#arm pizza ftw.
fintastica · 9 months
some bunny showed up for their first day of monster school with a chip on his shoulder. usagi grins, leaning back in chair. possibly too far back considering that he does almost fall at least once. but that does not deter him. not in the slightest. " hey goona. do you think that pinneapple belongs on pizza? "
🐚 .  UNPROMPTED ASKS. ( always accepting ! )
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            this was about the sixth time this month lagoona had considered asking her father if she could get evaluated for ahhhdhd. ; seeing how the only classes that seemed to hold her attention these days were literature, gym &. music. frankie made mad science comprehensible &. ghoulia was always around for clawculus help. still, she floundered impossibly about without them. — so as far as usagi opting for interrupting the pages of equations that looked like nothing more than gobbledygook ? she was grateful.
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            " weirdly seanough, did you know clawaiian pizza came from clawnada of all places ? i do not know why they called it that. " a pause. she hadn't answered his question. " oh ! mm. it depends. the sweetness &. tartness of the pineapple can contrast the spices of the sauce. but too much can be overpowering. either way, it is not for everyone. but not everyone likes my arm pizza either. so you know, no biggie ! "
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urdearestmom · 2 years
alright y'all I've recovered enough from vol 2 that I can now articulate my thoughts somewhat. here we go! I really want season 5 immediately but unfortunately cannot have that :( I will say that I think Stranger Things' episode Nines are just,,,, amazing. nothing so far has come close to my love for s2e9 except for s4e9. I think they're tied
ngl I was mildly concerned they were going to attempt some kind of redemption with Brenner so I was pleasantly excited when he continued to be as evil as he ever was :) El finally standing up to him and realizing she's not the monster, he is, was AMAZING and I loved how she just said bye and walked away. left him to die on his own as he deserved! Owens is still a shady guy but he's always on the gang's side (I'm just curious what happened to him? like did Sullivan have him killed? arrested? will we see him next season? I'm nearly certain we'll see Sullivan again because I don't think that subplot will be so easily resolved)
as for the rest of it, Eddie's death panned out pretty much exactly how I thought it would so I never let myself get too attached to him. what got me was Dustin's reaction! Gaten did so amazingly in that scene wow. Jason also died which was great for me because he was just insane at that point and while I kinda felt for him he was also annoying. sorry not sorry
Jopper finally getting together was lovely. I've never been overly invested in them bc they are so canon in my mind that I never doubted it would happen but it was great nonetheless. Hopper reuniting with El had me smiling so hard at the end bc for a sec I genuinely thought it was Sullivan coming to kidnap El and that was how the season would end and then it was just good ol' Hop :) El having a family like she deserves is my favourite thing!! Hopper and Mike also hugging caught me off guard bc I didn't think they'd do it but they did and I hope that leads to them having a better relationship!
now El getting picked up in the desert and blowing up that helicopter? TOP. TIER. I had my arms up cheering "HERE COME THE PIZZA BOYS!!!!!!!" and when you could see Mike getting out of the van being the first one to run to her, all in slow motion, my god. I was speechless. their whole reunion was gorgeous. El's disbelief, the forehead touch: chefs kiss. El hugging Will like that? best. I live for El having a family. El's brothers ftw
Mike's long-awaited monologue: WHAT. I was shaking and on the edge of my seat the whole scene. It will absolutely live in my head rent free for the rest of all time. I can barely even process it. He really said he's loved her since the moment he saw her I can't believe it. It's what I've been waiting for since I was 16 years old and it still feels surreal that he really told her all of that in words. Mike Wheeler, King of Not Talking About Any Of His Feelings Ever, really said all of that. Wow. Finn knocked that completely out of the park
Lastly, Max's death? HOLY SHIT. That one tore me up I was sobbing and yelling at my tv. I really love Max and didn't want her to die even though I had a feeling something else was still going to happen to her. THE FACT THAT THEY USED THE SONG FROM FINDING WILL'S BODY IN S1- JAIL FOR 1000 YEARS. Her dying in Lucas' arms and his reaction really got me. Both Caleb and Sadie did phenomenal work this season and made me love Lumax a lot more than I did before. Lumax OUTSOLD!!!! Max's little drawing and the fact that they won't get to go on their date and the way Lucas was sitting in the hospital with his beat up face reading her a book... I'm in shambles
El being there watching it happen while no one knew she was there was also heartbreaking
Mildly concerning that El couldn't find Max's mind in the void though, even if she is in a coma. El can find and even vaguely communicate with Terry who is in a vegetative state, so I'm not sure what I think will happen with Max next season. Guess we'll have to wait and see!
That ending too. Vecna's not dead obviously and Hawkins is... yikes. The cliffhanger makes it seem like season 5 will pick up where 4 leaves off and I am very excited to have a resolution!
This isn't even all I could say but I don't want this post to get super long so I'm just touching on the stuff that stuck with me
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laplacesdevil · 10 months
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The main worker of the prize corner and local reptile/Gatorland fanatic, Tammi Chevrolet! She's so fun 2 dress up 2.
Tammi is an Afro-French woman who's transfem, genderfluid, aceflux and pan. She uses she/her, they/them, and pep/peps pronouns. Pep is 31 years old, being born March 9, 1993. She's 6'1"/185 cm.
Noted as "COC" on all arcade machines (has all the high scores)
Memorized all OSHA books for fun and can recite them word-for-word
Can inexplicably move between different buildings and rooms through unrelated doors
Oldest (twin) of 5+ siblings!
Sometimes sneaks in free prizes for the kiddins
Has some kind of healing aura!
Head of the Lost-and-Found
Encyclopedic knowledge of reptiles, ESPECIALLY crocodiles and alligators
Tammi looks to her left with their arms swayed to their sides. Their vitiligo patches are more visible, persisting on her face, arms, and torso.
Their hair is dyed yellow, but their roots still show!
This is all one big poof
Wears different hairstyles, btw! Usually if put up, she has it in a big ponytail/bun
Likes painting their nails different colors
Tammi has segmental vitiligo, only persisting on peps face, torso, and arms
Tammi wears Michaelangelo-themed boxers, with the band reading "MICHAELANGELO - TMNT". the main parts show the nunchuck, with the middle being a pizza slice.
Will sometimes grow scruff out. Likes it!
Not on E and doesn't wear a bra. Just underwear
TMNT briefs ftw <3 god bless.
[Casual 1]
Tammi wears a crop-top with green bands and a decal on it that reads "Gator" with a simple alligator to the side. Peps shorts have splatter patterns in pink, orange, and light blue. Pep also wears pink sandals with rainbow bands. Their accessories are shark tooth earrings and a green band bracelet with a hook.
Tammi wears quirky jewelry!!! Mostly matches with her outfit, but not always
Pep likes to get silly with it!! Common theme for some are reptiles
Usually wears shorts more than skirts
[Casual 2]
Tammi wears a collared, blue shirt with a yellow collar, cloud pattern on the bottom, and a sun decal. They also wear a green, tasselled skirt, worm-patterned legging, and dirt patterned boots. Peps jewelry are egg earrings and a flamingo slap bracelet.
Their clothes are comfy and free! Very colorful as well
Shoewear is rarely plain- usually has some kind of design on it
Tammi wears peps shirt tucked in
Soda tab bracelet!!!!
Alternates between shorts and skirt
Seatbelt belt!
These can light up by the way
Tammi wears a blue bonnet with bubble patterns, as well as a long shirt that reads, "Is it Sexy? Osha compliant? Petty?"
Usually wears (patterned) bonnets! Also wears it casually sometimes
Sleepwear consists of night gowns and graphic t-shirts with boxers
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daphnefangirling · 4 years
tag game! get to know me
tagged by: the wonderful @thetaoofbetty 💖
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? My regular one is grey, but I have a purple one in my purse that i use a lot.
2. name a food you never eat- i’ll try anything at least once. Foods i’d rather NOT eat again? Hmmm probably sea urchin
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold, especially my arms for some reason
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? feeding my 11 days old baby
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? ok so this changes quite often, right now i’d say Aero. Ask me in a month or two and it might be something completely different (i’m very partial to After Eight chocolates around the holidays)
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes, many times! i live in the hockey mecca of the Montreal Canadiens and have been to many, many games. i’ve also attended soccer games of the Montreal Impact and Lisbon’s Benfica. Oh and the Women’s Cup that was held in Montreal a few years back, that was fun! Back when Montreal still had a baseball team (RIP the Expos), i went to a few as well. I’ve also attended matches of the Rogers Cup (tennis).
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?  “love you” to my husband who just took over with the baby so i could have a bit to myself and answer this! haha
8. what is your favorite ice cream? i’m a simple gal: i like vanilla because it can be matched with so many flavours. i also really love Ben & Jerry’s The Tonight Dough (created by Jimmy Fallon)
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? water. i drink a lot of water because breastfeeding
10. do you like your wallet? i love my wallet! Ever since 2005, all my purses and wallets are from this Portuguese company called Cavalinho and they’re all gorgeous!
11. what is the last thing you ate? eggs over easy and crispy bacon 
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope! 
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? probably the NHL Stanley Cup final
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Chicago Mix baby! That thing is like crack: i will eat the whole bag if no one stops me!
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my mom
16. ever been camping? in a camper, does that count? In 2005, i went on a 2-weeks roadtrip with a camper across Spain and the South of France.
17. do you take vitamins? i’m still taking my prenatal vitamins because the Dr said to keep taking them until i stop breastfeeding. Normally, i don’t though.
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? i do not.
19. do you have a tan? i actually laughed out loud at this one because i’m so ridiculously pale, it’s laughable to imagine myself with a tan
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza?  pizza. i’ve answered this many times, but pizza is that food that even when it’s bad, it’s still good.
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? not if i can help it, straws are not good for the environment peeps!
22. what color socks do you usually wear? i like fun socks, i have this Harry Potter set from Hot Topic that i’ve been wearing a lot (currently the ones that say: ‘Mischief Managed’)
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit?  yes... uh i mean no! Wait, where’s my lawyer?
24. what terrifies you? that something bad happens to my kids or my family
25. look to your left, what do you see?  a poster of Sandeman’s Port wine
26. what chore do you hate most? cleaning the bathrooms, no contest
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? i’m a lover of pretty much all accents so i’d think it’s sexy
28. what’s your favorite soda? Orange Crush or Mountain Dew
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru, i’m a mom of three: drive thru ftw
30. what’s your favorite number? 9 because i was born on the 9th day of the 9th month 
31. who’s the last person you talked to? i talk to myself in my head a lot, but out loud it was my husband (see answer to question #7)
32. favorite meat? uhhhh chicken? i dunno, i’ve never given this any thought whatsoever
33. last song you listened to? Tina Turner’s 'Simply the Best’ covered by Noah Reid on Schitt’s Creek when Patrick serenades David and yes i was all up in my emotions
34. last book you read? Lili Reinhart’s ‘Swimming Lessons’
35. favorite day of the week? we’re in a pandemic, what is time anymore? also, as a mom of 2 toddlers and a baby, there is no such thing as a favourite day of the week anymore. 
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? probably... but really slowly
37. how do you like your coffee? just with milk, nothing else
38. favorite pair of shoes? i have a pair of lace-covered flats that i really love
39. time you normally get up? at whatever time my kids wake up
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets, always.
41. how many blankets are on your bed? i sleep with bed sheets and one comforter (is a comforter a blanket? do the sheets count? i’m making this question is harder than it needs to be, aren’t i?)
42. describe your kitchen plates? they’re white and round (i used to have a set that was square, but we keep breaking them and there are only 2-3 left now)
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: there’s stuff everywhere no matter how many times we clean it and put away everything. Did i mention i have 3 young children?
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? probably gin & tonic
45. do you play cards? i play solitaire on my phone when i’m bored
46. what color is your car? my car is blue, the family car is silver grey
47. can you change a tire? most definitely NOT
48. your favorite state or province? i live in Quebec and it’s pretty gorgeous over here. Can’t complain, 10/10 would recommend. Come visit me when this pandemic is over, I have a Bughead room and everything! Ask @cheryllclayton!
49. favorite job you’ve had? the one i have now: full time mom (i’m on mat leave). But also, the one i have now: coordinator of the CBC Literary Prizes for CBC Books.
tagging: @cheryllclayton @jandjsalmon @anchor-bird-94 @crowns-and-milkshakes @lizzybuggie @darknessaroundus @bluevelvetvideo 
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You Asked, I Told + Chapter 33 Update
Hello everyone! First off, I am so, so, SO sorry for taking so long to update. I am about to put the finishing touches on Chapter 33, and if all goes according to plan, I should have it for you between March 7th-9th - just in time for Captain Marvel! Meow. This chapter is clocking in at OVER 30,000 WORDS, so although it has taken me an abysmally long time to complete it, I hope the length will make it somewhat worthwhile. 
And now for your Asks! These contain a spoiler for chapter 15 and some milder spoilers for some of the later chapters (30-32-ish). 
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I understand this completely. I have problems with a lot of military fics because of their verisimilitude (or lack thereof). I will say in general that I have had a good deal of affiliation with military-related environments and individuals in my life and that I have done my research to the best of my abilities. Part of why I take so long to update is the immense amount of research I do. That said, as I mentioned at the beginning of the fic, sometimes I may stretch or alter the details (a platoon/fire team/company is not as small as I portray it, same with convoy sizes etc.) in order to make it easier for me to write. And I will just plain screw stuff up because I’m a person. But over all, the most important thing for me is to capture the themes of deployment, war, recovery, readjustment (or not), trauma, etc. and convey these things with realism. But I do try to get a lot of the details right, too. 
I hope a lot of this stuff rings true to you in the fic. I invite you and other uniformed personnel and veterans to DM me and let me know how I can make the details ring truer. I have shaped the work in other ways based on feedback and am willing to do it further, provided I don’t have a good reason for making things the way they are now. 
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Yeah, I’m sorry I had to turn off anons because of the trolls. I’m glad you enjoyed the emotional catharsis for Steve here. He really needed to actually feel his emotions rather than turning everything into pain and puke. (BTW, meta note, I write a lot of vomit for some reason. I know it’s a large part of being a heavy drinker, because you just can’t drink that much and not puke a lot, and I wanted Steve to be a puker because I wanted to showcase a huge somatic reaction, but yeesh, what is UP with the all the puke? I hate vomit IRL, so much.)
And I am the worst queer in the world, as I was just told by a virtual stranger yesterday, because I have NOT seen A Star is Born yet. But I am going to watch it this week! I’m glad that it rang true with this depiction of addiction. Relapse is messy, and it happens on anniversaries - Oh, the anniversary relapse is a BIG thing in recovery. I’m excited to see the parallels now. Thank you for the rec!
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I am actually TERRIBLE at recommending fic in the sense that I barely read any at all :(    I’m ruined for most fics these days because if it’s not profoundly, painfully realistic, I have trouble buying into it. I hate that I’m so picky now. I wish I had a bunch of great recs I’m holding out on, but if you’ve seen my bookmarks, you’ve seen many of the ones that stick out most for me. A lot of them are because I love the writing itself, which helps me get my creative wheels turning when I need to craft good prose. Sorry I can’t be more helpful.
But seriously, @praximeter​‘s The Night War: 60th Anniversary Edition FTW. It’s my all time favorite fic and one of the most excellent character studies - and one of the best studies in trauma - I’ve ever read. Talk about an unreliable narrator. And it raises some excellent questions about who we let fight and under what circumstances - how much do we use people in war, even if they’re clearly so compromised from trauma that they can barely function? You’ve got to REALLY read it, though. It’s not a lazy read. Highly recommended, though. Be prepared to have your guts torn out of your body and thrown on the floor and danced upon by Prax. It makes her Mask Fic look like a giggling prance through the daisies.
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Yeah - I think the last chapter was exhausting and distressing and disheartening for many. And it was maybe a bit confusing, in regards to Bucky’s relapse. On one hand, he’s a hawt LITERAL mess. But on the other hand... this is not unexpected. This is part of recovery, especially for a lifelong alcoholic. He planned it. He took some steps to mitigate risk. He was not trying to off himself. He had a limit set. He just didn’t want to cope in healthy ways anymore and he made an informed adult choice to drink a fuckton of vodka for a week. Was it healthy? Good GOD, no. But he was doing it with an oddly sound mind, right? He tried other means of coping first. He gave it his best, and he decided to do this instead. And he cleaned up his mess after and put his clothes on and did the big boy thing and called his therapist. So even though it was awful and gross and sad, you could also look at it as a stark contrast from his Carle Place days. And he LOOKED AT HIS DICK...!!!!! HOLY SHIT. That is a feat 19 months in the making. And he did it sober. That in itself is impressive. 
But I can definitely see pain for a lot of people, and the exhaustion of this chapter, the OH GOD just STOP IT, here we go AGAIN. And that is how friends and families and loved ones of addicts can feel, and the addicts themselves! Tired. Just tired of the same old thing, over and over. But he also made a lot of objective progress in important ways. Even if it doesn’t feel like it because the progress is covered in old pizza crust and vomit and dildos (yes, even the BIG ONE). 
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This is referring to Chapter 15, when Bucky was in the hospital after his surgeries, yes? I don’t think he needed a trach tube, actually. He had his weapon up to his face to aim at the enemy, so his neck/airway didn’t sustain any major injuries because his arms and rifle took the brunt of the shrapnel. His internal organs were spared from major injuries because of his body armor. He needed to have his collapsed lung decompressed in the field, but that was it. That might have been followed up with more drainage later at a field hospital. I figured his alveoli were ruptured from the IED blast wave, leading to the collapsed lung, which is usually treated with 100% oxygen, so no trach needed there. And when I researched other reasons why one would need a trach, I didn’t see anything that would really apply to him. So no trach for Bucky! You can spare him that little bit of misery in your imagination, if you WANT.
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Haha, yes, the “enjoyed... I think?” parallels the “I’m glad... I think?” that I feel/write when people say they’re wrecked by the fic. I’m so glad this has encouraged you to do some research! I’d love to know what on. There are so many threads to chase. Just glance at the TAGS, my God. Choose your own adventure. Thank you for letting me know you’re enjoying and that it’s sparking your curiosity!
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Ugh, I would love to say that I have a great schedule for updating planned, but as you can probably surmise, I am slow and unpredictable. My life has gotten much, much busier since I started writing this fic and my work far more draining, so both time and energy aren’t on my side these days. I don’t dare to promise an update on any kind of schedule because I just can’t say. I’m sorry. And you’re absolutely right - it’s because I want to deliver the best quality I can. And I’m also trying to give you huge meaty chapters, too. But I HOPE it won’t be another five months before the next update. I really do. The next chapter will probably be shorter, so that’ll help. I will really do my best. 
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This is a GREAT question. I think it’s important to note that dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) - although originally designed for borderline personality disorder (BPD) - is trans-diagnostic treatment as a skills group. This means that it can be for anyone who needs help with regulating emotions and managing their relationships better. We don’t really know what Bucky’s diagnosis is. BUCKY doesn’t know what it is. All he knows is that Scott identified his functional life problems and thought the group would be a good fit. Bucky sure does have some BPD traits, but it’s also important to note that some of these traits can also be present in someone with a fuckton of trauma - especially from childhood. 
I set out to write someone with just a lot of trauma, really. Someone who had difficulties with regulating emotions as a core problem. Someone who used sex and booze and avoidance to manage everything. And also someone with a lot of attachment and intimacy and trust problems, which can really all look like BPD! And they can all look like developmental trauma! I wanted it to not be entirely clear what was going on, because that’s often how people appear in real life. We’re not quite sure what Scott makes of him, except that he sees he needs healthy skills DESPERATELY and wanted to get him in this group ASAP. (Good call, Scott!) 
Okay, everyone! Thank you so much for all the love and great questions!! I’ll be in touch in a couple weeks with more BW for you. Thank you for all of your support and patience <3
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callmeblake · 5 years
MCR specific tags (WIP)
 EDIT: This is no longer being updated please go HERE for an updated version.
I had this in a page but it kept losing the tags. I have not the patience to put them all in again today.
Please just put it in manually for now on unlinked ones until I do.
Magazine Posters and Articles Lists - all members
Instagram: frankieromustdie
Body: frank’s hands, bare chest, frank’s tummy, frank’s legs, moustache frank,  frank on his knees,  frank's smile
Bands: steve weil and the disco kings, Hybrid, Sector 12,  Pencey Prep, I am a graveyard, LeATHERMØUTH, Frnkiero andthe cellabration, bloodNUN, frank iero and the patience, fiatfv, frank iero and the future violents
Frank’s covers
Frankie in red
Frank in Purple
Frank in Camo
Frank’s hair
Frank in jean jackets
Other: Frank in aviators, white wrist cuff with studs, skeleton gloves, pink and blue striped tie, tiara frank, frank spitting, padlock necklace, bandana frank, misfits gloves, electrified frankie, pimp frank, frank with dogs, shirtless frank, shower frank, frank drinking water, macaroni necklace, mardi gras beads, frank all in black, red and black bandana, frank in a choker, shovel tie, shorts, american flag guitar strap,  frankenstein guitar strap , blindfolded, frank in a suit, pinstripe suit, snap hospital gown, checkered vans, green scarf, frank in glasses, yellow and black shoes, he's wearing a fucking belt/leather strap around his wrist,  frank with records,  fidget spinner, zombie sticker, arizona tea shorts,  transparent sunglasses
Hats: checkered earflap hat, cheese hat, newsies hat, sailor hat, hawaii stocking cap, stocking cap frank, engineer hat, green hat,  riot fest sucks hat,  i need my space nasa hat,  pink milk teeth hat,  carhartt beanie
Shirts: Death Spells Arm Stripe Shirt, jail stripe shirt , hostage shirt , yourcodenameis:milo shirt, gray soft looking sweatshirt, faded wash blue button up shirt, I am a monster shirt, brown velour striped shirt, blue arm stripe shirt, steelers 32 shirt , long sleeved polka dot shirt, protect each other shirt , red sweatshirt with foot on fire, green cunt shirt, inside out shirt, kill shirt, lehigh army rotc shirt, hostage shirt, christian death shirt, hi how are you? shirt, eagle sweatshirt, blue short sleeved shirt with white stitching, browns sweatshirt, danzig shirt, bahama mama cat shirt, navy blue V neck sweater, red shirt under black sweater, voice in the wire shirt, kill 'em all shirt, black flag shirt, bart shirt , green inside out airborne shirt , legalize gay shirt , fred perry polo , raglan shirt , gray sweater, yellow morrissey rose shirt , no love shirt , son of a beach shirt , gray and burgundy striped sweater , blue shoulder adidas shirt t, black shirt with yellow arm stripe , white titty pocket shirt , blue denim titty pocket shirt, yellow and blue stripe plaid shirt, black long sleeved shirt with thin white stripe, wu tang clan shirt , faded wash blue button up shirt , duck hunting shirt , hole heart shirt , plaid titty pocket shirt, ramones shirt, white wives shirt, U.S. army patch shirt , bathory sweatshirt, i got crabs at fisherman's wharf in san francisco shirt , dare shirt, x files shirt, boozey shirt, steel city shirt, short sleeve polo with white trim,  short sleeve polo with white trim button flap, fuck your crew shirt, inside out rick springfield shirt, red muscle shirt, black muscle shirt, dead animal skeletons sleeveless shirt, LBCB shirt, mystery arm stripe shirt, jawbreaker muscle shirt, two tone blue stripe shirt, boozey shirt, inside out holy family nutley shirt, holy family nutley shirt, smiley face shirt, lumberjack shirt, red shirt with white ribbing, green army shirt , kangaroo shirt, chocolate starlight mint shirt, red dad sweater, black short sleeve center buttons shirt, yellow shirt,  black shirt with face on it, royal blue shirt, joy division shirt, coca cola shirt, gray plaid shirt, pizza shirt,  No5 Rescue shirt ,  plaid titty pocket shirt, batman shirt,  nails shirt,  black short sleeved shirt with orange cold button,  white short sleeved shirt with orange cold button,  black t shirt,  frankly scallop I don't give a clam,  goodwill blouse,  steel city shirt,  burgundy trash talk destroy peace sign shirt, navy blue t shirt,  rose bowl 1987 sweatshirt, dave hause starbucks shirt,  grateful dead shirt,  NVRNDR shirt,  blue firmino shirt,  harley davidson eagle shirt,  green striped soccer jersey,  green and blue striped shirt, bleeding smiley face shirt,  soccer jersey,  batman shirt
striped sailor shirt  not to be confused with  black sailor striped shirt or  sailor blue striped shirt
Jackets and hoodies:
patience windbreaker,  cunt sweatshirt , button up hoodie , burgundy hooded sweatshirt, red hoodie , lonsdale london jacket , that damn jacket with the orange pockets , burgundy hoodie , scotch tape jacket , zipper jacket , gray and yellow striped sweater , own name hoodie , racing jacket , white levi denim jacket, denim vest, the banner hoodie, thin white striped hoodie, skeleton crew hoodie, dawn of the dead hoodie, vampire mouth hoodie, adidas windbreaker , jacket with pentagram and finger missing, flair navy blue hoodie. levi fleece lined jacket, skull hoodie, duck hunting hoodie, walt disney world jacket , navy blue hoodie, olive dad sweater, brown dad sweater, never fails to fail me sweatshirt , green coat, carhartt jacket, gray dad sweater with pockets, nylon windbreaker, skeleton ribs hoodie,  skeleton jacket , I heart hoodie, SSE hoodie, wallpaper hoodie, purple cable knit sweater, blue cable knit sweater, black v neck sweater, hoodie with strings,  blue mustangs sweatshirt,  yellow windbreaker,  white stringed neck collar hoodie,  blue alligator dad sweater,  alligator dad sweater,  yellow windbreaker,  fur trimmed coat,  boston hooded sweatshirt,  gray windbreaker,  skull hoodie,  green army sweater,  american nightmare hoodie,  biker jacket,  blue alligator dad sweater with welcome button,  blue alligator dad sweater,  black hoodie,  champion windbreaker,  camo windbreaker,  red and orange V jacket,
Pins/badges: I’m a mess pin, skeleton crew button
Guitars: Gibson ES,  cheap trick bullseye guitar, phant o matic, green guitar, epiphone 50th, blue guitar, red guitar, orange guitar, yellow guitar, guitar with metal front, ftw guitar
Gerard’s art, bat buckle, striped scarf, blue suit, checkered shoes, gerard way smoking, purple gerard, velvet suit, bat buckle
jacket with diamond shapes, kill blazer, black and white coat, white levi denim jacket, candy apple red jacket, C.Taylor Jacket, thin white striped hoodie, black poncho , vomit poncho, T jacket, dead pegasus jacket, faux fur coat, green perry jacket
Hats: beanie gerard, ‘70s hat
Hair: orange hair gerard, red hair gerard, scarecrow hair, lemon gerard, blonde gerard, two tone hair, platinum gerard
green t shirt, LA Co. jail shirt , western rose shirt, motorhead shirt, danzig shirt, red white and blue star shirt , madonna shirt, black flag shirt, sternum shirt, rolling stones shirt, polka dot shirt , faded wash blue shirt, green schoeneck shirt, , dr. pepper shirt, alkaline trio shirt, pink lips shirt, quiet riot shirt, inside out quiet riot shirt, iron maiden shirt, HAMBURGLAR SHIRT, number 5 shirt, green army shirt, planet of the apes shirt, christmas plaid shirt, plaid shirt, hawaiian shirt , iggy pop shirt, blue shirt with yellow arm stripe, green skull and crossbones shirt,  skull and crossbones tie,  blue gingham shirt,  the crow shirt,  planets shirt, t
Events: nccc2016, NYCC2016, twitch stream 2016, twitch stream 2017, wondercon, morrisoncon,
gerard way smoking, black tie with thin white stripe, velvet suit, zero mask, camo gee, red and black bandana, orange sunglasses, unicorn pin
Ray:  blue heart hoodie, Ray’s HAIR
Mikey:  Mikey in green sailboat shirt, misfits vans,  red scarf mikey, mikey in beach shirt, blue and orange skeleton shirt
neil krug, ture lillegraven, justin borucki,  andrew lipovsky, marvin scott jarrett, trip fontaine, Matthias Clamer, brinson banks, rich gaccione, max fairclough, lisa johnson, gene ambo, sarah louise bennett, brandyn leigh,  dani silvia, ben gibson, Chris Anthony, Dave Willis,Dave Hill, paul harries,  jelle wagenaar, chapman baehler, jenny lewis, eddie malluk, danielle levitt, david reich, micah smith, david ellis, tina korhonen, carter, john mcmurtrie, naki, BJ papas, daragh mcdonagh, tony woolliscroft, andrew kendall, jeremy harris, marvin scott jarett, dean chalkley, scarlet page, greg watermann, lego, sean murphy, martin schoeller, pamela littky steve brown, phil mucci, jennifer tzar, brinson banks, jeremy saffer, roberto chamorro, kevin scanlon, daniel meilniczek, derrick santini, jayme thornton, 
school desks photoshoot, chinatown photoshoot,  red jacket photoshoot, fingerchin photoshoot, roses photoshoot, frank and roses, crooked wallpaper photoshoot, storage unit photoshoot, storage unit photoshoot 2, purple curtain photoshoot,  three cheers photoshoot, palm springs, quarter machine photoshoot,  gravel photoshoot, bus photoshoot, abandoned house photoshoot, organ photoshoot, yellow bleachers photoshoot,  chinatown photoshoot, movie theatre photoshoot, flower photoshoot,  log photoshoot , headphones photoshoot,  fire mural, brick photoshoot, teal and brick wall photoshoot,  orange picture photoshoot, green wall photoshoot,  big head photoshoot, twig photoshoot, rolled magazine photoshoot, priest photoshoot, cinder block photoshoot,  bar photoshoot, tunnels, saw blade, shore photoshoot, shore photoshoot 2, shore photoshoot 3, umbrella photoshoot, school desks photoshoot,  kings of the wild frontier, bowie face photoshoot, clockwork photoshoot,  frank holding gerard’s leg, way family home shoot, three cheers photoshoot, yellow skeleton outfit photoshoot, water photoshoot, they came from outer jersey, ray in a tree photoshoot, diner pics for kerrang, never washed denim jacket photoshoot, rolled magazine photoshoot, willow tree photoshoot, scumbag shirt photoshoot, green coat photoshoot t, stairs photoshoot , orange pole photoshoot , gray siding photoshoot , garrote photoshoot , pink hotel photoshoot , bench photoshoot , gold slats photoshoot, gear case photoshoot, carousel photoshoot, radiator photoshoot, motorcycle photoshoot
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sabriel · 6 years
85 questions tag game
Wasn’t tagged by anyone but @cassandrapentayaaaaas did this and i wanted to as well
rules: answer these 85 questions about yourself and then tag 20 people
(not gonna tag anyone either but if you want to, tag me in it)
drink: Water phone call:  Home when I was at work  text message: “Y”  it was to confirm an appointment  song you listened to: “Gold Dust Woman” by Fleetwood Mac time you cried: Ages ago
dated someone twice: I haven’t dated anyone at all kissed someone and regretted it: Haven’t kissed anyone either (or been kissed at all) been cheated on: Lol how can I be cheated on if I haven’t dated anyone :) lost someone special: Yes  gotten drunk and thrown up: No
in the last year have you?
made new friends: idk fallen out of love: No laughed until you cried: Yes. found out someone was talking about you: No. met someone who changed you: No   found out who your friends are: No kissed someone on your facebook friends list: No.
fave colours? Blues are my fave, also purples, black, grey how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them to some extent do you have any pets: An absolute weird cat, his name is Rocket  do you want to change your name: Not really I like my name but It’s really popular, if I ever was to change it I’d choose the name Keira what did you do for your last birthday: Went out of town and had a nice dinner with my family and family friend what time did you wake up today: Between 8-9 am what were you doing last night at midnight: Scrolling through Tumblr and watching youtube what is something you can’t wait for: December cause it will be holidays, Summer and Christmas what are you listening to right now: Fleetwood mac have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes. something that gets on your nerves: People with abrasive personalities  most visited website: Tumblr hair colour: Brown. long or short hair: SHORT FTW!!! what do you like about yourself: That I have good manners and always try to get along with others, varied taste in music, sense of humor, my hair ever since I got it cut short 4 years ago  want any piercings: Yep, an extra one on my left ear lobe blood type: idk nicknames: Catie, Cait, Cat relationship status: Single zodiac sign: Scorpio pronouns: She/her fave tv show: Voltron  tattoos: None right or left handed: Right. ever had surgery: Yep piercings: Ears sports: Did netball for one season at school vacation: I love vacations trainers: Sketchers  eating: Sandwich drinking: Water I’m about to watch: Maybe some youtube? waiting for: The day that I’m finally finished with education  want: To learn how to art get married: Yes career: Nurse hugs or kisses: Both are good lips or eyes: Eyes shorter or taller: Taller older or younger: Older nice arms or stomach: Again both are good hookup or relationship: Relationship  troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant 
have you ever?
kissed a stranger: No drank hard liquor: Nope. lost glasses: No turned someone down: Yes sex on the first date: No broken someone’s heart: Idk had your heart broken: Not really been arrested: No. cried when someone died: Yes. fallen for a friend: No
do you believe in?
yourself: ........:( miracles: Not really love at first sight: I kinda hope it does exist kiss on the first date: If it’s appropriate angels: Yeah
best friend’s name: Don’t have a best friend (I don’t really have actual friends) eye colour: Blue fave movie: Wall.e and Atlantis the lost empire  favourite actor: eh I have fave characters but not really actors favourite food: I’m going to cheat with this, fave savory is pizza, fave sweet is chocolate cake extrovert or introvert: Introvert. favourite flower: Dark pink roses favourite hello kitty characters: I don’t really know hello kitty
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nocteverbascio · 6 years
85+86 = Innocent Physical Contact + I Didn’t Mean to Turn You On. Sansaery ftw.
hi anon i like this i know its been a bit since ive written sansaery so pardon my rust - i also added a bit of college au also if that tickles your fancy!
Sansa does not understand what is going on with her recently. It’s like every time Margaery is within her space things suddenly become electrifying. Even the smallest of touches seem to spread through her like wildfire and she has no idea what to do about it. 
Sansa hadn’t noticed at first. 
“Oh, Sans, your hair is a mess,” Margaery says stopping her from leaving their room. She runs her fingers through Sansa’s hair a few times, somehow managing to detangle her locks without hurting her. Then she runs her fingers again, this time fluffing her hair just a bit for some volume but her nails gently scratch at Sansa’s scalp sending electricity down her spine. 
Sansa goes to class that day thinking about how much she wants Margaery’s hands to tug her hair. 
The next time it happens is when Sansa comes back to their dorm after the gym. Her running high puts her in a good mood and she’s ready to grab a snack, shower, and then tackle her homework. 
Margaery is in the kitchen making pizza while Sansa squeezes through to get a yogurt, trying not to get sweat on Margaery. She notices Sansa eating the yogurt quietly, but still contemplating why Margaery has decided to make a pizza when she should be studying. “Is that all you’re going to eat?” 
“Yes, I have so much work to do,” Sansa answers as she eats her yogurt contently. It’s not as appetizing as how Margaery’s constructed the pizza with all of Sansa’s favorite meat and veggies, but it’s good enough. 
Margaery laughs as she puts the pan into the oven. She wipes her hand on a towel before rubbing Sansa’s bicep comfortingly. “Don’t be silly, I clearly made enough for the both of us.” 
Sansa doesn’t know what it is, but Margaery’s hand on her upper arm does it again. The electricity shoots through her nerves and the simplest of touch sends shockwaves through her whole body. Margaery’s contact makes her even hotter and she has to down her yogurt in one gulp. She quickly thanks Margaery and has to take a long hot shower after that. 
The next time Sansa feels herself going haywire is when they’re at a party in Renly’s room. It’s dark and crowded, the music is way too loud and it reeks of alcohol. 
Sansa thinks they’re going to get split apart and just go missing until the end of the night until Margaery grabs onto Sansa’s hand tightly. They hold onto each other for dear life as they wade through the amount of people they’ve managed to fit in a senior dorm room for four. 
Margaery asks her brother to make her and Sansa some drinks so she can hold onto Sansa. They don’t let go of each other for the rest of the night. 
Sansa doesn’t know if it’s in addition to the alcohol but she gets incredibly hot with Margaery’s hand in hers. 
At one point, they’re standing against the wall talking to each other about what college nastiness is transpiring and Margaery’s hand starts to play with Sansa’s. Her hands lace their fingers loosely with Margaery gently twisting and maneuvering playfully in Sansa’s hand. Margaery’s thumb brushes over Sansa’s comfortingly. And when she tries to get Sansa’s attention, her finger nails scratch the inside of Sansa’s palm. 
Sansa just gets hotter and hotter, fixated on Margaery’s hand in hers. They fit together perfectly. And the heat that spreads through Sansa, she can practically feel radiating from Margaery. 
They night they stumble home together. Sansa stumbling a bit more because she feels her panties damp from being in contact with Margaery all night. 
When they get through the door, Sansa pushes Margaery against the door. Her taller frame boxes Margaery in and she hears a quiet gasp. Margaery’s hot breath is against her neck. 
“Margaery,” Sansa groans quietly. Her hands press against the door firmly, so she isn’t out of line. “Margaery. Do you know what you’ve been doing to me?” 
Margaery shudders enough that Sansa can feel her against her chest. “What Sansa?” she rasps quietly. 
“You’ve just been,” Sansa inhales deeply because they feel impossibly close, “You’ve just—turned me on. So many times. And I don’t know if it’s intentional or not. Maybe it’s just me.” 
“I’m sorry.” Margaery quietly whimpers. 
“Don’t be sorry,” Sansa insists.Her nose accidentally brushes against the side of Margaery’s cheek. “I just want to know if you feel the same way. Like every time we’re this close or touching–do you want to touch me too?” 
Margaery bites her lip and nods. “I want you so much,” her voice is husky and low. Sansa groans. Margaery whimpers in response and starts to take off Sansa’s clothes and Sansa’s starts tearing hers off.
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sleepykalena · 6 years
85 Statements
@grexigone decided to be the Queen of Extra™ and tagged me to answer all this crap. So here you go, cuz i love you :P
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
drink - covfefe
phone call – my sweetie (i offered him mcdonald’s)
text message - group text w/ two of my friends
song you listened to – Hold Me Tight or Don’t by Fall Out Boy
time you cried – last night. alcohol was involved! i was stressed. but funny stuff came out of it, so!
dated someone twice? – Nope
kissed someone and regretted it – Plenty
been cheated on – Not that I know of
lost someone special - Plenty
been depressed – Yes
gotten drunk and thrown up – last night in a nutshell
fave colours
Neutral darks
in the last year have you…
made new friends – Yes
fallen out of love - Nope
laughed until you cried – Yes
found out someone was talking about you – Yes, but not in a bad way? I get referred to for some juicy chisme, so
met someone who changed you – Plenty!
found out who your friends are - Yes
kissed someone on your facebook friends list - My bf counts, right? LOL
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl – All but like...5?
do you have any pets -  Nope
do you want to change your name - Considered it, out of fear of implicit discrimination in job hunting
what did you do for your last birthday – Turned in my final, stuffed my face full of pancakes with friends at Denny’s to celebrate
what time did you wake up today – 7 am ish?
what were you doing at midnight last night – Swapping stories with @moonprincess92nz and eating pizza that drunk!Me ordered
what is something you can’t wait for – Rey nendoroid!
what are you listening to right now – Hello Neighbor let’s play from jacksepticeye
have you ever talked to a person named tom – Every week, actually; he’s a nice guy and tips well on occasion. super humble in his post-MySpace years!
something that’s getting on your nerves – lately? people using odd and uncomfortable ways to put a spotlight on themselves
most visited website - Tumblr and Youtube
hair colour – Dark brown
long or short hair – Short~
do you have a crush on someone – Diego Luna (duh)
what do you like about yourself – my wit and my “outside voice” that also exists inside
want any piercings? – Not any extras
blood type – O
nicknames – Char, charmander, sleepy
relationship status - we’re kinda there for each other but kinda not because our schedules suck? aka: “It’s Complicated (but it’ll pass)”
zodiac - Sag
pronouns - She/her
fave tv shows – Bake-Off, Cutthroat Kitchen, Chopped, Friends.
tattoos – none, ever; i’m scared shitless of needles
right or left handed - Southpaws ftw!
ever had surgery - No
piercings – Ears
sport – Cycling, tennis
drinking – Yup. Hit me up with a moscato, or a midori sour, horoyoi chu-hi, sprite + hypnotiq, coke + malibu, or bailey’s + kahlua + a splash of milk on the rocks and i’ll sit with you at the bar for the rest of the night (provided that you’re good company, of course)
i’m about to watch – The next Hello Neighbor let’s play that jack has on the playlist
waiting for – my skin care stuff to dry so i can do the next step
want - a yob
get married – eh, i’d need a good reason to be lawfully considered married first.
career – animator, hopefully. one day!
which is better
hugs or kisses - Hugs
lips or eyes - Eyes
shorter or taller - Taller
older or younger - Older
nice arms or stomach - Arms
hookup or relationship - Relationship
troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant
have you ever
kissed a stranger - nope
drank hard liquor - yup
lost glasses - thank god no, omfg
turned someone down - yeah :(
sex on first date - nope, but sex before the first date was definitely a thing LOL
broken someones heart - I believe so
had your heart broken - lots of times
been arrested - no, but i got to ride in the back of a cop car (omfg what is my life guys, that’s another story for another time)
cried when someone died - quoting @grexigone here: Ya (ROGUE ONE COUNTS TOO, RIGHT??)
fallen for a friend - *side-eyes her bf* Yeah :)
do you believe in
yourself – Not lately :(
miracles - yeah
love at first sight – nah
santa claus - nah
kiss on a first date - if it feels right
angels - not sure tbh
best friend’s name - Leo. my bestie <3
eye colour – Dark brown.
fave movie - I did a Favorite Movies Name Game thing, so have at it
fave actor – Diego Luna, David Tennant
There is absolutely no way I’m going to tag people and subject them to this cuz it’s so many questions, except for maybe @cats-and-metersticks and @literatiruinedme cuz i feel like they love this sort of stuff.
HOWEVER. I feel particularly evil and would like to tag @skitzofreak to see what sort of fic she could come up with using this prompt. *evil snicker*
This list is huge so i don’t want to pressure anyone into doing it, but if you DO decide you want to step up to the plate, consider yourselves tagged and tag me so i can read ‘em! <3
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smittenwithsugden · 6 years
85 questions meme
Tagged by @smugbisexualtrash, thank you!
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: apple juice 2. phone call: my mum 3. text message:  on whatsapp @victoriasugden, on telegram @miss-bookworm 4. song you listened to: perfect - ed sheeran 5. time you cried: rereading “Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda” 
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes 8. been cheated on: yes 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: not diagnosed, but yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yes
— fave colours
12.  green 13.  blue 14. orange
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends:  yes 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes 19. met someone who changed you: yes  20. found out who your friends are: always 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: no
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: about 90% 23. do you have any pets: nope 4. do you want to change your name: nah 25. what did you do for your last birthday: watched the ESC with friends 26. what time did you wake up today: 6am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: laying in bed 28. what is something you can’t wait for: ed sheeran concert 30. what are you listening to right now:: The TV 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I don’t think so
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: stupid people
33. most visited website: tumblr and youtube  34. hair colour: brown 35. long or short hair: long
36. do you have a crush on someone: no
37. what do you like about yourself: my personality  38. want any piercings: no 39. blood type: A+ I think?  40. nicknames: i try to stop people to use nicknames for me 41. relationship status: single  42. sign: taurus 43. pronouns: she/her 44. fave tv show: Friends, no other show have I watched more 45. tattoos: none  46. right or left handed: bothy 47: ever had surgery: yes 48. piercings:none 49. sport: nope 50. vacation: i am not picky 51. trainers: yup
— more general
52. eating: pizza or pasta ftw 53. drinking: coffe, water  54. i’m about to watch: emmerdale 55. waiting for: ryan hawley to make the short list
56. want: something to eat  57. get married: no  58. career: no comment
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses:hugssssss 60. lips or eyes: eyes 61. shorter or taller: taller 62. older or younger: not bothered 63. nice arms or stomach: nice arms 64. hookup or relationships: neither 65. troublemaker or hesitant: depends on  mood
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: yes 67. drank hard liquor: yes 68. turned someone down: yes  69. sex on first date: no 70: broken someone’s heart: no 71. had your heart broken: yes 72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: yes 74. fallen for a friend: yes, in my teenage years 
— do you believe in
75. yourself: not all the time 76. miracles: yes 77. love at first sight:  no 78. santa claus: no 79. angels: in a way
— misc
80. eye colour: green 81. best friend’s name: i don’t have one best friend 82. favourite movie: shelter 83. favourite actor: Ryan Hawley! (Voted yet? ;))
84. favourite cartoon: idk 85. favourite teacher’s name: can’t remember
and I’m tagging: @imre-gr, @beautifulhigh, @vckaarrob, @sapphicsugden, @bubblebuttsugden, @victoriasugden, @littleatticboy, @robron-til-the-end,
And everybody else who wants to do it!
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willforeverbemine · 6 years
85 questions meme
Tagged by the amazing heidi @miss-bookworm thank yo so much Heidi 
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: orange juice 2. phone call: my mum 3. text message:  best friend 4. song you listened to: my lover- not3s 5. time you cried: hearing Ryan Hawley being nominated at bsa 
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes 8. been cheated on: no  9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: no 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
— fave colours
12.  pink 13.  baby blue 14. gold 
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends:  yes 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes 19. met someone who changed you: yes yes yes  20. found out who your friends are: yep 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: no
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: about 90% 23. do you have any pets: nope 4. do you want to change your name: nah 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went clubbing with friends  26. what time did you wake up today: 11am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: scrolling through tumblr  28. what is something you can’t wait for: demi lovato concert in june!!!!! 30. what are you listening to right now:nothing 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I work with a tom so yes 
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: my work 
33. most visited website: tumblr, apple and youtube  34. hair colour: jet black 35. long or short hair: afro 
36. do you have a crush on someone: no
37. what do you like about yourself: my personality  38. want any piercings: i think so 39. blood type: dunno mate  40. nicknames: debbs/debs 41. relationship status: single  42. sign: aries 43. pronouns: she/her 44. fave tv show: ed and Brooklyn nine nine  45. tattoos: none  46. right or left handed: right 47: ever had surgery: no 48. piercings: none 49. sport: nope 50. vacation: somewhere hot with a beach nearby  51. trainers: nike air max
— more general
52. eating: pizza or pasta ftw 53. drinking: coke/ water  54. i’m about to watch: fresh prince of bel air 55. waiting for: my phone case to arrive 
56. want: some bloody hot weather for once  57. get married: yes if someone would have me  58. career: crime scene investigator or something in that region 
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses:hugssssss 60. lips or eyes: eyes 61. shorter or taller: taller 62. older or younger: not bothered 63. nice arms or stomach: nice arms 64. hookup or relationships: relationships 65. troublemaker or hesitant: depends on  mood 
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: yes 68. turned someone down: no  69. sex on first date: no 70: broken someone’s heart: no 71. had your heart broken: yes 72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: yes 74. fallen for a friend: oh god yes 
— do you believe in
75. yourself: not really 76. miracles: yes 77. love at first sight:  sometimes 78. santa claus: no 79. angels: maybe a yes 
— misc
80. eye colour: dark brown 81. best friend’s name: amy.chloe and ellie  82. favourite movie: tangled  83. favourite actor: Daniel Radcliffe, idris elba, tyler perry ( I enjoy his movies) 
84. favourite cartoon: idk 85. favourite teacher’s name: lucy 
and I’m tagging: @luststricken @bubblebuttsugden @sour-grape-s @mrdinglesugden @victoriasugden @smittenwithsugden (feel fee to ignore) 
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harley-wanders · 6 years
Oh, hi there!
My apologies for the lack of posting. Tumblr only wants to work when the internet is good (spotty wifi doesn't lend itself well to it).
After the ferry from Wellington to Picton (no, not PEC area, there's no black river cheese factory or Waupoos winery around the Picton and Wellington here....and the ferry is 3 hours, not 15 minutes). There is, however, a delightful bakery in Picton that we stopped at. I bought some of the "world's best carrot cake" (which I could only eat half of...and...oh well, stay tuned for what happened to the other half).
So we took the Ferry to Picton and then drove to Abel Tasman. Once we got there we jumped on a water taxi to a house boat (it was pissing rain by this point but somehow Marie and I managed to grab a seat at the front so we were under the tarp/cover).
The water taxi was SUPER bumpy (and a hell of a lot of fun. We giggled and couldn't stop smiling the whole 30 mins...at least us in the front, whoops - sorry backseaters). When we arrived to the house boat the rain had died out to a drizzle.
Marie, Olivia, and I all got the room on the main floor....it only had a double bed but we agreed we could cuddle haha. The rest of the group were in the bunks down below (which, for the record, looked super cool. I'm just happy I didn't have to climb up and down when. i needed to use the washroom in the middle of the night). Anyway, after we out our stuff away we all went for a swim.
Most of us, me included, jumped off the top of the house boat (~4 metres) into the water. It was beautiful and a really nice swim. We took some pics with my underwater camera (to be uploaded once I'm home) - by the way, for all the pictures go to my facebook. I may try again to load them here but I can only do 10 at a time and it glitches a lot.
After the swim we ate a great meal (and didn't have to do dishes - yay 🙌) and played Mafia (thanks Marcus - it's such a fun game!).
I got the right side of the bed, Marie was in the middle, and Olivia was on her left. It was definitely a tight squeeze but we managed to fall asleep. Marie did end up going to one of the bunk closer to morning because it was too hot in the middle haha.
In the morning we ate breakfast (pancakes ftw!) and got the call that due to the massive amount of rainfall, our canyoning was cancelled. Bummer. Oh well, that means we can do that 12.5 km hike afterall 🙌 .....sounds fun right? Yeah, it would have been if it weren't for the torrrential downpours.
We had a short water taxi ride over to the shore in the rain (we were all wet by now) and then dried our feet and out our socks and shoes on. Summer tomd us most of the track was covered by the forest canopy so we weren't in too bad of spirits. I think by this point we still found our luck with houseboats and beautiful places funny.
The track wasn't covered...and when you're csrrying ~40lbs of (dry) stuff it's not so much fun. At some points the water was up to my knee! I was just hella happy that I packed using ziplock bags as compression things as it kept all my important stuff dry.
After 12.5km we reached the end of the track. We walked another km to our accomodation - Old Macdonalds Farm and met Summer at the reception. Wifi was $5 and towrls were $2. Easy decision as the towel i brought was soaked and there wouldn't be much to do. Olivia dropped something when paying for hers and I bent down to pick it up and then RRRRRRIIIIIIPPPPP....there goes my pants hahaha.
Anyway, we got our room (it was a camping site thing so literally a small room with a bunk and single bed it in....not much room). Summer drove us all up to the communal showers to wash and warm up before putting on dry clothes. Oh, and the trailer we had (new bus and trailer in the south island...goodbye Gus!) Leaked. So not only were the belongings we were carrying soaked, but many peoples' big packs were as well. Again, I'm thankful for my ziplocks... It was just my other travel towel and a couple pther things in the bottom that were wet. Unfortunately Olivia's entire pack was drenched....including her passport. A few peoples' passports, actually.
Summer gave us change to use the dryers and found a big outdoor propane heater that we hung things up around to dry them...we even took the soles out of our shoes and held them up.
It was a really shitty thing but again, we had the best group because we mostly laughed it off (aside from a little initial crying for some). I found it hilarious and counted myself lucky that my passport and phones were okay.
That night we had a bug family supper (stir fry) and played a few games (two truths and a lie, as well as where you have a name on your forehead and you have to guess whobyou are by asking questions). It was a good night after all the stress of the day. Oh, at one point Marie, Olivia, and I went to the cafe and on the way back we saw an eel in the culvert - that shows you how much rain we got!
The next day we were en route to Westport (no...not the Westport north of Kingston). A cafe we stopped at had adorable ceramic salt and pepper shakers that was a hippie van and camper - in blue and purple of all colours. I had to resist the urge to buy them.
Then we went to Kilkenny lookout and Cape Foulwind where we saw a seal colony (including baby seals!!!) It was awesome!
Our accomodation that night was Tripinn Hostel. It had good wifi and comfortable beds (with lots of room). The grounds were beautiful and some of us did yoga on the grass to stretch out after the last couple days (I led it but I madr sure everyone knew I was not a certified teacher yet and to only do what was comfortable).
That night we had a wine tasting (many bought a bottle of wine each and we tried some of all of them) and a family dinner - mexican this time. We watched peoples' skydive videos and Summer's canyon swing vid.
The next day we stopped in Punakaiki where I carved a necklace out of beef bone with a lady named Karen. I made a koru and I love it! It's really cool to be able to say I made it myself. She works out of her home (or rather her workshop/shed out back). It was a beautiful little walk through forest to get there. On the way back to wait for the bus she asked if anyone wanted to milk a goat (she has dogs, goats, chickens, and other wildlife). No one raised their hand so naturally, I did. You don't turn down the offer to milk a goat when one presents itself. It was interesting. The goat was mounting/shedding so I only did a bit - you can't really drink milk when there's goat hair in it. Then Niki and I pet some horses down the road while the guys chatted. Summer picked us up to meet with the rest of the group (they did a walk) and we were able to scoot down and see the "pancake rocks." They were really cool.
After that we made our way to Franz Josef where (surprise) Oliva, Marie, and I shared a room again. This one had a king bed and a bunk bed....we all shared the king lol.
For dinner that night we had a veggie or pork option but they ran out of pork so we were able to choose whether we wanted to stick with veggie or have all you can eat pizza, garlic bread, fries, and 1 alcoholic bevvy. Marie, Olivia, and I stuck with salads (Olivia can't have any milk products and Marie and I had eaten way too many baked goods at all those cafe stops) :p when they brought our the fries we all grabbed a couple and then one of the (power-hungry) waitresses yelled at us and said if we didn't get the all-you-can-eat and ate any of the pizza/fries/garlic bread that we'd be kicked out. .....then they proceeded to put the first pizza (veggie) right in front of us....we regretted our decision. And then we got our salad....literally a side salad portion of mixed greens, a slice of beetroot, a couple cubes of pumpkin, and some feta. We were very creative with sneaking food after that hahaha. The boys all felt bad so they were giving us a fry or tiny piece of garlic bread under the table.
We were having a few drinks too and there was a pitcher with some money and a lemon that said if you can balance a dollar coin on the lemon you get a free shot of tequila. Worth a shot, right? Luckily there were some bills along the side and it was no problem getting that loonie (sorry, dollar) to stay on the lemon as the bills kind of kept it in place. Yay free tequila! Then we played Piccolo (which is a drinking game app) and one kf the guys, Matt, had to run around the room flapping his arms like a chicken. Nad, who is completely deaf, was really amused by this.
We called it a fairly early night as we had heli-hike and ice climbing the next day.
I'm going to post this in case tumblr glitches so I don't lose it and I'll pick right back up...
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moosenotes · 7 years
92 statements tag
thanks to @bio-shmio and @studuology for tagging me!!!!
edit: forgot to tag anyone, oops. tagging @starmapstudies​ @perimotivated​ @coronastudies​ @wilstudies​ @piiess​ (sorry if you’ve been tagged already and ya don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, since it’s so long)
i’m going to put this under a “read more” tag, since it’s so long, but here we go!!
1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: a friend 3. Text message: project manager at work 4. Song you listened to: Rain by Mika 5. Time you cried: don’t remember, haha
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: nah 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. Been cheated on: not sure 9. Lost someone special: yeah 10. Been depressed: ya lol hi there 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: dark green, burgundy, black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes!!! 16. Fallen out of love: haven’t even been in love in the last year lmao 17. Laughed until you cried: ya 18. Found out someone was talking about you: nahh 19. Met someone who changed you: yeah
20. Found out who your friends are: yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: “kissed someone” hahaha funny
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: about a half of them?? i used facebook to keep in contact with my twitter friends when our part of twitter kinda died oops 23. Do you have any pets: I WISH 24. Do you want to change your name: ehh yes i guess
25. What did you do for your last birthday?: ate pizza, probably got drunk 26. What time did you wake up: 9:15 am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching CollegeHumor before going to bed 28. Name something you can’t wait for: moving out!!!! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a couple of weeks ago, i think 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: idk, there’s lots 31. What are you listening to right now: some indian trap mix that was in my youtube recommended, it’s pretty dope tbh 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: not really something to talk about on the internet 34. Most visited websites: twitter, tumblr, youtube, wanikani, stardew valley wiki, bitbucket
35. Mole/s: tons
36. Mark/s: a whole bunch of scars, the most interesting one is on my right cheek, got cut with a scalpel when i was born, lmao, good times 37. Childhood dream: do computer stuff, be a musician 38. Hair color: brown 39. Long or short hair: it’s gotten quite long, but i’m thinking of getting it rly short 40. Do you have a crush on someone: weirdly enough - no, but i'm that one friend who always has a crush on someone
41. What do you like about yourself: a lot of stuff 42. Piercings: not yet 43. Blood type: no idea 44. Nickname: Mai!!! 45. Relationship status: single 46. Zodiac: virgo by sun, gemini by moon 47. Pronouns: he/him or they/them 48. Favorite TV Show: OITNB, Masterchef, a whole bunch of anime
49. Tattoos: got three, don’t wanna put them on the internet, i already know what it’s like when someone steals a tattoo idea
50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: nope 52. Hair dyed in different color: there was once a period when i really really wanted dark green hair, but i never dyed it 53. Sport: running, skating (i wish i could do any tricks tho), basketball is cool, too, i guess 55. Vacation: never been outside the baltic states lmao 56. Pair of trainers: gonna buy some actual running shoes, but for now i have to do with really beaten up vans
57. Eating: more on the savory side, but in general i eat very healthily 58. Drinking: oh hell yas 59. I’m about to: play stardew 61. Waiting for: nothing 62. Want: to drink tbh holup lemme get some water 63. Get married: idk, if i’ll find the right person - why not 64. Career: probably something computer/technology related
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs, because i’m a shy bastard 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: depends?? short people are cute af tho 68. Older or younger: older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idk 71. Sensitive or loud: depends on how loud ;; 72. Hook up or relationship: relationships ftw 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: dependsss
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: yas lmao 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t have them, so 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex on the first date: nah 79. Broken someone’s heart: nope 80. Had your heart broken: ya 81. Been arrested: does it count if i have a conviction or whatever you call that in english for underage smoking 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: oh boy yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: oh hell yas!!! i slay 85. Miracles: yes 86. Love at first sight: yes
87. Santa Claus: i wish lmao 88. Kiss on the first date: i’m shY, OKAY
90. Current best friend name: wooo-oooh, it’s just me, myself and i 91. Eye color: brown, but like!!! a real nice shade of brown, i’ve had people tell me they don’t like brown eyes, but like mine 92. Favorite movie: Amelie, also all of the Saw movies
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trytriedtrying · 7 years
tagged by @oldfashionedvillain
tagging: @noflowercrownforme, @ficcety, @deengoblue, @exeuntpursuedbyabug, @tantumnocte, @milusia RULES : ANSWER all questions, ADD one question of your own and then TAG as many people as there are questions
live session or studio session? studio
coke or pepsi? pepsi
disney or dreamworks? disney for the classics
coffee or tea? coffee
books or movies? I’m a lazy reader these days so movies
windows or mac? windows
dc or marvel? marvel
xbox or playstation? we have a ps4 but I like the old nintendos
night owl or early riser? night owl
cards or chess? cards I guess
chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
vans or converse? vans ftw
star wars or star trek? star wars
one episode per week or marathoning? what am I, a pleb? binge it, bitch.
gandalf or obi-wan? obi-wan
heroes or villains? villains
john williams or hans zimmer? john williams
disneyland/disney world or six flags? idc I’m not American
forest or sea? sea
flying or reading minds? in reality it would probably be terrible, but reading minds
twin peaks or northern exposure? northern exposure
harry potter or lord of the rings? I know next to nothing about hp, so lotr
cake or pie? cake
you are banished to a desert island, which benedict cumberbatch character would you choose to take with you? do I have to?
train or cruise ship? train
brian cox or neil degrasse-tyson? I listen to a lot of infinite monkey cage, so brian cox
wizard of oz or alice in wonderland? alice
fanfiction or fanart? if you twisted my arm, fanfiction
the hunger games - books or movies? I’ve seen a couple of movies, but they are pretty terrible
be able to see the future or travel into the past? see the future
han solo or luke skywalker? han solo
lilacs or sunflowers? lilacs
spring or autumn? spring
campfire or fireplace? campfire, tho I don’t like camping
french fries or onion rings? french fries
truth or dare? truth
winter or summer? summer
vampires or werewolves? vampires
red or blue? blue
eyes or lips? eyes
burgers or sandwiches? burgers
friends-to-lovers or enemies-to-lovers trope? ugh, I love both
pizza or pasta? pasta
ancient rome or ancient greece? I’m very bad at history
foxes or wolves? wolves
mermaids or dragons? dragons
The Craft or Charmed? charmed
silly puns or playful sarcasm? how do I choose?!?!
+ my question: sci-fi or fantasy?
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spirituallystupid · 7 years
Get to know me tag
I was tagged by @1u11abye to do this tag, so I guess I’ll do it on the day I’m sick and at home. (also I didn’t see this post until I looked at her blog so this is probs late sorry) 
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy! 
1. are you named after someone?
My parents told me I wasn’t named after anyone but when I was little I thought I was named after my uncle, who has a shortened version of my name. But, nope, it was just his nickname. 
2. when is the last time you cried?
I cried while watching OITNB’s last episode. Oh my God did I tear up. 
3. do you like your handwriting?
I get anxious when I have to write in front of someone because my handwriting is sloppy but then when I’m alone it’s so good like... pay me for this. 
4. what is your favorite lunch meat?
Turkey turkey turkey turkey turkey
5. do you have kids?
No, but I think I’d want kids in the future. 
6. if you were another person, would you be friends with yourself ?
7. do you use sarcasm?
That’s how I make friends.
8. do you still have your tonsils?
9. would you bungee jump?
I love acting like an angel falling from heaven and then God’s like nope! Get back here! The short answer is yes.  
10. what is your favorite kind of cereal?
Cheerios. (I’m such a child)
11. do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
No, I’m not a nerd. (I am)
12. do you think you’re a strong person?
Physically, no. Emotionally, yes.....no. 
13. what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Plain vanilla. (with tons of chocolate syrup and pecans. Also I’m eating ice cream right now it’s butter pecan) 
14. what is the first thing you notice about people?
Their face and expressions. 
15: red or pink?
Pink is lovely, but I have a soft spot for red because, duh, blood aesthetic. 
16. what is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
The bumps on my arms. (I’ve used so much to get them to go away but NOPE)
17. what color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
NO PANTS FTW. Also no shoes, what am I, a TV show character at home?
18. what was the last thing you ate?
Butter pecan ice cream. (Dining on it right now)
19. what are you listening to right now?
The sound of my parents laughing and the Simpsons end credits theme in the background. 
20. if you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Turquoise. (Because I love how one of my teachers says it. TURK-QUAUS)
21. favorite smell?
Roses. (I’ve never smelled the actual flower I just like the candle smell)
22. who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
My mom. 
23. favorite sport to watch?
I don’t really like watching sports but if I had to it’d be basketball.
24. hair color?
Dark brown. 
25. eye color?
Very dark brown.
26. do you wear contacts?
27. favorite food to eat?
Pepperoni pizza with some onions.  
28. scary movies or comedy?
I have never watched a scary movie in my life so comedy.
29: last movie you watched?
I watched some of Storks but the TV stopped working so I haven’t went back to it.
30. what color shirt are you wearing?
Tie dye. (Pink and blue with an alien on it) 
31. summer or winter?
Summer, but it has downsides: sunburns. *shivers*
32. hugs or kisses?
Hugs because they can be given to anyone. (with consent unless you like being slapped)
33. what book are you currently reading?
Eve: The Awakening. I’m a very slow reader so I’m not even half way.
34. who do you miss right now?
I miss.....my rabbits.
35. what is on your mouse pad?
I don’t have a mouse pad I’m on a laptop. 
36. what is the last tv program you watched?
Bob’s Burgers. The newest Valentine’s Day episode. 
37. what is the best sound?
Walking on gravel.  
38. rolling Stones or the beatles?
I’ve never listened to either so I have no opinion.
39. what is the furthest you have ever traveled?
40. do you have a special talent?
Making friends easily. (One time I followed one of my friends to another lunch table and made friends with everyone there)
41. where were you born?
Indiana, I think. A hospital in Indiana. 
42. people you expect to participate in this survey?
I’ll be texting my irl friend about this so.... @nosnos2 YOU BETTER DO THIS YOU BISEXUAL HAT FILLED WITH BROWNIES. 
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wishingfornever · 5 years
2/7/2018 – No Contact:  Pissed Off/On Switch
Work was shit today.  Remember how I was stoked that my manager wasn’t going to work with me?  Well, I was wrong.  He was called in.  I left ten minutes earlier and it was great.  Work was shit though.  Buuuut, I had an hour for a break.  Unfortunately, I only had half that.
Things got bad when the lady who was upset with me for placing salt with edibles came in.  I welcomed her with pristine customer service. Then I go back to organize some of the aisles in the front, specifically the body wash and lady hygiene products.
I hear something fall over and break behind me.  I look.  Nothing.  I check the next aisle.  Nothing.  I told my manager I heard something but assumed it was an auditory hallucination.  I go to the register and discover a disgruntled elderly woman.  She is like one of a select few customers who dislikes me but she dislikes everyone.  She was sporadic and yelling about this kid.
Apparently, he was urinating right in front of her somewhere in the store.  She wanted to leave and was rushing me and the customers before her.  I didn't think she was serious until my manager confronted the kid who did it.  Sure enough, he was hostile and he had pissed in the store, over a bunch of books.
I quickly cash my customers out to get this screaming woman out.  The customer ahead of her was glaring at her.  Admittedly, the old lady was a total bitch but the faster she goes the faster she gets distance between herself and elderly bitch.  I quickly cash her out and a couple people behind her and see my manager still arguing with the kid.  I yell and ask if he wanted me to call the police and he says yes.  I do that, discover I'm woefully inadequate at my job because I don't know my workplace address or number but that gets settled.  They ask me what his age was.  I tell them 19.  I had to guess, didn't see him except for his arms which had tattoos.  They asked his frame and I said light.  They asked his race and asked if he were right, black, or Hispanic.  I got a little offended but said Hispanic.  I don't recall what they said afterwards but we didn't see a cop car until 40 minutes later.
During that time, I mopped up the floor where he pissed and discovered he peed over the books and stuff.  Discovered that the noise I heard was him knocking over a glass candle.  I swept up the glass and had to occasionally stop by to sweep up more.
Mind you also told the police he was high because old bitch said he was. Nah, he was just blacked out from alcohol.  Underage drinking ftw.  I was concerned he might get belligerent with the cops and they'd overreact.  I was surprised to see they gave him a slap on the wrist. Took him home and he's banned from the store.  I went from concerned to pissed.
He was talking shit as the cops escorted him out in cuffs.  I was angry because my manager was antagonizing the kid.  I felt that was rude.
But yeah, in short: kid pissed in my workplace; had to clean it.
I told all that to Ariel first.  Well, most of it.  Basically copied and pasted.  Again, my manager was being a dick.  The kid was blacked out drunk and crying in the back at one point.  When I went to get a mop bucket my manager told me that he wanted someone to hold him. Like, seriously dude?
Of course, the kid talked trash to me at the very end.  He pissed me off and honestly, I was probably the only person who would have been at least a little kind to him.  I know how it feels to be young and stupid but christ.  Don’t antagonize someone.
But he was a brat.  I’m glad it’s over.
I just did a few exercises with the weights.  Lifted as much as I could until I couldn’t find the strength to lift it any higher.  I’m going to wait a bit and do it again.  I don’t have a lot of food left…  I might have gorged.  I think I should double up on cottage cheese and shredded cheese.  If I get hungry later tonight… or… this morning?  Yeah, if I get hungry I’ll cook some eggs.  Won’t need cheese and I can mix it with corn and onions and add spinach. Problem is, I’ll have to do dishes afterwards.
I had a dream I was spooning Esther.  She seemed upset with me.  I was making excuses.  Then I started lying to her, saying anything.  I guess I was really desperate.  I wish things turned out differently. :/
Ugh… it’s getting closer to Valentine’s Day and everyone is talking about love and shit.  ><
Whatever, last year Esther and I did nothing at her request.  To her it was another day.  I really wanted to do something with her, but whatever.
So, the streamer (NGParadox if I didn’t mention him) said he liked my character because he’s balanced as opposed to other characters.  I didn’t submit any stats and left it up for him to determine.  So, he determined what I described was balanced?  Idk, I think he’ll show the bio I provided later when the character comes up.  Exciting stuff.
I am feeling better, btw.  Nose is still stuffy and leaky… but whatever.  It’ll pass.  I’ll be better tomorrow and then I’ll be better the next day.
I was considering getting a pizza… but I was a bit late to the draw. Maybe this Friday?  We’ll have to see.  In the meantime, I’m going to get started on… writing?  Yeah, maybe.  I’ll start by drawing up some extracurricular activities.  Nothing special, just something I promised the people in this stream place.  Brb
There is a picture of Ariel.  Took a selfie earlier today.  She looks like an angel.  Very white skin, bleached hair, hazel eyes, red lips. Clearly winter where she is.  ;)
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