#and this was starting from about 4/10 fatigue and 6/10 pain
afniel · 2 months
Okay, I sat at my desk thinking I'd write, but instead I'm so tired (distinct from being sleepy. I'm usually tired. I'm almost never sleepy) that sitting at my desk hurts and I can't focus worth shit.
I'm beginning to understand how I can write doorstop-size novel(s?) from my phone actually...horizontal is a great position in general.
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Pain Scale transcription:
10 - I am in bed and I can’t move due to my pain. I need someone to take me to the emergency room because of my pain.
9 - My pain is all that I can think about. I can barely move or talk because of my pain.
8 - My pain is so severe that it is difficult to think of anything else. Talking and listening are difficult.
7 - I am in pain all the time. It keeps me from doing most activities.
6 - I think about my pain all of the time. I give up many activities because of my pain.
5 - I think about my pain most of the time. I cannot do some of the activities I need to do each day because of the pain.
4 - I am constantly aware of my pain but can continue most activities.
3 - My pain bothers me but I can ignore it most of the time.
2 - I have a low level of pain. I am aware of my pain only when I pay attention to it.
1 - My pain is hardly noticeable.
0 - I have no pain.
Fatigue scale transcription:
10: can barely move; can’t talk
9: can barely move; can talk
8: can move, but can’t do much more than watch TV
7: can watch TV and play a game on my phone simultaneously
6: can do work on my computer lying in bed
5: can get around the house, but definitely couldn’t go out
4: can run a light errand
3: can get in my 10,000 steps, making my fitbit happy
2: can do three or more activities in a single day
1: going clubbing!
Mental Health Pain Scale transcription:
1 - Everything is a-okay! There is absolutely nothing wrong. You’re probably cuddling a fluffy kitten right now. Enjoy!
2 - You’re a bit frustrated or disappointed, but you’re easily distracted and cheered up with a little effort.
3 - Things are bothering you, but you’re coping. You might be overtired or hungry. The emotional equivalent of a headache.
4 - Today is a bad day (or a few bad days). You still have the skills to get through it, but be gentle with yourself. Use self-care strategies.
5 - Your mental health is starting to impact on your everyday life. Easy things are becoming difficult. You should talk to your doctor.
6 - You can’t do things the way you usually do them due to your mental health. Impulsive and compulsive thoughts may be hard to cope with.
7 - You’re avoiding things that make you more distressed, but that will make it worse. You should definitely seek help. This is serious.
8 - You can’t hide your struggles any more. You may have issues sleeping, eating, having fun, socialising, and work/study. Your mental health is affecting almost all parts of your life.
9 - You’re at a critical point. You aren’t functioning any more. You need urgent help. You may be a risk to yourself or others if left untreated.
10 - The worst mental and emotional distress possible. You can no longer care for yourself. You can’t imagine things getting any worse. Contact a crisis line immediately.
Tag yourself I'm 4, 6, and somewhere between 1 and 10 depending on when I've last seen a chicken
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cripple-council · 1 year
✨physical disability / cripple ask game✨
1. do you use any mobility aids? if yes, show us!!
2. do you use any type of disability aid other than mobility aids? (service animals, splints, glasses, inhaler, hearing aids, nebulizer, glucose monitors, hearing aids etc.) if yes, show us!!
3. if you have chronic pain, what’s your “normal” on the scale and what do you consider a good day on the scale?
4. if you have chronic fatigue, what’s your “normal” on the scale and what do you consider a good day on the scale?
5. what’s the worst part about being physically disabled?
6. what’s the best part about being physically disabled?
7. what’s your latest horror story from interacting with medical professionals?
8. what’s your latest horror story from interacting with able bodied people?
9. what is the worst thing an able bodied person has ever asked you or said to you?
10. what is something you want other people to know about your physical disability/disabilities?
11. what is something that you’re incredibly tired of hearing about your physical disability?
12. are you diagnosed, seeking diagnosis or self diagnosed? (i am pro self dx btw)
13. if you don’t have a diagnosis, do you want one, why/why not?
14. what good has happened recently related to your physical disability?
15. when and how did you discover the cripple punk movement?
16. have you always been physically disabled?
17. when did you start to consider yourself physically disabled?
18. do you have a carer? if yes, what are they like?
19. do you consider yourself visibly disabled? if yes, how does that affect your interactions with strangers?
20. do you have other physically disabled friends? if yes, how did you meet?
this ask game is for physically disabled people only
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injoymalepics2 · 1 month
When you are alone and have a heart attack….what are you going to do ?
A really good post that can't be shared often enough:.
Take a 2 minute break and read this:
Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.
You are really tired and frustrated.
All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.
Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..
Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.
How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.
But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.
Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment
Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.
9. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.
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strawberryrituals · 1 year
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From the book Cosmic Nutrition by Mantak Chia:
The qualities of vibrant health:
1. A healthy, normal appetite for natural wholesome foods.
2. Sound undisturbed sleep and a zest for living upon rising in the morning, free from fatigue.
3. Calm nerves, clear thinking, and a steady magnetic gaze.
4. A clear, strong, and musical voice.
5. Hair that is strong, lustrous, plentiful, and shining, without dandruff or dryness.
6. A clear complexion, bright and glowing.
7. A firm, powerful, and flexible grip.
8. A clear, alert mind, with a good memory, without absent-mindedness or forgetfulness.
9. Constructive and happy thoughts about self and others.
10. The attitude is confident, loving, cheerful, and positive; a realist.
11. Perfect eyesight without glasses; eyes clear and sparkling; hearing perfect.
12. The tongue is pink and uncoated; the breath is sweet and clean.
13. No dark circles or puffiness under eyes.
14. A good sense of humor about yourself and others; a calm, peaceful nature.
15. A proper upright posture and carriage, neither bent nor inflexible.
16. Body weight proportionate to height and bone structure; neither thin or fat, but firm.
17. Body joints flexible and free from stiffness and calcium deposits.
18. Taking total responsibility for all your actions and circumstances.
19. Teeth are even and shiny white; gums do not bleed; no cavities and strong bite.
20. Muscles are firm, strong, and smooth; an energetic springing step; athletic ability.
21. Internal organs and glands in their proper place and functioning healthfully.
22. No sensations of pain, pressure, swellings, soreness, tiredness, stress, or indigestion.
23. Neither cold hands nor feet; body temperature and blood pressure normal; pulse not too high or low but even and steady.
24. A grateful and thankful feeling for being alive, with appreciation for the things you now have.
25. You are orderly and precise in thought and action, neither hasty nor plodding.
26. You are an independent thinker, free from dogmas, prejudices, and false notions.
27. You do not follow organizations, groups, teachers, or cults without question, failing to reason and think about the truth of life by your own intelligence and creativity.
28. Your goal in life is to help other people; you are not self-centered.
29. You have plans and goals in life based on your own creativity and individuality.
30. You know who you are, where you are going, and the purpose of your life.
If you possess most of these positive vibrant health qualities, you are living in accordance with natural law; if not, start on a rejuvenation health program today.
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yogatipsandtricks · 1 year
Yoga has become increasingly popular over the years, as more people have recognized the physical and mental benefits that come with regular practice. It is a fantastic way to improve flexibility, balance, and strength, while also reducing stress and promoting overall well-being. For beginners, however, yoga can be intimidating and overwhelming, which is why we've compiled a list of 20 EXCELLENT YOGA TIPS FOR BEGINNERS by OLIVIA CHRISTINA to help you get started.
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1. Find the right class
There are many different types of yoga, and each class may have a different focus, pace, and level of difficulty. As a beginner, it's important to find a class that is appropriate for your experience level and goals. Look for a class labeled "beginner" or "gentle" to start.
2. Get comfortable clothing
You'll want to wear comfortable, breathable clothing that allows you to move freely. Avoid wearing anything too baggy or restrictive, as this can get in the way of your movements.
3. Invest in a good yoga mat
A good yoga mat can help you maintain stability and prevent slips and falls. Look for a mat that is thick enough to provide cushioning, but not too bulky to carry around.
4. Start with the basics
Don't try to do advanced poses right away. Start with the basics, such as downward-facing dog, warrior, and child's pose. Focus on mastering these poses before moving on to more challenging ones.
5. Use props
Props, such as blocks, straps, and blankets, can help you achieve proper alignment and make poses more accessible. Don't be afraid to use them.
6. Don't compare yourself to others
Remember that yoga is a personal practice, and everyone's body is different. Don't compare yourself to others in the class, and don't push yourself too hard.
7. Breathe deeply
Breathing is an essential part of yoga. Focus on breathing deeply and fully, in through the nose and out through the mouth.
8. Listen to your body
Pay attention to how your body feels during each pose. If something feels uncomfortable or painful, ease up or modify the pose.
9. Stay hydrated
Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your yoga practice.
10. Practice regularly
Consistency is key when it comes to yoga. Try to practice at least two to three times a week to see progress.
11. Take breaks when needed
If you feel fatigued or overwhelmed, take a break or come out of a pose. It's okay to rest.
12. Focus on alignment
Proper alignment is crucial for getting the most out of each pose and preventing injury. Focus on aligning your body correctly, and don't rush through poses.
13. Don't eat a heavy meal before practice
Avoid eating a heavy meal at least two hours before your yoga practice. This will prevent discomfort and nausea.
14. Try different styles
There are many different styles of yoga, from hatha to vinyasa to restorative. Try out different styles to find what works best for you.
15. Don't be afraid to ask questions
If you're unsure about a pose or have a question, don't be afraid to ask the teacher or instructor.
16. Use online resources
There are many online resources, such as videos and tutorials, that can help you improve your practice and learn new poses.
17. Stay present
Yoga is a great way to be present and focus on the moment. Try to stay present and mindful during your practice.
18. Warm up before practice
Just like any other physical activity, it's important to warm up your body before starting your yoga practice. Spend a few minutes doing gentle stretches or a few rounds of sun salutations to get your body ready for the more intense poses.
19. Be patient
Yoga is a practice that takes time and patience to master. Don't get discouraged if you don't see progress right away. Keep practicing and trust that your body will gradually become more flexible and stronger.
20. Set realistic goals
Set realistic goals for your practice. Don't expect to be able to do advanced poses right away. Instead, focus on small goals, such as improving your flexibility or holding a pose for a few seconds longer.
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meret118 · 1 year
1. Two viciously contagious covids, the BQ variants, have taken the lead in U.S. infections, and the monster XBB virus has a foothold in New York City and elsewhere.
2. Those three have rendered many antibodies and treatments useless. “Notably, XBB.1 escaped all NTD-targeting NAbs tested here,” stated a massive Peking University study. [ NAbs = Neutralizing Antibodies that fight covid. ]
3. On the eve of intense Thanksgiving travel and crowded family gatherings, the vast majority of Americans are not wearing quality masks or even social distancing, making themselves and everyone around them open to superspreader covid attacks.
4. About 90 percent of Americans have used up their covid immunities, which fade at the rate of about 20 percent per month.
5. Just 10 percent of Americans have gotten the latest free vaccine, which is about the only thing that can help, and it needs two weeks to take effect.
6. The maker of Paxlovid, which hinders the virus from reproducing, indicated its product does not work very well for “patients who aren’t at high risk of severe disease,” Time magazine reported. Paxlovid “does not help reduce symptoms in people who are considered ‘standard risk’ for a severe COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, or death.” [ Bummer. That was going to be my ace in the hole. ]None of the Pfizer results were worse than taking nothing, but Paxlovid’s goods were so marginal to be “non-significant” by scientific standards. [ I’d still take it because I’ll use every weapon I can against covid, but it’s gone from an ace-in-the-hole down to a jack. However, it interacts badly with a lot of other drugs, so be careful. ]
7. Pfizer also reported “Paxlovid did not have a significant impact on high-risk people who have been vaccinated,” msn.com stated. [ Ouch! ] So it’s only good for unvaccinated high-risk people. [ What? Anti-vaxxers only? That doesn’t seem right. I’m jealous. On the other hand, that shows vaccines raised immunity so high that Paxlovid can’t lift them higher. ]But Paxlovid has to be started within five days of symptoms—and almost all covid symptoms resemble a cold, RSV, or the flu—which started in October this year, the earliest since 2010. Many people will lose a few days with what appears to be a cold or flu, then hesitate and miss the deadline for Paxlovid to help.
8. Young children and older adults are susceptible to RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) right now, and are filling hospital wards. Flu hospitalization rates are “the highest for this time of year in more than a decade.” Adding covid victims could stress hospitals beyond their capacity, leading to “tent-city” levels of care. [ Remember 2020’s long lines with people collapsing? ]
9. In addition to the one-million-funerals American death count, Long Covid has been exposed as a painfully debilitating disease of mind and body, including severe fatigue and “brain fog.” It has affected between 22 and 43 million Americans, and 7 to 14 million are expected to suffer for years, descending into poverty and overwhelming physical and mental distress from “disabling long covid” (DLC) that withers them for who knows how long—they’re the first to get it, and it could be for life.
10. Financial damage to the full Disabling Long Covid (DLC) U.S. population is estimated at almost $400 billion as of January 2022. That is only the short-term financial carnage to American victims of disabling long covid, not including pain and suffering, loss of self-esteem, and frequent prolonged symptoms of persistent fatigue, brain fog, and depleted energy. [ Probably a heap of depression, too. ]
Get your booster!
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connectwithalicia · 23 days
I have had many CPR classes over the last few years l and Ive even taught it. But was never told this or taught to teach it...
Have you ever thought about it ❤️
When you are alone and have a heart attack. What are you gonna do then ?
A rarely good post that can't be shared often enough:
Take a 2 minute break and read this:
Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.
You are really tired and frustrated.
All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.
Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..
Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.
How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.
But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.
Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment
Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.
9. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.
Instead of posting jokes, you're helping save lives by spreading this message.
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freechildflower · 1 month
I have had several CPR classes over the last few years but was never told this…..
Have you ever thought about it ❤️
When you are alone and have a heart attack. What are you gonna do then ?
A rarely good post that can't be shared often enough:
1. Take a 2 minute break and read this:
Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.
2. You are really tired and frustrated.
All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.
3. Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..
4. Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.
5. How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.
6. But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.
7. Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment
8. Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.
9. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.
Instead of posting jokes, you're helping save lives by spreading this message.
❤️ COPY (hold your finger, click on the text and select copy, go to your own page and where you normally want to write, select finger
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adorefem · 4 months
Norethisterone Dubacare Tablet- Side Effects, Dosage, Precautions, and Uses
Dubacare Tablet, a medication containing Norethisterone, is a crucial tool in managing various menstrual disorders. From heavy and painful periods to endometriosis, this medication plays a pivotal role in regulating menstrual cycles. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the intricacies of Norethisterone, exploring its uses, dosage, precautions, and potential side effects.
Norethisterone – The Basics
Norethisterone is a synthetic form of progesterone, a hormone naturally produced by the body. It serves as an effective treatment for a spectrum of menstrual problems, including heavy bleeding, amenorrhea (absence of periods), irregular periods, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Additionally, it can be used to delay periods, offering women greater control over their menstrual cycles.
Uses of Norethisterone
The versatility of Norethisterone lies in its ability to mimic the actions of the progesterone hormone. By doing so, it addresses a range of menstrual issues, providing relief to women facing challenges such as heavy bleeding, irregular cycles, and PMS symptoms like irritability, bloating, and fatigue.
Moreover, Norethisterone is prescribed for endometriosis, a condition characterized by the growth of tissue outside the uterus. In such cases, the medication is typically recommended once daily for an extended period, usually spanning 6 to 9 months, or until breakthrough bleeding becomes problematic. 
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Dosage and Administration
To maximize the benefits of Norethisterone, it is crucial to adhere to the prescribed dosage and administration guidelines. The recommended dose and duration vary based on the specific condition being treated. For instance, when used to induce a normal menstrual cycle in women who have stopped menstruating, it is usually taken once a day for 5 to 10 days during the second half of the planned menstrual cycle.
Consistency is key when it comes to taking Norethisterone. Ensuring that each dose is taken at the same time daily helps maintain steady levels of the medication in the body, enhancing its efficacy. 
Managing Breakthrough Bleeding
While Norethisterone is effective in stopping bleeding associated with heavy or prolonged periods, breakthrough bleeding or spotting may occur in some cases. This is more likely when the medication is not taken as prescribed, such as taking a lower-than-prescribed dose or neglecting to start the medication three days before the expected period. To minimize this risk, it is imperative to strictly adhere to the prescribed regimen.
Effects on Menstrual Cycle
Norethisterone may cause temporary disturbances in the menstrual cycle, especially when first introduced. Typically prescribed for about 10 days to manage heavy periods, the medication may reset the cycle. Following the completion of the treatment, periods often resume within three days. It is normal for the body to take 3-4 cycles to correct itself, eventually restoring the menstrual cycle to its usual pattern.
Precautions and Expert Advice
While Norethisterone is a valuable tool in managing menstrual disorders, it is not without its precautions and potential side effects. Users are advised to monitor their health closely and seek medical attention if they experience severe headaches, stabbing pains or swelling in one leg, pain while breathing, yellowing of the skin, or sudden changes in vision or hearing.
It is important to note that Norethisterone is not a contraceptive. Women taking this medication should use non-hormonal methods, such as condoms, to prevent pregnancy. If pregnancy is a concern, consulting a healthcare professional for suitable contraceptive options is recommended.
Mechanism of Action
In the world of women’s health, a certain hormonal tablet has become instrumental in managing various reproductive challenges. While we refrain from explicitly mentioning its name, let’s embark on an exploration into the intricate molecular mechanisms that define its actions within the female body. By understanding the molecular ballet orchestrated by this tablet, we gain insights into how it influences target cells, reproductive tissues, and the delicate balance of hormones.
Molecular Interaction and Progesterone Receptors
At the molecular level, progestins, such as the one found in this tablet, exert their influence by binding to progesterone receptors. These receptors are present in various tissues, including the reproductive tract, breast, pituitary, hypothalamus, skeletal tissue, and the central nervous system. This binding sets off a cascade of downstream changes to target genes, orchestrating a symphony of effects throughout the body. 
Contraceptive Efficacy: A Multifaceted Approach
The tablet’s contraceptive efficacy is not a singular event but a result of multifaceted actions. A significant contribution comes from alterations to cervical mucus. Norethisterone, in particular, enhances the cell content and viscosity of the mucous, creating a formidable barrier that impedes sperm transport and migration. This barrier adds a layer of protection, preventing the union of sperm and egg.
Endometrial Modifications: Making Implantation Inhospitable 
Within the endometrium, norethisterone induces a range of changes. These include atrophy, irregular secretion, and suppressed proliferation. These modifications collectively create an inhospitable environment for implantation. By altering the endometrium, the tablet contributes to its contraceptive effects, ensuring that the conditions are unfavorable for the establishment of pregnancy.
Regulation of Hormones: A Delicate Balance
Employing a negative feedback loop, norethisterone acts on both the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. This action leads to the suppression of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) release from the anterior pituitary. The suppression of these crucial hormones plays a pivotal role in preventing follicular development, ovulation, and corpus luteum development. By disrupting this sequence, the tablet helps regulate the menstrual cycle and contributes to its contraceptive efficacy.
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopausal Women
Beyond contraception, norethisterone finds utility in hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women. Its primary role lies in suppressing the growth of the endometrium. In postmenopausal women with an intact uterus, unopposed estrogen stimulation can lead to endometrial hyperplasia, increasing the risk of endometrial cancer. Adding norethisterone to hormone replacement therapy mitigates this risk by providing opposition to estrogen-induced endometrial growth.
Low Affinity for Other Receptors 
It’s noteworthy that norethisterone, along with other progestins and endogenous progesterone, exhibits a low affinity for other steroid receptors, such as the androgen receptor and glucocorticoid receptor. While the affinity and agonistic activity at these receptors are minimal, some adverse effects observed with progestin use, such as acne and serum lipid changes, are thought to be attributed to androgen receptor agonism.
Dubacare Tablet, enriched with Norethisterone, emerges as a crucial player in the realm of women’s health. Its ability to regulate menstrual cycles, manage heavy bleeding, and address diverse menstrual disorders positions it as a cornerstone in gynecological care. However, navigating the nuances of Norethisterone requires an informed approach, understanding its uses, adhering to prescribed dosages, and acknowledging potential side effects.
In Conclusion, Dubacare Tablet with Norethisterone serves as a beacon of support on the journey towards menstrual health and overall well-being. In the intricate tapestry of female reproductive health, Norethisterone weaves a thread of balance, offering relief and empowerment to those navigating the ebbs and flows of their menstrual cycles.
Source: https://www.adorefem.com/norethisterone-dubacare-tablet-side-effects-dosage-precautions-and-uses/
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jpshealth · 8 months
Medical Myths Unmasking: All About Heart Disease
Today, we're diving into the world of heart disease myths. Buckle up because we're about to debunk some misconceptions, learn the facts, and take steps toward a healthier heart. 
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Myth 1: Heart Disease Only Affects the Elderly
It's time to put this myth to rest. Heart disease isn't just a concern for our grandparents; it can impact people of all ages. In fact, younger folks can be at risk too, especially if they have a family history or engage in risky behaviors like smoking or a poor diet.
The Truth: 
Heart disease risk factors include genetics, lifestyle choices, and more. It's never too early to start taking care of your heart.
Myth 2: A Healthy Diet Doesn't Matter If You Have Good Genes
Here's a common misconception: some believe that if heart disease runs in their family, there's nothing they can do about it. Wrong! Your genes do play a role, but your lifestyle choices can tip the scales in your favor.
The Truth: 
A heart-healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management can significantly reduce your risk, even with a family history.
Myth 3: Cholesterol Isn't a Big Deal
Some folks downplay the importance of cholesterol in heart health. "It's just a number, right?" Not quite. High cholesterol levels can clog your arteries, leading to heart problems down the road.
The Truth: 
Monitoring and managing your cholesterol levels is essential. Diet, exercise, and medication can help keep them in check.
Myth 4: Heart Attacks Are Always Painful and Obvious
We've seen it in movies—a person clutches their chest, gasping for breath. But in reality, heart attacks can be sneakier than that. Symptoms can vary, and sometimes they're subtle.
The Truth: 
Watch out for symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or nausea. If something feels off, don't hesitate to seek medical help.
Myth 5: If You're Thin, You're Safe from Heart Disease
Being slim doesn't automatically grant you a heart disease immunity card. Skinny or not, your lifestyle habits play a crucial role in your heart health.
The Truth: 
Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and staying physically active are key factors in preventing heart disease.
Myth 6: Supplements Can Replace a Healthy Diet
While supplements have their place, they can't fully replace a nutritious diet. Some believe they can pop a pill and forget about fruits and veggies—nope, doesn't work that way.
The Truth: 
Supplements are meant to supplement, not replace. A well-balanced diet should be your primary source of essential nutrients.
Myth 7: Heart Disease Is a Man's Problem
Ladies, this one's for you. Heart disease isn't just a "man's problem." It's the leading cause of death for women worldwide. Let's break this stereotype!
The Truth: 
Both men and women should be aware of their heart health. Risk factors may vary, but heart disease doesn't discriminate.
Myth 8: You Can't Have a Social Life if You're Heart-Healthy
Some people fear that a heart-healthy lifestyle means giving up all the fun stuff. Not true! You can still enjoy life while taking care of your heart.
The Truth: 
Balancing social outings with healthy choices is key. Opt for heart-smart menu options, and don't forget to dance the night away!
Myth 9: Medication Solves Everything
Medications can work wonders, but they're not magic pills that fix everything. They should complement lifestyle changes, not replace them.
The Truth: 
Medications can be a valuable part of heart disease management, but a holistic approach is usually more effective.
Myth 10: You Can't Reverse Heart Disease
Finally, let's bust the myth that heart disease is a one-way street. With the right lifestyle changes, you can slow down or even reverse the progression of heart disease.
The Truth: 
A heart-healthy diet, exercise, quitting smoking, and managing stress can make a significant positive impact on your heart health.
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Conclusion: Let's Set the Record Straight
There you have it, folks—ten common heart disease myths debunked! It's crucial to separate fact from fiction to protect your heart and live a long, healthy life. Remember, your heart deserves the best care, so make informed choices, stay active, and savor those heart-healthy meals. Your future self will thank you!
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massagetherapylondon · 8 months
The Benefits of Massage Therapy and Why You Should Try It
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Massage therapy isn't just about feeling relaxed; it can profoundly affect your physical and mental health. From boosting immunity to improving sports performance, the list of massage therapy benefits is endless. In this blog post, we'll explore why you should make massage treatment part of your regular self-care routine - from decreasing stress levels to reducing pain and helping you sleep better at night. So put aside any reservations you may have about getting a massage - solid evidence backed by science proves how beneficial it can be for our bodies!
1) Stress Reduction
Massage therapy is one of the best ways to alleviate stress and improve well-being. Studies have found that massage can reduce cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. Reducing cortisol in your body helps create a more relaxed state, allowing for improved sleep quality and better concentration during the day.
2) Pain Relief
If you're dealing with chronic pain, massage therapy can greatly reduce your symptoms & improve your overall quality of life. Massage increases circulation and blood flow in the massaged area, which helps release toxins causing inflammation and discomfort. It also reduces muscle spasms and stiffness while increasing flexibility.
3) Improved Sleep
Massage therapy can be a great solution for insomnia or difficulty falling asleep. It helps relax your body & mind, allowing you to drift off into a peaceful sleep. Massage also increases serotonin levels in the brain, which is essential for promoting healthy sleep patterns.
4) Boosted Immunity
Studies have found that regular massage sessions can boost your immune system by increasing white blood cell count and antibody activity. This means that massage therapy can help you fight off illnesses and infections more easily.
5) Improved Sports Performance
If you're an athlete, massage therapy can improve your overall performance by helping prevent injury, reduce fatigue, and increase your range of motion. It also increases circulation to the muscles, which helps them recover faster after intense physical activities.
6) Increased Mental Clarity
Massage therapy not only relaxes your body, but it can also relax your mind. Studies have found that massage can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety while increasing mental alertness and focus.
7) Improved Flexibility
Tight muscles can cause a limited range of motion, contributing to poor posture and injury. Massage therapy helps increase flexibility by releasing muscle tension, allowing for a greater range of motion.
8) Reduced Headaches
If you suffer from tension headaches or migraines, massage therapy can help reduce the frequency & intensity of your symptoms. Massage helps relax tight muscles in the shoulders that contribute to head pain.
9) Improved Circulation
Massage therapy helps improve blood flow, which helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to cells. This improved circulation can help reduce fatigue and muscle soreness and increase overall energy levels.
10) Reduced Cellulite
Cellulite is a common problem that affects many people, but massage therapy can help reduce its appearance. Massage helps break down fat deposits under the skin, which can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.
So if you're looking for a relaxing way to improve your physical & mental health, massage therapy is an excellent option. Make sure to speak with a licensed massage therapist to determine what type of treatment is best for you and your needs. Don't wait any longer - start reaping the benefits of massage therapy in Holborn today!
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Massage therapy offers many benefits, from reducing stress to improving sleep and boosting immunity. It can also help reduce pain, increase mental clarity, improve sports performance, and reduce cellulite. If you're looking for a way to improve your physical and mental health, massage therapy is an excellent option, so speak with a licensed massage therapist today!
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Trekking In Nepal For Beginners
Traveling will not be easy unless you do it with your heart and enjoy the journey. As long as you can connect to the path and environment, everything else will fall into place. So, when choosing a destination, go for the best one that makes you feel more comfortable than the top one. Distance, of course, is the key to any trip, so be careful what you choose. Fortunately for Nepal, there are so many easy hiking trails to offer travelers. Most of them are well-marked and pass through the countryside, making it easy for travelers to get around. Those who have just started traveling will be able to enjoy panoramic views from these tours without any pain or extra effort. In addition, the trekking routes are easy to navigate and can be done in a short time. Trekking in Nepal for beginners is less difficult but it is fun and exciting. Each hiking destination offers breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains, beautiful forest trails, and friendly people. Below are the top trekkings in Nepal for beginners.
1. Ghandruk Trek
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Ghandruk is an amazing village of Gurung in Annapurna with historic wooden houses, diverse culture, and surrounding mountains. It is only a few hour's drives from Pokhara. The journey starts from Pokhara and goes through Pothana to Ghandruk.  This is one of the best trips for any non-traveler can encounter while visiting Nepal. Towards the wonderful village that showcases Nepalese art and culture. Visiting this remote village is so relaxing that you will forget the fatigue and stress of the journey. Also, it offers a beautiful mesmerizing view of Mount Machhapuchhre and Hiunchuli.
2. Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek
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The Ghorepani Poon Hill trek is probably the shortest trek in the Himalayas. Those who don't like long treks can approach Ghorepani Poon Hill Treks. It has the easiest and perfect hiking trails to attract other tourists who don't like walking too much. A 22 miles trek through the rushing river and grassy hills in front of Pokhara offers breathtaking views. The trip also includes sightseeing in beautiful villages and rhododendron forests, with the backdrop of the present Annapurna. Even for experienced travelers, it is a great introduction to the Himalayas, especially if the time is less. As a gateway to Poon Hill, Ghorepani also offers beautiful snow-clad trekking. As the hill station lies at an altitude of 3210 meters, you can clearly see Annapurna Massif, Nilgiri Himal, and Dhampus.
3. Lower Manaslu Trek
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Trekking to the lower Manaslu is one of the best destinations to explore historical, religious, cultural, ecological, and archaeological places. This tour is a well-supported homestay to better understand the local people and significant information about the people. The trip includes everything from ancient Nepalese culture to archaeological sites and sacred pilgrimages. Tourists can observe different cultures and learn about the religious practices of different ethnic groups while visiting the villages. The Gateway of the Himalayas, the Lower Manaslu Trek is watched with great interest. It offers a beautiful view of snow-capped mountains including Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and Ganesh Himal. The 80 miles trek in Lower Manaslu starts from Ghairung before passing the historical monument, Gorkha Durbar. Its beautiful path reminds the new painting of landscape as it passes through Sirandanda and Laprak.
4. Langtang Valley Trek
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No matter how many places you have traveled and explored, there is no place where you can find a gem like the Langtang Valley Trek. It provides easy access to trekking for beginners. Anyone who can walk for at least 6-7 hours will do the trip without any problems. Travelers reserve 10 to 12 days to cross the Langtang Valley starting from Syabru Besi. The place is so attractive that you can't stop but stay in the area as long as possible. Make the most of your holiday and visit the beautiful Kyanjin Gompa and taste the local cheese at nearby factories. The town of Langtang was completely destroyed in the April 2015 earthquake. The local people rebuilt the teahouse and lodge and reopened it. The best way to help people in this area is to visit this place. Langtang Valley Trek is an interesting and beautiful trek in the Langtang region. It is famous for offering beautiful views of mountains, hidden culture, and the Himalayan range of Langtang. It’s just 137 km far from the capital city of Katmandu. This trek will give you ample opportunities to create an unforgettable experience while trekking in the Himalayas.
5. Everest Panorama Trek
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Everest Panorama Trek is a short and beautiful trek in the Everest region, also known as the Khumbu region. The fantastic Everest Panorama Trek in the Khumbu region allows you to enjoy the most beautiful, spectacular, and mesmerizing Himalayan views in the world. Leaving the hustle and bustle of Kathmandu, you will take an exciting flight to Lukla, the gateway to the Khumbu region. Walking through the beautiful forest of rhododendrons, fir, pine, etc, you will reach the tourist center of Everest region, Namche Bazar. A refined small town surrounded by many green hills and snow-capped mountains. Here, you will find many services from ATMs to WiFi, various types of food varieties, etc.
6. Dhorpatan Trek
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Located west of Pokhara, Dhorpatan can be walked in a short time without any difficulty. As the only hunting reserve in Nepal, the sanctuary allows visitors to hunt certain animals in certain areas, but we recommend that you do not do so. Instead, you should enjoy the moment and discover as many wild animals as possible the starting point of the Dhorpatan Trek is Beni, a beautiful and picturesque town in the Myagdi region. Dhorpatan Trek is one of the authorized hunting areas of Nepal and was established in 1987 with an area of ​​1,325 km 512sq in Dhaulagiri Himal in western Nepal in the Rukum, Myagdi, and Baglung districts. It stretches at an altitude of 2,850m to 5,500m, 9,350m to 18,000ft with large wildlife reserves, national parks, and magnificent views of the Himalayan range that add spectacular beauty to the human race. The most remarkable combination of game reserves that only forces the world to know the true beauty of Nepal. Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is divided into six zones for hunting organization purposes. The altitude of the reserve ranges from 2,850m to 7,000m, which gives us a great view of the mountains of Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek and Annapurna Trek. Dhorpatan is the main place for blue sheep and the main target for hunters.
7. Helambu Trek
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With easy and short routes, Helambu is the best trek in Nepal for beginners. It is a great choice for beginners because the city itself is only 80 kilometers far from Kathmandu. So, when you stay here, you will get to know more about their history and native culture. High in the Himalayas, Helambu offers spectacular views of the Jugal Himal and Rolwaling ranges. The route passes through the Shivapuri National Park so visitors can see more wildlife. They can also enjoy seeing the waterfalls, and a bamboo forest filled with rhododendron.
8. Annapurna Panorama Trek
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The Annapurna Panorama Trek is a short trek and one of the easiest treks in the Annapurna region. It is suitable for beginners, and people of all ages and includes trips to beautiful places like Ghorepani, Chhomrong, and Tadapani. The tour ends at Tadapani where you will find yourself walking along a road filled with many abundant rhododendron species blessed and descend to Kimche before returning to Pokhara as we return back to Kathmandu for our final departure. Overall, this trip is for anyone who wants to enjoy the magic of northwest Nepal in a short time. So, if you want to go on a beautiful trip that includes village life, mountains, and dazzling views, then trekking in the Annapurnas can be your next thing to do.
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fittheorem · 1 year
Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Cardio Kickboxing You Should Know
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Cardio Kickboxing is one of the most popular and effective forms of exercise for people looking to improve their overall health and fitness. Not only does it provide an intense workout that burns calories and tones your body, but it also has a range of additional benefits that go beyond physical results. Cardio Kickboxing can transform your life in many ways, from improved mental well-being to cardiovascular health. Here are ten excellent health benefits you should know about when considering taking up this type of workout routine.
1. Increased Metabolism: Cardio kickboxing is a high-intensity exercise that requires you to move quickly and use multiple muscle groups, which helps to increase your metabolism and burn more calories even after the workout is finished. This means you can maintain a healthy weight without spending hours in the gym.
2. Reduced Stress: The fast-paced movements and repetitive Kickboxing can be incredibly therapeutic and help reduce stress levels. As a result, it is often used as a form of 'mindful exercise' that helps people stay in the present moment and manage their emotions better.
3. Improved Cardiovascular Health: Cardio kickboxing can strengthen your cardiovascular system and improve efficiency by forcing your heart to work hard. This leads to better blood circulation, reduced blood pressure, and a healthier overall heart.
4. Improved Flexibility: Kickboxing is an effective way to improve flexibility and range of motion. The combination of punches and kicks elongates the muscles, enabling a greater degree of free movement - so you can kick-start your fitness journey with style!
5. Strengthened Muscles: Cardio kickboxing benefits the tone of your muscles and the development of a solid core. This powerful workout will help you build lean muscle mass while strengthening both arms and legs - leaving you looking firm, fit, and fabulous!
6. Improved Coordination: Cardio kickboxing is a fantastic way to improve coordination, agility, and grace. Move more confidently through your day with the punch and kick sequences that give you an edge in everyday activities!
7. Increased Confidence & Self-Esteem: Exercise releases endorphins that can boost your mood and make you feel better about yourself. After a few cardio kickboxing sessions, you will feel more confident and empowered. Plus, the improved physical appearance from regular workouts will also increase your self-esteem.
8. Improved Balance: Kickboxing requires you to move quickly, balance on one leg, and shift your weight often. These movements help improve your balance skills and make maneuvering in other activities or sports easier.
9. Enhanced Mental Clarity: Exercise affects the brain, positively improving focus and concentration. Cardio Kickboxing provides an ideal way to clear your mind and get into a state of 'flow' so you can more effectively tackle everyday tasks.
10. Improved Posture: The fast movements involved in cardio kickboxing help strengthen the muscles responsible for posture, leading to better alignment and improved overall body mechanics. This helps reduce pain and fatigue in the long run.
Cardio Kickboxing exercises are an excellent workout for anyone looking to get fit, reduce stress and improve their overall health. With its many benefits ranging from increased metabolism to improved mental clarity, it's no wonder why this type of workout has become so popular. Regular cardio kickboxing can help you burn calories quickly while strengthening your muscles and improving your coordination, balance, and posture. If you're ready to take on a new challenge that will transform your life in many ways, give Cardio Kickboxing a try!
Safety Considerations When Taking Cardio Kickboxing or Group Fitness Classes
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Are you looking for a fun and challenging way to get in shape? Cardio kickboxing or group fitness classes may be the answer. Combining martial arts, boxing, and cardio exercises into one full-body workout, these classes offer intense training that can help you build strength and endurance while burning calories. However, it's essential to take safety precautions when participating in any form of exercise. Here are some important safety considerations to remember to ensure your health and well-being during cardio kickboxing or group fitness classes.
Warm Up: Before exercising, it's essential to warm up your body. A 5-10 minute dynamic stretching routine will help prepare your body for the workout and prevent injuries.
Water: Stay in the game by hydrating correctly before and during exercise! Remember your water bottle for every class, or you may be out of breath. Also, take breaks throughout your workout routine to stay hydrated and energized all session long.
Proper Footwear: Take a step in the right direction – choose shoes designed for your active lifestyle and physical needs. Investing in lightweight, supportive footwear provides cushioning to absorb shock and minimize injury risks!
Correct Form: Pay attention to proper form and technique when performing any exercise, especially during kicks and punches. Improper form can cause strain on your muscles, leading to injuries and soreness.
Listen to Your Body: Know your body's limits and recognize signs of fatigue or discomfort. For example, stop immediately and take a break if you feel dizzy or nauseous. It's also important to seek medical advice if you experience pain or discomfort.
Cardio kickboxing or group fitness classes are an excellent way to get in shape, build strength and endurance, and burn calories. However, it's essential to take safety precautions when participating in these activities, such as warming up your body before exercising, bringing a water bottle to class, wearing the proper footwear for the action, and paying attention to good form while performing any exercise. 
By listening to your body's limits and taking breaks if necessary, you can ensure that you stay safe during cardio kickboxing or group fitness classes while reaping all of its health benefits!
To learn more about cardio kickboxing and to know how to get started, visit Cardio Kickboxing League City pages:
Fit Theorem - League City Facebook Page
Fit Theorem - League City Instagram Page
Fit Theorem - League City YouTube Page
Fit Theorem - League City Twitter Page
Fit Theorem - League City LinkedIn Page
Fit Theorem - League City Mapquest
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arjunaaacademy · 1 year
Warming Up for the Boards: A Perspective
Dear Anxious Afraid Aspirants (AAA) from AAA Imagine you are on a mission to develop your health and body to better fitness levels, you begin exercising. Immediate result after Day 1? Absolutely no change, in fact you will end up more tired, sore in the joints and fatigued the next day, quite contrary to the "purpose" you started the exercise routine with! Pre-Boards is this initial jittery, painful and frustrating Day 1-Day 10 Exercise phase towards being "fit" for the Boards. Pre-Boards scores may (in many cases) not be that great, upto your liking, may break you down, make you feel like a loser. But just remember its the same as day 1 of your exercises, only if you stick up with the pain and get over the Give Up call, "consistently", you will be fit! Here are some pointers to give a thought about: 1: Pre-Boards is an indicator of your present preparation, it DOES NOT predict your future performance in the Boards Student statistics from multiple CBSE schools across the country suggests a minimum 20% increase in a student's total marks in the final boards when compared to their Pre-Boards, so a 70% here would put you up for a 90% in Final Boards (a high probability event) T & C apply (Read on) 2: The Pre-Board papers shall be set a notch above the Boards standards conceptually as well as on the time management level. It also shall carry "out of syllabus" questions The only thing you can do about it is: " Focus on attempting those questions from the topics to which you have given your 100% efforts" This may or may not give you a great score, but it is anytime better than the next best option " Surrendering to the panic and anxiety and developing a negative attitude towards the exam itself " 3:When time is limited and the tasks to be mastered are so immense in number and diverse in nature, we start getting the feelings of fear and frustration. Most of us succumb to "Kuch nahi hone wala" mode and enter into a "Do Nothing, Helpless" Zone. But instead a productive way to tackle this is to switch to " Replace Anxiety with excitement, Lose wars But win the Battle" mode. Wars=Pre-Board and Sample papers Battle=Your Boards! 4: Every student has favourite subjects which he or she loves to study and finds easier to prepare than others. On the contrary, some of the subjects seem to be very tough for the preparation of which you may need to labour hard and struggle a lot. For such subjects you need to allot relatively more time and resources.: Something which very surprisingly is not followed by many students 100 in your favorite subject is good, but 80 in the subject which you hate is the best (this elevates your confidence and gives you Winner Vibes) 5: While preparing for the pre-board examination you must make day-wise DETAILED & Precise plans to suit your time and resources. Emphasise on " Revision, Retention and Recall"-the RRR blockbuster strategy for acing any examination (Boards not an exception) 6: Do not ignore the previous year questions and NCERT examples because they are literally the fishing ponds for the examiners. 7: Solve in a test environment, ambience & time constraints a minimum of 8 sets of model question papers per core subject, this IS REQUIRED for you to know which section to attempt first, your strengths and weaknesses followed by a meticulous assessment of test result Taking tests without result assessment is trying to lift yourself by pulling on your hair, pointless and an incredible waste of time 8: Do not get carried away by the unrealistic dreams and targets fixed by the parent-teacher-peer ecosystem. By now, you know where you stand and how high a leap you can make, given the limited time & resources. Tip: You need not attempt the sections in the paper sequentially. Based on the feedback from many students, MCQs consume more time but fetches less marks. So it is wise to do those questions which are relatively easier and carries more marks at the first! Pre-Boards=Preparation For Boards quite literally! Pre-Boards is not the destination of which you should be proud of or be sad about, that destination is the Boards to which Pre-Boards is a part of the journey! Wishing you all the very best in managing the very best and worst outcomes of your efforts Happy Strategizing! PS: It is freezing out there, so warm up your preparations as well as your Health!
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gomistore · 1 year
27 Signs Of Depression - Health
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Depression emerges differently in each individual, but there are some common signs. It’s vital to remember that these symptoms can be a normal part of life’s lows. However, the more signs you have, the stronger they are, and the longer they have lasted, the more likely you have depression. 1. Persistent sadness
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Sadness is the most common, but not the only, symptom of depression. Depression-related sadness is persistent and can feel like a burden that prevents you from moving forward in life. 2.Fatigue
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Depression-related exhaustion, like sadness, will make you feel as if you’re dragging through your day. You will sleep for much longer periods than usual. 3. Irritability
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Depression can sometimes manifest as a short fuse, causing you to snap at people for no apparent reason. This is because you are already feeling overwhelmed. 4. Back pain
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The idea here is that feeling stressed and sad frequently leads to slouching or muscle tension, which eventually manifests as back pain. 5.Weight gain
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If you’ve recently started eating emotionally or mindlessly, weight gain can be a sign of depression. This is related to the body’s desire to increase serotonin by doing something pleasurable. 6. Emotional numbness
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Do you have the impression that you are watching your life from afar? You know how you should feel in different situations, even how you used to feel, but all you feel is numbness where emotion should be. 7. Increased alcohol consumption
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It is common for people suffering from undiagnosed depression to consume more alcohol than usual to self-medicate and alleviate painful feelings. Regrettably, associated guilt and shame can exacerbate the problem. 8. Wasting time
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If you can’t seem to get started on any required task, you may be depressed. Instead, you waste time doing meaningless things like pacing, scrolling through social media, or playing computer games. 9. Daydreaming a lot
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Is your mind in the clouds, completely focused on fantasies that could take you away from the pain of the present? That could be a sign of depression. 10. Indecisiveness
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We make daily decisions based on social cues, expected consequences, and personal feelings. However, when depression has dulled the ability to care about the outcome of any given a choice, making one becomes extremely difficult. 11. Ignorance of personal grooming
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If you discover that you don’t give a damn about how you appear to others, this could be a warning sign. Depression may be eroding your desire for human connection. 12.Weak concentration
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According to Harvard University researchers, the human brain is happiest when it is focused on the present moment. Anxiety and depression can be caused by an inability to focus on the here and now. 13. Loss of sexual interest
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If your sex drive has changed dramatically for no apparent physical reason, this could be a sign of depression. 14. Feeling worthless
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You’re doing well at work, your children are happy and healthy, but you still feel inadequate. If you can’t seem to shake the unfounded feeling of worthlessness, depression could be the culprit. 15.Having death-related thoughts frequently
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Depression is a significant cause of suicide ., so please speak up if you contemplate self-harm or have repeated thoughts that death is the only way out. 16. Anxiety
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Anxiety is sometimes a reaction to feeling lost, confused, or simply different than before. This symptom may be easier to detect than emotional numbness, characterized by a lack of feeling rather than a strong feeling. 17. Pessimism
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Have you ever had the feeling that every venture is doomed to fail and that there is nothing you can do about it? Some people are naturally pessimistic, but if this is out of the ordinary for you, it could be a sign of depression. 18.Making risky decisions
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Reduced emotional responses can be upsetting, leading people to seek out dangerous situations for an adrenaline rush. This could manifest as an affair, an interest in adventure sports, or a disregard for potentially hazardous surroundings. 19. Strong feelings of guilt
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We all feel guilty from time to time because of our actions. However, the type of guilt that may indicate depression is persistent and unrelated to anything you said or did. 20. Perfectionism
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Everyone wishes they could do everything, but most people recognize that this is unrealistic. Depression may be the cause of your inability to forgive yourself or move past perceived flaws. 21. Troubles sleeping
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A depressed mind obsesses on negative things, making it difficult to fall or stay asleep. This exacerbates general exhaustion and the desire to sleep more as a result of insufficient quality sleep. 22.Migraines
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According to some studies, nearly 40% of migraine sufferers also suffer from depression. It is unknown which condition causes the other, but if you have frequent migraines, paying close attention to the possibility of depression is beneficial. 23. Digestive issues
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Surprisingly, the nerve cells in our guts produce up to 90% of the serotonin in the body. As a result, a poor diet can have an impact on both mood and digestion. Constipation, diarrhea, and bloating are all possible side effects of a serotonin deficiency. 24. Repeated thoughts
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The same disturbing thought loops through your mind incessantly, interfering with productivity and causing you to “check out” of the moment? 25. Crying more than usual Emotional numbness is not always a sign of depression; some patients report that their emotions are high alert. Crying a lot, especially if it becomes difficult to pinpoint the source of the tears, maybe a sign of depression. 26. Appetite loss Read the full article
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