#based software consulting
alhadaftech · 1 year
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emorphistechno · 2 years
The business world is currently undergoing enormous change. Why? The CRM system is to blame. CRM consulting services are in high demand due to their influence. Let's first define CRM before moving on, shall we?
CRM, or customer relationship management, is a tool that aids in creating enduring relationships with customers. It is essential to effectively handle and utilize information if you want your firm to succeed. CRM offers a wonderful answer in this situation!
Learn the details of how a CRM solution and CRM consulting services help in transforming business performance digitally. Get the most out of your business.
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sbscglobal · 12 days
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Software Business Solutions Consulting (SBSC)’s AI Solution helps Businesses to uplift true potentials across various industries by enhancing efficiency, enabling better decision-making, improving customer experiences, and driving innovation. Here’s how AI is transforming businesses:
Enhanced Decision-Making
#AI-powered analytics tools process vast amounts of data to provide actionable insights. These insights help businesses make informed decisions quickly and accurately.
Operational Efficiency
#AI automates routine and repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic and creative work. AI-driven robots and automation systems optimize production lines, reduce errors, and increase productivity. #AITools handle scheduling, data entry, and reporting, improving overall operational efficiency.
Personalized Customer Experiences
AI analyzes customer data to deliver personalized experiences and recommendations. In e-commerce, AI algorithms suggest products based on browsing history and preferences, increasing conversion rates. In customer service, AI #chatbots provide instant support and resolve queries, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.
Innovative Product and Service Development
AI enables businesses to innovate by identifying gaps in the market and suggesting new product ideas. AI-driven research and development tools analyze market data, customer feedback, and technological trends to develop cutting-edge products and services.
Improved Marketing Strategies
#AI optimizes marketing efforts by analyzing customer data and behavior to tailor campaigns. AI-driven marketing tools can segment audiences, predict customer responses, and automate content creation. This leads to more effective marketing strategies, higher engagement rates, and better ROI.
Enhanced Security
#AISolutions enhance #cybersecurity by detecting and mitigating threats in real-time. AI algorithms analyze network traffic, identify anomalies, and respond to security incidents faster than human analysts. This proactive approach to security helps protect sensitive data and maintain #BusinessContinuity.
Human Resources Management
#AI streamlines HR processes by automating recruitment, performance evaluation, and employee engagement. AI tools can analyze resumes, conduct initial screenings, and even predict employee turnover, helping businesses hire the right talent and maintain a motivated workforce.
Financial Optimization
#AI enhances financial management through predictive analytics, fraud detection, and automated financial reporting. AI-driven financial tools analyze market trends, manage investment portfolios, and detect fraudulent transactions, ensuring better financial health and compliance.
Connect with SBSC to Get #CustomizedAIsolutions for your Business!
Read More: https://shorturl.at/aMKOg Email: [email protected] Call us: 877.213.3835
Follow us on Linkedin: https://lnkd.in/dhHRVXxD
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sbsc · 2 months
Grow green, grow strong: #SustainableSoftwareSolutions for the future-focused #startups.
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Are you a startup looking to make a positive impact alongside achieving your business goals? #SustainableSoftwareSolutions can help! These tools go beyond just functionality, offering features that can:
☁ Reduce your environmental footprint: Think #cloud-based solutions that minimize server energy consumption, or #SoftwareSolution that optimizes logistics and reduces waste.
♻ Boost resource efficiency: From managing remote teams to automating workflows, #SustainableSoftware can streamline operations and make the most of your resources.
📈 Enhance transparency and reporting: Track your sustainability efforts and measure your impact with data-driven tools. This builds trust with eco-conscious customers and investors.
Ready to explore how #SustainableSoftware can empower your startup? Share your goals with us, and let’s connect to discuss the best solutions for your business!
Read More: https://rb.gy/ldxftc Visit Website: https://shorturl.at/eAB78 Connect us: [email protected] | Call: +1 877 213 3835
#SustainableSoftwareDevelopment #GreenSoftwareDevelopment #sbsc
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In the dynamic realm of technology adoption, the surge in demand for cloud-based applications has significantly transformed the digital landscape. Businesses are witnessing an uptick in demand for cloud application development.
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Unlocking Startup Success with Business Plan Writing Services
Starting a new business can be an instigative and grueling adventure, but having a logical business plan in position is essential for success. A well- penned business plan can support you secure backing, attract investors, and guide your business missions. still, not all entrepreneurs have the time, moxie, or coffers to produce a complete business plan on their own. That is where business plan…
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proarchitservices · 2 years
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concorderpsposts · 2 years
Concord ERP provides the best  business process consultation services in indore.
Which is helping to accelerate the adoption and success of your ERP solution. For more information call now: 9009155444
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transfinite1 · 2 years
SAP Business One Cloud – Latest Technology, Solutions and Services with Key Functionalities | Transfinite.one
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SAP Business One Cloud
This is a scalable platform that enables organizations to access SAP Business One which Transfinite help to manage in the cloud environment.
SAP Business One, a cloud-based application, enables organizations to deliver extended functionality and customized business processes in the cloud through remote published applications.
With SAP Business One Cloud, customers can access SAP Business One remotely, centrally hosted in data centers. Partners and customers benefit from the sharing of common resources, lower maintenance requirements, and ability to scale elastically as companies grow and the number of users increases.
Rapid implementation
Low up-front costs
Anytime anywhere access SAP Business One system
The SAP-hosted option for SAP Business One Cloud is a complete SAP hosted solution that includes application licenses, infrastructure service, and application management. The underlying infrastructure management that provides the entire cloud landscape, security, monitoring, backup and recovery, and performance is covered by SAP.
About Us:
At Transfinite, we’re more than just a software company. We’re a Solution Integrators, an information technology company specializing in software development and Implementation of Innovative Solutions. We’re a team of industry professionals who are dedicated to ensuring that our customers flourish with our partnership. Committed to the business, we work persistently to ensure that all our software products and data solutions are always ahead of the curve.
We implement a full life cycle development process including defining requirements, software architecture and design, Project Blueprints, coding and quality control and product maintenance / technical support. Using this process, we ensure you receive the best service in the business.
We’ve partnered with Network Functions Platform company- Array Networks, Cisco, HP, Paulo Alto and Core Banking Solutions Partner, Hardware supply and Integration Partner.
We’re a successful Partner of SAP for Its Robust ERP Product ‘SAP Business One’. We’ve developed most of the required add-ons for Businesses to use with SAP B1 and have 100% success ratio in Implementation.
Hereby we are looking for association with companies in your country to build new relationships, share best practice and foster new opportunities for mutual benefit.  We are not only looking to export software products and services, but also Import the same.
For more information @ https://transfinite.one/contact-us-ts/
Our Products:
SAP Business One on Cloud
SAP Business One Add-Ons
SAP S4 HANA Greenfield Implementations
SAP S4 HANA Migrations
Microsoft Dynamics 365
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mudwerks · 4 months
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(via Vending machine error reveals secret face image database of college students | Ars Technica)
Canada-based University of Waterloo is racing to remove M&M-branded smart vending machines from campus after outraged students discovered the machines were covertly collecting facial-recognition data without their consent.
The scandal started when a student using the alias SquidKid47 posted an image on Reddit showing a campus vending machine error message, "Invenda.Vending.FacialRecognitionApp.exe," displayed after the machine failed to launch a facial recognition application that nobody expected to be part of the process of using a vending machine.
"Hey, so why do the stupid M&M machines have facial recognition?" SquidKid47 pondered.
The Reddit post sparked an investigation from a fourth-year student named River Stanley, who was writing for a university publication called MathNEWS.
Stanley sounded alarm after consulting Invenda sales brochures that promised "the machines are capable of sending estimated ages and genders" of every person who used the machines without ever requesting consent.
This frustrated Stanley, who discovered that Canada's privacy commissioner had years ago investigated a shopping mall operator called Cadillac Fairview after discovering some of the malls' informational kiosks were secretly "using facial recognition software on unsuspecting patrons."
Only because of that official investigation did Canadians learn that "over 5 million nonconsenting Canadians" were scanned into Cadillac Fairview's database, Stanley reported. Where Cadillac Fairview was ultimately forced to delete the entire database, Stanley wrote that consequences for collecting similarly sensitive facial recognition data without consent for Invenda clients like Mars remain unclear.
Stanley's report ended with a call for students to demand that the university "bar facial recognition vending machines from campus."
what the motherfuck
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sbscglobal · 1 month
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Utilize Our Customized AI Integration to Revolutionize Your Business!
At SBSC,  our professionals create unique, integrated solutions to satisfy your particular business requirements. Our customized AI Integration Process is made to open doors and boost productivity, advancing your company.
Enter a world where innovation and technology combine to make it possible for your company to succeed.
We can assist you if you wish to take benefits of cutting-edge AI capabilities, boost productivity, or simplify operations.
Let's redefine what's fits best to your business challenges!
Connect us to discover how SBSC AI solutions can transform your business.
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gothhabiba · 6 months
Because I've seen people talking about BDS boycotts and differentiating between consumer boycotts and applying institutional pressure, I think it's worth mentioning that pressuring tactics can just as easily be used against the targets of consumer boycotts. Look at what you're poised to do in your own life (what systems do you engage in? What groups of people do you meet or work with?) and apply some creativity.
Do you work in a grocery store? Talk to your union about refusing to handle Israeli produce.
Do you work in a restaurant, or know anyone who runs one? Talk to management about finding out who supplies your produce.
Do you work anywhere that uses computers that are regularly upgraded? Talk to your union about demanding computers from companies that don't provide demographics software to Israel (i.e. HP).
Do you or anyone in your family or church plan to go on a pilgrimage to Bethlehem (thus giving money to Israel, who controls the borders and hires the tour guides)? Don't go, and convince everyone you can not to either; get everyone you can to sign an open letter to your church; &c.
Are you in a fan group for an artist who plans to tour (or otherwise profit from showing material) in Israel? Don't go to any of the shows on that tour, or stream the video from the tour, or buy the album. Get everyone you can to sign an open letter to the artist and also pledge to boycott their related work.
These are examples based on fields I don't know anything about; you will be the best judge of what is possible and helpful to do in your own life. Consult union and activist advocacy lawyers, &c.
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
There's a faerie chained up in your boss's house. He took you there once, for a company party, and he showed it off to everyone. It was the size of a human, looked kind of like a human, but there was something different about it's eyes. It's a rare artifact, most of it's kind had been lost to the empires of humanity a long time ago, and he claimed there was nowhere safer for a creature such as that then with a human.
He could use it of course. A creature like that could help create magical things for him, soon enough it could even be a product. And sometimes he'd take it out, and make it sing for him, in a pretty little dress, and everyone always clapped, its voice wasn't like a human's, wasn't like anything from this age.
You know your company uses magic a lot. You know most of the security guards are werewolves, they ripped apart somebody sleeping on a bench outside your office once. The company uses demons and vampires as consultants sometimes too, and you're sure there's some working there. They even say in the sweatshops your company runs across seas they use necromancers so that they workers can keep working after they die.
Your boss has been talking about his faerie more and more recently. He has plans for fae magic based technology that everyone in software says is impossible. And he shows himself with his faerie all the time, talks about how it's the future, his future. And meanwhile it looks more and more upset, and more and more uncomfortable, especially as he touches it more and more.
You came into work one day to hear that your boss was to dead. He died in his basement of all places. They say his entire body was turned to wood, his expression in constant pain as he sits there. And his faerie is nowhere to be seen.
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mariacallous · 11 days
Two years ago when “Michael,” an owner of cryptocurrency, contacted Joe Grand to help recover access to about $2 million worth of bitcoin he stored in encrypted format on his computer, Grand turned him down.
Michael, who is based in Europe and asked to remain anonymous, stored the cryptocurrency in a password-protected digital wallet. He generated a password using the RoboForm password manager and stored that password in a file encrypted with a tool called TrueCrypt. At some point, that file got corrupted and Michael lost access to the 20-character password he had generated to secure his 43.6 BTC (worth a total of about €4,000, or $5,300, in 2013). Michael used the RoboForm password manager to generate the password but did not store it in his manager. He worried that someone would hack his computer and obtain the password.
“At [that] time, I was really paranoid with my security,” he laughs.
Grand is a famed hardware hacker who in 2022 helped another crypto wallet owner recover access to $2 million in cryptocurrency he thought he’d lost forever after forgetting the PIN to his Trezor wallet. Since then, dozens of people have contacted Grand to help them recover their treasure. But Grand, known by the hacker handle “Kingpin,” turns down most of them, for various reasons.
Grand is an electrical engineer who began hacking computing hardware at age 10 and in 2008 cohosted the Discovery Channel’s Prototype This show. He now consults with companies that build complex digital systems to help them understand how hardware hackers like him might subvert their systems. He cracked the Trezor wallet in 2022 using complex hardware techniques that forced the USB-style wallet to reveal its password.
But Michael stored his cryptocurrency in a software-based wallet, which meant none of Grand’s hardware skills were relevant this time. He considered brute-forcing Michael’s password—writing a script to automatically guess millions of possible passwords to find the correct one—but determined this wasn’t feasible. He briefly considered that the RoboForm password manager Michael used to generate his password might have a flaw in the way it generated passwords, which would allow him to guess the password more easily. Grand, however, doubted such a flaw existed.
Michael contacted multiple people who specialize in cracking cryptography; they all told him “there’s no chance” of retrieving his money. But last June he approached Grand again, hoping to convince him to help, and this time Grand agreed to give it a try, working with a friend named Bruno in Germany who also hacks digital wallets.
Grand and Bruno spent months reverse engineering the version of the RoboForm program that they thought Michael had used in 2013 and found that the pseudo-random number generator used to generate passwords in that version—and subsequent versions until 2015—did indeed have a significant flaw that made the random number generator not so random. The RoboForm program unwisely tied the random passwords it generated to the date and time on the user’s computer—it determined the computer’s date and time, and then generated passwords that were predictable. If you knew the date and time and other parameters, you could compute any password that would have been generated on a certain date and time in the past.
If Michael knew the day or general time frame in 2013 when he generated it, as well as the parameters he used to generate the password (for example, the number of characters in the password, including lower- and upper-case letters, figures, and special characters), this would narrow the possible password guesses to a manageable number. Then they could hijack the RoboForm function responsible for checking the date and time on a computer and get it to travel back in time, believing the current date was a day in the 2013 time frame when Michael generated his password. RoboForm would then spit out the same passwords it generated on the days in 2013.
There was one problem: Michael couldn’t remember when he created the password.
According to the log on his software wallet, Michael moved bitcoin into his wallet for the first time on April 14, 2013. But he couldn’t remember if he generated the password the same day or some time before or after this. So, looking at the parameters of other passwords he generated using RoboForm, Grand and Bruno configured RoboForm to generate 20-character passwords with upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and eight special characters from March 1 to April 20, 2013.
It failed to generate the right password. So Grand and Bruno lengthened the time frame from April 20 to June 1, 2013, using the same parameters. Still no luck.
Michael says they kept coming back to him, asking if he was sure about the parameters he’d used. He stuck to his first answer.
“They really annoyed me, because who knows what I did 10 years ago,” he recalls. He found other passwords he generated with RoboForm in 2013, and two of them did not use special characters, so Grand and Bruno adjusted. Last November, they reached out to Michael to set up a meeting in person. “I thought, ‘Oh my God, they will ask me again for the settings.”
Instead, they revealed that they had finally found the correct password—no special characters. It was generated on May 15, 2013, at 4:10:40 pm GMT.
“We ultimately got lucky that our parameters and time range was right. If either of those were wrong, we would have … continued to take guesses/shots in the dark,” Grand says in an email to WIRED. “It would have taken significantly longer to precompute all the possible passwords.”
Grand and Bruno created a video to explain the technical details more thoroughly.
RoboForm, made by US-based Siber Systems, was one of the first password managers on the market, and currently has more than 6 million users worldwide, according to a company report. In 2015, Siber seemed to fix the RoboForm password manager. In a cursory glance, Grand and Bruno couldn’t find any sign that the pseudo-random number generator in the 2015 version used the computer’s time, which makes them think they removed it to fix the flaw, though Grand says they would need to examine it more thoroughly to be certain.
Siber Systems confirmed to WIRED that it did fix the issue with version 7.9.14 of RoboForm, released June 10, 2015, but a spokesperson wouldn’t answer questions about how it did so. In a changelog on the company’s website, it mentions only that Siber programmers made changes to “increase randomness of generated passwords,” but it doesn’t say how they did this. Siber spokesman Simon Davis says that “RoboForm 7 was discontinued in 2017.”
Grand says that, without knowing how Siber fixed the issue, attackers may still be able to regenerate passwords generated by versions of RoboForm released before the fix in 2015. He’s also not sure if current versions contain the problem.
“I'm still not sure I would trust it without knowing how they actually improved the password generation in more recent versions,” he says. “I'm not sure if RoboForm knew how bad this particular weakness was.”
Customers may also still be using passwords that were generated with the early versions of the program before the fix. It doesn’t appear that Siber ever notified customers when it released the fixed version 7.9.14 in 2015 that they should generate new passwords for critical accounts or data. The company didn’t respond to a question about this.
If Siber didn’t inform customers, this would mean that anyone like Michael who used RoboForm to generate passwords prior to 2015—and are still using those passwords—may have vulnerable passwords that hackers can regenerate.
“We know that most people don't change passwords unless they're prompted to do so,” Grand says. “Out of 935 passwords in my password manager (not RoboForm), 220 of them are from 2015 and earlier, and most of them are [for] sites I still use.”
Depending on what the company did to fix the issue in 2015, newer passwords may also be vulnerable.
Last November, Grand and Bruno deducted a percentage of bitcoins from Michael’s account for the work they did, then gave him the password to access the rest. The bitcoin was worth $38,000 per coin at the time. Michael waited until it rose to $62,000 per coin and sold some of it. He now has 30 BTC, now worth $3 million, and is waiting for the value to rise to $100,000 per coin.
Michael says he was lucky that he lost the password years ago because, otherwise, he would have sold off the bitcoin when it was worth $40,000 a coin and missed out on a greater fortune.
“That I lost the password was financially a good thing.”
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proarchitservices · 2 years
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horizonaarc1726 · 3 months
Is Moon in the 6th house of horoscope bad?
The placement of the Moon in the 6th house of the horoscope can have various effects, and whether it is considered "bad" or not depends on the overall context of the individual's birth chart. Here are some points to consider:
Work and Service Orientation: The 6th house is traditionally associated with work, service, and health matters. When the Moon is placed here, it may indicate a person who finds emotional fulfillment through work and service to others. This placement can be beneficial for those involved in healing professions or service-oriented jobs.
Emotional Challenges: On the flip side, the Moon in the 6th house might suggest emotional challenges related to work, health, or daily routines. The individual may be emotionally invested in their job or may experience fluctuations in emotions based on the daily grind.
Health Concerns: Depending on other factors in the chart, the Moon in the 6th house could also influence health matters. Emotional well-being may have an impact on physical health, and there may be a need to pay attention to maintaining a healthy daily routine.
Conflict and Enemies: The 6th house is associated with conflict, enemies, and obstacles. The Moon here may indicate emotional conflicts or challenges with co-workers. However, the overall aspects and influences on the Moon will determine the intensity and nature of these conflicts.
Nurturing Others: The Moon represents nurturing and caring instincts. In the 6th house, this could manifest as a caring and nurturing attitude towards colleagues, subordinates, or those in need. The person may find emotional satisfaction in helping others overcome challenges.
Routine and Habits: The Moon in the 6th house may influence emotional responses to daily routines and habits. Establishing a stable and emotionally satisfying routine could be important for overall well-being.
It is important to consider the entire birth chart and aspects (angular relationships between planets) for a comprehensive analysis. Additionally, a person's personal experiences and choices play a significant role in how these astrological factors manifest in their life. For detailed consultation and personal interpretation, you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 Software, always contact 8595675042.
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