters, rodents, and badgers. It takes a valorous, tenacious, and robust canine to dig an aggressive badger from its sett, and this strain was clearly up to the task.
By the 19th century, the Welsh Terrier came more popular, and the scruffy-looking strain was meliorated for the show ring. In their early days, these tykes were simply classified as Old English Terriers( along with several other terrier types).
The Kennel Club honored the Welsh Terrier in the UK in 1887, and it was around this time that the strain was exported to the United States.
Welsh Terriers are still fairly rare, but those that fall for the charms of this contentious, characterful canine frequently come suckers. U.S. President JFK possessed a Welsh Terrier named Charlie, and U.K. Prime Minister Clement Attlee was also an addict of the strain.
Because cookies are a cross-strain, there is no” strain standard” that defines what these tykes should look like. Indeed Yorkie puppies born in the same waste may look completely different. But each parent has some cute, hand traits that Yorkie puppies could inherit.
Short and stout, dachshund tykes are nicknamed” link” or” Weiner” tykes because of their stocky little legs that support a long, barrel- suchlike body. Yorkies, on the other hand, are among the smallest of terriers and wear their hair in long, glam, silky permanents or trimmed shorter into a cute” puppy dog cut.”
When it comes to cookies, the fleece colors, patterns, and lengths can be each over the board. Dachshunds alone can have smooth, line-haired, or long-haired fleeces in a variety of colors and patterns.
Yorkies tend to have silky fleeces that come in color combinations like black and tan, black and gold, blue and tan, and blue and gold. Common fleece colors for Yorkies, however, include red, black, brown, and blue. Both parent types exfoliate some and have low- to-moderate grooming requirements.
But no matter what combination of traits they inherit, full-overgrown cookies will always be small canines. Dachshunds vary from 11 – 32 pounds while Yorkshire terriers are bitsy tykes that generally weigh under 7 pounds.
When these two types are crossed, the result is a doggy that tends to be slightly larger than her Yorkie parent, a wharf between 5 – 12 pounds with a height that can vary between 5 – 10 elevation.
You could say that the Welsh terrier is a little Energizer Bunny — cute, compact, cuddly, and agile. Welsh terriers were first bred as working tykes who would help cover cropland or aid in hunting passages by locating and chasing prey.
This high prey drive has not faded down over time, so it’s natural for Welsh terriers to want to chase small beasties like lizards, squirrels, and pussycats
With this natural and strong impulse to chase, the Welsh Terrier Club of America( WTCA) recommends noway letting your Welsh terrier bat off-leash in an unfenced area — no matter how well-trained he is.
Because the Welsh terrier is a fairly intelligent strain, you will need to work out his brain along with his body. Giving him internal stimulation can be as simple as allowing him to loiter and whiff new smells on walks( a” sniffer,” if you will) or giving him mystification toys to play with.
” As with other terriers, Welsh terriers are strong-conscious, tenacious, and confident,” says Linda Simon, MVB, MRCVS, consulting veterinarian at FiveBarks.” They can be boisterous to say the least — always on the lookout for commodities to do.
They need a plenitude of internal and physical stimulation. However, these tykes can be prone to behavioral issues, If not handed. inordinate barking, theater digging, and cabinetwork chewing can each snappily develop within this strain if their requirements are not met.”
With proper internal and physical exercise, the Welsh terrier can be calm and tender at home. A tired Welshie will love a good snuggle to end the day!
More details:https://animalatoz.com/welsh-terrier/
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sheniq · 2 years
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I won the “pill battle” today!!!!!! #dogsandpills #dogmedicine #trachealcollapse #peanutbutter #dogswhowontcooperate #dogswhowonttakepills #yorkie #yorkshire #yorkielove #yorkielife #yorkshireterrier https://www.instagram.com/p/ChNvOxAvYf9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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