#astrology prediction 2024-25
akastrologyzone · 3 months
Unlocking the Cosmic Mysteries: Your Horoscope Reading for 2024-25
As we step into the dynamic realm of 2024-25, the celestial bodies align to offer profound insights into the journey ahead. Welcome to the realm of horoscope reading, where astrology intertwines with the fabric of our lives, illuminating paths, and unraveling mysteries. Let's embark on a cosmic voyage to explore what the stars have in store for each zodiac sign during this transformative period.
Navigating the Cosmic Tapestry: Astrology Predictions for 2024-25
The cosmos beckons, whispering secrets of what lies ahead. In the intricate weave of the cosmic tapestry, astrology serves as our guiding light, offering glimpses into the unfolding chapters of our lives. Join us as we delve into the Astrology Prediction 2024-25  deciphering the cosmic code and embracing the wisdom bestowed upon us by the stars.
As we step into the dynamic realm of 2024-25, the celestial bodies align to offer profound insights into the journey ahead. Welcome to the realm of horoscope reading, where astrology intertwines with the fabric of our lives, illuminating paths, and unraveling mysteries. Let's embark on a cosmic voyage to explore what the stars have in store for each zodiac sign during this transformative period.
Title 2: Navigating the Cosmic Tapestry: Astrology Predictions for 2024-25
The cosmos beckons, whispering secrets of what lies ahead. In the intricate weave of the cosmic tapestry, astrology serves as our guiding light, offering glimpses into the unfolding chapters of our lives. Join us as we delve into the Horoscope Reading 2024-25 , deciphering the cosmic code and embracing the wisdom bestowed upon us by the stars.
Exploring the Cosmic Alignments: A Journey Through the Zodiac
As we traverse the vast expanse of the universe, each zodiac sign is uniquely influenced by the positioning of celestial bodies. From the fiery depths of Aries to the tranquil waters of Pisces, let's navigate through the cosmic energies and uncover the specific forecasts for each sign.
Embracing Change: Themes of Transformation in the Year Ahead
Change is inevitable, and astrology offers invaluable insights into the transformative energies that will shape the coming year. From career advancements to personal growth, we'll delve into the themes of evolution and renewal that permeate the cosmos, guiding us towards greater understanding and enlightenment.
The Power of Astrology in Modern Society: A Reflection on Its Relevance
In an ever-changing world, astrology remains a steadfast companion, offering solace and guidance in times of uncertainty. Join us as we reflect on the enduring relevance of astrology in modern society, exploring its impact on culture, psychology, and spirituality. From horoscope apps to astrology-themed podcasts, discover how this ancient practice continues to thrive in the digital age.
Conclusion: Embracing the Cosmic Dance
As we conclude our journey through the realm of horoscope reading and Astrology Prediction 2024-25 , let us remember that we are but cosmic travelers, dancing in harmony with the universe. May we embrace the wisdom of the stars, navigate the twists and turns of fate with grace, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Here's to a year filled with cosmic blessings, transformative experiences, and infinite possibilities.
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astromancy-divinare · 1 month
Future Spouse Readings💕
✨A lot of people have asked me recently if I offer future spouse readings and what they cover, so here’s an explanation✨ I’ve included a recent client’s review at the end of this post!
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I look at both your Tropical and Sidereal natal charts, including your D9 Navamsa chart: a Vedic astrology divisional chart that reveals your future marriage(s).
💖The most important feature of this reading!💖 I tell you which Vedic Dasha planetary periods you are most likely going to get married in AND I give you several specific dates of when transiting Jupiter and Saturn will both aspect the correct houses needed to activate marriage in your Sidereal natal chart. These dates will correspond with your Dasha periods in which marriage is possible.
My 💞Future Spouse Reading💞 covers:
Your palmistry marriage lines (I ask clients to send me a photo of the side of their right and left hands to see the marriage lines beneath their pinky)
Indicators in your charts for 1 or 2 marriages (These indicators usually match up with how many marriage lines you have)
Your 7th house lord and its placement in your Tropical & Sidereal natal charts (This can tell you about the characteristics of your future spouse and how/where you’ll meet them)
Your Darakaraka in your Tropical & Sidereal natal charts (This is a Vedic astrology technique that can tell you the qualities of your future spouse and I’ve found it works in the Tropical natal chart as well)
Asteroid Union sign and house placement in your Tropical & Sidereal natal charts (This helps to add more information on how you’ll meet your future spouse)
The Upapada Lagna in your Tropical & Sidereal natal charts (This is a Vedic astrology technique to discover what the marriage will be like, whether it will end in divorce or death and whether you’ll have more than one marriage)
The 7th house lord in your D9 Navamsa chart (And if you have indicators for more than one marriage, I’ll include information on the 9th house lord = 9th house represents second marriage)
Your Vedic Dasha planetary periods when you will most likely get married (Dashas are a Vedic astrology technique to predict when specific events will most likely happen)
Specific dates when transiting Jupiter and Saturn will both aspect the correct houses to activate marriage in your Sidereal natal chart (These dates will correspond with your Dasha periods in which you’re most likely to get married in)
Your Zodiacal Releasing dates based on the Lot of Eros in your Tropical natal chart when you may experience significant changes in your love life (I highlight which dates correspond to your Vedic Dasha periods in which marriage is most likely)
💕Here is a review from a recent client I did a Future Spouse Reading for!💕 They asked to remain anonymous.
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If you are interested in purchasing a Future Spouse Reading, DM me! Make sure you know your time of birth because otherwise I won’t be able to do the reading for you.
Info I’ll need from you:
Date of birth
Time of birth
Location of birth
How many serious relationships you’ve been in so far (that lasted at least a year or longer)
If you’ve already been married and divorced once
As of April 11, 2024: Future Spouse Readings = $25
PayPal: @AstromancyDivinare
CashApp: $AstromancyDivinare
These readings take me longer to complete due to searching for when transiting Jupiter and Saturn will activate marriage in your Sidereal natal chart, so turn around time currently is approximately 2 weeks.
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thesirencult · 5 months
Astrological Predictions I Wrote Down Last Year Which Are Still Relevant- and will continue to be!
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Note: I'm not here to spread fear and anxiety. Bad aspects do not exist. Our lives and the way the Art Of Astrology is expressed in our reality is a mix of different colours and vibrations. These predictions have been made with my own personal way of interpretation so please don't ask how I came up with some things. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to see the "mechanics" and "practical details" behind the predictions, simply read them and see if intuitively you vibe with them. Keep in mind these are written in a "personal notes" style so it is a tiny bit chaotic!
A year ago I did not post any content about astrology and tarot online, at least at this scale. Posting these personal observations is not a way fro me to "toot-my-own-horn". I'm actually quite skeptical about Astrology's capacity to "predict" but right now, looking at those notes it is apparent that most of those things have already manifested or are beginning to take form in our physical reality.
Enjoy and let me know what your thoughts are about what's coming.
Pluto In Aquarius (23/3/2023, 3 months and then again in 2024): 20 year cycle, society, tech, consciousness, innovation on STEROIDS, last time 795,819, 1781 -> discovery of uranus, islamic/arab domination in north africa, fall and rise of dynasties in europe (foundations of europe as we know it now, al-Khwarizmi founded the field of algebra
Saturn In Pisces (7/3/2023, 26 february, may 2 2026): structuring the "unstructureable"
Jupiter In Taurus (16/5/2023-25/5/2024): wisdom of nature, stay ready/still, green
17/7/2023 -> N.Node in Aries/S.Node in Libra: love-war, Ares-Aphrodite, war between the feminine and the masculine. Fall of red pill and radical feminism, individual vs parrtnership.
Where Jupiter goes, Saturn follows. Dune, The Hermit energy. In the past few years with Jupiter in Pisces and Aries disillusionment was IN! Fights through screens (Aries), were just another day. Saturn clears the way after Jupiter's orgy. Dreams NEED a practical use (note from now : we have this whole hustling culture thing of set goals and be practical, we are basically trying to give structure to our dreams and create a step by step path to our vision). Example: astrology, NFTs and crypto, drugs, manifestation, art -> how are they contributing to our society and the betterment of it? Dissolving-then Forming-> identifying, dreaming-act/plan -> success. Only through the loss of individual power we realize we are nothing without a link to the rest of "life". Submitting to something greater/ fear (misty) of something destroying us or confronting external life. Sacrifice/Servitude. Who are you when stripped away from the world? (prison): stripped off the matrix/network, inner contemplation, power to serve to experience unity, science+spirituality meeting. loneliness + isolation = going deeper within,monk mode. developing a conscious ego. Information utilized/weaponized to help/guide the masses. Increasing consciousness and broadening the mind. We are realizing we are experiencing the "shadow" not the "idea" (Plato/Jung/archetypes)/Antigone-> divine law / human law/ loss of faith and search dor a new framework of values. Discipline in meditation, yoga driven towards God. Fight between atheism+spiritualism/nihilism+purpose. Turning inside because you lost faith, there you will find God and meaning. The form has outlived its usefulness -> conflict with the status quo and law. No church in the wild/godless. Saturn's death by Jupiter (taurus = structure).
Transformation of rules, social norms, ideas of humanity and how we use science+technology to manifest those ideas. Social + technological REVOLUTION. Renaissance. Turning to humanitarian, liberal arts/spreading knowledge-teaching. Astronomical discoveries, vaccines/antibiotics(shortages?), innovations in trade, change in the way religions and churches are structured as well as other organizations. More open. Blockchain. "Anonymity" but transparency. 48 laws of power, the prince. philosophy-> utilitarian/kant/pure reason. "how to maximize happiness for the majority. streamlined techniques. Pluto in Aquarius will bring the desire to reform. After 2044 these changes will be established. Everything will be brought to the surface. going deep and facing demons. PROMETHEUS MYTH , FIRE -> DARK SIDE OF TECH (note: AI). decentralised internet, open sourcing, energy. YOU CAN'T REACH GOD THROUGH TECHNOLOGY/CAN YOU? Grid failures+extreme weather. Internet cables connecting countries -> separation from WEB -> Who are we? power over...= domination / power with...= networks Pluto -> Πλούτος, abundance but can turn to greed -> eruption -> realizations. Society = individuals -> change= self change!
Society is going to turn its hopes, wishes , knowledge, resources and tech powers towards abundance and sustainability. Physical environment = abundance. I'm seeing a rise in holistic+cyclical approaches, natural medicine and art expression close to natural processes. Expect movement from big cities to the countryside and creation of luxury reatreats/hotels close to nature-sustainable.
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freyatarotreadings8 · 5 months
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Make yourself the best gift! 2024 prediction reading gives more general information about 12 spheres of your life (similar to astrological 12 houses). Bonus - a few e-books that can help you during this year. $22 Next 12 months reading includes events of each month of 2024 It gives lots of insights, so it can help you to avoid mistakes or unwanted events, get great opportunities. Bonus - an access to my lovely online library. $25 You can book both readings and get $5 off Next 6 months reading includes events of 6 months of 2024 It gives lots of insights, so it can help you to avoid mistakes or unwanted events, get great opportunities. Bonus - a few e-books that can help you during this year. $11 Shadow discovery includes a tarot reading and dark side exploration practices. As a psychologist I know how to figure out the shadow, so I can help you with a deep self exploration. $15
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astrologerbydefault · 19 days
Jupiter in Taurus 2024 - 25 Astrological predictions 
In depth astrological predictions for Jupiter's transit into Taurus in 2024 - 25. He offers us relative stability and opportunity in this time. Learn how this significant planetary movement impacts each zodiac sign. Utilise the timeless wisdom of Jyotish.
Jupiter, the Devguru Brihaspati, is a slow moving planet. He stays in a sign for an approx 12 months. Currently Jupiter is in the Aries sign, Mesh rashi and on 1st May 2024 he will be entering Taurus sign, Vrushabh rashi.  In his transit in Aries and in fact for the past few years he was consistently hounded by the two slow moving cruel planets Saturn and Rahu. Either with Saturn, or aspected by…
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serenityreikiclinic · 22 days
Leo ~ Make the most of today.
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अप्रैल 2024 व्रत-त्योहार
अप्रैल में हिंदू नववर्ष और सौर नववर्ष का शुभारंभ होगा. हिंदू नववर्ष का प्रारंभ चैत्र माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की प्रतिपदा तिथि से होता है, वहीं सौर नववर्ष का शुभारंभ सूर्य देव के मेष राशि में प्रवेश करने पर होता है. हिंदू नववर्ष के दिन से ही चैत्र नवरात्रि भी शुरू होती है, जिसमें मां दुर्गा के 9 स्वरूपों की पूजा होती है और व्रत रखा जाता है. नवरात्रि की शुरुआत कलश स्थापना के साथ होती है और पहले दिन मां शैलपुत्री की पूजा करते हैं. वह नवदुर्गा में प्रथम हैं. महाराष्ट्र में उस दिन गुड़ी पडवा मनाते हैं. नवरात्रि के नौवें दिन भगवान श्रीराम का जन्मदिन होगा. उस दिन राम नवमी मनाई जाएगी. अयोध्या के राम मंदिर में भव्य आयोजन होगा.
1 अप्रैल, सोमवार: शीतला सप्तमी
2 अप्रैल, मंगलवार: बसौड़ा, शीतला अष्टमी, मासिक कालाष्टमी
4 अप्रैल, गुरुवार: बुध अस्त
5 अप्रैल, शुक्रवार: पापमोचनी एकादशी व्रत
6 अप्रैल, शनिवार: शनि प्रदोष व्रत
7 अप्रैल, रविवार: चैत्र मासिक शिवरात्रि
8 अप्रैल, सोमवार: साल का पहला सूर्य ग्रहण, सोमवती अमावस्या, चैत्र अमावस्या
9 अप्रैल, मंगलवार: चैत्र नवरात्रि प्रारंभ, कलश स्थापना, मां शैलपुत्री पूजा, हिंदू नववर्ष प्रारंभ, झूलेलाल जयंती, गुड़ी पडवा, मीन में बुध गोचर
11 अप्रैल, गुरुवार: गणगौर, मत्स्य जयंती, ईद
12 अप्रैल, शुक्रवार: विनायक चतुर्थी
13 अप्रैल, शनिवार: मेष संक्रांति, सौर नववर्ष प्रारंभ, वैशाखी, मेष राशि में सूर्य गोचर
14 अप्रैल, रविवार: यमुना छठ
16 अप्रैल, मंगलवार: दुर्गा अष्टमी
17 अप्रैल, बुधवार: राम नवमी, चैत्र नवरात्रि पारण
19 अप्रैल, शुक्रवार: कामदा एकादशी व्रत
20 अप्रैल, शनिवार: वामन द्वादशी
21 अप्रैल, रविवार: महावीर जयंती, रवि प्रदोष व्रत, अनंग त्रयोदशी
23 अप्रैल, मंगलवार: हनुमान जयंती, चैत्र पूर्णिमा व्रत, मीन राशि में मंगल गोचर
24 अप्रैल, बुधवार: चैत्र पूर्णिमा का स्नान-दान
25 अप्रैल, गुरुवार: वैशाख माह का प्रारंभ, मेष राशि में शुक्र गोचर
27 अप्रैल, शनिवार: विकट संकष्टी चतुर्थी
Astrologer Subham Shastri
Call : - +91- 9888520774
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okgooglenews · 2 months
March 25, 2024 Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign - YourTango
* March 25, 2024 Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign  YourTango * Today’s daily horoscope for March 25, 2024  NJ.com * Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for March 25, 2024 | Astrology  Hindustan Times * Today's Horoscope | March 25, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs  Deccan Herald * Horoscopes Today, March 23, 2024  USA TODAY http://dlvr.it/T4Z7Rz
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teluguflashnews · 2 months
Horoscope Today Telugu (25-03-2024) : ఈ రోజు రాశి ఫ‌లాలు
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daydreams-77 · 3 months
Feb 19-25, 2024 In5D Free Weekly Tarot PsychicAlly Astrology Predictions
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rennyji · 4 months
remaining tweets part 1 (01/25/2024)
Desire is not a bad thing. It's about how you go about carrying out that desire that makes it good or bad. Intentions or best of intentions aren't bad. But evil things can be done w/the best of intentions. God gave man free will. Its the key theme in the Adam/Eve story.
Star Signs like Aquarius ( #Aquarius ) R suggested 2 predict future. But on a more useful level, they describe personalities of people associated w/those corresponding months. Can be used 2 be #mindful of pros/flaws 2 ur personality. Finders of astrology were 1st brain mappers. -
compatible potential friends/relationships, thru compatible star sign matching, maps/connects personalities. It’s like #Superman or something from #Krypton , where people are matched based on genetics.-
-U shouldnt depend on it; it’s flaw of current brain mappers. Cats/dogs R matched w/cats/dogs 2 click. But humans have #freewill , &ability 2 be #mindful &learn 2harness strengths/overcome weakness &use speech 2 better bonds instead of relying on genetics/brain-type-matching.
interesting Im only inanimate object in zodiac, aka #Libra ( Libra ): scale of #justice. Interesting b/c Im facing #Injustice lasting decade plus. Nice 2 think theres magic 2 world. Usually, we’re lawyers/diplomats; BUT, talking it 2 solve my situation hasn’t worked yet.
B/c of #COVID (Im guessing), not enough new releases of tv shows/movies. 2024 doesn’t seem like it has a lot 2 look forward 2, beyond #deadpool3 (Deadpool 3) & Spider-man 4 ( #SpiderMan4 ) . Ryan Reynolds is always great like in “ Free Guy or “ The Adam Project ”.
Whats happening 2 me: like something from a parallel universe where Nazis won World War II, instead. Its like an #anime ( anime ) . Maybe not Naruto ( #Naruto ), but something close 2 #DeathNote or #CodeGeass . Personally wouldve preferred #DragonBall or #TheSevenDeadlySins .
“Smooth Criminal” by #MichaelJackson & #AlienAntFarm ( Alien Ant Farm ), says u’ve been “hit by, u’ve been struck by…a smooth criminal…” On idea of a smooth criminal, no one smoother than mind readers/controllers. So smooth, u might not even know they’re in ur life.
Hindus ( Hindus ) or a #Hindu ( Hindu ), from #Hinduism, do something explicit, other religions hint at:disciplining mind thru meditation/yoga. Other religions, thru rituals or parables, train mind, ultimately 2 give us focus. If we focus w/o distraction, we can do anything.
I wonder: if I didnt go 2 state university, like Albany,&instead: Jesuit college like Boston College or 1 run by Irish Christian Brothers: Iona University, or private university like ManhattanCollege, i’d’ve been w/more disciplined/ambitious people w/exposure 2 better resources.
Everybody but the center of attention is aware of situation, 4 more than 3650+ days! How insane is my situation?! Young&old, not 1 noble person can open mouths w/proof needed 2 stop this. But, on a more primitive level, people like “community” stemming from a common goal.
Living #AmericanNightmare or #Nightmare like things #Voldemort , in @jk_rowling 's " Harry Potter ",put victims thru. USA not 2 visit, unlike #Ayodhya or any place else. Americans could cure #Ebola , #Diabetes , or simple #HairLoss ,but instead put funds/effort 2 harassing minds.
I look forward 2 day where I say strange kids who? Or #DoctorWho ( DoctorsWho ) or UAlbanyWho? Orchestrators who? whatever person or group is your #BiggBoss ( Bigg Boss ) , to get to say 2 them: ummm who R U? The day I get my freedom…the day they face consequences…cannot wait…
Really anyone, absolutely anyone can help me get a reservation as the “fighter” of a decade, who gets “advanced booking”/“pre advanced booking” to freedom … just say what you know #FighterAdvanceBooking
Adele 's ( #Adele ), song "Skyfall", played in recent Bond films, has a line resonating w/me: "this is the end, holdUr breath&count to 10." Gives me sensation of sky falling as I remember myself realizing Im going 2 be enslaved for yrs, despite best efforts, @ onset of this.
Newest chapter of #Marvel 's #Spiderman , connected w/Thanos &Avengers, was incredible w/its connection b/w PeterParker &TonyStark &Peter's access 2 tech like enhanced Spider-Man suit. Then,in " Multiverse of Madness ", storyline is reset w/all forgetting Peter-wasnt fan of that
The Flash ( #Flash ) w/access 2 Jedi ( #Jedi ) like force 4 speed, makes him 1 of the greatest conceived heroes, particularly w/his ability 2 travel alternateTimelines ¶llelWorlds. His good nature also adds up 2 a greatStory. The CW ( #CW ) should bring back super hero shows.
Best laptop lap desk, something with a flare to make you want to use it, but something as simple as this costs $60 plus tax. Associated screenshot:
Best under desk keyboard attachment, below. But, another $60 It swivels, it rotates,& stows under desk, giving more desk space, & if u get a phone call & want 2 leave your desk, just rotate under desk. Something as simple as this, no one conceives except the innovative Chinese. Associated screenshot:
A decent bag of pre ground coffee? $14. You may think coffee is coffee. But some coffee work better than others. You want to get, what starts off your day, right…
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749177064324772202?s=20
I just went to #ShopRite and came back. Look what I bought on the left (a handful of items). This much costs $51, as you can see from my receipt on the right. All below. #prices #grocery #groceryprices
Associated screenshot:
U wanna know how 2 have crash-free coffee experience, that won’t make U feel sleepy/like cr*p shortly after drinking coffee? Mix it w/Lions Mane & other such related legal everyday mushroom ingredients-not 2 be confused w/“shrooms.” But a tsp. from this small jar? That’s $30.
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749179475860791402?s=20
U wanna get jacked like Wolverine ( #Wolverine )? Membership @ #24HourFitness w/small swimming pools?Costs $40. #LAFitness in Yonkers area?
After charging $40 4 membership, they deemed it wise 2 put in mall where no normal parking (mall garage instead) &after 2 hrs U need 2 pay. Netflix for an ad free experience? Costs $23. That’s without paying for cable tv. It’s probably easier to catch a Pokémon ( #Pokemon )than catch a price that makes sense…I was a kid when the series 1st started…I feel there have been too many iterations of show…
TaylorSwift ( Taylor Swift ) … a truly talented singer, with personality … timeless people like #MichaelJackson ( Michael Jackson ) … an icon …
I agree with the news channels that addresses this: u should invest in a house … it’s part of the AmericanDream ( American Dream ). But this is the age of high prices leading to people living together 4 affordability.-
-But theres other hurdles like addressing basement flooding, shoveling sidewalks/footpaths 2 avoid legalBurdens, property tax up2 $10,000 4 small patch ofYard, heatingExpenses according 2 homeSize- it just seems sensible 2 buy luxuryFlat in suburbs like in Valhalla, NY vs NY, NY.
Floridians ( Floridians ) luck out with not having income tax, at least at the state level.
DeSantis ( DeSantis ) reported as dropping out of race..days after nominal victory over #NikkiHaley ( #Haley - Nikki Haley) in Iowa..all after spending 50 million in ads in Iowa - U gotta wonder Y so much 4 something integral like elections..-
-mySight limited2 #Haley ( #NikkiHaley )&
DonaldTrump (Donald Trump - #Trump )-months of migrants crossingBorder, getting, ofAllThings, freeSexChanges inMaine, freeHealthCare in-I think-California, freeHomes inNortheasternState I cant remember-currentAdmnstratn doesntMakeSense-
it doesnt make sense b/c you're accomplishing benefits for illegal immigrants while cutting budgets 4 citizens & legal immigrants in USA. Id like free housing & Im a U.S. citizen. I just don't get how current administration is prioritizing. Id like free health care w/o a job..
there are issues that pose problems with the other side … like abortion … there something clearly wrong when you're debating something like that for 50+ years. We're in the age of mind reading/mind control … and you still don't know when consciousness begins?-
-world mayNot B 5000 yrs old as Creationists say. But maybe answer is 2 let religion give guiding light 2science.W/something like abortion, mayB should B nationally allowed until point, where brainWaves detected, or when baby getting oxygen-like God giving breath of life 2 Adam..
and regarding current administration and the amount of time the current party has been in control, while this chapter of my life; situation has been occurring, I gotta wonder, would a party that hasn't been in power for as long a time, save me from my situation…
Maybe stars and how astrology influences personalities, is something that lays a foundation for how relationships progress or worsen. But it comes down to choice. -
-First you have to choose to sit down and think about, or listen to someone who shines a light on, a flaw, so that then, you can choose to make a correction.-
-In some Churches, they say a prayer of Confession: "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grevious fault…and then they ask to pray for themselves… What is that prayer saying? Be mindful: recognize your fault.-
-This is a fundamental tenet of Christianity. Yet so many are too bothered to think. To ask for forgiveness of sin, you need to recognize sin, or another word for it: mistake. -
-You need to recognize mistake, remember mistake, ask for strength overcoming the mistake and not repeating the mistake.-
-people need to realize what they're saying, what they're thinking, what they're doing. I was watching Thor: Ragnarok. The character #Loki ( Loki ), the god of mischief, Thor's brother, is an interesting character.-
-#Loki ( Loki ) is bent on causing chaos. It takes losing, getting beaten over and over, for him to stop and think: "Why am I such a bad egg?" -
Loki ( Loki ) realizes hes upset he was lied 2 on adoption, has inferiority/superiority complex where he needs2 show hes destined 4glory, even though adopted. He realizes pointlessness hisAmbitionIs. Once realized, heRose 2 trulyBeing "burdened w/glorious purpose," as heSays.-
It signifies something scary about most people. You're so glued to what you want to do and have to do, in going to bed and waking up, that you never stop to realize the things you think, say, do. No correction occurs.-
-Learn to consciously think, speak, perform actions. Now, from my situation, what you can get is that, if you fail at the above or are lazy about mindfulness, you may never realize that you were possibly mind read/mind controlled.
Donald Trump said he was going 2 be like a dictator on Day 1 of the office. Now U can read into that literally or understand the meaning behind what's he's saying: whether drilling into Alaska or something else, he's going 2 get some things done ASAP, regardless of opposition.
I'd like 2 be a dictator of this country, in terms of leadership power 2 enact some possibly time consuming changes. On Education, in college, we tackle 4 subjects, 'completely', in a semester. It's clear from existence of a GED for dropouts, high school shouldn't take 4years.-
coming from a guy who had a 4.0 gpa at a private college preparatory school, school structure needs to be organized. Children should learn to focus. Be it meditation or getting on the right ADD drugs, its something that should be beaten to death.-
I remember in school, there were the "smart kids." there were their peers who didn't get why they couldn't get good grades and doubted their ability to go to college. It's simply because they're not mentally strong yet. It can be remedied.-
early years should be directed to learning breathing techniques like alternate nostril breathing or box breathing. Sounds ridiculously corny, but children should see how long they can focus on a candle flame without distraction of intrusive thoughts -
if you can't even sit still to see only a candle flame in front of you, how can you be leaders, doctors, lawyers, engineers? how can you be policeman, fireman when you don't have the discipline to endure difficult schedules and people?-
gradeSchoolStructure needs2 B limited 2semester rather than yr.-It works in college regarding semester long course.HighSchool, if GEDs R possible, should B <2 yrs. Children shouldHave luxuryOfTime 2 play, haveFun, butAlso learn usefulTrades like woodwork, or wiringElectronics. Real world skills…
retardedBooks they make U read like Catcher in the Rye or The Stranger & its focus on existentialism, should B replaced w/books of children's choices. I'm not going 2 be an avid reader thru reading books of non interest. If its something I like, Ill B encouraged 2 do it more.-
life is short, life should be rewarding. Teach kids how 2 learn, how 2 focus. Get their heads in order w/o confusing them @ young age about gender options & sexuality options. Let them B free, let them make most of their lives b4 being expected hard working adults.
Regarding immigration, its been said a lot of those claiming asylum R facing political or financial turmoil in their countries. Rather than influxing all of them 2 the states, the United Nations should send people 2 make it better 2 live in places of origin. #maketheworldbetter
you want jobs that fuel the economy? That big beautiful wall Trump was talking about? Hire people to build one out of stone or bricks and make it into a tourist attraction like Great Wall of China. Start projects that need workers. Provide training to those workers.
Deku ( Deku) from #MyHeroAcademia makes me think how much #anime creators put out, a good number of which has amazing story lines. -
Following in relation 2 Betz Sphere , - something raising lots of conversation decades ago. I post this not b/c of controversial sphere, but b/c of how woman owning sphere denies the government & sets strict terms if they go against her-difference b/w Indian parents & American:
Associated clip: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749294429620334849?s=20
lady in prev. clip basically tells government 2 f* off. When govt. becomes insistent over whats in possession, she sets terms&has govmt. sign contract-I mean USA people especially from decade ago-feisty!They commandRespect w/govt., as they should, afterall Govt. serves people.-
as it’s…ummm…u know…been at least a decade?! I cannot help but think, unlike lady in last 2 weeks, my parents are letting orchestrators in youth/school/govt/army, just walk all over them…fearful of me, I can’t talk about situation, family can’t talk 2 me, i have no rights.
The company #Seen from Helloseen dot com, makes this amazing hair cream that restores oil to ur hair after shampooing everyday. 1 brush w/ hands, works like hair gel. A second, makes it look natural and full without the hard hair gel feeling. But like everything, $30
My main reason for it? Its noncomedogenic. If I ruffle my hair with hands and then my face, or clap my hands or something random, there's no weird feeling or grease that I'm getting in places.
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749297398726238266?s=20
Next pricy thing? If you shave and keep bleeding, or if soap becomes too much for your face, it could be because you need a barrier repair cream. This one is non oily from La Roche Posay. Great stuff, just wish it was bigger and not $22
A lip firming/hydrating alternative to chapstick, or vaseline (which make people think you're wearing lip gloss)? You go for Clarins Extra-Firming Lip & Contour Balm. How much is this thing that generally lasts 2 months? $50 This lasts between washes of your mouth after eating.
This one is good, and preferred, but it washes off too easily between eating…and it's $95, but it also lasts like 2 months.
"Chanel Smoothing and Firming Lip and Contour Care" https://www.macys.com/shop/product/smoothing-firming-lip-contour-care?ID=13124701
Wanna know how much a replacement head cover costs for an electric shaver? Shaver costs $80 and the foil cover, when torn from frequent use is $25
I have a Nescafé Dolce Gusto pod coffee machine. It’s what’s commonly used in Europe and Asia vs maybe Nespresso, although both are under Nestle. Can get pods and pods for reasonable price. Bought reusable. 2 reusable pods? $50
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749298494454501614?s=20
This manual coffee maker, the aeropress, not even electric. I think it’s $50 and the cover with the spout that outputs coffee better is an extra accessory that costs $25-33
If u’ve seen #Netflix ’s #StrangerThings , u no main character, #El aka #Eleven aka Jane, has thing 4 #Kellogs #Eggo#Waffles . Me? not a fan of their plain/regular waffle. But their Belgian strawberry flavor below?-Amazing. But 4 waffles are $6.- 1 Waffle costs more than a $1.
https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749300474967204112?s=20 I just went to #ShopRite and came back. Look what I bought on the left (a handful of items). This much costs $51, as you can see from my receipt on the right. All below. #prices #grocery #groceryprices
Four donuts at, from the bakery section at ShopRite? Costs $8.99. Three 8 packs of Gatorade is $19.99, but one pack costs $8.99 … I guess that's a deal…
U realize with frozen pizza being $6+, U might as well have real pizza? or if a movie ticket costs $15 on #Fandango, Y not wait a month more and buy the movie for $19 on #GooglePlay or the #iTunes Store. If ice cream costs $5 at grocery store, why not do #Carvel or #Coldstone ?
FantasticFour sounds like good idea as part of new set of tv series 4 the #CW. I mean for years, we had weekly episodes 2 #Arrow , #TheFlash , #BlackLightning , #Supergirl , #Batgirl , #Stargirl , #SupermanAndLois, #LegendsOfTomorrow…w/o these weeklyUpdates, life feels empty.
on a similar note #HBOMax or #Max (as its called now), should update/replace the #Titans (from Teen Titans), #DoomPatrol, & #Peacemaker with new episodes/or new super hero tv series. There used to be so much to catch up on, on a weekly basis- now nothing…
did anyone else know there is a 9th planet or possibly an additional sun in our solar system? its curious how much more there is, in our own neighborhood, if and when we can see farther than now…
U gotta wonder if situation lasted long b/c of disdain/hesitancy 2 lawsuit,by supposed representatives ofMe. Can it get more public/uglier than this?Maybe cuz spotlight, now, isOnMe. Probably deluding those inMyLife w/clearing this/that. -night/day, orchestrators still criminals
The Avengers ( TheAvengers) with #ChrisEvans , Sebastian Stan ( #SebastianStan ), Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, and of course: Scarlett Johansson (an immaculate name), was a good run-hated how sequels took years…hope #Marvel outputs more w/shorter intervals.
I hope #Nintendo ( Nintendo ) & #Apple come out with their new consoles and VR glasses (respectively) before summer. It’s a hope, for both, as both are much anticipated. #AppleVision #AppleVisionPro
You know a movie will have a good storyline when it has actors like #AliaBhatt or @ameesha_patel … or on the male side: one of the Khans or Hrithik Roshan…
Original Digimon ( #Digimon ), aired on Fox 5, b/w 3-5 PM weekdays as well as Saturday mornings. Warp digivolving? Great idea, but sad digimon couldn’t digivolve. Whatever happened 2 #SaturdayMorningCartoons & b4 school/after school cartoons! Everything stopped coinciding, immediately, after 9/11/01…something happened to broadcasting.
Invincible ( Invincible on Amazon Prime) is an answer to the cartoons of old…we’ve been reusing Superman and Batman stories for at least 50 years. New heroes like Atom Eve and their stories? Great stuff.
Anyone else remember #Nickelodeon ’s Doug ( #Doug )? Classic cartoons for those of us from the 90s … kinda like #Jetsons or #Flintstones . ABC7 had another iteration of Doug on #OneSaturdayMorning. Nickelodeon aired it w/ #StickSticklyWithNickInTheAfternoon
IDontWantToOverreactBUT my reaction is justified and under, with my situation occurring for more than decade, without my say or rights factoring in yet, to finally ending it …
IDontWantToOverreactBUT how is there not a cure 2 hairLoss, 4 men &women? I think a scalp massager increasing circulation in pattern of male pattern baldness&a sourceOf adenosine (insteadOf minoxidil) is or part of answer. Stress/age/badDiets/meds usually decrease circulation.
How many of things we purchase R up-2 standards? #MoreRegulation ?! U spend arm & leg 4 something u’re waiting 4. & then, if it’s delivered from Amazon or wherever, U find out pole holding ur table is bent, making the tabletop crooked…then hassle of returns…#TheBadBatch
When long awaited & just announced ( #JustAnnounced ) movies like a new Thor movie or a Deadpool 3 movie come along, I realize that many more years have passed & I’m that much older. The 1st Iron Man came out when I was starting college. Now close to 40 &The Avengers story ended.
They need to make another #Hulk (Hulk) movie that’s connected with #MarkRuffalo ( Mark Ruffalo ) and The Avengers universe. A better origin story at the very least. They connected the #Xmen ( X-Men ) with one of the #Marvels in ( The Marvels ) movie after its credits…
If nothing else The Rock ( #TheRock ) becoming president would be iconic of the #AmericanDream , kinda like model turned actor turned governor: Arnold Schwarzenegger…from humble beginnings to being a world leader…
If #Pokemon , can have so many iterations, so should #DragonBall . Tie it in with the #multiverse . Ive heard its fans might like #OnePiece  . #CartoonNetwork , #Boomerang , #Nickelodeon need 2 up their game w/ series like #AvatarTheLastAirbender . Use 2 be so much tv-wise…
Margot Robbie … the perfect woman with so much personality … thank you Australia for Margot Robbie and Hugh Jackman (someone to aspire to be like, through a gym session)… Regarding #BestPicture ( Best Picture ), there aren’t a lot of movies, in recent times, like Shawshank Redemption, Argo, or Meet Joe Black. We went from moving movies to still good, but silly? but funny movies like Bullet Train…
Israel deserves 2 livePeacefully w/o worrying over using bomb shelters. News coverage been repetitive there vs. minimalCoverage in #Palestine / #Gaza . W/Israel, its about Kibbutz Be Rei &concert, but after, deprived of electricity/shelter/food, Gazan cities been decimated.-
news doesnt seem 2 cover how many more died in #Palestine vs. #Israel. Bad group of people started fight in Israel. Israel defends self. But while talks shifted 2 rapes&abuse of kids in Israel, 13000+ innocent people died in #Gaza, 2 eradicate 1000 terrorizers.-
Humanitarian efforts need 2 get in #Gaza. How can level of destruction B compared 2 #Israel. & Israel 4 some reason controls electricity in Gaza&they turned it off. Israel is sandwiched b/w Gaza. Needs 2 B reorganizing of territory like Israel against sea,&all Gaza near river.-
this results in anger from #Palestine ian protest groups, but they need better discretion 2 when & where protests held…like shouldn’t go to Rockefeller center @ tree lighting. #Israel has right mentality of organizing concerts & speeches, at least from perspective of media.
By being overlyAware of gender pronouns&being politicallyPolite inAll otherRegards, I think we, asPeople, drain our tiredMinds on prioritizingOur limitedAttention 2 forgivableThings vs our jobs&responsibilities. Heard teacher gotFired @ Fordham 4 mixingNames of 2 black students. I think minimum age 4 becoming President is 35. Idea is let person get some life experience. If there is a minimum age, why isn’t there a maximum age? I’ve heard 1st impression is best impression. Imagine predicting biases building over time. Invites idea of fresh perspective.-
but b/w #Trump & #Biden , though close 2 each others age, Trump definitely has more energy, a stronger voice, more pronounced movements when walking around…we need more active and mentally sharp people leading as well as carrying us (wrt non explicit leaders), whoever they R.
DarciLynne ( Darcy Lynne ) from #AGT ( #AmericasGotTalent ) should be encouraged for progressing from ventriloquism to new highs for that golden voice, like singing. She’s clearly talented and should be singing in higher notes.
So they cut off razor wire in relation 2 border control…Im sure there are other work arounds 4 whatever justification they projected. On tv, u see asylum seekers say Thank you Joe Biden. I think they also get ability 2 vote. Is this some elaborate plan to get more supporters?-
inRelation 2PastTweet, I think most people have RepublicanValues but its less cool 2B whats associated w/elderly caucasians or seeminglyHighMorals.-
Like when myParents emigrated here, they were of impression Democrats r “4 the people” Or average person, probably because the word Democrat alludes to that. But their values seem synonymous w/Republicans.
Barbie is a fun movie with mature characters like Margot Robbie and Ryan Gossling. It gives the same casual feel good sense like probably darker, but amusing Bullet Train movie with Brad Pitt.
So it’s ( National Pie Day) #NationalPieDay . #KrispyKreme donuts or donuts in general, and warm, as well as cold, apple pies fit every mood. Like there’s a mood or a day to chips and danishes, but donuts and pies are all day every day.
NewHampshirePrimary in #NewHampshire ( New Hampshire ) is going to decide as the clincher or game changer between #Nikki and #Trump … #HistoricMoments
U gotta wonder if situation lasted long b/c of disdain/hesitancy 2 lawsuit,by supposed representatives ofMe. Can it get more public/uglier than this?Maybe cuz spotlight, now, isOnMe. Probably deluding those inMyLife w/clearing this/that. -night/day, orchestrators still criminals
The sequel to Spider-Man: Across The Spider-verse ( #AcrossTheSpiderverse ) or volume/chapter2 , had the let-down ending of having 2 wait till volume/chapter3(very next sequel) 2 know how story ends. It sucks b/c thats at least another year, another year of getting older.
Anyone else notice, in like, the 2nd #Aquaman movie, or #BrothersSun on #Netflix , older siblings tend to be heavier/beefier, more loose, maybe more likely to have facial hair, than their depicted younger siblings?
So Im hearing in news a hint 2 school attendance. On college level, I remember people skipping classes b/c lectures were just too theoretical/ReadingsNotSimplified…it’s not like #LessonsInChemistry or #Oppenheimer where students learning/“debating” concepts w/worldClassFaculty.
Another #BestPicture ( Best Picture ) type movie is #TheAdjustmentBureau with EmilyBlunt ( Emily Blunt ) and Matt Damon , as well as #TheMartian (meaning filled/moving movies) . The Adjustment Bureau is a great #LoveStory with some magic & determination.
Last #FamilyGuy of 2023 made valid point. Cable TV is not dead-it’s still good 4 tuning in2, at end of long day, where U watch what’s on, whether or not it’s reruns of #ILoveLucy / #IndianaJones / #TombRaider / #StarWars ( Star Wars ). Takes away hassle ofSearching 4 something. . More than decade ago, after telling my suspicions 2 an FBI office and UAlbany officials in Albany, Probably w/hope Ill write, I got directed 2 unlimited complaint form: the IC3. 1st few updates: my suspicion, then a self bio so I’m not on FBIs radar, the rest? Just to get info.-
-when I wroteOn, ages ago, an unlimited IC3 form,Id write&look from atop aHill my apt. was on. Theyre able 2 see enough 2want2 lookUp,while looking@ phone. SameReaction in oldHouse atopHill, behind woods& parkingLot. That input/sounds/“vicinitySpeaking”/themes all paint a pic.-
while writing on IC3 complaint form, no one was acknowledging my situation to me. I don’t want to be on FBIs radar (who on earth does?) from input received, I wrote a short philosophy/parable conveying my point, hoping gist would be delivered and problem end.-
on IC3 complaint form, which last time checked is now only 3 updates vs unlimited, I kept saying I want attention of intended recipient of form, my apologies for troubling them, and please tell family/me what’s going on. Never happened.-
IC3 word soup complaint form, from ages ago (sorry if U tried 2 decipher it/but then no 1 understands intent or talking 2 me), was clarified as such, & a streamlined version, was sent as a series of crime tips (as 1 update per web page submission ), identified as such, 2 FBI.-
-when I submitted crime tips on FBI crime tip page, I submitted times/dates/call records/IC3explanation&usernames…& emailed all of it in a Word Doc 2 FBI after walking 2 federal plaza location-if memory serves me right-on visit. orchestrators should have email @ least I also called the Department of Defense, and it may sound funny, but I got their answering machine, and left a message. I complained to the Federal Trade Commission over hacked communications. I complained to the CIA, who investigate the FBI, when they're not investigating. I sent two complaints to the Attorney General, but on one occasion, got a letter saying I should contact a Pro Bono Lawyer. If the NY Attorney General isn't going to acknowledge my situation, why would someone working for free do it? I complained to the FCC. The Federal FAFSA site used to display social security numbers, without asterisks/plainly, while I think something is showing my computer screen contents as part of a show for other people. I contacted the SUNY system about what was happening at SUNY Albany and they kept redirecting me to the VPs at SUNY Albany, who put me on disciplinary probation and threatened that I cannot talk about my situation.
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astroexaminer · 4 months
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Astro-Inspiration for January 25, 2024 ~ Leo Full Moon – a Melodramatic Day
Today’s the day to challenge your insecurities and shine. Today’s Leo Full Moon is a reminder to keep your passions front and center. However, doing so could involve being a bit dramatic. Actually, excess and indulgence could make for quite a melodramatic day as intense emotions stir up anxieties and impair your judgment. Still, keep in mind that in a world that wants you to conform, maintaining confidence in your individuality can be a success story all its own!
Today’s Quote
“Tragedy and comedy involve an audience, so they must give--sharing themselves to elicit tears and laughter. Melodrama is not such a strategist. It meets no one's expectation but its internal need to feel.”
~ Yiyun Li, quote from “Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life”
Today’s Sky
Mars in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries. Leo Moon Opposite Pluto and Sun in Aquarius, Square Jupiter in Taurus.
The sky speaks to you if you will let it. Every day it delivers a message that each person hears in a uniquely different way. This is not personal or predictive astrology; it's creative astrology meant to help you understand and align your mind, body, and spirit with the unique soul vibration of each passing day.
To quote Joseph Campbell: “The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.”
I hope you enjoy and your life is enriched by these Astro-inspirations.
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astrologerchandan · 4 months
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Today's Horoscope-
25 जनवरी 2024 गुरुवार : आज क्या कहते हैं आपके सितारे जाने अपना राशिफल
मेष - स्थायी संपत्ति के कार्य बड़ा लाभ दे सकते हैं। बेरोजगारी दूर करने के प्रयास सफल रहेंगे। आय में वृद्धि तथा उन्नति मनोनुकूल रहेंगे। लाभ के अवसर हाथ आएंगे। पार्टनरों का सहयोग समय पर प्राप्त होगा। यात्रा की योजना बनेगी। घर-बाहर कुछ तनाव रहेगा। स्वास्थ्य का ध्यान रखें।
वृषभ - पार्टी व पिकनिक का कार्यक्रम बनेगा। स्वादिष्ट व्यंजनों का लाभ मिलेगा। व्यापार-व्यवसाय मनोनुकूल रहेंगे। रचनात्मक कार्य सफल रहेंगे। काम में मन लगेगा। शेयर मार्केट में लाभ रहेगा। नौकरी में सुविधाएं बढ़ सकती हैं। व्यस्तता के चलते स्वास्थ्‍य का ध्यान रखें। धन प्राप्ति सुगमता से होगी।
मिथुन - दु:खद सूचना मिल सकती है, धैर्य रखें। फालतू खर्च होगा। कुसंगति से बचें। बेकार की बातों पर ध्यान न दें। अपने काम पर अधिक ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता है। वाणी पर नियंत्रण रखें। चिंता तथा तनाव रहेंगे। स्वास्थ्य का पाया कमजोर रहेगा। व्यवसाय ठीक चलेगा। आय में निश्चितता रहेगी। लाभ होगा।
कर्क - भूले-बिसरे साथी तथा आगंतुकों के स्वागत तथा सम्मान पर व्यय होगा। आत्मसम्मान बना रहेगा। उत्साहवर्धक सूचना प्राप्त होगी। बड़ा काम करने का मन बनेगा। परिवार के सदस्यों की उन्नति के समाचार मिलेंगे। प्रसन्नता रहेगी। ���ारिवारिक सहयोग बना रहेगा। किसी व्यक्ति की बातों में न आएं, लाभ होगा।
सिंह - घर-बाहर प्रसन्नतादायक वातावरण रहेगा। नौकरी में चैन महसूस होगा। व्यापार से संतुष्टि रहेगी। संतान की चिंता रहेगी। प्रतिद्वंद्वी तथा शत्रु हानि पहुंचा सकते हैं। मित्रों का सहयोग व मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त होगा। लाभ के अवसर हाथ आएंगे। यात्रा की योजना बनेगी। प्रसन्नता रहेगी।
कन्या- यात्रा मनोनुकूल मनोरंजक तथा लाभप्रद रहेगी। भेंट व उपहार की प्राप्ति संभव है। व्यापार-व्यवसाय से मनोनुकूल लाभ होगा। घर-बाहर सफलता प्राप्त होगी। परिवार में सुख-शांति बनी रहेगी। काम में लगन तथा उत्साह बने रहेंगे। मित्रों के साथ प्रसन्नतापूर्वक समय बीतेगा।
तुला - स्वास्थ्य का पाया कमजोर रहेगा। बनते कामों में विघ्न आएंगे। चिंता तथा तनाव रहेंगे। जीवनसाथी से सामंजस्य बैठाएं। फालतू खर्च होगा। कुसंगति से बचें। बेवजह लोगों से मनमुटाव हो सकता है। बेकार की बातों पर ध्यान न दें। आय में निश्चितता रहेगी। मित्रों का सहयोग मिलेगा। जल्दबाजी न करें।
वृश्चिक- बकाया वसूली के प्रयास सफल रहेंगे। यात्रा मनोरंजक रहेगी। लाभ के अवसर हाथ आएंगे। नौकरी में सुकून रहेगा। जल्दबाजी में कोई आवश्यक वस्तु गुम हो सकती है। कानूनी अड़चन आ सकती है। विवाद न करें। व्यवसाय ठीक चलेगा। घर-बाहर प्रसन्नता बनी रहेगी।
धनु - नई योजना लागू करने का श्रेष्ठ समय है। कार्यप्रणाली में सुधार होगा। सामाजिक कार्य सफल रहेंगे। मान-सम्मान मिलेगा। कार्यसिद्धि होगी। लाभ के अवसर हाथ आएंगे। घर-बाहर प्रसन्नता का माहौल रहेगा। पारिवारिक सहयोग प्राप्त होगा। बड़ा कार्य करने का मन बनेगा। सफलता के साधन जुटेंगे। जोखिम न उठाएं।
मकर - किसी जानकार प्रबुद्ध व्यक्ति का सहयोग प्राप्त होने के योग हैं। तंत्र-मंत्र में रुचि रहेगी। किसी राजनयिक का सहयोग मिल सकता है। लाभ के दरवाजे खुलेंगे। चोट व दुर्घटना से बचें। व्यस्तता रहेगी। थकान व कमजोरी महसूस होगी। विवाद से बचें। धन प्राप्ति होगी। प्रमाद न करें।
कुंभ - स्वास्थ्य का ध्यान रखें। चोट व दुर्घटना से बचें। आय में कमी रह सकती है। घर-बाहर असहयोग व अशांति का वातावरण रहेगा। अपनी बात लोगों को समझा नहीं पाएंगे। ऐश्वर्य के साधनों पर बड़ा खर्च होगा। जोखिम व जमानत के कार्य टालें। हितैषी सहयोग करेंगे। धनार्जन संभव है।
मीन -प्रेम-प्रसंग में अनुकूलता रहेगी। किसी वरिष्ठ व्यक्ति के सहयोग से कार्य की बाधा दूर होकर लाभ की स्थिति बनेगी। परिवार के लोग अनुकूल व्यवहार करेंगे। व्यवसाय ठीक चलेगा। नए लोगों से संपर्क होगा। आय में वृद्धि तथा आरोग्य रहेगा। चिंता में कमी होगी। जल्दबाजी न करें।
आपका दिन शुभ व मंगलमय हो। समस्या चाहे कैसी भी हो 100% समाधान प्राप्त करे:- स्पेशलिस्ट- मनचाही लव मैरिज करवाना, पति या प्रेमी को मनाना, कारोबार का न चलना, धन की प्राप्ति, पति पत्नी में अनबन और गुप्त प्रेम आदि समस्याओ का समाधान। एक फोन बदल सकता है आपकी जिन्दगी। Astrologer Chandan Call Now: - +91-8306593867 फीस संबंधी जानकारी के लिए #Facebook page के message box में #message करें। आप Whatsapp भी कर सकते हैं। #famousastrologer #astronews #astroworld #Astrology #Horoscope #Kundli #Jyotish #yearly #monthlychallengey #weekly #numerology #rashifal #RashiRatan #gemstone #real #onlinepuja #remedies #lovemarraigespecilist #prediction #motivation #dailyhoroscope #TopAstrologer
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belladonna-miranda · 4 months
Jackass Weekly Horoscopes (January 15-21, 2024)
Since last week was just a test astrology post for Jackass, I decided to include not only the main cast, but also associated crew members.
Aries (March 21-April 19) ♈🔥
April Margera: 3/28/1956
By the time Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Friday the 19th, April will have realized that what she wants isn't always what she gets in real life. Therefore, this week will predict an improvement in socialization as Pluto enters her social zone over the weekend.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) ♉🌿
Wee Man: 5/16/1973
Mercury in Capricorn will trine Jupiter in Wee Man's sign, Taurus on Friday, leading to a gain in knowledge three weeks into 2024, whereas the sun enters Aquarius and his professional life on Saturday. Consequently, this pint-sized troublemaker will be ready to conquer his lifelong endeavors throughout the rest of the month.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) ♊🍃
Raab Himself: 5/21/1980; Rick Kosick: 5/25/1967; Ryan Dunn: 6/11/1977-6/20/2011; Steve-O: 6/13/1974
Geminis are known for their curiosity and socialization, but taking time to communicate with loved ones during the week will strengthen their connection with them. Furthermore, their naturally adventurous demeanor will peak on Saturday with the sun in Aquarius and new beginnings arising.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) ♋🌊
Phil Margera: 7/13/1957; Chris Pontius: 7/16/1974
Both Phil's and Party Boy's love lives will receive a boost from the sextile of Neptune in Pisces and sun in Capricorn, and the sun in Aquarius will further change them, physically and mentally. Pluto's entrance into their transformation zones on Saturday the 20th gives them an opportunity to balance both light and dark.
Leo (July 23-August 22) ♌🔥
Preston Lacy: 8/14/1969
Preston will kick off the week with a few life changes with the sun in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces (e.g., walking once a day) for an eventual mental transformation. Likewise, the sun's entry in Aquarius and Pluto in his partnership zone will both bring Preston new enemies, allies, and possible love interests.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) ♍🌿
Jeff Tremaine: 9/4/1966; Lance Bangs: 9/4/1972; Zach Holmes: 9/11/1991
Mercury in Capricorn trinesJupiter in Taurus on Friday, making for a perfect time to begin new projects, focus on hobbies, and/or visit a movie theater for inspiration. After all, these risk-taking Virgos should begin some healthy habits like cooking or baking now that 2024 is almost three weeks in.
Libra (September 23-October 22)♎🍃
Bam Margera: 9/28/1979; Jasper Dolphin: 9/28/1990; Poopies: 10/21/1986
A possibility of deception befalls these Libras when Venus in Sagittarius trines Neptune in Pisces on Friday, though the sun in Aquarius compensates for paranoia by means of creativity. Therefore, a balance of passion, intellect, and romantic abilities make for one reinvented definition of needs.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) ♏🌊
Brandon DiCamillo: 11/15/1976
DiCo's creative projects will tide him over for the week because Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces on Thursday, giving him endless ideas to plot out. The heart of winter is also a good time for focusing on personal life as well with the sun entering Aquarius and his home zone on Saturday along with Pluto in Aquarius aiding in family conflict.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) ♐🔥
Danger Ehren: 11/29/1976; Eric Manaka: 12/9/1999; Brandon Novak: 12/10/1978
Venus in these three people's sign squares Neptune in Pisces on Friday, so a slew of long-buried secrets resurfaces for them to attempt to solve their own problems along with those of some other people. When the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius enter their communication zones over the weekend, Ehren will be the most affected by this alignment due to his recent real estate ventures.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) ♑🌿
Dave England: 12/30/1969
On Thursday the 18th, Mercury in Dave's sign sextiles Saturn in Pisces, resulting in an ideal day for a chat due to his ease in conversation. Capricorn season concludes with the sun in Aquarius and his value zone and Pluto leaving his sign for Aquarius, giving him plenty of time to focus on wealth.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) ♒🍃
Rake Yohn: 1/20/1975; Rachel Wolfson: 1/23/1987
Potential growth is in both Rake's and Rachel's favors as Saturday begins their season with the sun moving into their sign, meaning that self-acceptance is the goal for the week and, by extension, their season. As Pluto moves into their sign the same day, this trying period will result from shedding their negative and traditional mindsets.
Pisces: (February 19-March 20) ♓🌊
Dimitry Elyashkevich: 2/25/1975; Johnny Knoxville: 3/11/1971
The third week of 2024 begins on a dreamy note for Dimitry and Knoxville with the sextile of the sun in Capricorn and Neptune in their sign, leading to visions of how the rest of the year will go for them. As the sun in Aquarius and Pluto enter their subconscious zones on Saturday, meditation can alleviate any mental stress, especially Knoxville due in no small part to his countless injuries over the years.
What does your outlook look like this week? Link
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August 2023 Astrology Forecast: REVELATIONS & THE BIG AUDIT! Revising Your Relation to the World
August 2023 Astrology Forecast: REVELATIONS & THE BIG AUDIT! Revising Your Relation to the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2uUZ1SbhK0 In August 2023 the cosmos spark REVELATIONS & THE BIG AUDIT to realign all areas of your inner and outer lives through 8 retrograde planets--mercury retrograde, venus retrograde & more-- and 2 Full Moons on August 1st and August 30th! Explore divine wisdom to help you navigate this retrograde season, FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS, New Moon in Leo, and Full Moon in Pisces in August 2023. 🌙🪐🔮TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 August 2023 Astrology Forecast 08:22 Full Moon in Aquarius Astrology 25:40 New Moon in Leo Astrology 29:22 Full Moon in Pisces Astrology ============================= 🔔Unlock Celestial Wisdom: Subscribe to all Yué Light Official Links for Personal Horoscopes & Spiritual Guidance: https://ift.tt/8yzRMaA ✨Support Yué Light Celestial Content 💸: https://ift.tt/EarnUkx 🔔🎧Join in our Daily Grace Motivation Meditations©™: https://www.youtube.com/@yuelightcelestialinsight/shorts ➡︎Join on TIKTOK: https://ift.tt/AYLB40V ============================= Other SPECIAL content You Might Be Interested In: 🌙🪐🔮 Your 2023-2024 Eclipse Season Horoscope & Tarot Guide! See How the Nodes of Karma and Destiny IN ARIES & LIBRA Shake up Your Life: https://youtu.be/Yo2ApSiQ02k 🌙🪐🔮Your Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius astrology and oracle reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGsewumMPJo&t=0s 🌙🪐🔮Current Astrology Transits & Tarot Predictions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0LNsb6qi9bk77VmDmyA-hBhiXj6Fb_3V 🌙🪐🔮Your 2023 Timeless Tarot Predictions & Psychic Spiritual Guidance: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0LNsb6qi9blJYL9Yb4ra9bzLhBAu2h33 🌙🪐🔮Monthly Astrology Horoscopes & Tarot Forecast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0LNsb6qi9bm7cqE2wrXd_4RRn2dTNBG8 🌙🪐🔮 Yue Light Healing Meditations : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrjyLzEGtcmq2qErbygra2SCAqN1Tw87E ============================= ✨Love and healing celestial light to you all. May you be held in the celestial light and grace of the Divine Mother. -Namaste'🕉️ #august2023 #astrologyforecast #astrology #astrologer #allzodiacsigns ✅ DISCLAIMER: ⚡Yué Light does not solicit or offer personal services. ⚡Yué Light is not liable for any loss or damages. ⚡Yué Light Celestial Insight Predictions are not a substitute for consultations and services with licensed financial, legal, and medical professionals. ✅ COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This video and YouTube channel contain multimedia that are property of "Yué Light Celestial Insight." You are authorized to share our links and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube Channel is provided. © Yué Light Celestial Insight. 2023. ============================= via Yué Light Celestial Insight https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCts_DqL7Tnbh-AFyOC5m8AA July 28, 2023 at 08:06PM
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astrologerbydefault · 23 days
Venus combust 2024: Astrological predictions
Venus the planet of love and balance is going combust very soon. The time will be highly turbulent with the ongoing Angarak yog. And Venus will be unable to guide us in critical areas of life. Relationships, creativity, and finances may be affected.
The year 2024 – 25 is called Shri Krodhi, it means an ‘angry man’ in Devbhasha Samskrutam. And it seems to be living up to its name, starting off with a bang with the Angarak yog in Pisces from 24th April. And immediately followed by the Sun combusting Venus for a whopping 66 days from 25th April to 29th Jun 2024 (as per drikpanchang).  Venus will be combust as he transits through the zodiac…
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