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【新潟県謡曲古跡めぐり上越編】1日目9箇所目  2021/6/27ー28
水俣観音堂 《 糸魚川市水俣 》 水保観音堂の創建は不詳ですが泰澄大師が養老年間(717~724年)に開いたとも弘法大師空海が大同元年(806)に開いたとも云われています。
寺宝には大正12年(1923)に国重要文化財に指定された「木造十一面観音立像」(平安時代中期~後期の作と推定、桜材の一木造、頭部の天冠台には様々な表情をした十一面が墨書、像高1.548m、鉈彫り、33年に一度の開帳、身をもって集落の火災を防いだという伝説が残っていて火伏の観音さまとして信仰の対象となり住民からは「水保の観音さん」と呼ばれています。)や男神像(2躯、室町時代作と推定、像高27㎝、23.5㎝)や鋳銅製鰐口(貞享3年作、鋳師:高田土肥藤右衛門藤原朝臣家次、施主:糸魚川高野清右衛門季林敬白)などがあります。 この仏像は、桜材の一木造りで、高さ1.548メートル。 平安時代中~後期(藤原時代)の作と推定されています。丸のみを横に用いて荒っぽく削る「鉈彫り」の技法で作られたものです。 この技法で彫られた例は新潟県には2例しかなく貴重な仏像です。 一般公開は33年に1回です。(平成16年8月27日~29日に一般公開されました)
能楽 #能 #Noh #申楽 #猿楽 #狂言 #風姿花伝 #世阿弥 #芸術論 #幽玄 #歌舞劇 #演劇 #能面 #マスク #文化 #旅行 #トラベル #名所旧跡 #神社 #寺院 #像 #碑 #巡礼 #古跡 #謡曲 #新潟 #上越 #伝統 #Travel #GoTo #ruins #wreckage #grave #Tomb #temple #Buddhist #image #Buddha #Buddhism #Slaughter #murder #massacre #massacre #Overthrow #noble #aristocracy #aristocrat #coup #惨殺 #貴族 #クーデター #倒幕 #鎌倉 #墓 #塔 #仏 #将軍
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zerowidthnonjoiner · 4 months
OK I'm rambling about Screwllum, this is a very nonsensical post because though I like ramble and analysis stuff, I never talk about them publicly because it ends up being a jumbled mess. My brain just functions that way but please bare with me. [I think I should note that there is spoilerish content for those who likes to check the notes, events or curios in this game ]
I read a few of the Gold and Gears content or hidden Screwllum lore through curios, notes or the occurrence events and it just hits me that Screwllum just exists for the entire 1.6 quests and the new SU dlc dosent really involved him at all. He dosent do much but he is relevant.
But I can't stop thinking that this guy is the guy that got the IPC to cancel their plans about eliminating mechanical lifeforms across the universe, this is the guy in one of the resistance groups against Emperor Rubert. But what makes his rebellion different during the Emperor Rubert wars? HES A MACHINE JUST LIKE HIM. HE ALSO SAVED ORGANIC LIVES. like that fact alone wouldn't be so interesting to me if he wasn't a machine.
And somehow it feels like his character hadn't that much focus during the dlc. Buuut I haven't finished the dlc yet so maybe there's a few occurrences or some of the story endings i didn't encounter yet
Soo maybe there's things there that I didn't know yet about him unless I got informed.
ITS JUST it's weird that he's treated with a sidelined light in favor for Ruan Mei [since yknow, big character for 1.6] but he has importance during Emperor Rubert's time.
But i do guess it's on his decision that they made in the dlc and dosent wanna show this fact all over your face.
There is like hints or a few notable content about planet screwllum during the dlc that's good. Like ooo Mechanical City, finally get to know a bit about the capital of Planet Screwllum Like the intra-cognitive events are all set there. And also how Planet Screwllum's people can function like humans [THEY CAN CRY AND TEAR UP DO YOU KNOW THAT?? SCREWLLUMITES CAN CRY THEY CAN ALSO PASS AWAY APPARENTLY <atleast they have population control>] [but somehow Screwllum worries about what he drinks and it should be machine oil for some reason]
So hey! We are learning more about his people this update, slowly and surely! [how All of these hints is giving me false hope- there's no planet screwllum update in the future they definetlt won't they are not brave enough to make several patches with very robotic humanoids they wo]
I got brain burned
tldr: Screwllum should be a more important character in the 1.6 patch especially in the new SU dlc because he has relevance in the time period its based on
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starcunin · 3 months
as much as i adore gale and astarion , i feel like out of every one in camp , if astarion were immediately attracted to someone— it would be wyll.
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thedevilsrain · 1 year
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this is a bit heavy but god i couldnt have come up with worse family tree for an english and a german character even if i tried 💀
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gentlefxlk · 18 days
Everyone needs to go to a museum and absorb the art and get off of tiktok.
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savingcontent · 1 year
New units, missions, and more arrive in the "Chemical Reaction" Update for Starship Troopers: Terran Command today
New units, missions, and more arrive in the “Chemical Reaction” Update for Starship Troopers: Terran Command today
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Meine Truppen marschieren in Richtung Front. Der Feind hat einen Durchbruch geschafft und ich muss diesen Einfall stoppen und zum Gegenangriff übergehen. Mit Sorge betrachte ich meinen Nachschub. Sollte es mir nicht gelingen, die feindlichen Truppen zurückzuwerfen, bricht meine Front zusammen. Ich spiele Order of Battle: World War II.
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elbiotipo · 10 months
Quick worldbuilding hack, if you want to make a coherent political system for your fantasy world:
Basically, between the fall of Rome and early modern times, in Europe* most political organization wasn't actually kingdoms ruled by One True King like it's usual in fantasy, but something like this:
Feudalism: here, the center of power was not the nation (there was little concept of such thing) or the state, and not even the King, but the landowners (from kings to dukes to counts...) and their network of vassalages to each other. There were no "countries" but rather hereditary titles, and the people who held them. There was little of a true state besides what individual rulers did; they didn't even have formal armies as such, but rather the vassals who provided them, they and could have multiple allegiances. Examples are of course the Holy Roman Empire (neither holy, etc. etc.) France (note that the 100 Years War was a dispute about titles rather than France vs. England), Spain (actually a bunch of kingdoms and crowns rather than a country), etc...
"Empires": A state where a central goverment exerts power over other territories and peoples. These are rather familiar to us, because a formal state exists here, and the ruler is more powerful and often does have a standing arming and administration instead of relying on vassals. Here, there is a bureacracy and a claim to rule a territory, and while they might have vassals and prominent artistocratic families (everyone did) their administration was state-based, not allegiance based. The Roman Empire is the most imperial empire, as well as its cringefail successor the Byzantine Empire, but note that the great Islamic empires also had this kind of administration, with governors appointed and confirmed by the imperial court.
City-States: Basically a powerful city (though they were often the size of small towns, still, very rich) ruled by a local aristocracy, sometimes hereditary, sometimes elected from a few families or guilds, or a mix of both, and in some cases ruled by religious authorities. These could be independent or organized in alliances, but were often vassals of more powerful goverments such as above. Cities are in many way the building brick of larger states; of note, in the Ancient Mediterranean before Rome conquered it all, leagues of city-states were the main powers. Medieval and Early Modern independent city states were the Italian city states of course, and a famous league was the Hansa (many of its members themselves vassals of other powers)
Tribes and Clans: Every culture is different with this, but basically here the centre of power is the relationships between families and kinship. If this sounds familiar to Feudalism, you've been paying attention; Feudalism is what happened when the Roman empire and administration fell, and it was replaced by landowners and their ties of vassalage and allegiances.
Now, besides the history lesson, why is this important? Because there are reasons why rulers had their power, and you should know that.
A king never ruled alone. He was only the head of nobles tied by vassallage (feudalism), or the head of a inherited state bureaucracy and army ("empire"). If you killed the king, another one would rise from the prominent families. Often by bloody civil wars or conquest yes, but the system overall would stay. A king did not reign by its own power or virtue, but because the system itself supported him, and of course, he maintained the system.
A new king who wants to replace the bad old king (a common fantasy storyline) needs to also deal with the allegiances of all its vassals (who would probably rather kill him and take the throne themselves) or build a bureaucracy and an army, supremely expensive endeavors in those times, which took decades if not centuries to build. In fact, the Byzantines and the Arabs inherited most of their state aparatus, in one way or the other, from the Romans.
This is also why these systems lasted so long, too. The appearance of modern republics and other systems of goverment needed the coordination of people and revolutions that did not just kill the king, but also replace it with something else, and for that you need literacy, economic changes, an empowered populace... But that's for another time.
I hope this is fucking helpful because I don't want to spell allegiance ever again.
*I would love to do more about goverments outside Europe, especially Precolombine American ones like the redistrubitionist state-based economy of the Incas, or the Mesoamerican city-states. But that's for another time.
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zu-zup · 1 year
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The town’s ‘artistocrat ladies’
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wilderebellion · 11 months
Calorum Lore Shared in the Dropout Discord
Thank you, Past!Brennan.
Some of them might re-contextualize a thing or two about TRW series. Typically in response to specific questions, but I focused solely on posting Brennan's responses.
Lore on The Ravening War (from April 20, 2020 1:02am ET)
In 1188, a conflict broke out because Count Jacques Tomaté, a Fructeran noble, was by birthright next in line for the throne of Greenhold!
Culture of the Meat Lands (Feb 21, 2020)
Brennan: Meatlanders have clan delineations based on bloodline and their worship/propitiation of The Great Beasts, which is a pagan, polytheistic faith! Warfare between various clans goes back centuries and centuries, a lot like the ancient Celts, so while some Meatlanders might feel kinship with other Meatlanders over outsiders, it's just as common for a given Meatlander to feel THE MOST animosity to a member of an enemy meat clan. So "The Meatlands" doesn't really have a national identity in the same way that, say, Ceresia does, and individuals there are much more likely to define their loyalty by family, clan and faith than by nationality.
(May 18, 2020 8:14pm ET)
The Meatlanders are like ancient Celts: The fact that they don't wear shirts lets southerners stereotype them as barbarians, but their culture is equally as beautiful, ancient and complex as any other land's. Carn is a metropolis full of architectural wonders, beautiful art, etc. Meatlanders rule!!! Labeling them barbarians, like in real life, is a tool artistocrats use to breed xenophobia and hatred into their homleands population, making them more malleable and compliant
The Rocks Sisters (May 1, 2020 11:46pm)
The four sisters were the four archetypal classes! Fighter, Wizard, Cleric, Rogue!
Magic Items (April 20, 2020 9:44pm ET)
Magical items aren't quite as prevalent in other nations as they are in Candia!
Amethar's Mom (April 20, 2020 1:21am ET)
Amethar's mother, before she was Queen Pamelia Rocks, was Pamelia Pomegrana, a Fructeran noble!
Magic and Miracle Workers (from April 20, 2020 1:04am, 1:06am, 1:15am)
Brennan: Just like in normal D&D, it takes SPECIFIC training or divinatory magic to tell if magic is arcane or divine, or where its power source originates from! People's reactions to magic are LARGELY based on uninformed prejudice, and aesthetic. This is how Lapin is mostly able to con people.
Even within the Bulbian Church, 99+% of its clergy CAN'T cast magic. Being a miracle worker is a REALLY big fucking deal, and almost always guarantees ROCKETING to the top of the church hierarchy
Liam's magic truly getting him in trouble depends on context! Obvious spellcasting would get him in a lot of trouble, but Candian's magic items usually get a pass from commonfolk because it would be viewed as "alchemy," which isn't seen as being heretical at all!
Leadership in Calorum (from May 6, 2020)
5:32pm ET
Brennan: Plumbeline is the Sovereign Ruler of Fructera, yes! Gustavo had to abdicate in order to become Concordant Emperor! Plumbeline's title is still Lady though, Fructera doesn't have a monarchy, it has a complex consortium of Noble Houses that rule through an orchestrated bloc of alliances, kind of an aristocratic bureaucracy!
5:40pm ET
Brennan: Dairy Islands ALSO a monarchy, just doesn't confer the title of King or Queen to its monarch (uses Prince or Princess), also Ceresia HAS been a monarchy at times, has vacillated between Republic and Imperatorship MANY times, with some dynasties of Imperators lasting a dozen generations or more!
Social Categories
Brennan: All the food nations have weird edge cases, so the delineations are DEFINITELY social and not biological/botanical. Pie people, a combination of grain, butter and fruit, are overwhelmingly Candian. In Calorum, these edge cases would be much like they are in our world, the result of historical wars of conquest, marriages, alliances, etc!
Genetic Complexity (from April 20, 2020 2:14pm ET)
Brennan: Popping in here like a goddamned troll to say that Calorans' DNA are powerfully influenced by more than just their parents genetics, but also by the geographical location of their conception, their gestation and even their childhood dwelling place up through puberty! I suspect that every question I answer only serves to raise further questions, for which I am deeply sorry!!
Other Monarchies in Calorum (May 6, 2020 5:40pm ET)
Brennan: Dairy Islands ALSO a monarchy, just doesn't confer the title of King or Queen to its monarch (uses Prince or Princess), also Ceresia HAS been a monarchy at times, has vacillated between Republic and Imperatorship MANY times, with some dynasties of Imperators lasting a dozen generations or more!
Queer Rights in Calorum (from May 18, 2020 8:23pm)
Brennan: Candia is the MOST permissive of all the nations in terms of most issues, but no nation in Calorum is openly homophobic. However, it's important to remember that archaic concepts like bloodlines, political marriage, heirs and primogentiure [sic], etc. still exist in this world, and are more emphasized and expected in nations outside of Candia, which puts a lot of pressure on the nobility from that end of the spectrum. In a weird way, that means peasants are a lot freer in terms of who and how they love and marry than aristocrats and especially royals, which there is also some interesting IRL research and precedent for!
Post-War Events (May 18, 2020 8:07pm ET)
I don't think any of these are spoilers, but Amethar and Caramelinda married shortly after the war ended. King Jadain died shortly after the war, after the establishment of the Concord!
Funeral Rites of Calorum's Faiths (May 18, 2020 8:04pm ET)
Bulbians practice burial and very formal funereal rites, and have a sharp delineation between body and spirit, so the body which is crass and material goes back into the ground, and the soul joins the Bulb. Meatlanders practice cremation, and have different beliefs based on religious affiliation, but most Great Beast faiths belief that an afterlife is EARNED through great deeds, otherwise you're reincarnated and get to try again!
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Ahm...visual kei fans a question for science, cause why not. If all your favorites were to star in a movie, would you watch it? Also if it was put on sth like kickstarter, would you support it. Wild scenario but still, ye know...hypothetically speaking.
In case you're wondering about which bands I was thinking I am talking both active and disbanded bands. Not a musical, but it would have some music in it. I'm talking bands from the 90s, all up until now. Bands like Malice Mizer, Versailles, D, Lareine, you know the artistocratic type ones and others like the Gazette, Screw, Born, Alice Nine, Diaura, SuG, DOG inThePWO, 9Goats Black Out, Vistlip, Kaya, Hyde, etc. Oh and they all get to keep their band theme.
Also I'm not talking about a movie like bands against bands, I'm talking intricate dark fantasy plot, plot twists, lore and all.
I know it sounds specific but again, just hypothetically speaking. Take it as a silly question of the day. (i'm curious about all gens fans opinions btw, so, old school, neo visual kei and however we call the current state of the scene.)
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zerowidthnonjoiner · 6 months
AU designs for a weird au
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djuvlipen · 10 months
(...) For almost five centuries, their slave labour resulted in huge earnings for their masters: landowers, the feudal aristocracy and the Orthodox Church. Romani people's status was that of subjugated people, the absolute property of their masters: their masters' personality, faith and habits dictated their whole existence.
After 1500, even though the number of slaves decreased dramatically in Catholic and Protestant Europe - as slaves were transferred to overseas colonies to work - slavery flourished in Romanian Principalities. 'In the 16th, 17th, and 18th century we were probably the only country in Europe which had a class of people with this label of slave or bondsman', states Professor doctor Constantin Bălăceanu Stolnici.
Roma bondsmen were subjected to atrocious treatment.
For five centuries, they were denied the status of human being. Among the cruellest punishments was that of wearing a collar fitted with iron spikes on the inside that prevented the wearer from lying down to rest.
Most of the writing we have about this topic comes from foreigners travelers, staggered by this behaviour.
"The squires are their absolute masters. They sell or kill them like cattle, at their sole discretion. Their children are born slaves with no distinction on sex"
- Comte d'Antraigues.
Jean Louis Parrant, who was in Moldavia during the French revolution, asks himself: 'What can be said about this numerous miserable flock of beings (because they can’t be otherwise described) that are called gypsies and are lost for the humanity, placed on the same level with the cattle of burden and often treated even worse by the their barbaric master whose revolting (so-called) property they are?'
Mihail Kogălniceanu, a former Romanian politician who played a significant role in the abolition of slavery, remembers growing up in a provincial Romanian town and seeing people 'being with hands and feet enchained, with iron circles around their forehead or metal collar around their neck. Bloody whips and other punishments such as starvation, hanging over a burning fire, the detention barrack and the forcing to stay naked in snow or in the frozen water of a river - this is the treatment applied to the miserable gypsies.'
Legislative texts, referring to them under a double denomination - gypsies or bondsmen - stated that they were born slaves; that every child born from a slave mother was a slave; that their masters had power of life and death over them; that each owner had the right to sell or offer his slaves; and that every masterless gypsy is propriety of the state. The list goes on... (...)
In 1600, a gypsy fit for work was worth the same as a horse. In 1682, a gypsy woman was worth two mares with foals. In 1760, three gypsies were worth the same as a house, and in 1814, Snagov Monastery was selling a gypsy for the price of four buffalo. There were also cases when gypsies were sold according to their weight, exchanged for honey barrels, pawned off, or offered as presents.
The abolishment of Roma slavery began with young artistocratic Romanians leaving to study in Western Europe. Upon returning home, they gave voice to progressive ideas denouncing slavery.
At the same time, Western Europe, and France especially, exerted considerable pressure on the newly formed Romanian state regarding the abolition of slavery. In the middle of the 19th century, there were half a million slaves on Romanian territory: 7% of the population.
Unfortunately, until now, Roma slavery has not been yet included in most history school books, and there are still very few Romanians who are aware of this historical reality. (...)
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 7 months
RE: skaven cuteness and dark elves, I think the original context was like... as pets? Like 'aww look at them they backstab each other like real people'. Like some dark elf artistocrat lady would keep a bunch of them in a big terrarium and find amusement in their little crazy schemings and plottings. That sort of thing.
Dark Elves (badly) keep all kinds of things as pets (slaves with funny enclosures), so that checks out
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Episode 30 - Bonta Folie's (part 1)
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I wonder what this magazine is about, as someone who doesn't read magazines. Swimwear? Beaches?
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Guys are we sure she was shaving "him" off, and not "it"? Because I'm scared, Mr submaker.
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There are multiple things to point out here:
Simone is basically Joris's babysitter whenever Kerubim leaves. And by god, Kerubim seems to leave a lot.
Living/working across from Kerubim, Julie is familiar with him and Joris, and has a prior relationship. She is an ecaflip, and a fellow business owner, — besides that, being an ex-hairdresser, Kerubim probably has taught her a thing or two. So, she's very happy to see him. Cute.
She discussed Simone's hair, and how to style it with him, without Simone's knowledge.
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It's so sad that Simone is trapped in a reality where at times Kerubim Crepin really is as cool and knowledgeable about everything as he likes to present himself.
Imagine if the world's most entitled person entered your coffee shop and turned out to be a 30-year-in-a-row winner of the coffee making competition. Imagine if this happened every day to you at every single place you went to, with the exact same guy.
He's recommended your girlfriend what dresses to put you in, and they're all amazing. Yesterday he forgot a knife on the table, his son began running around with it. You want to beat his ass for both.
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The translation here doesn't really carry across that he's saying that he wasn't a male hairdresser, but a Female Hairdresseresse.
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"I was a Girlboss, my Jojo! A girlslay, gaslight, gatekeep one!"
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Here Julie confirms what I already supposed: that she knows this story, and that he's taught her things.
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I want to believe this is Ecaflip's doing, because Kerubim slipping on a banana peel that evil fucking cat left behind twice, and it making his life better each time, would be the funniest brick joke to date.
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It doesn't look like a V at all, but it would make sense if it said "La Vraie," and they simply didn't bother to add any detail to the letter under his finger.
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I think Lou is bisexual, and told him repeatedly about the cool sapphic cabaret she went to, to him, and this man who has never before been interested in cabaret was like "yeah that's probably the best one, the most renowned coolest one." and never understood it's a., lesbian thing.
I think this is the easiest way to explain how he knows about it, yet knows nothing about it.
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I will be real, it's heart-warming to see him drink something that isn't beer while in a bar. Though the little artistocratic pinky thing he's doing is... very distracting.
Thank you, ecaflip psychiatric ward, for making him a bit saner, yet insane in new, weirder ways.
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(Eric Andre voice) Oh you think the Bontarian Sapphic Cabaret has girl power? Well then, do you think the Bontarian Sapphic Cabaret effectively utilized their girl power by propagating the Bonta-supremacist view among their viewers using their sex appeal, in service of the corrupt nobility?
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God, redressing from that costume in five minutes sounds hellish.
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A lot of shows would have made an episode, where their male protagonist cross dresses, and infiltrates a "female space", one filled with Goofs about him being a pervert, or uncomfortable, or would have him act visibly flustered. Because it's "funny", man in drag fails at being a woman, laugh.
...I am very happy this one doesn't go in that direction, for many, many reasons.
Realistically, after losing his fiancée, after weeks, or months, in a psychiatric ward, he really wouldn't have "this is a place full of pretty women", of all things, on his mind.
Beyond that, the whole concept of drag as a joke at the expense of the person wearing it, is, well, offensive, and to see it being something more than that, is quite refreshing.
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His nerves come from how much he has to do, and how out of depth he is.
This guy has never worked in a high-stress environment like that, he's never done a girly thing before either! He just fucked up a woman's wig, and is about to burn a hole through these clothes. Things are bad.
The real Lili wasn't fucking lying: this really is hell.
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Your daily reminder that, for all the jokes of Joris being a manlet, Kerubim is almost the exact same height as he, give-or-take like, ten centimetres.
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The thing is that, he used to hate himself so much, that he developed 30-50 addictions and gave her magical amnesia about it.
Now he wants her back so badly that he's drinking tea in taverns, dressing up as a woman (despite, y'know, his incredibly fragile sense of masculinity), and he's chasing her despite knowing how badly he fucked up and that she may never forgive him, simply because he wants to try to make it work anyway.
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What he hadn't solved, is his issue with lying, but it is a nice sentiment, — for him to be ready to toss aside his previous identity that used to serve as his shield, in favour of this more vulnerable, girlfailure-esque one.
He can't even muster it in him, to feel bad, when Lou's teasing him here.
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I think it's also important to point out that this episode is, funnily enough, one where we see young Kerubim at his most carefree and happy, and his relationship with Lou at it's peak.
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He isn't forcing himself to learn how to do make-up through gritted teeth just to get closer to her. He's learning that his girlfriend's interests are fun, and that he likes it. That he's been missing out all this time.
Yes, as an old man he views it as "forgetting who he really is," but to say this didn't affect him greatly, would be a big, big lie. He is still implied to, at times, do drag. He's far more emotionally open with his peers, and doesn't really view it as a weakness anymore. He knits, for god's sake.
Also, and I'm sorry for this., but he has an actual fucking Single-Mom Syndrome. A fatal case of it, in fact. So that's just one last nail in the coffin, proving that this really was one of the most profound thing to ever happen to him, and one that changed his brain chemistry forever, for better or for worse.
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The Daily Dad — Feb 11, 2024
Things you might want to know:
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Is There Lead in Your Reusable Water Bottle? 💭 I feel like “drank hourly from a lead-tainted tumbler” is going to be the origin story for the world’s worst super-villain. UltraKaren or some shit. She’ll have the power to sigh loudly in line at the coffee shop and then shamelessly take five minutes to negotiate the preparation of her own venti latte.
WhatsApp Chats Will Soon Work With Other Encrypted Messaging Apps ❝ New EU rules mean WhatsApp and Messenger must be interoperable with other chat apps. Here’s how that will work.
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Bluesky CEO Jay Graber Says She Won’t ‘Enshittify the Network With Ads’ ❝ WIRED spoke with Bluesky CEO Jay Graber about the X competitor opening signups to all, how to crowdsource deepfake porn moderation, Jack Dorsey, and more.
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Wil Wheaton Rages at Larry David for Elmo Attack: “Appalling, Unforgivable, Despicable” 💭 Oh for fuck’s sake, Mr. Wheaton. I loved Stand By Me. I skipped the first couple seasons of TNG so I have no anti-Wesley bias, and bear you no ill-Wil. But c’mon, dude… it’s a fucking muppet. My dad hated and screamed at me, too… but we’re adults now. Intentionally triggering yourself with stupid, entirely optional shit and then publicly freaking out about it is infantile. And as for the sanctity of beloved Elmo…? Have you considered how many dicks Elmo has jerked off after-hours in a locked bathroom on the set? Elmo has probably done The Artistocrats for private audiences. Elmo goes to work every day with a man’s hand up his ass. Settle down, bud.
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Ars Technica used in malware campaign with never-before-seen obfuscation ❝ Vimeo also used by legitimate user who posted booby-trapped content.
Polyamory Has Entered the Chat ❝ Mainstream awareness of polyamorous relationships is becoming more widespread. On dating apps, making connections is about more than sex.
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TikTok is full of tryhard slang 💭 When people with sex blogs do it, they’re called “neolojisms”.
Bluesky Social Network Ditches Invite Codes, Opens Registrations to All ❝ Bluesky, the decentralized social media platform conceptualized by former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, has now opened registration for everyone. On...
Plex Launches Movie Rental Store ❝ Media platform Plex today announced the launch of a dedicated movie rental store, allowing U.S. Plex users to purchase content directly from Plex...
feeeed: Embracing Feed Diversity and Personal News Curation 💭 I don’t think it’s for me, but feeeed is interesting… it’s essentially a news and social media bucket for your life, collecting everything from dozens of sources and presenting them via an algorithm tuned for the end-user and not advertisers.
Apple Updates Its Collection of Windows Apps ❝ Today, Apple introduced a redesigned version of its iCloud for Windows app. The updated app, which allows users to access photos, files, passwords, and other content on a Windows PC, has clarified how it works and where synced content can be found. The app also adds physical password keys and other refinements. I don’t spend
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Why Everyone Can’t Stop Talking About Palworld ❝ Palworld is the first video game blockbuster of 2024—but it’s not what it seems.
Landline Phone Owners Are Protesting AT&T’s Plans to Drop Service ❝ In California, AT&T is designated as the Carrier of Last Resort. The fight is on to keep it that way.
Disney invests $1.5 billion in Epic to create ‘persistent universe’ tied to Fortnite 💭 When Epic rebooted a flailing Fortnite —ripping off PUBG in the process— I decided to give it a try… it’s such a mishmash of mechanics, I figured there had to be something in there for me to enjoy. I was wrong. Bleh.
The Best Vibrators to Get Your Groove on ❝ Gender? I don’t even know her! No matter what you’ve got, these tools promise good vibes for all.
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Apple Vision Pro Users Are Mad They Can't Watch 3D Porn ❝ Sorry, horny weirdos. You’ll have to find another way to get off.
A Designer Dog-Maker Regrets His Creation ❝ The inventor of the Labradoodle believes he created a Frankenstein.
Deepfake scammer walks off with $25 million in first-of-its-kind AI heist ❝ Hong Kong firm reportedly tricked by simulation of multiple people in video chat.
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Carl Weathers, Rocky, Predator and The Mandalorian star, dies aged 76 ❝ Actor played Apollo Creed in the Rocky film franchise
Microsoft may bring Bethesda’s Starfield and Indiana Jones games to the PS5 after all 💭 After the massive, long-term strategy leak last year, it’s entirely possible that Microsoft is ready to just throw up its collective hands, pull a Sega, and exit the hardware business entirely.
Apple made an AI image tool that lets you make edits by describing them ❝ The model, called MGIE, lets users type out their edits to photos. MGIE is open source and available for download on GitHub.
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