#archetypal archivist
wolfythewitch · 4 months
I desire your opinions: top 5 best fruits.
Mango, grape, coconut, pear, orange
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targaros · 2 months
Hello Pebbles! The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
I am aware.
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ask-suns-pup · 6 months
I come bearing questions! Sun, have you eaten enough stuff yet to have preferences on flavors or textures? And Spearmaster, do you... taste things? When you eat?
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
Hellooo! You asked for Hermit Tommy questions, I have come to deliver.
Given that we got ourselves a King Ren on the server and half a dozen other Ren clones running around in the background of other previous seasons, has Tommy ever met any of them? What was his reaction?
Also, has Cleo ever made an armor stand duplicate of Tommy? Has he seen it? What was it of- him just standing around, him being eaten by an armor stand monster, him slaying something and being the biggest of men?
1. I'm sincerely torn between whether Tommy would resist the king or 100% be on the king's court lmfao (honestly I think if Ren let him do whatever he wants he would definitely be on the court. Imagine him in those shades)
2. I'd say Tommy has met a Ren clone at least once. I'm leaning towards Renbob just because he was a big name at the end of season 7 (the season Tommy "joined")
3. Cleo tried to teach Tommy armour stand magic in season 7! It didn't really work. (<- Tommy never pays attention) But she did make him a statue with lots of muscles for his first birthday with Hermitcraft. It stands (ha) outside of his Cobble Keep on a cobble pedestal (and if Cleo happened to steal some of his likeness for civilians running away from a big monster in later seasons, he hasn't made a fuss about it yet)
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silverskye13 · 5 months
What about Tanguish (other than his bravery in the face of death and his kindness) is Helsknight (begrudgingly) fond of?
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You asked me why I love you and I said "I don't know"
And I could tell that you were disappointed with that answer
So I carried on--
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
Consider- telling Jade you 'wanna get bread' (bred), waiting a moment, then asking for the location of the nearest bakery. Thoughts?
He's not quite stupid enough to fall for it, but he is enough of an asshole to play into your game. You're not finishing your sentence as he takes you to the nearest room with a lockable door and breeds you silly 🥰
You asked after all! What else was he supposed to do, just leave you be? Anyways, since you want to be bred so bad, how many kids should he give you?
Oh, did you also want bread from that nearby bakery? He needs to make sure his newly bred partner is fed nice and well so that your children grown big and healthy!
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isa-ghost · 2 years
Love a protagonist dude who's just trying his best. Trying to get through the day. Didn't ask for the drama. Everyone blames him for the shit going on, everyone hates him for reasons he can't control, that aren't his fault. Except One Very Important person who thinks the world of him. He's just always going through it. Sometimes he's a little pathetic. Sometimes he decides he's had enough and gets pissed off and it's hot to watch him grow a spine for a moment. He's traumatized beyond saving. You feel bad for him and you wanna scoop him up and let him know SOMEONE has faith in him. Just the most blorbo guy ever.
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merakiui · 2 months
Jade should be allowed a treat? What sort of treat would be best for the Jade~? And really, just one? How stingy! Darling Jade should be spoiled I say... So long as he's been a good eel, of course. Has he been good? And how about a little incentive to make it worth his while~ <3
HMMMM,,,, is he truly deserving of a treat? He did just murder someone in the recent DRU update. T_T I don't want to spoil such a bad behavior!!!! >:( he should be jailed for his crimes!!!!
But also,,,, I've been itching to finish another fwb Jade story. Maybe that version of Jade is owed a treat. <3
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Ingo shouldn’t be getting kidnapped by Bowser.
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1863-project · 3 days
I am pleased that you exist. If you like, please continue existing. :)
Ah, thank you! I'll do my best to!
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Retrograde Revision 3: Archivist
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(art by suomar on DeviantArt)
Another case of bards in name only, today we’re looking at an archetype that is essentially a librarian.
Described as being “bards that eschew the dramatic aspects of their training”, that need not necessarily be the case, as archivists could easily have gained their arcane/occult magic by studying the body of work under their care rather than having gone to any bardic college.
Either way, they are still associated with academia, and may have a personal history as a scholar first.
The badass librarian has been a thing in recent decades, so whether they are archivists or scientists doing field work, these brilliant minds can prove how effective their stores of knowledge are both on and off the battlefield.
This archetype feels like a first pass at a non-loremaster knowledge-based character, the sort of thing that would evolve later into the overall vibe of the investigator class, so it’s interesting to see where it got it’s start.
Rather than inspire bravery in others, archivists instead focus on providing running commentary and guidance on how to fight the creatures they and their allies are currently facing. While they have to identify them first, doing so gives their allies an offensive and defensive buff against them as they point out vulnerabilities and limitations in the subject’s attack and defense.
Whether it be supernatural boredom or the sheer crushing weight of their focus on minutiae, these archivists can wax technical on a subject to daze or confuse those under the effects of one of their “fascinating” lectures (how fascinating they actually are may vary.” Later on, they can even affect whole crowds this way.
Predating the skald ability of the same name, these archivists know so much that they are true lore masters, able to recall incredible amounts of information on a topic a few times per day.
Additionally, their magical lore makes them better suited to identifying magic items, disabling magical traps, and recognizing magical runes in time to better brace themselves against their effects.
Furthermore, they also demonstrate proficiency with all skills, which only grows over time.
More powerful archivists are so knowledgeable that they can predict a possible outcome and occasionally take the most average result on any sort of activity, including when attacking and resisting, which can be useful in an emergency.
The archivist, with it’s eventual ability to treat every single skill as a class skill, as well as taking 10 often and 20 a few times per day at a low level, has the potential to be the arguably best skill monkey in the game. The base combat performance providing both an offensive and defensive buff against identified foes is also very nice, though the ability to daze or confuse foes that are already fascinated is of dubious unsability, since most situations in which you’d fascinate, you’re trying to avoid combat, and it’s not clear how confusion and daze work in regards to keeping people fascinated when they might start punching each other. Beyond that, however, I recommend spell and feat choices that help you have an at least partial answer to any situation you come across. Damage spells with a variety of types, utility spells, debuffs, buffs, you name it.
The nature of their ability to debuff foes they fascinate might give some the assumption that they are boring or dry lecturers, but that doesn’t have to be the case. It could be that their passionate diatribes are simply bewildering to others, and you can certainly portray them as being passionate about many a subject.
A mystic prank goes wrong when a bookish student cast a forbidden spell to get back at his classmates, and now they are all stuck inside a demiplane centered around the most popular tabletop board game in the school. Experienced adventurers are needed to enter the game’s world, master the rules, and rescue the students.
Palanz Whisperwind has never seen any of the monsters he’s spent his whole life studying. In need of a change of pace, he hires a party of adventurers to escort him on this field study. Putting up with his incessant droning and condescending attitude may drive the party up the wall, though.
The secret name of Falrax, the demon lord of night, is hidden in the secret archives of the Library of Thoumous Rang. Getting to the repository, however, will prove difficult, as the gynosphinx archivist Written Conundrum is loath to allow the ignorant and uninitiated to touch her tomes, even if the fate of the world is on the line.
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altraviolet · 4 months
What are your top 5 favorite fruits?
hah! an unexpected question
banana, before I found out I was intolerant :(
avocado, before I found out I was intolerant :(
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izartn · 1 year
Hey, was Noé from Auvergne? Bc that's where Lestat is from. Mochizuki Jun, señora, I know you watched the IWTV film but did you read the books too? Are you watching the new TV series? Is Louis de Sade name an homage?!?! Just a min.
OK, so yes it's Auveroigne in Altus, which the vampire counterpart to the historical province. In the wiki, in Noé page says:
Averoigne is a fictional counterpart of a historical province in France, detailed in a series of short stories by the American writer Clark Ashton Smith.[1] The province is considered "the most witch-ridden in the entire country. The location is frequently used in Smith's stories as well as his close friends'.
One of the main themes tackled in the stories of Averoigne is vampires. The forests of Averoigne are said to be infested with vampires as well as werewolves.
Which means that Mochijun, who has done her research very well for Case Study of Vanitas, would likely have come across this (which seems to be the kind of stories that also got Anne Rice to choose Auvergne for Lestat???) but given that Mochijun has also said (the translation of that interview is somewhere in my vnc tag) that she watched IWTV and all the multiple references to other vampires and Gothic stories and fairy tales scattered in Vanitas I wouldn't put it pass her to put Auveroigne as a wink.
Also here you have the Wikipedia for Averoigne.
I am obssesed by this btw. The stories and worldbuilding couldn't be more different but Vanitas does occur in France, mainly Paris and has vampires so the association was a bit unavoidable in my mind.
If you have read/watched both case study of vanitas and interview with the vampire I want some crazy talk here.
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ask-suns-pup · 7 months
So what's the general status of all the iterators in the local group? You're a slugcat, NSH is pissed off, what of the rest? Anyone else have words for you?
Or, perhaps, something hard to offer your face?
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
Hello again! It has been a while, hasn't it?
For Hermit Tommy, has he ever gotten involved in the "worst block in the game" discussion the hermits sometimes have? Does he have an opinion? Does he defend it? Has it changed over time? Has anyone tried to convince him otherwise, or vise versa?
Tommy's notorious least favorite block is granite, so
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silverskye13 · 4 months
Question: if you gave Helsknight a 'fuck you in the language of flowers' bouquet, what would he do?
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He's flattered. How much trouble did you go through to get this? They're like actual literal flowers. He wears one as a token to his next tournament. When someone points out to him those flowers mean "Fuck you, actually" he somehow finds them more endearing. Gotta respect the nemesis hustle.
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