#anyway here is a wild Marimo
diamondsheep · 9 months
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Green 💚💚💚
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sanjisock · 3 years
more than words
50 words; 50 sentences
#01 - Motion
A spinning kick, a swing of blade — the two meet and hit but don’t hurt, and Nami sighs exasperatedly at such a pathetic display of a mating dance.
#02 - Cool
Zoro stands his ground as his enemy — finally, finally — falls unceremoniously on his back, unconscious, and Sanji thinks for a moment that the sight of Zoro — wild and victorious and ready to take on the world — looks kind of, maybe, slightly cool.
  #03 - Young
Brook sees the two — dying to die for each other, the weight of their friends’ lives pulling down their shoulders — and he thinks too many people forget how young they still are.
  #04 - Last
The Cook is the last person Zoro would consider lending a hand in a fight — “who would want to work together with that dumbass anyway,” he lies whenever anyone asks, and doesn’t admit that it’s because he trusts Sanji’s ability to stand his ground, wholly and fully.
  #05 - Wrong
Sanji knows Zoro, like him, understands better than most — that this nakama thing isn’t just something you’d die for, but something you’d kill for, too.
  #06 - Gentle
Sanji manages to catch Kitetsu before it rolls off from the deck during a storm, and in that moment, Zoro knows, from the reverent way he regards the swords in his hands, that this isn’t the first time the Cook has wielded one.
  #07 - One
“Calm down, Marimo,” Sanji says with a dismissive wave of his hand when Zoro asks about the sword a few days later, “I’m not about to take your place as the ship’s swordsman; a cook doesn’t use his hands to fight, and I had a terrible teacher anyways.”
  #08 - Thousand
“I’m worth two thousand men,” Zoro grumpily says, almost sulking, and Nami can’t resist patting his head like she would to a little boy pulling the pigtail of a girl he has a crush on.
  #09 - King
You’re like the prince of Dumbass Kingdom, Zoro says, and it takes Sanji everything in him not to blurt out, Dumbass Kingdom sounds about right; wait ‘till you see the fucking king.
  #10 - Learn
Watching Sanji converse fluently with a couple of tourists in a Northern language, Zoro wonders when he will ever stop learning something new about Sanji — or if he ever will, at all.
  #11 - Blur
When Zoro finally comes to, the wounds from Bartholomeow Kuma is muted by Chopper’s medicine, a dull throb at the back of his consciousness; but the sharp pain against his heart feels raw still, visceral and razor-sharp, tucked alongside the ache of Sanji’s sacrifice.
#12 - Wait
“Wait,” he manages to croak out before Sanji flees the room, the word spilling out unbidden; he isn’t quite sure why, but he knows that he wants the Cook to stay.
  #13 - Change
“Have some fucking decency ,” Sanji yells, throwing a shirt at Zoro’s direction; the brute has been walking around the ship bare-chested like an eyesore ever since they entered the summer island, and Sanji is just trying to do everyone a favor — and definitely not because there’s a different kind of heat pooling at the pit of his stomach.
#14 - Command
Robin watches the two in amusement — Zoro could have easily refused to be Sanji’s pack mule, and she can hear him grumbling about it still; and yet, here they are, once again, together at the island’s marketplace.
#15 - Hold
Sanji is rough around the edges, bristling at the slightest touch; Zoro knows he needs to be gentle, but he doesn’t quite remember the last time he held something that isn’t a hilt of a sword, without meaning to hurt . It’s a learning curve. 
  #16 - Need
Sanji knows Zoro is a dumbass, but it takes a special kind of stupid to think he would never be good enough for Sanji, when he’s all that Sanji has ever needed.
#17 - Vision
Zoro never regrets losing his eye, but he wishes, sometimes, he could still take in the sight of Sanji with an unimpaired vision, just to see more of him.
  #18 - Attention
“You’re starting a fight, Marimo?” Sanji growls, voice low and dangerous, and Zoro thinks, yes, yes, anything to get you to look at me.
  #19 - Soul
He loves the kid like a brother, but sometimes Zoro hates how Luffy can easily see past his gruff words and feigned ignorance; the way Luffy only needs to take one look at him to guess, “you’re worried about Sanji, aren’t you?”
  #20 - Picture
He carries around everyone’s bounty posters, Sanji tells himself, and tries not to think too hard about how the only one he kept in his breast pocket is Zoro’s, folded neatly against his heart.
  #21 - Fool
“This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done so far,” Sanji says when they part, lips still tingling from their earlier kiss, because Zoro’s love is fierce and consuming and Sanji knows, ever since he was just a kid with the iron mask, that he doesn’t deserve any of this.
  #22 - Mad
“Don’t you ever say that kind of shit again,” Zoro snarls, slamming the wall beside Sanji’s head, his voice trembling with a kind of anger Sanji has never seen him with before — frustrated, desperate. “You’re important to me, Cook.” 
  #23 - Child
Grow up and cast your dreams away, Sanji tells himself every day, the voice ringing in his ears; you stopped being a child deserving of a dream the moment you chained Zeff down to the ground.
  #24 - Now
Grow up and cast your dreams away, Sanji wants to tell himself, but the voice stutters, drowned out by the sight of the kid bleeding on the deck of Baratie — he’s a swordsman, too, acknowledged by none other than Dracule Mihawk himself — but a kid still, throwing himself headfirst towards the case of his dreams, steps unweighted by regrets.
  #25 - Shadow
Zoro doesn’t know which is worse — Sanji, forever running away from the shadow his brothers cast; or Zoro, chasing after someone who is no longer around to leave behind a shadow anymore.
  #26 - Goodbye
After Whole Cake Island, there’s a period of time where Zoro would follow Sanji around the ship like a lost puppy, unwilling to let the Cook out of his sight; Usopp definitely didn’t expect Zoro to have such a cute side, and crouches over his new invention to hide his smile.
  #27 - Hide
“We’re not doing that here,” Sanji hisses, and forces himself not to laugh at the pout on Zoro’s face; the galley might be secluded enough, but they’re still on the enemy ship’s galley.
  #28 - Fortune
It is annoying, the way Sanji keeps reminding Zoro that he could have collected Mihawk’s bounty and lived the rest of his life in wealth; especially when Zoro would trade any riches in the world just to stay by the Cook’s side.
  #29 - Safe
It catches Zoro off guard when Sanji starts talking about his mother; it’s a short anecdote, a single happy memory, but Zoro can tell by the way Sanji tells it — guarded and hesitant, like he wants to keep the words close and safe — that he has never shared it with anyone else before.
  #30 - Ghost
Usopp starts shaking like a leaf as soon as they enter the abandoned, dilapidated house, and Sanji gently tells him, sometimes the worst ghost is the one you create yourself; Zoro feels the weight of Wado on his hip, and agrees.
  #31 - Book
“I don’t need this,” Zoro grumbles with a blush, pushing the book back into Nami’s hands, trying hard to ignore Nami’s laughter and the words ROMANCE FOR DUMMIES emblazoned on the book’s jacket.
  #32 - Eye
Shusui sinks into the man’s stomach, all the way to the hilt, and Zoro thinks of the way Sanji curled into himself as the man landed a lucky hit on the cook’s hand. An eye for an eye.
  #33 - Never
“This is my first time,” Zoro whispers, head ducking away as he feels his face flush at the admission; but Sanji’s hand rests on his cheek, encouraging, and he can feel the curve of Sanji’s smile as their lips meet and Sanji replies, “it’s mine, too.”
  #34 - Sing
Luffy cheers when Zoro and Sanji comes into view, and he lets them take on the next batch of enemies; a good fight is always fun, but watching Zoro and Sanji fight is even more so — like watching a dance that only those two know the melody to.
  #35 - Sudden
“What, are we supposed to be surprised?” Nami says, barely looking up from the map she’s working on; Sanji sputters, face redder than the tomatoes he served during breakfast, and Nami feels almost bad for him.
  #36 - Stop
“But we — Zoro and I — how did you know?” Sanji asks, and promptly stops asking questions when he realizes the rest of the crew aren’t surprised either; who could blame them, when his and Zoro’s sexual tension can be seen from a mile away.
  #37 - Time
Sanji knows they have to break apart soon, just to breathe, but right now all he cares about is to taste as much of Zoro as possible — he has waited two years for this, and it has been two years too long.
  #38 - Wash
They have their fair share of fighting — and how, considering the amount of repairs Usopp has to do for Merry just from their petty fights alone — but what the crew doesn’t know is that they also have this thing, this quiet thing, just him and the Cook and a stack of dirty plates between them.
  #39 - Torn
“In retrospect,” Robin observes, “dressing up our dear cook in a maid uniform would not only lower the enemy’s firepower, but also ours, considering how distracted our swordsman has clearly become.”
  #40 - History
“Why do you keep him around, mister?” The kid asks, pointing at the old swordsman with three swords and an eye scar by the peer; Sanji laughs, pats the kid on the head, and says, almost wistfully — “you can say we have some history.”
  #41 - Power
Sanji tugs at Zoro’s sleeve, and Zoro follows suit despite his complaints — Sanji thinks, distantly, how much of an honor it is, to have so much control over such a powerful man.
  #42 - Bother
“I didn’t have enough time to make this three-tier ice cream cake for our lovely Nami-san and Robin-chan because you distracted me!” Sanji says with a hard jab of a finger against Zoro’s chest, and Zoro thinks, good .
  #43 - God
Zoro does not believe in gods, but there’s a hymn of a noise when Zoro presses his lips against the crook of Sanji’s neck, the hallelujah of the world breaking apart as their bodies move together, and he thinks, close enough .
  #44 - Wall
 Zoro slams his fist into the wall of Polar Tang, and is taken aback by the depth of his own frustration; he knows Luffy and the others will get Sanji back from Big Mom’s place, but it unsettles him still, the way Sanji hides himself under layers of pretenses when Zoro has bared so much of himself to the Cook in return.
  #45 - Naked
“What the fuck was that for , Mosshead?!” Sanji shrieks, justifiably furious, leg raised and on fire after Zoro sliced his tray into two without preamble; Zoro can’t exactly tell the Cook he did it because he was too surprised at the sight of Sanji in a swimming trunk and nothing else.
  #46 - Drive
Why Zoro , people sometimes ask, but the answer is easy to Sanji — nobody drives him crazy the way Zoro does, and is that not what true love feels like?
  #47 - Harm
Zoro knows Sanji will be furious ; but as he faces Kuma, knowing at least the Cook is out of harm’s way, he knows he would do this a hundred times over, a thousand times over, a million times over.
  #48 - Precious
Sanji is sitting by the corner of the infirmary, face pale with red-rimmed eyes, and Zoro thinks he’s never had that, before — people who would weep for him, knowing that he is more than dried scars and calloused skin.
  #49 - Hunger
This thing we have is dangerous, Sanji tells him, but Zoro doesn’t care — he already has a craving, the same way he needs a booze when it’s been too long, except he thinks that this vice will surely kill him.
  #50 - Believe
This isn’t faith; this is the truth, Zoro’s truth, the same way he knows he will become the Greatest — Sanji will find that elusive sea of his, and Zoro will stay with him until it is the last thing he can do.
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inflagranteinnuendo · 6 years
92 Truths
Thanks @writefasttalkevenfaster​ for the tag ;)
Drink  -Christine: Sauvignon Blanc (Kenzo, Napa Valley, California 2014) because it’s a dessert wine and i am a sweet mofo -Hun: like drink or ~drink~ because the answer is either water or tequila
Phone Call -Christine: a downtown law firm to enquire about a class action (really.) -Hun: my school’s financial aid office which is a wild ride
Song you listened to -Christine: Most of All, by JMSN -Hun: ocean eyes, by Billie Eilish
Time you cried -Christine: reading When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi -Hun: last night lol
Dated someone twice -Christine: yes. don’t do it, kids. -Hun: i literally haven’t even dated anyone once
Been cheated on -Christine: lmao i’d like to see them try and get away with it -Hun: no one has had the opportunity 
Kissed someone and regretted it -Christine: fuck. it was also like a slow realization of what the fuck did i do which i think is worse -Hun: haven’t kissed anyone at all lmao
Lost someone special - Christine: i only have one grandparent left - Hun: I also only have one grandparent left
Been Depressed - Christine: yep - Hun: ahuh
Been drunk and thrown up - Christine: yepppppp unfortunately - Hun: literally me like every 3 days
Made a new friend -Christine: yesssss looking at you @writefasttalkevenfaster​ and @mrsrafaelbarba​ and also my hunny bunny - Hun: I made like 50+ doing some stuff at school which was cool and also mi monita (Christine)
Fallen out of love -Christine: yes and it was the best thing that has ever happened - Hun: this tag was meant for someone with a life 
Laughed until you cried -Christine: YES THIS PAST WEEK TWICE - Hun: Earlier in the year back when I hadn’t seen every vine compilation 100 times and they were still fresh to me lmao
Met someone who changed you -Christine: does raul esparza count (havent actually met him in person but my eyes have met him through a screen ok i just decided that esparza counts) - Hun: not really 
Found out who your true friends are -Christine: waddup 2012. turbulent year of back-stabbings  - Hun: definitely.
Found out someone was talking about you -Christine: yes and apparently I’m a cold elitist bitch, go figure. - Hun: actually no not at all but maybe people just aren’t telling me 
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life? -Christine: two - Hun: none
Do you have any pets? -Christine: no but i want a marimo moss ball - Hun: I have a basset hound!!!! His name is Bandit and he is the Best Boy™️!! 
Do you want to change your name? -Christine: my actual legal name gets butchered a lot but hey, if ppl can say arnold schwarzenegger then ppl can say mine, capice? i ain’t gonna change it for anybody’s lazy ass tongue. -Hun: Hun is actually a preferred name that I very much prefer but not at all professional sounding, so I like that my proper name is there to be ambiguous and will probably look cool on a name plate
What time did you wake up this morning? -Christine: 8:30AM because dis bitch is still on vacation - Hun: I am also on vacation still but I got up at noon lmao
What were you doing last night -Christine: writing this really sad dodds fic and quoting barba’s contrapasso closing argument @writefasttalkevenfaster​ sorry girl if it’s fair then it must be just - Hun: I binged watched a bunch of youtube beauty videos
Name something you cannot wait for  -Christine: to be finally settled into a residency program i actually like and enjoy - Hun: better
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? -Christine: nope - Hun: No actually 
What’s getting on your nerves right now? -Christine: other than my neurotransmitters nothing much - Hun: myself lol
Blood Type -Christine: Coffee+ -Hun: I don’t know but as a really bad anemic person I probably should shouldn’t I
Nickname -Christine: monkey, homicidal monkey in the hat (don’t ask. actually ask @mrsrafaelbarba​ or @writefasttalkevenfaster​) -Hun: bunny, hunny bunny, “hunty” by my sisters
Relationship status -Christine: single -Hun: caballo deprimido
Zodiac -Christine: scorpio -Hun: pisces 
Pronouns -Christine & Hun: she/her
Favorite Show -Christine: do not do this to me. I was into BBC Sherlock for a really long time (hence my @moriartyhiii​ URL) and now i’m into svu (hence this blog) -Hun: SVU of course
College -Christine: University of Depression, campus Crying. -Hun: lmao i go to NYU feel free to stalk 
Hair colour -Christine & Hun: Dark Brown
Do you have a crush on someone? -Christine: nope. haven’t since like 2015. -Hun: pete scallopini 
What do you like about yourself? -Christine: I like that I really know and respect myself  -Hun: ?? idk i’d like to think I’m pretty funny 
Surgery -Christine: done on me- wisdom teeth removal, done on a patient- 14h bilateral lung transplant -Hun: Sometimes you get cysts and it be like that
Piercing -Christine: ears, circa 2014 -Hun: I got my ears pierced maybe in 2004? This says “firsts” but i’m gonna tell you anyway that I got them pierced 9 times lmao and i have my nose and bellybutton done 
Sport you joined -Christine: basketball grade 7-12 and first year of college, ballet from age 5 on and off till now, running from first year of college -Hun: I have never done physical activity in my life. I was in marching band lmao
Vacation -Christine: China, Japan, parts of Canada, Australia -Hun: I’ve been up north before (a michigan thing) but I had to hunt which is a pain to me so I wouldn’t call them vacations so I really have never 
Pair of sneakers -Christine: don’t do this to me don’t ok fine Reeboks, Nikes, New Balance, Nikes again, Puma -Hun: My first pair of sneakers? I dont get this category why would I know this? So I have many a nike for a person who doesn’t move but I have a pair of white fake keds that are torn and ripped and the bottoms don’t exist but I’m never throwing them away 
Eating -Christine: air -Hun: nada
Drinking -Christine: water  -Hun: gatorade
I’m about to   -Christine: write a smut hc for you thirsty thirsty ppl -Hun: go back to bed
Listening to -Christine: Daydream by Medasin  -Hun: the fan 
Want kids? -Christine: max two -Hun: Idk I’m like 9 i need time to think
Get married? -Christine: probably? idk -Hun: well I sure fuckin hope
Career -Christine: Med student, aspiring surgeon -Hun: Student, receptionist, clarinet instructor who hopes she’ll be cut out for corporate law
Lips or eyes -Christine & Hun: Eyes
Hugs or kisses -Christine: kisses -Hun: I ain’t never done the kissing but I’m gonna assume its neat
Shorter or taller -Christine & Hun: Taller
Romantic or spontaneous -Christine & Hun: romantic
Sensitive or loud -Christine & Hun: sensitive
Hook up or relationship -Christine: let’s be completely honest here. nothing beats the feeling of fuck em & leave em wanting for more yes i am that asshole -Hun: ^^ I would love to be cool like that. But also *michael scott voice* I love [relationships]. Love to be a part of one someday.
Troublemaker or hesitant -Christine: troublemaker -Hun: hesitant. plz sit down, sir
Kissed a stranger -Christine: yes -Hun: sighing
Drank hard liquor -Christine: yes when i was 20 and thought macallan 25 was hard liquor -Hun: constantly
Lost contacts/glasses -Christine & Hun: dont wear either
Sex on first date -Christine: yep -Hun: now im just sad 
Broken someone’s heart -Christine: since we’ve established that i’m an asshole, yes -Hun: my own i’m boo boo the fool
Been arrested -Christine: Nope -Hun: well not “arrested” but I did have to sit in the back of a cop car for awhile lmao long story
Turned someone down -Christine: Yes -Hun: the opportunity has not presented itself
Fallen for a friend -Christine: kinda but i was like 11  -Hun: oh boy i have many a tale on this subject
Yourself -Christine: Yes -Hun: lol
Miracles -Christine: no bec i’m a cynical mofo -Hun: at this point I sure hope
Love at first sight? -Christine: nope -Hun: i dont know her i suddenly can’t read
Heaven -Christine: nope -Hun: i do!! am i going?? probably not
Santa Claus -Christine: my brother does (he’s 9) and i buy his gifts so that makes me santa and since we’ve established that i believe in myself, then yes i believe in santa -Hun: my mom didn’t let me believe in santa ever so no, but i want you all to know i was such a good elementary school kid for not saying shit - when kids were mean to me i could’ve just wrecked them but I DID NOT
I tag @barbabangme, @serendiptious-esparza, @dreila03
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ask-sanji · 7 years
i'd like to create an ask blog like yours (about the idiot marimo though) so any advice? thx
//get lost.
jk. XD
OMG!!! LET ME ENCOURAGE YOU TO ACTUALLY DO IT!!! I might be not the really best person to give one advices, but here are some tips for you and everyone who owns an askblog or planning to make one I guess
It’s good to dedicate yourself into an askblog, but don’t tire yourself over it. It’s okay if you are slow in responding, people won’t take it as a problem. You have a life. Remember you are a human too.
Also if you got hate for advice number one WELP FUCK THEM and just ignore the shitheads. If they dislike your blog they can find another or make one of their own.
It’s good to KNOW and connect with your character, emotionally. Find out about them, know them. Be the character. Feel the character. So you can imagine what they would act in ANY kind of situation. Use your own headcanons. It’s okay! Don’t be scared! People interpret the same character the different way. Take me and @ask-the-cook‘s Sanji. We are similiar, but not entirely. He is definitely gayer. (I fucking love you you piece of shitty me.) We have our own headcanons and portrayals and it doesn’t make us any less “Sanji”. Keeping things IC are okay, but being OOC(whether it’s on purpose or not) at times is OKAY too. GO WILD. People have different headcanons and it could be interesting to see all of them.
I personally recommend making your askblog a MAIN BLOG. As in you make an entire new tumblr account using a different e-mail address yadda yadda (yeah it’s hella complicated). But it’s kinda worth it! You can interact with other askblogs and people more! Making your askblog a secondary blog is not that much of a problem either. Maybe you can do it like @asknijivinsmoke‘s style, where the mod types everywhere with @asknijivinsmoke whenever they interact with someone or sending asks (in anon or not) writing the said URL before saying your commentary/ask. The other reason why I recommend making your askblog a main one is because you can manage your follow list easier so you can keep track of other ask/rpbloggers so you can keep interact with them.
INTERACT!!! It’s up to you! You might be shy or too awkward but don’t worry people are mostly chill! And interaction can leads to ridiculous roleplays and dramas and events just like what I did with all my brothers (hahahaha!)
This is optional but I recommend to use TAGS. I have to admit I am the MOST UNORGANIZED PERSON you could’ve ever meet… but I try my best to keep track and tag every of my posts so people can filter things out easily when they want to find something (I have a tag list page here and I keep it updated every time a new one is added). The tag page could be optional, but at least make sure to tag your posts so people can check it out even if they have to do it manually to do so.
Some askblogs don’t really open their submission, but I think it’s best if you kept both ask and submit box open. The PM could be turned off if you are awkward. And you can close both of the ask and submit boxes when you feel like closing asks for a moment. OH! And place the ASK LINK to somewhere VISIBLE so people can find it easier!!!
AND MOSTLY… REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN!!! Don’t stress yourself just because you own an askblog. Do the blog for yourself, and not for anyone else.
I hope these helps! I am not really good in writing this kinda thing. It’s messy and all but bleh whatever XDDD
So once again, have fun and good luck!!! And welcome to the askblogging world :D Don’t be shy to CONTACT ME anytime and INTERACT. I AM ALL OPEN!!!!
Also if you want some tips for getting popularity in askblogging, @askrosetto got it covered in this post.
Oh,… and for the “get lost” comment on the beginning of this post..
maybe you should actually go do it. Go and get yourself lost. You are planning to be a Zoro anyway, right? It would be IC. lol.
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gendryw4ters-blog · 7 years
Ok your turn! 6, (& 7) 47 & 100! :)
aah thank you omg! :)6) Do you keep plants? Yes! Sooo many. I used to have them all on my windowsill but after redecorating my room they’re scattered about the house. My newest children are two small (and troublesome) marimos who are far more needy than i realised they would be7) Do you name your plants? Absolutely, like, to a ridiculous extent. There are perhaps too many to list, but a few gems would include; Mosscar Wilde, Hugh Plant, Marimo Syzlack, and a trio of cacti named after Nightvale characters
47) What food do you think should be banned from the universe? im a really fussy eater (theres literally no point in beating about the bush here i like havent willingly eaten a vegetable in ten years), but honestly… It’s gotta be pickles. im sorry.100)  If you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? i thought about this one pretty hard already when i first saw it in the post, and i think… i think id go back 5 years, and id tell young me not to worry, and that things were going to be awful but that they’d get better than she’d ever believed they could be if she just stuck it out. i would tell her not to give away so much of herself away to someone that wouldn’t do the same in return, but aside from that i probably wouldnt stop her from doing what she did because in a way its shaped the me i am today. that seems cruel i guess but she was (and still is) anxious about the future anyways, so whats a little extra foreboding gonna do? id go back because i dont really want any spoilers for whats coming nextthanks for asking aah! have a lovely day! :) x
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takanos-love-butt · 7 years
World’s Greatest ‘Mary - Sue’
Chapter 1: Case of Curious Kitty Onodera
((Read First:  Prologue))
The next few weeks passed without much incident. Sapphire's editor in chief still hasn't gotten around to even talking with Meiri or Takano like they had suspected...but that could be due to the fact that the cycle was now just starting to 'ripen'. And NO ONE wanted to be around the Emerald department near the end of their cycle.
"Gah...no wonder you guys start to look like crap at the end of every cycle...these authors are terrible!" Meiri said; terrible meaning they're awful with keeping deadlines and drag the editors every which way. Something in which she and other manga departments hardly ever had to face. Partially why people seemed to avoid the Emerald department around this time every month. "Are all shoujo mangaka this bad?" she continued to gripe. Meiri's appearance actually looked better than the boys'...though not by much. Her eyes looked strained and hair starting to look like she hadn't brushed it for a couple of days. She felt disgusting that she had to pile on deodorant and light body spray to cover the fact that she hadn't had time to bathe. Though...judging by the sad state of her other coworkers, neither did they... "I'm even having to sleep in the study...I can't go to bed with my husband like this," comical tears ran down her face. An equally comical vision came to mind as well: It would be of Meiri's husband with tears running down his own face trying to sleep in an empty marital bed while Meiri quarantined herself in the study. "It feels like I'm punishing him,"
"I'm sure he understands though, right?" Onodera consoled. He himself looking tired as fuck.
"I told him what I've heard, though I didn't think it would be this bad. I have to push him away when he wants to greet me with a kiss because I don't want him to smell me. But yes he understands. He made it through me being an author after all...though I was never THIS complacent..." she ground her teeth.
"How I would've loved to be your editor..." Hatori said slamming his laptop shut and shoving it into his bag. "You'd be far easier to work with than this lazy deadline breaking buffoon I have to watch over...Sorry..but I need to see to an urgent matter regarding said buffoon..."
"Take care," Takano called as he usually does when Hatori must storm away to attend to his troublesome author. "I need a smoke," he said getting up and heading to the smoker's break room. Seemed his intake of nicotine went up toward the end of cycles; though it was completely understandable for someone that took on a lot of stress despite it being sorely unhealthy. Takano made sure to ruffle Onodera's hair as he left, causing the newbie coordinator to snap back at him. Not that the editor in chief cared at all and continued on his way.
Meiri blinked at the small display before her. Onodera made it sound like he hated things like that, but the blush and somber look he had after fussing about it told her otherwise. Oh my... the yaoi mangaka smiled to herself. Perhaps working with the Emerald department might be a little more fun than she thought.
The past few days have been a little rough on Ritsu. His curiosity got the better of him and he managed to pick up the first 3 books of Meiri's most recent series. Going to Books Marimo to purchase them was even more nerve wracking. He felt far too awkward to ask for it from Marukawa's archive for very good reasons. Thankfully Yukina didn't judge or make a comment on Onodera's choices, though he'd really only met Yukina maybe once in passing.
He did find that Kisa was hanging around there a lot. Dawdling outside as if waiting for someone.
He was still there when Onodera left and even had a small chat. It turned out that he really was waiting for someone but didn't know who. Only when the conversation seemed to stall did Onodera take his leave. Still curious as to who exactly Kisa was waiting for, but since he wanted to hurry home anyway it wasn't the best time to find out.
Onodera really didn't to even sample a bit of his purchase even after he left the bookshop. Mainly because of what he heard of the content. It's not something you should be reading in public and he still had a train ride and short walk to go. He just thanked his lucky stars that Takano didn't have the pleasure of accompanying him home tonight. Being neighbors, going a night without the two of them walking home together was uncommon, but there was times like tonight when Takano would dismiss him early while he attended last minute meetings.
His curiosity nagged him the entire trip home though. Have I ever been so anxious to try a book out like this before? He pondered to himself. The feeling was similar to someone who'd bought a racy book or magazine and tried to hide that fact from his parents or roommates. Even though at 25, this feeling would be pointless, he still couldn't shake the feeling he was about to engage in something naughty. He ran his hand through his mouse brown hair and took his shoes off at the genkan. Normally he'd be found flat on his face about this time here. But for some reason tonight he was oddly full of energy.
He proceeded to take out a bag of cookies and pour himself a glass of milk. Seems this was dinner tonight. Sitting down on his sofa (after clearing them of his clean clothes), he took out the Books Marimo plastic bag with his new prize inside. Title was: Never Getting Older Vol. 1 with his new coworker's name, Uehara Meiri, adorning the front cover at the bottom. This ran for 3 years with it's last volume released just a few weeks ago. There were even some stickers pasted on the cover boasting Yaoi/BL of the year, Editor's choice, etc. He could understand how Meiri would be nervous about being able to put out another story that could top this one with all its notoriety.
Removing the obi, he began to read it. The tale was about two young men going to an all boys academy. Seemed rather cliché at first. Both boys had come from well-to-do families and such. The supposed seme was more a class clown that loved to pick on who appeared was going to be the uke. Going a little further realized the more feminine character was actually in love with his bully. He quirked a brow at the situation he was reading before him, Who'd fall in love with that jerk?
The next chapter would reveal why he's falling in love with him. Seems seme didn't always used to be like that. Also seemed this 'bully' really only gave so much attention to him because he was trying to deny his feelings for the uke, which led to his lashing out at him. But the uke saw right through him. Now it seemed they were in the library where all the barriers were finally broken; the uke, being pent up with such emotion, blurted out that he loved him trying to get the seme to acknowledge his feelings as well.
Wait a minute...Why do I get a sudden sense of deja vu? Onodera had this sinking feeling in his stomach. But decided to press on anyway. The last chapter of Vol. 1 was the one that made him light up like a red traffic light. Th...they're gonna...do it in the library? This was bringing back some rather daunting memories that settled in the far recesses of his mind until now. IS THIS A THING FOR STUDENTS TO DO?! LIKE A FANTASY OF SOME SORT?!
Of course referring to his own encounter in the library all those years ago. The parallels were uncanny. But now Onodera was getting a sense of what the other was thinking when they decided to consummate in the library. A feeling like, they couldn't hold their raw passion in anymore and he desperately needed the uke's comfort right then and there.
"She writes a desire that builds up to such a hot intimacy that means everything and not just lust...Sex that speaks of love, longing, and trust as if it were the greatest blessing between a couple," Kisa's words from the beginning of the month came back to him then.
"Could...could that have been...what Takano-san was thinking back then?" No...this was just in manga...right?
His heart then began to pound. It pumped so hard he could hear it in his ears. It was his own misunderstanding of Takano's true feelings that broke them apart ten years ago. He honestly didn't know how Takano felt, but now by just reading his coworker's most honored work, he sees into what Takano must've really been feeling back then. Granted their situations were much different, but it still drove the point all the way home.
He continued reading through this sex scene. A scene so full of passion through which it was brilliantly...drawn. Onodera could feel heat rising to his face and lightning surge down to his hips. He saw the seme pleasure his uke in such a manner that his own body began to burn. He reached a scene where the seme tweaked uke's nipples and Onodera could vividly picture the many times Takano did the very same for him. The places Takano touched him burned with even MORE fervor now. Seeing it clearly illustrated and spelled out for him like this made him resonate with the uke. Even down to the blush and losing all senses including common. Almost as if he could literally see himself in that manga.
Uh oh...this is bad... Onodera's heart couldn't stop its racing and pounding. It wasn't long before he realized just how excited he was. The vivid images were stained in his head and they began to go wild. "...I ...I should stop now," he said as he closed the book marking his place with a book marker. He was actually almost done with the first volume anyway. He couldn't understand it, but raw feelings were bubbling up in him after being dormant for a long time and this little first time manga editor was getting more than he bargained for. "Gah, enough...I'm going to bed..." he tried to shove everything back into the recesses of his brain.
It was only when he stood up did he remember there was a part of his body that was craving attention at the moment. "Great...," Onodera said bringing his hand down, shifting to make it more comfortable. A cold shower seemed far too painful to bear at this point. He then blushed at the only other option.
Onodera could hear his heart more clearly as he went to his bedroom drawer to acquire a bottle of lube. He'd never admit in a million years that he kept it there in the case that Takano decided to force his way into his home again. Peeling off his shirt and pants, his mind raced as he was reminded that it's been such a long time since he's done this by himself. His member sprang forth eagerly as he released it from its cotton confines. Taking the lube and warming it in his hands, he began to set to work rubbing out his little 'problem'.
The vivid imagery crowded his mind again. His head started to feel fuzzy. He was even being stubborn in trying NOT to think of Takano...but who else was he going to think about? It just wouldn't work any other way! It wasn't long before he gave up trying to fight it and Onodera's bedroom was now being filled with his sounds of ecstasy as he pumped. Small moans escaped him as now he couldn't do anything but think strictly of Takano and their time in the library. Then the image would shift to a memory of ten years later being sucked off in his own genkan...then making love in Takano's car. All these memories he tried to shove away as being bad and trying to forget them. But it felt too good to ever forget them right now. Not that he'd ever admit that of course.
"A-ah...Takano-san! Nnn!" he cried as he released.
Takano sighed heavily as he finally made it to the final steps leading to his apartment. He stepped into his door and put down his bag. He actually had something he had to tell his neighbor...even though said news could wait til morning. But this was Takano and he liked to have any excuse to bug Onodera. I'll just ring his bell once just to see if he's still awake, if he doesn't answer I'll leave him be...
With that he strolled down the hall to 1202. Before even touching the doorbell, he heard a yell come from within. "Onodera?" this made his heart jump and he hit the doorbell actually starting to gain concern. He then heard movement in the form of rushing about. "?"
When Onodera answered his door, he seemed out of breath. "I...I was just seeing if you were still awake," Takano clamored for his loss of words. "Are you okay?"
"Oh...um yes..." Onodera responded with what looked like a nervous look on his face.
"Are you sure? Your shirt is inside out...as well as backwards," come to think of it. It looked like he'd hastily thrown some clothes on from Takano's point of view. His pants were even undone.
"Eh? ...Ah!" Onodera shot as he looked down. "I...I was in the bath!"
"Liar, your hair is still oily. And you're not exactly wet..."
"Erm..um.." normally Onodera could respond with a snarky remark and try to tell him off. But he...just couldn't find it in him at the moment. Instead he gave a look that was reminiscent of the young, nervous, kawaii little bean that Takano once knew.
"Are you sure you're okay? I thought I heard you yelling..." Takano asked a bit more perturbed at this point. Why does he look so nervous? He's only talking to me... It was then all pieces were coming together. Unbuttoned pants, clothes look thrown on, face flushed, and that all knowing expression that exposed his true feelings for him. Takano closed the space between them putting an arm over Onodera's head against the wall.
"Oi, what were you doing without me?" Takano said in a sultry voice bringing Onodera's hand up to his nose as if to kiss it. This allowed him to catch a whiff of Onodera's essence and lube still lingering on his hand. "Mmm you were thinking of me, weren't you?" Takano said feeling the fire in his own loins.
Onodera had lost the will to fight him back in his own bedroom. He was swept away by his own damning thoughts of Takano. Before he knew it, Onodera was in Takano's bed having his body tenderly lavished by the man in his fantasies.
"Hm? Ah...hhhh…" What did that manga do to me?! I can't fight him! Not that he ever could fight him. The only difference was he had a head start this time.
"I should've gotten off early with you. If only I knew you needed me this badly," Takano's baritone voice purred into his uke's neck helping him back out of his clothes. Kisses going to suckling and back making Onodera tremble with pleasure.
Onodera may have had a head start, but just picturing his little subordinate pleasuring himself was sending Takano to meet him halfway. "You'd have to let me watch one of these days…"
"Sh….shut up…" was all the little blushing tsundere could muster up.
Author Remarks
I think I might be having too much fun here XDD Poor Ricchan! Though I've always wondered what would've happened if they all actually tried a Yaoi just like Nakamura-sensei's herself, don't you? But I suppose that'd be too easy and would probably cause an early end to the story ^^;; Next target might just be Takano! Let's see how many curious kitties I could make out of them! Stay tuned!
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starscribbly · 7 years
Coping with the Germs of Assholes Chapter 4
On the way home, they said nothing, Alex stared out the window as he tried to focus on anything but what had happened in there.
He decides to avoid Thomas Jefferson.
Alex walked behind John as they headed up to the apartment. The tension was thick around them and Alex was dreading the questions he knew he would receive once the door was closed behind them. He stared at Johns shoes with dull eyes, his mind going wild with different thoughts. How much bacteria is living on the bottom of the shoe? More than a toilet seat, that's for sure. It’s been proven that shoes are dirtier than toilets and he makes it a daily goal for the toilet in the apartment to be spotless at all times. The only exception is when he or John drink themselves stupid every once in awhile.
Alex takes a deep breath as John opens the apartment door before going inside. He doesn’t release it until he hears the click of the lock and John slipping off his shoes behind him. “Do you care to tell me what happened in there? Your boss called me frantically saying a whole bunch of different things, she even switched to I think German at one point so I didn't understand her at all.” John walked over to the kitchen with Alex trailing behind him. “Well you saw how I was so it should be obvious,” Alexander replied sarcastically as he watched John pull out one of their many jars of handmade tea that their friend, Eliza, made for them. He felt a smile creep on his face as he saw John pull out a small jar full of brown tea, a little paper taped to the outside with the words “Alexander Hamilton Tea” written in Eliza's cursive with black sharpie. He remembers when she had gone on and on about making him a special tea and the grin she had when she finally gave it to him. There were hints of chocolate in the tea that paired well with coconut milk and brown sugar that never failed to calm him down. “Yeah, I know you had a panic attack. Thanks for the clarification Captain Obvious. Seriously though, It’s only the first day of the new term so something bad must have happened. ” John snorted as he placed a teaspoon of Alex's tea into a diffuser, dropping it into a mug. Alex sighed and played with his hands. “Do I start from the beginning or end?” He asked with a slightly tilted head. “Beginning obviously. If you told me from the end then it would be “‘ had a panic attack and that’s it.’ Which will not help.”  John muttered as the kettle began to release a soft hissing noise. He poured the near to boiling water in Alex's cup and handed it to him, the coconut milk and brown sugar already added to it. Alex sat at the table with his cup and sighed, his thumb trailing along the handle. “In my first class, It was normal for a while. I had my front seat and no one sat next to me. My professor understood my predicament when I explained it to him. All was going cool until a man, who I will dub Asshole, came in like he owned the place. He sat next to me since no other seats were open and it was still fine. He introduced himself and tried to shake my hand, which I did without gloves or making him sanitize it.” He looked at John with a semi-proud look. “That’s good and continue.” He nodded. “Well, after shaking his hand, I at least sanitized myself because I wasn't going to let the bacteria stay there for much longer. That obviously offended him but we couldn't argue in class because Mr.Washington called us out. When class ended we didn't see each other again. I went to work and started putting books away. Asshole grabbed a law book from my hand then he realized it was me. I tried explaining to him why I had sanitized my hand after shaking his but in the end, he decided to cough in my face. After that... You know what happened.” Alex stirred around the tea diffuser for a moment before taking a sip of his tea, breathing in deeply afterward.
“Can I kick his ass? Want me to kick his ass?” John cracked his knuckles as he sat across Alexander, his own tea steeping in front of him. “No, it’s not worth it. I’m sure now he’ll probably just avoid me so that will be fine. I just,” he paused for a moment and stared into his cup. “I don’t want to deal with him.” He sighed, looking back up at his best friend.
John nodded and sat back. They both sat in silence for a while, the sounds of the tea infusers hitting the edge of the cup filling the silence occasionally. It was a comfortable silence and Alex felt the nerves of the day slip away with each sip of tea. He made a mental note to ask Eliza to make him another jar of it soon.
“Do you want to spend time with the squad tonight? Eliza called earlier asking if we wanted to go over.” John looked at Alex with a raised eyebrow as he waited for an answer, knowing the probability of him turning it down was high due to what happened earlier. “Yeah, I haven’t seen Herc or Lafayette in awhile so it’d be nice to talk to them.” Alex smiled a bit as he rubbed his finger against the edge of the mug. John grinned at the answer.
“Sweet! I’ll text them. I think a vocal game of scrabble can be included if everyone's down for it.” John looked at Alex with a sinister smile, both of them knowing how brutal board games can get.
“I think Herc will kill you one day.” Alex chuckled as he shook his head before taking a gulp of his tea.
“It’ll be worth it if I can see him want to rip out his own hair when one of us puts down a word he didn’t even know existed.” John laughed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, texting the group chat that he and Alex were in for the hangout. “Will it be another bibble situation?” Alex smirked as he watched John snort. “Hopefully, Just keep pulling out weird words with that smart head of yours and we might see him release a traitor tear tonight.” He snickered.
Alex grinned and continued drinking his tea, looking forward to spending time with his friends and forgetting about what he had to deal with just an hour or so ago.
Look whos late with updates. THIS GAL!!! I'm also sorry for this being short but I promise the next chapter is longer!
Anyways sorry for being late, I’ve been applying to college and stuff. Also one of you recommended my story to ham-for-ham on Tumblr!! Like that's so cool! I love you!! Ham-for-ham if you read this... Then HI!!
Also remember my story is on AO3!! 
Anyways extra stuff
Bibble; Verb. (third-person singular simple present bibbles , present participle bibbling , simple past and past participle bibbled) To eat and/or drink noisily.
The Alexander Hamilton tea does exist!! Here is a link http://thefivewits.net/product/alexander-hamilton-tea/
They have loads of teas and other things!! My favorite teas do include the Alexander Hamilton tea, Hylian Fields, and Gandalf Earl Grey!! They also sell a warm spice sugar that's great. I also bought some marimo moss balls from them and gems!! I love these sellers.
I hope you look forward to the next chapter!! I planned for it to be more lighthearted since a major thing did just happen.
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Hi hello yes did someone say ~modern naruto au shit~ No. No one did. Here you are anyway go wild my friends Sakura: • freshman (high school) • straight A’s • honors student • booksmarts • distant and demanding parents • ‘perfect daughter’ facade • boiling issues of inadequacy • and anxiety • and anger • oh yeah and self esteem • fierce like you wouldn’t BELIEVE • Bisaster but hides it Sasuke: • freshman (high school) • second son of the region’s police chief • mom is a lawyer • looks up to his older genius (slightly mentally unstable) brother • but there’s always the niggling sense of ‘I’ll never measure up’ • good grades • but his parents are always busy • and his brother already hit all those top marks • so it’s nothing special, huh • also a Bisaster and gets flustered sometimes Naruto: • freshman (high school) • half feral • no one knows how he got into high school • frequently claims he was raised by a pack of dogs and/or his foster brother (Kakashi) • bad grades • Art Kid™ • loves paint • spray paint especially • Bisaster and doesn’t bother to hide it • ace • crushing on Kiba Kiba: • freshman (high school) • wild child • mom owns a vet clinic • everyone in his family owns a dog • bad grades • rough and tumble • wrestles for fun • probably in a gang • leather jackets • no one knows if he dyes his cheeks or if he actually got tattoos or what • plot twist his mom also runs a tattoo parlor • but his sister does hardcore YouTube makeup tutorials • it’s anyone’s guess Hinata: • freshman (high school) • shy kid • trying hard but average grades • first daughter of the next region over’s police chief • under crazy pressure • stutters • oversized sweaters • genetic eye thing? • feels inferior to her younger sister • wanted to be rebellious so she tried to dye her hair • but couldn’t make herself do anything more obvious than dark blue Shino: • freshman (high school) • quiet • rumors that he’s mute • sunglasses • oversized coat • plot twist he’s covered in bug bites because he lets mosquitos suck his blood • his family is beekeepers / bug-breeders / ? • likes catching fireflies but always lets them go quickly • average grades • makes a game of how many bugs he can sneak into his pockets before the teachers notice Ino: • freshman (high school) • popular girl • good grades • gossipy but good with secrets • croptops • dad is a reporter / interviewer after retiring from ~secret agency~ • friends with everyone • knows how to cook • good at board games • crazy good at painting nails Shikamaru: • freshman (high school) • probably narcoleptic • sleeps in class • bad grades • good at board games • conspiracy theorist™ • his room is covered in bulletin boards • with pinned newspaper clippings and red string • plot twist his dad has even bigger bulletin boards • and even more newspaper clippings / red string Chouji: • freshman (high school) • loves to cook • parents run a bakery and a restaurant respectively • average grades • good at board games • him and Kiba are in the same boat with the tattoo / dye / makeup mystery • but surely sweet Chouji would never get tattoos • no • never • (plot twist Kiba’s are makeup and Chouji’s are tattoos) Tenten: • sophomore (high school) • confident • has a knife collection • father is a blacksmith / bladesmith • friendly • good grades • no mom • oddly good at styling hair • plot twist it’s bc she does Neji’s Neji: • sophomore (high school) • straight A’s • honors student • Hinata’s cousin • dad died on duty with Hiashi • he blames Hiashi for it • genetic eye thing? • cool • distant • has plans to move in with Tenten after he hits eighteen Lee: • sophomore (high school) • straight A’s • Gai’s adopted son • hardworking • tired of ‘you don’t look alike’ comments • so now he and Gai look exactly alike • super emotional • will absolutely cry when he graduates • always gives 100% of his everything, for everything Itachi: • junior (college) • straight A’s • 4.0 gpa • Halloween Fanatic™ • blank expressions all the time • doesn’t talk often • ppl are always surprised when he does bc he sounds like he gargled a gravel driveway • plot twist it’s bc he’s a hardcore smoker • everyone knows the Uchiha all have this genetic cough/scratchy throat thing that usually comes in between the ages of 18 and 25 • except plot twist the Uchiha are all just chain-smokers • the ‘woke up like this’ kid • drinks matcha tea with his dango Kisame: • senior (college) • lots of tattoos (gills / blue-gray swirls / etc.) • dyes his hair blue • gets cold easy • wears ear warmers • hair doesn’t behave • had to file his teeth for a dare and now he scares all the freshies • polite • can down the blackest of coffee like water but doesn’t often • it’s an exam special • has seven (7) pet fish, two (2) pet snails and one (1) pet marimo algae ball • works at an aquarium • regularly ‘communes’ with the sharks • (he hums at them while they swim around) • but they seem to like him? • the staff is endlessly confused but like whatever floats your boat my guy Pein (Nagato): • senior (college) • philosophy major • blank and monotone • at least nine piercings • quiet but weirdly intense • is in some sort of Relationship™ with Konan • the only person allowed to call him Nagato is Konan • unless they want to wake up drugged in a ditch an inexplicable sixty miles from town covered in paper cuts Konan: • senior (college) • majors in Accounting and / or Management (business student) • somewhat less blank than Pein • has a few piercings of her own • is in some sort of Relationship™ with Pein • origami • never anything less than composed or pristine • badass • 100% of the time, just • badass Tobi: • senior (college) • speaks in third person • embraces his inner child • clumsy af • wears a phantom of the opera mask everywhere • no one knows / can remember his eye color • falls over a lot • trips up the stairs • extreme sweet tooth • likes juice boxes / goldfish / fruit snacks / etc. • roommates with Zetsu • they play go fish when neither can sleep • somehow good grades even though no one ever sees him in class • plot twist it’s bc he goes as Obito Zetsu: • junior (college) • completely lathers themself in water-resistant black and white paint every ~3 days • dyes their hair green • wears their botany project around • what ppl don’t know is that it’s a vampiric plant hybrid they bred specially to feed off blood • ‘i can’t go to her every time she needs to be fed, so i just bring her with me’ • wears contacts • spends most of their time in the greenhouse • doesn’t sleep • local cryptid • nb • ‘any pronouns but she’ • no one ever sees them eat Deidara: • freshman (college) • spends 2.2 hours on his hair and almost a fifth of his budget on hair products • band kid • eyeliner • makeup expert • he collabs with Hana for some YouTube makeup tutorials • drums • unexpectedly good singer • loves fireworks • makes his own fireworks • 4th of July is his favorite holiday • accidentally made a kiln bomb as a kid and now he explodes things as often as possible • enjoys sculpting clay figures for raku pottery with air bubbles so they explode when heated • hates coffee with PASSION • but still visits Sasori’s favorite cafe with him • not that he ASKS but it’s always nice to have company right? • right Sasori: • senior (college) • 21 but ppl think he’s 18 • he’s got a hella baby face • Art Kid™ • enjoys woodworking • and occasionally leather-crafting • dorm room is covered in puppets • human puppets / doll puppets / animal puppets • super good puppeteer • could do his entire show with his eyes closed • tutors Kankurou • once took an archery class and can hit dead center 95% of the time • can sleep with his eyes open • can also sleep standing up • he utilizes both these skills often • everyone thinks he’s a stoic bastard • and he is but also it’s mostly because he keeps falling asleep during conversations • dyes his hair red Kakuzu: • senior (college) • no one knows how long he’s been a senior • he’s not in debt • no student loans • no one knows how he’s doing it • plot twist it’s bc he’s filthy rich from scamming half the students in his freshman year oh so long ago • but he’s stingy and miserly and still lives off instant ramen and cereal • has like three PhDs • he’s working on his fourth • his blood is coffee at this point • he wears a face mask to hide the tattoos he got on a dare as a dumb teenager • has reading glasses but never uses them • green eyes but they’re so bloodshot he looks permanently high when instead he’s averaging 1.5 hours of sleep per night • rents his place out to other college students • he gouges them and they complain but it’s still cheaper than the dorms Hidan: • senior (college) • held back three years in high school • disappears every Sunday • says he was at ‘church’ but no one’s heard of a Jashinist church before much less one in the area • wears contacts • bleached his hair on a dare and liked it so he keeps doing it • regularly / ritually paints his face / chest / arms every Sunday for ‘church’ • prays four times a day on every sixth hour (5 am, 11 am, 5 pm, 11 pm) • has a religious exemption from class for 15 minutes at 11 am to pray • plot twist the only reason he got it is because he prays whether he has it or not and the professor got sick of him loudly and passive-aggressively reciting his prayers over the lecture • always carries his rosary • smokes occasionally • but has a Thing abt hygiene • his teeth are infuriatingly white
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