#anyways. just thought i'd share for anyone who might be interested.
pokemonruby · 1 year
i know i’ve been super quiet recently and it’s mainly because my life has been in absolute shambles and i’m trying to keep myself distracted every second of the day lest i go utterly insane and also nothing ever goes on with me in general so i’m not sure what to... talk about really. but i think i’ll start endeavouring to more often, or at least when i feel up for it since i know isolating myself twenty four seven isn’t healthy haha.
so uh...... i’m nearly finished with my novel! i only have a few more chapters but i’m estimating it’ll be done by the middle or end of summer depending on how the editing process goes :) don’t know how long it’ll be until i publish it afterwards since i’m not exactly sure how to like, go about doing all of that stuff but i’ve put a lot of effort into it, and i really hope it shows eventually. 
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theotherseapancakes · 2 months
Psssst. You mentioned no one cares about Philemon, but now I'm curious if you have any thoughts about his role in the games after he disappeared. And for sillies sake, does he have anything to do with the Dance games?
I have been waiting my entire life for this. Anon do you realize how verbose I'm going to get. DO YOU REALIZE? I hope you like read mores. Let me preface this with I am aware and have seen some popular theories, so I'm going to sidestep a lot of them and present one I've built since... well, I became a Persona fan as a teenager. MAJOR PERSONA SERIES SPOILERS LIKE THE ENTIRE THING OK? OK. yes even royal.
The P2 PSP additional scenario is so incredibly important and I think everyone missed the point of it. THE PERSONA 2 PSP ADDITIONAL TATSUYA SCENARIO!!!! It's beyond important, because it reveals to us Philemon can have more than one Avatar we know about, just like Nyarly. (Casual reminder he's like half the shopkeeps in P2. Time Count, anyone? Why was the Time Count so hot. Anyway.) Disclaimer: I'm just a casual fan who has played a LOT of Persona and SMT. I haven't gotten around to all of them, but I've played/finished both paths of 1, 2, 3 (and p3p) as well as 4 and 5. Didn't manage to get my hands on Golden but I've seen enough of it. (It's funny you ask about the dance games, they're the only ones I don't have right now! But my roommate does, and will be gone for a few months soon, perhaps I will take the time to start with p4DAN. I'm atrocious at rhythm games though so more than likely I'll find a video. Anyway.) WHAT is Philemon? If we can't define that, we can't talk about The Positivity Guy Ever.
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So let's talk about Phil. He's a fascinating character. His Persona is just a form of Himself, But Cooler. And he seems to HAVE no set shape, not unlike Nyarlathotep. People have various theories about Shadows and their origins etc., but Phil is more like that vote of confidence in people. I think, personally, that after the end of Innocent Sin, Phil's been pretty weak. We see in Eternal Punishment he's fading pretty roughly, and has a hard time talking to the party. Presumably ending Nyarly might to some degree fix things when Deja-vu Boy goes home, but... the problem is, we don't know how fixed they truly ended up being, or the full depth of how much he could/did expend!
In fact, the first time we even see Phil without the dumb mask is when Tatsuya decks him. Pay close attention to that fact. To the mask motifs here. I want you to really soak in Phil's everything. He's a leader. A kind soul. He's the good of people. He wants to believe the best.
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Anyway, most of these things overlook what I find really interesting as we've gotten more games worth of lore: he and Nyarly aren't the only eldritch entities walking around like that. Yes, Nyx is one too. Yes, it's probable she may even be their 'mom'. It's possible they all came from Nyx initially, but it's also possible (and should be considered) they too may have been outsiders at one point. We need to ask ourselves how far the human collective unsconsciousness can go. Is that sea infinite? Could it affect other worlds? Think about Aion in Devil Summoner Soul Hackers 2. Yes, I am asking you to think about Soul Hackers 2. Deal with it, I don't care. They're sister series. They share many things. SO! Did the shape of the human mind change a bunch of eldritch creatures and make them interact with us even more after Nyx smacked the moon a gazillion years ago? Is there multiple worlds? Weird bullshit? Just the two? Hmm. Well... I, personally, think so. I think he was touched by humanity just like Nyarlathotep, but in the other way. The reason I bring this up is two-fold. The first is Nodens. Now, we don't know much about the actual Nodens, unfortunately, just some speculation. Which is a shame. (If anyone has more info I'd love to have it, ngl. As a pagan this shit fascinates me.) But what we do get on him in Lovecraftian lore can provide us some intriguing possibilities about Phil's everything, which the games love to keep really rather vague. (And this is putting aside that his human Persona is based off the obviously bogus Jungian Spirit Guide, but we love an old guy in a mask anyway. He probably felt that was more 'friendly' for humans, hah.) I believe that Nodens, and Phil by extension, are just as responsible for nurturing and keeping the collective unconsciousness alive and positive. We see the butterfly symbol everywhere. We see it with Lavenza, too. "This is truly an unjust game." So was the bet Phil made with Nyarly, a game he rigged. Phil made the mistake of thinking the Crawling Chaos wouldn't cheat, a mistake he is never making again, I assume, if he can help it. Shit, you could view his boss fight in P2EP as him trying to train the EP crew to beat the snot out of Nyarly, even. But off topic. If Nyarly is basically the father of all Shadows, and they and Personas are the same coin, it makes me wonder a lot of things. The two have always been portrayed as simultaneously diametrically opposed, but also not? They have identical halls in P2. They have similar powers and talents... I think after Persona 3, Phil's remnants sank into the Collective Unconsciousness, to attempt to rehabilitate humanity from what it lost, from what he himself lost. I think Igor took over the room, because he took a backseat to recover. It would go a long, long way towards explaining why only SOME characters have the tier of the Wild Card, which is similar to the 'original' Persona power. (Having multiple.) He was took weak to remain in his Spirit Guide (Philemon) form, and had to abandon it to return to the depths as Nodens... So. Let me go back to Nodens and make some notes about design.
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Nodens, as seen here, sort of resembles an iron maiden. It really brings to mind the idea of maybe Tatsuya or someone's humanoid form sleeping within it, doesn't it? Fitting for an aspect of Philemon! ... You probably can see where I'm going with this, but let me pull up some screens to finish the point:
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That's right! It's Azathoth, Baby! I believe that unlike mythology, he's yet another aspect of Philemon. Eldritch positivity, in too much force, could be used for accidental bad, too. (Reasons Maruki is my favorite Law Hero, haha.) Let me explain. I think Philemon always existed in... let's call it parts. Azathoth is said to be a dreaming god in whom's universe we all just happen to be alive inside, right? "Dream of butterfly" (Philemon) "Or is life a dream? Don't wanna wake up. Cuz I'm happy here." That sure is thematic to what Maki goes through in Persona 1, and what Maruki's beloved suffers, isn't it? ISN'T IT. The "true reality" he creates... would help Maruki create in the additional Semester--would be something most humans would never pass the muster to even try to control. But we have seen Phil test a few people and find them worth passing before! However, that seems like ages ago. Why has he been so quiet? I think because he was spending time conserving his energy. He believed in humanity enough to give Makoto a push when it was needed in p3 (or femc, if you play her), but otherwise trusted Igor while he restored what needed it. But in Persona 5 Royal, he hand-picked Maruki, didn't he? At first, when I played Persona 5 Royal, I really thought it was some part of Nyarly, but I no longer believe this to be the case. The coloration and symbolism in the background (the golds, the whole garden of eden themes, the way his Palace was laid out), the whole sea of soul motifs in P3Re later... mmm. I have a lot of thoughts about this, but this post is already way too long for one simple ask. So let's wrap up by going one step further and looking finally at Nodens' dialogue to the party in the Extra Scenario in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PSP). The following is a transcript, you can find a video here:
Nodens: This is the memory of the lost child whom you all seek. Nodens: Memory occasionally brings about much distress and suffering, but it is absolutely vital to distinguish oneself from others and manufacture one's own psyche. Nodens: Ever since it began, life's memory has accumulated unbroken, passing through individual experiences and spanning several generations. Nodens: And so it has given shape to Kadath and the Collective Unconsciousness, thereby becoming a foundation for the next generation. Nodens: Even if the roots of the world are directed by fear and anxiety, never forget that the true essence of life is brimming with joy. Nodens: You must not stop seeking the answer for why life was born in a cosmos progressing towards absurdity and chaos. Nodens: Life brims with joy, bringing about balance in a universe predestined to heat death, and that allows the world to live a long time.
So to answer your question, I think he's taken a much subtler role. I think he's influencing people by pretending to be a Persona for Maruki, because he believes it will help them grow. I don't think he was intending a forever-control vice grip, but rather to prove a point. No matter what, the primordial chaos of humanity will rise up for chaotic good, lawful good, whatever "good" is needed. Azathoth is... interesting. Adam Kadmon is also interesting. But mostly I HIGHLY suspect we may see him again in Persona 6, or at least I'm hoping so. It's my personal pet theory by then he'll be less faded and come back to us in a new form of some kind. He's never had a set one, after all. Now for funsies about the dancing game, well, he's a positive guy, he wanted to just make sure everyone had their fitness regimen checked off. Obviously. (This is a joke.) Did the devs intend this? I'm honestly not sure? Like there's a lot of nods to older Personas in 5 and now 3RE especially, but it's definitely worth chewing on. I could go on and on about things I think he's connected to, but ultimately they have the final say lol. I'm just a crackpot conspiracy theorist on tumblr who really likes Philemon. He and the Room are my favorites. :) Ask me about attendants for additional dumb, sometime, I guess lol.
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thana-topsy · 5 months
Ok I gotta come out and say it. I envy you. Like, to a painful extent. The amount of people you get interested in your characters, how you're incredibly skilled in both visual art AND writing, how readers your fics have. I absolutely adore your work, but seeing it fills me with so much envy it's honestly ridiculous.
Did you deal with similar feelings towards other creators when you started writing fic by any chance? If so, how did you deal with those feelings? I feel genuinely stuck feeling worthless about my fics. I'm not as verbose with my language despite over 10 years of writing under my belt and it seems as though my plots don't interest people as much either. So I feel like there's just nothing of worth about any of my work.
I know that this is a lot to dump on you, but I felt like I would burst keeping this all in. Much love to you and I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Hey there my friend, I've been sitting with this all day trying to decide how I want to answer you. I genuinely appreciate your honesty, because I know this is a familiar feeling for a lot of people, myself included.
I remember when I first rejoined Tumblr in early 2019, desperately trying to find anyone to talk to about TES, I would look at all these blogs gettings asks about their OCs like they were little celebrities and feel envy and longing. Now, when these feelings start to bubble up, I force myself to take a break from sharing my work, be it art or writing, if only to remind myself why I'm creating it and who I'm creating it for: myself. I know it sounds cheesy, and I probably sound like a broken record, but genuinely I just do this because it's bursting out of my skull. But I won't lie and say the engagement and the support doesn't have a big impact on my motivation. I love sharing with people and getting an enthusiastic response.
I think something people might not realize, or maybe they just forget, is that I used to write a lot of smut. Like...a lot of smut. (I still do). Hahaha and it doesn't get a lot of comments or engagement, but it does draw a lot of eyes. Once my smut stories started taking on heavier plotlines, a comment I'd get a lot was "came for the porn, stayed for the plot." And I wasn't writing smut because I thought it would get me an audience, I was just horny LMAO. But it encouraged me to branch out and experiment with the types of stories I was telling.
Anyways, art is another big part of it, yes. But that also didn't get a lot of engagement in the beginning, and my skills were rusty as hell. I was getting maybe 15 notes on here, 30 likes on instagram. But that didn't really matter to me, I was just insane with inspiration. I'd reach out to people and ask to do art trades, got ghosted a lot, made some good friends, (some people who are still my good friends to this day!). But it took a lot of risks, and I made a lot of accidental enemies and learned a lot of hard lessons. But having visuals to go with the stories I'm writing is like advertisement in its own way. I'm just lucky enough to hyperfixate on this shit like it's my lifeblood. I've always obsessively drawn my favorite characters, ever since I was a wee bab. Long before social media was a factor or the words "content creator" even existed.
And I think that's what it all comes back to. Above all else, do what you do with unbridled joy. If someone else finds joy alongside you, all the better! Even if it's just one person. Take risks, make friends, make enemies, draw that blorbo unapologetically and with wild abandon. Love what you create, even when it's bad. Even when it makes you cringe years later, don't delete it. Even when people try to find every reason to hate what you do and who you are. Don't stop.
Every act of creation is bringing something into the world that didn't exist before you made it. And that alone gives it worth.
Happy New Year!
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phew, ok gonna just ramble for a minute! for the last couple of days i've been getting so caught up in my milex feelings and the letdown after the anticipation that i almost forgot to be properly excited for this trip 🙈 but now that i'm actually in dublin, after listening to arctic monkeys and miles tunes on the flight and getting hyped about seeing my one of my best irl friends from london again for the first time since june, it's much easier for me to put things in perspective, thank goodness!! i'd have kicked myself later if i spent my time here moping (which i've kind of been doing these past two days) instead of being excited about getting to see my all time favourite band play again (twice!!) AND with miles as well, and just have a fun trip with my friends in dublin (even though it'll be raining cats and dogs, but we'll be in the pub most of the time anyway 🍻)
after the london gig in june i really thought that was it for a couple of years, so to have been given this extra opportunity to see them again so soon is insane and an absolute blessing. i'm SO fucking excited, i can't even tell you 😭 these will be my 8th and 9th arctic monkeys gigs to date, and i'm still just as hyped as i was 10 years ago, and i think that's worth reflecting on for a minute ❤️
i'm putting some more musings about the milex situation under the cut for anyone who might be interested in a different perspective, but mostly it's just for me, to be able to untangle the mess that my mind has been in these past few days. also, please know that i'm definitely not trying to invalidate anyone's concerns or diminish anyone's feelings, because lord knows i've been feeling all the things the past few days and all those feelings are very (very) real!
i guess what i just keep coming back to is the fact that arctic monkeys (or alex, really, lbr) asked miles to be the support for these four dates when they absolutely didn't have to do that, and that if there was any bad blood between them then they totally could've asked anyone else. but they didn't, they asked miles! and miles agreed! it's much more likely that the fact that they're not playing together is due to logistics (with the orchestra and limited rehearsal time) and wanting to highlight miles's new album than any personal reasons tbh. they're professionals doing their jobs first and foremost, and while obviously we'd love a display of sentimentality, if that doesn't fit the show for whatever reason then it makes sense they don't give us that. i'm sure it's all been discussed and agreed on between them, and that they're doing perfectly fine behind the scenes. it's true that miles shows us a lot of himself, but alex and the other boys do not, so it also makes sense to me that what miles shares about them/their interactions with him is limited too, much as i'd love to see him gush about them and post bts footage. i always find that i get easily swept up in emotions and conjecture when i'm watching things unfold from a distance, through the tumblr/fandom lens, but i forget sometimes that that is a heavily coloured lens, and that real life is often very different, despite what social media etc. may seem to show. and for me personally, i've noticed that sometimes it's really good to break out of the bubble for a bit and see things from a different perspective, so i'm glad i was able to do that before my shows!
also, on a side note, i've seen some people being disappointed that alex didn't dedicate bodypaint to miles but just gave him a shoutout, but to me the distinction doesn't matter too much. he mentioned miles when he didn't have to, and miles stayed to watch the boys do their thing after his own set, and he didn't have to do that either if he wasn't feeling it. the fact is that recently there have been more and more signs that our boys are actually growing closer again than they seemingly have been for a few years, and while obviously i just want them to give us everything and announce a tlsp reunion and also profess their undying love for each other while they're at it, maybe their doing what they can right now, and they just need a bit more time to get to where they once were. we all need time to heal, or something like that, anyway. i obviously don't know anything, but this possiblity seems just as if not more likely to me than the other option (which would be that any of this is a sign they're growing further apart, instead), so i'm good with that for the moment.
anyway, this is just me talking to myself on the plane and creating some perspective for myself, but maybe someone else might find it helpful too, who knows. in any case, i'm going to do my best to enjoy it all to the fullest!! and while obviously getting to see them do something together would be brilliant, it would just be the cherry on an otherwise already really fucking delicious cake ❤️
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lutiaslayton · 11 months
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Hey guys, I felt like giving you a bit of a heads up: now that the transcription of the Japan-exclusive Eternal Diva novel has been completed, I am now working on its translation. And I thought -- hey, why not share this translation here as I go?
The website's translation is meant to be as accurate as possible and is filled with annotations and comparisons with the Japanese version, but if all we're interested in is just reading the darn novel like it's actually meant to be (read: a story that is actually enjoyable to read), then this translation really isn't going to make that happen.
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(Just look at this. This is awful. Translation accuracy: 9/10. Reading enjoyment: WhatTheHeckIsThis /10. Do not recommend.)
So yeah, I'm actually working on two English translations 👀 First one is from the website and meant primarily to study Japanese and (sometimes) get the juicy lore, and the second one will be posted here! This second translation will actually be meant to be read like a novel / fanfiction, in the sense that I'll rephrase things and try to make it as enjoyable as can be. It may mean that a thing or two might be changed along the way, but I'll try to keep my creative juice under control and try to stay as close to the original as possible.
If anyone wants to criticise this translation and bring suggestions if you think that I took too many liberties, feel free to let me know so we can rephrase things! It'd be much cooler if this were a collaborative project rather than the work of just one person who might end up putting in her own biases, whether consciously so or not.
I can't tell when exactly I will start uploading since I'd like to have some buffer before starting, but when I do, I'll try to have some sort of schedule. Like one "chapter" or so every week, something like that. (The novel doesn't have "chapters," but it does have sections with titles. So I guess we might as well call those "chapters" for commodity.)
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to say -- just a little teaser and some context for something I've been working on and will hopefully start posting soon-ish, and which I'd like to share with you guys as soon as I can! It'd be cool if this could be something I could post while my PhD is slowly ending and my workload is getting heavier and heavier -- just imagine if I had some buffer that I'd just put in my queue, and then boom, a chapter a week while I'm off dying while preparing my PhD defence and whatnot hahaha. No promises, but it would be really cool if I could pull it off.
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coyoteprince · 3 months
Would you like to share what happened in Savannah? After my own paranormal experience I am fond of listening to/reading other people's!
For general public disclaimer, I'm aware this is woo-woo, but I have had a life-long relationship with death and many ghosts experiences, despite not looking for them. My Savannah experience is... well, my own, and my partner who was there at my side didn't see or feel anything. Don't go to a "haunted" place with intention of seeing a ghost, you'll probably just be disappointed or make yourself anxious for no reason.
Contains Foley House, the black shuck, and a raw record written the night of the Sorrel Weed house absolutely wrecking my ass:
Foley House:
We stayed in room 403, but I'm not aware of any historical significance other than it being one of the original rooms of the house.
I highly recommend this place to stay and the room felt outright "welcoming" in a strange way, as if I was always meant to be There, specifically, but that might be the special interest euphoria. I'd been aching to sleep in an old Victorian room again.
The first moment of displeasure was when I was having breakfast with my partner in one of the corner windows. We were pleasantly chatting when I suddenly went silent, thrown onto a freeze state with my blood running cold and my nerves shot. I saw nothing, but I could feel "someone" suddenly enter the room, simply observe us by standing in the middle of the rug in front of the bed, then turn and walk out. My blood warmed quickly after they left, my limbs shaking. I logically didn't see them as a threat- I've had this happen before- but my body reacted to the environment being very abruptly "Wrong" on a primal level all the same.
Another night- the night coming back from Sorrel- in that room I was jolted awake by a deafening blood curdling scream which certainly kept me awake for a long time. Every time I tried to sleep that night I'd have very disturbed visions that'd jolt me back awake. You can write this off as my intense experience influencing me as I do have a history of "exploding head syndrome" and sleep paralysis, though I haven't experienced it in a long time until that night and haven't experienced it again since. Thought I'd include it anyway.
On the street:
I see black dogs as a divine messenger and protector in my spirituality, and boy did I kept running into them in Savannah to the point that it felt on the nose. It was a sign that I'd achieved something, that I'm where I need to be, and that it was time for another huge (metaphorical) death in my life so that I can secure my future- and in the most hopeful but absolutely weary way possible, boy am I going through it right now haha. The third night of the Savannah trip was when I suddenly came to terms that I'm literally working myself to death and need to change how I view and care for myself before it's too late.
If anyone is looking for the huge antique Baskervilles Hound painting that I ran into, it's at Six Pence Pub.
Sorrel Weed
Following is what I wrote for myself the immediate night of getting back from Sorrel, so this is a very fresh, rattled, and stream of consciousness record. I normally don't really like posting something like this, but always feel something intuitive and fresh like this is the most genuine way to relay paranormal experiences. TL:DR: Saw weird thing in courtyard. Got sick a lot very suddenly. Met a very nice skull person. Got fucked up on spooky couch. Got even more fucked up from body reacting to the stress after leaving.
"I accidentally missed the normal historical architecture tour for the Sorrel Weed house and had to take a late night ghost-focused one. Wanted the normal tour but we leave tomorrow so its this or nothing. Didn't go into it expecting anything and was excited to take lots of reference photos for Widderwood, as usual.
Saw something in the garden and knew immediately things were going to be weird tonight. White flash, person height, within courtyard and in front of street entrance. Actually really funny in the moment because I Did Not Want That Thing To Have Just Happened but I'm so used to experiencing the woo-woo that I just mentally went "oh god dammit" defeated.
Felt fine, excited for architecture, then passed the threshold and... my flight response suddenly goes off. Hard. Right into the master of the house office and I get supremely bad vertigo. Got annoyed because I was trying to listen to the history of the place, but vertigo kept rising which made me wobble on my cane. I came here mainly to collect art reference but I knew then and there that I did Not want a single photo of this place on my phone. I don't know why, even- just in the moment I couldn't stand the idea of keeping photos of this place.
I kept getting sick and vertigo, but only in Very specific locations. Mostly stayed at the back and tried to hide my discomfort to not influence anyone in the tour group. Downstairs, servant's quarters, I could feel a busy "echo" in the catch-all work room where cooking and various chores would have been done- I'm not sure how to explain but it was like a vibration that unsettled me a bit? Just very weird.
Funny, I felt the safest in the near-black basement grain room, which saw civil war trauma surgery and acted as a morgue for a few years. An antique wheelchair was to the side of the gurney (special interest euphoria, hello). To the other side of the room, a female skull that was sourced from a denture manufacturer. She was beautiful- so, so beautiful that I kept coming back to look her in the face with a very comforted smile on my own. Absolutely radiant energy. In the same room to another corner, a couch that we are allowed to sit upon and may feel someone sit next to us. Well, I certainly needed a rest from standing, and I didn't feel anyone, but I sure did have such a strong, sudden vertigo that I made a surprised noise and slumped back for a few minutes close to fainting. The second I got some wind back I got off the couch and mentally went "haha, No". Wooziness is nothing new to me, but I felt trapped and heavy for a solid few minutes- never had that happen before, genuinely startling.
Our very kind tour guide could tell something was up with me, keeping an eye on my reactions. I was trying to not be too vocal about what I was experiencing, just manage my symptoms as normal, but it's obvious she knew I was Going Thru It. In private we discussed my connection to death, she showed us her Victorian mourning jewelry, and agreed the ossified woman in the doctor's case was beautiful. The tour guide told me the skull's name in life- Zarina- and though I'm doubtful of her original acquirement post-death and what she expected of her remains, it still felt sacred to be allowed to know her name and look upon her. Other people in the group kept making "eww creepy" comments toward her and I get it, I Do, but I wish I could have figured out what to say to gently suggest to see her as a person rather than a scary death item. I am glad I met Zarina. The other ghost tales- like the chair in the for some reason scary red lighted hall (why tho)- I did hover around but didn't experience anything.
Leaving the property, I felt a bit numb but my nausea and vertigo lifted over a few blocks. Our walk to our room was short, followed by... my body going into minor shock as soon as we got back to our room. I shook for at least an hour, I think its taken me most of the night just to get my body's responses to level.
I feel so energetically drained, different from my normal disability related fatigue, yet the entire time I was mentally calm. My body has felt this before, there is a difference. Chronic stress disorder and autism make me incredibly sensitive to the environment around me but it's been a minute since my body has reacted so... violently to atmosphere without obvious cause. The strongest since experiencing that fucked up abandoned house in Ohio over a decade ago. I didn't expect to taste such heavy air like that again, least of all when I was mostly hoping to take reference.
Sorrel Weed offers proper ghost investigations, which seemed like a fun thought to try in the future. I walked in excited for historical reference, but walked out somewhat harrowed instead. Now, I'm certain that I cannot entertain the idea of ghost hunting or else I will be at very real risk of a full medical episode... at least in that house."
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occasionaltouhou · 4 months
I thought about how Yuyuko's first name was almost Ayaka. I spared you the long philosophical rant I had about it, but I thought of something else.
Since they share the same last name you could theoretically make Ayaka into an OC as Yuyuko's estranged sister or something.
Which would be the best characters to give as-of-yet unmentioned siblings ?
"best" can have a lot of different implications. there's best as in "most likely/most practical", in which case you're after characters who've been where they are and are young enough to still have living siblings; so we're talking about marisa, youmu, kosuzu, akyuu (god it would suck to be akyuu's sibling). the (half-)humans are the most interesting because having that sort of familial relationship can be informative - especially if marisa had a sibling. like, that could be interesting. special mention to rinnosuke actually who might have a more youkai-like sibling out there somewhere in the fucking woods. can you imagine what that family get-together would look like
worth noting that even youkai and kami can potentially fall under this umbrella, since there are definite examples of both of those having siblings; you could have, say, a sibling of sannyo or hina or komachi (there are some touhou gods who already have siblings, on account of their base mythology, so they're disqualified). they're just not as interesting, because siblings don't inform upon them in the same way as the humans do
there's also the other type of "best", though, which is the exact opposite - the most ridiculous or absurd, which is anyone for whom your reaction would be "that's not true, but let's see where they're going" rather than "sure, alright". siblings to definitively sibling-less characters like sakuya, or... i mean, a lot of them, really, sakuya just occurred to me because i'm sure there's some terrible works out there about her long-lost sister randomly showing up. i'd say yukari also but her getting ran to turn into a copy of herself and claiming to have had a sister all along seems like something she's done on a lazy summer afternoon. but that's the sort of chicanery falling under this category
anyway, yuyuko's obviously under the latter category. like, with the specific circumstances of her life and unlife, can you fucking imagine how insane it'd be if she just had a sibling this whole time. if she ever does so i suspect it will also be ran in disguise
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You don't have to answer this but I wanted to let you know you got me super invested in SunxEclipse stuff.
The way they are in the show has always intrigued me. Like the way those two interacted had always felt different in a way??? And I'd always get all excited when I found little similarities between the two characters.
Rambling a bit but does anyone remember how in the Halloween takeover Eclipse forced Moon to go through the same pain Sun went through when they shared a body? And he just left Sun to chill and nap in his own mind??? (Probably the longest break Sun's ever had btw akskdh) LIKE WHAT HELLO???
And there were plenty of times Eclipse could have just killed Sun but. Didn't? Like when he got into SolarFlare's body. And when Sun destroyed Moon's magic circles, Eclipse explained to Sun how he could fix the problem instead of just letting him walk into the raw magic and tear himself apart? (Think that was the longest and calmest convo they ever had lmao)
The fuckinggg. Symbolic base Eclipse had on the surface of the sun.
Alot more I could say (especially about how similar Sun acts like Eclipse in manyyy instances) but very eepy almost midnight.
Anyway I like SunxEclipse. Would never admit that off anon tho because the world is. Very mean. Sometimes. :/
Glad I got you interested in Sun x Eclipse stuff too. XD
At this point in show lore, Sun is the one who knows Eclipse the most. So who knows where we'll go with that.
And yeah... Forcing Moon to go through the same pain that Sun experienced when sharing a body.... I mean, sure. It was probably to get Moon to suffer. But that also feels so vengeful and purposeful.
It was also worth noting in the early introduction of Eclipse, when he was in Sun's head and leaking out during intense moments of Gameplay Videos. (and I still stand by that Eclipse was the one who said "Chillapachino" that one time and was enjoying being Silly with Sun.)
But whenever Eclipse took over in gameplay, he was always a little more angry.... Sure... But like.... He was also way more assertive, and tended to stand up to Moon more. Something that EARLY Sun didn't really do all that much.
Maybe I'm misremembering, but I think he threatened to take away Moon's whacking stick at one point as well. But I might have imagined that and that might not have been a legit thing.
Not to mention GodEclipse kept Sun around of all people. He even killed Lunar in that dimension, but he thought Sun was worthy to live. He even wiped his memories so he wouldn't suffer too much. Even when we see GodEclipse he says "My Sun is dead" His Sun. Not like... "that nuisance" or "idiot" is dead... His Sun.
And Remember, GodEclipse is not TOO Much a Diversion from the timeline.
The only difference is that he won the fight with Bloodmoon and got the Star shortly after then. And he wiped everyone like he said he would, unlike Eclipse 2.0 who got upset cus Old Moon died and he had no one to monologue about his hate boner to.
Eclipse also in early episodes didn't really include Sun much in his evil Plans. His vendetta and focus was solely on Moon. Sun just kinda got twisted up in a lot of it due to circumstance and him being trapped in Sun's head.
But yeah... Lunar says that he knows Moon better than anyone cus he lived in Old Moon's head.
That goes both ways.
Eclipse and Sun know each other better then anyone at this point.
If there is someone to give Eclipse a chance, I hope it's Sun.
I feel Sun would be a hypocrite if he tries with Bloodmoon and doesn't with Eclipse.
But I guess we'll see.
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sarabencze · 1 month
I saw a lot of discourse around Seventeen using AI in their comeback trailer, and I thought I'd share my take on it.
If you're interested, keep reading, it's a lot 😅
Also, please excuse any grammar mistakes, it's almost 2 am lmao
BUT once I watched the teaser as a whole a few more times and slowed it down to really look at each scene, I'd like to think that I understood the artistic vision behind it.
So, do I like them using AI? I don't know, not really if I'm being honest. I'm not a big fan of people using AI for commercial purposes, so I was a bit thrown off at first.
From my interpretation, it's their way of saying how much AI harms the arts.
First of all, let me bring out the line in the very beginning of the video that goes
"In our current reality where anything can be created with AI, who's the real maestro?"
It kind of highlights the fact to me that with music creation becoming more and more "accessible" to people - even those who have literally zero musical sensibility - with the help of AI, being "good" at creating music slowly loses its uniqueness and creditability. People won't look up to others who are good at writing lyrics or creating beats and they won't "idolise" them because they can have it with just a click of a button. It highlights that if we keep going down the route of using AI to create music, people could get credited with little to no music skills, and those who are actually skilled could lose their jobs.
It would also be hard to tell if the songs are actually created by living-breathing musicians with the help of human minds and emotions, or they're just a cheap AI copy that STEALS and uses already existing pieces of art to create something else.
Next, I'd like to talk about the trailer itself.
If you slow down the trailer to the slowest setting and just pay attention to the video, you can see a scene for a fraction of a second where Hoshi is kneeling with his hands tied in the middle of a bunch of robot looking soldiers(?) with their rifles pointed at him.
It's just one scene I distinctly remember, but most of the cuts looked like they were all somehow "controlled" by various types of electronic devices(?).
There are also AI created scenes in between some actual scenes of the guys themselves showcasing robots making music, also somewhat symbolising that people creating music with AI is just like as if it was robots creating it and it has zero human emotions involved whatsoever.
I also saw people saying that "since they used AI, they could've used something better quality so it doesn't look this ass" and all I can say to that is I think that was part of the point they're trying to make?
Like it's kind of symbolising that AI can never truly be as good as a piece of art created from human emotions BY a human? Idk that's just my opinion honestly.
In conclusion, all I can say is that I hope they only used AI for this one trailer alone, or like we'd only get a few seconds of AI in the MV AT MAX.
I'm not really fond of the idea of AI being used for commercial purposes, so I hope they only used it just for this one trailer to make a point.
I mean, we've seen many K-pop groups have trailers to music videos that had literally nothing to do with what was in the actual music video, so I'm hoping it's one of those cases.
I hope it's like a "prologue" to set the scene/tone for the MV itself.
Anyways, if anyone read the whole thing, thank you, I really appreciate you.
I'd also love to hear your thoughts in the comments/reblogs, it's an interesting topic to talk about.
I might also follow up with some new thoughts in a reblog if I remember something else.
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invernom · 5 months
For anyone interested in a weird fun lil personal update related to my personal gender experience & plural self-discovery, quasi-related to my coining the term graygender:
When I first tapped into my gender feelings and coined graygender to describe it, thinking about my gender gave me a feeling like floating deep underwater. It's why I went for a deep blue in the center of my first graygender pride flag.
In the years since, that experience changed, and the mental image my gender conjured up was a large, dark orb floating just above the ocean floor in deep, peaceful water. I couldn't explain why thinking about my gender returned the result of "a serene, if slightly ominous, undersea orb", it's just what came to mind whenever I thought about it. I'd even crack jokes about how odd it was!
(I also made a playlist of instrumental music that kinda matched the vibe it gave me. Might share it on here in future or smthing idk, since I really like it)
Anyways, in the past few years I very abruptly discovered I'm some kind of osdd system and the orb is another alter, who I've met and spoken to a couple times??!? And any alter that enters its nice lil watery space can only do so as a floating mote of light, that's just the rules.
But anyways it's a part of me that manipulates access to information & memories for the wellbeing of the system, while also still coming up whenever I (the always-fronting shell alter) think of my gender. The orb, so far as I know, doesn't have a name or gender of its own and doesn't seem particularly interested in them, and it/its pronouns feel most correct when referring to it.
I do have other alters with their own genders, which is still wild to me cause some of them just know they're a boy or a girl or nonbinary or something else right away, like it's obvious to them. But that's not my experience at all!! I had to muddle around figuring out what I felt, so it's quite interesting other parts of me are like "nah I already know".
But yeah anyways who else can say they've met their gender?? 😂
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Black Sails Musical Parallels Project
So in January of 2022 I was re-bingeing for my Black Sails anniversary, and I started having several moments where I recognized the music and remembered other scenes where it had played, often making each moment all the more poignant for the other moments it referenced.
And I thought hey, next time I rewatch I should track the musical themes! I was thinking it would be a fairly easy thing to just make a quick note of familiar music while watching, and might lead to some interesting parallels, since the show is so intentional about so many things, which I imagined extended to the music as well because, well, Bear McCreary.
Cut to a year-long project where I ended up tracking what definitely weren't just "themes", but all the musical moments in each episode in order to then find the matches for the bits that sounded familiar and that I could swear were heard somewhere else in the show. (and @amy-oswin-lovegood continually making fun of me and my magic pie bush, which I staunchly defended seeing as I did continue to find pies in the bush)
Because I'm autistic this further led to a notebook full of scribbled notes made while watching the episodes, a massive spreadsheet to dump those notes and start tracking repetitions, and over 800 files of music clips.
Then Obsidian to organize all the findings; namely, having each of the musical moments that were repeated at some point in the show, with all the instances where that music plays and a desciption of what's happening in the scene, attaching the corresponding music clips, and starting to name the musical parallels based on the patterns woven through when and how they appear.
And while I was screaming about my findings to my friends all throughout the process, at some point I realized I wanted to make gifsets to highlight the musical parallels and the way they increase how this show loves to destroy us.
And since I haven't figured out a good way of actually sharing the findings as I currently have them organized in Obsidian, this is a way to at least partly share the pain and excitement of the music in Black Sails.
So anyway here we are!
I've made gifsets for some of the first parallels, which I'll publish over the next few days, but this is definitely an ongoing project and so gifsets might be slow in coming thereafter.
I'll be tagging everything as #black sails musical parallels, but will also link to the tag on my blog for anyone who wants to see in chronological order Also if anyone wants to scream about musical parallels I'd love to chat!
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unfortunate--moth · 7 months
Master Detectives: Milgram AU (part 1???)
So I made a post about this earlier but here I am putting my two interests together in a blender.
for milgram fans that don't know what rain code is, brief explanation: Rain Code is a mystery solving video game where you play as an amnesiac detective who has made a contract with a death god to solve mysteries. He's part of the World Detective Organization and many others that are part of it become Master Detectives by having these powers called Fortes that are very useful for mystery solving.
With that out of the way, I shall now begin rambling.
So obviously Es is the protagonist and Jackalope is our fucked up little death god. Es doesn't know why they're a detective and sure as hell doesn't know why the fuck they made a contract with an annoying little rabbit thing. So they also don't know their forte- if they even have one. but they meet the other master detectives and begrudgingly have to work with them even though they seriously don't want to.
Yuno | Forte: Glamour With her ability, anyone who looks at her will see their ideal partner. Romantic, platonic, or otherwise. She can only use it for a short period of time, but she uses it to draw information out of suspects. She doesn't take her job too seriously, and she rarely ever takes on jobs that could be dangerous. She excels with interrogation and information gathering, but when it comes to investigating, she isn't the best at it. Still, she's very observant.
Fuuta | Forte: Technology Manipulation He can manipulate technology. To be specific, he can take control over other devices, transfer data from one device to another, see things a person has deleted or hidden, and things of that nature. It comes with limitations, of course. There's a range limit to his ability, not being able to take control of other devices outside of it. A bit of a loose cannon as a detective. While is ability is useful, he tends to jump to conclusions and usually has to pair up with someone so he doesn't convict the wrong person. He is smart, and has solved many cases before, but he tends to work by his own rules rather than the WDO's.
Shidou | Forte: Instant Examination With his forte, Shidou is able to see the state of any living or dead body. He'll be able to see the state any body is in, what injuries there could be, if anything is in their system, and so on. He can't use it on bodies that are already decomposed. With his ability, he's most useful in murder cases. As a doctor, he's also helpful if anyone has been injured. However, his ability doesn't include healing. He can see everything, but he would have to fix things in the traditional way. So even with this ability, he's still managed to lose some people.
Amane | Forte: Divination With her ability, she can gain insight on the future of things. However, her forte is a bit fickle, and she can't control what she'll see. Sometimes it's incredibly useful, but other times it may show her completely unrelated things. Using it too much at once has negative consequences, often leading to her fainting or hallucinating. She didn't join of her own volition. Rather, she was scouted for it. She doesn't really have a interest in mysteries or solving them, but she's come to see them more as a test rather than anything else.
Thats it for now. As you can see, I only wrote down 4 characters mainly because I'm having a very hard time coming up with abilities for everyone else. It's a bit harder than I thought to come up with mystery solving abilities. but yeah anyways!! i may make another post about this if I come up with more, or I might just ramble about other ideas I may have in the future. if you have any ideas you'd like to share I'd love to hear :]
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albywritesfiction · 7 months
Ædan Route Thoughts
Honestly, I'm torn on the idea of an Ædan route.
I think he's possibly the most interesting character, for being so obviously flawed and caught up in the snowballing consequences of his own actions (see: the audience practically chomping at the bit to analyse him haha). Like, this wouldn't have happened if teen!Ædan hadn't decided to lie to tween!MC about liking them and keeping up the lie for a decade. But you can see how the dummy got to that point considering his complex around arranged marriages. Also - pathetic pretty boy, y'know?
But I like that Ædan isn't in love with MC. MC could be the most attractive, most talented, perfect fiance ever and Ædan is not obligated to fall in love with MC. Maybe that goes against OI power-fantasy rules, but a drop of realism might make things sweeter? I mean, it seems like when/if Ædan discovers Helene's true nature he might start pining after what could have been with MC anyways, but I want him to stay uninterested in MC for as long as possible.
I'm aro, and sometimes I'm uncomfy with how some anons talk about Ædan. Like, a vibe of "how dare Ædan not be in love with MC. He deserves suffering and heartbreak!" I mention this because I don't think I'd be as sympathetic to Ædan if I weren't aro, and couldn't relate HEAVY to trying to manage other people's feeling for you to keep the peace. Ædan is a shit-bag cuz he's a liar that lead MC on and has chosen to massively destabilise the kingdom for selfish personal reasons, not cuz he won't fall in love with MC! Idk, I feel really defensive about Ædan right to not fall in love (again, Ædan is so compelling for so many different reasons haha)
TL:DR: an Ædan route would fascinate me, i'd eat it up. But I like no-Ædan route cuz sometimes love is unrequited and that's okay
Hello Anon!
I’d just like to start by saying that I really liked your ask, because it has insights that I haven’t received before 😊 Like this part:
But I like that Ædan isn't in love with MC. MC could be the most attractive, most talented, perfect fiance ever and Ædan is not obligated to fall in love with MC. Maybe that goes against OI power-fantasy rules, but a drop of realism might make things sweeter?
I'm aro, and sometimes I'm uncomfy with how some anons talk about Ædan. Like, a vibe of "how dare Ædan not be in love with MC. He deserves suffering and heartbreak!"
Ohh, I’m so sorry if any of my responses to such asks have also made you (and anyone else who feels similarly) uncomfy, I’ll be more mindful of my responses in the future so as to avoid repeating my mistakes 🥺
Ædan is a shit-bag cuz he's a liar that lead MC on and has chosen to massively destabilise the kingdom for selfish personal reasons, not cuz he won't fall in love with MC!
Oh yeah, I 100% agree with this, Anon! It’s why I (to the best of my recollection) didn’t condemn Ædan for his feelings and say that he was a douchebag for not loving MC (because he has the right to love/not love whoever he ends up loving/not loving, as do we all), but he is kind of a douchebag because of how he handled everything, but he’s also kind of an understandable douchebag. Even the whole revenge thing is just in response to what MC views as years of betrayal because Ædan still actively lead them on, even though he knows how much MC loved him and how hard MC worked to become the most perfect consort for him, instead of revealing everything earlier on when he first realized his feelings for Helene.
Like, I’ve personally never wanted to seek revenge on the people I’ve had an unrequited crush on just because they didn’t like me back 😅 (maybe because they’ve all been way too out of my league in my eyes so I’ve always been like, they’re so amazing why would they ever like me 😅)
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!
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character ask game 15, 18, 20 for New Jersey, New York, Connecticut
Hey, thanks for the ask! Here we go-
Connecticut -
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I haven't really given this one much thought since I've neither thought of Connie a lot nor do I really go that deep into shipping since it's not the most interesting part for me, but I've read a bunch of Connecticut/Florida fics and so far that's been my favourite one to read (: [Also Flo called Connie Butter-cut in one of the videos 🥹]
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I really like Flo's and Connie's conversations, of course. Connecticut is always just right at the edge while talking to Flo, who is either confused by them or keeps provoking them, and it's hilarious. Then the little bit of Connie and Rhodey we've seen - love that. But my favourite is actually Connie and Gov's relationship. I can explain.
For example, in the WNY 9/8 pt 1: A Wild Beefalo Has Appeared! video, Connie is just...so patient while explaining something to Gov - or at least patient in comparison to some of the other states we've seen yelling at and insulting Gov while giving him an answer. He doesn't do either of those or makes Gov feel stupid for not knowing the answer or what is going on in the state - he just takes a deep breath and calmly explains the whole 'part bison, part cow' thing to him. I feel like Gov really needs to talk with someone who doesn't get mad at him very easily, and Connie just fits that role in my eyes. Also, I bet that while Gov was still the Continental Congress, he and Connecticut would often get mixed up with each other since they both were called 'Con' for short. Till Connecticut gradually moved to the nickname 'Connie' and Congress started being called 'Connor' more often [then eventually Gov], they used to amuse each other by annoying the other states (Connie was one of the few rare states that Congress was not scared to loosen up and relax around) through answering to that name when someone was clearly calling for the other one (:
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screen time they share doesn't matter?
Rhodey. They both are two peas in a pod - small, feisty, and ready to bite with a whole lotta attitude. They were definitely pirates back in the day and uh... you know what @crazedstoryteller I feel like I should just tag you at this point since many of these headcannons are either yours or developed from yours anyway <3
Also, they both love the Boardwalk and are willing to take down anyone in a fight, no matter their size. They'll call each other in the middle of the night and ask them to join them in a fight - not because they need help but because they know the other one would love to be a part of the fight too. You know like how sometimes you might look at some picture and think "yeah, this friend of mine would want to see this"? Rhodey and Connie do that but with partaking in fights.
New Jersey -
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Dara, come get your boys again because it's New Jersey/New York (: They're one of the sweetest couples I can think of really.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I don't remember which episode it was but there's one in which NJ says he's got to tell RI even Mass (I think?) doesn't like New York coming over. I can just imagine New Jersey and Rhode Island being the gossip queens of the Northeast lmao. And it doesn't hurt that they both are small enough to hide in places to secretly get the tea to spill to each other later...
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screen time they share doesn't matter?
Hmm, for this I'd have to say Nevada for sure. Nevada's a gossip queen too so that's also there. Then they both have large gambling centers that they regularly discuss about with each other. And NJ's one of the few rare states that (and the only one who regularly) allows Nevada to experiment with new hairstyles and make-up looks on him, partially because he's his friend and partly because he likes most of the looks himself too.
New York -
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
New Jersey/New York again, enough said (:
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
You know how in MA joins the table, Mass gives those ventilators to NY because he's not well and "Ain't nobody gonna kill no-how but me."? They're brothers, your honour, I swear. And because I can't stick to one alone; New York and Florida, outside the table, get along well too. NY's like his uncle that keeps visiting.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screen time they share doesn't matter?
California, California, California, Cal-
They have so much in common - Broadway and Hollywood, loud big cities that never sleep, major economies, technology and the stock market, etc. etc. They hang out a lot and discuss all this stuff. Cali would be going through the script of the latest musical New York is in to see where the lights would need to be switched on and all that while New York is reading about California's next acting role to see the best outfits he should wear at all those show premieres.
This turned out longer than I expected, but I hope you're happy with the answers, anon!
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daddysgothbimbo · 2 months
I figured I'd do a quick little introduction post so people can get to know me a bit and to let everyone know what you might find on my blog.
Firstly, hi, I'm Daddy's Goth Bimbo, I haven't really thought about anyway to shorten that or anything else I may want to be called on here, so that'll have to do for now. If you would like to know a little about who I am outside of RP (yes this is RP, this is kink, this is not me 24/7, this is just for fun) as my bio says, I'm a 28 year old (at time of writing this) feminist and leftist from Aoteroa/New Zealand. I am also a genderqueer and bi/demisexual sub leaning switch.
I am disabled and chronically ill, I have adhd and autism (with pathological demand avoidance/pervasive drive for autonomy, which makes kink dynamics like power exchange very interesting. If anyone wants to know more about how Daddy and I have found a way to make things work for us feel free to ask) I'm a big nerd, I love gaming, writing, reading, any means of losing myself in another world. I'm a real whore for knowledge (real bimbo behaviour, I know) and I put a decent chunk of my energy into activism and supporting my communities. This is where I come to switch my brain off and learn to be a dumb little slut for my Daddy.
Even though I may have patriarchy kinks, they are just that, kinks, fantasy. I do not carry any of this over into my real life, nor do I believe that any sex, gender or any other group of people are inferior or lesser in anyway and I will not tolerate any genuine bigotry of any kind. Consent is key :)
As for my other kinks and interests, I am also into degradation, humiliation, objectification, hucow, lactation, breeding, bimboification (obviously), dumbification, praise, pet play, bdsm as a whole, exhibitionism and a whole host of other things that are currently escaping my mind.
You can expect to find some pictures of me here as well as things I may write and anything else that Daddy requests, but mostly you'll probably just find me reblogging things I like and stuff of that nature.
That probably just about covers it, though I am likely forgetting a few things, the brain fog is getting a bit too thick so this will do for now. I hope you enjoy your stay on my blog :)
Please also read this post https://www.tumblr.com/daddysgothbimbo/746159884331024384/i-just-want-it-to-be-known-that-even-though-i-do?source=share
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psychewritesbs · 3 months
Food for thought but here's an interesting video about the psychology of the trinity and I'm curious as to what your thoughts on this and how Gege might be applying this in JJK considering the concept of threes is arguably prevalent in the series.
ohoho anon. I even made a little diagram about it that I just absolutely have to share because the brainrot was so good.
This is the thing, maybe this amounts to something, maybe it doesn't, but these are the things my nerdy brain lives for in jjk. ESPECIALLY because they show Gege's level of metaphorical thinking.
I remember this one time this jjk anti told me "I am sure Gege does his research, but jjk is not that deep". Bro... this isn't research, this is deep understanding of the dynamics of the psyche.
Anyways, Analytical Psychology in jjk under the cut'o.
In fact... MBTI anon, this one might be for you... I'd be curious to read your thoughts.
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God I missed using that meme.
First things first. Max Derrat! YES. I've only seen a few of his videos, but what I've seen has always been very, very interesting stuff. Guess how I found him?
Dun dun dun...
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Jacob's Ladder.
So, anyone reading this, go watch the movie and the yt video shared by anon if interested. The movie is a mindfuck, my favorite kind.
About the video...
TLDW; Max basically talks about why the number 3 is considered a sacred number in numerology. For example, Max argues that we often see Gods that come in triads (i.e. Zeus and his brothers Neptune and Hades), but argues that 4 is actually a number of wholeness.
I had rambled about numerology and the significance of 3 and 4 before here. But here's the text again (context: mind = body = soul in jjk as representing the 3 major clans):
Thing is, we are ideally meant to think of it as if this holy trinity (3) makes up one whole together (4). This "whole" is called the Self in Jungian terms, and it is thought to be the entirety of our existence (mind (includes the shadow) + body + soul). Also, from a numerology and esoteric standpoint, you also want to consider that four (the Self) symbolizes stability and order, where three (mind + body + soul) is harmonious but not balanced.
But I really like that Max brought up the Kabbalistic tree of life for his example of why 4 = wholeness. I'm not going to go into all that tho. Suffice it to say he brings up Jung's Answer to Job, which I have not finished reading, but I understand the book is basically Jung rambling about why God is basically an asshole.
Don't quote me on this.
Part of the conclusion that Jung came to is that if God (1) represents "good" then he is not omnipotent because there is an opposite energy to "good", and that is "evil", or Satan (2).
Now, Max talks about how the Holy Trinity (3) represents aspects of God (or something like that), but that Satan, who is on an equal level as God (because good vs evil are opposing energies), got pushed into the shadow (4).
Again, Max does a much better job at explaining how this works, but the whole thing totally reminded me of Jungian typology.
Excuse the chicken scratch.
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In the diagram above, you can replace mind (spirit), body (the son), soul (the Father) and (?) with one of the functions from the MBTI.
Mind you, I haven't studied Jungian typology in depth, and I am totally not well-versed on MBTI typology. But the gist of it is that there's 4 functions thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition. For one reason or another, one becomes dominant, two support the dominant one, and a 4th one is underdeveloped or pushed into the shadow.
You see the pattern?
This is where we come to jjk and the one who might "emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. [And] purify that which is impure."
Jujutsu Kaisen
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Now. I don't have the most coherent thoughts on the topic tbh. Everything is kind of a bunch of ideas floating around that I'm having a hard time grounding.
But I think of particular interest is the idea of the bath's goal being "being near evil."
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But in the original Japanese text, the kanji Ura Ume uses is the kanji for devil/demon, not evil. You know, the function that got pushed into the shadow.
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So there's defo something here pointing at the need for wholeness and for bringing the contents of the shadow into consciousness in order to achieve said wholeness.
And what is in the deepest depths of the shadow? The devil himself. Your own worst enemy.
If you haven't already, I recommend you read Ant's meta of Megumi's character (hi Ant). Of particular interest to this whole ramble, is the idea that at the core of individuation, Megumi is being tasked with merging with his shadow and how that has greater implications...
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God I love Jujutsu Kaisen...
Anon. THANKS for this ask. I am spoiled with brainrot inducing asks and I am very grateful for it.
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