#and they found them cuddling
rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
I mentioned this already in a headcanons post, but you know how the dragons heat up the surface they sleep on? I love the idea of them all piling on Hookfang while he’s on fire and napping on him
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soullessseraphim · 1 month
"but they're a demon, they don't need to sleep or anyth-"
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quiet. and accept my sleepy Valdemar.
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mintjeru · 8 months
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a lazy morning in fontaine
open for better quality | no reposts
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"Shh, let them sleep"
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infinibeep · 3 months
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shh !!!! they're sleeping..
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nostalgic-muffins · 3 months
thirteen x mc x satan double tap now if you
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Okay, okay, love that we’ve got a canonical explanation for Jamie being cuddly as fuck and for him being very full of himself! But like, without his dad’s nasty stuff getting him all twisted and mean, it’s just great confidence? “I don’t think you understand how psychologically healthy that actually is” and all that. Give this man some cuddles and compliments and he will Thrive and be the Sweetest.
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lavaflowe · 2 years
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Nap time <3 tho it is a little hard when you’re successor is taller than you
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hypervoxel · 4 months
Enough discourse, I wanna post about headcanons
The Vees are a polycule to me, but in a way that I can't even explain without an entire slowburn fanfic (stay tuned. I'm a slow writer). But I will try.
I do adhere to the lesbian Velvette headcanon. She's dating Vox and still occasionally joins Valentino for a threesome with him. When she first joined the Vees, Velvette used to identify as bisexual (and still loves the bi flag colors the most) and all three of them used to date, before Velvette realized that she's a lesbian.
She and Vox are still dating, and they have an open relationship.
Vox's response to Velvette coming out was, "So you're breaking up with Val?" Yes, his pronouns are he/him. No, he's not a man. He'd long shed the fleshy confines of humanity and gender along with it.
Vox is aspec, agender, autistic. To me. He's sex favorable of the 'I want to do it for my partner's enjoyment' flavor. Watching from cameras brings him just as much enjoyment, and he watches everything and everyone, living vicariously, a voyer through the screen. As a result of that, he's so so touched starved, but his sense of feeling is muted (the consequences of betraying flesh in favor of the machine). Soft touches to his synthetic skin don't really register, his sense of feeling restricted to mostly pressure and pain, so he's become a bit of a masochist in response because that's something physical.
He just likes sex. He chases pleasure in any form he can find, dopamine rushes from numerous drugs, orgasmic release, the rush of power from crushing someone underfoot. Anything and everything, he'll try it all. And none of it is really enough, so he'll never stop chasing more.
Valentino doesn't consider his relationship with Vox romantic, even if Vox totally does. They're friends, sure, business partners, absolutely, and fuckbuddies wherever Val is in the mood for it. But romance isn't Val's thing. That's hard work, and Val saves romancing for potential new hires he wants to sign a contract with. What Vox and he have is also written down on a contract, joining their businesses together too closely to be parted without blood, but it's not the same. Not to Val. So, he wouldn't call Vox his boyfriend, but he also wouldn't correct anyone who said they were. Vox is someone he can let his guard down with, one of the few people who would never want to get out of the contract their names are signed on. They work well together. That's better than any romance you can get in Hell, Val thinks.
Val and Velvette are catty besties. Pan/Lesbian solidarity and hostility all in one.
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and so begins the making of christmas presents
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sebsxphia · 6 months
my partner has gone back to theirs for christmas and robin has gone with, and i’m holding back from bawling my eyes out rn, but i’m just so—
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ctl-yuejie · 9 months
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Nick in ep. 7
- when you played yourself and made your fwb break up with you, got played by your friend and can't even be angry at him because just feeling things makes you cry -
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angeart · 9 months
things i didn't know i need in my life: bad boys as dog hybrids.
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purpleturtle9000 · 9 months
it will never not be funny to me that when Leonardo wants attention he goes and drapes himself over Tello, the turtle who, despite being his twin and best friend, is also the most likely to hunt him for sport over one (1) minor annoyance and sometimes already in a mood to consider any physical contact a Threat
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awkwardplant · 10 months
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cuddles that could've happened if crowley had spoken first
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beckkii · 1 year
if no one draws perrito and kitty and puss all in a cuddle pile taking a nap together then what’s even the point
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