#and then he goes through all the comments left after a couple weeks
martinskis-lydias · 3 months
I respect people having different opinions regarding characters and stuff
But there are some people that go wildly overboard and I can’t deal with them when they’re being assholes about it
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jazzyoranges · 7 months
Harleys in Hawaii
Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: you’re Tara’s older girlfriend
Words: 4.5k
A/n: listen to harleys in hawaii
Warnings: i didn’t feel like editing or spell checking sorry bout that 💀, age gap (Tara is 22/23, you’re 27), drinking, kissing, fade to black sex, R is implied to dress more masculine, also Scream 6 doesn’t exist cause Anika is alive 😇
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Tara has gone through 3 girlfriends and 5 boyfriends in the span of 5 months. Currently, she’s having an intervention on how and why. Well, the core four’s version of an intervention at least
“Dude, you have to teach me how to get a girlfriend” Chad begs, and Mindy laughs
“Why am I even here? You guys suck at interventions. If anything, this is the opposite of one”
This time, her sister chimes in. “We’re here because you’ve been going through partners like pairs of clothes. Why are you dating all these people?”
“I don’t know!” Tara groans “In the beginning it’s to be fun dating someone, but after a week it feels like a chore”
“Wow, never knew you of all people would have the same mindset of a frat boy” This earns Mindy a slap on her shoulder from Anika, who was cuddled into her
“Shut up Mindy.” the younger Carpenter spits out
“So you date people and drop them ‘cause they don’t give you the thrill of being in a relationship?” Chad says and everyone in the room goes silent. Momentarily, he stops throwing his tennis ball up in the air
“…Did I say something wrong?”
“Never knew you could be smart, Chad”
“Sometimes I wish we weren’t related.”
“Is that it, Tara?” Sam asks “You just want the thrill of dating?”
“When you put it that way, I guess? I dunno, I haven’t really met anyone exciting. You’d think there’d be fun people in New York”
“You just haven’t met the right person, Tara. I’m sure there’s someone for you, you just suck at looking”
“Oh, really? Where am I supposed to look, then?”
“I dunno, definitely not where you’re looking right now” Mindy shrugs, and Tara sighs at how helpful her friends are
You meet you coworker’s sister when her and her friends decide to have a study session at the small coffee shop you and Sam work at. You and the older Carpenter instantly clicked as friends. Sam knew you knew about the Woodsboro killings, but you knew not to trust the media entirely. After a few weeks of talking to her, you didn’t understand how Sam could be accused of such disgusting things
Your friendship solidified when you ‘accidentally’ spilled an ice cream sundae on some girl who was being mean to her. Of course you were fired the next day, but Sam left with you, opting to work at a smaller coffee shop run by a nice old man and his lovely wife
Sam considered you a good friend, and she trusted you with being around her sister. Luckily the old couple who ran the shop were kind and trusting, and let Sam’s sister and friends use the coffee shop after hours for late-night studying. It was maybe about 6:30pm when the shop officially closed, and the study session started. Sam insisted she stay by herself, but you didn’t want her to be lonely while watching her kids friends study
Personally, you thought it was far too late to study, but you also hadn’t been to school in 3 years. Soft music was playing while the group studied and you and Sam cleaned up the shop here and there
Tara tried to focus on her work, she really did. After a few glances in your direction and many “sorry, what did you say?”’s later, Mindy finally decided to comment on Tara’s behavior. I mean, could she really be mad? You were breathtaking. Your shirt hugged your arms and torso just the right way, you hand a very pretty face, most of all, you were-
“Alright, what’s up with you? You’ve been distracted this entire time”
“I’m not distracted, I’m listening” Tara lied straight through her teeth, and Mindy just looked at her in suspicion
“You’ve seemed out of it this entire study session, you okay?” Anika reached to rub Tara’s shoulder
“Uh, y-yeah” Tara turned around in her seat looking for you. When she saw you were either in the break room or the bathroom, Tara leaned in closer to the group and so did her friends
“Sam’s friend is really hot.”
“Understandable” Chad nods
“Definitely ask her out”
“Like hell I am, Mindy!” Tara whisper-shouts
You’re about to leave for the night. Gathering your jacket, helmet, and keys from your locker, you barely make it out of the break room before one of Sam’s friends calls you over
“Hey, Sam’s coworker! Are you good at algebra?
“A little above average, why do you ask? You walk over to the booth they’re studying at. You miss the glare the brunette gives to her friend
Mindy motions to Tara “My friend over here is having a little trouble, and we’re all not really good at explaining. Could you help her?”
“Also,” the twin points at each of her friends “Anika, Chad, Tara, and I’m Mindy”
You pull up a chair to sit next to Tara “Y/N, nice to meet all of you. Sam says lots of good things”
“Likewise, Sam told us about what you did for her. We all appreciate it” Anika smiles
“Those girls were assholes,” you shrug “they deserved it.” Now focusing on Tara, you met her eyes while the rest of the group fell into discussion
“So, what exactly do you need help with?”
Tara tries to listen to what you’re saying, but everything is going in one ear and out the other with your proximity to her. You make simple small talk with Tara, and she notes how the corners of your eyes crinkle when you laugh. The brunette learns you’re about the same age as her sister, you have a second job as a mechanic, and you owned a motorcycle (in which her interest was immediately peaked).
A few hours of conversation and studying later, the group decides they’re finished. They pile into Sam’s car to be dropped off at their respective apartments. Unfortunately due to a little clutter, there isn’t enough room for Tara in the car (which is surprising since she’s incredibly small, but you decide to hold your tongue this time)
“Cmon, guys, can’t you make some room?” the brunette groans
“You could ride with Y/n,” Sam suggests “I trust her to get you home”
“Yeah, I got an extra helmet in my locker, I’ll go get it” You jog back to the shop, and you’re back a minute later with a helmet in one hand, and a hoodie in the other. Your hoodie, Tara thinks
“Here, it gets cold. Is this your first time?”
“Yeah, I’ve never been on a motorcycle before…” Tara says nervously, and she has to stop herself from taking a big whiff of your hoodie around her
“No worries! If you get scared just squeeze my thigh and I’ll pull over, okay? Also, make sure to hold on tight” You put the helmet on Tara, inspecting her to make sure it’s on correctly
“Geez, it feels like I’m an astronaut” Tara laughs, flipping up the visor
“Doesn’t it? I always feel like a bobble head or something when I’m in it” You teach Tara how to get on, and soon enough you’re on the road following Sam’s car
Tara’s arms were snugly wrapped around your torso, and she was absolutely having the time of her life. The helmet she was wearing smelled like you and it was absolutely intoxicating. Not to mention how your hoodie sat comfortably on her body — almost like it was meant for her to wear. Deciding to be bold, Tara decides to hug you tighter
When you two eventually stop at a stoplight, you hold out a thumbs up, questioning if Tara is comfortable. The brunette responds with a thumbs up of her own, and the slow circles she’s making with her thumb under your shirt that leave a trail of goosebumps behind
First Sam stops at Mindy and Anika’s, then Chads. Since there’s more room in the car Tara doesn’t actually need to stay with you, but she’s practically glued to your back. The brunette decides to be greedy and hold on
A few minutes later, you two reach Tara and Sam’s apartment complex. When you come to a stop the younger Carpenter gets off first, and you follow after
“So, how was your first time on a motorcycle? Scary?”
“Honestly? Not really. I trust you won’t crash, or else Sam’ll get real mad at you” Taking off her helmet, you get the pleasure of seeing Tara smile again. She starts to take off your hoodie, but you stop her before she does
“Keep it, I already have a bunch of other hoodies and jackets at my place”
“Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t be saying it if I wasn’t sure, Carpenter”
“You’re an ass” Tara rolls her eyes and playfully hits your arm
“Nice meeting you and your friends, by the way. I’ll see you guys around” After you wave bye and hop back on your motorcycle Tara watches you leave, pulling your hoodie closer to her body
Study sessions at the coffee shop after closing time became more and more regular. Sometimes it’s just Sam closing up, and other times it’s just you. Tara still regrets telling the group about her very tiny minuscule crush on you, since you’re now used as blackmail to get Tara to go anywhere
“Wanna go to the movies?”
“Sorry, I have to finish an essay”
“Y/n’s gonna be there” Mindy says in a sing-song tone
“Fuck you.” Tara groans before grabbing her jacket, fully expecting to be invited for a motorcycle ride from you
At first Tara only saw you during study sessions at the coffee shop. It was the same story almost every time. There wouldn’t be enough room in Sam’s car, you’d drive Tara home, and if she was lucky you’d stop at a 7 Eleven for slushees and a snack
When Sam invites you to a game night with the group, you happily accept the invitation. With a bottle of wine in your left hand, you make some final adjustments to your outfit before knocking. Smoothing out your shirt, you hear a familiar voice behind the door
“So, are you gonna stand there or are you going to knock?” The younger Carpenter teases, and she can practically hear you roll your eyes when you scoff
“I was making myself presentable” You shrug, hearing the click of the door as Tara opens it
“Whatever,” The shorter girl laughs “You’re kinda early so you can wait on the couch or something” She takes the bottle of wine from your hands, setting down on a table
“Geez, don’t people have manners nowadays? I thought it was a given to arrive early”
“I think that’s just you being old”
“You’re mean.” Tara’s face collides with a pillow as she turns around and the brunette can faintly hear you say ‘headshot!’ in an excited voice
“Me? Mean? You just assaulted me!”
“You’ll live. Mario Kart?” You wave a second controller in her direction with the game already booted up, and Tara takes her seat next to you on the floor
The next few minutes are spent casually trash-talking each other. When you get particularly close to winning Tara shoves you to the floor, causing you to lose. A smug grin adorns her face when you throw another pillow at her
“Stop throwing pillows at me!” Tara laughs
“You quite literally shoved me to the floor ‘cause you’re not as good as me”
“Shut up, you’ve have more experience”
“Are you calling me old again?” You say in a dramatic tone, and the door rings a whole 20 minutes after the rest of the group is supposed to show up. Sam lets them in, and you wave hello. Mindy gives Tara a look you don’t recognize, but Chad quickly challenges you to another game of Mario Kart
The twin tried his best, he really did. He took the shortcuts, chose the best character, and even optimized his power-ups. But alas, his efforts were rendered useless as you casually mopped the floor with his ass. The scoreboard with your name at the top is enough for Chad to groan in defeat
“Dude, how are you so good?”
“I guess I just have more experience”
“So you can say it but I can’t?” You end up sticking your tongue out at Tara like a child
“Whatever. You guys got any other games?”
“We have Uno” Sam suggests
Oh how foolish she was.
Arguing, wine, and lots of popcorn later, you’re currently in a battle for 4th place with Tara. Fifteen minutes after Chad won 3rd, both of you insisted a 4th place winner. When you put down a plus four twice in a row, the group only groans
“Please are you two almost done?”
“It’s Uno. How about we play another game?” Chad pleads
“Absolutely not. I refuse to lose to a girl that’s basically half my height.”
“Half your height!? You’ll probably be balding by 30!”
“You take that back!” You slam a hand against the table, and your friends can’t tell if they should intervene or watch the argument play out. They choose the latter
Shallow insults are exchanged between you two and the rest of the group finally understands both of you aren’t serious. They decide to leave you two to pick up some pizza, and you’re far too busy arguing how you’re not going to go bald at 30. Really, whose idea was it to give the most competitive people copious amounts of wine?
Eventually your arguing dies down, leaving you both giggling like middle school kids when they see their crush. The absurdity of the situation paired with the wine you both drank made a very fun combo
“Sorry I said you’d bald by 30” Tara leans onto your shoulder and you lay your head atop hers
“It’s okay. Sorry I said you were half my height… even if it’s true” You smile and Tara hits your arm while suppressing a grin
“You mind if I sleep here tonight? Pretty sure I can’t drive my baby in this state”
“Your baby?”
“My motorcycle. Her name is Elizabeth” You nudge her shoulder
“You named your motorcycle?
“It’s how you create attachment, Tara. You name everything so you care more about it”
“God, you’re a weirdo.” The younger Carpenter leans into you even further
“You never answered my question”
“Hmm… I think Sam wouldn’t mind”
“But would you mind?”
“No, you’re my friend”
A comfortable silence passes between you two. Tara, half asleep on your shoulder; and you, trying to formulate a plan to get Tara in her bed. The only good idea you’ve thought of is carrying her, so that’s what you decide to do
Tara makes a sound then holds onto your shirt as you scoop her up from the couch. There’s a feeling in her stomach she can’t quite place when your arms wrap around her. You’re warm, and Tara only wants to get closer to your body heat
“Tara, honey, where’s your room?” You whisper. The pet name accidentally slips, and you hope the younger girl doesn’t notice.
Oh but she does
Tara notices and opts to bury her head in you chest, pointing in the direction of her room. She can feel her face warm up immediately
You open up the door all the way with your foot, and lay Tara down in her bed. You’re about to leave to probably sleep on the couch, but you feel a hand around your wrist and Tara mumble something sleepily
“You alright, Tar?” You bend down
“Please stay… don’t go.” The younger Carpenter whispers, and you wouldn’t be able to hear her if not your close proximity
“I’ll be in the living room, don’t worry. I don’t drink and drive”
“No, I mean stay here.”
“You… You want me to stay in your room?”
Tara nods.
“I- I don’t know, Tara.” You were hesitant to accept her invitation.
“I won’t be far, I promise”
“I don’t care you’re older than me.”
“Please, you make me so happy. People my age are so dull…” Tara takes your hand in her own, playing with your fingers
“You don’t mean that, Tar. You’re drunk and tired. How about you get some sleep, hm?” You say in the softest voice you can manage, pushing away the thoughts of how badly you just want to hold Tara in your arms again
“Y/n…” Something in you shifts when the brunette says your name in her sleep-drunk state. You notice the pleading look in her eyes, and it’s difficult to imagine saying no to her
“I can’t say no to you.” You sigh, taking off your jacket before getting in bed. Tara immediately curls up against your chest like it’s the most natural thing ever and you wrap your arms around her waist like it’s second nature
“Thank you. I really like you, Y/n”
“If you end up regretting this I’ll pretend like nothing’s happened if you want”
“No!” Both you and Tara are surprised by her tone
“I- I mean no. I promise I won’t regret this. Regret… you.” She says in a smaller voice
“Do you like me too?” Tara looks up at you with hope in her eyes and your heart melts at the sight
“I don’t know, Tara. Part of me thinks this is wrong, and the other part just wants to spend time with you.”
“Ever since… Amber, you’ve helped me move on” This was the most Tara has opened up about her late girlfriend. Of course the group told you a few tiny things about her here and there, but you hadn’t heard from Tara straight up. You knew this was a very hard and difficult subject even as time continued to pas
“You don’t need to feel like you have to tell me about her, Tara. How about we sleep? You’ll have a clearer mind tomorrow” Pressing a kiss against her forehead, your girlfriend(?) smiles
“…can I wear your shirt?”
“I’m right here, you know”
“I wanna be closer to you”
“Go actually get ready for bed, Tara. I know you don’t wanna sleep with makeup on” The brunette gets up to leave but decides to double back and give you a kiss on the cheek, leaving you a subtle lipstick mark
You hate how she makes you all giddy like a teenager in love.
Getting up to ask Tara if she has an oversized hoodie you could sleep in, you’re caught in the hallway by Sam. You only notice how bad it looks you’re walking out Tara’s room with messy hair, ruffled clothes, and a noticeable kiss on your cheek. You’re quick to wipe it off and smooth out your hair a second later
“Sam, it’s not what it looks like.” You say quickly
“I dunno, it really looks like you’re fucking my sister”
“I-It’s not like that! She- I uh-“
“Listen, I don’t mind you’re dating my sister. Would’ve wished you told me, though”
“That’s the thing! I have no idea what we are” You look behind to look for Tara before turning back to Sam
“She said she really liked me, but then she’s also drunk, but then she also kissed me. What if she doesn’t actually mean it? What if she regrets this? What if-” You’re talking quickly and about to start pacing around before Sam grounds you by holding onto your shoulders
“I trust you, Y/n. You’re my friend. I trust you’ll take good care of my sister”
The older Carpenter gives you a quick hug before leaving to her own room, leaving you staring at nothing as the door to the bathroom clicks open
“Y/n? You alright?” Tara pulls you into a hug, shoving her face in your neck
“Y-Yeah, do you have a hoodie I could sleep in?”
“Mmm… I think I have one in your size” The shorter girl leads you to her closet. A few seconds of searching lands you a hoodie with an album cover you don’t recognize. Tara notices your confusion
“Tyler the creator”
“Is he any good?”
“Well duh, I wouldn’t have him on a hoodie if he wasn’t”
“Okay smart ass, no need to be mean” You feign annoyance and the brunette can only roll her eyes and drag you into bed for the second time this night
Both of you get into position again. Tara’s arms securely wrapped around your torso, and your arms that bring her closer to your neck. You decide it isn’t so bad you’re in love with Tara Carpenter
You and Sam meet the rest of the group at their college. The lovely older couple that ran the coffee shop insisted you two spent time with Tara. They may as well be your parents with how much they treat you and Sam like their own kin. With the rest of the day to spoil Tara, you happily jump onto her with open arms while spewing a slew of praises and compliments
Your girlfriend should probably be embarrassed at how loud your affection is, but it’s New York. Who really cares? When you’re done being yourself, Sam also gives Tara a bear hug
“So, what’re the plans, birthday girl?” Mindy asks
“Honestly? I just wanna spend time with you guys”
“How disgustingly cute. I think that’s a great idea, babe”
“Are you kidding?” Chad speaks up “The last time we all spent time together, you two were fighting for 4th place in Uno. Fourth place!”
“I think you’re being over dramatic, bud”
“You looked like you were about to flip the fucking table when Tara made you draw 12 cards”
“Like I said, stacking is a curse that makes me angry”
“I gotta agree with Chad, here” Sam chimes in “You almost killed Tara because of Jenga”
“It’s not my fault your little sister is a pathological liar and a gaslighter!” The younger Carpenter rolls her eyes
“You’re awfully childish for someone that’s so old” Your girlfriend laughs, making you look away, embarrassed
“It’s not my fault I’m competitive!”
“So, where do you wanna eat out, Tara?” Anika asks “I’ve been starving practically all day”
“Hooters.” The brunette answers almost immediately
“So, birthday girl, what’s it like being 23?”
“A lot like being 22”
“Noting different?”
“Well, this is the first year you’re here to celebrate with me” Tara turns on her side to face you “I guess that’s pretty special”
You copy her actions, now looking at your girlfriend
“Oh yeah? What’s so special about me being here?”
“Please, you really don’t need a bigger ego”
“Aw you’re no fun”
“I’m plenty fun, babe” Tara reaches down to the hem of your shirt, feeling the skin right above your pants
“Mhm, and what type of fun?”
“You’re such a tease.” Your girlfriend rolls her eyes. Both of you are inching closer to each other to close the gap. You blink for half a second, and Tara straddles your lap with a hungry look in her eyes and a smile that highlights her cute dimples
Diving into you, Tara kisses you with fervor and lust. Her kisses are sloppy, but you don’t really care. Currently, the only thing in your mind is Tara’s name on repeat. Both of your clothes are off in only a matter of seconds due to the brunette’s growing eagerness of wanting your fingers inside of her
“A-Are you sure about this?” You mumble in between kisses and pecks
“Absolutely positive, baby.” Your girlfriend’s ever growing wetness smears on the skin of your exposed thigh, making you sigh in delight
“If you don’t want to keep going, just tell me and I’ll-“
“Y/n.” Your head snaps up at the brunette saying your name
“I want this. I want all of you. Drill it into your pretty brain, yeah?” Tara makes an act of lightly drilling her finger into the side of your head, making you laugh
When you kiss Tara for a second time it feels different. Her lips taste sweeter and all you want to do is give her the entire world. Unfortunately you’re only mortal, so you opt to give her a few lot of mind blowing orgasms instead
“So, what’re your plans for the break?”
“We were actually planning a road trip to the beach this weekend to celebrate, and you’re coming”
“No room for debate, huh?” You laugh, swinging an arm over her shoulders “I’ll have to bring my truck, though. Elizabeth is 100% going”
“Sometimes I think you like her more than me”
“You may be my girlfriend, but Elizabeth is my first love” This earns you a punch to the arm via Tara. Although it doesn’t hurt much, you feign a wounded expression and place the back of your hand to your forehead
“Woe is I, for my girlfriend no longer loves me…”
“You’ll be okay” Tara rolls her eyes
“Kiss it better?”
“Please can we have a ride without our helmets?”
“Sam wouldn’t forgive me if we crashed and you weren’t wearing a helmet”
“Please, baby?” Tara uses her best puppy eyes, and she knows they’re working when you look away to resist her charm
“The sunset is beautiful, the back roads are empty, and I want to spend our last moments here on the beach. Don’t you want to see the view, baby?”
You sigh, looking away. This girl was going to be the death of you.
“Well after such a confession, I don’t think I’m able to say anything other than yes” Tara kisses you on the tip of your nose, making it scrunch up just how she liked it
“This is gonna be so aesthetic, babe”
“You’re not that old, love”
Before getting on, you take two spare sunglasses from your leather jacket pocket and hold them out for Tara
“Aviator or round?”
“You take the Aviators, I want you to look like one of those guys from Top Gun” Tara takes the sunglasses out of your hand to place them on your face
“Geez, I look more like a biker than a motorcyclist now”
“There’s a difference?”
“I’ll teach you one day. Cmon, the sun’s setting already”
Tara truly believes she’s made it to heaven while you drive. Arms around your waist, the salty breeze, and not to mention the beautiful setting sun. This is what she’s always been craving
Exhilarated is how she’d describe being around you. The simplest touches sent shivers down her spine. The tiniest glances made Tara’s heart giddy with joy. How couldn’t she fall for you? Picture-perfect is what you were. Not boring, not simple, not easy. You were… you
With sand in you hair from previous beach endeavors and a smile wide enough your girlfriend can see just from looking at the back of your head, Tara can’t image herself anywhere but with you
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withleeknow · 5 months
hiya! I noticed you have your requests open and if you don't mind, could I please suggest: "for once... I was right" with "don't you dare walk away from me" for Lee Know - maybe angsty but I don't mind you just going with the flow.
thank you!
blue hour.
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: exes au, exes to ...? 🫢, angst; minho's pov mostly, open ending kinda, some light cursing, unedited don't look at me word count: 2.2k (i got carried away a little bit) listen to 🎧: breathe again - sara bareilles
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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“this should be the last of your things.”
“thanks,” you say, rummaging through the box that minho hands over to you. everything that you left at his place throughout the entire time you were together; every sweatshirt of yours in his closet, every piece of jewelry on his nightstand, every bottle of nail polish that you kept in his bathroom reserved for nights where you two would pamper each other. they're all here, except for... “did you see my red scarf though? i can’t find it anywhere.”
“no, i checked,” he says. “this is everything.”
“hmm, okay.”
you hold the box between your arms, and minho can’t help but feel something twist painfully in his chest. it’s like you're holding your relationship, or what’s left of it anyway, ready to make your swift exit from his life. two years of love, all dumped into one stupid cardboard box.
you both stand there in silence for what feels like forever, just staring at each other, then at your surroundings, neither of you saying anything. minho knows why he hasn’t bid you a farewell goodnight yet; it’s because he doesn’t want this to end. even though it’s a sad occasion, the finale to your story, he still wants to the seconds to stretch on, for the minutes to last longer. after all, isn’t this the last time he'll ever see you?
why you haven’t left him to his devices and gone upstairs, he isn’t sure.
another moment passes. life goes on but it seems like you two are in your own bubble where nothing moves forward. everything stays rooted to the spot.
“do you want to go for a walk?” you ask after a while. the question surprises minho enough that he lets it show, and it makes you quickly tack on an excuse. “the weather is nice and i... i don’t want to be on my own.”
yes, he does want to go for a walk with you. anything to be with you even if it’s only for a moment longer.
“sure,” he says. “let’s go for a walk.”
“okay. i’ll leave this upstairs and get my jacket.”
he watches as you disappear inside your building, only to reemerge momentarily afterward, a wool jacket draped over your frame. he wishes you’d worn something lighter, just so he could have an excuse to wrap his arm around your shoulders if it gets colder.
you walk side by side around your neighborhood, a distance between your bodies that never used to be there before. it’s strange, of course it is. but minho supposes this is yours and his new reality now.
“how are the cats?” you ask.
“they’re okay. dori had a cold a couple weeks ago, but everything’s fine now,” he tells you. “they... they miss you.”
i miss you too - that's a thought that he doesn’t say out loud, only keeps it to himself because it feels too humiliating to utter those words to you.
“they’re cats. how can you tell?”
“i can always tell.” he shrugs. “they wait by the door when i’m already home. they sleep on your-... they sleep on the other side of the bed.”
if you notice his slip up, you don’t say anything. you purse your lips and nod somberly, stuffing your hands in your pockets. “they’ll forget about me soon enough,” you say.
minho glances at you. he wants to rebuke that statement, to argue with you over something as silly as whether or not his freaking cats will retain their memories of you in the future. but he just bites his tongue and swallows down the lump in his throat, humming to let you know that he’s heard what you said. not a hum of agreement, just one of acknowledgement.
“how’s work?” he asks. god, it’s just so fucking weird to be asking you these things. you know each other inside and out and yet, you’re here making small talk.
torn apart when all you two should be is together.
“it’s alright. still the same, kinda boring. you know there’s not a lot that can happen in that place in one month.”
yes, because it’s been a little over a month since you parted ways, since you moved back into your old apartment and left his home perpetually cold and empty. he can’t blame you for leaving when he was the one who agreed to break up. he can’t blame you for his heartache when he was the one who broke your heart first.
he didn’t mean to, but isn’t that what they all say?
“do you still want to leave?”
“sure,” you reply. “if i can find something better, i’d leave that place in a heartbeat. but for now, it’ll have to do. it used to be a bit more bearable though.”
“i hope you find something that makes you happier.”
“thanks.” you give him a smile but it doesn't reach your eyes. “how about you? how’s life?”
minho almost says the first thing that comes into mind. life is terrible without you. i think about you every single minute of every day but you're not here and it’s my own damn fault.
he could lie and come up with something much more palatable, because he doesn’t reckon his truth is something you’d like to hear right now.
but he doesn’t want to lie to you. in the time that you were together, minho never lied to you, not even once, not even over something stupid and insignificant. beside, he’s got a feeling that you would see through his bullshit anyway.
his answer ends up being a sad shrug, then, “it’s life. i’m hanging in there.”
your footsteps slow until you stop completely. this makes him stop too, turning around to look at you with his head tilted to one side, confused.
“it’s not like you to sound so defeated,” you comment.
“what?” he asks with a sigh. “it’s the truth.”
“it’s not the whole truth.”
“what do you want me to say?”
“i want you to be honest with me,” you tell him, your shoulders slumping just slightly. “i still care about you. i want to know you’re okay.”
minho takes a step closer until he’s right in front of you, the closest that you two have been all night. his body feels the warmth radiating from yours but he has to ball his hands into fists to keep from reaching out and touching you.
“if you really want to know, i haven’t been myself since you left.”
guilt flashes in your eyes. it wasn’t his intention at all.
you bite your bottom lip, inhale a shaky breath, before you speak, “i’m sorry for leaving.”
“don’t apologize. i’m sorry for driving you away.”
then he watches the tears well up as you look at him. he’s been wondering this the whole night, how you seem so cavalier about it all, how you’re able to speak to him so casually as if you’re just old friends with some shared history, and not as though the wound is still fresh. he’s still bleeding and you’re acting like you’ve already healed.
but he sees it now. you’re just as sad as he is, just as miserable. the only difference is you’re better at hiding it, or maybe you’ve just had more time to get used to the way it hurts.
is this how you felt in the weeks, the months, leading up to your departure? every time he neglected you, prioritized something else over you, missed every date and overlooked every text message? every single instance where he was too busy for you?
he never wanted to break your heart, but alas, here you are.
he didn’t want you to go, and yet, when you felt like you couldn’t handle the loneliness anymore, he hadn’t stopped you from walking out the door. he gave up, and he gave up so easily.
nothing along the lines of ‘don’t you dare walk away from me’, no tearful argument, no explosive and definitive end to your relationship. minho just let your love slip away.
how must that have made you feel on top of everything that he did - or didn’t do - to you?
minho has been called every variation of ‘cold’ before. to everyone else, he’s callous, rough, intimidating and unapproachable. but to you, he’s kind, soft, gentle and loving. it never mattered what anyone thought of him, as long as you always knew that he loved you, that you saw him for who he was.
but toward the end, what if you saw him how the others did? what if you had deemed him cold too?
the mere thought makes him sick to his stomach.
you sniffle, wiping at your eyes. “you don’t have to say that. it’s in the past now.”
fracture upon fracture upon fracture. minho doesn’t know how much more of this his heart can take.
his fingers twitch, and before he can stop himself, he’s reaching for your hands. to his surprise, you let him.
your hands, so delicate in his, so warm.
“i should’ve fought harder for you,” he says, his voice so small that you barely catch the words at all.
but his eyes… he hopes you can see it in his eyes - the regret, the longing, the pain of losing you dimming the light of the stars he holds there.
giving his hands a light squeeze, you say, “and maybe i should’ve held on tighter instead of letting go.”
“i made you feel like you weren’t enough. it’s the worst thing i ever did to you. i understand why you left.”
you try to calm your breathing, because you really don’t feel like breaking down in front of him right now. you don’t say anything in response; what are you even supposed to say? you told him everything that you wanted to the night that you two broke up. everything that you tried to bottle up for months was laid on the table that night. you watched as he listened to you, watched as his heart broke alongside yours. that was it.
“i… i’m sorry,” minho stutters, and for the first time since you’ve known him, he looks scared. “i’m sorry. can’t we try again? i swear i won’t let you down again. i swear to you.”
“min…” the nickname slips out of habit and for a second there, minho thinks you would say yes. but then… “i know you’re sorry. i know we didn’t break things off because we fell out of love. but i don’t think you’re at a point in your life where i can be the most important thing right now. you may not mean to, but there’ll be things that you prioritize over me… and i’m not at a place in my life where i can settle for being on someone’s back burner either. the timing’s just off. it’s not your fault, life just got in the way.”
minho stares at you, the stars dying out one by one. the hurt is beyond what any word can describe but in a way, he understands. it fucking sucks, but he gets it. he has to accept it now.
he nods solemnly, tracing odd patterns on your palms. then he asks, quietly, “can i hold you? just for a while.”
please indulge me, he thinks. this is the last thing i’ll ever ask from you.
you don’t reply with words. instead, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into you. you two stay there in each other’s embrace for god knows how long. it could’ve been minutes or it could’ve been hours. you always lose track of time when you’re wrapped up together.
you hold him like he - tough and intimidating minho - is made of glass, and he holds you like he doesn’t ever want to let you go.
but he has to eventually.
you untangle yourself from him to find that he’s been crying. the tears on his cheeks catch the light from the street lamps, reflecting like crystals in the night. when you wipe them away, you tell him, “for once, i was right.”
“about what?” he sniffles.
“you really are a hopeless romantic,” you smile, trying to lighten the mood. as much as you can anyway. “i knew you’d prove me right one day.”
minho wants to scoff but his eyes are burning from the tears and his throat feels like it's closing up, so he lets you have this one. the last one, right?
maybe he is a romantic, and maybe it’s only for you. maybe it makes him a little hopeless.
the walk back to yours ends too quickly. but truth be told, even if you had walked together until the sun came up, it still wouldn’t have been long enough for him.
you both stand there, two heavy hearts looking at each other, looking for one another.
there’s no goodbye, only goodnight.
and you’re the one who says it first.
minho returns your sentiment with a choked up voice, a brush of his fingers against yours, and when you finally turn to walk up the steps, his gaze lingers on your retreating figure.
then he calls your name softly. “hey, uhm... i’ll let you know if the scarf turns up, okay?”
you turn back with a knowing smile. it’s still sad, but there’s some faith hidden there.
“i hope it will.”
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 16.01.2024]
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negansbackdoorwhore · 9 months
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Summary: Negan coaches college ball for a small community college. One of his players however keeps up a little game that he is tired of playing
Warnings: swearing, age gap (early 20s reader, Negan is mid 40s), smut, p in v sex, daddy kink
Negans POV
There she goes again, purposely wearing those fucking short shorts. They hugged those thighs tights and made her ass pop. Fuck, what I’d do to her if she was mine for one night. But I can’t risk my fucking job over pussy. I try to ignore the way she sways her hips when walking past me and how she’s able to be a star during practice. There is no denying that most of these girls are crushing on me but Y/N just has to make her desires known in a more outlandish way. She was by no means shy about the attraction, sometimes I would slip up a flirty comment to amuse her game. But never actually go to touch her or anything stepping over that boundary.
Tonight was a scrimmage game to see how well we are prepared for the season. Along with to see what we need to practice on. As the game went on, a few students watched in the gym and I focus on different plays.
“C’mon girls! Defense, defense!” I call out and blow the whistle for a quick time out. They came over to the side line and gather in a circle.
“We’re doing great so far, but defense needs work. It doesn’t really work out well if we can’t keep the opposing team off our dick, right?” They laugh at my joke and nodded in agreement. I blew my whistle once more to set off the game again. Much improvement in our team and I shout out my criticism and let them finish out the last quarter as champs. We had a little get together after they showered up in the cafeteria. Apparently, there was a little froyo social, bullshit that college campus’s do. I snuck away as the girls started talking whatever girl language they do. Hopefully, they have fun tonight. I sigh and walk back to the gym to gather my stuff to go home. As I unlocked the gym door, I go to my office and flip the light switch.
“What are you doing here?” I sigh looking at Y/N on my desk, her legs are crossed. “Not much. Just waiting for you…Daddy.” I hissed as I heard that nickname and shook it off. I move pass her and grab my duffle bag.
“Get out of here and go to that gay froyo social.” I say making sure all my things are in my bag. I then heard movement around and hoping she left. But instead heard the locking of the door.
“Y/N. I’m telling you one more time, leave.” I say in a stern tone and remove my hat. I run my fingers through my hair as I turn off my computer.
“Am I not attractive?” The question made me turn my head towards her. “You are very attractive, Y/N.” I say throwing my bag on my shoulder.
“Am I not your type?” She keeps on asking and trying to trap me. “I don’t have a type.” I say trying to dismiss her. “Then what is it? I’m twenty one, so it’s legal and I’ve caught you staring at me numerous times…” She says reaching to touch me but I dodge the advance.
“This is inappropriate and you know it.” I say going to unlock the door and then heard her let out a dramatic sigh. “I see how it is. Coach Smith is just too scared.” I gripped the door handle tight, I knew exactly what she was trying to do. I just shook my head and unlocked the door to make my leave. “Fine. Run away like a coward.” I heard her say in a disappointed tone.
Another week passed and I was grading the last few exams. I hated graded these papers especially since I’m supposed to be hands on. But can’t be so lucky as the curriculum calls for state testing and at least a few tests to exercise their brains. I sigh feeling bored already and sip the coffee from my thermos. It was late evening as I got stuck here. I did however procrastinate my duties, I had a couple dates with a few faculty members. Unfortunately, they were boring and even worse no pussy either. I growl under my breath and felt it was too long since I’ve felt the warmth of a woman. Two long months and not getting my dick wet. I lean back in my office chair and ran a hand over my chin. As I took a break, I heard some noise outside of my office. It sounded like some stupid kids finding the empty gym to fuck. I would leave it alone but hearing some guy get lucky instead of me, just pisses me off. I go to stand up and open my door to see some frat boy with Y/N.
“Shit! You fucking lied to me!”
“Hey! I didn’t know he was still here.” She retaliated and I was fucking furious. For one, she was here with this idiot and the other thing was that she intended to let another person have her.
“That’s no way to speak to a lady. Now, I’ll give you two options. One, you can leave and I won’t do a fucking thing. Two, I’ll suspend you and fail your sorry ass.” I say looking at them both. I scowl at Y/N to make her feel how angry I was.
“Fine. I’m out of here.” He walked away quickly and Y/N was shooting daggers at me. “Thanks a lot! I was trying to have fun but I can’t get that when you’re around.” I shook my head and grabbed her wrist. “I’m so sick and tired of your ass. You need someone to fuck you? Fine, I’ll change your fucking life.”
She didn’t put up any physical protest or verbal as I lead us to my office. I could practically feel her excitement as I push further inside and lock the door.
“Get your ass on the desk.” I say removing my cap and see her immediately jump to my orders. I smile to myself seeing how happy she was, I was too. Finally get to feel that tight cunt on me along with her ass. I bit my lip and approach the desk. Her thighs opened for my body to fit and instantly my lips were on hers. I held her by the waist as I leaned down to deepen our kiss. Fuck, they were so soft and tasted like honey. I groan into her mouth and felt her hips buck. I grin against her lips as I felt her thighs going around my waist.
“Eager?” I teased her and grind against her, she let out a cute whimper to feel my semi erect cock. I bit my lip and moved to bite her neck. Her skin tasted just as good as I sucked a dark hickey on her bare neck. Want everyone to see that she’s owned by me. And me alone. I growl as I move lower and felt her body through the thin shirt.
“Fuck. Coach.”
“Not coach. Negan or Daddy, either one is fine as long as you scream it.” I heard her breath get heavy at the statement and took the opportunity to kneel down. Y/N looked down at me, all that cockiness she had was out the window. It turned me on even more, seeing her slick mouth shut and her actions were all shy. All because I have her trapped under my grasp. Her limbs were trembling as I had my head between her thighs. I bit my lip looking at her turn red.
“Someone getting cold feet?” I teased as I reach to tug away her shorts. She tensed instantly and almost pushed me away. I look up at her and stopped my hands from going further. I can read how nervous she was to do this and pecked my lips on her knee.
“It’s okay. Just relax baby, Daddy won’t hurt you.” I coo as I gently massage her calf. I move to stand up and moved my hand up from her leg toward her chin. I held her cheek gently in my hand as my thumb swept along her skin. She was still flushed and I saw how she wanted to hide from my gaze.
“And I thought you’d be more fiesty. Guess that was all bullshit, but don’t worry. I know how to treat a fine piece of ass.” I kiss her again but this time, softer and more attentive. She moaned against me and I reached my hand lower to touch the front of her shorts. Her thighs daring to close but I stop the resistance. “Be a good girl. Let me touch your pussy.” I purred and her muscles slowly untensed. I caressed her through her shorts and felt her hips buck.
“Mm baby. You like that?” I say pressing harder and kissing the mark I left. She only nodded and I bit down on that spot, making her let out a wince.
“Use your fucking words.” I warned. “Yes, I like it.” She whined feeling my hand go beneath the fabric. I felt the little damp spot on her panties making me growl. Fuck, I barely even touched her. I could feel the excitement in her body after making such a noise. I go by her ear and nibbled her earlobe as I growl again. She let out a moan this time as my finger teased her clit.
“Negan, it feels-“
“Oh yeah. Tell me baby, tell me how I feel.” Y/N moaned and went to hide her face in my chest. Her hands reached to grip onto my sweatshirt. I laughed lightly and shoved her panties away. I moaned at the warmth of her nectar hit my skin. I felt her erect clit practically twitch against my touch. Her body clings to me as I finger her dripping cunt. Her noises were muffled into the fabric of my sweatshirt and I kissed the top of her head. Her thighs dared to shut. Damn, she must be close.
“Don’t do that. Be a good girl and let me make you come.” I say against her ear and felt her pussy clenching on my fingers. “Daddy!” She squealed into my chest as I felt her come. I groan feeling her sweet juices coat my hand and brought her into another kiss. I groan and pulled away to take off my shirt. I heard Y/N catching her breath and guided her hand on the buldge of my sweatpants.
“It’s big…” She said in a shaky tone but I reassured her motions and pulled down the waistband. My cock sprung out almost hitting poor Y/N in the face. She visibly shook at the sight of me.
“Don’t worry about putting it in your mouth. We’ll do that another time, for now…” I take her hand and had her touch my shaft. Fuck, her skin was soft and warm. “Just play with it. Get a good feel for me, sweetheart.” Her palm gently went down my cock and back up. She was still shaking but it only made me twitch in her hand.
“Don’t be scared to get a little rough. Go on and give a firm squeeze.” I instructed and she obeyed immediately. I bit my lip feeling her slowly jerk me off. “Oh shit. That’s a good girl.” I praised and see her body language change, she must like that. I smirk to myself and go to stroke her hair. “You want to be my good girl, don’t you?” I asked and gently massaged her scalp. Y/N let out a light sigh at my attention and it encouraged her to go faster. I moan and starting to buck my hips against her. Her grip grew tighter as I felt her.
“Shit. This is making Daddy feel so fucking good.” I smile and brought my hand to lift up her chin up at me. Her eyes were full of desire and I wanted to fill that need. Along with her pussy.
“Behind? Or do you want to face me?”
“What?” She asked and I laughed lightly at her question and squeezed her chin. “How should I fuck you? Behind or do you want look at me?”
“Can I look at you?” She says in a hesitant tone and I gently push away her hand off my cock. I lean over her and kissed her lips as tugged for her shorts to come off. Her hips lifted up and I quickly toss them onto the floor. She shivered feeling the cool touch of my wooden desk as my hands brought her legs to my waist.
“Like this?” I ask knowing fully well how embarrassed she was having me doing this to her. Her cheeks were flushed and her thighs tensed. “Hold on to me, I want to feel you scratch my body as I make you all fucking mine.”
“Yes Daddy.” She whispered and I felt my cock turning to steel. Y/N’s arms go around my shoulders and I lean lower to guide my body to tease her wet slit. I groan at the feeling and heard her let out a moan. I bit my lip and eased the tip inside. She was already squeezing me and I go deeper watching her expression closely.
“Relax for me.” I whispered and stopped my movements feeling her clenching harder. Her nails scratched my shoulder and eventually her velvet walls relaxed.
“I’m sorry. I’ve never felt someone this big.” She winced gently moving her hips up making me moan. I took the opportunity to go all the way inside and moaned at how good she felt.
“Fuck. Tight little pussy on you, feels so fucking good on me.” I moan slowly moving my hips as she whimpered to feel me stretching her cunt. I reached my hand to hold her hip as I kept my thrusts slow to make sure she was adjusting to my size. I was really giving her the special treatment, might as well savor this. I lean closer to her face and kissed her softly. She moaned on my lips and I moved up for her legs to go onto my shoulders. She let out a surprised noise as her back landed onto the papers on the desk. I could careless about that shit right now.
“Oh Y/N.” I groan as I move inside of her as her cunt started overflowing with her sweet juices. Her hold grew tight on me as I started to pound her into the desk. I couldn’t hold myself back, it felt too fucking good.
“Fuck! Daddy!” She whined as my hips seem to have control over me. Well fuck, I think I might be in love with her cunt. “Good girl, letting me have you like this.” I groaned feeling her clench down on my cock.
I growled as those perfect manicured nails dug into my skin and I pumped my cum deep inside this perfect pussy. I moan and dug deep to hit that special spot and watched her mouth hung open. Her eyes shut and tears roll down her cheeks. Fucking fuck fuck fuck! This might’ve been a mistake….
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channiesbedroom · 1 year
Worth it | bc
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o.m.g. my first ever actual post! Enjoy and send me any comments pls! My lack of smut experiences should be very clear
NSFW - Minors DNI!!!!
You've been counting down the days until Chan comes home, so imagine your surprise when you wake up to find him tucked in bed next to you.
Bangchan x Female Reader
Fluff & Smut
// Strong language, boyfriend Chan is the best, interchangeable use of 'Chan' and 'Chris' (sorry), explicit sexual content, references to pregnancy, minor breeding kink lol //
The sunlight floats through the half-closed blinds, waking you gently. You try to turn to your side, surprised when a weight presses onto your waist, pulling you slightly.
“Babe, stop moving.” A rough voice grumbles. You finally open your eyes, smiling softly when you spot his dark hair, his face buried in the pillow, and his arm tossed over you.
“You weren’t supposed to be home yet!” You whisper, trying not to make your excitement too noticeable. Chris had been in the Philippines for a week, with, as far as you knew, another 3 days left until it was time for him to come home. You’d fallen asleep early last night after a long day at work, crashing fully clothed on the couch at 8pm, but now somehow you’re in your most comfortable set of pyjamas, tucked up in bed.
“When did you get back?” You hear him grumble again at your question, finally shifting himself to face you, his hand moving from your waist to stroke your cheek.
“9 last night. I was so excited to see you! Imagine my disappointment when I walked in to find you fast asleep. You didn’t even wake up when I carried you across the house and changed your clothes. Babe, I even took your makeup off for you!” He has an exasperated look on his face, and you can’t help but laugh at his dismay. Snuggling closer into his chest, you sigh.
“I had a long day. If I knew you were coming back, I would’ve stayed up all night. Don’t blame me!” He pulls you in for a soft, chaste kiss, then goes back to stroking your face.
“I love seeing your face in person. I’m never going away again; I can’t handle more facetime.” He chuckles, his whole body moving. You know that isn’t true, you’re pretty sure he loves being the leader of stray kids more than he loves you, and that doesn’t bother you at all.
“Maybe I’ll just come with you next time. It’s not like I’d miss my job much.” You mutter, not expecting Chris to hear you. Suddenly, he pushes you back slightly, a dazed look on his face.
“You’d do that? You’d quit your job to travel with me?” He breathes. You purse your lips, weighing up your answer.
“Yeah.” You whispered. “I love you. I hate my job. If we had the money, I’d never work again just to be next to you for as long as possible.” You’re still whispering, unsure whether this is the answer he wanted. You’ve been a couple for 5 years, so your relationship isn’t new, but you still can’t be certain, insecurity making you anxious. Finally, you look up to make eye contact with him. His eyes are wide, tears gathering at one corner.
“Baby. Don’t tease me.” His voice is shaky.
“I’m not teasing you. I would. Seriously.” He pulls your face towards him, his previously gentle kisses becoming hotter and harsher, teeth pulling on your bottom lip.
“I love you more than anything in the world.” He sighs into your mouth before grabbing your waist again and pulling you onto his lap, sliding backwards so that his back is against the headboard. You giggle, gripping at his shoulders to keep your balance.
“You’re ridiculous.” You tease. His hands start to slide up the edges of your cami top, cold on your warm skin. You can feel the bulge in his pyjama pants, and you feel yourself giggling again. “Chris, my Darling.” He stops, dark eyes gazing up at you.
“Does emotional intimacy really turn you on this much?” He rolls his eyes, gripping your skin harder and pulling you in for a wet kiss.
“It does. It really does. You should be intimate with me in every way, including emotionally.” He’s surprisingly serious, looking up through thick lashes, but you know he’s the one teasing now, as he begins to grind his hips. His hands start moving again, the thin piece of silk easily slipping over your head. “Mmmm.” He hums, gently placing his palms over your bare breasts. “I think I missed these the most.” You smack his hands playfully before reaching for his white t-shirt.
“Off please.” He lets go of your tits with a huff, stretching his arms upwards so you can slide the top off, resting your hands on his tight abs.
“I missed these the most.” It’s his turn to smack away your hands from where they’re caressing his muscles, turning you over so you’re lying on your back on the soft bed. The crotch of your shorts has already darkened from your arousal, and Chris notices immediately.
“The evidence doesn’t agree with that statement babygirl. These …” He pulled on the damp fabrice “tell the truth.” It takes him only a second to pull both the shorts and your underwear off at the same time, lifting your knees so that you’re fully exposed. As he slides further down the bed, you jump at a sudden ringing. Your phone, which is plugged in on the side table, is buzzing loudly. You grimace as you reach for it, sitting back up.
“Babe, don’t answer it.” Chan groans.
“It’s work, I have to.” You sigh, answering immediately. “Hello?” Your boss immediately starts ranting at you, begging you to come into the office as soon as possible, despite the fact it’s supposed to be your day off. You look down the bed to where Chris has started placing light kisses on your stomach, moving slowly further and further down.
“Quit. Just quit. We can afford it.” He whispers, making intense eye contact.
“Actually.” You interrupt your boss as he continues to ramble. “I resign. Effective immediately. Family business, you know.” Your boss is finally stunned into silence, right as Chris’ kisses start again, this time on the top of your thighs. “Sorry. Look, I have to go. Call Jae-si if you need any help, she knows what I’ve been working on.” With that, you hang up, and reach down to pull Chris’ face to yours.
“I can’t believe you did it.”
“I told you I would.” You chuckle, placing a light kiss on his nose. “You’d better make sure there’s an extra ticket for your next flight.” He pushes you back roughly, sliding until his nose is right by your clit. You had boyfriends before Chris, but no one could ever make you come from eating you out, you would swear he was magic. Breathing heavily, you grip the sheets. “God” You gasp. He hums.
“That’s not my name baby. Try again.” You roll your eyes. Even in the heat of the moment, he continues to make stupid jokes. You’re thrown over the edge suddenly, before you even realise it’s happening, body almost convulsing with the waves of pleasure.
“You are a god, Chris, I’m not kidding.” He leans over you, bare chest to bare chest, placing damp kisses onto your exposed neck.
“I love you.” He whispers, before sitting up, startled. “Wait, did you buy a new pack of condoms?” Your hand flies to your mouth. No, you haven’t bought a new box since you finished the last one. It had been months since you stopped taking the pill after 8 years on it, hoping that you might feel better off it. Chris purses his lips.
“I mean.” He carries on kissing your jaw. “We could risk it.” You push him up so he’s kneeling.
“If we risk it, you know I could get pregnant, right? Would you be ready for that?” You raise an eyebrow. He smiles, grin stretching all the way to his eyes.
“Fuck yes I’m ready for that.” Giggling with you, he slowly pushes himself into you, both shivering from the sensation. He’s gentle, sweet as he relentlessly places soft kisses on your neck, across your jaw, and over your cheeks. His thrusts speed up, and the kisses stop as he seems to head closer to his orgasm, bringing you along with him.
“Close?” You whimper, and he groans into your neck, nodding fast.
“So close babygirl. You?” You nod back.
“Where do you want me to come?” You lick your lips, making direct eye contact again.
“In me. Just do it.”
“Shit babe, really?” He gasps, and you nod back. Suddenly, you feel a new warmth as Chan’s release paints your insides. “Fuck you’re amazing.” He relaxes, pulling out slowly and lying himself next to you, breathing heavily. Without warning, you sit up, throwing his arm off your naked chest.
“Fuck!” He frowns, confused at your sudden outburst. “I just quit my job!”
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
A very self-indulgent ask here. Hob, having needed to start a new life, decides to take it easy from the fast pace of the city and buys a section of land to start a little farm! Most things come back easy to him - so many years living off the land, one way or another, doesn't go away quickly.
He's patching up the old farmhouse, painting board, hammering nails, breaking a sweat through it all. He starts tilling soil and planting seeds in the smaller back garden - mostly herbs to start with. He plans to ask one of the neighbors for help with the old farm equipment that was left over by the old owner. Even in here, things have changed so much! There's so many new machines and tools! Hob honestly thought it would feel like sliding into an old well worn pair of boots (and in many ways, it still is) but it's still new and fantastical.
He gets some chickens, which makes him realize how much he missed having chickens (and fresh eggs!). He enjoys the toil, the strain of muscle that a life like this provides. He enjoys the sweat on his brow and the easy rest his finds after a long day.
Then Dream comes to him, freshly retired and still wobbly on his newly human legs. So Hob coaxes him inside his home and gives him the care he needs. And slowly, Dream takes to this new human life of his.
So Hob teaches him how life used to be (and how it still is for many). Dream finds he especially likes feeding the chickens and watching them run around, pecking away. His eyes go wide the first time he sees a week old chick moving around. He names her Jessamy. She's his favorite.
Hob tells Dream to "go wild" in the house, and Hob enjoys watching how the fantastical mural progresses on the kitchen walls. Swirling colors and scenes only possible in dreams are revealed on the old walls. Hob smiles as he hands Dream a glass of freshly made lemonade and can't help but think how perfect he looks here in the light of the setting sun with stripes of blue and purple on his cheek.
Hob figures out how the old tractor works and how to attach the tiller and the direct drill with the help of their neighbors (a friendly group - the couple down the road brought them fresh milk). They get the first field tilled and sewn with winter wheat just in time for the cold. Hob takes a picture of Dream up in the tractor, looking wildly out of place in black skinny jeans and his silk top. Dream flips him off and Hob just laughs. Dream finds he quite enjoys that sound.
Winter comes and the daily chores slow (not stop, but slow) and Dream finds himself indulging in arts even more. Hob picks up some soft yarn and hooks when they're in town and the pair of them work on learning to crochet. Dream hates his first piece - a classic granny square - but by the time the holidays approach, he's made both him and Hob well-made scarves. Hob wears his every time he goes outside. It makes Dream smile.
Spring comes and with it, so does a bustling time of planting and planning. They work in tandem, prepping fields, buying seeds and fertilizer, caring for the chickens. They start renovating the old barn for either cows or sheep - they haven't decided yet.
Dream finds he quite enjoys the look of Hob in the midst of work. The sweat on his brow, the arch of his back and the tensing of muscles under his sweat soaked shirt all make for a very appealing image. If he takes out his sketchbook and works on capturing the moment, Hob doesn't comment on the sudden loss of extra helping hands.
It comes to a head on a perfectly average Tuesday when Hob's in the kitchen, kneading dough for bread for the week. It's early still. The sun has just started to peak over the horizon, their roosters just starting to crow - Jessamy from the sounds of it (and yes, so much for thinking she was a hen). Hob hears the padding of footsteps on the cool hardwood floors when a head rests against his back. He chuckles, telling Dream good morning and says he's up early.
Dream just grumbles in reply, a pair of hands rest hesitantly on Hob's sides. Hob continues, letting Dream soak up his natural warmth as he slowly wakes. The loafs will need to be formed still once the first proof is done, so for now, he places a towel over the top of the large bowl and pushes it up to the wall.
Hob turns in Dream's gentle hold and lets his body rest against the edge of the counter. Dream huddles closer, sighing as Hob wraps his arm around him. Dream looks up, this close, their noses are just hairs away from touching. Neither say anything, but both just know as they close the distance, it was how it was supposed to be. Here, in this house they each rebuilt with their own hands, on the land they tended to and cared for, they find love within each other.
This is sooooo lovely. I am very very into the idea of Hob going back to the land and starting a little farm. And how good it would be for Dream to create a whole new realm in the waking world. A sanctuary where he can live in harmony with all the living things around him. The food is home grown and home cooked, the bed is a little lumpy but perfect after a day of hard graft. Life revolves around the act of tending and of creating. It's not too far away from what Dream is used to, but it's all so totally different as well. It's new, but it feels safe.
Hob didn't realise it, but he also really needed this. The modern world is loud and bright, and if he's honest he's been craving the quiet and the stars and the solitude for a while. Solitude with Dream is even better. Sitting on the front step cuddling their chickens, talking about how the crops used to be in the old days before the fields were enclosed. Dream draws patterns in the dust with his finger. Life is quiet. Life is good. When the stars start to come out, they'll put the chickens to bed and then clatter up to their own room, to cuddle up under the patchwork quilt that Dream worked tirelessly to make as a gift for Hob. Tomorrow is a new day to shape together. The fact that Dream is looking forward to it? That means more than he can ever say in words.
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superums · 1 month
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niran "bua" Pruksamanee x tank! reader
gn!reader. fluff. alight angst. slight ableism (its in passing). no y/n or name usage. established relationship. reader is an overwatch agent. usages of thai, tell if they're wrong pls :3. no pronouns besides one mention of the word 'woman'. no gendered terms. both reader & niran are 28-31. you're a tank though its not explicitly mentioned.
colored text: niran. you.
sorry i've been gone from so long i started playing baldurs gate😭
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general headcannons
you used to be a famous boxer. you were on billboards, headlining major fighting events, making tons of money goes pay-per-view fights—you were a star. you loved hearing your fans chant your name, telling off hecklers in the crowd and the adrenaline running through your veins you left the scene.
during your professional career you used to watch the news and wish you could do something about the things that were going on in the world.
you wanted to help badly but you weren't super human nor did you have any smarts to make up for it. you were just a boxer with a mean right hook.
then your life seemed to change for an instant—you lost both your arms a terrorist attack. it happened quickly; one minute you were fighting at the heavyweight championship the next you were screaming at the top of your lungs as smoke clouded your vision.
you ended your career not long after. you felt like a shell of yourself, not only because of your new disability and the phantom pains that came with it, but also because all you know is fighting.
the prosthetics the doctors offered you didn't feel the same. some couldn't hold a punch, others were hallow and the force of your you exerted would smash it into pieces without you trying.
for a while you were hounded by paparazzi, every time you were in headlines they would run up to you and say things like "it must be hard for you to go from on top of the world to nothing all in a year" or "i pity you really."
you tried to get used to the comments but no matter how many times you tried to swallow the humiliation you felt it just wouldn't go away.
after viral picture of you at the beach without your prosthetics on where people called you everything but a child of god you just decided to go far away from everyone.
you moved to a cabin on a prairie. being so far and out of the way it was a miracle you found him, or well—he found you. he came when you were close to giving up on your dream of fighting ever again.
you were sitting on your porch when you saw him from the corner of your eye standing at your warn down shack. he might have been trying to break into your house or knock you out you're not sure but you offered him a place to stay.
it might've been crazy, to let a stranger live in your roof but it was a decision made out of loneliness. he said his name niran. you let him stay with you. at first it was just for a couple of days; but then it turned into a week, then a month become months.
after a while finally he told you why he was trying to break into your house to begin with.
"i'm a fugitive." came out of his mouth as you both sat next to each other. his cold metal hand would be on top of yours if it was still there.
you turned to face him, calculating what you should say next. you've only know him for a month, its too short to know someone but you felt like he was the nicest person you've met. "i have a price on my head in a few places... seventeen to be exact...." he continued; voice getting lower as he continued. his brown eyes searching for anger or disgust on your face. instead he was met with a mix of curiosity, confusion and maybe a little fear.
"w...what for? if you can say." silence filled the room for a bit, niran was fidgeting with his prosthetic before opening his mouth again. "i...i made a new form of life, i want to heal people."
his voice wavered a little. back then his mind really didn't understand why but in his heart wanted you to accept him, not because he was alone—but because he loved you.
you accepted him without a second thought and after that you let him stay with you. over the months he started to have feelings for you; seeing your smile, the soft voice that was so much different from the one you used in the ring. seeing how you talk to him he might have fallen in love with you as soon as he met you.
you let him advance his technology in your basement and in return he gave you new arms out of hard light.
you knew you liked him but after that; giving you a second chance with arms you could feel things with, if you didn't love him then you definitely loved him after that.
with the new pair of new arms you felt indebted to him. you started training very soon after you got used to your arms not only because you missed it but because now you feel like you have to protect him from vishkar.
when you started dating he's so sweet to you. i'm a strong believer that niran is soft with his lovers even if he is a bit of a flirt. he never rushed things with you, always going slow with everything
it took him weeks of not months to kiss you for the first time, he didn't want to rush anything with you especially when if you're still vulnerable about your situation.
he set up a lovely picnic when he realized he so desperately wanted to kiss you. a large pink tree stood in the large plot of land you call a backyard. he planted plants both real and artificial— hoping it conveyed his love for you well.
he held your hands, his flesh and cybernetic hands held yours with such softness. as he led you to the picnic blanket you felt like you were in a movie; the baby pink tree pulsated and it made you feel gooey (in a good way), the phantom pains you experienced seems to disappear in that moment, leaving just you and niran.
as you both ate he talked to you like about his day how he planned this for months. at some point in your talk strayed away from normal topics, you felt his flesh hand caress your jaw only then you noticed how close you two were; niran peering down at you.
"i've been thinking..." he whispered, you twos lips almost gravitating towards each other—stopping when you two were only a foot apart. "i want to take things slow, not to rush you.." the tree pulsed again as you stared into his eyes, his voice so gentle with you as if you'd break if he talked louder than a whisper.
"can i kiss you?" he asked, you heart warmed at the words; you didn't even speak instead you leaned in more until your lips touched. it was a kiss you of a movie, his cybernetic hand went to you back as his flesh one held your jaw. passion flowed through the two of you and its all you've ever wanted; a movie like kiss with niran.
i imagine he's very passionate when it comes to you. when he kisses you it's almost like it'll be his last; he puts his hand on your chin and cradles your head literally every time it doesn't matter whats going on
his nicknames for you หัวใจของฉัน, ดอกไม้ของฉัน, love, darling and rose
translation: my heart, my soul
he wants his pet names to represent how deeply he loves you and if you don't speak thai he'll use the most intense words he knows.
you're devoted to not only loving but protecting niran! you've tried to train him for the worst case scenario of vishkar coming; and you've come to realize he's a lover not a fighter
so when he told you he was going to join overwatch you told him you were going to follow him and were prepared to argue with him if he said other wise but instead he told you "i was hoping you'd say that"
in game head cannons
while niran flirts with the roster in a joking way just know he seriously means it when he's talking to you! some moments playful and fun while others are more... intense
you: *sigh* it's so cold, i don't know how you're dealing with this
lifeweaver: lets hug! we can warm each other up!
you: *sigh*... it's so cold, i don't know how you're dealing with this
lifeweaver: i just imagine you and i feel so warm (sexual innuendo)
he thinks it's funny to mess with you even if it's in-front of your friends. down worry in reality he wont say things like that too loud... just between you two.
when you get elems he has multiple voice lines where he's in absolute awe in what you can do and they vary on how many kills you get.
1-2 kills usually gets a "you're so cool~" or "you're blooming!" while 3-5 gets a "it's amazing such strong actions can belong to someone so gentle."
i imagine being life gripped feels the same as being dropped from a super high place almost like a roller coster so maybe you have voice lines where you express you hate getting pulled
lifeweaver: *pulls you*
you: ah! it feels so weird when you do that
lifeweaver: *pulls you*
you: im gonna hurl..
if you're critical when he pulls you however your tone changes to something more thankful and sweet
lifeweaver: *pulls you*
you: you love me! you really love me!
lifeweaver: *pulls you*
you: oh niran, i could just kiss you right now!
you two probably have skins that match for sure. you have an epic that just a recolor of your normal skin but its mostly white and you have baby pink forget-me-nots made out of biolight in your hair.
when he eliminates you he's always so cheeky about it. he says "*laughs* forgive me my love!" and "ยกโทษให้ฉันดอกไม้ของฉัน"
translation: forgive me my flower
when he kills you via melee however he always says "*gasp* you must train some more!" and "it looks like i'm the strongest now! *giggles*"
when you send him to the spawn room his voices lines always make him seem more in love with you than upset. he says "*sigh dreamily* oh i love that in a woman" , "such brute strength makes me love them more..." and "พวกเขาทําให้ฉันกระเด็นออกจากเท้าของฉันอย่างแท้จริง!"
translation: they knocked me off my feet literally!
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zaradress · 3 months
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pairing: George Russel x Toto Wolffs daughter warnings: age gap, sexual themes, fingering, pain kink, forbidden trope. prompt: Cami Wolff is the daughter of the mercedes team principle. She goes out of her way to not meet George Russel just because she finds him so attractive. One night she goes to a party and it turns out that the party on the yacht is hosted by none other than George Russel.
I had noticed him from the day I first saw him. It wasn't a crush or some infatuation. Instead it was some kind of admiring from a far type of thing. Dad tried to introduce me a couple of times but I refused. 
The young driver was the only driver I had not talked to out of all the mercedes drivers I had ever met. Which weren't a lot but still. I didn't know back then why I refused to talk to him but I know now. Like I said it wasn't some kind of crush or infatuation. No, it was an attraction that I did not want to feed into with being introduced to him.
I just knew he must be good in bed and every time I caught his eyes I thought about that fact. Which is why I decided it was for the better to just not meet him.
In Monaco, after Lewis had won the race, everyone decided to go celebrate on someones yacht. I didn't know who's yacht nor did I care. If there is a party I will be there. So I got ready with my friend, Chelsea, and as soon as we were done we left. 
From what I had gathered it would mostly just consist of only workers for mercedes, with some exceptions. My dad, thank god, wasn't going to be there. He'd honestly kill me if he knew that I even attended. 
We walked on to the yacht and went to the bar immediately. "What you getting?" I ask Chelsea. Whilst thinking about my own order. 
"Something that I can get hammered on, this week has been rough", Chelsea works as a PR manager for McLaren so her statement makes sense. 
"Let's just get eight shots, divid them by two and then down them all, one after the other", I tell her. She couldn't have agreed faster. What the hell are those McLaren drivers doing to my poor friend? I laugh whilst she orders the drinks. 
Whilst our drinks are getting prepared Lewis walks up to us and says hey. "Didn't think you'd show up", he comments.
"Why do you say that?" I laugh confused.
He looks around. "Well this is Georges yacht after all, didn't think you'd show up with how you are clearly going out of your way to not talk to George", I stopped smiling, shocked.
I knew that George was going to be here but not that this was his yacht.
"I'm not! Just haven't got to talk to him yet", I tell him, lying through my teeth. 
"So you could just walk over to him and talk to him right now, right?" he asks me smirking. 
I laugh nervously. "Of course I could", I say to him. "Don't be silly Lewis".
"If that's so, go talk to him right now", he challenges. "Or even better come play a game with us in like an hour or two, bring Chelsea with you". 
What have I gotten myself into. "Alright, we'll be there", with that he says goodbye for now and leaves. I had 1-2 hours to get as wasted as possible. 
I turn back to Chelsea. "Order another eight shots", I tell her as I start to down shot after shot. 
"Slow down Cami", she laughs. 
I chose to not listen to her and drank the remaining four from the second round. At first I din't feel anything but after 30 minutes I knew it was over. So was Chelsea but not nearly as much as me. She was perfectly drunk. Enough to think clearly but also enough to have fun. 
Me on the other hand was more than ready to start playing. If it was going to be truth or dare I was going to be up for anything. 
Chelsea and I danced away on the dance floor. She turned to some guy, dancing with him, and I decided to do the same. Not thinking about who it was. The guy put one of his hands on my hips as I was swaying them against him. 
Maneater playing in the back ground whilst my eyes were closed. I turn around just to be face to face with George. Out of all people, George. Thankfully I was so drunk that I didn't care and just put my hands around his neck. 
I doubted that he at that moment knew that I was the daughter of his team principal or he simply did not care. He took a hold of my hand and spun me around. Dancing with me until my friend dragged me to the toilet. 
Chelsea has always had a fear of bathrooms. She was scared that someone might hide in them. So whenever we had a night out it was not uncommon for me or someone else to go with her. 
By the time she was done. George was gone from the dance floor and Chelsea and I just continued to dance with one another. 
After the two hours had passed the party had died down. It was more or less a gathering now. Which was the whole point. A few other drivers arrived and we were maybe 15 or 20 people sitting on the four couches. That's probably why Lewis said one to two hours, so there'd be a little peace and quiet for us to play.
I was still drunk off my ass and was going to be for another few hours. The others were pretty much sober. I'm ashamed to be even saying that I even kept on drinking just a lot less. 
"Let's play then, everyone know how it goes?" Lewis asked. We were going to play truth or dare. A very simple yet exciting game. No one said anything so Hamilton bent over to the table to spin the bottle. "Oh and if you decide to not do it or answer it you have to take a piece of your clothing off", by the time he said that the bottle landed on me. 
The only problem: I have a dress and underwear on. Nothing else. "Truth", with that information in the back of my mind I chose to play it safe. I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me. George. Which made me push my thighs together. It was like he was undressing me with his eyes even though he sat two meters away from me. 
"What's your body count", Lewis asks, genuinely interested. 
"Don't have one, virgin", I answer which was the truth. Sure I had had boyfriends and situation-ships but never had I ever gone the whole way. Only close to it. Somehow I just never felt the desperation for it, so until I found someone I couldn't keep my hands off I wasn't going to do it. 
Everyone looked at me in disbelief. Georges eyes turned a darker shade of blue, looking at me even more intensely. "She's telling the truth and I have known her for a couple of years", Chelsea confirms. She leans into me whispering something in my ear. "George is practically staring at you", she tells me which I ignore. I spin the bottle and so we continued to play. 
As time went on more and more people left only the six of us remaining. Lewis, Chelsea, George, Alex, Lily and me. Three guys against three girls. All of us still had cloths on. But at this point I probably was so drunk I wouldn't have cared if I did. 
The bottle lands on Lily. Chelsea had spun it so she had to choose. "Dare, of course because I'm not boring", she laughs.
Lily just smirks to that. "Remove a piece of clothing of off the guy closest to you but without using you hands", she giggles knowing it was Lewis and how she is going to enjoy this show.
"Okay easy", she sits down beside Lewis and starts to take off Lewis's shirt but he helps her a little because he saw that she was finding it difficult. The rest of us were chanting her name.
When she was done we all started clapping, to which she just turns red and returns to her seat. She spins the bottle and it lands on me. After seeing how tame her dare was I felt like I could choose dare as well. "Dare, why not?" I say unknowing of what was about to come.
"Show us one of your kinks with another player", well fuck Lewis is taken by Chelsea right now and Alex and Lily are both in a relationship with one another. That only leaves Chelsea as an option. As I was about to say her name, she adds on something. "The player has to be male", she smirks.
I knew what she was doing and she knew too because that only leaves George as an option. It was noticeable how he was waiting me to pick anyone but him.
So when I walked drunkenly over to him and tried to sit beside him, it came to him as a shock. He even had to help me sit down because of how drunk I was. Throughout the game we hadn't talked and now I was supposed to show him one of my kinks. 
"So, what's your kink?", he says putting a hair behind my ear. 
I bite my lip which he sees. "Wait if I take off a piece of clothing I can skip this dare, right?" I turn around and ask. 
"Sure but then you wouldn't have anything on you, would you now? So what's worse?", George says looking me up and down. 
"Come on Cami, we've all done worse than whatever your kinks are", Chelsea says to which everyone laughs. 
I turn back to George and get closer to him. So close that if I whisper only he could hear. "I have a pain kink. So if you chock me and than slap me hard I will get turned on immediately, especially if it's from you", I whisper.
"Little Virgin Mary not so pure in actuality, huh?", he laughs. Everyone was confused about what I could have said.
His eyes didn't leave mine as he put one hand on my thigh and the other one started going up from my chest. He just had to take full advantage of this situation didn't he. His hand finally comes to my neck and he starts applying pressure.
The pressure felt so fucking good and it made me close my eyes. His hand leaves my neck and I open my eyes again just to look him in the eyes. That's when his hand slapped me, hard enough for a little moan to escape my lips that only he could hear. 
I return to my seat, drunk and now horney as well. "Fuck me that was hot", Chelsea was the first to say anything and everyone else just started giggling. George on the other hand didn't leave my eyes. 
"Didn't think you had that in you, Cami", Lewis says shocked. I just ignore the fact that I just showed everyone here that I like pain. 
As I spin the bottle I reach for the vodka bottle and take two more shots. George shakes his head in disbelief. 
The bottle landed on George and he chose truth. "What sexual acts arouse you most?" I asked him downing another shot. Not expecting anything interesting.
"Chocking and slapping", everyone was in disbelief. He had not just said that. "Giving not receiving, of course". 
My mouth hung a gap not able to utter a single word. "You two should get a room", Alex laughed. 
The round kept on going and the alcohol was starting to hit again. I had taken off my shoes and left just to go to the speaker and sync my phone to it. I put some music on and started dancing a little. George looked over to what I was doing too which I gestured for him to come to me. 
"What is it?" he asks with a smile on his lips.
I had gone over my drinking limit a while ago. "Dance with me", I tell him. He smiles and looks away.
"How much have you had to drink?" he asked concerned.
"Only like half a bottle of vodka", I say oblivious to how much that actually was. 
"Fuck Cami, this is going to hit you hard when you wake up", he tells me.
"Why don't you hit me hard instead?" I said to him. Looking into his blue eyes. 
He clears his voice. "Let's get back to the game", he leads me to the couch and sits beside me. There was no way I was walking to the couch on my own. 
I rested my head on Georges shoulder as Lewis spun the bottle and of course the bottle had to have landed on me. "Truth", honestly I couldn't move even if I wanted to so it was the obvious choice. 
"I can't come up with a good question, can someone take over for me?" Lewis said to which George takes over.
"Have you ever fantasised about an F1 driver?" he asks.
"That's a good one", Lewis said and everyone agrees.
I don't even have to think about it. "Of course", by the looks of it they weren't expecting me to answer it. 
"Who?" George asked. 
There was no way I was admitting to who I fantasised about. "That's another question and there is no way I'm saying it", I laugh and go to spin the bottle. 
It lands on Alex and he chooses dare. To which I told him to seduce Lily. "I am going to find out eventually who it is", George whispers into my ear. As I was about to respond everyone starts to clap and shout. 
George and I joined in. Alex than spun the bottle and it landed on George. "Truth".
"How long was your longest session, if you know what I mean?" if you know what I mean. 
He thinks about it for a little. "I think it was an hour long", he laughs embarrassed.
George spins the bottle. "You lasted for an hour? No fucking way", Lewis laughs. 
The bottle yet again lands on me and before I can even think I chose truth immediately regretting it. "Who Cami?", he said seductively.
"Well I guess I will have to strip then", I stand up looking him directly in the eyes a teasing smile on my lips. My hands go to my straps and pull one after the other off. 
It was almost as if he didn't believe I would do it. Only when I was about to pull my dress off he stood up and stopped me. Pulling my straps up for me. "I think that's enough for tonight, let's get you sobered up, wouldn't want Toto to get mad at me now would we", he says as he starts leading me inside the yacht. "I'm going to let her sleep here and call Toto probably, is that alright with you Chelsea?", he asks.
"Yeah that's fine by me, with how much she has consumed I don't think I would be able to get her home anyway", she says.
"Perfect than, Cami stays here and I'll take Chelsea home", Lewis says.
They start to pick all their stuff up and George carefully holds me leading me inside the yacht. 
He brings me to the bed and lays me down. He takes a shirt out of his closet and when he turns to give it to me he looks away just as quick. Because he saw how I was starting to take my dress off. 
"George?" I said.
"Yeah what's up?" he still didn't look at me.
I struggled with my bra and couldn't get it off. "I need you to help me take my bra off", I tell him.
"Fuck", he said very quietly as he turned around. 
I still had my dress on but only from the waist down. So my chest was very much on display. He went to my back and slowly unclasped my bra and immediately looked away. 
"Thanks", I said and put the shirt on, shimmying the dress of and fold it with my bra on the bed side table. 
George disappears into the kitchen probably getting some water. He returns with some water. Which I downed in a matter of minutes. He just stood across the bed with his arms crossed looking at me. 
"You just going to stare at me from over there?" I ask him slightly sobering up.
He smiled at that comment. "Yes", he said. "Well, until you tell me who you fantasis about at least", he smirked.
"Come here and I'll tell you", I said to which he walked to the bed and sat beside me whilst I was sitting on my knees. 
"So tell me", he was so eager to know. 
I thought about it for a second. Should I tell the truth or lie? "Let's talk about something else", I giggle. 
"Like I said earlier I will get the answer sooner or later but fine let me ask something else than", he starts saying. "What's the reason behind you going out of your way just to not meet me?".
My smile vanished a little. "Its the same reason I don't want to tell you who I fantasise about", I boldly say. 
He looks me in the eye leaning one hand on the mattress whilst being a bit turned to me. "So you are attracted to me and fantasise about me?" he said almost cocky and not even a bit shocked.
"Can't fall for one of my dads workers now can I?" I said.
"I guess not", his other hand is on my naked thigh, caressing it. "What do you think your dad would say about how you danced with me at the beginning of the party?" his hand traveled further up.
"Not much. What do you think my dad would say about you chocking and slapping me earlier?" I asked him teasingly, acting as though his hand didn't do things to me. 
"Don't think he'd be so happy with me. What do you think he would say about me fingering his pure virgin daughter?" My heart was in my feet. Did he just really say that. 
I gulped slightly. "Well he'd definitely not be too happy about that, but that hasn't happened so we don't need to think about that", his hand traveled even further.
With that our lips met. He put me down on the bed and I put my thighs around his waist. My crotch meeting his, a moan escaping from my lips. One of his hands held my thigh whilst the other one was aggressively traveling over my body until it got to my neck and chocked me. 
I didn't think it was possible for me to become even wetter. His crotch was hard against me and I could feel how he started getting hard. He was actively pushing against me hard. Only making me more horny. 
His hand travled to my sex painfully slow. "Your so fucking wet, so fucking perfect", he pushed my underwear to the side going straight inside me with two fingers.
"George", I moan overwhelmed by the feeling I was experiencing. His thumb went over my clit.
"Your taking my fingers so well, like a good virgin", he tells me.
George started going faster bringing me close to finishing. "George I'm going to cum", I told him.
All the built up tension from all the weeks I had been refusing to meet him were finally going to be released.
"Go on than", he tells me. "Be a good girl for me and cum", he says which takes me over the edge and I hit my climax . He gets a towel and cleans me up a bit.
I have never been fingered better. Even though I didn't do anything I still was more than exhausted. I didn't want to leave him hanging but he assured me that he was happier over having made me cum than anything else. "Come here", he said to me making room for me to snuggle into him.
We than fell asleep and sometime around six AM we woke up again and continued on talking until we fell asleep again.
This was going to be the beginning of something good.
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hongthoven · 2 years
Mondays ain't so bad after all | Hongjoong x reader (smut)
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hongjoong x fem!reader - established relationship
tw: smut, extremely comforting boyfriend!hongjoong
✒️ you've had quite a day at work. Basically, it's a Monday and nothing goes right. All you need is to go home to your boyfriend and let him take care of you.
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This day was neverending and judging by the look on your face as you caught a brief glimpse of your camera during a zoom call that seemed to last forever, it was definitely time for you to go home. You had lost count of the calls and meetings you had to attend - probably more than a single human could handle- and your growling stomach was an obvious reminder of the lunchbox abandoned on the edge of your desk, still filled with the meal you had diligently prepared the night before, foolishly thinking you’d have time for a break today. There was just something about Mondays and how everyone seemed to have emergency requests for you to deal with before the end of the day and now here you were, trying your best to cover your yawns as you were forced to attend a video call where everyone just seemed to go through their entire schedule of the week while you’d just rather be home, in the comfiness of your bed, comfortably nesting against Hongjoong’s chest. Your attention was definitely gone as soon a you tried to picture him in his “lazy” day off sweatpants and simple, plain white tee, especially now that he had granted you with selfies of his stupidly gorgeous, sleepy face.
God you loved that man. Sometimes you even had to take a moment to yourself to actually process your own feelings for Hongjoong. Never in a million years would you have thought it was actually possible to love someone this hard. He was your happy place, your comfort zone and everything you ever needed. Especially on days like these when work was getting a little too much. The simple thought of coming home to Hongjoong was enough for you to deal with the last couple minutes of absolute Hell. Without him by your side, you’d probably be crying and dangerously flirting with all the premises of a burn-out.
You barely paid your goodbyes to all the other attendants as you snapped your laptop closed, sighing to yourself as you finally called it a day. It was almost 10PM now and your head was still burning from a headache pills had failed to soothe and the rage of being the only one left in the building at this stupid time in the evening.
Tilting your head back against the mirror in the elevator as it took you to the underground parking lot, your hand instinctively reached for your phone, ready to text your boyfriend and let him know you’d be there soon but your eyes were immediately caught by the sight of his absolute dream of a face staring at you, turning your pout into a smile as you found yourself wishing you could just teleport into your bed by his side and smooch him until you were both left gasping for air. You could feel the beating of your heart increasing, just thinking of him and the long hours spent in bed. You knew Hongjoong was a heavy sleeper and god knows you had seen him fall asleep in the most random places, including a nightclub, without a single bother in the world. An Earthquake could never wake him up when he was this tired, but he was also the kind of man to get bored easily whenever he wasn’t overstimulated and somehow, lazy days in bed were only his thing whenever you were there to keep him company.
You called him as soon as your phone connected to your car’s bluetooth system. Not only did you miss his face, body and entire person, but now you just physically needed to hear his voice.
“Baby… Where are you? I’m bored”
His raspy voice and whiny tone almost made you clench in your seat. That man simply had you in a chokehold and you never complained one bit about it.
“On my way now… I had the longest, shittiest day, I really need some cuddles right now…”
“What my baby wants, my baby gets” he instantly replied, eager to please.
Now you just couldn’t wait to get home, wishing all the red lights would turn green as you drove to the speed of lights to meet the love of your life again to forget about that stupid day and anything work related.
The place was quiet and all the lights dimmed as you walked through the door, kicking your stilettos off your feet only to let them rest messily on the wooden floor. Usually you would take the time to put them back onto your shelf, hook your handbag and jacket on the coat-rack but today, you couldn’t be bothered as you dropped everything to rush towards the bedroom like a child meeting her parents at the school gates.
Hongjoong was still laying in bed, one of his legs resting above the sheets with one arm bent behind the pillow, eyes on the wall as some random netflix show was playing from the video projector. You both had decided to get one a couple months ago when thinking about your favorite days spent in bed binge-watching a show or your favorite movies with your entire white wall as a screen. So far, none of you had any regrets about this purchase even though you ended up missing half of the programs most of the time ‘cause you were simply unable to keep your hands off each other.
“Long day?” Hongjoong almost whispered as you crashed on top of him, your face instantly buried into his chest as you finally let out the longest, frustrated groan. His scent was the most comforting smell ever to you and enough to soothe all the anger as soon as you took a deep breath into his shirt like he was your childhood cuddly toy. Hongjoong had never been a fan of strong fragrances and always wore some fancy body lotion instead, making him recognizable in a crowded room - or maybe, you were simply addicted and couldn’t miss a step of your boyfriend wherever you’d go.
As the sensitive, cautious boyfriend he was, Hongjoong allowed you to rant about all the things going wrong at work that day, never interrupting or trying to make you see things in a different aspect. He knew too well how you just needed to let things out, only asking for advice when you genuinely needed his input on things. One of his hands was already tangled into your hair, brushing it softly while the other was tickling your lower back, making sure to push all the right buttons to calm you down without a word.
When you were finally done ranting, Hongjoong simply pinched your chin between his fingers to make your eyes meet, softly pecking your lips with the cutest smile.
“How are you feeling now, baby? 1 to 10?”
“About 4” You sighed, a little relieved to be home in his arms but your mind still stuck at work for stupid reasons.
“4 is terrible, I won’t take 4 for an answer…” he pouted, kissing you again once, then twice, his hand pulling at your hair a little tighter to deepen your embrace as his tongue slipped between your lips to brush yours in the softest, most delicate way.
“Then do something about it…” you moaned, a little out of breath as you broke the kiss to stare into his eyes. While you could already see a little sparkle starting to ignite in his pupils, your body still needed to rest and calm down first. Over years of dating, you had learned that - no matter how good and exciting that was - angry sex wasn’t the solution to your problems. Sure it would keep your mind off things for a short while and release some tension, but at the end of the day, nothing would come close to the peaceful state of being spooned and tightly hugged by your boyfriend. Wherever it would lead.
“How about we get you out of these clothes and shower first?” he asked, nibbling at your earlobe as you smiled, unable to content your enthusiasm at the thought of it. When it came to taking care of you, Hongjoong would go absolutely all the way to make sure you would go from a 4 to a 10 and while you often praised yourself on being an independent woman, in times of need, you were more than happy to let him be in charge and pamper you like a doll.
Your work attire was pooling at your feet in no time as Hongjoong stripped you both off to lead you towards the bathroom, making sure the water was warm enough before he pulled you into the cabin along with him.
“Is it okay?” he asked, stepping behind you so you stood directly under the shower head, soaking your head and shoulders wet as he grabbed the shampoo bottle. Nodding to give him all the green lights, you couldn’t help but moan in absolute bliss as soon as Hongjoong started to wash your hair, massaging your scalp in the softest way, pressing his thumbs in your favorite spots as your body became limp under his touch. While you had shared a thousand showers before, mostly because you were both in a rush and couldn’t wait for the other to be done, nothing could possibly beat the extra care of your boyfriend soaping you up and cleaning you off the complete misery of a Monday.
As soon as your hair was rinsed off, you couldn’t help but turn around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss him on the lips, pulling his body closer to yours as he locked you between his chest and the tiled wall. There was something about the warmth of his skin and the coldness of the tiles that made you shiver with excitement as you were both caught in the moment, softly moaning into each other’s mouths while Hongjoong didn’t miss an occasion to soap your shoulders up, all the way down your arms, hips, stomach then back up again until both his hands were fondling your breasts, his thumbs occasionally grazing your erected nipples.
His entire body reacted as soon as his name escaped your lips with a moan, his eyes staring into yours as he was now the one standing underwater. He looked absolutely exquisite with his wet, split hair falling down his eyes and a thin water line dripping down his chin, his lips a little red from kissing you too long. You didn’t know exactly how and when one of your legs had ended up lifted against his hip, but here you were, core fully exposed against his inevitable boner as he slowly grinded himself along your slit, looking for any sort of relief. Still, he never went as far as pushing himself into you and focused on cleaning you up instead, soaping your entire body up with his hardened cock tightly tucked between your thighs.
Showering had never taken so long but you felt instantly refreshed and a thousand times more peaceful than earlier as Hongjoong handed you one of his oversized t-shirts once you were back in your bedroom. His hair still wet, a couple droplets falling from his blond locks, Hongjoong was now back into a fresh pair of sweatpants and -to your demand- nothing more.
“What should we watch?” he asked once you were both back in bed and getting comfortable as he spooned you.
“Whatever, I don’t care…” you almost hummed as you closed your eyes for a minute, feeling a little too comfy now that you had his body keeping you warm under the covers. You definitely could fall asleep any minute but still fought drowsiness as much as you could, just so you would enjoy some more quality time with the love of your life.
Hongjoong eventually put on a random show you’d seen before, just so you could eventually fall asleep with no regrets. The room went silent for a while as you simply enjoyed the calm following the awful storm of a Monday, his arms tightly wrapped around you as you pushed your back a little closer to him, only to brush his crotch with your bare ass. You knew there was a reason why Hongjoong had suggested you’d wear nothing but his t-shirt, offering him a whole playground to himself without the struggle of untangling your legs from your underwear. Still, as the gentleman he always was -except for the occasions when you made it very clear you needed him to be rude and much rougher than usual- Hongjoong waited for your greenlight to go any further.
It wasn’t long until you started grinding your ass against his length, reaping a growl against your neck as he started pummeting his lips over your skin while following your lead. By now, the show playing in the background was long gone as your only goal was to have your boyfriend inside of you as soon as possible. Though you didn’t need much prep, Hongjoong still reached for your chin to slip two of his fingers between your lips, coating them with your saliva as you made sure to swallow him knuckle deep, purposely moaning to get him harder. You knew what drove him crazy and you’d never be caught not using your special girlfriend privileges in times like these.
“Fuck baby, soaked already?” Hongjoong half-chuckled into your ear, sending shivers down your spine as he slowly traced your slit with the tips of his fingers, barely taking a dip as you moved forward a little just so you could bend your leg and grant him better access to the place you needed him the most.
Hongjoong knew exactly how to touch you. How you needed his entire palm to cover your pussy, keeping it warm as he circled your clit with his thumb, almost painfully slow to get your properly drenched. You could definitely feel yourself spilling into his palm already, soaking it as he made sure to to tease your entrance, barely dipping the tip of his fingers until he eventually pushed them in, collecting a long, delicious moan from your lips as he found himself once again amazed with the tightness of your cunt.
He was a patient, perfectionist lover. Always taking his time and making sure he had you begging for more. Never in a rush unless you were both in a rut and unable to content yourselves, going for a quickie in the most random places - Never skipping on foreplay and always, always making sure you came first, as many times as he wished you to.
Pushing your hair to the side to suck on your neck as he fingered you in such a slow pace you could feel every fiber of your aching hole sucking him in and out, Hongjoong started to leave a few marks along your skin, taking an occasional bite as he praised you for taking him so well right before he started to increase his pace, hooking his fingers so he would hit your special spot every time he pushed into you a little harder. Soon enough, the room was filled with both your moans and his groans merely covering the obscene squishy sound of your cunt being fingered into bliss.
Whimpering into your pillow, both hands clenched around it, you couldn’t take it anymore. While his fingers worked magic, you needed more, you needed to be filled entirely and to connect with Hongjoong in a way only you were lucky to.
“Baby…” you almost purred, letting him know you were ready for more, your voice holding no secret to him after years of sharing a life together.
“What’s that, baby?” Hongjoong still teased, cause sometimes he could be a little fuck finding his peak in the way you begged for his dick. You knew he wanted to hear you plead as his fingers left you empty and almost gaping, his palm reaching for your backside as he squeezed one of your cheeks for a while before traveling down from your crack to your slit until you were cooked.
“P–please… Joongie” you mewled, pushing your ass into his pelvis once more like you had been sex deprived for years when not a single day went by without him drilling you.
With a satisfied, almost sadistic chuckle, Hongjoong eventually caved, ruffling behind you to push his sweatpants down his thighs, wiggling a little to adjust himself until his boner was tightly tucked between your ass cheeks, his tip flirting with your crack for a brief second, making you wince at the thought of having him there again and the previous, painful yet mind-blowing attempts at him fucking you in the ass before- but after a painful couple minutes of teasing, Hongjoong finally locked one of his arms in front of your chest and into your shirt to keep you still against him as he pushed himself into you, filling you up to the brim in one slow, single thrust.
Keeping still, Hongjoong rested his chin against your shoulder, his hand palming your breast as you inhaled deeply to compose yourself a little. While his dick was definitely familiar, it still took your breath away everytime he thrusted into you balls deep only to stay there, absolutely motionless.
You don’t know how long you stayed like this, finally sparing a fair percent of your attention to the show playing on the wall as your boyfriend kept fondling your chest while buried inside of you, but you definitely felt thankful for Hongjoong as you realized all of the stress from work was definitely gone for good.
Now all you needed was him to fuck you to sleep.
“Joongie?” you broke the silence with that tone you liked to use whenever you needed something from him, and boy did he know it too well.
“Yes, princess?”
For a brief second, you couldn’t help but wonder if he had felt you clench around him at the sound of his special pet name for you. Then again, anything coming out of his stupidly perfect mouth was an inevitable kink of yours.
“Can you move?” you asked, like it was the hardest favor you could request from him.
“Gotta be a little specific, love…” he smiled, obviously playing.
Now, you knew your boyfriend and every single one of his kinks, from the softest to the unspeakable ones, so it was no surprise he’d ask for you to be loud about your needs and to use actual, precise words. Hongjoong had many questionable turn-ons, but his perpetual need for you to beg was definitely on the “okay” line of your scale.
“Please fuck me”
You had to admit you weren’t much of a talker before you met Hongjoong. Except for the occasional moans and “more”, sex was closer to a silent game to you. And now, here you were, getting wetter at the sound of your own pleas, only because you knew the louder you’ be, the harder he would fuck you.
His first thrust was painfully slow, but deep. Pulling out of you like it could possibly rip you apart, Hongjoong wasted no time thrusting again, and again, a little harder every time, until you were a moaning mess, clenching and holding on to your pillow for dear life as his hands clawed your hips still for more impact.
He kept fucking you to the side for a while, spreading your legs a little wider every time until he eventually rolled you over on your stomach, grabbing your hips to lift your ass up a little. While you weren’t proud of it, you instantly squealed aloud as soon as you were left face down and ass up in front of your boyfriend, your entire body jolting with excitement from being taken on all fours.
“God you just love this a little too much, don’t you princess?” he smirked, his hand landing onto your buttcheek with a smack that could’ve been harder but still did the job.
“Yes” By now, you were a whimpering mess as Hongjoong collected a whole pool of your wetness into his hand as he made sure you were once again ready for him. From this angle, his fingers only seemed to hit your g-spot repeatedly, making you squirt into his hand to his own pride.
“Fuck baby that’s so hot” he hummed, his eyes never leaving your exposed cunt, but as his fingers left you empty once again, you were ready to receive him, your thighs clenching with anticipation- instead, you almost shrieked as you felt his wet lips covering your clit, sucking at it like a piece of candy as he quietly growled against your wetness, collecting most of it against his tongue as he fucked you with his mouth for an agonizing amount of time, making you weak at the knees.
You knew Hongjoong was probably jerking off as he ate your pussy like his final meal and while you couldn’t see it, you still felt dizzy at the simple thought of him bending over on his knees, nose deep into your cunt with his fist full of him. Any other day, you would definitely turn around and return the favor, nothing coming close to the feeling of your boyfriend throat-fucking you. You weren’t ashamed to admit just how much you love giving him head, never missing an occasion to get on your knees regardless of the time or place, only to let him fill your entire mouth with his incredible cock. You were foaming at the mouth, just thinking about it, or maybe it was the way Hongjoong kept on fucking you with his tongue, locking your lip between his teeth everytime he pulled out with the most obscene pop.
“F—fffffuck, Hongjoong…. baby….” You were practically drooling into your pillow now, legs shaking from his never-ending assault on your oversensitive clit. By now, you were grinding against his entire face, coating his chin with your arousal while he kept his mouth open, all tongue out as you used him as a fuck toy for a couple minutes.
Then he smacked your butt, much harder this time.
So hard you fell back with your stomach flat against the mattress.
Flipping you around like you were nothing but a feather to him, Hongjoong was back on top of you in no time, attacking your mouth with the most erotic smooch of your life, the bitter mix of your own arousal and his spit melting down your throat as he grabbed both of your thighs to push your legs up until your calves were comfortably resting above his shoulders.
“You look so fucked-out already, princess…” Hongjoong smiled, a little to proud at the sight of you with your hair all over the place, tits covered in hickeys, skin red from his hands squeezing you a little too hard and his own spit all over your chin. If anything, you looked dirty, but you were more than happy to be dirty for that man.
The sight of him squeezing his eyebrows together as he pushed himself into you again was something you wish you could have caught on camera forever, his face painted with bliss as his beautiful white fangs clenched around his bottom lip, turning it white as he increased the pace immediately. Hongjoong was no longer making sweet love to you, he was fucking you so hard into the mattress the whole headboard shook under your bodies, rocking against the wall in perfect sync with the way his skin slapped against yours with every hard thrust.
It wasn’t long until you felt yourself reaching closer to climax, your hands slipping against his sweat-coated skin, scratching his sides as you came undone. Still, Hongjoong never reduced the pace, rocketing into you until he felt himself meeting you at the peak, one of his hand slammed against the headboard for support and giving you a delightful view over his veiny arms, the silver chain he always kept around his neck slapping you in the face every time he fucked you harder into the wall.
Clenching around him, both your hands went immediately around his hips, pushing him closer to your stomach as you wished you could swallow him up entirely. He looked devilish and exhausted, his face covered with sweat, mouth agape, eyebrows knitted together as he tried his best not to come before you. It was just insane to you that he would look so mind-blowing even in such a state when you were probably a sweaty, red mess, wiggling into your orgasm as he pushed himself into you one last time.
With a loud grunt, Hongjoong came into you, painting your walls white as his entire body seemed to shut down, crashing on top of yours. He was burning up, catching his breath as you felt him twitch a couple times inside of you until he calmed down.
With his forehead stuck to your neck, lips attached to your collarbones, Hongjoong was out of breath, one of his hands tracing your chest until he reached your face to palm your cheek tenderly.
The room was back to complete silence as your breathing eventually calmed down, your hands brushing his drenched hair, untangling it with the tip of your fingers as your heartbeat seemed to match his.
“Fuck” Hongjoong chuckled after a while, "I need another shower".
“Does that mean you're gonna wash me all over again?” you teased with a smile.
“Hold on. Just gimme a minute…” he almost groaned, half-asleep already.
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ageingfangirl2 · 8 months
I Hate You! Do You Really? Shanks (OPLA)
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You finally have enough of Shanks playboy ways and confront him. But why are you confronting him? Do you really hate him? Shanks will find out. Shanks x Reader (Female) Fluff
'LET ME PAST BENN!' y/n shouts outside the door to my quarters, 'I KNOW HE'S IN THERE BECAUSE HIS LATEST CONQUEST JUST LEFT!'
'Think this through y/n, take a deep breath. Hongo says stress is bad,' Benn speaks calmly trying to calm down a mad y/n.
I was confused and intrigued, and still a little hungover from the night before. Was something wrong with y/n? They had been off a little lately. I'd known y/n since Rogers's execution and convinced them to join my crew. y/n was deadly with a sword, but their real weapon was their beauty and charm which could de-escalate situations. I wasn't a jealous man, I just didn't like random men hitting on them, and if that meant I was the only man they slept with then so be it. y/n was loyal, but recently they had been getting sick of my playboy ways and childish antics.
y/n and I weren't 'official', we slept together a lot because it could get lonely on the sea, and maybe I valued their opinion on the same level as Benn which made the crew tease us about being a power couple, but I'd never heard them be this mad at me before.
The door swings open and y/n storms in. Benn grimaces at me before closing the door leaving us alone. y/n's usually calm eyes were pissed, their fists clenched, and now I could see them closer they looked a lot paler. I open my mouth to speak but they stop me.
'Don't come near me while you still smell like that bitch,' y/n seethes.
I raise my hands in mock surrender and smirk, 'Is this because they called you fat last night? I thought you didn't care what others thought of you y/n.'
The anger leaves y/n eyes and my smirk falters seeing their eyes water, lip quiver, and one hand goes to their stomach, 'Do you think I'm fat? Am I ugly? This is all your fault, Shanks.'
y/n wasn't an emotional person so to see them this close to tears was scary, and they were blaming me for something I didn't even know I'd done unless it was bringing up the fat comment as a joke.
'How is this my fault y/n, please explain. You're not fat or ugly. Are you ill? you look pale. What did Hongo say?' I ramble.
y/n sighs and bows their head, 'because for years you've made me feel loved and special. But these past couple of months you've slept around more and ignored me. I need to know what I am to you Shanks, I need to know so I can do what's best for me and the...'
Okay it was true we hadn't slept together in two months, and I had slept around more to make up for it, but why was y/n suddenly bringing up the same thoughts they had after we last slept together? This was kind of why I ignored them, because I didn't like serious talk about relationships, call me selfish but it's who I am.
'You're my y/n. You call me out all the time. You hold me to a higher standard. You always know what I need to hear. Why do you suddenly care who I sleep with?'
y/n raises their head and locks eyes with me, I could see the wheels turning they were thinking so hard, 'If I asked you to stop sleeping with other women would you? I know it's hard to answer without any context but I'm really conflicted right now Shanks.'
My eyes widen at the sudden question, 'Like never sleep with another woman again...'
y/n nods, 'Yes or no Shanks.'
I shake my head and stand my ground, 'you won't get an answer until I have the full context y/n. You might be angry but I'm still your captain so show me some respect.'
y/n rubs their stomach, 'You're also the father to our unborn child. Hongo puts me at just over eight weeks along. Now answer my question captain. Say yes and I'll stay, but say no and I leave.'
My legs give out and I fall to my knees shocked, 'SHANKS!' y/n screams, and rushes towards me full of concern.
I reach out my hand and rest it on their stomach, 'you're really pregnant, no joke. Are you sure it's mine?'
I feel the slap across my cheek but keep my eyes focused on their stomach which did look bigger up close, 'you're the only man I've ever slept with Shanks, you prick,' y/n growls.
I can't help but laugh a little as I look up at y/n who looks down at me confused, 'Okay now everything makes sense. Don't worry you're pretty head I won't sleep with any women, does that include you?'
y/n inhales sharply, 'I hate you, Shanks.'
I raise a single eyebrow, ''yes, we've established that.'
y/n puts their hands over mine, 'fuck you!' they mutter.
I wiggle my eyebrows, ' we've done that, too. Care for a refresher?'
y/n cracks a smile and the tension leaves the room, 'You're a dork Shanks. I'm sorry if I made things weird for you. Do you think we can do this?'
I get back to my feet and pull them into my embrace. I'd changed my clothes when the girl left so y/n couldn't get mad. Unless women's senses heightened when pregnant, something I'd ask Hongo about later, 'we can do this y/n. Some things will have to change but we'll adapt.'
Being pregnant at sea came with some challenges but Shanks and the crew had your back. You'd made Shanks leave the room when he came close to passing out.
'Congratulations y/n, here's your baby boy,' Hongo says excitedly, handing you a bundle of blankets, 'I'll get Shanks.'
You nod and stare in awe at your baby boy who already has some red hair like his father, 'I'll get my money later, I knew it would be a boy.'
Hongo laughs and leaves. Only you, him and Benn thought it would be a boy while Shanks and the rest of the crew bet on a girl.
Shanks comes into the room and you hold out the bundle, 'Say hello to your son Shanks.'
Shanks holds his son and smiles down at him, 'Just what this ship needs y/n, another me running around. At least we know he's mine,' he laughs.
You flip him off. This was going to be an interesting next chapter for the three of you.
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year
i have a req for nanami 🥹
hate sex with nanami 🫶🏻
(where's he's actually pretty toxic but the reader is too fucked to think)
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Pairing: Kento Nanami x f!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Hate Sex, Vaginal Sex, Nanami being toxic (and a major bitch), bit of choking, Exes, Creampie, Bathroom Sex, Degradation (Nanami calling reader a slut multiple times)
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Happy to co-host Gojo NSFW Week 2023! Come join us on Twitter!
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Your relationship with Kento ended for many reasons. Barely any of them were your fault, majority of them because of Kento. He’s a sweet boyfriend almost all the time. Then other times he’s jealous, controlling, toxic. All the things a boyfriend shouldn’t be. Which is why you left.
You remember his reaction when you broke up with him:
“You’re fucking cheating on me, aren’t you?! How fucking dare you?! After I spent so much time and effort into this fucking relationship?! You’re such a fucking slut, that’s all you’ll ever be. I should’ve known when you went out with that skirt that practically showed your ass. You’re just begging for someone to fuck you.”
That’s all he said before storming out of the place. He came back a couple of hours later to make up, but you locked yourself in the bedroom. You haven’t seen him ever since that day. So it’s awkward when you bump into each other at a wedding.
It’s even more awkward when you’re forced to sit at the same table. You try to ignore him, but it’s hard when he looks so handsome sitting right across from you. He has a date who he’s not all interested in… If you had to guess she’s a co-worker that he asked last minute.
You stand up after a couple of drinks to use the bathroom. You walk inside, and when you’re about to walk into a stall, you’re stopped by his firm grip. You hadn’t noticed that he walked right behind you. You turn around to face Kento.
“What are you doing here with that dress? Are you trying to outshine the bride?” Kento asks, and you chuckle in response. “You’re driving me insane.”
His hands go to your waist and his lips peck yours before his lips begin to kiss your neck. You assume that he locked the door to the bathroom when he came in here so you don’t physically stop him. Yet you say,
“I broke up with you for a reason.” You tell him while you feel as he sucks on your neck. A whimper leaves your lips as he sucks on that one spot. When he pulls away, he picks you up and puts you down on the sink.
He kisses your lips again before he kisses down your neck. He begins to lift up your dress, one hand rubbing over your clothed cunt while he bites down on your exposed shoulder. Soft moans leave your lips as he plays with your clit. The last thing you thought was that you’d end up here with him, especially after swearing you’d never talk to him again. And you still say it while he plays with your cunt, “You don’t deserve me.”
“I don’t.” His low voice says into your ear. He wants to make it quick. Prep you a bit before getting his dick wet. His date is waiting for him outside and he can’t make her wait… Although you’re here looking so pretty for him so he might have to take his time. “But you know you want me to fuck you dumb, don’t you?”
You don’t answer because he’s right. He pushes your panties to the side, and begins to spit on your cunt, pulling his zipper down to get his dick out. He has a condom in his wallet, but he’ll opt out tonight. He runs the tip of his cock through your folds, “Hmmm… I wonder how many guys have touched your slutty pussy.”
“Shut up and fuck me.” You respond, and he chuckles in response. He ends up plunging himself into you, every inch inside of you within seconds. He stretches your cunt out and begins to thrust rapidly in and out of you, not giving you any time to adjust.
“You’re so tight for a fucking slut.” He comments, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as his cock makes you feel so good. You don’t like the words that leave Kento’s lips, but you can only think about reaching an orgasm.
Your hand goes down to play with your clit. Kento groans, loving the way your cunt wraps around him, something that he’s been thinking about for days, pretending as if his hand were you. His hand really can’t compare to the real thing. His eyes watch as his cock thrusts in and out of you while one hand wraps around your neck.
“God, if only you could see the way your cunt is taking me in…” He says, his hand squeezing your throat. You’re moaning, his cock hitting all the right spots. You feel as your orgasm approaches while he’s moaning into your ear. You shouldn’t be doing this with him after you were set on never seeing him again… But after the first look, after the first touch it was inevitable. Especially when he fucks you so right.
“Shit… I’m gonna-” You begin, and he feels as your cunt begins to squeeze around him. You shut your eyes, your body spasming as you come around him.
He continues rapidly thrusting in and out of you, chasing after his release. He won’t last too much with the way your cunt wraps around him, and the way your moans encourage him. You’re thinking about how you need to do this more often with him. It’s the way his cock feels as it thrusts in and out of you.
“Fuck… Are you going to take my cum like a good little slut? Hmm… Yeah you are.” He says, his lips landing on yours. His tongue pressing against yours as his thrusts get sloppy. He comes within seconds, filling you up with his cum. He pulls away from the kiss, “Of course you took my cum… Can I really be surprised?”
“Shut up.” You end up rolling your eyes as you adjust your panties. You’ll never allow him to do this again… Or so you think before he says,
“You look really pretty tonight, by the way.”
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thezombieprostitute · 3 months
Sparks Fly - Part 3
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Summary: After working as an engineer for Wilford & Gilliam Trust for several years you find evidence of seedy dealings and burned books. After turning in the evidence you find yourself in danger and seek help. You're taken into the protection of a mob family where you run into your high school best friend, Mace.
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: Implied violence and attempted murder. Please let me know if I missed any.
Part 2 -- Part 4
Series Masterlist
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Unsurprisingly you woke up several times during the night. Your stress from the past week or so isn’t going to disappear overnight, no matter how good Mace’s grilled cheese is. Each time you tiptoed out to the main area and were comforted at the site of Mace sleeping in front of the door, as he promised. You were able to calm yourself down each time and get some more sleep, thinking through all the different security measures Mace talked you through. 
At one point you wake up to the smell of bacon cooking in the kitchen. Your stomach rumbles so you get out of bed. Mace is cooking up bacon, eggs and toast for two. He looks up and smiles as he sees you, “coffee just started brewing. I’ll get you a mug when it’s ready.” You nod, still tired, and sit down at the table, watching him work.
He’s definitely bulked up since high school. He was kinda lanky back then but his arms have definitely gotten bigger and his shirt hints at some serious muscle underneath. Part of you wonders if he built that through work or exercise. The rest of you is wondering how it would feel to be held close in those muscly arms. 
He brings over a plate, “hope you don’t mind your eggs scrambled with cheese. Also got some strawberry jam for your toast, if you’d like.”
“Thanks, AC,” you smile, quickly digging into the food. He sets his own plate down and comes back with a couple mugs of coffee before eating. 
“We’re going to be getting some more food stuff delivered today,” he says between bites. “If you’d like to request anything specific let me know before noon or so.” You nod in understanding. “GBH will be regularly trading shifts with Barton, another one of the best in the security business. Again, you’re not likely to see him, but he’s definitely watching out for us. Probably both of them will be on task when it comes time for your testimony.”
You freeze at that. You’d been so busy trying to stay alive you hadn’t had time to think about the actual trial. Mace notices and starts gently rubbing the back of your hand. “Hey,” he whispers. “You’re gonna be okay. We’ll be there for you every step of the way, alright?”
“Can you be there with me,” you whisper back, voice strained with emotion.
“I’ll talk about it with the Bosses, okay?”
You nod and pick at the rest of your food, appetite suppressed by fear. Mace’s face goes from worried to slightly mischievous as he goes for his phone. “I know a few things to add to the grocery list,” he comments as he types. 
“What are you getting?”
“It’s gonna be a surprise. A good surprise, I promise.”
“As opposed to the surprise birthday gift you tried to get me by hacking the school grading systems and giving Pacifica all C’s and D’s?”
“In my defense, it was a great plan,” he argues. “Low grades meant more time with her tutors, which meant less time in her precious social circles. Maybe then she would’ve left you alone.”
“And, instead, you forgot that Pacifica’s parents were rich enough to correct your work,” you chuckle.
Mace sighs, “thus, your birthday surprise of Pacifica not being on the honor roll was thwarted.” He shakes his head as he smiles, “but I promise, this will actually be a good surprise.”
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You’re both on the couch, watching reruns of Mythbusters, when Mace lets you know that the groceries have arrived. He encourages you to stay seated while he goes to the door, waiting for the knock. As he walks away you can’t help but think about smacking his ass, which has also “improved” since high school.
Mace heard the quiet knock and checked the peephole, confirming it was Curtis. He opened the door and started taking some of the bags. They walked them into the kitchen, Curtis confirming the door was closed and locked behind him. 
“This is all the food stuff that was on the list,” Curtis said. “Also got a bag of clothes for you.”
“Thanks,” Mace nodded. 
“Teach was the one to get the clothes,” Curtis admitted. “She’s got you at least a week’s worth of everything. Hope you don’t mind that she went through your clothes.”
“Nah, I trust her as much as I trust you,” Mace shook his head. “Thanks for agreeing to the personnel change for this.”
“Not much of a choice,” Curtis grumbled. “Between Teach and Rogers, I was clearly never gonna win. Good thing I already support you doing this.” Curtis patted Mace on the back. “You’ve got your regular jobs covered?”
“Yeah,” Mace nodded as he started putting away groceries. “Called in a favor or two, said it was a family emergency and they’d get paid the on-call level wages.” Curtis nods his approval. “Also,” Mace continued, “need to talk to someone about going to the courthouse with her.”
Curtis’s face snaps up at that, “you sure?”
“She’s requested it. Said it’ll help her keep calm. I’m inclined to believe her.”
“I’ll talk to the security team. See what they can do.” Curtis pauses a moment before asking, “you’re willing to do all of this for an old friend? Or is it the promise of bringing down Wilford & Gilliam?”
Mace considered. “A combination?”
“Have you thought about what’s going to happen after she testifies?”
“I haven’t let myself get that far,” Mace admitted.
“You’ll want to talk to her about her options,” Curtis confided. Mace nodded his agreement and they finished putting things away in silence before Curtis headed out.
You’d stayed on the couch, not wanting to interfere with their conversation and because you don’t want to ruin Mace’s surprise. But you heard the man’s comments about “after she testifies” and your brain starts going into panic mode again. What options did you have if things went well? What if they went bad? You can’t expect to be kept safe here forever. Do you have anywhere else to go? How far would Willford & Gilliam go to silence you? To make you pay for your testimony? 
Mace turns from the door after making sure it’s locked and sees you gently rocking on the couch. He slowly approaches, quietly calling your name until you stop to look at him. He’s shocked by how scared you look. “DC, what’s going on?”
You can only whisper, “what do I do after I testify? They’ve already tried to kill me. Will they keep trying? Where can I go? What options do I have?” 
You start rocking again and Mace starts rubbing the back of your hand making gentle shush sounds, trying to soothe you. When that doesn’t work he pulls you to him and holds you, gently running his hand up and down your back. You appreciate the touch and find yourself leaning into it, putting  your head on his shoulder. 
When he senses you’ve calmed down he asks, “how about I get to work on that surprise?” You give him a small smile and nod. He goes into the kitchen and gets to work. You try to follow him but he tells you to go back to watching Mythbusters so you don’t ruin the surprise. Chuckling at his earnestness you comply and go sit on the couch. 
A while later the apartment is filled with sounds and smells of Mace’s cooking. You’re pretty sure he’s cooking up burgers. Your mind goes back to a school play, some really bad, cheap knock off of Grease. You and Mace needed the credits and ended up playing the tertiary couple at the sock hop. It was the closest either of you had ever gotten to a date and you remember hoping it would have led to a real one. 
Mace calls out from the kitchen, “would you be willing to move to the table?”
“Of course,” you chirp as you get up to move. 
He starts bringing food over as you sit down. Sure enough, there’s cheeseburgers, and a giant pile of freshly baked french fries. You smile and he runs back to the kitchen and brings out a couple of chocolate malts. He sets yours down in front of you and looks at you, expectantly. 
Your smile grows, “this looks amazing.”
“And feel free to eat up all of the fries. I know they’re your favorite.”
“I’m not gonna eat all of them,” you argue. Mace raises an eyebrow and you chuckle. “Seriously, I’m not eating all of them. Just, maybe, 80% or so.” He laughs at your response and you both dig into the food. His cooking really is great. 
“I was thinking of that sock-hop knock off play from high school,” Mace says between bites. “It was a dumb play, but we had a lot of fun.”
“Yeah, that poodle skirt was something else,” you chuckle. “So glad I never had to wear it again.”
“It looked really cute on you.”
“Yeah, but it was so heavy and under those stage lights I got so hot so fast.”
“Fair. At least neither of us had to wear those leather jackets.”
“Mmm! Yes! I remember Donny almost got heat stroke or something!”
“I also really enjoyed, just…” Mace stops. You tilt your head, questioning. He sighs, “it’s nothing. How’s the food?”
“Oh no you don’t,” you correct him. “I’ve been telling you all of my feelings. You don’t get to hold back yours. That was never our friendship.”
“It was, actually,” he says quietly. 
“How do you mean? We told each other everything.”
Mace takes a deep sigh, “no. I didn’t tell you everything. Couldn’t tell you everything, because I was a dumb kid.”
“You can tell me now. We’re definitely not teenagers anymore.”
“I wanted to ask you out. On a real date,” he confesses. “That play was the closest I knew I’d ever get to the real thing. That’s why it’s burned into my brain. None of my lines, none of the other characters, just you and me, on a date.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“Like I said, I was a dumb kid,” he gulps. “Knew you’d be on your way to bigger and better things. Knew you’d be able to do so much better than me. High school was a pain in the ass for my self-confidence, too. As much as I thought I could be good for you, I knew you’d be able to find someone better than me. That you shouldn’t be tied to me for no other reason than we were high school sweethearts.”
“Meanwhile I was just waiting for you to make a move,” you sigh. “I’m so sorry.”
He furrows his brow, “why are you apologizing?”
“If I’d felt more confident, maybe I could’ve asked you out instead. Then we wouldn’t have gotten separated and out of touch. And I probably wouldn’t be hiding for my life.”
“It’s not your fault. It takes two people to stop talking to each other. I could’ve tried harder.”
“Well, at least we get another chance,” you smile. “If you’re willing, that is.”
“I definitely don’t want to waste this chance,” he confesses. 
You get up from your seat and sit yourself on his lap, putting your arms around his neck. “Just friends, or more?”
Mace gulps, his eyes darkening, “more, please.”
You kiss him with more passion and want than you’ve ever kissed anyone before, enjoying the electricity at his touch as he returns the kiss. 
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Part 2 -- Part 4
Series Masterlist
Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged.
And many thanks to @krirebr for the inspiration for the surprise!
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bluegalaxygirl · 7 months
I'm not going to admit it (Zosan X Reader) P1
Plot: Kid and Killer meet Kuina for the first time but it doesn't go so well, after a weeks Kid feels bad and wants to apologies for his actions.
Warning: Bad language, Violence, Kid being an ass and Making out.
Reader is Female, Kuina is 15 months old and has Sanji's eyebrows and blonde hair but your eyes and skin tone.
Zoro X Sanji X reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
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Your baby girl was growing so fast and was now able to sit on Zoro's shoulders without support but her dad still held onto her legs as you all walked through the town. Nami handed you a list before she left asking you to get her a few things while she went off with Robin to a different area to do some map work and history stuff so you gladly did that for her. Sanji of course was doing the food shopping but luckily there wasn't much to get so once you were all done you headed back to the sunny. "Are you tired?" You ask your baby girl who shakes her head "No" you nod at her watching her hold onto Zoro's hair as he walks, you've started to get her down to one nap a day, and she seems to be doing well with it. Zoro and Sanji stop suddenly, the cooks hand going to your waist to stop you too. You turn to look in front of you ready for a fight only to see Kid and Killer in front of you staring, you can't tell if Killer is staring but Kid deferentially is. The pirate captains face turns form surprise to confusion as his eyes go from your baby to you, then Sanji and then Zoro trying to figure something out "I thought you two were a couple" Kid points form you to then Zoro "We are" You and Zoro say at the same time very bluntly making Kid raise an eyebrow as his eye twitches "Then why does it look like him" The pirate yells points at Sanji who glares at the man "Did you just call my daughter an it?" Zoro glares at kid who stands his ground and growls not liking the way Zoro is talking too him. Sanji's hand on your waist tightens stepping forward to be in front of you, he doesn't like how his is going and is starting to get angry. "Hay man i don't know it was a girl, it looks too much like your cook. It's not my fault you have a cheating girlfriend" The comment makes you gasp as a spark of pain goes through your heart.
Sanji's eyes widen anger boiling as he steps closer to kid letting you go "Asshole, how dare you say something like that." The cook shifts his leg ready to kick the pirate captain for his comment only for Zoro to calmly takes Kuina off his shoulders and hands her to Sanji. The cook puts his leg down and takes Kuina who's looking a little upset clinging to him. The swordsman clears his throat as Sanji walks back over to you only now noticing the tears welling up in your eyes. Sure some people have said things about your relationship, but they've never accused you of cheating, you would never and it hurts more since their supposed to be allies. "It's ok Love" The cook pulls you into him rubbing your back calming you down before turning to see Zoro cracking his neck before grabbing Kid by his jacket pulling the man in close with an angry glare and gritted teeth "We may have an alliance but don't you dare say shit about her" Zoro yells in Kids face who growls back and grabs the swordsman's arm trying to pull away "Asshole let me go, i can say what ever i like" The two men butt head glaring and growing at each other "Not to her you can't, don't ever talk shit about my family you hot headed bastard" As the two argue Killer steps aside and walks over to you and Sanji, the cook steps back and raises his leg as a warning making Killer stop. "I'm sorry for my captain he doesn't understand what a poly relationship is" His voice is smooth nothing like how you thought it would be, you only met him once, but he never talked "Congratulations" The masked man bows a little catching you and Sanji off guard but you can sense he's genuine so you place your hand on Sanji's leg pushing it down "Thank you" you smile a little as Killer kneels down and reaches out a finger, Kuina looks him over unsure since her dad is yelling at the other man but the masked man is calm, and she knows you and her daddy won't let anything happen to her.
Kuina reaches out her hand and takes the mans finger letting him shake it slowly "hello little one, It's nice to meet you" The masked man speaks quietly knowing his look can scare kids but the little girl smiles "Hayo" Her voice rings out making Killer laugh a little stopping the fight between Kid and Zoro who look over at you all. Zoro glares at Killer but soon relaxes seeing you very clam, your normally the first to stop someone touching your child. Your daughter laughs back reaching out her hands to Killer so the man leans forward, you smile down at Kuina seeing her place her hands on his mask feeling it and using her finger to follow the blue marks. Kid sighs and let's go of Zoro's jacket watching his best friend and the little girl interact. He would normally kill whoever dares laugh at his friends laugh but this was different, the little girl held no ill intent, she liked him and wanted to interact with him. Zoro soon lets go of Kid and steps back fixing his jacket but staying on guard in case the two men decided to try anything. "Congratulations" Kids words makes everyone look at him even Kuina who looks him over, she's not sure of him since her dad was yelling at him and something he said upset her mom. Kuina's eyes meet Kids the two staring at each other before Zoro steps forwards "Got a problem?" The swordsman growls causing Kid to turn and start walking away "lets go" Kid sighs picking up his pace as Killer stands and waves good bye following his captain "Bye bye" Kuina calls out waving her hand at them with a big smile. Kid glances back only for his cheeks to turn red and look away.
You sigh in relief glad that this didn't end in a fight but your heart still hurts from the comment "You ok baby?" Zoro asks wrapping his arm around your waist "Hu? Oh... I'm ok" Your snapped out of your thoughts as you place a hand over your heart feeling it pounding "No your not, lets head back to the sunny and i can make you some tea" Sanji rubs your back while placing a kiss on cheek "Mommy, up" Kuina reaches her arms out to you and with a smile you take her from her daddy and hold her close. A feeling of calm washes over you, your daughters sweet caring smile shining bright always cheers you up no matter what.
While Kuina was playing with Usopp, Chopper and Luffy with some toys on the grassy deck of the sunny Zoro paced back and forth ranting about the incident with Kid while Jinbe, Robin, Franky and Brook watched on. You, Sanji and Nami sat on the bench around the mast, hot drinks in hand "He really said that?" Nami asks placing a hand on your leg, the navigator can tell your upset about it still even though your trying to hide it "I wish you would have let me kick his ass" Sanji growls leaning forward and gripping the cup of tea in his hands "If i let you do that then the alliance would be broken" The swordsman's words rang true, yes Luffy and Kid have butted head but its never turned into a full out fight. While the others talked Nami leans into you finally getting you to look up form the floor "None of us think that, you know that right?" The navigator whispers trying to keep the conversation between the two of you "I know" you whisper back after taking in a deep breath to try and clam yourself, you feel like your chest is caving in but you don't want to cry in front of everyone. Nami rubs your back letting you lay your head on her shoulder "It was only one comment why does it hurt so much" you ask not understanding why your feeling this way, you've been called stuff before for having two boyfriends and its never bothered you but for some reason this did. "I don't know, if you want i could ask Robin, she normally knows" Nami sighs watching you sit up and look at her, your eyes slightly watery even though your holding back "I'll ask her later"
Luffy jumps up and walks over to Zoro placing a hand on his shoulder to stop the man form pacing "I won't let others insult my crew, we may have an alliance but next time i see the guy i'm not going to hold back" The captains eyes are determined and angry making Usopp look up and gulp "I don't think it's a good idea to start a war between us and the kid pirates" The snipers rubs the back of his head as Robin walks over to Luffy standing in front of him "As much as i would love for that to happen i don't think it's a good idea." The black haired woman smile trying to convince her captain "I agree i don't think it's a wise destitution, i understand the hurt he caused, but we shouldn't start a fight over it" Jinbe speaks calmly getting the Captain to sigh and nod, he still wants to kick Kids ass but his friends are right. "We can't just let it slide" Sanji stands up after putting his drink down "He upset Y/N and insulted her and now he gets away with it?" The cook yells gritting his teeth, anxiety rises in you feeling overwhelmed by the back and forth, plus the crushing feeling in your chest, you just wanted everyone to shut up about it, you just wanted it to be over. Zoro and Sanji argue with the other members of the crew on what to do, the sound getting louder and louder in your head till you couldn't take it anymore. Quickly standing you walk off across the grass deck, up the stairs and into the kitchen closing the door behind you. The only thing you can hear is a ringing sound blocking out everything else around you other than your own pounding heart and jagged breaths, you needed air but you can't go back out there so you make your way to the ladder. Heading up to the garden deck where Robin plants her flower, Usopp grows stuff for his bullets and where Nami keeps her tangerines bushes you make your way over to the tangerines bushes and sit behind them having a clear view of the ocean.You try to match your breathing with the back and forth of the waves while rubbing your arms to try and comfort yourself.
Nami noticed something was wrong when your body tensed and your eyes became fixed on the shaking tea cup in your hands, you didn't even flinch or acknowledge her when she grabbed it and pulled it out of your grasp. "I know your angry but violence isn't always the answer" Brook joins in on the argument since its starting to get out of hand "You too? Really?" Zoro raises an eyebrow at the skeleton "Come on man, he clearly needs a kick up the butt" Franky sighs getting an angry glare form Robin "We can't let him get away with this, if he does then what's stopping him form doing it again or maybe something worse" Sanji yells his fists tightening at his sides. Kuina sniffles looking at her two dads yelling at the crew, she's used to the crew being loud but not them yelling at each other like this. Usopp notices and picks her up holding her close to sooth her while Chopper pats her back "Guy stop please" Chopper calls out but the group is too busy arguing. Nami tried asking if you were ok but you never responded just stood and walked off getting the attention of Chopper "Y/n? You ok?" The doctor asks watching you walk away without a word "Y/n, love?" Sanji tries running after you only for Nami to grab his arm "I think she needs a minute" the navigator sighs seeing the argument between everyone must have gotten to you and on top of that you were already feeling bad. Zoro watches you go to the kitchen and close the door before he hears a sniffle, turning he see's Kuina in Usopp's arms crying into his chest "Oh baby girl i'm so sorry" The swordsman's voice softens as he walks over to his daughter and takes her form the snipers arms.
Sanji sigh as Nami lets go of him and lets him walk over to Zoro and his daughter "I'm sorry sweetie, no ones mad anymore" The cook rubs the little girls back feeling stupid for acting out in front of his daughter and girlfriend, he should have noticed you were hurting. "Listen i think we should just leave it for now. What happened is still fresh so it's bound to cause emotions to rise" Jinbe tells the crew who nods "Yea, your right, sorry guys" Luffy fixes his hat watching Zoro and Sanji try and calm the little girl down. "Should some on go and talk to her?" Usopp asks looking over at the kitchen "No lets leave her for a while, Robin can i have a word" Nami sighs walking over to Robin and taking her arm to head into their room to talk. The others head off to do other things while Sanji and Zoro take Kuina into their bedroom "Mama sad?" Kuina asks once in the room still clinging onto Zoro "Yea honey she is" Sanji rubs the little girls back "Why?" The blonde girl asks not understanding what is going on "The man from before upset mom and... me and your dad made it worse" Zoro puts his daughter down on the bed and wipes her cheeks now she's stopped crying, "We're sorry honey, none of this is your fault" the cook sits on the bed next to Kuina and runs a hand through her blonde hair, she looks up at him with big eyes and red cheeks form crying, but she seems to understand at least a little.
Foot steps get your attention but you don't move or look over at who it is, you've been up here for a while and let all your feelings out so now you just feel numb. The person sits next to you sitting in silence for a while until she talks "Feeling any better?" Robin asks looking out at the ocean with you "I-I think so" You struggled to get it out due to the heaviness still in your chest "Nami told me what you asked and i have an answer for you, if you would like to hear it?" The black haired woman asks now turning her head to look at you and in turn you managed to look back, seeing a familiar kind face made you feel a lot better so you nod "Cheating means betrayal and the breaking of trust. Your a loyal person Y/n and you keep promises no matter how hard they can be so being called a cheater breaks all you are and what you stand for, thats why it hurts" After her explanation its like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, the heaviness in your chest left too and feeling returned to your body. She was right and it hurt but you know you would never do something like that "Thank you and Sorry about earlier i just couldn't-" you stop yourself trying not to be upset again but Robin moves closer and puts an arm around you pulling you into a hug "I know and it's ok, you needed a moment to let everything out just like they did, although i wish they didn't fight with the crew" The woman laughs making you laugh a little too. The two of you sit there for a while before you pull away and get up "Thanks for that Robin" you help her up with a small smile wiping your tear stained cheeks to try and look normal again.
Sanji stood outside the bedroom having a cigarette while Zoro was inside probably playing with Kuina or reading her a story. The cook watched the kitchen like a hawk, Robin had gone in there, and he hoped you would walk out with her, he hopes you were ok. Finishing off his cigarette the cook sighs and puts it out throwing it in a nearby bin before leaning back against the wall, when the kitchen door opens he pushes off the wall with a smile seeing you walk out followed by Robin. He wants to run to you but he's scared you'll just go back in or push him away so for now he'll stay near the top of the stairs. You give the black haired woman one last hug before heading down the stairs and over to the other side "Hay, Love.. i'm really sorry" Sanji looks down at you from the top of the stairs as you make your way up "I know" you smile pulling him into a hug once your at the top, the cook hugs back rubbing your back "I'm sorry for walking off like that, i just couldn't cope with everything" holding on tight you bury your head into his neck "It's not your fault, me and Zoro took it too far.... well for once i did more than him" Sanji sighs only to feel you laugh against him, he pulls you away to look at you "I'm sorry, i don't mean to laugh" you put a hand over your mouth to try and stop yourself but Sanji takes your hand and pulls it away "I'd rather see you laugh my love" His eyes hold so much love and kindness it makes your heart skip a beat, placing your free hand on his cheek you lean in and place your lips on his. The cook pulls you closer licking your lower lip asking for entrance, but he can taste the salt form your tears, it pulls at his heart. You hum and open your mouth for him while running your hand from his cheek into his hair letting his tongue explore your mouth before pulling away to place light kisses on your cheek down to your neck "I love you Mi amour" Sanji whispers into your neck hugging you against him "I love you too Hun"
Zoro sits on the bed with Kuina cuddled in his side while he holds a book out, he reads a bit and lets her touch the pages and try and say words until the door opens, he's surprised to you walk in after Sanji looking happy even though your eyes are red. "Mommy" Kuina gets up and walks to the end of the bed where you pick her up and kiss her face "Hay sweetie" You smile lifting her into the air making her giggle "no sad?" Kuina asks once you put her back on the bed "Yes, i'm not sad anymore" You give her a kiss on the forehead as Zoro gets off the bed and walks over to you rubbing the back of his neck "Y/n, i'm sorry baby, i didn't mean to upset you. i was just so angry at the guy" You look up at the green haired man and pull him in for a hug that he gladly accepts and hugs back "I know... i was already upset but the argument was too much" You pull away to cup his face "Thank you, both of you for trying to defend me but... can we just leave it now?" you sigh looking at the two who nod. Sanji walks Kuina back to the pillows and grabs the book while you hug Zoro again "I love you baby" the green haired man kisses your shoulder and up your neck "I love you too hunk" you giggle at the feeling pulling him away to run your hand over his cheek, Zoro leans down and brushes his lips against yours before kissing you. Wrapping your arms around his neck you open your mouth for him when his tongue goes to shove through your lips, he moans a little at your eagerness while exploring your mouth. "Mommy, Dad" Kuina calls out while holding the book in her hands "give them a minute ok" Sanji pats her head making her pout a bit.
You place a few small kisses on the swordsman's lips making him smile before you pull away "What do you need sweetie?" You ask looking over to your daughter who holds up a book. You giggle at her as Zoro takes your hand and walks you over to the bed sitting down and letting you lay between his legs resting your back on his chest. Kuina moves closer to be in the middle of her two dads and shows you the book. Zoro puts his arm around Sanji who moves closer kissing the swordsman's cheek who turns his head to kiss the cook on the lips, the two place small kisses on each other lips before locking fulling letting their tongues touch as their lips move together. Kuina show's you all the cool things in the book while you read the words on the pages, your little girl following along with her finger. The two boys pull away looking at each other for a minute until Sanji lays his head on Zoro's shoulder "I love you" The cook whispers up at Zoro who smiles down at him "I love you too" The swordsman kisses the cooks head before looking down at Kuina and you, his arm going to your shoulder.
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claireelle18 · 11 months
Let Me - Vince Dunn
Thank you for all the love on my Gem post! Another idea came to me for him…I hope you enjoy this one just as much!
It wasn’t a purposeful keeping the marriage unknown. All records are open to the public. She had her last name changed as well. Neither her nor Vince just announced the marriage. It was only three weeks since eloping. A beautiful day, some stunning scenery out in Toronto. Just the two of them, their photographer, and the officiant. The ring glittering under the arena lights. She was surprised she still showed up to the arena that night after the wicked nasty fight that occurred right before he was supposed to be at the arena for pregame. She had asked him about just continuing to keep their new status a little more private, but he said he was wanting to tell the guys on the team before playoffs started. They all knew her, but no one knew of the change in status for the couple. That was the reason they fought this afternoon.
She groaned, “Vince, did you even think about that this could take away the focus on the playoff games?”
He scoffed. “No, I figured it would let them know another reason why I am so determined to bring home the Stanley Cup.”
If she was being honest, she was more worried about him being spotted with his ring on and fans speculating. Most fans were so sweet to her, but she did get the rude remarks and glares. He had always told her it didn’t matter what they said because he was her’s, but she still struggled dealing with that while he was on the ice. “Think about it Vin! People catch you with the ring and they will want to know so much more about that than how the game goes!”
“It’s been a few weeks already and no one has caught on! I think we will be fine!”
“I’m not sure if I’m ready to let more people know about our marriage! Do you not respect that wish of mine?” Some of the girls had not been very kind in the past to her after Vince once slipped up about their relationship. Vile to her about how she loved him for his money. Vile with comments about how he liked to flirt with other girls and cheat on her.
“What do you mean? Of course I do! No one will catch the fact I wear a ring.” He looks at the clock. “I better go before I am late. Will I see you there?” He asks, looking at her. He can see the tears rimming her eyes, threatening to pour down her face. It doesn’t sit well with him that they just fought before the playoff game, darkening his already anxious mood.
Game time rolls around, and every little chance he has to berate the opposing team’s players, he does. Before long, he keeps landing himself in the penalty box, every chance he gets too. His mind clouded with how she looked before her left for the arena. How she looked a little cracked, how she seemed so small for herself. After this next round in the penalty box, she hears the announcers comment. “I don’t know what is up with Vince Dunn tonight, but for someone who’s loud through the regular season, he sure has it out tonight to be in that penalty box more than on the ice.”
“You’re right there. If I didn’t know better, I may say that coach will be looking to remove him for the playoff roster.” Her heart plummeted into her feet. Removing him from the playoff roster? He played such an intricate part of the core defense that removing him could be an awful outcome. She yanked her phone out, dialing that contact she’s never used before. “Who is this?” The man’s voice questioned across the line. She explained to him that she just needs to see Vince immediately. “I’m sorry but this isn’t a way to see him. You have a better chance at going to the games or one of their open practices.”
“I’m not a fan. I need to see Vince Dunn now. You have to get me down to the locker room before the start of the next period.”
He laughed. “Why would I get you in to see him?” “Because I’m his wife.” She identified herself to him.
Commotion happening across the phone line. “Meet me next to the shop. I’ll see you in three minutes.”
She followed the man down the back halls to get towards the locker room. The sound spilling out of the locker room could be heard down the hallway. His manager talking with the defense coach. Coach motioned some number at her, she could care less how much time, she just needed the time, then let her slip past into the room. A defeated Vince sat in his gear cubby, eyes casted towards the floor. “You’re going to burn a hole into the floor, mister,” she teased as she crouched down in from of him. The whispers could be heard of ‘why is she down here’ and a few ‘who is she’ sprinkled in.
She knelt between his knees, putting her hand on his cheek. “Vin…Vin…Vince…,” she cooed. He broke out of his trance. “Breathe babe. It will be okay. You know fights happen, but do not get your ass kicked off this roster. Do not throw this chance for a second Cup for you out because you’re upset.” He melted into her her hand, taking a few breaths. “I’m sorry we fought. I just felt caught off guard. I get where you came from, wanting to share the news with the team.”
“Time is up Mrs. Dunn,” Coach called out. She went to stand, and Vince pulled her into a quick kiss. The room cheered, noise dying down as they made their way back to the bench.
After the game, she was brought back into the locker room to announce their marriage officially to the team, together.
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tired-biscuit · 2 months
we need more angst with stepbrother kiba 🙏🏼 the jealous and the fear to tell the truth ughhhh i need more
imagine that after the awkward encounter of him knocking on your door and you giving him the cold shoulder, you end up spiralling into some kind of rebellion phase.
i mean, if he can do it, why can’t you? so you start partying more often rather than hanging out with him in the living room, and dress yourself in those pretty but short clothes that have been gathering dust in the back of your closet, and stop calling him to pick you up, and basically completely shut him out of your life in the process.
he watches from the sidelines for a couple of weeks as you let yourself go wild, walking on thin ice and trying to initiate contact again just to be brushed off each time in response and outright ignored. it drives him crazy. drives him mad. he hates being ignored, especially by you.
and kiba being kiba, he just can’t keep his mouth shut, you know? so it’s no wonder that he throws a backhanded comment your way when you bump into each other in the kitchen one late night after you come back from yet another party and he’s left his room to rummage through the fridge for a midnight snack.
he doesn’t talk to you at first, but he stares. your make up is smudged under your eyes and you smell like overly sweet perfume and sweat. the first couple of buttons of your top are undone and the skirt you’ve got on is so short that he can see the back of your thighs when you walk past him to grab yourself a glass of water. you’ve clearly been having some fun with someone that definitely isn’t him, he doesn’t need to ask to know that.
and that makes his chest tighten, painfully so. he knows he’s got no right, he knows, but he just can’t help but turn snarky and mean because of the jealousy that sears his heart and causes his jaw to clench so harshly that he’s gritting his teeth. like, really mean.
he mutters something disrespectful about your messy appearance. for some reason, you also can’t help yourself, so you throw a rude remark right back instead of simply continuing to pretend like he doesn’t exist. as is expected, it goes back and forth like this; with both of you refusing to relent, the tension quickly rises and already hot blood begins to simmer within your veins.
blind anger turns you both terribly inconsiderate. by the time he calls you a slut and you tell him that you wish he just straight up died, you’re nearly at each other’s throats. your voices grow in volume and it gets so bad that your father has to rush out of bed and down the stairs to see what all the commotion is about, only to end up having to hold you back because you’re seconds away from clawing your stepbrother’s eyes out.
doors are slammed shut when you both go to bed that night and neither of you sleeps well. but when morning comes and you venture back downstairs, you’re relieved to find out that he’s already out of the house. the only time you see him again in the following days is during family dinners in the evenings and if you sometimes cross paths on your way to your respective bedrooms, but even then it’s fucking awful.
you even go as far as to switch seats at the table. you sit next to your dad and he sits next to his mom, and neither of you talks or looks at each other during the entire meal. your parents think this is just a hurdle you’ll get over eventually, a mere bump in the road — most siblings have fights, don’t they? — but they don’t know the reason as to why that bump is there in the first place. they don’t know that it’s way more complicated than simple bickering between a brother and sister. they don’t know shit.
and neither do you. you don’t know that your shift in attitude stems from attraction yet, while he’s pretty positive that he’s got the hots for his little stepsister, but refuses to admit it to himself. so you’re both frustrated as hell.
but hey, maybe it’s better this way. after all, if you’re on bad terms and not speaking to each other, he can stop fooling himself with the idea of actually having a chance to find out what the inside of your mouth tastes like.
come to think of it, he’s just being a good big brother; protecting you like he always does.
only this time he’s protecting you from himself.
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iferguerrero · 8 months
How long did Simon and Betty know each other? Timeline
How many years did the stable relationship of Simon Petrikov and Betty Grof last?
Hello, everyone, I bring you this post that is focused on the past of Simon and Betty, in Fionna and Cake we are given more information about their relationship before everything that happened in Ooo.
I have several theories about the dates, which is why I created a timeline.
I filled in some boxes with drawings.
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Simon Petrikov & Betty Grof Timeline
1 week
1.The whole story begins when Simon and Betty want to take the same book from the library, but let's not forget that Betty had already been following Dr. Petrikov's work, which is revealed in "Jerry," "I've admired your research for years," which leads us to assume that since she was studying her career, she already knew Dr. Petrikov but only as an author of books. 2. After that, in "Temple to Mars," when they pass the tests, it is revealed that she was planning a trip to Australia to study petroglyphs, and her plane leaves in a week. (This is where she mentions that she left her career for Simon. I consider that she refers to her career not at the moment of the bus but at the moment when Simon looked for her through the Jambo portal in the episode "Betty." This is where Betty's career was cut, I'll explain this further.) 3. She already had the ticket for the trip, but just that week, she attended Dr. Petrikov's lecture, where she expresses to Babette the following: "I touched his hand in the library once." 4. Excited by Dr. Petrikov's lecture, she wants Dr. Petrikov to sign her book. They make comments about a vase, and Dr. Petrikov says it would be very good for her to accompany him on the expedition to search for The Enchiridion. She doesn't think twice and accepts. Dr. Petrikov is surprised but agrees that she can join the trip.
1 month
5. Dr. Petrikov and Betty go on the expedition to search for The Enchiridion. I want to believe that this took them a month, during which they got to know each other better as people. 6. They have fun, and it's clear that Betty is not afraid of anything, and in the end, she doesn't do what Dr. Petrikov says. 7. They return, and the word spreads. Dr. Petrikov wants both to get credit, but Betty doesn't want it. Dr. Petrikov doesn't express himself correctly and tells her that “it's indispensable”, and Betty leaves.
3 weeks
8. A "couple of weeks" pass, which could be calculated as 3 weeks, and Simon reads the note and rushes to Betty. 9. Simon and Betty reveal their mutual feelings, but in doing so, Simon stops Betty from getting on the bus. 10. My favorite scene ❤️
1 year
11. In the episode "Bespoken For," we are shown that they met for lunch at Captain Tasty's, and they used to eat there all the time. They even had a favorite table, and since Simon belonged to the "Book-a-day club," he gave books to Betty because she belonged to the "Book for the bookless" club.
2 years
12. In the episode "Come Along with me," this sweet scene shows that Simon and Betty live together. Simon is reading a book that mentions "GOLB," but he doesn't fully understand it. 13. Betty tells him to stop doing that and suggests they make sundaes. 14. Betty throws a can of cherries at him and accidentally hits him. Here, it's clear that she's concerned, but Simon takes it well, knowing it was an accident.
1 month
15. In the episode "Simon Petrikov," Simon talks about going on an expedition to the Temple of Java with Betty, where they lost half of their provisions, but Betty somehow put together a four-star dinner.
1 year
16. In the episode "Jerry," Simon comments that Betty makes the best soft-boiled egg, not runny, but perfectly jammy. (It is adorable how Simon expresses about Betty)
3 years
17. Betty and Simon write a book together. According to the internet, the average time to write and publish a book is 3 years.
1 month
18. Simon goes on another expedition and purchases the crown in Northern Scandinavia from "an old dockworker" as part of his studies to be an antiquarian of ancient artifacts. 19. Betty "disappears." (Although we know that she actually went to the future). 20. Simon records the tapes.
So, from what we can see here, it would be an approximate total of:
7 years and 4 months
What do you think? :)
From my perspective, this is a very good amount of time to get to know someone, especially considering that they were already living together. This is why Betty Grof was of legal age, and she knew what she was doing consciously. I believe there was a lack of communication towards Simon, and Simon should have asked because if we notice in the episode "Simon Petrikov," he tells Finn that if he is the one leading, making it clear that Simon could easily have gone along with whatever Betty wanted to do. As I mentioned, Betty felt that her career ended when she was transported through time by Simon, not before.
Thank you guys!
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