#antifa means being against fascism
I tend to take these things across platforms when I do them. But, this could not be more important. We have to halt this slide into fascism.
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Do you have advice on how to be actively antifascist when you're too scared to go to protests? I try to go to demonstrations with no confrontation with police or nazis, but I feel like it would be more important to go to counter-protests and blocks against nazi groups but I know I would panic and be more of a hassle than help if things got hectic/violent. So what can I do to 'make up' for that? I really want to do something active but am easily overwhelmed.
Hi Anon, sorry for the delay responding to your question. We have a two-part response. Let's start with the part you're not going to like: PART ONE: GO TO THE COUNTER-DEMONSTRATION Are you afraid of what will happen to you if you go to the counter-demo? Are you afraid of being doxxed or harassed or arrested or injured or maybe even killed? WELCOME TO THE CLUB! EVERYONE who goes to confront fascists is scared of doing it. They're right to be scared. Part of being a fascist is encouraging and glorifying violence against your opponents. The list of fascist attacks against anti-fascists is too long to get into here, but this lil' snippet from research done by the Center for Strategic and International Studies paints the picture:
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On top of that, fascists will inevitably have their best friends the police there to "protect them" which means to attack and arrest anyone who shows up to oppose the fascists. Sounds like there are a lot of good reasons to just stay home and let the fascists have the streets; or let other people deal with the problem for you. But when you choose to do that, Anon, you're sending three clear messages: 1) You're telling the fascists that few people oppose them and that the "silent majority" are on their side. 2) You're telling people targeted by fascists that the allies they thought they had weren’t sincere in their expressions of solidarity and support.  That when push comes to shove, the people who claimed to stand with them can’t be counted on to actually do what’s necessary to defend the marginalized and vulnerable.  Not actively opposing a hate event tells the people targeted that they face bigoted extremists by themselves; that they are alone and vulnerable when people are publicly threatening their existence. 3) You're telling the anti-fascists who did turn up to counter-protest that you do not have their backs.  It tells them that you can not be counted on or trusted and that anything you’ve said about standing against bigotry in your own community was lip service.  It tells the people who did turn up that their own bodies, their own lives, their own safety is much less important than your own.  It tells them that you’re okay putting them in danger so long as you get to do whatever else you’re doing that day instead of standing with them. The problem, Anon, is that the most effective way for anti-fascists to protect themselves in confrontations with fascists is to turn up in greater numbers than the fascists. This has been borne out in thousands of confrontations with fascists over decades. You not showing up = endangering anti-fascists. We get that you can’t be there every single time; no one can do that.  We get that doing this kind of work is scary; but we’ve all done lots of things in our lives that were necessary to do, even though they were scary. No one is asking you to stick around in a situation that turns too dangerous to stick around in, but not showing up at all helps no one but the fascists. We think you need to do what you need to do in order to get past your fear and make every attempt to show up when it counts. If you absolutely can’t be there, make sure you’ve found two people to take your place.   PART TWO: ANTI-FASCISM IS SO MUCH MORE THAN CONFRONTING FASCISTS IN THE STREETS
Here's the part you'll like better, Anon. We know that violent confrontations with fascists is what makes the headlines and it's what most people think about when they think about "antifa," in the same way that most people only think about strikes when they think about unions. But in both cases - violent clashes with fascists or strikes - that's really maybe 1-2% of what actually happens. Take us for example: While most of us in Antifa International (a 10-person collective) will go out to confront fascists in our own communities, the entirety of our collective's work is done online - spreading news about anti-fascist actions and events, communicating the tenets of anti-fascism, and supporting anti-fascist efforts globally however we can. THERE ARE LOTS OF THINGS YOU CAN DO IN THE ANTI-FASCIST MOVEMENT BESIDES CONFRONTING FASCISTS IN THE STREETS! You want some examples? Here's a list of 30 antifascist actions that we believe anyone (maybe with the help of a couple of friends) could pull off. Don't like any of those? Check out 40 Ways To Fight Fascists. You could also take a deep dive into the 11,000+ posts in our archive to find examples/inspiration from anti-fascist actions/events around the world. Or read We Go Where They Go, which details how Anti-Racist Action, the direct predecessors to today's North American anti-fascist movement, did their thing. Pick something you're comfortable doing, do the thing, reflect on what worked/what didn't work/how you'd do it better next time, then move on to the next thing. It doesn't matter if the action you choose seems small or not-that significant - every antifascist action, no matter how small, counts. If the nearly 40,000 followers of this blog all took one small antifascist action today, that would add up to something pretty significant! GO DO THE THING! LET US KNOW HOW IT GOES!
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mister-christmas · 3 months
hello guy who acts like a 12yr old who just discovered reddit and atheism and thinks he's hot shit. You have two choices before you: 1 Become a normal, well adjusted human being 2 keep shitting your fucking pants screaming "HERESY!! BURN THE HERETIC!! GET ME THE HEAVY FLAMER!!" whenever you see other people minding their business and enjoying the same hobby as you
Alas. Did you know warhammer 40k originally intended the Empire of Man, and all it's silly "muh human superiority all xenos must die" to be a satire? That aspect, of course, has sort of lost a lot of it's value over the years, due to the ludicrous amount of writers that the franchise has had over the years, but it is still rather apparent. I mean take a look at the ordo chronos wars, with people getting executed because getting the date wrong is heresy. Or take a look at, fuck, i don't know - the Thunder Warriors, who were all killed by the Emperor of Man because they 'outlived their usefulness'. Did you know that before he began the holocaust, Hitler ordered the deaths of mentally and physically disabled Germans? Many of whom were veterans of the first world war, whom he was supposedly aiming to avenge in his campaign of 'retribution' and bringing the Reich back to it's former glory. Eugenics, as the idea that 'genetically imperfect' humans don't deserve to live (note: the first human right is the right to live, ya doofus. Yes even awulf, wretched wastes of air like pedophiles and rapists have this right, as it is unalienable. It is also there so that people falsely accused of rape do not immediately get killed for a crime they did not commit) is called nowadays, was also surprisingly popular in the USA before and during the war. The shining bastion of democracy and justice lobotomized people it found too hard to deal with so that they would become easier to manage. It also banned interracial marriage. Something I also found curious, did you know that antifa means antifascist? Sorry to break it to you bud, but if you're antiantifascist you stand with the fascist. And if you are, sincerely, a fascist then i hope you do like Hitler and shoot yourself in the head <3
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Man, you wrote an entire essay and managed to say nothing of value. But I've got time to kill so let's go through this.
It's interesting you think I, a Christian man, act like a reddit atheist
"Burn the heretic" is a meme, you clod. It's a joke. And when people are minding their own damn business I don't care about their little nonsense headcannons. But quite often they want to change the whole hobby to suite them.
Of course the Imperium is evil! It's fucking called the Imperium! Every faction in 40k is evil, that's the point! It's grimdark! It invented grimdark!
I see we're just completely going off the reservation today. No shit nazis, eugenics, lobotomization, and racism are bad. Is there a point to your ramblings?
Ah, well that makes the rest of this meandering tirade make a little more sense. You're stupid enough to think antifa has a monopoly on being against fascism. I can disdain both fascists and antifa. Being the enemy of my enemy doesn't make them my friend. Moreover just because they call themselves antifa doesn't mean they're actually fighting fascism or doing anything worthwhile.
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thundergrace · 1 year
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"Woke" is a slang term that's been used largely amongst Black people since, like the 40s, to mean being aware of racial injustice. It has evolved to, of course, acknowledge awareness of all social injustice, used by everyone.
What conservatives have done is steal the term and apply to everything they consider socialist and progressive so that their constitutes, whom they've already successfully brainwashed to be rage-triggered by the word 'socialism' are now rage-triggered by the term 'woke'. To be woke is an extremely important state of consciousness. It's not even a call to action. It's just telling you to fucking pay attention to shit. Like, for example, why the GOP works overtime to make every single thing that would help people who are non-white, non-straight, non-Christian, and economically challenged sound evil.
They do this time and time again. "Political correctness" is somehow a bad thing, despite 'correct' being right in the goddamn term. "Antifa" literally anti-fascists - PEOPLE AGAINST FASCISM- are the enemies?
It's so transparent, and their base is just so dense they keep falling for it.
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aronarchy · 1 year
something i was thinking about yesterday/the day before—various ways the Patriarchy and State mirror each other, are interconnected, common points of origin, analogous function. & about how both treat abuse & sexual violence. artificially creating helplessness & vulnerability in the oppressed; concentrating the ability to respond to abuse & assault in hands of the above. so common trope of the husband furiously avenging a rape of his wife (by an outsider), parent raging about Predators attacking “their” child, threatening violence against the preds, doing gruesome tortures. under the logic that wives & children are property of the father, & violation of them by an outsider = violation of the father’s property right over them (how dare you damage my things) (violation of “purity”); not actual solidarity with the victims themselves as persons or the trauma they experience, according to them, or their wants/needs.
crucially, this → victims cannot defend themselves; encountering a Predator = need to have your man around to protect u, need to tell a Trusted Safe Adult so they can handle it, and the only problem nowadays is that the kids don’t realize that these adults are trustworthy safe adults and if they just told everything would be okay, and there needs to be no other possible routes. self-defense is still criminalized overall; the patriarch reserves sole right to defend the woman/child’s “purity” and to attack outsiders.
i remember another thing i read like in early 2022 or so—a CSA survivor talking abt her experiences & saying, that commonly when someone is sexually assaulted the offense is viewed as a crime against the state, not one against the victim’s sovereignty over their own body/self. see the carceral logics of state punishment—how long or violent sentences are commonly being justified based on how to preserve Law and Order because of this crime against our peace and justice and law and order, crime against the System. following the correct rules, technicalities, to the letter (without considering the victim’s perspective/needs, ofc).
and yet.
most reported rapists & sexual assaulters & abusers (already few) do not get sentenced at all. even illegal offenses. rarely is the crime even viewed as a true crime in the first place. clearly they do not care.
state reserves a sole right to determine public safety. “don’t take justice into your own hands.” “still have to respect the rule of law.” “if you’re assaulted then you must report it so we can do state-y things about the perp.” this means survivors rely on a dice roll for safety after. if the state says nope we don’t care then you’re fucked. the state reassures that they are the optimal method to decide correctly, they’ll never answer wrong. but they almost always do.
a way of thinking abt this is that the above systems draw differences btwn “legal” & “extra-legal” violent abuses & victimizations; some forms are mandated as policy, and some forms are technically outlawed/claimed to be wrong; in capitalist systems you have “soft” authoritarianism/rule which are the official/legitimized forms of liberal economic exploitation, institutional abuse, domestic control of women/queers/youth, + conservatism & fascism & “totalitarianism” working to consolidate total control, technically “illegal” (there’s hate crimes legislation! some nazis get arrested!) but ultimately not combatted effectively, still sanctioned enough to allow them power, still an arm of the oppression we experience (antifa far more criminalized). they say that country or that past era over there was “extremely” misogynistic and violent towards women and queers and children but you’re here now and here we have Equality now and you’re probably just experiencing microaggressions and sure you’re being controlled but it’s just “mild” “not as bad” this over here is completely totally qualitatively different from Them we are actually against Them and would ban them if that ever happened here. (legitimized, or technically legitimized vs (constructed as) (technically) illegitimate but still quietly sanctioned)
compare: sexual assault w/in the family or other similar “legitimized” institutions, vs sexual assault by outsiders, even the things they usually use for moral panics and blow up the visibility of such as (actual) sex trafficking gangs who distribute csam online, both are still ultimately part of the same system of oppression, with both the patriarchal status quo is an enabler. compare: sexual assaults that are mandated or explicitly permitted as a part of policy (i.e. “if u get married u have to allow him to have sex w/u bc Marital Rights”; “rule says trans kids get genital inspections”) vs sexual assaults that occur slightly outside of that sphere of explicitly legitimized (some friends ganging up on a woman to rape her. cis adult grooming and sexually assaulting a trans kid they have authority over. not in the rulebook in words but they all know they can get away with it).
it’s very difficult for most ppl to conceptualize actual survivor autonomy everyone thinks there must be at least someone in a higher position to do it for us, decide on our behalf, (with)hold the potential of our safety from us/monopolize it in their hands. when people complain about ostensibly pro-survivor/anti-abuse initiatives that ultimately end up “going too far” (as in goal of punishment, using torture, taking power over a perpetrator/taking away their basic rights, doing genuine injustices to them) these are always used as evidence that the premises of leftism/anarchism are entirely wrong, all violence against oppression/abuse is wrong, we must have pacifism see checkmate extremists, but the issue here is that they only ever conceptualize privileged parties as potential actors/agents in situations of abuse, and no one thinks of the victims, and the conversation never turns to so how do we empower survivors better, show better solidarity, get them what they actually need instead of misdirections that are just selfish self-interested personal ventures, as if these types of social-capitalist vigilantes are truly on the same side as survivors, as if they don’t harm survivors the most, completely brushing aside the long very frequent violent histories of how groups like these are abusive to victims & other oppressed ppls, how they both fail to strike at the actual sources of power and they also take power over the vulnerable and the “anti-abuse” claims are a facade, they don’t truly believe in what anti-abuse activism actually is, don’t truly have what it takes to free us, these are often abusers of the marginalized themselves, but when we fight them or when we fight our abusers [of the first group] neither is viewed as acceptable by liberals, always something to criticize, never listened to or believed
nuclear family abolition is anti-rape activism prison/police/state abolition is survivor activism
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schooltrashers · 2 years
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With The Left becoming more Totalitarian, it is abundantly clear that the Democrats and Nazis aren't that different. The above picture is of the Alt-Centrist CommuNazi flag. It fits with my Political Spectrum chart(below). The more Far Left Or Far Right you are, the more likely you are to be Totalitarian.
So what would I consider far-right? Support of Blue Lives Matter, supporting the police is a socialist idea because it takes socialism to fund the police. Even Biden supported the police and introduced a racist crime bill, but Biden is on the Far-Left.
Also, socialism exists on all sides, so there's that. Capitalism exists on all sides as well. For example, if you support anything that requires taxes, that's socialism. If you like to make money, that's capitalism. Hence why Antifa are selling overpriced Anti-Nazi patches on their website. Luckily I got mine for $5 on eBay. So Antifa isn't Anti-Capitalist.
What do I consider Far-Left? Raising taxes, printing money we don't have, and being okay with hyperinflation (Jack Dorsey is a prime example of that).
So what happens if you end up being too far right or too far left? You end up being a Leftist or the Alt-Right. Leftists are Commies and the Alt-Right are Nazis. Leftists aren't true Liberals and the Alt-Right aren't true Conservatives. Since Liberal ideologies don't mix well with Leftist ideology. Conservative ideologies also don't mix well with Alt-Right ideology.
Hence why Alt-Right white nationalist Richard Spencer ended up voting for Biden after realizing that Biden's a racist and Trump is not. Xanderhal claimed he used to be Alt-Right but then became a Leftist. Showing that it is possible for both Leftists and the Alt-Right to switch sides. Their ideologies aren't that different from each other, the only thing that makes them different is who they hate.
Nazis/the Alt-Right for example hate the Jews. Commies/Leftists on the other hand hate straight white Christian men. Any kind of hate leads to CommuNazism. It is possible to be both Nazis and Commies, it's been done before(which I explained in another post).
But it is also possible to be both Anti-Nazi and Anti-Commie through Anti-Totalitarianism, Anti-CommuNazism, and Anti-Extremism. For example, Anti-Totalitarianism means you're against totalitarian regimes such as Nazi and Commie governments.
Anti-CommuNazism means that you're against both Nazis & Commies that are either in government or are a part of an extremist group.
Anti-Extremism means you're against all extremists such as Nazis, Commies, KKK, Antifa, MGTOW, Feminazis, and any other extremist group who are violent, hateful, totalitarian, murderous, or commit riots.
Both Liberalism and Conservatism are authoritarian to an extent. For example in some red states, weed is illegal. It shouldn't be illegal because it has health benefits. It's illegal because it's a threat to Big Pharma. In some blue states, it's illegal to carry or conceal a gun. It shouldn't be illegal because it takes the cops 5 minutes to get to where you're at and sometimes you can't make the call because you have to defend yourself. Hence why it's better for law-abiding citizens to carry a gun so they could protect themselves against a murderer, rapist, or thief.
Now the less authoritarian you are, the more likely you'll end up being a moderate or a Centrist. The ultimate centrist is usually Anti-Totalitarian, Anti-CommuNazi, or Anti-Extremist. As long as you're Anti-Commie or Anti-Nazi, as well as agreeing with the other side on a lot of things, you're a centrist. But of course, Anti-Totalitarianism, Anti-CommuNazism, and Anti-Extremism can exist on a larger scope of the political spectrum through Libertarianism, which exists on both sides. Anyways as far as I can tell, the political spectrum is a circle, not a square. Also, real Anti-Fascism is Anti-Totalitarianism or Anti-CommuNazism, or Anti-Extremism.
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clare-with-no-i · 1 year
can you explain why james potter would have loved Antifa lol I am unaware of the nuances of American politics
sure sure, no problem. so ‘antifa’ literally just means ‘anti-fascism,’ AKA the idea of being against fascists—what Nazis were/are. that’s it! that’s antifa summed up. it’s not an organized group or anything, just an ideological movement based on a collective desire to rid the world of fascism, which imho is something we should all strive for.
in HP canon, James fought in the order of the Phoenix against Voldemort and the Death Eaters, who, in the most glaring literary allegory of all time which extends past even the most liberal application of death of the author doctrine, are all analogs for Hitler and the Nazi regime. so, fascists. boo! hiss! gross!
essentially my bio “rip James Potter you would have loved antifa” is me having a lil giggle because I think James would have been a believer in anti fascism IRL. I mean, as we know also from HP canon, one of his core indelible traits is that he was stridently against dark magic, a notable Death Eater tool for torture and intimidation. so. yeah!
hope this helps! thanks for asking :) have a good one!
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confessions-official · 8 months
i was gonna write a long anon rant about something a previous anon had said but actually? im choosing kindness.
i love The Outer Worlds.
its not a perfect game by any means, i have a good amount of criticisms of it. i think the story lacks nuance, i think the fact that anticapitalist and antifa choices really only dick over a bunch of innocent people every single time is total horseshit, but the writing and characters are so good and fun that i cant even be mad about it for too long.
every companion you can have is insanely compelling and charming. a religious vicar you help through his religious trauma and hangups about his religion. a naive, poor blue collar sports fan whos gungho about kicking down capitalism and the fascism in the colony. an aged, charming hunter whos clearly hurt by something in her past and wields a massive lazer minigun who you can help confront her trauma. a fucking janitorial robot fitted for battle that sprays acid on people. a shy engineer who names every single machine she works on, whos quest is to literally get her a cute girlfriend. a smug, pirate-like medic whos sassy and sarcastic and loves picking at the rest of the crew.
its a really good "babys first political" game honestly. i think its a good precursor to something like fallout: new vegas (theyre made by the same studio after all (kinda)) or disco elysium. it starts getting the ball rolling in terms of politics in video games and making you think about your own positions on topics and what you would actually do. it prepares you for concepts like that to be explored better in other games. i think this is both a point for and against the game, because it kinda fails at making people think about the choices they actually make, there kinda are just "right" options in my opinion, that the game even pushes you to. instead, its more about making you think about why those decisions are being made. which, i think, is still pretty valuable.
the writing is really charming. every voice actor with any decent role tends to do their job pretty well. if it wont be a mind blowing experience for you, id hope its at least fun. btw if you like melee builds invest in science as a skill, theres a really fun science weapon for melee users and its how i have the most fun in my builds (since the shooter mechanics are meh?) (melee is also actually fun in this first person shooter, like, they nailed melee combat in this one) (also dont get spacers choice edition, i dont know if the fact that it forces your fps to like 30 on pc is fixed or not LOL)
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nice-bright-colors · 2 years
Did I miss a memo or something?
I’m trying to figure out the logic behind this, follow me, I’ll be brief.
Right Wing groups point the finger and call out anything they don’t like as ANTIFA.
ANTIFA = Anti-Fascist
If your side of the argument is against ANTIFA, then you are accepting of Fascist behavior
If you accept Fascism as a normal and approved form of Government, you’re also a Nazi
I guess some people will believe and swallow everything they are spoon fed from the idiot box. Let’s table the Socialism discussion for another post.
By all means, if I’m wrong, or missing a key point…please enlighten me. It’s hard to keep track of all the bullshit being flung around when you’ve purposefully blew up your TV, and threw away your paper.
Doesn’t mean I’m going to plant a garden and eat a lot of peaches though. Not to mention I’m not going to try and find Jesus.
I’m pretty sure he just left Chicago, and he’s bound for New Orleans. Working from one end to the other, and all points in between.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 1 year
I feel like people misuse the term "woke" a lot because of right wing propaganda. It originally meant that you were educated on the oppression that your community faces daily, key word is being radicalized into understanding misogyny and racism that exists in everyday life that we otherwise accept as normal (which it is not). Like, and not succumbing to what big business and media wants of you. I know it's been used in memes a lot, but it's like how the right wing people in the US misuse "antifa" which just means anti-fascist, which means being against fascism, if I have to make it very clear. Yes, there is a problem with USians calling anyone with dark skin POC but those of us who are and actually identify as POC do so because there is a lot of disparaging remarks and terrible treatment to those who are porcelain skin white. It's unfortunate that there are others who get caught in the crossfire, but I please ask not to discredit those of us for which that label has importance.
I get what you mean. But I wonder, if so many people use the term woke, doesn't it mean that this is also valid and that the term has now negative connotations as well? In Greece I don't think we ever use it positively. I am not sure if it was because of right-wing messages in our case. I think it was mostly because of how bizarre some stuff the people who called themselves "woke" did and said. It's also a foreign term so it symbolizes the most "unique" and memorable traits we see from people who call themselves "woke". So usually that's the context with which I use it and if the user is a non USAmerican and/or Greek specifically they are more likely to use it negatively.
That doesn't mean that it's positive use is discredited, of course. I think it will be obvious from context if you use it negatively or positively, and if you are the "bad" or "good" type of "woke". I mean, each can use it however they choose but it's out of the US' control how the term is used in different countries and within the US itself.
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marchintheforest · 5 months
To whom it may concern, 
My name is Kevin Silas King. I am contacting you today on behalf of The People. We are being victimized by a national threat to our security, civil rights, and our democracy as a whole. We are looking to sue the United States for violating our constitutional rights under the Platinum Plan, AKA Sun Insurance.
Will you help us defend The People?
Today, we are experiencing an era of terrorism disguised as a game referred to as Sun Insurance. The motive of this movement is to harass an individual to the point when the targeted individual is forced to take their own life. It is a movement motivated by bitterness and hatred, racial hierarchy, and profit. Sun Insurance via the Platinum Plan has legalized slavery. It has complete control over citizens’ lives, capturing citizens in an inescapable bubble - for profit. This is not only a threat to one individual’s life, but a threat to the entire constitution and it’s protection over every individual citizen. 
The Webster dictionary defines fascism as 
1 : “ a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above an individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe social and economic regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”
2 : “ a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control “, which defines the Platinum Plan AKA Sun Insurance. 
Fascism is our greatest enemy to democracy. The Platinum Plan aids our enemy, rendering the government’s political movement treasonous. 
After the protests began in 2016 against trump, The People have been crying out for a reform for the police. In 2020, trump passed a criminal reform he called the Platinum Plan. It offers jobs and housing, as well as healthcare. Yes, as a criminal reform.
It also defines “Antifa” as a terrorist organization, which is his purpose for writing and passing the reform altogether. 
Those who are against fascism stand under the American flag.  That’s what the flag means. We are not a movement. We are not terrorists. 
In order to be against “Antifa”, you would have to be for fascism. “Profa”. 
This plan has disguised itself as Sun Insurance, and consists of elite and civilian ownership of targeted individuals, specifically protestors. This is referred to as “Elite Integration” and primarily consists of an equation such as:
(Sunny Hostin + The View)(Trump + Those who Set The Trends)(Civilian ownership of protestors)
Lowest common denominator 
To whom it may concern, the lowest common denominator are slaves in 2023. Webster dictionary defines enslavement as “to force into slavery,” defines a slave as “someone captured or sold,” and defines slavery as “a : the practice or institution of holding The People as chattel involuntarily and under the threat of violence. b : The state of a person who is forced usually under threat of violence to labor for profit of another.”
I, myself, have witnessed enslavement and have witnessed forced slavery of a citizen for profit to enslavers, as well as the government that is enforcing slavery for national economic gain. 
The Platinum Plan is enforced by Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) because they deal with terrorist investigations - the one that trump reformed in 2020 that targets protestors, those who are against oppression, those who are against fascism, and specifically in his own words the reform is for “the black community”. 
In order for the Platinum Plan or Sun Insurance to function, it has to violate the constitution. Let me rephrase that.. it has to rape the constitution in order to function. The People are defenseless. 
The People no longer have the protection of the 1st amendment to speak and assemble freely. 
The People no longer have the protection of the 4th amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures without probable cause.
The People no longer have the protection of the 5th amendment whereas citizens are deemed a public danger for protesting against tyranny, are witnesses against themself, deprived of Life, liberty, property for the will of another, without due process of law, and their private property to be taken for public use without just compensation. 
The People no longer have the protection of the 6th amendment’s right to a fair and speedy trial, impartial jury for which no crime has been committed, the right to be informed of the nature of the cause of accusation; to be confronted with witness against themself, to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in their favor, or to have Assistance of Counsel for their defense. 
The People no longer have the protection of the 8th amendment’s restriction of cruel and unusual punishment. 
To whom it may concern, The People no longer have the protection of the 13th and 14th amendment. I cannot stress this enough. This is a terrorist attack on our democracy. I compare this reform to 9/11 because it has completely violated our nation as a whole so that those in power can make profit from our enslavement just like before the civil war… when trump’s idea of America was “great”.
ICE has turned citizen’s lives into a game of Barbie. They do not view our citizens as fellow humans, but animals. The game is to not speak about the movement or “investigation” so as to drive the targeted individual to the edges of their sanity, ultimately so the individual will take their own life. This is considered premeditated murder of civilians via the government. I have evidence of this motive. No one speaks about it so no one will combat it from continuing and expanding across the globe. 
In the ICE handbook it describes this “investigation” as civilian ownership of fellow citizens, circumventing the 4th amendment specifically.  But, they violate multiple amendments to enforce their polical philosophy or movement, as well as the Color of Law because of the Platinum Plan‘s (Sun Insurance) necessity to function via prejudiced stereotypes and inappropriate behavior or lack of conduct. The movement identifies themselves as “ICE cream” referring to semen and government control. Public propaganda depicts this philosophy as “The American Dream”. 
In conclusion; We, The People, are in peril. We need your help. 
“If not now, then when? If not us, then who?” - John Lewis
Help us fight for our rights. Help us defend our democracy and our sacred constitution. We will not get another one. 
The People V. The United States
All we need is a dedicated attorney. 
Thank you for your time,
Kevin Silas King
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captainsway · 3 years
so i hate to even have to make this post but since the straw has broken the camel’s back, i guess i should make my own post about this. this is an extension from this post where i definitively proved that englishlady, aka tragicfantasy-girl, is a right wing fascist. remember the one post where i was saying to block her and had a list of her online handles where she will *actively* go out of her way to find people and harass them, well, i was looking up her twitter handle to block her and ended up scrolling through the ‘most popular’ tweets in the results. and boyyyy was i not even surprised a bit lmao it’s how i knew definitively without fandom bullshit that she was a right wing fascist
every time someone was talking about fascism, she would, without fail, bring up communism
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like again, i’m not surprised. she pretty much did the whole ‘chinese communism’ bullshit when i was talking about the english empire and she tried to do it as a ‘gotcha’ and acted like it wasn’t the racist bull it actually is since 1) it wasn’t even relevant and 2) she identified i was asian and wanted to use my race against me.... like a racist. which is something she does all the time apparently. she’s literally incapable of sticking to one topic and actually admitting that people like her do horrible things.
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speaking of racism, let’s take a look at that, shall we?
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yeah nothing like telling african people to use their ‘own swearing’ instead of ‘white people’s’ huh. and colonial??? lmaooo they did call her a slag which is british soooo i’m surprised she wasn’t impressed.
she pretends to be an advocate for the down trodden and will constantly talk about how she ‘stands up’ for abuse victims and against ableism and sexism, and again i ask: this you?
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she cries a lot about being called a fascist and genocide apologist when 1) she’s against antifa and 2) literally keeps calling genocide a ‘modern term’ as a ‘gotcha’ against people calling the jedi genocide a uhhhhh genocide. even constantly pulls out the definition when even the bbc website says that there’s an ongoing debate about the definition being too narrow since it wouldn’t include *checks notes* literally most genocides. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059
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again, bringing up poc against poc violence IS racism when you’re using it to shut down white against poc violence.
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not a surprise that she’s a zionist since they’re actively committing genocide and she brushes it off because they’re.... not indigenous.... (https://ccrjustice.org/sites/default/files/attach/2016/10/Background%20on%20the%20term%20genocide%20in%20Israel%20Palestine%20Context.pdf and https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/)
again, don’t want to be called a fascist and genocide apologist? then stop acting like one. i could literally pinpoint that she was a right winger (self proclaimed even apparently) just by her arguments in fandom. she’s right about one thing i guess, that words DO have meaning and when your words identify you as a piece of shit, then that means you’re a piece of shit. not sorry at all.
i have more proof (such as her crying about islamists and saying christians are the most persecuted people) but i’m leaving it at this because i’m legit tired of this right wing troll. wish she would go back to twitter and making awful political statements so we wouldn’t have to see her pretending to be an advocate for abuse when she’s the textbook definition of an abuser. just block her. stop interacting with her. the best way to defeat a fascist is to stop giving them a platform and run them out.
edit: by the way, karen, ‘karen’ isn’t even a sexist term. it originated from black people in america who constantly were harassed by white women who weaponised their whiteness to *call the cops* against the black people. surprised your pick me poc didn’t tell you that.
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antifainternational · 2 years
Hi, I'm from Germany and it's bothering me that you're using the three arrows in your avatar. 1933, the german communist party called for a general strike against Hitler and the iron front who used the arrows as their symbol refused to participate, weakening something that could've been a very powerful action of all workers. One of the arrows symbolizes fighting communism, which means that the iron front rather sat and did nothing against fascism instead of working with communist. If you show up with the three arrows at an antifascist protest in germany, you get side eyed, not only by communists but also by anarchists. To us they symbolize being inactive in a time where action would've made a huge difference, and today only the party SPD is using them sometimes when they want to act like they're part of the antifascist movement while they're in reality centrist cowards that have been busy butchering worker's rights for the past 30 years. They're using the arrows specifically to distance themselves from more radical anti-capitalist groups and groups who feel that parlamentarian democracy is not enough and call for a government that makes it possible for everyone to participate way beyond voting. Some of them think talking to nazis is a good strategy. I gather that the symbol is seen differently in America, but for a worldwide antifascist group I feel like you should consider the origins
Ah, it's that time the year again when we get to school folks about the antifascist "three arrows" symbol!
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The antifa “three arrows” symbol is one of the most recognizable anti-fascist symbols in the world.  It originated with the Iron Front - a militant antifascist organization created in late 1931 in Germany by the Reichsbanner, the socialist SPD, and various labor organizations (Bray, Mark; Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook; pg. 23).  The SPD had a lengthy history of hostilities with the KPD, the German communist party at the time, which is probably why some people have misconstrued it as an "anti-communist" symbol.
Mark Bray writes in his book that the “three arrows” symbol was created for the Iron Front by a Russian socialist living in Germany named Sergei Chakhotin.  “While walking around town, Chakhotin noticed that someone had drawn a line over a swastika to cover the Nazi logo.  This gave him the idea of turning the line into a downward facing arrow.  After discussing it with receptive comrades, he turned it into three arrows (Drei Pfeile).  In his mind, they stood for ‘unity, activity, discipline,” or the SPD, the unions, and the Reichsbanner. (Ibid, pg. 24). Let’s reiterate that last point for you, Anon: In his mind (the mind of the person that designed the symbol!), they stood for ‘unity, activity, discipline,” or the SPD, the unions, and the Reichsbanner.  
Some people (like yourself, Anon, and also Wikipedia) claim that the three arrows symbol is anti-communist, but the person who created the symbol was a socialist who created it for a coalition that included socialists and trade unions and clearly did not conceive of it as an anti-communist symbol.  Eighty-six years later and any “anti-communist” or even specifically socialist meaning that may or (more likely) may not have been implied with this symbol has been lost as it’s become as commonplace and recognized an anti-fascist symbol as the “two flags” symbol of Antifaschiste Aktion (which was formed by the KPD in response to the popularity of the Iron Front [Ibid., pg. 25]).  
Like we always say, anti-fascism is non-partisan.  It’s a big tent where people of all sorts of different political inclinations unite in their mutual opposition to fascism.  We don’t believe that the three arrows design ever symbolized anti-anything besides anti-fascism and even if it once did over eighty years ago, we certainly don’t think it does in this century.  
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takashi0 · 3 years
Here’s a hot take for you
TERFs are just the Lefty Woke version of Nazis.
Both in the sense that they’re a bunch of vile, bigoted monstrous cultists created for the express purpose of bringing harm to marginalized identities, and also because they’re the perfect scapegoat for Authoritarians to deflect all criticism towards in the “Everyone I don’t like is an X” fashion.
The more bullshit I read from privileged zoomers and naïve college kids from Blue State inner cities about how “Saying Queer is a slur is TERF rhetoric!”, the more convinced I am that “TERF” is undergoing the exact same metamorphosis into a Wolf-Crying boogyman as Nazism/Fascism has, especially in the last 5 years.
People have been complaining about the term TERF being thrown around haphazardly where it doesn’t apply the exact same way lefty nutters claim everyone to the right of Mao is a Nazi and that there’s no possible reason anyone would ever vote Republican or Third party besides Muh Fash even if you’ve been constantly burned and scorned by the Democratic party, it’s pretty obvious to me that it’s going to become a majorly popular past time to accuse people of being TERFs based on fucking nothing except “How dare you not agree with me on this topic.” And anyone with half a brain knows the TERFs are going to take advantage of it, just like the Nazis can, have and WILL CONTINUE to take advantage of Cancel Culture and the constant crusade of slander and ostracization encouraged by clout-chasing dipshits. Some people legitimately do not want to be called Queer. No matter how much academic pretentious garbage you spew at them, it’s not going to change the fact that many parts of America and the world over use the term as an insult, a slur, and a hurtful label to demean, belittle and oppress those who are not in the majority group. No amount of “But it’s ~Reclaimed~!” talk is going to fucking erase all the hurt that people feel or make them buy into your rhetoric, especially not when you outright harass and abuse them and try to bully them into accepting it. 
If it’s true that the TERFs have outright started saying that Queer is a slur, that’s not a confirmation that you were right this whole time, no. It means that you morons have been repeating this cultish line of thinking so often that the TERFs have caught wind of it, and they’re gonna use it to recruit the people you’ve hurt into their ranks, just like the Nazis seduced the poor disenfranchised Germans of Post-WWI Germany and the disillusioned American lower classes today. 
I fucking GUARENTEE you that’s how they got J.K. Rowling on top of manipulating her based on some pre-existing trauma, they convinced her that the reaction to her woke contributions to post-completion Harry Potter weren’t the result of her being incredibly tonedeaf, they told her it was some ridiculous conspiracy about how [Insert slur for trans people here] hated her for being a cis woman and were ungrateful in the face of trying to appease to them. The same way that Nazis point to BLM and Antifa and claim that their conspiracies about “White Genocide” were true and it’s what causes people to believe them when they say “Anti-racism means Anti-White.” 
And I can’t figure out whether if it’ll be easier or harder to push back against TERFs as a result. Because on the one hand everyone knows what a Nazi is, what they did, and why they’re awful (or at least they used to before the Left apparently just decided to resort to constant Godwinning out of sore loserdom), whereas nobody outside of Discourse circles knows what TERF stands for. It’s not Mainstream enough. And furthermore the only thing that distinguishes TERFs from regular RadFems is that they believe everything RadFems do but they’re also Transphobic, and everyone who’s looked at tumblr and twitter for more than five minutes knows that Self-proclaimed Feminists are more than happy to file off the “TE” and keep the “RF.” But on the other hand TERFs are even less subtle than Nazis and probably easier to spot as a result of them not having the same gigantic backlash that the Nazis did post-WWII that forever ingrained them as the ultimate evil of western civilization in our public consciousness. Nazis have had a long time to hone the craft of dogwhistles and the art of grooming potential recruits by way of acting welcoming and accepting of the downtrodden and rejected and then hooking them with their bullshit about how DA JOOZ control the world the way cults do. Whereas TERFs make no effort whatsoever to hide what they’re about with how obsessed they are with how much they slobber over Vaginas and related parts of Cis female anatomy, their constant usage of slurs, their shaming of bi women, their constant fawning over and attempting to seduce lesbians, and even outright calling themselves TERFs to the point of putting it in their usernames. They’re more honest about it. 
Either way I’m not looking forward to what the rest of the 2020′s brings. 2010 was horrible enough with constant politicization, I’m not seeing improvement anywhere in sight. 
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eroticlizardfiction · 3 years
Antifa does not stand for anti-fascist it stands for anti-fascist action. You aren't antifa just by being against the concept of fascism you have to actively be taking action against fascism.
When I say action I don't mean you have to be getting hit with rubber bullets by cops at riots things like community work can be anti-fascist actions and that's the majority of what antifa groups do.
So while it's true that antifa isn't an organization it's also inaccurate to say that every person who is ideologically against fascism is antifa.
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After 40 [sic] years in the desert, Inauguration Day 2021 is nigh. I’ll be watching this historic event as a morality play in three parts: ONE: At the West Front of the U.S. Capitol stand two people who had the courage to run for office amid a blizzard of lies, knives, and crypto-fascism. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., grew up in a middle class family. During 40-plus years of public service, he's been shaped by his share of defeat and grief. Kamala D. Harris was born in the U.S. to parents from India and Jamaica. She broke thru barriers of white supremacy, misogyny, and racism to become a “first” in every office she's held for the past 15 years. Neither one of them is perfect—if you want “perfect,” look in the mirror! But both are REAL people: decent, intelligent, experienced, and graceful in good times and bad. They're here because they were chosen by 51.3% of all votes cast in 2020’s fair and legally vetted election (vs. 46.8% for their opponent). No amount of Twitter-twaddle or Republican revisionism will change that old-fashioned fact. There’s a lot to celebrate here, and we who treasure democracy will do just that. TWO: In the public spaces outside the Capitol, there are no crowds cheering for democracy. That’s due to a mismanaged pandemic, and to the Jan. 6 insurrection, incited by POTUS and his enablers, and executed by domestic terrorists. Instead of cheering crowds, there are steel barriers, rolls of razor wire, and upwards of 25,000 armed security forces to protect us against violent thugs and assorted lunatics, our fellow citizens. Every U.S. citizen worth his or her salt should work to help assure that the violence of Jan. 6 never happens again—to our leaders, or people of color, or school children sacrificed to Second Amendment madness. There must be no repeat of the scenario Yeats wrote about in 1919: “Things fall apart; / the centre cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, / The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere / The ceremony of innocence is drowned; / The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity.” THREE: Finally, we come to #45 and his entourage skipping the Inauguration to get out of town early. Their insolent pre-Inauguration “farewell” is a snub to the Bidens and to all who care about a peaceful transition of power. It’s a 21-gun repeat of the message #45’s spouse wore when she went to the border to express her Trump-branded “care” for children torn from their families by his policies: “I really don’t care, do U?” #45 is on his way to something worse than being rated as the worst president in U.S. history. History will be merciless to him and his entourage as new evidence of greed, corruption, cruelty, and crime pops up. As these people depart D.C., the most civil words I can muster come from Lady Macbeth: “Stand not upon the order of your going, but go at once.” In 4 years, #45 has achieved only 4 things I’m grateful for: He’s made it hard for his party to claim that they and they alone can fly the “law and order” flag. He’s made it hard for them to say, “We and we alone support the police.” He’s made it hard for them name Antifa and slander BLM as prime sources of political violence in the U.S. Best of all, he and his goons have proven that white is NOT supreme. No way. Today we celebrate the wide range of citizens all across the political spectrum who understand what it means to be an American. Some had the guts to run for office. Some turned out to vote despite racist barriers. Some served and protected, even gave their lives, to push back murderous mobs of zealots. Some honored their oaths of office, a novelty in the era of #45. Together, we gave the U.S.A. another chance to get it right. Tomorrow we get back to work. Right now, we celebrate! 
Parker J. Palmer
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