affinitystoryblog · 28 days
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Magical Girl May Day 5: Sun/Moon
this prompt was PERFECT for these two and i never draw ceres as much as i should. i quite love this piece despite its simplicity!
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 3 months
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Zoey here, along with her best friend Joey are both part of a band. Zoey being the main vocalist and Joey typically working behind the scenes. When they aren't doing their band stuff the two are bounty hunters who go around collecting bounty's or simply just help out in any way they can!!
Though as of now...they are working on a curious case in tracking down whomever is causing the sudden bursts of corruption essence that has been affecting the masses...
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mikoriin · 6 months
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linework for a big piece comin
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starryqueen-18 · 7 months
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Hey guys look! A Karen! This Atheria Academy anime thought burst into my head so, long ago I had some dream where Yuma is dressed like a girl and attend to the academy along with Kurumi and the other girls, and yes Aiko and Karen are alive. Now then here's an outfit reference sheet for Karen, I'll do more of the girls' reference sheet but for now, here's Karen and her outfits, I figure blue maybe her fav color, kinda match the eyes and as for the outfits I went for the kinda classy formal look since Kurumi said she's classy I mean she does seem to be like her family is a millionaire. Anyway she's kind of like one of those rich antagonists who is sorta bratty, but not to bratty? I didn't know, anyways I hope you guys enjoy and stay safe and kawaii.
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secretsofatheria · 3 months
~The Essence Classes~
Hi...Essence changed a little bit so....here is an update on magic Essence and how it works...
In the universe of Atheria, Magic has existed since the beginning of Time itself. It’s unknown as to why but many have speculated It had something involving the Anu. Over the course of time as the many dimensions changed and evolved to what they are today Magic Itself has formed and evolved along with the scholars who studied it across these very worlds.  
The magic itself is formed into “Classes” The current known “Classes” are....
Keep in mind that these are merely categories, as essence has a wide range of uses as well as having plenty of offsets from the original…There are almost no limitations as to how one can use their Essence. 
Basic summary of The Classes:
Shadow: Shadow Magic or “Umbrakinesis”. is a class that can manipulate the darkness and shadows itself. As powerful as it may be, it can take many forms, Examples are Shadow Puppetry, Night Vision and Dark form. Light: This class is Shadow’s counterpart. But unlike Shadow, Light can manipulate the light itself! It can be used as a weapon or as a guide. Examples are Mage light, Light Form, and Purification.
Lightning: Part of the elemental group, Lightning specializes in many electric forces, it’s a very powerful force if used properly. Examples are Plasma Magic, Super Speed and Electricity Manipulation.
Ice: Another part of the elemental group is Ice, it branches off of Water Magic. It's a type of sub magic that allows the user to cast Ice and Snow based abilities. Examples are Snow Magic, Cold Manipulation and Esoteric Ice Manipulation.
Water: Water magic or “Hydromancy”, allows someone to control and manipulate water itself! It’s part of the elemental section of magic. Examples of Water Magic are Water Manipulation, Storm Magic [usually combined with Lightning], and Liquid Magic
Fire: Fire Magic or “Pyromancy” is magic that can control fire and in general heat! Also being part of the elemental group of magic and the direct opposite to Water Magic. Examples of Fire Magic are Heat Magic, Esoteric Fire Generation, and Ash Magic.
Air: Air Magic or “Aeromancy” is part of the Elemental Group of magic that allows someone to control the air around them! Examples of Air Magic are, Wind Magic, Anemokinesis, and Smoke Magic.
Earth: Earth Magic or “Geomancy” is also part of The Elemental Group of magic that allows a person to control the ground and rocks around them! Examples of Earth Magic are Esoteric Earth Generation, Metalic Creation, Gemstone Manipulation, and Stone Magic.
Dream: Dream magic is divided into two sections, Dream Materialization and Nightmare Manipulation. A user of this kind of magic can create dreams, walk through them or manipulate them. The same with nightmares, however a user can not have both. Sleep inducement is also considered to be part of Dream Magic.
Soul: Soul Magic is the manipulation of a being's soul as well as spirits. Soul magic allows someone to either channel, summon or use the power of spirits. As well as manipulate or even heal a person's soul! Examples of Soul magic are Necromancy, Absolute Soul Manipulation, Mediumism and Phantasm Manipulation.
Melodic: Melodic Magic or “Symphokinesis” is a sound based magical class that uses the manipulation of musical sounds and voices. Melodic Essence usually involves musical instruments or even a person's voice. Bards are well known for using Melodic Magic for whatever they desire. Examples of Melodic Magic are, Musical Healing, Music Manipulation and Vibration Emission.
Noise: Noise Magic or “Sonokinesis” is its own form of magic that not many people seem to understand yet. All that is known about it, is that it is capable of manipulating the sound waves in a surrounding area in various ways. Examples of Noise Magic are, Muting, Echolocation and Sound amplification.
Nature: Nature magic or “Ecomancy”, is part of the elemental group where one is able to create elemental spirits or even control varying plants! Some examples of Nature magic are, Plant Manipulation, Beast Magic and Elemental Summons. Poison: Poison Magic is strange and considered to be very dangerous to the user themselves if they don’t know what they’re doing. Poison magic is known to create, spread, or weaken and eliminate poisons. Examples of Poison magic are, Chemical Creation, Esoteric Toxin Manipulation and Poison Manipulation.
Illusions: Illusion Magic relies on manipulating the senses or surroundings. It can change the appearance of things or even manipulate the mind into believing in seeing something that simply isn’t. It’s one of the magical classes that are very hard to explain. Examples of Illusion Magic are, Mirror Magic, Glamour Magic and Sensory Distortion Manipulation.
Culinary: Culinary Magic is a kind of magic that focuses on food! It usually is used for the  preparation and conjuration of food. A user can also make food “alive” but usually it’s for entertainment purposes across the dimensions. Examples of Culinary Magic are, Candy Magic, Taste Manipulation and Trofimancy.
Time: Time Magic or Chronomancy is the manipulation of the temporal flow that is across all dimensions. Some say that The God of Time himself created this magic and the concept of time when he first came into being. Examples of Time Magic are, Esoteric Time Manipulation, Reverse Temporal Magic and Clock Magic.
Creation: Creation Magic is a kind of magic that is able to create anything out of various materials or magical energy, in any shape or form even with any kind of materials and magical energy. It was one of the first magical energies to exist in the old world Immensus Mundus. Examples of creation magic are, Life Creation, Imagination Manifestation and Object Creation.
Destruction: Destruction magic is the opposite and counterpart of Creation Magic. It is able to destroy anything from magical energy, materials or even life itself!! It is also one of the longest magical energies that existed alongside Creation Magic in the old world, Immensus Mundus. Examples of Destruction Magic are, Nullification, Dematerialization and Destruction Inducement.
Transmutation: Transmutation or also called Transformation Magic is a magic that allows a being to change their form or the form of others! It can be used to change objects as well. It’s very popular in the Alchemy field. Examples of Transmutation are, Shapeshifting, Soulshifting and Matter Manipulation.
Corruption: Corruption Magic or Corrokinesis, falls under the “Forbidden Arts”. It’s a kind of magic that corrupts or taints everything in its wake or whatever the user wants to corrupt. However the price of Corruption Magic is that the user themselves will fall victim to the magical energy itself. Examples of Corruption Magic are, Corruption Manipulation and Corruption Infusion.
Chaos: Chaos Magic is another kind of magic that falls under the “Forbidden Arts”. It utilizes the chaotic energies of the universe. Making the user who controls this magic extremely dangerous. Examples of Chaos Magic are, Reality Warping, Destabilization and Chaos Embodiment.
Blood: Blood Magic or Hemomancy is also part of the “Forbidden Arts'' group. This type of magic allows the user to control and manipulate Blood as well as cast varying spells with it! However it has its limitations, With blood magic it needs a source and Blood Magic users often seek out endless sources of Blood to be able to use the magic. Such as sacrifices or making pacts with demonic forces to be able to cast with ease, though not always. There have been cases of Blood Essence users being able to use their abilities to heal others with ease. Examples of Blood Magic are, Blood Manipulation, Blood Healing, Blood Reading and Hemo-Binding.
Hexen: Hex Magic is strange as it’s in an odd area when it comes to magic. It can be both positive and negative! Negative Hex Magic is often curses and malicious. While Positive Hex Magic is often enchantments and has a more positive intent. Negative Hex Magic is part of the “Forbidden Arts'' group. While Positive Hex Magic is simply part of its own group. There have been many debates on Hexen Essence which often leave people confused. Examples of Hex Magic are Augmentations, and Blessing Enchantments. [positive and negative for all of these.]
Sigil: Sigil Magic is a type of magic that comes from various symbols or carvings in order to work. Like Hex Magic Sigils can be positive or negative depending on the user's intent much like all magic that exists across Atheria. Examples of Sigil Magic are, Glyphs, Rune Creation and Writing Manifestation.
Mind: Mind Magic also known as “Cerebromancy” is a type of magic that requires a lot of mental fortitude. There has been a lot of debate when it comes to Mind Essence…but it is theorized that it has some connections with “Soul Essence.”  Mind is one of the more powerful aspects of Essence that exist across the realms and very few are able to control it. Examples of Mind Magic are Telekinesis, Foresight, Clairvoyance and Astral Projection.
Infernal: Infernal Magic also known as “Demonic Magic: is a type of essence that is normally connected to the demonic realm known as “The Inferna”. Users of this magic tend to have some sort of connection to this place…whether it be naturally…or if one made a contract with an Infernal...Examples of Infernal Magic are Demonic Empowerment, Familiar Manipulation, and Infernal Summoning. 
Angelic: Angelic Magic also known as “Divine Magic” is an essence that is Infernal Essence’s opposite. However it is very rare for any mortal to possess such magic, instead Angelic Essence is often seen being used in the hands of the Angelics, This essence also seems to have a special connection to Light Essence as well..It is still a mystery to mortals. Examples of Angelic Magic are Theurgy, Possession Immunity, and Omniscience.
Mythical: Mythical Magic also known as “Fablemancy” is an essence that only exists in a place known as “Elphame”, the realm where all beings from fables exist such as, Faeries, Merfolk, Draconic Beings, etc. This essence is typically only ever used by those who come from this realm…Rarely ever has it been used outside of Elphame. Thus it’s still undergoing studies when it comes to the type of Spells those with Mythical Essence can use. A Popular theory however is that this Essence corresponds with the type of Mythical it is attached to such as “Faerie Magic” as the current example.
Monster: Monster Magic isn’t what one assumes it to be, in fact it is an essence type that allows beings such as The Undead to be able to tap into their natural abilities. Such as A Vampyre being able to use abilities that align with vampyric powers or a WereBeast being able to access their beastly powers if need be. These abilities are only natural to beings who are monsters. It is extremely rare for those who aren’t monsters to be able to use this form of essence. The only way it is possible is if a hybrid has monster blood within them…
“Forbidden Arts'' Description: Essences such as Hexen [negative], Blood, Chaos and Corruption, are given this catagory due to the general power it takes for these essence's. The Essences themselves aren't "bad" per-say, but they were given this catagory due to the fact their effects on a person or places for that matter can be completely catastrophic if they aren't handled properly, reguires a huge price to pay when using said essence, or if a person is using them for ill intent. There have been cases where these essence's have been used for the betterment of others, although that is very few and far between. Most essence user's who use these kinds of magics typically have to go through immense training to be able to handle these essence's without any major consequences.
How Essence is Obtained:
All beings across the realms of Atheria are all born with Essence. It is connected to all souls since even before the universe was recreated into what it is today. Typically Essence remains dormant until something triggers it. Such as a memory, an emotion, or just something that happens out of the blue. Sometimes…Essence can remain dormant for long periods of time, other times it simply won’t surface. 
When it does surface however, a user will start off with an Essence that they’re most in tuned with. An example of this fact is if a user typically has dealt with a lot of loss in their life but can see, hear or feel their loved ones are still around. Typically means they are more aligned with Soul Essence. Or if a person finds themselves at peace or one with nature whether it be with the plants or the wild life that exists, usually means they’re more aligned with Nature Essence. Sometimes it’s the simple fact that a user is born with an Essence that is commonly used in the family, example being a family that is known for their usage of Ice Essence across the different generations. These are only simple examples and at times this always isn’t the case when it comes to the main Essence one uses.
It is often up to the user whether they want to use Essence or not. It is common practice for someone to use the Essence they’re born with or if they want to learn more Essences that exist they can! However it must be done in moderation lest they risk corruption.
If you have questions about any of The Essences and what, can and can not be applied to Essence usage/spells!!
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soundworlds · 21 days
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nvelworlds · 1 year
new bit of world- and character building up on my ao3! this one's a bit brutal, content warnings in the work's tags
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bluthewind · 2 months
Yuma Kokohead storyboards (featuring some Makoto ones that I forgot)
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From the dance him and shinigami do to get the solution blade
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From the very beginning in the train stations storage room
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From Desuhiko's forte scene at atheria
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From when he first meets Makoto (so glad they changed that mask actually)
Will be more parts
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sarenhale · 5 months
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2023 Patron surprise - Sketched portraits!
Here's the Patreon portrait sketches from this year! 🌟 Every year I do a piece of art for each one of my patrons, and this year, I did these super fun sketches! I had a great time drawing everyone's characters. The characters represented are:
Rhiki by Auggie
Ikumi by Hazel
Avrusa by Ames
Chidori by Chell
Cynder by Cynder Pidgey
Bramble by Orewing
Mouse by Entropy
Agnes by Owlbearwriting
Atheria by Jess
Eri by Sumi
Qirra by The Lost Exodite
Roanne by Drewzelle
H'naka Yuu by Seb
... and Yve by Nemy!
Thanks to all lovely patrons listed here for your love and support through this year! I hope you enjoy your portrait and also have a wonderful Christmas, if you celebrate it, and a Happy New Year ❤️
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scarlet-cavern · 5 months
I am curious about the world in which you all live in:
Is the population all animal and animal-folk? Are there towns and cities? If so, how come you decided to live in a cave?
jade: well.. as far as I know, the population couldn't really get more diverse! there's humans, elementals, birds, kobolds and dragons, mantises, cats, jackalopes. you name it, basically. most any species can either be feral, or a 'folk. both live pretty seamlessly together, you'll find.
walk through any village and you'll see over a dozen different species before leaving, I'd reckon. everyone, no matter what they are, has a place in most towns and cities. and many buildings are made with this diversity in mind. accommodations for small, four-legged folk such as myself, or vice versa!
Maddie: and yeah we've got cities. Tlen on its own has two pretty big ones— Landering and Shellat, not to mention the port town Parvanni that's basically the nexus of trade on Tredan. Cooperation is a sign of civility, after all.
phy: as for why we're camping out in an obscure cave north of Landering, lemme give you a brief history lesson.
Old dragon is actually a retronym you know, we used to just be called dragons up until about 33 decades ago. The Hunters' Guild was — still is, kinda — a group dedicated to killing all the "monsters" in Atheria. They really meant any species, sentient or not, that might oppose the rule of humaniforms. So when they had built up enough support and strength, they decided to start killing dragons.
That war lasted 2 decades, and did lead to the deaths of most dragons. A few hatchlings survived that became new dragons, but 31 decades ago the remaining Old dragons gathered together to fight back. The end of the Hunters' war was hardly even a battle, but it was so late. Only a handful of Old dragons exist anymore.
I was born 31 decades ago, in this cave. I spent my first years hiding, remaining unseen. I'm probably one of the youngest Old dragons, but they don't really talk to me much. Besides, if there is a younger Old dragon than me it's probably best that they're kept secret. This cave, however, has always been my home; I've just been lucky enough to get to share it.
jade: if anything, I feel lucky that you trust me enough to let me stay here, love.~ this is better than any burrow I've ever lived in. bigger, too. more stony.
eli: GAY
eli: same tho
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i-am-made-of-stupid · 5 months
This post will contain a lot of spoilers for various things, so beware.
So about a week or two ago and while I was in the middle of watching She-ra I saw a post that was about Catra’s redemption arc being rushed in season 5. While I didn’t read it I do want to toss my hat in the ring and give my thoughts.
So for starters, everyone probably already knows what a redemption arc is, but in the most basic terms is when a protagonist goes through character development that involves them starting evil but ending good. For example think Zuko in Avatar or for a real live example Robert Downy Junior.
Ok so we all understand how redemption arcs work, now to go back to Catra. There are examples of characters who can have rushed redemption arcs. One most prominent I would say is Ben Solo in the Rise of Skywalker, who after two movies of showing how bad of a person he was, changed sides after one fight with Rey where she heals him. That feels very rushed to me, especially when we see Kylo have moments where he is given a chance to come back to the light and he always refuses. In comparison.
But I would argue that redemption arcs can be as long or as short as they need to be depending on how evil the character is, and I would argue that Catra, despite not having good intentions throughout the first four seasons, was not in any way evil. So her redemption arc can be shorter because, yeah she did bad things, but wasn’t fully evil.
A lot of what goes on with Catra can be caulked up to the woman who raised her, Shadow weaver. Shadow weaver treated her in a very different manner than Adora, praising Adora for the frequently and claiming she was a perfect child. Catra on the other hand was treated poorly by Shadow weaver, in one example when she and Adora snuck into the Black Garnet chamber, despite Adora trying to take the fall Shadow weaver still blamed Catra for it. All because as Shadow weaver puts it to Catra, she sees a lot of herself in Catra. So I believe Catra is always living with the need to validate herself to Shadow weaver.
I can expand this to a lot of the characters in She-ra who fill an antagonistic role, starting with Shadow weaver. She only became evil after the ritual she wished to perform to protect Atheria from the Horde failed. She had good intentions, but that doesn’t make it right at all, and her heroic sacrifice made her unable to have a redemption arc, but she still was able to do something good for Atheria.
Next, I can talk about Scorpia, she’s a simple case where she only joined the Horde because her family sold the Black Garnet to the Horde, and she went along with it and joined. So she needed less redemption because she wasn’t ever truly an evil character.
Next, I can talk about Entrapta, she didn’t need much redemption because she only worked with the Horde because she was accidentally left behind by the Princess Rebellion. She didn’t do anything wrong to help the Horde, she just felt abandoned by her friends.
Next, I can talk Glimmer, who never became an antagonist, but her becoming Queen of Brightmoon put a lot of stress on her, so she slowly began to have antagonistic tendencies and alienated her friends. Leading her to try and seek out Lighthope for help and getting taken by Horde Prime.
Finally, the antagonist for most of the series up to season 5, Hordak. He’s also one where he’s evil, but his evil comes from a similar place to Catra. He created the Fright Zone in order to attract the attention of Horde Prime, so he can be at his brother’s side again. But when he does, he’s called a failure and a mistake for not only taking his own name, but altering himself to help with him being a clone. Leading to Horde Prime cleansing Hordak and making him like any other Horde Prime clone. I see Hordak as the Darth Vader of the series, manipulated by a much more evil individual and significantly changed as a result. Plus he gets a heroic sacrifice that almost works in destroying Horde Prime. But he gets the added benefit of surviving the sacrifice so he’s able to help fix what he broke. Furthermore, like Vader, Hordak had Entrapta, who helped him to see that his imperfections made him beautiful, and helped him despite him technically being her enemy.
So all the characters I mentioned are not truly evil, they are antagonist, but that doesn’t mean they are evil. Just like how just because you play as the protagonist doesn’t make you a good guy. Think like Paul Atreides from Dune who does horrible things once he becomes Emperor. Or any time you play an evil character in a Bethesda RPG. The only truly evil character in She-ra is Horde Prime, who was perfectly willing to enslave the minds of the people of Atheria in order to harness the power of the planet’s heart to spread his galactic empire.
In conclusion, another long post where I just wanna nerd out about stuff I know and like.
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affinitystoryblog · 5 months
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first finished drawing of 2024!
ive been working on this one for a while, its actually a commission from a good friend of mine uvu when they gave me this concept i just had to draw our beloved Atheria!
this is also an example of what my painted portraits look like for my commissions over on my main, so if you're interested in that then you can head right over to @mikoriin !
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 10 months
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Hm, most people will remember her but...I decided to draw her design as she appears in S.O.A...
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mikoriin · 2 years
Can u draw...atheria in a flowy dress?
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this ask is a million years old but i always kept it cause i wanted to draw it
so this was born! i initially just wanted it to be a sketch but then i was like its sooo plain so i added the tiniest amount of color
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starryqueen-18 · 7 months
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Yima Kokohead has won the poll! congratulations! now here's an outfit art reference of this cutie! oh I added an adorable accessory, the shiny key, well since rain code has solution keys, I also went with neon like colors to his normal outfit I made the outfit a little bit of a rainy theme and look leg warmers! I gave him leg warmers!!!!!!! and since he's being cutie I put him in the clothes with the long sleeves! the long sleevies! Also I gave Yima's color purple too. Yima is one of those protagonist who's new to the school but has the unique vibe, Yima is actually a male but he just wants to be a girl and fit in with the comfort crowd who accepts him for who he is, plus Yima is in love with detective stuff and loves to read novels. she's also friends with Kurumi and the other girls but Kurumi is her best friend. well Yima's done, who's next? I hope you guys enjoy and stay safe and Kawaii!
Bye :)
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secretsofatheria · 9 months
I decided to make a small book about the magic in Atheria? something i can actively update whenever something changes, rather than just make it into tumblr posts.
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