#another artwork I forgot to post here lol
loupy-mongoose · 9 months
Unfortunately I'm still struggling with this funk I'm in. I keep having moments where I get excited about something, and then suddenly I'm just not feeling it anymore. (I suspect it's partly because of "that time of the month".) It's frustrating. >m<
But I was able to complete some special non-drawing artworks that I can share!
If, uh... anyone remembers me mentioning a sewing project I started however long ago that was, I finally got around to finishing that! ...And then immediately dove into another one. XD (I know I said I'd make a post about the process--I still hope to do that someday. Although now it's at least three posts worth of info lol.)
Soooooo... Here's the subject of that project!
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This is the little critter that will be my plush Aneira! (Randy and Akoya's far-future daughter, for those who don't know or forgot.)
I tried to give her a slightly shorter left foot, to match her canon design, but the foot that ended up shorter was the right one. Sooo... I maaaay change that in-story as well. X3
But my follow-up project is something more special to me.
I wasn't satisfied when I set the two custom Mews up with the one I had bought specifically to be Randy.
So... I made him too. :3
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And then I got a silly little idea.
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I let them hold hands~
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Every new plushie I make beats out the previous one as my favorite work of art, and Randy is no exception. I'm super proud of how he turned out, and happy to have him and let him cuddle with his beloved IRL! <3
Oh, and I also made a little necklace for Akoya with some beads I found at work.
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She's purtty now. :3
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fumifooms · 4 months
I'm pan and I ship Marchil. Since when was shipping ever about if it was "gay enough" I have loads of gay ships, but none of them ship just because I want to ship something gay. As someone who is pan, it's all about character dynamics and how well or even just how interesting it would be for two characters to be in a relationship regardless of gender. It's totally unfair to put down one ship, ignore all the aspects that make it an interesting ship, all because it is straight(-passing).
And listen, I’m glad I didn’t put that post in tags lol I want for it to be peaceful in my corner, but also I woke up to this nice ask and not 10 anons with bad takes! Overall success. The dunmeshi discord server I’m in is much better on this issue than tumblr, and for marchil specifically there are even people who doodle for it sometimes but never post it publically! Spreading positivity is so much more important than spreading negativity, and positivity for marchil is spreading indeed 🌟 Their arcs and specific dynamic is so unique I am so crazy about them, I should really get that post analyzing their arc in excruciating details done… Oh shit I knew I forgot to do something for valentines
Whiiich speaking of there’s also a lil marchil doodle I wanted to clean up and post yesterday, so I’m looking forward to finishing that soon. Oh and marchil edits… And marchil fics… Lol they are monopolising my schedule. AND SPEAKING OF marchil fics a new one got uploaded to ao3 yesterday!! By the og marchil fic writer warrior that made the first 2 ones… And while I’m on the topic! There are two fics on Pixiv for them (besides mines) here tagged chirumaru, if like me you re desperate and want to scout out the whole internet for marchil content. Although, artworks are instead tagged maruchiru here for some reason. We are small but we are there 💥 Edit: ANOTHER NEW FIC TODAY?!! Stonks omfg
Happy Dungeon Meshi Thursday!! And Adventurer’s Bible 2 dropping! Expect things to be added into the marchil crumbs masterpost if not full new posts hehe
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syrupfog · 24 days
Gonna complain here bc it feels more private than doing it on twitter but like. I just saw someone complaining about people leaving thoughtful comments about fic in the fic’s tumblr post?
And like, I don’t get it! Tumblr tags have evolved to be a way of communicating! We get notifications when people reblog our posts AND the activities page now even shows the tags people use! But they were upset bc someone left nice tags instead of a comment on ao3, and I’m like… but by doing this they were using a method of communication that you, as the author, were going to be notified of it? Sometimes people send me anons saying that they loved my fic! (Not on this blog obviously lol but in my other fandom blog). That’s another way of leaving a comment that’s not directly in ao3 and it’s also, I think, equally valid!!
I think I’m just frustrated because, like, i saw people agreeing with them and I feel like everyone is being mean about a very nice thing! It IS less intimidating to leave tags instead of a comment! And as an artist, ALL the comments on my work are left via tags— so maybe I feel sort of invalidated, because I also rely on tags to communicate my love of other people’s artwork to them. I’ve definitely left tag compliments on fics before that maybe I forgot to comment on. I dunno!! And maybe this is a social moray that’s just different from fandom to fandom (the complaint I saw wasn’t from a fandom I’m in or I would not be so bold rn).
I dunno. I dunno!! I just!! I want people to be able to leave comments or compliments in any way they feel brave enough to, and I’m super sad that that post might discourage people from doing so.
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christarmewn · 11 months
Pokémon SwSh Masterpost Pt 1
Collection of all of my Pokémon Sword & Shield/Jirachi's Twin artwork.
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clarisse-doodles · 4 months
about me
I've been here for a while, but I don't think I've ever done this before & I wanted to introduce myself to the newer mutuals & followers so: hello! I'm Clarisse, just another random human on the internet. I love sunshine and pretty things, and my ridiculously long list of hobbies include birdwatching, painting, and crochet.
I enjoy reading DC comics but the ones with a lot of batfam drama are my (favorite!) guilty pleasure. I also love star wars, atla, and too many animated shows and movies to list down :)
but this blog is currently a batfam braindump! I post my artwork on here, and hopefully more of my writing + thoughts on comics & writing in the future.
I am a very shy and scatterbrained person & I'm bad at responding to messages sometimes. if I ignore you, I'm sorry and please don't take it personally! I probably just forgot to check my inbox/messages again.
sideblogs + other stuff:
@the-old-fashioned-girl // this is my main blog, where I post & reblog about whatever my current interest is. chances are it's either lotr, narnia, jane austen, or related to history in some way!
@wanderer-clarisse // started out as an art blog, but now I'm mostly posting tolkien artwork here! hoping to experiment more with comics & short animations in the future :)
instagram: wanderer_clarisse // I post art & photography here and other small glimpses of my daily life
ao3: wanderer_clarisse // I don't write that much, just wanted to put this here to confirm that yes, if you recognized the name, that is indeed I
#clarisse doodles: my artwork
#batfam: very self-explanatory lol
#star wars: star wars fanart & favorite posts!
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ungojirasapiente · 1 year
Ice Scream Digimon Partner Headcanons
remember my post about The Gray Garden Digimon headcanons?, well here's the Ice Scream edition!
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Shirogane Wanyamon > Gabumon > Wolfmon (Lobomon) > Garummon (KendoGarurumon) > MetalGarurumon X
explanation: my motif for this line was wolves, weapons and armour, i chose Gabumon for his quiet and timid personality that matches Shirogane's, the line then goes to a more heroic, warrior route to compliment the rare times Shirogane acts bravely, when he wants to defend his friends (like in the deleted Ice Scream comic in which he saves Rocma and in that one image where he shot Idate with his harpoon gun), speaking of harpoon gun, because of that the final form is MetalGarurumon X, a Digimon with quite a lot of firepower, and why the X-antibody variant and not the normal one... because i think MetalGarurumon X looks cooler.
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Poromon > Hawkmon > Owlmon > HippoGriffomon > Valdurmon
explanation: most of these lines are kinda hard to explain, specially this one, i just felt they went well with Yukisada's personality and design. Hawkmon is described as acting calm, cool and collected, i think Yukisada would enjoy having a calm friend to be with, Hawkmon could help him with taking care of people (specially Shiro) and the two could relax reading books and cooking. Owlmon because DUH and then Hippogriffomon to transition to the more mythical and angelic ending of the line, which caps off with Valdurmon, a mythical, holy bird Digimon.
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Hiyamon > Bearmon > Yukidarumon (Frigimon) > Blizzarmon > Marsmon
explanation: this one is a little bit easier to explain, Rocma is the most fighting capable inhabitant of Iceberg Isle (besides Idate) and is the only one who can actually keep up a fight with the orca, because of this, i made the line be themed with two concepts in mind, Bears (or artic mammals in general) and fighting, this is why the line starts with Bearmon, which then digivolves into Yukidarumon, a bear-looking snowman Digimon that can use it's freezing fists as an attack, then Yukidarumon digivolves into Blizzarmon, loosing the bear motif but keeping the artic mammal and warrior motif, and then finishing the line off with Marsmon, one of the members of the Olympos XII, know for his well-versed skills in combat technique, specially wrestling.
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i forgot the in-training/baby II form lol > Penmon > Chackmon > DaiPenmon > FrosVelgrmon
explanation: pretty easy to explain, penguins or other icy birds, starts with Penmon which then digivolves to Chackmon (because i couldn't find any good champion/adult level Digimon that matched the theme and i wanted to keep the whole "artic" motif going on...) then to DaiPenmon, and finally FrosVelgrmon, which is not a penguin but it is an ice-themed bird Digimon, so it fits.
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Pukamon > Gomamon > Ikkakumon > Zudomon > Vikemon
explanation: seals, just seals... and pinnipeds in general, it's the default Gomamon line, it just fits, they're both adorable, and also the visual of seeing this adorable seal girl with a gigantic walrus, a giant hammer-wielding monster and a viking furry is simply hilarious.
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Pinomon > Falcomon > Diatrymon > Vulturemon > Gundramon
explanation: Pinomon and Falcomon have similar eyebr... i mean, "decorative feathers" and also because Falcomon's and Rock's personalities are similar, Diatrymon because it's Falcomon's default digivolution and i couldn't find another Digimon that could work (there's probably one, but i myself couldn't find it), then Vulturemon, adding firearms to the line's motif, because Rock is sometimes drawn with a gun (like on his official website artwork right there) and then we take that firearm motif to the most logical conclusion and end the line with Gundramon, the giant fucking Mechagodzilla-like Digimon that has more guns than the average USA redneck.
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Bubbmon > Otamamon > Orcamon > MarinDevimon > ChaosSeadramon
explanation: this one was tough to make, i knew Idate had to have Orcamon, it was too obvious not to be in the line, MarinDevimon was also pretty easy come up with, Idate is quite the sadistic bastard and in-lore also has demon blood in his veins, so a ocean-themed demon Digimon was pretty obvious, the mega/ultimate level was tough, i decided to go with the pretty obscure ChaosSeadramon, to keep the whole evil/demonic motif going on. the in-training/Baby II and Rookie/Child one where tough, in the end i couldn't find any that would work nicely, so i had to choose something that would "kinda" fit, emphasis on those quotation marks, that's why i ended up setting with Bubbmon to Otamamon.
and that's it for now, i enjoyed making these lines, but it was pretty tough to put into written words why i chose each Digimon for each Character, some of these just came up because i thought "hey, that kinda fits"... so yeah, hope you guys enjoyed it, maybe i'll make another one later down the line, who knows.
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lerrryyyyy · 4 years
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『 Like a Runway 』
ꜱᴜᴋᴀᴊᴀɴ x ʜᴀɴʙᴏᴋ x ꜱᴛʀᴇᴇᴛᴡᴇᴀʀ x ꜱʜᴀɴɢʀɪ-ʟᴀ ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇᴘᴛ
For the STARTIST Prompt a few months ago where we draw VIXX in fashion inspired by any of their MVs.
Do not edit or repost my art.
Twitter | Instagram
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marshallpupfan · 2 years
My Marshall Collection! (June, 2022)
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It's been a while since I've shown off my Marshall collection! Things are a little different now, so I figure now's as good a time as any!
For those of you that missed it, I recently replaced my old display case because the sides were starting to bulge. Fortunately, I was able to find another one for a low price, not to mention it looks much nicer, too! It was about six inches wider though, so it couldn't fit in the same spot. To give everything more space, I ended up rearranging my entire room to place my collection on the opposite wall. Imo, I think it looks better than it did before!
And much like the last time I posted pics of my collection, I figured I'd briefly talk about each section. Well, let's get started!
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Over on the left, you'll find the majority of my plush dolls, as well as a few other things here and there. Not too much has changed, except I was able to make the shelves on the wall much wider, so now I can fit more up there whenever I purchase more plush dolls (or other items, such as a few Marshall backpacks I have my eye on).
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Over in the corner, you'll find some books! For these, I decided to focus on ones that center around Marshall, or he's the biggest pup featured on the cover. In truth, I'll be replacing this bookshelf eventually, since there's not much room left for the other books I plan on purchasing. Hopefully I'll find something that'll work out better.
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This mini shelf seen one of the bigger changes. Previously, it had a bunch of plush dolls, but I decided to relocate them in order to make room for DVDs! Much like the books, I focused on ones about Marshall or he's the biggest pup featured on the cover. And similar to the books, I have a few more I plan on buying despite the little room I have left. Yeah... I'm not sure how I'll solve this issue yet. lol
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This smaller bookshelf is a new addition. I originally had other plans for it, but because my new display case is too tall to place the larger plush dolls on top again, I had to relocate them here.
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In the middle of my collection is my TV, once again showing off my Laptop wallpaper! And of course, my Ready Race Rescue theatrical poster is right above it! There's a window right behind it, so just pretend those are theater curtains or something. lol
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On the right, we've got my new display case... but before that, take a look at the items on the wall next to it! Also, I had to retake this picture later, and I totally forgot to turn the TV back on. Oops!
Here, you'll find my EMT Marshall wall art, the badges that came with some figurines, two walkie-talkies, artworks sent to me by a friend, and a bunch of framed pictures I printed off. Seeing as how the new display case doesn't stick out as far as the old one, I was able to fit in a few more, though I replaced a few, too. The new pictures include Sheep-disguise Marshall, EMT Marshall, Marshall sleeping with Squeakin'Beam, Marshall covered in stickers, and still one of my personal favorite outfits, Marshall in his Rescue Knights armor!
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On the bottom of the Display case, we've got Marshall's many vehicles! I decided to rearrange them a bit differently this time, so most of them are all together now. I had to stick two on the floor, but I kinda like it like that.
Because the new display case is wider, I was able to get both his Ultimate Fire Truck and Movie Fire Truck on the same shelf. I decided to place the True Metal vehicles in front of them. The smaller, plastic vehicles were placed elsewhere.
Above that, you'll find the majority of the figurines! Many of them are Marshall wearing his usual fireman gear, but of course, there are so many other outfits on display, such as him in his Ultimate Fire Gear, his Pup-Fu Gi, all versions of his Mighty Pups super suits, Rescue Knights, Dino Rescue, Moto Pups, etc.! That new step shelf I made for them a few months ago doesn't fill up the entire shelf, so I stuck one of those big toys at the end to fill up the space. I think it works!
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Nearing the middle, we've got the biggest shelf housing most of my bigger, non-plush items. The Marshall-shaped shampoo bottle (imported from the UK), two bubble makers, ceramic piggy (puppy?) banks, bobble heads, an alarm clock, that large piñata I always struggle to find a spot for, that large multi-color face lightbulb, among other things. The smaller vehicles were relocated here, since there wasn't much room for them with the other vehicles.
Many other various items are right above that, including a talking coin bank (also imported from the UK), coffee mugs, bath toys, a bunch of Christmas ornaments, some candy dispensers, etc.. Admittedly, this is my favorite out of all the shelves.
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Nearing the end of my collection, we've got this final shelf displaying additional items, such as the lunch boxes, Good2Grow bottles, the many mini figurines found in those mystery boxes. etc..
Last, on the very top of the display case, we've got the final batch of plush dolls, including the one I recently found for $1 that I cleaned and sewed up!
And there you go! As Tumblr has a limit of ten images per post, I'm unable to focus on everything I wanted to talk about, so hopefully this does the job well enough. But to think, they've released so much merchandise of one character... and yet, I'm still nowhere close to owning everything of Marshall! Crazy thought, huh?
To say this least, I see this collection as a testament to just how crazy I am about the character. I know I say this often, but this spotted pup really is my #1 favorite animated character of all time! He means a lot to me, which is why I made these MarshallPupFan accounts, why I post daily pics of him, why I enjoy showing off his merchandise, and why I even went as far to purchase my own Marshall mascot costume to represent him in my town's parade (that plan's still pending, however). Seriously, I just love this character to death! In my eyes, he's one of the greats, and I can't imagine PAW Patrol being anywhere near as good without him!
As always, I hope you all enjoyed seeing my collection again! 😁
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joanolo · 2 years
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Hai, hello! For those who don't know, My name is Lumi! and I'm the second owner of this very lovely blog! A long few years ago, the first owner couldn't keep the blog much longer because of things going on in their life (if i recall) and they had made a post asking if anyone wanted the blog name and so i talked to them and i was given the ship name Joanolo! At the time, i was a huge fan of the book of life and the ship and i felt for a while i was doing a good job running this blog! but sadly many things started to come up, i was not only getting into new fandoms but also fighting for life. Lots of stuff came up in life and i just forgot about this blog... i have changed a lot since then and there been times i would think about the blog and how wonderful the fandom was It is now 2022, so much has happened and i feel it's time... time to rejoin what was once a very lovely fandom, an amazing blog and just feel like i'm joining again for the first time! I'm very unsure if anyone still keeps up with this blog, if you do, then i bow my hat to you all!! i have moved many blogs and would switch to new blogs but never once did i left this one behind. I want to fix it up here, make it feel fresh and new! i truly do miss the book of life and this very cute ship! Without them both, i wouldn't have had my ideas come to life. To this day i thank the book of life for that. A movie that i can still say i enjoy watching even tho it's been many years lol I look forward to redesign everything, fix up a about post, look for new posts to reblog and even bring my own artwork here! i might be removing a lot of posts that i feel has aged like milk tho lol-- it might just be of my old art since i remember rebloging it to here and i feel like you all deserve much more better art from me aaa;;;; From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to read this! i want to bring this blog back to life and be able to enjoy it again! i'll try to post another update very soon! for now i'm mostly going to force on a clean up and getting some stuff ready as well as making a banner and icon! i will see you all soon! -admin lumi
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theliterarywolf · 3 years
In case anyone's curious about the latest batch of insanity over on artist Twitter, some random bitch did the ol' 'Fixed your shitty art for you, lol' to another Japanese artist. The art in question was a human version of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles and the random bitch decided that fixing it meant... Making Knuckles black.
Also said random bitch was white. Because of course.
And now another Japanese Twitter user went and made a post warning Japanese artists about what to do if someone starts harassing them over artwork and people are getting their panties in a bunch because the post mentions things to look out for as: if they have pronouns in their bio, if they have BLM or ACAB in their bio, if their under 18, etc.
Oh, another funny bit I forgot to add: apparently one of the main people throwing a tantrum over that 'beware of this' post might very well be the same person who attacked that one Splatoon artist on here for drawing Marina too light when, in reality, it was shading since the art was for that orange juice Splatfest a while back.
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seiishindraws · 2 years
I remember you making a artfol account a while back? How has that been like? Is it any good?
oh my god i completely forgot about it LMAO
i mean it was fine, but i have trouble remembering to post to all my social media (i consistently forget to post here pretty often lol) so adding another onto the list usually means i'll eventually forget about one of them. for a while i was REALLY bad at updating this tumblr page with my art too haha
i think the thing i disliked most about it was the requirement to title everything you post, which is something i hadnt done since my deviantart days. and yeah makes sense since its more of a gallery but i do like how posting on twitter or tumblr doesnt require you to title everything
i personally dont think a set-up like deviantart or artfol can work anymore with how social media has evolved, and i think tumblr at its peak was honestly the best kind of site to upload your artwork to. i still think tumblr's Fantastic for posting art, but there's just not as many people on it nowadays. i hope it doesnt disappear anytime soon though, i quite like it
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roseprincessarts · 2 years
He'll Be Okay Soon...
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1 had been suffering from alot of pain and illness in his chest. He was beginning to warm up increasingly. The elder stitchpunk became more sick than he ever has been. 1 was told by 9 that he will be needed to rest and regain his strength. 1 did what he was told and laid on his stomach in bed. He felt a little pain there as well. He tried to catch his breath, breathing more calmly. 1 coughed constantly, and can feel pain in his chest even more. His daughter, ShadowSilver became more worried, that her father would be in critical condition if he keeps coughing to death.
A few hours later, 1's coughing started to calm down. He slept for good hours, his body muscles calming down. He was getting old quite quickly. ShadowSilver had decided to check on him. She walks over to him, sat on the side of his bed. 1 was holding his pillow, hugging it and buries his face into it. His breathing was quite calming. He was more tired and slept peacefully. ShadowSilver sighs with a smile and placed her hand on 1's shoulder, stroking it left to right, trying not to wake him. She was making sure her dad wasn't in pain.
He'll be okay soon..., Were her thoughts. She loved him, and wanted him to get better. ShadowSilver continued to stroke 1's shoulder, until he groaned from his sleep by his daughter's touch. ShadowSilver's smile started to disappear into a surprised frown. 1 sighed deeper, and ShadowSilver sighed as well softly. "You'll be okay... father." She whispered to him.
1 groaned and sighed, and ShadowSilver felt his body moving up and down as he breathed. His heart and his chest started to feel pain a bit. 1 sighed again and groaned even more. His muscles were too tired to move.
"... ShadowSilver?" The elder whispered his daughter's name tiredly.
ShadowSilver sighed at her half-conscious father. She then gets up from his bed to walk over to his other side. She bented down to face him. She gave him a tiny smile.
"...Hey, father..." ShadowSilver said softly. "...how are you feeling?"
1 opened his eyes tiredly, facing his daughter's beautiful face. He sighs, then closed his eyes once again. "...Tired... I'm in pain right now".
ShadowSilver then crossed her arms on 1's bed to face closer to him, frowning sadly. "...Yeah? You'll get better soon. You just need to rest more to regain your strength."
1 sighed, then stroked his fingers into the locks of his daughter's hair, then caresses her face.
He opened his eyes to see her face before going back to sleep. "You're beautiful..." The elder whispered.
ShadowSilver blushed softly at his words. 1 then wrapped his arm back into the pillow and slept more. ShadowSilver sighed then gets up before leaving the room.
"Love you. Get some rest." She says softly, and 1 nodded, still feeling pain in his chest. ShadowSilver then walked away to let her dad sleep and left the room, hoping her father will get better after his rest.
Man, I have to stop spamming people, but decided to post this now before tomorrow because I might be taking a break from posting anything on DA with working on my Pikmin fanfic, which I haven't gotten into yet ^_^;. I know it's late to post this lol. I will be at my bros house also so the fanfic might be done till Sunday or Monday ^_^'.
Anyways, here's another 9 artwork and another father/daughter artwork of 1 and ShadowSilver ^^. I came up with this idea real quick ^^. I wanted this one to be a beautiful moment of a father/daughter to be more comforting, heartwarming and fluffy as possible along with all ^^.
I was watching My Hero Academia while posting this ^w^;. And I did play Hey! Pikmin and more Hyrule Warriors for a bit until I had other stuff to do. I was gonna memorize my lines for the play at my school, but I never got the time to do that and haven't get into it yet since working on the film for my virtual school, which I didn't get into or have time to do either T_T.
Damn it, I forgot 1's stitches on his face 🤦. Oh well oof X(
I feel like I have drawn more 1 and ShadowSilver father/daughter artworks more than 5 x ShadowSilver ^^;. Don't you worry, they will be there soon (if I have time to draw with my ideas or so XD). What y'all think of this?🥰
1 and 9 ©Shane Acker, Tim Burton, Timur Bekmambetov and Focus Features
ShadowSilver and art ©@SuperShadowSilver
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sunshineshinobi · 3 years
sasuke is the heroine
i’ve seen posts about it before, and recently it’s been on my mind for whatever reason... i just wanted a place for my lump-sum of evidence that sasuke is, in fact, the heroine of Shippuden. he is quite literally the plot for most of if not the entire show, and he is constantly referenced as being attractive/desirable for his looks (much more than any other character). he is consistently posed in suggestive ways, almost like a “damsel in distress waiting for her hero” type of framing. here’s an example of an official cover art for what i’m guessing is early Shippuden:
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this is from Shippuden opening 2, Distance. there are about a million ways to symbolize that a character is under the control of another character without being this sensual, lol
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this i believe is from Shippuden opening 4 (i already forgot lol)... the quality is super poor but it seems like he is naked in this one, and screenshots don’t really do it justice because the framing of the scene is even more suggestive imo
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this is from ending 9.. again, the lewd-ish “waiting for my hero” posing. also to note that everyone else in this ending is fully clothed, lol.
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and from ending 27, this almost body-pillow-esque pose:
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...and this is just from my quick search through the ops and eds, i’m sure there is more of this similar posing in other official artworks and even the episodes themselves. for reference, there are a fewww similar poses that Sakura gets in some of the outros (usually the ones that are girl-themed, with all of the female shinobi) but even then, it isn’t to the extent in which they present Sasuke.
i’m not saying that a character has to be sexualized for them to be considered a love interest, but i do think it’s bizarre in how much emphasis there is on Sasuke being an object of desire. not only that, but the way these scenes are framed always make it so that Naruto is chasing after him (like the framing of the first image in this post - obviously you can watch the ops/eds for yourself to see what i’m talking about!)
i also think it could explain the weird hate-boner that a lot of the (male) fans of Naruto have for Sasuke - it might be disconcerting for them to see an antagonist presented so vulnerably and sensually.
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shinechermont · 3 years
(Last atualized at 03/10/2024)
• About the owner of the blog
Hello everyone! My name is A.C. Chermont, but you guys can call me just AC or Shine (username, y'know) or Phemto (which is my monstersona's name). I am currently at UTMV and Repurpose (Visual Novel) fandoms!
I have a persona and a monstersona, which are below here:
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(if you scroll through the tags or even this page, you may see other sona designs, but I preferably rather that you consider these the main ones - though the other sonas actually still are canon)
• Works and projects.
I've been working on a couple projects, besides my drawings.
The first one is Unexpected Changes. A fanfic I am currently working on.
The second one is my small au called Angel AU. You can use these links to have more information about it.
The third one is an askblog with my ship kids and ocs. There are a couple things happening there.
The fourth one is the role-swapped au where the bad sanses and the star sanses change roles.
The fifth is a quiz where you can find which skelly would really, really like you, based on my interpretation.
The sixth is a project I started with an old friend a long time ago, another discord server where we could also hang out and talk about utmv related things (please tell me if the link isnt working! The invite may have expired!)
Also a lil disclaimer: I have an art tag ( #ac art ), but it is new and I didn't actually managed to tag my oldest artworks, so if you are curious I recommend you to go through other tags (im sorry im trying to fix this but it happens that I have too many posts lol)
• About my ship kids and ocs
This link is from a post with all of my ocs and their birthdays. There, you can know more about them.
There is also a post where I talk more about my Errorinkdeath family and other one where you can see some random curiosities about my ocs.
Also, if you wanna see more about my characters, I recommend you to search the tags with their names. There may have more things about them I forgot to put here :'3
• Permissions and restrictions.
Things you CAN do in this blog:
- Send asks
- Send drawings and writings, and also headcanons (I enjoy reading them)
- You can dm me. I may not be able to answer too soon but I WILL answer you at some point.
- Send requests.
Things you CAN'T do in this blog:
- Talk about NSFW subjects or send content like that in my DMs or askbox.
- Use racist or lgbt-phobic terms (be it on asks or comments).
-Repost my art without credit. Preferably, ask permission if you want to repost my art (and the answer won't be always yes), but I won't admit that if you don't credit me.
These are the main restrictions for now.
Thank you guys so much for reading until here! Hope you have a nice time while visiting this blog <33
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on-stardust-wings · 3 years
It says to send ramble prompts, but I have a question? A favor? You're an active Good Omens blog that tags posts. Can you post a list of common tags to help find things on this hellsite?
Oh, hello!
I'm afraid I cannot tell you how to find things on this hellsite; not even the Old Hellsite Gods know that. I can however do my best to explain the tags I use for this small, specific circle of hell(site). (And no worries, as shall be immediately demonstrated, I can and will ramble even about tags.)
I never intended for the tags here to be anything but a help to find things myself, so I'm not sure how useful you'll find them? A very common but useless for anyone but me tag for example is "my posts and additions". It used to be two tags, one for posts where I was the op and one for things I added to someone else's post, but as most of the posts I make are meta discussion stuff, the whole point is that people add to them and you can bounce thoughts back and forth, so it became that catch both versions thing. But it really only exists so I can find my own posts for personal reference and stuff; why would anyone else want to specifically find my ramblings? Another useless tag is "good omens"... This is my Good Omens sideblog, so almost everything here is Good Omens.
Okay. So. Common and/or actually useful tags. (How to tag search note: you can find tagged posts by entering the tag into the URL bar of your browser behind a blog's address. Replace all spaces with a dash. So searching for "good omens" on my blog will become "https://on-stardust-wings.tumblr.com/tagged/good-omens". I'm putting links for the bigger things, but I'll still be here by Christmas if I link every individual thing. As you will see, it's quite a list.)
There are things I consider Category Tags, which are pretty self-explanatory:
"good omens season 2" or "good omens 2" (Block that to avoid spoilers. I try to be consistent, but I'm fairly sure I've spelled it out as "two" a few times, or forgot the "season", so to be safe, block all conceivable versions of those if you need.)
"good omens meta"
"good omens headcanon"
"good omens fanart"
"good omens fic" (other fic tags are "good omens fic rec", "ficlet" for the short read-on-tumblr things, and "my fics" and "my writing" which is currently just a bit of ramblings about writing progress and anecdotes, but will be more about the actual fics once I start posting something)
"behind the scenes"
Character Tags are usually a character's full name (so "Newton Pulsifer" instead of "Newt"). For filtering, these are useful if you're looking for stuff including one of the less common characters, but as so many posts are tagged "Aziraphale" and "Crowley", usefulness for filtering of those two character tags is debatable. But I do use them consistently, so knock yourself out finding an endless list of Crowley posts.
Topic Tags filter for something specific, like scenes, events, settings or themes.
These include the Through the Ages Tags: "Eden", "the Fall", "1941", "1967", "1862", "the Bastille", "the Flood", "the Crucifixion", "41 AD" (might be sometimes tagged as "41 A.D." or simply as "Rome"), "Wessex", "the Globe" and "2007".
Events I know I have tagged would be "the Body Swap", "the Bandstand" and "the Bookshop Fire". Other common topic tags are "Aziraphale's Bookshop", "Crowley's Flat", "Crowley's Plants", "the Bentley", "Heaven", "Hell", "Holy Water", "Hellfire", "the Eagle Lectern", "the Wrestling Angels", "the Convent", "the M25", "love", "friendship", "imagination", "miracles" and I'm sure I've forgotten something.
Try "lol" or "OMG I'm wheezing" for funny things, and "oops it's sad" for posts that happened to catch the angst and depression train.
As they tend to be hard to find, posts with Book!Omens content of any kind are tagged "book omens".
I also have a tag for "wings", because wings are epic. Searching by that will give you lots of cool artwork with beautiful and fluffy angel and demon wings, plus a handful of meta discussion and fic.
Some non-Good Omens tags that sometimes come up are "fanfiction", "writing" (and variances and combinations thereof), "queer" and "ace stuff". But very few things here aren't Good Omens.
I suppose that's it. Happy fighting with the hellsite search and filtering function.
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beenjen · 3 years
Learned last week, my first ‘adult job’ boss, who was an absolute positive ray of light, had very advanced lung cancer. She had been feeling poorly for a while, though felt it was her weight, so much going on with work and her own mother, and she ignored it until her doc had her get a chest x-ray. This was 3 weeks ago, she passed last night. She was slated to retire in January. I feel like she was fucking robbed. She was such a hard worker, a beautiful person guys, heart of pure gold. Her name was Kelly.
It’s brought so many people back into my life, as you know, you move around places, jobs, and you have people come into your life and leave. It’s been lovely to reconnect with these old friends, as so many have said, ‘Kelly made us a family.’ It was the best job. I loved working there and for a time, years in fact, it was the gig to beat all gigs. I stayed there, changing shifts and roles, for 10 years. In fact I still work for the same company, just in another facility/location and in yet another role. You just lose touch with people. We all made promises to reconnect post covid for a bon fire or meal, and I hope we keep with that plan.
On the flip side, I graduated from my yoga teacher training tonight. Via zoom naturally. It’s anticlimactic. It is a cool accomplishment though. My hubby took jamis to the store to get me a card and some candy, hubby wrote the sweetest note inside and Jamis, in big letters, just wrote his name - ohh the feels.
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I’m having these opposing feelings, deep sadness for my friend. That she will not know retirement. That she will miss her grandkids. That she passed too soon.
Happiness that I accomplished this feat of ytt, while a pandemic was raging, and the craziness of life the past several months.
Then I feel suffocated. As though there are things to do and places to go and we are running out of time. I suppose we are.
On a lighter note, at work, each station decorates their cubbies, and here is the best design by far 🦠
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I also remembered I had signed up to take drinks/treats to stock the teachers lounge at daycare - which, gah am I so glad I didn’t forget 🤦🏻‍♀️
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All that’s left is preparing for the kids Christmas parties, send little presents and treats for everyone, something for their teachers. For Lilith’s Christmas show, they are doing a class-by-class parking lot parade where the kids sing their selection of songs, at a specific time, and the involved parents come to a designated spot for the show. Pretty creative. J’s school is having a ‘wreath walk’ where they have each classes artwork set out on the walkway and a themed wreath, then a fire with hot chocolate. Both really great distance options as best as can be, and a way to celebrate.
It feels as though I’ve ran a marathon? Getting through this stretch lol I know that sounds so ridiculous, we all have so many irons in the fire, but mainly, that I didn’t forget any huge components? We all are fed, clothed, bills paid, cleanish house, Christmas ready... yeah, I’d say if you are reading this, WE MADE IT 💪🏼
Tomorrow is Thursday. In case anyone forgot xx
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