#au ; asylum
jestersworld · 1 month
Crazy Kinito au
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Because of his art and song, I got the idea of ​​crazy Kinito in my head
Au Asylum: This is an au where Kinito suffered mental trauma, so much so that he got mentally damaged, and he constantly says he’s not a virus. Now YOU, as the new worker of the insane asylum, must help him, and take care of Ki Ki <his little sister>, she seems to be suffering from depression
[why did you take Ki Ki under your wing, she can talk about Kinito before and after, but it’s difficult for her, she doesn’t trust you]
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[*ask about brother] [*ask status]
As he spends time with Kinito, he begins to believe that he is the ONLY friend for you without thinking, he falls in love with you
About Jade and Sam
Jade works with you, she is a quality nurse and she is friendly herself
Sam is a lazy janitor, but they do their job, sometimes he helps keep the rowdy cents, if he doesn’t have enough hands, he doesn’t treat you kindly
And when Jade and Sam were married but they were getting divorced, the reason for this was the death of the child.
And Sonny is the head of this madhouse, but someday he will also go crazy and he will be locked up in his own madhouse, but now he is in normal condition
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wimsiecal · 4 months
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Maybe 2020 me was cooking something
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hhhhleb · 3 months
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pt 1 pt 2 pt 2.5 pt 3
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Ok so it’s the classic psychiatrist Jazz Fenton that works at Arkham but everybody thinks that she going to become a villain if she hasn’t already. While she seems like she actually wants to help them get better but something is off. For example she weirdly knows how to break into a heavily guarded building without anyone noticing, how to run from the government, one time Victor Zsasz tried to attacked her but she almost broke his spine. Then a couple weeks later her little brother and little sister Danny and Ellie got hired as a security guards they’re even more suspicious, at first glance they look like normal humans but then if you pay attention a little you start to notice some oddities like how they never seem to breathe or how their hair moves like there is a constant breeze and one time one of the inmates caught Danny changing clothes and saw an old y shaped scar. So the villains are making theories on who they are.
But at least they are good at their jobs I mean Danny and Ellie make sure that no one escapes and Jazz is a really good psychiatrist convincing some of the rogues to reform. But since no one has escaped from Arkham in a couple months now it’s starting to get the attention of some bats and birds.
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sunny-daze-ahead · 6 months
Wes: Are you a ghost possessing his own corpse, desperately embalming it and preserving it and trying to keep it from decomposing, knowing that eventually have to give up the ruse, but you want to keep up the illusion of life for as long as possible? Is that why you don't want anyone to know? So they don't shatter your feeble attempt at normalcy? Where do you keep your body when you're fighting rogues? Danny: Danny: say what now
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taki-is-an-artist · 5 months
Can we see Polo? (He's my favorite he's so silly)
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Polo: "I swear sometimes I believe my existence here is merely for this dehumanizing humor.."
Niccolo: "It's not Polo.. we've been over this."
Edward: "Then stop acting like your so happy and dramatic!"
The children find entertainment in picking on each other and their friends, and nobody is safe from it. Especially not Polo.
((OOC: I had so much fun with this little shitpost, and this is a friendly reminder ALL the imaginary friends and ALL children can be asked questions as well!!))
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masasiblingnaruto · 4 months
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Also made them into stickers
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secret-spirit · 15 days
Excuse my poor unsteady hand I'm not used to this type of thing
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an-au-blog · 5 months
Ok, ok, I promised to post some East Blue Asylum au art for 300 followers so... here are some wips :))
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unrealityliminal · 5 months
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jestersworld · 1 month
Question from @deepspacehorror
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Sorry in advance if I didn't understand the question.
If it was a disease, Ki Ki was with it too. I think this is a mental trauma or disorder that Kinito suffered.
I'm currently thinking about the plot and development of this au, you can help me give ideas and give me information about psychology and more if you don't mind
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wimsiecal · 3 months
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Her hungry ass could never be a brain surgeon
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hhhhleb · 2 months
your asylum mk comics are so freaking cute. love them sm!!! 💙
Thank you😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Actually, I made it only because I sketched out these little bugs and my brain just went: U ARE GOING TO SPENT ALL NIGHT DRAWING A COMICS ABOUT THEM, understood?
Me, crying internally: understood…✍️✍️✍️✍️🎨
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azulsluver · 11 months
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tw. aggressive behavior, mentioned hallucinations/murder.
|| Note: You will be addressed as [Mx. LN]—which means last name ||
[01]         [02]
you always thought of the good of people, everyone deserves a second chance. with files in hand, you enter the luxuries building filled with lost souls. the very first patient who goes by the name, 
Riddle Rosehearts,
waits patiently for your arrival. dying to meet his savior.
                            the queen has gone mad!
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People always told you how good of a person you were. With a pat on the head and a pinch to the cheeks you were a good child with good intentions. Always seeing the bright side of things, aware of current and past situations to make you even more mature. It was a perk everyone adored from you.
Likewise, you wanted to do something more with your kindness. Studying the human behavior was interesting and unique in your eyes. You wanted nothing more than to help those in need, those less fortunate. Your heart was heavy which often times let’s you trip over the hands that wish to take advantage of you.
Your life was going just where you wanted, hired in a field where you can help the mentally ill, and with a supportive fiance who waits for you every night with a hot meal on the table.
With a click of your pen pressing down on the tip, the sound soothing your ears with each press. Your eyes scan over the many files of your assigned patient, it switches up every week with new faces. Wanting to be familiar with them you study each character’s appearance to their background. Interesting, intimidating and beautiful, pictures from mugshots to present photos. Looking up at the clock in the wall besides the clicking of your pen, the handles little movements are just as loud to remind you.
You gather the files back in a neat pile by slamming it gently on the table in order, tucking them under your arm. The pen clipped to your work shirt as the outside of the room gets busy. Heels ponder the floor as you make your exit out of your office, admiring how docile some patients are as they go for a walk near the garden.
The hallways were something you were determined to remember by, each carved figure and painting makes it unique to look. You’re almost too caught up in the beauty of your surroundings to see how your area of people tend to get smaller and smaller.
“Are you insane? You let him speak to me as some peasant!? I can’t take this any longer, I’m reporting this to the headmaster..” A lady screams just across from you.
She storms right pass you without notice, bumping into your shoulder. She’s wearing an ID clipped to her chest, the first thing you thought of was how unprofessional that was but kept that to yourself.
“Ma’am! Please wait—“
“Leave her man, they always complain.” A blue haired guard runs past you, ignoring his coworkers comment.
What an odd encounter. You turn your attention to the more laid back security guard who puts a hand over his neck. Disappointment spreads his features before irking a smile your way. Your lips pull back into one as well, a small wave.
“Say, are you new here? Haven’t seen you around before.” His voice is playful and lively, the atmosphere changing just as quickly.
“I am. I’ve grown accustomed to this place just last week before moving my belongings.” Small talk, but hopefully it was quick because your first patients room just so happens to be right behind him.
“Sweet, we’ll I’ll see you around!” He tips his cap towards you, his walkie-talkie flaring to life as the man from before crackles.
Now that they were out of the way, you noticed that the lady who stormed off left the room you were supposed to enter. Shrugging, you make your way towards the door. Your hand grazes the handle, its oddly making you feel heavy and warm.
You stop yourself from turning the handle.
Knock Knock
“May I enter?”
It’s silent for a moment before you heard someone. You enter. The room is coated in a nice smell of herbs and roses, you close the door gently behind you before looking up to meet the eyes of your patient.
His face is relaxed, yet his lips look more of a frown as his brows are sharp and small. His demeanor is slightly intimidating yet his looks are beyond pleasing to look at. Large eyes watching you as you sit on a chair across from him. He seems to be having tea, his spoon mixing the herbs together. You’re unsure of who has been providing him tea, his records show that he should at least be supervised.
You eye the tea, it’s not hot because there is no smoke piling off it. You get straight to work, clearing your throat.
“Good morning, Riddle. My name is [Mx. LN]. We will be talking just for today, how does that sound?” You place a hand over your chest putting up your best introduction to get him comfortable to speak with you.
He brings the tea cup to his lips, not a noise made but the movement of his throat as he drinks. Riddle seems to be pondering for a moment, gazing at the tea before straightening himself up. His eyes seem to glare at you now, the sudden change of his attitude didn’t alarm you however.
“You’re much more civilized than the current one. How rude of her to walk out so sudden, it’s not my fault she can’t handle simple criticism. Doesn’t she know who she’s speaking too!”
Interesting, you nod along to his angry rant, taking note on how his pupils dilated and how the grip on the teacup makes his knuckles turn white. Strangely enough his body heat is clear to the eye, his face contorts from a lovely looking man to some angry sports fan. The redness on his face nearly matching his hair.
Riddle let’s out a sigh, that got out of his system and he never felt better when not being interrupted.
“Apologies…how crude of me to behave towards my underlings.” You blink.
There is a small silence again, you aren’t sure on how to respond, not when his smile is nothing but comforting. Was he aware of his behavior? How he speaks to you like some higher being yet with a tiny pinch of kindness.
Almost like child playing make believe.
“I see. I can understand how upsetting that is. Is there anything else that’s upsetting you?—“
“My king.” Riddle snaps at you, his brows furrow at you.
He makes a face of irritation, you’d have no choice but to play along to not further anger him.
“Right. My king..” The name is funny yet sends goosebumps down your arms. “I’m here to listen for your troubles.”
There’s a flash of calmness through all those fury, his breathing is much more softer and so was the atmosphere. You played carefully with your words, testing some phrases to see how he’d react. Riddle doesn’t like any back talk from what you’re understanding. His records were right about this “delusion” he’s been experiencing lately. A terrible outburst, stuck in the past as he believes rightfully the name he’s being addressed by is appropriate. 
Although it’s unhealthy to encourage this behavior, you’ll try to worm your way into his comfort. That way things could be settled easier, communication would flow once he’s trusted you enough to set personal boundaries. 
Riddle thinks over his next response, touching his forehead with a silent hiss. Medication, each patient must have medication in the morning. You cough into your hand.
“Have you taken your medication yet?”
“No…that imbecile of a woman has not yet fulfilled her duty.” You’ll call someone in later to give him his meds. Maybe next time he’d be more docile.
Time goes much slower than you expected. You get to understand a picture of Riddle’s world or view. He’s seeing things that shouldn’t be there, but those are rare occurrences. You don’t disagree over certain topics, he enjoys talking about the garden he gets to visit during his free time. Riddle is much more kinder when agreed upon, he wants things his way. Although it isn’t entirely that difficult to twists those needs.
By now he’s finished his tea, you’ve been chatting for a good hour now. You stand up and bowed a goodbye for your leave, Riddle was pleased with it at least. As you close the door behind you with a huff, you remember to report his medication to his personal nurse.
Trey, was it? You have plenty of time to get to know your new colleagues.
The door shuts with a soft click, it rings a melody in his ears. Riddle frowns at hearing your footsteps slowly disappear. He sits quietly in his seat, taking glances at the empty tea cup and white clean room. The light above him burns when he looks up. He’s bored. No one is around to talk with, not until another hour or Trey comes back.
…..how silly, he does have friends to talk to. He can’t wait for free time, there’s a white rabbit hidden behind rows of rose bushes. It doesn’t make much noise anymore, but it’s good company.
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kairokust · 10 months
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A little something with @sillykimiko 's awesome Asylum Tower AU!
(please give him some hugs)
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bonkalore · 7 months
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I'm just gonna post it before my perfectionism gets the best of me!! But them in Jayce's mindscape to help him when he gets in a Dread induced coma towards the end of my AU story was something I had wanted to do for ages now! Glad it looks mostly how I was actually picturing in my head for once tho. Shocker!
Kept being unsure on the colors but didn't want it TOO drowned out from the purple. Green is his normal magic color as just Jayce and not the Dread magic, so I wondered about working some in and managed to make it work a bit I think. Showing that there still is some of his consciousness left in there that the Dread is defensively trying to blockade.
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