#and then i look at the main colony and they all love each other and choose to ignore the adequately sized hides in order to all pile into
swagging-back-to · 1 month
sooo i just had the thought of putting mochi and sushi in with the main colony instead of getting any more mice and adding them to the future 30 gallon colony....
#they actually hate eachother and i feel so bad for them bc they're all alone in there together and they have no one else but themselves#and then i look at the main colony and they all love each other and choose to ignore the adequately sized hides in order to all pile into#a single coconut on top of eachother#and then sushi and mochi choose to sleep on opposite ends of the tank.#idk#im gonna go to the breeder at the end of he month and see if there's any coat colorings i like and if not then I'll add those two to the#40 gallon tank#i also need to figure out where I'm gonna put jasmine when/if she finally recovers.#i was wanting to put her with the main colony bc that's her original group but i was also thinking of putting her with sushi nd mochi#but im afraid it would only further divide those two girls/they might target jasmine bc shes a stinky girl#either way jasmine will be going to one of the two groups eventually.#whether it be the main colony WITHOUT sushi and mochi or the main colony WITH sushi and mochi#im leaning more towards just getting a few more mice and putting them in the 30 gallon bc i don't want to have to try and sell the 30gal#nor do i want to have an extra wheel#the whole reason i got only two mice for a separate tank was bc i wanted to be more cuddly and lovey with them but so far neither of them#care about me even half as much as the main colony#which is weird bc most people say the bigger the colony is the less interested in you the mice will be. but IME it's been the exact opposit
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sc4llywag · 5 months
Since I got Tumblr and have free range to rant however I want, its time for the Assassin's Creed main characters and how they walk post!!!
With each of the games, they change the main characters walking animation to fit their vibe and I need to be able to study them beheehe
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I don't have too much to say about Desmond's other than his is simple and similar to Ezio's and Altaïr's and I like to think that this is due to the bleeding effect(it happened to me too I walk like the assassin's all the time) his is a little more confined and he keeps his arms closer to himself so he's very typical in the way he walks
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In his walk he has a sway to his hips and steady hands(probably to keep himself ready for any assassination), but goddamn the SWAY I never noticed it.
His shoulders also sway with his walk and I love how fluid he is in general, this ties back to his robes for me and how flowy they are to show the grace of an assassin in high profile but when low profile they stay to his sides and he's all in the shadows and I REALLY love that about him.
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This gif is all I could find so i can't really remember if Ezio's walk is different in Ac2 from Altaïr's because ubisoft is the king of recycling things but whatever. He still has the outward stance but I do notice his head is pointed low to try and keep himself hidden(shadows shit be like) but ofc hes holding the apple here so it's hard to tell if he's trying to swing his arm a lot lol, anyway body language is important to Ezio so hes very good at looking broody as well as fluid in his movements
(Walk Cycle Research | PKlover4078)
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My man my man my man my man😍‼️‼️
The way Connor walks with his hands stretched out and then clenching his fists every moment because he's always ready for a fight goddamn this MF could take me in an alleyway and I'd be happy. I'd like to note with this gif, it doesn't show his slow slow walk and I remember it pretty well, he has a slight cautious aura in his walk, he's really careful in his foot placement(I think) and he's super awesome and I love him a lot. Since we have him running I'd like to talk about that too. He has such an efficient sprint it's so mesmerizing, he keeps his head low and just fuckin vrooms across the colonies<3
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You can barely see her here bc the damn community doesn't care for Aveline much but I like her even tho I haven't played Liberation, I enjoy the way she walks in a proper manner and she's got that strut the runway strut is everything. I also like how she has a wider swing in her arms, more carefree and comfortable.
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This is such a great quality gif thanks so much Ac fandom!!
Anyway, I really love the difference in Edwards walk compared to the rest of the assassins because he's a pirate, he hasn't had the teaching of grace and secrecy. Therefore his walk is staggering in his footwork but still proper bc he's a sword fighter and very good at it. In a longer gif you'd be able to tell but his footing is a little messy, showing that drunken sailor pirate personality shows in his walk. He has a close arm swing due to him always needing to be close to his weapons, ready for a fight(like his grandson<3)
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I can barely see how he's walking but I'm pretty sure he had his hand on his sword hilt which says so much abt his character, again always being ready for a fight. He has a very straight posture due to his pompous nature, quick in his form to be efficient because why walk if you don't look proper and efficient?
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Ok he's a Templar and so is Haytham but fuck you I love them.
His walk is so GOOD his walk has a heavy step and he's very prominent, got that straight posture again, not much to say about his arm sway other than the added shoulder sway, love that for him bc he's just so intimidating.
(For reasons I'm not doing Arno, Evie, Jacob, Kassandra, and Eivor since I haven't played their games)
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Bayek's walk is very different from every other assassin and that makes me love him so much more. He feels very carefree and relaxed but when in combat good lord does he go off!! He puts more sway in his arms than his hips and that's probably why he has a combat centered walk, like Edward.
If you've reached the end thank you for reading my rambling ass get over excited over walk cycle animations :) follow for more rambling!!
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We need facts about YANDERE CREEPYPASTA ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE AU!!! Only if you want to and take your time. I just got really excited hearing this as I love zombie movies
Something Short (Zombie AU Introduction)
Author's Note: I've had this AU idea for months, but I just never got to it.
Warnings: Murder, Torture, Sexual Harrasment, Kidnapping, Human Trafficking (Mentions), Mental Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Human Experiments, Gore, Physical Abuse, Manipulation, Dehumanization, Sadism, Being Held To Extremely High Standards, Dictatorship, And Obession
Ok, so. I picture the virus that caused the whole outbreak to be a mixture between the walking dead zombies, and the Train to Busan zombies, you know.
Now, you're pretty much one of the few who survived the outbreak. You and your two brothers are wondering around looking for a permanent place of residence. You found one society, but it was destroyed soon after you got there.
In this AU, EJ is the leader of a cannibalistic city. They live in a heavily fortified town somewhere in Pennsylvania. EJ is the doctor and leader of this colony. One day you and your brothers get kidnapped by a few of their members, and you only survived because EJ took an interest in you. Your brothers were kept alive as a way to keep you in line, but you knew they were barely surviving.
One day, your brothers escaped, leaving you behind. Once you escape, your main motivation is reuniting with your brothers, or at least find out what happened to them.
You were trapped with EJ for about 8 months, and those months were hell. Unlike my other AUs and Canon were EJ puts up a fake mask of kindness and care, Zombie AU EJ is heartless right off the bat. It's the end of the world, you either do what he tells you, or you're tonight's dinner. So, you're now labeled as his pet, even the other civilizations know about you, the poor pet of Cannubal King. You would constantly be a victim to his twisted experiments, but after each one he'd comfort you. His constant switched in personality and behavior is what makes you have a blurred perspective of him. In this AU, EJ is the one you're most terrified of, not the Proxies.
Now, the Proxies are opportunist. They are the people in the apocalypse to kill, kidnap and sell people as a way to make it buy. They're the most dangerous to look for because they're doing anything to survive. After 8 months past, you're able to escape. You end up wondering around for about 3 days before you find a little shed in the woods. When you get there, the shed is filled with a decent amount of food and water. However, as you inspect a small can, you're whacked in the head with a crow bar. When you wake up, three men are standing in front of you. They all discuss what their going to do to you before they agree to keep you. The Proxies are no stranger to keeping pets, but each one of them have died in someway, and you're just another replacement. Out of all the proxies though, Toby ends up becoming completely in love and obsessed with you, while Masky and Hoodie have a more possessive, sexual obsession with you.
Ben is the leader of a tech society. His society was able to keep electricity and tech running, making the most advanced civilization. However, getting in is extremely hard, and being a citizen there sucks. Ben is a dictator. If you hold no use to him, you're getting sent out into the heard. You disobey or betray him, sent to the Cannibal Colony. And not to mention, he had eyes and ears everywhere. Everyone in the city has to do their part if they want to stay, and if you don't, Oh well. Also, being one of Ben's favorites sucks even more. If he likes you for your skill or talent, he holds you to an impossible standard, and he enjoys to watch those people try so hard to meet it. No one is ever good enough for him, and he'll gladly torture those who can't obey. If he likes you for his sexual desires, you're running on his schedule. He expects you to do your own work, and fulfill his desires.
So, how do you two meet? You actually met back when you were with EJ. Just like in every AU, Jeff, EJ, and Ben are all really close friends, and EJ paid a visit to Ben in order to collect new Tech. There you caught Ben's eyes. Ben joked with EJ, saying that if he ever got bored of you, he'll gladly take you. He would never hide his stares, and always made his intentions with you painfully clear. He would never do anything to you physically since he likes and respects EJ to much, but he meant what he said when he told EJ that he'd take you if he didn't want you anymore.
LJ is a loner, but what he does is kinda weird. LJ stays in a abandoned fair ground. Rides and attractions are still up. Thanks to Ben, LJ is able to keep the tech working, and it often attracts wonders. LJ collects walkers and uses them for his circus shows. Anyone who stumbles upon his grounds are welcomed to stay. So, there's often people hanging out there because, 1, free food, 2, fun rides, 3, protection from walkers, and 4, entertainment. Once there's enough people, LJ holds a circus show. In this show, LJ summons a gas that drugs everyone for a short period of time. During this time, LJ takes some members of the audience, steals everyone's weapons, and ties them down to their chairs. Then, he uses the people he kidnapped for his twisted little show. Some people would be eaten by walkers, others would be forced to do extremely dangerous stunts, and the rest would just be brutally tortured. But at the end of the show, everyone in the tent would be dead. Now rinse and repeat, and that's what LJ does.
You and your brothers came across LJ's circus, but you guys left after a short while, not aware that you almost lost your lives.
Liu are kinda like mercenary. Liu gathers Intel for other groups, kidnaps people, and sells people just to get by. He's never in one place for too long, and many fall for his charm and charisma. His most consistent client is Ben, and Ben considers him a member of his city, even though Liu begs to differ.
How did you two meet? Jeff had dragged Liu to the proxies place due to the Proxies not keeping the end of a deal they made. You were watching from a top the stairwell when Liu noticed you. Liu is a hard-core sadist and doesn't really care about love or sex, violence his thing due to Sully's influence. But I can see him instantly falling for you. I feel like before Sully manifested, Liu was such a lover boy, but I can see him always being a blunt and manipulative bastard. Despite Jeff being Liu for support, Liu just stared at you as you sat ontop of the stares quietly, hoping that he would take his eyes off you.
Jeff is another wonderer. He could deadass care less about the apocalypse. He's normally by himself, in a cabin, either getting high or murdering people he comes across. He's deadass chilling.
Just like Ben, Jeff met you through EJ. Jeff doesn't really have any feelings towards you at the moment since he doesn't pay much attention to you, but that will slowly change.
QNow, last major plot idea. Since EJ is a doctor, and Ben is the tech guy, I can see the two of them looking for a cure to the virus. But, they often use random people as experiments for these. Back when you were with EJ, you were forced to witness them, and in one test, the person starting to develop sores and bumps all over their body, and it got so bad that they ended up swelling up like a balloon.
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the-one-that-weeps · 2 months
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Can we appreciate crows for a moment? They're basically like monkeys with feathers, we should talk about them more.
(Aka: A highly indulgent list of crow facts!)
🐦‍⬛ Crows live in colonies of 15-20 birds (called murders). That doesn't mean they're not menaces to society. For example; they frequently steal from their neighbours nests.
🪶 They're also quite prone to love triangles, since they mate for life. However, they do not fight often. There are quite a few cases of possible polyamorous relationships among these birds: they share nests and all help feed the little chicks.
🐦‍⬛ Speaking of little crows, even when they reach the age where they have to leave the nest and can feed themselves, they still persecute and annoy their parents to feed them. They can also "play sick" as a joke.
🪶 Crows usually eat vegetables, fruits or nuts as their main diet, but these rascals can actually eat whatever it is that falls into their beaks. There's a documented case where one feathery menace chugged A WHOLE PAIN POT.
🐦‍⬛ While the community of crows eats, one or two crows sit on a tree and observe around 800 metres (2,624ft) of area in order to inform their team of possible danger.
🪶 Crow communities defend each other against predators and mourn their losses together.
🐦‍⬛ They can fly at a speed of 60km/h (37 mph)
🪶 They live up to 25 years in nature.
🐦‍⬛ They can literally knock out their prey by hitting them with their beaks.
🪶 They're also very playful creatures! They can play hide and seek, where a crow hides and calls their community for help repeatedly until they're found.
🐦‍⬛ Naturalist Henry Ward Beecher documented a woman with a domesticated crow who cleaned worms before eating them.
🪶 Crows know how to talk. They can repeat almost 100 words or phrases.
🐦‍⬛ Some crows that live in rural American states have been documented to use cattle to rest themselves on them and potentially use them as transport. They were also said to shout "Yee haw" when they rode horses. They implement this kind of transport into hunting as well.
🪶 They can also imitate sounds like barks, tweets of other birds, or whatever it is that a chicken does.
🐦‍⬛ Naturalist William Crowder had a crow that got into the habit of playing with MATCHES in the KITCHEN.
🪶 Another crow was said to be able to PICK POCKET PEOPLE and when he didn't find anything he shouted "GO TO HELL!" and fleed.
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🐦‍⬛ ^ this is a caramel crow. No it's not albino. It looks very sick though (and not in the literal sense)
Now I kinda want to have one as my familiar tbh.
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yourdoseofapple · 3 months
I think there should be a building game show for Minecraft. Like Lego Masters, most cooking shows, etc. Like listen. I think fighting is cool and all, and I myself was raised on watching bed wars and Minecraft hunger games and all that, but like also… builder are insane? Like I love watching, Empires, Hermitcraft, other big builders (and redstoners for that matter) because I’m so fascinated by how their brains work???? Like you’re telling me Bdubs took some dirt and made a literal mountain as a BACKDROP for his build in a season??????? Bro????? Like I want some builders to go head to head in a building challenge.
Like, okay hear me out, each week their “building themes” could go from mimicking IRL architecture styles - medieval, French colonial, minimalism, etc - OR could rely on game mechanics. Like you gotta make a build, but it must include five red stone functions - could be as simple of auto lighting and stuff - all the way to farms included into the make of the build!
Judging wise, I think that would be the hardest thing to pin down, because the issue with Minecraft building is that there are a lot of factors when it comes to the concept of building because every builder has an inherent “style” they have and so to compare isn’t necessarily fair???? Because what one person likes may not be the same as another person, so I don’t believe you can judge inherently on how a build looks, but more so if it fits the criteria - did you do your research and keep to the prompt 100% or did you take some liberties in the favor of making it seem stylistically “better” - also, while I am inclined to be like “hey look we could have it audience choice” I am aware that in previous Minecraft events - every tournament event live-streamed like ever - every YouTuber is gonna have bias on their side, and if there is someone with a larger viewership that others, there is of course going to be favor towards them. The ONLY way I could see this being different is if it was all pre-recorded and episodic, but I still believe there would be a heavy amount of bias if someone was on the show with more viewership than others. We would want it to be fair. I do think audience participation is important though, and should be a major inclusion! Like, before an event is to occur I think it would be fun to choose the prompt of what they’re building that week, but the contenders just can’t tweet/say/promote one they wish to do, so it is STRICTLY up to the audience without bias.
Also, I think everyone should come out a winner, not in the “No one came out on top because we are all equal” way - because while that is important it is still a tournament, and as we’ve seen in literally every competition show ever there is always a first place winner - but more so in the, while you didn’t win, let’s reflect on how you are still fantastic and getting something out of this. I know it sounds a little basic, so I do think it would need to be extrapolated on. But I wouldn’t want anyone who “loses” to just go away with “you got clout” award. You were featured on the show, that’s inherent, you deserve more than that, again this can be fleshed out later, but they deserve more too, somehow.
Also for the finalists - I’m thinking either 3 left or 2 left - it should be a mega build level prompt. Could be something like “build a city!” Or just “build a mega base with x block being the main block” and, again, not sure how it would be judged, but winner comes out, with second/third place having some reward as well, not as good, but still considerably great. I also think it would be fun to have prior contestants come on and have to participate in the “here is your block that I got to choose for you” to add some spice to it. IDK what the prize would be, I know it is normally money, and while it could be that, I think it would be more fun to have something a little different that would still be fun and a true “winners” item. Again, not sure what it could be, but it would need to hold to the truth of “oh, hey, this is a true prize and its still fun and I’m getting something out of this!”
Anyhow, enjoy the strange thoughts of my brain and if any streamers/youtubers are out there reading this, lemme know what you think cuz I’m curious. Do I think I could ever do this? Probably not cuz I’m an opera singer doing my masters so time is bet a dream to me at this point, but like. I think it is interesting and would love opinions on it just from the standpoint of discussion. I streamed at one point, maybe I’ll start back up again one day if only to have fun. I feel like that should be what it is, fun, that is the most important thing at the end of the day and builders should have some competitive fun too!
Also, I will admit that I am obviously not knowledgeable on everything - again opera singers not full time Minecraft anything - so I don’t know if something like this has been done before, and while I think it would be cool if something like this existed, it may already exist and I quite simply don’t know! Thoughts, opinions, anything else?
Anyway, if anything, have a good day!
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tickle-bugs · 3 months
Stupid in Love
Summary: Nick Miller is completely, 100% normal about all things Jessica Day. Including her smile, her laugh--ah, fuck. He's doomed. NickJess ft. pining!Nick
Anon: I just saw you write for New Girl! I am in my yearly rewatch of the show so I am so happy you write for it! Maybe the loft gang and CeCe can be playing a game of true American and somehow during the game it comes out that Jess is incredibly ticklish. Everyone is too focused on the game to use it to their advantage at the moment, but nick remembers and maybe later when him and Jess are together, he decided to test his new found knowledge and see just how ticklish Jess really is.
While this isn’t set during a particular episode, I was thinking HEAVILY about s2 ep15, Cooler. One of the greatest episodes of the whole show, hands down. I just wanted to write pining Nick tbh.
True American is the best goddamn game ever invented. It defines a man at his core level. Everything that’s ever mattered to Nick is on the line in this game. His dignity, his pride, his dignity…
He honestly can’t remember what they’re playing for. Something involving the sink. Or a drink? Unclear, but irrelevant. Nick is the king of an aluminum can palace and his citizens will thrive under his leadership. This is his birthright. 
They’re playing True American: Catan Edition tonight. Each player defends their own small nations and attempts to crush the others, throwing their leaders to the molten lava below. It’s the smartest thing Winston’s ever come up with. 
“Duel for my amusement,” Nick slurs, waving his paper towel roll scepter around. The cardboard crown on his head slips down over his eyes. Cece blows a raspberry at him. He lobs a balled-up piece of paper at her. 
Jess plays a fanfare into her backup kazoo—Schmidt threw away her main one—and draws angry eyebrows onto the smiley face of her country’s flag. A declaration of war. 
Sober Jess is all for political progress and human rights, but Drunk Jess? Maniacal, power-hungry, and so very hot.
Focus, Miller. 
“Two, four, six, eight! Who do we appreciate?” Jess climbs onto one of the kitchen chairs and puts a colander on her head. A warrior’s helm. Nick smiles at her. 
In their corner of the living room, Winston and Schmidt whisper furiously. At some point in the last hour, Winston had ascended to Grand Advisor of Schmidt’s Creek. Schmidt had lost the ability to speak after can number two, when Cece had flirted him out of all of his natural resources and a third of his land. Nick had been trying to think of how to poach Winston to Nicklandia, but he couldn’t think of a plan that didn’t involve saying ‘please’ until he passed out. 
“Schmidt’s Creek will not challenge today!” Winston crushes his beer can against Schmidt’s forehead. Schmidt doesn’t even blink.
“Ruth Gader Binsburg! I challenge your weird little colony, Jess,” Cece shouts, messily hopping onto the chair next to Jess. They start some combination of swatting at each other and clutching on for dear life. Schmidt looks up at Cece like a drunk, lovesick puppy. Nick rolls his eyes.
Thank god he doesn’t look like that.
Does he look like that?
Shit. He’s missing the game. 
“Yeah? Guess what—” Jess knocks her knuckles against the colander helmet, winces, and then points at Cece— “I’m the Queen of England, bitch.” 
Nick’s not sure what’s elapsed in the apparently three years since he was last paying attention, but he knows by the way that Cece gasps that someone’s dying on the living room and/or kitchen floor tonight. Jess cackles and puts her hands on her hips. They start yelling, but even if they’re saying real human words, which he’s pretty sure they’re not, he’s not processing it. Jess looks so stupid in that little holey hat—someone should invent a word for that thing—and she’s adorable. 
Nick leans his cheek on his palm and smiles wider. Does she know her nose scrunches when she’s annoyed? 
Nick leans a little too far and loses his balance. Half of his aluminum fortress tumbles down. When he looks back up, Jess and Cece haven’t budged. Or blinked. Cece squints at Jess and it’s clear the conversation has ascended to psychic levels that even Drunk Nick can’t access. He tries though. Mostly gives himself a headache. 
Something in their eye conversation must shift, because Cece gets this look on her face. Like pure, concentrated mischief. The aura off of her is so powerful that everyone scoots back a bit. Cece starts stretching and cracking her knuckles. 
“Waitwaitwait, Cece, you don’t have to do this.” Jess holds her hands up in immediate surrender, but she’s smiling hard enough to brighten the room. A little nervous giggle picks up in the back of her throat and she starts to turn pinker than the boxed rosé that forms her section of the living room. 
“Oh, but I do. Surrender. Now.” Cece points to the floor. Which is lava. Cruel way to go. 
Jess looks at her best friend with the kind of profound resignation only possible when piss drunk. She sighs deeply, staring at the floor…
And then launches herself at Cece with a war cry. 
Cece doesn’t even flinch. She catches Jess, smirks, and starts tickling her sides with vicious precision. Jess lets out a giggly shriek and crumples, sinking right down into the lava. The colander tumbles off of her head and rolls into Nick’s fortress. 
The sound worms itself into Nick’s brain, taking up residence alongside all the other little Jess things that drive him nuts. It distracts him hard enough that by the time Winston arises as Supreme Leader of the Loft, Nick can’t even trace the path of his defeat. 
Even when sobriety beats them over the head the next morning, Nick can remember nothing but the sweet music of Jess’s laugh. And the shape of her smile. 
God he’s hopeless. 
The slow march of the week brings some relief in the sense that a) Nick remembers that he really doesn’t do the whole ‘feelings’ thing and b) alcohol makes anyone look like an angel walking the earth. He is a grown ass man and Jess is an annoying little craft goblin. He can be normal. She’s normal. No need to get worked up over her.
“You look like Mr. Rogers’s grumpy cousin.” Jess snickers, fiddling with the sleeve of Nick’s hideous cardigan. 
“You done? You finished?” He pulls his sleeve away from her. It’s really Schmidt’s, which she very well knows. Nick’s only wearing it because Schmidt’s being weird about Cece again, and the only way to survive that is to bend to his will. Schmidt’s already dehydrated himself twice this week trying to show off his muscles more, Nick doesn’t want to add to that by making the guy cry. He’d never stop.
Jess, however, doesn’t seem to understand the magnitude of this manly sacrifice. She’s too busy laughing at him. 
“Mmmm, no, I don’t think I am. You look like a Muppet.” She pinches his cheek. He rolls his eyes. 
“Well, that’s just a compliment.” 
“No, no. You look like the bird. The bird with the eyebrows—“ Jess pauses as her giggles overtake her— “You look like Sam the Eagle.” 
Jess folds over into his shoulder with laughter and smacks his chest. The warmth of it almost distracts him from the comment. 
“Yeah, laugh it up, Jess. C’mere—“ He drags her across the couch by the ankle and latches onto her sides. She makes that adorable sound again, that giggly shriek, and flails like a worm on a hook. She tries to push his face away. He swats her hands aside like it’s nothing. When reaches for him again—futile, really—he snatches her wrists in one hand, pins them down, and tickles with the other. 
Her whole face burns. He chooses to ignore it for both of their sakes. 
“Let me know when you’re ready to apologize. Take your time.” He does a little pinchy thing with his fingers and Jess lets out a high-pitched mess of syllables. She throws her head back and cackles, arching up into him. 
“Hmm, yeah, see none of that sounded like ‘You’re the best, Nick Miller’. Try again.” He pokes all over her torso, fast and wild. He lets go of her and adds his other hand into the mix. Every time she tries to talk, he speeds up, making her laugh at his silliness along with his hands. She kicks her legs and lets out a little giggly growl. Nick smiles so wide his cheeks hurt. 
“Nick!” She grabs his wrists but doesn’t stop him. His stomach flips. She’s so overwhelming. 
“That’s my name.” He skitters his fingers up her ribs to distract himself from the lump in his throat. 
Jess flails and nearly takes them both off the couch and into the next life. Nick catches himself before he collapses on top of her, but it puts their faces mere inches apart. The space of a breath. He can see the faint freckles across her nose, all brought forth by the pink flush down her cheeks and neck. As she catches her breath, lips parted, her laughter simmers low in her chest. He brushes her hair out of her face. His hand lingers on her cheek. 
Her eyes crinkle when she smiles. Does she know that? 
Nick gets the deep, burning urge to kiss her senseless. To download all these embarrassing, vulnerable thoughts from his brain to hers. To show her how deep this goes. To drink of her like the wine at restaurants he can never afford. 
No. Not like this. She deserves better than this.
Than him.
He starts to pull away, awkwardly clearing his throat. Jess surges forward and Nick’s stupid little monkey brain gleefully claps its hands together, shouting this is it! It’s happening! Nick’s brain activity screeches to a halt. He stares at her mouth and freezes. 
Jess flips them over and starts tickling his ears like some kind of insane supervillain. 
“No! Jessica!” He turtles and attempts to fling himself to safety. All he accomplishes is hanging off the back of the couch, leaving his knees in reach of Jess’s evil nails—
One day he will be smart about Jessica Day, but he concedes that it won’t be today. But as she destroys him and Schmidt’s stupid, hopefully inexpensive cardigan, he secretly hopes the day never arrives. 
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t34-mt · 1 year
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maanul colony, a rough idea of how the build against the cliff parts looks like, the rest of the village is on top of the cliff. These are flexible plant fiber that creates platforms/structures, and there are also tunnel systems. also, black sand! More text and information under ->
this is a western colony (maak'thao), other colonies have that same similar structure but have regional differences in architecture/ the way of making certain things. This is just one side, id imagines it expanding widely on the side cliffs. Maybe kilometers long for the largest colony of each wind? (west, north, south, and East all have a "main colony" which is just the biggest of the region. Cardinal directions are called "the 4 winds" for maanuls.)
while a portion is on the side of the cliff, build against roots or just on the top of the cliffs as regular houses, a part of the structures is hidden. And is directly carved into the rock, as tunnel systems to access some specific parts easier. Carved storage rooms, small gathering places, rooms for religious practices like wall painting, and so on. this is roughly how the tunnel stuff would look like ->
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id also imagine some tunnels being decorated with shells, sadly the examples I found are not the exact color I imagined because i think they would pick stupidly colorful ones since they are very fond of shiny things with color(like a magpie!). And once they start losing their color for x reason they would repaint the shells. A main tunnel leading to an important place would be highly decorated, while smaller narrow tunnels would have just a little bit of shells on the sides if none.
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now with specific details id like to point out from the bottom part!
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First, the statues (in yellow). The statues are placed all around in front of the habitations, they are deeply set in-ground and are lightly carved in, enough to tell a specific shape but still retain a square figure. here's a closer look at them, with additional text!
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Now onto the roots (red) and the bottom platforms (white), these root-like structures are actually a sort of tree that grows down to the cliffs, not every colony has that these are mostly found in west and south. Colonies that don't have these growing around will have bottom platforms made out of wood and will be raised up from the sand floor.
The bottom platforms here are also made out of somewhat flexible but strong plant fiber. These large platforms are not made to live but more for some community gatherings. like for example teaching young ones about sea navigation! Down there is used to store some fishing equipment and boats. And when I say boats you should think of canoe-like ones, used for fishing.
And last is that large fish-net decoration in blue, that thing is used to attach many things, like sand down glass pieces that with the light give a fun colorful reflection effect around. But that fishnet thing can also be used to mourn. By that, I mean in the West if they lost a loved one to the ocean they can take a personal shiny belonging and attach it there. So they will always be remembered by everyone even if they didn't have a body and couldn't do the usual way of mourning.
now for the middle section, starting with these "flags"
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the enormous "flag", takes decades to make and are a thing you find in each "main colony" of the 4 winds, the immense rope will harbor at least 3 of those and the things represented in it can sometimes be related to a local folkloric tale, symbolic drawings that each bring a good thing to the colony. Like for example one drawing of fish and waves to bring good luck to fishermen! these are much more like tapestries than flags.
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extra images about the nest-like structures, id think of them being made out of leather, various plant fiber, and a bit of wood for support.
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and a bit about the top layer, which extends much more but on this drawing you only see the beginning of it.
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now with the high tide, there it does not get high enough to swim but still enough to take off to the sea with a canoe, id say it arrives at waist level for an adult maanul. Not every village/large colony have the tide flooding around like this, sometimes it might stops where the statues are placed. since altuyur has 2 moons (maanuls and kyhuines say 3 moons but in really the third, or also called "the infant" is an asteroid caught in the first moon, also called "night mother") i was thinking it would affect the tide cycle tho im not sure yet how it does that since im not that good at astrology.
thank you for reading!
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ambyandony · 18 days
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heres the limbo fusions with the rest of the vento aureo main protags
Limbo + Mista
Mimbo - any pronouns
"Are u lost bbygrl? :)"
(They give a weird stare if asked for a full name. They only use Mimbo, even though it’s a combination of Limbo’s forename and Mista’s surname.)
most stable Limbo fusion merely by virtue of Mista’s simple ability to just not give a fuck.
bitch gon step on my fuckin toe bitch with them fuckin cowgirl fuckin boots
VITALLY important that you know that despite being easily mistaken as fem on first glance, Mimbo also has the deepest voice of any Limbo fusion for literally no reason other than it’s funny to me. They also have sideburns
Stand: Mighty Wings - Redirects Signals. Still a colony Stand, looks like tiny little pastel fighter jets!
Limbo + Abbacchio
Lio Adkio - they/them
“Don’t say SHIT about my mascara or my eyeliner.”
“In fact, don’t fucking look at me or I’ll have to kill you or myselves.”
stable only because when Limbo started panicking in the mindspace, Abbacchio simply pointed and snapped at her to CALM THE FUCK DOWN. and she did so immediately.
nicer than Abbacchio. not by that much, though… but weirdly apologetic about it.
the eyeliner doesn’t appear to be due to crying, it seems that it just looks like that.
Stand: Keeping The Faith? Never Too Late? Shawty like a melody-
“rewinds” signals to previous states or connections and/or can do a “replay” of those signals’ succeeded actions (i.e. having a phone replay a prior conversation) Unfortunately, it’s pretty useless in combat.
Limbo + Giorno
Glimbo Giovadkins - she(?)/they/them
“Wouldn’t you like to hear one of my 765 fun facts about aerodynamics, animals or Air Bud?”
“I also have a few facts about botany, blood and birds.”
stable, until they’re not. they’re incredibly calm and delightful, but when they think someone’s mad at them they panic and start excessively apologising.
genuinely the softest cutest sweetest lil bitch you’ve ever seen. also traumatised with a guilty conscience and can flip on a dime in a terrifying way.
shortest Limbo fusion for no clear reason? shorter than both Limbo and Giorno.
Squalo’s worst fear.
sounds pretty much how you would expect.
Stand: Crystal Dolphin - can transform signals into life—by taking the signals out of something, typically disabling it, they can create life like Gold Experience can. The more complex the device, the bigger its potential creation.
Limbo + Buccellati
Bimbo Luno Adkellati - they/them
"...I've lost the conversation. I'm gonna go make pizza!"
Megan Thee Stallion?!
has no idea what’s going on for some reason? always looks a little confused and loses track of conversations very quickly.
very good with kids! practically unable to have a coherent conversation with Abbacchio. They don’t seem too distressed, but they just stop making much sense and seem to confuse themselves.
Stand: When Doves Cry? Perhaps Freewill? Uhm… I don’t know? Maybe it can sort of, ‘zip’ signals together, combining two or more functions into one sent signal? Bruno's ability is just so specific... I can't think of many ideas.
Limbo + Fugo
Fimbo (Pannalimbo Adkigo) - they/them
( Note: all currently depicted instances of Fimbo seem to be post-PHF, as Fimbo is almost always seen with the mouth scars hidden by the tattoo.)
enemy of the state. punches fascists. lovecore punk goth. in terms of authority figures they only respect Buccellati and Limbo’s dad.
AuDHD trauma poster child. Short fuse but very friendly until something sets them off and they start screaming and or burst into fucking tears.
Self-love in the sense that the fusionmates care about each other deeply and both sides are trying to look out for the other knowing the other won't look out for themself.
Stand: Cabin Fever - Terrifying deathly virus that, rather than being airborne like Purple Haze, is passed though signal transmission. Fimbo doesn’t know if the virus is the same as Purple Haze, a different strain of it, or something entirely different. It spreads most quickly through vocal communication between two people.
Limbo + Narancia
Nimbus Ghirgins - he/they/she
"tummyache... :("
Libby why does my stomach feel like it’s going to fucking collapse in on itself and why are my knuckles torn? aren’t they supposed to bruise when you punch?
bad relationship with food. Hanahaki disease, what are you doing here? (/ij)
sometimes they find Mista sitting around, sit next to him and fall asleep on him immediately
incredibly bad with emotions and doesn’t even get angry they just get overwhelmed instantly at any presence of significant emotion
Stand: Falling in Love/Hard on the Knees - who the fuck let this kid control CO2 emissions?? They can barely control themselves???
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domfock · 9 months
Ayo, Bookclub, I am back with another information clarification post.
Today we're gonna talk about Chronica, Domina, and Plants in the universe, as well as looking at the timeline. A lot of this information is already given to us in Vol 12, and the rest will not really be any spoilers but serve to give everything mentioned later more weight.
Right off the bat, Chronica and Domina are both Independent Plants. They're now born with neural blockers that contains their powers and prevents them from fusing. It seems to be common place for Independent Plants to serve upon Earth vessels, which gives us insight that Independent Plants are not only trusted, but also admired and respected in these military positions, as we see the Captain always refer to Chronica for her analysis and expertise.
And about Earth. Information was obviously lost over time, so it is easy to imagine the people on planet No Man's Land just assumed Earth was gone, or simply didn't bother hope for anything beyond surviving to the next day. With Earth dying, they sent out fleets to colony other planets, not knowing if they would ever make it possible for finding each other again. All that mattered was that humanity had to survive.
In time, they managed to develop a better and more sustainable form of energy, both to preserve Earth and Plants, and this allowed humanity to also develop warp drives to easily travel the stars, finally making the dream of connecting all of humanity across the stars.
Also, with a quick look at the timespan and year we have, we can use the dates offered in the notes about Tesla to nail down a time period. Tesla was born May 3rd, 2405. She survived for seven month and a half months, making that some time in January, 2406.
An unspecified amount of time passed before Vash and Knives were born, but let's go with a year or so for simplicity, which is then in 2407. Add then the one year plus a few extra months for the time they grew up on the ship, making it 2408. Now we add the 150 or so years, making it 2558, give or take the about three years of the entire story, putting us at 2561 as the current year of the story.
Chronica than states that it's been over two centuries since they started colonizing the universe, setting the year for when the SEEDs ships left Earth at around 2361, give or take a couple of decades or so. Meaning the colony fleets flew through space for like fifty or so years, at least the one Rem and the crew was on.
There's an unknown amount of human colonies out in the universe, most likely doing better than our main planet, since they managed to land on suitable planets and didn't crash and lose all their tech and information like No Man's Land did because of Knives.
It seems the tech and understanding surrounding Plants was not fully understood by the time the colony fleets were sent out, making Independents an unknown whenever they would eventually happen to each fleet and/or colony. With all these unrestrained Independents Plants across the universe, it is no surprise that Chronica speaks about having faced similar situations.
From what Chronica states, non-neurally blocked Independent Plants have for the most part turned violent and dangerous, as well. Might be caused by the access to near-unlimited power, even if the Plant situations could look a lot better on other Planets. They could've been treated like subjects, like Tesla, and grown their hate this way.
This also suggest how much of an anomaly Vash is, having been raised like a normal child, with love and care, growing into a reasonable man. It is possibly other Independents out there shared a good childhood too, which is why Chronica says most unrestrained Indepedents are violent, but not all.
It's also worth noting, that despite Independents having neural blockers to prevent them from fusing, they can still be forcibly assimilated against their will through direct contact, as we saw happening to Domina. Another person in Knives' long list of victims whose autonomy was taken away and body invaded by him, because he cares so much about other Plants and totally not acting out of his own hate and fear.
I hope this cleared some stuff up for everyone. I for one absolutely love thinking about what the rest of the world could look like, considering the scope of the world.
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curioussubjects · 4 months
Feedback Fest 2024
Since everything I've read for the past 1.5 years has been pilots, all 10 of the fics here are Kara/Lee from Battlestar Galactica. I'm only listing one fic per author, so be sure to check individual author pages if you liked their style.
(go here over on @transformativeworks for more info!)
1. In the Whole World by pennyante (M, ~80K, WIP)
The Cylons aren't quite human, and the humans haven't quite forgiven them. Political stability is less certain than ever now that the war is over: Lee Adama finds himself up for re-election, where being defeated will mean a Gemenese theocracy puppeteered by Leoben Conoy. Meanwhile, Kara Thrace has nothing but questions about her death and destiny. The only answers available come in the form of the vision of a temple, and from her hybrid/comatose husband's cryptic ramblings about a sister artifact to the Arrow of Apollo.
There's violence in the air. Civil war looms. Can Lee and Kara save each other, and keep the fledgling colony whole?
Thoughts: The best season 4 fix-it, lives in my head rent free, rewired my brain, etc. Also I've read it, like, 3 times (and I cried).
2. We're Not Friends by ninety6tears (M, ~25K)
When two soldiers in the middle of a war can't seem to like each other, baptism by fire is apparently the natural solution. (AU in which Kara never knew Zak and first meets Lee after the fall of the colonies.)
Thoughts: I love a different first meeting AU, and this one takes pilots on a fun rivals to lovers spin that works surprisingly well. They're still very unwell about each other, though, make no mistake.
3. Artemis Rising by clairza (M, ~11K)
The next morning Lee makes a few phone calls, and when everything has been organized and his credit card has been used for the first time in three months, and he’s had the pleasure of telling his mother that no, he has plans this week, he tracks Kara down in the quad. 
She's lying on her stomach poking sticks upright in the grass. He sits down beside her, and he can see the tension in her shoulders.
“So,” he says casually, and he’s very proud of the way his voice doesn’t shake at all. “I hear the Aegean Peninsula is nice this time of year.”
“It probably is.”
“I’ve booked a unit.”
“Where are you going with this, Lee?” Thoughts: I have a huge soft spot for fluffy academy pilots and this fic absolutely delivers. Happy baby pilots go to the beach five stars no notes.
4. An Arranged Meeting by lark_ral (E, ~11K)
Summary: Even outside of wartime, you might be surprised by the pressures our service men and women are under. The most effective among them either have, or need a release valve. Thoughts: Lee and Kara are scene partners for years, then the Cylons come. Somehow less messy than the show, but still delicious.
5. Rota by leda13 (E, ~2K)
Summary: The days are arbitrary, in space. Bereft of the guide of a planet's rotation around the sun, they live in slices of time, stealing as many as they can. Thoughts: Emotional support curtain fic of pilots sneaking around.
6. Sufficient to the Day by rachelindeed (T, ~1.5K)
Summary: At the sound of Lee’s voice, she feels her stomach twist and drop. Reluctantly, she opens her eyes and sees him come to a stop an arm’s length away, settling one elbow onto the corner of the bleacher behind her. His jacket is unbuttoned, his hair mussed, jaw ghosted with stubble, and the frakking sun is rising behind him. The look on his face is casual and fond, but he breathes as if he’s been running. Thoughts: Mandatory UB morning after fix-it...sort of. I really like this one because all I wanted was for Lee to get to Kara first. Or for him to call her bluff. This fic is both. It's not a showdown on main street like I enjoy joking about, but it's quiet and it's them (so it's better!).
7. Contrecoup by Fahye (T, ~2.2K)
Contrecoup (n): A concussion or shock produced by a blow or other injury, in a part or region opposite to that at which the blow is received, often causing rupture or disorganisation of the parts affected. (One story told right-way-up, the other told upside-down, but both in the same narrative.)
We begin at a single point in time. The present goes forwards. The past goes backwards.
The story is AU-within-canon and set after episode 1x11, "Colonial Day."
Thoughts: I can't say too much because I don't want to spoil the fic. So: a bit angsty, a lot sweet, with a side of Kara's amazing problem-solving skills.
8. Lee's Emo Coffeehouse by haycorn (M, ~2.9K)
Summary: Lee has a bar, and sometimes Kara makes his life more interesting. Thoughts: I love cute modern AUs in general, and I love them even more when there's pining involved. There's not nearly enough of this type of fic for pilots, either! Many thanks to the author for their service. Would read 100K of this 'verse.
9. Breathing Room by callmeonetrack (M, ~12K)
Summary: Kara and Lee adjust to their new, very separate lives on the Pegasus. Badly.
Thoughts: My favorite Pegasus fic! Being on the Pegasus sucks, but then Lee and Kara find each other and things get better. Chef's kiss, peak pilots.
10. And I Feel Fine by hazellazer (M, ~2.4K)
“That was… that… why?”
Her hands stay firmly on his face, thumb brushing over his cheek. “I was just thinking—”
Cutting her off, he smirks. “You think?”
She swats at his arm, hard enough that it might actually bruise. “I thought you were dead, Lee.” Her gaze is harsh on his, voice rasping, before something softens. “And I should’ve done this the second I knew you weren’t.” Thoughts: Season 1, but Lee and Kara are together. It's nice, refreshing, and plain good.
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amethystfairy1 · 1 month
So I know in Traveling Thieves, avians are meant to forget their loved ones & their names from the colony when they're sold off, including forgeting their own name as well and not using it (tho so far all avians we've had the pov of have been seen defiantly holding onto their own name at least, even if they don't give it out). And we've seen a lot of it from the main 3 avians how they'll be thinking about their cousins but the names would be struck out and such, presumably to symbolize either fuzzy memories or trying to block the memories out. But I'm curious about how successfully they've managed to actually block out those memories. Is it truly from purposefully trying to forget because of the rules, or is it just from how long it's been that they've genuinely started to lose memories?
These question may be answered when we eventually get the big meet up of all the different groups, so feel free to ignore this if the answers would give spoilers, but what would happen if two hypothetical hybrids who knew each other from their colony later met in the old continent? Like, I know they probably wouldn't say anything out loud about the recognition because they aren't allowed to, but would they still refer to them by name in their mind when thinking about them? I imagine it would be an internal battle between the rules that they were raised on, which state they should forget their past attachments and therefore consider the other a stranger, and the other part of them that remembers and can't close off those memories.
And I know the situation would be probably very different for our main 3 avians versus any hypothetical ones, what with being family and also Grian & Pearl having masters that are actively trying to help them unlearn the rules of the colony and how the rest of society treats them. But I assume we'll eventually see how those 3 react in that situation anyways further along in the series, so I'm more curious how it hypothetically would work for avians who maybe weren't like super close or anything, but they did know each other enough to remember each other's names. Do typical avians make themselves forget just because they're following the colony's teachings, or is it more about potentially trying to distance themselves from those memories so that they don't hurt them further by reminding them about when life was a little better and they weren't slaves yet?
Sorry this got really long and rambling. I'm just having lots of thoughts
Don't apologize for rambling! I love the rambles!
Ok, as you said, some of this is spoilery, so let me try to explain this the best I can without spoiling anything 😆
They are not actually forgetting anything. They are trying to repress those memories as per the rules of their conditioned headspaces. When they are sold from their colonies and collared, their ties are cut, which is something they are raised knowing about. They know what it means, and therefore when they are sold, they've been so heavily conditioned and trained into these headspaces that they immediately begin repressing those memories.
In your hypothetical scenario, where two avians who knew each other in their colony but perhaps weren't super close ran into each other out in the Old Continent, they would most certainly recognize each other.
Again, I want to stress this, they are not actually forgetting anything.
There is no erasure of memories, no supression so intense they genuinely forget stuff, none of that. They still have all their memories, they just compartmentalize them and do not address them.
So if I were writing from the perspective of one of these avians looking at the other avian, I would probably have them refer to the avian by name, but struck out like you mentioned I do with Grian, Pearl, and Jimmy. It would be the same thing. And of course they would never say each others names aloud, and would give no outward indication that they recognize each other.
Hopefully this makes sense! I know it's a bit of a confusing concept 😅 if you or anyone else have any more thoughts or questions I'd love to hear them! I have a ton of fun world building, after all!
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 months
Why I think you guys might like Space Boy
Space Boy is a webcomic by Stephen McCranie. It's being gradually published in book form, but you can read the entire thing (as it currently stands--it's still in progress) online here.
It's set in the future in a world that's a little to the left of ours, and it begins with a girl named Amy, who lives on a mining colony in deep space. When her father loses his job, the family has to relocate to Earth. It's a long journey that requires them to be cryogenically frozen for the duration so they don't have to waste decades of their lives. Unfortunately, that means that Amy will wake up to find that she's now thirty years younger than her friends from home. It's a difficult adjustment, not only that but having to get used to a planet she's never been to before, but experiencing Earth for the first time is also cause for wonderment. Twinkling stars! Blue skies! Birds! Snow!
Amy has a form of synesthesia in which she perceives other people as having "flavors." Her mom is mint, her best friend is pineapple and jalapeno, etc. So at her new school, she is surprised to encounter a boy who, unlike anyone else she's ever met, has no flavor. None at all. Her curiosity will lead to even more mystery--no one knows who exactly this boy is, and there are a lot of rumors swirling around him--but also a friendship. Oliver has a lot of secrets, and as a result of her association with him, Amy will find herself caught up in a situation that's bigger and more dangerous than she could have anticipated.
And that's the plot, but what it's about is how to make sense of a world that seems chaotic and uncaring, how to find meaning when everything seems meaningless. It's about isolation and the need for human connection. It's about love. It's sweet and joyful and tragic and funny and poignant and suspenseful and gentle by turns. Although the story itself does not overtly address religion, the worldview is subtly, beautifully Christian.
A lot of what made me love this story was the characters. They feel very real. Amy is warm-hearted and guileless and determinedly optimistic, but she's got her share of struggles and low points alongside her sunniness. Oliver has a very different nature from hers, no less complex, and he's in the middle of a fantastic character arc. Their relationship, which progresses from friendship to romantic interest, is well-written; they bring out the best in each other, are mutually willing to sacrifice for the other, and are making genuine effort to be supportive and encouraging despite a lot of complications. I do not say this lightly: I ship it.
The supporting cast is excellent too, and many of these characters have their own subplots that connect to the main themes. This world feels well-populated with a variety of people that have their own stories and their own growth (...or not) to undertake.
The art is lovely, and it gets better and better as McCranie solidifies his style. There are fun unique design traits, like Amy's distinctive pigtails and pointy feet (her design was originally based off a teardrop motif!). The world is visually interesting, and I find this story to be as pleasant to look at as it is to read.
Anyway, I don't know if this is enough propaganda for you guys, but I'm willing to elaborate further if necessary. It's worth a try, you can read it for free, and it comes in small increments that make it easy to pick up whenever you have a free moment.
I enjoyed it a lot (the hiatus can't end soon enough for me), and maybe you would too!
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samueldays · 11 months
Journalism delenda est, continued
If Fox News really were the right-wing hate-machine that Democrats love to imagine, Fox could spin off a channel with a name like Blacks Behaving Badly, which would be simply continuous coverage of murders and rapes committed by blacks.
Blacks Behaving Badly could easily get 24-hour material of constantly new crimes by giving merely an hour to each black murder or black rape, because blacks commit those crimes about hourly in America. (Compare the way left-wing press is still bleating about Emmett Till.) The information on BBB would all be true, of course, and the channel would be dedicated to covering some matters and not others, which is inevitable because every TV channel has to make some decisions about what to include of the millions of events that happen every day.
It would still be a wicked, shit-stirring, hate-inciting, no good, very bad, racebait channel with a chronic shortage of redeeming features, whose selective coverage would be obviously malicious.
I bring up this hypothetical construct as a point of comparison for the wicked bit of shit-stirring racebait and so forth that recently came out of Reuters in real life: a special report on how U.S. leaders have slaveholding ancestors. Chronic shortage of redeeming features.
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Shoddy's line pretty much sums it up, but let's look at the special report a bit more.
In a special bit of adding insult to injury, it violates usability guidelines by hijacking scroll commands (mousewheel, arrow keys, etc) before we get to the main content. Here is the page as it looks when it first loads:
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And here is the page as it looks after I hit the Page Down key:
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These self-important theater kids made a fucking unskippable opening cutscene out of a fucking webpage. The Down arrow key does nothing here. The Page Down key pressed a second time merely advances the gradually revealing text by two lines, while changing the image's highlight. Page Down should skip me past the fucking image-video-hybrid-animation and move me down the page.
Then we get to the content. I shall excerpt and quote full paragraphs here.
More than 100 U.S. leaders – lawmakers, presidents, governors and justices – have slaveholding ancestors, a Reuters examination found. Few are willing to talk about their ties to America's “original sin”
Everyone Has Slaveholding Ancestors.
I can forgive the tweeter for being space-constrained and having to drop terms that can be inferred from context. The text in the full report (not headline), a page down, has no such excuse. Perhaps you say "it's obvious what they mean from context", but I assure you, it is not in fact obvious and the clarification further down is not the obvious one.
Many lawmakers need look no further than their own family histories to find a much more personal connection to slavery in America, a brutal system of oppression that resulted in the deadliest conflict in U.S. history.
Second deadliest, unless something very odd happened with WW2 since last time I checked. (Perhaps they're using a special metric like "deaths on American soil", I imagine.)
In researching the genealogies of America’s political elite, a Reuters examination found that a fifth of the nation’s congressmen, living presidents, Supreme Court justices and governors are direct descendants of ancestors who enslaved Black people.
And here's a clarification of "slaveholding ancestors", three fucking pages into the special report: ancestors who enslaved the Reverentially Capitalized Race. Doesn't count if they enslaved Persons of Pallor.
Except that paragraph is still wrong, descriptively and normatively. We'll see further down in the report that it's not counting the Africans who enslaved other Africans, such as Ayuba Suleiman Diallo. Or the extensive history of Islamic slavery, which via Andalusian intermarriage to the Spanish royal family and from there to the American colonies, results in a great many more descendants of people who enslaved persons-of-the-favored-race. Reuters put a great deal of work into studying a subject it frequently contradicts itself about the bounds of.
In addition, President Joe Biden and every living former U.S. president – except Donald Trump – are direct descendants of slaveholders: Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and – through his white mother’s side – Barack Obama. Trump’s ancestors came to America after slavery was abolished.
This is racebait, journalism delenda est, everyone who wrote this should be banned from public communication.
Two of the nine sitting U.S. Supreme Court justices – Amy Coney Barrett and Neil Gorsuch – also have direct ancestors who enslaved people.
Everyone has direct ancestors who enslaved people.
I am going to keep harping on this for as long as Reuters keeps playing fast and loose with words. This special report online does not have the space constraints of a physical newspaper, nor does it have the time constraints of having to report on urgent news with a deadline tomorrow. It is written by supposedly professional wordsmiths with alleged editors and so-called fact-checkers. It has the leisure to get things right. It's welcome to use shorthand after getting things right (and preferably noting the shorthand), but Reuters has not gotten it right yet and will continue to contradict itself.
South Carolina, where the Civil War began, illustrates the familial ties between the American political elite and the nation’s history of slavery. Every member of the state’s nine-person delegation to the last Congress has an ancestral link. The state’s two Black members of Congress – Senator and Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott and Representative James Clyburn, a powerful Democrat – have forebears who were enslaved. Each of the seven white lawmakers who served in the 117th Congress is a direct descendant of a slaveholder, Reuters found. So too is the state’s Republican governor, Henry McMaster.
I assure you that everyone involved here has forebears who were enslaved and is the direct descendant of a slaveholder. If you're going to contrast the two, get the specifics right.
This is racebait, journalism delenda est, everyone who wrote this should be banned from public communication and have a finger cut off as a continual reminder of their sins.
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There's a bunch of specific people and degree of relation listed. I'll skip past them to see where Reuters is fucking around again.
A Reuters/Ipsos poll for this report suggests that a politician’s links to slavery might sway some voters. In a national survey, almost a quarter of respondents – 23% – said knowing that a candidate’s ancestors enslaved people would make them less likely to vote for that candidate. That number rose to 31% among respondents who identified as Democrats, and 35% among Black respondents. What’s unclear is how significant the topic is compared to race relations more broadly or other hot-button issues such as abortion.
Bold mine, Reuters really cannot keep this straight, this does not match their previous special report statements, and it also doesn't match the wording that was actually used in the poll. The poll respondents weren't given this whole special report for implicit context when they were asked:
“Would knowing that a political candidate’s ancestors or family members owned slaves in America make you more or less likely to vote for them?”
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mostautisticangel · 21 days
I'd love to hear about Halfway to Heroes!!! :3
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT OKAY STRAP YOURSELVES IN MOTHERFUCKERS (affectionate) im putting this behind a keep reading tag bc i know its gonna get long
Firstly: there are three deities. they have many names. The Holy Trinity, the Land, Sky and Sea, The Three Deities (very creative). Their true names are Rhimiad, the earth goddess, Rowan, the moon god, and Vyvienne, the sun goddess. I call them gods and goddesses but not like you're thinking. its a title that the Rhimiads (inhabitants of Rhimiad. is it confusing? i dont care!) give to them. They are the land, sun, and moon itself. The people just personified them
Rhimiad created the Rhimiads and named them after herself. at this point they're exactly like humans. She also created a bunch of other magical creatures. like ugly ass unicorns and pocket sized dragons and birds the size of cars.
Vyvienne was especially fond of them, and blessed a few of them with the power of the winds. The sky and winds were her domain. This fundamentally changed these Rhimiads, and now they had a connection to Vyvienne. they had the ability to "walk" on the wind, see through heavy storms, and summon a gale when necessary. They were called Wind Walkers. you dont have to capitalize it i just wanted to lol oh yeah they look different too. they have feathers instead of hair, bird-like eyes, and talons for hands. they can also make bird noises :3
Rowan liked that idea and he chose a few Rhimiads to bless with his powers. His domain was the cold night and the ocean. He blessed two tribes. One, he gave the power of the ocean. they could summon water from their fingertips, thrive underwater without the need for oxygen (and i mean without oxygen, not that they had gills) and could see no matter how dark it was. they had webbed hands, scales on their forearms, shins, and cheeks, fish-like eyes, fins for ears, and amphibian-esque tails. (can you tell these are my favorite) they were called water weilders. The other tribe, Rowan blessed with the power of the snow. They could see through snowstorms, stay warm in any temperature, had heightened senses of smell and taste, summon small flurries and icicles, and had an innate sense of direction. They were basically furries uhm part polar bear ig. they had animal noses, fur on their face, AND whiskers :3 and ice blue eyes. like big and cold blue. theyre called winter weilders.
Rhimiad decided to do what her kids did (did i mention the sun and moon were her kids? sorry yeah they are haha) and bless a few rhimiads. She gave them the power of the earth, they could summon flowers (specifically ONLY flowers) talk to animals, heal nature, you get the gist. they look a lil different, theyre also like furries. but any basic woodland animal. they'll have the tail, the ears/antlers, nose, whiskers, fur, all that. like a squirrel or a deer. also males and females both have antlers because fuck biology character design is cool. They can make whatever noises that animal makes too. theyre called wild watchers.
theyres still a bunch of Rhimiads with no magic, but thats fiine. they can still use the magical plants and whatever magical artifacts to brew potions and use wands or whatever. they just dont have any special connection to a deity.
anyways they made colonies and standard creachur behavior, there was a war between the water and winter weilders so now they hate each other and the winter weilders call themselves frost finders now. they dont care that the have the same god ig. (do not ask what the war was about. i definitely have an answer i just dont want to share it. for. reasons.)
now we're in modern day. there are six kingdoms in Rhimiad currently. each kingdom was founded by a certain tribe, and that population dominates each kingdom, but anyone can live anywhere. mostly. you'll see. Let me explain them each in excruciating detail.
Pyovere - The kingdom of wind, sky, sun, and storms. The kingdom itself is a series of floating islands (!!) shaped like rings, all encasing each other. The closer you get to the center, the more extravagant it is, and in the center is the Pyoverian Palace, the pinnacle of opulence and elegance in all of Rhimiad. The furthest islands are called the Outskirts, and are basically like the slums. the wind walkers live here if you couldn't tell. i based it on pre-revolution era france. will there be a revolution? i have nooooooo idea ;)
Floraison - The kingdom of earth, nature, and creatures and critters. Its a sprawling collection of quiet villages and massive cities. by far the largest kingdom. at the center, perched on the side of an active volcano, is the Pyoverian Palace. this one is home to wild watchers. i picked and choosed elements from all kinds of middle eastern/south asian cultures but this one is mostly based off india
Aquatique - for the water weilders. and only the water weilders. not even non-magic rhimiads. this kingdom is underwater and nobody knows where to find it. trade is conducted via soldiers carrying crates of supplies deep underwater, and making sure nobody follows. its not like anyone could if they wanted to. The ruler still attends diplomatic meetings. but nobody else leaves the kingdom. very little is known about it. i didnt base this one off any particular culture, i just made shit up :P
Krybrot - the kingdom of snow, jewels, and comfort. by far the richest kingdom. Its up in the mountains, covered in snow year-round. they have a direct agreement with Floraison for the exchange of ores for food. they have the Krybrot Castle,, where the royalty lives year-round, and the Crystal Palace, a palace made of ice for the yearly blue moon ball. its an event to praise Rowan. The royal family emerges, putting on a display for the public before hiding away in the castle again.
Quillion - the kingdom where all the non- water weilders went after the water weilding tribe decided to move into the ocean. havent done much work on this one
Erromar - another kingdom for primarily non-magic rhimiads. founded by an insane wizard like 300 years ago. i dont know. just go with it.
Main cast:
Yvette Lancaster - he/him, 18, prince of Pyovere, spoiled rich kid whos scared of everything and wouldn't hurt a fly. his father made a deal with the goddess Vyvienne so he has a special type of magic. he has sun powers. not fire. sun. he glows and can summon light and also look directly at the sun. the coolest power imo. he has a halo but not like a ring halo like those gold disk ones you see in medieval paintings. it glows too. i love it. he's my baby. he's a rich snobby bastard. he can't lift up a sword. he's everything. he's also gonna be king even though he does NOT want that, he wants his twin sister to rule instead. she's the older one. she just doesnt have magic. but their dad gave up his life to vyvienne and their mom has a favorite. so.
Yvonne Lancaster - she/her, 18, non-magic, princess of Pyovere, possibly the most powerful sorceress in Rhimiad's history and she knows it. complete and utter asshole. acts like shes better than everyone. like she deserves the goddess' blessing. she deserves the throne more than her pathetic twat of a brother. she was taught magic by one of the only two stars in the sky (even if she didnt know it)(i forgot to mention the stars. theyre not deities. theyre just kinda there. but yeah theres only two of them. pim and pix. i hate them. theyre so silly.) she hates everyone except one person.
Lynne Schire - she/her, 18, wind walker, the one person yvonne doesnt hate. she moved ffrom the outskirts to the palace at a young age. rather, she ran away from the outskirts, spent two years wasting what little money she had on gambling and alcohol, ran away from people she owed money to and ended up at the palace gates, pleading to the guard to be let in. yvonne happened to be outside at the time and let her in. they became best friends. theyre also in love. but they dont know it yet. lynne is the only one who can tolerate yvonne's bullshit. she doesnt fix it tho. kinda fucked up if you ask me
Palliana-Roe "Roe" Beyberry - she/her, 11, water weilder AND frost finder (rowan liked her personally so he gave her both traits. she hides her water weilder features and pretends to be a frost finder) she joins the gang after plot things happen and they end up in krybrot, looking for a guide to take them to Floraison. She's the princess of Krybrot, but she ran away when she was 8 cause her family sucked and kind of hated her. nobody has come looking for her. she's five foot zero and wields a giant axe. she doesnt take bullshit from anyone. classic character archetype of small child who is also a criminal. girlboss.
Seyuna Hazure - she/they, 28, water weilder, pirate mom. its the best way to describe them. they are loud and obnoxious and the captain of the most respected fleet in all of Quillion, the twilight trinity. The flagship is the SIlver Sinner, Seyuna's pride and joy. there are also a bunch of other characters in her crew but theyre not as important. still love them tho. she adopts Roe even tho roe doesnt want this (she does). they are so silly. they also are very skilled in combat and have excellent connections. dont ask how they got involved with the gang. its complicated.
Kaspian - he/it, 19, non magic. he's the son of the big bad guy. i will expplain that bit later. anyways he may or may not be my self-insert and he is the general of the bad guy army and he's very cool and swag. just kidding that was a lie he's a fucking loser. he can hold a sword and say inspiring things to his troops but cant do shit in a fight. but everyone believes he's the pinnacle of courage and bravery. an illusion he struggles to uphold. anyways he falls in love with yvette because i said so. also he becomes good at some point. he may or may not be killed off im still deciding.
so the big bad. right. i forgot to mention this but each of the deities have a favorite Rhimiad. vyvienne chose yvette, rowan chose palliana-roe, and rhimiad chose the big bad. theyre called the champions. big bad only goes by "Rhimiad's Champion" or "Rhimiad's Heir." very normal person behavior. each of these champions can talk to the deity DIRECTLY. although we dont know that because yvette doesnt talk about it and roe isnt sharing the fact that she's the champion. but Rhimiad's Champion talks about it. he said that Rhimiad told him that the other deities are fake and that rhimiad is the true one. Rhimiad said to wipe out the world, leaving only the non-magic people and wild watchers. he has been succesful thus far. people believe him, because who are they to refute the will of a goddess.
the kicker? he's fucking right. Rhimiad did tell him to do this shit. partially. Rhimiad's true orders were to wipe out the entire world and then kill her. her Champion thought this would scare people so he pretended she meant to keep non-magic people and wild watchers.
You see, Rhimiad is nothing like what the people think she is. oh no no no no. Rhimiad is located in the Void, a place abandoned by space or time. completley dark. She gave birth to her children, the sun and moon. she screated the rhimiads to live on her. she was happy, all alone.
now you might be thinking "cool. why does she want to die." because sshe wants to be free from her prison. the Void is a prison. she used to live in the Universe, with the countless other deities who encompassed their own worlds. But she is a cruel and heartless creature. She grew jealous of another goddess, Nmoroca, and slaughtered her entire population. Nmoroca is now a pitiful barren wasteland. the other deities banished her to the void, and sent two stars to watch her. (thats pim and pix btw) she is allowed to do whatever she wants in the Void, since she is trapped.
however, the Void is not the real world. if you die in the Void, it means nothing. You simply......leave the Void. You are welcomed to the Universe. all Rhimiads from countless generations ago who have died know this truth. they now live on many of the other deities, even Nmoroca, who is slowly being rebuilt.
Rhimiad wants to return. however, she it immortal, so she needs to be killed. She cant leave her rhimiads behind, though, so she ordered her champion to slaughter them all first.
the stars dont know this, so they dont try to stop her.
the sun and moon dont know this, so they get mad at her champion for saying such obvious lies.
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linxprime · 2 months
Aracnoid Lore 4!!!!
The fauna of Scorpia (What it used the be the Aracnoid planet) A part of the horrofying kaju apex predator Dovem Yasude. There were more fauna that Aracnoids has to deal with or were able to domestiacet! Let's start with the domestic pets! Now all the fauna I will show are safe and in alien animal santuaries on earth, except of the firts two who are becoming the new Earth domestic pets.
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Maratus Suruneko are the equibalent of house cats, and share a few things too like; Having litters of Maras (name for baby Maratus) and each baby has diferent patrons of furr or colors. They have the same colors are peakock jumping spiders. The size of a Maine Coon cat. They do a little funny jumping spider dance with their hind legs to show they want atention. By standing in their four front legs, open the flpas of their adomen and tail and move the hind legs like jumping spiders do. They are friendly, playfull and will protect any one of their family till the end. And help a lot hunting any berming like cats do. Their diet is homnivore.
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Linnaeus Gran, the equibalent of dogs. Aracnoids usually train them to help them hunt and company them for expeditions. But can be a perfect house companion! Even if they look intimidating, they are softies and cuddle bugs *ba dum clash*. They are big, 4 ft and 6 feet long. Their diet is carnivore. Btw, the babys are called Plups.
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Bos Vindex. The cows and bulls for aracnoids. Like humans do, they don't only provide good meat, but also milk! The females are calm and peacefull unless provoked, thei have perfect vision. The males in the other hand, they are partialy blind, like if they have cataracts. Only allows them to see movement and depend on smell, wich if you are eating a salad or you are vegan, the males will push you and eat your vegetables or fruit. And when I mean push you, I mean set you flying away. Only males do this so wach out.
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Ovicapra Caelifera. Have whe whool like sheeps but the territoriality of a goat, and the temper too. They are fruitivores, and they usually in the wild, jumpt to the branches to get thier food. Also be carefull with their kicks cus thei can live you paralized. Females are the dominat ones in the herds mean while the males rise and take care of the babys. Even if their baby name looks funny and on purpose, is a full coincidence, the babys are called Jump.
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Tronchilidae Calopterix. They are the mounts like horses for the aracnids. With cian blue metalic glow on theyr light feathers and the same range of vision as a dragonfly. Even with their size, they can be docile, loyal and really friendly cus they consider thier rider and it's family part of the flock. The babys are usually called Cryuxx, that means Fluff in aracnoid. They love eating flowers and small insects.
Now, let's start with the wild ones! shall we?
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Robo Paraponera. They act like wolfs but in number of an ant colony. The workers are only and only males, there no guard Robos since them selfs are guardians, hunters, ect. Meanwhile the female, ak; The queen of the pack are in charge of asexualy habing babys three months of the year. But when she is not delivering babys, she joins to hunt with her pack. They are only agresive if you are near their colony hide or proboked. But if you don't do anything to them, they will do nothing to you, not even if the queen is present. The babys are called Clum when male and Tikqüe when is female. Also, the queen has a pouch to carry the next queen baby till she fully grows. You can domesticate them if you are accepted by the queen or rise a tikqüe.
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Cyaneo Sumirrodon. A far way cousin of the Maratus Suruneko. Way bigger and more dangerous. Solotary and migratory indibiduals, fearded by their potent venom that can live anyone in to vegetal state. But to do that you have to survive thoes big saber fangs frist. They are agresive and acts like tigers. But if you can rise them, you have a companion for life. Now prepare your self to buy tons of meat to feed them.
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innominaterifter · 3 months
Question regarding the cockroaches: are they clean? I've always understood bugs to be fairly dirty, but given how you handle them it seems that isn't the case? Are these ones different because they're handled regularly?
These cockroaches are artificially bred in closed conditions and do not come into contact with anything outside their container.
Cockroaches that live in an open environment can indeed be unsafe since they come into contact with unpredictable substances. The main danger is caused by cockroaches that feed on human waste. Cockroaches, which prefer to feed on waste, are capable of carrying pathogens such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal infections, pneumonia, meningitis and others. In addition to viruses and microorganisms, cockroaches can carry the eggs of helminths (worms) and amoebas on their bodies. The reason for their unsafety is that they come into contact with and eat completely different human waste and animal carrion. You cannot know what exactly this or that cockroach came into contact with.
Unlike this situation, the living conditions of my insects are completely controlled only by me.
To keep insects, I use either a substrate that I buy in the store or cardboard egg cartons (cockroaches love to hide in them). For their food, I use a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, and supplements from pet stores.
Cockroaches also love lichens, which can be found on tree branches (and lichens are very useful for them). But before giving them, I first freeze these branches in the freezer to destroy all possible living organisms that could be there.
Of course, I collect these twigs in the forest, and not near the city or in garden plots, because trees growing in an urban environment can be treated with chemicals against insects. And then I just risk killing my cockroaches.
I also monitor their condition and appearance so that they look healthy.
Some time ago I had a bad experience with excessively high humidity in their container and part of the colony was affected by mold, which could be visually observed on their shells. This mold is safe for humans, but insects can die from it. So I had to save the colony.
In addition to completely cleaning the container and contents, I needed to do something about the mold on the cockroaches themselves. My good friend was visiting me at the time and I asked her for help in this strange matter.
I am very glad to have such a friend to whom I can say “Code red, we urgently need to wash the cockroaches’ asses!” and hear in response “Ok, give me 5 minutes to finish my tea, and let’s go!”.
As a result, we first washed them under ordinary water in bulk, then wiped the shell of each individual cockroach with a cotton pad soaked in a disinfecting solution and the mold was defeated.
But I repeat: this mold was safe for humans. Thus, if you keep insects in closed containers and they do not come into contact with or eat anything from the outside world without undergoing treatment, then all ok.
What can create difficulties is a possible allergy to cockroach chitin. Moreover, this allergy can manifest itself only to some types of cockroaches, but not to others.
This allergy is treated with conventional remedies prescribed by a dermatologist. But of course, you should stop contact with the type of cockroaches that you have allergy (or protect the respiratory tract, mucous membranes, and not allowing contact with the skin).
In general, the rules for handling domestic insects are approximately the same as for pets. Some may be allergic to cats or dogs, others may not. It is safe from the point of view of disease to handle domestic rats or hamsters, but it is clearly not worth handling rats or hamsters that live in the wild¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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