#archie silver youre so cool
z0nic · 4 months
What do you think about archie silver. The secret freedom fighters stuff specifically
i think its a really clever way to keep silver in the past without breaking the logic loops archie sonic already kinda had in terms of time travel/adjacent stuff (i dont know what they planned to do once silver succeeded in his mission but with just the established story in presgw he never really runs into the issue of "how do we keep him coming to the past if his future is saved" without making his efforts seem futile) and i think its much more interesting/compelling than a hypothetical archie 06 adaptation. silver on the sff so good it fits the thematic reason for making the team and it gives him an excuse to socialize and make friends with the archie sonics that isnt necessarily directly related to his mission of finding/stopping the traitor to the freedom fighters. AND SPEAKING OF THAT ITS SO AWESOME. a great way to bring him into conflict with sonic and company without having to go into all that iblis shit. also i think he shouldve tried to kill mecha sally
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akarisandraws · 3 months
What are your top 10 most favorite Sonic ships and why don't skip out any detail
Its about time i give my two cents on this tbh.
I can't honestly say something that hasn't been said before, because this ship is massive. And for a good reason. Its just the epitome of all the things I like. Rivals to friends to lovers, red and blue, opposing yet complementary personalities, good chemistry, the list goes on and on.
Its just that mutual respect yet banter that always gets me. I've TRIED abandoning ship, trust me. But this ship was just tailored to my tastes, and i cant get rid of the brainrot so much that it has become a problem :)
MMMMM THE PAIN. I love this ship because its so innocent and cutsey while being absolutely depressing!
Cosmo deserved SO MUCH MORE than what she got, and to this day it makes me so sad we never got Sonic X season 4 in where Cosmo comes back as a robot or something. The seed she left at the end too! They Absolutely wanted to bring her back and i will forever be sad about it.
I say it all in this post, but in a nutshell, Surge needs someone as positive as Amy to heal.
And they were roomates
Ever since they got introduced i just KNEW the artists were gonna ship these two. This ship is almost as good as canon tbh. Love me some sapphic girlies.
Another rare pair that is just SO GOOD.
I started shipping it after that one Sonic IDW issue, and it just stuck. Silver being overwhelmed and Espio just calming him is so domestic fluff that i cant even-
They were adorable in Sonic X. Also Vector would be a cool ass dad to Cream AND Charmy.
I know ppl are gonna burn me at the stake for ranking it so low, and it probably should go a bit more up, but yeah, i like Knuxouge. Its not like my OTP, but as a bg ship, its great!
Just the duality of the same concept but diferent attitude about it.
They're both guardians on their own way, but while Blaze thinks its a burden Sonic Thinks its a blessing. The parallels are just YUMMY. And also Blaze deserves a golden retriever bf.
They were canon, okay? When i was little i remember loving them together while reading the archie comics. They were so sappy and Sonic was OOC but like, they made me happy. And that hasn't faded yet.
Again, same case as Knuxouge. I like it a lot, but its not like i'll lose my sleep over them. They are a cute canon couple!
Here we go!
Super sorry for the late reply!
Thanks for the ask!
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crusherthedoctor · 15 days
Silver T. Hedgehog?
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The fandom is so mean smh: Despite my complete lack of interest in him, I can still recognize that the Silver presented in the comics and most fanon interpretations does not line up with the Silver presented in the games.
They can't even get his eyes right.
They sure do exist: Given how I feel about Shadow, it's unsurprising that I'm even less enthusiastic about a character who was made to replicate the former's popularity. "Think Trunks" wow, such imagination
Anyway, like Shadow, I don't think he's an awful character, but... well, I just don't care about him. His time travel schtick doesn't interest me, his introduction was not a flattering one, given Sonic had to be Worf'd in order to sell this guy as the new kid on the block, and also immediately trusted Mephistopheles the Beelzebub (don't give me that "if you lived your whole life in a ruined future, wouldn't YOU trust him???" tomfoolery, you need to draw a line between making something in-character while also making it not completely asinine), and his appearances since then haven't really done much for me either. Whether he's fighting Eggman Nega AKA Original Eggman Do Not Steal, or starring in comic storylines that get praised for being tryhard and edgy (Dark Enerjak in Archie, the zombot arc in IDW), there's not a whole lot to associate with his contributions that I can give two thumbs up to. And I still don't like his design: I get what they were going for, but sometimes, things just don't translate well into their execution.
His boss fight in Generations was cool. And his moment against Infinite in Forces was great. But that's about all I can say.
(And yes, Blaze being handcuffed to him at nearly all times gives me pain.)
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beevean · 5 months
Saw some terrible takes about Silver, but it got me thinking: for all the fuss raised about how issue 63 and 64 would be centered around him, the actual events had zero bearing on what would come after. Despite the fact that everyone in the Restoration was all startled and spooked by him dropping Duo an entire life-threatening one meter (😱), everyone is totally cool with him coming right in with his daaaaaangerous powers he absolutely cannot handle responsibly lifting a whole-ass metal container around in issue 67. And not a single cool OC who needs to keep an eye on him because he's too much of a loose canon otherwise in sight! It does not decrease my suspicions that the entirety of Silver's involvement with the Duo plot was put in only as a cheap rehash of the traiter plot from Archie, but this time with a "fun" "twist" that still paints Silver as an OoC fool. And that honestly makes me peeved: of course, I'm glad they've dropped the "Silver is too irresponsible with his powers and needs to be kept an eye on" bs (for now...), but in the same vein, why include him in a story at all if he's only there to get the piss taken out of him for two issues and then continue on like nothing happened? He barely even cared about what happened with Duo anymore in the second half of issue 64, almost all his angsting there was about what his purpose of being in the past is instead! It doesn't reek of the slightest form of plot or story consistency to me.
Yeah, you're right. Lanolin made that whole fuss about kicking out Silver from the DCs because he caused nothing but trouble, but then he's still allowed to do his thing in an even more delicate environment?
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I'm sure you do. Especially when you get humiliated in front of the whole Restoration because now they believe you to be insanely dangerous to common citizens :)
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Oh look, Silver is fooling around in the warehouse, so goofy :D
hey remember when Lanolin treated him like a child because she believed that he couldn't even move some rocks
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I guess he got over that injustice very quickly, huh.
I agree with your feelings on this. I don't want to see this plotline ever again, but at the same time, it highlights how episodic and inconsistent IDW's story is. Silver had his angst time, now it's time to move on like nothing happened. Huh, the same thing happened with the MV arc.
The only one who has to continuously suffer is Whisper, I suppose :)
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fernsnailz · 1 year
Hey! Recently stumbled upon your stuff after one of my friends shared it with me and it's super cool!
I've never been terribly into Archie but seeing someone try to make sense of the lore is always fun. I'm wondering though, if the IDW characters and plotlines were introduced in Archie first and Archie just kept going, how would you incorporate them into Archie's world?
Would Tangle become a leading member of the Freedom Fighters? Would Whisper join the Secret Freedom Fighters? How would the Metal Virus play out in Archie's world? That kinda stuff! Would love to see your perspective of how it could be done
oh man um. i wrote a lot for this one LMAO SORRY
i think one big takeaway i have is that incorporating the idw plotlines and characters into post-reboot archie sonic probably wouldn’t be super difficult, especially considering some of the idw plotlines were ideas the archie writers had before the series was cancelled. the metal virus saga is the most notable of these ideas, and would probably play out in a similar way to how it did in idw if it were put in post-reboot archie (just with more characters available). there could be minor differences to the idw plots like how the freedom fighters interact with the idw cast, how silver and gold’s future shenanigans affect everything, breezie the hedgehog hosting the chao race arc, some small stuff like that.
i think the main post-reboot/idw character dynamic i would me most excited to see is between eclipse and surge (and by extension kit). they have commonality in being cruel reflections of other characters, but i doubt they would bond over it. eclipse is hellbent on destroying shadow to get revenge for his lost alien race - his destructive purpose is for reasons and people beyond him, not just for himself. surge and kit’s destruction is personal and internal, driven by grudges they were never in control of. surge wants sonic dead because she’s convinced he ruined HER life, not anyone else’s. i think eclipse would find them selfish, and surge would think eclipse is a moron. they could be at odds, which would be CRAZY ironic given their mirrors (sonic and shadow) are also usually at odds. ugh the irony of it all
however, the big challenge here is figuring out how the idw story and cast could fit into pre-reboot archie. if i tried to fit all of idw into pre-reboot i might go crazy, so i’ll just go over some concepts that interest me the most. pre-reboot ideas are below the cut because i have a lot to say <3
1. whisper is an ex-secret freedom fighter
this one feels obvious (especially since you suggested it lol), it would make sense for whisper to be a secret freedom fighter since that’s literally what she does in idw. however, i think whisper would actually stay AWAY from the freedom fighters because she lost everyone on her old team. this is an important part of her character in idw, and it would still be important here.
i think this could fit into archie if there were multiple secret freedom fighters (similar to how there are multiple freedom fighter groups, like the downunda freedom fighters). it could be interesting if whisper was a part of an older secret FF group in another location, but left the freedom fighters after everyone on it was killed. and it would be REALLY interesting if whisper’s group was ALSO formed by harvey who, and she fears the same fate might fall onto the new secret freedom fighters. idk that might be a bit of a stretch, but it could be interesting
i would want to keep the tangle and whisper dynamic, so i think both of them would reject the secret freedom fighters if they were invited and do work on their own or with jewel. it would be hilarious to see tangle talk to larry lynx tho
2. the metal virus is not robotnik's creation
the metal virus saga would be very strange to fit into pre-reboot archie because… it kinda already happened? the very long war between the mobians and robotnik was initiated by the roboticizer. archie robotnik has created touch-based roboticization before, and even brought back the roboticizer for operation clean sweep (which roboticized sally right before the reboot). so why go back to it again?
i think there are reasons to be found for robotnik returning to the roboticizer plot (especially since the metal virus is very unique in how it works). however, i think the metal virus saga could have an interesting archie take if someone other than robotnik created the virus. like what if it was created by the dark legion? maybe they wanted to come up with a way to create more robotic enhancements, but then somehow it got out of hand and broke containment. it would still be robotnik's problem since the dark legion works under him, but he would see it as an issue much faster than he would in the idw version.
or maybe it was created by doctor finitevus in a plot to take out the dark legion in the most ironic way possible? i dunno finitevus's motives are mostly just "i like being evil" so maaaybe it could work?
regardless of who created it, i think it would follow a similar format to idw where the severity of the situation would cause the entire cast to unite - ESPECIALLY if the virus reached across the multiverse. let's get zonic in here babey i miss him
this would be wild given that surge is kinda the spiritual successor to scourge. i think surge and kit should still be from mobius prime and created by dr starline (i could MAYBE argue that dr finitevus could make them, but i honestly don't know why he would). once surge and kit are on their own, it could be interesting to see them join the destructix - and then it would be great to watch them completely tear it apart.
surge and scourge Would Not Get Along. they're both green and hate sonic, but why the hell does sonic get TWO green reflections? which one is the BETTER reflection? which one is gonna be the one to finally end that little blue freak's miserable life? you can get a reflection from a mirror, but if you place two mirrors in front of each other you'll only get existential dread and a desire to beat the shit out of the other mirror.
4. idw shadow accidentally destroys the mobius 30 years later timeline (OOPS!!)
ok this one’s personal becuase the 25/30 year later future (aka light mobius) is something i Do Not Like, even after ian flynn took it over. it is a bad ending for the cast. even so, i really want the prime versions of these characters to see this fucked up future - especially shadow. and it would REALLY suck for shadow to see the light mobius future after all of his fuck-ups in the idw plot (failing to beat neo metal sonic, falling victim to the metal virus, you get the idea). time travel is an easy thing to work around writing wise, maybe my boy zonic could help them get there.
but yeah, main reason i want this is to send prime shadow through a moral crisis. a future with statues of a false deity maria and a tyrannical version of him hellbent on destroying everything would terrify prime shadow - but it wouldn't surprise him. he knows very well what previous versions of him were capable of. and given that idw shadow has some plot beats and character moments that are Not Very Good, i think it would be interesting for that version of him to get a wake up call from the horror of this awful future.
i would definitely want shadow to see light mobius, but i think it would be good to have prime sonic and possibly amy join him (sonic because he would also be horrified by light mobius, and amy because she's NOT EVEN IN THE 25/30 YEARS LATER TIMELINE??? where did she go???? did she fucking DIE??? sorry i hate light mobius lol)
this is something i've thought about even before getting this ask because i love making shadow sad. i'd love to make a comic about it some day but it's definitely too large of an idea for me to do within reason lol
there are some smaller places where i think the extensive lore of archie would benefit the idw characters, like if dr starline was from downunda and worked as one of eggman's dozen. but otherwise that's about all i have! i am so sorry i did not expect to write this much but i kept getting ideas.
thank you for your ask it was really fun to try and tie some of these wack ass plots together lmao
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forgettingpetal · 1 year
Hiiii! i don't have an roleplay blog. I have been thinking about it though. I just wanted to say I have been reading your stuff, not just on Whisper, but Celios, Silver, Uno and Eclipse! I think it so freakin cool how you find a way to connect all of their lore together! Even with fancomic characters!! SO CREATIVE!!!!
My heart bleeds for Whisper especially. Since she is kinda already on that Infinite's hit list. Now she finds out her mom gave her as an offering to some INSANE GOD????
Poor girl. OH my god. If it's okay, I had some questions about that!
Did her mom know that Heephis is Corrupted?
What prompted her to give Whisper as an offering?
Did her mom ever love her? Or was she just an offering?
Did her sister know? What about her dad?
If Trois was the eldest, why did their mom chose Whisper and not Trois? Is it bacause Whisper is half wolf, half jackal?
Does Whisper have any close friends that will help her? Or is she on her own?
Finally, who are those ADORABLE kids that she's always with? The jackal, the porcupine and i thinkkkk the last one is a bat? THEY ARE ADORBS.
I am so sorry if this is too much. You don't have to answer any of this. I just wanted you to know I ADORE YOUR CREATIVITY!
Firstly, let me just say. This made my day. Words can not express how much this whole message means to me! Seriously. I work hard on the lore for all my muses. Especially my mains which are Celios, Eclipse, Silver and Whisper! (Uno is asleep right now. But he's coming back soon ish.)
To get so much love for them, makes me so happy. I would not be in the spot I am today, were it not for taking this step and writing/rping here. I first started writing back in 2018 (Tumblr wise. My teen years I was writing on G+ and other sites)! So to know my writing is reaching people even outside the rpc, means so damn much.
Out of my muses, Silver and Whisper are the only ones that are widely known. I typically take the characters that are forgotten or are backgrounds and give them a voice and story! Eclipse lays in the tombs of Archie, I am afraid. (Thanks, Penders). And Uno was just a random jackal that was apart of Infinite's squad.
I wrote Eclipse before Uno. But I had taken a break and thanks to drama, I was unsure if I would return. It was making Uno and joining a server that @sxnicthehedgehxg i had posted about, that made me write more.
And I have met so many friends that I consider family. In fact, it was through Uno and lore writing that I met my soulmate: @sourentropy ! Who writes the Infinite and Mephiles that you often see! (And the soon to be Heephis).
It was @somewhereinchaos that awoken my desire to write Eclipse again! Seiko is a gem! As for TMOM, it was @godofev that woke my love for that comic back up and encouraged me to try Celios! Wouldn't trade them for the world now.
Now for your questions! I will write a lore post today with more details, so keep an eye out!
Yes, sadly. Her mother knew he was probs Corrupted due to being a head priestess of his temple.
I mentioned before that Whisper's parents had died. Whisper's mother beforehand was apart of a village that was slowly dying off. She went to the temple and asked for help. And offered Lotus (Whisper) as a payment.
Hmm. She did love Whisper as her daughter, yes. And there were times it showed. However, the need to protect the village was deemed more important in her mind. (Mother of the Year: NOT).
Trois did not know. Thier father only knew cause he overheard. And got angry. But they were interrupted.
Yes and no! Being a hybrid of two completely different canines had a hand in it, yes. But there was also a prophecy of Lotus' birth and how she was the ideal servant for Heephis. (will go into detail about that in a drabble).
She has plenty! Celios is very determined to save her. And I have no doubt that Sky, and Wren will do anything they can! Along with Voidstar! @galaxofmuses @the-elemental-remnants
That trio of playful and goofy kids you see are: Xavier, Max and Pogo! They are a trio of orphans Whisper met and took in! Her children! (see more about them over at @mobiankaiju ! Break and I came up with it).
tysm for this again! <3
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soranihimawari · 1 year
Between Sweets & Coffee
Osamu learns how to help a rival next door.
Pairing: chef!osamu x cafe owner! reader
Warning: meet cutes//supposed rivals->lovers
Rating: MOF (miya osamu fluff)
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“Maybe going door to door is a bad idea,” you’re on the phone with a benefactor for a new pastry shop. The grand opening is set for later this month with Valentine's Day around the corner. Considering you’re back home in Osaka and after months of trying to work with banks and investors for backing a pastry business in an already diverse culinary community was a bit tiresome, the fliers in your hands are proof that hard work does pay off.
Your co-owner is on the other line so you balance your phone on your shoulder and hear summer last minute pep-talk from them. The words of ‘your desserts are the best! don’t get too self-absorbed because I know your little bakery will do just fine.’
“Not if I’m competing with that hot chef across the street,” you sigh as your stuff fliers in the mailboxes at your apartment complex’s basement level. “Who has a line out the door for his Onigiri h o u r s before they’re open.”
Your friend reassures you you have nothing to worry about. After all, you think it might be time to give the chef across the street a good run for his money. Your friend laughs gently as you exasperatedly say you’re done with the stack. Bidding each other good night and heading home to relax before the grand opening tomorrow was all that remains. Hopefully the turn out will be great. Hopefully. 
Granted, the official opening went as smooth as anyone who runs a business goes. Well, sort of smooth, a few bumps here and there because of the coffee machine not working properly, everyone in the small (six people deep queue) had enough time to drink some homemade drip coffee. Thankfully, these were the neighbors who seemed to have adored your charm and ambitious goals, who also were your first taste testers for those delightful checkerboard cookies that were on a special at the register. Surely there were some stragglers who chose to come in for a fresh cut baguette and fruit jam sandwich with some sinisterly righteous cup of chai tea later that mid-morning, but around two in the afternoon, as you bring out some other pistachio creme dessert, you see an odd sign on the onigiri restaurant across from you. The sign had been flipped to ‘closed’ and you didn’t know if it was just for lunch or why.
Apparently, the answer was right in front of you when you rose from the glass of your dessert display–he was tall, taller than you by like a foot or so, gray silvered hair peppered in with dark roots stare right at you. He has an onigiri embroidered shirt with the kanji of his name underneath it and he folded his arms over his chest. Your cashier just laughs nervously before waving for you to switch tasks at the moment. You lock eyes with the young lady as she scampers off with an empty baking tray to the back of the prep kitchen.
You’re behind the register, noticing the long line now forming behind said ‘hot chef’ from your phone call last night. The menu is next to the register and as you nervously intake a breath, you hear him chuckle a bit. He leans over the small counter space to whisper an, “Easy there dollface,” to you and you try not to lose your cool when you greet him with the spiel you perfected earlier that day.
“Welcome to Winter’s Cafe,” you smile at your first afternoon customer. “Now, what can I get brewing for you?”
The order he makes is a small, modest one: ham and cheese sandwich with a large coffee. He pays and takes his little number card to a table as the rest of the people he brought with him (his entire line cooks and cashiers) begin their orders. The cafe was decked out in a soft orange marble swirl, a paint job you helped design with an interior designer—your shop felt like a soda fountain from a classic Archie Comic he and his brother used to read. Along the walls where accolades would hang, one in particular stands out to Osamu: it’s framed in a shadow box and upon further inspection he notices there’s a whisk inside and next to that? A series of glass knives and cleavers pique his curiosity. He is amused and enthused at how you’re balancing all the hats of an entrepreneur too.
How did Miya Osamu, the ‘hot chef’ get here? Inside your restaurant?
… for that answer let’s go back to this morning when Miya Osamu is preparing his morning notes to give out to his staff. His coffee machine had finally breathed its last, so his cooks prayed their owner and restaurant head chef had some form of caffeine before the doors would open. Regardless, they did not get their wish though Osamu had gotten more than halfway through his notes as a reminder for the FIFO labels then he mentioned he’s closing the store earlier than normal today. It was not inspection time nor was it inventory night, as pointed out by his second lead cooks.
“There is a new cafe openin’ right ‘cross from us,” Osamu rubs his temples with a slight frown. He feigns doing just fine when he drinks his water from the glass he used earlier after prep was done. “We might lose some customers, so I figure we close early an’ see what these competitors be makin’.”
The collective agreement caused your little cafe tables inside to be occupied a few hours later. As quickly as those orders came in, the first few batches of orders came out. You’re busy handing over the reigns of the register to your cashier as you read the first couple of orders aloud more so to yourself as you prepare the sandwiches amidst the sweet rolls being warmed and plated.
It is painfully obvious for a young entrepreneur to stand where you once stood as you flutter by dropping off orders left right and center. You’re efficient as all hell and when Osamu, your self-thought rival across the way, takes a bite into his sandwich, he’s immediately reminded of how his mother used to make these sometimes when he was four. The food is good, nostalgic even, as he sees his other employees unabashedly enjoy the plates you made, from the savory to the sublimely sweet. You’re only stopped a few times for his cooks to rave about your pistachio and chocolate-hazelnut croissants or your chai lattes. You bow saying how next time you’re thinking of making them into European dragons. The way his cooks’ eyes light up as if they’d order a whole half dozen has Osamu smiling into his cup. He might have to ask you to sneak some for him.
A steadier flow of customers come an hour or so later and though there are no bussers yet hired, Osamu on blind faith and a great cup of coffee now in his system, starts collecting all the dishes he and his employees had used. He doesn’t seem to be stopped by you, who now with an upturned smirk, tells him where the dish pit was in the back of the kitchen. His second and third cooks start cleaning the rest of the tables they had previously sat in as a silent, ‘thank you for the meal’ to you and your scrumptious food. Pretty soon, it was time to close your doors as well as you sit with your cashier at the booth at the end of the dessert case. You’re tallying up the first day’s riches around six in the afternoon before giving her a four percent cut of the total gross sales. It’s enough yen for her to finish paying off her culinary school semester.
“I’m going to need a really strong pastry intern this year, what do you say?” you offer as the cashier hugs you profusely thanking you for the opportunity. She goes and turns in her little time card to you for filing purposes; she exits with her bag slung over her shoulder whistling a happier tune when you catch a glimpse of her cousin waiting for her at the street corner by the combini store. 
Considering how quiet the restaurant had become, Osamu comes out of the kitchen swinging doors, drying his hands and you, not realizing he was still there, you scream at his presence.
“Ack!! You’re still here!?” 
“Yeah,” he chuckles as he sees you try to breathe normally. “Seemed like you needed a dishwasher tonight.”
He apologizes for giving you a fright, but you shake your head offering him a seat next to you.
“Well, it was the grand opening and I only had one cashier show up… did you put away everything where I can reach?”
Cloud gray eyes stare curiously at you as he ponders, he tells you to hold that thought as you hear some equipment making it to the prep table in the back. You laugh to yourself amused when he comes back out to talk for a little while. You’re going over the numbers of the day and it’s then that you deflate a bit after you sign and date the restaurant book. 
“And what about the other cooks?” he sees ‘hire sous’ on your to-do list. “Don’t ya have any?” 
“Believe it or not, it’s just me,” you smile. “These are family recipes I perfected before trying to commercialize them, so no. No other cooks until I can afford them. I’m practically broke even after this grand opening business.”
You half smile at the taller guy to your right, thanking him for telling his friends to come over to give you that afternoon boost. You curl a hand under your chin and look at the shadow box whisk.
“Want to hear how I got that whisk?”
And so you ramble off on a story of how your first culinary teacher was your elementary school’s lunch lady. When the lady retired when you were nineteen about to go off into the university of your choice, you were handed the whisk with the advice of, “even whipping cream needs a little time to breathe.” You confide in your unofficial dishwasher that for the life of you now you can’t tell if the lady was really sage or old age made her say some funky stuff.
It’s then when Osamu begins to take notice at how you look: you’ve got some dark circles forming under your eyes, your jeans looked well loved, but almost tattered, your best looking shirt is covered in ganache from this morning, and the dirt under your nails came from using the citrus zester for the lemon meringue cookies from two hours ago. You’re exhausted, probably by now, considering how creased your shoes are and for someone who just moved to Osaka, you looked..proud. Proud, according to his mother, is what she was of both of her children. Osamu is proud to be a chef just as much as his twin is proud of continuing to play volleyball. 
“I know ya might think this is a bit too forward o’ me, but,” Osamu straightens up and turns a quarter of the way to shake your hand. “The name’s Miya Osamu.”
Taking his hand with a curt scoff before a more natural smile takes over your gorgeous face, “YLN,YN.”
He’s still holding your hand after you have shaken it, an idea bursts in his head. “Hey, YN, I know ya just got off yer shift, but would ya like to come over to my place for dinner? I heard there’s this onigiri guy across the street that makes some of the best in the city.”
You glance over his shoulder, read the neon lights of the name of the restaurant, then glance back at the eyes of the young man in front of you. You seemed to be the same age, yet you can’t for the life of you help what the masters of the red string of fate had pulled to get you and Osamu together like this. You’re smiling a bit though before you cheekily inquire if he’s asking as, “Miya Osamu,” or if he’s asking you as “Onigiri owner and head chef, Miya Osamu.” Both of which, you clarify, you do not mind, stating that for now, you’re only interested in simply Miya Osamu. 
So, if you ever find yourself in the city of Osaka late in the afternoon, be sure you stop by Miya Onigiri if you’re looking for the best onigiri in town or take a break right across the street at Winter’s Cafe, where the cakes this season are literally a love story waiting to begin.
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biscuitdetective · 9 months
I wanna know your answers for Pokémon fandom meme too!!
The first character I first fell in love with: Eevee! I remember being a kid back when Pokémon was the hot new thing and thinking I was too cool to get into it (because I just wanted to be contrary or something I don’t know) but then I saw Eevee and that was it. Eevee is my favourite to this day.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Uh probably the whole human cast of ScaVi because I remember not liking any of the pre-release screenshots at all. Also as a kid I really disliked Silver and used to give him embarrassing silly names but when I got older I realised he was very cute.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I never really got the hype about N but that was mainly because I was really obsessed with Cheren in BW instead lol. I haven’t played those games since they came out so I’ve been meaning to replay them and see if I feel different.
The character I love that everyone else hates: I don’t know how hated he is but I remember a lot of people saying Cheren was really annoying and it made me sad.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: can’t think of anyone.
The character I would totally smooch: I would smooch all of my Pokémon on top of their cute heads.
The character I’d want to be like: I want to be able to make my trainer look like Ilima. It makes me so mad that you can’t even in the games where you can dress up. I think he’s mega cute… otherwise I don’t really know.
The character I’d slap:  Not sure. The Pokémon are doing the slapping but they only slap other Pokémon.
A pairing that I love: I used to really ship Cheren with Black when I was playing it because I thought it was cute how obsessed he was with battling the player character…there was also a brief moment I was really into Archie and Maxie. I don’t think I’m that invested in any ship right now though.
A pairing that I despise: -big shrug-
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gojixyz69 · 1 year
Hi, so this is something I wanted to do and now I'm gonna do it so here we go.
Goku Vs. Sonic a matchup that's one of the well knowun ones and it was one of my favorites and even though it longer isn't I still like it, but one problem I have is when a lot of people say Sonic would win and some say easily and even I do think Archie Sonic would easily beat Goku, I don't game Sonic could and so that's why I decided to explain why Goku would beat game Sonic and I will be using game Sonic so no Archie or Fleetway and as for Goku I will be using the DBS Manga so no anime feats only manga, so let's begin.
Now let me start by saying that Sonic is faster than Goku, but that deosn't mean Sonic can speedblitz Goku for you see after future Zeno destoryed Future Trunks' timeline Zeno destroyed the universe and timeline since we do see a time ring vanish, this means that when Goku came back he was in a void where there's no time and space and yet Goku was able to get Zeno which means Goku's speed is inaccessible
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And not to meantion that Goku has instant transmission whitch would help and yes instant transmission isn't speed, but it still can help against Sonic.
Now let's get in to power and strenght, now people use the Solaris and Time Eater feat by saying sonce Sonic defeated both of them this means his multiversale, but there are two problems the first being that Sonic didn't do it alone, he needed help in the case of Solaris Shadow and Silver and with Time Eater Classic Sonic helped him, in both of those cases Sonic didn't defeat them alone he needed help and also even though Solaris and Time Eater are pretty powerful they do have a weakness that being there core, now yes you may that it doesn't matter but actually it does, haveing a weakness or a weak spot means that they can be beaten easily, like for example Superman, Superman's greatness weakness is kryptonite and even though he has godlike abillities he can still be beaten by a human or anyone who uses kryptonite like for example Batman, Lex Luther, Doomsday, etr. but yeah if somethings extremely powerful it doesn't mean it can't be beaten easily and now yes I what your going to say "oh that's just Superman, Solaris and Time Eater have no weaknes and are extremely powerful so why are you saying this?" Well here's the thing they do more specifically a weak spot that being the core
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Both Solaris and Time Eater have a weak spot that can be used to exploit and sure may that both are still pretty powerful, but like I sead if they have a weak spot they can be beaten easily and Sonic needed help against both of them and that's evem meantoning that Sonic and Elise needed to go back in time to destroy the Solaris flame to erase it, so yeah in short Sonic didn't defeat Solaris and Time Eater alone and they both have weak spots whitch would make it easier and alos that even meantoning that Solaris could be a glasscanon meaning that is powerful but it isn't that durable and problebly even the Time Eater.
As for Goku he fought opponets how can destroy planets, galaxis and even universe, that for example when Super Boo screamed so loud that he could have destoryed the universe
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And also when Goku was fighting against Beerus flr the first time in his Super Saiyan God form there fight was able to send shock ways that reached heaven and the kaioshin realm whitch be the way both exist out side the macrocosom and Goku did this while he was tired and if the battle gone any longer there fight would deatroy the universe
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And that's when Goku using SSG for the first time since then he's gotten way stronger and powerful and thanks to his saiyan heritedge he can become stronger and adapt and not to meantio he has techniches that can help him and yes Sonic does have cool and powerful moves especially in Sonic Frontiers, but still Goku has multiple techniches and hax like hakai and not to meantion that in the manga Goku can use Ultra Insticnt at will and has gotten bettwr with it.
Also just want to throught some stuff out of they way, Sonic's Super form has a time limit on how much rings Sonic has whitch can be knock out and also just want to meantion that Sonic beating Chaos and Dark Gaia aren't impresive that Solaris and Time Eater since Chaos and Dark Gaia are both planet leve. While Goku fought people who are galaxy level and universal like Goku Black and Jiren and others.
So in conclusion Goku would beat Sonic because he has the strenght, power, hax, dueability and experince. Now I will this isn't a easy win it can even be a close one, but I still do think Goku would beat Sonic.
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brucenorris007 · 1 year
*spin kicks through a window*
Hi, hello, officials of SEGA, I am me:
I understand that there’s a reluctance to bring back the Freedom Fighters in any real capacity, let alone putting them in any games. And that’s fair. Integrating the Archie cast back into things after the-at least two-reboots failed to salvage the comics would be... difficult, for a number of reasons
That being said, I do have a proposal for a fairly tidy method of introducing the characters back into the canon:
Establish the Acorn monarchy as an authority in Blaze’s dimension. I have thoughts on the fact that Blaze is apparently sometimes referred to as Her Highness despite wielding considerably more autonomy than one would expect of a monarch, even monarchs we’ve seen in the games before; the idea that her standing as royalty was given to her as a title of sorts to bestow that autonomy to, for instance, travel to Sonic’s dimension for things as relatively trivial as his birthday, would be interesting
Obviously visiting her friends wasn’t the original idea for her use of that agency when it’s given to her; it exists more so that she can efficiently perform her role as the guardian of her dimension and the Sol Emeralds. And that creates a cool contrast to Sonic, her counterpart. Sonic’s agency stems from being Some Guy beholden to nobody but himself. Blaze’s agency stems, at least somewhat, from the authority given to her.
Could also bring back rogues from Archie for the Kingdom and the FF to handle separate from Blaze, occasionally calling on her for aid should the need arise. The power struggle between Ixis and the Acorn family would fit better in such a setting, and Blaze is halfway a magic girl anyway.
I seem to remember that part of Blaze’s initial resistance to befriending and/or relying on others was born from injuring people with her fire at a young age before she learned to control it. Could add another source of tension in the relationships she has with people if one of the people she injured was Sally, or Sally’s friend/bodyguard, Antoine.
Who knows what else could be done. It’d bring back characters a lot of fans miss, and also provide the chance to flesh out Blaze as a character and her standing in her dimension separate from Sonic or Silver.
That’s all I have for your consideration. Good day.
*power slides through a locked door*
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themetalvirus · 2 years
What's your favorite piece of sonic lore?
OH my god how can i pick just ONE
off the top of my head i'm very fond of shadow eating raw coffee beans with a spoon
as for in-universe mechanics, i love that the super genesis wave is something that can happen. it's so cool to see what the chaos emeralds can do - they really are limitless in their power, all you have to do is think it and it's yours as long as you have the willpower. and the endurance. also i like that they're implied to be partially sentient. i like how fucked up the chaos emeralds are they're so fucked up. it's so fun. i ❤️ chaos mechanics / magic stuff <3 (ive said this before but i also love discord's magic in mlp for similar reasons, i am Obsessed with this kind of world shattering magic lore cuz it lends itself so well to creativity)
hmm. my favorite pieces of lore to share with people who aren't sonic fans are "shadow had a sister that was shot to death by the government in space and also he's part alien" AND "the birds are aliens"
i like otherworldly stuff. can you tell
uhh lemme see. i love thinking about silver's chaos powers and how they work and making up arbitrary rules for them for funsies. ykw i really do thing my favorite aspect of sonic lore is the superpowers implied (and in some canons [like archie] outright stated) to be chaos-based, and the other powers that chaos can lend people, and how tikal is in the master emerald and she just lives there, and shadow having a specific organ in his body just for chaos control, GOD i love this shit dude. i fucking love it
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true-blue-sonic · 2 years
HI HI BLUE!!! Imagine with me: Espilver is a thing for a year and a half now, they are at the Chaotix's house (or agency or whatever) preparing a snack like two lovebirds and *bah* Gold walks in (actually she was pretty discreet and silent in open the door, but I like dramatize) and say "Guys, I need an advice", so Espio and Silver glance at her and murmur gently a "hm" and she "I got called on a date and... I said yes" and so Silver lets out a high-pitched squeal of joy that mean "OMG, MY SISTER HAVE A DATE!!! *Happy and proud cries*" that quickly makes room for two bugged eyes and a gaping mouth that mean "OMG, MY SISTER HAVE A DATE!!!! *WORRIED AND NERVOUS YELLS*" While Espio is calmly thinking on good advices....
What happens later? Does Silver manage to calm down and give an advice? Or he is hyperventilating in the background while Espio advises? Or does him vary from one state to the other? I don't know, I just woke up and *pop* ... And I have so little friends who like Sonic, even less that ships Espilver and none that have interest at the post-SGW Archie Sonic issues
Anyway I loved your "New Beginnings" and I loving "Genesis"
Hello~! ^-^ Espilver preparing a snack like two lovebirds: did you mean “the entirety of Flufftober” :3 Awww, Gold’s gotten asked on a date! The big question of course is: by whom? No matter who it is, Silver would be incredibly proud of her, especially for accepting🍀 (Of course, this accepting probably was something along the lines of *Gold gets asked* *Gold immediately panics and blurts out a yes because her brains short-circuited and now she’s going on a date, oops* but those are details Silver does not need to know.😂)
I think our hedgie will start out super enthusiastically, bouncing all around her and all but chatting her ears off with questions (who, where, why, what is she planning, what is her date planning, what will she be wearing, where will they be going, etc. etc.) while Espio waits more patiently in the background until the whole slew of inquiries has calmed down a little, haha. And then after that the protective little brother mode Silver also has will burst through and make him start fussing more worriedly, but surely Espio can talk him out of that before poor Gold has a nerve-induced mental breakdown which is only made worse by all the worst-case scenarios Silver is thinking about. I do think Silv and Es could give a pretty decent date advice, though! Just the usual things like ‘be yourself and do what makes you comfortable’, stuff along those lines. But rest assured Silver will be on the front lines to ensure this date is the Absolute Best Most Amazing And Cool Date Ever... Espio might need to reel him in a little there, lest he gets overbearing. Though, no matter who Gold is going on a date with, I’m sure she’ll find herself having fun in the end! ^-^
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beevean · 10 months
I'm absolutely betting money with you, sadly enough. And you are right that this also seems like a revamped and reused Archie plot, wherein Silver indeed accused members of the Freedom Fighters left and right with the crappiest evidence to go on. That panel of Sonic dragging him along the ground by his quills to a comatose Antoine in the hospital because Silver made such a fool of himself still puts a bad taste in my mouth :/ And he didn't even get to the correct person all by himself!
But I had at least a *little* bit of hope that Silver would be let down easily by the other Diamond Cutters (you know, in a "we appreciate you are worried but nothing is pointing towards it, but we'll look into it to ease your mind" supportive kind of way), but you are right in that everything is shaping up to be a cringefest of the highest order. Tangle's been heavily put through the mangle already in the past few issues, so a few crude and assholish foot-in-mouth comments from her are basically a given. Maybe Whisper is going to lose her temper and yell at him to show just how badly he screwed up, because the audience knows really bad things are happening when Whisper is yelling! And Lanolin seems bossy and authoritative enough to demand he leaves because the Diamond Cutters know better and whatever. And the worst part is fans *will* run with this interpretation of Silver's character to further shape him as Innocent Cinnamon Roll, Look At Him He's Got No Social Skills!! And it's not even something I disagree with (since Silver jumping to conclusions and being bossy did use to be part of his character), but not in a way where you know it'll just be used to make fun of him as opposed to creating good character interactions or growth. It just such an undignified, mocking way to present a character who to me is not at all cinnamon roll-like, but honorable and just.
Just... ugh. I'm glad I can air my grievances here, even if my hopes for an actual fun two issues about Silver are burying themselves right into the bedrock right now. (Sorry for the long essay!)
I feel your pain :\ if I were to make a list of the canon characters that got mangled in IDW, Silver would probably be fourth, behind Sonic, Shadow and Eggman. Not only he got turned into a round-eyed excitable babyboy ripe for mocking (hello Sonic calling him Flatware with a sarcastic bow), but now he's really going to be treated like an idiot both by the characters and the narrative :\
After how much of a killjoy Lanolin was towards Tangle in #61, she's absolutely going to snap at Silver and be a total ass to him, mark my words. And sure, why not, even more Whisper losing her cool, it's not like she literally screams and cry everytime she stubs her toe now.
You're right that Silver jumping to conclusions was part of his character. You can see the transformative process going from '06 (where it was the whole reason he briefly opposed Sonic but he was also capable of questioning himself), to Archie (where he's apparently such an annoying prick that even Sonic has enough of him, charming) to IDW (where he's just a dumb cinnamon roll). In Archie, I can assume that this portrayal was due to how unpopular Silver was at the time... but I can believe that in IDW they really think they're appealing to his fans because hey, they want Blorbo Silver!
Glad you feel comfortable to rant here ^^ eh, at least the Espilver annual was nice.
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 year
sonic dash character wishlist for fun lol
and I guess this also could apply to Speed Battle, but yeah idk I just had this thought and it seemed fun. Tried to keep it reasonable, as in didn’t do Archie characters because christ.
every exclusive character in Speed Battle and vice versa - kind of a no brainer there, just kinda have everyone that’s in Speed Battle only get in Dash. Your Gawains, Super Shadows, Chaos, Tikals, Eggmans, every fucking variant of every character ever in existence, several more, yeah. And vice versa because sure fuck it Speed Battle can have Pirate Sonic and Captain Shadow.
Super Silver - like we already have Super Sonic and movie Super Sonic and then Speed Battle has Super Shadow so you know, round out the trilogy. And give us what I believe would be Super Silver’s 2nd game appearance ever? Would be cool.
Burning Blaze - we do have more Super forms than the literal Super forms! Give Burning Blaze some love she’s been MIA since 2007 and the world needs her.
Lamorak and Galahad - so Gawain is only in Speed Battle and Dash+ for Apple Arcade atm but it’s easy to assume he’ll make it into main Dash and then we’ll have all the playable knights from Black Knight. But only the single player. So yo give us Lamorak and Galahad too, round out the collection, would give Jet and Silver more alts, would be cool, you know, the usual stuff.
Emerl and Gemerl - putting 2 for one here because would just be reskins anyway, but fuck it why not, right? More cool robot characters. I could maybe pass on Emerl since canonically dead but tbf for a mobile game without a story that shouldn’t really matter, but either way there’s no excuse for Gemerl give my man a chance.
Classic Tails, Knuckles and Amy - Classic Sonic is in these games but these other characters despite having been featured in recent classic media are not. Add them, like, fuck it right?
Mighty and Ray - and while we’re on the classic train these dudes came back and got in Mania yo! And if they’re stuck to be considered classic characters only then whatever I’ll cope but yo throw them in the funny mobile game.
Fang, Bean and Bark - same as above actually, though with less emphasis because they didn’t get to be playable in Mania and also I do not like them as much.
Marine - tons of people want this dead character to return and I say fuck it why not, a harmless mobile game appearance could be fun.
Sticks - seems to have been adopted into modern canon anyway with the reference in Frontiers plus recent Sonic Channel artwork and stuff so hey put her in Dash, give her more time in the limelight.
every Boom variant of the rest of the cast - I’d be less bothered to get this than Sticks since she’s actually a new character but still would be fun, make Dash and Speed Battle even more kinda comprehensive in their collection of characters from across the franchise.
at least Riders Sonic - see I was playing Jet in Dash for the hell of it because I just pick whoever and I thought “god extreme gear is cool” and it made me think “huh they could put Riders Sonic in this game as a variant and give him his board and stuff” and actually that’s what inspired this entire post lol. It’s “at least” because if you’re gonna do Riders Sonic you may as well do Riders Tails and Knuckles and Shadow and Amy and so on and so on
Zik, Zomom and Zor - yeah I don’t really like the Deadly Six but the other 3 are in Speed Battle and in this hypothetical world get into Dash so you know, may as well actually complete the Six part of the Deadly Six.
Surge and Kit maybe? - I’m less sure about this one because frankly I don’t really like either of these characters that much but yk, Tangle and Whisper already made it so IDW precedent is there, and Surge especially people do seem to like a lot. Could just throw them in and it would be neat like yeah.
Movie Shadow and Movie Super Shadow - like honestly if there’s anyone on this list that I fully expect will make it into the game it’s these, but it’ll have to wait until movie 3 actually comes out so like lol. But hey just mentioning them ahead of time because then I get to claim I predicted it and everyone will call me badass and a gamer.
the Chao lmao - I think it’d be funny if you could play as Chao in Sonic Dash lol. Just do like Cheese and a Hero Chao and a Dark Chao and maybe the three Chaos Chao variants, are we pushing this out of the realm of possibility yet?
some more robotic Sonics - Neo Metal Sonic because fuck it it’s an alternate form he has that why not have in a silly mobile game. Mecha Sonic and Mecha Sonic mk.II (aka Silver Sonic and Mecha Sonic lmao) both appeared in Lego Dimensions and then respectively appeared in some toyline and the IDW comics respectively so like sure SEGA haven’t forgotten they exist. So put them in Sonic Dash for the fun of it!!!!!!!!
okay yeah I think that’s all I’ve got right now. List definitely got a bit sillier and me less passionate about some of the characters as we got further down but idk I think this could be neat. That’s it end post.
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un-pearable · 1 year
top 5 archie sonic characters (yes this includes archie iterations of any of the normal game cast + preboot/postboot) & top 5 ninjago seasons (as far as you have gotten, obviously)
ah the Hard Questions… love them all for varying reasons and very much need to do my own reread (so this is basically a ‘who i’m looking forward to most (definitely not influenced by your commentary)’ list) but as of now:
1. antoine. i have no good justification for this but i adore the arc postreboot was setting him up for and have a very different perspective on his early sucky bits now. he’s fun. he’s funny. he’s lame and i like him a lot. bunnie ily2 but you’re objectively a Good Character and i am legally only allowed to become unreasonably attached to bad ones. sorry queen
2. shard. expected. i am not original. mvp. i am sitting in approximately 4k of fic outlines about this guy no matter what fandom i’m in he has his own corner of my brain
3. sonic himself. all of him but especially those last few arcs pre reboot. i have ages of stuff to say about that era of sonic and far too much investment in the fact that he’s the only one who fully remembers everything… mr the hedgehog i miss you.
4. nicole <3 <3 <3 <3
5. tie in no particular order: bunnie and sally (so interesting and poorly treated but awesome they’re unrankable) mina. honey. hope kintobor my beloved. silver. espio. fiona x1,000,000. scourge. julie-su. post enerjak arc knuckles. finitevus. i could go one for ages just listing people. elias sneaking on the list in a revolutionary shake up. hello Guy
ninjago seasons… once again i am Bad At Ranking bc i love them all for different reasons but as of partway-through-s9:
1. season 4. fave since the beginning. this season has had multiple lines stand the test of time as a injoke with my brothers despite not watching the show for years and it’s still solid and fun and ridiculous. perfect combination of ninjago traits. the metric for which i compare most of the series to
2. season 1. i adore the season 1 ninja and their arcs and am notoriously annoyingly canon compliant and thus i love origin stories to much. none of this is surprising considering how the time travel shuffle au works agshdjdn. caveat being that i like s1 more and more taking into account later retcons but still
3. season 5 and 6 are tied for being the most polished and interesting ones and both of which i could talk about for HOURS despite neither being about my faves. astounding. messy. ninjago finally hit its sweet spot and then immediately lost its mind and i cannot choose between them bc skybound’s appeal lies most in how much it shakes up the status quo that possession absolutely nailed. both absolutely fascinating character wise even if they didn’t explore them to their fullest and i stand by that.
4. season 2. it’s a sitcom. it’s painfully obvious how much garmadon Does Not Want To Do This. it’s infuriating. i like the zx armor. peak ninjago experience
5. see the problem is all the other seasons have pieces i like and pieces i want to tear apart and figure out why the hell they thought that was a good idea. however if i need to pick one i think the most about season 3: pixal. space. absolutely terrible pacing. even more ridiculous worldbuilding. death. what more do you need (pixal to get a full arc pixal to get to be plot relevant pixal to get to explore morality pixal pixal more space ngl there’s a lot of cool dumb stuff they could do there and you know who could be there? pixal. i rest my case)
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.16--Episodes 12-13
I have watched through S2E13; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for those further behind than I am.
—Rumple von Stiltskin, what an idiot *affectionately*
—I still love Dr. Frankenstein’s world being in black and white. I also love that Rumplestiltskin is in full color when he visits. Also, those red clothes are fine.
—I’m sure they were chosen in a process similar to how Judy Garland’s slippers for the Wizard of Oz were changed from silver to red to show off the new color technology. Red does look so lovely on camera, especially when it’s saturated off its ass.
—Goshdarnit, Hook isn’t dead. He would’ve had it coming.
—Also, a guy this slimy? I don’t really believe that he could experience true love. First of all, who would fall for him? Second, has he ever felt a genuine emotion in his entire life?
—The paramedics that showed up to the crash site bring up an interesting point. Have some of Storybrooke’s residents gone through the proper training to become paramedics, nurses, doctors, etc., since their memories were returned, or are they just running on the memories of when they were programmed by the curse to do those jobs? Someone (I think it was Regina) even mentioned sarcastically a couple of episodes ago that Archie’s psych degree was given to him by the curse. Or if Archie breaks his glasses, is there anyone in town who has a clue how to fix them? Or if a glasses wearer needs a new prescription? And regardless of their capability, there’s no way any of the businesses in this town are entirely legal.
—I feel terribly for Belle. Sneezy had his life as a pharmacist to revert to when he lost his memories of being a dwarf. Belle has nothing to remember but being locked in the basement for twenty-eight years.
—She broke the cup! *is emotionally damaged*
—Dr. Frankenstein has somehow become a compelling and tragic character. I didn’t really care about him before, but now I want to see him get back to his brother. Also, if he and Red dated, I don’t think I would completely hate that. They kinda vibe together.
—If people who aren’t in the book (such as Frankenstein) got cursed, could we have Mary Poppins show up?
—I love that there was some shade about Frankenstein being the name attached to the monster, rather than the guy, in the collective human consciousness.
—Regina’s mausoleum office is phat. I mean, it was cool before, when it was in the mayoral building or whatever, but it gets extra points for being underneath a tomb.
—Anton is a really sweet guy. And I don’t blame him for being down on humans; I kinda hate humans sometimes too. And humans didn’t trick me into accidentally leading them to my house so they could kill my entire family and steal from me.
—Fricking Jack being from Wonderland burns me. And to have her be the person who killed the Jabberwock? She’s not worthy of such an honor. That poem was epic.
—I love that Anton’s got the dwarves to hang out with now. Also, Tiny being his dwarf name got me right in the feels.
—The oldest brother (at least I assume he was the oldest) was that big orderly—I think his name was Jerry?—from ER. Which is also a great show (at least until the last couple of seasons; then it kinda sucks).
—Mr. Gold Goes To The Airport™ was an awfully distressing segment. He can’t use magic; he almost forgot who he was; he has no clue about planes or airport security…it was terrible. Also, he’s right—having to take off your shoes is uncivilized. Bit of a side note, but I’ve never flown before, and I’m pretty sure I would also freak out if I ever do.
—I appreciate that Emma is being, if not quite nice, then understanding. She’s very brusque, but she’s a good person, and for someone often lacking in tact she’s pretty compassionate.
—Mr. Gold promising to look after Emma and Henry (for Charming) while they’re on their not-so-fun quest was nice. Even if he was kind of salty about it, his expression reflected that he was thinking of his own kid, which is exactly the right kind of human touch to give him.
—Charming’s brother was a proper asshole. A philandering, overindulgent, two-faced, thieving man-child. There is no redeeming quality there.
—Snow having a modern bow in Storybrooke amuses me. That, and the fact that she likes life or death adventures. She’s nuts *adoringly* I also love that she would rather stay in Storybrooke with Emma than go back to the fairytale world.
—I don’t trust the new guy. He’s going to ruin everything.
—It’s an interesting take to have Belle being essentially institutionalized for thinking she saw magic….IN A TOWN THAT IS LITERALLY MAGIC. It’s like if that Oz followup movie where Dorothy was in the asylum was set in Oz, and they were all trying to gaslight her because she lost her memories.
—At least it seems plausible that Mr. Gold might eventually get to see his son again at some point. That and Anton getting to be a lil bit happy are the two wins from these episodes.
Depending on whether or not I watch the Andor premiere tomorrow, I may not have time for OUAT. Also, Thursday I have an evening obligation to go to, so I probably won’t be able to watch OUAT then either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but sad.
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