#anti lgbt laws
living400lbs · 10 months
"Gay and trans Republicans are shocked that DeSantis is now targeting them, because LGBT Republicans are the biggest fucking idiots on the planet, founders and leaders of the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party, absolutely on par with Jewish Nazis and Black Klansmen, both of which are even thinner on the ground than they are, despite the amount of press they get."
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madeunmexico · 10 months
And there it is the same protect the children bullshit against pride and rainbows...
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b0bthebuilder35 · 11 months
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Perfect way to start off pride month…
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harrybathtub · 1 year
Not trans problems
these are human problems
We are humans
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queenvlion · 10 months
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fspgrad · 11 months
The real reason for the rights attack on lgbtq persons. This makes sense.
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wondernwriter · 11 months
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ravenousnightwind · 11 months
Do you think that the NRA or gun manufacturers give a damn about how many children die at the hands of someone who possessed a gun they provided to? Of course they don't. Just like them pro life people don't really care about children once they're no longer children. Much less actually care about kids after they're out of the womb. No, people dying in schools, that's propaganda baby, that's what makes guns sell. Don't you get it? They're Mr and Mrs gunsmith lol. (That's a joke I repurposed from toystory, don't be a dick and take it seriously)
It's about greed. It's about what sells. If they really cared about kids dying in schools, they'd do something to regulate who gets access to guns and what type of guns. And for the people who say oh guns don't kill people? Shut up, Larry, that's bullshit. Guns are tools designed to kill or hurt. So yes, guns do kill people. Even if it takes a person to wield said weapon, it doesn't mean it isn't designed to kill. You're just trying to find a shitty excuse for the purpose of your own twisted idealisms.
I'm not saying these weapons can't be used for protection, but I'm saying that it's not okay where things are and where they're going right now. The answer to violence isn't to provide the means for more violence. It's to prohibit access to tools that ought of been checked through appropriate systems for the sake of the safety of everyone in the community.
But do you know why it isn't? So they can get more money, so they can donate that money to infiltrating politicians who were paid off by this blood money, so they can then direct policies to kill more people in marginalized communities. I'm not saying this is exactly the prime directive, but I am saying it's happening in one way or another.
The only way to stop it is to research who we elect and get up in their business so we know they're not insanely corrupted or paid off, and tell them to change the policies so child deaths from guns don't happen. So people in general don't get murdered. Obviously it's complex and more so than I can ever explain, but either way, shit needs to change because all this bullshit about rights being taken and people just allowing people to die and children dying cuz some kid came to school with parents weapon, it's very very un-American. It's sick. It's disgusting. And anyone who supports these things well. Maybe you ought to think about what if it was yourself in the same position as the rest of us.
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grimlocksword · 11 months
Target Is PANICKING Over Conservative Boycott, Fears 'Bud Light Situation'
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kingoodin · 1 year
In recent years, the LGBTQIA community has made significant strides in attaining legal rights and societal acceptance. However, introducing new laws targeting this community, particularly the transgender community, has become a cause for concern. These laws violate fundamental human rights and have severe consequences for society.
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astral-orphan · 1 year
Times Change but Don't Really..
It is very difficult in today's era to have one's faith in humanity intact. Individually, humans can be understanding and caring on a one on one basis, but as soon as they are put in a group, herd mentality and fear take over and that is when atrocities are committed. This is human nature and it makes me wonder then why our ancestors thought instead of sticking to smaller nomadic family clusters that uniting as a civilization would be any better? Obviously for protection from the elements and predators but who is there to protect us from ourselves? The answer should be the law, the government.
But the hearts of man are easily corruptible it seems. Our government, be it Republican or Democrat led wants to maintain the status quo and collect as much lobbyist support and capital they can, to think they care at all about the original constitution or human rights anymore is laughable. As much as the evangelicists refuse to believe it, nature is wild and untamed.
For in many species, not just our own, there are discrepancies that deviate from the norm. Homosexuality being one of them, in many species it is seen, and we have been around since the dawn of man. Trans people shortly followed, neither of which are a new occurance or fad, perhaps more records of our early existance would've been known had it not been for ancient libraries being burnt down.
Fear and ignorance ruled our ancient ancestors as it does to this very day and witchunts continue unabated. Anything even slightly off societal-deemed center is feared and ridiculed. Autism, mental health, LGBT, birth defects, etc. In the past they were burned at the stake or thrown in dungeons for fear of contagion and even today similar actions are done. Ironic given that the strict oppressiveness and hypocrisy of our society is a major factor in creating some of the idiosyncrasies.
Our misguided, uninformed conservative neighbors are foolishly attempting the systemic oppression of a specific group of people that has been ongoing for centuries. First with the Indians, then the African Americans, then Mexicans, then gays and now the transgender communities. It seems our society doesn't really thrive unless we are at war abroad but also oppressing a small minority here at home too.
This attempted genocide will have rammifications on cishets (Non transgender, straight people) as well. It was never about protecting kids, did you really think the GOP ever cared about kids? Only until they are born so they have more voters and laborers to exploit so big bad China or Russia will not see us as weak and underpopulated. So in many states now they are going to attempt to ban hormone replacement therapy, which has alot of uses for non trans people too.
Men with low testosterone? Well you're gonna have to get used to that limp dick fella. Women with breast cancer? Well you were probably gonna have a abortion or miscarriage anyway and then they would've had to kill her anyway. Birth control? No honey, we are gonna force you to give birth to that bastard, even tho if you are in the south your relative is probably the father.
They think that if by cutting off gender affirming care from both kids and adults and in some states even preventing people from even saying gay or trans, that we will disappear? This won't happen, I grew up in the 90s, LGBT was still considered a dirty little secret and no one openly talked about it. Even before I learned that being transgender was a thing I knew I was different, I always felt I was born in the wrong body. No matter how I was or wasn't raised, nothing would've changed that.
Nor is it a mental illness, think about it, almost every mental illness, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc can be at least helped or lessened with medication and anti-psych meds. Because let's be honest, if they could make a medication that stops gender dysphoria they would have by now. Even if a transgender person is forced to not transition and be raised as the gender they were assigned at birth, and is not out, they are still transgender.
Does this make sense? It's classified as a mental disorder technically but further and recent studies show that brain scans of biological cis women and transgender women are similar and closer than to cis men that they were assigned as at birth. They have more feminine thought processes and vice versa for trans men.
You cannot forcibly convert trans people to be cis anymore than you can convert gay people to be straight. You can torture them and scare them into hiding it and pretending to be but they aren't actually converted. We are just born differently, similar to kids with autism, and none of which is a negative thing nor needs correcting.
Did you know you can look up the original hebrew of the bible, that is the closest you can get to what originally was written in it. Some claim it was written by god but in reality it was written by a few men in power to give hope to the serfs with the promise of a reward in the next life, to quell thoughts of rebellion. If you do take that original hebrew, and run it through a translator? That one has to take in account that it is lost in translation and roughly equates to lying down with a child/incestuous relationship with another male (https://blog.smu.edu/ot8317/2019/04/11/lost-in-translation-alternative-meaning-in-leviticus-1822/) not condeming homosexuality in general. Even if one is led to disregard all the mistranslations of the bible, then why didn't Jesus mention it? There WERE gay people in Jesus' days, you'd think he would've said something. "Um hey? You two lezzies scissoring over there? My dad doesn't really like that..?"
Why is it alot of conservatives who claim people are going to hell for being gay, yet commit many if not at least some of the 10 Commandments? Which are arguably and technically more severe of sins to commit than some obscure "sin" in the Old Testament, where even shaving or eating shrimp are considered as sins? How many Republicans have had affairs, sex outside of marriage, slept with thy neighbors wife? According to their own book, these are far more serious sins than "being gay".
Claiming someone is going to hell solely for being gay is just as ludicrous as saying you are going to hell for shaving your beard, or eating shrimp, or not selling your daughter off into slavery. Have you read the bible? Everything in the Old Testament is a sin, that's kinda why Jesus *hic* supposedly *hic came to earth, because we needed better rules to obey. Yet alot of Christians choose to ignore his teachings of loving your neighbor and treating foreigners like family. And if you know anything about the history of Christianity, they definietely weren't that worried about committing the 1st Commandment of "Thy Shall Not Kill".
What's even more curious is they use the bible, and their very rudamentary understanding of it, as a excuse to hurt people? Last I checked the US was NOT a theology, didn't the pilgrims flee Britain to escape religious persecution? My how history repeats itself. Any arguements of what the bible says are entirely irrelevant in terms of the law. YOU are welcome to have YOUR own opinions on if LGBT people, that is fine, but it becomes a issue when laws are created to discriminate and oppress a group of citizens who haven't done anything legally wrong.
Didn't our great great grandparents immigrate to the free world (which is no longer free or even a first world country anymore) under the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Is that NOT what the constitution guarentees us as inalienable rights as United States citizens?! How then can any Republican, no matter how Southern and inbred, even attempt to condone these vile, repressive laws?
Putting aside religion for a second, which has greatly hindered and I dare even say caused our stagnation of our potential evolution as a species. Despite all this, all oppressed minorities, be they POC, LGBT, or other ethnicities rarely become jaded or vengeful due to their mistreatment. If anything it is the opposite in general. The of the kindest people I have ever meant were being oppressed by society in some way shape or form.
The future looks bleak, not just for LGBT people, but for humanity in general. Each day is a struggle not to sink into despair and our faith in our fellow man is hanging on by a hair. To avoid stress and prevent growing a tumor from anger, I no longer look at most news or events such as this, but sometimes it will still be visible on my TL.
I recommend taking each day one at a time and being thankful and grateful to be alive at all, shining in the radiance and uncertainty of the universe itself. Focus not on news and the negativity of society, and refuse to allow it to influence and poison our minds. Surround yourself with quality and like-minded individuals and keep your heart open to receive in nature's bounty. The future is uncertain, the past is dark, but all that matters to you is today.
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7h3d4rkarts-blog · 2 years
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i am doing my best to fight the system it makes it easier if i dont have to fight alone, https://chuffed.org/project/g7xlje6jwbo1?fbclid=IwAR3Y4ZuzblWp0gjt6DoD4yPgQiY_0Z6-_1GTiMhrUbun07IN0Q1o2QXipGA
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lambxink · 1 year
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trying to post where i can but if youre able to donate toward our travel expences, anything helps. and if youre not able to donate at this time please boost this post. deshitstain signed into law even more anti trans/lgbtq bills today and it does not look like hes slowing down on them.
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