#anti jensen hate
hologramcowboy · 8 months
Debunking fandom rumors: Erin and Jensen
It has come to my attention that someone is creating multiple accounts and posing as ITK while claiming that Erin and Jensen have hooked up or have a love story. It seems some bloggers and users actually adopted this person's narrative without digging deeper and asking for evidence. My reason for this post is I have received asks and dms from people actually falling for these rumors and the stories behind them make absolutely no sense and there is zero evidence. I have also received warnings from the people who have, thankfully, not fallen for them and had things to share about the person responsible. There is a huge difference between speculating about your fav celeb and full on gaslighting people with made-up stories.
The story seems to vary a bit from person to person as it gets passed down by the people who have been misinformed. The web is so spun some have adopted these claims as truth. Let's debunk a few of those versions. Please note that I don't know them by heart and so they aren't super precise but the claim behind them is the same:
You may have heard that Erin posted about Austin and then deleted the post. - An actress going to Austin could be about an infinite number of events, from art to auditions to modeling etc. There is absolutely nothing out of the ordinary there because Austin is bustling with entertainment industry opportunities. Jensen was in the process of moving to Connecticut, moving involves preparing everything not just the actual move. If someone keeps insisting Erin was there for Jensen then please ask them for clear evidence and you will soon find there is none.
You may have been told that some woman who worked on set for the Boys caught Erin and Jensen in the act. - First off, Erin and Jensen barely intersected each other on set. Secondly, on-set crew signs NDAs. Thirdly, no professional actor would risk getting fired over flirting or anything related, that's a super fast way to get fired. A set is a professional environment. Most of all, people who are a part of the crew don't have so much access to the stars. They may get to interact and be around them when doing make-up, costume and other set-related situations but actors have their own designated areas and security is tight. Aside from this, rumors on a set travel at lightning speed and yet no such rumors about the cast ever surfaced. I can also add the fact that actors are trained to create chemistry and so they use various exercises to achieve this. Often, people end up believing they are in love precisely due to the powerful chemistry those exercises generate. Don't believe me? Cool, have a look here.
Some friend of a friend saw Erin in Jensen's lap in some social media post. All that was visible was the beard. 🤣🤦🏼‍♀- The beard belonged to Jai Courtney. No Jensen was involved.
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Erin and Jensen got matching tattoos - In reality, Jai tattooed Erin's ankle, which had zero to do with Jensen. Here's a pic:
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These are just a few examples, in some cases, the person sharing these rumors claims to be Jensen's hookup and that Jensen confided to her that he is involved with Erin. The person responsible for sharing these stories has multiple sock accounts and is posing as multiple people. The person has even resorted to stealing someone's online pictures to pose as that friend so as to differentiate one of her sock accounts from her original one.
Aside from this, this person has also taken to SM to harass the actors in their comment sections, in an attempt to make it seem as if the rumors have taken off. They have not.
Neither Jensen nor Danneel nor Erin deserved to be harassed over made-up stories. To avoid doxxing anyone involved, I have made this a general post to bring you awareness and give the person responsible a chance to reassess their actions and do the right thing. As mentioned in my disclaimer, I want to strongly remind everyone that anything you read online or on my blog or any other blog should be taken with a huge grain of salt. Just as when people contact you claiming they are Misha, Jensen etc. ask them for evidence and once they fail to provide it report and block. If someone contacts you to share gossip, stay grounded, ask questions, ask for supporting evidence and details, and make your own decision rather than adopting someone's idea of the truth. It's one thing to entertain a rumor and quite another to harass real-life people over adopting these rumors as truth. Gossip can be fun and entertaining but it should never, ever cross the line into slander, impersonation and other violations. Let's keep in mind that there are teenagers with naive perspectives, fans who suffer from erotomania or other mental disorders or people who simply lack information who might all fall victim to these machinations and suffer consequences. We all play a part in keeping fandom safe so let's exercise caution. Please stay safe online and help others do the same. I am feeling kinda tired so I apologize for not being able to compose this post as clearly as I wanted, feel free to DM me if anything is unclear.
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holding-out-for-hea · 4 months
Jared haters and Jensen haters really don’t get it.
Every time you post negatively about something you think one of them did wrong, the other side will come back with replies showing how your fave did the SAME THING.
That’s because these are men who aren’t perfect, but you’ve taken mundane, minor infractions and tried to blow them up into full blown scandals, and since they’re like brothers they’ve BOTH done the things you’re so ardently trying to ruin the other one for! So every time you try to take down either Jensen or Jared, the other side will equally come for the other trying to take them down as well.
So instead of winning some bull shit, asinine, toddler like war, you’ve actually just smeared both of them! For no real reason because what you were bitching about was crap in the first place! And you most likely manipulated it to make it worse, which hurt your fave more!
Great work…. You contemptible, utter morons
These guys deserve so much better than ghouls for fans
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sapphyreopal5 · 25 days
I’ve noticed a lot of the fandom attacking Jensen all because a character on the show 9-1-1 was revealed to be bisexual and people are saying that’s Jensen’s a coward and a homophobe which I don’t believe because he was willing to do a sex scene with Tony Starr before they changed the storyline, but Jensen’s homophobic because he didn’t want his canonically straight character to kiss Mr. Chapped Lips? How does that make sense? I was just curious if you had an opinion about this
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask :) Mr. Chapped Lips, HA love it! People have been calling Jensen homophobic for years now unfortunately. This clip from Asylum 3 back in 2009 shows him saying "You know, I would say yes, but then Brokeback Mountain came out, and my desire to do a cowboy film completely tanked" when someone asked if he'd like to do a cowboy movie. In 2013, he also essentially stated in this clip he's going to pretend he doesn't know what the question was when someone was asking a question (partially asked, mind you) starting with "I love your character becoming more comfortable with himself this season. I'm bisexual and I have noticed some possible subtext that you might be..." to which he started off with saying "I'm thoroughly confused" and essentially shoos off the question... It is possible this Jensen receipts Twitter account is a Destiel account (seems to me it is) but the clips do show what was said at different conventions to show you why people believe Jensen Ackles is homophobic.
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Of course, us logical people who DID watch the show know it is NOT canon for Dean to be homosexual at all. Why Misha calls it a love confession, pandering to the loud members of the Destiel shippers crowd is 'cause $$$ I found the above GIFs from this post here but thought I'd have the GIFs on here for VISUAL purposes, so these people can have a direct point of reference staring them right in the face. The episodes in question that post mentions where Dean specifically says he's straight in his own quirky ways are Croatoan (Season 2, Episode 9), Jus in Bello (Season 3, Episode 12), and Live Free or Twihard (Season 6, Episode 5). Of course, I don't agree with the original poster this was merely because he was "in danger" and stressed out from it. He likely went with the gay couple scenario with Sam in Bugs (Season 1, Episode 8) as to not "cause waves" with potentially buying a house keep attention elsewhere as far as not looking suspicious with investigating.
As far as the said scene he was going to do with Antony Starr prior to the changing of the story line, I am assuming it is this you're talking about that is in the original comics. I see the show changed it so that Homelander is in fact Soldier Boy's son, which makes sense as to why he refused to do the scene. Instead, we got the "Herogasm" episode in season 3. Now as for why the script changed from the original comics to this episode, I don't know.
My overall opinion is, Jensen is probably tired of people talking about Destiel. It's not canon to the show period. Also, do people realize what phobes are? Genuine yet extreme fears. It is one thing to not like something or to have prejudices or discriminate against something, but it's another to fear it. To differentiate between these things, I am linking this website here and also copy and pasted the chart included in it for visual references. To discriminate is to deny rights, privileges and opportunities to members of a particular group. To have prejudice against something is to have an unfair and unreasonable feeling or opinion of something often formed without enough knowledge or thought. Having a phobia means to have an extreme, irrational, fear of something that may cause a person to panic and is described as being a type of anxiety disorder. Now, does Jensen actively fear or straight up avoid gay people or Destiel fans? No. He has still signed things or taken photographs with Destiel fans over the years, despite saying Destiel doesn't exist multiple times. Maybe not with the biggest smile in the world about it but he has not denied taking photos with any of them or complained hardcore about it.
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I said in another post it's possible Jensen is not straight but is bi leaning more towards women. However, I do not believe he will act upon this as far as being in a relationship with anyone who isn't a woman (despite the fact he's still currently married to Elta). As far as a recent clip I saw floating around somewhere that a Destiel fan was told they couldn't ask their question about Destiel (despite Misha saying they can ask), I say that this causes unnecessary controversy and that Creation wants to keep things pleasant for everyone. Destiel fans are straight up too aggressive and pushy about making their ship canon and reality for several years now, despite Jensen and others saying no it isn't. If Jensen were to kiss any man, it honestly would not be Misha. Sorry not sorry here...
Thanks for the ask Anon.
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fakemonalisa28 · 3 months
Uhhh I don’t know how many people who saw my Jared and Jensen post are gonna see this but I just want to say that I’m so sorry for spreading misinformation.
I really wasn’t having the best week this week, and I was on Pinterest and saw that Jared had some sort of beef with Justin Bieber which I found hilarious, but when I searched up the exact details of the beef I found it weird af that Jared was calling Justin “she” and saying that he looked good without make up. It came off as misogynistic and transphobic to me (even though that tweet from 2014 doesn’t represent Jared 10 years later in the current day) and I found it weird that he and Jensen was talking about beating up 12 year old girls even though they were joking.
This upsetted me esp since I started watching the show cause, well I had a crush on Dean Forester from Gilmore Girls who was played by Jared but hated how they wrote him & started watching SPN cause of Jared and stayed with SPN cause of Jensen. So I guess I felt like I was personally being betrayed. Which sounds and is parasocial af
I also have a tendency to purposefully make things worse for myself whenever I’m having several bad days a rows to, well feel something, and make fun of things that I like (this happened with Taylor Swift, it happened with ensemble stars, and now it happened with Supernatural) as a form of self loathing. That combine with Jared and Jensen’s comment (plus I found out people were saying that Jensen was homophobic even tho from what I’ve seen he’s not) and i decided to post some stuff not thinking anyone other than a few people will see it (even though I tagged the post 😭) and obviously people called me out on my bullshit.
I knew about Jared and his family feud donation but I ignored that cause I thought that… honestly I don’t even know, I guess I thought he was trying to make himself look better even though I was definitely reaching. Donating was an amazing thing for him to do.
Jared and Jensen seem like dudes in real life and without them SPN would not be what it is. Also they both are obviously very attractive, I’ll be the first person to admit, so I’m sorry for implying that they were not and saying that Barbie and Hatsune Miku or whatever actually played Sam and Dean. Again wasn’t in the best mental state and I thought it was funny even though it wasn’t
I’m so sorry for any Jared, Jesen or J2 fans that I’ve hurt. I’m planning to take a break from Tumblr and actually focus on my real life people.
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walkingtalkinggone · 1 year
What’s your take on how PR tries to market Keegan as the new “brother” in Jared’s life? I feel like it’s very pointed and very specific that the way he posts on social media in a way that seems like he’a shouting “hey look at me I’m the new brother!”
Even before Walker premiered they were already pushing the idea that Keegan was Jared’s new brother on and off screen. It was so laughably transparent.
I don’t dislike Keegan but I absolutely feel like he kisses Jared’s ass way too hard. He’s eased up some (ever since a certain director came on set 👀) but he still uses Jared for clout whenever he can. And one way to do that is by calling him his brother and posting selfies/videos of them any chance he gets. I feel like he’s probably encouraged to do so as well.
It’s a little annoying as a tinhat but also just as a J2 fan, because anyone with eyes and a brain can see that Jared and Keegan are nowhere near (and will never be) as close or as comfortable or as special as Jared and Jensen. I’ve seen a few ex-tinhats and Jensen antis try and push the narrative that Jared is happier with Keegan but it’s so pathetic and untrue that I just have to laugh. One panel with J2 has 100 times more chemistry and palpable love between them than any amount of Jared & Keegan content. They know it, too. But they’re so busy hating Jensen that they act like they don’t.
(Sorry for the tangent… I have a lot of thoughts on this, clearly. 😮‍💨)
But yes, there’s definitely a push to frame Keegan and Jared as “the new J2”. Good news is that it’s very obviously not working. 🥱
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⬆️ photo cred
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Just saw a very unhinged take on the birthday posts Jensen and Danneel posted for Danneel's birthday yesterday. It's one thing to be an anti but when it's clear you have a meltdown every single time Jensen posts or says something related to his wife or he's seen anywhere near her, you might want to take a good look at why this sends you into a mental breakdown each time and why you feel the need to broadcast all of that onto social media & believe that either Jensen or Danneel will see it and suddenly change/live their lives according to what you're telling them, I guess?
Me every time I see this one person's posts come across my dash (it's literally like clock work at this point):
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On the other hand, the kids looked absolutely adorable and I am so happy that they got to go to Disneyland in Paris!!!
Arrow is such a cutie (and a younger version of her mom I think), Zepp is a cute younger version of his dad it looks like, and JJ is so adorbs (I think she mostly looks like her mom but when you see her grinning, you can see her dad coming through). They are just the cutest.
Happy belated birthday, Danneel! Keep posting, queen.
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j2-cale-ryuhanbin · 2 years
Soldier  boy, rant against bad takes
I saw an opinion about soldier boy where someone talked about how Jensen didn’t deliver, soldier boy wasn’t supposed to be sympathetic, but Jensen ruined that. And I’m sitting here like ‘what show were you watching??’. You do realize that the majority of this show is shown through hughie’s perspective right? Hughie is our protagonist we learn about the messed up world of supes alongside him. We watch through his perception of the world, even if we have an extra piece of information, it doesn’t last long, case in point, victoria neuman he finds it out literally one episode after we do. Now why this long rant about hughie in a post about soldier boy, because guess who hughie really liked through most of the season,,,,that’s right soldier boy, hughie saw him as what once was the embodiment of the old vaught the one he worshipped before the the veil was lifted, he clings to the hope that it wasn’t all smoke and mirrors. And finally the veil is lifted again, I think a scene that would help lift the veil off would have been the black noir flashback. I believe the ending was supposed to be heavy and conflicting, we were supposed to be left with, a ‘did we win or did we lose? did we just do the right thing? or was it the biggest mistake ever? did we really choose the lesser of two evils? or the worst evil of them all?
So yeah Jensen did a great job, so did the entire cast.    
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heyackles · 1 year
I find Destiel and Cockles fans so fake with Jensen
Yes!! Jensen will never be their favorite simply because he will never validate any ship in the Supernatural universe, they don't accept that for Jensen this is fan nonsense. That's why in any opportunity that they think that Jensen didn't do what they consider right, they attack him
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aborddelimpala · 2 years
Sometimes the attitude of some fans makes me laugh. If someone writes a comment that makes it clear they don't like Jared, they're people who don't like Jared or his haters. If someone writes a comment that makes it clear they don't like Jensen, they're Jared's haters anyway. Guys, both J2 have haters. I don't think there is someone blind enough not to see the hatred that Jensen receives from some Jared fans. Come on, open your eyes! Haters are haters. And they are all the same ...1/2
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Exactly. No matter where you stand, if some peeps took a step back instead of overreacting about every single, even slightly, negative comment about their fav', we'd avoided a lot of drama. I get it, you need to defend your fav' but man, pick your battles. Not everyone is gonna like your fav' (we're all different, that' okay, that's good) And not everyone is a hater. And honestly, if someone truly hate Jared or Jensen do you think arguing or going after them is gonna change a damn thing? No. They're just gonna keep hating Jared and/or Jensen and think their fans are douchebags anyway. So yeah, don't waste your time focusing on the negative.
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Fandom is supposed to be fun. So promote your fav', talk about their projects past, present & future, fangirl.
And remember that the Js are 2 grown ups men, they don't need us to protect them.
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And thanks nonnie ❤️
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hologramcowboy · 8 months
The person who sent the ask that was misconstrued as the "mistress letter" has come forward and sent me the ask they originally sent in. This ask was used by a few people as pretext to harass Erin on social media. By reading it, you will discover that it was in no way meant to perpetuate the mistress rumors but rather debunk them. In no way did the author pose as or claim to be a "mistress", they were merely acting as a concerned fan.
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The SPN fandom is just full to the brim with hypocrisy. Embarrassing.
All y’all Jensen and Jared haters look so unbelievably stupid. I see all of your posts talking about your lives, and searching for kindness from others, and criticizing those who don’t show you kindness..
… only to then see you post the most vile, insulting and cruel things about J2 and others.
… pot? Meet kettle. You’ll hate her
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sapphyreopal5 · 25 days
Hi !
First,Thank you for this blog it’s very interesting I like that you don’t sugarcoat it and just say it like it is, I’m the same so here is what I think
Jensen is a professional actor/entertainer, he knows what sells and what people like, he can go overboard , but that’s just how he likes it 200% or nothing.
He’s a shy guy but he he gets the job done as long as he doesn’t offend himself or compromise his values or look tacky or cheap.
He played all sorts of roles regardless of their sexual preference, he has no problem with that.
With dean he started playing straight and he didn’t compromise no matter the pressure/danger he was under (to his wife and kids too)
He’s true to himself while doing his job as an entertainer, which lets face it, it’s all about the pandering even when you don’t feel like it or believe in it yourself, it their livelihood.
At first most of spn fans were either Sam or dean’s stan , then a fraction was created and called themselves bibros and they became loud enough to the actors and creators to see them and try to give them what they want(it’s only fair to please your audience after all)
Misha then came and at first even j2 fans liked him they even read fanfics about him and everything was fine , but when Castiel’s favored dean over sam and Misha had fans and even he himself fell in love with the fanfics about him, then all hell broke loose, fandom wars started, people who loved Cas/M turned on him and the fandom became a war Zone .
I know who started it because I was there from day one but that’s another conversation.
Jensen and jared knew that the brothers relationship was it for them , they both mastered the art of pandering (go to reddit and read what people who worked on the set say about the real atmosphere behind the scenes or in the conventions in general) spoiler alert it was not perfect.
But again it’s their livelihood and they both had undeniable chemistry so they used it ( like any other smart actor would do)
Tinhats thought it was Ok to call Jensen/dean gay for jared/sam (they don’t differentiate between them , I know because I was a bibro/ Tinhat myself)
If jensen dared to hangout with another person man or woman, colleague or not without jared , then he was either covering for them both( hiding in the glass closet) or he was simply betraying jared or was pandering ( like he shouldn’t pander to the other side because they don’t deserve to scraps from their favorite actor.
Jensen was called repeatedly “the king of bibros” because he always, still is all for the brothers.
It was about their relationship , and everything else revolved around them.
When the show ended and the actors went their separate ways and started to hang out with their families/friends/colleagues , jensen in general keeps his friends from all those years, he keeps in touch and keeps them around , I think his wife convinced him that the spn world still had a chance, she wanted to do something ( her turn after waiting all those years, as did gen)
She too wanted her chance , started Twwon had her implants because she was going to be a big star ( taking the attention from the real latino star and treating her like a background actor) again a subject for another day lol
Jensen made this show for his wife, he was told that no spin off would take if it didn’t have one of the shows leads in it , so he decided to narrate the thing in order for it to take and stand , it wasn’t enough, they needed ratings and thought if they would bring in dean it would be the perfect addition.
Now the bibro king became the back stabbing friend, the snake , the abusive husband to jared , and to his wife and kids too lol .
Bibros admitted that they were indeed jared’s fans from the get go but they had to pretend to like dean/jensen .
Some bibros are calling him homophobic too btw , because that would prove he was bad in every aspect not just to jared .
Misha was pandering to his own fans , it’s were his money and fame came , and that’s why they do it after all, they do it for the money and fame and it’s a great way to live , anyone saying otherwise can live in lala land for eternity, i don’t care lol .
Now jensen is losing the bibros , the tinhats , the j2 fans and they are all calling him the worst things ever and body shaming him and age shaming him all because his ex tv brother had a tantrum and decided that his fans can do his dirty work, and they as usual didn’t disappoint and according to them he can handle it he has a lot on money he’ll be ok (I agree)
I think it’s was then that jensen decided that fu*k it , I’m going to do whatever makes me feel comfortable, I’ll say my peace, and what’s on my mind , I’m done covering for my so called colleagues (even though he’s known to let things go quickly, he doesn’t like conflict, just Ask jessica alba and MW) he chooses to have fun and concentrate on his own fans for a change.
Misha hid the confession from him for three years (and the rest of the people in management too) and he let it go even though he could have made a tantrum like someone else did , and he would have been in the right because this involved him personally, it’s his hard work for 16 years not just some show he didn’t know about in advance that doesn’t even concern him, but he didn’t he must have done something in private like a professional person would do, but we didn’t hear anything about it .
He’s in the middle of the two biggest ships on spn and no matter what he does or says he’s not going to win with either of them, because they both are going after him and his wife and family on line and in real life ( like at his door step and his daughter’s school too pretending to be one of the parents)
How to pander to one side without losing your life or reputation ( they both now call him the worst of names , homophobia included by both sides)
Sorry this took so long, there’s more if you’re interested I’ve been here since dool and I witnessed everything.
Hello Anon, thank you for stopping by and discussing this like an adult. I appreciate seeing your ask even if it takes a moment to read. Your post touched onto a lot of things even some of which I didn't really dive into to tell you the truth. I joined this fandom via joining Tumblr late December 2022 close to January 2023. I'm open to receiving any and all information provided it's based on facts not based on blind opinions or simply "so and so said so" kind of deal.
Some bibros are calling him homophobic too btw , because that would prove he was bad in every aspect not just to jared . He’s a shy guy but he he gets the job done as long as he doesn’t offend himself or compromise his values or look tacky or cheap. He played all sorts of roles regardless of their sexual preference, he has no problem with that.
He’s a shy guy but he he gets the job done as long as he doesn’t offend himself or compromise his values or look tacky or cheap. He played all sorts of roles regardless of their sexual preference, he has no problem with that.
He’s true to himself while doing his job as an entertainer, which lets face it, it’s all about the pandering even when you don’t feel like it or believe in it yourself, it their livelihood.
If you didn't see I got a little heated with someone who insisted the dictionary is wrong with what homophobia means because "authors use it this way" and claimed people don't actually fear gay people, which is 100% not true. Some people genuinely fear homosexual people, it's just fact. I agree with you, no matter what Jensen says or does these days it's going to upset people. One thing is certain, this fandom is so divided these days it's crazy. I also do not think Jensen is at all homophobic nor do I think he discriminates against LGBT people. He has what we call boundaries and that's that. "Destiel doesn't exist" and getting annoyed at Destiel questions from people who KNOW his stance on it are in my opinion just looking for an argument.
When the show ended and the actors went their separate ways and started to hang out with their families/friends/colleagues , jensen in general keeps his friends from all those years, he keeps in touch and keeps them around , I think his wife convinced him that the spn world still had a chance, she wanted to do something ( her turn after waiting all those years, as did gen) She too wanted her chance , started Twwon had her implants because she was going to be a big star ( taking the attention from the real latino star and treating her like a background actor) again a subject for another day lol
Okay I am not going to lie here, I am curious about the highlighted tidbit here and why you think this was to detract attention from who I assume is Lindsey (or Odette)? As for The Winchesters, don't get me started on that disaster they call a show....
Misha was pandering to his own fans , it’s were his money and fame came , and that’s why they do it after all, they do it for the money and fame and it’s a great way to live , anyone saying otherwise can live in lala land for eternity, i don’t care lol .
Bingo... It was all about the money for Misha this entire time. Otherwise, he wouldn't have nearly this many vocal fans if he didn't pander to the hellers and Destiel shippers.
At first most of spn fans were either Sam or dean’s stan , then a fraction was created and called themselves bibros and they became loud enough to the actors and creators to see them and try to give them what they want(it’s only fair to please your audience after all)
Tinhats thought it was Ok to call Jensen/dean gay for jared/sam (they don’t differentiate between them , I know because I was a bibro/ Tinhat myself) If jensen dared to hangout with another person man or woman, colleague or not without jared , then he was either covering for them both( hiding in the glass closet) or he was simply betraying jared or was pandering ( like he shouldn’t pander to the other side because they don’t deserve to scraps from their favorite actor.
I believe this is still 100% true to this day Anon. I really do. I can understand why like 10 years ago or more many thought they were in a relationship but today, it's kinda silly. They are busy living separate lives in separate states now. Jared even said recently they see each other a lot... at Supernatural conventions and still text a lot. Not a whole lot of actually seeing each other anymore from what it sounds like to me. Plus, when is the last time they actually hung out together outside of being in the same hotel/area for a Supernatural convention?
Thanks for sending this in Anon, I really would love to hear more from you!
EDIT: I re-read your ask and also want to know more about this tidbit.
He’s in the middle of the two biggest ships on spn and no matter what he does or says he’s not going to win with either of them, because they both are going after him and his wife and family on line and in real life ( like at his door step and his daughter’s school too pretending to be one of the parents)
I heard of someone taking photos outside of their kids' schools but did someone actually do this?! This fandom, man.... the level people stoop to here....
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ladyofthelake · 2 years
Look DNI’s are absolutely dumb and ridiculous but if you’re an anti and are making negative comments about Jensen or Jared why are you following me? Begone with your poison and pointless drama I AM NOT INTERESTED
If you wanna live your life as an online gossip bitch FINE (don’t forget that will creep onto your face at some point though)
I am tired and done and my blog is my escape I am done seeing shit on my dash and trying to defend my boys when its pointless because antis and haters are just the lowest of the low. I’m secure with my beliefs and who I am and don’t wanna waste my time anymore. I know J2 would appreciate normal sane fans like me and my moots who don’t condone hate, but you lot, knock yourself out I don’t give two monkeys anymore, you’re all ridiculous and spiteful and clearly lacking something in your real life to spend so much time on things you hate.
So yeah I see you write shit about people or things I love, I’m blocking.
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walkingtalkinggone · 1 year
Why do they always have to bring up Jensen and Danneel’s marriage to defend Jared and Gen’s honor? https://twitter.com/team_sassyboots/status/1615194800541818880 They’re so obsessed with proving how perfect Jared and Gen’s sacred marriage is. Like they don’t constantly compare J/G to trash J/D but when the shoe is on the other foot they lose it. I don’t care about either of their marriages but the hypocrisy reeks. I doubt there’s anything going on with Jared and Kat but hey maybe they can sense how much more relaxed and happier he looks with other woman more than his wife.
Because both of these people are Jensen haters and will bring up any excuse to make Jensen look bad. I don’t agree with the person saying Jared and Kat are ‘too friendly’ or whatever, but it’s funny how some Jared fans’ first instinct is to immediately bring up Jensen in their defense of Jared. 🧐
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The anti reactions from yesterday have me just shaking my head. I am by no means a professed stan of Jensen. I'm a fan of his works and I've followed his career, I appreciate his interactions with the public (like cons) as well as his public persona, but I don't worship the ground the guy walks on. He's a human being who I enjoy watching on my screen from time to time in different roles or displaying said public persona. That's it. I support him, but I don't stan him blindly, if that makes sense. Not him or any other celebrity.
That being said, I found the anti/critical reactions to something Jensen allegedly said that had been tweeted out from the Dallas Con to be very interesting and highly entertaining in some cases, especially with one particular anti blog that consistently claims to love this man and want the best for him while psychoanalyzing him and hating (and blaming everything that Jensen does/says that disappoints them) on his wife with the maturity level of a fourth grader. To put it bluntly, antis showed their asses yesterday and it is pure confirmation of what I and so many on here have been saying for quite some time now in regards to these posts/blogs.
Tweet from the Gold Panel: "Jensen: 'he and I don't take on projects for the impact, we're serious about what we do.'"
Me: 'huh, you know, that wording seems a bit... Eh, you know what, knowing Jensen and how this fandom works anytime he dares to breathe, I'm going to wait to see the panel myself tomorrow and get the context of the question and his answer. If anything, he just misspoke, but I highly doubt he meant it in a bad way. Knowing him, he absolutely cares about the impact it has had on so many people and he might have thought the asker meant something else. Still, I'mma wait and see for myself.'
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and one particular blog (the one that claims to love him be in love with him):
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'Jensen, you're no true actor and I would know since I'm an expert on acting! How dare you! You've hurt me so deeply!'
I watched the Gold Panel. Question was did the guys think about how massive the impact SPN would be in reference to their careers aka people knowing who they are, people following them, etc. Basically, did they know what it would become, something Jensen clarifies with the fan before answering. Jensen's actual response:
"Yeah, I don't, I mean, I guess to kind of quickly break it down, I don't think he and I go into any of these, uh, jobs or roles or stories thinking about the impact it's going to have externally. I think we go into it as...you know, they hire us to come in and do a job and...and he and I both, uh, we both take that job seriously even though it may not look like it all the time. But we also have a lot of fun doing the job because we truly enjoy doing what we do. That being said, we're not thinking 'oh let's do this because I want the effect that's going to have on a greater scale'. We're just doing our job. And hopefully, it resonates to people. Hopefully, somebody out there is entertained. And if that's the case, then we've done our job."
Me trying to see what had the antis losing their minds, especially that one blog and NOT finding it anywhere:
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This is why you always watch the panels for yourself and avoid anti posts/blogs at all costs. They always claim they are there to be the opposite to AA's, to apply critical thinking, to view Jensen as human instead of a god, to be the ones with "a reality check", but they jump just as quickly as that group and crucify the guy before doing due diligence. Critical thinking should also include getting your facts straight before spreading misinformation (and in this case, more hatred). This is literally the same tool kit lawyers, law enforcement, and investigative journalists use all the time. It's good old common sense.
So block, mute, filter these people. Do whatever you gotta do, but this proves once and for all what we've all been saying. These anti/critical blogs that claim to "apply critical thinking" are full of shit.
Critical thinking is defined as "the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment." The reactions were not objective, especially the one blog that had an emotional heartbroken reaction. They were subjective, colored by their own biases. They did not analyze and evaluate the situation fully before issuing a judgement; they were missing a very crucial piece of the puzzle before they started sounding off and they knew it but they didn't care.
So the next time an anti/critical blog says in defense of their hating on/criticizing of Jensen (or anyone really) that they're applying critical thinking and you should try the same when you propose an alternative point of view (about Jensen or not), just remember it's all a smoke screen of bullshit. So again, block, mute, filter, whatever you gotta do. Personally, I think this shit's hilarious and entertaining on a Real-Housewives type level.
And that one blog that had such an emotional reaction to something that Jensen didn't even say in the way they thought he did, it's one thing for you to feel the way that you do, but spreading misinformation as you did, saying Jensen is no true performer, I don't know, maybe it's time to let go of your obsession with loving (aka being in love with) and hating this guy and move on?
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heyackles · 1 year
Have you seen any of the Jensen hater stuff recently? The Jared stans were going all out and attacking people left and right, and now they're crying victims, claiming Jensen fans are attacking them. It's insane. What is going on in this fandom lately?
This has always been their tactic, they make up lies, say horrible things about Jensen and his family, wish bad things on JA, when confronted with this sick behavior they play victims, they are hypocritical and evil people, scum of the fandom
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