#and yuki's food obsession
Hi :) . Thanks a lot for the reblog of the drawing (Lewis and Roscoe), I really appreciated it. You're very kind :)
Aww no worries! It was such a good drawing and more people need to see it (even if like 95% of my followers don't care about F1. I'm going to keep posting about it until they do)
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 months
@shouga-nai replied to your post “Do they have a “comfort outfit” or a go to look?...”:
Ramuda in big cozy sweaters is a vibe. Also I live for Hifumi ;v; So wholesome I cry
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YESSS though as with all clothes he owns he's gotta have like a billion hidden pockets in his comfy sweaters for his lollipops and various other nefarious items BUT none of those can be visible from the outside. He could have lockpicks and you'll never know. He could even hide a gun perfectly if he ever got his hands on one.
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I think there's something so neat about Hifumi's capacity to care for others (even if at times it seems a little... like with his stalker or with Honobono) and I think about his post-high school trauma NEET era and like... to grow from barely being able to care for himself (frozen food requires very little energy) to being able to cook for others all the time... his growth thanks to support from Doppo!! That's his bestie his sun his superhero!!!! Why wouldn't his favorite flavor be Doppo's favorite food?
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quillheel · 3 months
WHAT STRANGLEY SPECIFIC SCENT DO YOU GIVE OFF? ━ flowers during a sunshower.
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it's picturesque how easy you make this life look. it's as if you're floating on air, thinking about everyone else and yourself at the same time. you're effortless in your kindness, and such acts come easily to you. the dew in the morning greets you with a kiss and the twilight of dusk sighs a lullaby for you to dream. you live a life where everything is cloud nine, and yet it's not enough. how could it be enough when nothing happens for you to try?
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( ━ & the sweetness of water when you're dehydrated. )
... it's a little lonely out there for you, isn't it? people come into your life like a lightning bolt and leave just as quickly, and even if they start to linger it's not the same way they entered. you taste sweet like a pastry when someone should be having a protein bar. you're the desperation of people realizing a little too late that they need someone near them or they'll be lonely more than they'll ever be alone. you're the panic when the water tastes sweet to know that you haven't gotten what your body and heart deserve. it must get tiring, being on your own for so long.
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━ rain after the thunderstorm.
you are the calm one, the one who believes to their core that they have everything under control. the world continues on past you, and you're walking away from the things that trouble you, whenever you can. you take a sip of your warmest tea, and you go sit down on the edge of the porch with your best friend, and the world passes you both by as you talk about nothing and everything in the world. you bring people to you the way rain forces shelter, and how the ground soaks it up like the morning dew. you are welcoming the way clouds welcome vapor until they can't anymore, and it rains, and rains, and rains. when you finally can hold no more, will you be raining, or thundering?
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tagged: @moonrecalled TYSM I love seeing you on my dash so this was a really pleasant surprise!! tagging: @yukcri @icyexecutioner @yosukeh @foolshoujo @hellboundhermit @autonomousxselves @braveryhearted; any! though if wanted, keep the persona train rolling! & anyone else who wants to!!! If you need an excuse, if you're wearing socks or a longsleeve right now, do it!!
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profic-mafuyu · 1 year
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myacewall · 1 year
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fangirl-dot-com · 7 months
Head cannons/Quick facts about You! :) 
(most of these are going to be for the future, but a few are generalizations) 
You are 20 years old – making you the youngest on the grid 
Like almost ALL characters, you do not have a good relationship with your parents 
Christian and Gerri will step in :) 
Only child, but it doesn’t show much 
Fairly quiet
Especially in the first few weeks of being on the grid 
Everyone thinks that you might not like them, while you think that they might not like you 
Out of everyone, Logan is the first to get you to crack 
Then comes Oscar, because you know, codependency of Loscar is real 
And then Lando, because if someone can befriend Oscar, he can befriend you (you accidentally ran him over one time trying to get on an elevator before you actually met him for real)
And then Alex because of Logan (also you adored his animals) 
Max has surprisingly always liked you – being teammates and all 
It really started after the Christmas video posted by Red Bull that helped you two become friends 
He felt like he needed to look after you 
Charles always watched you from a distance 
You were his brother’s best friend…he felt a need to make sure you were ok 
Not a surprise, you and Fernando bonded over plants – you accidentally interrupted his quiet time on a roof before media day because you wanted to water the flowers (after that, you started calling him grandpa Nando – you’re the only one allowed to do that) 
Lewis’s and George’s friendship came at a weird time 
You had accidentally gotten locked out of your car one time late after the race had ended 
Coincidentally, you three were staying at the same hotel and they offered you a ride 
Let’s just say, mischief happened and you had a whining Lando the next day (since he missed out on the fun with his fellow Brits) 
The rest of the grid are just all really soft for you 
You claim to be Daniel’s favorite (which you are) 
He promises to take you to his farm the next time he goes 
You’ve always wanted to pet a kangaroo 
Yuki always brings you whatever food he’s recently cooked up 
But, You definitely laugh the most around Lando 
Because of his childlike nature and your more stone faced, shy personality, you took the role of the “older sibling” 
But, Lando puts on the big brother approach whenever someone bothers you (PSA – all of the drivers do) 
They get really jealous when Ollie or Arthur come to visit because suddenly all of your attention is on them and not the grid 
Now, the WAGS absolutely adore you 
They treat you like a little sister 
You need advice? They will help 
Need a dress for whatever reason? They will all pull up 
You really bond with Lily 
Lando likes to drag you to play gold with Carlos and Alex 
And most of the time, Alex will bring Lily 
So you definitely see her more than the rest 
Life is a Highway is your walkup song – there is none other
You and Lando start to take naps everywhere 
Christian often has to ask Max to go find you – since you seem to disappear when you go take a nap 
In true chaotic gen-z fashion, your first dnf was pretty bad 
Your left back wheel had gotten clipped on a curb and you went sliding, ultimately rolling over a couple of times 
You were fine, but the guys panicked 
All they knew was that a Red Bull had flipped, and Max was standing with them in the pit lane 
So using their amazing deductive skills, they knew it was you 
The next race, you showed up with them around you in a protective circle 
The boys joked in interviews that you’d have shown up in bubble wrap if you had let them
The first inkling they had that your relationship with your parents wasn’t the best was at the newly instituted Parent’s Day Dinner that the teams had set up 
Everyone was surrounded by their parents 
But, there were two empty seats around you 
You wanted to leave, but Max secretly had texted Christian and Geri 
You BEST know they showed up in best dress 
Tears might have been shed 
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @itsjustkhaos
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f1version · 1 year
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pairing: f1 grid x partner!reader (no pronouns specified)
summary: texts some f1 drivers would send you as your s/o.
note: headcanons are my new favorite thing… send prompts to do more with the f1 grid lol.
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★ CARLOS SAINZ (55) — he would definitely give some dorky remark, like the most silly, horny, direct remark after saying something cute:
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★ DANIEL RICCIARDO (3) — we all know danny would be that hype and obsessed boyfriend, so he would NEVER miss a morning or night text:
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★ MICK SCHUMACHER (47) — his texts are the cutest ( sometimes naughtiest but shhh ) ever. he loves sending pics, he would send you some of what he is doing or where he is, sometimes of things that remind him of you:
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★ LEWIS HAMILTON (44) — we all know lewis is wild (like his comments are out of this world) so he would be cute and 100% teasing + horny:
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★ CHARLES LECERC (16) — he is SHY… and wants to make you happy. he doesn’t have the best way with words, but he would remind you how much you mean to him, how grateful he is for (1) your heart choosing him and for (2) his heart choosing you, and finally, he always reminds you he loves to see you happy:
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★ PIERRE GASLY (10) — i know for a fact you guys love jealous!pierre, and while he wouldn’t be intoxicatingly possessive, he would say things about how you are his and how he is yours and how he wants to remind that to everyone:
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★ YUKI TSUNODA (22) — his love language is food, he loves cooking for you and with you, he loves having you around while he cooks. he would text in the middle of the day —very spontaneous— asking if you want to get/make food. yuki has a strong “i’m here open up” vibe:
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★ MAX VERSTAPPEN (1 / 33) — max texts you ALL the time. he texts you while at work, on meetings, flights, in the bathroom, not in the bathroom, before races, after races, once during a race, when you are not with him, when you are with him, and especially… when he is drunk and starts saying the funniest things:
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★ LANDO NORRIS (4) — he is the most lovesick brat. he complains about how it started raining when you were wearing an outfit that goes with sunny days, he goes full crazy mode when someone treats you poorly (not even bad, they just don’t meet his standards — which are high), and he is also a little brat with you… all jokes of course, tho sometimes he means the silliest things:
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★ ALEX ALBON (23) — he is the cutest…. and a simp. cute and simpy. he would just remind you how awesome, beautiful, funny, intelligent, interesting, talented, and badass you are, he loves you and loves to show how crazy you make him:
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★ GEORGE RUSSELL (63) — he literally texts facts, does recaps, and even powerpoint presentations about you. he loves to show off how much he knows about you, how much he observes, and what he learns:
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★ SEBASTIAN VETTEL (5) — the quality of his ‘i love you but in other words’ + ‘feel good’ texts is top tier. seb would remind you how valuable, lovable, and unique you are. you don’t even have to ask, he always knows what to say and how to say it:
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( two because no one does it like him )
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 months
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Yandere GF Yuki +Yandere JJK Harem
A/N: Please just read these first few sentences if this is too long for you. I intended for Yuki and reader to have some sort of dom x sub relationship. Like it runs in her blood to be at least slightly masc. I've been fantasizing about this idea for much longer than I realize. But being able to do this with a literal bad bitch at the top of the OP podium is a dream come true and a treasure. Like I don't think you guys understand, I seriously think Yuki is for the girlies. I see so much queer potential in her, it's not even a joke(hence, the photo). The Yandere Harem includes briefly mentioned Platonic Yanderes(Yuji and Nobara) and more in depth juggling of the mentions of the Romantic Yanderes(Yuki being the main, and the rest taking whatever crumbs they can take. So, Shoko, Gojo, and Nanami). I feel like this isn't going to be organized whatsoever because I usually just write whatever with no kind of order, soooo......idk.
Yuki was all you needed in a person, in your opinion. No one knew you better besides her. You knew her and she knew you. If you could, you'd stay in her arms until your muscles hurt from staying in the same position for so long, and maybe then, you'll be molded together for eternity. That's how much you love her. But of course, her infatuation with you is so much more than a slight obsession for the one you are closely connected to. Everyday when she sees you, she feels both of your spirits connecting. When you two approach each other from different sides of a room, both of your cursed energy seem to blend together like food scents combining to make one sweet aroma. Two separate things colliding so well together.
She can't even fathom the idea of you not being hers. She can't think of a moment where you'd ever leave her either. Her confidence in your devotion and love towards her continues to sooth her mind and body. And she wishes it was just the two of you on this planet, but of course, people try to break you two apart every day. She tries not to mind it, knowing how to handle these types of situations and knowing you know how to hold your own as well. But it seems like everyone loves to test her patience.
Speaking of patience, everyone can tell Gojo was quickly running out of patience that somehow still remained in his body. You two have been together for four years, why haven't you broken up yet?! Not a single one of his relationships lasted this long. Ever. But you two continue to stare at each other as if the other created the sky and water. It's supposed to be you and him doing that. Not you and her. It's not fair and he was getting mad again just staring at the two of you. He tried everything. He tried to give his best flirts with you, tried to get you alone, which worked a few times, but you stayed strong and continually told him no. Fuck, he even fought Yuki. But you found the two of them battling to the death and he'd seen you so angry, he had to step back. The way you stared at him is a face he never wanted directed at him ever again, so he stopped trying to intervene. Only sticking to the waiting game, and it was taking too long.
Nanami was better at waiting. He was better at staying in his place, staying quiet, acting innocent and holding up face. But even he wanted to step out of line to see what it takes to get you to pay attention to him. To get you into his arms. He used to bring the two of you coffee every morning when you showed up at work together, struck conversation with the both of you, spoke with Yuki more than he did with you to try and steer away possibilities that he was trying to get at you. He thought he was good at what he did. It shook him to his core, disturbed him, when he was pulled into a dark room by you-know-who and was asked of his real intentions. "What? Did you want a threesome? Trying to break us up?" She taunted him, telling him he was just like Gojo, trying everything in his power just to get at her girlfriend. Told him it was obvious when he stared from across the room, crossing his legs to hide his boner like a teenage boy. She laughed in his face and cornered him into a wall, threatening to tear out his jugular. "She likes you more than the other rats scattering around us." But he knew better than to assume that would ever be a green light to continue with his tricks. She told him to keep silent like he usually is, and he won't lose the only life he has. He gave up.
Yuki and Ieri formed an alliance. If she keeps an eye out to protect you from the horndogs that constantly surround you, she can talk with you as much as she desires(as much as Yuki allows her to). But in your eyes, Shoko is a weird case. Because you see her more than you do the rest of the men at Jujutsu Tech. And even though Yuki always tells you to watch out for Shoko, she only lets you freely hang around her more than everyone else. You assumed they spoke of something alone because Yuki almost always pulls her away to have a secret conversation about something you can't ever think up an answer for. Shoko was great to you though. Always gave you snacks, was hilarious and knew how to make you laugh. She never smoked around you, saying she doesn't want you to breathe in the flames. And not only that, she flirts with you constantly. But Yuki never seems to care much when it happens. Maybe they became friends not too long ago...? You can't put your finger on it.
It doesn't help that she likes to show you off. It really doesn't help. Often, everyone follows the both of you to get a chance to talk to you. But when she's right there as your guard dog, it brings their chances back down to a zero. And they would just push her away and bribe someone to just throw her in the ditch, but Yuki isn't just a regular shmegular person to fuck around with. She is, in fact, a special grade sorcerer who would fold a good 85% of the sorcerers in her area if she were pushed to do so. So, you are just a beauty to see from afar.
Complimenting your cute outfit before the two of you go somewhere in town, making you spin, squeezing your ass and making you laugh. Kissing your sweet lips and being able to breathe in your scent. They see it all and can't help but fucking fume at not being able to have you. They probably won't ever have you.
Yuki also wishes you'd stop talking to the brats that constantly berate you. Nobara and Yuji are constantly in your space like little puppies excited to see their owner after a long day. Nobara will whine excessively if you are about to be pulled away, or is pulled away. You love to give her hugs and even little gifts that you know she's wanted for a long time. Yuuji consumes every snack you give him in exactly one second, and you tell him every time to please chew it slowly(he never does). He has such convincing puppy eyes and requires you to stay with him for an extra three minutes, which for each minute, Yuki plans to threaten him to leave you alone(they almost fight every time). You treat those two as if they were your children and people can't help but feel extremely jealous every time. Of course you give the younger ones affection, of course they get your snacks, attention and loving. And of course they get the OK to do it because they're young. It makes everyone else sick to their stomach with anger.
Her biggest concern right now is you're telling her about your new friend you've made(that she can't find and stalk for some reason). You say he has long and healthy hair, is very sweet to you and you two talk about religion all of the time and that he has very interesting "political" views. She knows he's a sorcerer because she can smell it on you every time you come back from an outing alone. She knows that this asshole wants you and makes it known by bringing you back to her smelling completely different and she can see his lingering energy surrounding you. It pisses her off. She's definitely gonna have to do something about it.
Anyways. Yuki has it best, obviously. Her only goal is to get you out of sorcery and to just become hers full-time. Not like you need anything else to worry about besides her. I mean, she could just provide for you entirely. She tells you every day that you're lucky that she doesn't have a real dick, because things would definitely be different if so. It makes you squirm happily and she loves teasing you about it every time with her wolfish grin. She knows she'd get some soon if she says it with that playful and hungry tone you love.
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beabnormal24 · 19 days
I just saw that you’re writing Carcar fic, a snippet pls 🙏
I love your stories so much so I’m really excited ❤️
This is the first thing that I read when I wake up, thank you so much anon because this means a lot to me, so I'll do it.
(I edited this post, 'cause I had a bit of trouble publishing it)
Soo, a not-so-little snippet for you!
“Mate, I honestly think you’re just exaggerating. It doesn’t sound like that big of a deal to me, really.” Logan stretches his legs out, knocking his feet right against Oscar’s knee. 
Oscar grumbles in lieu of an answer, lowering his head until he can hide his gaze in the bottom of his pint. 
“Don’t know why you hate the guy so much; he seems alright to me.” 
The thing is, Oscar Piastri does not hate Carlos Sainz.
Hate is too strong of a word for an individual with whom Oscar tends to have zero to no interaction whatsoever, except for forced polite greetings in the elevator and those rare times when Carlos decides that going out with Lando is worth his time. 
Oscar sincerely thinks that only pretentious people claim to be as busy as Carlos does, so much so that he never seems able to find an evening to spend an ounce of time with his best friend. 
So, no, Oscar does not hate him. He just can’t stand him, which is a big difference and Logan should note that. 
Is the prospect of working alongside him on his most important project of his entire career going to deepen that grudge? Probably, surely. 
But Oscar is, in fact, a professional, no matter what Carlos thinks of him, and he knows how to work with people he would rather keep a safe distance from. Nail guy and Germophobic guy should be more than enough proof. 
“You don’t know him.” Oscar protests, sighing in frustration. Lando raises an unimpressed eyebrow next to him, tapping his chin. “Alright, sorry Lando. You do not know him in a working context.” 
“I mean, how different can that be?” Logan says doubtfully. “Lando said you don’t even work in the same department.” 
“Lando is just biased because Carlos got to him before us.” 
Lando snorts, shaking his head with an amused smile. “Wow, thanks Oscar, you make it sound like I can make my own decisions.” 
Oscar shrugs. “You’re welcome.” 
“Has he started complaining about being paired up with Carlos, yet?” Yuki asks just as he settles down two other pints on their booth’s table. 
Alex trails behind him, carefully balancing two portions of fries on each arm before sliding in the empty seat next to Logan. 
“Mate, you have no idea.” Logan groans, placing a sloppy kiss on Alex’s cheek as he steals a fry from his portion. 
Alex rolls his eyes, but still lets him with a fond smile. Oscar sincerely thinks he could puke. 
“I really don’t understand why you despise him so much. He seems alright to me.” Alex says, failing at hiding the curiosity behind his voice. 
“Babe! I said the same exact thing!” 
“And he’s a great golf player, honestly.” 
Oscar sighs, knowing that he’s left with his shoulders against the wall. 
It’s not like his friends would understand, anyway, since they do not have to walk in his shoes. 
Logan and Alex do not count, because they like everyone, and Yuki is one of the most unfazed people Oscar has ever met, Lando is just obsessed with Carlos for reasons Oscar will probably never fully comprehend. 
He’s left alone, on this matter, even when they all go out together and Charles and Carlos tag along, Carlos is the only one who seems to not have any joke or a single word to address to Oscar. 
Lando says that he’s probably the one actually ignoring him. Oscar thinks that Carlos is just plain out rude to him, and only him. 
But that’s a bit childish, so he’ll keep that thought to himself. 
Everyone starts focusing on their own food, and Oscar stupidly hopes that the topic must’ve finally been brought out of his last Saturday night as a free man before three months of utter nightmare. 
And then Yuki quips in and reduces his hopes to shreds. “On his first day, Carlos told Andrea that he thought Oscar was too young for that position, and that he would be inexperienced. Oscar heard him, and he’s totally convinced that Carlos knows that he heard him but he still never apologised and Oscar took that personally because he’s peevish.” 
“I am not peevish!” Oscar groans bumping his forehead against the table. 
“Yeah, Oscar, you are a bit peevish. Just a tiny bit, though.” He feels Lando’s hand coming up to pat him on the back, sympathetic. “Come on mate, I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean it like that.” 
“Yeah, I mean, we say similar stuff about each other all the time at my workplace.” Alex offers, in an awful attempt at cheering him up. 
It doesn’t do any magic at all, because Alex works as a teacher and Oscar has gone to school for enough years to know that teachers are only capable of hating each other for stretching out their hours longer than they should and preferring different students. 
Well, unless they’re shagging like Alex and Logan, but they work in two different schools so that should not apply. 
“It’s not just that.” Oscar tries to defend himself. Because holding a grudge for something that happened three years ago does sound a bit childish, and he’s not. 
The rest of the table looks at him inquisitively, impatiently waiting for an answer, just the sound of the background music filling the silence that Oscar would so much prefer over having to talk about Carlos, of all people. 
The worst topic they could choose for a Saturday night out at the pub, really. 
“He’s just-“ he makes a vague gesture, hoping that they might understand it easily. Of course, everyone just blinks at him. “I mean, who goes around with only shirts that have his initials stitched on it? Who goes around acting like they know everything and they’re the best at it? And he says that Lando is his best mate, but I don’t see him hanging out with him that often, no? That’s just top dickhead behaviour, if you ask me.” 
“Aw, Osc!” Lando exclaims, and in a matter of second, Oscar finds himself with his head caged under Lando’s elbow, the Brit’s hand mussing his hair. “You’re so cute, defending my honour.” 
“You never did that for me.” Logan protests, and then more quietly to Alex. “Babe, he never did that for me.” 
Alex smiles, patting his back lightly. “Do not worry, Lo, I’ll do it for you.” 
“I’m not defending anybody’s honour.” Oscar splutters out, his cheeks growing hot, heart thumping in his chest, wild – a dangerous zone. He slaps Lando’s hands away from his hair, trying to ruffle them to some kind of order, but it’s no use, they’ll never make sense. 
Carlos’ hair is always perfectly styled and composed. What a dickhead, indeed. 
“I’m just stating the obvious.” 
“Still, I can guarantee you that you do not need to worry about that.” Lando assures him, trying to reach back for his head, but Oscar is quicker this time, leaving him to poke Yuki’s cheek with a finger, instead. “He’s got other things to do on Saturday, usually.” 
Oscar takes a sip of his beer to cover his snort. 
He doesn’t trust Lando’s words, he’s probably just too biased by having been Carlos’ friend for such a long time. 
Someone who’s not even married and who earns as much as Carlos does surely should not have that many things to do instead of hanging out with his friends. 
But anyway, it’s none of his business. Rather, he should be glad he can at least escape him on Saturday. 
On Monday morning, Oscar clocks into work on time, his jacket is completely dry, his hair kind of makes sense and there’s a spring in his step, and he just feels good overall. 
He has spent most of his Sunday sitting on the couch binge watching the entire final season of Brooklyn 99 and he’s convinced himself that whatever mind games Carlos might want to play with him, Oscar is stronger and smarter, and he won’t let himself get squashed. 
Logan kind of fuelled his confidence, as well, with his usual monologues about the importance of believing in himself and remembering all the sweat and tears he put in to reach the place he’s in now, though Oscar is pretty sure he only comes up with them to exercise for his drama kids. 
But the point is that he knows that it’s his job, that it’s his career, and even if he would probably get the promotion either way, he still wants to earn it. If not for Andrea, then for himself. 
The fact that it’s his biggest project ever, just motivates him more. 
He plops down on his office chair with a smile that must be breaking his face if the way Yuki glances at him curiously from the other side is anything to go by. But he just shrugs it off, playing dumb. 
He’s just in a good mood, is that illegal? 
“It is if you’re called Oscar Piastri.” Yuki tells him, no hair on his tongue. “You always look like-“ he makes a serious face, his lips closed into straight line, one eyebrow raised, sceptical. Oscar does not look like that, he thinks (he hopes). “Like those statues from Christmas Island.” 
“I do not look like that at all.” Oscar glares at him, turning his computer on. “And it’s Easter Island.” 
“Yeah, whatever.” 
He spends the morning going through Andrea’s instructions over and over again until he can exactly tell the position of every single letter, and then he spends the rest of it making a first draft for a spreadsheet with all the products they will probably need to change a million times. 
Carlos does not write him, nor does he come around to ask for him, either, but Oscar doesn’t question it that much. God knows he has his own side-projects, although minor, to care about but he guesses that spending some time to start brainstorming over this new one it’s not entirely a bad idea. 
He’ll just email the file Excel to Carlos once it’s done, and then maybe they’ll shortly discuss about it, Oscar will even accept some suggestions because, against all odds, he is ready to work as a team. Besides, his creativity is pretty close to a zero percentage, but he has heard that Carlos knows how to do a mean presentation, and that’s how teams work, right? 
Combine your best skills and all that stuff about sharing each other’s strengths. Oscar wouldn’t know about that, really, since he’s always preferred the solitary work, but he doesn’t have that much of a choice right now. 
Yuki asks for poke at lunch, and Oscar is a man of his word, so as soon as the clock strikes half past twelve, they’re already out the door chattering about the latest apex legends’ update. 
The guy behind the cash register smiles at him sweetly when he pays, and Oscar swears he winks at him as he slides the receipt over the counter, and sure enough when he looks at it there is a phone number scribbled on the paper. 
Oscar isn’t exactly interested in dating as of now, but the guy was cute, and it did boost his ego a bit, and it might not be a bad idea to go out with someone that is not his roommate, his roommate’s boyfriend, his coworker and a weird friend from university. Maybe he could even get laid, which doesn’t seem like a bad prospect at all. 
It’s just the combination of all these tiny little things that makes him feel better, more confident, almost ready to let himself believe that he could change his mind about Carlos, like Lando has been trying to make him for years, now. 
Maybe he could actually reconsider him, even if just by stopping viewing him as a pretentious dickhead. 
But Carlos just makes it incredibly difficult, it seems. 
Oscar has just started settling back behind his desk when his attention gets caught by the new email in his inbox, that definitely was not there before. 
To: oscar.piastri@g...  From: carlos.sainz.vasq...  Sub: team project 
Hi Piastri,  attached you will find your part of the project.  Please, do not contact me on my lunch breaks, Friday nights and weekends. I will not respond.  I sincerely hope you do not need any clarification, but if you do, you can write to the email above.  Good work. 
[See more] 
“You have to be fucking kidding me.” He almost slams his laptop shut, feeling the rage bubbling up inside of him. Logan likes to say that he’s an emotionless human being, Yuki just compared him to a freaking statue, and yet Carlos Sainz is enough to make him doubt himself and his capability to have a decent control of his own emotions. 
He inhales deeply, nostrils flaring as he tries to calm himself down. Breath in, and breath out, it’s just the first day of three months. 
Which means that it can go even worse, fuck. 
“What is it?” Yuki asks, curiously peering over his screen to take a glance. 
Oscar had almost completely forgotten about his presence, and he just groans and turns the laptop around, not finding it in himself to explain without cursing one Spanish lineage or two. 
“Mh, okay, yes.” Yuki mumbles, nodding understandingly with his chin propped up on his palm. 
Oscar can see his eyes moving from one side to the other of the list, a list, of things that Oscar should do, that Carlos decided Oscar should do, just to prove himself once more as the biggest prick Oscar might’ve ever met in his life. 
“Well, I don’t see the problem here.” 
“You don’t- what?” Oscar splutters out, blinking once, twice. Yuki’s expression doesn’t change, it stays confused, amused even. “Isn’t it obvious? He gave me a list, Yuki, a list.” 
“Yes and?” Yuki asks, unsure. “I mean, I would kill to have a teammate who tells me what I have to do. Splitting parts is the worst step for a team project, in my opinion. You should be glad.” 
“I should be glad?” Oscar says, he almost feels crazy about it. “Yuki, can’t you see it? He’s doing it in purpose! He probably just decided what parts he didn’t want and gave them to me so I can, like, do his dirty laundry. I am almost 100% sure he’s going to take all the credit after and he just- ugh!” 
Yuki looks at him, unimpressed, standing in front of Oscar’s desk like he’s seconds away from giving him a slap on his head. When they’re like this and the height difference is completely reversed, Oscar remembers that Yuki can be incredibly frightening, too. 
“Oscar, listen to me.” Yuki says, gentle. Well, not really gentle, because Oscar is pretty sure that Yuki lacks that definition, but something akin to gentleness, surely. “I think you’re a bit stressed out right now, I get it, it’s an important project-“ 
“My most important project.” Oscar interrupts him. He feels compelled to remind that detail, which he doesn’t find small at all. 
It will dictate the rest of his career, his future, his curriculum, his self esteem. He might be exaggerating, but he’s used to take things seriously only when he manages to convince himself that they are, in fact, serious. 
But now that he thinks about it, he may just need a change of perspective:  maybe having to work alongside Carlos is just a challenge for himself, one last obstacle to overtake before he can finally make all his years of studying and working his back off worth it. 
He just needs to impose himself and he needs to show himself and to Carlos that he knows what he’s doing, and that it can easily be a 50/50 kind of work. 
Perfectly balanced, yeah. 
“- and I mean, anyway, if you’re not happy with whatever he decides, you can just go and talk to the guy.” 
“You know what, Yuki?” Oscar says, standing up as he shuts his laptop close, feeling thrilled about the prospect of taking reins between his hands, for once. It must feel amazing, to finally have control over something, and it only makes him want that promotion more. “I think I’m going to give him a little speech about respect.” 
“That’s not what I meant, but you do you.” Yuki shrugs before finally going back to his desk, sitting hunched over his screen and probably causing himself twenty different problems to his back. 
It’s a spur of the moment, Oscar is not used to get them often, he prefers to be more levelheaded, in a way, more rational, logical. 
But Carlos has always managed to get under his skin in a way that he never was able to point out, like he could just crawl inside and gnaw at it and smirk that too full grin of his that some would define as charming, Oscar just finds unappealing. 
If he were to admit it, he would probably find the reasons of their mutual grudge behind deeply buried thoughts that Oscar has long since tried to forget about. 
Like that time he had been scratching his own wrist with his nails, too long, too uneven, waiting for Lando to give him an ounce of his attention, just for Carlos to get it all with a bat of his eyelashes and a show of his straight teeth. 
And Oscar has thought that, well, he did not know how to style his hair and he had always had bunny teeth and he did not post shirtless selfies on his socials, and he did not like to hop from one club to another to spend the time on a Saturday night, so hoping that Lando could turn around and look at him and say ‘Oscar’ all British accented and tongue in the little gap was just- ridiculous. 
Rationally, that should not be considered as Carlos’ fault, but Oscar just knows that he knows. He swears he had seen him, winking at Oscar jokingly before taking Lando away by the hand, tilting his head to the side, curious, wicked, and then acting like Oscar wasn’t there, not even trying go engage him into conversations. 
At work, it’s quieter, at least. 
The only reason why Oscar still hasn’t spilled a hot coffee all over the front of his shirt is because Carlos kind of is his superior, after all, and people would surely almost immediately suspect of him if they were to find a distressed Carlos Sainz in sight. 
But they still work in different sections, and they never have to cross paths unless they happen to be in the same elevator at the same time, or by the same coffee machine at the same time. They never make small talks, sometimes Carlos just glances at him and nods his head and makes a half assed comment about his commitments for the week like he’s someone too important to be around Oscar. 
And Oscar wants to strangle him or scoff at him and give him a piece of his mind, but he does not, because he’s rational and levelheaded. 
On top of that, the inexperienced comment and the lack of apology thereof does still sting, though he’ll never admit it. 
The upper floor is a little bit nicer than the one his and Yuki’s office is, with longer corridors and opaque glass doors and plants that are actually alive. 
Well, he and Yuki had tried to keep one between their desks, but the attempt had failed after they had realised they had forgotten watering it for four weeks straight. But at least they had tried. 
Oscar doesn’t really think about what he’s going to say when he pushes the door open, nor does he when he strides into the office, basically uninvited. 
And then when he finally thinks about it, it’s just to remain utterly speechless at the sight of Charles half slumped down on the little couch in the corner, scrolling away on his phone. 
“Hi Oscar.” Charles says, enthusiastic as all the other times he and Oscar have interacted in the past. Oscar likes him, even though he can’t help but feel slightly intimidated by his attractiveness, but Charles has always been nice to him and when he goes out with them at the pub, he’s always asking Oscar about his day and appearing actually interested about it. 
Which doesn’t explain why he would be friends with such a douchebag like Carlos, but it’s not like it’s any of his business. 
“Hi Charles.” Oscar replies, unsurely taking a step forward. It doesn’t change the aspect of the situation, of course, what is supposed to be Carlos’ office chair is still as empty as the first time he laid eyes on it. “Am I in the wrong place?” 
“Were you looking for Carlos?” Charles asks with a strange lilt to his voice, one that is not just from his accent, Oscar can tell. 
“Uh, yes?” 
“Then yes you are in the right place.” Charles concludes. “But at the wrong time, he’s out for his lunch break.” 
Oscar checks his watch, then he checks it another time just to be sure. “But lunch break ended fift- twenty minutes ago.” 
“Yeah, but he has to do other things, so he asked for a later lunch break.” 
A later lunch break. 
What kind of immense prick asks for a different lunch break than all the other employees? Who does Carlos think he is? 
Oscar sincerely thinks he has never met someone as full of himself as Carlos in his life, not even that one guy at his high school that went around claiming to be able to get every single girl in his bed. 
Which Oscar knew for sure was a big load of bullshit because he had watched Lauren Smith reject him at their final year’s party, and Oscar had given him a drunken blowjob in a bathroom on the same night. 
And still, Carlos managed to top that off. 
“Alright.” Oscar says calmly. “Then I guess I can come back later.” He finishes, already turning around to get out of this office as soon as possible and go back to lament on Yuki. 
But Charles doesn’t seem to be of the same opinion, clearing his throat to get his attention back on him. “Uh, we will be in a meeting later.” He says sheepishly, and then adding, “I’m sorry I didn’t know you needed him so soon.” 
It’s not Charles’ fault that Carlos is a douchebag, really, and Oscar is not that immature to act like one. “Do not worry, I will come back tomorrow, then.” One deep breath, in and out. “Thanks Charles, I’ll see you around.” 
“Bye Oscar!” Charles waves at him, back to his enthusiastic self. 
Oscar can’t share even an ounce of that same giddiness, right now, so he just closes the door behind himself and curses the name tag on it, flipping the golden plate off. 
And then once again before getting inside the elevatore. 
It’s cathartic enough. 
To: carlos.sainz.vasq...  From: oscar.piastri@g...  Re: team project  Sub: adjustments 
Hi Sainz,  I was not able to find you and I would like to discuss the attachment of your last email.  As it is a team project, I think that we should work, in fact, as team, unless you might’ve missed Andrea’s directives, though I am pretty sure you were sitting next to me. I sincerely hope you do not need any clarification on that.  Good rest of the day. 
To: oscar.piastri@g...  From: carlos.sainz.vasq...  Re: adjustments  Sub: appointment 
Hi Piastri,  I guess I can concede you a talk face to face over the matter. You can meet me in my office tomorrow at half past ten.  Do not be late. 
To: carlos.sainz.vasq...  From: oscar.piastri@g...  Re: appointment 
I won’t. 
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robin33r · 29 days
Taurtis isn't talked about enough. He's genuinely gotten drowned out and it's golly awful!!! Everyone's so focused on Sam and grian and their stuff taurtis gets drowned out.
Taurtis is such an anomaly and he is MORE than just some silly guy who's Sam's best friend. I'd argue he's just as bad or maybe even a tad bit worse. Hear me out.
Straight up at the beginning of the series, no one mentions (outside of like 2 people) that taurtis has killed someone and made it on TV while getting away with it. Bros the first murderer we see in the season revealed and hey, this can imply he's done it before and never gotten caught. Taurtis knows damn well how things are and id argue hes the result behind Sam's behavior. Not Yuki, while she did also heavily influence him, he did a lot more damage.
No one ever mentions ot though because he's just a "silly little guy"
Even from the start Taurtis has been seen making these decisions for Sam but the way they work is making it look like the others independent when I can argue they're both codependent on eachother in a way. Taurtis even convinces and forces the idea of Sam doing things for to a sense someone can see "for his (Sam's) own good" When Sam was in love with Sookie and found out she was into women, he was bummed out, however Taurtis was the one who suggested he could chop her up or get Sam to dress as a girl in which; he even protested at first and kept denying. Taurtis in the beginning had a small weird obsession with when things went wrong; they could resort to "chop chop" It is known and we all talk about Sam and Yuki being a yandere but what about Taurtis being one potentially? I know this can be diminished by the nice treatment Salex (I have a whole another yap session about salex and him and sam) The second Sam said he had no chance with Sookie, Taurtis asked about using force and deceiving to help get Sam what he wants. Also for whatever reason he has a TON of images of Sam on his phone canonically?? Am I the only one who's taking that into acc?
Sam is EASILY one of the most quick-to-influence characters in the series and can easily be manipulated, despite being described as a manipulator himself. And the person who's been with him the most in life and who's been living ALONE with for who knows what time? For Sam to having gone down the rabbit hole he is, the person who'd have tk influence that would have to be Taurtis. He encourages and excuses everything and I'd argue he even partakes in stuff in his own time. There's also the fact he has no problem hurting his own friends as well, he's CONSTANTLY being physical with Sam and he doesn't even care with Stabbing him off a building as a friendly gesture to a sense. There's also the fact he literally doesn't care if someone (coughs SAM) plays dress up with him whenever they want, it's fine its whatever right?? He could care less about that stuff
HOWEVER in the end he's still a teenager, he's a genuinely insecure teenager. It's not directly stated however it is very much implied with his reactions and interactions and his need/drive to impress others and for them to be impressed by and to want him. He almost needs people to need him and that's probably part of what makes him happy about Sam's codependency because he knows Sam needs Taurtis. Taurtis needs someone to need him, which is probably what started his infatuation with salex because she always praised and flirted with him and fueled his confidence; that's what he wants or "needs." That's part of where I think not only Sam but TAURTIS is also codependent in his own way. It's an eye for an eye. He gives what he wants and expects that to be given back in its own way. He's more than happy with being popular and having Sam do so much, hell that helps boost his confidence. He's got his own demands and we've seen instances where he makes Sam supply hjm or give him his own food (which my friend has pointed out that Sam's willing to even starve for taurtis if it meant taurtis could feel full/get what he wanted.) We see Taurtis even being insecure when Sam and Grian point things out (like when he went bald and how horrible it looked) and he instantly jumped on trying to find ways to quickly grow his hair back. He doesn't want that imperfection. He's quick to jump to conclusions too because when Sam makes a small comment he INSTANTLY retorts. (Example; "you have a great chewwy/ you'd be a great chewwy-chewbaca" "are you saying I'm hairy/fat???) He's still an insecure teenager, despite his popular and having someone straight up need him to be even the slightest bit okay, I dont think he'd willingly abandon that
I have so much more to say but rn this is what I'm giving, I could go into his relationship with Sam, his acts/interests, hus family and childhood but that's for another episode
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agendabymooner · 11 months
lost in japan ! max v. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc) - tltl series extra
“i was hoping i could get lost in your paradise.”
summary: sylvie and max in japan. sylvie’s new obsession. a lot of shopping. and twitter/instagram wars. OR f1 twt summarized each one of max’s posts in his ig story after he and sylvie ford went to japan without any notice.
content warning: use of explicit language, established relationship, threads of posts regarding their relationship, nothing just an inchident serious just fluff and possibly humour, press the pictures for the full view!
note: me: i’m gonna update the masterlist. also me: haha funny brain post some more.
i don’t feel alright today but i hope y’all are doing good and touching grass. enjoy xx
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tagged maxverstappen1
liked by tillywolff, landonorris, georgerussell63
comments have been limited
yukitsunoda0511 did you go to akihabara then? liked by sylvieeford
maxverstappen1 she practically lived there if i’m being honest 😀
danielricciardo watch out mustang he might steal your supermodel career liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford he already snatched it. by the weave and all
landonorris left the country as an avid animal crossing gamer and supermodel, came back as an animal crossing gamer and supermodel with a hint of otaku liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford i can be hot and be obsessed with certain fandoms at the same time, best friend 🤐
landonorris i know, best friend. and i fw it 😍
pierregasly max had been texting us in the groupchat asking yuki about animes and street foods. he was studying that’s why he’s on the phone all the time 😂 liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford we had a tour guide for a reason maxverstappen1 😭
maxverstappen1 yuki knew the seedy areas that we didn’t know about. how did you think i found our way into that alleyway of vending machines?
yukitsunoda0511 i helped him
sylvieeford it was quite sketchy but thank you yuki 😀 take me somewhere with lights next time caddy
charles_leclerc did you get me something?
sylvieeford my priceless presence during the next race?
charles_leclerc i’m hoping for something like some stuff from the mario theme park.
shawnmendes i’m glad you took my advice 😉 liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford am i ever glad that i did.
maxverstappen1 if we hadn’t been listening to your playlist we probably wouldn’t have anything to do at home 😅
tillywolff is there anything for the little cubs perhaps??? 👀 liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford maxverstappen1 lol about that
maxverstappen1 you’re gonna hate us so much
tillywolff oh god, you two went all out on the kids. victoriaverstappen these two are at it with the gifts again 🥲
victoriaverstappen we should swap lives for a day at some point and see how much clutter would you step on when you get them toys
sylvieeford actually we got them new friends and some new clothes from the nintendo shop 😉 then we went to sanrioland and got them all…
tillywolff you two need to stop the retail therapy
maxverstappen1 what’s done is done, tils 🤷‍♀️
christianhorner i’m glad you two missed me 🙄 liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford don’t worry we got you something to compensate 😉
christianhorner i don’t even want to know.
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maxverstappen1 posted a story !!!
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bonus !!!
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alonelystargazer · 18 days
Some time has passed now, which has allowed me to reflect on my thoughts about Choso's death and I wanna share them (of course, this is just MY opinion, you don't need to agree with me)
Chapter 259 spoilers ahead
I fell SO fast and hard for Choso as a character. I haven't even known him for a full year. To be honest, I don't think I would be as obsessed with JJK as I am now if it weren't for him (and Nanami). I was just a casual fan when I first watched the anime in 2021, and have been until I finally decided to read the manga. Choso struck me to my core and to me, he is on par, or perhaps even a step above Nanami, as my favorite character of the series.
I LOVE HIM WITH MY WHOLE HEART. I was utterly devastated when he died, and I shared my grief over a fictional character with other fans online. I didn't feel alone.
I wish he was still around for Yuji, I wish he had more time to "live as a human", but I've made my peace with him being gone.
I don't really remember what things I said that week Chapter 259 dropped. I may have let my emotions blind me and say some dumb things, but some time has passed now and it has allowed me to think more objectively about this situation.
I'm not trying to debate whether I believe JJK is a masterpiece of fiction or not with this post, but I will say that if Choso had to die, the way it happened in canon was as meaningful as it could have been.
He fought to the very last second of his life to protect his brother. Before he passed, he got to have one last conversation with Yuji in their little dream world where he praised him for his progress as a sorcerer, and apologized for, what he believes, were his own faults and setbacks.
But Choso also got to hear Yuji call him big brother , the one thing he wanted from him the moment he accepted him as his younger brother. And he thanked Yuji for giving him that gift, for letting him be a big brother again.
He may have felt useless as teacher, which means he probably died believing he didn't fulfill his role as the big brother properly, but Yuji believed in him so much and thanked him for being by his side when he needed support in his most dire moments.
After all the death and destruction Yuji faced in Shibuya, Choso stepped in and provided him with companionship, encouragement, loyalty, and love, everything Yuji probably thought he lost back then. And he made sure to let Choso know that he appreciated having him by his side and for everything he did for him.
I understand the reasons why some Choso fans don't agree that he should have died, or at least, how his death was handled.
He deserved to live and be his own person outside of the role of protective older brother. He deserved to live as a human--find hobbies, explore the world, try new foods, make new friends, etc--just as Yuki wanted for him. Her sacrifice shouldn't have been in vain. That he was doomed to die for his decision to prioritize his brothers above himself. Love is the most twisted curse of all, of course.
Also, that it seemed like his death was overshadowed when Todo was reintroduced, Yuji's "real brother" as some Todo fans have said.
Yeah, in a sense, it did seem like Todo's return overshadowed Choso. Why was this the moment he decided to come back? There was no hint of him coming back, no build up to his return, at least none that I can think of.
But also, what was Yuji supposed to do after he saw Choso turn to ashes? By now, he knows that if he let the time pass to grieve and blame himself, like he did in Shibuya, Sukuna could have used that as an opportunity to sneak up on him and take him out.
And maybe it didn't seem like his death served any purpose for the others, but it helped Yuji , and Yuji was the most important person in Choso's life after his other brothers died.
And in defense of Todo, he's not replacing Choso and his role as Yuji's brother. Todo calls himself Yuji's "brother" in the close friend type of way. He's still apart of Yuji's found family and support group, a friend that encouraged him to get back up and continue fighting in the moments after he witnessed his loved ones die. Yeah, it's unfair that no one is allowed to grieve, but that isn't a luxury they can afford to have when they're in the battlefield.
I'm sure that if Choso and Todo ever met, Choso would be grateful for him for supporting Yuji and helping him improve his sorcery in ways Choso probably couldn't. As in his words, blood manipulation comes instinctively to him.
In this cruel world of jujutsu where giving up your humanity, turning yourself into a monster, gives someone the chance of becoming powerful, Choso choose to keep his humanity, to choose love, but in turn, it cursed him.
But that's just who Choso is, he lived for his brothers. Despite the way they came into the world, Choso always choose to love his brothers, unconditionally, to the very end.
TL;DR: I can't say if Choso's death was "necessary", but I do believe that if he had to die in this story, the way it actually happened was perhaps the best possible scenario for him.
He may have died with regrets, but he was still able to help his brother Yuji one last time by protecting him from Sukuna's flames. And he got the greatest gift: a second chance at being a big brother, and to hear those words of gratitude in his final moments.
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dangermousie · 2 months
Wallflower live action ep 1
Wallflower (also known as Perfect Girl Evolution) is one of my all-time favorite mangas. The story takes the simple Cinderella/Pygmalion fantasy and turns it on its head. Four pretty boys who rent a house get told by their eccentric landlady that if they can transform her niece Sunako into a lady, they get to live rent-free. Always broke, the boys enthusiastically agree. Enter Sunako - spotty, unkempt, horror-loving, people-avoiding Goth. Good luck, boys!
Wallflower features perhaps one of the most awesome heroines to ever exist. Sunako is beyond TOUGH. And I mean tough. You mess with her (or with anyone she likes - one of the boys, her girlfriend Noi etc), an army will not save you from her wrath.
The boys (blunt, food-obsessed Kyohei, the "caring feminist" Takenaga, the playboy Ranmaru, and the sweet Yuki) do not know what is about to hit them. Wallflower is NOT about them reforming Sunako - the boys give up fairly quickly (they just try to pretend they are continuing so as to continue to get the deal from the landlady) and just accept Sunako for who she is - a violent weirdo who can cook. Sunako makes no excuses for being who she is - she has no interest in transforming herself into a barbie, she makes no bones about loving her horror movies or living with skeletons, her lack of interest in her hot neighbors 'that way', or in any pretensions about being ladylike.
Wallflower is really a celebration of being different and being happy in that difference. All the characters are somewhat odd - Yuki is delicate and shy, Takenaga is some sort of benevolent Moriarti, Ranmaru is a shameless, older-women-loving slut, and Kyohei...Oh, Kyohei. He is probably the only character who is almost as weird as Sunako is.
Nor do all the boys fall in love with Sunako magically or anything like that. Yuki has a long-standing girlfriend, Takenaga and Ranmaru acquire OTPs (Takenaga's girlfriend Noi is one of my favorite characters ever. God, I love her!) Kyohei and Sunako are the OTP but it's not because he sees her inner princess or anything silly like that - they are both blunt, violent, not too bright people imprisoned by their looks who like to do the same things for fun (one of my favorite things in Wallflower is the parallel it draws between the 'creature of darkness' Sunako and the ultimate pretty boy Kyohei - nobody sees them as a person, not really, because of the facade being so all-engulfing. Sunako freaks out the passerby and Kyohei can't keep down a job because the staff and customers start fights over him - underneath all the OTT hilariousness, Wallflower has a lovely point about inner persons).
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Kyohei, Sunako's eventual boyfriend, is first introduced when he is (a) getting groped by his boss, (b) has screaming ladies disrupting the restaurant wanting to have him be their waiter; (c) loses it spectacularly, smashing the ladies' table, punching out the boss, and quitting. This has clearly happened to him umpteen times before.
The other three guys are Oda Takenaga, smart and cold-blooded:
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Yuki, the sweet one:
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Ranmaru, the older ladies' loving slut.
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Together, they are Wallflower's very own F4, only much better adjusted. Let's call them W4, like the tax form.
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Their rental is a gothic looking castle which will suit Sunako but why their landlady owns one is manga logic.
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The Landlady is living her best life and the story is sprung in motion when she requests W4 turn her niece Sunako into a lady and that way rent is free. Watching Kyohei go from disgruntled by the idea to ecstatic at the mention of free rent is priceless.
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Our first look at Sunako and she is just as gloriously odd as she should be. She also is utterly displeased to be sharing her living quarters with "creatures of the light." I adore her!!! She wants to avoid light, wear her hood, watch her horror movies, and roll in her creepy memorabilia.
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W4 entrap Sunako by strewing a trail of horror items.
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But the makeover fails because Sunako is supernaturally strong and frees herself, causes an electric storm and escapes back into her lair. Good luck, boys, you will need it!
Meanwhile, the boys aren't the only ones trying to make cash. Here is Sunako's friend taking pics of Kyohei to sell to fangirls for money.
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Said friend gets in trouble (she's been giving all her money to a host. Because of course) and Kyohei is also forced being a host or else Sunako's friend gets it. Manga logic is present.
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But here is where we get to meet the REAL unhinged Sunako, who is not keen on either her friend or her roommates being taken advantage of and comes to the rescue herself.
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Before you get carried away, being around too many good-looking people causes her to freak out ahahaah.
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It's OK, her backup aka the rest of the boys are here, in drag.
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Eventually, everything goes to hell and Kyohei and Sunako end up being caught and tied up. (Now that I think about it, the manga had a serious people being tied up fetish :P)
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Too bad for the bad guys, Sunako is strong and violent and unties them both, and they go on to the violent rampage through the club, knocking hordes of opponents out in unison and Kyohei FALLS IN LOVE. (I will always be into the fact that he fell for the woman after seeing her headbutt people and crack their skulls ahahahah.)
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Having destroyed a metric ton of goons and rescued whoever they needed to, Sunako and Kyohei gift exchange - she gets cookies, he gets a skull. And a start of a beautiful new friendrelationship is born!
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Honestly, the first ep is just as fun as when I watched it ages ago. Nothing will ever be as good and as wildly out there as the manga but this is a good adaptation tbh.
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moon-swag-tourney · 11 months
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Propaganda below!
uh umm idk i think moon is preetty neat also tumblr user pillowspace posts them a lot so ebven coolee
It's the scrimblo!
uh.....fuck tiktok?
Yue / Yukito Tsukishiro
he is in aprox 1/3 of the eps... never smiles but u know he cares bc hes got that fiercely protective way of caring. pretty, i want his gender and his clothes and his earring cuff and his literal knee length hair and and 
Listen listen!!! Im so obsessed with him. Hes gay, like canonically! He has a boyfriend!! He almost died. Hes not human. His entire life was a fabrication up to a few years before the story starts. Im convinced the anime is a psychological slow burn horror from his perspective. Hes always sweet and kind to everyone. The bi protag and her bi boyfriend both had crushes on him. He played an expired can of sardines in a cinderella play. He is a literal bottomless pit when he comes to food. 
I love him
he's just a goofy little guy!! he's always hungry & always sleepy because his body is trying to support Yue without even knowing he's In There. he's so kind and sweet and handles the crushes that two much younger kids have on him with a lot of care and grace. Yukito is best friends/love interests with the main character Sakura's older brother Touya, and when Sakura confesses her love for Yukito, he lets her down nicely and tells her that Touya is his "most important person". at one point, Yukito is regularly blacking out and fading away because Yue can no longer sustain himself without a huge infusion of magic. in the end, Touya offers his own magic in order to sustain him because he doesn't want to lose Yukito. Yukito and Touya even have a cute little nicknames for each other!! Yuki and Toya!! and in another series CLAMP wrote, the two of them often show up as background characters in the cross-dimensional journey of the main characters, implying that Yukito and Touya will always find each other no matter what universe they're born into <3
So maybe he's not your girlfriend who turned into the moon, but he's pretty and grumpy and very loyal!
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maochira · 1 year
OMG OMG HIII so I was thinking if you can write more about big bro gagamaru raichi and yuki (I’m literally obsessed🫠)
Requests open! - masterlist
gn!younger sibling!reader
Sharing food with your brother!
Gagamaru steals your food all the time. I you're not looking for a second, he just takes some of it. And always as much as he wants to. You're used to it by now, so you always get extra food on your plate that you know you won't eat. Gagamaru doesn't even realize how much of your food he always takes, it became so much of a habit, he's doing it subconsciously.
Raichi is a very picky eater and gives anything he doesn't like to you. He just dumps everything on your plate and lets you enjoy the food. But as soon as there's food he likes, he's not willing to share any of it- That already started when you were kids because even when your parents asked him to, he refused to give you any of his food. But that only makes it fun whenever you attempt to steal some of it. Whenever you do, Raichi runs after you and tries to get it back. Although, by the time he catches you, you've already eaten it.
Ever since you were children, you and Yukimiya had this deal of always giving the other the food one of you doesn't like during lunch and dinner. If there's anything you don't like, it always ends on Yukimiya's plate and vice versa. Besides that, you don't share food that much. But on every Valentine's Day, he shares the chocolate he received with you, since he gets so many he wouldn't be able to eat all of it on his own anyways.
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yuitoru · 6 months
yunji thoughts b keeping me awake its actually my siblings’ snoring
but i wanna dump a whole bunch of hcs here for yunji so why not. cw; contains csm manga spoilers
denji and yuki met whilst working in public safety, and were instantly menaces to everyone. the members of their division would expect daily pranks from them, and had to endure constant torment
they initially stayed as good friends for the majority of knowing each other - people died too often when working as devil hunters to form attachments to others.
yuki fell first, denji fell harder
during that one kiss scene with h*meno, yuki was sat next to power when it happened, and she just left the izakaya without a word (creds to my pookie @riaki for the idea ly bae <33)
she then just aired denji for days on end until nearly the entire division were begging for her to talk to him again - he had been throwing toddler tantrums non stop
both of them are awkward fucks so it took absolutely ages to even realise the fact that they both had feelings for each other (aki had to spell it out for denji.)
they didnt start dating immediately after confessing; there were a few dates and they spent even more time together before they both knew that they wanted a relationship. tbh it was more on yuki's part - denji was ready from the get-go, with his obsession with boobs and all
speaking of, yuki does not like that shit. the one scene were denji got three squeezes from power? yeah, yuki dont do that shit. its not about insecurity or anything, but shes just really ticklish around her collarbones (another fact abt me :p)
the most boob interaction denji will ever get is laying on her chest or hugging her - no touchy touchy at all
yuki loves styling denji's hair; after missions the two of them will lay down in the living room, denji's head on yuki's lap as she puts his hair into two little pigtails. he wears them out proudly
they have quite a few arguments, but theyre never serious. the one time that they did genuinely argue, yuki left the apartment for a few days and ignored denji for the rest of the week. shes stubborn like that
both have love languages of physical touch and quality time; they have to spend every waking moment with each other - morning, afternoon, evening and night
yuki and nayuta get along, much to denji's surprise. after makima's death and the reincarnation of the control devil to nayuta, yuki began helping denji raise nayuta. she became the female role model for nayuta to follow, completing their 'family' with yuki as her 'mother'
yuki hates asa. thats the hc.
yuki steals a lot of denji's clothes, despite none of them fitting properly. denji's around 5'11", whilst yuki's 5'1" (my height...), so most of denji's clothes are oversized and have to be rolled to fit around her. she wears his shirts to sleep; it being more than enough to cover her
yuki leaves hair ties everywhere. theyre all over the floor and denji finds them in the weirdest places ever
denji is big spoon. always, since yuki refuses to wrap around his back like a baby koala to be big spoon
when shes mad, yuki goes back to her native language - Arabic, and just screams like a maniac. being Arab, her temper is worse than a standard person's (where are my arabs come back me up here)
yuki loves making middle eastern food for denji to try, and he loves eating it. his favourites are wara3 enab, kibbeh and lahm bi ajin (sfiha), but he hates molokhia and tabbouleh
petnames for the both of them; yuki to denji: 'baby', 'love', 'denj', 'habibi', 'omri', 'ya rouhi' ('my love', 'my life', 'my soul' for non arabs). denji to yuki: 'baby', 'hun', 'pretty', 'angel', 'snowflake', 'yuyu', 'princess'
thats all i have for now but i might post more for my babies <33
i love them theyre so cute
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