#anti rhaenys velaryon
infinitestalia · 2 years
Also, that Rhaenys and Alicent scene was fucking terrible lmao. Who on earth is RHAENYS of all people to judge Alicent for following the wishes of men? What exactly has Rhaenys been doing this entire series if not acting out the wishes of her husband and getting told what to do by men? Go get your throne then, if you're bad.
This woman thinks Rhaenyra had her son murdered, she knows she passed off Harwin's bastards as Laenor's heirs, she knows she married Daemon before her daughter's bones finished charring, she knows that Daemon is a dog shit father to her granddaughters, she knows she wanted Driftmark to go to Baela directly. Her life is nothing but Ls. And yet here she is handing out lectures and projecting about dreaming about the Iron Throne, while her house/family firms the most humiliating disrespect by Rhaenyra and Daemon weekly, and her dumbass husband barks orders from wherever he is now. Let's have a little introspection, please.
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greenmeanqueen · 2 months
i think i just pinpointed yet another thing that struck (irked) me about the line “you’re wiser than i believed you to be alicent hightower” and that’s that it lowkey reeks of targ exceptionalism, like how could this dragonless girl without a drop of ““superior”” blood ever possibly be smarter than me, rhae/nys, the most specialist special to ever special???
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agirlking · 2 years
Rhaenys out here like “publicly humiliate my son and put two innocent children further in danger and even more smear Rhaenyra’s reputation because I’m mad my GAY SON who I KNOW is gay doesn’t have bio kids.” 
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2rats1gogh · 2 months
I’ve never really seen anyone talking about this, but I noticed that one of the main reasons why I am team green is because team green feels like an actual team that is in this whole thing together.
Team Green feels connected, united, like a family.
Team Black on the other hand is… meh.
And let me explain why:
Rhaenyra being delusional and thinking that Daemon is actually in love with her when he literally just groomed her since she was a child because he has always been after her title and now wants to be her king consort. They have one of the most toxic, creepy and problematic relationships in the entire fucking show.
Then there is the very awkward and uncomfortable moment of Rhaenyra and Daemon having sex on Laena’s funeral, while Rhaenys, Corlys, Baela, Rhaena and Laenor are mourning the loss of their daughter, mother and sister. How fucking disrespectful is this. And then the fact that they have Laenor “killed” just so they can get married and have their own perfectly blonde targaryen babies.
And Rhaenyra lying about Jace, Luke and Joff to everyone in her very own “team”, trying to gaslight not only Corlys, and Rhaenys but also her own sons into thinking they are trueborn, when even Jace himself. as a child, starts asking questions.
Then there are obviously Rhaenys and Corlys, who for some fucking reason neglected their trueborn granddaughters in favor of some dark haired white bastards their daughter-in-law is trying to pass off as their son’s children. Rhaenys is trying sooo hard to please her misogynistic husband because he so desperately wants his name to go down in history. Then the disrespectful betrothal of Jace and Luke to Baela and Rhaena. Rhaenyra is literally robbing these poor girls of their rightful claim to Driftmark and usurping them. And now, with Luke being dead, Rhaena’s claim dies with him.
Baela and Rhaena losing their mother, and now their father suddenly remarries, and has two blonde boys. Rhaenys losing BOTH her children and then seeing her son-in-law and daughter-in-law getting married soon after that.
Everyone in team black is after their own ambitions. They lie to each other, they don’t trust each other, they suspect each other in different things, they cheat on each other (with each other) and lie about it, they give each other forced ultimatums, and yada yada. All their scenes feel forced, tense, awkward and uncomfortable. They look so miserable with each other.
Team Green in this sense is the exact opposite.
Although their dynamic is far from perfect, obviously, you cannot deny that they care about each other very very deeply.
Alicent loves all of her children, and even while acknowledging their flaws, she still loves them.
Aemond might’ve been a little envious of Aegon, but he would never turn his back on him. He would never betray his brother, be would never try to take his crown from him.
Aegon was far from being a perfect man and king, but, as we know, it was his love for his family, and the fear of them getting hurt that made him a more responsible person and a more protective father, husband and brother. Sure, he is a cheater, but at least he’s honest about it and doesn’t lie to his wife. He is not a hypocrite.
Criston is working for Alicent not for ambition or for self-gain, but because he genuinely loves her, whether it’s romantic or platonic, doesn’t matter.
Helaena would never betray her family, her brothers, her mother. They are all she has. She would never switch sides even if given an opportunity.
And even Otto, arguably one of the main villains of the whole show, still loves his family. Sure, he is ambitious, but he would never become Corlys level of ambitious.
Team Green feels like they are fighting against the enemy all together, they have the same goals, they feel united and you can feel their devotion to each other. Especially after blood and cheese, when they become closer than ever. They’re in this together and only if they stick to each other, they can make it. It feels genuine and honest. They don’t hide anything from each other, they always have their loved ones’ best interests at heart, they would never in a million years betray each other. Yes, they are all doomed from the start, but their dedication and love to each other is truly something else.
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HOTD has made many interesting choices in their adaptation of the story of the Dance. One of their favorite excuses for many of their questionable choices is "feminism". Why did they remove Alicent's ambitions and autonomy? Feminism. Why is Rhaenyra less proactive and hesitant? Feminism. Why are Daemon and Otto the primary active agents in the lead up to the Dance? Well women can't be in the wrong or violent, so feminism.
These choices are the farthest thing from feminist; they're sexist, end of story. Every decision surrounding the women of the Dance reeks of benevolent sexism. One of the most obviously sexist decisions made is the purposeful removal of female cooperation and friendship.
Rhaenyra in F&B has many female allies and friends. Her ladies in waiting loved her so much, one of them, Lady Elinda Massey gouged out her eyes at the sight of Rhaenyra's death. Lady Jeyne Arryn, Lady Alysanne Blackwood, and Lady Sabitha Frey/Vypren are just a few examples of ladies who fought for Rhaenyra (Alysanne and Sabitha literally fought in battles). Lady Fell chose death over betraying her oath to Rhaenyra.
Now, we haven't had any opportunity to meet most of these women I listed in the show. Lady Fell was portrayed as she was written in the book, a very minor character who simply foreshadowed how most of the realm would choose Rhaenyra over Aegon. Elinda Massey, however was reduced to an unnamed servant, not even a lady in waiting. Her treatment is an echo of one of my biggest issues with HOTD, the treatment of Laena and Rhaenys.
Laena was Rhaenyra's dearest friend in the book, in fact it's implied that they had a romantic relationship. Whether you believe that telling or not, it's undeniable that she and Laena were extremely close. They chose to betroth their children while they were infants, Rhaenyra flew to Laena's bedside during her final labor, and she stood vigil with Daemon over Laena's body.
All of that closeness and intimacy was removed in the show to make room for Alicent. So let's break that down: they removed a long and healthy relationship between two women and replaced it with a short-lived (in terms of screen time) friendship that quickly fell apart and turned into an intense rivalry. Reinforcing an old stereotype of female friendship: that it is entrenched in rivalry and toxicity and can quickly be turned to enmity. Alicent was so quickly and easily turned against Rhaenyra and it's even implied that she was jealous of Rhaenyra long before they became enemies.
Rhaenys in the book was an ardent supporter of Rhaenyra. She happily claimed Jace, Luke, and Joff as her grandsons, advised Rhaenyra to go to war, and gladly flew against Aegon and Aemond.
Meanwhile, in the show, Rhaenys was turned into one of Rhaenyra's rivals. She constantly challenged Rhaenyra's ideas, dismissed her as a naive child, disliked her children, and even considered backing the Greens. On top of that, they turned her into yet another "peaceful" woman. She advises against the war, and seems to continue to do so in season two. Rhaenys is virtually unrecognizable in the show. They chose to take a woman who tried to prevent a younger woman being wronged by the patriarchy the same way she was and turned her into a bitter woman who resents Rhaenyra (for most of the show).
HOTD claimed to have wanted to tell a story about how the patriarchy pits women against each other. That's all very well and good, but that's not what they actually did. They took a story where a woman is wrongfully usurped because of her gender and is supported by many other women and turned it into another tired female rivalry story.
Rhaenyra has no female friends aside from Alicent. Laena was turned from her dearest friend/lover into simply a rival for Daemon's affection. Rhaenys was turned from a supportive mentor and defender to someone who took out her resentment for the system on a fourteen year old who only starts to support her when she's proven "peaceful".
HOTD chose to perpetuate a harmful stereotype about women: that we constantly view each other as threats/rivals and can't have truly healthy relationships with other women. Rhaenyra had women who supported and cared for her in the book, in the show all she has is Alicent. A woman who abused and undermined her for ten years, raised her children to hate her, and usurped her. Every change HOTD made in the name of "feminism" solidified just how sexist it really is.
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thephantomofthenight · 7 months
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thesunfyre4446 · 2 months
i need to talk about laenor for a minute
"he was happy!" "ha wanted to leave his family!"
mmmm are you sure?
because in ep 6 he wants to leave KL, yeah, but he def does not want to disappear. he wants to join his family in the stepstones. he's tired, he's done. he has "played his part". was he really that happy with his modern family in KL? because it sure didn't sound like it when rhaenyra has to command him to stay by her side because she needs him to keep covering up for her.
when rhaenyra and daemon had that convo in ep 6 when rhaenyra wanted to have laenor killed and daemon convinced her to give him a choice.
the choice was go away or we'll kill you.
they actually went to laenor on his sister's funeral, when his family needed him the most and made him leave. laenor wanted to leave KL to join his family in the stepstones. he never wanted his family to think he's dead, especially not when they've just lost laena.
and that plot makes 0 sense because if laenor ever comes back rhaenyra and daemon will be branded as liars and traitors & their children will be declared as illegitimate. not to mention, if rhaenys and corlys ever find out about what they did their alliance is over. like rhaenys will literally burn them. the fact that they knew how much corlys and rhaenys suffered and still chose not to tell them about laenor is so messed up.
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I see some butthurt people claim that the only reason the Starks supported Rhaenyra is because Jacaerys made a deal with Cregan.
These people seem to forget that the Starks voted for Rhaenys at King Jaehaerys’ Great Council.
In the Asoiaf world, the Starks are the pillars of justice. Whenever you have them choosing a side, you know that’s the correct one.
And in this case, they clearly recognized Rhaenyra as the rightful Queen.
The narrative explains quite well the struggle of women in a patriarchal society, as well as the fact that three women were the rightful rulers of the Realm, regardless of what the biased maesters claim. And all of these three women are still referenced as Queens:
1. Rhaena, the Queen in the West and the East (Eldest child of King Aenys. Was the rightful ruler after her father died, but she never wanted the throne. She agreed to let Jaehaerys take it. However, as many agree, the throne should have been passed to her daughter, Aerea).
2. Rhaenys, the Queen Who Never Was (Was the rightful Queen, as the only child of the eldest son of the King and heir to the throne. She was passed over for her uncle Baelon which is against Andal law, as a daughter comes before an uncle, is that not so? Then, she was passed over for her cousin. The narrative clearly implies that she was the rightful ruler).
3. Rhaenyra, the Dragon Queen/the Half-Year Queen (Was the rightful Queen, as the eldest child of the King and as per a royal decree naming the child chosen to be the King’s heir - something which has never happened before but is not illegal. Rhaenyra faced the same fate as her distant cousin, Rhaenys. Born to rule, and rightfully so, but passed over in the name of the patriarchy, an argument used by a family of upstarts who craved the throne for themselves).
The narrative clearly shows how these three women were the rightful Queens, and two of them have been directly supported by the most righteous and least opportunistic of all Houses.
I don’t know how much clearer GRRM could have spelled it out.
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the-daily-dreamer · 11 months
I think the love that Rhaenys gets is kind of insane when you really look at her as a character. Because frankly she is insanely hypocritical and selfish.
Rhaenys is incredibly passive in her behaviors and essentially dedicates her life to make her husband happy. Which is totally fine and her choice…except for the fact that she insults Alicent for serving the men in her life and belittles her for it.
She willingly offers up her 12 year old child to a creepy older man to get her blood on the throne and to please her husband by getting his blood on the throne. Which is just as bad (arguably worse than) Otto offering up his 15 year old. So if you hate him, hate Rhaenys.
She kills a bunch of small folk without a care simply to show off that she’s powerful and better and can’t be chained down. And I’m sorry, if you hated Cersei for blowing up the sept (as her one and only option to survive) and the smallfolk in and around it…you can’t support Rhaenys caving the walls in on a bunch of people for no reason.
And really consider this. In the case of Otto, everyone hates him for plotting to get his daughter to marry Viserys and then get his grandchildren on the throne over Rhaenyra. But if Viserys had taken the ludicrous offer from Rhaenys to marry her 12 year old daughter…do you think she and her husband would’ve accepted Rhaenyra as heir? Obviously not. If Viserys married Laena and had sons with her, Corlys and Rhaenys would’ve been the #1 supporters of the “Rhaenyra isn’t the heir” brigade. They’d have used all their power to intimidate Viserys until he changed his mind, and if he didn’t…as soon as Viserys would die, they’d have their grandson on that iron chair faster than you can say “Rest in Peace”.
The only reason she supports Rhaenyra now is because of the marriage between the strong boys and her granddaughters. And the concept of her husbands “blood” being on the throne in name.
You can’t convince me in any way that Rhaenys is in any way a girlboss or feminist. What she is a hypocritical woman who, if the circumstances were different, would place herself and her family above Rhaenyra in a heartbeat. Lord knows she tried.
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rhaenyras-regret · 5 months
"It's all about who's your favorite war criminal"
Sure, but yknow what? Rhaenyra didn't want to be a war criminal. She was forced into a war she wanted no part in by the stupidity and spitefulness of her half-brother. She wasn't even the one who wanted BnC to happen; Daemon was the one who organized that. She was ready to give up and end the war after her sons death, as any grieving mother would.
Then, they killed her aunt. Rhaenys was trapped and murdered unfairly in a fight. If it had been one versus one, she would've won. It is only because of Aemond and Vhagar that the war even HAPPENED, and only because of them the war continued. TG says she was cruel for not accepting the halfway ruling Alicent offered, but by then, her sons had taken almost everything from Rhaenyra. Lucerys, Jacaerys, Rhaenys, and she didn't even get to live to see Viserys come back alive.
Then she lived through the death of her other son, Syrax, and Daemon. All she had left was Aegon III. Baela? Captured. Rhaena? Safe, in the Vale. Everyone else she loved was dead by that point; and then she was betrayed, and eventually murdered by her usurper of a half brother.
Rhaenyra is a victim and winner of the war, a tragedy and a victory. Not an "usurper" or "whore". She is the Black Queen.
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henriettadreaming · 6 months
Something I've found interesting, and by interesting I mean strange, is how Rhaenyra sending Laenor out of Westeros makes her a queer ally. She doesn't send him away to benefit him, she does it to benefit herself because she wants to marry Daemon.
She clearly says to Daemon on the beach "Laenor has been restless for years, and now he'll be useless. Or worse" She thinks now Laenor is grieving he's nothing but a liability, and with Laena dead she can be with Daemon. The only obstacle is her husband, who is the most outwardly heartbroken by Laena's death. And her intention was clear at the funeral, we see the way Rhaenyra's eyes follow Daemon constantly. She had sex with him that day, before consulting Laenor about faking his death.
I don't think asking a grieving man to run away from his family, his dragon and everything he knows is a mercy or a great gift. What if he changed his mind once the shock wore off, and realised the ramifications of his choice? What if him and his lover separated and he was completely alone? Rhaenyra and Daemon were willing to kill a servant and lie to their children and Rhaenys for the rest of their lives so they could be together, do you really think either of them would have allowed Laenor to get in the way of their plans?
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infinitestalia · 2 years
So our fair and just queen who never was, Rhaenys, just randomly killed how many civilians so she could look cool and make a point? Nah, every Targaryen is a plague and needs their ass beat. No house has ever deserved to be wiped out more and we will be laffin when it happens. Team Green in the meantime tho.
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greenmeanqueen · 1 month
Hi! Sorry for the rant but as an hater of the Rhaenys speech in episode nine to another I felt like you could understand .
In my personal experience ,it’s not only the Targaryen Exceptionalism that bothers me ,it’s also the not so subtle victim blaiming .
The whole window things to me was Rhaenys telling Alicent that she’s a loser for not having ambitions other than to see her family safe ,and the fact that Alicent didn’t girlboss her way out of her problems ( read :abuse)
It’s not only Rhaenys hypocrisy here that makes me go nuts,but the way the show constantly acts like Alicent is stupid for not fighting back against her abusers is sickening .This is a feudal society and their concept of abuse was different then ours ,so what was done to Alicent by Otto and Viserys (and Larys but in this case his behavior would never be normalized) will never get called out ,and Alicent as a woman is considered a property ,first of her father then her husband .She has power and wealth as long as these men give it to her .So she’s already in a bad situation societally and one hard ti escape.
On an emotional level ,Alicent is also really scared of both Otto and Viserys .And abuse victims feel trapped ,like they can’t escape . (and Alicent is trapped ).
The fact that Rhaenys shaming Alicent for being a victim is seen as a wise girlboss moment is something so fucked up .
Sorry for the rant ,and have a good day/night !
thank u for your ask and your thoughts, and i hope u enjoy me ranting some more about (probably) my least favorite exchange of dialogue in hotd!
i’m gonna go kinda line by line with my thoughts so this might get long.
Rhaenys: And you are usurping the throne.
subjective, i think, like a lot of the dance is. who’s the usurper depends on who believes who has the rightful claim. and let’s be real: if the greens didn’t have a leg to stand on, there wouldn’t be a dance. also, let’s recall that part of rhaenys’ stance in the great council was not only that she had a claim, but that her male child laenor had a claim. he, not rhaenys, was the main contender alongside viserys i. i think hotd really messed up important details in trying to simplify everything. anyway.
Alicent: It was my husband's dying wish. Believe it or no, it is of no consequence. Aegon will be king. I came here to ask your support.
Rhaenys: Well, I must credit you for your boldness.
hey, now that’s a take i can agree on, rhaenys! while not the most powerful member of the greens, without alicent’s boldness they would not have survived long.
Alicent: House Velaryon has long allied itself with the Princess Rhaenyra and what has it gained you? Your daughter dead, alone in Pentos. Your son cuckolded. Rhaenyra's heirs are none of yours. It is your husband who grasps so heedlessly for the throne. And even he has abandoned you. Gone these six long years to fight a desperate battle, returning grievously, if not mortally, wounded, leaving the Lady of Driftmark to chart her course alone.
(going by show canon) is alicent wrong though? is she wrong????? it might not be nice but it’s the truth as she sees it.
Rhaenys: The word of my house is not fickle.
Alicent: No. But, dear cousin, you more than any soul alive understand what I say now. Princess Rhaenys, I loved my husband, but I will speak the truth we both know. You should've been queen.
Rhaenys: I little thought to hear those words from you.
but why, rhaenys, did you not expect alicent to say those words to you? what on-screen interaction have you had with her in the past that led to this conclusion? or is that the internalized misogyny talking???
see, this little quip reeks of narrative fuckery. everybody just inherently hates alicent bc *checks notes* she’s a “bad feminist”… in a medieval patriarchal society. if rhaenys doesn’t think alicent would say that, show me why she doesn’t think alicent would say that based on something other than “vibes”.
doesn’t make sense that it’s bc alicent married viserys instead of laena; doesn’t make sense that it’s bc alicent and rhaenyra fought after aemond lost his eye; doesn’t make sense that it’s bc alicent rules in viserys’ stead (if anything, that’d make it more likely she’d say it bc she and rhaenys are/were in similar positions, able to rule when their husbands couldn’t); doesn’t make sense that it’s bc alicent worked with vaemond so he could inherit driftmark (and not lucerys, another male).
so where?
Alicent: The Iron Throne was yours by blood and by temperament. Viserys would've lived his days a country lord, content to hunt and study his histories, but here we are. We do not rule, but we may guide the men that do. Gently. Away from violence and sure destruction and instead toward peace.
the “we do not rule, but…” lines are actually so important to me, because it’s alicent speaking as a woman who understands her position in society to another woman (maybe one who she hopes can feel the same). it’s alicent have a very firm grasp on what her limitations are and thus what is reasonably possible for her to do. here, i think, she underestimates rhaenys’ pride and concept of her own privilege, bc rhaenys does not view herself as a “mere woman”, she’s a targ, and she couldn’t nor wouldn’t visualize anything else.
Rhaenys: Is it in the name of peace that you've imprisoned me? And what of my dragon?
Alicent: If we are overmatched, Rhaenyra will be tempted to strike us, and war will ensue. Without your dragon, she may be persuaded to negotiate. If it's Driftmark you want, you shall have it for you and your granddaughters to pass on as you see fit.
excellent point from alicent. it’s a smart political move to keep rhaenys confined while her loyalties are uncertain. again, it’s not a “nice” thing to do to someone, but it’s not the time to be nice; it’s time to survive. giving rhaenys free reign would give her free reign to use a WMD on whoever she chooses. so, yeah, it is kind of in the name of peace to keep the user away from the weapon, because meleys is a weapon of MASS DESTRUCTION that could destroy the city and kill many.
and guess what happens later at the coronation? alicent is proven right. you let rhaenys out, you let the carnage out.
Rhaenys: You are wiser than I believed you to be, Alicent Hightower.
Alicent: A true queen counts the cost to her people.
Rhaenys: And yet you toil still in service to men. Your father, your husband, your son. You desire not to be free, but to make a window in the wall of your prison. Have you never imagined yourself on the Iron Throne?
i will stand by the post i made back when this episode aired, that some people can only hope to make windows.
if you can see a door, that’s great, but some people can’t and can only visualize fresh air. maybe you could help her find the door, rhaenys, but you’re more interested in shaming her.
rhaenys’ hypocrisy comes out here in full force in how she views alicent’s actions vs. her own, when she has done similar if not exactly what alicent has. but rhaenys is a targ/aryen, she’s got the dynasty and the dragonfire to back her up; alicent has to work with what your typical noble lady has. so, no, alicent can’t just do whatever she wants, bc, like you said redroses, her power is what others allow her. looks like rhaenys doesn’t have a window in the wall of her prison of privilege, and instead bricked herself up with her hypocrisy.
now. while i have ranted for quite a bit now, i do think it’s okay that rhaenys does not agree with alicent and does not see her as she is. that’s character conflict! that makes a great story! i can disagree with rhaenys’ perspective (and i do), but that she has it isn’t entirely the issue. what hammers in the frustration i have is that the narrative is siding with her, not allowing for these two women to have different points of view in shades of grey. the narrative doesn’t push for any interpretation other than rhaenys is correct, and that alicent is a bigoted, self-righteous fool, bc how dare she defend her son’s claim? “that’s not very girlboss of you, alicent, so we don’t care about your reasons for doing so and how they just might be valid from your POV.”
the scene ends without a retort more from alicent, again signaling how the narrative intends this as a “gotcha!” mic drop moment. but since i’ve gone this far, i might as well argue that the following could be considered one, bc she does at least get the final word:
Alicent: I'll leave you with your thoughts.
go ahead and have your thoughts, rhaenys. see how far you go, and if you won’t end up just like the mere mortals after all.
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montyluvsjasper · 2 months
The problem isn't nuance or media literacy.
The problem is fans feeling like they own the work and characters.
The problem is people not deconstructing their purity culture and just putting its structure and attitudes into social justice and fandom spaces. (working on this myself and i will be making a separate post with useful links.)
The problem is using fandom spaces as social justice vehicles.
The problem is basing someone's moral character and values on what fictional stories and characters they enjoy.
The problem is the I'm right and if you don't agree with me you're stupid and a bad person mentality.
The problem is there is zero live and live mentality anymore.
The problem is rude delusional white social 20 something girls with a god complex saying "actually sweetie your wrong" along with a long line of mean girl insults. When they haven't so much as read a nonfiction book in years, watch a documentary that wasn't some flavor of true crime or researched something off of TikTok or Instagram. Sorry not sorry for saying that. I'm guilty of it too.
The problem is attacking actors, writers and other ARTISTS.
The problem with the current fandom climate goes so much farther than media literacy or nuance.
I'm tagging this in the GoT/HotD fandom but this IS UNIVERSAL.
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fire & blood rant: spoilers under the cut
Friendly reminder that there is no “Both sides are evil.”
MAJORITY OF TEAM BLACK ARE CHILDREN/YOUNG ADULTS THAT HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG. Let me repeat that: MAJORITY OF TEAM BLACK ARE CHILDREN. This is why I’m so adamant that there is no “Well both sides are in the wrong!” NO. One side is made up of children that are no older than sixteen and the other side has full grown adults committing war crimes left and right. It doesn’t matter which media outlet you consume—book or show, because the crimes that Team Black commit will never amount to anything that Team Green does.
They are not the majority of Team Black! They are only two people, and you cannot justify being Team Green or even neutral based off their actions alone. Because what are you neutral against? A woman’s throne being taken from her because of misogny? Literal children? The majority of people on Team Black have never done anything wrong. Baela, Rhaena, Jace, Luke, Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys are CHILDREN. Rhaenys and people like Cregan Stark are good people. When I say I support Team Black, I’m supporting THEM. Daemon and Rhaenyra are NOT the only members on Team Black. When people say “Oh well Daemon did this, oh well Rhaenyra did that—” I roll my eyes because YES, they do some bad shit and unfortunately people use their actions as a reason to not support Team Black.
But what about Jace, who died trying to save his little brothers?
What about Luke, who refused to flee from Aemond despite being terrified—all because he wanted to be a dutiful son and make his mother proud?
What about Baela, who bravely fought Aegon and was the reason he could no longer fight with a dragon?
What about Rhaena, the last dragon rider for hundreds of years?
What about Cregan and all the men who followed him to King’s Landing, knowing they would die but not caring because it meant more people would survive the winter.
And the argument that “Team Green is more interesting,” is bullshit.
Because 19 year old Aemond killing a 14 year old Luke on his baby dragon is interesting? Him burning the Riverlands, never actually fighting a real battle, only going after children and old men who can’t fight back, and taking Alys Rivers as a prisoner of war after murdering the children she used to nurse is interesting?
Aegon usurping his own sister, throwing a feast to celebrate the death of a CHILD is interesting?
Alicent and Otto plotting to usurp Rhaenyra for no other reason other than of their own misogyny is interesting?
Incel Criston Cole, still upset that a little girl rejected him and takes it out on her CHILDREN is interesting?
Yeah, yeah, yeah but Daemon this, Daemon that—
No. Let’s face it, Daemon is the only person on Team Black that gives people a solid reason to not support them. But even then, there are so many other characters besides him. And there is no such thing as “Well both teams are morally grey!”
DAEMON is morally grey. Rhaenyra is neutral AT HER WORST! But Daemon is not the entire Team Black!
People use characters like Helaena to justify being Team Green, as she is probably the only “good” character to root for. But that doesn’t erase the atrocities of the rest of Team Green, just like Daemon being awful doesn’t and shouldn’t define the rest of Team Black as awful.
To make a long story short: There is no “both sides are evil.” That argument doesn’t make sense because majority of Team Black are children/good people that have never canonically done anything wrong and people only root against them because they’re incapable of realizing that Daemon and Rhaenyra’s actions do not define everyone else.
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linberlyy · 5 months
TB stans: Rhaenyra’s a true queen, worthy to sit on the Iron Throne because she is the eldest child, a woman, and a wonderful mother. And those who are against her are real misogynists and generally woman-haters!
— Then why don’t you consider Visenya the Conqueror to be the first ruling queen of the Seven Kingdoms, since she’s the eldest, and support Lucerys’ rights to Driftmark when he should have gone to Baela, because she’s the eldest daughter of Rhaenys’s eldest child, and in general Viserys usurped Rhaenys, she should was to become queen, which means her first granddaughter Baela would become her heir?
TB stans: You don't understand, this is different.
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