#asshole tetsuya
cemetery14 · 5 months
Miracles are the friend group that's only still friends because they all equally suck and they know they're all on equal levels
They all also share the same trauma of middle school, they've seen the worst of each other like no one else will
There's just this authenticity to the group, where they can just truly be themselves, and let's be honest they're not very pleasant people 💀
When I showed my friend this show he said "yeah I really like the miracles, I like how they're all really just losers" lmao
I'm not saying the miracles are bad people they're just well written characters, they're very flawed especially at the start and I really like that
I also love how their friendship with each other got alot stronger when they left middle school, they all left the toxic little bubble they where all in and where able to hang out with each other again in a much more healthy way
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maukiki1 · 2 months
So, for MFB dub or sub? Which do you watch? Just a bit curious.
(Ik this is my art blog but fuck it, block of text jumpscare)
Well with mfb you dont really have a choice unless if you know japanese well enough do you? The sub doesn’t exist besides the first 30 episodes… yet😭 what i guess youre reffering to is the regular ass japanese version😭 i mean if there WAS a sub id naturally watch that of course because im all for sub i dont like dubs but like when you dont have a choice… its the dub😭 i of course watch the japanese version (without sub cauze it doesnt exist) sometimes on certain episodes where im like “i GOTTA see how this was in the original) . also the dub isnt bad by any means LMFAO people shit on it but like? Im sorry the joke delivery is a thousand times funnier LMFAO theres just so much like random ass funny shit they say that you know wasnt there in the original version?? Like i just know😭😭i dont know japanese well enough to understand it fully but like theres certain jokes in there that were just added with the dub and you know it.
Fusion ryūga is funny as FUCK. Like one of the major reasons why i dont hate his ass is because Hes literally so fucking funny wdym your father couldnt cut it. I feel like the va started taking him more seriously towards masters LMFAO and from what ive heard from japenese ryūga he has the same seriousness throughout. Tetsuya is also funny in both in both versions…jumbo crab…….crabba whaaaat⁉️⁉️ plus coach steel plus masamunee😭😭😭 Daxiang’s voice difference is also so funny theres something so funny abt his. English dub like. He sounds like hes trying too hard like 99% of the time but hes also silly. He sounds like an angry mother grounding his son when talking to Chao xin in that one episode😭😭 If that makes sense idk i fucking love daxiang… i compared the a scene once where hes like kinda shouting? Screaming? While fighting Julian and Japense va sounds so serious while the eng. the😭the english version😭😭hoAAAAAAAAA😭😭😭HE SOUNDS SO FUNNY HES SO STUPID💔💔💔
one voice i dont like from the japenese version is🤔julian…. Idk what it is but…i dont like it😭😔 a one i dont like from the ENGLISH dub is uh😭im sorry guys but king’s english voice irritates me I KNOW GINGA IS RIGHT THERE BUT THERES SOMETHING ABOUT IT….it just… idk its just irritating 😭😭😭Kyouya is also funny as SHIT in English fuckin. Alpha male wolf no one understands me i feel it deep within its just beneath the skin i must confess that i feel like a monster ass……but his japenese voice??? He sounds like a grown ass man….???? I know teenagers can sound like a grown ass man n have deep voices n shii but like that shit caught be off guard when i first heard it……… damians voice is sooooooo cute in the japenese version it makes me sadd😢 also aint his japanese va romi park🤔that woman who has voiced like every anime character ever LOL including lui from beyblade burst….his cute voice though like😭hes like supposed to be this fuckin. Evil Antagonist n shit and how am i supposed to be intimidated or take him seriously to any level when he sounds like… just a little guy….
I also prefer ziggurat’s english voice over the japenese tbh idk he sounds more evil i think it fits him more😔i dont hate ginga’s english voice (even though my friends say its so irritating they cant bear to listen to it for more than a second lmfao) i prefer the japense version over it yeah…..daidouji is also funny as shitballs omg..he needa stfu but also dont because youre ridiculous yknow. ?
(Talking abt damian again) I mean he is a little guy but his english va sounded so much more like the fucking asshole he was LMFAO…. Also ig his english voice would make more sense hes american idk🤔i dont hate his japanese voice by any means its so cute i love it sm but i just cant take it srsly😭😭😭ive heard fury in japanese the least but one time i specifically watched an episode where almost everyone was there so that i could see how their voices sounded like in the original and?? None of them stood out to me idk😭(well thats fury characters for ya LMFAOO)like they weren’t memorable to me im not saying theyre bad💥💥💥💥english though😭
Theres a way that. Dynamis sounds in the english version thats like. He. Sounds like kinda like a robot like a guy with no inside voice its kinda funny. The robot thing might be bcs hes constantly spewing out exposition and being a plot device but still its like the way he tones his voice sounds like its his first time talking ever ITS NOT BAD ITS FUNNY😭😭maybe it makes sense cauze that mofo lives in that isolated temple or whateva. Also credit to the english ver. Of the scene where Aguma and Kyouya were battling and the argument was literally fucking “youre not a lion youre a house cat in the backyard” (great thing to say when youre on johnnes’s side aguma😬) “GRR what did you just call me” THIS IS A MIDDLE ARGUMENT. THEYRE TALKING LIKE MIDDLE SCHOOLERS ROLEPLAYING IN THE SCHOOLS GARDEN. WHAT IS THIS😭😭its funny i hate them both i hope they die (affectionate)
So uhh which do i prefer? I like both but English dub is more entertaining imo and also i have to watch that one most of the time bcs i literally have no other choice if i wanna understand what theyre saying
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themattress · 4 months
More KH-Critical Doof Memes!
Following up from this post.
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"If I had a nickel for every time Tetsuya Nomura created some mysterious new protagonist character with an unclear connection to Sora that would feature heavily in a numbered title and then was given his own backstory spin-off game afterwards..."
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"If I had a nickel for every time an aesthetically appealing spin-off title for mobile phones was released that was then totally ruined by being pivotally connected to the overarching series narrative and lore rather than just be allowed to be a spin-off..."
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"If I had a nickel for every time in Kingdom Hearts III that two assholes in black coats, one on the side of good and one on the side of evil, dragged things to a halt by discussing a mysterious girl who isn't even a character in this game's story..."
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"If I had a nickel for every time Kairi's professional Keyblade wielder training, in a space lacking the passage of time, somehow left her completely useless against an incarnation of Xehanort wearing Terra's face during Kingdom Hearts III's climax..."
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"If I had a nickel for every time Kairi died in Kingdom Hearts III..."
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"If I had a nickel for every time Riku was inserted into a narrative position that would make infinitely more sense for Kairi to be in, purely for the sake of fan pandering..."
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"If I had a nickel for every time Kingdom Hearts III brought back a replica who already met a pretty definitive end in Twilight Town, then do almost nothing with them..."
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"If I had a nickel for every time the entire premise of the story Kingdom Hearts was presenting us with is invalidated and rendered impossible by a basic fact check as to what actually happened in previous games vs. what is now being said happened..."
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"If I had a nickel for every time Kingdom Hearts made most of the series' past events amount to nothing by having an omniscient mastermind be responsible for them..."
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"If I had a nickel for every time Tetsuya Nomura killed the Kingdom Hearts series by suddenly dragging it in a radically different direction at the start of a decade..."
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ga-yuu · 1 year
Ikemen Genjiden Character Talk #12
"Noble Blood x Dangerous Temptation"
"The Cursed Emperor" Sutokuin/Akihito VA. Tetsuya Iwanaga
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Name: Sutokuin/Akihito
Age: Who knows? He looks like he is in his late twenties but could probably be a grandpa based on the real timeline of the game.
Birthday: Jul 7th
Profession: Emperor
Affiliation: Imperial Court.
Hobbies: Waka poems, playing drums when Ibuki wants to dance, bullying Yoshino.
Likes: Yasuchika, Ibuki, Yoshino.
Dislike: His asshole dad (I guess, everyone hates Toba!)
Personality Traits: Kind-hearted, mischievous, cunning, intelligent, evil.
Akihito is the love rival in Kagetoki's route and his scenes with Yoshino are ABSOLUTELY CUTE!!!! Also, this was also the point of time when Cybird also gave more spotlight to the 'love rivals' (Although, the routes before Kagetoki did have love rivals, they didn't get separate story previews or anything)
Apart from using Kotodama, Akihito can also use Ibuki's thunder abilities.
The only time Akihito's curse was actually lifted is in his main route.
Sometimes Akihito finds his beautiful elegant kimono a hindrance to his walking because the hems get dirty easily because of the dirt on the floor and he sometimes also trips and falls when accidentally stepping on the hem.
Akihito also falls in the category of men that never gets drunk no matter how many glasses of alcohol they drink.
He has a matching bracelet with Ibuki. The main purpose of this bracelet is to keep Akihito's curse in control. Although Akihito can still control his curse without it, he still wears it for safety purposes and it's also made by Yasuchika.
Akihito absolutely LOVES Yasuchika! More than you think. Even while he's with Yoshino, he would think about Yasuchika. For example, when he and Yoshino go on a date, he would think, about what gifts he should buy for Yasuchika. I can say this because I have noticed this in several story events.
Akihito was the one who actually raised Yasuchika and taught him various things about the outside world. They also promised that they would go see beautiful scenery together once Akihito regains his actual body. But that promise is yet to be fulfilled.
Despite loving each other to the point that they are ready to die for each other, both Yasuchika and Akihito are awkward in expressing their love. Like they don't know if they want to hold hands or hug each other in a happy moment.
Akihito loves hearing when someone calls him 'Akihito' or 'Akihito-san' because he feels like they are closer to him. He even wants Yasuchika to call him 'Akihito-san' like he did when he was a little boy. But Yasuchika just doesn't. He also wants Yoshino to call him 'Akihito-san'. She does call in the beginning of his route when she didn't know who he actually was and also in the marriage story event.
When Yasuchika was a kid, Akihito would hold his hands and guide him to his room when he feels scared.
Akihito also once cooked food for Yasuchika, and Yasuchika gobbled up everything because he didn't want anyone else to eat the food Akihito prepared.
When Yasuchika was once suffering a life-threatening injury (What if I were a demon? Story event) Akihito was ready to give his vitality to save Yasuchika without any hesitation even at the cost of his life. Even when Yasuchika was sick (in Ibuki's route), Akihito was about to emotionally break down. He was sent to his room by Ibuki because he didn't want Akihito's curse to leak. But Akihito doesn't sleep or eat until Yasuchika woke up and he kept sending maids over and over again to check if Yasuchika was doing fine or not.
Yasuchika also wants Akihito to have 48 children with Yoshino. But that's never gonna happen, because it's impossible and Akihito doesn't want Yoshino to suffer. But he does want to have kids with her in the future.
In Yasuchika's route, when Yasuchika was living in the Shogunate temporarily, both Akihito and Yasuchika exchanged letters asking if they were doing well. But at the same time, Akihito grills Yoritomo asking whether Yasuchika would turn from a sweet little angel to a barbarian like a samurai after living with them.
Out of all the male leads, only Akihito and Ibuki think that Yasuchika is cute. Akihito also calls Yasuchika a sweet angel or sweet little boy.
Akihito and Ibuki don't call themselves 'friends' but they still get along with each other very well.
Yasuchika used to say Akihito is very kind, but after meeting Ibuki, he made Akihito evil and cunning. Ibuki used to take Akihito to gambling houses and brothels in the guise of 'social learning' until Yasuchika threatened to kill him.
Whenever Yasuchika decides to kill Ibuki, Akihito would jump in and protect Ibuki. Most of the time, Akihito would be beside Ibuki when does something wrong and would defend him.
Akihito also really cares about Ibuki, that he ordered Yasuchika to go and save Ibuki when Ibuki's powers where going out of control (Ibuki's route).
Without Yasuchika and Ibuki, Akihito will be all alone. The three of them are like family, tied to each other and they cannot live happily if any one of them dies.
According to Ibuki, Akihito likes to order people around and won't pick up anything apart from chopsticks on his own. This is false by the way, the only other thing Akihito picks up besides chopsticks......is Yoshino. lol.
Akihito temporarily owned a blue bird named Ruri which he bought along with Yoshino.
The first time he has eaten street food was with Yoshino in his main story and he didn't know how to eat them. He asked if there is a certain etiquette in eating them. Yoshino also wants to take Akihito to different kinds of commoner's restaurants for fun, just to see his reaction.
Akihito has shown to have been interested in Yoshino from the very beginning, even before his route. In certain events, it can be seen that Akihito simply comes to visit her just to see her face, whenever she comes to Kyoto.
Akihito used to love writing songs about love even before falling in love with Yoshino. But now, after actually falling in love, he wants to write a song about her.
He also loves bullying (like every male lead in this game!) and giving her mean orders, for example, his whole route! Of course, our masochist Yoshino loves being bullied around.
He once got jealous when he saw Yoshino talking to her friend about a man. Of course, he starts making out with her out of jealousy and when he later asks about the man, Yoshino tells him that she and her friend were talking about a man from a certain painting. Of course, Akihito was slightly embarrassed to find out that he was jealous of a fictional man.
One time, after losing a game of chess to Ibuki, Yoshino was ordered to give Akihito a hickey as punishment. Of course, she does so, despite being SUPER EMBARRASSED that she had to hide her face the entire time. Akihito knows that Ibuki won't ask them to show the hickey as evidence and he could have told her that, but he still decided to keep quiet because Yoshino was being too cute.
Akihito and Yoshino's secret place is the King's throne. It's usually covered so no one will know they are in there unless they hear Yoshino's cries. Who knows what unholy things they do in there. It's true. If Akihito realizes that they are alone, he wouldn't let go of any chances of cuddling her or kissing her. Who needs a bedroom when you have a fully protected and covered King's throne, right?
Yoshino once bought lipstick, which was reviewed to give anyone wearing them kissable lips, so that Akihito would kiss her. But he didn't because she didn't ask for a kiss in words. I'm talking about the Do-S story event.
Most of the time, Akihito loves fingering Yoshino and watching her cumming just from his fingers........yup!
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hiriawrites · 9 months
disharmony. 4/??
Daichi is hard to surprise. He has to be, to lead a clan filled with headstrong, bloodthirsty assholes. But the Sawada kids have come the closest to surprising him since Kyōya discovered tonfā. He knows who they are and whose kids they are. Daichi makes sure to keep tabs on the people with connections to the Underworld. They’re under his protection, after all.
The Hibari Clan Head might not be Underworld unlike some members of his clan, but they do keep him up to date on the current intel. Sawada Iemitsu hasn’t been to Namimori in over a year, causing a rise in the amount of Mafia scum he has to clear out of his Territory since the Young Lion can’t keep his damn mouth shut. He knows that Nana Sawada gave birth a few months ago and seemed even more airheaded than possible soon afterward.
Something’s not right.
He watches as the kids settle on the mats in front of him. The eldest, Tsunayoshi, nervously rubs his pants while his twin, Chiyohime, watches him with suspicious eyes. The youngest is asleep in Chiyohime’s arms. 
“You’ve come to the Hibari for help, why?” he asks.
Tsunayoshi clears his throat nervously, eyes darting around the room before landing on his siblings and steeling his spine. “Something’s wrong with Okaa-san Hibari-san and I don’t know how to contact Otou-san for help.”
“What’s wrong with your Okaa-san?”
“She won’t touch Matsu-chan,” the boy answers quietly, “and she drifts around the house like a ghost.”
Postpartum Depression, possibly? Shinsuke’s wife suffered from it after Tetsuya was born. It probably doesn’t help that Sawada had fucked off back to Italy soon after getting her pregnant.
“Is there anything else?”
He shakes his head, some of that nervous energy returning. The twin hasn’t stopped watching him suspiciously, but he doesn’t begrudge her for it. With how much their parents have failed them already, he’d be suspicious of other people too.
Daichi hums thoughtfully as he weighs the pros and cons. He really doesn’t want to put the Hibari on the Vongola’s radar, but these kids are under his protection.
“I’ll help you,” he says.
Tsunayoshi lights up, slumping a little in relief.
“What do you want in return?” Chiyohime demands, speaking up for the first time.
“My son needs to socialize with people other than his cousin,” he answers dryly.
Tsunayoshi pales while Chiyohime presses her lips together. Daichi doesn’t let his humor show, Kyōya's reputation precedes him after all. 
“You want us to be friends with your son?” she clarifies.
Tsunayoshi trembles briefly then firms his resolve, his brown eyes almost gleaming with a hint of orange.
“We’ll do it.”
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ukigumos · 1 month
« ooc / meluna -
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I need to get this brainrot off my chest so today's 1880 thoughts, with rambles and no sense of direction:
There's no heterosexual explanation for Kyouya's rage whenever he sees Takeshi almost dead. I think in some ways, he is effected by that roof incident at the start of KHR. And man. When Takeshi got stabbed and almost actually died in the Shimon arc? I bet you 100% Kyouya visited him then chose violence.
And don't get me started on whatever was going on with that Genkishi battle. One glance at Takeshi and Kyouya was like 'and I took that personally'.
What's interesting is that Kyouya is extremely anal about owing people and people owing him. But he never holds it against Takeshi when he saves him. Usually he'd register a fallen man like that as a weakling, but he still holds Takeshi with high regards. He always says his full name while calling others runts, monkeys, herbivores, etc.
I think the mutual respect for each other's strength is what makes the pair so appealing. The fact that Takeshi, the biggest support pillar of the family, has someone who he can fall back onto, that he doesn't have to pretend to be okay around. Impeccable.
Recently, I was analyzing that anime-only 1880 episode ever for my powerpoint/masterpost and that thing served. Their interactions are limited, but the chemistry is off the walls. 1880 is the sort of ship where when you compare/contrast their interactions with the rest of the cast, their relationship between each other shines so bright.
I noticed something VERY interesting when watching how Takeshi behaved around his friends vs Kyouya when he was in pain about letting go of baseball. He makes no effort to hide himself at all. No laughter. No lies. He gets straight to the point and Kyouya listens. He actually listens to Takeshi a lot, surprisingly. (look at when Kyouya made a beeline to Takeshi in the Sky Battle and actually RESTED and entrusted Takeshi with his ring-- like, actually wtf was that)
Anyways. I think my favourite part about the 1880 episode ever was that Kyouya watches from afar. I think that's his way of supporting Takeshi. He quietly watches over him, and he only intervenes when Takeshi almost dies.
There was something just really sweet about the way Kyouya noticed how much baseball meant to Takeshi when he was cleaning the clubroom, giving him space. The storyboarding there actually hits so hard. He watches over Takeshi teaching the juniors from the roof then turns up to the match the very next day completely unprompted (also note how Tetsuya kept up with Namimori Middle School's baseball activities years later, hm, sus).
Meanwhile, Hayato is being a (saying this in the nicest way possible) fucking asshole the entire time, downplaying Takeshi's pain, telling him that he's not working hard enough, calling baseball a waste of time etc.
The episode is so sad to me. Takeshi letting baseball go. I think Kyouya knew the gravity of the decision. When I first watched that episode as a 12 year old, it didn't really click at first. But I've been thinking about Kyouya's response to Tetsuya when Tetsuya says 'it's a loss which leads to a brighter future'.
'Losing's useless. you have to win'.
On the surface, not only is this a very Kyouya thing to say, but most would interpret it as him not caring or-not having faith. But I think, there's a bit of symolism in here. Because the whole point of Takeshi's arc is about sacrifices SO, here's my hot take:
Kyouya isn't saying that 'if you loss, it's pointless.' literally. Because almost every single time Takeshi 'loses', he still turns up for him, doesn't he? It's not about that. If anything, I think that Kyouya is saying that Tetsuya's words when applied to Takeshi, is wrong. So if we read it as: 'Takeshi's loss of baseball leads to a brighter future', then we can interpret Kyouya's words as him saying that 'Takeshi shouldn't have to lose baseball'
Now circling back to the first thought, I think this particular incident would've been that extra catalyst for Kyouya's rage when Takeshi almost dies. Because he was out there embracing his love for baseball again. Then he almost loses his life. The audacity.
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lady-lazagna · 2 years
more love language headcannons!!! Those were so sweet, it made me squeal. The kyoya one was too real, i felt it in my soul. What does that asshole ryuga do and respond best to?!?
eeheeheeheeheeeee more languages of love
Ryuga- If he knew that love languages were a thing and that so many things can be considered one, he'd never interact with anyone ever again so they wouldn't "misinterpret" anything he does as loving. I think his is gift giving, in the way that he'd share his resources with someone he cared about. The only love language that he wouldn't immediately recognise as other people showing him love is quality time, so if you wanted to show him that you care, you can get away with doing that one.
Ryo- He tries to give quality time, but he is so, so very bad at it. Would be better off giving words of affirmation, but that's just not how he works, unfortunately. Will only understand being given words of affirmation because he's completely oblivious to anything else.
Tetsuya- If you consider committing elaborate, highly illegal schemes for you to be acts of service, then sure, that's what his love language is. Would accept quality time the best, on account of the abandonment issues.
Tobio- I think he'd give physical affection. Idk why, he just gives that vibe (but don't fucking touch his hair or he'll shoot you). Probably receives words of affirmation the best.
Ryutaro- Gift giving, as in he'll find gems to align the chakras he thinks are off in you, incense to ease your specific stress, oils to help with whatever is ailing you, etc. Would respond best to quality time, since he's so used to spending so much time on his own while on the road.
Doji- I think he'd like giving and receiving physical touch. Idk, something about him being so intrigued with a plant you can't touch feels a little 🤨. Absolutely WON'T understand acts of service because he expects everyone to do everything for him anyway.
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bittermoonswrites · 5 months
Who are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite characters of all time, from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series, etc)? Can I ask why you love them?
Again, I have no idea whether these are my faves of all time, but I’m going to just pick some characters I like and can think of right now. Let’s just limit this to anime/manga and video games (JRPGs specifically) or else the list would be all characters from books only. I wish there were more female characters on here but you know how it is with media—female characters get the short end of the stick unless a woman was behind it.
Joshua Kiryu (The World Ends with You): Basically gay Jesus of the world of The World of Ends with You. A complicated guy, always scheming in the background. Really compelling character. I was upset he only makes a cameo appearance in the sequel to the game. 
Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basket): He lacks standard shonen hero personality—his trademark is being calm, quiet, aloof, and polite—but he’s the main character of Kuroko’s Basketball anyway. Kuroko is proof that you don’t need to be Knockoff Naruto to bring people around you, and I love that.
Miyuki Kazuya (Daiya no Ace): If there’s a Daiya fan that doesn’t like Miyuki, I’d be surprised.
Jolyne Kujo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Pt. 6 Stone Ocean): If you aren’t familiar with JoJo, it’s divided into 9 different parts, each one of which is pretty much entirely distinct from the others. I have been following JoJo for way too long (since ~2012-2013-ish?), and I’m pretty sure I will be a huge fan for the rest of my life. Jolyne is the MC of JJBA’s 6th part, Stone Ocean. Amazingly well-written female protaogonist of a shonen series.
Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender): He has no bending powers, but he keeps everyone together. That’s his superpower. I love that.
Shimogamo Yasaburo (The Eccentric Family): the trickster hero of The Eccentric Family. I love the work of novelist Tomihiko Morimi (this anime was adapted from one of his novels), and The Eccentric Family is about a family of tanuki living in Kyoto. Yasaburo is the 3rd of 4 sons. Through Yasaburo’s eyes, you can get a feel for tanuki cultures and customs, and he’s just a little shit.
Kong Wenge (Ping Pong: The Animation): Ping Pong is my favorite anime of all time, and Kong is my favorite character in Ping Pong. His arc is so good—going from resentful that he was forced to move to Japan for high school because competition in Chinese Ping Pong is insane to coming to terms with the fact that he’s going to be stuck in Japan, to eventually naturalizing as a Japanese citizen to play for Japan as an adult and taking the name of his high school that changed his life as his last name upon naturalization.
Luck Gandor (Baccano): Baccano is another one of my favorite anime, and Luck is my favorite character. I love schemer types like Luck.
Laurent Thierry (The Great Pretender): I’m pretty sure Netflix created The Great Pretender just to target me because it has everything I like in anime. The final arc is kind of fucked up in a real-world "oh god something similar to what these terrible human beings are doing is actually happening somewhere" kind of way, but it's overall a great show. Laurent is such an asshole. He’s definitely not a good person, but I have a weakness for asshole characters.
Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen): He’s the lesbian favorite because we collectively love to make fun of him. Enough said.
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crosshimes-fanwritings · 11 months
No Vacant Allowed
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Fandoms: Zatch Bell and Professor Layton Rating: T Summary: A 18 year old Japanese girl just want to be a miss independent and a 14 year old British boy just want to help her like a gentlemen he is. Disclaimer: I do not own Zatch Bell and Professor Layton. Verse: Vacantverse Ship: Luke (Professor Layton) / Suzume (Zatch Bell) Crossover Ships Week 2023: Day I (First Meeting) Note: LOL I know crossover week 2023 ended already and late submissions are accepted until August so here is my shitty writing for day 1. @crossover-ships-brainrot. Also, this crossAU takes place in the new Professor Layton game setting (I know NWOS isn't out yet but I don't give a fuck lmao)
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Visiting Steam Bison, America wasn't no summer vacation for 18-year-old Suzume Mizuno. She decided not to invite her best friend, Mariko Nakamura, and her high school classmates to fool around in America, which most likely they would if she did request their presence. Suzume has no plans to relax in a foreign country. She was only here for one purpose; to search for her missing father.
Tetsuya Mizuno, the father of Suzume, was last heard from Steam Bison, according to the address on his postcard that Suzume received from him four months ago. When Suzume didn't get a response from her father, she assured herself that he was just too busy. However, Suzume knew her father better. Tetsuya would never take too long to write back to his daughter.
'Why did I bother to come here?' Suzume sighed in grief. 'The moment I arrived on American soil, a group of thugs forced me into this alley and robbed me. The jerks stole my passport, visa, and money.' When Suzume realized her suitcase was also stolen, she scowled in anger. 'Those assholes also took my clothes!'
14-year-old Suzume would cry and beg for help, but 18-year-old Suzume would swear and refuse assistance. She stomped out of the alley, ignoring curious, dirty, and apathetic looks from the bystanders. She's going to search for the thieves on her own.
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14-year-old Luke Triton was on his way home from the city hall when he noticed a foreign girl standing on a barrel. She was peeking into an abandoned building's window, and she had an angry expression. Luke approached the girl quietly.
"Miss, that's dangerous."
"I know, it is dangerous. I'm not dumb. Those bastards robbed me."
"How could they do such a thing to a pretty young lady?"
"Pretty?!" The startled girl turned her head towards him, giving him a gape. "You need to get your eyes checked, kid!"
"I didn't mean to offend-"
And because the girl was so flustered with his compliment, she lost her balance and was about to fall on her butt, but Luke caught her in time.
"Are you all right?"
"….I'm fine. Wait a second" The girl glared back at the window. "They were counting money. THEY WERE COUNTING THE MONEY THEY STOLE FROM ME!"
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" An angry voice bellowed from the inside.
"Boss, I swore I heard Triton's and a lass's voices." A second voice spoke, clearly frightened.
"That fucking kid and his Lovelady! Get them!"
And Luke didn't waste no time. He held the girl's hand and led her to safety.
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Suzume was a foolish young woman. She had exposed herself and the young boy by screaming her head off. Well, she did have the right to get angry. Those thugs still have her savings for her trip. She can't shower and change clothes in a hotel. Not until her belongings and money were returned to her.
Gurgled. Suzume's stomach gurgled. She blushed, feeling embarrassed.
"Are you hungry, Miss?"
Damn. The boy must have heard the gurgle. Suzume turned her eyes away from him in shame.
"Yes. Unfortunately, it looks like I'm starving for a while." She added a nervous giggle. "Can't buy food without the money, after all."
"Oh, there's no need to worry, Miss. You can stay with me for a while."
"Huh?" Suzume froze for a second. "No way. I mustn't," She shook her head in disapproval. "I'm a young adult here. I should be taking care of myself."
"My family wouldn't mind."
"Why are you helping me?"
"Do I need a reason to help someone? It's just common decency.'
"…Hold on. I forgot I am in America and speak English fluently. Can you understand my English?"
"I can understand your English pretty well."
Finally! Suzume's two years of learning the English language paid off.
"Oh. That's good! I was afraid that I may be butchering the English language."
"Triton," A policeman caught up with the two. "You're needed back at the city hall."
"Are you being arrested?" Suzume questioned the boy, confused about why a policeman was there.
"Pardon me, Miss?!!" The Policemen responded to her question in disbelief. "Now, why would I arrest Detective Luke, who had helped the police to solve the toughest mysteries in this wonderful city?"
"Wait," Suzume gawked at the boy. "you're a detective?"
"Yes, it looks like the cat's out of the bag, huh? I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Luke Triton. It's nice to meet you, Miss."
"…Suzume.Mizuno," Suzume responded in an awkward tone. "Well, I guess I'll see you around…"
"What are you talking about, Miss Mizuno? You're coming with me. It's too dangerous for a young lady to be alone on these streets."
"How old are you?" Suzume narrowed her eyes at Luke in doubt.
"I'm fourteen."
"Aren't you too young for detective work?"
"Age doesn't matter when it comes to detective work."
"It sure as hell does."
"Miss, you shouldn't use such language."
"I'm 18 years old. I can use whichever language I want, and I'm quite moody right now."
"Umm, we should head over to the city hall now…" The police officer reminded the two awkwardly.
"There's better be food and drinks at the city hall," Suzume grumbled.
"I'm sure they will have refreshments, Miss Mizuno." Luke smiled gently.
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A few hours later, Suzume and Luke arrived at a manor. A butler named Doland Noble greeted them at the front door.
"Welcome back, Master Luke. Oh, you brought a guest?"
"Oh, yes. Miss Mizuno will be staying with us for a while."
"That is indeed kind of you, Master Luke. Please do accept the Master's hospitality, Miss Mizuno."
Suzume didn't respond. Her mind was racing. She didn't feel comfortable with this hospitality. It felt wrong to freeload off a 14-year-old boy and his family. Where were Luke's parents anyway? Should he be getting their approval first?
"Are you coming in, Miss Mizuno?" Luke asked, smiling at her.
Suzume stepped away from the front door. She clasped her hands and shook her head nervously.
"Ah, Miss Mizuno doesn't speak English?" Doland wondered.
"She does, Mr. Doland. She's just nervous. Please prepare a bedroom for Miss Mizuno."
"Very well. I shall leave you two be." Doland bowed politely and went back inside.
"…All I need is a shower and a change of clothes, but those thugs also stole my suitcase." Suzume pouted, still quite upset.
"You can borrow one of my mother's dresses. Beth can wash your dress for you."
"No, no. It's fine!" She sighed in frustration. "I have no idea why I'm even here in America. All I wanted to search for my missing father in peace."
"Huh?" Luke's eyes went widened in surprise. "So, you aren't here for a vacation?"
"No. I'm not."
"What is your father's name?"
"Tetsuya Mizuno."
And Luke just took out his notebook and wrote Suzume's father's name.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"I'm going to help you search for your father, Miss Mizuno." Luke grinned at her. "I will also help you to retrieve your belongings from the thieves. After all, a gentleman must help a lady in distress."
"How cute, Triton," Suzume giggled. "You want to help an old hag like me."
"You aren't an old hag…"
"I know, Triton. It was only a joke. Forgive me for trying to be so mature."
"Well," Luke smiled delightfully. "There is a greenhouse and a garden in the backyard. You can enjoy your time there until you're ready to walk into my house."
Suzume gasped. Her eyes glittered. She felt a little better. This Triton boy knew how to comfort someone well. She smiled brightly at him.
"Okay, Triton! You can tell me about the mysteries you solve!"
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Two hours later, Suzume finally tracked down the thieves in a hideout and crashed their meeting.
The thieves froze in fear, gawking at a young Japanese woman in a long pleated dress carrying a baseball bat. Luke was facepalming outside of the house alongside the officers.
"So much for protecting Miss Mizuno…"
"Triton, should we go in and arrest the thieves?"
"I'm not the Chief of Police, sir, but sure."
"Luke, my boy." Luke's mentor, Professor Hershel Layton, stood next to him. "Do you know the young lady?"
"Yes, professor. I just barely met Miss Mizuno hours ago."
30 minutes later, back at the Triton household…
"Are you actually British, Triton?" Suzume asked in curiosity.
"Yes. I'm just living in America because of family reasons." Luke answered. "How did you know?"
"I can tell by your accent."
"Oh, so you are pretty smart."
"Not really…
"Miss Mizuno, would you like to try this puzzle?" Layton offered, giving her a kind smile.
"Sure…" Suzume accepted. She needed to test her brain anyway.
And Suzume indeed did get her passport, visa, money, and clothes back.
"Why I'm still freeloading here, Triton?"
"Because I invited you, silly. That's why."
"Tritoooon," Suzume whined.
And it wouldn't be the first time Luke would hear his surname being called like that. And Layton has a flashback of Anton, Don Paolo, and Descole calling him Laaaayton. The professor smiled and sipped his tea while observing Suzume and Luke interact friendly.
And the adventures of an 18-year-old Japanese girl, a 14-year-old British detective boy, and his unknown mentor began in AMERICA.
Well, maybe they'd meet more new friends in the future.
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elkidu · 11 months
Who are your top 5 babygirls I need to know
this is the funniest pity icebreaker you could have sent thank you yasmin. i will take the bait
when i was thinking about it, i realized i'm not actually sure i know what babygirl means nowadays... is it just pathetic men? does there need to be an element of "...and he's my little boyfriend <3" to it? honestly it's very rare for me to consider any male characters my "boyfriend" or "husband" so i will focus instead on which of them are most moe
1. fate's oberon of course... he IS my designated anime husband. i won't go too into spoiler territory for him, but he's quite literally a disgusting little freak enamored with the idea of having a wife who actually likes him. i think that's a universal sort of appeal. he has awesome voice acting! his design rules! he's a huge asshole BUT he is really kind in his own way! he can't be honest! his valentine's event takes you to a shitty apartment that looks like a fucking landfill! he's perfect!!! his swagless looks and cringefail personality captivated me from the moment i first saw him. he wins the category of "the lesbian's husband"
2. i'm in the middle of a big enstars phase rn so i HAVE to say eichi. the grip he's had on me since 2016-2017 is crazy... he literally redefined my taste in anime boys. there's no other character in this world that allows me to rocket back and forth between laughing about how nasty he is and fervently wanting to defend him from people who hate him for being nasty. kind of a "nobody's allowed to dunk on him except for people who love him!!!" situation... every time i ever stepped away from enstars it was because i get really down about how weird people are about him!! read fine events!!! he committed war crimes but he was soooo cute while he did it so you have to be nice to him or i'll cry. he wins the category of "the first hill i'd ever die on, the only man i'd ever die for"
3. KUJA FINAL FANTASY!!!! I COULD FIX HIM!!!!!!!!!!! that's all. he wins the category of "i could fix him"
4. jin kisaragi from blazblue. i have said truly truly wretched things about this man that i am too ashamed to ever repeat. but a tetsuya kakihara guy with a terrible personality, a pretty face, and a skintight black bodysuit is undeniable. he has a beautiful girlfriend and yet spends his games looking like an idiot with his fucked up siblings. he wins the category of "i wanna put this man in predicaments"
5. did you know that i apparently don't have a single fire emblem man i'm able to confidently call my babygirl? it's crazy... my fire emblem favs are firmly in the son category. like i thought maybe reyson from fe9-10 or arvis from fe4? but it just doesn't feel right... so instead i'm going with caim drakengard for no deep reason. i just think he's the funniest ever. i hope he's happy with his dragon spouse. he wins the category of "(jessica rabbit voice) he makes me laugh"
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wrestlingisfake · 2 years
G1 Climax Night 2 preview
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I already ran down the tournament format, but briefly: It's four blocks of seven wrestlers apiece, each man wrestles the other six in his block, the four block winners go on to the semifinals.
It looks like the plan is to do four block matches on each show through July 30, then six block matches per show for a while, and then back to four on August 13. The last eight block matches will be on August 16, followed by the semifinals on the 17th and the final on the 18th.
Shingo Takagi vs. Juice Robinson - This is for 2 points in D Block. Takagi currently holds the KOPW 2022 trophy. Juice was the IWGP United States champion until he was stripped of the title last month, but he still has the title belt. This isn't the strongest main event NJPW could deliver, but it is a very fresh matchup. These two have only met in singles action once before, three years ago, in a match Robinson won.
For Shingo this tournament is a big opportunity to prove he's still relevant in the main event picture after losing the world title in January. That title run was kind of thrown together amid a rash of injuries in 2021, so it'd be fair to say Takagi wasn't "supposed" to be at that level. His best path to reject that is to beat ass in 2022. I think Will Ospreay is the favorite to win D Block, but it makes sense for Takagi to be the guy who narrowly pulls ahead of him.
Robinson had been going nowhere until he turned heel and joined Bullet Club a couple of months ago. It's been a much-needed fresh coat of paint for him. Whereas white-meat babyface Juice endlessly lost and vowed to keep trying, craven heel Juice is almost assured to rack up key wins just to sell the heel turn as a big deal. I don't see him winning the block, but a win over a former world champion is very doable, especially if the former world champion is "just" Shingo.
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. KENTA - This is a C Block match for 2 points. Kenta is currently 2-1 against Sabre in the G1, and it looks like he's 3-1 in all-time singles matches. They're both jerks in asshole stables, although Sabre is simply sadistic about technical wrestling, whereas Kenta's offense is built around stalling and cheating. Look for Sabre to play the de facto babyface here. For my money Zack should win here and at least come close to winning his block. But between the two of these guys, New Japan seems more committed to protecting Kenta.
Toru Yano vs. JONAH - You know the drill, 2 points for A Block. Jonah is chonky and mean and Yano is sneaky and clever. If you loved Wardlow vs. Orange Cassidy this week, you'll probably find something you can appreciate here. I believe this is Jonah's first singles match for New Japan that's actually in Japan, so he should probably get a win to establish himself there. But Yano is the blue shell of the G1, and you never know which guys he will cut down to size. I could easily see Yano stealing a pin or securing a count-out victory. This one is too close to call.
Tomohiro Ishii vs. Taichi - It's a B Block match with 2 points on the line. One-on-one, Ishii is 5-1 against Taichi, and he won their last singles encounter way back in 2020. The long-simmering story is that Taichi would half-ass his matches with cheap tactics, but Ishii brought out the best in him and made him want to fight with honor. I'm not sure where that stands now that Taichi is pretty much a babyface, at least with the Japanese crowds. Either way, the match should be good. At some point you'd expect Taichi to get pushed enough that he can regularly beat Ishii, but I don't know if we're there yet. The safe bet is another Ishii win.
Kauzhcika Okada & Hiroshi Tanahashi & Hirooki Goto vs. Tetsuya Naito & SANADA & BUSHI - Once again we're previewing Goto vs. Naito on July 20, but this time Goto has better reinforcements. Okada, Tana, and Sanada all have their next block matches on July 23 and 24. Logically you'd expect Bushi to lose the fall here, since he's not in the tournament.
Jay White & Chase Owens vs. Tama Tonga & Jado - This is a preview of Tama vs. Chase on July 20. Finlay's first block match is also on the 20th, while White isn't up again until the 23rd. I think this is the first Tama's first chance to get his hands on Jay since Jay turned on him back in, like, February. Jado should probably lose for his team here.
Will Ospreay & Jeff Cobb & Great-O-Khan & Aaron Henare vs. EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi & SHO & Dick Togo - You can start to see how the preview matches are a bit janky due to the four-block format. None of these guys are slated to face each other anytime soon. Ospreay's next block match is against Yujiro, but that won't be until July 27. Sho and Togo are the obvious choices to do the job in this one.
Lance Archer & TAKA Michinoku vs. Bad Luck Fale & El Phantasmo - Another preview for Archer vs. Fale on July 20. ELP's next block match isn't until July 24. Taka isn't in the tournament. Taka pretty much has to lose here, unless they want to have Archer and Fale brawl to a no-contest or something.
YOSHI-HASHI & David Finlay vs. Tom Lawlor & Royce Isaacs - This doesn't really preview anything, unless you count Yoshi vs. Finlay, but that's weeks away. Isaacs is on this tour just to be Lawlor's partner in these tag matches, so he's most likely to eat all the losses in their matches.
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theoverbeast · 1 year
Excuse me, that shitty house boy have no right offend me like that? Like that misogynist prince! That Dracs donkey asshole JOLOGS, IGA, DUMBZILLA, RANDOMTATSUYA, and any RYONA misogynists monsters are always offend me over that house boy because he is a dick even he is super hideous and beggar slum.
RandomTatsuya the Castlevania fanboy the Vile PRETENDER OF TETSUYA NOMURA.
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zhongrin · 1 year
swear to god I’ll play Kakihara Tetsuya’s BLCDs on repeat if Wanderer will stop being an asshole aaaaaaa
LMAOOOOO now THAT would be a fitting punishment for the lil gremlin
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straycatboogie · 1 year
2022/12/31 English
BGM: Denki Groove - Flashback Disco
At last, today was the last day of my work. Looking back at 2022, I felt thankful for being helped by a job coach. It was a long way... I can remember that I cried many times literally at my work. I felt irrational feelings and showed tears... I can remember that the beginning clue of the story was the words of my friend in Tokyo. Maybe, I am an autistic person... she said so. I had to start life with autism. After that, I got drunk heavily and also gave up living, and everything. And I met some people who also face autism in this city when I was 40, and another story, the current story started. Ah, without that meeting, I would live my life as a poor loser... I even would treat myself as a loser. A complete loser...
I thought that I would like to start a new thing today, not next year. So I started remembering new words. Yesterday I bought an ointment to care for my frostbite, so I tried to remember "ointment" (but, as you know, my memory doesn't work well because I am already over 40). Today I remembered the author I adore, Choukitsu Kurumatani, and I thought of the phrase "I wanted to live like a hermit". I have to remember the word "hermit". It was really a tiny, but important effort. I believe that these kinds of tiny efforts lead me to big achievements.
After today's work, I went back to my group home. I had dinner and also ate soba (we eat soba to enjoy the ending of the year as an old tradition). Although I tried to read Tetsuya Furuta's book about Wittgenstein, my head didn't work. Probably it was impossible to read books at the end of the year, the time I couldn't stay calm (although Furuta's theories have really high quality). So I opened Fernando Pessoa's "The Book of Disquiet" or Daniel Dennett's and enjoyed some silly and sweet delusion. I can remember that this year was also the one I built a server on Discord, and enjoyed a lot of communication from philosophy to hentai. Ah, what an impressive year!
Once I was bullied terribly by everybody, especially by girls. They hated me terribly... but now I can find that there are many friends or clues for me. Trustable friends... I even think that they are too many. It is really strange... or I even think it is enigmatic. I never think that I have been changed in me. Nothing is changed. But I might be able to say that I stopped facing this world with any evil mind. I always try to face this world honestly and show myself with Antonio Inoki, a Japanese famous wrestler who quote "Be a fool". I started it certainly (but you never say that I am already an asshole!). Thank you so much, and I hope you are always good friends to me in 2023!
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nahmooste · 6 years
Why We Lose, pt. 6
pairing: Tetsuya Naito / Female OC warnings: none :)  a/n: nice closure chapter with ~~sexual tension~~ and an open ending so i can come back to it if i want... i know i said probably no post BUT i didn’t realise i’d be able to finish it tonight. anyway, enjoy! tags: @wrestlingismyfavourite @devittsbalor @fireangel1978 @laziestgirlintheworld @ghostofviper @onewingedgloria @littleblueghostspoon @narwhalneglect @princesstoniii @keltic-goddess
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, masterlist
The red dress Hena wears to the New Japan show hugs every curve to her lithe body, makes her look good, like she wants everyone to watch her and not the wrestling show they’ve paid to see.
While the Los Ingobernables boys don’t necessarily acknowledge her, EVIL and Sanada stand near the guard railing she sits behind as a form of solidarity. She knows that while Bushi hasn’t forgiven her, Naito has talked to his stablemates and told them to ignore her actions for the past two weeks; Hiromu, now that he’s fucked her, is back to his usual quirky self. Bushi still breezes her off.
There’s a black LIJ cap on her head, and brown hair spills out in gentle waves across the deep neckline of her dress. The men in the ring, every single one of them, has stared at her with those eyes before realising who she is. The rock on her finger is proof enough of it.
It doesn’t surprise her, then, that during his match against her husband and Hiromu, Kazuchika Okada’s eyes are drawn to her over and over again. She’s in red. She’s at a wrestling event. Even Gedo is confused, and she can tell by the way his mouth gapes when he finds her in the crowd. Okada, who is almost untouchable between the ropes— he’s too busy showing off that he becomes reckless. He fumbles his holds, swears loudly, hisses at his British partner when they’re in the same vicinity. The only thing that Hena even does is grin.
It’s only when Tetsuya gives her a certain look that she stands from her seat. Okada’s eyes are on her figure immediately, and she can feel his burning stare as she turns her back and walks away from his match. Backstage, she watches as Naito picks up a win over Okada like it’s a piece of cake. He’s so disoriented with her actions that his distraction has caused him a loss.
Storming backstage, Kazuchika finds her almost right away. His angry gaze locks on hers and for a moment she feels like prey for a predator to snatch up, but then she remembers that the LIJ boys are never too far away.
“What the fuck was that?” Kazuchika hisses at her, shoving a finger in her face when he’s close enough.
Hena feigns ignorance. “What was what?”
“You left halfway through my match! Made me lose!”
“I made you lose?” Hena purses her lips and grips her clutch in front of her body, shrugs a shoulder. “Not my intention, Okada-san. I just wanted to get back here before my husband did so I could greet him.”
Kazuchika is absolutely ropable. His lips pull back over his teeth and he swears at her, slams his fist down onto the table next to her. Hena doesn’t even flinch. “You’re here, front row, dressed like that— what message are you trying to send, Hena? You want to suck my dick again? Fuck me? There are better ways to ask then showing up here.”
Hena’s eyes are drawn to the orange mane of hair that she can see walking towards them, but her face remains deadpan, and it only angers Okada even more. He doesn’t know Tetsuya is right behind him. “You want to fuck me? Is that what I’m getting out of this? Did Tetsuya not give you enough when I sent that photo to him? Did he not give you what you wanted?”
Raising a single eyebrow, Hena slowly tilts her head. “Tetsuya, honey… does he think that because I sucked his cock he’s special?”
Kazuchika’s head snaps to where Naito is standing slightly behind him, anger still evident in his pink cheeks, but there’s no anger in Naito’s. Only satisfaction. “He thinks he’s special because he’s the golden boy. Thinks everything this company touches is his to own. I think it goes without saying, Kazu,” he directs his words towards the taller man now, smirk on his lips, “that my wife is not yours to talk to like that. I made a mistake with another woman’s body. She made a mistake in the form of your dick. Rest assured it will not happen again, and if you even so much as put a hand next to my wife one more time, you won’t have teeth to smile with.”
Tension is thick in the air, and Kazuchika huffs out a laugh. “Are you threatening me, Naito-san?”
Okada nods and purses his lips. He raises his hands in a sign of retreat and stares at Hena once more before saying, “Threat received. Though, if she does turn up at my door again, I won’t stop myself… I hope you can understand. Enjoy the rest of your night, Hena-chan… call me if you need anything.”
With that, the champion strides away, leaving Hena and her husband staring after him with matching expressions.
“Well… he’s persistent if nothing else,” Tetsuya muses aloud. He finally lets his eyes rest on her and smiles cockily, raises his chin. “You’re the talk of backstage, Hena-chan. You should hear the way they talk about you, like you’re some kind of scary temptress… they’re right. You look dangerously beautiful tonight.”
A blush settles into her cheeks and she beams up at her husband, stands on the tips of her toes to throw her arms around his shoulders. “I’m only beautiful because I have you.”
Tetsuya kisses her. And even though it’s gentle and sweet, she can sense the hidden desire, the need Naito has to own her body tonight. After last night and last week, Hena is more than okay with letting him have his way with her. The thought of it alone curls her toes.
“So… shall we get out of here?”
Naito smirks down at her with a dark look in his eyes. “How do you feel about choking?”
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marshiro-blog · 3 years
Kuroko: No one goes after one of my friends and gets away with it.
Akashi: Except for me. I always go after your friends, and I've never not gotten away with it.
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