#awwww thank you so much!!
good-beanswrites · 2 months
im the requester !! ITS AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! im not really good with words, but still! its great, thank you!!!!!!
Ahh I'm so glad you enjoyed it, I loved writing it!! Thank you for reaching out, it genuinely means so much :'D I should write more about Shidou, I always have such a good time...
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accio-victuuri · 1 month
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yibo-official weibo update
a passionate gathering to watch the movie. Tonight, Yang Zhen- Wang Yibo and the cast of the film "Formed Police Unit" appeared at the China People's Police University roadshow "Peacekeeping Starts from Here" and came to the "Cradle of Loyal Guards" to chat with the Police University students Shooting experiences, share insights into the role, and pay tribute to the peacekeeping heroes who are not afraid of sacrifice and move forward bravely!
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xx-sketchy-xx · 7 months
What kind of pastry is your parents? Then why are you so sweet and tender like a delicious strawberry cake with yogurt cream? 🤭💜💜💜
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I have been rizzed, very hard 🫣
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ssreeder · 4 months
Hey!! I just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work <3<3
I had been a little down when it came to creating more content or being involved in Zukka side of the fandom but seeing your update reminded me to just have fun. And okay this is going to sound bad but I swear I mean this as a compliment; I thought I was wasting my time working for months and years on the stuff I made, but then I realized your fic series brings me so much joy and I'd never, ever judge you for the amount of effort you put into your writing. Seeing it's actually inspiring, to see that someone holds that much passion and creativity and you are sharing it all for FREE. That a person could take all this time to intricately weave together a story, create memorable OCs, breathe new life and make the ATLA world so much bigger than it ever was in canon.
So thanks for accidentally giving me a kick in the butt to stop being judgy about my own work and making me realize you and every fan creator is AWESOME.
I hope you have a wonderful day, your writing is a blessing.
awwww I wanted to say thank you for sending me this ask! I know it’s not easy to put yourself out there, even on anon, so I think it’s cool you felt confident enough to come here and tell me about how you’re feeling.
I don;t think what you’re saying is bad at all haha, because honestly, I feel the same way. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wondered why the fuck am I still doing this? What’s the point? Do people even still care? What if it’s not good enough? What if people discover I have no fucking idea what I’m doing? Why am i spending so much of my time and effort doing this?? I mean… the self doubt is super real, and shiiiiiit let me discover one person that feeds into my self doubt and I’m full on spiraling haha. (Be nice to creators damn it! we are doing our damn best lol)
I’m really glad you think my fic is awesome, and if it weren’t people like you reminding me, I probably would have given up a long time ago haha. I do give my fic a lot of effort, and I hope you continue to give your creations the same amount of love and effort! I’m sure you’re amazing, and seriously don’t give up! I care about your creations and if I don’t get to stop neither do you! WOHOOO!!
Thanks for the ask anon sorry it took me so long to answer
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blood--king · 7 months
— Hey, people are saying that your birthday is today... Oh... I hope I'm not late dad, your birthday is a very important day, isn't it? That's why I have a gift for you! Maybe someone with drawing talents helped me make this one, but it was all my idea!
The little boy hands the drawing to Hell, giving a smile right after, he really loved Hell with all the strength in the world, and wanted to see him happy.
— And we're at a slumber party, you're wearing slippers with a crown on them because you're the King.
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The king was not having the best day, but as soon as he heard the voice of his son, things started to change. There were many dark and bad things about his birthday he didn't want to remember, but in some point it was inevitable. Nonetheless, if someone could help him, that should be Kauze.
The king grabbed the drawing, he smiled and carried his son on his arms. —Thank you, my son, it is a beautiful gift.
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juicedbeetle · 1 year
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"I'll make you say my name!"
posted with @bikinibottomdayz 's permission
please don't repost outside tumblr
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unanchored-ship · 17 days
can you pls give me ur favorite fact abt shrewsbury.... i dont care if i already know it i just wanna knows what fucking Gets you about him
you cant just ask me to give you one 🤧🤧
biggest reason is obv cuz hes a TWINk. A GREAT WHUMPEE. BUUUUT this is too broad since there are many twinks. lets narrow it down.
Tragic backstory, eh? Papa died cuz mummy liked sucking balls too much. Now you are forever cursed with chronic nervousness. Hmmm.
Oh yeah adding onto his papa dying, guess whose brother also got fucked in a duel. Lmfao. Shrewsbury loses. Do I need to discuss the emotional impact this most likely had on him??
Like... the guy was constantly nervous, arguably cowardly, timid, and jumpy.. but at the same time charming, generous, dignified,... you list the virtues. This is a very cool combo of traits!!
Also he was HOT AF but never took advantage of it. so points for that. (Although in the Nicholson/Turberville book it mentions in his younger years he had "moral delinquencies". but i dont know what its referring to i may have to do digging.) (Oh and in Weyman's Romance Berry's "wild and boyish days" are mentioned. Still dont know exactly what that mean..) "KING OF HEARTS" 😍😍
There is something seriously wrong with his relationship with Nottingham. He got sick cuz of personal jealously of Nottingham. Had useless shouting matches with Mr. Finch in the House. He wanted to resign cuz of Nottingham so bad Burnet had to prevent him from seeing William cuz he feared Shrewsbury would GO TOO FAR with William. That man was FUMING. You see where the secretaries ship comes from.
He's such a bitch to his uncle. next
he married such an interesting wifey!! she was known as an eccentric, an outcast in English society. Except Anne and George I LOVED HER. Like she was crazy in the eyes of the people but crazy and genuine is good when you're surrounded by liars and power-hungry ones. I love Adelhida she's my spirit animal.. also her brother is so fucking stupid and I'm here for it. They make a great family :3
Oh and going off of that marriage... Berry and Hida never had children. I have this peculiar thing for aristocracy peoples that don't have children. It's my asexual ass isn't it
He held some rlly powerful positions and was really critical in the government... while at the same time despising high positions. I love it when a non ambitious person is in a position people would die for.
In particular I like how Nicholson/Turberville refers to him as Harley's "tool". like. he's not ambitious. but he's got a massive amount of power(he was known as the nations favorite for a while lmao), which can be used to fucking sway the direction of England when utilized. Harley you lucky shit
So yeah hes got a really interesting personality, really interesting people he surrounds himself with, a tragic backstory yada yada
I just really really really like how he looks okay end of story
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flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
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belladonnaprice · 18 days
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graveghosttt · 23 days
raspberry, literally never seen your face but you radiate hot bitch vibes 😂
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unknownfaceless-ds9 · 2 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! You're supposed to paste it in the asks of people you adore! absolutely no pressure, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside & out, 𝓍𝑜𝓍𝑜. :3
-hehe <3 you my fren :))
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Inside the mind of Kotaro Shimura.
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To make one thing clear before we start: I hate Kotaro. I find him to be a horrible person because of the way he abuses Tenko and his family. This meta is not to absolve him of his crimes. It's meant to highlight what sort of person Kotaro is.
BNHA is a series that asks us to think critically about how characters became the way they are. Kotaro’s character is no different, so this post is me dissecting Kotaro Shimura's mind.
The first scene that we are cut to is the panel showing the house which would serve as a symbol later on.
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The next scene that we are cut to is Kotaro as an adult. He drags Tenko by the collar, with Tenko screaming and crying, with his wife pleading with him. 
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There’s a lot to interpolate.In his treatment towards Tenko, he looks like a cold apathetic adult. 
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He punishes Tenko for playing hero with a bunch of kids. He doesn’t care about the reasons behind Tenko playing a hero; he's only concerned with the fact that Tenko broke a rule. Tenko wasn’t punished for doing anything morally wrong.
In the next panel, we have Kotaro looking at Tenko with cold apathetic eyes. He closes the curtains and again doesn’t show concern for Tenko
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and sits at the table with his family when he talks to his family. He doesn’t show concern that what he is doing is hurting Tenko that much is obvious.
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and sits at the table with his family when he talks to his family. He doesn’t show concern that what he is doing is hurting Tenko that much is obvious.
Kotaro is speaking about Tenko to his family he said this:
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What he is speaking about himself is his own experience: how Nana being a hero led her to abandon him and later killed by a villain on the job. But he's not speaking about his mother, he's talking about himself. Kotaro might be technically talking about Tenko, but it's all actually about himself.
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When someone says why don’t you understand, that is just you expecting them to know how you are feeling and to do the same thing they want you to do.  Kotaro expects everyone in the household to do what he wants them to do, and to know how he is feeling. He imposes his views on them. He makes Tenko feel physical pain and fear to understand what Kotaro is feeling/has felt, but hello, he's five, how is he supposed to understand? He claims he knows what's best for his family but what he thinks when in reality he doesn’t just the idea of imposing his view on them. He doesn’t think of his family as individuals or their feelings and wills. The best example is the abuse of Tenko.
If Kotaro understands how Nana’s actions hurt him, her son, there are a few things that came to mind when he spoke about understanding when he never showed signs of it. No. If he had, he wouldn’t be angry or abusive towards his family from the abandonment. The talk to his family is him talking about himself, not about heroes or his mother but him and him alone.
Does Kotaro understand how heroes put their life on the line for the job and the pain they feel when they make sacrifices? Is there an indication of sympathy towards the hero's plight?
Could this actually refer to how he lived with one who was always busy? Did he show understanding towards his mother's situation or the reason why she abandoned her son to protect him?
Does he understand how hard it is for heroes? The biggest proof is the rule he placed in the house “no talk about heroes” if the rules are put in place to protect them but to protect them from what? Does the rule that rejected heroism in the house place on the fact that he cares about his mother? I would think not. if you look at his actions they will tell you otherwise none of his actions show concern but hatred, Hatred towards heroism.  He’s only caring about himself, not his family. He didn't show anything that looked like empathy and concern just himself.
All we see is his cold domineering exterior, but we see a different face when he finds Tenko looking at the photo in the office. Tenko trespassed a place he kept hidden. Part of his heart was kept hidden and is now being seen. You see the cracks when he is questioning Tenko.
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All we see him is cold apathetic and angry but what we see on Kotaro's face wasn’t anger, it was fear.
The infamous speech is where Kotaro's true feelings come to a place,
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He openly rejects his mother to the point of associating with his mother related to heroes.
This described heroes and his mother as a whole someone who abandoned him to help strangers. The sad thing is he's right.
Kotaro uses violence to maintain his grip over the household when his authority and personal safety are being threatened he uses violence to assert his control. While he hits Tenko, his face is in fear of his safety being threatened he is challenged by Tenko finding Nana's photo in his office.
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Now it cuts to Kotaro at his office. He is reading a letter his mother wrote before she was killed. We see him make a different expression when he is reading the letter: he closes his eyes to hold back the pain.
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Despite what Kotaro said before he doesn’t completely hate his mother he still loved his mother. What he said before was that maybe it was easy to think of the person as a bad guy so it would hurt less.
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He knows the reasons but it still hurts. 
Nana saying I love you while abandoning him only to be killed later only adds salt to his wounds. He feels both angry and sad he knows but it still hurts that his mother is doing to protect him.  Kotaro after reading this feels he wasn’t worth anything in his mother's eyes he internalized that he wasn’t worth staying around for him."If you loved me, why did you abandon me? Am I not worth anything in your eyes?"
That's what Kotaro is feeling right here
To him it would be easy for his mother to hate him so it would hurt less. He believed that his mother chose to be a hero over him. He's not incorrect in that belief, his mother did choose heroism over him.
This is a running theme seen throughout the series that heroes do selfless acts of heroism but there is a selfish motivation behind it. Heroes act in ways that favor others through physically saving them but they are the ones determining what is best for others acting and fulfilling their own beliefs which are selfish, often neglecting the consequences of their actions because they feel they have satiated their desire to help others. 
The same is seen with nana and her abandonment of Kotaro. 
Nana prioritizes what she believed was right over her son's feelings even knowing that this will hurt him.
How is this not considered selfish you might add? Well despite Nana deciding to carry OFA and the consequences of facing AFO, it was Nana's choice to have Kotaro despite the job and responsibility she was entrusted with. She did abandon him for heroics, no matter what Nana’s reasons were, the fact stays the same.
Though she physically saved her son from AFO, her son's pain continued and intensified suffering that manifested as anger and violence being directed toward his family. The suffering that Nana’s sacrifice created is the result of her selfish self-sacrifice even when she held good intentions; these good intentions are what automatically caused the Shimura family downfall. That's what made her actions create disastrous harmful consequences to those she came across 
It was a result of a selfish choice.
Then Kotaro’s wife and in-laws come in and we are given insight about them. It's true that the adults in the household are making excuses for his abusive behavior. That line revealed everything about them and why they did that.
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The reason why his in-laws and wife live with him and follow his rules is that they were promised a happy family.
That's why they enable Kotaro's behavior. Most of the time this was done out of pity or sympathy. The entire family doesn’t intervene in his abusive treatment of Tenko because they were afraid to admit that this isn’t the family of joy they wanted. They are scared to lose the hope of peace and question the idea of a family filled with joy. They cared more about the idea of a happy family and the peace in the household than the actuality. They didn’t want to think they were part of the abuse by being complacent and listening to his demands. His family was sliding around the issue to not make it too uncomfortable when they are confronted with it. Instead of pointing out problems that enabled his abusive behavior little Tenko was smart to know that they were enabling the abuse.
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When asked about this he avoids blame.
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Everything comes to a head in this chapter when Kotaro hears noises and comes outside to see what it was only to be standing over the corpses of his family and a crying Tenko. He sees this spectacle in fear when he was thinking about his mother's words.
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He witnesses the happy family he was trying to build come crashing down. He is confronted that it wasn’t what he thought and how his idea collapsed due to his own abusive behavior of Tenko.  Did he care about his family? That's the question that had been asked but the short answer? No, he only cares about the idea of a family, not the family itself. He realizes that the household he built isn't what he wanted; he never saw the damage he had done until it was too late.
When Tenko’s quirk spreads he grabs some weed clippers and hits Tenko with them.
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The popular theory in the fandom is that Kotaro whacked Tenko with the weed clippers to protect him from his quirk and I say no. He is protecting himself from Tenko’s quirk by preventing Tenko’s quirk from spreading to getting him to stop. He is repeating the same pattern of the abusive behavior he did with Tenko before. He is not protecting Tenko at all, he is protecting himself just like he's always done.
Kotaro yelled in a futile effort to protect himself from him only to end up getting killed.
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Well, that's the entire post, now time for a rundown on Kotaro.
Does Kotaro even care about having a family at all? Or just the idea of a family?
The reason why he created a family was that he wanted to starve off the pain of his mother's abandonment. He created this household to prevent that he felt pain from her abandonment and death and the house is a psychological longing for a family after his mother abandoned him he wanted a happy family one that wouldn’t abandon him for heroics.
There's an obvious balance of power. He's the one obviously in charge here, he's the one who enforces the rules and he uses violence to control others and make people in his family listen to him use violence to put down others which is what he does with Tenko.  Kotaro resorted to violence as a defense mechanism to protect himself from the pain. Kotaro frames his rules as being in place for Tenko's good when in reality we understood that the rules he made actually exist to protect Kotaro and only hurt Tenko.
Tenko's interest in heroes comes as a threat to him when his personal safety is being threatened. He abused his son when he showed interest in anything hero related. Every time he’s reminded of heroes he resorts to violence to protect himself.  
His attacking Tenko symbolizes how  he again prioritizes himself over his family's pain as a means to protect himself from the pain at the expense of their pain. The same as how he protects himself from the yard clippers the same way he attacked him when he found out he saw the photo of him and his mother.
He isn't protecting his family from banning heroes from the household the house is created to protect him, he is protecting himself from the pain that was caused by heroes  he only cared about protecting himself from the pain. His apathetic cold front is nothing more than a mask. You see cracks in this when he's abusing Tenko, it shows his true self a pathetic cowardly man who attempts to protect himself by using violence. this is the look of fear this is not protectiveness this is fear he is a contemptible abuser and got what he deserved he's not protecting his family he was protecting himself all along.
The house is meant to be created to protect himself, in turn, became a prison for the rest of his family members. He prioritized himself first before his family. The rule to not talk about heroes was not made to protect his family but protect himself. He placed more regard on how he feels than what his family is feeling. He is projecting himself onto others with no regard for their wills or feelings about what he's doing. The entire house was built so he can protect himself which in turn turned into a prison for the people living there and became a place of rejection for Tenko.
The house is a symbol of Kotaro's control over the family. It's not a happy family if you look at the state of the household. It isn't a house full of joy and smiles, it's a prison where people in the family are used to catering to his wishes. also symbolic of Kotaro's idealized views on family. Kotaro only liked the idea of a happy family, not the actual family himself, and both his idea of family and control come crumbling down.
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fragmentedblade · 3 months
Not to be a jingfu on main, but it's so cute that Jing Yuan thought of Fu Xuan with those jelly beans
#me: the Xianzhou characters are all just coworkers#also me whenever anyone is shown to be fond and have intimate knowledge of some other character: awwww#Like Fu Xuan and Jing Yuan playing starchess and teasing each other or making a reference to things they like#or Jing Yuan talking about young Yukong#Quingque apparently disliking Fu Xuan but obviously that not being the case‚ knowing what she likes and how she thinks#Fu Xuan hiding that she has a sweet tooth but Jing Yuan and Quingque knowing it and teasing her for it#I don't know. There are a lot of instances of these small intimate details in the middle of what looks like a coworker relationship#Good coworkers‚ but coworkers nonetheless#And ironically it moves me so much? Even more so than Belobog. I've been told several times that Belobog seemed more tight. And I agree#In Belobog people were friends or family or companions but linked by something closer than mere coworkers with Wildfire#Even Sampo in the Underworld was strangely 'theirs'. He had the magenta colour of Wildfire and he was trusted to some extent#The Luofu characters don't have that. And yet the fragments of intimacy scattered through their interactions move me a lot#These are people who have known each other for centuries. Jing Yuan knows of Yukong's youth‚ its joy and grief#He knows Fu Xuan has a sweet tooth and teases her about her height. Quingque does too#Fu Xuan chastises both of them for being lazy but she knows they're smart and good at their job. She plays starchess with Jing Yuan#Quingque mocks Fu Xuan for being a workaholic but is very aware of the weight she carries both in her position and ideas about destiny#I won't mention Yanqing and Bailu because there is obviously more than a coworker bound when it comes to them#But yes I love the moments of intimate knowledge scattered through the Xianzhou‚ so telling of the fact that these people have known#each other for longer than several human lifetimes‚ and that perhaps they don't necessarily regard each other as more than their coworker#But perhaps that's enough in order for them to care. Perhaps in a lifetime over one thousand years the intimacy gained with a coworker#through several centuries is something beyond what we could understand in our decades lifespan#But also‚ perhaps‚ I don't know. Also‚ perhaps‚ the do care beyond coworkers in that strange line between work and friendship#Perhaps it's strange for Xianzhou natives to tell apart that kind of relationship after so much intimacy and knowledge through the years#And perhaps‚ once again‚ as it often happens for them‚ they think they'll always have enough time to tell; until they run out of it#They play chess together. Quingque can lose time because Fu Xuan can't stay mad if she brings her sweets. Are they just coworkers?#We play chess. I know what tea and sweets you like best. I brought them today since you would indulge me and play starchess with me#Thanks for playing with me‚ I'm running out of book puzzles. You keep divining my moves but I'll invent a fake story to distract you#Are we coworkers or something more like friends? Where is the line after so many years?#I talk too much but I love this charged nothingness haha I find it ironically so true to how many relationships in real life develop#And I find it so moving‚ that representation of this endearing smallness of everyday life. Of these small things is life made
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michelleleewise · 1 year
I've some lokitty to share!!!!
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he's just soo cute <3
MORE LOKITTY!!!!!!!! I absolutely need him.....right now!!!!
I need to love him, and cuddle him, and squish his cheeks!!! Give me!!! Lol 🥰🥰🥰💚💚💚
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Thank you so much for sending this to me!! I love it!!!! 💚💚💚
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infernal-feminae · 4 months
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MUN WARNING LABEL: actual honest to god shapeshifter, because hannah perfectly captures and embodies her muses to the point you assume it's them behind the screen!
What if the MUN had a warning label? What would it say?
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GASP! So close! I'm no shapeshifter just a host for my muses to speak through whenever they want. Sadly, I am only the puppet and they're the true masterminds
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newt-and-salamander · 5 months
I thought I’d take part in your family tradition, I think it’s so sweet and cute.
I want to just say thank you so much for continuing being my friend even after you moved on from the FB fandom. I’m so glad to still have your friendship and may it continue for many years more. I enjoy our conversations, and I’m so grateful for your support this year. You have really helped me through some difficult times this year and I appreciate that. Anyone who has you as a friend is a very lucky person indeed. You are so kind and caring, don’t ever change.
Wishing you a very happy new year, may it bring you happiness and may it be a good one for you. Happy new year!!
Ohhh, thank you so muvh my dear friend! :) And thank you for your very kind wishes! <3
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