#babes I am behind have a huge snippet
flowerflamestars · 2 years
Robin fic snippet
“I just,” One hand emerged from the too-big sweater sleeve, palm smooshed over Elle’s right eye. “I got used to him, I guess. Stupid. Three days of him being all warm and close and right there”- “Making bitchy faces.” Eleanor flipped him off, and Dick’s soulmate laughed, the sound rebounding into his own chest, edged around in worry as an achy old scar.   “S’not an insult,” Dick said, sliding out of the kitchen and moving to curl up along Llewellyn's side. A warm hand climbed his neck, urging him closer until they were both comfortable, a tangle of limbs. “Jay is absolutely proud of what a bitch he is.”   Garbled, Eleanor made a horrible noise with her throat, and rolled further beneath the coffee table.   “I don’t think I can explain this to you two.”   Dick opened his mouth, but Wells shook his head, absolutely correct as words started to tumble from Eleanor anyway, uneven and grouchy, heartsickness soaking right through.   “I had all this time to think about it,” Elle said, unkind hand shifted from pressed too hard on her eyes to grounding her own chest, “Years. He’s allowed to think about it. I’m already like, invasively far in his life in a fucked away. He’s not doing anything wrong.”   Considering the current arson rate in Gotham, Dick though Jason was doing at least one thing wrong. Two, if he’d believed for a single second that his brother didn’t want a soulmate, wasn’t still his Little Wing, hoping and waiting for one person who’d chose him above anyone else.   “Magic is bad enough,” Elle continued, voice rising, “Immortality. God, he doesn’t even know about the entropy shit.”   “Maybe you should blow something up,” Wells offered, with a crooked smile, grey eyes flashing to Dick’s face, “Seems like a regular pastime in this fine village of yours. Your zombie is a pyro, love.”   “Your zombie is sitting on your lap, and I hate you.” Dead bird soulmark club, welcome to the family. It said something, that the whole conversation filled Dick with warmth.   “You’re not invasive,” Dick said. “Elle, c’mon. You think I haven’t run a background check on every person Steph has ever dated? That Tim’s never surveilled me? That Cas doesn’t know where we are and what we’re doing and if we’re okay, half the world away?”   “It’s one thing to know B saved my life,” Elle grumbled, “It’s entirely another to have see his semi-estranged parent try to parent me.”
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onceuponaloonatic · 3 years
i once again am so sorry for my lack of time management :( i know this doesn’t really make up for it and that you are all probably annoyed with me but here’s a snippet from a different draft of mine (it’s still samo though lol)
warnings: nsfw language/references, bad writing from 2017
“Momoring?” Momo woke up to her favorite sight, Sana on top of her with a slight smirk and messy hair. “Good morning babe.” Momo smiled at her lover and pulled Sana in for a kiss.
“Good morning Satang,” Momo whispered against Sana’s lips.
“Your morning breath is terrible,” Sana whined, not making any effort to move off of Momo. Momo grinned and wrapped her arms around Sana’s waist.
“I could say the same to you,” Momo smirked. “I love you baby.” “I love you too honey,” Sana gave Momo another peck. “I made you breakfast.” “Marry me.” “We’re already married idiot,” Sana rolled her eyes. “Speaking of our marriage…” “Happy anniversary babe,” Momo giggled.
“You remembered?” Sana asked with a huge grin.
“Of course love. We got married three weeks before Christmas it’s hard to forget it,” Momo laughed.
“I can’t believe I’ve been married to you for seven years,” Sana rolled her eyes.
“I love you Sana-chan.” “I love you too Momoring,” Sana sighed, peppering kisses to Momo’s face. She mapped out her slightly older lover’s face for the nth time, ending her journey with a long passionate kiss to Momo’s lips. They would have continued, if it wasn't for Momo’s loud stomach.
They both giggled and Sana climbed off of Momo and they both rolled out of bed. Momo hugged Sana from behind as they walked to the kitchen, the familiar smell of chocolate pancakes and bacon drifting through the room.
“Your too good for me,” Momo giggled as Sana handed her a plate.
“Maybe I am,” Sana laughed. “Or maybe your too good for me.” Sana pecked Momo’s cheek.
“So what’s the plan for today?” Momo asked as she took a seat at their two person table. Sana grinned and got her own plate, sitting across from Momo with a knowing smirk gracing her lips.
“Well, I think after work we should get jokbal then come home and have a little, fun,” Sana winked. “Sound good?” “Sounds perfect,” Momo smiled. “I thought you said you were tired of jokbal?” “But I’m never tired of seeing how happy it makes you,” Sana took a bite of her pancake.
“Flirt,” Momo rolled her eyes. “I love you.” “I love you too honey,” Sana giggled. “Anyway, look Dahyunie sent me another picture of Saki! Isn’t she cute?” Sana dug her phone out of her pocket and shoved her phone into Momo’s face. Momo looked over the image of her youngest niece. The three year old was wearing a white dress and holding a pink flower towards the camera with a gummy grin on her pale face.
“She’s adorable,” Momo smiled.
“Yeah she is, we should go over there again soon," Sana giggled.
“They live across the street honey,” Momo laughed. “You could go over there right now.” “Yeah but Mina isn’t the best person to be around in the morning,” Sana sighed. Momo took her last bite of pancake and turned to the bacon, her favorite part of the meal. She nibbled on a piece and looked towards her wife, who was scrolling through photos on her phone.
"Hey babe?” “Hm?” “Should we…” Sana trailed off. “Should we try again?” “Do you think your ready for that Sana?” Momo put the bacon down, suddenly not feeling very hungry anymore. This topic always made her loose her appetite.
A heavy atmosphere replaced the previously happy one and Sana looked up at Momo with teary eyes.
“I don’t know…” Sana sighed. “I just want to be mom. Like really bad.” “I know you do baby,” Momo sighed and stood up from her seat. She walked over to Sana’s side and sat on her lover’s lap.
“I’m just scared.” Sana whispered, her eyes focusing on the tiny ball of cat fur in the corner of the dining room. “I’m scared we’ll loose our baby again.”
“Hey look at me,” Momo forced her lover to look at her. “I love you, and I understand if you don’t want to try again, but I think Hime would love a younger brother or sister. Okay that came out wrong, I mean she would probably love to see us happy with her younger brother or sister.” “But I don’t think I can handle another pregnancy, even if you were the one to do it this time, I would just feel so anxious all the time. I couldn't handle waiting nine months.” Sana sighed. “We could adopt a child babe,” Momo offered. “We don't have to have a biological child.”
“I’ll think about it,” Sana sighed. “Anyway, enough depressing stuff on our anniversary!” Sana forced a grin on her face. “I got you a gift!” “How coincidental, I got you one too,” Momo smiled.
“Off so I can go get it,” Sana patted Momo’s thigh and Momo complied and slid off Sana’s lap, Sana getting up and leaving the room. Momo looked around the kitchen and found the empty water bowl in the corner.
“Libra, you can come out now,” Momo laughed as their black cat lifted her head up and jumped down from her spot on top of the window sill. The cat smiled and came over to Momo, affectionately rubbing her face on Momo’s leg. "Morning sweetie.” Momo smiled at the cat before refilling her food bowl.
“Momoring!” Sana ran back into the room with a huge grin. “Liblib!” Sana screamed out out in broken english, picking up the cat from behind. “Morning baby.” The cat struggled until Sana put her down, the cat immediately returning to her food bowl. Momo rolled her eyes and pulled her wife to the living room, sitting on the couch with Sana between her legs. “Here’s your gift babe.” Sana handed Momo a medium sized pink gift wrapped box that was previously on the living room table. Momo unwrapped the present while it still sat in Sana's lap. She giggled a bit when she opened the box to reveal silky pink lingerie.
“I should have expected this from you.”
“You should try it on,” Sana smirked. “Maybe give me a little show?”
“Tonight yes?” Momo smirked back. “I have two back to back classes to teach today.” “Ugh fine,” Sana sighed. “But you better wear them tonight, I spent too much time and money for you to not wear them.” “Sana your like the richest woman in South Korea,” Momo laughed. “That just shows how much your underwear cost baby girl,” Sana purred. “I had to go to that really fancy shop in Gangnam to get it.” Sana turned in Momo’s embrace so their chests were resting atop each other.
“Sana… Not now okay?” Momo whined as she felt Sana grind on her lightly.
“Okay okay,” Sana sighed, her hand running up the length of Momo’s thigh. “If you say so princess.”
“Sana,” Momo whined again. “I need to get dressed." “Fine,” Sana let out a dramatic sigh and got off of Momo. "Can I have my gift now?” “Let’s just say it’s an after dinner gift okay?” “Can I have a hint?” "I have a feeling your really going to like it,” Momo smirked. “Be back okay?” Momo pecked Sana’s lips and took the gift box from her lap. Sana watched Momo as she left, specifically her ass. Dozens of dirty thoughts came to her mind and she couldn’t wait to live out every single one.
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d8rkmessngr · 3 years
Happy birthday @lorrainejhane
It’s always a happy joy to hear my stories are still read even today. I hope they stand the test of time. It’s @lorrainejhane’s birthday today and while I didn’t have a floating snippet around, I did find intro to book 3 in my phone.
One day....
Warning: language and unedited
"Just stick it in."
"W-what? No!"
"Aw, come on! I know you know how this works. Just aim and shove it in there!"
"You and I both know it takes more finesse than that, Alec!"
"You and I both know it takes less time than that, too!"
"It's—no, you know what? Forget it. Let's just forget it. This was a crazy idea…"
"Come on. Weren't you ever curious?"
"It’s easy. We've done this a thousand times—"
"You have."
"And here I am sharing with you my expertise. And my experience is telling you to just shove it in there!"
"You can't leave us hanging! Ready, aim, and boom! Give it the little twist I showed you and you're in!"
"No, this is insane. Alec, I told you, it was just a thought, I was only wondering, I didn't really want to—"
"I can't believe you're backing out now!"
"But this doesn't make sense—"
"This makes perfect sense!"
"No, it doesn't! Alec—"
"Look, it's your first time, I get it, babe. I do."
"And I told you no points will be taken off if you miss your mark. I won't laugh. Much. Well, not in your face at leas—Okay, I promise only with Cindy. Pinky swear."
"No, I don't want to do this."
"Aw come on! Why the hell not?"
"Because I live here!"
It was admirable (and sort of hot) how Logan managed to look freaked out, embarrassed and pissed off all at the same time. He clutched white-knuckled around the harness wrapped around his thighs and torso. The lockpick trembled in the other hand.
Alec swayed in his harness to swing closer to Logan. He plucked the pick out of Logan's shaky fingers before it could drop twenty seven floors below. They were hard to come by.
The Seattle breeze held the promise of a chill, warning fall was finally edging summer off. Alec briefly enjoyed how the wind ruffled through Logan's bangs, flopping them over wide, panicked hazel eyes.
"You know," Alec remarked as he settled into his bow line with an ease Logan hasn't managed the ten minutes they hung over the side of his building.
"When you said you have a trouble with heights, I was thinking like more of a 'don't look down' kind of thing."
Alec stretched both arms above his head. Logan curled both hands around his own harness tighter as he tracked Alec's movements.
"Seriously?" Alec waved his arms wildly to his sides. "Whoa! Look out!"
"Alec!" Logan yelped.
Chuckling, Alec shifted his weight towards Logan. Using his feet planted firmly on the building, Alec steered towards Logan. He gave Logan's feet a quick check to make sure they were securely pressed against the narrow sill strip.
"Hey," Alec murmured. He leaned in and brushed the tip of his nose across a stubbled cheek.
"Hey," Logan said unsteadily. His head leaned into Alec's space. He exhaled shakily.
"You're doing great, babe," Alec said. He slid a steadying palm over Logan's lower back. Even though thick buckles and straps shielded him from the warmth and skin, Alec knew Logan felt it. When Logan fidgeted—although it might be more due to the whole squishy-human-might-go-splat thing—Alec felt a shiver go down his spine.
"You needed to graduate to something more after a month." Alec noted the tightness pinching at the corners of Logan's eyes. He pressed his lips together. "We agreed we needed to push."
"I was hoping for something more…grounding," Logan huffed. He sucked in a deep breath. When he looked over, his mouth was twisted in a half-grimace.
"You said you used to climb when you were in college." Alec wondered if Heather wore climbing shorts then, ballistic nylon wrapped around tanned limbs, thick black straps ribboned around his firm as—fuck.
Now it was Alec's turn to grimace because, wow, yet another thing about Logan Cale that could turn him on. Crap, it was getting harder to walk normally these days.
"That was before I was thrown off a roof," Logan muttered under his breath.
Cold crashed over Alec, deflating some parts and inflating others. His chest expanded, his eyes rounded and his mouth dropped open.
Logan blinked, realizing Alec heard him. He winced.
"I'll tell you about it some time," Logan said. "It's a long story."
Alec ground his teeth.
"Give me the short version for now," Alec grated out, "At least tell me whoever did that are dead and if not, where can I find them?"
Logan smiled tightly. "They're dead."
"Good." Alec forced himself to face forward. When he caught the twisted look on his reflection on Logan's reflection, it startled him. It reminded him too much of 494 even if a part of him wished 494 was the one who eliminated the bastards, whoever they were.
Logan pried one hand away from his rigging and touched Alec's arm; only briefly before it hastily returned to its death grip around the strap.
Alec snickered. He brushed a bump over the bone bleached clutch.
"All right," Alec murmured. "Let's go over the steps aga—" He blinked. He looked up.
"What is it?" Logan glanced around. His throat worked when his eyes happened to skim below them. "Hoverdones? But even the new modified ones from Cale’s competitors shouldn't be able to get this high. They're not supposed to be released until after—"
"I'll be right back." Alec reached over and planted a wet smack on Logan's cheek. "Don't go anywhere."
Alec reached up and grabbed the line above his head. He wished he thought to hook up his ascender rigging instead. Jumaring was a bitch, but it would have been faster. It would have looked impressive, too. Not that he was trying to impress Heather or anything.
"Where are you goi—Alec!"
Logan's whispered words started with a hiss and ended a half octave higher in panic as Alec walked up the building, pulling his lines, higher and higher until he reached his goal. He may or may not have clenched his ass at the same time. In case Logan was looking, if Alec cared that he was, that is.
Far away, Logan was calling Alec's name. It wasn't clear if it was because Alec came here or that he was left dangling by his own window. Not that Alec would have let him fall; Logan was firmly anchored to Alec's line in two places. Heather wasn't going anywhere without him.
Alec blew a kiss down to Logan. The wide eyes and agape mouth that greeted Alec was cute, but also reminded Alec he shouldn't dally.
With a broad grin, Alec rapped on the window.
"Alec!" Logan's yelp floated away in Seattle's breeze.
After a moment, Alec heard the tiny beep of the security alarm—good girl—and the window slid open.
Merry blue eyes and a crown of snow white hair poked out and dipped down towards Alec.
"Why, hello," Mrs. Moreno chirped. She squinted past Alec's ear. "Hello, Logan."
"H-hello, Mrs. Moreno," Logan stammered.
Mrs. Moreno winked at Alec. "I see Alec finally convinced you to try climbing. How nice."
Logan choked. He fumbled an explanation or thanks or whatever he could think of twenty seven stories high.
Alec stamped down the urge to loosen his lines to drop down and kiss Logan. He cast hopeful eyes on Mrs. Moreno.
"I smell cookies."
Mrs. Moreno's tinkling chuckle swirled around Alec as she wagged a finger at him. He drew up his line shorter so he was eye level with her so she wouldn't have to stoop.
"I knew you would drop by if I made my lemon drop cookies again." Mrs. Moreno's eyes twinkled. "I had no idea it would be literally."
“Technically, I climbed up, you know.”
Mrs. Moreno patted Alec's hand curled on the sill. "They'll be ready in an hour." She peered out her window at Logan. Alec leaned in. His shoulder butted gently again hers.
"That should give you boys enough time?"
"What?" Logan squeaked down below. Seriously, Heather was totally begging to be kissed here.
"Shirley," Alec said in mock-outrage. "I'm appalled. For that, I demand a cookie now. I know I smelled some already powdered with sugar."
Mrs. Moreno winked. She reached behind her and held up a clear bag of a dozen cookies.
Alec reached in, kissed her forehead before grabbing the treats to shove into his jacket.
"Better make it two hours," Alec quipped. He knocked at the window. "Don't forget to reset that alarm."
"I know, I know," Mrs. Moreno sighed.
“Seriously, that aide Carlos keeps forgetting and last time--”
“Don’t be rude to your date.” Mrs. Moreno gave Alec a wave as he descended back down to Logan. "Have fun, boys!" she bade before retreating back inside.
Logan gaped at Alec when he reached their window.
Alec shrugged. "She makes the best cookies." He grinned wolfishly. "And she thought we look hot together."
Logan's mouth snapped shut. He stared at Alec a beat longer, blinked back up towards Mrs. Moreno's window. He shook his head as he muttered under his breath. He lifted his head and shot Alec a look.
Alec's breath caught. It wasn't the first time such a look was directed at him. Well, not the first time Logan directed it towards him. It was a mix of fond exasperation and something warm and unidentifiable. Unfamiliar, but not unwelcomed.
"So." Alec cleared his throat. He was never sure how to respond to the look; it appeared more and more often.
"How long you're gonna leave us hanging here, babe?"
The reminder erased the look on Logan quickly. Now, he glared at Alec. His knuckles bleached further white around the harness.
With a hand square on Logan's lower back, Alec nudged Logan closer towards the window. He caught the sharp intake of breath that rattled Logan's back. Absently, Alec wondered if Matt would know anything about assholes tossing certain people over rooftops.
Logan's right knee trembled as it fought to stay in the slightly bent position, its foot planted flat on the building. It was a huge improvement from a month ago. Even with Alec's and then along with Matt's support, Logan stayed upright only until he got to the ground floor of the damn warehouse the Reds held him in.
The breeze swirled around their bodies as Logan struggled to position the pick correctly like Alec showed him. Alec caught strains of Logan reciting the steps under his breath. He smiled at Logan's bent head. He suspected he wore the same look Logan just gave him before. The same warm infusion filled his gut.
The bowline curved under and around the firm buttocks. The harness creaked as Logan shifted weight to stay close to his target. Wide rough straps ran up, parallel to the strong line of Logan's back. They brushed against Logan's pullover, dragging fabric over sleek muscles and smooth skin.
Logan squared back his shoulders as he leaned in carefully, lockpick in position. The move had a ripple effect; muscles shortened and lengthened in response. Shoulders flexed; biceps swelled.
Heat pooled in Alec's groin. His mouth ran dry.
Another breeze skimmed over Logan's hair. Unruly shades of brown and golden parted to reveal an unblemished nape.
The lines around Alec's thighs seem to constrict. Everything felt too small, snapped tight around him.
Alec pressed in behind Logan, his legs spread to frame Logan for additional support. He was half-surprised Logan couldn't feel Alec's erection branding hot into his lower back.
"Almost there," Logan murmured. His voice was unintentionally throaty, a whisper brushing over Alec's skin.
"Same here," Alec groaned.
Logan didn't appear to have heard him. His brow drawn in concentration, Logan squinted at the spacing. He tentatively poked at the opening. The tool withdrew immediately after contact.
Alec pressed his nose to the soft spot under Logan's left ear. He breathed deep.
"Is that supposed to be motivating me or distracting me?" Logan grumbled.
Alec rolled his pelvis forward, enough to ground, but not enough to ease the ache between his legs. He squeezed his legs into Logan.
"Thanks," Logan said distractedly, mistaking the move as a 'let's not make the squishy human fall' rather than a desperate move to get off.
Alec placed his hands on either side of Logan's hips. It was probably the wrong move. This close, Alec felt Logan's ass brushing over his groin, his obliques flexing to hold Logan up, hot to the touch even through his shirt.
"Alec," Logan grumbled when Alec pressed in. "Pushing me isn't a effective way to rush me."
Alec swallowed hard. He leaned into the warmth of Logan's body.
"I want you," Alec whispered into Logan's ear. Somehow, saying he wanted to fuck Logan felt like he belittled what they do.
Logan exhaled. He was squinting at his window sill.
"Logan," Alec whined. He gripped Logan's hips tighter.
"Almost there," Logan promised. He tentatively poked at the opening and the exposed sensor again.
“Can’t we just do it here?” Alec groaned.
The pick screeched as it scraped into the sensor the wrong angle. The alarms wailed.
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morelikesin · 3 years
You Know You're Cute, Right?
ANOTHER APEX FIC BECAUSE I CANNOT CONTROL MYSELF SKNDLWKDM,, this time I wrote differently than how I normally do - it consists of quick snippets of a day-in-the-life type thing, featuring Mirage-Octane-Bloodhound-Caustic as a polycule 💕 Huge inspo from this song (as well as included in the fic)✨
Take this as a late Christmas-early New Years gift ✨ Super fluffy and casual type work, with a heavy dash of romanticism because I'll be damned if I'm not a romantic. Fic under the cut 💕💕
"You call your cat sweetheart? 'Zander-"
"Not a word."
Elliott suppressed a snort. That cheeky little smile he had when he found an opening for playful jabs was always so irritating - the kind of irritating that made the scientist want to kiss it right off of him.
"I think it's cute," Octavio hummed, leaning back into the sofa with his arms crossed behind his head. "That means you're cute. Que lindo."
The way Alexander scoffed an "Octavio" would've been more intimidating had it not been for the big, sleepy cat he cradled in his arms. She stretched her big fluffy paws, made a squeak as she yawned, and buried her head into the man's chest.
Blóð smiled.
"Vhatever helps you sleep at night, elskan."
It was incredibly late. The last time they had checked the clock wasn't that long ago, and apparently it was supposed to be sometime around 4 in the morning. It didn't feel that way at all.
They knew it'd kick their ass in the morning - getting so little sleep.
Well, Octavio might be fine. But Elliott had made it a habit to wake up at 8, Blóð still hadn't made much progress on getting more sleep to begin with, Alexander had his internal clock waking him at 7, and they all had somewhere to be at 9. This entire night was probably a huge mistake. They normally try to get to sleep by 2, but admittedly, they may or may not have a bad practice of keeping each other awake for company's sake.
And now that an entirely new subject was brought up after Alexander had rather adoringly picked up Bear, his senior cat, and called her "sweetheart," the prospect of playfully pestering him about his soft spot was all too enticing to go to sleep just yet.
"You've never even called us sweetheart," Octavio began. "You save it for her?"
There was a brief pause. Alexander had kept petting her back paw with his thumb, as his eyes remained averted until he sighed. "It...is something I've grown accustomed to for her, yes."
Elliott made a pleased hum. "Well isn't that just adorable," he teased before leaning over and petting Bear across her back - fur unbelievably soft.
It started as a joke a while ago - the way they noticed how Bear could make anyone sleepy just by looking at her - her cozy looking fur, her sweet little face, her ability to get comfortable and sleep virtually anywhere - but over time the joke had increased its humour when the idea became seemingly true. Alexander occasionally would mention how he'd sometimes stop working at his desk late at night because Bear was sleeping in his lap, and turn in a few hours early compared to his usual 2 in the morning bed time. This was deemed an exaggeration until the three others experienced it for themselves.
This happened to be one of those magical sleepy-Bear moments, as made evident by how Blóð made a quiet yawn shortly after leaning over to give Bear a loving scritch under her chin.
Octavio staved off a matching yawn. He rubbed at his eyes, began to stand, and nodded to Alexander's bed. "We should probably try and get some sleep."
The sun coming in through the blinds was a rude awakening. Elliott instinctually raised an arm to cover his eyes - making a soft groan in annoyance at the bright rays somehow coming through at a perfect angle to hit him in the face. Turning, he lowered his arm and began to sit up slowly as to not wake up the sleeping Octavio who had his arm wrapped around his waist.
Elliott sighed, and leaned down to give him a kiss on the temple. He lingered for a moment before sitting up again and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
He noticed a weight on his legs, and looked to see a peacefully sleeping Bear curled up in a ball. As he went to pet her head, his eyes glanced up to see Blóð sitting in Alexander's desk chair - hands busy sewing a thick-fur item. From the time spent with the hunter, Elliott had picked up on the types of hides they'd hunt and use - this one appearing to be rabbit fur. What they were making, though, wasn't clear yet.
Elliott's voice came deeper, and a bit more throaty in post-sleep fashion, "Morning."
Blóð briefly looked up, gave a gentle smile, and proceeded to look back down to continue their work. "Góðan morgin. How did you sl'leep?"
"Pretty good, considering." He took in a deep breath, and stretched his arms out in front of him. He rested his hands in his lap as he went to speak again, "When did you wake up?"
"Before Alexander, but not by long."
Elliott frowned slightly. Blóð took notice when they looked back up to gauge his reaction. They made an effort to ease his concerns.
"I'm sure Octavio will get me to take a nap vith him later today," they assured, "don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
Elliott made a small hum indicating reluctant agreement. "...Alright. Just promise me to keep doin' what you're doin' - trying t'get more sleep, I mean."
"I promise, ástin."
If Elliott was a sucker for anything, it'd be terms of endearment - especially when they're used so casually. Having all four of them be big on using said terms made for an eternally happy Witt.
"Beloved, right?"
Blóð hummed, "Yes. Closest tr'ranslation I can equate to it." They briefly stopped their handiwork in the wake of a smile they couldn't seem to get rid of. "I'm touched you remembered."
Elliott smirked and made a quiet laugh, turning his head to find the time on the side table clock - 8:21 AM - before looking back over. "I try my best. Making it a goal to learn as much as I can from you and Octavio."
"We find it very sweet," Blóð assured, letting it be known that Octavio and they had seemingly discussed the language efforts before. "Alexander said as much, that you and he were doing so."
"Think I can speak for him when I say that we love learning it. Speaking of him...?"
"He's downstairs."
Elliott made a quiet "Ah." As much as it pained him to do so, he gently lifted Bear and set her on a free spot of the blanket so he could get up - her being left generally unfazed, besides her slightly annoyed tail wag in being moved from her spot.
With Octavio being so small, Elliott could easily leave the bed without disturbing him too much, albeit moving his arm so it wasn't draped across his body anymore. He stretched, walked over to Blóð, and gestured for a kiss. They hummed, seemingly still in their work, but Elliott knew they were keen - the hunter picking up the hint and looking up so their lips could gently meet.
"Que lindo, mis amores."
The two of them made a small hum in surprise before pulling away from one another with a blush. Blóð was smiling to themself shyly, while Elliott made a small chortle and flirted with the newly-awakened Octavio, wearing his darling little smirk.
"Welcome to join us."
Octavio laughed - the sound half-purr, half-grain. "I'd love to. Watching is only so much fun."
He started to rise, stretching his arms upwards and making a groan before reaching over the bed to grab his prosthetics and put them on. Standing, shaking his legs to help himself wake up, he made a small yawn before walking around the bed and giving a kiss to each partner - looking satisfied with himself.
"Big guy downstairs?"
Blóð nodded.
Elliott and Octavio made a mutual decision to go see him - the latter turning around before they headed out the bedroom door to question Blóð. "You comin' down?"
They shook their head, hands busy sewing the fur item again. "I will soon. I von't be long in finishing this."
Octavio nodded, and proceeded to take Elliott's hand as they went downstairs.
Dr. Somers and Alexander seemed to be having a chat when the two made it to the kitchen, their hands busy with mugs of black coffee all the while. Elliott could never understand how people drank their coffee so bitter, much less Octavio.
Dr. Somers was the first to notice the two, as she was facing the stairs leaning against the counter. Giving a small wave and giving a nod to Alexander, she drank from her mug and gave them a minute to exchange expected affections - something she learned the polycule are incredibly prone to do, despite several joking complaints about PDA from the others.
Octavio quipped with a laugh between his words as Elliott and Alexander exchanged a coffee-flavored kiss, "Not even creamer, 'Zander?"
The man bore an amused hum. "Black coffee actually tastes like coffee. You may as well drink candy if you add so much sugar to it."
"You sound old."
"No avoiding that, I'm afraid." He gestured for a kiss, to which Octavio happily gave, before drinking from his mug again. "How did you sleep?"
Elliott gave a "Ditto" in response, though he followed it up with a fitting yawn and a "Wish I slept some more, though."
The statement was seconded by the way Alexander made a soft hum in agreement, and thirded by Octavio and his rightly timed yawn.
Dr. Somers waited a few quiet moments before stepping forward and piping into the conversation. "It'll just be a few stores we stop by, darlin's. Doubt we'll be out that long."
"That's still gonna' be so long," Octavio complained, his voice coming as a whine.
It was common knowledge that Octavio wasn't exactly big on shopping. Elliott, however, could spend all day doing it. If they had to disagree on anything, it'd be how long they were out for things - Alexander and Blóð keeping things relatively frustration-free during a shopping trip, though Blóð would always get antsy to go home if they stayed out longer than a few hours out in a city.
"It'll be fine, babe," Elliott assured the man while rubbing his back. "It's kinda'- kinda' just mainly food shopping, isn't it? You like doing that."
"Aren't we going to the pet store after, though?"
Elliott rose a brow, "'Tavio, are you complaining about that?"
Octavio snorted and began walking to the fridge - grabbing a Bang from inside and popping the can open. "No, para nada - prefer that to everything else, even food."
Mary laughed at that, shaking her head before taking a gulp of coffee and making her way to the living room. Before she left, though, she spoke with her back still facing them, "Oh, remind me t'grab a level while we're out -  puttin' up a shelf an' think I lost the one I had."
"Lucky for you, I'm the best at reminding people of things," Elliott half-joked. Mary laughed again and took her leave with a "Thanks."
Being left alone in the kitchen, the three stood in comfortable silence for a few moments. Alexander prompted a question shortly thereafter;
"Is Blóð still upstairs?"
"Yeah," Octavio began, "Think they were working on something - dijo no tardará mucho. I can go see them if-"
The stairs creaked a bit as someone walked down the stairs, causing Octavio to cut himself off as he turned to see who it was. In seeing so, he sighed damn near dreamily and softened his gaze a bit - Elliott and Alexander softening all the same.
Pulling their past-the-waist long black hair behind their jewelry-adorned ear, they rounded the last stair and looked up to see their partners - smiling warmly and lowering their hands to fold their arms. The coyote jaw necklace (that Octavio had gifted them this past holiday, knowing they loved real animal items), that rest against their lower chest rose slightly with every breath, as quaint a detail it was to notice. Not a day goes by do any of them not love seeing their pretty face.
And Elliott made sure to tell them that.
"Not a day goes by do we not love seeing your pretty face."
Blóð bore a chuckle and rolled their eyes, though it didn't mask the rosy blush the comment gave them. "I should say the same for you, ástin."
They unfolded their arms and looked back to the three. They couldn't suppress the amused hum they made in seeing that the three were still checking them out - becoming more flushed and brushing their hair behind their ear again, looking away with a shy smile.
They always looked at each other with such warmth. They got playful tease about it from the others, especially Alexander given he was quite brooding to most things, but the gazes never subsided. They'd like to say they were subtle about it - but everyone else would vote against it. And it'd be true.
They were obvious about it. So sticky-sweet obvious - embraces and hand holding and gazes and kisses and all. They didn't mind.
By 10 till 9, mostly everyone was ready - save for Loba, Renee, and Elliott, who always took a while to clean up to their own high standards. Elliott called from upstairs whether he should wear his orange body mist or his cologne, and with the majority vote leaning towards cologne today - well, he must please the people.
With Renee in tow, Elliott had finally come from upstairs. He looked handsome as ever, however, wearing a black turtleneck and an orange, knee length open-front sweater. His hair looked meticulously tended to, tossed to the opposite side of his pierced right ear and framing his face well.
The cologne served him wonders, too, with Blóð and Alexander taking a clear liking to it.
Octavio walked down the stairs with a pep in his step - smoothing back his hair as best he could just so it could partly fall into his face once again. Swinging around the corner, he spotted his partners and proceeded to greet Blóð and Elliott with a firm smack on their behinds. They were startled, sure, but Elliott only looked down to give Octavio a laugh and a smack of his own, while Blóð merely scoffed in jest.
Octavio bit his lip. "Don't you all look good? Eres tan sexy," he gave a wink while unabashedly checking them out. Blóð was always so pretty, even when showing their strength in the games or when they hunted or chopped wood (Octavio could go on for days about that), Elliott was always so charming and confident (even if his suave attempts happened to fail, they were all the more charming), and the rolled-sleeve button up that was unbuttoned just enough to show collarbone and brief chest on Alexander was something Octavio (and the other two, admittedly) would store in the memory bank for personal satisfaction.
"¿Qué hubo?"
"Just talkin' about whatever." Elliott adjusted the cuffs of his orange jacket sleeves, rolling them up his forearm a bit. He took notice of Octavio's outfit. "You gonna' be alright out there? You know I love you in your crop tops, but-"
Octavio made a "Pshhh" and scrunched his nose up a bit in response to that, cutting him off. "I'll be fine, bebé. Can't be that cold outside, can it?"
Alexander seemed to check his phone for confirmation on that. "Sixty degrees."
Elliott did find the temperature better than he had anticipated, but still swiveled his head back to Octavio with brows furrowed in concern.
"You don't even have a jacket."
"I can grab one before we go."
Elliott seemed satisfied by that and left the discussion there.
Loba came downstairs, holding the car keys and jangling them as her other hand brushed her hair past her shoulder. "Any takers on being driver?"
Alexander motioned her to give the keys to him, to which she happily did - she was a great driver, but happened to not be particularly fond of doing so, rather liking going on drives as a passenger.
Octavio quickly claimed shotgun.
Before they left, Blóð gave Octavio the fur item they'd been sewing earlier - the latter finding that it was a soft rabbit fur coat. The delight in his face was all Blóð needed to feel assured that he liked it, and helped him put it on. It was a little big, and just how Octavio liked his sweaters and coats. To all of their agreement, he looked rather stylish in it.
They were out for most of the afternoon, starting with a two hour Costco trip (that Octavio nearly made his partners carry him for), several smaller shops in between just to browse, a liquor store to buy champagne and sauvignon to celebrate New Years tonight (along with sparkling juice for Octavio who nay drank alcohol), and a hardware store mainly for Mary to pick up that level Elliott reminded her of. By 4:30, their last store of the day was the pet store - everyone individually needing one thing or another.
When they got inside, Elliott asked his partners if they could accompany him for a minute - guiding them to the aquarium section and proposing something.
"Pick one of these guys that you like," Elliott gestured to the wall of individually kept male betta fish, of all sorts of colors and sizes. "You remember those 5 gallon tanks I got a while back? Thought I'd use 'em, and thought a' you guys."
Like Blóð was simply an animal person, and how Octavio and Alexander were cat people, Elliott was partial towards fish. The two large tanks he manages in the living room are rather serene, and despite Renee's concerns, the fish kept there seem to love the foot traffic of everyone coming through.
"One collectively, or-?"
Elliott shook his head, politely cutting Alexander off, "Three total. Was thinking you all pick one, and I set their tanks up in my room. I-I thought it was a cute idea, I dunno'-"
"It's sweet, actually," Alexander softly spoke.
"Think so?"
Blóð made a content hum - leaning down a bit and surveying the curious little fish to see which one stood out to them. "Incr'redibly, my love."
Octavio's approval was nonverbal, made of him apparently finding which one he wanted immediately and picking up the container the little guy was kept in. He looked to Elliott with stars in his eyes and a grin, "Can we name them?"
Elliott chortled and waved his hand dismissively, "I enco- en- enco- implore you to."
"Octavio Dos."
His answer was so quick the others couldn't help but bear a laugh.
And by the time everyone was at checkout, there was definite fawning over the three new additions to Elliott's personal tanks - Ljón, the cream-colored, fiesty little thing that had fins flowing long behind him that Blóð adored, Violet, the red, pink, and white dumbo betta that was adorably curious much to Alexander's affection, and the deep-red colored Octavio Dos.
On the way home, it was decided to just grab something to eat on the way - near everyone could cook, but the idea of standing around in the kitchen to cook for fifteen people was lost.
Natalie passed the aux cord to Octavio, who was just taking his coat off for the ride home. He looked a little beyond himself.
"You trust me with the music? Wow - what'd they put in these fries?"
Natalie held off on a laugh while she tried to finish chewing, though her smile was tell enough on her amusement. "I actually like your music taste."
Makoa requested simply, "Nothing too dirty though, please, Silva."
"Me? Liking dirty music?" Octavio snorted, "You know me so well. How about flirty music?"
The man chortled. "That works, brotha'."
Octavio hooked the cord to his phone, and swiped his screen for a few moments before stopping on something. He looked hesitant, briefly, and pressed his screen. He set his phone down and put his hand on Alexander's, their arms both resting on the armrest.
The song sounded so dreamy. When the intro became a little more recognizable, before the lyrics, Loba made a snort from the back.
"You like this song?"
Octavio feigned offense, looking back to her with a "Of course I like this song!"
He shook his head and laughed softly - looking over to Blóð, who sat behind Alexander, he sang over the song and moved his hand from Alexander to cup their face.
"You're so uwu," his voice came sweet and a bit grainy, moving his hand from their cheek to their chin. Blóð practically giggled - blushing and leaning forward into his touch.
"You make me wanna' do," Octavio took his hand away and gave them a wink, "Naughty things to you - all these things to you, you."
Elliott joined the flirt-singing, joining Octavio in the chorus while they oh-so shamelessly wooed their other two partners (and each other, mind you). The others would've said a joke about it, but Ajay was busy holding Natalie's hand and cuddling up to her, while Anita was busy running her hand through Loba's hair and speaking quietly amongst themselves. The others didn't have the heart to interrupt their moment.
Besides, the song was catchy.
"You know you're cute, right?" Octavio sung in Alexander's direction, who shook his head. Still, he wore a soft smile and kept his hand reached over to rub Octavio's thigh.
Elliott leaned over to the side behind Octavio's seat, Blóð matching the movement from the opposite side, and wrapped an arm around the hunter's waist. He continued the phrase with a cocky smile, "Cute as a button-"
Then the two sang together, "Undoing the buttons and pushing your buttons, I just wanna' get you right-"
It was a red light, and so Alexander took the opportunity to lean over and kiss Octavio - lingering for a moment or two before pulling away and focusing back on the road just in time for the light to turn green.
Octavio's heart was a puddle.
Blóð reached a free hand across the armrest to drape his hand over the one Alexander had over Octavio's leg, their fingers soft and gentle in the way they caressed the back of both their hands. Elliott went to continue singing the song, but Octavio stole a kiss much to his surprise. He hummed, and just before they pulled away, Elliott opened his eyes and let his gaze linger at the man driving.
The glimpse of one another was quick, but just as warm as everything else, and left Elliott with a bigger smile than previously.
Octavio pulled up his leg that wasn't currently the resting place of Alexander's and Blóð's, resting his arm on his knee.
He was so lucky.
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And finally by 6, everyone was tuckered out - ready to take some personal time alone before reconvening later tonight for celebrations. Putting groceries away, Elliott setting up the bettas (as well as having a bit of an audience while doing so), and having a pre-celebratory drink from the sauvignon left the group in need of a quick sit-down. They found themselves just comfortable in the living room, along with Bear and Octavio's cat, Octave, sleeping on one of the couches. Rightly, this was the couch the four of them decided to occupy.
Renee crossed her legs, her black-painted nails running over the leather of her knee-high boots. "Any plans before tonight?"
"Oh?" Tae Joon began, "I thought we were just going to be alone before- ah, ten tonight?"
"I'm just wondering if that was the time we could agree on."
Octavio gave a nod. "Should work for me, at least. I plan on getting blasted, hah."
There was a heavy silence - his other partners looking rather surprised and, especially Blóð, flushed upon hearing that.
Elliott cleared his throat. "Come again?"
Anita snorted at his wording. Elliott gave a quick "Not- not what I meant, uh-"
Renee shrugged, wearing a look painfully smug. "I mean...a bit too much information, but I'm sure that'll go well."
Alexander cleared his throat.
Octavio, despite his nature to immediately take things dirty, just now got what the issue was. And did he find it hilarious.
Through a series of snorts and laughs, he reiterated what he meant; "If I meant I was gonna' get pounded, I would just say that-"
Blóð, Elliott, and Alexander made a simultaneous "Octavio-!"
He kept laughing, shaking his head, "I meant- like, I'm gonna' smoke a joint. Ay, Dios mío - but hey, if that other option is on the table-"
There was another simultaneous "Octavio!" and it seemed to get him to stop talking and simply laugh. He and the others found this absolutely hilarious, leaving his partners to be lost for words and red in the face.
Octavio snorted, and dared to entertain a final joke.
"Like a refreshment."
"What?" Loba narrowed her eyes, leaning forward in interest in what he could possibly say right now.
"Y'know," Octavio snickered, "Quickie's like a refreshment. And there's four of us - heh, call that a concession stand."
Loba couldn't hold the shocked, boisterous laugh she made hearing that - no one really could.
There was a silence after the laughter died down. It was broken when Ajay snorted, though.
"Stop encouraging him-!" Elliott near scrambled to say, but was cut short when Ajay gave him a laugh and a 'look.'
"I know the one flirting wit' 'im all day isn't telling me t' not encourage him. Don't act like you don't like this."
Elliott quickly bit his tongue and raised his hands in the air.
Another small bout of quiet settled.
Loba snorted.
Octavio looked at her, and when their eyes met, they both snorted, and had to turn away to not outright laugh.
Given the situation, a little fun was wanted out of it. Of course, trivia about one another was a frequent, and a favourite, activity amongst themselves. If they all had any one exact thing in common, it'd be that they were all unabashedly nosy.
Loba uncrossed, then recrossed, her legs as she sat up a little. "Truth or dare without the dare, anyone?"
"I think that's a thing called 'having a conversation,'" Anita jokingly mocked.
"Then let's have one." Loba hummed, "I actually had a question for you," she pointed a nude-shade manicured finger towards Dr. Nox, who looked suddenly surprised.
"What is it?"
The woman leaned forward a bit, cusping her hand around her face as if she was telling a secret - the hand facing no one, ultimately defeating the purpose - and talking somewhat low but audible for everyone to still hear.
"Be honest. Is that sweetheart thing true, or was Octavio being dramatic?"
"Oh my god."
His exasperated expression made his partners in particular so delightfully entertained - Octavio especially, laughing and giving a shrug as he left the man to answer the question for himself. He must've mentioned it to them when they were at a store earlier today.
"The people are waiting," Ajay chimed in. It earned the approval of Loba, as told by the way she looked smug about someone else prodding it.
Alexander lifted his glasses, pinched the bridge of his nose in thought, and when he couldn't stave the answer off any longer he was brought to the doorstep of needing to say something.
With hesitation, he sighed. "True enough that she responds to it as well as her actual name."
As if on cue, right after he finished speaking and everyone was ready to pull the expected "big guy soft for a cat" card, Bear shifted her position from simply lying beside him to lying on her side and pressing her face against his upper leg. Despite it all, the instinct to lower a hand and pet her big sweet face was lost not in the man.
The onslaught of "Aww!"s would've been anticipated.
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probably-writing-x · 5 years
Change of scene.
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"Alright, good morning guys!" You begin, arm held outstretched in front of you as you chat to the camera, "I'm in a bit of a rush because, as usual, I left things too late this morning!"
You reach for your keys from the counter and sling your gym bag over your shoulder.
"But, that's fine, I'm just off to the gym and then I'm going to something you're probably not used to seeing on this channel," You laugh, heading to the front door of your house, "But you'll have to wait and see what that one is! For now, I need to get going,"
Switching off the camera, you head out of your place and shuffle your rucksack on your back before setting off into a jog toward the gym. You had Lemonade blasting in your earphones and empty London streets ahead so made the most of your motivation to run today, getting there in record time with sweat already glistening against your forehead.
"Excuse me, (Y/n)?" Someone unknown calls from behind you and you spin around to see a young girl stood a little across the path.
"Hey!" You smile, pulling out your earphones and making your way over.
"I'm sorry but I'm such a huge fan!" She exclaims, "You're absolutely stunning and I love watching how much you've progressed,"
"Awww thank you so much darling!" You grin, "Can I hug you?"
She gladly accepts the offer and the two of you take a few photos.
"I'll see you soon!" You wave goodbye, pulling out your camera to speak to your vlog again.
The gym's air conditioning hits you instantly and you sigh at the relieving chill.
"Alright, so we're back at the gym, I've just met an absolutely adorable viewer," You begin to explain, "And she's absolutely inspired me to start back to work here again. I'm hoping for some PB's in my squat and, deadlift today so we need to go hard,"
You drop your bag on the gym floor and smile at how empty it is already - your only company being the few personal trainers that were busy cleaning the machines.
"We're going to start with some resistance squats just to warm up a little though," You nod and set your camera down for a time lapse at the edge of the gym, giving a field of view of your length of squats.
This gym had become like a second home to you over recent years as you had built up your dedication to fitness more and more. Now, workouts and body building had become the basis of some sort of career for you. And you were lucky enough that people enjoyed watching your videos about such journey - making you live a life you weren't even sure could be real sometimes.
It isn't long into your workout that your music cuts out and you glance over at your phone to see an incoming facetime call from 'Spidey🕷️'
"You're finally up I see," You laugh as you answer the call, sitting down on the mat and settling your phone against your bent knee.
"Where were you this morning?" Tom yawns and turns over in the bed, tucking a pillow beneath his arm and snuggling into it - you knew it would be the one you slept on last night.
"I had to get home early and I didn't want to wake you," You smile, "So I just left you to it,"
He pouts and closes his eyes, "I felt like a one night stand," But he can't help but smirk at his words, poking one eye open to still look at you.
You hum with sarcastic tone, "That's a long one night stand, Holland,"
He chuckles and the sound is an octave deeper than normal, laced with his prolonged desperation to go back to sleep, "Why are you already at the gym?" He groans
"Because I have a busy day ahead of me," You roll your eyes, "Speaking of which,"
Leaning behind your phone, you grab your camera and press record once again.
"I need you to meet me in about two hours at an address that I'll text to you, can you do that babe?"
Tom raises his brows but his eyes refuse to follow suit as they still adjust to the brightness of the screen, "Where are you taking me, darling?"
"You'll have to wait and see," You laugh and your lips curl into a grin.
Your boyfriend can't help but find the joy infectious as he reciprocates your little smile, "Alright, beautiful, I better get my arse out of bed,"
You chuckle and turn off the recording, knowing your fans would go crazy for the little snippet of your relationship.
"Okay, babe, I'll see you soon," You beam and blow him a kiss.
Tom waves tiredly before ending the call, leaving you with the clear knowledge that he wouldn't be getting out of bed any time soon.
You step out of the gym shower and run the towel once more over the back of your neck, shaking it through your hair to dry that a little before throwing it to your bag.
Perfect timing to go and meet Tom.
A little explanation was probably in order... Ever since you'd met Tom, it had always been a running joke that the two of you were complete polar opposites. He had the background in gymnastics, the arts and dancing. And you were a progressing bodybuilder, spending a lot of your time with weights in your hands or a treadmill under your feet. Complete opposites that managed to attract a lot better than expected. So, you decided today could be the day when you let those worlds collide. And, to do that, you'd booked out a dance studio for a few hours for him to teach you some ballet.
"Alright, so I'm just on my way to meet Tom, hopefully the traffic isn't too bad because I want to be there before him ideally," You explain, chattering away to your camera as you climb into the waiting Uber outside.
Luckily, you get to the destination in quick time and you can't see Tom anywhere near.
And, as if he really did have Spidey sense, his Uber pulls round the corner just as you turn around.
"Hello darling!" He beams like he hasn't seen you in forever, hopping out of the car and wrapping you in his arms, "I've missed you,"
"You saw me last night, plenty of me," You roll your eyes and he chuckles deeply in response.
"What are we doing here?" He frowns, glancing at the grand building behind you.
You pull out the camera and focus it on him, "We're going dancing!" you wiggle your brows and he drops his jaw a few inches.
"We're doing what?!"
"You're going to teach me some ballet," Your lips curl into a bold smile and you turn the camera so it points at both of you, "Am I just the best girlfriend ever?"
"Honey," He laughs, "I can't wait to see this!"
Soon enough, you and Tom are in your own company in the grand studio - sunlight spilling through floor length windows and onto the cold floorboards.
"Where do we start, Holland?" you clap your hands together, setting down the camera with a good view of the two of you.
"Are we seriously doing something?" He shakes his head but can see the determination in your eyes, "Alright, love, over here,"
Tom positions himself by the bar running across the wall and holds it with one hand, falling easily into a typical dancer position you didn't know the name of with his arm curled in front of him.
"How the fuck do I do that?" You exclaim, out-turning your feet and tripping over your leg, falling forward and catching yourself only just before things went really bad.
Tom looks at you with a sort of laugh, sort of sigh, "This isn't starting well,"
"Come on, no, no, I'm trying, I am," You shake it off, stepping in front of him with evident attempt to replicate his posture.
His hands fall to the curve of your waist as he perfects your positioning, "There she goes!" He grins, flicking his eyes to the camera, "Alright, now this,"
He outstretches his leg to the side, lowering on his height before rising to his toes. Truly, you try your best to replicate but the effort is flawed in its success.
"I mean, you're getting there," He smirks.
"Go on then, show me your skills Thomas," you cock a brow, turning and leaning your elbows against the bar to leave the floor as his open stage.
He lingers his look on you for a little and shifts the khaki material covering his torso, "Alright,"
He steps out into the centre and aligns his form, rising to the balls of his feet before breaking into a continuous spin, twirling around the floor like you'd never stop him.
"Oh you show off!" You exclaim, running up to him and lifting him from the ground, his legs flailing into the air. It was something you did more and more now you were strong enough to lift more than his weight.
"(Y/n)!" He squeals before you drop him down gracefully to the floor, spinning him out of your hold.
"And, thank you very much," You take a gracious bow and Tom keeps hold of your hand, looking at you with a mix of adoration and shock.
"You blow my mind," He mumbles under his breath and you're grateful that it won't be picked up on the microphone of your camera.
You hurry over to the camera and pick it up, "Alright, I'm going to stop recording and get back to you in a little while where I'll be an absolute professional at this!"
For the next hour or so, Tom teaches you as much as your non-graceful actions can take. Every so often, he'll teach you some sort of couple's spin and make sure to catch your lips in a kiss when you are near him. He'll teach you a certain lift or hold and you're sure it's supernatural for your muscles to tingle so much under his hold. And you are utterly terrible at ballet! But that glimmer in his eye when he's dancing or the adoration when he sees you try to do the same is enough to keep you going.
"So, thoughts on your first time with ballet?" Tom asks as the two of you lean up against the wall of mirrors behind you, both sat against cold tile floor.
"It was certainly... Different," You laugh, wiping away some of the stray hairs that had stuck to the outline of your face thanks to the glimmer of sweat that had arisen there.
"I think maybe bodybuilding is a better option for you," He nods and you watch the way his lips curl into a delicate smirk.
"I think you just feel threatened by my talent, Holland,"
Tags: @imarypayne @sunshine112 @bringmethehorizonandpizza @supernatural-girl97 @vibhati123 @butithasntkilledyouyet @faefictions @carisi-sonny @trap-house-homiecide @shamelessbookaddict @tommydaspidey @oneblckcoffee @darlingtholland @fanficparker @xxtomxo
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blakeyxholland · 5 years
He’s Dead | S.M
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Word Count: 1.4K
Every scent, every sound, every place. It all reminded you of him. It all reminded you of what you and Shawn used to have. Whenever a song of his came on the radio, sadness filled you. Whenever you laid in bed, the empty space reminded you of him. The darkness that surrounded you reminded you of him and your late-night conversations. The smell of hot chocolate reminded you of when you’d spend nights curled up on the sofa, blankets surrounding you as you watched Netflix.
It has been 6 months since it ended, since you lost it all. You wished you weren’t alone in your once shared apartment. You wished you weren’t putting on a fake face for the paparazzi or your Instagram followers. All the fans were devastated, they thought your relationship was fine and that you were happy, yet you couldn't find happiness. There were so many loving messages, yet you still felt empty.
“Wow Shawn, that’s real classy, kissing another girl in front of your ex-girlfriend.” You raised your voice at the innocent looking man who stood across from you. His wavy brunette hair and his dark brown eyes that you once knew and loved seemed foreign. The strong smell of another girl’s perfume radiated from his body that was clad in smart clothes.
“Ex? Y/N, you’re still my girlfriend.” He spoke, fear evident in his voice. He loved you with his whole entire heart and he couldn’t deal with the idea of losing you.
“No Shawn, you can’t mess with me like that and still expect me to stick around. You did it once before and I accepted that as an accident but a second time? Get your act together Mendes.”
“But babe, it was an accident. She came onto me, you know that she did.” He pleaded with you, praying that you would forgive him.
“No Shawn. I think you need to leave.” You lowered your voice, looking at the ground as to not make it any harder for yourself.
“But I c-“ He started to speak but you cut him off.
“Leave, NOW!” You shouted the last part.
You watched his body pass yours as he walked towards the front door. He turned around to look at you before closing the door behind him. That was not the Shawn you had started to love. That Shawn was dead and replaced by this new, famous Shawn who went around kissing other girls and you didn’t want that in your life.
Today would be your 3-year anniversary. So, to cheer you up, your best friends decided to take you to a concert. They came over to your flat to get ready to go and see The Vamps (Change this if you want) perform. You felt lonely still, knowing today you would be spending it with Shawn had he not messed things up.
You all arrived at the concert and collected your backstage passes, you guessed that was a bonus of having a lot of followers on Instagram. When you found your area, you all sat down and got ready for the opening act. The stage lit up, a very familiar face appeared on the huge screens. Shawn Mendes. You felt tears prickling in your eyes. You thought you were here to have a good time without thinking about him but no.
"This," a voice familiar sounded in the arena yet he was nowhere to be seen. "is a song I wrote for a very special girl in my life.". Tears pricked in your eyes as your hands started to shake and vision went blurry. Videos and images flashed up of your ex-boyfriend on the screen.
"This song is for the girl sat in seat 8 row D." That's when you realised it was you, the confusion on your face must have been clear. "Yes Y/N, that's you.”
“I think it’s time that I be honest, should’ve told you not to go. Thought I knew just what I wanted. I didn’t know myself at all.” The song started playing, silencing the arena due to it being a new song and being an emotional moment.
Pictures of you and Shawn flashed up on the screens followed by videos of one or the other of you doing something stupid or cute. Occasionally, the audience would erupt into “awes” at the cute photos of you and Shawn being happy together. Your cheeks were now wet and salty from the tears that had uncontrollable started streaming from your eyes.
The song familiar singing voice stopped and there were a few seconds of silence before it spoke again. "You'll always be mine"
You missed taking photos for your snapchat. You missed having him singing snippets of his new songs to you. You missed his strong arms holding you when you felt as if your world was falling apart. You missed stroking his hair when he felt the same.
The rest of the concert was amazing, but you couldn’t get the images out of your mind. Nor could you remove the curiosity as to why Shawn wasn’t on stage.
After the concert you went backstage and met up with the boys. You knew them quite well through a friend who was touring with them, so it was a chilled conversation for a while. They ordered a few pizzas which you all shared and had a conversation.
“Y/N, could I talk to you alone for a second?” Brad asked as he got up onto his feet and you nodded.
He held the door to the dressing room open for you to walk out of the room. He took you through some winding corridors and eventually you reached some stairs.
“Brad, you better not be murdering me. I have a family. People will search for me!” You joked as Brad looked at you with a serious expression. “What’s the matter?”
"Y/N, Shawn wrote that song for you 2 months ago." Brad spoke, swallowing loudly.
“Okay…” You urged him to continue.
“Well, last month, Shawn got into a bad car accident.” Brad’s voice was shaking as he broke the news to you. You felt all the blood rush from your body. Your heart started beating fast, your vision cloudy from the tears that started to rise.
“He’s dead?” You asked, tears ready to roll down your cheeks. You had not signed up for this kind of emotional trauma today.
“No, God no! He was in a coma for two weeks and he’s still recovering but he’s okay. He’s actually here. Did you want to see him?” Relief flushed over you but was then replaced by fear. Did you want to see Shawn? Were you ready?
“Uhhhhh, okay.” You agreed with a smile. As he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards a small room.
“He’s in there. I’ll be back in our dressing room. If anything happens, I’m ready to kick his broken ass.” Brad smiled as he pulled you into a hug.
You pulled the door to the dressing room open to reveal a boy who was sat there, scrolling through his phone. His leg was in a cast and rested on a small black chair in front of him. You hated seeing him hurt.
“Shawn?” You asked as his head whipped around.
“Y/N oh my God!” Shawn turned to you and attempted to get up.
“Stay right where you are Mendes. Don’t move with that broke leg of yours.” You replied, trying to take care of him.
“I’ve missed you so much. Happy what would be three years baby!” He smiled.
“You remembered?” You gasped, remembering all of the feelings that you used to possess and still did.
“Of course I did, I loved you. Love you so much Y/N. I am so annoyed with what happened, and I know you can’t forgive me straight away but I can make it up to you Y/N, I promise.” He rambled.
“Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, I still love you and I am willing to give you a second chance, but this is your second and last chance. I swear if you mess with me again, that’s it.”
“I missed you Y/N baby!” He smiled as you placed yourself on his lap, placing a small kiss on his lips.
“Last chance.” You spoke in a warning tone before he smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“YES, THEY’RE BACK!” Your best friends burst through the door screaming together. You smiled at the crazy people and hugged closer into Shawn.
IM BACK AND I’VE GOT A NEW USERNAME. I took a long break from writing but I am back now and apparently Tumblr has decided that links in these will mean they don’t show up? 
My requests are open and my prompts list and fandoms list can be found on my profile.
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theaerofanfics · 5 years
Starset: 1- Better Believe Beginnings (aka BBB)
A/N: So I did the thing. I made the Baysha rockstar AU fanfic all thanks to @iceicesheamy ‘s edit and @becksflair little snippet I saw on the post. Trust me, this WILL get better and hopefully it doesn’t seem messy. FYI: The song lyrics/songs I’ve come up on my own (other than the Turn it Up name since it’s basically Bay’s theme song name ;P) and if you want some of the songs in full for what they’d sing and whatnot, I can make a separate tag for them and do that as well! Okay too much rambling!
Hope you enjoy and look out for the 4hw mythical beings fic as well today! and maybe another gift ;p
“Is this good?”
“Perfect, Mrs. Martinez.”
One of the crewmen adjusted the little microphone on Sasha’s jacket and once it was fixed, she gave him a brief smile and looked at the interviewer. “Okay, so… I know this is for the documentary that the company wants us to do. Is there anything in specific to talk about, Kayla?”
Kayla grinned and shook her head. “Not really, but let’s start with the brief introduction once the camera rolls of who you are and maybe about the documentary and we’ll start from there. We want this to be as personable and unscripted as they told you when they recorded everything. We want the same with this interview portion of recounting the events.”
“Of course! Whenever you’re ready.” Kayla looked at the cameraman who stated he was ready and Kayla watched as he gave the countdown and saw the red light light up. “Hey everyone, Sasha Banks here and you’re in for a treat into the life of the Boss ‘N Hug Connection with our rockin’ tour: Ain’t No Stopping Us. This tour is probably the most interactive and personable tour we’ve had and we definitely want to have more like this.”
“Alright, fantastic.” Kayla smiled. “Why don’t we start from the beginning with the tour? With the first stop in New York and anything you can really note about that.”
“Yeah, sure.” And just with ease Sasha began to speak about the tour.
“I want the monsters to go away,
You only need to stay.
We are standing in the thunder,
Standing in the thunder,
Every single moment with you
Reminds that love comes when it wants to.
We have to be patient.
Standing in the Thunder,
We have to be humble.
Standing in the Thunder.
Falling in reverse,
Falling through the sky.
Letting the electricity
Course through us,
There’s nothing, but the two of us—”
She was cut off because Bayley kissed her. She merely smiled and giggled slightly between it before Sasha pulled away and smiled warmly. Standing in the Thunder was their song. It was the song that showed everyone their love and care for one another and it became a major hit once it came out. The music video had so many hits that Bayley almost didn’t believe this was all true. Even here and now, the duo and their bandmates singing their song to a huge crowd who was singing with them. “You know you can’t do that every time we sing.” Sasha mumbled away from the mic before moving to continue to sing.
“Watch me.” Bayley teased and winked, still playing the tune.
               The concert had ended after the song and the two women were in each other’s arms in a hug, waving to the crowd who was aww’ing at them and cheering them. The two then got off the stage and Bayley picked Sasha up and spun her around. If anyone didn’t know how they were, they’d assume their marriage was like a Disney movie. Bayley would be the prince saving the princess from the situation and they’d end up marrying. They met through the power of music, Bayley’s guitar mainly the reason Sasha was drawn to her.
Sasha laughed a bit as she was spun and once she was on the ground she kissed Bayley deeply for a moment. She then pulled away and she grinned softly. She didn’t care that the cameras for the documentary were there. She was used to them by now, especially as they used to record everything back in the day because Bayley wanted to do a documentary of their up and coming to stardom. “I love you.” She whispered to her wife.
“I love you too, babe.” Bayley stated back and she pecked her wife’s lips softly. “You sounded really good out there.”
“As did you. You and your guitar playing. My partner in crime.” Sasha laughed and pulled away from the other’s grasp. “I also will admit, our idea of bringing a few fans on stage was a nice touch.”
“I figured it’d be a good idea to give them the experience of stardom.” Bayley chuckled and shrugged before the two started to walk to their dressing room. “Plus, I wish we could have them all on stage because I’m sure many saved up the money for the tickets. I wish we didn’t make them so expensive.” Bayley sighed as they walked into their dressing room and she put her snapback on the coffee table and sat on the couch.
“I wish that too, babe. The venues are fucking expensive.” She sighed a bit. “Maybe we can go back to our roots in San Jose? Do a concert in a field somewhere or a park and just.. You know, play and let the fans enjoy the music rather than pay with their life savings.”
“Maybe.” Bayley pulled out her phone to check out Social Media so she could update their band twitter. “The setlist by the way was good. I tend to forget you’re good at that stuff while I’m good with the creative and dressing aspect.”
“That’s because, you” Sasha moved to sit next to her wife and started to take off her shoes. “are the more creative one. You have a keen eye on the detail, remember? Our first music video we made you asked us what we all saw in ourselves.”
“Well yeah. The song was Inner Sanctum.”
Sasha laughed softly. “We should play that one when we do go to San Jose. Bring back an old but gold song.”
“Well then Inner Sanctum and Turn it Up should be added for when we go over there then. I’m sure the fans will love that kind of set.”
“Yeah though I’m sure it’ll be cool to play it more often in the sets at the other cities.” Bayley realized Sasha didn’t say anything else and looked up, seeing Sasha looking at her and she furrowed her eyebrows. “What? Is there something on my face?”
“No, no. You’re fine. I just like staring at you.”
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Sasha rolled her eyes and nudged the other before getting up, taking off her white and gold jacket she had on and putting it up on the rack. Eventually the cameras left so they could at least get dressed and once they did, Bayley looked at Sasha. “You okay?”
“Yeah, everything is fine. Why?” Sasha felt Bayley’s hand on her cheek and she touched it gently.
“I just want to make sure considering the cameras and everything. I know you’re used to it and all, but I don’t want you—”
“I’m not uncomfortable, Bay.” She said softly and pecked Bayley’s lips lightly. “We have our own documentary from when we were a local band. This doesn’t bother me, especially when we tend to actually record some concerts.”
“Okay, okay.” Bayley hugged her wife before she picked up her and Sasha’s bags, the two heading out to the back. Once they got outside, the screams were heard and they waved to the fans. They took some pictures, signed some pictures and paper, and eventually they got onto their tour bus.
Bayley collapsed into the sofa on the tour bus, laying across it. She had her hand covering her eyes and she let out a breath, relaxing. She could feel eyes on her and she spoke softly. “You really like staring at me, huh?”
“Well yes, especially when you basically lay across the couch when I wanted to sit.”
Bayley moved her hand to look at Sasha, who was playfully smirking, and she stuck her tongue out at her wife. Sasha did it in return and Bayley sat up just enough for Sasha to sit down and placed her head into her lap. She smiled warmly and the two’s gaze met again. Their world froze while the bus started to move.
“You’re staring again, Bayley.”
“Hell yeah, I am. I’m staring at a masterpiece.”
“Alright, Cassnova. Enough with the cheesiness.”
“That definitely sounds like a good time indeed.”
“It was. It was the most interactive show we’ve had and Bayley’s idea really captivated that we cared and we wanted to make sure they knew that. Without our fans, we wouldn’t be these hit sensations that we are doing features on other’s albums or doing music for movies or anything like that. This whole ride for the past few years have been... a wild rollercoaster.”
Kayla said with a grin. “tell us a bit about the Boss ‘N Hug Connection. We partially know the story for those that have found Bayley’s Youtube and saw the episodes, but not many know the story behind it all.”
Sasha lowered her gaze and a soft smile went on her face before she looked up at Kayla and then the camera. Though she wasn’t looking at the camera, Bayley was right behind the cameraman and she was smiling. It made her smile more and she began to speak. “Bayley and I were in high school, our senior year. She caught me one day after school singing in the empty band room when she goes in there to play the piano and we met. We didn’t realize we also had Physics together, but we connected instantly by having similar taste in music. After a bit, Bayley told me how she wanted to start a band and wanted a voice like mine to be the main singer and her as a backup.” Sasha smiled when she saw Bayley nod in agreement as she continued, trying not to laugh even. “She kept telling me that my voice would, and I quote, “would make men and women fall in love with not just me but the music”. Somehow, my voice was so angelic to her that she really wanted us to be a band. So, we started a band. The Boss ‘N Hug Connection was named that because I was known to be the Boss in the choir at school and Bayley just loved to hug me and somehow it just made a lightbulb hit when I said the name. So, we just stuck with it.”
“And over time, you two fell in love?”
Sasha giggled lightly and nodded. “Yes, over time we did. I guess in a way she fell in love with me and the music.” She laughed softly. “Though, if it was during that time it wouldn’t have made a difference. People kept thinking we were a couple anyways because Bay and I never left each other’s side really, especially back then. Anything music? We went together. Any interview” She said and winked at Bayley, for which Kayla noticed Bayley was in view. “we went together. We need each other for reassurance and to relieve nerves because I get nervous with interviews and Bayley works herself up and rambles.”
“Interesting. Well, continue with the tour story. You were saying that one thing you loved was how great a lover Bayley is?”
Sasha blushed. Of course she said that and of course Bayley would be in the room. She could see the cheeky, amused smirk on her wife’s face and she just spoke. “Well…”
“B—Bayley, stop.” Sasha laughed as she was getting hugged by Bayley, almost the other being a koala and hugging her tightly and from behind. “You are nuzzling into my neck and you know that tickles.”
Bayley nuzzled anyways and laughed. “I thought you loved it when I would snuggle you like this.”
“I do, but I’m trying to type up an Instagram post for us.”
“Oh? Taking a picture of us in bed, naked under the covers?”
Sasha blushed and looked back at Bayley, who was smirking. “No, I wouldn’t want to give the perverts the satisfaction of thinking it.”
“Fair.” Bayley wrapped her arms around Sasha’s waist and gave her a little squeeze. “Your mine anyways.”
“Well yeah. There’s an official paper that says so.”
Bayley mumbled something as she hid her face into her back and Sasha rolled her eyes, understanding.
“I do know what you mean, but I know I’m yours. You’re mine too. Anyways, I’m posting the picture of us backstage when we were looking out to the crowd while we were hiding and then the big one where we were sitting in front of the crowd to catch the crowd, remember?”
“Oh yeah! Jeff took that picture.” Bayley said as she lifted her hand up. Sasha nodded and she finished the post and posted it, checking twitter on the mentions and everything and she smiled as she saw all the photos there were. She could feel Bayley also looking while occasionally kissing along her neck and shoulder and she let out a relaxing breath as the tour bus was still going, heading to their next stop in New Jersey. Sasha shut her eyes briefly as she was feeling more relaxed and once she opened her eyes again she turned and kissed Bayley.
The two were lost once again in their little romance, their love just bring firework whenever they kissed, whenever they stared at one another. Bayley quietly moaned in the kiss and eventually the two separated and Sasha spoke softly. “That stressed, huh?”
Bayley chuckled lightly and ran a hand through Sasha’s purple hair. “Yeah… You take on a lot of the work and I can feel it on your shoulders. I know the tour is a lot, especially because it’s almost double of what we did before.”
“And we’re having a part two to make it triple the amount…” Sasha mumbled softly.
“Well I’m gonna make sure you’re not stressed out throughout this. Probably give us some parts of the day to have fun with games or something or—”
“Doing things like we’ve done for the past hour or so?” Sasha raised an eyebrow with a smirk on her face.
Bayley laughed. “Of course.”
“I like the sound of that. I especially like it if we end up going to play arcade games or even play the games we have or bought.” Sasha said as she sat up a little. “I’ll kick your ass in Mortal Kombat again.”
“Oh no. We’re not doing this bet again.” Bayley raised an eyebrow. “I won fair and square the first two times. You cheated last time.”
“You played the same character!”
“You didn’t make a rule that we couldn’t.”
“You still cheated.”
“You want to try me for a fourth time then?”
“I was already between your legs, Sash.”
“Bayley.” Sasha playfully smacked Bayley’s arm before rolling her eyes.
“Let’s go for a forth time then. Let me put on a tanktop and pants.”
“Are we recording this to put in the documentary?”
“Sure, why not? Let me grab our camera.” Bayley stated as she went to get dressed. “I’m going to win.”
“You’re going to lose. You’re just a sore loser!”
“Takes one to know one.” Bayley said as she moved to get dressed. “Let’s get this game out of the way.”
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beaglelinefics · 7 years
Johnny X Reader (Gender Neutral)
Writer: Jaime
            “Ugh, Johnnyyyyy,” you whined over the phone to your boyfriend. “I’m so borreeeed. You promised you would entertain meeeeee.”
            “Hey, I know I did, but Winwin got sick, and I’m like the only one here who isn’t a mini so I gotta help him.”
            “Aw, poor baby,” you cooed as your annoyance at Johnny turned into concern for Winwin. “Do you need me to come over and help?”
            “Yeah, no, do not do that because then you’re gonna get sick, and we all know how you are when you get sick.”
            “Excuse you, I’m perfectly lovely all the time, thank you very much.”
            “Not when you’re sick. You get all bitter and make me question my own existence.”
            “What? No, don’t do thaaaaat! I was just kiddiiiiinnnngggg. Don’t block meeeeee. Babyyyyyy.”
            “You’re a grown ass man, don’t whine like a child. You’re not Winwin. You don’t look cute doing it.”
            “Now you’re definitely not coming over to see him.”
            “You bitch.”
            “Love you too. I’ll catch you on the flippity-flop.”
            “Gross, you nerd.”
            He made a smacking noise over the line, probably thinking it was a kiss, and hung up, leaving you to wallow in your own boredom once more. Your boyfriend was supposed to come over and entertain you, but apparently even on his days with no schedule he wasn’t free to hang out with you. Of course Winwin had to get sick when Taeyong wasn’t there to take care of him. Honestly you didn’t see why the minis couldn’t look after him; Renjun was probably going to do a better job than Johnny, but you also felt a little guilty for even thinking of putting all that responsibility on the cute child. Renjun was your smol child; how could you even think of pressuring him like that? Bad, Y/N, bad.
            “What am I supposed to dooooo?” you groaned to the empty apartment.
            You reluctantly got up to clean the apartment, hoping that would waste enough time until it was acceptable to get some food and spend the rest of the night eating and being lazy on the couch. You channeled your inner Taeyong, focusing on all of the minute specks of dust and dirt you’d never have caught before, and scrubbed every surface until they were sparkling and your arms were sore. Confident that it was now time to order in food, you let out a shriek when you saw only an hour had passed.
            “What the flip is this?” you demanded angrily of your clock. “How dare you play me like this! You are fired, sir, fired!”
            A well-placed kick at the wall, and a few minutes of tears, later, you limped into the bathroom to take a relaxing bubble bath. You sunk into the warm water with a long moan and rested your head on the little pillow you had crafted from a few hand towels. If only it was an acceptable time to have a nice glass of wine as you soaked in the bubbles. You lazily typed a few replies to your friends, snorting when you saw the picture Ten had sent you, before stepping out and letting the water drain. You sighed happily as you tied your hair up and toweled off your skin, reaching for the clothes you had laid out. That’s when you noticed the clothes were not clean like you had thought. Johnny had left the dirty clothes in the laundry basket again, confusing you into thinking he’d actually washed them.
            “That bitch,” you whispered in betrayal.
            With a low growl, you marched into your room and rifled through the drawers in search of any passably clean clothes. You could only find the set of clothes Johnny kept for practice in case he needed to jet early in the morning. You were going to drown in all the fabric you were forced to put on. It was comfy, yeah, but like… you felt like with every step you were going to fall over and never be found again underneath the mound of clothing your boyfriend required to properly cover himself up. And it still wasn’t time to order food; why did all the restaurants near your apartment have to open so late? You plopped down on the couch, accepting defeat to boredom as you realized you’d be suffering for another two hours, and turned on the TV. You flipped through the channels lazily without even paying attention really until you heard a snippet of a familiar tune and stopped, grinning when you saw the faces of your boys. A laugh escaped your chest as you started wiggling in your seat to “Cherry Bomb” and cheered for the boys who had become a second family to you. You were so caught up in your sofa dancing that you didn’t even notice your boyfriend walking in, his greeting dying on his lips when he saw you jamming out to his song. You were standing on the cushions and moving your hips to the beat as your arms waved about wildly and feet kicked out occasionally. Man were you an awful dancer, but you looked damn cute doing it.
            “Whoo! You go baby!” he cheered from behind you. You lost your balance at his loud shout, and he caught you with a huge grin, giving you a greasy wink. “That was amazing, babe.”
            “Who even creeps like that? How long were you watching, you pervert?”
            “Me? A pervert? Never!”
            You laughed as he grabbed your hand and wrapped an arm around your waist to begin waltzing around the room to the heavy bass of the songs that played after his. It was ridiculous, but you didn’t really care. Your boyfriend was here, keeping you entertained, and what really did you have to complain about at this point? He spun you around before dipping you dramatically, looking around the room as if there were dozens of elegant bystanders watching your dance. He brought you up for a sweet kiss, proving to the imaginary audience that you were his and only his to love.
            “So have I entertained you enough?” he whispered against your lips. “We could try the foxtrot next if you still need more time to waste.”
            “No, I think maybe it’s time to order in. What do you think?”
            “That sounds amazing.”
            He gently nudged you so you were sprawled on the couch once more before he dialed the number for that restaurant a few streets down that you two loved. He ordered the food while taking his spot beside you, moving your legs onto his lap and draping a blanket over the two of you. A smile tugged at his lips when he saw how you were wearing his clothes, but then he remembered he’d forgotten to do the laundry. Maybe you’d forgotten?
            “By the way,” you said while snuggling closer to him, “you have to do the laundry for another week to make up for your blunders.”
            “I’m a very busy person, okay?”
            “You still have chores, Johnny.”
            “But whyyyyyy? I’m an idol, dammit, I shouldn’t have to do choreeesss.”
            “I’m calling Taeyong so he can hear this ridiculousness coming from your mouth and come over here to smack some sense into you.”
            “Wait noooooo, he’s gonna be maaaaad.” He brushed his nose over your cheek and gave you the puppy-dog look. “Baaaaaabe, please?”
            “You gonna do the laundry for the next two weeks?”
            “Then I see no need to bother Taeyong with this.”
            “Sometimes I really hate you,” he grumbled.
            “Stop telling lies, Johnny Seo. It doesn’t suit you.”
            “Those clothes suit you though.”
            “Well if someone had done the laundry.”
            “Oh my god I get it!”
            “Hehe, love you, my huge parrot boy.”
            “I was going to say I love you too, but then you insulted me like that, so now I won’t.”
            “You’re the one who always does that stupid impression!”
            “Because it’s art!”
            “No, what’s art is how Taeyong literally falls over himself laughing in response to it. True beauty. True grace. When will your fave.”
            “He is my fave.”
            “What about Ten ‘XXX’ ‘Where’s my HAIR’?”
            “Don’t judge my boyfriend.”
            “I’m just saying he isn’t the one giving you xxx every night, babe. Just saying.”
           “…You can judge my boyfriend.”
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band-of-bros · 7 years
Just 4 short snippets based on four different types of “I love you” as described by this post
1. Baberoe
“Gene, go back to sleep,” Babe says as he comes out of the bathroom, rubbing his hands on his pants to dry them because he was too lazy to grab a hand towel out of the cabinet and running late again, as usual.
“I wanted to see you off,” Gene says into his coffee.  Babe lights up, and Gene feels a warmth from something besides the beverage.  Babe hates his morning class, but Gene told him when it first got scheduled that he’d be awake to say goodbye each morning.  He hasn’t missed a day yet.
“But you just got off your shift like, 5 hours ago, and that doesn’t count commuting time,” Babe protests, putting a bagel into the toaster and cranking the setting up high.  Gene knows that he’ll force it to pop up halfway through, because he thinks it cooks faster this way, then burn his fingers taking it out.
“Yes, and you stayed up for me, so we got equal amounts of sleep,” Gene replies.  Then, he looks at the clock.  “You’re going to be late.”
“Oh well,” Babe says cheerfully.  “If they wanted me on time, they shouldn’t have given me an early morning class.”  True to form, he forces the lever of the toaster up to get his bagel early, then messily smears cream cheese on both halves and smashes them together.  He then rushes around the counter to kiss Gene’s cheek.
“Love you, see you later!”
Babe has always handed out his love freely and generously.  He is constantly telling his friends and family that he loves them, and since the first time he told Eugene while they were dating and made clear that it was in a romantic way, not just platonic, he keeps saying it at every opportunity.  Gene loves it.  It feels natural, and always causes him to smile.
“Love you, too, Babe.”
2. Speirton
“I love you,” Ron says softly.  The words still feel odd in his mouth, although the feeling behind them has been there since the beginning.  Carwood catches his eyes in the bathroom mirror he’s standing in front of to brush his teeth and smiles.  Ron loves this smile.  It’s unbelievably soft and genuine in a way that only appears in quiet moments like this, when the stars have been hung in the sky and Ron is the only one around.  Carwood shares his smiles with everyone, so it makes Ron feel warm all over when he gets one meant just for him.
He’s so lucky to have moments like this.
They’re calm and relaxed in a way that he used to think impossible for him, but somehow, Carwood manages to make everything quiet.  It’s an unexpected effect for a person to have on him.  But, of course, falling in love was unexpected, too.
Ron never quite thought he would fall in love, and find someone to love him back.  He’s always been feared and respected, and while he never minded that, it never paved the way for close personal relationships either.  Carwood is the first person who ever bothered to look beyond his preconceived notions of Ron and decide he wanted to give his heart to what he saw, and somehow, Ron found himself giving his heart right back.
He’s not sure how it happened, but that fact doesn’t even bother him anymore.  Carwood is easy to love.  The man gives comfort and contentment wherever he goes.  If there was anyone Ron was going to fall for, it would be Carwood.
That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still surprise him when he utters that phrase.
Sometimes it seems to leap out of his mouth unbidden, like when Carwood is wearing something particularly beautiful and the sunlight makes his golden hair look like a halo.  Then, Carwood blushes, and Ron knows that even though the phrase might still feel unfamiliar, he’s never meant anything more.
Carwood finishes brushing his teeth and slips under the covers of their bed.  He leans over and kisses Ron softly.  It’s sweet and perfect.  A balloon of happiness fills Ron’s chest, and he’s worried it’s going to grow too big and burst.
“I love you, too,” Carwood says against his lips before turning off the lamp on the bedside table and lying down.  Ron moves closer and Carwood immediately opens his arms.  They both act as space heaters while sleeping, so they’ll move to opposite sides of the bed by the middle of the night, but for now Ron is content with the feeling of love in his chest and Carwood’s arms around him.
3. Webgott
“Web?” Joe asks, glancing over at the man lying next to him.  There’s no reply save for deep breathing, but Joe hadn’t expected there to be.  The clock reads 3 am.  Web had seemed decently sleepy earlier, and that was before the sex.
That used to be all there was to them.  Webster is insanely attractive, and their arguing creates enough sexual tension that it really was no surprise the first time they hooked up.  Since then, though, something has changed.  
It started with Web staying over, looking at home sitting at Joe’s kitchen counter in the mornings, wearing Joe’s clothes when he leaves and claiming a toothbrush as his own in the bathroom.  It continued with Joe picking Webster up from class to go get something to eat and maybe catch a movie, late night drives that end with Web passed out in the passenger seat with one of his Spotify playlists hooked up in Joe’s car, biting comments that sound more flirtatious than malicious now.  They spend time just sitting together on the couch, Webster with his feet in Joe’s lap reading while the other flips through channels on the TV until they both get bored or tired and move to the bedroom.
Sometimes, Joe looks at Webster and his breath gets caught in his throat.  It’ll happen at the most random of times: while the other is falling asleep while trying to cook eggs early in the morning, laughing at something clever Joe has said, staring enraptured at a shark documentary on TV, or ranting about the finer points of a novel Joe probably had to read for school but never actually bothered to.  It’s weird, that little hiccup in his heartbeat.  He can’t remember it happening with anyone else before.
Joe doesn’t know what this feeling is, but he knows that it’s more than what this started as.
Joe doesn’t know what love is, but he thinks this might be it.
Again, no response but breathing.  And then, because he wonders what it sounds like, he whispers
“I love you.”
Web stirs slightly, but remains firmly asleep.  Joe doesn’t know if he’s glad or disappointed.
The night has put a heavy blanket of fog over his thoughts, but he’s aware enough to know that the words seem right.  He turns towards Webster and reaches out a hand, lacing their fingers together.  Web shifts slightly again, but only to get a better grip.  Joe squeezes his fingers once, then lets sleep overcome him.
4. Winnix
One of Dick’s favorite times of day is the evening walk with Lew and Ralph.  Lew is the kind of person who forgets that he likes being outdoors until he actually is, and one of the only ways Dick can coax him out for a walk or to the park is by using the dog as persuasion.  That’s the main reason Dick agreed to get one.  It had nothing to do with the look of pure joy on Lew’s face when Dick finally told him they were going to the shelter to see who they could take home.
Lew got attached to Ralph the moment he saw the huge St. Bernard, and he would do anything for that dog.  Hence their evening walks: Ralph needs the exercise, and it’s the perfect time to unwind, breathe the fresh air, and just spend time together.  Dick loves nothing better than to give Lewis the leash and lace their fingers together, walking past their neighbors and up through the park to a hill with a good view of the sunset.  Sometimes they stop to talk to neighbors, and sometimes they just engage in small talk or comfortable silence with each other until they reach their destination.
When they arrive at their usual spot on the hill, Lew plops down with a huff, and Ralph immediately starts to lick his face.
“Okay, buddy, I love you too,” he laughs.  Dick can’t help his lips quirking up.  Lew sees this and smiles.
“I think we should get another dog, so you can get doggie kisses, too,” he says.
“I think you would just take all of those doggie kisses for yourself,” Dick laughs, sitting down next to him.
“You’re not wrong,” Lew says.  “But don’t worry, Dick.  You get all of my human kisses.”
“Well that’s a relief.”  Dick takes a moment to steal one before reaching over to run his fingers in Ralph’s fur.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to eventually getting another dog if you really wanted one,” he says after a moment.  “But I think we need to take things one step at a time.”
“What’s the next step, if it’s not getting another dog?  We should probably get married before we start prepping for kids,” Lewis laughs, massaging Ralph’s ears.
“Well, now that you mention it…”
Dick can pinpoint the exact moment Lew processes what he said and goes still.  When he turns to look at him, Dick has the ring he’s been carrying around in his pocket for the past few days in his hand.
“I love you, Lew.  By now it’s clear that we’re both in this for the long run, so why not make it official?” he asks.  “Half of our neighbors already think we’re married.  I’d like to take that next step, if you’ll have me.”
Lewis stares at his face, then at the ring, then back at his face.
“You’re proposing.  You’re actually proposing right now.”
“I am,” he says.  He’s starting to sweat, and he hopes Lew doesn’t notice.
He hopes Lew says yes.  What if it’s not the right time?  What if Lew swore off marriage forever after his divorce from Kathy?  Lewis had insisted that Dick also be named as an owner of Ralph, so he had taken that as an indication that Lew also pictured them being together until the end, but what if he was wrong?
“To me?” Lew squeaks.
“Of course.” he answers.  There’s another moment where Lew just stares at him, before a huge grin splits his face.
“Yes!” he laughs.  “Yes, yes, yes, of course!”  Then he literally tackles Dick in a hug.  Dick doesn’t mind, though.  He’s laughing, too, and feels as if he’s going to burst from the joy filling him.  Ralph starts barking, adding to the noise.
“We’re engaged,” Lewis says when he finally lifts his head out of the crook of Dick’s neck.  “We’re actually engaged.  I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy in my entire life.”
“Me neither,” Dick says, and he means it.
“I love you,” Lew says, and his eyes are shining.
“I love you, too,” Dick says.  When they finally get off the ground and Dick gets the ring on Lew’s finger, they both say it a few more times, until Dick feels like they’re shouting it to the whole world and everyone must know if they didn’t already.  He squeezes Lew’s hand and says it one more time, just to be sure.
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worrisomeme · 7 years
Shakespeare in Love
Sooooo I am total shite and was so busy during my vacation I didn’t even get anything written (even though I had a couple fics I wanted to finish *huffs*). Sooooo to make up for it I’m going to be posting a couple of snippets of random wips over the course of the next day to (hopefully kind of) make up for it
[Pepper: Hey Steve, could you do me a huge favor?]
[Steve: Anything for you Pepp]
[Steve: But even better if it can wait 45 mins until this class is over lol]
[Pepper: Yeah that’s fine lol Can you stop by my office after class and get Tony’s phone for him? He left it when he left for practice]
[Steve: No problem :) I’ll see you in 45]
As promised, Steve makes his way to Stark tower after class and thanks the gods that it’s not far. He grabs Tony’s phone and chats with Pepper for the few minutes she’s free. She tells him they’re doing Romeo + Juliet. As in the Baz Luhrmann version. She rolls her eyes fondly when she says, “It was Tony’s idea, of course.”
When he makes his way into the theater Tony is up on stage with what has to be the most gorgeous man Steve’s ever seen. He knows his eyes widen behind his large lenses as he bites his lip.
“But new struck nine,” Tony crows to him, ignoring the bang as the door closes itself behind the blond. Benvolio then, huh? That means that the angel up there is-
“Ay me!” he recites, voice just a little rough, but low and sweet. Steve sucks in a breath. “Sad hours seem long. Was that my father that went hence so fast?”
“It was,” Tony goes on, but he spots Steve at the back of the auditorium and makes a subtle little motion for him to come up to the stage. He’s got a wicked grin on his face and Steve knows he’s not interrupting on purpose, knows this is one of Steve’s favorite scenes, has heard him swoon over young Leo. Suddenly he curses himself for watching this movie with Tony so many times. “What sadness lengthens Romeo’s hours?”
The long-haired brunet doesn’t break character, just keeps going. “Not having that, which having, makes them short.”
“In love?” and as he says it, Tony waggles his eyebrows at Steve suggestively.
The blond makes it nearly to the stage but can’t take his eyes off the man next to his friend. He just flops down in the front row.
“Of love?”
“Out of her favor, where I am in love.”
And that’s when Tony finally breaks character.
“Steve-o!” he calls with a grin, despite Steve now being right in front of him. The whole rest of the cast and crew lets out a groan. Tony ignores them, of course, and hops down off the front of the stage.
“Really Tony?” the brunet asks, popping a hip as he crosses his arms over his chest, looking annoyed.
“Oh come on,” Tony scrunches up his face as he glances back over his shoulder. “Do you really expect me to believe you don’t have this whole play memorized?” He turns his attention back to the blond and grins, pulling him into a tight hug. “You’re a lifesaver babe.”
Steve laughs and shakes his head as he hugs him back. When he pulls back he tugs Tony’s phone out of his pocket and hands it over. “I did this for Pepper and only for Pepper,” he teases, sticking out a pierced tongue. “Hey!” he shouts as Tony snatches his glasses right off his face.
“What a bully,” the brunet half-scolds half-teases him as he hops down off the stage to join them. “Is this the artist you were talking about?” he asks.
Steve feels his cheeks flush as he’s pouting and holding his hands out for his glasses. “You were talking about me, huh?” he asks, pretending he’s not blushing. Nope, he’s cool as a watermelon or however that phrase goes.
“Maaayybe,” Tony coos, a smirk forming on his lips as he finally hands his glasses back.
When Steve slips them on and can see again, his dream man is smiling at him fondly, holding a hand out. “Nice to meet you. I’m Bucky.”
“Steve,” the blond replies, shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you too.” He turns his attention back to Tony. “So you were talking about me?” he asks again. “You only usually do that if you want something.” He gives his friend a look and Tony tries his best to look innocent, batting his eyelashes and everything, but Steve knows better. “So what is it?” he asks. “Out with it.”
Almost everyone has wandered off by now, working on whatever else they can. But Sam, another one of Steve’s friends, and a redheaded woman with a headset and clipboard, have made their way to join the small group in front of the stage.
“Weeeeell,” Tony wraps an arm around his shoulders as he turns just enough to face the rest of the group, “you see, I was hoping you’d help us paint the sets.”
Steve rolls his eyes and shrugs his arm off. “Really Tone? And when do you think I have time for that?”
“You don’t even have any classes on Wednesdays!” Tony argues, turning to him and taking Steve’s hands in his, tugging him so they’re face to face.
“Told ya you’re a bully,” Bucky snorts.
“I mean, I’m sure Riley wouldn’t mind helping,” Sam adds with a little shrug. Steve shoots him a glare and he grins, holding his hands up in defense. “You’re the best, man, and I want this to be a good show. Plus, you’d have so much freedom with this version.”
Steve glances around the circle, at his friends and then at the stunning brunet with the smirk on his lips, and he already knows his answer.
He lets out a little huff, running tattooed fingers through his hair and shaking his head as he sighs, “Fine, fine, I’ll do it.”
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