#ars goetia???
hamletisintown · 2 years
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Playing ultrakill has made me want to draw my funky demon guys again. Here they are. Please look at them.
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character-estudio · 3 months
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bleucaesura · 1 month
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It’s his bedroom couch 🫥
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So like…. After Stolas belts out at Veronsika’s concert they end up back at his place…
That’s good news right?
And maybe they TALK?
I’m grasping at straws here… THEY HAVE TO BE HAPPY 😭
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nifftyisgonnakillu · 8 days
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spacessie · 3 months
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i love these guys
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what about Valentino, Vox and maybe Stolas when their card declines on a date,yk those couple of gut wrenching awkward seconds before their s/o nervously offers to pay. Thank you in advance if you take this up <3
Wait, what?!
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"I'm sorry sir, your card declined."
Val sat there for several moments, mind taking a minute as he'd never actually heard those words in that order directed at him.
Turning away from you, he'd stare at the server, the feline demon patiently standing there.
Val sat there for another minute, comprehending the utter fucking audacity of a bitch.
"Your fucking with me right?"
He asked, genuinely giving her a chance to back peddle.
When she just kept standing there, Val jumped to his feet, scowl flaring crossing his features.
"Bitch, I dont need a fucking card, I own the fucking building!" He screamed at her, the girl stumbling back.
He'd go off, snarling at the girl for disrupting your date night, and for something so fucking stupid.
By the end of his rant the restaurant owner had come out, trying to mediate the situation.
He'd chewing him out, asking what kind of incompetent shitheads he hired.
As he did, you'd approach, placing a hand on him. He'd spin around, prepared to snarl at someone, but quickly backed down, shoulders slumping.
You'd take his hand in your own, leading him back to your table, sitting down.
You'd sit in silence for a little while, the restaurant popping up with some 'Complementary Desserts', the two of you eating in silence before he sighed, taking your hand into his.
"I'm sorry for blowing up like that in front of you." He spoke softly.
He was always sure to keep a certain image for you. He did a lot of bad things, far more then even you knew about, as such he did his best to keep a certain image in your eyes.
And loosing his cool and screaming at some girl wasn't helping said Image.
You sighed, smiling as you squeezed his hand.
"It's alright, I'd probably lose my cool too if my employees asked me something like that."
Val chuckled at that, leaning in to kiss your hand.
"I could apologise to her if you'd like?" He asked softly.
To which you'd laugh, scoffing as you waved him off. "Please, as if. That dumb bitch asked you for a credit card in your own club."
At that Val broke into laughter, getting up and stantching you up, kissing you deeply as he carried you out of the restaurant, the two of you only kissing deeper as you left the restaurant, your kissing only getting more heated as you made it to your Limo.
The night had been set up so perfectly.
He'd gotten a reservation at an extremely classy joint, but not too classy. He wanted it to be like 'yeah, I've got a shit tone of money, but we can still talk without people glaring at us'. That kinda fancy.
So there you were, at the end of an incredible meal, the two of you dining on some very tasty deserts when Vox had given his card, a Luxury very few in Hell had, to pay for your meal.
And as the server came back, the man expecting to be given his card back, instead the server leaned in, speaking those simple words.
"I'm sorry sir, your card was declined."
The Television headed Demon froze, screen glitching as he processed what the actual Hell they'd just said.
Vox turned to the server, staring at them for several moments before he got up, grabbing the server before getting up, and spinning them around, growling at him what the fuck he meant.
He fucking dragged the server away, getting the fucking manager, the two having an exceptionally unsubtle screaming match in the kitchen at the insult to him, Vox, fucking King Teck of Hell, having his fucking card brought back.
After some apologetic words from the manager and getting your meal comped, he'd return.
He'd act as though nothing happened, the man acting all cool and composed, while you just went along with it, finishing your deserts.
And despite the incident, you'd go on to have a lovely night, the man taking you back to his place where you ended the night on a spectacular note.
You had tea, and suggled on a couch and just shared some wholesome intimacy.
The night was going incredibly.
You'd been enjoying your meal, talking and laughing, telling stories and jokes, it felt like the science block of a highschool, cause you had chemistry.
The night was going so well, that he was barely aware when he paid the bill, the man in the middle of a hilarious story when the server came back.
"Your card was declined."
He spoke bluntly, with no tact whatsoever.
Stolas froze, head snapping up at him, a frown quickly crossing his face as he stared at the server, the man simply staring back, hand extended, clearly expecting payment.
And so, without missing a beat, Stolas raised his hand, still with a frown, he'd wave his hand, a portal about the size of a dinner plate appearing besides him, before he simply reached in, before pulling out a sack, dropping it before him, the sack opening to reveal a small stack of golden coins.
Pulling out a few he dropped them into there servers hand, telling him bluntly.
"For the bill. No tip."
The server, grumbling to himself, turned and left, the man growling all the way.
Clearing his throat, he'd adjust his attire before turning back to you, finishing his story.
You'd go on to have another desert, Stolas paying with gold, expecting full change.
Which he'd get, with a saide of stink eye from the man.
After the desert and another glass of wine, you'd head back to his, and after another bottle of wine, you'd end up sleeping together.
No, not sex. You'd curl up on one of Stolas' more comfortable couches, the big owl man holding you close, the events of the night long gone from your mind as you slept the night away, comfy and happy in his embrace.
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lunacary · 1 month
I keep thinking about THIS Stolas
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He seemed so pissed and annoyed and at Blitzø, something I never knew could happen, I wonder what happened to have this and ALSO having him singing with Verosika in a stage with a "Blitzø sucks" background
While I'm a believer that the situation Stolitz is both their fault, I also see how Stolas can get sick of it because we have seen him try to fix it and do things right while Blitzø doesn't (he has trauma forgive him) I like where this is going!! And hopefully it ends on a much healthier way
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do you think.....
do you think he
do you think
do -
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ssminosblogs · 19 days
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imineffible · 17 days
You know the part where Stolas breaks the string in just look my way?
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It turns into two hands reaching for each other before fully snapping
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So if you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna go cry again because of this song
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makolokgneh · 28 days
Trying to understand how tumblr works haha
Say hi to Mistral Naberius Ars Goetia ♥
the tinyest goetia you'll ever see
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jyoongim · 2 months
This isn't exactly a request but a thought that had been so heavy on my brain. Hellborn royalty reader x Alastor who's stronger than he is. I just can't stop thinking about it. Maybe even Goetia reader whew they are stronger and protect him from something and I just go FERAL at the thought.
Some background context:
The Ars Goetia are a royal dynasty of noble hellborn demons who serve as prophets, messengers, and observers of the mortal plane for the King of Hell. They are responsible for maintaining stability within the seven rings. They are highly knowledgeable in the heavens, society, and prophecies of all domains.
The hotel was a wreck.
The Angels had made it their personal mission to eliminate those who resided in the hotel.
The Princess of Hell had acquired your assistance if things got shaky for them.
And OH things were shaking.
Alastor had took it upon himself to fight Adam, when you suggested you could of great help he turned you down. Stating that he would be able to handle the Angel himself.
But things were not looking good for the Radio Demon.
You admired the confidence he had, but the demon was in a sticky situation and you would be damned if anyone hurt YOUR demon.
You were fuming and it was showing.
You calmly walked through the fighting, every attack thrown your way didn’t even touch you as you quickly dispatched your attackers. 
You appeared in front of the injured deer in a cloud of smoke. 
“Hehe who the fuck are you?” Adam asked, but you ignored him as you checked on Alastor.
He was bleeding and weak, you placed your hands on his face, scowling softly “Oh Alastor my sweet. You did good my love but Ill take over from here” he tried to object, but with a wave of your hand, you dissolved him in mist to keep him safe.
You turned to Adam, who was smirking “Tch! You think you can take me? Ha! If your best couldn’t scratch me what thinks you can?”
You smiled, your body morphed into mist “who said he was our best?”
He attacked, swinging his axe and trying to bring it down on you. Your eyes glowed white and with a flick of the wrist he was frozen to the spot. You curled your fingers and watched as the Angel contorted in pain. You hissed “I am the judge and executioner and you, you arrogant pig have no authority here. Divine violence is my right for power belongs to those who take it.” At your words, the sky formed dark clouds and the realm shook.
Adam let out a scream as your magic crackled along his skin, searing pain riddling his body as you burned his wings and corrupted his every soul.
“YOU CANT DO THIS! I AM ADAM! THE FIRST MAN! YOU BITCH! NO NO NO NO!” Your mist enveloped his body and he slowly morphed to black as you took his life. You watched as his soul screeched and struggle. 
You pulled him towards him and smirked, sneering at him with sharp teeth
“Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord” 
And with a soft blow from your lips, he dispersed. His soul crying as you sent him to Limbo.
Hell shook as your magic rocked the cosmos.
The remaining Angels let out a cry as they were struck with pain, felt in their soul.
You were sucking their power and in an attempt to save themselves they retreated back to Heaven.
You morphed back to normal and your misty shadows revealed Alastor to you.
You picked up the red demon and nudged him with your nose, he grumbled ”Y-You didn’t have to intervene. I had it under control”
You hummed, a soft smile on your face a his stubbornness “completely but I wasn’t going to stand around when you clearly needed my help.”
Your face dropped to a pout “don’t tell me that me being stronger hurts your pride? You should be honored. A woman willing to protect her love is a powerful thing to behold”
Alastor sighed, relaxing against you, feeling the exhaustion of the battle overtake him.
You cooed at him, pressing a kiss to his forehead, “Don’t worry I don’t think anything less of you. I think you’re the strongest man I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting”
The Radio Demon might have been a prideful soul, but it was you who was the strongest.
And really…he was ok with that fact.
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wanderingsorcerer · 11 months
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Here is a comprehensive collection of all of the posts I've done on the occult and the spells I've done and spell resources. This will be added to over the life of the blog as well this way everyone won't have to dig for everything. And you get to learn a bit more about my practice.
Occult & Folklore Lessons
History Of Solomonic Practices
Ars Goetia 72 demons Kings
Ars Goetia 72 Demons Dukes Pt. 1
Petitioning Deities From Around The Globe
Ancient Art of Osteomancy
Curses: A History On The Dark Arts and How to Practice Them
The Enochian Language
Scrying, A History, and Guide
Realm of Celtic Faeries
Protection From Malignant Spirits
Appalachian Folk Practices 101
Incantation Bowls
Spells and Rituals
Exorcism Charms
Exorcism Powder
Boundary Powder
Everlight Candles
Solarian Oil
Vincula Luna
Igni Bowls
Basic Banishment
Binding A Spirit To An Object
Malignant Spirit Binding Totem
Pseudo Moon Water
Medicinal Herbs & Remedies
Tincture For Sleep
Salve For Minor Injuries
Grimoire Reading List
this is added to periodically it's free pdfs you can download
Informational Joke Posts/Answered Asks
Greek Sacrifice Traditions
Is Mana Real?
Sonneillon The Demon Of Hate
Demonolatry for Lesser Known Demons
Do you have to be born with magic, or can anyone learn it?
Navigating the Divide Between Legitimate Academic Study and Occult Fiction
Can magic heal physical injuries or illnesses, or is that just stuff they show in movies?
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marvinthecrow · 2 months
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Stolas is 66% legs.
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 3 months
I have two types of ships:
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