#army constable
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
नाम, नमक व निशान की शपथ के साथ 293 रंगरूट सेना में हुए शामिल, बोले-हर हाल में करेंगे देश की रक्षा
नाम, नमक व निशान की शपथ के साथ 293 रंगरूट सेना में हुए शामिल, बोले-हर हाल में करेंगे देश की रक्षा
इस मौके पर मेजर जनरल जयकुमार बैंसल ने कहा कि आज से आप सेना में जा रहे हैं और आज से नाम, नमक एवं निशान के लिए काम करेंगे और देश की रक्षा करेंगे. Source link
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sailfish-serum · 6 months
Spoilers for spooal! Kinda!!!
I think not enough people (ive never actually seen anyone do it) actually have a character transition throughout the story.. i mean my mc Spade is already transitioned but i wanted to embody it more with Kane (later known is Kimberly/Kimmy) like,,,, at first he's a really confused and generally lost douchebag but after the truck incident i think he starts to realize he was really just wasnt comfortable in his skin at all n he starts to transition and by the end of the story she's been through a lot and she's finally okay with herself
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jobscirculars · 1 year
Bangladesh Police Job Circular 2023
Bangladesh Police Job Circular 2023
Bangladesh Police Job Circular 2023 Are you Searching for Police Job Circular 2023 If you ‘want,’ you have come to the right place. Because Today published a new Police Job Circular by the authority of Bangladesh Police. Undoubtedly, Bangladesh Police Job Circular 2023 is excellent news for Bangladesh’s unemployed people. We have shared Police Job Circular 2023 all of the things such as the…
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shauryaacademy · 2 years
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naukaridesk · 2 years
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incorrect-koh-posts · 3 months
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"Young Baldwin seems to have possessed a naturally strong constitution, and he was also gifted with undeniable qualities of character and a strong, lively intelligence. William of Tyre, who was his tutor, says that 'in his childhood he was very handsome, with a quick and open mind, and he rode very well, better than his forebears had done.' 'Never forgetting an injury, and still less a kindness,' he had 'a retentive memory, was well educated with an excellent memory for tales and a fondness for telling them.'
The child must have realized very early that his disease was incurable, and his reaction shows great strength of character. He wanted to forget and make everyone else forget, right up to the end, that he was sick. But by the time King Amalric died, young Baldwin's disease had made such progress that it was already beginning to show, and 'the people of the kingdom felt great grief when they looked at him.'
From 1175 onward, the regent and the barons of Jerusalem were able to count on an unexpected ally, and a more valuable one than might have at first been thought. At fourteen years the young King Baldwin emerged as an intrepid fighter, capable of leading his troops into battle and later on of commanding them personally in the field. He was seen at the side of the constable and the Count of Tripoli, riding at the head of his troops and taking part in raids and diversionary campaigns [...]. At the time the King was still too young to actually command his army, and his principal function was as a symbol and an inspiration for his men. They were all happier marching under command of their lawful King. Young though he was, he was like the flag, to be protected and followed through the thickest of the fight, and he was not afraid of personal danger. [...]
When he came to the throne, he had [...] been a leper for ten years, and although the disease did not begin to make rapid strides until puberty, it must, even in early adolescence, have weakened and exhausted him. It is unlikely that anyone would have dared to reproach him had he wished to consider himself an invalid, yet he behaved as though he were perfectly well.
He had been educated, as became a prince, by knights and masters of arms and also by churchmen [...], and these had not failed to teach him patience and prepare him for the harsh trial that was to be his life, and to arouse in him a sense of duty and pride in being, despite his infirmity, King of Jerusalem and Defender of the Holy Sepulcher. Whether as a result of education or temperament, Baldwin IV seems to have had little inclination to self-pity. The young King overcame his illness with all the determination of an adolescent who knows he is physically weak and is bent on proving to everyone, himself included, that he can equal and even surpass others. He may have been a king who had the misfortune to be a leper, but he was also a leper lucky enough to be a king.
He loved power because it was all life had to offer him, and he very early evinced a wish to govern by himself, and would not tolerate disobedience. A temperament of this kind can easily degenerate into tyranny and capriciousness in one so young, but Baldwin IV had a lively and precociously mature mind, and was sincerely concerned to do his best for the good of the kingdom; and this right up to the time when his sufferings began to drive him out of his mind. [...] Up to the last moment he wanted to be a king and a general, and he wanted to be obeyed. It was his way of clinging to life, and he was a terrible fighter."
- Zoé Oldenbourg, The Crusades (1966)
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 11
The Second Doctor traveled with Jamie again after his departure while working for the Time Lords. The reason he doesn't remember this is because the Time Lords regularly erased his memory.
The Ice Warriors were originally created as a slave race to serve the Gandorans.
Strax carries dehydrated water in his first aid kit.
Homunculette and Marie are a Time Lord/TARDIS duo who consider each other "companions" and have incredibly intense feelings about one another.
The sexual attraction to humans by non-humans is called humanophilia.
On four separate known occasions, the Doctor has been to the Frost Fair. He took Vicki and Steven, River, Clara, and Bill.
When Missy broke into the Black Archive, she "liberated" a good portion of their inventory, including her "good friend" TOMTIT.
Turlough's great-great-great-great grandfather was part of Trion's royal court.
James Lethbridge-Stewart was the Brigadier's older brother. At a young age, he was forced by the Great Intelligence in an act of revenge against the Brigadier's future self to jump to his death over Golitha Falls. The young Brigadier was too short to retrieve his body. Their memories of James were later removed by the Great Intelligence.
After the year 12,000,000, some humans evolved into Homo solarians and lived inside the sun.
Oswin "Winnie" Clarence, a splinter of Clara Oswald, was a research graduate at Snowcap University in Antarctica. She saved the Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald.
There have been many other splinters of Clara. A Constable Oswald filed a missing person's report on Susan Foreman in the 60s. Another was a member of the Happiness Patrol. Another was a Morestran. Etc, etc....
During an adventure with the Seventh Doctor, Chris Cwej had sex with a man named David Daniels. In doing so, he accidentally gave him a metagenic compound from the 30th century that acted as an HIV anti-virus. Harry Sullivan would later discover this compound in 2015 as a potential cure.
The Dragonhunters have a saying that "no Time Lord could be trusted."
The Doctor considered his cousin Arkhew to be inoffensive, gentle, and an unassuming. He said that such traits were "unusual for this family."
Arkhew had a pet scrubber, but his pet was eaten by another cousin named Owis. This made Arkhew hate Owis. Owis later killed Arkhew.
The Kithriarch is another important figure to a Great House. Unlike the Housekeeper, who is a medium between the sentient House and the family and responsible for the House's wellbeing, the Kithriarch is responsible for the social wellbeing of all family members.
The First, Sixth, Eleventh, and Thirteenth Doctors all meddled in the Gunpowder Plot.
Magnus Greel told the Fourth Doctor that he had encountered a Time Agent in the 51st century. Unbeknownst to the Fourth, Greel was referring to the Fifth Doctor, who had posed as a Time Agent.
The Doctor studied under Hippocrates.
The Chancellery Guard is issued a Gallifreyan Army knife. The Doctor had one, but it is marked as property of Castellan Spandrell. He eventually returned it to Spandrell.
The Eighth Doctor once ran into the Seventh Doctor and Ace at the Festival of Britain in 1951 but did not recognize them because he had amnesia at the time.
The Fourth Doctor once became a taxi driver in order to learn about history first-hand.
Raine Creevey was a companion of the Seventh Doctor, who actually assisted in her birth by midwife-ing her mother.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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bridenore · 3 months
HD fic recs : Career - Aurors (part 3)
Here are a few recs in which both Harry and Draco are aurors. This is part three of three and focuses on longer fics (more than 50k). Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by @firethesound [149k]
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
Away Childish Things by @letteredlettered​ [153k]
Harry gets de-aged.  Malfoy has to help him. 
Can’t Get You Out of My Head by @femmequixotic [14k]
After he sees Harry Potter naked in the Auror showers once, Draco can’t stop thinking about him.  Lost In Your Arms by @femmequixotic [257k] Three months after their brief encounter, Draco has almost forgotten about Potter–or so he tells himself. Then a Dark wizard shows up on the Auror radar and all hell breaks loose. Draco will have to choose between everything he holds dear–everything he’s worked so hard for–and a few stolen moments of passion with a certain green-eyed Inspector, once his sworn enemy and now something rather different entirely. He’ll make the right choice, won’t he? Who is he kidding? He’ll ruin everything, as per usual. Bad choices and the name Malfoy go hand in hand. These Secrets In Me by @femmequixotic [357k] Auror Special Branch team seven-four-alpha–Sergeant Draco Malfoy, Constable Pansy Parkinson, and Constable Blaise Zabini led by their SIO, Inspector Harry Potter–must handle personal and political fallout from the implication of Ministry employees and Aurors in the scandal around escaped Death Eaters and a Dementor uprising at Azkaban. On top of that, their original target, Antonin Dolohov, is in the wind. With all the ruckus, it’s a good thing they have help from Unspeakable Hermione Granger, American Unspeakable, Legilimens, and Harry’s recent ex, Jake Durant, Blaise’s legendary necromancer grandfather, Barachiel Dee, and his potions expert mother, Olivia Zabini. What could possibly go wrong with an army of best friends, ex-lovers, and family? Especially when you add the strong-willed Parkinson clan to the mix. Meanwhile, troubling new leads arise, taking Our Team in a surprising direction. And Draco, still hiding his relationship with his SIO from the upper echelons of the Auror force, is definitely not falling in love with Harry Potter along the way. Not at all. Don’t be ridiculous. Dare To Think by @femmequixotic [388k] After recent events in New York, Seven-Four-Alpha are set to return back to London. They’ve captured their primary target, but by no means settled their case. They’ve still got rogue Dementors at Azkaban, prying investigators from Luxembourg, and a far larger Death Eater threat to manage, not to mention pressure from their own higher ups. Draco is reeling from his loss, and Harry is trying to be the best boyfriend he can, which may mean not being Draco’s guv any longer. Harry’s uncertain what his team’ll find as they press deeper in the investigation, but he knows they will all be tested, perhaps more than they can bear. But they haven’t a choice, have they? It’s the bloody Death Eaters, after all, and the political integrity of Wizarding Britain and their magical allies hangs in the balance. Set Me Free by @femmequixotic [196k] *Incomplete
Seven-Four-Alpha are back in London with available resources of the Ministry tracking their every move. Draco Malfoy remains lost, last seen in Thibodaux, Louisiana, as MACUSA was closing in. Harry is raging, barely in control of his magic, and the rest of the team are battered and unsure. Their recent failure haunts them, as does the spectre of a MACUSA-Ministry alliance under the control of the Quahog administration and its shadow puppetmaster, Aldric Yaxley. The Dementor crisis with Luxembourg is brewing in the background, as is a conflict with Rodolphus Lestrange. And that’s not even mentioning the bargain Blaise struck with Death to return his cup. The team have very little energy or resources for one fight, much less several of this magnitude simultaneously. Should they fail, though, political tyranny will grip both sides of the Atlantic and evils recently banished may return. Each of them is fighting for something they hold dear, but no victory comes without a price. Still, desperate situations call for desperate measures, and desperation appears to be all they have.
A Case of You by @epitomereally [97k]
Draco was doing just fine working as an Unspeakable in Paris, hanging out with his living and ghostly pals, inventing new spells, and definitely not thinking about Potter. Then, Lucius just had to break out of prison and turn his world upside down. Now, Draco has to return to England, where he is forced to confront how family ties bind us—and one infuriatingly fit Harry Potter.
If the Fates Allow by Saras_Girl [80k]
What’s that crackling in the walls? Harry has no clue at all. He’ll eat some cake and drink some wine Because he is completely FINE.  –A story about life’s disregard for our plans. [2017 advent story]
Kaleidoscope by Saras_Girl [104k]
If Harry’s honest, the last thing he needs is a house full of Draco Malfoy, but partners are partners, and perhaps, the thing he wants the least will turn out to be absolutely everything.
Left My Heart by @emmagrant01 [85k]
Auror Draco Malfoy has disappeared, and Harry Potter has been sent to San Francisco to find him. (Post-Hogwarts, set in February, 2004. Written before Half-Blood Prince was released.)  Surrender the Grey by @emmagrant01 [151k] Draco Malfoy returns to London after five years of self-imposed exile to start a new life with Harry. But will the secrets of the past destroy everything they’ve worked for?  Sequel to “Left My Heart”.
The Light More Beautiful by @firethesound [81k]
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter’s help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn’t been enough to dim Draco’s obsession with him.
Listen To Your Heart by @ladderofyears [65k]
Draco and Harry are Auror partners and secret lovers. They have been tasked with helping to solve the Cursed Objects Case, a series of mysterious crimes that have been terrorising the magical population of London. When Draco is faced with an unplanned pregnancy, their previously ordered life is thrown into disarray.
Merlin, Give Me Strength by Aelys_Althea [86k]
Draco retreated after the war. Despite the Wizarding world turning a smiling, forgiving face to any and all with a black name and stained reputation, he wanted none of it. All Draco wanted was to be left alone. Unfortunately for him, Harry Potter doesn’t want to leave him alone. And more than that, he finds himself with the most unlikely of house guests that he just can’t seem to rid himself of. Why is life never simple?
The Pure and Simple Truth by @letteredlettered [65k]
Harry, Draco, and Hermione go to a pub.  Harry, Draco, and Pansy go to a pub.  Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione go to a pub.  Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron go to a pub.  Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, and Pansy―you guessed it―go to a pub.  I could go on.  In fact, I did.   Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron, Blaise, Luna, Goyle, Neville, and Theodore Nott go to a pub.  In various combinations. 
Take the Air by @dysonrules [51k]
Someone or something is attacking Muggles and leaving them for dead. Auror Harry Potter is assigned to the case, but with his usual partner unavailable, he is stuck with the most annoying Auror ever to walk the halls of the Ministry.
Too Cold Outside (For Angels to Fly) by @gracerene09 [62k]
The Auror Department and the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures are working to create a new division partnering human wizards and Magical Beings in order to more effectively police crime involving any and all classifications of Magical Creature. Auror Harry Potter jumps at the chance to join the pilot programme, but he starts to regret his rashness when he discovers who he’s to be partnered with: Draco Malfoy.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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odditycircus-2002 · 5 months
if your okay with it could you do a kitana x female reader fluff but also including mileena in some way? (she could be part of the relationship or just a part of the fic its mostly up to you) pls
A/N: Since you wanted Mileena included, I'm assuming you want MK1 Kitana. If that's not the case, I'm sorry for that. Hope you enjoy these head canons in the meantime since you didn't specify which you wanted.
Kitana x Reader Fluff
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You were no Umgadi, royalty, courtier, or noble. No, you are a constable of Sun-Do's police; specifically, you were the Second Constable, one rank below the First Constable, Li Mei, with whom you work closely. You and Kitana don't often get to spend quality time together, much less see one another, due to your respective duties, especially when Kitana is assigned the title of Supreme Commander of Outworld's army. However, you cherish every small moment you get to spend time together.
You are one another's rock and cheerleader. You can turn to one another whenever the other needs a pick-me-up. Even when you two can't physically be together in person, you both put your heart and soul into your responsibilities. All so you could make Outworld a kinder and gentler place for the other. Kitana always feels a swell of pride blossom in her chest when she sees you take down a criminal or your unwavering sense of justice.
You love Kitana's loyalty and dedication to Outworld and its people. Her kindness and selflessness seem to know no bounds, as she constantly puts others, such as her family, above her needs. Yet, you don't hesitate to remind her that SHE is just as important, not because of her status and title. But because she is more than worthy of love.
When you first told Kitana the latter sentence, she hid behind her fan to hide how misty-eyed you made her. You gently pushed her fans away and gently smiled before offering her a lotus flower, which you then put behind her left ear. You nearly fainted when Kitana kissed your cheek in response. In fact, the princess thought you might have suffered a stroke.
Mileena noted how every time she and Kitana travel through Sun-Do, her sister's eyes usually wander to look outside their carriage. Kitana's gaze skimmed through the crowd as if searching for someone.
Mileena has also noticed how sometimes, after returning from Sun-Do, Kitana has a dreamy expression on her face and a fond grin. Kitana also seems more at ease and less anxious after these trips. That and the younger twin usually returns with a lotus that Kitana only divulges came from an admirer.
Mileena silently vows to herself that when she's made Empress, she'll not only make it so that she and Tanya can be together but so could Kitana and whoever it is she's seeing. Mileena may not know you yet, but she knows you make Kitana happy. That's enough for her to silently root for you both.
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fsfghgee · 6 months
Are you looking for a strong female character to support in MK1? I'll introduce you to them!
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Princess of Outworld (and general of Outworld's army now)
If there is a more relevant female character in MK's history, I haven't met it yet. Now, extremely loyal to her sister (really twins now, not her twisted clone anymore), Mileena. Kitana is still a strong female character, giving the best for her realm and her family. She doesn't pay attention to those who advocate that she should replace her impulsive sister as empress and is determined to protect her family legacy and guide her sister in the right direction.
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Bi-Han (Sub-Zero): Living in your sister's shadow wastes your potential.
Kitana: It is my duty and privilege to serve her.
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Madam Bo
Retired Lin Kuei and businesswoman
This veteran fighter, can be hard as nails when necessary (especially with her apprentices to make them responsible and stronger), but her cooking skills, always praised and highly sought-after, shows that she may have a softer side.
*If you want to support a npc to be playable, you should go for her. Her potential is the biggest when you accept that she's also, pretty much, a gender swapped version of Bo Rai Cho in this timeline.
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The late Empress of Outworld (and my first main ^^)
You may not like her in mk1 for whatever reason, but she's a very strong woman even dead (and she only died, because her evil version bested her in kombat, so you know what it means...). I don't know stronger woman than her. And you won't find a more powerful one.
Jerrod, as her consort and beloved husband, was important to her. But who ruled was her!
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Li Mei
First Constable (former leader Umgadi)
Do everything by the book or she will beat what's illegal out of you!
She doesn't play on service and she won't let anyone play with her.
At a very young age, when she was just a baby, she was taken from her parents to be trained in kombat and loyalty to the royal family. She swore an oath to just protect and defend, don't expect her to break it.
Do you like honest cops with powerful magic skills? Go for her!
I trust Bi-Han's words. And if you know him well, you know that this guy does not throw compliments around....
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Bi-Han (Sub-Zero): I hear your skills are formidable.
Li Mei: As are those of all who have been Umgadi.
*Was he flirting with her? Sounded like... His tone when.. Who knows
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Status: Hungry! Don't play with the heroine of Vaeternus!
You may disagree with her methods, and she is not a good girl (not to everyone. If you are not her ally, be ready to become her food). But despite everything, she's only seeking the best for her realm. She won't stop until she feed her people. Don't stand on her way and you will be fine.
You like the strong-willed type?
Go for her! Give her your support and appreciation!
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If you recognize the symbol on my profile, u know why I'm here on my free time. So, I'm sorry if I'm not gonna extend on this post. You can always find more informations playing/searching for it and even other possible strong female characters on the main cast that may fit your taste better...
If you really wanna support strong female characters from Mortal Kombat games. And show that you really care about female representativity in the game.
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Adventure: Do no Harm
Gangs of brigands attacking along the trade roads in a series of bloody, near suicidal raids. An increasing spree of violent incidents in town that seem to be spreading like a sickness. Folk in their feverbeds rambling about a war out of time. These seemingly unrelated incidents are the violent signs that have been laid before Prior Rupak, healer and priest of Pelor, who sees them as the prelude to a far greater evil. The good healer cannot treat the victims and investigate the cause of their suffering at the same time, and so seeks allies to help stem the tide of blood before it pours over into the streets.
The party may first encounter Rupak after seeking out his infirmary, usually open to all by grace of the dawnfather’s altruism but recently closed off so that the priest and his acolytes can triage an ever mounting number of injured. Ushered in to receive treatment in payment for their aid, the party is briefed on the strange occurrences in town and sent on their way. Alternatively, should their reputation be great enough, Rupak may send a runner to ask for the party by name.
Merchants are always wary of bandits on the road, but this latest swath of reckless attacks has them especially worried, shilling out good coin for caravan guards that may get the party to tag along. Gossip by the watchfires says that the attacks are originating from a tumbledown old fortress out in the countryside, though why any self-respecting brigand would choose to lair in that haunted place is anyone’s guess.
Untangling the different attacks in town leads the party through a gauntlet of civil strife: lovers’ spats, disagreements in the market, tavernbrawls, all turned bloody and in some cases lethal. Investigating the matter reveals that each perpetrator was at one point a victim, all still bearing a fevered and borderline infected wound (if only a scratch) from a previous altercation
Background: The origin of all this chaos is a dark spirit known as “I Bear Thee Unto Glory”, a demon of war that sustains itself by sowing confusion and suffering during peacetime. Weapons touched by Unto-Glory’s influence grant their bearers the manic strength of dying warriors, even as their minds and the metal they hold begin to corrode. That corrosion is the key, as each cursed weapon leaves behind tiny slivers of demonic rust in their victim, leaving their body and mind to fester with fever and anger until they too lash out, passing the curse to another.
Tracking the infection all the way back we’re left with the brigands, a group of desperate foreign soldiers making an unwitting deal with Unto-Glory which drives them to attack the caravans. These attacks are repulsed, but the guards and drivers who survived with only minor injuries became carriers, getting into town just in time to start a tavernbrawl, lashing out at the townsfolk with their now rusted weapons. If you wanted to sow a few clues into the party’s investigation, mention how the weapons seized by the constables in the different incidents are all varying levels of corroded, or how the tavernkeeper had to replace a whole bevy of cutlery all of a sudden as a good portion of their knives, forks, and even soup ladle were suddenly rusted through. 
All of this comes to a head when the party report back to Rupak only to watch as he’s stabbed near lethally by one of his patients. Strengthened by an unholy fever, the formerly bedridden attacker brandishes a rusty scalpel and rants as Unto-Glory’s presence overwhelms them, speaking of the slaughter that is to come once the good doctor and the heroes too join them in the bloodbath. The violence will spiral out of control until the army is called to do something about it and likewise join the dance. Infection and bedlam will spread across the countryside until war is inevitable, and Unto Glory will ride at the head of it awful and resplendent.
With the realm at risk and their greatest ally now at risk of succumbing to the curse, something must be done. A risky summoning in the hopes of binding the fiend perhaps? Seeking some blessing or answer of the dawnfather? Regardless, the party must act fast... there’s a very good chance that they too have received a rust-cursed wound in their numerous scuffles, and its only a matter of time before they succumb aswell.
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Join Indian Army Bharti rally 2022: सेना में अग्निवीर सैनिक जीडी, क्लर्क और स्टोरकीपर के 25000 पदों पर भर्ती, देखिए आवेदन योग्यता
Join Indian Army Bharti rally 2022: सेना में अग्निवीर सैनिक जीडी, क्लर्क और स्टोरकीपर के 25000 पदों पर भर्ती, देखिए आवेदन योग्यता
Join Indian Army Bharti rally 2022: भारतीय सेना ने अग्नवीर सैनिक जीडी, अग्निवीर स्टोरकीपर व अग्निवीर क्लर्क के 25000 पदों पर भर्ती 2022 का नोटिफिकेशन जारी कर दिया है। इन पदों के लिए सेना की भर्ती रैली अगस्त 2022 में शुरू होगी। सेना की ओर से जारी सूचना के अनुसार, देशभर में 25000 अग्निवीरों की भर्ती के लिए 80 भर्ती रैलियां आयोजित की जाएंगी। सेना भर्ती रैली में ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन के बाद प्रवेश पत्र…
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 months
Are there the equivalent of cowboys or lawmen (excluding Chase, I count him as more of a gunmen/gunslinger) in Blest? Like Sheriff's and such
I wouldn't consider Chase to be a cowboy or lawman of any sort, haha! There are cowboy equivalents, especially in the western frontier of Blest--literal horse-riders hired to rustle, herd, and protect cattle trains, especially to and from big fairs or during seasonal migrations, and who live the general lifestyle of classical cowboys, but they're not generally referred to as "cowboys" and are instead "cowherds" or "cattle herders" (same as "shepherds" = sheep herders).
There is technically the concept of a "sheriff" in small towns in the West, as in a government official dispatched to keep an eye on an outpost and ensure taxes are collected for the Autarchy appropriately, though these are more akin to the sheriffs of Old England (e.g. the sheriff of Nottingham) rather than an Old West sheriff. In terms of just like a local Guy that the townspeople elect to be their lawman or peacekeeper or constable or civilian law enforcement officer (like an Old West sheriff), this is generally just referred to as the town guard, the captain of the guard, or very rarely the local constable. Most of the time, the tasks of a lawman or Old West sheriff are either handled by a fiefdom's private militia (Lockwood = Lavinet's family appoints and funds their own military force/guard to keep the peace), a city's Vice Guard (major cities only), or the local military garrison (tiny rural village would call upon an Army of the Sun base located X miles away, because typically they don't need an outright assigned official to handle their troubles and keep the peace). For other cases, an independent, unclaimed, and un-fiefed town's mayor, leader, or council would be in charge of finding a Guy to keep the peace, which would result in something like an Old West sheriff, but again, these situations are fairly rare, and the Guys are referred to as the town's "guard" or "constable," sometimes its "marshal" or "castellan" or "chief"--but not as a "sheriff," because that means a different position.
Hope that all makes sense!
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scotianostra · 1 month
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On April 29th 1429 Joan of Arc arrived to relieve the Siege of Orléans.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” This ancient saying has been invoked many times throughout history, but one of the most successful examples of this logic was the Auld Alliance between France and Scotland.
Although the Auld Alliance was founded out of a mutual hatred of England in 1295, the French and the Scots grew closer over time. France sent significant aid to Scotland, particularly during their Second War of Independence against England. In return, Scotland reinforced the French army during the Hundred Years’ War.
It was during the latter days of the Hundred Years’ War that the French King created an elite personal bodyguard comprised of Scottish warriors called the Garde Écossaises(Scottish Guard).
Scottish forces served in the French military throughout most of the Hundred Years’ War, earning a reputation as capable fighters in the process. A Scottish force under John Stewart, Earl of Buchan, and Sir John Stewart of Darnley arrived in France in 1419 to great fanfare.
The Dauphin (heir apparent to the French throne) was in desperate need of help as his father, King Charles VI, suffered from a form of insanity and had few allies. For his own safety, the Dauphin picked out around 100 of the finest Scottish warriors to be his personal bodyguard, thus creating what would come to be known as the Garde Écossaise. In its early days, the Garde was primarily composed of archers, with some men-at-arms.
The Dauphin took further actions to secure Scottish loyalty. The Earl of Buchan was given land at Châtillon-sur-Indre, Stewart of Darnley was provided with land at Concressault and Aubigny, and several other Scottish leaders received land and castles, this was even before they even fought a battle on French soil!
However, that soon changed at the Battle of Baugé, as the French were still reeling from the Battle of Agincourt. The Scots’ performance at Baugé ended up leading to one of their most heroic victories.
Accounts of the battle vary by source, but it is clear that the English, under the Duke of Clarence, attempted to catch the Franco-Scottish force off guard. However, the Scots turned the tide of the battle by holding their ground at a bridge as the English tried to cross.
French forces soon reinforced them, leaving the English badly outnumbered as they had only brought part of their force for this assault. The English eventually forced their way across the bridge but were met and outflanked by the larger force. The Duke of Clarence was killed in the melee, and the English force was routed.
In return for their service, Scottish leaders were granted more lands. The Earl of Buchan was given the title Constable of France, essentially making him commander of the French armies. Unfortunately for the Scots, this success did not last.
The French-Scottish force suffered a crushing defeat at the Battle of Cravant during which Buchan was captured. The French forces fell back during an attempted river crossing, and the Scots were cut down as they stood alone against the English.
Buchan was exchanged but then killed during another disastrous defeat at the Battle of Verneuil after French troops once again retreated early in the battle and left the Scots to face the English alone.
However, the Garde Écossaise remained and continued to prove themselves throughout the Hundred Years’ War and beyond.
In 1429, a mere five years after the French-Scottish defeat at Cravant, Joan of Arc marched into Orléans to the sound of bagpipes. She entered the city accompanied by a guard of around 60 Scottish men-at-arms and 70 archers. The pipers played Hey Tuttie Tatie – the song that, legend has it, was played for Robert the Bruce as he marched into battle at Bannockburn.
In fact, Scottish soldiers made up a significant portion of the relief army as a whole in addition to Joan’s guard.
The pics are, Joan of Arc enters Orléans by Jean-Jacques Scherrer, 1887 and Jehanne d'Arc et sa Garde écossaise. Painting by John Duncan, Scottish symbolist painter.
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On this day, 14 April 1919 in Limerick, Ireland, a general strike was declared in protest against the declaration by the British military of a ‘special military area’ in the region, which led to the establishment of a soviet (workers' council). The military crackdown was in response to an attempt to an attempted jailbreak of trade unionist and Irish Republican Army volunteer Robert J Byrne, which ended with the death of Byrne as well as two police constables. The military zone prevented freedom of movement for everyone other than people issued special permits by the British Army and the Royal Irish Constabulary – including many workers who needed to enter in order to go to work. A strike began in protest at the move by workers at the condensed milk factory in Lansdowne on Saturday, April 12, and that evening workers gathered and decided to call for a general strike beginning at 5 AM on Monday, April 14. 15,000 walked out and by the following day everything was shut down except for banks, public services, and enterprises given permits by the strike committee which had been established. The workers then took control of the town, closing down the pubs, maintaining order, and arranging for the distribution of food which was brought in from around Ireland and from trade unions in Britain. The strike committee set up its own newspaper and then printed its own money, while the British troop presence in the area increased. On April 27, with Irish capitalists and British trade union leaders withdrawing their support for the soviet, it was declared over with the promise that the special military designation would be withdrawn seven days later, which it was. More information and sources: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/8537/limerick-general-strike-&-soviet https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=608531627986723&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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White Liberalism in Carnival Row
Season one starts off well enough.
Vignette's abuse at the hands of her "employers" is hauntingly realistic. Blending elements of classism into the fantasy racism that is the main conflict of the story. The scene where she finds the library she was caretaker of back in Tirnanoc is incredibly pointed criticism of how everything in western museums is stolen.
Philo being the only member of the Constabulary who actually cares about the Fae minority because he is half Fae. Trying, and failing, to change anything from within the system to the point he's arrested for hiding his mixed heritage. And eventually deciding to abandon the Constabulary altogether at the end of the first season.
Piety Breakspear's appropriation of Fae magic to attack innocent people in an attempt to protect her status and power.
Jonah Breakspear and Sophie Longerbane joining forces to turn the Row into a ghetto/concentration camp despite ostensibly being sympathetic and/or apathetic to Fae. Showing how the aristocratic ruling class will do anything to promote their own interests.
And yet the fall from biting social commentary into white Liberalism is present even here.
Agreus Astrayon is a rich faun. Who made his fortune by hunting down his own kind who "broke contract" and tried to escape from indentured servitude. In exchange for his own freedom. And in season two it's revealed that he also convinced others to sign exploitative contracts. Abusing the trust his own people had in him to build his wealth.
Which makes his speal promoting the virtues of assimilation and collaboration that much more grating. Agreus is played by a black actor.
Making the connection between the character talking about "working within the system" and real life black conservatives perhaps an inevitable comparison. Remember that at this time all Fae are forced to live in a ghetto they weren't allowed to leave. A ghetto with such filthy conditions that a plague is ravaging the fairy population.
A ghetto Agreus never had to live in because he had to leave the country after defending himself against a human man in his own home.
Sophie Longerbane is made "sympathetic" by showing her regret her part in making the Row a ghetto... Which comes across as quite shallow and meaningless as it changes nothing about her actions.
But worse, when she's arrested Sophie goes into a rant about how much she's been wronged by the men of the ruling class. And how men are the root of all problems... She says this to Vignette.
A fae who has directly suffered due to Sophie's actions against the Fae.
A fairie whose society is matriarchal.
And instead of dismissing the self pitying oppressor spouting white feminism Vignette is "moved" by her privileged viewpoint.
Philo has an epiphany in season two: all his work as a member of the Constabulary, as a soldier in the Burgue's army, hurt his people and contributed to the oppression they faced... And all that is swept away because his friend is killed.
The New Dawn is an unsubtle fantasy equivalent of Communism. The movement that achieved class solidarity between humans and Fae against the ruling class. Is just Communism.
That is why Agreus' naivety about the virtues of capitalist racism can be portrayed as "in the right". Because obviously rebellion is worse.
That is why protecting the most racist constable on the force is the "right thing to do". Because if you just coddle racists enough they'll realize they were wrong. And hey! At least they're not Communists!
Carnival Row started as a flawed show with potential. But it squandered that potential in favor of white Liberalism that is shown in the actual show to be nonesense.
Because at the end there was nothing stopping the Burgue from reconquering Tirnanoc like they wanted to. There was nothing stopping them from keeping the Fae in ghettos and only letting out "skilled workers" like Sophie planned.
There is no evidence that Philo was actually the illegitimate son of the previous chancellor but he was still given the option of becoming the next one.
The Burgue just suffered it's most devastating "terrorist attack", two chancellor's in a row were assassinated by Fae and we're expected to believe that the Burgue just magically decided to be less racist?
After allowing a race riot to sweep across Carnival Row and a foreign power to radicalize their second class citizens!?
The naivety is astounding.
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