cyclonestudios-alt · 4 months
wingfeather saga incorrect quotes
because I need something to keep my sanity and cause I'm getting sucked back in to the fandom lol
—Kalmar: I'm usually that person who has no idea what's going on.—
—Artham: Ok so, apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.—
—Janner: Could you be anymore annoying?
Kalmar: Yes.—
—Arundelle: Where’s Artham ?
Leeli: Around.
Arundelle: Around?
Arundelle: You don’t have any idea, do you?
Artham , dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?— (He would totally do this and you can't change my mind)
—Nia: That's ridiculous, Esben doesn't have a crush on me.
Artham: Yes he does.
Arundelle: Yes he does.
Esben: Yes I do.—
—Nia, in a room with Esben, Arundelle, and Artham: It’s calm in here.
Nia: It scares me…
—Kalmar: The Ocean is a soup.
Janner: Do elaborate.
Kal: What are needed for something to be a soup?
Janner: Erm... Water, salt, some form of vegetation, and personally I prefer some meat in mine.
Kal: *Tilts head*
Janner: The Ocean is a Soup.
Kalmar: The Ocean is a Soup.—
—Janner: I hope you have an explanation for this.
Kalmar: We have three, actually!
Maraly: Pick your favorite.—
—Bonifer Squoon: Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no.—
anddd Imma stop here cause it's 3 am and I didn't realize how long this was lol. Enjoy
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How serious are you guys about wanting me to write a story where Artham and Arundelle have a kid?
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Artham and Aurundelle with a kid headcannons? I read your other post with these and thought they were adorable so I thought I'd ask for a few as well. (you can answer this ask at anytime, I just wanted to ask for them)
Hi, yes, sorry this took FOREVER I’d seen your other ask about this but March happened and March was, uh, not that great. But it’s April now, new month, hopefully a better one!
Okay so since I have talked about this some before I’m just going to lean into my own headcanons really far with this. I can do more general ones if you would like but I was thinking about this the other day and really enjoying the ideas popping into my head so I’m just going for it. *contains spoilers for all the Wingfeather books*
So being of this persuasion myself I really love the idea of Artham and Arundelle adopting kids. It also seems like something they’d do; just find a kid who needs a family ask ‘is anyone going to take care of that?’ and then not wait for an answer.
And since I’m neurodivergent and currently work with neurodivergent kids this is also high in my mind so the kids are autistic.
I don’t exactly know how they acquire these children- a boy and a girl- but some ideas include the girl washing up on the shores of Anniera in a little rowboat with a note that contains her name and age, no explanation. The boy they rescue from an abusive situation and Idk how that goes except for this really cute little scene in my head where he asks (either verbally or through sign language) if Artham’s a guardian angel on account of his wings. Artham just kind of laughs and tells him no, he’s not an angel, but he is a guardian.
The kids have a few years between them, with the boy being the older (I’m thinking he’s around 6-8 and the girl is about 3). The boy can talk but doesn’t until he’s been in Anniera for a long time. The little girl is nonverbal but she might talk someday- who knows!
I think Artham and Arundelle would do great with these kids because they’re just by nature such kind, sensitive and caring people. Also I headcanon that Anniera was- even back when they were kids growing up and before- always very accepting and accommodating to people who were different, whether it be neurodivergence or physical disabilities (Madia names her disabled son “Beloved” after all). And now, of course, with all the people who used to be cloven and lived with physical/mental disabilities for years they’re just as open and accepting as they ever were.
I think they’d still teach their kids THAGS just like, an adaptive version of it. And like, I need you to imagine Artham knelt next to a tiny little girl doing hand-over-hand trying to teach her how to draw and write her name. I need you to imagine the impromptu concert sessions that these four have in their rooms, sometimes at like 2am because no one can sleep and singing is a winner for everyone and it’s just Artham and Arundelle singing and dancing together while their kids bounce around the room happily. (also on that note, Leeli practicing songs is a big winner for these kids, especially the boy, because she’s just singing/playing the same song over and over again and if it’s a song they really like then, well, she could have a little buddy sitting off to the side watching her with delight for hours and you better believe she keeps doing it long after she’s learned the song because it makes them so happy)
Arundelle taking the kids out to plant flowers and every time, without fail, one of the kids tries eating dirt and it takes her a full minute to register “wait, this is BAD I should stop them” because she was a freaking tree for 7 years and forgets.
Forget SWINGING to self-regulate, these kids dad can just swoop around with them and FLY and they’re DELIGHTED. (and so is Artham) Like, they probably have a system worked out where when one of the kids goes over and tugs/pats his wings a certain way they want to go flying and he’ll just do it no questions asked, he leaves in the middle of meetings and things and nobody ever says anything because it’s adorable. Sometimes he’ll also just scoop up one (or both) of the kids when they’re getting upset and preemptively take them out flying. And like, this hits all the sensory stimulation things, they can go up and down, spin, dive straight at the ground and pull up at the last second which leaves them all laughing and giggling.
Arundelle teaches the kids some more grounded calming techniques and she’s just always carrying around random fabrics and rattles and chewies and spinny/bendy/manipulatable things. She remains extremely good at sensing the moods and needs of all her family members and often has just the right thing at the right time. Also I just suddenly had the image of her teaching the kids to weave baskets to calm down. Castle Rysen ends up with a lot of baskets.
I think Artham and Arundelle are just the most chill parents with their kids tbh. They’re almost always the “take a deep breath” “what do you need” “what’s wrong” “come on let’s go somewhere quieter” parents. They’re really good at redirecting/figuring out what the actual problem is. They only actually punish intentional defiance, which is in rather short supply when the kids are little.
Sometimes they do get stressed and overwhelmed tho and when the other one notices they offer to watch the kids for a bit so the other can calm down. Arundelle ends up doing this a lot because Artham still has a lot going on in his head and can get stressed very easily in the right conditions. Also, they never try and hide his fits from the kids, but sometimes they do send them to stay in their cousin’s rooms or with aunt Nia while Arundelle calms Artham down. Artham’s breakdowns are actually oddly good for the kids to see since they have meltdowns/sensory overload and freak out sometimes. But dad does it too so it’s nothing to be ashamed of, right? It’s just something to learn to manage. (thinking of it like that helps Artham too.)
When the kids get older Artham teaches them how to defend themselves (and Arundelle helps, along with Janner and Kal sometimes). He also teaches them to sail, which it turns out they enjoy because while the sea can be unpredictable, handling a ship is usually not (there’s specific responses to each situation of wind/waves) and they learn the routine of it quick.
Both their parents teach them how to sew/knit.
Blanket forts live permanently in Artham and Aurendelle’s room and the kid’s rooms. They’re little safe spaces. Occasionally the kids find their parents hiding in there too and they just sit down next to them (or in their lap) in companionable silence.
Artham and Aurendelle love having kids. They have long talks about the kind of parents they want to be and what’s best for their kids and confront parenting fears. They encourage each other a lot.
Okay, I’ll stop, but I just really love the idea of Artham and Arundelle and their little neurodivergent family, I could talk more about them and their kids but I’ll stop for now because this is already long. Feel free to request something different if you want!
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armulyn · 1 year
Five Songs for Artham Wingfeather
Soldier - Fleurie - Every single line fits him, but I especially love you want to take a drink of that promise land/you gotta wipe the dirt off of your hands/careful, son, you've got dreamer's plans.
Two Oruguitas - Sebastian Yatra - This is a beautiful love song, and it fits Artham and Arundelle perfectly. The Spanish version is also lovely. [Spanish translation note: oruguita=caterpillar & mariposa=butterfly, it's kind of hard to understand without knowing that.]
Space Talk - The Native Architects - I don't know why, but this is also 100% Artham & Arundelle's song.
Battle Scars - Paradise Falls - This is on every single Wingfeather playlist. It's perfect. For Artham, I especially love all the allusions to learning how to fly.
Forest Fire - Brighton - Artham & Esben. It's literally perfect and it hurts. It's about someone who lost a person close to them who they were supposed to take care of, and afterward they're lost. There's comparisons of the flames that killed the person to the flames that consume the bereaved of grief and guilt. Don't even get me started on the second verse. LOOK AT IT:
I keep imagining those flames that did rise And blackened up the sky. The light that showed you barefoot in the snow. And then the fires started building up inside: Exploding, blinding lights... Now I'm the one left screaming through the night.
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illustratus · 11 days
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Arundel Castle, West Sussex, England
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 months
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silverskinsrepository · 6 months
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Henry Arundell
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menoftiktok · 6 months
Rugby World Cup | What a world cup journey it's been for Henry Arundell
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pseudepigraphon · 8 months
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shakes my little jar of monks and tosses them across the table like dice
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livesunique · 1 year
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Arundel Castle, Arundel, West Sussex, England
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Autumn in Arundel
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cyclonestudios-alt · 1 year
I've been pronuncing Aurundelle's name wrong THIS WHOLE TIME. AND it's been confirmed.
So like, uh, during vacation (which I got back from on Wednesday but never made a post about sorry lol) my mom downloaded all the Wingfeather books on audible to her phone so we'd have something to listen to, and then we came to the chapters with Aurundelle, and I was excited, cause, y'know she's a tree (that sounds so mean I'm so sorry lmao) and she's like Artham's secret -not-so-secret girlfriend (which I think is adorable) and you know, stuff like that.
So ANYWAYS I noticed that Andrew pronounced her name like “AIR-un-delle" instead of the way I always thought it was pronounced, which is “Ar-un-delle"(as in,“are you ok") and I was like “huh ok, that's kind of strange but maybe it's just the way he pronounces it". But. BUT. That stupid little vicious, sleep deprived, anxiety -ridden rude editor-like voice in the back of my head awoke and was revived and was like “is it though?" *evil laughter*. Which is to say in simple terms that I wondered if I had pronouncing her name wrong this whole time.
So, today, I went on the Wingfeather website because I wanted to, and I saw this thing called “pronunciation guide" and I went there cause logic. That's when I saw it. That's when it was confirmed that I had been wrong this whole time. It said, and I quote, “Arundelle-AIR-un-delle"
I am in shock.
Not only have I been spelling her name wrong this whole time, but I've also been pronouncing it wrong this whole time...
So yeah, that's what I've been processing since like 4 this afternoon. Do I care? Yes, very much so. Will I spell and pronounce her name correctly from now on? No, absolutely not.
Anyways, yeah that's me ranting. I wish you all a happy existential crisis, if you, as well as I, have completely gotten her name wrong. If not then uh- have a good laugh
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I don’t know if anyone here plays it and/or cares, but I have been very slowly building Castle Rysen in the Sims 4 and I think I finally have enough of it done to share a bit (apologies for poor picture quality I was using my phone to take them because I’m too tired to deal with screenshots)
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It has towers too I just forgot to get a picture of them xD I made it on a hill because on the map it appears to be near the mountains.
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Basement with kitchen, this is where the servants quarters will be (and also eventually the unlit side on the left will lead to the holoel chamber)
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Ballroom/dining hall with little study-esque places. Hopefully I’ll figure out how to fill this out more eventually xD
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Next floor has Nia and Esben’s room
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Artham and Arundelle’s room
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and all these empty rooms I haven’t done anything with yet xD
And now the piece de resistance:
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Everything in this room I’ve done since yesterday when the new library kit came out I went absolutely insane with it xD
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lil study nook/more of my walls of books
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kid’s area :)
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aesthetic fireplace bookreading spots
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I headcanon that Castle Rysen has hidden passageways all over it so here’s one in the library that leads to the floor below.
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outside we have a path that leads down to this little wooded area
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and this nice little garden.
That’s all I have so far. If anyone shows any interest I may continue posting pictures. If no one shows any interest I’ll probably delete this so it’s not clogging up the page.
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@cyclonestudios-alt I have fulfilled the fanfiction request! I hope you like it :)
~~**SPOILERS for The Wingfeather Saga book 4, The Warden and the Wolf King**~~
Broken Together
Pairing: Artham and Arundelle from The Wingfeather Saga
Word count: 1225
Rating: G
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45190897
Summary: Two weeks after returning to Anniera, Arundelle and Artham have an important conversation about their pasts and their future.
Maybe you and I were never meant to be complete Could we just be broken together? If you can bring your shattered dreams and I'll bring mine Could healing still be spoken, and save us? The only way we'll last forever is broken together -Casting Crowns, Broken Together
           Arundelle strode through the new grass of Rysen hill with a skip in her step, running her hands over the stones of the old castle as she passed them.
           She was looking for Artham Wingfeather. He hadn’t been in the little makeshift hut village that had sprung up in the two weeks since they’d returned to Anniera and she didn’t think he’d gone flying which meant he was likely here, in the ruins of Castle Rysen.
           She was going to ask him to marry her.
           Traditionally, of course, a man would ask the woman he loved to marry him. But she couldn’t wait any longer. So she was going to ask him.
           She had thought that he would ask her after they reunited, but there had been other things on his mind then- mainly traveling with his family to the First Well to restore Janner. And she didn’t begrudge him that. She just very much needed to know if he still wanted to marry her, if he’d still pledge himself to her after everything she’d been.
           (She deeply hoped he would)
           She found him where she thought she would, in the ruins of Esben’s old rooms. She had noticed him coming up here a few nights ago, and after visiting the site in the daylight she’d known exactly what it was. Arundelle had grown up in the castle, just like Artham and Esben, and she knew all its rooms and halls as well as they did (or almost as well, she was fairly sure there were passages in the castle they never told her about).
           Artham sat with his back to her, against the stones that used to make up the room’s fireplace. His wings drooped and his head was bowed, his sadness hanging about him like a shroud. Her heart went out to him, and she longed to take him in her arms and hold him until all the broken pieces of his heart came back together again.
           She took a deep breath and his head came up. He looked toward her, and when he saw her his shoulders hunched and his magnificent wings drew inward. He drew up his knees and wrapped his arms around them, head down once more. “Arundelle.”
           She sat beside him and he twitched, glancing up at her just a little. She smiled at him. “Artham.”
           He looked away quickly, but not before she caught the little blush coloring his cheeks. Her smile widened. He hadn’t changed that much, then.
           Then she sighed and sobered. “Artham I need to ask you something.”            He curled himself tighter, his wings closing in on him in a way she thought he must be unaware of. “Oh?”
           She looked down now too. “When we reunited… I asked if you would still have me. I have always loved you, Artham Wingfeather, since I was a little girl, and I will always love you, whether you will have me or not. But I need to know,” she turned to him, looking up and meeting his wide eyes. “I need to know if you still love me too. And if you do then I must marry you straightaway, no later than the morning. I’ve been apart from you for far too long, and if I am to be wed to you I will not wait a moment longer than I have to. So, Artham Wingfeather, will you marry me?”
           He stared at her. And stared. And stared. His mouth hung open a little and his right eye twitched ever so slightly. Emotions flew across his face too quick to track before they finally settled on a deep confusion and worry that made her heart ache.
           “Arundelle,” he said finally. “I- I am not who I was. I, I’m not a dashing hero, I’m not the man you loved when we were young. I-” his voice hitched and he looked away. “Something has broken inside of me. I-I left was I who, who I was, in the Theeps of Drog, Deeps of Throg. I’m something else now. The fire in my heart is gone, burned out in my fail, fail, failure.”
           He squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m not who I was,” he said in a cracked and shaking voice. “You beserve detter, deserve better than me-e-e.”
           He turned away and his breath began to come in shaking gasps as tears sped down his cheeks. Arundelle stayed still, frozen for only a moment before she reached out to him.
           She cupped his face in her hands and turned him back towards her. He stared at her in confusion as she pressed their foreheads together and wrapped her arms around him.
           “Artham, Artham,” she said softly. “I’m not who I was either. I lost myself in the Deeps too, and came out broken and scarred. My love-” her voice wavered and she closed her eyes, holding his shaking form tighter. “I will love you in your brokenness if you will love me in mine. Let us be broken together and strive to make each other whole again,” she lowered her head and tucked it under his chin, resting in his embrace as she had longed to do a thousand times the past long nine years. “Please.”
           His strong arms held her back as he pressed his face into her hair and breathed in. “Arundelle, I, I’m not, you don’t, I still lose myself to the madness and I failed him, Aury, I left him, I left him there in Throg, Aury, how can you want me after that.”
           She felt his tears in her hair and how his breath caught with sobs. She pressed closer to him, as if they could meld and become one and take each other’s sorrows.
           “You were lost. We were all lost, Artham. Esben knew that. He didn’t blame you, not for any of it. I don’t blame you for it either.”
           Artham made a sharp keening noise that rang in her ears and she reached a hand up to stroke his hair.  
           “Will you have me, Artham? Will you take my brokenness hold it with me?” she pulled back and looked at him, her hand coming around to cup his chin. “Will you let me hold yours with you?”
           He stared at her for a moment and she saw a spark of wonder in his eyes. Then he pulled her to him, arms wrapped tight around her, kissing her hair softly.
           “Yes,” he whispered in a shaky, watery voice. “If you- if you’ll still, if you still want…”            “I do, I do, I do,” she whispered back, running her fingers through his hair.
           Then she pulled back just enough to press her lips to his and still his stream of worries with a kiss. And after just a moment of surprise, he kissed her back.
           On the green of Rysen hill the next morning was a simple wedding. All the Annierans, former cloven and Fangs and lost humans, stood and watched as the Queen of the Cloven and the Throne Warden of Anniera were married. And all who saw it agreed that it was like watching the sun rise after a storm, like seeing the first buds of spring after a long winter, as the two broken souls joined together and, as one, started to mend.
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armulyn · 1 year
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Arundelle(s) + a Tree
What kind of tree she actualy is is ambiguous, with only a few clues here and there. Naturally, this meant that I had to contradict every single one of those clues. The tree didn't turn out bad, though.
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vintagepromotions · 2 days
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Travel poster for Arundel Castle, Sussex (1978). Artwork by Reginald Montague Lander.
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