#ask him anything or chat with him!
pikatrainer99 · 1 month
I made an Ask Orange of Viridian Forest sideblog!
Orange will definitely be looking forward to meeting all of you and answering your questions, so feel free to head over there and give him some stuff to answer! Just remember, no NSFW stuff allowed, ever! And no swearing either! Orange may have a fiery temper but he doesn't swear because he's also a pure sweet soul. I won't be able to draw all the answers but I will make sure he answers everything and I will make sure he chats with anyone who wants to have a chat with him in the messages.
I hope you enjoy interacting with my OC Orange directly!
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royalarchivist · 7 months
It's been six months since Forever called Phil "Philza senpai" and got a (virtual) kiss.
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noecoded · 2 years
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cowboy asmo but hes an infamous bandit coming to rob ur small towns bank and its the 1800s
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moerusai · 3 months
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"I love dancing. [...] But no matter how good I am or how hard I work, people only want my body. My pretty outer shell."
— ManSuang (2023)
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
Can you stop trying to correct people about pronouns? Toby Fox has never said that Kris is non-binary. He uses they/them pronouns for the same reasons most video games do with player characters. He left the player's character up to interpretation so you can see them as you like most video games. it's fine if you use they them pronouns but you can't force others to accept something that is your opinion.
Sweetpea. You aren't going to change my mind on the matter, no matter which way you try and say it.
I could care less on what your opinions are on Kris' gender identity, truly. I'm not going to waste my time being frustrated by you. But honey, this is not the blog to be doing this. Like- bro???? Have you seen my content???
I hope you see this more as a learning opportunity.
It frustrates me that you would automatically assume Kris would use he/him. If I was going by your "player" logic, Kris would be using she/her. ACTUALLY if we were going by your full logic, Kris theoretically uses any/all pronouns, to accommodate for all players. Rethink and dissect what you are trying to say, sweetpea :/
Kris has only been using they/them in game. And that is what I will be sticking with.
I am not going to respond to any more of these and I am politely asking for no one to go after this person. Thank you.
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kate-bot · 2 months
I just wanna thank you again for the art based on my fanfic! You had every detail perfect!! I appreciate it so so so so much!!!
EEEE OF COURSE!!!!! I’m so glad i got the details right!! I reread it a bunch of times to make sure I wasn’t missing anything LOL i’m usually quite bad at interpreting the details in fanfic but i think you did a really really good job of making everything clear … so im really happy i was able to do it justice!!! :D
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Also i genuinely love them so much it was an absolute pleasure… i am obsessed with this being their origin story i will be first in line for the next chapter im so serious (no rush though heheh!!!)
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
do you ever think about Garak waking up and seeing Julian in that chair, uncomfortably crammed in and slumped over asleep, and wonder how he must've felt when he realized Julian wasn't going to leave
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raycatz · 2 months
I'm not including a situation where someone might be injured because in that case I'm thinking the bed goes to them by default or they are nominated for it. anyone who wants to be chatty goes to join the living room floor gang.
What are your thoughts and headcanons? Do you have thoughts on how the boys tend to approach assigning beds in inns? Who do the chain choose to sleep near when camping and why? What are their dynamics like when settling down for the night and getting ready for the day?
In "Mirror Vs Open Closet Door: Fight!" by Gintrinsic (here) Four refers to the chain's decision on how to split up between inn rooms as the "Link-per-room ratio" which I find very funny. He, Sky, and Time also talk about their thought process behind why they do or don't want to sleep in a room with some of the others which I find fun and interesting.
So! If you have thoughts and want to share them! *gestures to the post!*
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#alrighty! now for my answers-#for the ranch question I think it varies which is why I'm asking in a poll. What do you think happens most often though?#each answer is a fun scenario so it's difficult to choose#but I think they'd try to act politely around Malon and Time for the first couple visits with straws or rock paper scissors#or showing generosity by offering the bed to someone else. (I bet Malon saying they're charming is quite the incentive#for more possible compliments. The chain as a whole would want to prove her right xD )#Once they're more comfortable in the house though I can totally see Wind and Legend making a mad dash for it while Wars yells after them xD#Wind probably ends up sharing with Four a lot since they're the littles#or Wind snuggles in with Wars Legend Wild etc#Wild and Twi/Wolfie have claimed the spot on the floor by the fireplace.#For inn rooms / castle rooms / camping - I tend to group them by how they're grouped a lot already#but a lil mixed up#Time - Sky - Wars are the good rest trio. they want a good night's rest please let them get their beauty sleep. often joined by Four#Wars goes between this group and wherever Legend is depending on how chatty he is that night.#Twi - Wild - Hyrule are snuggle/proximity buddies#Legend is attached to Hyrule's hip or sets up near Warriors to gossip and gripe. I can also see him setting up near Wild#in the eye of the storm as it were or just an interesting place to be. Wild and Hyrule can get to chatting about everything and anything#so if Legend wants background noise (Hyrule and Wild podcast omg)-#or a conversation he can be half a part of and jump in and out of while getting ready for the night or in the mornings-#this is a good place to be. add Wind and things get a bit more chaotic.#Wind gravitates to Wars and Legend too when curious and chatty. He gravitates towards Time when he wants something calmer.#Four tends to be near Sky or Twi or to Legend's group for the same reasons#I can see Four and Twi having a little book club going during downtimes where they talk about what they're reading. Sky likes to listen. <3#Wind thinks they're nerds but so is he and he can't resist a good story so he orbits and sometimes settles in and peppers questions.#it's funny that Time Sky and Wars want to sleep the most but Legend follows Wars to chat (and ends up bringing people with him xD )#there could be some conflict there oooo#Twi is by Time#it's almost a circle but with clusters of sleeping bags near on top of each other and filling the gaps
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EYYYYYYYYY I have returned with more ideas
Legacy being unable to talk in that form + an s/o who knows Sign Language.
No no, hear me out.
He's only mimicking his s/o at first, not knowing their hand motions are signs, for communication. I have this fluffy image in mind of his s/o laughing when they notice him signing back without knowing the meaning. You know, mirroring as a love language. Like cats do – it's more of an instinct thing. And now you just have to teach him, because a. him signing with big claws is adorable, b. you want him to understand what you're signing and c. you wanna give him the chance to communicate back too!!!
Now I am very curious WHAT Legacy would "verbalise" when given the proper way to communicate.
Would it be just concepts and feelings at first? Like, absentmindedly signing "love love love" while cuddling half asleep? With proper practice, would he be able to clumsily string together sentences...? Like, excitedly hijacking Childe just to say hi and to recount how their day has been?
Would he fiddle with troublesome signs? Would he sign your name when he's away and missing you??????
Augggggghhhhhhhhhh there's moreeee
I personally imagine memories are difficult to be shared between both Legacy and Childe, but muscle memory definitely is (you know, because fighting and survival instincts and stuff, I think it makes sense). So it would be very very funny if Childe ever surprises himself with accidentally signing a response instead of saying it and pretty much going "??????".
Pfff– realising you've only ever taught Legacy and not Childe but he still ended up learning it too is going to be so stupidly hilarious when it hits.
OH MY MOON AND STARS DID YOU READ MY MIND? i've loved the thought of Foul Legacy learning sign language for years ehhhehehehhe
your fluffy Abyss monster doesn't know what your signing means, not at first, but he still admires how fluidly and quickly your hands move! sometimes you'll greet him with both words and sign language, either to practice or out of instinct, and before long he begins mimicking the motions back to you. he doesn't know what they signify, but your face absolutely lights up whenever he signs to you, and your smile means more than almost anything to Legacy. when you start teaching him it's by holding his claws with your hands and guiding them into the correct positions, hearing his purrs all the while- the first word he intentionally signs to you is "snuggles?", with a tilted head and pleading look in his pretty blue eye. he'll sign the word "love" and then point at you, bumping his forehead against your cheek and hooking his claws on your sleeves until you understand and sign it back to him
Foul Legacy practices signing when you're away at work!! it's mostly idle conversations to himself or single words when he sees something he likes... but some days he's lonely. some days he misses you so much that his heart feels like it's being stabbed and all he wants to do is cuddle with you underneath several blankets. but you're not here right now, so he just signs "miss you, miss you, miss you" until you finally come home and he darts over to scoop you into his arms. only when he's curled around you does he nudge your cheek, slowly signing "miss you" with a quiet whine before giving your hand a gentle nibble, and your heart just shatters- you're definitely working from home tomorrow
oh Childe DEFINITELY ends up randomly signing words that he doesn't even understand, and while it's all fine and dandy with you, since you CAN understand them, it's less fine when he accidentally does it in response to his subordinates. most of them just stare at him awkwardly before clearing their throats, asking if he heard them- but occasionally whoever he's talking to will be fluent in sign language like you are and excitedly ask if he knows it as well. honestly Childe feels really guilty about having to say no, so next time he visits you he takes your hands and firmly requests that you teach him sign language as well. if anything, it's a good communication tool to have- he is a Harbinger, after all!
also because he KNOWS you and Foul Legacy have been talking about him teasingly in sign language with each other and he wants in
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
everything that could go wrong today has and I’m just ready to call it quits for this year while I’m ahead. Not even going to try anymore.
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
minedai is so important to me esp when it involves daigo staring at mine with big ass heart eyes and cupids flying above his head and grinning and smiling and fluttering his pretty lashes at him but mines still like Does He Like Me ............. all the while mentally doing the exact same thing towards him
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wyvernquill · 2 years
I am NOT writing a Dreamling Anastasia AU 
  ...but. If I were...
(Edit: I am, find the masterpost here!)
It would not, actually, be a full human AU. The Endless are still Endless, but humanity has risen up against them, to terrible results. Their “domains” are still somewhat intact, so humanity can mostly go on as normal, but the personifications have been torn from them, weakened, have barely any control over them anymore. Their realms have crumbled, their tools are damaged, and they’re in exile...
And Death has offered immortality to whosoever will return her lost brother, Dream of the Endless, to her.
Enter Hob Gadling, vagabond, mercenary, and not very fond of dying as a concept; and Gilbert, a dream who survived the destruction of the Dreaming, and has lived among the humans ever since.
Dream of the Endless has been captured, turned human, and killed. They all know it, everyone does - it would be a pretty story if someone recovered him, a pretty story indeed, finally bringing peace and comfort to his family and the remainder of his subjects, but it won’t ever come true...
...unless someone were to make it true. Of course. Out of pure charitable sentiment, and not for the immortality reward at all.
All Hob and Gil would need is a lookalike they can pass off as “Dream of the Endless forcefully turned human” - and the amnesiac ravenkeeper “Murphy”, misanthropic and eccentric to the utmost, might be just what they’re looking for.
(But the traitor at Dream’s court has not yet given up on destroying him utterly, and is following after them with a razor-sharp knife and three mouths hungry for “Murphy”’s blood...)
(A scene I typed out just for funsies, from later in the plot, under the cut - also, tagging @10moonymhrivertam who I believe was interested in this!)
[Context for the scene:
Murphy-pretending-to-be-Dream has already presented himself to Unity, Desire’s Queen Consort, mentioning that he vaguely recalls being saved from captivity by a young guard shattering his glass cage with a sledgehammer. Soon after, he finds out that Hob had ulterior, selfish motives for this plot, and does not take it at all well.]
When Murphy is finally called to stand before the siblings to prove his identity, only Gilbert is accompanying him inside... and he's glad for that. Betrayal rankles in him, the first buds of love trampled brutally underfoot by the man's selfish human cruelty - a lie and a con for immortality! What a low cur! Murphy despises him, and if he does not see him again until 100 years' hence, it will still be too soon.
The Endless siblings await him in a room that seems perfectly cosy, but also painfully small. Beings such as them are made for grand halls, and to see five of them crammed together on a couch and some chairs seems... wrong, almost.
Destiny sits in an armchair hood drawn low, arms curled around the charred and torn remnants of what was once a book. Death sits on the couch, radiating a solemn sort of warmth, while Despair is huddled up next to her, eyes wide and uncertain, with her twin's hand resting protectively on her shoulder from where they are perched on the armrest, the other holding Unity's, who is seated in the second armchair.
("And Despair... oi, Murphy, are you listening?" says Hob's voice in his head, warm with fondness and a broad grin. "Despair was killed but reborn in a new aspect during the uprising. She'll still have all her old memories, though, so remain on your guard even around her."
Oh, those endless lessons. He will never forget a word of them.)
The youngest, Deligh- Delirium is seated on the floor, humming to herself and drawing swirling, colourful patterns onto the carpet. She hasn't as much as looked up at him.
Gilbert steps forward.
"Your Highnesses," he murmurs, politely removing his hat and squishing it in anxious hands. "May I present: Dream of the Endless."
They ask him questions all over again, particularly Death and Desire - hers gentle and probing, theirs sharp and cutting - and Murphy answers as best he can, trying to ignore the longing in those eyes. The hope.
They want, so badly, for him to be something he is not. It is heartbreaking.
And then, finally, Death says "one last test, if you please," and Desire adds, spitefully, "this is the one they all fail," their twin nodding jerkily.
Death calls for Lucienne - ("Lucienne has always been your most faithful servant," Gilbert explains, "a librarian like no other, wise and ever loyal. She remained in the Dreaming, praying for your return, until it crumbled under her very feet...") - and Lucienne strides in.
She freezes, when she locks eyes with Murphy, and there it is again. The flash of hope, quickly tempered, but forever burning.
"The final test." Death instructs her, and with a bow Lucienne sweeps out again, only to return mere moments later with...
...with a raven perched on her arm, white-breasted and fine-boned, dark and keen eyes observing Murphy curiously.
"Jessamy!" He blurts out, and Death nods.
"Jessamy." She confirms, as Lucienne transfers the raven to her. "My brother's trusted companion. Touch her, now, give her a pat - and if she accepts you as her master, we'll know you're really him."
(Gilbert feels the tranquil summer day he has in place of a heart sink. This is what it all hinges on, then?
This is something they had no way of preparing Murphy for. No way to influence it. Jessamy will know him for a fraud, that much he is quite certain of, and their game is up, now. Their game is up.)
Murphy rises up, and goes to kneel at Death's feet, on eye level with the raven - and one has to hand it to him, he looks at her so softly, so adoringly, as if she really were part of his mind and soul and heart, the way Matthew is for Murphy, in truth.
He reaches out one trembling hand, all eyes in the room on him.
(Jessamy twitches her wings, gaze fixed on his hand.)
And then he drops it again.
"Jessamy the Raven died as she attempted to rescue me from imprisonment," he says, and his voice echoes, deep and dark as midnight. "Lady Death, you hold an illusion on your arm."
Silence in the room. Nobody dares to as much as breathe.
And then Not-Jessamy squawks, bright and approving - and bursts into hundreds of Delirium's incandescent butterflies, dispersing in the air.
They're all staring at him as Murphy gathers his robes up and returns to his seat.
Death stands. If her gaze was glowing with hope before, it is now like a firebrand on his skin.
"Despair? Bring his tools," she says, too soft to be an order, but with steel underneath it.
Despair scrambles up, and returns in moments with the strange helmet that is the symbol of the Dreamlord's power, and his ruby - cracked, but not broken.
(Gilbert, staring at Murphy as if in a trance, produces the sand pouch, and adds it to Despair's arms. Some thought flickers through his mind that those tools would, all taken together, kill a mere human - but that is not what Murphy is, after all, is he.)
Desire takes the ruby, and drapes the chain over Murphy's neck - and he sees it in their golden eyes, feels it in the tremble of their caress against his neck, that they have never desired anything more than their brother back.
Death takes the sand pouch, and presses it into Murphy's hand, closing his fingers around it with such gentleness - she had thought her beloved brother dead for so many years, dead and gone, and there is relief in every fibre of her being.
And then Destiny sets the scraps of his books aside, and takes the helmet in his hands, bidding Murphy to incline his head so that it might be fitted onto him, and he might recover all his past, present, and future.
Murphy takes a deep breath.
Closes his eyes.
And bows his head.
The helmet slides over his skull as if it was made for him...
And it was.
Something changes in the air.
A shifting, like air flowing in to fill up a vacuum.
And something about the-man-who-used-to-name-himself-Murphy changes.
The chapped and broken skin on his hands smooths to the point where his fingertips would not even leave prints; the fabric of his robe sparkles with stars, and floats like mist at nighttime about his form; and when he raises his behelmed head, his spine seems to crack and lengthen, taller now than he was before, too tall and thin to be human.
(Matthew squawks outside the window - and with one beat of his wings he is inside the room, settling on a narrow shoulder.)
Hands that have folded lovingly around so many newly-created dreams and nightmares come up, to lift the helmet off again...
And where Murphy's eyes were a watery blue, Dream of the Endless's eyes are midnight-black, with only a single star each glowing in their depths.
He blinks.
Looks down at his helmet, then up, at the roomful of Endless - his family - all staring at him in something between disbelief and incandescent joy.
"...siblings," Dream breathes, his chest warm and full as it never was when he was human except perhaps when Hob Gadling smiled at him, surrounded now by all of them...
And "BrOTheR!" Delirium squeals in rainbow tones, jumping up from the floor to throw herself into his arms, where she is immediately held.
"Brother," echoes Death, hand over her mouth, tears in her eyes - and then she, too, is folding him in an embrace, and Desire, and Despair, joining... even Destiny rests one wizened hand on Dream's head, tender and brotherly.
Lucienne is crying into a handkerchief from joy, and Gilbert keeps whispering "oh my. oh, goodness. oh my."...
And Dream holds his siblings close to him, home at last.
"Robert! Robert!" Gilbert is gasping, having hurried as quickly as he could. "Robert, you will not believe-"
Hob drops his nearly-done cigarette on the ground, grinds it out with his boot.
"And?" He smiles, though it hardly reaches his eyes. "Did they buy it?"
"He's real! Oh, goodness gracious me!" Gilbert rests one hand on his chest, as if to clutch at pearls there. "He is- Robert, he is the true Dream of the Endless! He, he knew that- and when they gave him the tools-"
"Ah!" Now Hob actually laughs. He fiddles for another cigarette, offers the package to Gilbert, who declines with nothing more but a distracted wave. "That. Yes. I knew that."
"You KNEW!?" Gilbert flusters.
"Since the talk with Unity." Hob's lighter takes a few tries to work. Ghastly thing. "It was me, you know."
"I don't follow." Gil blinks.
"It was good work for hired muscle, guarding some prison in a cellar - and they did say that greater rewards were in store. Riches. Fame." Hob grimaces. The cigarette smoke tastes like ash in his mouth, but he takes a drag anyway. "...immortal life. Thought it would be the best work available to me - and it was. But I couldn't stand it, watching him in there."
Hob blows the smoke up into the air, and thinks of a pale, inhuman face behind a glass pane - and then that same face haggard but human, blue eyes twinkling at him with challenge and fondness both.
"I was the guard who took the sledgehammer to Dream's prison. Woke up a few hours later with a splitting headache, and soon enough they were saying they'd killed him when he tried to escape. Quit, ran, and never looked back."
"By Jove!" Gilbert gasps. "Robert! You've saved him twice over, first in the cellar of the Magus - and now! Returning him to his family! Bless you, lad, bless you!"
Hob lets Gilbert grab his hand and shake it enthusiastically, though he can hardly muster up anything more than a weak smile.
"You should- oh, you should come inside! You must tell this story, see Lord Morpheus returned to full form, the siblings shall wish to thank you-" Gilbert babbles joyfully. "And your reward! Of course! Twice earned, my young friend! Twice earned!"
"Hmm. I don't... think I should." Hob carefully ducks out from the arm Gilbert has thrown over his shoulder. "Leave them to their joyful reunion, eh? Give them a little time to breathe before I remind them of... business."
"Ah, but-" Gilbert tries to protest, but Hob is already starting down the street. He should quit smoking - he already nearly has. Only does it when he's stressed, or heartbroken... or both.
He will not bother Dream of the Endless, the man who once was Murphy, with his presence now.
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1dklikesthings · 1 month
Question 24 for the ask. Magical John of course but also Twitch Chat (rtgame miitopia)
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
aa im sorry but idk,,, ive been into rttopia for so long that i hardly think about any other characters and the non-rttopia characters i do think about arent anything like either of them apolocheese 💔
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abombihoney · 6 months
What's the deal with Leif in the Venom AU? Is he a modern bug or did he get time travelled some other way?
(also what color is he)
He's a modern bug! He was raised by his grandparents which is why he talks like he's a hundred million years old.
He's married to muse and is a researcher! He studies languages and knows quite a few! He actually knows quite a bit of roach, while not fluent, he is the foremost expert in bugaria.
When Kabbu and Vi go to snakemouth den, instead of getting trapped, they get chased out by the spider. Kabbu knows Leif, and that he's interested in roach stuff and mentioned what they discovered. Leif of course, like any sane person with a special interest, immediately demands that he come on their next incredibly dangerous excursion.
Which of course, is how he gets venomed lol. And yeah, he's red btw. If i made him blue then I'd have to make all of team snakemouth blue.
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cerise-on-top · 28 days
Hiii ik this is silly but imagen if after the los vaqueros split up ale and rudy got together and valeria after years sees them togeter being all lovely dovely and shes like what- bc she tought they didnt like each other
(Ofc val tells rudy of all men why did he choose ale and she feels sorry for him😭😭)
Anon, this is quite possibly the funniest ask I've ever gotten! I don't know if this is supposed to be a request or not, but I don't mind adding my two cents to this!
Valeria, as a resident Alejandro hater, would be surprised anyone would want to be with him in the first place. And yeah, I think she would call Rodolfo out on potential fraternization as well, but that's not the main issue. I want you to imagine Rodolfo and Valeria, both sitting at a bar together, and Valeria just starts listing all the reasons why Rodolfo should dump Alejandro. It's an impressive amount too, Valeria could probably talk about how much she hates Alejandro for at least an hour. Meanwhile Rodolfo is just sitting there, ordering some kind of absinthe because he cannot take this nonsense. He looks entirely unamused and just wants to leave. I think Alejandro would come in at some point and just start arguing with Valeria while she tells him that Rodolfo deserves better. Rodolfo grows tired of all of this and just leaves at some point. I know Alejandro is a colonel, but he's an idiot. But so is Valeria when it comes to him. The three of them share one braincell and Rodolfo has confiscated it since the other two don't know how to use it properly.
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jaybren · 10 months
I Believe...Steddie
I normally don't mind angst (though I avoid drama fics in general). Miscommunication is the biggest trope in romance, so I'm all for it, but for some reason Steve x Eddie fics / drabbles where Eddie still thinks of Steve as Steve THE KING Harrington always sit weirdly for me. Sometimes, if the Upside Down didn't happen (AUs in general) or pre-UD setting, maybe -- sure, then that could work. But close to canon fics where Eddie lives and Steve legit confesses to him? Always just -- strikes me as wrong.
Finally realized why -- it's literally the antithesis of canon Eddie. Canon! Eddie is quick to acknowledge Steve has changed. He literally runs up to him in the Upside Down while a bunch of madness is happening and where he has every right to be consumed by his own shit-tastic situation, but instead, he's telling Steve how he is a great guy and has changed.
Can Eddie be bitchy and prejudice? Yes.
Does Eddie have grudges against jocks / the popular crowd? Yes.
But he also goes full on bowing gentlemen for cheerleaders (going out of his way to help Chrissy and make her smile) and he's quick to acknowledge Steve's not that same popular AH anymore.
With Steve's bitchiness not aimed at him, Eddie would be eating his Honeycomb and snickering when old habits popped back up, and maybe he'd feel conflicted about jocky Steve, complaining about going to games or something until somebody smacked some sense into him. Totally believe tension and disbelief about one liking the other or some bias about things, but I just can't see Steve proclaiming his love or whatever and Eddie assuming it is a trap or trick or prank or something.
Maybe he'd think Steve was confused. Maybe he'd assume they were doomed, but I can't see him blaming Steve for that or blowing up their relationship IF Eddie accepted the confession and they started dating. Eddie's way more down on himself.
If someone can explain how it makes sense, please do. I'd love to enjoy all Steddie tropes, and that one seems popular lately, but where my brain sees so many problems with them getting to the confession point or even a number of big arguments that could happen afterward due to outside aspects, those two strike me as highly tactile, highly clingy romantics who would be convinced they were the height of discrete while practically fused, constantly touching and being snide little judgy dudes together.
#steddie#Steve x Eddie#Eddie Munson#Stranger Things#Only way Eddie doesn't see how Steve's changed is if the Upside Down doesn't exist but then Steve might not have changed#the second Steve asks him out Eddie is 100% in#won't accept anything different#Eddie is a drama king but he's the the sort to be clingy and pushy and cause problems by being too tactile and obvious in a homophobic town#which is why I 100% believe fics where Eddie and Steve fight over Steve refusing to come out or leave Hawkins#Despite also 100% believing Eddie would understand#frankly I fall for all the tropes EXCEPT Eddie not believing (in a canon compliant Upside Down having universe)that Steve has changed#where are my double date fics with Eddie and Steve taking out two girls only to get dumped because they spent more time chatting themselves#What about the fics where Eddie sets Steve up with a metalhead girl only for Steve to be like 'wow I'm super into this'#but then he realizes partway through he is 100% imaging she's Eddie#Or Steve setting up Eddie on a double date only to have a 'oh no I fucked up' moment as he realizes halfway through that he loves Eddie#Steve: Cool Eddie might score (*and it was at that moment he realizes he fucked up) I don't want Eddie to score#Give me hooking up duo who 'just like making out' and 'just aren't ready to get back out there yet' who feel pressured to do so#and they end up throwing hands over it and banging#Eddie: So...that happened. | Steve: Do you think Dustin was right? | Eddie: No way that butthead is right. | Steve: But what if he is?#Eddie: Obviously we can't tell him. | Steve: But we can still make out right? | Eddie: Fuck yeah#Give me dumb bets between guys friends inspired by Steve trying to relate to Eddie like he used to Tommy
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