#astarion tag
astarionxhappiness · 2 months
This is my first piece of writing in about five or so years, so thank you Astarion for giving me that fire again.
I did my best to find all the typos, but this was written on my phone at about 1 AM while half asleep, and autocorrect is a bitch, so bear with me.
Prompt: you have a bad past of sexual abuse, but catch feelings for Astarion.
Word Count: A little over 4,000 words
Warnings: mentions of sexual abuse if you squint a bit. Fluff. Lots of fluff.
The two of you had been traveling together for some time now. And while you had gotten of to a rocky start, you felt that you had grown a rather strong bond over the past months.
Though you supposed that facing constant and never ending threats, as well as having a tadpole connecting your very minds could do that to anyone.
Having to constantly put your life into another's hands like that. . All of your trust. And in turn, they offered you the same.
It had been years since you had felt such trust for a person. Such faith and warmth. And to a vampire spawn no less.
The thought made you smile to yourself with great amusement, biting your bottom lip absently and tugging.
Perhaps it wasn't even putting your trust in a vampire spawn. . Perhaps it felt funny to find yourself putting your trust in him.
"What's so funny?"
The words knocked you from your daze, bringing your attention back to the world around you.
The sound of the crackling fire, the uncomfortable log making your ass sore the longer you remained seated on it. The night air chilling your skin through the thin fabric of your tunic.
"Tav?" Astarion's voice sounded again, ever demanding. His tone made you look over at him quickly.
"You keep doing that today. . Are you falling ill or something?" You did not offer a response to this rhetorical question, knowing it was asked out of fussiness from being ignored, rather than genuine concern.
"I'm just thinking," you replied, glancing over at him again. "Nothing is funny."
You had had a hard time looking at him all day. You knew it had to do with the dream you had had the night before, though you were still having trouble admitting it to yourself.
The very memories of it made you feel flush.
"Oh?" He quirked a brow as he gazed at you from the corner of his eye, his head tilted back in a manner that showed off his jaw nicely.
"And what is it you're thinking about so intently then, hm? It must be something quite interesting to have you so distracted." The suggestive smile and knowing glint in his eye made you flush, looking away bashfully.
"Whatever you think it is, I can assure you it isn't that," you replied with vehemence, listening to him burst into musical laughter.
"Oh, it truly is so much fun to tease you, darling" he replied, tilting his head to look at you, a smile dancing on his lips that showed off his fangs.
"So what was it, then? If not the idea of me ravishing your body?" He had been making such jokes more and more for weeks now, but the immersion did nothing to stop your face from going red once more, forcing you to look away from him so he wouldn't see.
Not that it truly mattered. You knew he could tell exactly what your reaction was. Hence the reason he loved to make comments.
"Astarion, could I ask you something?" You found the nervous words leaving your mouth before you could stop them, making your body tense.
Your head remained bowed, gazing intently at your lap.
The smile fell from his lips, a look of uncertain curiosity taking place in his features instead.
"What's on your mind, darling?" He asked, making you wring your hands together.
"Do you. . Do you actually like being with people?" The question made him pause for just a moment before a smile cracked the far more real expression that had come before it.
A breathless laugh left his lips.
"Of course," he replied, unwilling to admit to the possibility that that was in fact a lie.
He felt the question was building to something more, and he was unwilling to make himself unavailable should you want him.
His eyes squinted slightly in curiosity when you offered little more than a nod of your head, wringing your hands together.
"So. . So you enjoy. . Being touched?" You glanced over at him, tensing harder when you found his inquisitive gaze already looking back at you.
"Why are you asking me these things my sweet?" He asked. "Is it perhaps. . Because you really would like for me to touch you?" He brought his hand out to very lightly cover your wrist, making your breath catch.
Silence grew thickly between the two if you as your response to the question remained stuck firmly in your throat.
You startled violently when footsteps sounded from off to your left, followed by Wyll's voice.
"Are you two coming to eat? Gale's just finished cooking. " He hesitated as he spoke, watching Astarion's hand slide subtly off your wrist.
"I am actually not feeling particularly well," you replied, flustered as you got to your feet. "Excuse me." They both watched you go, having similar expressions if uncertainty as Astarion stood up next to Wyll.
You remained in your tent for the remainder of the evening, listening to the others talking and laughing over warm food.
You shivered absently as you laid on your bedroll, the thick furs feeling less warm than usual. You hoped that it was simply the nights getting colder, but you had a feeling it was rather your thoughts giving the impression of warmth leaving your body.
You shut your eyes, your fingers tracing the palm of your other hand tucked by your face as you heard Astarion reciting one of his favorite stories to the others, undoubtedly keeping the company of a nice glass of wine.
The tips of your fingers traced down to your wrist where his hand had covered just a few hours before, your mind wandering back to the dream that had corrupted your thinking all day.
You had sworn off touch long ago. Your experience with it being only violent and cruel.
You did not want it.
A simple brush of the shoulder led to temptation of touching one's arm. Then, perhaps the urge to move in closer. Feel their breath against your skin, inhale their scent. .
These were temptations that people seemed incapable to control.
No! You wouldn't risk it! Not again! Not ever again.
You would not be used for another's pleasure.
And yet. . Astarion had touched you, had he not? Not just tonight, but other times as well. Whether it was catching you mid trip, protecting you in a fight . . even waking you from a nightmare or two. .
You took in a deep breath as these memories crossed your mind. The feel of his hands clutching your shoulders, his soothing, concerned voice as he tried to calm you down.
You had felt faint that night, waking with the air out of your lungs.
You had fallen against him, your hands shaking, weakly grasping at his arms as you tried not to faint. You could still feel the sensation of your temple resting against his broad chest. The feeling of his cool hand coming to rest on the side if your head.
He had never stopped talking while you worked through your panic attack. Plenty of it was not actually comforting, but the simple sound of his voice grounded you. And his touch made you feel drunk.
You had pushed those feelings away after that night. but after your dream, after the vivid sensation of his touch against your skin, his soft voice easing your tension. . You knew the sensation. It was too vivid not to have been spawned from a memory.
That feeling of safety. . Never had you expected to ever feel it in your life. .
You bit your lip as you curled in on yourself, wrapping an arm around your torso.
If your fears were right, and all touching always led to pain and violence, then why had Astarion never tried anything?
Even tonight, the touch had been. . Gentle. Hesitant, almost. Offering the option for you to pull away if you so pleased.
But you didn't. Something about it felt right. Like having a taste of water when you didn't realize just how thirsty you were.
Perhaps. . Just maybe, it was possible to find safety with him.
You trusted him with your life, after all.
And from things he had told you in the past, you got the feeling he would understand the fear you had of being taken advantage of more than anyone.
Your attention was grabbed by the sounds of everyone getting ready to head to bed, most likely due to the rain that had begun falling, making it's presence known to you by tapping rhythmically against your tent.
You bit your lip, feeling your stomach twisting at the resolve you made.
You would just ask him. What was the worst that could happen?-
You had to stop your brain from answering this question.
It took you a little under ten minutes to harden your resolve.
You kicked off the thick fur blanket, stuffed your feet in your unlaced boots, and headed for the vampire's tent across the camp from yours.
Except, by the time your feet stopped in front of his tent, your resolve had weakened once more, leaving you standing in the dark with rain slowly absorbing into the thin layers of your clothes.
You were already shaking with nerves by the time that thunder boomed in the sky so loudly it had you yelping in surprise, your mind having been far more preoccupied with other things than the lightning overhead. flinging yourself through the flap of fabric that covered the entrance of his tent, you froze as you laid eyes on the man laying in the dim lamp light.
Your entrance made Astarion look up with a start from the spot on his bed, his finger marking the page of his book he had been reading.
He looked confused by your odd entrance, though your meek posture and flushed skin made him smile at you. It rather made your head dizzy and your feet want to run.
"Hello, beautiful," he greeted, his tone ever seductive. "I figured I would be seeing you again tonight." He shut his book in a way that had you wondering how many times he had practiced the motion in order to get just the right amount of seduction out of it.
He was. . Everything that you were not in such moments.
Confident, charismatic, smooth and seductive. Experienced, and more or less functioning.
You looked down, hands clasped before you.
"I-i didn't mean to bother you," you whispered, finding yourself far more nervous than you normally were.
"I just. . I wanted to ask you. ." You shut your eyes as your cheeks went bright red.
He couldn't help but notice the soft tremor rattling your body. Your meek position was not one he often saw you possessing. Only in moments when you were truly terrified or nervous about something.
It was, much to his horror, rather.. endearing.
He had only seen you in such a state a spare few times, but when he did, he had the odd urge to handle whatever it was causing it.
And in this case, he felt certain that the thing causing you trouble, he could definitely take care of.
He stood up, moving over to you, making your heart beat quicken with nerves.
He had a way of looming that made you want to flee.
When you flinched back from him, suddenly rethinking if your request was such a good idea, you watched to your great surprise as he took a step back, frowning.
"Are you scared of me?" He asked with sudden realization.
The action had not been made out of anticipation, or longing. No. . People did not flinch like that unless they expected something unpleasant to happen.
You looked up at him with round, horrified eyes.
"No!" You replied quickly, your body trembling a bit harder.
"I- no, of course not, I just-" he turned his head to the right slightly as he continued to look at you, frowning as he brows furrowed.
"I just get- nervous, with people. . Touching me," you finally managed to get out, sounding royally ashamed.
You had survived an illithid tadpole swimming around in your skull, the crashing of a ship you you were on only because of being abducted, countless perilous fights, and even knocked the head off of one or two goblins without ever skipping a beat.
But this. Proximity to someone that had never once tried to murder you, or handle you in a way you didn't want to be handled. . This terrified you?
It was only then that he realized you had always avoided being touched by others. You had never shown interest in any form of romance, or even friendly pats on the shoulder by the others in your little party.
You had always managed to casually and seamlessly avoid such interactions.
"Why do you get nervous being touched?" He asked, though he had his suspicions. "I assure you, love, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of." He offered his hand out to you, but made no further attempt at contact. Remaining a respectful distance from you.
You looked away, a part of you desperately wanting to reach out and grasp his hand, feel the sensation that you had found yourself desperate to for.
You did not, however. You remained rigidly shaking in place as you looked away.
"You. . You said that Cazador, . . That he made you do things you didn't want to do? With him? And. . Others? " You whispered nervously.
It had been a conversation you had had with him some weeks ago, out on a ledge relaxing beneath the stars while the others slept.
He frowned at the mention, dropping his hand when the offer was not accepted.
"Yes," he replied, seeming slightly more guarded. "Why?"
You tensed as another roar of thunder raged in the sky, your eyes shutting.
"Well- someone. . Someone did things to me. To hurt me, and- and use me-" you looked up at him, eyes round and nervous, a part of you expecting to be met with disgust.
The expression you were met with however, was one of a silent understanding. The defense in his gaze softened.
Though the bitterness remained, you felt certainty that it was not directed towards you.
"I see," he replied, his suspicions finally being confirmed.
"So why are you here, then?" He tilted his head back slightly. "Trying to rewrite the pain in your past?" He guessed. "Well, I'm okay with that. Happy to be of service, darling." He offered you a charming smile as his weight shifted to one hip, his hand coming up to hang loosely at the wrist.
"No, actually," you replied, watching the false happiness slip off his features. "I-. . I wanted to ask if. . You would want. . " you scrunched your face, looking tortured.
"I can read your thoughts if you'd rather not say it aloud," he offered when you fell silent.
You looked only more pained by this offer, but nodded mutely, opening your mind to him as the request was caught in your throat.
He shut his eyes was he felt the connection take hold, swimming in your thoughts to latch on to the question stuck in your mind.
"Do I want to cuddle?" He demanded in confusion, taking an affronted step back, letting out a breathless laugh as he looked at you.
You tensed, shaking just a little harder at his reaction, your stomach twisting in a manner that made you glad you had not eaten that evening.
"I-. . No one's ever asked me that before," he went on, the vehemence in his voice dissipating as he looked at you, features taking on more trouble attributes.
He looked at you quietly, your small form shivering, your clothes clinging to your body wetly, making him wonder how long you had been outside his tent, too scared to come in and ask for such an odd. . Innocent, request.
The strange part was, it. . Sounded rather pleasant.
You had never asked anything of him before. You offered loyalty to him and never asked for anything in return. Not even his own loyalty to you.
You had fought for him. Saved him. Cared for his wounds, and been there for him in moments when he felt he could open up.
"I-" he hesitated as you stayed silently staring at him, waiting for something bad to happen.
He did not need an tadpole to read the nervousness and fear in your mind.
"-i think I would rather like tjat," he found himself genuinely admitting.
He offered his hand again to you, his demeanor soft and delicate. The same demeanor he had offered when he held you when you couldn't catch a healthy rhythm with your breathing.
You looked down at his hand, hesitantly stepping forward and putting your hand over his, feeling a rush if excitement and longing rush through you as you felt his fingers wrap gently around your hand.
You took another step closer to him, your mind almost blank as you shut your eyes, and wordless pressed your body against his in a gentle, soothing hug.
He hesitated as you did this, fairly certain no one had ever hugged him before this very moment.
It felt. . Warm. . Comforting, almost.
He wrapped his arm around you after a moment of uncertainty, the hold tenuous and hesitant.
He kept your hand in his, pressed between your bodies up against your chests.
He shut his eyes, feeling himself melting into the embrace.
When you pulled away finally and looked up at him, he quietly used your hand still in his to tug you with him towards the bed on the ground. He sat down on top of the blanket, looking up at you wordlessly, his hand still tenderly grasping yours.
You took in a deep breath, looking down at him intently as you sat on the ground in front of him on folded legs, taking in another deep breath with nervous giddiness from the proximity.
It felt just as you had dreamed it. The warmth, the tenderness. .
You leaned forward for what Astarion instinctively expected to be a kiss, but found himself freezing when you pressed your forehead tenderly against his, your eyes shutting.
The soft little breaths you took in to try and calm yourself, soaking up the touch in a manner that clearly felt euphoric- it was not things that went unnoticed by the vampire spawn.
You were. . Positively adorable. The gentle way you hesitantly brought your hands up to let the very tips of your fingers touch either side of his face. The soft, earnest expression you wore as you soaked up the feeling of being touched . .
He shut his eyes, bringing his hands up to gently cover your hands, feeling your tadpole reaching out to his, should he want it.
Curious, he reached out, and felt himself tale an inhale as a feeling of warmth washed over him.
Feelings of care, and trust. understanding, and longing.
But not for the thing most people wanted from him. . It was a longing to be to see, as well as be seen. A longing for understanding.
He brought his hand to press against the mid of your back, gentle and coaxing, you slowly agreed to the request, and let him guide your body to press against his.
The touch felt so different than usual. Perhaps it was the connection of the tadpole, but it felt warm, and safe
You felt safe.
He had never felt such a sensation before in his life. To genuinely trust someone. To care for them.
There were small, subtle glimpse of pain in your thoughts. Ones that he found he wanted to prod at further, but resisted.
He brushed his nose against yours mindlessly, and you returned the action, feeling entranced as he opened his own mind mind you in return, letting you see how cared for you were with him.
You melted further into the touch, slipping your arms around his back, a hand coming up to the back of his hair mindlessly to play with the soft silver locks.
He brought his hands to your sides, keeping you pressed against him as he carefully headed backwards so you rested down on top of him, his fingers coming to run along the divot of your spine.
Wrapping your leg around him, you settled comfortably against him, the heaviness of your body on top of him feeling like a pleasant weighted blanket.
He let his hands roam along your wet clothes before making their way into your damp hair.
He wanted to ask how long exactly you had been out there to have gotten so wet, be he refrained, simply listening to the rain hit the tent as you both soaked up the comforting touch.
You folded the blanket up around the two of you after a time, and felt him roll you both a moment later.
You opened your eyes softly to look at him, gently resting your forehead against his once kore, though there was no tadpole connecting you this time.
"If you ever want someone," you whispered, bringing your fingers up to tenderly touch his cheek. "If you ever want to talk, or just. . Have someone to be with, I am here." You brushed your nose against his, watching his lids fall half closed.
He looked like he wanted to respond, but was perhaps, for the first time in his life, at a loss for words.
He felt an overwhelming sense for gratitude towards the offer. He had told you things before, but it had been in moments of weakness, or because it was necessary.
He had never shared just because.
"Well," he finally whispered, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "This. . Offer, goes for you as well." He looked down, clearly trying his best, but having a hard time with more vulnerability.
"Thank you," you murmured, inching a little closer. "I'm. . Astarion, I'm so sorry, for everything you had to go through." The words were spoken with great feeling, your heart aching thinking about of of the things be had admitted to happening.
"It's in the past now, well isn't it," he replied, stroking your cheek. "But. . Thank you, love," he added with a great deal more hesitancy.
You smiled slightly, which he found did odd things to his insides.
He sighed mentally to himself. He was not going to allow himself to feel things things for you- he couldn't.
You were just-
His breathing froze as you shifted up, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and head as you shifted him so his head rested against your chest, the position feeling incredibly shielding and warm.
He felt his stomach twist, his throat strangely tight.
He wrapped his arm around your torso hesitantly after a moment, apprehensive.
No one had ever- held him before. It was not how this worked-
And yet. . He found his eyes falling shut with sudden exhaustion.
He cursed you, unsure what exactly it was about your touch that had him feeling so. . Melty. But it was unaccept-
His ears perked up slightly, distracted from his thoughts as a sweet, soft melody gripped his attention instead.
His body eased to rest more heavily against you as his muscles relaxed.
Perhaps. . It would be okay just to relax and enjoy for a little while? And then he could get back to his plotting and manipulations later. .
He took in a deep breath, feeling your fingers touching his hair tentatively, running the tips of them through the outer layers of the silvery strands.
The soft vibration of your chest as you switched between signing and humming different parts of the song had him entranced.
You kept your gaze on him as you did so, feeling your stomach twisting with giddiness.
This had been it. It was just like you had dreamed. . The feeling of his arms around you, the dim light of the lantern casting calming shadows.
The tender, warm touch with none of the unpleasantness.
It was everything you had been craving and more.
You shut your eyes after a time, feeling him slowly heating against you as he slipped off into peaceful slumber.
You slipped down sleepily after nearly an hour of just enjoying the position of holding him safely in your arms.
You felt him shift in his sleep as you settled down against him, his arm wrapping around you, pulling you close.
You pressed your forehead against his softly, eyes shutting, feeling his breath tickle your face with every slow exhale.
You let your leg rest loosely in-between his, wrapping your arm around his waist before settling.
You slipped off a little while later to join him in slumber, the soft drumming of the rain and rumbling thunder in the distance lulling you to sleep.
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bardnuts · 7 months
going as long as possible with Astarion as your only party member (and playing dark urge) is probably one of the funniest early-game experiences there is
Imagine: random chance frees you from 200 years of slavery and you team up with this random, extremely bad vibes stranger for "protection," except each of you is completely convinced the other might kill you in your sleep (one of you has horrifyingly worrying intrusive thoughts and the other has already pulled a knife at least once). You dont have 20 strength between you. You can barely protect each other but at least this random freak is SOMEONE and you need SOMEONE or Cazador will find you and grab you. So you attach yourself at the hip and try to ignore the way this strange amnesiac mutters "blood" to himself when he thinks you're not listening
and OK, you think, the other guy hasn't killed me yet and he definitely has had ample opportunity, but you're SO THIRSTY and neither of you have slept through the night yet because you're too busy keeping watch on one another, so maybe he's finally tired enough that you can just take a little bite while he's--oh shit
I spent three days like this. It was a delightful little interlude and everyone should try it
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hissithlady · 6 months
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Whatever Pleases You: Chapter 2
By HisSithLady
Astarion has Ascended, and tonight is your last night alive. He wants to make you his, but you have other plans
18+ Erotica. Minors DNI
Read Chapter One Here
Astarion/ Female Tav (Y/N) - Hetro
Female Y/N / Tav
Additional Tags/Warnings:
Dom/sub Undertones, Cock Tease, Dom/sub Play, Cock & Ball Torture, Begging, Hand Jobs, Neck Kissing, Orgasm Delay/Denial, F/M Sex, face sitting, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs
Chapter Two: Silk
Your thumb slides into his mouth, tracing his lips. Astarion opens his mouth, taking your digit between his fangs.
"Good answer" you purr, pushing your finger deeper into his mouth. He sucks eagerly, his tongue running along the underside of your finger. You shudder, biting you lip as you get lost in his ruby stare.
You let this go one for a moment before turning and opening a draw. Astarion remains on his knees, his expression puzzled as you pull a few bits of silk material from the drawer.
"Only the finest, I hope," he chuckles nervously as you saunter back over. You kneel in front of him, taking his wrists. Binding them with the silk, Astarion searches your face with his gaze.
You hold a thicker piece flat on your hands in front of him. He hesitates, his brow furrowing in confusion.
"You told me that those who you seduced and slept with barely let you experience the pleasure you gave them,"
Astarion looks surprised that you remembered him saying so.
"I want you to experience all the pleasure I can offer you, my love. You are bound but bound to me, if you feel uncomfortable, say so at any point."
His exhale is ragged  as he dips his head. "I-I trust you," 
You cover his eyes with the silk. His body trembling as the darkness closes in, you press your body against his.
"I'm here," you whisper as you crawl up his body, your lips kissing from his ear, down his jaw to his lips. Falling on to his back, Astarion moans against your lips.
You break the kiss, your lips gliding lightly over his neck, you can hear the vampire's breath quickening as if he was feeling the light touch stronger than before. You kiss his neck, his shoulder, down his pale chest. 
"My love…" he breathes, tossing his head back. As your lips continue leaving a trail of kisses down his alabaster abs, you take his twitching cock in your hand again, rubbing the drooling tip with your thumb.
"G-GOD!" The pale elf jerks in your hands, the wave of pleasure hitting him harder and stronger than before. You slide your arm under his raised hips as your hand glides up and down his shaft, his cock growing stiffer and stiffer as his moans grow into cries of pleasure.
Again you stop suddenly, taking your hands from his causing him to yell in frustration. You see him pulling at the silk ropes, desperate to finish himself.
You remove your pants, looking over the hypersensitive vampire below you. You raise your foot, gently digging it into his cold balls, he writhes panting heavily. Your foot slides up his shaft, squeezing his meat between your big and second toe before pushing it against his body.
Astarion whimpers, the attention given to his cock being more than he had had in a long while.
You kneel, one knee either side of the vampire's temples. Shuffling forward, your knees stop against his shoulders.
Astarion gasps, the sweet scent of your wet sex invading his nose as you lay over his body, grasping his cock again.
"Y-yes, please," he pants, his cock throbbing as you slowly jerk him, the head swollen and red with need.
"You want it?" You tease, his hips bucking with each tug.
"Please! I beg of you, I will do anything," his voice is hoarse with lust, his mind a blur of arousal.
You lower your slick pussy onto his face. Astarion wastes no time, his tongue lashing at your folds, his breath hitching as he moans, your mouth enveloping the swollen head of his dick.
He tastes delicious, as if he was made just for you. Your hand pumping his shaft, you bob your head, taking his cock further into your mouth.
Astarion's hips buck wildly, his cock hitting the back of your throat. He whines, his head shaking side to side as he laps at your cunt.
Your head bobs faster, matching the pace of your hand on his cock. His skilled tongue delving into your depths, lapping and flicking.
Your own moans vibrate through his cock, his moans vibrating your pussy, the two of you building each other closer and closer to the edge.
Your hand slips to his balls, gently caressing and rolling them in your palm. His hips thrust up, his cock slamming deep into your throat as his moans and whimpers grow louder.
Your thighs squeeze around his face, your eyes rolling back as Astarion bring you closer, closer then over the edge with his tongue. You practically scream around his meat as you cum. Astarion drinks the juices spilling from you, his cock throbbing in your hand.
You raise your trembling hip from his face, looking down at his flushed cheeks, his hair splayed across the rug.
"You taste...amazing my love," he pants. You kiss him deeply, his tongue sliding over your lips, sharing your juices.
You slide off his chest, turning yourself round so you straddle his lap. Astarion's breath hitches as your pussy grinds on his stiff shaft.
"You've been so good," you whisper, grinding your cunt on his dick. "I'm going to fuck you now, and if you ask nicely, you may cum inside me,"
Astarion nods, his teeth biting into his lip. You take his cock in your hand and rise up, the tip pressing into your slick hole.
With a single motion you drop, his thick cock slamming deep into your cunt, your walls clamping tight around him.
You grip his hips, his cock twitching within you, his body arching beneath you as you raise your hips, slamming back down on him.
Astarion throws his head back, his mouth agape as you bounce on him. He's a panting, sweating mess, his hips bucking into you as his cock plunges deeper into you, stretching and filling you.
"God, you feel amazing," he growls, his eyes rolling, the sound of your slapping flesh ringing in the air around you.
"Unbind me, please, I want to touch you" he begs, his fingers flexing.
You lean over him, reaching for the silken ropes. In a split second he has the binds pulled free, his hands gripping your waist.
You yelp in surprise as he rolls you, pinning you beneath him. His hips slamming his cock into you.
You wrap your legs around him, your nails clawing at his back, his lips hungrily devouring yours, his moans growling and husky.
His hand slides down, his thumb finding your swollen clit, rubbing in rough circles. Your legs tense, your pussy throbbing, his cock slamming hard and fast into your tight hole.
Your back arches, his name falling from your lips as you cum again. Astarion growls, his own release not far behind.
His thrusts are frantic, his breath ragged as he nears his climax.
"M-may I?" he pants, you reach up and remove the blindfold. His eyes find your immediately his ruby stare begging. You say nothing, watching him teeter on the edge as you run your fingers through his hair.
"May you what?" You pull him close and whisper in his ear, your tongue licking along the lobe.
"I-if it pleases y-you...M-may I cum?" He whimpers.
"Is that what you want?" You tease nibbling his ear.
"Please, I need to cum!" His body trembles as his control slips away. "I want to cum, I want to cum in you!"
You push him over, taking control once more. Your hips bounce on him, his hips bucking wildly.
"Then cum," you breathe, his hands grip your hips. "Cum for me!"
The command is his undoing, his whole body tensing as he cums. A roar escaping his lips, his cock throbbing deep inside you, his load filling your aching hole.
You continue to ride him, his load spilling out from you, dripping down his cock and balls.
Astarion falls limp, his arms dropping to the rug. His eyes wide, his face flushed as he struggles to catch his breath.
You lay over him, kissing him gently.
"I think I like this new game," he purrs.
"It was fun, I've never seen you so vulnerable,"
He smirks, his finger caressing your cheek. "You can always count on me being at your mercy,"
He pulls you into a passionate kiss, his tongue dancing with yours, his fangs scraping your lip.
"Thank you," he breathes, his gaze soft. "That was...wonderful, "
"Anything for you," you reply. He holds you tightly, kissing your forehead.
"You're incredible," he sighs. "And you're mine, I'm the luckiest man in Baldur's gate."
"I can't wait to do this with you again, forever." You smile up at him, the buzz of pleasure swirling in your mind.
Your eyes get heavy as you slip into a blissful rest in his arms, just as Astarion leans down, kisses your forehead and whispers,
"Whatever pleases you,"
***I do not own Baldurs Gate or any associated media, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.***
I hope you enjoy this chapter, i was feeling my feminine energy so this one came out first
Chapter 3 will be M/Astarion
Chapter 4 will be Non genital penetration
These may change but I hope it provides a reading experience for everyone. Feedback is loved and appreciated and I apologies for the formatting.
- HisSithLady
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aluneposting · 5 months
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your blood — AURORA
this song is extremely astarion x dark urge . they’ll meet in every timeline & in every afterlife.
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ampvire · 6 months
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his nose is just so sitable
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murder-incarnate · 6 months
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tfw the bhaalspawn is the only one in your friend group with a real conscience and they are hanging on by a fucking thread
my friend ez's tav trine (at least they're a tav in her bg3 au) + my durge abaddon + astarion. trine and abaddon typically live in separate universes but ez and i love to talk about how the two would interact, and they both romance astarion so like. this squad gets talked about a lot. abaddon tries so hard to be good despite everything, trine and astarion not so much, and things aren't helped by trine especially having a real tendency to poke the metaphorical bear because it's funny.
colors are messy so here's the lines-only version, which i also like, and is, admittedly, also messy
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notsotranqui1 · 8 months
I apologize to anyone I know in real life but I'm about to become the most insufferable person out there because of this man
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bosmerbitch · 2 months
Sephina finally gets her face held by our boy 🥺🥲😩😭
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marionmaverick · 3 months
"I did what I had to. Just to survive."
"I know Astarion, I believe you," He said.
He continued brushing dust out of his tail, not quite making eye contact. More because the Gur's attitude had pissed him off. He had seen so much worse without mind control being involved. Had seen plenty forgive their tempered families for worse too.
"Look," He sighed. "I don't talk about my past, but trust me when I say I've done the same shit. You won't get any judgement from me"
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hekuuu · 4 months
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a little self-indulgent comic :>
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kenobihater · 8 months
tragedy enjoyers when a character perpetuates the cycle of violence they themselves were a victim of
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lichposting · 9 months
I’m really enamored with the dynamic of two characters who work perfectly in tandem, like pacific rim drift compatible level, but they don’t like each other. It’s not even as strong an emotion as hate it’s just a very neutral-negative dislike, but they still act in perfect concert and their individual abilities are fully complementary
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bardnuts · 7 months
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One possible ending for the Dark Urge is to take your own life before Bhaal can dominate you for good. I wonder how that might impact Astarion a few decades later, once he's spent a while in the Underdark guiding all those spawn you freed together. How would he speak of you to someone else, if they asked what he was brooding about one night?
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hissithlady · 6 months
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Whatever Pleases You
By HisSithLady
Astarion has Ascended, and tonight is your last night alive. He wants to make you his, but you have other plans
18+ Erotica. Minors DNI
Astarion/Tav (Y/N)
Y/N / Tav
Additional Tags/Warnings:
Dom/sub Undertones, Cock Tease, Dom/sub Play, Cock & Ball Torture, Begging Hand Jobs, Neck Kissing, Orgasm Delay/Denial
Chapter 1: On Your Knees
“On. Your. Knees” Astarion pointed to the ground. He will always think of you degrading yourself while being with him.
Your eyebrow cocks at the vampire's request. You know he is flexing his power after Ascending, but a smirk curls you lips at the thought of putting him in his place.
You kick him, square in the balls.
Astarion’s eyes bulges as he staggers, the proud vampire crumbling in mere seconds before you,
“How DA-”
You don't let him finish. Your hands are around his neck, your body pressed against his until his back hits the stone wall behind you. His only comfort is the red curtain before it.
“What in the hells,” Astarion gasps trying to regain himself. You lift your eyes to him mischievously, your other hand cupping his bruised bulge. Astarion tenses at your touch and then you know, as much as he, that you have him where you want him.
Dipping your head you begin kissing up his cold alabaster neck gliding over the bite marks from his former sire.
“We…we could have discussed this…I-I’m not against it, I-” his trembling words are lost in a soft moan that add to your excitement as you continue to caress his crotch. Your lips graze along his jaw, the vampire letting out a soft hiss before turning his head and meeting you in a kiss.
Tongues dance as you release your hold on his neck but keep your body pressed against his. Your hand slips into his pants, tracing the valley of his abs to the depths of his crotch. Astarion, breaking the kiss huffs as you trace the white column in his pants, his eyes wide again but this time more unsure at your gentle touch.
“I-If I upset you…I-I’m sorry,”
The smirk returns to your lips.
“No, my beloved,” you coo as your hands grasp the vampire's meat. “But if I am to be your spawn for the rest of eternity…for my last night alive, you belong to me,”
Astarion looks at you, his face soft and vulnerable. In his silence he nods as you press your lips to his, pulling his cock from his pants. It's hard, long and thick already as you run your thumb over his sensitive tip. His soft moan breaks the kiss as you start to feel his body tremble.
"My beloved...." he breathes, "You've given me...everything,"
His voice is like sweet nectar, his pale eyes glistening as you pump his cock with a smile.
"And now I'm going to make sure I've given you everything, my love,"
With a swift action you turn the vampire. His toned chest pressed again the blood red curtain, his hands gripping the material in anticipation. You take a moment to admire his naked beauty, tracing the scar on his back from where Cazador once tried to end his existence. He shudders at the touch, his head bowing, his white hair falling to cover his face.
"You are beautiful, Astarion,"
He says nothing, just stands still, waiting, hoping for what comes next. You lean in and kiss his neck. He sighs at your affection as your fingers find their way to his cock once more, slowly teasing him. Whimpers turn to moans, moans become soft hisses, his hips rocking gently to meet the rhythm of your hand, pumping his cock.
Astarion's body trembles as each stroke send electric pleasure through his form, his head is bowed, he dare not interfere with your touch. Your free hand pulls the laces on his leather pants, exposing his rear to the cold air, making the vampire shiver. Your hands wrap around his waist, pulling him closer to you. He moans softly as you grind against him.
"You are mine," You breath into his ear.
The vampire gasps, his fingers twisting the curtain so hard it looks ready to rip. You stop, and the vampire hisses.
"Behave," you hiss, slapping his ass hard.
Astarion lets out a low groan, the pain and pleasure mixing as you spank him again. His back arches, his head rolling back as he presses himself against your body. You can feel his cock twitch in your palm, his shaft pulsing as your fingers tighten.
"F-fuck...f-f-fu-u-uck" his voice breaks into a deep, guttural moan.
"Tell me what you want, Astarion" you whisper, pressing your lips to his skin again. Your teeth playfully nibble at his cold skin. Being used to penetrative fangs, Astarion flinches.
"Fuck...please," he whimpers.
"Please, what?" You ask, squeezing his cock hard, causing him to gasp.
"Please...I want...I need..." his voice trails off, his body quivering as you begin stroking his cock once more. His body pressed so hard against yours, you knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself up.
"Yes," you hiss. "What do you need?"
Astarion's grip tightens, you see the rips form in the curtains. You can hear him trying to speak but he can't, the pleasure is too intense. You place your chin on his shoulder, nibbling the pointed ear of once High Elf.
"Say it"
"Please," he cries. "Please, please, please," his body convulsing, his cock twitching in your grasp.
"Please, what?" You ask once more, biting his ear hard.
"Release me" he breathes, words like a prayer as his head snaps back, eyes rolling into his head, "Let me cum!"
His body starts to shake, his back arching, his legs buckling. The pleasure is too intense for him to handle.
"Did you think it was going to be that easy?" You pull away, letting go of his cock, causing him to fall to his knees, a whimper escaping his lips. Astarion slams his fist into the stone below.
"You-you're torturing me" he breathes, the frustration lacing his words only gives you more enjoyment and somehow, you can tell, his enjoyment too. “You’re giving Cazador a run for his money,”
"I have you where I want you, my dear" you chuckle, "On your knees,"
Astarion's eyes open wide, the realisation of his predicament washing over him, the vulnerability of his position.
"So I am..." he turned, remaining on his knees. The pale elf's chest heaves, his silver hair clinging to his forehead with sweat, his marbled cock still standing tall.
"What did you have in mind, my darling" his eyes sparkling in mischief, "Do you plan to use me?"
"Yes" you purr, stepping forward, your thumb and forefinger lifting his chin to make him look at you. His ruby gaze amused. "How shall I use you? Hmm?"
The vampire's tongue flicked across his lips, the tip tracing the outline, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Whatever pleases you" he replies.
***I do not own Baldurs Gate or any associated media, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.***
Chapter Two: Silk (Female Tav)
I plan to write the next scenes however the Chapter system will be different. I plan to use chapters to differentiate the different sexual experiences with Astarion, example:
Chapter 2 will be F/Astarion
Chapter 3 will be M/Astarion
Chapter 4 will be Non genital penetration
These may change but I hope it provides a reading experience for everyone. Feedback is loved and appreciated and I apologies for the formatting.
- HisSithLady
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aluneposting · 6 months
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I  don't  think  .  .  .  I  want  you  to  think  of  me  in  terms  of  sex [   .  .  .   ]   I  don't  know  if  I  want  anyone  to.           ⸻      astarion  ancunín, BG3 we'll  never  have  sex     ⸻       leith ross
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ampvire · 4 months
these two things were made for each other, i don't care if you disagree
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