#bart's solo>tim's solo>kon's solo
Every time I think about Kon, I think about how despite how much I love him as a character, I would never recommend his solo comic to anyone.
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lemonlimestar · 4 months
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a little pre-valentines day doodle before the real deal tomorrow B)
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klarioncall · 17 days
YJ’98 Band AU thoughts
Tim Drake: Arguing from the throne behind his kit that he’s always been the same kind of musician because The Piano Forte is technically a percussion instrument. <-willing to die on this hill. Kon: Giving him a dead eyed stare <-won’t give up on account of the fact that there’s a pretty Big Difference between a PIANIST and a DRUMMER, Tim! Cassie: Ignoring them, tuning. <-thinks Tim’s right, but won’t speak up until this starts to cut into practice time. Bart: Looking up really bad pictures of people holding guitars wrong and trying to convince the rest of the band to let him do that in official photo shoots. <-decided they were both right immediately, forgot to actually express the opinion.
Bart’s Phone:
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This argument ends when Kon finds out what Bart’s doing. Bart’s gonna hold out his phone and Kon will say “Poor Baby” out loud.<- talking to the guitar
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
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kon is actually a metaphor for adhd gifted kid burnout and im dying on this hill
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desperatecheesecubes · 8 months
Listen I’m all for more trans and otherwise gender divergent characters in dc comics but Kon didn’t want people to call him Superboy because he viewed himself as SuperMAN. He wanted agency and control over his own life through the means of emancipation from the authorities attempting to control him and his growth was learning to both allow himself to be a kid and to mature mentally.
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americana709 · 3 months
Tim y Kon son buenos hermanos mayores... pero solo para Bart.
Quiero decir, si vamos por el pensamiento de que a Tim no le agrada Damian por los intentos de asesinato y sus constantes insultos y que Kon decidió que no quiere tener nada que ver con Clark y ningún miembro de su familia después de todos los malos tratos que tuvo que soportar por el.
Tim desprecia abiertamente a Damian y constantemente quiere estar lejos de él.
Kon trata a Jon con indiferencia, lo ignora cuando lo llama y le lanza las mismas miradas de despreció que Clark le solía lanzar a Kon.
Y luego esta Bart, tanto Tim como Kon lo miman constantemente, le compran cosas, se ríen de sus chistes incluso cuando son malos, lo llevan a lugares diferentes para divertirse como el cine y los parques de atracciones y pasar el rato... entre hermanos.
A Damian no le importaba al principio, pero después Allen se rompió la pierna una vez y vio como Drake lo llevaba a todas partes, lo cuida y lo trataba... bien, no como lo hace Grayson (extremadamente dulce al punto de ser asfixiantes) o como lo hacía Todd (reírse cuando hace el ridículo y burlarse de el después) lo trataba con amabilidad y sus abrazos no parecían asfixiantes, Drake trataba a Allen como si fuera el ser más importante para su existencia... y por alguna razón eso hizo que Damian lo mirara como si fuera lo más despreciable, eso le costó un insulto por parte de Drake (el jura a ver escuchado a Allen reírse con eso)
Jon se sentía confundido, cuando estaba junto a Kon el lo ignoraba o lo miraba como si fuera la misma Kriptonita que le quita todos sus poderes, siempre con odio y resentimiento en sus ojos, pero después entraba Bart instantáneamente Kon le daba toda su atención, lo miraba como si fuera el mismísimo sol, siempre con aprecio y adoración en el, Bart hablaba y Kon siempre lo escuchaba con adoración en sus ojos, cuando trataba de llamar la atención de Kon (¡el estaba con Jon primero!) Su mirada cambiaba en el mismo momento en que sus ojos se cruzaban, volvían a ser fríos y con ese despreció absoluto en sus ojos (puede jurar que por un breve momento que Bart parecía divertido)
Bart era consciente de esta diferencia de tratos y sinceramente no podía sentirce más afortunado, solía seguir y mirar a Wally de la misma forma que lo hacen esos niños, pero lo único que conseguía era que el lo echará a un lado, siempre quiso un hermano mayor, cuando era niño había escuchado de lo increíbles que eran y de cómo cuidaban y amaban al hermano menor, el quería eso y cuando conoció a Wally pensó que lo tendría, pero después él lo aparto como si fuera un trapo socio y por más que se esforzaba nada cambiaba y eso le dolió, pero después Tim y Kon vinieron un día y Wally dejó de importarle, Tim siempre lo cuidaba y le recordaba lo mucho que lo quería, Kon siempre le prestaba atención y lo miraba como si fuera el mismo sol que le da sus paredes... si... esto era lindo.
Lo primero que sintió Tim cuando Damian aparecía fue esperanza, el siempre había querido un hermanito al quien cuidar y adorar, pero esas esperanzas desaparecieron cuando el trato de matarlo y otra vez y otra vez y otra vez, nadie nunca hizo nada al respecto y eso le dolió, nadie dijo nada cuando le lanzaba esos comentarios hirientes a Tim, nadie dijo nada cuando se tuvo que mudar porque temía por su vida... nadie hizo nada, y después todos a su alrededor comenzaron a morir, Kon, Bart, Bruce... se sentía impotente, vulnerable, el quería a su hermano mayor... pero después vio a Damian con su traje y a Dick con el traje de Bruce, Dick le dio a Robin a Damian, Damian le robó lo único que le quedaba de Bruce, Dick lo ignoró y amenazó cuando le dijo que Bruce estaba vivo, no se disculpo cuándo demostró tener razón y Damian se quedó con Robin, se burlo al respecto y lo insulto y otra vez nadie hizo nada, el absoluto desprecio que sintió por Damien desde ese momento no podía describirse, el odiaba a Damian, y Bart era el único hermano que necesitaba.
Kon aún recuerda la primera vez que conoció a... eso, Clark le había insistido en que valla a visitarlo a su casa, dijo que tenia una sorpresa (odió como le hablo como si nunca lo hubiera deshumanizado con esa misma boca) cuando llegó lo primero que vio fue a un bebé, el lo miró por unos segundos cuando en niño se río (se río de él) "el es tu hermanito, se llama Jonathan" Kon volvió a mirar a... Jon y no sinto nada más odio "el echo de que compartimos ADN no me convierte en tu hijo y definitivamente no convierte a eso en mi hermano" y procedió a cerrar la puerta de un portazo... la cosa lloro casi de inmediato "yo recibí tratos peores que eso sin siquiera tener dos días de nacido" fue lo que pensó al escuchar el llanto.
Tim desprecia a Damian, el le quito todo lo que una vez significó algo para el.
Kon es indiferente ante Jon, ese niño desde el momento en qué fue concebido obtuvo todo por lo que Kon tuvo que suplicar.
Damian se siente incómodo, Drake lo trata como si fuera la causa de todos los males del mundo.
Jon esta confundido, por más que lo intente no logra que Kon lo mide de otra forma que no sea odio.
Bart esta encantado, tiene dos hermanos mayores increíbles que lo adoradan y lo quieren con la misma intensidad que el.
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cherrystainedknuckles · 6 months
"I love young justice, especially timkonbart!" you do not love young justice.
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yuriinadress · 2 years
Okay okay I know we're all upset about the lack of timber content in the Tim Drake Pride Special but I'm still gonna scream about the parts that I loved
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DETECTIVE WILLIAMS BELOVED???? (manifestation #1 achieved!)
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RXYUVBUHIYSUS (they should team up more often)
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THEY'RE BESTIES!!!!! (manifestation #2 achieved!) (they're gonna bully tim SO hard)
ok that's it :)
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bobbinalong · 1 year
saw someone say that tim, kon and bart share one brain cell and tim has it most of the time, but tim is so incredibly insane in the robin issues i've read that that cannot possibly be true. they all share one braincell and a rat stole it years ago
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overdramaticrobins · 2 years
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im soooooo normal about this
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hauntingblue · 2 years
I REALLY don't get what dc is doing with Tim and Damian. Damian was doing really good with this robin solo while his team up with the teen titans hadn't worked, and now that they pulled out Tim out of his Robin/Red Robin-but-with-robin-unifrom limbo with urban legends they put him back to Robin and cancel Damian's run?? Am I the only one that sees how this could easily be solved by letting Damian be Robin and maybe find his new identity in his solo and put Tim back in a Young Justice run to do the same?
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isfjmel-phleg · 8 months
Generally the tone of these new younger superhero comics was much lighter than what had been prevalent in the pages of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash. Robin was a series about a young detective and tech genius; Superboy was a sci-fi beach serial; and Impulse was a high school [sic] student teenaged superhero obsessed with video games, cursed with short attention span, and who had no desire to plan for the future. Bart was popular at school, if only accidentally, and had little interest in girls. Impulse did address many issues that teenagers of the time dealt with, particularly surrounding responsibility and popularity, and always did so with a keen sense of wit and humor--with an awareness that seemed to acknowledge both genre and audience. [...] The comic resonated with younger and older audiences because of a perceived authenticity of the character. While other comics of the era had decidedly gone darker--Batman had recently had his back broken and Superman [had been] killed--the kid from the future helped to bring back lightheartedness to the comics of the 1990s.
Louie Dean Valencia-Garcia, "An Impulsive Teen from the Future: Imaging Youth, Virtual Reality and the Digital Future at the Turn of the Millennium" from The Ages of the Flash: Essays on the Fastest Man Alive, edited by Joseph J. Darowski
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whalehouse1 · 1 year
I kind of find it funny that out of YJ98 my three favorite team members are Cissie, Anita and Bart. I don’t dislike the rest (Kon is just reminding me a lot of stuff from back then that I didn’t care for, Cass needs a slap for the “why can’t ppl just be who we want them to be” and I just don’t care for Lobo) but those three are just good. I do wonder why Anita speaks like a Jamaican even though she’s from the bayou though mon.
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iron-sides · 9 months
oh my god i love that when impulse got cancelled bart just moved back in with yj thats wonderful
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
In terms of trying to transplant how Dick’s generation grew up to independent adult heroes onto Tim’s generation, one of the significant issues is that the two groups have very different backstories.
The Fab Five and their generation were largely cared for children with present guardians during their teen years. Their ‘growing up’ rebellion moments were about wanting to establish their own identities separate to their parent/guardian. Then once NTT occurred and new young adult characters were added to it, you had a bunch who were escaping overbearing guardians with expectations the young adult didn’t want to fulfil, and leaving trauma behind.
The Core Four and other 90s heroes, in contrast, were mostly latchkey kids. They had loving but absent parents and parental figures. They were largely expected to grow up and show they were independent in their early teens. The arcs of their stories were not about growing up and finding themselves and ‘be your own person’, but about learning to trust others and interdependency and working together.
Like the shape of a Fab Five story is ‘in my preteens or earlier a Disaster Happened and I was taken in by a hero who cared for me and taught me the business as their sidekick. Then around 18-20 I moved out to live in a sharehouse with my friends as I wanted to find who I was outside of the shadow of being a sidekick’.
While…Tim’s generation largely aren’t sidekicks in the same sense. The shape of THEIR stories are of ‘teenager with largely absent adults is expected to grow up and show emotional maturity too early’. It’s actually notable that Tim, Kon and Bart all have long term story arcs that involve gaining a stable household right near the end.
Kon’s entire solo is the story of how he is neglected and exploited by every adult around him. He doesn’t have parents. He’s Peter Pan, the little boy who cannot grow up, who lives without parental expectation. He’s a celebrity kid exploited by Rex Leech and by CADMUS, who’s expected by those around him to act in an adult manner and held to that standard while simultaneously specifically being underage and not having the right to make his own decisions. His final arc in Superboy is about being so abandoned he doesn’t even have CADMUS to depend on anymore so he has to find an apartment and a job (the building superintendent) and is expected to act and function like an adult in that position. Superboy #59 (FIFTY NINE) is when Kon finally gets his own name. Superboy #100 is ABOUT Kon moving in with Jonathan and Martha Kent and finally having a stable home environment where he can be a child. Heck Kon’s already had a story where he’s ‘married’ and responsible for a kid. He’s had solo space adventures.
Bart’s solo is about Bart and Max learning to be a family together, but also: Bart’s childhood didn’t contain parents. Meloni turns up occasionally through his solo and loves him but also has to disappear away back to the 30th century at the end of each appearance. The final arc of Bart’s solo is about him moving in with Jay and Joan Garrick for more stability, because Max has disappeared (and stays disappeared). And then, post his solo, Bart even already has HAD an arc where he had to grow up and assume the Flash mantle (which went horribly wrong and led to his death).
Tim? Tim’s entire solo is about upheaval and change. The first time he’s expected to behave as an independent hero, not a sidekick, is literally Robin #1 when Azbats kicks him out of the Cave. Jack threatens to send him away to boarding school on multiple occasions and DOES for the Brentwood arc. He loses Jack, he loses Dana, he moves out to be a hero caring for his own city at 16, in Bludhaven post War Games. Bruce’s adoption of Tim was all about giving him back that sense of stability and support so that Tim had people backing him up again in his personal life and not only as a hero. And then he does the ‘leave and get a new identity’ thing during Red Robin.
And Cassie? Cassie starts with a loving mother and her story arc over becoming a hero is about periods of operating on her own. She moves away from her mum to go to Elias School. Due to operating as a hero under her own name she eventually has to come up with the alias of Drusilla Priam to give herself a non-public identity to retreat to (and isn’t living with Helena Sandsmark but renting on her own during this period to protect Helena).
This is a set of characters for whom it makes no narrative sense to tell a story of them growing up by ‘moving out and finding their own identity as separate heroes’ because their entire PAST is about being alone and looking for connections and people to rely upon. They haven’t been looking for their mentors to accept them as independent adults, they’ve been looking to their mentors to be present and work with them.
They have already all BEEN through the steps of moving out (while underage) and learning to look after themselves as nobody else was there to support them. Growing up for them is about learning to trust and be respected for the skills they already have and trusted to know what they’re doing, rather than leaving to show they can operate independently.
And that’s a harder narrative to show, because it’s a less common growth story in our culture. But in the Core Four’s case, I’d argue a lot of the traditional signifiers of adulthood (moving out; moving away for education; taking responsibility for a city on their own; travelling for quests) are things they were already expected to do while still significantly underage, and so sending them through that plot again isn’t showing anything new to allow them growth. What they need is the adults around them to treat them as adults for the things they already can and do do.
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Bart speaking for the people
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