#batman hates deathstroke
yuwigqi · 3 months
Batfam fanon stuff I hate
Asian Tim/Hispanic Jason from white people (Blasian Tim not included)
"Tim killed hundreds of people"
Cullen being one of Bruce's kids (have they literally ever had a private conversation. Have they met.)
Bruce being a business idiot and Lucius basically running WE for him
Cass being completely mute
Tim hating Dick and never forgiving him for the Robin thing
Damian never repenting, changing his personality and morals, and becoming close enough to Tim to proudly admit he's his brother
Dick not having any relationship to Kara Danvers (THEY. ARE. FRIENDS. WITH. ROMANTIC. TENSION.)
Babs being Cass's mom (I've talked at length about the sexist undertones here). Sisterly relationships are not "less important" than motherly relationships, and unless I'm missing something, I've never been able to find a single instance of Cass calling Babs her mom
BatJokes, Bru/Harvey, BatMask (specifically when the author has it canon in their AU that one of them seriously hurt his kids like in canon)
SlaDick. I just...don't like it. I really don't.
Jason and Tim never making amends (honestly don't know why everyone wants Tim to hate his siblings lol)
Duke innocent uwu boy
Edit: I was wrong about Cass not calling Babs mom, and someone corrected that. Thank you for correcting me, and I apologize for putting that on this list.
I still hate it very much, but its canon. So it shouldn't be on this list.
Also: these are personal opinions. I am not the arbiter of fanfiction. Write whatever you want forever I do not care. These are things I dislike. Don't take it personally.
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They’re girlfriends your honor
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dceasesd · 10 days
if there are 1000 slaydick haters i am one of them. if there 10 slaydick haters i am one of them. if there is 1 slaydick hater i am it. if there are no slaydick haters i am dead
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passwordispassword · 5 months
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update on the old man yaoi
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sasukeibu · 1 year
If I ever made a batman comic it would b called Batman: Bride of the Demon and it would centre around Neron trying to get Talia to marry him. Jason and Damian then team up to find a way to banish Neron back to hell and the hell away from their mother
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
You know what’s interesting?
Dick didn’t set out to murder Zucco with the intent of being a killer. He viewed it as an unfortunate byproduct of his actions.
His real goal was to “purge the world of criminals” because “darkness needs light.”
Do you realize how unhinged that sounds? It means Robin wasn’t created from anger. It was created from the messed up psyche of a child who realized at 8 years old that the entire world needs something better than what it was given and so he went out and became it.
I cant properly explain how insane that is. It’s like putting the logic of the Joker inside the mind of child but turning it for good. Everything is falling into place now. That is why the Joker hates Dick-he is the one Robin the man couldn’t break. Literally COULDN’T because when he’s facing Dick, he’s facing the version of himself that would have existed if he had put himself to good. That was would break HIM.
Imagine spending the better part of your life doing your utmost worst to show Batman that people and the system are inherently evil only to have him fall head over cowl for a version of yourself to completely invalidate your reason for existing. How psychotic would you turn when you realize you have nothing to prove?
This also explains why Dick is so well adjusted and sociable in a way that Bruce and the others aren’t.
Bruce loses it when he loses his children, he thinks it’s a failure of his abilities and doubts his life’s work.
Jason loses it when he thinks he’s been replaced because his reason for being is having someone care for him.
Tim loses it when he comes to a dead-end. He feels helpless and lost when he doesn’t know the next move because his reason for being is being able to solve what’s wrong.
Damian loses it when he feels abandoned. He feels hurt and broken because he’s a child who wants to be loved.
The reason Dick was the perfect choice for Dark Crisis and to become the dawn of DCU is because his sole reason for being is to be the light.
That is why Bruce refused to destroy a planet when Superman asked him too. That is why Dick was the only person in the universe who could control the Darkness infecting him when even Deathstroke lost his mind to it. That is why the evil Justice League chose Dick of every one to kill-to make a point.
This is why he’s looked up to by major heroes such as Superman, Wonderwoman, the Titans, the children, the villains, and the civilians.
This is why Harvey Dent called Robin Dick “Batman’s secret weapon.”
Although anger was the baseline emotion, Dick doesn’t have anger issues because:
Robin wasn’t created for revenge. It was created with the intention of building a world so unrealistically good, that the level of the vision Richard Grayson was aiming for and set the standards for- is so terrifyingly inconceivable.
And that-is why he is a happy, feral, monster.
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ev-arrested · 6 months
Slade Wilson is one of my favorite characters, not because he’s any kind of redeemable (we’re not gonna sit here and defend him on anything. He did that shit in Judas Contract lmao), but because the Nanosecond he shows up, the quality of life for whoever he’s antagonizing that week immediately goes down. Like their day is ruined. Entirely. Their week is Fucked because Slade Wilson dared to show his cunt self lmao, and it’s funny every time.
Dick Grayson gets like 70% more mentally ill and downright homicidal whenever he shows up, and it’s funny every single time.
Oliver Queen? Fuck that guy In Particular, says Slade.
Dinah Lance? Her whole wedding TRASHED because he hates to see a girl winning.
Always love to see Batman even more pissed off than usual whenever Deathstroke shows up.
Actual menace. Cunt of a man. I love it
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 8 months
As much as I hate the new issue I'm sure you are aware of what I might be referencing I do love the fact that Dick is being portrayed as a protective badass.
I see a lot of representation where he is this goofy dumbass and that pisses me off.
Dick Grayson is the original Robin angry pissed off at the world and wanting vengeance. He has had years of experience he has kicked Banes ass practically destroyed Deathstroke but for some reason he is treated like he's weak.
That man is one of, if not the most scary Bat he killed the fucking Joker. Nightwing is who I would want to hide behind and I know his siblings agree.
I imagine the other Birds getting in over their head and running to Dick so they can hide under his wings.
Big brother Nightwing is the definition of fuck around and find out and, you fucking will find out if you touch his fucking Robins.
Which is something else people forgot Robin isn't fucking Batman's that belongs to Dick Grayson each Robin is Dicks family and he won't allow his birds to fall.
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mysterycitrus · 2 months
have you shared your thoughts on the slade and dick relationship anywhere on your blog? i've seen you mention the handling of that relationship as an issue you have with the devin grayson run and i'm so interested in seeing your further takes on them as characters and their relationship, especially after reading persephone
i think their relationship is suuuuper interesting but also that popular interpretations of slade forget two crucial details — he’s obsessed with dick grayson to an unhealthy degree, and he’s canonically a child rapist.
first ill elaborate on that last part — the retcon that deathstroke is a badass, sometimes grey morality type guy that people respect tends to ignore his first proper appearance in comics, wherein he was sleeping with fifteen year old tara markov. slades history in comics is inextricably tied to many iterations of the titans. he has always, always been a freak with kids. he should never be framed as anything but that. none of that suave, menacing dude thanks. adeline should’ve taken both his eyes.
wrt dick i think they’re interesting because slades thought process goes — i just got defeated by a kid in a stupid costume -> that kid in the stupid costume defeated me, meaning he has to be something special. slade is a very proud person with a lot of faith in his own abilities, so dick grayson must be truly exceptional to have outmanoeuvred him. slade imo works best as a nightwing villain (rather than a batman or ga villain) because that egotism is crucial to slade’s character. dick grayson is exceptional, and slade takes pride in both defeating him and briefly allying with him. like i said in persephone: it’s all about power. slade will do anything to get the upper hand.
where shit gets lost in the sauce is devin graysons explicit coding of their relationship as romantic which. i won’t elaborate on. but ignoring everything else whack about it i think it flattens their relationship. slade is all about control and doing anything to achieve his goals. dick is a significant obstacle to that. slade hates dick, but in a twisted way he also respects him, because dick having to fight slade is a positive reflection of slades own abilities (in slades eyes). slade killed 100k people in dicks name. dick mourned both slades sons and taught his daughter. the power that comes with trying to smother that kind of light would be intoxicating to someone like deathstroke. there’s a lot to chew on there.
anyway tldr the person slade hates most in the world is roy harper
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Hii, can I request dc x teen male reader? They’re partly part of the batfam, he’s Batman’s second youngest son. And he tags along with Batman to a mission with Superman and Wonder Woman, and guess what, they brought their kids too? I mean not like the already existing kids of them, like they’re original characters? Imagine them just not liking eachother at first but they just become best friends during the mission when they almost die and just laugh it off. They are literally just like Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman trio.
Yup yup, you sure can. I feel like the OG trio would freak out at the similarity. I think I kind of strayed off, but I kind off got hit with inspiration, so I hope you don't mind.
Summary: Kids of Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman don't like each other. After a near death experience, they become friends.
Warnings: explosions, cursing, tension between teammates, they like each other after near death experience, injuries, OG trio is worried, OC kids, except for Batman.
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(Y/N) knew that missions with kids his age was going to be a normal thing. He knew it and there wasn't anything he could have done. But to go with Althea Prince and James Kent? There was no such thing that would make Bruce drag him on a mission with them.
The trio hated each other. (Y/N) didn't like how Althea thought that men were beneath her and James is too soft for (Y/N)'s liking. That boy is a personification of a golden retriever and his father was no better too.
Althea and (Y/N) had way more problems than (Y/N) and James had. While James was somewhat okay with the no kill rule, Althea found the rule ridiculous and thought that the evil should be eradicated. No matter what.
That grinded (Y/N)'s gears and it made him want to bash her face against any type of hard surface, but he couldn't. He would be grounded and she wasn't worth it. At all.
But this mission was a test for them. This was going to be their first solo mission without the supervision of their parents. It was just a covert one and intel collecting. Get in and get out.
And that's why they were siting in Justice League HQ, in a dull meeting room. Batman was presenting something that (Y/N) already knew. He has heard it before they left.
" Now, (V/N) will take the lead on this, since it's covert and intel gathering. I don't want to hear any arguments about this. " Batman said, knowing that the trio was going to argue about it.
But lets be honest, if there was anybody who knew how to be stealthy and quiet, it was (Y/N). Well, (V/N) in this case. (Y/N) forced himself to suppress a smile from blooming on his face.
Take that you two. He glanced at the two of them and Althea frowned a bit and James just rolled his eyes. Oh you two sacks of shit.
" Now, (V/N), would you like to take over? " Batman asked, well, demanded. (V/N) nodded and stood up from his chair. Bruce moved over and (Y/N) stood in his place. It felt weird, but you know, it made him feel powerful.
" Right. Like my father said, this is a covert and intel gathering. Which means it's get in and get out quietly. This is a base on a remote island in the Pacific ocean. We have reasons to believe that that's where Vandal the Savage and Deathstroke may have stashed their weapons, however, that is not our primary cause. It's intel that it's kept there. We will probably encounter Deathstroke or Lady Shiva, since those two started working together. " (Y/N) said, pressing a few buttons on the screen keyboard.
" This is how it's supposed to look. It's a pretty classical look for a base, but the security system is very tight and nearly impossible to hack into. However, I saw a small portion of the system and I know that I can hack into it. Now, the problem would be Deathstroke. If you see him, call me through the comms. Don't try to fight him, because he will win. " (Y/N) said and he nearly wanted to smack Althea for rolling her eyes.
" And also, he has experience fighting meta humans, like Wonder Woman and Superman. " (Y/N) said, glancing at the said duo, who nodded in agreement.
" (V/N) is right, he is not to be underestimated. " Wonder Woman said.
Batman stayed quiet, watching as (Y/N) dealt with the two. (Y/N) was growing into a brave and a mature person. And his hero side was no different. He knew that the trio didn't like each other and that was just normal and in life you are going to work with shitheads, as Jason would so kindly put it. And you would have to know how to deal with them.
Again, it's just life.
And Bruce could tell that (Y/N) was dealing with them well. Sure, his way was sarcastic and sometimes it could get ugly, but it was funny and sometimes it was outright murder worthy.
But Bruce loved him none the less.
" We are going first thing tomorrow evening, believe it or not. And that would be it. " (V/N) said and the other two left the room with their parents. Bruce and (Y/N) stayed back and (Y/N) looked at his father.
" You did good. You stayed professional and I could tell you wanted to smack Althea, but you controlled yourself. "
(Y/N) smiled, happy to hear this from Bruce. It wasn't like he never praised his sons, quite the opposite, but when he did, you know that he meant it.
" Lets go back home. Your brothers would like to spend time with you before you go on the mission. " Bruce said and the father son duo left the room, moving to the Zeta tubes.
" I know, but I just want to sleep. I had a tiring day at school. " (Y/N) admitted as they started the teleporting. Once they got into the cave, they both took their cowls off.
(Y/N)'s hair was going in all of different directions and Bruce ruffled his hair even more with a quiet chuckle. (Y/N) whined, trying to push Bruce's hand away.
" You kids grow up so fast. " Bruce admitted to (Y/N) and gave him a quick hug.
" You say that every year. " (Y/N) retorted, chuckling. It was true though. He said it every year when they did good in something.
" Am I wrong though? I would suggest you go up now. Jason called me and told me that if you aren't up in about 20 minutes he will come to get you himself. And you have about 5 minutes to get up there or he will kidnap you. " Bruce warned and (Y/N) ran into the locker room.
Jason would absolutely make that threat a promise and (Y/N) didn't want to fight with any of them. Bruce shook his head fondly at his sons antics.
All of them are going to be with the death of him.
The young trio was in a plane, flying to their location. It was quiet and they had a few hours to kill before landing down at their designated location. (Y/N) put it on autopilot and leaned back. He adjusted his gauntlets on his hands.
It was slightly nerve wrecking for all of them. When on missions they had supervision, they had guidance and they could call the moment something went wrong.
This time is a bit different. Did they have guidance? Yes. Did they have supervision? No.
But the trio knew that their parents were watching. They weren't completely alone in the dark.
" And what do we do know? I'm bored. " James said, crossing his arms.
" And that doesn't sound like my problem. You know you don't have the stamina to fly so long and you can't be weak for this mission. " (Y/N) responded, rubbing his eyes. He heard a tsk and for a split second he thought that Damian was behind him. But no.
" You know Althea, I wouldn't tsk since you can't fly that long either. " (Y/N) snapped back.
" I thought you two are supposed to be strong. Men like to boast about their strength. " Althea said and (Y/N) turned his head to look at her.
" I still can't believe that you are Wonder Woman's daughter. She doesn't hate men and yet you are so far up your own ass that you can't see reality. Is that the result of Amazon upbringing? " (Y/N) asked, sarcasm slipping through into his voice.
There was silence before she huffed, turning her head away. James sighed, shaking his head. They are supposed to be a team and not sworn enemies.
" Well, this mission is going to go well. "James mumbled and (Y/N) closed his eyes, just ready to meditate and get himself mentally ready for the mission.
The landing was quiet and the trio embarked on the shore. They stopped in the bush and (Y/N) zoomed in the view he had. Thank God for built in binoculars within his cowl.
He saw 2 guarding the door.
" Give me a minute and I will disable the security system. I think we will have about 20 minutes to get in and get out. I will take out the 2 in the front and when we get in, we are separating. I know we don't like each other, but we put all of that aside. Now we are teammates. " (Y/N) said and the two nodded in agreement.
" Good. Comms are going to be on the entire time. And if you see Deathstroke, call me. " (Y/N) said, opening up the tiny computer on his gauntlet. He typed a few buttons and the system was officially down.
(Y/N) took a deep breath. It's time to go.
" Lets go. " (Y/N) said and ran towards the two, seemingly out of nowhere. They didn't have a chance with (Y/N). After taking their cards, he swiped it to open the door.
" Now we split. Wonder Girl, you are going left, there is an office there, see if you can find anything there. Superboy, you are going to the right. There are guard's room on the right so if you see some, knock 'em out. I will go straight for the hardware room. And if I find any weapons, I will destroy them. Comms ON. " (Y/N) said and the other two nodded.
And so they separated. Wonder Girl went left, (V/N) went straight ahead and Superboy went to the right. (Y/N) ran in the hall, passing by the grey walls.
There is a certain adrenaline rush you get on certain types of missions. If he is patrolling in the city, it's something normal and usual, almost like a routine. It was nice, but deep down he is an adrenaline addict and he is just looking for some extra adrenaline.
Missions alone with his dad or with others was a bit better in terms of adrenaline. The missions were always out of Gotham city and he was in place were he has never been before. And it always led to him doing some crazy shit that is guaranteed to give Bruce a lot of grey hairs.
But a mission alone, without the supervision of their parents? It brought out a new wave of adrenaline rush that he has never felt before. It made him feel free and way beyond light. When he started being a vigilante, there was this constant fear. But now, there was no fear.
It was just sheer bravery and intent to get his dad proud. Bruce was already proud, but it would mean everything to (Y/N) that he could prove himself. "
" Yes. I checked everything. And you said yes to my proposition. " Bruce said, looking at the two.
" Are you sure about this Batman? " Wonder Woman asked as they were sitting in the conference room, waiting for their children. None of them are able to sleep without their children in their own homes. Bruce more so then others.
" I know that he wouldn't send them straight into fire. Intel and covert, that much they can handle. " Superman said, clearly agreeing with Batman.
" I know and I know that they are more than capable of doing this mission, but I worry. She is my only daughter and I love her to death. (Y/N) and James are my nephews and I love those two death to. " She said, sighing quietly.
" But I worry about them working together. And also, weren't they supposed to report back? A few minutes ago? "
Everyone was silent before running to the second airplane they had. Yeah... Maybe it wasn't a good idea to let them go alone.
The mission kind of went south. Their cover was blown and now they had to fight their way through the guards. Thankfully, there was no Vandal Savage and his kids, but there was Deathstroke.
Turns out, there was no actual intel. This was meant to be a trap for Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Now that ticked (Y/N) off and he couldn't let it happen.
Absolutely not. Nobody threatens his family and just goes on with his business. And he had to settle a score after putting Nightwing out of action for months on end.
And even if he dies and this is the last thing he does, then so be it. Deathstroke didn't have any objections to (Y/N)'s plan. But the plan went tits up when (Y/N) got blown up to the next room. He hissed as he looked down to his stomach.
A shrapnel. A fucking shrapnel. He hissed as he took it out and took a syringe of something similar to the liquid from the Lazarus pit. He pressed the syringe into the wound, allowing the liquid to heal him.
It's a liquid only used in the emergency situations. (Y/N) lunged back at Deathstroke, taking advantage of the surprise. He managed to knock the bastard out. He was huffing at the dull pain, trying to block it out.
" Shit... " (Y/N) cursed, leaning down to rest his hands on his knees. It would all be fine if another bomb exploded, nearly knocking him out cold, but he was dancing on the edge.
He could hear a female and a male voice above him. He was blinking, trying to regain focus. He laughed as he saw their worried faces. They froze, looking at him worried.
" Why are you laughing? " Althea asked, worried beyond belief.
" Because you think a bomb can take me out. " (Y/N) said, laughing even more. When he calmed down, he took a deep breath and looked at the two.
" You two can help me up now. This was a trap for our parents instead. " (Y/N) said and James nodded.
" We know. Comms are always on. " James tried to joke as Althea and him pulled (Y/N) up.
" Our parents are going to kill us. " (Y/N) announced and the other two nodded.
" I don't know about you two, but I'm going to the plane, with or without you. " (Y/N) said and they agreed. The trio ran, just ready to get the hell out of here.
It was nice to see their parents, ready to fight for them. All 3 fussed about them, Bruce more than others. (Y/N) knew that they are going fight about rest when they come home. At one point, the trio started laughing out of nowhere and the OG trio looked worried. Some inwardly, some outwardly.
" What is going on? " Superman asked, looking around for some answers.
Nobody answered him.
After 2 months, they worked together again, but with their parents with them. It was a one completely 180 from their previous communication. The OG trio noticed a lot of similarities.
They were turning into their parents.
" Should we be worried? " Wonder Woman asked once, watching the footage from their last mission. It was just like them.
" I mean... Are we bad role models? " Superman asked out loud and Batman stayed quiet.
" No. But... You know, lets see where this goes. " Superman suggested. Bruce just pinched the bridge of his nose. May God help them.
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They’re girlfriends your honor
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roxineedstosleep · 1 year
Thoughts on: the Yandere Batboys finally having a willing darling that actually genuinely loves not only them, but their family. Like a super sweet darling. But then finding out someone like Deathstroke is secretly trying to manipulate them/talking to them now?? Maybe even trying to take them away?? I dream like this and now I can’t get it out of my head- I just imagine someone as smart and as manipulative as Deathstroke of all people actually having a chance to fight the Batfamily..
Highly interesting detail.
After all, we are talking about the Wayne's, they were created as masters of manipulation and investigation. Batman and the whole Bat-family is, after all, from the beginning, a group of detectives who later became heroes or vigilantes.
A detail that, personally, many (including me) tend to forget because of all the action that goes into each of their cases.
So, manipulation and yandere… that goes hand in hand. No doubt about it.
I feel that, after so much time with the family, the SO is, sadly, fucked in the head.
What looks like good intentions are not, what doesn't look like good intentions is actually genuine concern. I would argue that the SO should be in a constant toggle and turn from hypervigilance to denatured disinterest. Something that would ultimately have the family concerned at different levels depending on the current state of their SO.
I mean, if he's in his hypervigilant season, no matter how much he's bequeathed to love all of them, the SO won't take any love or caring comments as such; so all the men in the family will have to act like real Oscar-winning actors and make everything they do look as realistic or sloppy as possible. And, the same goes for when the SO is in his season of disinterest or emotional slump.
I think a bit more like a shelter animal in a high care shelter …. will have its good times, its bad times and its extreme care times… it would just go from one extreme to the other quite often.
Now, this can be bad for the family, definitely, but I don't think so bad when it comes to having to see about strangers or potential dangers.
But, do not get me wrong, SO still loves the family!! Really!
But their head would be a little twisted after all their atemps to scape and that kind of suff. 
Case in point:
Bruce and his kids clearly hate it when their SO overthinks too much about the biscuits they've gotten him from the street; it hurts them a little to see the way their SO eats them and inspects them every so often or chews them to near mush and then pulls them out on a napkin. It hurts them because they know that SO, despite having accepted the biscuits, still thinks he's going to be drugged or something.
O They also worry when SO eats anything… literally anything that is put in front of him. Even when they could care less if the food itself has been pulled from the bottom of the fridge and has specks of mold on its packaging or peel. They even almost had to force themselves to vomit when they saw her nonchalantly eating one of the biscuits Tim had left on the kitchen counter…. a biscuit that had been left there for over a month and that no one had deigned to touch because it was next to his coffee cup (which had also been left behind).
Worse when they hypervigilate interaction with anyone other than themselves?
They feel a little less worried. Well, people are more driven by the concept of "Better a known evil than an unknown evil" anyway.
The only thing that eats away at them is when their OS is actually in total neglect mode. I mean, Damian once told them they could go hang out for as long as they wanted (sarcastically) and then they had to scour the entire mansion and surrounding gardens because their SO took it too literally.
And, when his SO is in a regular or healthier state, I think he would be cautious on a quiet level. He would only let himself be carried away by gossip that has a reason to be justifiable or reasonable. Beyond that I don't know how confident he is of the proposed arguments.
Sure, they'd get along well, and if DeathStroke has a sweet tongue and caramel words, I don't doubt he'd get on a cordial basis with SO, if he's been going along with the Yan Batfam for a while. If it was very early otdo, no doubt SO would actually try to escape with him, follow his words and doubts like a religion; but at this stage of the situation, where SO lives with the family and has so many traumas related to them and his failed escape attempts and manipulation, I think he would see that man more as a sad buffoon believing in his strength.
Even more so if it is from an enemy of his captor. Because, although it may not seem so, the enemy of your enemy is your friend is so unrealistic. The enemy of your enemy may be your colleague… but not your friend in this situation.
DeadStroke against Bruce might have an advantage, but against the whole family, I'm afraid not. Not unless you put a lot of SO on their side.
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byghostface · 3 months
//long rambling
There is a vent in the last part (about pro ship:/+ wired shipping + block list) it's naturally negative so reading at your own risk.
So in the new Batman and Robin issue #7 Nika's sister making an appearance, got me thinking of other possibilities for sibling characters to come back.
Mostly I’m thinking about Respawn since he is Joshua Williamson's own character. And He made Respawn appeared in the last issue of Robin(2021), he also brought back Mara in that run too (just some appearance in the later issue).
And now Joshua Williamson is writing Batman and Robin, so naturally he can bring some characters back in this run. He had said in an interview that he might have figured out a way(try) to bring back Maya.
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Throwback to 2022 of this old wip/art I made, is about what I think the emo teens of Lazarus squad dynamic would look like.
I imagine Nika and Respaw are irritated/tolerate with each other but would stay for Damian because Nika is Damian's girlfriend and they want to stick together. Meanwhile, Damian likes to include his half-brother in some fun activities (Respawn is acting reluctant bc of his own issues but he actually likes to have friends and feel include).
I haven’t finished this art bc I was going to add more wips (with other characters like Rose and Hawke) to make it a post. I didn't finish this art back then bc I was afraid Talia fans would be mad at me for drawing Respawn.
Trust me, I hate that Talia gets associated with Deathstroke like this, but I think Respawn is a confused/mistreated teen character and Damian (bless his heart and soul) still wants to be his brother regarding the whole mess. I will explain/talk more about my thoughts on Respawn as a character and his situations once I finish these drawings and get ready to post them.
Writing/typing words is harder than drawing for me personally. Drawing is like channeling my energy into a picture and forming an atmosphere and hopefully people will understand what thoughts and feelings I was trying to convey. Writing is using more brain powers to choose the correct and cohesive words, so people would not misunderstand what I'm talking about. Especially when English is not my first language, and even so I normally don't talk(write) much in my mother tongue either…(I'm not a quick thinker, it took me a longer time to think things through, writing literally exhausted me physically and mentally more than drawing.)
It doesn't mean I don't enjoy writing, it's just not my first choice to convey thoughts… but considering I can't draw everything I have in my mind and it takes even longer time to finish any art, I just need to write down things first from now on. Tumblr is the only place I can think of that has this longer text feature blog post and I'm more familiar with this platform format. So I will still be here posting my fan content.
(↓Vent, if you want to avoid being block by me then read down below.)
I must say I will forever hate respawn x flatline as ship, cus I know who started this ship and their reasons behind it—Don’t let the new character develop naturally as the story goes, let’s put them in made-up weird situations first so I can prop up my own ship!😍 And get both of the new characters out of the way, since no one would defend them so I can fanon the hell out of them by making them look bad all around!🤞 (What if I stone you first hand🪨🪨💥)
And I will continue to dislike/against any shipping Damian's sibling to Nika. I simply don't like the unnecessary sibling conflict just for romance tropes! So go away boooo I hate you‼️ Not to mention the ignoring of different age range multi-ship hide behind poly… that's straight up proshipping I hate you even more!!👎
Also for people who said Nika should be crush on Damian's mother instead of him… I hate you twisted proshipper rotten smooth brain‼️‼️ She dating a boy her age and has mutual connections with him, why would she crush on her boyfriend's mother instead?? Just because Nika is a big fan of Talia??? So you telling me young ppl can't idolize adults normally without being labeled as romantic nowadays huh??( Not saying you can't crush on adults, but why crush on your boyfriend's mom? ) Your weird ass mind is showing with this ass hc be fr. Again, why would you imagine that? You just wanted to push a fake narrative of Nika being wired so you could have an excuse to make Talia and Damian dislike her (which is not true), but in fact is YOU are the weird one projecting your twist thoughts/hate onto Nika‼️💥🪨🪨
I will start to block ppl who are shipping/liking respawn x flatline (+proshipper) and STILL interact with me, read the room!! My art is not for you weirdos‼️Go away BOOOO💥 🪨🪨🪨💥💥
Can't believe I need to type this all out cuz some of you weirdos will still do these things and think is okay to interact with me and my post/showing in my notifications BOOO👎🪨🪨💥🪳🪳🪳🩴🩴🩴
(sorry for venting about random weirdos/Nika haters again, and thanks for reading.)
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dairy-farmer · 8 months
I sneak back in~☆ with more of my Ideas~☆ tis me Again~
You know what's GREAT? Along with all that villian tech and magic? Canonical Multiverse. Oh my, oh my~ Such OPTIONS we have todaaaay~ >:Dc
Because? Is it really YOUR son? If he's from a different reality, has a different history, you didn't raise him, and you technically met yesterday? Same name, face, and dna... but? IS THAT YOUR SON, BATMAN?
Or is that an ethically sourced Tim Puss? Or other bits. We ain't judging, Multiverse is large and in some of those you're sentient fish! Go nuts! Just be respectful. Not on the dinner table ffs.
And! In the inevitable Bat Adventures of Various Bat Peoples(tm)? They are GOING to cross realities! Some times you go to their's, some times they come to you. Sometimes it's your hypothetical great×5 Grandbaby with a STILL alive Ra's AL Ghul. Sometimes a Robot. Occasionally they are Evil(tm).
But! Do? You? Fuck?
CAN you? These are the questions! An ethical debate for the ages! Tim says? A Strong Maybe! What is he working with, here? *various outraged noises from his family* WHAT, they aren't HIS family! It's not like he'd sleep with YOU guys. *various conflicted noises*
Like? Clearly not, if they're Evil. Or like... physically incompatible... Or the world needs saving? He DOES have his priorities straight. But like.... Strong Maybe!
But you know what that Tim has? Thousands of other NEARLY identical versions of him. Spanning the Multiverse. All juuuuust slightly off in one way or another. Different choice here. Breakfast was skipped there. Likes tea instead of energy drinks yonder. AND? All have that "someone should probably have been supervising me" Feral spark~
Tim gets Horny. Maybe he and his team pulled a successful mission. Thwarted a Multiversal threat. Wooo! We're young and unsupervised! Beer! Pizza! Making out! WITH EACH OTHER! Thank God we're not dead!!!
But thing is? Tim is a horny drunk. He is... mostly unaware of this. It's apparently just a beer thing. He doesn't like the taste so he's never really drunk them. He's giggly. Wants to fuck. Kon is already asleep. Sad face. Wait.... WAIT! He has a BRILLIANT Idea! He stumbles to his feet. To his room. Ah HA! His "I'm Looooonely~ 🥺" Sexy Photos! Perfect.
He stumbles back. Digs out the Multiverse device. His drunk little mind not stopping to consider this might be a PHENOMENALLY stupid idea. After all... His Kon asleep. Other Kon's not maybe? Sexy sex for Timmy. Mmmm, Sex. His logic, is of course, FLAWLESS. He's gonna do it!
He inputs his photos as an info package, restricts to humanoid realities, clarifies "Evil guys, DNI" because OBVIOUSLY they will honor that, and recognize they are in fact Evil, instead of Misunderstood Heros. Then adds he would like to fuck, Multiverse tech obviously required, then to REALLY seal the deal a saucy " ;) ".
It's PERFECT. He's a GENIUS. Gonna... gonna get SO LAID. He hits send. Goes to get ready for Other Kon. Forgets, gets himself off, and goes to sleep.
It goes EXACTLY as you think it does. They get fucking INVADED by randos. All of whom are thirsting for Batman's son. Many of whom ARE Batman. Some are Kon. Some Superman. There are alternative Tim's. Apparently Go Fuck Yourself is the hot new craze. Tim is super, mega, ULTRA grounded.
But it's also damn near impossible to prevent Batmen from just... stepping into whatever room he's in. From their own reality. Bruce is at his wits end. The fuckers keep fucking and trying to carry off his baby boy. He doesn't CARE if you lost your own! Or never had one! Or yours hates you! Or WHAT! UNHAND THE TIM SON! *extreme violence*
And Dick? Inches from a nervous break down. All these PERVERTS keep coming to MOLEST his brother! Including versions of HIM! Selfs! How COULD YOU!? You don't even plan to ROMANCE him! No dinner or dances or romantic dates! Just fuck him on the floor and stuff a baby in him! *incredible violence* *somewhere... Deathstroke feels weirdly thrilled... huh*
Both Jason and Damian of course are LEARNING some stuff about themselves. Mostly from beating Alt-Selfes off with whatever on hand. Damian especially is having A Time of it. How DARE himselfs make him Realize Drake Is Hot! You magnificent BASTARDS!
Jason is hearing a lot of Husband this and Babyboy that and.... you... you KINKY MOFO with your TENDER EMOTIONS need to cut this shit RIGHT OUT! So help him he will shoot you! RIGHT IN THE DICK.
And of course Kon was all *sees like a bazillion of himself show up when Tim Puss was offered* Yeah this Tracks. I understand completely. *Sees CLARKS showing up* *slow head turn of Death towards his Clark* .....Something you wanna tell me? :) Clark? :)
Lois standing on his other side, who ALSO did the Head Turn: Yeah, honey :) Something you need to get off your chest? :)
Clark, innocent but still cold sweating : Please remember that they are probably Evil. I have a LOT of messed up Alternative Selfs out there. Love you, honey. And I would NEVER.
Just? The unending parade of Multiverse Booty calls? Showing and rocking Timmy's world before he can get a word in edgewise? This poor Tim has already been caught like five times this week and it's only Wednesday? Every chases them off... but poof! New one! Fucked again! Nearly carried off while fucked out and drooling, AGAIN! The best minds on the planet scrambling to fix Timmy's drunk booty call!
He can't patrol, can barely get work down, barely has time to SLEEP. Has woken UP to being fucked by HIMSELF. And a Kon. AND three separate Bruce's. Sometimes multiples show up! Sometimes they SHARE!
Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to argue with men lovingly holding you as they make you orgasm stupid? Hard! Tim keeps LOSING! He can't even walk straight. He's GOO. Fucked out, cum stuffed, GOO.
Dear God his birth control better work or he is DEFINITELY pregnant at this point.
And? In the chaos? Tell me there isn't the chance that his actual fam don't... consider it. With so many versions of themselves popping in and out? Just add then remove an alteration to their costume... no one but them would ever know.
Just? Imagine the chaos~~☆
"ethically sourced Tim Puss" 😭😭😭😭😭 that's the funniest line i've ever read!!! and yessssss!!!!!!!!! this idea!!!!! i love it so much!!!!!!! i've absolutely mused the thought of it before!!! the idea that bruce uses the 'it's not technically incest if it's not MY tim' loophole!!!!!
tim being both a horny and stupid little drunk is so good!!! he definitely has 'lonely night' photos of himself in nothing but tiny little seee through panties and underwear or in nothing but socks and lip gloss. he sends them to kon when he's horny and wants to fuck and now he's using a multiverse outfitted computer to mass send out an email from his dimension with attatched photos like he's a pop ad from a porn site 'like his tits? fuck him today!'
the email will be easily traceable to his dimension to any kon with dimensional tech which is what tim banks on while drunk. but then tim stumbles away and forgets about his photo ladden email and open invitation to fuck. he manages to make it to his room and sloppily stuffs a few fingers into his dripping pussy and clumsily rubs at his clit until his toes are curling and he manges to drunkenly cum. it's not long before he passes out from the combination of alcohol and the bit of satisfaction from masturbating.
in the morning tim's hangover pounds against his head along with the intruder alert alarm which cuts out mere seconds after starting. it's not until he hears his bedroom door sliding open that he looks up to see kon in uniform standing at his doorway and staring at him.
tim's in a simple tshirt and no panties with his legs spread on his messy bed. kon is in full armor though...one of his older suits with the blue accents for some reason.
he's also staring at tim pretty heavily. in the sort of way he's very familiar with because tim can see that heady desire in kon's eyes and knows what's next.
the rest of the titans, kon included, find tim in his room getting wonderfully fucked by his not-kon(?).
thankfully tim gets to cum before they kick that superboy out. they brief tim about how the justice league, batcave, and other hero teams have reported disturbances and anomalies typically seen with dimensional travel and given that the titans just finished kicking some multiverse butt they should probably prepare for another...attack.
only...it seemed like that dimensional traveler had other ideas.
they go to that dimensional laptop they confiscated and very quickly find tim's original email because they are receiving hundreds of interested replies.
it's a hellish week for everyone and tim has absolutely been scolded and reprimanded numerous times. usually after each near kidnapping is avoid because tim keeps getting tracked down and fucked by different versions of horny kons, other tim's, TONS of batmen, nightwing, redhood, and robins.
other bats are typically the ones behind the kidnapping attempts. one nightwing confessed to tim while pumping his cock into tim's poor little hole that his tim hasn't spoken him in years and this was the only chance he'd ever get to forage some connection and feel tim's touch again. red hood is apparently lonely because his 'wife' is away on a space mission and those photos were so teasing and pushed him over the edge. damian apparently wants to know what teenage tim's pussy feels like. but bruce....oh bruce.
poor bruce is so lonely and tortured by the attraction he feels for his son. and then comes tim's pictures. such temptation. such willingness to be fucked by anyone and anything including his father in a different dimension and all of them have problems with their tims.
there are no tims in their dimension, they had a falling out with their tims and don't talk anymore, or their tim has passed away and left them with these horribly compex unresolved feelings and its only through fucking tim that they'll be able to finally move on with their lives.
of course some of those batmen aren't satisfied with the one time deal and attempt to abduct tim who is all woozy and half passed out from orgasms through a portal to their home dimensions.
it's a very difficult week. made more difficult by the fact that tim is clearly a willing engager with many of these different dimensional travelers invading for some pussy.
every single one of the bats is desperate to get this all fixed. the only other person aside from them who wants this all to go away is clark whose marriage and relationship with his sort of clone-son is now on the rocks because more than a few alternate supermen have shown up looking to answer tim's email and fuck his womb full of kryptonian cum. one of them even dug clark's hole even deeper by mentioning how he's curious to see if this tim drake's womb will be just as receptive to kryptonian seed as his own.
and he said it in FRONT of both kon and lois who are now both very angry with clark is so very innocent and he swears that he's never once thought of sweet little tim like that!!! in fact clark was pretty sure tim was the only one of the bats and one of the few capes that genuinely disliked him!!!!!
the fact that tim doesn't blatently reject the superman that whistle and fly past the action, their suits bulging with their erections does nothing to help clark's case.
truly if there is any victim in this entire case-aside from tim's family who are currently in the crisis working the concept of fucking tim out of their system by actually fucking tim- it is clark.
poor sweet clark who, genuinely, has done nothing wrong the entire time.
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yukiwhitetm · 2 months
DR Characters Assigned DC Roles
The main premise of this is that Shuichi Saihara as Robin 3 is both dating civilian Kokichi Oma as Bernard Dowd and flirting/being flirted with by his alter ego Stray. Shuichi has no idea Kokichi is Stray but Kokichi definitely knows Shuichi is Robin 3. What order do these events happen in? Who knows!
The Bats and Birds
Batman (The Bat): Kyoko Kirigiri
Agent A: Makoto Naegi
Robin 1, Nightwing: Kaede Akamatsu
Robin 2, Red Hood: Hajime Hinata
Robin 3, Red Robin: Shuichi Saihara
Spoiler, Robin 4, Batgirl (Batboy): Kaito Momota
Robin 5: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Batgirl, Oracle: Chiaki Nanami
Black Bat, Batgirl, Orphan: Maki Harukawa
Batwoman: Aoi Asahina
Signal: Yasuhiro Hagakure
The Cats
Catwoman: Celestia Ludenberg
Stray & Bernard Dowd: Kokichi Oma
The Rogues
Joker: Junko Enoshima
Punchline: Mukuro Ikusaba
Harley Quinn: Toko Fukawa
Poison Ivy: Komaru Naegi
Blackmask: Mondo Owada
Penguin: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Scarecrow: Miu Iruma
Bane: Nekomaru Nidai
Mr. Freeze: Teruteru Hanamura
Riddler: Hifumi Yamada
Mad Hatter: Angie Yonaga
Deathstroke: Tsumugi Shirogane
The League of Assassins
Ra's al Ghul: Haiji Towa
Talia al Ghul: Korekiyo Shinguji
Prudence Wood: Peko Pekoyama
The Outlaws
Starfire: Sonia Nevermind
Arsenal: Nagito Komaeda
Bizarro: Ibuki Mioda
Teen Titans
Beast boy: Gundham Tanaka
Raven: Himiko Yumeno
Wonder girl: Tenko Chabashira
Superboy 1 a.k.a Conner Kent (Supergirl): Akane Owari
Kidflash: Mahiru Koizumi
Cyborg: K1b0
Aquaboy (Aquagirl): Hiyoko Saionji
Superboy 2 a.k.a. Jonathan Kent: Masaru Daimon
The Justice League
Superman (Superwoman): Sakura Ogami
Wonder Woman: Kirumi Tojo
Green Arrow: Byakuya Togami
Aquaman: Leon Kuwata
Martian Manhunter: Ultimate Imposter
Green Lantern: Kazuichi Soda
Captain Marvel: Nagisa Shingetsu
Flash: Chihiru Fujisaki
Zatanna: Sayaka Maizono
Black Canary: Mikan Tsumiki
Most of these characters have been assigned DC roles based on their personalities, regardless of gender (except for Superboy and Bizarro since they're clones of Superman so have to be the same gender as him)! I included some Rogues, League of Assassins, Outlaws, Teen Titans and Justice Leaguers because the Batfam interact with them a lot.
In my mind, Kyoko Kirigiri is together with Makoto Naegi and has been for the long term but her as the Bat and Celestia Ludenberg as Catwoman share some flirtatious banter.
Hajime Hinata as Robin 2 died and came back, and when he did he came back different. How much you want to lean into Jason Todd's backstory or Hajime Hinata's and whether you want to include Izuru Kamukuru is up to you.
Kaito Momota may or may not have had an unsuccessful romantic relationship with Shuichi when he was Spoiler and Shuichi was Robin 3. This can be prior to Shuichi meeting Kokichi or Robin 3 and Stray could have had some playful banter going on during this time (this works because Shuichi actually dates civilian Kokichi, which could be after he and Kaito break up). Kaito could be with Maki now!
Yes, this character assignment does mean that Masaru Daimon is Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu's best friend. Yes, that is hilarious.
I was running out of DR characters near the end so I started swapping some around to find suitable Justice Leaguers. Masaru was originally Captain Marvel but then that only left Kotoko Utsugi as an option for Superboy 2 and I thought Fuyuhiko would hate her. So, Masaru became Superboy 2 and Nagisa Shingetsu Captain Marvel. Byakuya Togami was originally assigned as Lucius Fox, the manager of WE, but I had to swap him to Green Arrow because he was just too perfect for that!
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, comment and reblog. Your support is much appreciated.
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
What do you think of Slade and Dick’s relationship ok the comics? Dick somewhat killed his first child, was friends with his second and mentored his third so idk about you but I’d feel like Slade would have some pretty twisted feelings towards him by then even without the whole apprenticeship thing
It's weird? I can't really pin it down because Slade and Dick are kinda everything. They're enemies, allies, friends, as well as mentor and student. Dick is the one that Slade is closest to in the entire family. They're so close that Bruce actually called Dick to ask him for information about Slade.
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Deathstroke (1991) Issue #7
"Dick--I need information. Tell me about Deathstroke. I remembered you fought against him several times...as well as fighting alongside him recently."
Bruce...do you need that calming tea because you're mad at criminals or because you're mad that Dick had dealings with Deathstroke?
Anyways, after Bruce hangs up on Dick, guess who Dick calls?
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Deathstroke (1991) Issue #7
Who also lies to Adeline about someone calling Slade because she's mad at him.
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Deathstroke (1991) Issue #7
So Dick and Slade have a tight mutual enemies but also friends relationship. And this was after joey died.
After Grant died, Slade was furious at the Titans and hated them for a while
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #2
He then uses this hate to plan and trap the Titans into the way of a specialized bomb but the titans escape. Afterwards comes the Judas Contract where he tries to kill all of them but fails.
However between Grant's death and the formation of Nightwing in Judas contract there's a very important scene between Dick and Slade. Even though Slade hates the Titans and blames from for Grant's passing, he still respects Dick an incredible amount. A year after Grant dies, Slade seeks out Dick individually.
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Deathstroke (2016) Issue #19
So basically he finds out about Rose and the first thing he does is dump her on Dick. This ties into Dick's comic Renegade era because Dick as Robin has trained Rose when she was a kid in the rights and wrongs and how to be a good person but Slade as usual has the conscience of a goldfish so he changed his mind after he grew a little more separated after Grant's death. He now decided to push Rose into his ways.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #112
Instead of morals, he now wants Dick to teach her skills, tactics, and fighting techniques because even at his maddest moments, Slade has always respected Dick.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #80
The change from Slade asking Dick to teach Rose only his moral to teaching her his everything is a testament to how much Dick has grown from Robin to Nightwing. One of the most formidable villains ever is asking his long time enemy to teach his daughter. That's-there aren't enough words to express the weight of these scenes.
So Slade heavily respects Dick. He actually respects him the most out of the family despite what happened with Grant.
He respects Dick so much he was absolutely furious at Dick that he got himself shot and got amnesia.
How do we know this? It came out against his fight with Batman.
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Batman Secret Files Issue #3
Wait, who's the great man that lost everything?
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Batman Secret Files Issue #3
"You're going to got try and kidnap somebody you think I care about. So get to it. What do you think you can offer me? Why would I say yes?"
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Batman Secret Files Issue #3
He got himself involved so he could control the damage without seeming like he cares too much because he has a reputation to upkeep.
Slade really cares about Dick.
That's not to say he doesn't hate Dick at times. When Dick turned his daughter away from him, he got so furious he made a society of supervillains just to bomb Bludhaven. His rage was explosive (haha). He even used Damian to get to Dick.
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #12
Talia gets it.
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #12
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #12
But at this point Dick's just like seriously? screw off.
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #12
At this point Dick literally doesn't give a shit-he's just so done with everything.
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #12
Going back to post Grant's death, Slade still kinda sees himself as a mentor or like an older friend to Dick.
After the JL failed to contain Deathstroke, the Titans had to step in and Slade's thoughts about Dick are so funny
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Deathstroke (1991) Issue #14
More than hating each other, it's more like Slade is a nuisance to Dick and he really only acts out when he thinks Dick's taken away one of his kids. They have a really long and complex history where their stories are deeply interwoven with each other. Dick has influenced the pivotal moments of Slade's life and Slade has done the same to Dick.
This moment from their team up in the Titans (1999) comic explains their dynamic best
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Titans (1999) Issue #10
Dick keeps all of Slade's stuff to study but treats him with a healthy amount of suspicion while still helping him out and being on opposite sides.
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Titans (1999) Issue #10
Dick is sort of responsible for Grant's death, yes, but also Dick is Joey's best friend, Rose's second parent, allies with Wintergree, and helped save Adeline. He's involved with Slade's entire family.
Yeah Slade's feelings toward Dick are pretty confusing but I guess you can think of Slade's relationship with him as Slade's hero confidant. He also feels some sort of responsibility over Dick which is weird. Their history is too tight and closely connected for Slade to ever permanently hate Dick but his bouts of rage mainly come from him feeling betrayed by Dick.
Overall, Slade just wants Dick's attention, and Dick for the most part just wants Slade to stop pestering him.
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