lemonthepotato · 6 months
The Ambiverts Strike Again: Mbtiythbusters
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For the record the ‘mbtiythbusters’ thing is a joke I hope I don’t have to turn this into a series.
First of all, here is a collage I made of ‘ANFP’ types and more before anyone says I’m ‘lying.’ And the names are censored for reasons. Use your noggin.
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So… yeah, here’s why none of this makes sense. Also, apparently this post is “mature” according to tumblr.
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Or, look at:
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futbolchileno · 9 months
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heronetworkgg · 1 year
La ePrimera regresa este 2023 bajo la producción de Bizarro
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A través del Instagram de la competencia oficial de la ANFP, ePrimera, se ha anunciado su regreso para este 2023, eso si, con un importante cambio en su producción, ya que ahora será producida por Bizarro Live, misma productora que hace algunas semanas atrás anunciaba su evento relacionado a videojuegos, hablamos de GamersCity. Entre los […]
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laopiniononline · 2 years
Fútbol Chileno se cuadra con Fundación Las Rosas: Personas mayores salen a la cancha
Fútbol Chileno se cuadra con Fundación Las Rosas: Personas mayores salen a la cancha
Residentes de Fundación Las Rosas, saldrán a la cancha este fin de semana. ¡Con todas las canas!, se llama la acción que busca visibilizar a las Personas Mayores y el gran aporte que han realizado y siguen entregando a la sociedad. Octubre es el Mes de Las Personas Mayores en el cual se busca visibilizar y valorar el aporte que realizan a la sociedad. Es por eso que Fundación Las Rosas en…
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eltelescopiocl · 2 years
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COMUNICADO OFICIAL ANFP POR EL USO DE INSIGNIAS PARA CAMPAÑA POLÍTICA. En relación a la publicación en redes sociales de la diputada Karol Cariola, la Asociación Nacional de Fútbol Profesional (ANFP), en representación de los clubes del fútbol chileno aludidos, manifestamos nuestro total desacuerdo con la utilización de la imagen y emblema de los clubes, relacionándolos con manifestaciones políticas. Condenamos la manipulación que la diputada Cariola intenta generar en los hinchas del fútbol con fines no deportivos. La ANFP manifiesta que el fútbol no es un espacio para realizar campañas políticas y recuerda que la FIFA, en el artículo 4 de sus estatutos, se declara 'neutral en materia de política y religión'. Cobreloa Colo Colo Curicó Unido Ñublense Palestino Santiago Wanderers Unión Española Universidad Católica Universidad de Chile #anfp @eltelescopio.cl (en Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg7tsy-OVB7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marcussour · 7 months
Como único (?) sobreviviente de la megafauna tumblrística de wns chilenos más viejos (pa la demografía promedio de esta página) que creen que Chile puede clasificar mientras todavía tenga opciones matemáticas -calculadora my beloved-, llega a dar vergüenza ver a estos wns. Creo que ni pa esa eliminatoria pal 2002 donde terminamos últimos se jugaba tan mal, y al final esta wea es un reflejo más de la cagá que tiene la ANFP a todo nivel desde que Piñera puso a Milad ahí (porque de alguna u otra forma todo siempre se reconduce a algo donde Piñera metió su brazos cortos), ocupando los rendimientos decrecientes de la generación dorada pa tapar el sol con un dedo por años, hasta ahora tener a weones que sólo siguen ahí dando la cacha porque tienen el nombre más que fútbol o presente pa jugar a nivel de selección, cuando ni siquiera juegan en sus equipos (Alexis x ej, que manera de cagarla con irse de Francia).
A estas alturas preferiría que sacaran a todos los wns y dejaran a la sub 23 pa foguearlos pensando en el mundial subsiguiente, y con algunos nombres calados (Suazo, Echeverría, Catalán, Ben), y todo el resto, muchas gracias, hasta luego. Increíble que weones que son buenos o sobre la media en otros lados vengan acá y se achanchen y no puedan ganarle a una manga de weones discretos, estando con 1 más.
Mi único consuelo es que si sacan a Berizzo, al menos no hay eliminatorias hasta septiembre. Aunque me apiado del wn que quiera hacerse cargo de esta wea, teniendo a la manga de culiaos ineptos en la ANFP.
En fin, ese fue mi desahogo que seguro sólo le debe importar como a 2 personas más por acá.
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naapurinheluna · 2 months
i just realised that i probably should introduce myself to the people who somehow stumble in my profile (no idea how you got here but welcome i guess)
my name’s emmi but people also call me kuu and heluna (that’s a long story lmao)
my pronouns are they/she but i prefer they/them but she/her is ok too :)
i’m finnish!
my sun is leo ♌︎, moon cancer ♋︎ and rising capricorn ♑︎ !
my mbti is anfp (i mean the test gave me enfp but i’ll say i’m an ambivert soo)
i’m aroace !
i’m a marlene kinnie !!
i love photography and lately i’ve been photographing gigs :)
i also throw hammer lmao
i get obsessed about things very easily but the obsession isn’t usually long (and that’s sad cause i would’ve loved staying obsessed about some things in the past that i just grow out ig)
i can speak finnish, english and surprisingly lot of swedish & i’m trying to learn french rn (currently 3,5 years streak on duolingo, i swear that bitch is gonna kill me one day)
i LOVE listening to music
here’s some artists that i listen (sorry, half of them are finnish :’)): haloo helsinki!, avril lavigne, conan gray, abba, kotiteollisuus, damona, joker out, pilvet pilvet, apulanta, måneskin, marina, bon jovi, maustetytöt, olivia rodrigo, linda, kuumaa & ellinoora
eurovision 2023 is my roman empire
i own a very dark humor sooo
currently in my marauders and p4perback era lmao
ok i’ll stop the yapping now
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thomas-mvller · 1 year
According to local media, ANFP (Chilean football association) wants Chile nt to play friendlies with teams outside of latin america (specifically europe) and mentioned they were surprised to see Peru playing against Germany so they started a process to secure a match against them as well 🤯
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Do not let me introduce myself, because that is exactly what I'm going to further discuss. I usually just straight-out delve into things, and whatever people understand of it, is. To them, not to me. I am who I am to myself.
In a world where I prefer to express and let others interpret, I simply talk of my passions and subjects of interest. From those people might get to know me, not from self-proclaimed titles. Some might say I never talk of myself - but I do. All the time. I just don't explicitate it, because people are never explicit. If they think they are, they're just blind or lying.
I'll take my chances and just say a couple of things that might sit right or might just not with some people, in case anyone is interested (I certainly am).
On the ENFP-INFP dilema:
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While one might look at ENFP and say, oh, they're an extravert so they must be random and all over the place and cheerful and hyped, well, one forgets about the NFP part of the problem. NFP, especially NP, is generally an introverted area of MBTI. Why? Because you take information from the outside world, but you process it internally, in your own space, judgement-free. It requires quite a lot of depth and care, so ENFP is not necessarily a superficial sort, but rather they gather information, understand it, and then they excitedly share it with the world. The inside-outside interaction is sentimental and informational, not energetical. They don't require energy from others, like a textbook extravert would, but rather they send energy into the world, and yet without feeling immediately drained like an introvert would.
An INFP, in this scenario, would gather all this information, would process all these emotions, and then they'd just keep it mostly to themselves. Or, if they would indeed feel the need to free themselves of it, they'd write it down, perhaps publish the thing, just as long as it doesn't require a more continuous direct interaction.
In both cases, however, we have Ne, which means neither are recluse. The INFP doesn't hide from people, they just don't feel the same need for sharing. They do, however, like to observe, to analyze, to understand the outside world, they are interested in the outside world.
Can ambiverts exist? Right in the middle, no. There's always going to be something that tips the balance one way or the other. There's no ANFP. But one can fluctuate between ENFP and INFP. Jung himself, who defined the introvert-extravert terminology and put it to use, didn't like it being a way to indefinitely label people, because the human psyche and personality is dynamic, it is a living thing, and therefore it is perpetually changing, evolving, adapting. Perhaps the reason for being an introvert and retreating from the world is mistrust caused by past trauma, and once that is healed, the person doesn't hide anymore. Perhaps they become an extravert. Or perhaps the reason for them being extraverted was their need to fit in and be accepted, and once that is out of the way and dealt with, they might even prefer to spend more time with themselves.
The point is not to label anyone or anything. What do we need labels for? Perhaps one fluctuates between all of these, N/S, F/T, P/J. I've certainly seen a couple such cases, and they weren't dysfunctional, they weren't standing out, they weren't trying to seem special. Nothing is fixed in life, and searching for something to fixate upon is just going to cage you if you take it too seriously.
With the risk of being bashed for it, I'll argue that the same thing happens with sexuality and gender identity nowadays. The groups get smaller and smaller and there's a name for each one and nobody likes themselves anymore until they've found the right name for themselves. The pronouns are boxes, however comfortable and convenient they might be. Because one might think LGBTQA+ is just one big family and friendly community, but it isn't. Why? Variability. It can never be uniform, sexuality is a spectrum. How can one assume that about this community and, in the same manner, how can they assume it about the so-called majoritary "straight" one? Nothing is, in fact, majoritary, when we're talking about the soul, the psyche, the mind - basically, only the appearance may be majoritary, and we're afraid to look beyond it. That's what labels are for, after all, right? Appearance. We concern ourselves too much with how we appear, with how we present ourselves, and too little with how we actually are. We don't let ourselves just be. How we're called has become part of who we are, and that is why this is such a sore subject to approach - if done tactlessly, we are hurt, our identity is hurt, because we've unknowingly linked our identity to how others identify us. Our image is no longer our own, but a reflection of the outside world. We let others tell us who we are, or we tell them who we are and when they try to correct us we feel the need to defend ourselves - as if identity was written on a board and they could just erase and rewrite it. They can't. We are who we are. That is all, no need for protecting something that is untouchable.
Similar to this is religion. Spirituality is personal and untouchable, and yet religion implies communion, and a community. However, community isn't unity. Why do we feel the need to negate a person's religious identity just because it differs from ours? How many conflicts and wars and massacres have been led in the name of religion and in the name of protecting religious identity over the course of history? Too many. It's interesting then, really, that religion and sexuality are similar concepts. Labelling. Thinking belief can be uniform when it is the most intimate of things. If we all are different, then each of our beliefs are different. Exclusion, then, is just as useless as inclusion. Live and let live, believe and let believe, love and let love, these are the most important. We see so many people claiming to be Christians, Muslims, Buddhists etc., but they're all just names in the end - not the appearance, but the inside of a soul is what matters, and if a Christian murderer is more accepted than an atheist saint, then what in God's name are we doing? Isn't it much simpler not to let names define us, and just state our beliefs, if asked? We use our beliefs as weapons, as shields, as banners, but we actually have no idea what faith is and what value means. I've seen too many Believer-Nonbeliever fights online and I can just say that they are all defending something that cannot be reached by any external factor anyway. Atheists are believers too, and they hold their belief just as close to their hearts as anyone else. Belief is sacred, and unique - and definitely labelless. If we put a name to it, it becomes hollow. You will never find two Christians who believe the same way in their hearts, no matter what comes out of their mouths. If you want to experience God, you have to experience God. Experience is individual - belief is individual - identity is individual - personality is individual. Groups are meant to have at least one common trait, not to be completely identical - remember that.
On the same subject one might also argue the Enneagram. How complicated must we make it in order for us to fit in it? There are so many variants it makes my head hurt, and all it does at the end of the day is put people in little boxes and find excuses for them, or explanations for their behaviours on the principle that everything has a cause and a scope (it doesn't, some things just are). People don't like to be. People want to be something. A character that fits a description. It's gotten quite out of control, really. The reason behind this is that they need the reassurance that there's someone out there just like them, that there is in fact a whole group that resembles them in certain aspects, because then they won't feel defectuous anymore, or left out, or like an alien, an outsider. They'll feel included and perfect, in their own unique, but not too unique, way. I might say, the desperate need for affiliation is, in fact, the real sin here.
There is a certain percentage of accuracy to these things. To categorising in any way. It never reaches 100%. And even if it does, that 100% is merely 1% of who you are. There is much more to you than MBTI or Enneagram or The Big 5 or sexuality or religion or your sign or your tattoo or anything else.
Surely, I myself could go and say, oh, I'm a 749 - so/sx - 7w8 4w5 - slxei - ENFP/INFP - IEE-1Fi - WLEP - ELVF etc., but I'm not going to reduce myself to that. It's too little of who I am (it starts to look like a barcode anyway - perhaps that's what they meant by The Number of the Beast, eh? I am not a number; I am a free man! - hope you enjoyed that reference as much as I did). Even if I went further and explained all my astrological aspects, how I've got 🌙 and 🔆 as dominant planets that give me intuition and sensibility, enthusiasm and passion, followed by 🪐 which gives me good communication and oratory skills, it wouldn't be enough (I can actually go into much more details astrologically, but even then it wouldn't be enough). I could say I've got an Indigo primary aura and Crystal secondary aura, and it wouldn't be enough. I could even plaster my handwriting on tumblr and start to analyse it, letter by letter. And it still wouldn't be enough.
Sure, I prefer all these things, astrology, graphology and auras for understanding a person, because they require less labelling and more variables. But they are all pieces of a puzzle and it never is complete. If we want to actually understand ourselves and each other fully, communication is key - with ourselves: introspection, and with others: empathy. These are the tools. Not tests. Not names. Those are just, let's say, like the toys children play with and chew on and dismember and reassemble to start to understand what makes them tick - but that's just foundation. We can't stop there and say we discovered the entire universe while we're still in the cradle.
That being said, I love all things psychological, as long as they help me and others out in any way, even if just for fun. They're useful, but not unchallangingly definitory and definitely not the endline to our story - because our story never ends.
Ask me anything, DM me, etc. etc.
I love a good chat now and then.
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whoislailav · 2 years
what am I
I’m questioning life
i now decide I’m duolingo Spanish and am a anfp ☺️☺️
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jazminetoad · 2 years
Behold! I have created the MBTI personality figure of ANFP: Me ✨
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I am not ENFP
I am not INFP
I am an ANFP because I'm an ambivert :D
You can do yourself as an MBTI person on this picrew I found
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brookston · 8 hours
Holidays 6.10
AA Day
Abolition Day (French Guiana)
Army Day (Jordan)
Asexual Pride Day
Ballpoint Pen Day
Beliebers Day
Border Police Day (Moldova)
Cameons’ Day (Portugal)
Camomile Day (French Republic)
Cow Appreciation Day
Datsun 610 Day
Day of Camões (Portugal)
Elrond Day
Empathy Day (UK)
Equal Research Day
Festival of the Forgotten
Founder’s Day (AA)
Go Fly A Kite Day
Groundwater Day (India)
International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking
International Garden Gnome Day
International Heraldry Day
Jesus Day (Declared in Texas by George W. Bush in 2000)
Lidice Memorial Day (Czech Republic, Slovakia, New Jersey)
Mourn For Your Money Day
Mylar Balloon Day
National Bae Day
National Bed Bug Prevention Day
National Colt Day
National Debra Day
National EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome) Awareness Day
National E-Sex Day
National Isabel Day
National Lazy Day
National Shawn Day
National Yo-Yo Day
Navy Day (Italy)
Pokemon 0610 Day
Positive Role Model Day
Sabitri Amabasya (Odisha, India)
610 Day
Stop the Violence Day (Nova Scotia)
Tornado Day
Where the Wild Things Are Day
White Rose Day
World Anxiety Day
World Art Nouveau Day
World Day of Andrade Disease
World Day of Hereditary Amyloidosis
World Eye Donation Day
World Ice Cream Day (Russia)
World Road Safety Day (Spain)
World Virginity Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Durif Day
Herbs and Spices Day
National Black Cow Day
National Drink Ohio Wines Day
National Egg Roll Day
National Flair Bartenders Day
National Frosted Cookie Day
National Iced Tea Day
World Ice Cream Day (Russia)
Independence & Related Days
Elmshornia (a.k.a. Elmshornien or the People’s Republic of Elmshorn; Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
National Day (Cape Verde, Madeira; 1580)
Portugal Day (Canada, UK, Portugal)
Reconciliation Day (Republic of the Congo)
Voltar (a.k.a. Grand Barony of Voltar; Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
2nd Monday in June
Blue Monday [2nd Monday]
Eat Flexitarian Day [2nd Monday]
Hetero Male Monday (Boise, Idaho) [Every Monday in June]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
White Nights Festival begins (St. Petersburg, Russia) [thru7.2]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 10 (2nd Full Week)
Community Health Improvement Week (thru 6.14)
Meet a Mate Week (thru 6.14)
National Little League Baseball Week (thru 6.16) [Begins 2nd Monday]
National Men’s Health Week (thru 6.16) [Week ending on 3rd Sunday]
Festivals Beginning June 10, 2024
ANFP Annual Conference & Expo (Reno, Nevada) [thru 6.13]
Apple Worldwide Developers Conference [WWDC] (San Jose, California) [thru 6.14]
BrewFest at Mount Hope (Mount Hope, Pennsylvania) [Cancelled for 2024]
Gangneung Dano Festival (Gangneung, South Korea) [thru 6.17]
Odesa Classics (Tallinn, Estonia)
Summer Celebration (Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook, New Jersey)
United Fresh Washington Conference (Washington D.C.) [thru 6.12]
Feast Days
Action Anxiety Day (Canada)
André Derain (Artology)
Anianus (Christian; Saint)
Bardo (Christian; Saint)
Bernard (Positivist; Saint)
Bogumilus (Christian; Saint)
Brigid of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Don Maitz (Artology)
Doreen the Camel (Muppetism)
Duir (Celtic Book of Days)
Eileen Cooper (Artology)
Fairfield Porter (Artology)
Flirting Day Day (Pastafarian)
Getulius, Amancius and Cerealus (Christian; Blessed Martyrs)
Guan Sheng Di Jun Dan (Taoism)
Guardian Angel of Portugal (Christian; Saint)
Gustave Courbet (Artology)
Henry (or Rigo) of Treviso (Christian; Saint)
Holiday of the Wan Thing (Shamanism)
Ithamarl (Christian; Saint)
John of Tobolsk (Russian Orthodox Church)
Landry of Paris (a.k.a. Landericus; Christian; Saint)
Leandro Bassano (Artology)
Margaret, Queen of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Martyrdom of Guru Arjan (Sikh)
Maurice Sendak (Artology)
Maurinus of Cologne (Christian; Saint)
Maximus of Aveia (or of Aquila; Christian; Saint)
Maximus of Naples (Christian; Saint)
Nidavellir Day (Pagan)
Olivia (Christian; Saint)
Sagrado Corazon (Sacred Heart Holiday; Colombia)
Saul Bellow (Writerism)
Self-Dedication Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Terence Rattigan (Writerism)
Theodor Philipsen (Artology)
United Church of Canada Foundation Day (Canada; 1925)
Wacky Wall Walker Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Yoshihiro Tatsumi (Artology)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Dragon Boat Festival [5th Day of 5th Lunar Month] (a.k.a. ... 
Double Fifth Festival
Dragon Boast Festival (Taiwan)
Duan Wu Jie Festival (端午节; China)
Tuen Ng (Hong Kong, Macau)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 11 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [11 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [11 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [21 of 53]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [31 of 60]
Ants in the Pantry (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1970)
The Bear That Couldn’t Sleep, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
Big Business (Film; 1988)
The Butter Battle Book, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1984)
Central Intelligence (Film; 2016)
Could You Be Loved, by Bob Marley (Song; 1980)
The Cuckoo Clock (MGM Cartoon; 1950)
Fables of the Reconstruction, by R.E.M. (Album; 1985)
50, by Rick Astley (Album; 2016)
Flash in the Pain (WB LT Cartoon; 2014)
Glago’s Guest (Disney Cartoon; 2008)
Here’s to the Good Old Jail (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
Howl’s Moving Castle (Anime Film; 2005)
I Like Mountain Music (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays, by Bertrand Russell (Essays; 1935)
I Was Made To Love Her, by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1967)
Jurassic World: Dominion (Film; 2022)
Life’s Been Good, by Joe Walsh (Song; 1978)
Light Years, by James Salter (Novel; 1975)
The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (Film; 1928)
McLibel (Documentary Film; 2005)
Mr. And Mrs. Smith (Film; 2005)
News Hound (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1955)
Octopussy (Film; 1983) [James Bond #13]
One of These Nights, by The Eagles (Album; 1975)
The Origins and History of Consciousness, by Erich Neumann (Science Book; 1949)
The Pearls, recorded by Jelly Roll Morton (Song; 1927)
Pink Ice (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1965)
Pleasant Valley Sunday, recorded by The Monkees (Song; 1967)
The Plot, by Irving Wallace (Novel; 1967)
Popeye the Sailor (Animated TV Series; 1960)
Pump It Up, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1978)
Redemption, by Bob Marley (Song; 1980)
Speed (Film; 1994)
Super 8 (Film; 2011)
Symphonies of Wind Instruments, by Igor Stravinsky (Concert Band Work; 1921)
Tha Carter III, by Lil Wayne (Album; 2008)
To Your Scattered Bodies Go, by Philip José Farmer (Novel; 1971) [Riverworld, #1]
Trading Places (Film; 1983)
Tristan und Isolde, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1865) Versailles Palace (Public Museum; 1837)
Way Station, by Clifford D. Simak (Novel; 1963)
Welcome Interstate Managers, by Fountains of Wayne (Album; 2003)
The Wicked West (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Women in Love (Novel; 1921)
Today’s Name Days
Bardo, Diana, Heinrich, Heinz (Austria)
Biserka, Dijana, Ivan, Margareta (Croatia)
Gita (Czech Republic)
Onuphrius (Denmark)
Amalie, Maali, Maila, Maile, Maili, Mailis (Estonia)
Seppo (Finland)
Landry (France)
Diana, Heinrich, Heinz, Olivia (Germany)
Gréta, Margit (Hungary)
Asterio, Diana, Greta, Massimo (Italy)
Anatols, Bitite, Genoveva, Malva, Merida (Latvia)
Galindas, Margarita, Vingailė, Žybartas (Lithuania)
Ingolf, Ingunn (Norway)
Bogumił, Edgar, Małgorzata, Mauryn, Nikita, Onufry (Poland)
Timotei (România)
Margaréta (Slovakia)
Asterio, Olivia (Spain)
Boris, Svante (Sweden)
Antonia, Antonia (Ukraine)
Daisy, Greta, Gretchen, Madge, Maggie, Margaret, Margarita, Margot, Marguerite, Marjorie, Meagan, Megan, Meg, Meghan, Peggy, Rita (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 162 of 2024; 204 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 24 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 5 (Yi-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 4 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 3 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 12 Blue; Fryday [12 of 30]
Julian: 28 May 2024
Moon: 19%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 21 St. Paul (6th Month) [Bernard]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 84 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 21 of 31)
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futbolchileno · 9 months
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brookstonalmanac · 8 hours
Holidays 6.10
AA Day
Abolition Day (French Guiana)
Army Day (Jordan)
Asexual Pride Day
Ballpoint Pen Day
Beliebers Day
Border Police Day (Moldova)
Cameons’ Day (Portugal)
Camomile Day (French Republic)
Cow Appreciation Day
Datsun 610 Day
Day of Camões (Portugal)
Elrond Day
Empathy Day (UK)
Equal Research Day
Festival of the Forgotten
Founder’s Day (AA)
Go Fly A Kite Day
Groundwater Day (India)
International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking
International Garden Gnome Day
International Heraldry Day
Jesus Day (Declared in Texas by George W. Bush in 2000)
Lidice Memorial Day (Czech Republic, Slovakia, New Jersey)
Mourn For Your Money Day
Mylar Balloon Day
National Bae Day
National Bed Bug Prevention Day
National Colt Day
National Debra Day
National EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome) Awareness Day
National E-Sex Day
National Isabel Day
National Lazy Day
National Shawn Day
National Yo-Yo Day
Navy Day (Italy)
Pokemon 0610 Day
Positive Role Model Day
Sabitri Amabasya (Odisha, India)
610 Day
Stop the Violence Day (Nova Scotia)
Tornado Day
Where the Wild Things Are Day
White Rose Day
World Anxiety Day
World Art Nouveau Day
World Day of Andrade Disease
World Day of Hereditary Amyloidosis
World Eye Donation Day
World Ice Cream Day (Russia)
World Road Safety Day (Spain)
World Virginity Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Durif Day
Herbs and Spices Day
National Black Cow Day
National Drink Ohio Wines Day
National Egg Roll Day
National Flair Bartenders Day
National Frosted Cookie Day
National Iced Tea Day
World Ice Cream Day (Russia)
Independence & Related Days
Elmshornia (a.k.a. Elmshornien or the People’s Republic of Elmshorn; Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
National Day (Cape Verde, Madeira; 1580)
Portugal Day (Canada, UK, Portugal)
Reconciliation Day (Republic of the Congo)
Voltar (a.k.a. Grand Barony of Voltar; Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
2nd Monday in June
Blue Monday [2nd Monday]
Eat Flexitarian Day [2nd Monday]
Hetero Male Monday (Boise, Idaho) [Every Monday in June]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
White Nights Festival begins (St. Petersburg, Russia) [thru7.2]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 10 (2nd Full Week)
Community Health Improvement Week (thru 6.14)
Meet a Mate Week (thru 6.14)
National Little League Baseball Week (thru 6.16) [Begins 2nd Monday]
National Men’s Health Week (thru 6.16) [Week ending on 3rd Sunday]
Festivals Beginning June 10, 2024
ANFP Annual Conference & Expo (Reno, Nevada) [thru 6.13]
Apple Worldwide Developers Conference [WWDC] (San Jose, California) [thru 6.14]
BrewFest at Mount Hope (Mount Hope, Pennsylvania) [Cancelled for 2024]
Gangneung Dano Festival (Gangneung, South Korea) [thru 6.17]
Odesa Classics (Tallinn, Estonia)
Summer Celebration (Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook, New Jersey)
United Fresh Washington Conference (Washington D.C.) [thru 6.12]
Feast Days
Action Anxiety Day (Canada)
André Derain (Artology)
Anianus (Christian; Saint)
Bardo (Christian; Saint)
Bernard (Positivist; Saint)
Bogumilus (Christian; Saint)
Brigid of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Don Maitz (Artology)
Doreen the Camel (Muppetism)
Duir (Celtic Book of Days)
Eileen Cooper (Artology)
Fairfield Porter (Artology)
Flirting Day Day (Pastafarian)
Getulius, Amancius and Cerealus (Christian; Blessed Martyrs)
Guan Sheng Di Jun Dan (Taoism)
Guardian Angel of Portugal (Christian; Saint)
Gustave Courbet (Artology)
Henry (or Rigo) of Treviso (Christian; Saint)
Holiday of the Wan Thing (Shamanism)
Ithamarl (Christian; Saint)
John of Tobolsk (Russian Orthodox Church)
Landry of Paris (a.k.a. Landericus; Christian; Saint)
Leandro Bassano (Artology)
Margaret, Queen of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Martyrdom of Guru Arjan (Sikh)
Maurice Sendak (Artology)
Maurinus of Cologne (Christian; Saint)
Maximus of Aveia (or of Aquila; Christian; Saint)
Maximus of Naples (Christian; Saint)
Nidavellir Day (Pagan)
Olivia (Christian; Saint)
Sagrado Corazon (Sacred Heart Holiday; Colombia)
Saul Bellow (Writerism)
Self-Dedication Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Terence Rattigan (Writerism)
Theodor Philipsen (Artology)
United Church of Canada Foundation Day (Canada; 1925)
Wacky Wall Walker Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Yoshihiro Tatsumi (Artology)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Dragon Boat Festival [5th Day of 5th Lunar Month] (a.k.a. ... 
Double Fifth Festival
Dragon Boast Festival (Taiwan)
Duan Wu Jie Festival (端午节; China)
Tuen Ng (Hong Kong, Macau)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 11 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [11 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [11 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [21 of 53]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [31 of 60]
Ants in the Pantry (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1970)
The Bear That Couldn’t Sleep, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
Big Business (Film; 1988)
The Butter Battle Book, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1984)
Central Intelligence (Film; 2016)
Could You Be Loved, by Bob Marley (Song; 1980)
The Cuckoo Clock (MGM Cartoon; 1950)
Fables of the Reconstruction, by R.E.M. (Album; 1985)
50, by Rick Astley (Album; 2016)
Flash in the Pain (WB LT Cartoon; 2014)
Glago’s Guest (Disney Cartoon; 2008)
Here’s to the Good Old Jail (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
Howl’s Moving Castle (Anime Film; 2005)
I Like Mountain Music (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays, by Bertrand Russell (Essays; 1935)
I Was Made To Love Her, by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1967)
Jurassic World: Dominion (Film; 2022)
Life’s Been Good, by Joe Walsh (Song; 1978)
Light Years, by James Salter (Novel; 1975)
The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (Film; 1928)
McLibel (Documentary Film; 2005)
Mr. And Mrs. Smith (Film; 2005)
News Hound (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1955)
Octopussy (Film; 1983) [James Bond #13]
One of These Nights, by The Eagles (Album; 1975)
The Origins and History of Consciousness, by Erich Neumann (Science Book; 1949)
The Pearls, recorded by Jelly Roll Morton (Song; 1927)
Pink Ice (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1965)
Pleasant Valley Sunday, recorded by The Monkees (Song; 1967)
The Plot, by Irving Wallace (Novel; 1967)
Popeye the Sailor (Animated TV Series; 1960)
Pump It Up, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1978)
Redemption, by Bob Marley (Song; 1980)
Speed (Film; 1994)
Super 8 (Film; 2011)
Symphonies of Wind Instruments, by Igor Stravinsky (Concert Band Work; 1921)
Tha Carter III, by Lil Wayne (Album; 2008)
To Your Scattered Bodies Go, by Philip José Farmer (Novel; 1971) [Riverworld, #1]
Trading Places (Film; 1983)
Tristan und Isolde, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1865) Versailles Palace (Public Museum; 1837)
Way Station, by Clifford D. Simak (Novel; 1963)
Welcome Interstate Managers, by Fountains of Wayne (Album; 2003)
The Wicked West (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Women in Love (Novel; 1921)
Today’s Name Days
Bardo, Diana, Heinrich, Heinz (Austria)
Biserka, Dijana, Ivan, Margareta (Croatia)
Gita (Czech Republic)
Onuphrius (Denmark)
Amalie, Maali, Maila, Maile, Maili, Mailis (Estonia)
Seppo (Finland)
Landry (France)
Diana, Heinrich, Heinz, Olivia (Germany)
Gréta, Margit (Hungary)
Asterio, Diana, Greta, Massimo (Italy)
Anatols, Bitite, Genoveva, Malva, Merida (Latvia)
Galindas, Margarita, Vingailė, Žybartas (Lithuania)
Ingolf, Ingunn (Norway)
Bogumił, Edgar, Małgorzata, Mauryn, Nikita, Onufry (Poland)
Timotei (România)
Margaréta (Slovakia)
Asterio, Olivia (Spain)
Boris, Svante (Sweden)
Antonia, Antonia (Ukraine)
Daisy, Greta, Gretchen, Madge, Maggie, Margaret, Margarita, Margot, Marguerite, Marjorie, Meagan, Megan, Meg, Meghan, Peggy, Rita (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 162 of 2024; 204 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 24 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 5 (Yi-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 4 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 3 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 12 Blue; Fryday [12 of 30]
Julian: 28 May 2024
Moon: 19%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 21 St. Paul (6th Month) [Bernard]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 84 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 21 of 31)
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imthatpowerful · 3 days
sometimes i feel like my personality test lied but then i remember i took it freshman year and got INFP (i was def shy that year cuz of covid) then i took it again like sophomore year i got ENFP (that was my peak social era) then i took it again senior year when i was at my all time low bc of senioritis and got INFP again AND ITS SO ANNOYING CUZ ITS INCONSISTENT. I WISH THERE WAS AN ANFP OPTION CUZ IM AMBIVERTED. ALSO WHENEVER I TOOK THE 16 PERSONALITIES ONE IT WAS LITERALLY ALMLSG 50% FOR INTROVERTED AND EXTROVERTED.
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Quais são as probabilidades de apostas para os próximos jogos da primeira divisão do Chile?
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Quais são as probabilidades de apostas para os próximos jogos da primeira divisão do Chile?
Odds de apostas
O mundo das apostas esportivas é fascinante e cheio de oportunidades emocionantes para os entusiastas do esporte. Entre os conceitos mais importantes nesse universo estão as "odds" ou probabilidades de apostas. As odds determinam o potencial retorno financeiro de uma aposta e são essenciais para os apostadores entenderem antes de fazerem suas escolhas.
As odds são representadas de diferentes formas, incluindo formatos decimal, fracionário e americano. No formato decimal, as odds representam o valor que um apostador receberá para cada unidade apostada em caso de vitória. Por exemplo, se as odds são 2.50, isso significa que para cada R$1 apostado, o apostador receberá R$2.50 de retorno, incluindo sua aposta inicial.
Já no formato fracionário, as odds são apresentadas como uma fração, onde o numerador representa o valor a ser ganho e o denominador representa a aposta inicial. Por exemplo, odds de 3/1 significam que para cada R$1 apostado, o apostador receberá R$3 de retorno, além da sua aposta original.
Por fim, o formato americano utiliza números positivos e negativos para representar as odds. Neste formato, os números positivos indicam quanto o apostador ganhará para uma aposta de R$100, enquanto os números negativos indicam quanto deve ser apostado para ganhar R$100.
Entender as odds é fundamental para os apostadores avaliarem o valor de uma aposta e tomar decisões informadas. Ao compreender como as odds funcionam e como são apresentadas, os apostadores podem maximizar suas chances de sucesso e desfrutar ainda mais da experiência de apostas esportivas.
Jogos da primeira divisão do Chile
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Os jogos da primeira divisão do Chile, conhecida como Campeonato Nacional AFP PlanVital, são uma emocionante saga de futebol que cativa os corações dos fãs chilenos a cada temporada. Esta competição, organizada pela Associação Nacional de Futebol Profissional do Chile (ANFP), reúne os melhores clubes do país em uma batalha pelo título de campeão nacional.
Com uma história rica e uma base de fãs fervorosa, os jogos da primeira divisão do Chile são uma mistura empolgante de talento local e estrangeiro. Clubes como Universidad de Chile, Colo-Colo, Universidad Católica e muitos outros competem arduamente em busca da glória e do prestígio que acompanham a vitória no campeonato.
Cada temporada é repleta de jogos emocionantes, rivalidades acirradas e momentos inesquecíveis que deixam os fãs à beira de seus assentos. Os estádios ecoam com cânticos apaixonados e aplausos ensurdecedores enquanto os jogadores lutam em campo por seus clubes e por seus torcedores.
Além da emoção dentro de campo, os jogos da primeira divisão do Chile também oferecem aos espectadores uma visão única da cultura e da paixão do país pelo futebol. Os torcedores se reúnem em bares, praças e em frente às telas de TV para torcer por seus times favoritos, criando uma atmosfera vibrante e envolvente que faz do futebol uma parte intrínseca da identidade chilena.
Portanto, os jogos da primeira divisão do Chile não são apenas eventos esportivos, mas sim celebrações da paixão, da rivalidade e da união que o futebol inspira em todo o país. Cada partida é uma oportunidade para os jogadores deixarem sua marca na história do esporte e para os fãs se conectarem com algo maior do que eles mesmos: o amor pelo jogo bonito.
Probabilidades de apostas esportivas
As apostas esportivas têm se tornado cada vez mais populares em todo o mundo, oferecendo uma emoção extra aos fãs de esportes enquanto assistem às suas partidas favoritas. No entanto, é importante entender as probabilidades envolvidas nesse tipo de atividade para tomar decisões informadas e aumentar as chances de sucesso.
As probabilidades nas apostas esportivas são uma representação matemática da probabilidade de um determinado resultado ocorrer. Elas podem ser expressas de diferentes maneiras, como decimais, fracionárias ou americanas, dependendo da região e da preferência do apostador. Por exemplo, uma probabilidade de 2.50 em formato decimal significa que, se você apostar R$ 100, poderá receber R$ 250, incluindo o valor da aposta original.
Compreender as probabilidades é essencial para avaliar o potencial retorno sobre o investimento e o risco envolvido em uma aposta. Quanto mais baixas as probabilidades, maior a probabilidade de o resultado ocorrer, mas também menor será o retorno. Por outro lado, probabilidades mais altas indicam um resultado menos provável, mas oferecem um retorno potencialmente maior em caso de acerto.
Além disso, é fundamental comparar as probabilidades oferecidas por diferentes casas de apostas para encontrar o melhor valor. Algumas plataformas podem oferecer probabilidades mais vantajosas para determinados eventos, o que pode fazer toda a diferença a longo prazo.
No entanto, é importante ressaltar que as apostas esportivas envolvem riscos e não garantem lucro. Portanto, é essencial apostar com responsabilidade, definindo um orçamento adequado e evitando apostar mais do que se pode perder. Seguir uma estratégia sólida e tomar decisões informadas com base nas probabilidades pode aumentar as chances de sucesso a longo prazo nas apostas esportivas.
Próximos jogos de futebol no Chile
Certamente, aqui está o artigo:
Os fãs de futebol no Chile estão ansiosos pelos próximos jogos que acontecerão no país. Com uma rica tradição futebolística e uma paixão fervorosa pelo esporte, o Chile sempre recebe grandes partidas com entusiasmo.
Entre os próximos jogos de futebol no Chile, destaca-se o clássico local entre os rivais históricos Colo-Colo e Universidad de Chile. Esses confrontos são sempre intensos e emocionantes, atraindo multidões de torcedores apaixonados.
Além disso, os torcedores também aguardam com expectativa os jogos das equipes chilenas na Copa Libertadores. Times como Universidad Católica, Colo-Colo e outros representantes do futebol chileno buscam fazer bonito no torneio continental, enfrentando adversários de alto nível e buscando alcançar a glória no cenário sul-americano.
Para os amantes do futebol internacional, o Chile também será palco de jogos da seleção nacional em suas eliminatórias para a Copa do Mundo. Os chilenos têm uma equipe talentosa e lutam com garra para garantir sua vaga no maior torneio de futebol do mundo.
Além dos jogos profissionais, o futebol amador também tem um lugar especial no coração dos chilenos, com inúmeras ligas e torneios locais que promovem o esporte em todas as comunidades.
Em resumo, os próximos jogos de futebol no Chile prometem muita emoção e adrenalina para os torcedores, que aguardam ansiosamente para apoiar suas equipes favoritas e desfrutar da paixão pelo belo jogo em todo o país.
Apostas esportivas no Chile
As apostas esportivas são uma forma popular de entretenimento e também uma oportunidade de ganhar dinheiro para muitas pessoas em todo o mundo, e o Chile não é exceção. Nos últimos anos, as apostas esportivas têm crescido em popularidade no país, com um número cada vez maior de chilenos participando dessa atividade emocionante.
No Chile, as apostas esportivas são regulamentadas pelo governo, com várias leis e regulamentos em vigor para proteger os consumidores e garantir a integridade das apostas. Isso significa que os residentes no Chile podem desfrutar de uma experiência de apostas segura e justa, desde que utilizem plataformas licenciadas e regulamentadas.
Existem várias opções disponíveis para os entusiastas de apostas esportivas no Chile, desde os tradicionais sites de apostas online até casas de apostas físicas. Muitas dessas plataformas oferecem uma ampla variedade de esportes para apostar, incluindo futebol, basquete, tênis, corridas de cavalos e muito mais. Os apostadores também podem escolher entre uma variedade de tipos de apostas, como apostas simples, acumuladoras, handicap, entre outras.
Além disso, muitas casas de apostas oferecem bônus e promoções atrativas para atrair novos clientes e recompensar os clientes existentes. Isso pode incluir bônus de boas-vindas, apostas gratuitas, odds melhoradas e muito mais.
No entanto, é importante que os apostadores no Chile joguem de forma responsável e estejam cientes dos riscos envolvidos. Apostar além de suas possibilidades financeiras pode levar a problemas de jogo, por isso é essencial estabelecer limites e nunca apostar mais do que se pode perder.
Em resumo, as apostas esportivas no Chile oferecem uma emocionante oportunidade de entretenimento e possibilidade de ganhos, desde que sejam feitas de forma responsável e dentro dos limites da lei.
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