aragraphe · 2 years
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#earrings #handmade #colorpencil #owl #bouclesdoreilles #artisanat #fallcolors #crayoncouleur #chouette #couleursdautomne #aragraphe https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjxj5jtNMxj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bokettochild · 1 year
Me: *feeling lonely and wanting a hug*
Heart: Let's make a comfort fic to help us feel better, yeah?
Brain: A Legend fic, because those usually make us happy, even if they make us sad too sometimes
Heart: But in a good way
Brain: Yes, a good way
Me: Okay
Brain: Okay, we can't access our Document offline, so let's just work on this in Google drive on the bus, just copy the last few p[aragraphs and paste them so we remember where we are
Me: Okay
*some days later*
Me: OKay, we've been working on this on and off while on teh bus and now it's done! Let's put it all in one document!
Brain: We wanted to edit the Time/Malon chat a bit, but yeah, sure, let's do this
Heart: And then we can read it and feel better!
Brain: HOLY COW!!!!! When did it get to be 36 pages?
Heart: ....oops?
Brain: Heart, what did you do?
Heart: So.... what if I decided we like romance now?
Brain: .......I so want to slap you right now
Me: Romance is affection and they're like... parents
Me: Okay! Okay! I'm sorry I said that....
Heart: Forgive! Besides, we finally learned a bit about flirting and I want to use it
Brain: I thought this was a Legend fic?
Heart: It's a Legend fic, but it's also a Malon fic, because I love her
Me: Fair enough. So, do we use the mom talk or the dad talk?
Brain: We are done, no more, just leave Time realizing he's a dad in teh fic and move on, everyone including Malon knows she's a mom
Me: Okay, good to go! Do we make the silly-
Brain: Read. It.
Me: But the little comic-
Brain: No. The room-mate poisoned our brains and it's not appropriate. Leave it be, the jokes are enough, thank you
Me: Okay, let's read it then
Me: (*sits and writes out a convo that only sort of happened and debates if we'll actually read it, or post it, and wonders if putting that off will mean we leave it to sit in the WIP folder like the last five fics we finished*
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drmaqazi · 4 months
In the provisions of Article 43 paragraph (1) of Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage, it is stated that: 'Children born out of wedlock only have a civil relationship with their mother and their mother's family’.
Article 53 states that a woman who is pregnant outside of marriage can marry a man who impregnates her. The marriage that is launched is not necessary to be repeated when the woman has given birth to her child.
In the Compilation of Islamic Law in article 53 it is explained about the ability to get married for women who are pregnant out of wedlock with the man who impregnates her. Provisions in the KHI did not abort adultery status for the culprit, despite an out-of-wedlock pregnancy. 
Some of the opinions above show that marital problems for pregnant women due to adultery are controversial and very complicated. On the one hand, the ability for pregnant women to carry out marriage is intended to save the life status and fate of the baby, so that after birth he gets the same rights and avoids him from discriminatory treatment. 
However, on the other hand, the ability for pregnant women to get married can lead to freedom, which is one of the causes of increasing rates of adultery which can damage the fabric of people's lives. As for the subject matter, is Article 53 Compilation of Islamic Law creates legal uncertainty. Is it true article 53 Compilation of Islamic Law has deviated from the legal provisions in the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. 
The method used in this study is a method of normative legal research (doctrinal research) because this legal research is done by examining library materials or mere secondary data. In the view of Islamic law marriage is pregnant outside of marriage is unlawful, in accordance with the Qur'an the letter Al-Isra which explains the prohibition of approaching adultery, but if studied according to the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), pregnant marriage outside marriage is permitted, as long as the pregnant married person is married to a man who impregnates her, to avoid other negative impacts that will be received especially by women and children as the party who feels the most consequences. 
Then it also serves as a basis for women to demand that men be willing to take responsibility, and be realized by carrying out marriages and carrying out their obligations as husbands, as in a normal family. 
Based on the statement above, the writer tries to give a view that the regulation on pregnant marriage in article 53 of KHI should bring to benefit the Muslim community in general without violating Shariah rules'. 
KEYWORD: Pregnant Marriage, Article 53 KHI 
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taexual · 8 months
The second last aragraph of the line :/ I hope to see jungkook and his shit friends to crumble bad.
can't wait for their demise!!!!! 😤 even though it might be a while actually i'm sorry
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erisismywaifu25 · 1 year
hii are you still updating shake it up?
Yes, I defs am!!! I’ve unfortunately had terrible luck lately an after having no down time, I’m now getting over a cold. I have a few aragraphs left of the next chapter. I’m sooooo sorry for how long it’s taking🥲
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with multiple [aragraphs
ampng us
apg ius
text post
0 notes
Sorry to answer you like this, but abt the ask I just got I want to say. The part of my description about eating fingers is a joke from like a year ago. I am like. Triggered as hell by incest even if it’s adopted family and as can be noticed I try to make content, specifically with AUs mostly (like Hamon Dio for instance) of Dio being alright family wise, which makes me super wary of ppl misinterpreting as ship. That part of my desc isn’t based on that blocklist if that’s a concern, and I’m not one to go after people anyway.
However. I want to say. I DO NOT want people who ship incest of any kind interacting with me. If you ship that stuff please unfollow and maybe even block me because chances are if I find you out I will block. I just clarify specifically Dio and Jonathan/Joestars because people deny Dio being related because he’s adopted as well as. This is a Dio blog. (Btw- relevant- my nannan who has no affiliation with fandom because she’s fucking 80 called a step sibling situation she heard abt on TV incest. So yeah it’s incest even if no blood relation.)
There’s other types of people I don’t want interacting either. (I have it linked in my description as well. Though I should maybe make sure it’s clear and updated. But underage nsfw/pedo ships are another big one as well as romanticizing abusive romantic/sexual ships. The focus there on showing that in a positive light.)
Let it be known I literally will not associate with people and as such will avoid conflict where I can. As long as people respect me and my boundaries. Of which my boundaries include not interacting if I say not to. But I mean. Rest assured I can’t actually eat anyone’s fingers. I mean how would I find and get to em to do that man. But I will really be angry as hell if I find out people are disrespecting me by disrespecting the boundaries I set around myself for my comfort and mental health.
Also I want to add this: This isn’t a thing I’m putting up for debate. And no it’s not anything to change people’s minds or whatever. I am just saying I want to be left alone in my comfort zone and make silly AUs and not have to worry abt coming across triggering content or people who produce or regularly consume it because my main priority is my mental health. So, preemptively I want to say. Do not send me an ask about this stuff. I don’t want other opinions on this. This isn’t a debate.
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brightereyes · 6 years
man ready player one really sucked didnt it
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fujianvenator · 3 years
Alright I'll bite. I'm a theater kid. What's alagadda.
thakn you GOD 4 this opportunity to infodump abt my favorite scps of All Time i apologize 4 the litearl fucing essays worth amount of p[aragraphs that follows
in 2008 scp 035 is written as a standalone coz this is in the EARLY early days of the wiki. its ur usual series I fanfare like ooh its an object but FUCKED UP and thats that. just a funnie little comedy mask that changes to tragedy and leaks black goop that decays everything it touches. it was discovered in venice. remember that!
in 2009 we get scp 701, a FUCKED UP play written in the caroline era (1625-1649) which is called THE HANGED KINGS TRAGEDY. its written as a normal play but during performances Fucked Up shit happens (violence death etc the usual scp fanfare). the play is some political revenge shit that honestly bores me but the essential part of it is that this is where we first are introduced to THE HANGED KING and THE AMBASSADOR OF ALAGADDA. the city of alagadda is only mentioned as where the ambassador originates from and its just for some plot shit in the play
in 2015 we finally get scp 2264, which elaborates on alagadda itself and connects the two aforementioned scps! its an extradimensional city where only four colors exist, black white red and yellow, like the magnum opus of alchemy. its skies are yellow with black stars and red liquid like wine and blood runs through the streets. its geometry is fucked up and non euclidian and its like a goddamn mc escher illustration!
everyone in alagadda wears a mask and is dressed like the CARNIVAL OF VENICE. if u enter the city from an outside dimension all ur belongings will disappear and ur clothes will be replaced with the carnival wear and a mask will get put on ur face which u Cant Remove but u can remove the clothes because. Erm. anyway the mask and clothes are also described as "organic" and "chitinous" which is! unsettling and mildly worrying!
alagadda has a "hypnagogic malaise" to it which makes it ultra woozy and dreamlike and Very difficult to navigate BUT if ur experienced with lucid dreams then its easier for u! its very decadent and hedonistic and theres wild and wacky and messy shit going on in the streets which is why u can remove ur clothes its rlly just bacchanalian as fuck
alagaddas political structure is where the ties to the aforementioned scps come in! its ruled by 4 lords, black white red and yellow, "each just as terrible as the other". the black lord was exiled during a political struggle (which i think is very funny maybe they got into a twitter argument who knows!) and was cast into a "dreadful dimensional backwater". surprise surprise! the black lord, wearer of the anguished mask, is scp 035! gone from his home dimension of alagadda, 035 is Just the mask in Our dimension and the fucked up and weird goop!
the four lords are chief advisers to the king of alagadda, the HANGED king of alagadda. but hes barely more than a figurehead.
before alagadda was an interdimensional nexus, before the king was the hanged king, it was an italian city state. the king gambled for immortality but fucked it up coz hes cringe and brought death upon his people instead. oops! he tried AGAIN and sacrificed his people And his life (guess how! it involves a rope!) but fucked up again LOL so now he cant live and cant die
blood is offered to the hanged king in an effort to bring him back and give him power. where does this blood come from? presumably the massacres at performances of scp 701! but some shit went awry and the blood goes to the caged god of flesh yaldabaoth and gives HIM power instead. oops again!
who oversees the city while the king is fucking useless and cringe? THE AMBASSADOR OF ALAGADDA. the TRUE holder of absolute political power. its fucked up and arrogant and makes people Commit Die for its own shits and giggles. it destroyed an entire mobile task force and left one barely alive to send a message back to wherever he came from.
theres some other shit involved like how there was canonically a punk rock band that was kinda gay? that the remaining 3 lords threw out of the city coz they thought the band was cringe LASDHLKASMDKAHDS but thats all i can think of regarding alagadda 4 now!
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aragraphe · 2 years
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#pin #dove #broochhandmade #bird #poppies #oiseau #drawing #dessin #coquelicots #colombe #broche #aragraphe https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZSFwGN6mX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bittersweet--chaos · 2 years
i feel like i wrote 4 aragraphs of fuck you,,,
With the way my feelings are all over the place yes you did
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wait im confused i could have sworn that my writing prof said that we had a rough draft due tomorrow but the thing on his site says its due thursday?
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laurelsofhighever · 3 years
Get to know the blogger
tagged by @ammocharis - thank you!
tagging: @deathandindignitybedamned @howemancing @khajiithasnowares @nessacousland @nemhaine42 @ellenembee @a-shakespearean-in-paris @bluekaddis @mimozka
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better.
Favorite Color: storm blue
Currently Reading: The Revelation of All Things, a Cullavellan retelling of DA:I by @ellenembee - also I technically have Terry Pratchett’s Night Watch on my bedside table waiting for me to get beyond the first aragraph
Last Song: Living Legend - Club Danger
Last Movie: Probably the LotR extended editions
Last Series: Leverage
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy?: Spicy!
Craving: I’m always craving red-braised pork
Tea or Coffee: Tea
Currently Working On: The plans for several longfics: an as yet untitld post-Blight story about Alistair’s first year as king; an AU where Alistair was raised by the Couslands instead of the Chantry; and a murder mystery set in The Wayhaven Chronicles universe. There are also a few art ideas floating around that I may or may not get to
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arakiincel · 3 years
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ineffablefool · 4 years
How to center and nice-size an image in an AO3 fic using a work skin
Maybe someone can use this?  In my fic for the DIWS Good Omens Mini Bang, I embedded some images from my wonderful illustrator.  The centered images will never be wider than the text, no matter the screen size, but they also are never stretched larger than their native size (I resized ‘em to 800px wide in my trusty paint program for faster downloading). Here’s how one looks on my giant monitor and on my phone screen:
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If you have never done AO3 skins before then I promise they are not actually scary!  You have the option of doing relatively complicated things with them, but this thing is simple.
Anyway this is how I center my images.
Step one: make a skin.
In your AO3 dashboard, click “Skins” in the menu (left or top of page, depending on if you’re on a big or small screen).  This takes you to the Site Skins page, which are for if you want to make all of AO3 look different to just you.  You want a Work Skin, though, which makes your fic look different to everyone, so click My Work Skins.
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Click Create Work Skin in the top right and you’ll get an editor that’s similar to when you’re posting a fic!  You only need to set two things.  One, give it a title that makes sense to you (the title won’t be visible to people reading your fic).  Two, paste some stuff into the big “CSS” box.
This is the stuff to paste:
.centered {  margin-left: auto;  margin-right: auto;  text-align: center; }
.centered img {  max-width: 100% !important; }
That was the stuff to paste!  Just toss both of those two blobs in the big editor and click Submit.  Now you have a skin!
Step two: use the skin in your work.
Open up the work you want to do this in.  Find the Select Work Skin box (just under the Choose A Language box) and select the skin you just made.  Yay!  Sorry, the Homestuck and Undertale ones are just there for everyone and that’s how it is.  (Nothing against Homestuck or Undertale.  I just don’t like unneeded entries in lists.)
Step three: center your image.
This is the most complicated bit, only because I can’t give you an exact thing to copy-paste.  But I can give you a basic template!  Don’t try to paste this into Word or a similar word processing program.  The quote marks could get turned into “smart quotes” (like the ones I typed there, just now -- see how the opening and closing quotes are different from each other?).  If you need to save it off for later, Notepad or another very simple plain-text editor will be perfect, because it will keep the quotes as not smart quotes.
Find the spot in your AO3 work where you want the centered image to be.  It would be between two blocks of text which are wrapped with <p> tags, so something like this...
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Into that space, you’re gonna hit Enter a couple of times (which I’ve already done in the screenshot) and then paste this block:
<p class="centered">  <img src="BANANA" alt="ORANGE" /> </p>
That was the block to paste.  Before you’re done, you need to change two things!
BANANA goes away.  Inside the quote marks where BANANA used to be, you need to put the URL of your image.  This URL must start with http or https (preferably https), or else it won’t work.  I can’t give specific instructions on how to get this, because it depends on where the image is hosted!  If it’s only on your computer, or attached to an email, it can’t be embedded.  It has to have been put somewhere on the web, like Flickr, Photobucket, or Google Drive.  It will work to embed from Tumblr, but I don’t trust Tumblr not to change everything up and bork all the old image URLs, thus breaking your embedded images on an arbitrary date in the future.  (Any image host could theoretically do this, but -- well.  We’re all familiar with Tumblr, right?)
ORANGE also goes away.  Inside the quote marks where ORANGE used to be, you optionally can (I recommend you do!) put a brief (200 characters or fewer) description of the image.  This is text which is invisible when viewing your fic in a normal browser -- it’s there for screen reader technologies, used by people who are blind or otherwise have trouble seeing a screen.  Their screen reader software will literally read out to them, so that they can hear it with their human ears, the description you put here.  Don’t start it with “image of” or “picture of”, because the screen reader tells the human that it’s an image already.  Here is a pretty user-friendly guide on how to write alt text!  If you’re more technically-inclined, the W3C has more involved docs.  Remember, the screen reader is going to say out loud whatever you put here, so don’t make it super long, or else you’ll force people who are using screen readers to wait through the long description for your story to continue. 
A finished version of the banana/orange block might look like this:
<p class="centered">  <img src="https://www.my-nifty-example-website.com/prettypicture.jpg" alt="Two dogs having a tea party wearing fancy hats" /> </p>
Step four: do it again if needed.
If you have more images to center in the same work, just repeat step 3 for each!  Step 2 has to be done once per work.  Step 1 might be done once ever (and then you just keep pulling that same skin into many works), or you might do it multiple times (if you want other changes in the skin that are special to only this one work).  I do a different skin every time I have a fic that needs a skin, but that’s because I do extra fancy things that are different for each fic.
You never have to do either step 1 or step 2 more than once per work, even if it’s multi-chapter.  In future chapters of the same fic, just do step 3 again.
Step five: preview and/or temporary draft is your friend
I am an IT professional with a (technically expired but work with me here) Microsoft certification in HTML5/CSS and seven years of writing this stuff for pay under my belt.  Even I don’t post without previewing.  Preview and saving as a draft without publishing are both your friends.
Some fun(?) notes
What you are doing here is using cascading style sheets.  The AO3 skin is a very simple stylesheet, which is a series of rules that your readers’ browsers will use to apply to text in your story.  There are standards that all your normal sort of browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera...) are supposed to follow when they see these rules, so that no matter which browser someone uses, a webpage will look as similar as possible.
A skin created from the above steps defines a class named “centered” and tells the browser how “centered” should look.  Then, in your fic, if you apply the class named “centered” to something in the big editor -- like, say, the <p>aragraph tag that wraps around your image -- then the style from your skin will be applied. 
The magic of cascading style sheets is that you can define your class exactly once and then use it many times.  If you decide you want to change all the places you used it -- maybe you want every centered image in your 87-chapters-long heavily-illustrated fic to have a green border? -- you have to change exactly one place: your skin.  The change will bubble down to every single place you used it.
Skins do not allow all the features of true CSS (no media queries; I am sad), and you can’t put comments in your skin (the editor strips them out).  Browser-specific overrides also do not work (if you don’t know what this means, that’s okay, you have to go to extra work to try to use them in the first place).  But they’re still pretty cool.
A lot of people will just put <center> tags around their thing, and use width=“100%” or some other number, but that is technically not standard HTML, hasn’t been for a very long time, and sooner or later Chrome is going to get clever and stop respecting it.  (Google’s developers like to make Chrome very clever and change how it does things just because they feel like it.  It makes my day job rather more difficult.  Ask me about SameSite cookies!! Actually, don’t.  Never ask me about that thing.)
For portrait-oriented illustrations -- taller than they are wide -- I like to float the image to the right of the text and have it take up no more than 50% of the width of the screen (as seen near the end of this chapter).  But that is a more complicated thing than this one, and I am keeping it simple today.  Maybe I’ll show how to do the nice floaty at some point.
For any-oriented illustrations, you could have a small resized version which links out to a larger version as a click-to-zoom thing.  That is also a little more complicated, so it isn’t in this post.
Questions and clarifications welcome.
That is how to center and nice-size an image in an AO3 fic using a work skin!  I hope you are having a good day.
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hqprotectionsquad · 4 years
music url tag!
got tagged by @nekomas-kuroo to write out my url with songs! this might take a while LOL here’s to seeing what my music taste can do for me
Honey - Justin Park and Andrew Garcia (cover of Kehlani’s Honey)
Quiet Response - Evelyn Stein (had to find this one haha)
Paragraphs - Luke Chiang
R.I.P. - Joji, Trippie Redd (on repeat)
Okinawa - 92914
The Breakup - LANY (amazing)
Emerald - RINI
Canada - Lauv, Alessia Cara
The Simple Things - Michael Carreon (soooo soft)
Ordinary - UMI
NO FUN - Joji (on repeat lately)
Skeleton - Keshi (one of my absolute favorites)
Quite Miss Home - James Arthur (had to search this one too)
(I Like) U - NIKI (made an exception for my fave song)
Atlas: Two - Sleeping At Last (my enneagram is actually a 3 lol)
Drive Safe - Rich Brian (gets me every time)
that was a lot longer than i expected 😅hope y’all enjoyed seeing what my music taste is like! hehe comment if you like any of the songs on my list!!
tagging @kiracat13 @jemilktea @evermorehaikyuu @heccingdead @icyhotvolleyboys @the-black-birb to do the same if they want to!
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