#as if they owe us anything
pogasm · 2 months
there’s some valid criticism against kpop (literally watching half of army in real time turn into a zionist cult) but half the time yall don’t have anything interesting to say and you’re just racist
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dear-ao3 · 3 months
one day ill be able to embark on my quest to find my holy grail*.
*my holy quest to steal max verstappens cats
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tapakah0 · 7 months
do u know cass personally? or is this a tumblr friendship? cuz its the most wholesome thing ive seen in my life
I don't even know their real name ~ But if I will be told that I have an extra liver, I will know at the exact same second to whom give it.
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andoutofharm · 11 months
i have a special kind of annoyance for people who say fall out boy (or any band!) look “sad” or “bored” because they’re standing still while playing or have a serious expression like. just say you know nothing about them and also have zero respect for neurodivergent people and/or people who’ve had surgeries that restrict their movement and go
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thoumpingground · 9 months
So when Darcy went to fix the Lydia/Wickham situation, he first tried to get Lydia to return home, only bribing Wickham into marrying her when she wouldn't. This is sensible by modern standards, but we know from everyone else's reactions Lydia *failing* marrying Wickham would bring the Bennet family shame. Darcy knows this, and doubt he planned to leave the situation as is. So how did he originally plan to fix it?
I think Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy was gonna channel his inner Emma Woodhouse (didn't have to dig far, they're very similar people) and play matchmaker. In my headcannon Darcy checked his "Possible Husbands for Georgie" list against his "People who owe me Gargantuan favours" list and offer whoever came up money to marry Lydia.
Now, he would want to spare the Bennets of as much of the scandal as possible, and wouldn't want to take the merit in front of Lizzie, so all would most likely happen discreetly through Mr. Gardiner, while Lydia was in London, and she would move to her husbands immediatly after.
However, I wanna propose a different scenario: Lydia returns to Meryton. Scandal ensues, the Bennets are disgraced. Then, within two weeks, a random well-off man shows up intent on courting Lydia and *only* Lydia. He heeds nobodys warnings and gives no explanations. Lydia loves it. Every other mum in Meryton is furious. The Bennets are confused and paranoid. Imagine the drama. The intrige. The million questions still unawnsered long after Lydia eventually gets married and leaves. Bingley marries Jane (cause of course Darcy still told him he'd been wrong to pull them apart, and Bingley would) and Darcy's still somewhat around. Maybe him and Lizzie get together, maybe not, but every time the topic comes up he gets all sheepish and awkward and she gets suspicious and it's a thing. It's their new dynamic.
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benkeibear · 4 days
I debated for a while if I post this but I've decided that I will.
First of all I'd like to apologize for the negativity on dash, please don't feel obligated to reply - I don't want pity, I'm simply done hiding and cowering away from this.
Tw: Anon hate, death threats, suicide.
It's been months, 9 to be exact that I got my first anon that gave me a long guide on how to end my life while I was grieving the loss of my father who has passed just 2 weeks prior. I was made fun of for grieving. I got that guide and it didn't stop there.
Every single day since then my asks would be filled with nasty things. Most days it's your generic "kys" and I'd block and delete, so used to seeing it when i shouldn't. Sometimes that person got a little more creative and wrote paragraphs that remained unread but it still affected me. It slowly wore me down.
Honestly, I blame myself. I could have turned anon off but they harass me on burners regardless so I left the anon option on, for the sake of the few people who like to communicate with me but are too shy.
But I'm done now. I try to make tumblr a beautiful place for myself and others by posting only the positive things, daily good morning posts and affirmations, trying to be more active, trying to reach out more so I get out of this shy shell but each time I try they come back.
I almost deactivated before my hiatus because they're getting to me slowly (congratulations asshole, hope you're happy reading this!) i get physically sick when i try to write. I'm scared to post because they will tell me nasty things again. I started questioning myself, my worth, if I'm even still allowed to be here, wanted here.
And yesterday things boiled over when over the course of perhaps 2 hours this person spammed my asks to the point of making me cry. I'm done seeing this fucking behavior every single day and I kindly ask for whoever this is to please stop this. I am ASKING you. Hell i'd get on my knees and beg for you even. I'm done seeing this. Please just stop it.
It's okay if you don't like me, it's okay if you hate me but then just block me. I won't leave because of you. Not here, not life.
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 2 months
valvert is so funny because i'll be like "omg they're so in love here" and it's like. a normal ass screenshot but the motifs are what make it gay. like idk how to tell you that somehow javert slipping into vous instead of tu is somehow more gay of him since he has his weird authority complex thingy
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bhaalble · 8 months
Anyways. For the Bi/pans in the bg3 fandom. What flavor of bi/pan are you? this can either be the character that models your own experience of bisexuality, or the character who's devastatingly your type as a bi person. For me personally I'm a Lae'zel bi
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maxellminidisc · 6 months
Just went down a rabbit hole so sickeningly and evil-y white whilst blocking and I genuinely feel sick and murderous
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
My best advice for trans people who are interacting with transphobes is to not delve into your personal experiences with dysphoria, childhood, sexual experiences, literally anything.
When I was a younger trans person, I thought I could prove my humanity to transphobes by delving into those aspects of my life. I genuinely thought that the more personal information I put out about my transness to transphobes, I could awaken something in them and make them realize "holy shit, I'm talking to a human being and not an abstraction of a 'person'".
What I learned, though, is that all I did was give those transphobes power over me. Transphobia often relies on unfalsifiable "theory" - that means that you cannot prove their theories of transness wrong. By playing their game, all you do is set yourself up to feel humiliated and degraded. By playing this game, you have already lost because they will cheat the game as many times as needed because they are going in with inherent bad faith.
You, in fact, do not owe your life story to transphobes. Their theory about transness is, simply put, that trans people can never be correct about our experiences. There will always be an ulterior motive for trans people in their eyes, because that is all they see. Don't give them that over you.
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cuties-in-codices · 6 months
Where do you find these manuscripts? Is it like a website or do you find it randomly??
hey, thanks for the curiosity! lenghty answer below the cut :)
medieval manuscripts are typically owned by libraries and showcased on the library's websites. so one thing i do is i randomly browse those digitized manuscript collections (like the collections of the bavarian state library or the bodleian libraries, to name just two), which everybody can do for free without any special access. some digital collections provide more useful tools than others (like search functions, filters, annotations on each manuscript). if they don't, the process of wading through numerous non-illustrated manuscripts before i find an illustrated one at all can be quite tedious.
there are databases which help to navigate the vast sea of manuscripts. the one i couldn't live without personally use the most is called KdIH (Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters). it's a project which aims to list all illustrated medieval manuscripts written in german dialects. the KdIH provides descriptions of the contents of each manuscript (with a focus on the illustrations), and if there's a digital reproduction of a manuscript available anywhere, the KdIH usually links to it. the KdIH is an invaluable tool for me because of its focus on illustrated manuscripts, because of the informations it provides for each manuscript, and because of its useful search function (once you've gotten over the initial confusion of how to navigate the website). the downside is that it includes only german manuscripts, which is one of the main reasons for the over-representation of german manuscripts on my blog (sorry about that).
another important database for german manuscripts in general (i.e. not just illustrated ones) is the handschriftencensus, which catalogues information regarding the entirety of german language manuscripts of the middle ages, and also links to the digital reproductions of each manuscript.
then there are simply considerable snowball effects. if you do even just superficial research on any medieval topic at all (say, if you open the wikipedia article on alchemy), you will inevitably stumble upon mentions of specific illustrated manuscripts. the next step is to simply search for a digital copy of the manuscript in question (this part can sometimes be easier said than done, especially when you're coming from wikipedia). one thing to keep in mind is that a manuscript illustration seldom comes alone - so every hint to any illustration at all is a greatly valuable one (if you do what i do lol). there's always gonna be something interesting in any given illustrated manuscript. (sidenote: one very effective 'cheat code' would be to simply go through all manuscripts that other online hobbyist archivers of manuscript illustrations have gone through before - like @discardingimages on tumblr - but some kind of 'professional pride' detains me from doing so. that's just a kind of stubbornness though. like, i want to find my material more or less on my own, not just the images but also the manuscripts, and i apply arbitrary rules to my search as to what exactly that means.)
whatever tool or strategy i use to find specific illustrated manuscripts-- in the end, one unavoidable step is to actually manually skim through the (digitized) manuscript. i usually have at least a quick look at every single illustrated page, and i download or screenshot everything that is interesting to me. this process can take up to an hour per manuscript.
in conclusion, i'd say that finding cool illuminated manuscripts is much simpler than i would have thought before i started this blog. there are so many of them out there and they're basically just 'hidden in plain side', it's really astounding. finding the manuscripts doesn't require special skills, just some basic experience with/knowledge of the tools available. the reason i'm able to post interesting images almost daily is just that i spend a lot of time doing all of this, going through manuscripts, curating this blog, etc. i find a lot of comfort in it, i learn a lot along the way, and i immensely enjoy people's engagement with my posts. so that's that :)
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why-the-heck-not · 4 months
computer science was a hoax from the universe to get me to study math in the pretense of ”hehe coding’s cool look at all these things u can do” *some mf vectors looming just around the corner* ”noNO dont look there; look here!! It’s ’hello world’ but in green heheh wOoOoo now it’s blue !! u are a god of this website” *matrices sharpening their knives somewhere*
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petrovna-zamo · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I love arm
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eyestrain-addict · 7 days
Iwtv s2 ep2 spoilers
My thing I'm wondering is that in the promos/trailers claudia screams that Louis "picked another one over me" but in this episode she's encouraging louis to live outside of her and pursue a romance with Armand. I wonder what's going to change in the next few episodes.
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demadogs · 1 year
as a gay swiftie i need to say it i fucking hate gaylors so much. the news of the split of her 7 year relationship came out yesterday and gaylor is already trending on twitter. it doesnt matter how huge of a status a person has STOP READING INTO THE SEXUALITY OF REAL HUMAN BEINGS!!!!!!
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krash-and-co · 6 months
friendly reminder this fandom isnt a job and you don't have to actively work to 'save the show' all the time, you can just have fun
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