#anyway i'm rambling whoops
cementcornfield · 2 months
It's important to fans to understand me, and me understand the fans. I put a lot of work on my English to talk with you guys. And I think I'm doing a good job.
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lazylittledragon · 3 months
what do you mean youre technically a detransitioner cause of terf bullshit?
it's a v long story but i detransitioned for a couple of years when i was 16/17, for multiple reasons but mostly because i fell into the blaire white/kalvin garrah chamber of "you have to be This way to be trans otherwise you're not real".
i was already Deeply insecure about myself and my 'passing' and i was led to believe that i couldn't want to wear makeup or skirts, and i couldn't choose not to have bottom surgery, and i couldn't do anything but bind for 12+ hours a day to the point that my ribcage is still misshapen. basically i thought that if i wasn't suffering enough doing 'feminine' things, i couldn't really be trans, so i should just go back to being a girl and suck it up.
the terf bullshit is because i'd seen a lot of terfs/detransitioners talking about the 'dangers' of testosterone and how it would turn me into a horrible ugly evil monster and how there was nothing worse than wanting to be a man. which combined with 'you need to fully medically transition to be valid at all' creates some very dangerous and upsetting feelings to cope with.
it also came from trying really hard to put myself in a little box before i realised that my sexuality/gender are very fluid and it's FINE for me not to have a label and just do whatever i want. when i was 19 or so i went back to using they/them (and eventually he/him) and changed my name again because even though i like doing 'feminine' things, i don't want to be seen as a woman.
tldr: i was conditioned by transphobic/terf rhetorics to think that i was being trans the 'wrong' way so i couldn't be trans at all, so i believed i must actually be a girl if i still wanted to do 'feminine' things. nowadays i am a transmasc who does feminine things because i don't give two shits about what any transmed prick thinks of me anymore.
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tei-to-tei · 6 months
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December 14 - Spare Time
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | ...
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I was today years old when I finally realized that the reason the principal accidentally hired a ballet instructor was because "ballet-bu" (ballet club) and the way "volleyball" is pronounced sound so similar he couldn't tell the words apart.....
"Hey, we need a volleyball advisor."
"A ballet club advisor? Sure, why not!"
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humbuns · 2 months
Hi i'm shy so I'm putting this on anon BUT i just need you to know that your tsumugi is one of my favorite tsumugi's of all time. You just draw him so perfectly??? His curls in particular look so right and it makes me so happy when I see him on my dash or one of my mutuals sends me your art. I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY!!!
sobs first off, i'm overwhelmed that you regard my version of tsumugi so highly and that ppl are sharing it around !! it makes me want to combust into dust a little /pos
second, would you believe me if i told you i have observed tsumugi's hair so much that i actually have a favorite part lmao
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i think i'm biased though bc i adore curly/wavy hair so much and i have an excuse to make it seem like waves for no reason so tsumugi is my current outlet of enjoyment rn (they get all the attention)
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Sorry for the random asks, I just get random thoughts.
If the Wobbly Hearts AU Ninja were in a band AU who would be doing/playing what?
bro ur asks are fun so this works out HGLKSJDF
Okay, i had to think a bit hard on this one but here we go
Jay - Lead Guitar: Bro has some wild speed which would be dope for shredding amazing for finger picking, this, ofc, is in reference to his elemental power of lightning. I'd think he can play several different types of guitars ranging from a standard electric to the banjo. He also likes to be front and centre a lot of the time and absolutely thrives off of attention so guitar solos would really give him a chance to shine. I imagine he'd play with a speed similar to this guy though likely not with that type of guitar
Kai - Bass guitar/backup vocalist: I'd actually give Kai the bass cause it's criminally underrated (like kai in the show it feels like sometimes) and it kinda lends itself to the fact his character ends up being more of a supporting role (specifically to Lloyd in the show) in the background rather than the main protagonist. He's extremely skilled in a way that not a lot of people notice, an avid bass defender and hype man and only slightly annoyed that Jay has more fans than him. He likely posts lots of bass shredding vids online
Cole - Drums: I mean come on you had to have seen this coming. I know it almost feels basic to put him but it fits so WELL. He's the one who keeps the team on track in the show and on beat in the band. He's so steady and consistent that it kinda blends together and you forget he's there sometimes. He's the one band member who can go out in public and not a single person will recognize him and he's cool with that. He has an amazing voice and could easily be a lead singer but he's content where he is. He's wildly skilled on the drums and I imagine people would start taking notice in him when he has like a drum solo that happens and its kinda like how Jay is crazy on the guitar he'd be outrageous like this dude
Lloyd - Lead Vocals/drums: Lloyd's currently learning drums from Cole and he's having a lot of fun with them. (a nod to my hc of Cole teaching Lloyd how to lead in the show.) He has the best voice out of the group with an INSANE range in his vocals. He can go from more like straight up angelic sounding to like hardcore screaming and so he's pretty versatile. (A nod to his oni/dragon sides.) He doesn't enjoy singing as much as he does drumming but he's good at it so he doesn't mind being the lead. Though he's not a huge fan of his fans. They're a little crazy. If you want to see him smile ask him to play the drums for you, he gets really winded and is always grinning with his hair a complete mess afterwards. He gets a lot of dopamine from da drums. He also enjoys helping Nya out with writing their lyrics
Nya - Stage Manager(previous)/Backup Guitarist/Second Lead Vocal/Songwriter: Nya is pretty versatile in what she can do. She knows the basics of base, is a pretty solid contender for lead guitar, she's also learning drums from Cole alongside Lloyd. She used to handle the behind the scenes stuff at some point before she actually joined the band. Her ability to both carve out her own place and easily fill in for the other's if they need to tap out lends itself to her element power of water something something. I kinda think of Walk Off the Earth with their two lead vocalists and how their voices blend together really well and the harmonies are really nice for how Nya and Lloyd would sound together. She also has a huge hand in writing the bands songs obviously. Kai did a lot of the lyrics for a while but he's not the most creative person. The whole band kinda has a hand in writing and its a group effort but Nya's usually the one leading it
Pixal - Stage Manager (current): I'm thinking Pixal used to be like, a solo act for a while or something? I dunno I actually couldn't get many ideas for her. But a soloist songwriter and maybe singer and she eventually retired from that and runs things behind the scenes for the band, booking stuff, getting transport, she's great at her job and the whole band loves and appreciates her, Kai regularly dramatically falls across her lap to ask "What would we do without you?" when she hands him a juice box after a set. She also handles the technology (with some assistance from Nya and sometimes Zane) and any more digital sounds they want added to their music
Zane - oh screw it, it's gotta be violin doesn't it??: come on just listen to his Falcon Chase song what else would he play??? All his songs in this show are literally strings!!! Cello, viola, violin, fiddle. i imagine he's classically trained in a lot of the bow + stringed instruments. I'm thinking Lindsey Stirling type playing probably or something. It lends itself to his controlled but emotional?? way of dealing with stuff? You can get a wide range of emotion from these types of instruments and he knows how to pull at your heartstrings (get it cause strings instrument--[gets hit with a chair])
Am i well versed enough in music to know if all these instruments would work well together? No, no i am not. But the concepts are cool and I guess i can be a lil silly goofy with it
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strangefable · 8 months
what d&d class is your oc?
tagged for this uquiz by the lovely @jillvalentinesday, @cassietrn, @inafieldofdaisies, @voidika, @josephseedismyfather, @direwombat, @poisonedtruth, and @theelderhazelnut, thank you all <3
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You are a Ranger, an explorer of dangerous territories. You are fearless and cunning, traits necessary on your travels, but you tend to be closed off from others and overly pragmatic. Your connection with nature and skill with weaponry will carry you through most battles, and your sneakiness will let you avoid the ones it will not.
There isn't any other class that suits her. She's not got the magic for druid, but her fighting style keeps her out of direct warrior/barbarian types. Archery and nature, exploration and knowing the lay of the land, and using it to advantage? That's Micah. She's at home alone in the woods, but with party members she's off her footing, unsure how to interact or engage. Trusts comes hard for her, but a fearless ability to throw herself into danger? Yeah, she's got that in spades.
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You are a Rogue, a skilled adventurer who uses guile and expertise to your advantage. You are often seen as stealthy and precise, aiming for your opponent's weakest points, but you can master various other skills to aid you on your journey. While you tend to be underhanded and greedy, you can also be daring, clever, insightful and charismatic.
Sneaky. Underhanded. Guile. Charm. Greed. Loose Morals. What else could Lil ever be but rogue?
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You are an Artificer, an adventurer who wields science in place of magic. While your foremost trait is intelligence, you're built tougher than most others who place their faith in their brains. You are inventive, curious and occasionally reckless, all traits that get you both into and out of trouble on your adventure.
I admit it, I took the quiz for her a few times until it returned the right result. Intellect and knowledge, melding science and magic, those are Bright's Things. No matter how much the quiz kept trying to make her a traditional magic user, she's just not. She's extremely reckless, but it's not out of malice or a drive for power; it's simple curiosity. And a love of shiny things. She's clever but not wise; she's quick but not strong or nimble.
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You are a Paladin, a warrior sworn to an Oath, whether it be to a god, a king, an ideology or oneself. As a divine soldier, you are well equipped to strike down evil, but must follow a code of your choosing to retain this power. While you are limited somewhat by these bonds, you are also the most driven and determined member of your group.
tbh i've never considered what would suit Lore, but honestly? yeah, she's very driven for good, for what she sees as moral and right, for the betterment of the people, though i don't know if she could be defined as a soldier or warrior. she's about practicality and function over form or style, but she'd balk at the idea of serving a god or a king. her goal is always to help people, especially those who have no voice and no power. she fights hard, but she prefers diplomacy and compromise whenever possible, to save as many lives as she can. she's one of my purest, most good characters.
i realize i'm kinda late on this one, but i'm passing on tags, anyway. (feel free to ignore me<3) @henbased, @adelaidedrubman, @v0idbuggy, @legally-a-bastard, @damejudyhench, @mars-colony, @strafethesesinners, @thisisrigged4, @mediocre-life-span, @harmonyowl, @marivenah, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @florbelles, @trench-rot, @wrathfulrook, @simplegenius042, @incognito-insomniac, @gayafsatan, @shallow-gravy, @turbo-virgins, @chazz-anova, @confidentandgood, @aceghosts, @jacobseed, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @fourlittleseedlings, @clonesupport, @unholymilf, and anyone else who wants to do this, please say i tagged you <3
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skyward-floored · 3 months
Maybe I should put some IAU Four fluff on the list of things to write huh
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skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months
To those who sent medical asks, I'll get to them, don't worry lol. Brain's just not feeling it for now.
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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[Start ID. A doodle of V1 and the Flesh Prison from ULTRAKILL. V1 is shooting volleys of nails in the general direction of the Flesh Prison, whilst very harriedly running around and attempting to dodge its numerous attacks. Next to it is a thought bubble reading "I AM IN HELL". The Flesh Prison's healthbar is displayed at the top, and the text "You are here" by the very right end of it displays the futility of V1's efforts to deal any lasting damage. End ID]
aka "i thought this was the kind of boss fight where you're supposed to stay alive and wait for something to help you" aka "guess who p-ranked eight levels in one day and is suffering the consequences" aka "help."
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nonbinary-niki-bog · 4 months
"A Sigma Free Day" is slowly morphing into CS!Sigma learning about what cookies are because why not :p?
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untitledducklett · 1 year
why does your absol eat metal?
Good question!
He's a Vanitian Absol, a critically endangered variant of Absol native to the Vanitas region (it disbanded about 2k years ago when it merged with greater Kalos through a political marriage). Vanitas was entirely locked in by mountains and was poor in just about everything except metal. The original population of Absol somehow got trapped there around 100,000 years ago (likely a cave-in blocking off the only way back to main Kalos) and had to adapt to the new conditions. As with most Vanitian Pokemon they developed the ability to consume metal to supplement their diet.
One can squeak by for a short amount of time on iron-rich foods, but in order for your Vanitian Pokemon to thrive they do require regular amounts of ore. Regular metal can also work since ore is hard to get and expensive these days if you don't know where to get it.
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
Did I just spend my entire day binging your masterlist?
Yes I did.
And I don't regret it that was some good soup.
Aw, thank you for taking the time to binge-read my masterlist. I know there's a lot of content. (And some things aren't even on some of the masterlists, looking at all of the Stone variants stuff).
I'm glad you enjoyed it though. Writing takes a lot of passion, so it feels very nice to be recognized.
Anyways, thank you for the nice ask!
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kaladinkholins · 3 months
hi, it's me. the fic writer that uses culturally-specific idioms in a very different cultural time setting and keeps confusing words like reign and rein. this is my story.
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grassbreads · 1 year
I just got a verbal job offer for more money than I ever thought I'd be making in my entire life
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daughterofhecata · 6 months
Could you elaborate why you don’t like Geisterbunker? I would love to hear your thoughts.
Meine Haupt-Klagepunkte habe ich hier vor einiger Zeit schon zusammengefasst (im letzten Reblog), zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass mich literally alles an der Datstellung der Polizei und spezifisch der Person Lisa Merryweather aufregt. Das Cotta überhaupt für so eine kurze Zeit eine Vertretung gestellt wird, ist schon unrealistisch af, und dann diese.
Ihre ganze Art ist eine Sache (sie benimmt sich imo eher wie 17 als wie 40), dann ihre Beschreibung - Stöckelschuhe und enger Rock im Dienst??? Hallo??? Dass sie ohne Waffe losrennt???
Und wie ich in einem anderen Post gesagt habe (der diesen Ask getriggert hat, nehme ich mal an?), ich bin wirklich gerne bereit, Nevis zuzuerkennen, dass er in race Fragen deutlich sensibler und differenzierter agiert als andere DDF-Autoren (I'm looking at you, Dittert, but also pretty much everyone else), aber dafür stinkt die ganze Figur Lisa Merryweather einfach nach Sexismus. Vielleicht ist sie eine bewusste "Karikatur", bewusst überzeichnet und überkandidelt, aber das ändert eben nichts daran, dass ihre femininen Attribute direkt ausdrücklich negativen Einfluss auf ihre Kompetenz haben. Und das ärgert mich.
Oder bin ich da jetzt ein bisschen sensibel?
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