#some ppl need a serious reality check
The anti reactions from yesterday have me just shaking my head. I am by no means a professed stan of Jensen. I'm a fan of his works and I've followed his career, I appreciate his interactions with the public (like cons) as well as his public persona, but I don't worship the ground the guy walks on. He's a human being who I enjoy watching on my screen from time to time in different roles or displaying said public persona. That's it. I support him, but I don't stan him blindly, if that makes sense. Not him or any other celebrity.
That being said, I found the anti/critical reactions to something Jensen allegedly said that had been tweeted out from the Dallas Con to be very interesting and highly entertaining in some cases, especially with one particular anti blog that consistently claims to love this man and want the best for him while psychoanalyzing him and hating (and blaming everything that Jensen does/says that disappoints them) on his wife with the maturity level of a fourth grader. To put it bluntly, antis showed their asses yesterday and it is pure confirmation of what I and so many on here have been saying for quite some time now in regards to these posts/blogs.
Tweet from the Gold Panel: "Jensen: 'he and I don't take on projects for the impact, we're serious about what we do.'"
Me: 'huh, you know, that wording seems a bit... Eh, you know what, knowing Jensen and how this fandom works anytime he dares to breathe, I'm going to wait to see the panel myself tomorrow and get the context of the question and his answer. If anything, he just misspoke, but I highly doubt he meant it in a bad way. Knowing him, he absolutely cares about the impact it has had on so many people and he might have thought the asker meant something else. Still, I'mma wait and see for myself.'
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and one particular blog (the one that claims to love him be in love with him):
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'Jensen, you're no true actor and I would know since I'm an expert on acting! How dare you! You've hurt me so deeply!'
I watched the Gold Panel. Question was did the guys think about how massive the impact SPN would be in reference to their careers aka people knowing who they are, people following them, etc. Basically, did they know what it would become, something Jensen clarifies with the fan before answering. Jensen's actual response:
"Yeah, I don't, I mean, I guess to kind of quickly break it down, I don't think he and I go into any of these, uh, jobs or roles or stories thinking about the impact it's going to have externally. I think we go into it as...you know, they hire us to come in and do a job and...and he and I both, uh, we both take that job seriously even though it may not look like it all the time. But we also have a lot of fun doing the job because we truly enjoy doing what we do. That being said, we're not thinking 'oh let's do this because I want the effect that's going to have on a greater scale'. We're just doing our job. And hopefully, it resonates to people. Hopefully, somebody out there is entertained. And if that's the case, then we've done our job."
Me trying to see what had the antis losing their minds, especially that one blog and NOT finding it anywhere:
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This is why you always watch the panels for yourself and avoid anti posts/blogs at all costs. They always claim they are there to be the opposite to AA's, to apply critical thinking, to view Jensen as human instead of a god, to be the ones with "a reality check", but they jump just as quickly as that group and crucify the guy before doing due diligence. Critical thinking should also include getting your facts straight before spreading misinformation (and in this case, more hatred). This is literally the same tool kit lawyers, law enforcement, and investigative journalists use all the time. It's good old common sense.
So block, mute, filter these people. Do whatever you gotta do, but this proves once and for all what we've all been saying. These anti/critical blogs that claim to "apply critical thinking" are full of shit.
Critical thinking is defined as "the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment." The reactions were not objective, especially the one blog that had an emotional heartbroken reaction. They were subjective, colored by their own biases. They did not analyze and evaluate the situation fully before issuing a judgement; they were missing a very crucial piece of the puzzle before they started sounding off and they knew it but they didn't care.
So the next time an anti/critical blog says in defense of their hating on/criticizing of Jensen (or anyone really) that they're applying critical thinking and you should try the same when you propose an alternative point of view (about Jensen or not), just remember it's all a smoke screen of bullshit. So again, block, mute, filter, whatever you gotta do. Personally, I think this shit's hilarious and entertaining on a Real-Housewives type level.
And that one blog that had such an emotional reaction to something that Jensen didn't even say in the way they thought he did, it's one thing for you to feel the way that you do, but spreading misinformation as you did, saying Jensen is no true performer, I don't know, maybe it's time to let go of your obsession with loving (aka being in love with) and hating this guy and move on?
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bandzboy · 2 years
if you lose your morals for kpop people you really need to step back and genuinely think about what you are actually doing bc... why would you even ride or d!e for people that make obvious mistakes and don't even know you exist? like be serious right now
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queridaz · 2 years
my roommate saying she’s paying for college w/o her parents help bc it’s her money, but that money is her 529 college fund and stocks she owns like...
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starwikia · 2 months
so like are we done with the idea that james is a victim of the internet harassment mob or whatever you guys like to call it when in reality no one like forced him to be part of the public eye again. he had multiple times to disengage but he threw himself head first into the spotlight with some half assed apology where he used his dead mom, illiterate dad, and like 293 mental illnesses that he was in the right to do a widdle plagiarism but it’s not his fault! it’s everyone else’s fault for not being nice to him about it!!! how dare these people bring these issues to the public not thinking how james would feel about it! like ppl are forgetting there was notable period of time james went off air entirely. and every time he’s jumped back it’s always attempts to paint himself as the victim.
like be real for a second if anyone was weaponizing the internet harassment machine it was james somerton. he knew what he was doing when he posted that note. he knew the shit his victims would get for having the crime of (checks notes) voicing out their issues with him. he knew there’s people out there who are foaming at their mouths to use anything they can get their hands on as a “gotcha!” at hbomberguy (right wing people yes, but don’t act like it’s just them i’ve seen plenty of lefties trying to prove they’re superior to harry). they don’t give a shit about james, not really. he’s the dude who hbomb did a “hit piece” (yes that’s a term i’ve seen people use) and that’s what matters.
not to mention the writing that’s also very clearly targeting nick who’s basically cut ties with him at this point. james pushed all the burden on nick by saying it’s their fault, actually. he’s one of the co-writers and everything going to shit was nick’s fault when they had the audacity to move. james is faultless! with james still trying to monetize stolen content on the blatant lie that he’s doing this for nick’s sake as a portfolio. acting as if nick isn’t an sentient human being who could upload their own content, as if nick would even want to be associated with james at this point. this isn’t a teenager being harassed for an honest mistake, this is a 35-year old con artist who’s stolen hundreds of thousands and peddled the most vile shit as actual history but realized he was in deep shit and weaponizes very serious mental health issues as a “i’m just a poor little gay baby!! my alter ego did it!!!”
for the record if you’re among the people who tried to wash down james’ crimes as “he just did plagiarism!! it wasn’t that bad of a crime!” fuck you, man. i’m not kidding.
the fact i’ve witnessed people whitewash his acts of racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, antisemitism and misogyny (in fact i’m probably still missing a few things here), and say he’s being harassed by the internet just because he stole articles makes it so clear they have no fucking idea what they’re talking about. his shit isn’t fucking erased just bc he realized that he has to handle the consequences. he’s grasping at anything he can at this point to make sure that even if he’s not coming back, he’s sure as hell trying to take anyone he fucking can down with him.
he doesn’t get a second chance to be a content creator at this point. he doesn’t get to show himself to do better. he needs to fucking leave. and if he tries to publicly make himself the victim then he better know that he’s going to get public backlash.
if anything situation proves to me that he can never be trusted with a public platform ever again because he will immediately guilt people into feeling sorry for him.
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vvh0adie · 8 months
watching my friends leave tumblr is really sad
you literally can't win
at this point the writer's strike should just be a cultural movement
like ppl are writing for FREE and you're complaining about turn out rate and shit
we have lives and some of us (HELL ALL OF US) have some form of mental illness, so we can't be fucking cogs all day and churn out fics.
writing is suppose to be therapeutic and writers want to share that with you to ease the tension of this hellscape we live in
but some of these readers and even fellow writers are taking it too far with the bullying
like its mean and nasty. you don't know what someone is going thru.
instead of asking for updates how about check and see if your writer is mentally stable to do so. that right there is a booster, to have someone say "are you okay?"
and then the whole accusations of favoring a certain member/character. if that person is my muse or safe space then of course imma write for them. most solo writers i see don't even talk bad about other people. its a SOLO account. think of it as a shrine blog of writing if that helps. they're not there to trash, just share their writing for other's who might also share the same muse.
then you have readers who can't separate fiction from reality. just because someone writes a character with irl people faceclaimed onto them doesnt mean they actually think that person would be or do those things irl. i'll be the first to say that i only gave my characters bts faces cuz thats who im attracted to and they're who i imagine would be casted to play my characters.
then IN THE YEAR OF 2023 we still have ppl making fun of their peers writing and also THE FACT THAT ENGLISH MIGHT NOT BE THEIR FIRST LANGUAGE? that's nasty asf. majority of us dont even speak 'proper' english as our first language no way. you only shooting yourself in the foot. don't act like you dont have beta readers... like what are yall on?
and anybody who gets on THAT BLOG behind anon is an opp. not just to the writing community but in how you interact with the world all together. yall don't know how to talk to people anymore? it may have started as a place for critique and accountability but no one is bringing receipts or critical thinking anymore. its mainly for drama and not rehabilitation. yall serious scare me in how we'd see the reality of social change applied to the real world. like i'd be more scared to let yall around the prisoners with minor offenses cuz yall act like its the end of the world and that change cant happen. yall give nobody room to change ignorant stances but ignore the real egregious shit because you honestly dont have the bandwidth to take on actual fascist views.
also the plagiarism has got to stop too. if you need writing resources just ask. but practice makes perfect. so you're gonna have to write yourself. you may not like your writers voice but you will feel shitty in the long run when you don't feel like its you putting those words on the paper. it literally just prolongs your inferiority. make something you're proud of and don't hurt your fellow writers. we went thru the process just like you. we earned it. and most of us aren't gatekeepers, we will help you.
like its really tuff being on here sometimes. cuz if you not being hounded by readers its your own community praying on your down fall.
we have to do better.
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bita-bita · 5 months
As I said, my doctors are panicking abt my medical test results. And I'm still in the process of having more tests done.
Um.. so last night I was really depressed cuz my doc literally said I might die ://// idk if he meant it FOR REAL or if he just wanted to make sure I know it's a serious case and I should keep getting checked just to make sure it's nothing. Ok Idk, my body feels alright tbh, I'm really surprised they're suddenly saying that sort of stuff- ANYWAY.
What I wanted to say is that I believe anything that happens is connected to our inner feelings and thoughts. Like.. idk, illnesses can be a sign of oppressed emotions, jealousy or long-term anxiety, holding a grudge, envy or fears and stuff like that. Um, so when I was faced with this situation, I tried to find a lesson in it. And sometimes "bad things" that happen can actually help push us in the direction we desire.
For example, I'm a very anxious person. I have anxiety. And I'm hard on myself in the sense that I think I'm responsible about how I make ppl feel. (And yes that's true to a certain degree, I shouldn't go around kicking ppl. But do I need to overthink my every word and tone and action to the point of being extremely anxious? Do I have to hold such a high standard when it comes to every move I make?) I KNOW it's not good. It bothers me. It feels bad. But it was never bad enough to make me wanna make a serious change, yk? It's easier to just.. let it be and have the same familiar thoughts and feelings.
And so, the importance of the situation made me FORCE MYSELF to take some time and direct my thoughts in a way that I intended, not just some default patterns that cause me anxiety. Not to go with the familiar flow.
Cuz if I keep being the same person, having the same thoughts and feelings, doing the same things, how can I create something different? How can I expect to be a better, healthier, happier Bita?
I actually thought about it, cuz I was forced to! And I'm glad I was. Cuz otherwise I probably wouldn't have. and I realized, well I am gonna die someday, whether now or years from now, really doesn't make a difference, but thinking about the possibility of it all coming to an end, made me realize I don't want to live a life filled with worry and anxiety. I noticed I have goals and dreams. There are things I wanna experience, as Bita, in this time space reality. I know it doesn't end, and I know my experience of existence isn't limited to 100 years in Bita's human body. but still, there are things I wanna do AS Bita. And so I've decided nothing is worth getting mad at, and nothing is worth worrying over or getting anxious about. It's not worth it, not if it's going to cause distress to my lovely body. It's serving me well, it's doing its best, how can I put so much stress on it? How can I be so hateful towards it? How can I not be gentle and appreciative with it? It deserves all the love! It connects me to the physical realm! It lets me taste delicious food that's only possible in this amazing physical world! It helps me breathe, it pumps blood and life through my vains, and it moves me around the world, to beautiful places! Yeah nonphysical is cool and all, and yeah, I'd love to go back there and get the answers to my many questions, but.. but this world is soooo cool too! It's limited in a sense, yes. Things take fucking long to get created here, yesss. BUT CAKE! I WANNA EAT CAKE! You can't grab a piece of cake and bite into it in the nonphysical, you can't tasteeee the sweet taste on your tongue, it's not a concentrated feeling, it's great yeah but it's vague and it's... it's not physical!! I realized I LIKE physical! I still want to be physical! I'm not done with this world yet! And more importantly, I refuse to go out with an illness!!! I want a cool way of going *wooosh* back to nonphysical!
I mean if it's nothing and I'll keep living, I'd like to live a better life here for now! And if I'm to die, then I'd like to die with a good feeling, not like a miserable saddd person :/
Surely I still feel anxiety about the situation, and other things. but that's just a pattern that's familiar to me. it will take some time to change, but if I hold onto this feeling, this memory, this awakening, I'll eventually grow out of this habbit.
Mom is complaining abt something I did? Not worth getting upset about.
My friend did something I didn't like? Why get mad when I can keep my heart open and see people as.. just people. they are trying too, they have challenges too, not everyone wants to harm me, not everyone has ill intentions. I should love, for my sake. Not because they deserve it or don't.
I am my responsibility. I'm willing to let go, to forgive, to trust, to love, because of myself. Because it feels good to ME. It feels better than hating and criticizing.
To put it simply, I'm gonna chill out y'all!!! Everything has a solution. Everything can be fixed or replaced. Life is not a big deal. It's really not.
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Pt. 2
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discluded · 2 years
Hi, what is your pov on some of these comments about mileapo fans being “delulu” and naive bc it’s “just fake bl fanservice”?
Because idk if I’m going crazy but like as a gay person this shit seems borderline homophobic? On the one hand I kinda get where they’re coming from with like the concert “plot” (idk what else to call it 😭), but otherwise seeing how they interact with each other in off-screen/stage moments and their chemistry and the huge ass difference with the entire cast, how they interact with each other vs others, the side couples energy with each other, it’s not that big of a leap… and to imply that it’s dumb or naive for ppl (lots of them queer themselves) to perceive that smells like homophobia to me… idk
I’m not even trying to be mad abt the mileapo thing bc frankly i don’t give a shit what people do or don’t believe about two actors but it’s the dismissive tone of such comments that pisses me off, and I was wondering if maybe you or any of your followers have some thoughts about this too.
Hello friend.
Thank you for trusting me with this delicate ask. Hopefully I can do a good job with it.
I'm hearing a couple of things in your question, part of which I'm guessing is just being able vent (glad to provide the space!) but the crux of which is commenting on the irony of homophobia in Kinnporshe / BL fandom. And yeah. You're not imagining it.
CW: Homophobia. I'm serious, this is your only warning. Some of this really upset me today and I'm pretty good at compartmentalizing.
I saw this after I got your ask and already spent some time thinking about how to respond, but these comments were in response to Tong coming out at KPWT Manila on Tiktok. I hate looking at them, but I'll embed them in case the tweet ever gets deleted as a reminder that EQUALITY IS NOT REAL IN THIS WORLD.
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I won't lie, this hurt my feelings a lot and it's not even about me. I spent half a second being mad before just being sad about this for hours.
I've been into BL for so long, I am tired of this round-about argument we keep having over women, many of whom are queer or questioning, enjoying queer stories where the characters are male. There are culturally-adept literary and queer studies scholars who do research on this.
That being said, a not-small proportion of the fan base is made people who are genuinely homophobic and use BL as their fantasy. Just like watching lesbian porn doesn't make straight men allies, neither does watching BL make straight women allies. I am too exhausted to explain why they do but it's basically a mix of misogyny in not wanting to see other female actors opposite an actor you like but also using queer men as placeholders for your fantasy. Sometimes in fiction, but other times in reality.
I'm with @mirrorofprinces, we need to attack more homophobes for this. 😒😒😒 no more fighting over gay rights, time for KPTS-inspired gay wrongs and gay violence on the gaygenda.
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The "delulu" and "it's just fanservice" comments are...indeed kind of homophobic. I respect people who don't want to comment on or interpret their relationship, like you said, or interpret it differently. And it kind of sucks to be like "well some people will be homophobic and you have to share a space with them" in fandom about a queer story, but how do you confront people, some of whom are happy to be openly homophobic, about homophobia that is more nuanced?
But I think one thing that undermines MileApo's authenticity is that BibleBuild do so much fan service despite also claiming not to. Fan service is a Thai BL industry standard with other actor pairs. And as a reality check to myself, I have looked at some of those pairs interacting and yeah. Definitely brotherly or fan service there.
The other part of the problem is young people, especially after the pandemic, genuinely do not seem to know what normal human interaction looks like, including the difference between what's fake and what's real AND what's platonic vs. what's flirty or romantic affection.
As for what my friends/moots think, here's @mellowroxy and @cookiedoughfiesta's thoughts from August about Mile saying he was in love with Apo about the "delulu" comments. (Though let's be real... sometimes the fandom is also... a bit much 🤣🤣🤣)
When I talked to Yams (@mellowroxy) about this earlier, here's what she had to add on to the point:
Me: fans were freaking out when Tom called Zendaya 'my MJ' on his birthday wish to her, and that's way more subtle than what Mile and Apo are doing
Yams: There wouldn’t be this much push back if it was a guy and girl. Most people would be like “oh another on set romance” and call it a day. On the Zendaya and Tom topic, if this was decades back when interracial couples were taboo as fuck then they wouldn’t come out as well.
A conscious reminder equality has always been hard-fought for.
But trust me, this paradox of people who watch BL who are homophobic have not escaped Mile and Apo's notice either.
"Equality isn't real in this world."
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Apo's comment at KPWT Bangkok day 2, which many people have noted was likely about complaints over them reenacting Kinn and Porsche's first kiss live. I'm not going to look for it but @soft-husbands mentioned she saw a fancam that blurred the kiss out on Youtube 😑 (Why did you watch KPTS in the first place then.)
"People say that they are open minded, But they are actually not."
And isn't that the crux of it.
As I always say, you haven't have an opinion on the truth. So in the end, no one's opinions on the situation matters except for Mile's and Apo's. But it does suck to bear the brunt of people's negativity doesn't it.
Hopefully this didn't make you feel more sad... but you're not alone in noticing it at least.
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djuvlipen · 9 months
The whole slavic anon talk got me thinking, but I don't do original posts so I thought maybe you'd like this little thinkpiece/explanation. Don't feel the need to respond.
Slavic radbrl's extreme defensiveness over being accused of racism/"mixed up with the rest of white people" points me to extreme disconnection from their own community with a pinch of being terminally online. Navigating the power dynamic where you're white but not white enough to be considered part of the "civilized world" is hard and can be painful at times, which is why you'd see slavic people trying so hard to stick with poc with the whole "we're not like other white people" rhetoric. Because xenophobia is never talked or taken about seriously they can't explain why we're treated like that by western europeans, so searching for community with poc just makes sense to them. You see the word racism used by slavic ppl instead of what it actually is (xenophobia) for the exact same reason.
(also, there's legitimate movements to recognise slavic people as people of color, most of them seem to be spearheaded as Ukrainians or people of Ukrainian ancestry, which is not a coincidence imo)
Getting a reality check that yeah, you're still an opressor class, actually, sets off a defensive response in many people because they've personally never gotten the privileges of being a part of the opressor class (or, yknow. Never realised they did), which makes sense, but honestly I'd expect a better attitude from the community that seems to understand how intersectionality works.
But there's also this disconnect where slavic people tend to be very distant from our (admittedly pretty ugly) history and culture, only nit-picking the bits they like, because the rest of it reminds them that we ultimately live in a culture that is incredibly misogynist, racist, homophobic and xenophobic, which doesn't fit with the idea of being that perfect victim a lot of slavic ppl on the internet strive to be.
There's this idea that the only way to gain sympathy from the west (which we subconsciously aim for despite all out sneers at them because sometimes it feels like it's the only way for our countries to survive, and sometimes it actually is) is to make them realise we never actually "deserved" the way we treated. Facing all the pain we've caused to Roma and Jewish people and countless other nations makes you doubt and think that maybe you *did* deserve that - which is a very wrong way to go to begin with, but it's just easier to distance yourself from your history - your responsibility - and live in that comfy little bubble where your people never done any wrong because understanding that we still don't deserve the shit we get from the west despite all this, but at the same time should finally take some action against racism and discrimination we take part in today and at least apologise for what we did in the past takes some damn reflexion and mental resource and thought not all people are capable of. Especially not those who came to radbrl to escape the already painful reality with having to deal with Eastern European men, lol.
Not an excuse, of course, this phenomenon just seems very interesting to me personally since I observe it often in real life too.
(also the whole "slavic countries, aside from Russia" thing just feels so pretentious to me as a Ukrainian. I'd bet some serious money these people only mean Russia's attitude towards Ukraine that came to light recently and maybe other Eastern European countries, but not the North Asian native people that Russian colonised and killed because they wouldn't have even added that little "except Russia" to the list of they knew their own country's history with racism, which I'm sure there is some. Also, all that aside, is Russia not overwhelmingly slavic with slavic mindset and culture anyway? What's your reason for putting it aside like that, anon? Uncomfortable with the fact they're part of our ethnicity? Yeah, me too.)
Hi! Thank you for your input. You made a lot of good points, especially regarding the lack of education about xenophobia, and I don't think I can add much besides saying 'yeah that's true', especially since I'm a Westerner it wouldn't be fair of me to speak over you.
However as a Romani woman there are some parts where I disagree with you. I don't think Slavic people are trying to stick with people of colour by saying they are not like other white people. To me the very statement that Slavic people aren't like other white people is baffling. We can agree that Slavic people face xenophobia and persecution in the West based on the idea that they are not white *enough*, but the emphasis here is on "enough". They are still white and they have historically oppressed Romani people and they continue to do so. I don't see Slavic people distancing themselves from whiteness as an attempt at solidarity with poc. Roma have faced and still face institutionalized segregation, police brutality, forced sterilization, being put in ghettos, being denied access to school and healthcare, they never got compensation for slavery or for the pogroms and massacres they survived. Because the majority of us (esp. in Eastern Europe) are visibly brown and have a dark skin. Slavic people can't relate to that and the fact that they still continue to be so racist against Roma (like, the situation of Roma in Eastern Europe is so appalling, human rights violations are being committed against Roma everyday and we all know it) yet think of themselves as different from other white people is laughable at best. I am not only talking about myself here, all the other Romani women I've talked to on the matter echoed that sentiment and some were way, way less polite than I am when talking about this, because they live(d) in Eastern European countries and they have experienced racism first hand.
The idea that Slavic people are somehow different from other white people lies on the idea that racism against Roma is less reprehensible that racism against other people of colour. Slavic people who argue they are different from white westerners say they never colonized third world countries and say they never enslaved black Africans. So they recognize that racism against third world people and black people is bad. But they can't apply the same thinking when it comes to racism against Roma.
For the same reason, I wouldn't say Slavic people who say this are nit-picking bits of their history to leave aside the parts they don't like. I think it's actively rewriting history to try and pretend Slavic people were never racist against Roma to the same extent white westerners were to other poc. And this erasure has deep consequences on the lives of Roma today: they still haven't gotten reparation for slavery and we barely got any reparation for the Holocaust. The reason white people erase anti-Roma racism from history is because they don't want to compensate us and they don't want to acknowledge anti-Roma racism is bad, because they hate us. And the idea that Slavic people were not like other white people or were even people of colour (ridiculous considering that they have a white skin) has been used to silence acknowledging the severity of anti-Roma racism. Years ago when I was talking about Czech policemen kneeling on a Romani man's neck and smothering him to death, Czech users replied by insulting me, saying I was racist against Czech people, put me on blocklists, and then sent me anon hate telling me my whole family should be shot and Europe should be cleaned of gypsies.
So I think the main characteristic of that "not like other whites" phenomenon is how it erases the history of anti-Roma racism and acts like it isn't as bad as what other poc go through when Romani rights are constantly violated every other day in Slavic countries. But I do agree with a lot of what you are saying, I don't think Slavic people's anti-Roma racism or antisemitism should be used to justify persecuting them, and I agree that more people should be aware of how xenophobia is and works. I agree that there must be a lot of psychological reasons behind this phenomenon, you highlighted them very well and it was very interesting!
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badshitpassionate · 2 years
What’s the matter
Are you afraid? Are you scared? Does it hurt?
Why don’t you say no word?
You miss me? Don’t you care?
Sometimes I just wish you would share
Your feelings, your thoughts, your fears and your dreams,
your hopes, your doubts
Cuz to me it just seems, people tend to forget what life is about
So Ima just go and say it out loud
Baby can you tell me about love?
Are you done? Will you continue?
For so long I haven’t seen you
If it isn’t pride,
If it isn’t Ego taking place
Why don’t we talk no more
I mean, this is no race
But Baby help me
Cuz I don’t get it, shit is Crazy to me
how you gon act like that?
What does yo word really count these days?
Guess I just miss the sound..
Guess I‘ve been caught up in my illusions..
The one thing that will never change are my feelings
And I truly respect that everyone got their reasons
Not acting like I‘m above,
You might think it’s all a joke
Guess I‘m just blessed the way that I love
Don’t let nothing come in my way, so much
I still have to say
I stopped questioning life and let it question me instead
Gon live my truth like there’s no such thing
like an end
Gonna be kind, gonna be honest, gonna say what’s on my mind and let it flow to let you know
Words got power but only in such a way that we really want to and even Buddha said rule your mind or it will rule you
Feelings might get hurt but Baby lemme tell you that there can’t be no flower without the dirt
So relax and just rest,
Lay on my shoulder
Cry if you need to
Baby let go, cuz there’s no need to
Stress, Baby don’t you hold yoself back
You know I just gotta check
Up on my people and say what’s on my chest
Know life can be hard,
Baby we all feel lonely from night to night and feelings take a huge part, don’t lose your sight cuz this is no fucking competition for who’s best
You never now what’s next,
Just trust that the universe always got yo back
What is it that you live for?
Is it money? Is it fame?
Now come a lil closer
Dont think I need you next to me, it’s just that my love is infinite and my view on this life may be different
I don’t believe in no separation no more
There’s no perfection,
the only thing that feels real to me is authenticity
Why do people think that their vulnerability is weakness when in reality talking about our feelings and fears make us suffer less?
Know who you are,
Babys gon listen to yo hearts
Don’t take this life too serious,
Enjoy your being and have fun while creating and giving birth to yo ideas
still gon respect ‘em boundaries,
we all learn, we all grow and there’s one thing we all want I know for sho
Ain’t got shit to prove,
Still you watching all my moves
Saying you no like the way that I changed
Isn’t it strange?
You don’t even realize that the whole time you was talking to yoself?
What if I told you that everything was possible?
Guess some shit really be just too simple
Take yo time and heal, but don’t you forget about the deal
Ion look for a husband but a family, my tribe to stand hand in hand
don’t talk about love if it’s not unconditional, if you love someone you gotta love it all
Take it as it is and don’t try to change it, some ppl might think that but it’s nothing that needs to be fixed
I don’t expect nothing but still I won’t take no shit, and I‘m not talking to you the way you talk to me cuz Baby I got something that I call respect and after strike two there comes strike three
I won’t come down, you better come up high
cuz while ‘em mothafuckaz be out in tha Club I be up in tha Cloudz and be enjoying my life
So tell me Baby,
If it’s not pride, if it’s not Ego taking place
What’s the matter?
Baby do you dare?
Can you tell me about love?
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sanityshorror · 1 year
Hi! It's the person with France thing again. Thank you for responding. I think u are the first person that was worried about me when I told then what's happening to me. The rest of the ppl(my family and my best friend) either told me I lost my mind and started laughing or they we're like "Omg that's so cool 😍"(my best friend). I'll try to go to a psychiatrist as soon as possible but for sure that's not gonna happend very soon since I have a really busy schedule. But I'm anxious abt going to a psychiatric ward cuz I heard bad things about the one that I have in my city. It's not the first time I'll go to a psychiatric evaluation . Last time they just gave me some pills that made me feel like I was in drugs and I got addicted to them. Thanks for caring again ^^
I'm so glad that you're okay! It's horrible no one has been taking you seriously, especially since these things get worse the longer you go without treatment:/ I have bipolar1-with psychosis, so I understand what is like experiencing these sorts of things.
The good thing about psych wards is that you don't necessarily have to go to the one closest to you. If you're in a stable enough mental place, you can look up ' psychiatric hospitals near me ' and a list will come up, thanks to Google there should be reviews. Keep in mind these places aren't for luxury, so any with a 3/5 star rating is a safe bet. You can check yourself in for an evaluation directly at the psychiatric hospital :)
Medications can be difficult, for certain mental illness they are necessary to function however. Thankfully, there's a wide range of different options, so if you try one but feel the effects are too negative or it's not helping, you can tell your psychiatrist and ask to try a different medication. It took me years to find the right combination of the right medicine, but eventually I did ^-^
Personally I would recommend going to the hospital either tonight or in the morning at the latest, due to - speaking from experience - how psychosis can go from a manageable state to a complete disconnection from reality with no warning within seconds. I'm worried about you and don't want you to wind up accidentally harming yourself or something else bad happening because of a sudden full break from reality. I know it's terrifying to go, but I believe in you, you're very strong and brave for reaching out to someone to begin with, and I know you can take the next step too :) just keep taking deep breaths and drinking water. I won't lie and say the hospital will be fun, but it will keep you safe and you'll have access to professional psychiatric treatment as well as support through therapy 24/7 there. I recommend packing a few books and a lot of comfy clothes in your bag. (I've been in the psych ward before, if you can't tell lol.)
I'm so sorry that no one has been taking you seriously, I really hope that changes. I hope you're able to get the help that you need ASAP. Please know that I care about you, even though I don't know who you are, I do care and want you to be okay. I wish you the best and I'm here for you
/serious /gen
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drewsaturday · 2 months
randomly watched last night in soho instead of sleeping bc i realized i don't watch movies but doing so flosses my brain a little. anyway thoughts now that it is not 4 am
ellie must be protected at all costs, big autism energy
jacosta is not someone i have the braincells to articulate, but i think she was written as a Mean Girl really well. surface level getting along, projecting her insecurities onto others ("why'd ellie talk about that she must be looking for attention" from the girl who tries to make everything about herself etc)
ellie's different styles throughout the movie were very cool to see
i liked the twist about the old man not being jack. at a certain point i'd wondered if it could be that other guy, but i went back to it being jack til the twist.
i liked how supportive ellie's teacher was as well as her grandmother
i also really love the wish fulfillment of getting to look back at mistreated girls of the past and hug them and tell them you understand
and i say this as someone who did go in knowing there were some twists so i knew to look out for stuff and maybe that ruined the experience
last half of the film kinda didn't feel as tight? idk, all the visions of the dead guys seemed to take too much time aj;skdjfklj the bleeding of dreams and reality, while i know it was a result of hallucinogens that maybe became more permanent, broke the logic for me as well. i know ellie can see/sense those energies awake or not, and the sleeping was meant more to body swap her and she became more aware of those energies as a result of those experiences but idk, felt random at times. why did one experience give her a physical mark (hickey), did the others, etc.
lots of plot holes. like ellie not getting impacted as bad by the poison as she should've, or not facing consequences for almost stabbing jacosta (maybe ppl just claimed she was being dramatic since... jacosta...), no real consequences for how much she broke down either, though i imagine the ending skipped over the time that may have taken place in. i do wonder if she explained the truth to the cops and forensic evidence of all the charred bones proved her right and they chilled out about her breakdowns.
wouldn't. that many bodies in the floors and walls perhaps cause a noticeable smell.
i feel like ellie's love interest was too accepting. i know he talked about their shared understanding of being outcasts and he seemed enamored by her. and i think it certainly was a choice to have a black man be the safe man, which is nice. but i can't help feeling a hashtag Feminist Film ended up neglecting racial issues by just... kinda using him for anything ellie's story needed at that time. i don't rly know anything about him, and maybe i don't need to, but it feels like a disservice or afterthought.
also something felt weird about the more unhinged screaming done by ellie and sandie. it felt over the top or too incoherent to me so it was distracting, but maybe it's just the way their accents go.
the sandie reveal as being the old woman was just... not serious enough? between the editing and the way she went about it all villainy just didn't feel it fit for me. maybe i misunderstood the vibes of the rest of the film but it felt out of place. i didn't mind the dream-like cgi of the stairs and glass etc though because i think the dreamy quality fits the... dream theme j;asdklfj
i did enjoy it and would like to rewatch knowing the twists sometime. but it just does feel like the second half suffered a lot in ways that unwound it from the first, but not in a way that... fits ellie's unwinging mental state if that makes sense j;lksdfkj.
i'm also rly glad i got to check it out, i don't get to go to movie theaters and stuff so when new films drop i froth over the trailers and read the wikipedias or youtube breakdowns of it and i had for this a bit (remembering very little by the time i did watch it.) i usually forget about the film bc im used to doing so without looking for it by the time it would end up on a streaming site or whatever. so it's just nice to finally check this out after loving the trailer.
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cupidlakes · 3 years
there’s a line between supporting a creator/streamer financially bc you’re grateful for them and their content and paying money you literally can’t afford to spend for a split second of attention and validation and ifl some ppl in the fandom need a reality check if it’s making serious dents in their bank acc, it isn’t on streamers to correct this behaviour and addiction is real, if you can’t afford don’t spend please !!! there’s a difference between someone having an excess of income and enough to finance those spends and living paycheck to paycheck and i know it sounds silly and obvious but often it ties into your mh too and a lack of other ways to cope/a lack of balance in your life and it’s important to recognise streamers esp are something you can glean enjoyment and comfort from cost free genuinely
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How would yandere La Squadra go about their darling being extremely paranoid... maybe even an abduction survivor? Like, they won't drink or eat anything that's not sealed or prepared by them, they won't go anywhere without telling a loved one or friend where they are and where they're going. They only use their own car or commute with ppl they are close with, their door has several locks and bolts, the windows have special locks and they have a hidden weapon on their body and know how to use it.
I apologize for the long wait!
Sorbet and Gelato don’t care. Gelato is audacious enough to keep testing your boundaries by inserting himself into your life as mere coincidences. Sorbet is the only one keeping you safe, in a strange way. He constantly has to talk Gelato down with kisses and promises of taking you soon. Even if you pulled a weapon on them, there’s two of them. Your odds wouldn’t even be that great with just one of them pursuing you. The only problem is orchestrating the whole ordeal just right. With the constant paper trail you left, it would be difficult to just snatch you up and make you disappear off the face of the earth so suddenly. They have to strike in the golden hour, which, much to Gelato’s displeasure, means they have to leave you alone. When you stop frantically updating your friends and family, Gelato kicks in your door and Sorbet restrains you. Of course, when you wake up in an unfamiliar place with two men sandwiching you, the carefully crafted walls you put up to protect yourself from your past abduction come crumbling down. Gelato feels the tiniest bit remorseful and tries to kiss it better, but nothing works and they end up having to knock you out. Sorbet scolds Gelato for his hastiness while they cuddle on the chair across from the bed where your sleeping body whimpered and twitched. It would take some time to help you rebuild from your trauma, but the Milk and Milkless Dessert couple weren’t known for giving up easily.
Risotto is the same way. It’s part of the reason he was drawn to you. After researching about a hit and discovering they had kidnapped and held someone for ransom unsuccessfully, he felt it necessary to check in on the victim to see if there were any connections between them and Passione. More accurately, to see if the victim would cause any problems for Passione. When he first seeks you out, he’s not surprised about your demeanor. But something about your mouselike timidness drew him in. He knows he has to measure his steps carefully if he wants to get close. There’s a lot of methodical planning involved to make sure he doesn’t accidentally scare you off. He attempts to insert himself in your life subtly, appearing in places you go but not engaging you. When he was finally bold enough to seek you out in your own home, he finally saw the extent of your trauma. Metallica made it easy to bypass the many locks on the door, but it was a chore to do. Finding you waiting behind the door with a gun drawn was certainly a surprise, though. Seeing your perpetual eyebags and frowning features so frightened made his heart ache. It’s too bad you were close enough for Metallica to work. He’s positive you would’ve put up a good fight. But for now he’s focused on getting you tucked in. There was no reason to whisk you away when it was clear you were smart enough to be scared of the world outside.
Ghiaccio always has to be in the right, no matter the situation. He doesn’t care that you have trauma that makes your day to day hell or that his constant presence makes you wary and weary. His needs and desires come first at the cost of your comfort. He only compromises on his yelling when he notices he makes you flinch. Other than that, he’ll pester you nonstop. It’s a mystery how he is always where you are without fail. At a certain point, you refuse to leave your home because of it. Ghiaccio isn’t understanding of this and nearly breaks down your door and sends you into a panic attack. Seeing you scream and shield yourself with your arms makes him hesitate. What breaks him is when you plead for him to leave you alone and to not hurt you. It’s a rare moment of clarity in his obsession addled mind and he tries his best to calm you down, even though his touch makes you flinch away. In the middle of his attempt to soothe you, he ends up covering you in frost. The effects of White Album make your reactions sluggish and weak, but you have plenty of time to consider how you got here as he hefts you over his shoulder and buckles you into the passenger’s seat, wrapping the seatbelt around you several times.
Melone honestly has an Obsession of the Week™️, which more than half the time is just for scientific purposes. He likes to psychoanalyze random people he sees, just for funsies. You, on the other hand, were far too interesting to just dissect mentally and move on. He tuned in when you asked for a drink that was from an unopened case of products, and his interest only heightened when he saw you take a very calculated path through the lounge area. He noted you made sure to move in the blind spots of the windows and cameras before nestling safely in a corner where you could see the whole room, all the while peeking over your shoulder. At first, he thought OCD or some other disorder. It made sense, but he watched you timidly flick your eyes around as you uncapped your drink , sniffed it, and took a tentative sip. Melone is already mentally logging this information, creating trials and assessing variables as you sip away at your beverage. Of course when he went to pursue you after you left, he didn’t expect for you to pull a knife on him and threaten him with wide eyes to stay away. The reasons you gave were conjecture, though. He could see that you weren’t quite sure of your choice to confront him, the minuscule shaking of your hand only proving it. It’s laughably easy for him to disarm you, even if his thievery skills have gotten rusty from his transition from petty thief into assassin. After his civil approach, by his own standards, you're toted off to a nearby safe house where he could keep you while he arranges for your accommodations elsewhere.
This is a problem for Prosciutto. He and Formaggio are the most social creatures of La Squadra (Melone is well… social in a different way). Prosciutto loves to be seen. He likes going to the opera, to have someone on his arm dressed almost as finely as he was, to go to art auctions, to go out to a restaurant where the prices were high and the portions low. So your paranoid personality, while understandable, poses a problem for the fantasy he made within five minutes of seeing you shuffle around the market in what he would describe as “bum clothes” (aka sweatpants and a baggy shirt). He notes that every step you take is deliberate, every move calculated and determined beforehand. With his years of stealth training, he trails you for a while to fully observe you. One thing that stuck out to him was that you were always in public places, among crowds with just enough people that you would be missed if you were swept off your feet by a dashing blond in a finely pressed suit. Prosciutto is a fixer. He lives to nitpick and improve and fix everyone he cares for, and you are no different. Soon you’ll find yourself in the company of the handsome blond you’ve seen around town, whether you like it or not. He takes it upon himself to interject and speak over you when it comes to certain things, stating how you should’ve handled a situation. Your paranoia is soon taken advantage of, with Prosciutto feeding into it by isolating you and forcing you to depend on him. Not that he minds. He loves to help people improve. On his terms, of course.
Illuso takes it as a challenge. He’s very reserved as well, and when he observed you for his own interest, it was kismet. Illuso is great at playing the long game and letting his opponent’s psyche get the best of them. With your ‘weakened’ mind, he could play around with you as much as he liked. Tapping on your (barred)window, the mirror, moving stuff. Your own personal curator of hell. He never once feels bad, but he wondered why he didn’t stop playing poltergeist after his usual week or so. Soon he found himself just…staring at your permanently furrowed brow and frowning lips. Maybe if he isolated you in a place where he knew there wouldn’t be anyone, he could get something out of you? Secretly pulls you into the mirror world and observes you. He lets you sit in the comfort of assured solitude before making his grand entrance. Of course he didn’t expect to get punched in the gut and to have a knife pulled on him. He might boast that Man in the Mirror is the strongest stand, but stands are pretty much useless when you’re taken by surprise by someone you underestimated. For a moment, he can’t decide if this makes him like you a lot more, or if you deserve a kick to the gut. Maybe both.
Formaggio firmly believes in the ideology of “take no shit, give no fucks”. He may be social, but he’s not exactly socially intelligent. Case in point, he didn’t understand that his social butterfly-ness might be a huge turn off for some people. So he’s pretty much at a loss for what to do. His previous flings loved it, but you, well, you wanted nothing to do with him in any capacity. Formaggio was supposed to have been scouting his hit, but he was mostly checking out the Milfs, Dilfs, and Pilfs (parent) that passed. And when his gaze finally fell on you, sitting by yourself, he had to swoop in. Similar to how he reacts to Narancia, he’s very affable when you pull your weapon on him and threaten him with very serious eyes, even joking with you playfully when you ask him what he thinks he’s doing. I love him dearly, but Formaggio is a dumb man. He can’t read social cues and probably just thinks you’re playing hard to get when in reality you have trauma. But since he hides all his trauma and self hatred behind jokes, it takes him a while to fully realize that you’re broken. And what do you do with broken things? Why, stick them in a doll house and provide for them, of course!
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep23
Love is in the air is the theme of this ep! All kinds of luv~ for everybody!~ kyo/tohru (main), yuki/machi(new!!), rin/haru(on going), Arisa/Kureno (dead-end?), hiro/kisa (babies to luvers...), hana/tohru/arisa (sisters love!) yuki/kakeru (friendship), momiji/tohru (cutest friendship!) kyo/haru (underrated friendship), hana/kyo/arisa (living to tease*torment* you friendship!XD), kyo/kazuma (parental love!), Haru/kisa (big brother care), yuki’s fanclub (toxic love), hana/food (OTP). What an ep!! One of a kind where you start off crying of laughter & end up crying from broken heart!
-Arisa’s second outburst:
The best thing abt this play is that you can’t tell if they’re following a script or not for the most part. XD, However, for some it IS clear when they bring in their personal feelings. Arisa was fine acting her role with improvised jokes on kyo’s expense. However, due to kyo’s refusal to meet the princess, she got angry to the point of screaming in front of the whole school & visitors? The outburst was treated seriously with climatic music, audience reaction, fellow actors surprise & narrator-san pointing out it IS personal & not scripted. But afterwards arisa is fine. Even though I’m not into love at first sight, I acknowledge it exists in fiction & in reality. No problem. But the extreme intensity of kureno/Arisa’s love is higher than everybody’s without enough basis from those two meetings they had before... Sure, she can fall in love with him, wish him to meet her.. but her outburst is too much, too painful, too heartbreaking. However if you look at her outburst as a plot device to get kureno involved once again & complicate things, bingo, you get why it was planted there. Momiji’s footage will reach him. cool. but too forced in my opinion.. everything abt their interaction is too forced, from her first outburst at his few words that got her to cry her heart out & leave the restaurant & get nearly kissed on the lips to her second outburst in front of the entire school. Arisa likes ppl who are tohru-like. The narrative hints that kureno is tohru-like. First, his clumsiness, second? being content with his unjust life? what is tohru-like abt him so far that gets arisa to scream her heart out? I’m sure we’ll see more of his tohru-like qualities. but so far, it comes across too forced for me.
-Machi SEES the real yuki:
It seems that the confirmation that any female is heading to yuki’s heart is to be bullied by yuki’s fans. lol.  Machi not seeing yuki as a prince is her unique thing. Everybody including tohru see him as a prince & put him in a pedestal. In the play yuki descended from the sky, emerged from underground, said deep lines & glowed. Yet, machi saw thro the acting. I was cheering for yuki to step in & put these toxic girls at their place. Machi can be saved by kakeru’s indirect plan, sure, but this toxic behavior has been going since ep1. tohru was saved from them by hana & arisa. Bullying is always used as a plot device in furuba & unfortunately a comedic gag (there’s an entire ep dedicated for the fanclub). Sure furuba isn’t going to fix every issue or even provide solutions. It can’t. it shouldn’t. bullying is one hell of hard issue to solve. furuba wants to use bullying for plot. no problem. but also decides to comment on it quickly? yuki & kakeru’s argument abt the proper reaction towards bullying with each one of them taking an opposite opinion while machi herself is being bullied behind them felt too philosophical & untimely. Only for all this to end with a gag. Yuki is stuck paying the consequence cuz they’re his fans?.. ok. I’d love if the entire scene didn’t involve this argument. For example, yuki finding the girls, him listening to machi’s opinion abt him, him about to step in & defend her, then kakeru makes a prank abt photo-session with yuki, unknowingly saving the situation. Cuz the whole point of the scene is for yuki to know machi is different & sees the real him! Not that I hate how things played out, it is just furuba’s treatment of the issue of bullying is always weird to me. Similar to its treatment of violence, sometimes it’s serious, sometimes it’s comedy.
-Tohru’s best visual presentation ( show-NOT-tell): YES!
I’ve complained plenty abt furuba not treating tohru with enough visual presentation when it comes to hints for her issues or thoughts. but NOT today! This ep is tohru’s heaven! Tohru was torn apart between too many things & she didn’t inner monologue abt anything, YET, the visual imagery was enough to talk in her behalf!!! They showed tohru’s reaction to arisa, they showed tohru noticing haru/rin connection, they showed tohru react to Hana’s words without showing any of her inner thoughts & it works 100%. I’m so satisfied with this kind of treatment. You can show tons of silent emotions & trust the audience to make the correct conclusions without making your character spoon feed the audience on what they’re feeling. Hana’s “ do you plan to keep on deceiving yourself, locked in the castle, until you die?” is too close for comfort! it triggered kyo to react & say exactly his reasoning behind his decision without bringing the real world “ So what if I do? Does it hurt anyone else?” Kyo is sick of believing that he’s causing harm to his loved ones (mother, father, kazuma, kyoko, tohru). He agrees to be locked till death cuz this way no one will be harmed. ONLY him. he thinks he DESERVE it for existing & causing harm to these same ppl. His response prompts tohru to forget herself & react. What did tohru say? ( you are loved? you need to live? don’t hurt yourself? ) NO. It is NOT abt kyo. it IS abt HER!!! It is the (true form ) scene again but this time symbolically with 10 times harsher consequences!!! kyo’s true form’s final scene is NOT abt kyo deciding to stay, it IS abt tohru saying what she wants. That day tohru talked abt HERSELF. “ I want to listen to your complaints cuz u listened to me”. “ I want us to stay together” By demanding things & acknowledging herself, she got kyo to come back. This time, too, she react cuz SHE wants kyo to stay. “ I wouldn’t..” It is ME. I’ll be hurt if you’re locked. it is abt ME. I need you. I want you. I’m too scared to loose you. You’ve been my true support for long time now. Don’t Leave me, too!!!. Tohru stops herself cuz tohru doesn’t allow herself to want things or even acknowledge that she is worthy of things!! Just focus on her dialogue with others “ if I’m not troubling you, it is forward of me, please allow me” she’s talking to her friends! tohru has the lowest self esteem in furuba!
-Kyo, being an expert on reading tohru, knew the rest of the line. Kyo notices she’s in love with him. but again sinners don;t deserve love! You can’t love monsters? you’ll end up hurt!! hello!! tohru bled in the true form ep. he can’t hurt her again!!! NO way!! Enough causing her pain & tears. “ I wont take anything away from you again” he said in ep, 9. So, kyo forces himself to NOT see the truth. Forces his eyes to close tight. He’s an expert on that. Last ep, his eyes were forced to open to the reality that he doesn’t really hate yuki, but hates himself. Now, you want him to un-hate himself a little & acknowledge tohru’s love? if he did, where will it lead to? they’ll both confess & live together without him telling her abt kyoko?? that’s deceit! Him telling her abt kyko? she won’t forgive him, she’ll hate him! it is better to leave with happy memories than leave after causing tohru harm. Heck! tohru forgiving him or not IS not the issue, at all. the issue is HIM. he can’t forgive himself. he’s unforgivable!
-The most tragic Foreshadowing: (Symbolism DONE Right!)
They meet after the semi-confession, things are not the same anymore! they try to awkwardly get back to normal. Kyo says “ it couldn’t be, (I won’t let my self think it)” we know why. tohru says “ I wont (let my self think it)” WHY?!!! what is the show hiding for tohru? we know kyo’s issue. it is the BEST untold issue!! but tohru? What is stopping her more than her denying herself? it gotta be convincing & deep. otherwise, the writer would ruin the best complicated emotional dilemma that she is building her climax on! I know I’ll like what’s in store for tohru. No way such writer will miss on this. This will be EPIC. The tear between them is one of furuba’s greatest visual symbolism. One image only causing enough heartache to balance & take away the laughter from the entire ep!! One image leaving you with a punch in the gut. leaving you frustrated as to “Nooooooo~ stop! get back together”. I’m not usually into romance as I’m not a romantic person, but furuba has weaved this tale of emotionally abused children with traumatic experiences & tied them together with faint romantic direction & one of the best slow burns in anime! steadily building up their romantic connection without making it forced or in your face or apparent. I still can’t pinpoint when it first happened! Well-done writer & anime team. 10/10 scene!
Side Notes:
Narrator-san is the BEST! He kept everybody in check! & did it in style!
I’d like to thank the director for bringing their A+ animators to this ep! Kyo mostly looks hot & handsome but not HD, but there’s this kyo animator that kills the kyo animation!! kyo’d have three long strands of hair on his nose & his eyes would have more light animation than the mono-light. You can TELL the eps they bring this animator on! (such as Se01,Ep5, kagura ep, etc. ) & tohru!!!! my girl was done right!!!! no weird animation, no extra small baby hands, no shoulders that start around chest area, no bangs that are drawn like they suddenly ran out of brown ink mid coloring! lol. yuki is pretty & HD in every ep & so is hana!!
Hana is the prettiest furuba character hands down! 
Let’s be honest, yuki could’ve said 1+1=2 & the school would’ve celebrated his wisdom! XD. I kinda wish he’d deliberately say sth stupid jst for the heck of it. part of breaking the perfect yuki image. XD.
The opening gag of the men ogling kisa is the most unnecessary scene in furuba, eww~ Not funny!
why is every character MUST be part of romantic couple in furuba? Even children? & they have their own mini love complications with jealousy & misunderstanding, pinning & all. lol
Kazuma. that’s it. that’s the note.
Hana was mocking fiction tropes (animosity in families, traditions pressuring youth, helpless heroine, love at first sight! XD, romance for romance, happily ever after romance, main male protagonist loving main female protg, magical beings saving the day). Best play ever!
why does it feel like kyo just came from war? XD. He was in last ep. perhaps cuz he was absent for most of the season after kagura’s ep, with cameos here & there, few lines & not much focus. But they made up for it & brought his face expressions game up! from annoyed, cat ears, love struck, teased, blushing, a white cartoon-ish cat with an orange cat inside his mouth, shirtless hot, childish jealousy for his papa, his fangs, his cat reflexes. Name it & you bet there’s a kyo face for it. XD.
Speaking of funny faces, prince yuki got one today! all thanks to machi. that’s what I call women power! XD.
What is this weird skin-colored thingi? school mascot?
I love that hiro is questioning the play. XD
momiji is back, I feel that it’s been long as I last saw him!
haru is hot. Haru is kind.
I love the small awkward tension between kyo/tohru as they met after the play, tohru’s faint sweat drops as she does her closed eyes smile & kyo’s sweat drop as he takes the food from her & talks abt shisho.
Shisho & kyo mini manga. is it published yet?
kyo & hana’s interactions are life!!!! XD.
Ayame deserves praise! costumes on point!!
Hana wins the one liners game. sorry haru, XD.
You know it is serious when kyo monologues! I used to think, it happens ONCE a season (ture form SE01,Ep24, akito confrontation, SE02,Ep,9)!! but he got one or two inner monologues lines today, if you count him repeating tohru’s line! Sh*t is going down! Will I hear more before the season ends???!! or will the honor goes to tohru?!! I can’t even imagine what’ll happen next!!!!
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I say this in the most serious way, some ppl would benefit living in a “walking dead” type of world. I see and hear some of y’all and it’s like... calm down with the narcissism, consumerism, thinking that everything must be given to you, behaving like a piece of shit to your non-hateful family, acting like an insufferable “I’m better than everyone else” type of person. you’re mad because you didn’t get the last trendy technology device ? some ppl don’t even have food 3 times a day on their table. get a reality check. it’s cool that you live in so much comfort that you don’t think of others but it’s time you open your fucking eyes. maybe you need some danger and fear in your life.
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harpersplay · 3 years
i was the anon that jade-marie answered. i saw ur reply and i just wanna say thank you. i’ve had such an attachment to the show/fandom that i really believed the bs other ppl said bc i had hope. when i initially read ur reply i was like “damn the truth is really hard to swallow”. i think that some fans are grieving and don’t wanna accept the truth.
and—can you explain how things work w television in the US. i’ve seen some of my fav shows get canceled without a clear understanding of why. for ex, the society on netflix got canceled bc of covid restrictions(or so i was told) a couple months after it was renewed. and i thought maybe there was a way to save it?? i assume that television is a business and that a network will invest in a show if it makes money. sometimes it feels like these networks are intentionally cruel & hate fans lol.
one last thing—not to be rude but how do you know abt how the business works. do you work in the business or have family?(also if you mind sharing)
you gave me the reality check i needed, thanks again lol. & thanks for reading!
Look, I’ve been AROUND; in life and in fandom. So I just don’t see the point of not being honest to myself or others. And I understand people grieving. I’ve been grieving the potential of the show since mid-S2.
But, here’s the problem: I made a post about Good Girls renewal that was posted to Reddit. I didn’t say I hoped the show got cancelled because it was the worst thing ever. I simply made what I felt was a fairly safe speculation about its chances. Then this lovely tweet was posted on Reddit in reponse to my post. You’ll see this person declares with certainty that the show is not getting cancelled; a certainty that was nowhere in my post. That spread and on Reddit and elsewhere—including my inbox—people were telling me I was negative, that I was a hater, that my speculations were baseless, etc. Fun! So no, I don’t feel bad about fans who are grieving now who were shitheads to me. Especially because if they would have read what I actually wrote instead of what they imagined I thought, they could have been a little bit prepared. And also, whenever I discussed racism or sexism or other topics deemed “negativity,” I was repeatedly told that “it wasn’t that deep/it’s just a tv show/I’m ruining the fandom experience (for white women).” But now that the show is going off the air, it’s a serious matter and we should respect people’s feelings. Sure. Except the ones that were always sub-tagging or being shitty in my inbox. I’m not going to pretend I care about their sadness. There is enough fakery in this fandom. No one died. The show was going to end eventually. You can watch the old seasons as often as you want. If the friends you made are real friends and not just part of your fandom bully clique, then you aren’t losing them. As my lovely anons would say: “It’s just a tv show.”
You can read my super controversial thoughts about renewal/cancellation here. That’s probably not all of them because I’m not the best at tagging. I also have a television is a business tag if you are interested.
i’ve seen some of my fav shows get canceled without a clear understanding of why [...]  sometimes it feels like these networks are intentionally cruel & hate fans lol
Unfortunately, it’s almost always about money. There is sometimes a situation like what recently happened with the Lethal Weapon reboot. But, yeah, usually just money. Netflix is especially shady about their expenditures (and fought for a long time to keep their viewership numbers secret; their methodology is still a little suspect) and they are swift with both greenlighting shows and cancelling them. So I guess in that way it could be seen as intentionally cruel. But their model is that they are not restrained by timeslots like normal networks. So they can have 40 new shows every 6 months if they wanted. And because of that, if something doesn’t stick, they trash it. I tend to hold showrunners more accountable than networks (traditional linear broadcast) because they have a feel for how their show is doing. So ending on a cliffhanger to force a network’s hand doesn’t hurt anyone but the fans. Writing crappy storylines knowing they only have a few episodes left only hurts the fans. Networks LOVE fans because they are free publicity machines. They are an unofficial street team that the networks don’t even need to pay in coffee & donuts like your average intern. So yeah I hold the showrunners accountable over the networks. But that’s my personal vibe.
one last thing—not to be rude but how do you know abt how the business works. do you work in the business or have family?(also if you mind sharing)
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